how to decide between outsoucing and internal, presented by barbara liss

SOCIALMEDIA.ORG/SUMMIT2014 ORLANDO OCTOBER 27–29, 2014 How to decide between outsoucing and internal BARBARA LISS MOTOROLA

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In her Brands-Only Summit presentation, Motorola Mobility's Barbara Liss teaches a class on how to determine which functions are essential for your in-house team and what you should outsource to external agencies. She provides clear steps to take and questions to ask when your team is faced with making the decision to outsource or keep the responsibilities internal.


Page 1: How to decide between outsoucing and internal, presented by Barbara Liss


How to decide betweenoutsoucing and internal


Page 2: How to decide between outsoucing and internal, presented by Barbara Liss

How to decide if a social media agency is right for you?

Barbara Liss [email protected] @chicagobliss

Page 3: How to decide between outsoucing and internal, presented by Barbara Liss

A decision similar to . . . Raising a child?!

Page 4: How to decide between outsoucing and internal, presented by Barbara Liss

Barbara’s Thought Process

• A little introspection – what do I have?

• Social Media – what do I need?

• Making a decision – who do I need & how do I get them?

• Evaluating – did I make the right choice?

Page 5: How to decide between outsoucing and internal, presented by Barbara Liss

1. A little introspection

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Know what you’re good at

• Ideas – big and small

• Understanding the consumer

• Telling people what to do

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And what you’re not

• Data and analytics

• Creating Stuff

• Making PowerPoint

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Know your people

• What does your team look like? • What are their skill sets? • How hard is it to bring on & train new people?

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Know your boss

• What is he/she good at? • What will make him/her look good? • What does he/she care about most?

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Know your “budget”

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2. Social Media – What do I need?

Page 12: How to decide between outsoucing and internal, presented by Barbara Liss

Is my strategy sound?

• Clear consumer target • Defined priorities • Unique voice • Global vs local

Page 13: How to decide between outsoucing and internal, presented by Barbara Liss

How much community management is required?

• Do you have to be always on? • How demanding are your consumers? • Is your industry well monitored, press-heavy?

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Can I create enough of the right content?

• Consumers make amazing content • “Micro Agencies” can get you scale and depth • Employees create better stuff than you think

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Am I measuring the right things?

• What are my business objectives and can basic tools help me measure those? • Do I know the right questions to asks? • Do I feel overwhelmed by all the data out there?

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Am I equipped to tackle this whole “paid” social thing?

• Facebook is a paid platform now blah blah blah

• 64% of advertisers will increase their paid social budget

• Social data and social platforms allows for incredibly accurate & agile targeting

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3. I need an agency, now what?

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Understand what kind of agency fits your needs

• Full Service

• Community Management

• Content creation

• Listening

• Analytics

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Do your homework

• Google

• LinkedIn


• Twitter

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Don’t make yourself crazy

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Make a good decision (for all parties)

• RFPs work (don’t be afraid to ask)

• Have a scorecard

• Get the right folks in the room

• Be honest with the contenders

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4. Evaluate

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Agency evaluations are essential

• Set goals up front

• Check in regularly

• Consider unique compensation models

• Allow agencies to evaluate you

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So, remember this

• No right or wrong; only what’s right for you

• Nobody knows your business as well as you do

• Nobody knows “their” business as well as they do

• It won’t break if you drop it and a new phase is always around the corner

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Questions? Comments?

[email protected] @chicagobliss

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