how to become a guy magnet: special report - …

“How To Get Your Ex Back & Save Your Marriage To Rekindle The Romance For Good” 1 By James Scott - From Special Report For Ex Back Experts

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   “How  To  Get  Your  Ex  Back  &  Save  Your  Marriage  To  Rekindle  The  Romance  -­‐  For  

Good”  1  


By James Scott - From

Special Report For Ex Back


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Good”  2  


How To Read A Man’s Mind & Figure Out What He Is

Thinking – The Sure Fire Method...

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Good”  3  


Do you believe men are complicated? Do you find them to be confusing and frustrating at the same time? Do you ever wish that you had a secret window which could help you look inside a man’s mind and figure out what he is thinking? Isn’t it truly frustrating… When a man never calls you back after a great first date when he promised he would? And you desperately wait for that one special phone call which never comes? When he says he likes you but at the same time takes you for granted? And you hate it when it keeps happening over and over again? When he shows loads of interest in you but then withdraws completely for no reason? And you don’t even know why? Isn’t it absolutely crazy when men say things they don’t mean…Make promises they don’t keep and leave you hanging in the middle? And the ugly part is…When this happens men usually never have a good enough explanation. And this is where you always wonder – WHAT’S ON HIS MIND? WHAT IS HE THINKING? WHAT DOES HE WANT? WHY ISN’T HE EVER HONEST? Why can’t he just be a bit more considerate towards my feelings and let me know what he is thinking in regards to me? I know…I know…It kind of leaves you hopeless and you start to feel that there is something seriously wrong with most men out there. But let me give you some truth on this matter…When a man says one thing but ends up doing the exact opposite of it…He has his reasons…And in order to understand all that I am going to show you how to read his mind. I am sure you are probably thinking – Can it really be that easy to read

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Good”  4  


his mind and figure out exactly what he is thinking? Well yes it is…And if you truly want to master this art…I expect your complete attention. Stop whatever else you are doing at the moment and pay full attention to this report. (And no skipping any parts…) So do I have your attention now? YES? Good…Let’s get started…

The  Truth  Sits  In  What  He  Does…Not  What  He  Says…  

If you really want to know what is going on in a man’s mind all you have to do is to focus on his actions and completely ignore his words. Let me illustrate with some examples – Let’s say you went out on a date & the guy promised to call you back but never did…. What could it possibly mean… - Maybe he lost your phone number. - Maybe he is busy. - Maybe he is nervous about it. I am sure you can come up with more maybes but if you were to study his action…There is one thing which is screaming out loud and that is this – HE DOESN’T LIKE YOU ENOUGH…PERIOD! If he did…He would call you…What’s on his mind will reflect in his actions. You aren’t on his mind and you aren’t on the top of his list of priorities. I know it sounds harsh but it’s the truth. A man can never be busy enough to forget to call a girl he likes…In fact! If he truly liked you…he would put you above everything else going on in his life and will call you for sure.

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Good”  5  


Now let’s take another example – let’s say you are confused about your current relationship and don’t know whether your boyfriend will marry you or not. And whenever you ask him he either completely avoids the question or just changes the topic. What’s going on here? You can again sit there and come up with more maybes such as – - Maybe this isn’t the right time to talk about it. - Maybe he is really stressed at work and I should avoid this topic. - Maybe he is waiting for the right time to propose. - Maybe he wants to be financially stable before he commits etc etc. But what do his actions say? If you were to purely focus on his actions you’d know that something isn’t right. Since he isn’t ready to discuss it…He is indirectly letting you know that he won’t marry you. This doesn’t mean that this same guy won’t be married some day but the harsh truth is that he won’t be married to you. If he truly wanted to marry you, then you won’t even have to do the asking…He will do the asking. There is no such thing as the “RIGHT TIME”…It’s all about the “RIGHT WOMAN”. And when a guy has found the woman who triggers all the right buttons in his head…He will do everything necessary to keep her and settle down with her.

If  It  Is  This  Easy  To  Figure  Him  Out…Why  Do  So  Many  Women  Still  Struggle?    Very good question…And I’ll give you a very good answer too. It’s because most women make excuses and become blind to the truth. I guess you know what I mean…Nothing is more painful than learning that the man you desperately love doesn’t have similar feelings towards you. It’s extremely terrifying and in order to avoid all the hassle and pain. Women do the next best thing…And that is to give their man

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the benefit of the doubt… Here are common examples –

When a guy isn’t asking you out…

Possible Excuse Women Use… The Real Truth...

Oh he is shy, and waiting for the right moment.

If he liked you enough he’d know how to ask you.

When a guy keeps you waiting on the phone or won’t return your phone calls…

Possible Excuse Women Use… The Real Truth...

He must be busy with other more important things.

He is giving other things more priority since you aren’t that

important to him.

When a guy always says hurtful things….

Possible Excuse Women Use… The Real Truth...

He must have been angry I know he doesn’t mean it.

He isn’t concerned about your feelings and is inconsiderate. If he was, he would never say or do anything which hurts you.

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Good”  7  


When you aren’t sure if he likes you or not…

Possible Excuse Women Use… The Real Truth...

Maybe he likes me but is too shy to say it to me.

A guy won’t keep you guessing if he really likes you, in fact he

would be afraid that some other guy might take you away

from him and will do everything in his power to let

you know that he likes you either by words or by his

actions around you.

When a guy has regular sex with you but he won’t really take you out or talk on the phone…

Possible Excuse Women Use… The Real Truth...

I like what we have currently and I don’t want to ruin things. I’ll wait for him to get more serious.

You are his sex toy, nothing more and nothing less. If he

only wishes to see you when he is in the mood for sex then that

alone tells you a great deal about what he wants from you.

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Good”  8  


When he is in a relationship with you but also flirts with other girls…

Possible Excuse Women Use… The Real Truth...

Oh! He’s always been the flirty kind and I know he only does it occasionally for fun. Not something I should worry about.

If he is flirting, it means he is keeping his options open. Which means that he isn’t

exclusive to you, which also means that some day in the near future something will happen which won’t please

you, which means you better be prepared for it right away. Accept it now or be prepared for something shocking in the

near future.

It’s insane the lengths women go to when they are excited about some guy and really like him. They try to make sense of the most senseless situation and try to come up with really odd excuses to turn an unsatisfying situation into a satisfactory one. Always remember that his actions speak louder than words. What he does is what he is thinking. And what he says might not be the truth…Make it a habit to always focus on his actions.

What  You  Must  Remember... - Men are not as complicated as most women think. They are very simple and straightforward. The story going on in their mind will always reflect in their actions. So study the actions and ignore the words. You will never face confusion that way. - Never get tricked with his words, a man could say a thousand things to you and not mean any of it. You should only believe his words when

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they are followed with suitable action. - If he makes a commitment and never follows through, then you must know right there that something isn’t right. - Always judge a man’s character based on how often he follows through with his commitments. A man with a solid character will always do what he says he is going to do. His words and his actions will be in perfect harmony. - Never give a man the benefit of the doubt more than once. If he failed you once, he is very likely to do it over and over again.

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How To Stop Being A Nice Girl & Make Any Man Want You – The Perfect Guide...

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Have you ever heard the story of the so called “Nice girl”? Well if not, let me tell you the tale…A nice girl is someone who puts all her heart and soul into a relationship. She is someone who would wait for hours & hours next to the phone expecting a call from that special guy. She is someone who a guy keeps around for the sole and only purpose of oh well – Just keeping around… She is the girl a guy only thinks about when he needs sexual satisfaction. She is someone a guy turns to, right after he has broken up with his true love, in other words – She is usually the re-bound girl. She is the girl who would pursue a guy long and hard even when he isn’t interested in her…She believes that if she chases him long & hard, eventually he will like her. She is the girl a guy would only consider dating when he has run out of possible options and the only reason why he keeps her around is because she is easy to use & throw. She is someone who spends endless hours in deep worry thinking about whether her man is cheating on her or not. She is someone who struggles endlessly to keep a guy attracted beyond the first date or if she is in a relationship she struggles to make her man commit. She is someone who says a yes even when she honestly wants to say no just because she doesn’t want to disagree with her man. She is someone who does all the things she doesn’t wish to do just to

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please her man & keep him happy. She is someone who always feels like a string along because her man is physically with her but emotionally into another girl. She is someone who is always more invested & more in love with the guy when the guy doesn’t love her at all. Ok ok…I guess you get the point. It really sucks when you realize that he settled for you only because he couldn’t get the other girl. And if you can relate to any of the points mentioned above then I am sure you know exactly what it feels like to be this girl. But here is the biggest problem – Most women usually sit around with their girlfriends talking about how much, men don't make sense or how they won't act right. And never ever bother to attack the REAL problem. They rather accept their reality the way it is & assume that this is how things will be for them for the rest of their life. Most women believe that men want to end up with the "nice girl", the one that cooks for him and makes him feel like a king. This is utterly WRONG. They feel frustrated when the guy who promised them the moon and the stars turns into a jerk over time & starts getting distant. Men get bored and restless and lose respect for you. The reason for this is simple… Most women are standing in their own way and if you truly want things to get better then let me give you the 2 most important concepts which will change everything for you…

1- Men will work extra hard to win you over, when they know they don’t have control over you. 2- Men want to be kept curious (Even if you are already in a relationship with him.)

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Now let me explain why these two concepts are extremely important – As humans we always pursue what we can’t have, we always want more of the things which are hard to get. We love challenges & feel a strong sense of satisfaction when we achieve something which once was very challenging. This is just basic human nature – No one can change it. But this can become very problematic when it comes to a guy-girl relationship. When a girl usually likes a guy – She automatically starts doing things to please him, starts being too nice, starts giving more than she’s supposed to, stars doing things she wouldn’t normally do. The main issue is that guys are a lot different. If a woman is too nice they assume they have already won her over and do not have to try any harder. And when a guy does this a woman usually feels irritated because after trying so hard she isn’t getting the result she expected. In the process, she becomes needy & this usually drives the guy further away. Are you wondering what you should do? Well for starters, stop being the nice girl, stop trying to please him, stop trying to make him like you, stop working hard for his attention, stop waiting on the phone for that call which never comes. STOP IT! From now on, only do things which will show him that he doesn’t have complete control over you & only focus on things which will keep him curious…Let’s focus on some examples here –

Situation  1  –  What  to  do  when  he  is  starting  to  lose  attraction  for  you  &  is  taking  you  for  granted?    Solution – You have been overly available & haven’t given him the space & time to miss you. Take two steps back & let him come to you this time. Don’t call him for a few days and let him wonder what you are up to.

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A confident woman isn’t insecure about losing the guy and gives him plenty of space and in the process the guy doesn’t feel caged.

Situation  2  –  What  to  do  when  he  wants  sex  too  early?      Solution – Tell him that you aren’t comfortable with such things early on, you aren’t someone who is open to something physical unless you really know the guy on a deeper level. If a man has to wait for sex, he will automatically think of you as someone of very high value. Every man wants sex as fast as possible but by holding it, you automatically become that special woman he would do anything for.

Situation  3-­‐  What  to  do  when  he  doesn’t  call  you?      Solution – Sometimes a man just wouldn’t call to see how you react. Do not, and I mean do not call him no matter what. He is the one who should do the calling. If he likes you enough, a simple phone call shouldn’t be that big of an issue for him.

Situation  4-­‐  What  to  do  when  he  is  playing  too  hard  to  get?      Solution – Your world doesn’t revolve around him. The sooner he gets it the better it would be for both of you. Don’t react to such petty games and stand your ground. Sometimes when you have to choose between a guy and your dignity, it’s better to keep your dignity.

Situation  5-­‐  What  to  do  when  he  doesn’t  listen?      Solution – Men usually don’t respond to words, they respond better to actions. And by actions I mean – You should give him space when you can clearly see he isn’t giving any importance to your words. By doing this you are telling him two things – 1- You don’t like being ignored. 2- You aren’t scared to walk away. Trust me, he will get the message loud and clear after that.

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What  you  must  remember  –      - Never ever assume that you are not good enough or attractive enough. You are a woman and that’s enough. You don’t have to chase a man, it’s his job to do so. - A man will always want what he can’t have, don’t let him have easy access to yourself, let him do the work needed to win your affection. - A truly strong woman is someone who has a lot of self control & isn’t scared to walk away from a man who doesn’t respect her. - When he does something you don’t like, punish him by getting distant. Let him know that you aren’t someone who will let him play around with her. - Never ever do the things you aren’t comfortable doing just to please him. And if you do, trust me – He won’t ever be pleased and you won’t ever be happy. - Don’t expect him to spend all his time with you, do not check up on him 100 times a day, if you think about him most of the time then you have already given most of your power away.

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How To Get A Man To Do Just About Anything – The

Method Which Always Works...

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A Gentle Warning: What you are about to discover in this report is a very effective psychological tactic which will give you the power to make your man do almost anything. Now, I expect that you use this responsibly. This report is definitely not for the following people –

- Women who want to manipulate a man for personal amusement or benefit.

- Women who stalk men. - Women who love playing mind games just to feel powerful. - Women who want to trap a guy & use manipulation to keep him in

a relationship. - Women who seek revenge from an ex or a guy who rejected them.

What  you  will  NOT  learn  in  this  report  –   I am not going to show you how to rule a guy & make him eat out of your hand. What I will rather teach you is how not to be taken advantage of. I won’t tell you to be negative or do the things which are manipulative just to get a certain reaction from your man. Neither will I teach you how to make yourself seem like you are better than everyone else or house an attitude. What I will show you are proven tactics you can employ in your daily dealings with a guy & how to effectively get what you deserve out of your relationship. Alright! Now that we have that out of the way let’s get to the real stuff…

Men  Are  Driven  By  Ego  -­‐  They  Would  Do  Anything  To  Protect  It  And  Every  Man  Has  A  Secret  Desire  To  Look  Like  A  Hero  In  Your  Eyes.    

Have you ever wondered why men never ask for help or directions? In

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their world, asking for help is a sign of weakness. They want to feel like they are doing the right thing and they want to feel like they have the power & control in the relationship. Now here is the big secret in a nutshell – If you learn the art of tickling his ego & giving him the illusion that he is in control, he will always do what you want him to do. Deep down every man wants to be in control & wants you to treat him like he’s your hero.

The  process  –  Step 1 - Give him the illusion that he has the power or he is in control(tickle his ego). Step 2 - Say something positive about his actions which will make him feel like a hero. Step 3 – Then gently suggest what you want him to do by creating a positive expectation. For example – Let’s say you want him to keep his commitments, here is what you must say when you’re in conversation with him… “Tom, I really appreciate the fact that you are a man of your word & always deliver on your promises. This is one quality I really love in a guy. I know you are someone who will go out of his way to deliver on his promises & will never disappoint anyone.” Now let me explain why this works so well – 1- By saying that you believe he is a man of his word, you have indirectly tickled his ego & now he will feel powerful. 2- By saying you love such a quality in a guy you have given him an appealing compliment which will make him feel like a hero. 3- And here is the important bit – By saying that you know he’s not someone who will ever disappoint you & will always deliver on his

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promises. You have indirectly told him what you want him to do by creating a positive expectation. He will follow through with your request just because he wants to look like a hero in your eyes. This is what he will think – “Oh wow! She thinks so highly of me. I better not screw up.” So the next time he promises you something he will struggle to not follow through with his promise. Don’t be surprised if he starts doing more of the things you like and over delivers on his promises after this point. Men would move mountains to protect their ego. Now let me give you some really good examples of how you can use this tactic in other situations with men –  

Scenario  #1  –  Let’s  say  you  want  him  to  be  honest  about  everything.  Say  the  following  to  him  –      “Tom, I am glad that you aren’t like most other guys & you are always honest about everything. Such guys are very rare to find nowadays. I know you are someone who will never lie about anything.” And even if he has been lying to you so far, he will feel super guilty & will either tell you the truth or will not lie to you at all from this point forward.

Scenario  #2  –  Let’s  say  you  want  him  to  take  you  seriously  after  the  first  few  dates.  Say  the  following  –      “Tom, you are probably the only guy I know who doesn’t play mind games with a woman just to get into her pants. You are one of those rare guys who are genuine. I know you aren’t someone who will use a woman just for his personal pleasure.”

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Scenario  #3  –  When  you  want  him  to  give  you  the  special  treatment  -­‐  say  the  following  –      “Tom, you are one of those rare guys who knows how to treat a woman right. You make me feel wonderful on a whole new level which can’t be described. I am really glad to have someone like you.”

Scenario  #4  –  When  you  want  to  intensify  his  attraction  towards  you  –      “Tom, you are the first guy I have ever met who knows exactly what a woman wants. I love it when a guy not only keeps my needs in mind but also respects my personal space. You have some very impressive qualities.”

Scenario  #5  –  When  you  want  him  to  do  something  special  for  you  –  Try  the  following  –      “Valentines day is coming & I am already buzzing with excitement. I know you will have something very special planned for us. I know you love to give surprises.”

Scenario  #6  –  When  you  want  to  ensure  that  he  doesn’t  cheat  on  you  or  dates  other  women  while  he  is  with  you  –  Try  the  following  –      “Tom, I was just talking to an old friend of mine who just realized that her boyfriend was cheating on her. I am so happy to have you in my life as I know you will never do anything like that to me. I really appreciate the fact that you are a man of strict principles.” And I am sure by now you understand how it works and can come up with your own variations of this trick to deal with different situations around a man. It’s really fun to make him have this little bit of adrenaline rush for you

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once in a while. It’s one of the factors which will keep him glued to you. If you properly follow everything you have learned so far I can almost guarantee you that not only will you get what you want, get treated better but you will also feel happy about yourself in the long term.