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How to create your own bucket list

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Page 1: How to create your own bucket list - Resurety · Understand why your Bucket List has to be your own and nobody else’s. Gain the knowledge needed to put your list into action, and

How to create your own

bucket list

Page 2: How to create your own bucket list - Resurety · Understand why your Bucket List has to be your own and nobody else’s. Gain the knowledge needed to put your list into action, and

How to create your own

bucket list


Introduction 2

What Is a Bucket List? 3

What Does a Bucket List Achieve? 4

The Steps to Building Bucket Lists 6

Tips for Bucket List Success 10

Tools for Bucket List Success 12

Conclusion 14

Page 3: How to create your own bucket list - Resurety · Understand why your Bucket List has to be your own and nobody else’s. Gain the knowledge needed to put your list into action, and

IntroductionIn life, we all have dreams and ambitions. Things we would love to do in our life that we feel like we may never get the chance to do. Life, though, only comes around once. You can’t see it or do it after you’ve died, sadly, so it makes sense to try and plan to do so before you pass on. We never know when our life will come to an end, though, so it’s for that reason that so many of us choose to have a Bucket List.

Welcome to Building Your Bucket List; a definitive guide to helping you finally understand what this means. In this guide, you will:

Learn about what a Bucket List is, and why it matters to so many people today.

Appreciate why everyone who is serious about experiencing life to the max should have one.

Find out the best ways to put together a bucket list which is 100% authentically your own.

Get access to various tips and tools to make sure you can feel your list is working out properly.

Understand why your Bucket List has to be your own and nobody else’s.

Gain the knowledge needed to put your list into action, and ensure you see it through!

I wrote this book because I am passionate about the concept of the bucket list. For years, I used to look out my window of my bedroom and just see this massive, bustling world below me. I know how this feels to have dreams that you feel you may never achieve.

Some people look into the sky and think “God, I’d love to go up there and come crashing back down.” They might even look across the fields and think “I’d really love to ride a horse through those fields.”

When watching the TV, we see amazing sights and people accomplishing incredible tasks; climbing mountains and overcoming adversity. It makes us tinged with jealousy; you look at your life and while you are happy, you might feel like there were pages and pages worth of regrets about what you haven’t done.

So, it’s time to get up, and make a phone call to a local stable, then a local skydiving company. Within a matter of two weeks, you’ll have enjoyed a long horse riding session, being able to finally feel like what all those heroes from famous movies and books felt like. You’ll have fallen from an unbelievable height and experienced the power of freefalling. It was incredible, and before long you’ll start to get addicted to that feeling of progress. Then, you can make your own Bucket List, and slowly but surely feel compelled to tick more and more off as time went on. If you have that same ambition to go 100mph and really live your life to the max, read on. I want to show you how to enjoy the unique pleasure of achievement and adventure once again!

How to create your own

bucket list

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Page 4: How to create your own bucket list - Resurety · Understand why your Bucket List has to be your own and nobody else’s. Gain the knowledge needed to put your list into action, and

What Is a Bucket List?So, basically, a bucket list is a list of ideas you have built up in your head about what you want to do before you die. The term comes from the 2007 Movie, The Bucket List, starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. It’s a comedy film that follows the story of two men who are terminally ill who wish to go on a road trip to experience a whole load of adventures before they “kick the bucket”, as they say. It sounds morbid, right?

You’ll expect a tear-jerker, yet throughout the whole film you’ll find

yourself contorted with laughter.

I implore you to go and watch the movie. It inspires you to get up and to take on some adventures in life, starting small and local as mentioned above. Now, your own bucket list might contain stuff like going to see the Great Pyramid, to visit the Colosseum in Rome, travel to Australia or see the Northern Lights.

All this ambition, desire and innovation will come from watching this movie.

It’s also the genesis, many believe, for the idea of the Bucket List and for people setting ideas that they can achieve before they pass on from this wonderful world. A Bucket List, then, is a list of things that you would like to achieve before you die.

However, a small note of caution is needed here.

Many people see that – achieve before you die – and think “Ok, I’ll put it off until I’m ill like Freeman and Nicholson.” And you would be 100% wrong to do that. Life comes at you fast; death faster still. So, you never know when you will be kicking that bucket.

Instead, take the time to start exploring the avenues of what you want to achieve before death so that you can begin today. It’s easy to think about these things mentioned as long-term goals to do in retirement.

But what if you never make retirement? 95% of those aspirations would have gone unfulfilled.

Don’t see it as something you start to try and accomplish when you know you’re on the final furlong. Start now, and you can begin to undergo genuinely life-changing experiences which are sure to drive you to a whole new destination in life.

It will be one of the best things you’ll ever do. Had you waited you’d never have made it to Australia, never mind the Pyramids!

Go when you are at your peak; do it when you have the means to grasp the achievement and the opportunity. If you want to climb a mountain, do it when you are in a condition to benefit from it!

It’s hard to know what should go on your list, but if you appreciate the idea of the list and how to begin working out what kind of achievements, you will see as worth your time.

How to create your own

bucket list

Start now, and you can begin to

undergo genuinely life-changing

experiences which are sure to drive

you to a whole new destination in life.

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What Does a Bucket List Achieve?So, many people might be wondering why achieving your bucket list might be a worthwhile exercise. Some see it as needlessly morbid; why plan about things you want to do before you die? Why not just live life in the moment?

However, that’s not really a good way of looking at what the bucket list can help you achieve. Instead, take a look at it as something to help drive life on. The reason it’s important to have a bucket list is because time flies in an instant. You look in the mirror fresh-faced at 20, and in the blink of an eye you are watching the children graduate in your mid-40s!

Then, when you look at what you achieved in those intervening 20+ years, and notice one thing: it’s all the same. Sure, you probably take time off work to just relax; you maybe even made it abroad once or twice on family holidays. But all of those ambitions and dreams you always held have been put to one side to look at later.

It does not have to be this way, though. You can make your time in this life so much more enjoyable if you just allow yourself. A bucket list, then, allows us to do this. How?

How to create your own

bucket list

The reason it’s important to have

a bucket list is because time flies

in an instant.

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For one, it gives us ambitions to go and achieve. When you see something on a postcard, in a movie, TV show, whatever, and you know you’d love to see/do it, you should mark it down. It gives you the ambition to want to go and make time to do that now – it’s on a clear list.

Bucket lists use the whole idea of doing it before we die as a means of motivation, not fear. You never know when the hand of time will swing against you. Death could come tomorrow – and you’d have so many regrets. Take it as something that motivates you to start today, not only when you find out the end is nigh.

It also gives us a greater level of experimentation with the world. When you just think of things as “that would be nice!” it becomes something that you won’t ever make the time to go and do. If it’s on something that you must do, though, you’ve stepped it up a tad in terms of urgency which can be crucial for setting you on the right path to progress.

Another major reason that a bucket list is not something to be seen as a negative is that it gives you the opportunity to dream a little. Most of us have to put our dreams and ambitions on hold – most of us never achieve a fraction of what we wanted to achieve in life. A bucket list leaves you with the intention of doing it – it’s not just something that fades in and out of memory; it’s a commitment.

Lastly, another main problem that many look at the idea of a bucket list as something to do when they are old. Given most of our ambitions might require major physical prowess to pull off, why not start in your peak? Your earning and physical potential will never be higher before your 40s, so why wait?

Page 6: How to create your own bucket list - Resurety · Understand why your Bucket List has to be your own and nobody else’s. Gain the knowledge needed to put your list into action, and

Keeping all this in mind, you will be far closer to going where you want to in life.

You are NEVER too old to make a bucket list, though. While some of your tasks are better handled at a younger age, many of the tasks will be achievable at an older age, too. From travelling to see landmarks to going to see a major landmark exhibition, sports match or engagement that you find interesting, many of these things can be done right up to your last days on earth!

The aim here is to make sure that you never doubt the idea of your bucket list too much. No matter how dumb or wild something sounds, if it gets your pulse up and your heart racing then it’s something that you desire to do deep down. Who cares what anyone else thinks? Who cares if you are ‘young’ enough? Do it!

Now, let’s look at some of the most important steps that you can take to make your bucket list come together.

Live for the day!

How to create your own

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The Steps to Building Bucket ListsTo help you on the path to success, then, we have created a small list of steps that you should almost certainly look to follow. Everyone is different and your own ambitions might not 100% fit in with the ideas here, but this is a strong starting point for any bucket list. Not sure how to help make your bucket list come together? Lets’ take a look.

1. Start off by writing it down. This is the first step and the most important step. You should know roughly in your head the kind of things that come to mind when you think of what you want to achieve in life.Write one down, and another usually appears shortly after. The ambitious part of the brain will demand that you take the action needed to make your bucket list come to life.

Writing down all of those dreams on paper is going to help make sure you have a single little list to refer to when you feel lacking in ambition. It also gives you a bit of confidence; you have now made that first tentative step to building your list. Your list can be as rough as you like; don’t worry about refining it just yet. Keep a mobile version onyour smartphone, too, and add little notes to it when things pop into your head when you’re out and about.

2. Also, make sure your goals are as varied as they can be. Your best chances of success are going to come more or less entirely from having variety. Goals are like exercise; do the same kind of things over and over, and it loses excitement. If your bucket list is just a load of landmarks you want to go and see, you’ll find it hard to maintain the motivation needed to see it through long-term.

So, do yourself a favour and look at how to build a bucket list ‘properly’ by adding more variety to the ideas. Get rid of the clichéd goals like ‘make a million pounds’ and make sure it does not just become a glorified travel itinerary. Rather than sitting atop the Eiffel Tower and then going to visit the Pyramids, for example, you could go and visit the site of your heritage or something similar. It’s still similar, but you’ve varied it up from visiting a tourist spot to visiting something personally important to you.

How to create your own

bucket list

Enjoy the feelings of progress,

as you tick things off your list!

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3. Be as specific to your own needs as possible. The worst thing you can do is get a list off the internet of things to achieve. Instead of trying to find what is essentially someone else’s life goals, speak to family members and parents. They might be able to tell you about things you have always spoken about and wished you could achieve without you even knowing about it. A bucket list could be made of up things like trying to overcome a phobia that has held you back in life.

Try and be specific in terms of categorization, too. A well-made bucket list can be easily split up into various formats and ideas. From career goals to relationship goals, health goals to entertaining and travel goals, it becomes much easier to manage your bucket list when it’s split up a bit more. Your list is going to become more accessible when it’s not all one jumbled list!

4. Start saving for the list today. Everything on the list will likely cost you either time or money. Going by the one a year mantra (presuming your list is not excessive), you can start to either set clear times of the year off or start saving money to make it happen. The list at the moment probably feels a million miles away from completion, with so much to be considered and dealt with on the list.

However, if you start to save up the money today – set up a bucket list fund – you can start to make a positive dent in the problems you face quite quickly. Most people find it much easier to imagine their success when they do it this way. If you just look at a list that’s essentially travelling around the world, then finding the time and money this will be tough. However, if you set the list up in the organized manner mentioned above some will simply need time to develop rather than money.

5. Alternatively, start ticking off the list in bursts. One of the best ways to tackle a list that isn’t necessarily expensive in money but in time would be to take the list in small bursts. Arranging your bucket list program into categories, you’ll know the ones that need you to invest money and what ones need you to invest personal time. The ones that need money should be taken on in the long-term, giving you time to save up for them and make success realistic and realisable.

The ones that need you to invest in yourself personally, though, should be ticked off together. For example, if one of your goals was to make more time for your family, you might also find that this can simultaneously help you tick off things like get out more, get into better shape or even more abstract terms like being more selfless.

How to create your own

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How to create your own

bucket listYou could even combine it together; being selfless by paying for a family trip away hill walking or rock climbing, allowing you to start working on a few of those activities all at once. You can find many creative ways to put together multiple bucket list items at once, if you are creative and ambitious enough.

6. Celebrate the completion of a goal. Most people look at setting up a bucket list and think they’ll never reach the end; that there is too much in life to achieve. This is the wrong attitude. Every piece of success that you taste should be celebrated on its own terms and enjoyed for the joy that it brought you. You might not get the whole definitive list down on day one, but if you make a move to tick off something from the box starting from day one you’ll be able to enjoy that feeling personal and/or professional accomplishment quicker.

Accomplishment is addictive; when you tick one off, you know you get to enjoy the feeling of progress. It will make you want to go on and on. Don’t look at it and dread the idea of trying to work through the list; this makes it too much like work!

7. Create small steps to finish bigger goals. Let’s say one of your goals is to experience a new culture for six months. The idea of moving there, getting a job and a home and assimilatinginto culture is daunting. What can make it less daunting is if you start researching local cultural norms, maybe learning some basic language, that kind of thing. Broader goals like this need to be taken in smaller steps, or you will never make the move to make it possible.

8. Always review the list. Every 2-3 months, come back and look. You’ll see what you have accomplished, and what you have likely made room for in your life. Never delete something because it’s beyond you, though; keep trying, keep pushing. Review the list as often as possible, looking to polish up goals that you have made progress with, adding new goals that fit with your overall

progress and always look to push and progress the list accordingly.

Remember, this list is supposed to challenge you and push you further in life. If it doesn’t, what are you actually achieving?

Enjoy the feelings of progress, as you tick things off your list!

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How to create your own

bucket list9. Make your progression fun. Most people start to look at the idea of a bucket list and see it as an extension of work. If this is your attitude, then enjoy life repeating the same day over and over in front of the TV. Progression is supposed to be fun and enterprising, so always take your bucket list as something to enjoy. It’s creating a better person at the end of the day, allowing you to see the world from a new set of eyes and experiences.

It’s supposed to help you feel like you are progressing as a person and getting rid of all of those frustrations that made you read this in the first place. If you find that your bucket list challenges are beginning to feel like a second job, it may need re-evaluation. While the bucket list is designed to improve for tomorrow, never take your eyes off today; if your bucket list is making you frustrated or upset (not challenged, there’s a difference), step back.

Using the above details, you should be much closer to making a bucket list. We don’t want to insult you by giving you a list of things to try – this is your life; you know what to achieve. Just remember that nothing is too strange for being on a bucket list.

The things that interest you in life are your own. Never let anyone tell you what you can or cannot look forward to. Using the above, you should find it easier to start appreciating what is a personal goal and what is something you want to go to your grave knowing you took part in.

Whether that is going to the next phase of life knowing you are a better person than you were or knowing you’ve seen the world from its tallest peak is up to you entirely.

Let’s look at some tips for fleshing it out and making it even better, though. This will help you to stay on track and make sure that you maintain the level of enjoyment needed to make this a fun experience.

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Tips for Bucket List SuccessStart off by making yourself more accountable. Accountability is the determining factor in getting to enjoy that whiff of success, or having to wallow in the broth of failure. If you want to keep the commitment that you made to yourself to become a better person and leave this happy and fulfilled, only you can make that happen.

You can do this by keeping someone in your life informed of your progress. In the movie, it would be hard to see how both characters would get to succeed without one another; they would have given up half-way, no doubt. When you tell people you want to actually take part in such an event, you now feel obligated to succeed for your ego and your reputation as much as for anything else!

Try and get others in your life involved, too; if your ideas and ambitions for your bucket list overlap, join together. Meet once a month and talk about the plans you have made and the steps you are taking to make those dreams a reality.

Create a blog for your bucket list, too. A blog can be very empowering as you are now telling the whole world about your plans. It can draw people in to view your progress and could even inspire others to try and follow the same path. You’ll find total strangers egging you on and even helping you to complete parts of your list; it can be hugely empowering to make your bucket list stronger, easier to achieve and more desirable.

It’s not just the ego thing with the blog, though. A blog means you have a literal journal that is online showing how you felt prior to success and after. It helps to inspire you to push yourself further forward on the list as you can read back how you felt before and after. Reflection is powerful, and can be such a great motivator.

Also, try and set rough deadlines for goals. Earlier, it was mentioned how if the goal is a personal goal then taking time off can be a great help to empower that goal. If it’s a goal that need you to pay money – say travel or training – then put a percentage of your monthly income away until you have. Set deadlines, though, because when you do achieve them you feel outstanding – when you don’t meet them, it feels awful!

If you don’t meet your goal, make sure you meet the next deadline. It will give you a greater desire to either continue on and prove yourself wrong.

How to create your own

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Also, use life experiences to shock yourself into action. From the birth of a child to marriage right through to defeating a life-threatening illness, you should use life experiences to jolt you into action. Now that you have children, you might want to set an example about where ambition and having goals in life can take you. If you are/were ill, then you have just faced and – hopefully – been victorious against mortality. That will really help to empower you to keep going!

Use this to live life to the max, not just to cajole yourself. Many people see doing a bucket list as a way to improve themselves as they are unhappy with who they are. While that is a noble aim, your bucket list is mainly there to be used to help you experience a side of life that you haven’t been to until now.

Whether your bucket list is all about getting away from the computer and adding more entertaining activity into your life, or whether it’s to help spice up a life that has become increasingly monotonous, it does not matter.

So long as you can see that your bucket list is making you achieve more while taking a more retrospective look at yourself, it is working. Don’t see it as personal development, see it as lifelong enjoyment!

Lastly, age-ify your bucket list. Since leaving it to the end of your life is bad news, always make sure that you take the time to categorize your list into not just categories, but ages. It helps you to look at how you improved in your 30s, 40s, 50s and the like. Choose the goals you think would be best fulfilled at certain ages – climbing mountains in your 60s might be tough, for example and stick to that. This is another form of deadline that inspires you to succeed in time.

One of the most important parts of clearing your bucket list is the mentality side of things. When it’s just a big abominable list of things you “could” achieve, it feels impossible. When it’s a costed, categorized list that’s split into particular age brackets and times it’s far easier to see progress.

So long as you appreciate even the most gradual piece of progress per day to achieve your goals, success is going to be possible for you.

However, there are even more useful ways to help make your bucket list feel a little less daunting. Let’s take a look at some very useful tools that you could very easily use to help multiply your chances of success further.

How to create your own

bucket list

Don’t see your bucketlist as personal development, see it as

lifelong enjoyment!

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Tools for Bucket List SuccessBefore you go any further with your bucket list, though, here are some very useful tools that can help you to manage various parts of the process. While many other tools will exist to help you with specific issues, here are some very useful general list assistants:

How to create your own

bucket list

Google Flights is a very helpful and reliable way to make sure you can minimize the cost of your flights on any travel you need. It’s a great choice for getting travel dates and finding the lowest fare. If you don’t like Google Flights, then try the ever helpful SkyScanner; it’s a fine choice for flight comparisons for as far as a year in advance, making it great for bucket list

Google Flights

Airbnb offers cost-effective accommodation with other people wherever you are going to visit. What better way to help tick off numerous bucket list issues at once than using Airbnb to find more affordable travel, meet new people and tick off a travel experience? If you prefer to stay at a hotel, then go for Triavago; it’s got over 700,000 hotels listed so you should be able to find something!


An adventure travel company that specialises in helping people tick off their travel bucket lists. From booking your flights to guiding your trek and even letting you pay monthly, they offer to make planning your dream trip simple, so you can focus on having the time of your

The Bucket List Company

If you prefer the bus, then get CityPass. It’s a must for travelling around cities with bookings to top city attractions at massive discounts. A must-have when you are going to visit major attractions and want to reduce the


An absolute must for learning new languages, you can learn everything that you need on Duolingo with ease. An absolutely fantastic resource if you intend to go and experience a new culture or just have ‘learn a new language’ as part of the list; it’s free to use, too!


A wonderful online e-learning platform, Udemy can help you to learn new skills that you might either need to tick off parts of the list, or if your list involves


An amazing insurance plan that provides the money and the means to make your bucket list dreams a reality should you get diagnosed with a terminal illness or suffer a life-changing injury or illness. The plan also provides a concierge to arrange everything for

The Bucket List Plan

Another wonderful option is Lifetick, a web application that allows you to create major habitual changes to how you live with visual progress reports. Excellent for just making small, incremental changes to make your list ever-more


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Of course, many more tools exist on the market that you could use but each of the above should really go some way to making sure you can begin to change how you perceive the idea of the bucket list.

Depending on what you want to do, though, there is something for everyone. From making travel easier to book up and arrange, to learning new skills, through to helping contribute to charities and various other aspects, your own bucket list can be empowered using the right tools.

While your own list will always be your own and no list will give you the definitive tool for bucket list success alone, tools that can help you exist. Invest in them, and you can take yourself ever-closer to a more cohesive and comprehensive lifestyle.

More importantly, each tool makes it easier to see your bucket list as both fun and progressive. The minute you start to feel like you are making no progress or that it’s becoming like a second job, find some tools to help you blunt that negative streak.

The key to success in your bucket list, above all, is being positive and excited about the changes it can make possible. There’ll always be some kind of tool – whether that’s a physical tool or software – to help reduce the challenges you are facing. Keep on the right track with equipment, and you will soon become far more likely to see your bucket list gradually fulfil itself!

there is something for everyone...

How to create your own

bucket list

The key to success in your bucket list, above all, is being

positive and excited about the changes it can make possible

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ConclusionWith all of this information, you will now hopefully be far more equipped to help take that bucket list on a step further. Recommended, though, is that you watch the film we mentioned before; no matter what stage of life, maturity, financial security or physical purity you are at, you’ll find it inspiring.

You do not have to wait until the Mr. Freeman and Mr. Nicholson take their final bows in life, though. There is no need to wait until the doctor gives you a serious diagnosis; there is no need to wait until you have something amputated or something goes wrong.

Life can throw major changes to us in an instant. We could be fine one minute, finished the next. This is why your bucket list – when ready – should become something you take on now. The main recommendation is to try and tick one thing off the list every single year.

With a big enough list and a good enough quality of life, you should be able to get through every last one of them. Some people might not, and that’s OK; to be able to tick off as many as possible is the aim. Without a bucket list you will be left with countless dreams left unfulfilled.

To get around that problem, you have to be ready to take the plunge. Get the Word document open or the pen and pad out; it’s time to plan out the rest of your life!

How to create your own

bucket list

Take the plunge, create a bucketlist! Youve got nothing to lose and everything

to gain!

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How to create your own

bucket list

Money To Fund Your Bucket List DreamsNow, there is a new, exciting, innovative and affordable plan that provides you with the cash and

resources to make your bucket list dreams a reality should you suffer a serious or life threatening condition.

Learn more about this unique plan and watch the short video at:

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