how to be a good facilitator

How to be a Good Facilitator Facilitator Skills for Change Management in the Healthcare Sector © Participate Ltd 2013

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Post on 14-Nov-2014




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There is a lot of change going on in healthcare in the UK. Most of this requires good engagement and consultation. More and more people are being asked to facilitate discussion groups to involve patients, carers and stakeholders in this process. These slides will help you consider what it takes to be a good facilitator.


  • 1. How to be a Good Facilitator Facilitator Skills for Change Management in the Healthcare Sector Participate Ltd 2013

2. WHAT ARE THE SKILLS, BEHAVIOUR, AND QUALITIES OF A GOOD FACILITATOR? 3. Skills, Behaviour and Qualitities of a Facilitator A good facilitator will be An active listener Able to show empathy Knowledgeable enough Aware of peoples emotions Fair Unbiased Helpful Engaging A clear communicator Now think about how a facilitator should NOT behave? 4. What is active listening? An active listener will... Listen to what people say Empathise with different points of view Ask for clarification Paraphrase comments and replay them back to people Summarise key discussion points Think about how you can be an active listener. 5. A facilitator will need to Stick to a topic guide (the questions for discussion) Manage timings Use prompts and probes to tease out information Use open and never closed questions Understand body language Encourage participation Discourage participation 6. A FACILITOR WILL READ A ROOM AND TUNE IN TO PEOPLE 7. A facilitator will need to manage groups of different types of people THE RELUCTANT PARTICIPANT THE CHATTERBOX TWOS COMPANY THE QUESTIONER THE AGGRESSOR THE DIGRESSOR FOLLOWING THE LEADER THE EPIC STORYTELLER 8. A facilitator will tune in to people Do you know which body language tells to watch out for? Watch those feet! Body blocking The lean away Pacifiers The Freeze Hands matter What does your listening face look like? 9. PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS 10. A good facilitator will Use plain English Not feel obliged to answer questions Remember their role is to facilitate NOT to be involved in discussions Not have 1-to-1 discussions with participants Create group discussions not chair a meeting Look after people 11. Want to know more? For more information contact Jonathan Bradley Director and Senior Facilitator, Participate Ltd 0845 094 8191 [email protected] @participateuk