how to explain

How To Explain American Culture and Pragmatics Spring 2012 Ms. Candice Quiñones

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Page 1: How to explain

How To Explain

American Culture and PragmaticsSpring 2012

Ms. Candice Quiñones

Page 2: How to explain

Definitions How to Explain Finding the Right Level Ten Ways to Explain Things More Effectively


Page 3: How to explain


ex·plain verb (used with object)

1. to make plain or clear; render understandable or intelligible: to explain an obscure point.

2. to make known in detail: to explain how to do something.

3. to assign a meaning to; interpret: How can you explain such a silly remark?

4. to make clear the cause or reason of; account for: I cannot explain his strange behavior.

verb (used without object) 5. to give an explanation.


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ex·pla·na·tion noun

1. the act or process of explaining. 2. something that explains;  a statement made to clarify

something and make it understandable; exposition: a) an explanation of a poem.

3. a meaning or interpretation: a) to find an explanation for a mystery.

4. a mutual declaration of the meaning of words spoken, actions, motives, etc., with a view to adjusting a misunderstanding or reconciling differences:

a) After a long and emotional explanation they were friends again.


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When we explain, our goal is to make things clear. In order to do this, we need several “tools” in our

verbal “toolbox”. Clarity

Details Reasons

Honesty Foreshadowing Logical connectors Finding the right level

How To Explain

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Being clear about what you are talking about. Give details: where, when, who, what, when,

and how.

Instead of saying: It is there.

-say-The book is on the desk.

(what) (where)


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Source: Dr. Deborah Mowshowitz, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University

Avoid pronouns and use nouns instead.

Answer the question “who?” or “what?” A noun is a name for a person, place, thing

or idea. Ex. University, Grape Street, girlfriend,

compassion, etc.

A pronoun is a word used to substitute for a noun. Ex. He, she, it, they, we, me, him, her, us,

them, etc.


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Use active, descriptive verbs instead of

passive, boring ones. Answer the question “how?” Note: “be” is a passive verb

Instead of saying:We went there.

-say-My family and I drove to the Lehigh Valley Mall.


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So remember, to be clear:

Give details Use nouns, not pronouns Use descriptive verbs


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When you explain, it is important to give the

reasons behind your thoughts or actions. Answer the question “why?”

Instead of saying:I’m leaving.

-say-I’m leaving now so I can catch my bus on time.


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When giving reasons it is important to be honest. If you don’t know how to explain something, it

is okay to say “I don’t know.” It is usually better to be honest about your

reasons for something than to lie. If you lie, the reasons you invent may not make

sense. If you lie, you may forget the reasons you gave

and the person will find out later (and may be hurt or angry).


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Before you attempt to explain anything, say, in advance: (a) what you are about to explain

Listeners feel much more comfortable when they know what is coming and approximately how you are going to get there.

(b) why you are bothering to explain it. Listeners will be much more willing to

concentrate on details if they know why they matter.


Source: Dr. Deborah Mowshowitz, Department of Biological Sciences,

Columbia University

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Source: Dr. Deborah Mowshowitz

Example First you say “Let me explain how to get to

Brooklyn – it will take 3 trains.” Then explain: Why do we want to go to

Brooklyn in the first place? Why go now? Then you go into the details of which you take

first, where you transfer, etc.


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Logical connectors are used to signal the

relationship between what you are about to say and what you have already said. They are also known as transition words.

Logical Connectors

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Logical Connectors

Function: To Add again to and also then equally identically like as too

Function: Show Similarity

moreover as well as together with of course likewise comparatively correspondingly similarly furthermore additionally

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Logical Connectors

Function: Contrast although this may be true different from of course ..., but on the other hand at the same time in spite of even so / though then again in reality after all

Function: Contradiction

but (and) still unlike or (and) yet while albeit Besides although instead


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Logical Connectors

Function: Rephrasing in other words to put it differently for one thing as an illustration in this case for this reason to put it another way that is to say with attention to by all means

Function: Support in fact in general in particular for example for instance to demonstrate to emphasize to repeat to clarify to explain such as

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Logical Connectors

Function: Cause/Condition

in the event that granted (that) as / so long as on (the) condition

(that) with this

intention in the hope that to the end that for fear that seeing / being

that in view of

Function: Effect/Consequence

as a result under those circumstances in that case for this reason for because the then consequently therefore accordingly

in view of

if …then Unless When Whenev

er Since While Because

of as

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Logical Connectors

Function: Time at the present

time from time to time sooner or later at the same time up to the present

time to begin with in due time until now  as soon as in the meantime in a moment in the first place all of a sudden

at this instant hence since when once about next now immediately quickly finally formerly suddenly shortly whenever eventually meanwhile

further during first, second in time prior to instantly presently Occasionally after later last until since then before

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Logical Connectors

Function: Space/Location/Place

in the middle to the left/right in front of on this side in the distance here and there in the foreground in the

background in the center of adjacent to

opposite to here there next where from over Near

above below down up under further beyond nearby wherever around

between before alongside amid among beneath beside behind across

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Logical Connectors: Emphasis

notably including like to be

sure namely chiefly truly indeed certainly surely

important to realize another key point first thing to

remember must be remembered point often overlooked to point out on the positive /

negative side with this in mind

markedly especially specificall

y expressiv

ely surprising

ly frequentl

y significan


Page 22: How to explain

Source:. Deborah Mowshowitz, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University

Not everyone you explain something to is going

to understand everything the first time. To help them understand:

Try to think about it from their position or point of view.

Try to find out where they got stuck. Explain in small “bites” (a little at a time). If someone asks you a question, don’t assume

you have to explain a lot of background material. Don’t assume too much; sometimes you will

need to provide background information.

Finding the Right Level

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Source: Calvin Sun, CNET Networks Inc.

1. Keep in mind other’s point of view2. Listen and respond to questions3. Avoid talking over people’s heads (find the

right level) Don’t use vocabulary that is too technical

4. Avoid talking down to people Don’t insult people by assuming they don’t

know things

5. Ask questions to determine people’s understanding

Ten Ways to Explain Things More Effectively

Page 24: How to explain

Source: Calvin Sun, CNET Networks, Inc.

6. Focus on benefits, not features.

Features are inherent properties of objects. Benefits are ways features help a person

7. Use analogies to make concepts clearer Analogy is explaining an unfamiliar concept using a

familiar one.

8. Compare new concepts to familiar ones.9. Use the concepts of subsets and supersets.

Ex. Brooklyn is a subset of NYC, because all of it is in NYC.

10.Confirm that your explanation makes sense.

Ten Ways to Explain Things More Effectively

Page 25: How to explain

Please explain to me the relationship between

humans and their pets. Please explain to me what “the early bird gets

the worm” means. Please explain the difference between fear

and respect to me. Please explain the process of buying a plane

ticket to me. Please explain what each color on your flag

represents. Please explain the main idea of a book you are


Time to Practice