how to care for oily skin advanced dermatology reviews

How to Care for Oily Skin - Advanced Dermatology Reviews

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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How to Care for Oily Skin - Advanced Dermatology Reviews

Wash your face twice a day.

Use oil-free cosmetics.

Use moisturizers selectively.

Don’t over-wash your face

Be mindful of what touches your face.

You can look for masks especially designed for oily skin.

Use blotting pads to remove excess oil from the surface of your skin.

Consider using a mild astringent.

Talk to a medical professional.

Recognize what causes oily skin.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle and try to find ways to relax.

Have a healthy diet.

Choose a sunscreen that has broad spectrum coverage with an SPF of at least 30.

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