how to build a mvp app as a non-tech founder

How to build an MVP as a nontech founder

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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How  to  build  an  MVP  as  a  non-­‐tech  founder

•  What is an MVP? •  How to •  Don’t quest for users, go for tangible

market •  Go as Niche as possible •  Bootstrap •  Don’t wait, start awareness now •  Go SAS


Perfect example of a non-tech founder who made it big?


Minimum Viable Product

•  The version of a new product which allows

a team to collect the maximum amount of

validated learning about customers with the

least effort.

What is a MVP?

Why a MVP?

When you’re starting to develop a new app,

whether mobile or web, doing an MVP is the

best way to do it because it’s lean and agile.

Meaning for more versions faster and often

to create the best, ultimate app.

Why a MVP?

MVP Cost Quotes

So? How do you build it


1.Don’t quest for users, GO for a tangible market.

People make the mistake of going after thousands of


About how many startups fail?

90% of them.

Remember Napster?

$ 33.5 million into a platform GOODBYE

Them, along with MySpace, failed

to evolve with their user needs,

yet they had millions of users.

2. Go as Niche as possible

How to get a niche product…

It’s more engaging and later profitable.

Kitchen cabinet software,

niche eh?

Find a problem to solve

More effective networking, more effective marketing, and room for expansion.

With niche, you get…

If you want to go BIG, think small.

3. Bootstrap it.

Initially, you might start off with NOTHING for

the initial costs of your business but what

you have in your piggy bank.

Only 16% of business owners take a

paycheck from their start up their first


You might NEVER get money from investors EVER

That’s good, you’re debt free & won’t owe any money to anyone but yourself.

AND you are not beholden to anyone. You are your OWN


So, use your resources

This means…

•  Having interns

•  PR/market yourself (contact

press and media, Social Media)

•  Outsource

4. Don’t wait, start your awareness now.

Stop worrying, you can start telling people

about your product now.

We built your MVP in 2 months. You don’t

start marketing it until one year later…..

Why wait that long?

Don’t focus too hard on perfection.

Don’t concern yourself with bug fixes. Your

agency can fix those as time goes by.

Why waiting hurts…

•  Someone else can get to your

niche market 1st.

•  You spent all of your investment

or personal money already and

you never quite launched.

Resulting in a


5. Go SaaS

A software as service in

which applications are

hosted by a service

provider and made

available through the



Why SaaS?

It’s an estimated 21 billion dollar market by 2015 (Statspotting)

SaaS benefits

-Easier administration

-Automatic updates

-Compatibility (All users have same

software version)

-Easier collaboration

-GLOBAL accessibility

Point is…You don’t need to be a tech

person to build an MVP. Follow these steps

and you can easily build your app and

service product into something successful.

Have questions? We are here to help.

Ping us, Tweet us or email us.

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