how to enslave the human race

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  • 7/31/2019 How to Enslave the Human Race


    How to Enslave the Human Race by Stephen Cook


    byStephen Cook

    How to Enslave the Human RaceThe Enslavers Guide to Global Dominion
  • 7/31/2019 How to Enslave the Human Race


    How to Enslave the Human Race by Stephen Cook



    Are you dedicated to the enslavement of the human race or the

    conquest of Earth and its inhabitants?

    Then this free guide is for you. It distils down to its basics and strips free

    of an overlying mantle of PR, the tried and trusted essentials for getting

    the job done.

    Are your endeavours dark, without joy and ultimately pointless? Well,

    theres not much anybody can do about that but we can at least give you

    some pointers that will enable you to bring them efficiently to their hollow

    and friendless conclusion.

    If the idea of human beings being alert, capable, difficult to manipulate,

    able to work with one another happily and in possession of free will fills

    you with dread, then this simple guide will help you overcome these


    Follow its simple precepts and you will swiftly be able to make cowed

    slaves of human beings.

    Your first primary point of address is to gain control of the energy

    of the civilization. The means by which human being exchange

    with one another, the money system itself, comprises the energy of

    a culture. You must therefore set up cartels that take from

    government the role of creating and issuing money. You can

    disguise this operation as banking.

    Once you are able to create and issue the money supply, issue it

    as interest-bearing debt. Having achieved that, you will find

    yourself the master of all economic activity.

    How to Enslave the Human RaceA Brief Guide

  • 7/31/2019 How to Enslave the Human Race


    How to Enslave the Human Race by Stephen Cook


    You will have established an echelon covertly senior to government and

    will be able to control events on the planet through the puppet strings of

    debt, by flowing money to those things that suit your purposes and

    denying money to those human activities - including governments -

    inimical to your goal of enslavement.

    To make sure nobody twigs what you are doing, hide your

    basically simple scam behind a smoke screen of complexity and

    call this baffling complexity "economics." Now youre all set.

    We cannot stress this enough: keep human beings and their various

    groups and endeavours in debt and make sure they never get out of

    debt. The more universal the debt, the greater will be your influence.

    You will find this very easy to do once you have in place a global money

    system based on debt because such a system renders inevitable the

    inexorable increase of the debt burden carried by everyone.

    Use your control of money to nurture and promote operations that

    further consolidate your power. Important among these are:

    Facilitate the political careers of your proxies in government and

    hinder the careers of anyone who genuinely seeks to further the

    cause of human freedom.

    You do notwant well-intentioned, capable politicians who seek to serve

    the interests of their people in any position where they can influence

    anything. This may give politics a bad name but that is all to the good. Ifpolitics has a bad name, it will be shunned by men of good will and you

    do not want men of good will to embrace it or meddle in it in any case.

    Facilitate, promote and instigate continual warfare.

    This will require some creative effort on your part as, left to their own

    devises, human beings will usually find they have better things to do

    than drop everything so they can slaughter people they have never evenmet and with whom they have no quarrel. There is also mans natural

  • 7/31/2019 How to Enslave the Human Race


    How to Enslave the Human Race by Stephen Cook


    kinship with his fellow Man to overcome. Yet you will find that your

    control of the money supply on the one hand and of your political proxies

    in various governments on the other will make the manufacture of

    warfare a workable proposition.

    Warfare is valuable to you. Through it you will be able to divert human

    energy from creative endeavour and shatter the co-action that will,

    unless you prevent it, enable mankind to rise to a state of unassailable

    strength. It will deny mankind coordinated effort and inhibit his conquest

    of his environment. It will keep his societies exhausted and in disarray

    and persuade him to tear down everything he builds. Through your

    control of the money system, of politics and of the channels of

    information (see below) keeping people at one anothers throats, rather

    than yours, will be childs play.

    This strategy has an additional perk: you can extend limitless loans to

    desperate governments embroiled in war, or desperate to rebuild after

    yet another war, and thus make a packet on the interest.

    Using your limitless money power, extend your influence through

    the media.

    Use the media to ensure that human beings never get information that

    makes sufficient sense that they can resolve problems. Make human

    beings believe thereby that problems cannot be solved. At the same

    time, disseminate "information" that will lead them to conclusions that

    suit your purpose, however daft and however inimical to their own long-

    term survival. Their long-term survival is unimportant. Just keep them

    misinformed, confused and, preferably, afraid.

    Divide and rule.

    Do not allow men to perceive or recognise their innate kinship with their

    fellows. Human kinship is your foe, so ensure through your money

    power and your control of the lines of information that persons and

    groups preaching division and intolerance on pretexts of ideology, race

  • 7/31/2019 How to Enslave the Human Race


    How to Enslave the Human Race by Stephen Cook


    or imagined threat will persist. Such persons and groups will not be able

    to thrive without your help.

    Deny Man leadership

    The definition of true leadership is the ability to bring order to the affairs

    of Man. But you do not want order, you want Chaos. Chaos is your

    friend. And indeed it is true to say that you have no other friends and no

    loyalty from anyone except that which can be bought.

    So you would be wise to have your henchmen and proxies discredit,

    defame or destroy any popular leader or man of wisdom who should

    arise. Humanity must remain leaderless.

    Cripple and demoralise the individual.

    Use your money power, your control of government and your control of

    the lines of information to nurture the growth of unworkable

    psychotherapies that reduce the ability, confidence and self-respect of

    human beings and which render them apathetic and malleable.

    Such psychotherapies should be mobilised to knock out moral codes

    and any belief systems that sustain, unify or succour Man and they can

    be used to convince man that he is an animal. If you can convince man

    that he is an animal, he will act like one.

    Dress all this up in the guise of "help" and "healing." Ideal for your

    purpose is psychiatry, so ensure it is nicely disguised as "science." Use

    your political proxies to pass laws that extend its power.

    Use this influence to further the cause of drugging as the best and

    most efficient way to render a population dull and incapable. The

    importance of drugging everybody you can on any pretext you can

    dream up cannot be overstated.

    Make sure that if any workable methods arise that make human

    beings more capable, more alert, more robust and so forth, they

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    How to Enslave the Human Race by Stephen Cook


    are crushed. Such movements, if allowed to take hold, will

    jeopardise your whole operation. Be afraid of them.

    Use your political proxies and psychiatry to infiltrate and subvert

    the education system. Make sure thereby that human beings are

    rendered incapable of reason and are divested of the ability to

    think for themselves. Inhibited literacy is your goal. You do not

    want free minds and free minds should be neutralized at every

    opportunity. Such people make very poor slaves.

    Given the constraints of distorted economics, misinformation, poor

    education, drugging, the predominance of debilitating "psychotherapies,"

    and control of the machinery of government, you will have your slave

    planet, to do with as you will.

    The only problem you will encounter then is that no civilisation can run

    when its individual members are dulled and crippled.

    The whole exercise therefore will enable you to achieve dominion over

    ruins, smoking rubble and corpses.

    This may, however, be perfectly acceptable to you if your goal is to

    destroy the human race.

    But as for what you can then do with a civilisation that lies about you in

    ruins, where nothing runs and your slaves have given up the will to live,

    well we cant help you with that.

    Excerpted from Dreams of Avarice, the Utopian Tinkerers Handbook,

    Beelzebub and Rockerbilly, Published by Chaos Inc., .2012

  • 7/31/2019 How to Enslave the Human Race


    How to Enslave the Human Race by Stephen Cook


    About Stephen Cook

    I am a professional writer, author and copywriter.

    I have several published books and a newspaper column and have

    published several hundred articles under various pseudonyms.

    As well as a writer I have run businesses (okay, I admit it: not very well),

    worked in human rights and social reform and, currently, in drug

    rehabilitation (I am a withdrawal specialist and detox specialist).

    Back in the seventies I was, for a while, a hippy and I have also been in

    the British Territorial Army (Parachute Regiment) as well as been

    threatened with murder by London gangsters.

    I have been happily married for almost thirty years and have three

    children and three grand children.

    Able Copywriting

    Banking Hoax

    Drugs and Drug Addiction


    Humor (humour)



    Email me

    [email protected]
  • 7/31/2019 How to Enslave the Human Race


    How to Enslave the Human Race by Stephen Cook


    Copyright 2012 Stephen Cook. All rights reserved