how to draw chibi

STEP 1. The basics of a chibi are fairly simple to grasp. It's mostly composed of angles and circles. To start drawing your own chibi anime character, You can start with any number of different poses that you can easily whip up by drawing the angled chibi frame. Here are a few to give you an idea of how it's done! STEP 2. Chibi anime characters can come in many different shapes and sizes, some small, some tall, but most all of them have a very similar frame to them. If you plan on making larger feet and hands, you can try adding triangles to the ends of the hands and feet lines to help guide you through the width that you would prefer. STEP 3. As you build the body, keep the frame in mind so you can see any major flaws. It's easier to see if your proportions are off with the basic wire frame because there is less to it. Drawing out your chibi anime body is as simple as this!

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Page 1: How to Draw Chibi

STEP 1. The basics of a chibi are fairly simple to grasp. It's mostly composed of angles and circles. To start drawing your own chibi anime character, You can start with any number of different poses that you can easily whip up by drawing the angled chibi frame. Here are a few to give you an idea of how it's done! 

STEP 2. Chibi anime characters can come in many different shapes and sizes, some small, some tall, but most all of them have

a very similar frame to them. If you plan on making larger feet and hands, you can try adding triangles to the ends of the hands and feet lines to help guide you through the width that you would prefer.


STEP 3. As you build the body, keep the frame in mind so you can see any major flaws. It's easier to see if your proportions are off with the basic wire frame because there is less to it. Drawing out your chibi anime body is as simple as this! 

Page 2: How to Draw Chibi

STEP 4. Drawing out a chibi head just a simple step away from modifying the circle of the frame. In the upper left, you can see I

have a circle and just added the basic anime pointed chin to it. Now you have your chibi head! After that you can choose from a variety of cute anime faces or expressions! I've drawn out several so you can get an idea of what you

may want your chibi to look like. 

STEP 5. Now, taking what you learned, lets start to draw our own anime chibi! Start with the basic circle. Try to make it as round as possible, but if it isn't perfect, don't worry about it. 


Page 3: How to Draw Chibi

 Now lets start to build our chibi frame. Add your chin to your circle and draw out your chibi body using angles, lines and circles.


STEP 7. Now we're going to need some help with the face.. Go ahead and draw in the basic rounded cross guide lines for your chibis face. 

STEP 8. Now that we have the facial guide lines down, draw in some anime eyes and a mouth. Go ahead and use whatever

expression you want! I'm using some basic thick lined eyes and a basic smile. 

Page 4: How to Draw Chibi

STEP 9. Now we can go ahead and draw in her cute playful body. Be sure to not give her any breasts. Most anime chibi bodies are very genderless. You can also use this tutorial up to this point to draw a boy if you would like. But lets continue on with the chibi anime girl. 

STEP 10. Anime bangs tend to be rather sections and a bit choppy. Go ahead and draw in her choppy bangs with emphasis on a

swept look. Her hair will be swept up in the wind! 

Page 5: How to Draw Chibi

STEP 11. Now go ahead and draw in the rest of her hair and be sure to continue with the swept up in the wind look! 

STEP 12. I love the chibi anime school girl look, so lets go ahead and draw her with a traditional school uniform. Start with the

top and make sure the sleeves are a bit flared. Add a slight wave to the bottom of her shirt to make it look like it is also caught up in the wind.


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STEP 13. Now you can draw in the lower half. Draw in a sectioned skirt that is flowing towards the direction her hair is flowing. Try drawing each panel individually and it will help. Draw in some knee socks and shoes, and the hint of hidden leg beneath her skirt. 

STEP 14. Now for a couple finishing touches. Go ahead and add an eyebrow peeking through her bangs, and an eye line. No

need for the other since her bang covers it all! Erase any un-needed lines. 

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 This first step is some what not really a step at all it is more of a diagram of what a manga/anime hand looks like as anatomy. As you can see the hand to the left is a regular drawn out anime hand and the one to the right is the same except I have added the skeleton diagram of what the bones would look like. 

STEP 2. This second step is not like a step at all, its more like a pose review of all the different types of hand movements and

finger positions. As you can see there are thirteen posses that are commonly seen by anime/manga characters. 

STEP 3. Here is a typical anime/manga hand as it is seen colored in with fingers spread out and posed. When colored you should end up with something like this. 

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STEP 4. Start this first step by drawing out a bell shape for the mid part of the hand. Once that is drawn out you add five lines

for the fingers. I added some arrows to show you how far apart each finger should look. 

STEP 5. Now that you have the hand frame drawn out you can add three circles on each finger. These circles will help you draw out the finger shapes of the anime/manga hand. Before moving to the next step you will draw a line for the wrist and arm. 

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STEP 6. In this sixth step you will start drawing out the shape of the fingers and hand. Once that is done you will add the right

side shape of the arm, wrist and hand. 

STEP 7. All you will do here is add the knuckle lines and the wrist bone. Once that is done you will start erasing all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in the previous steps. 

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STEP 8. zdvcfd


STEP 9. This is a picture of the way that a finished drawing of a closed fist hand and upright positioned arm and wrist. As you can see the fingers are all closed and shaped out the way that a normal anime/manga hand should look like. 

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STEP 10. To start off this tutorial on how to draw anime/manga hands you will see how to draw out the beginning shapes of the

hand and wrist line. I wrote out a tip for you so that tackling this first step is easy to do. 

STEP 11. This is what your first step should look like without a silhouette of the actual hand and wrist guidelines. It doesn't look like much now, but when you are finished with this tutorial lesson your sketch will look like a hand. 

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STEP 12. In this next step you will start adding the lines for the fingers and knuckles. After that is done you will add the shaping

line for the left side of the wrist ad seen here. 

STEP 13. This is your last drawing step and all you will do here is draw out the knuckle lines and finish off the finger shapes and draw out a thumb. Add some detail and definition and start erasing all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in the previous steps.