how to answer the credit 2008 ‘make and justify conclusions’ question

How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question.

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Page 1: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

How to answerthe Credit

2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’


Page 2: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

Before you try this question you MUST

HAVE worked through the PPP ‘How to answer

Credit ‘Conclusion’ Questions’.

Page 3: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

Do you remember how

to tackle the question?

Page 4: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

This Credit question is worth 8 marks. You will have to workhard to get these marks.

Decide what the topic is.

A conclusion is a decision you come to about this topic afterStudying information about the topic.

There will usually be 4 conclusions you have to work onworth 2 marks each giving 8 marks overall.

Work on each conclusion in turn, this turns a hard 8 markQuestion into 4 easier 2 mark questions.

Make sure your answer is ‘in detail’ by having a least 2pieces of information from the writing, tables or statistics foreach conclusion.

Page 5: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

Look at the question but do not start it yet.

[You should print out a copy of the question to use with your highlighters.]

Page 6: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

The Millennium Development Goals were agreed by 189 countries in New York in 2000.

Selected Millennium Development Goals 1] Reduce Child Mortality 2] Achieve primary education for all 3] Remove extreme poverty and hunger 4] Combat Diseases

These goals represented a commitment by rich and poor nations to expand social and economic progress in all regions of the world, as well as creating a global partnership for reducing levels of poverty and suffering in less developed countries by 2015.

Many are now questioning the commitment of the More Developed Countries to making these goals a reality as few MDCs give the UN recommended 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI).

Using only the information above and opposite, you must make and justify conclusions about progress towards the Millennium Development Goals using the four headings below.

* Progress towards Millennium Development Goal 1* Progress towards all of Millennium Development Goal 3* The commitment of More Developed Countries to meeting the UN aid recommendation* The commitment of Donor Countries to the world’s four poorest nations (Enquiry Skills, 8 marks)

Study the information in Sources 1, 2 and 3, the answer the question which follows.

SOURCE 1 Millennium Development Goals

Average Income

Per Person

1. Sierra Leone $490

2. Tanzania $523

3. Burundi $591

4. Malawi $615

The World’s Four Poorest Countries










% of people living on less than $1 a day.

All lessdeveloped countries

2015 target


1. Dem Rep Congo [$235]

2. China [$52]

3. Tunisia [$41]





1. Angola [$367]

2. Cape Verde [$39]

3. Timor [$34]




1. Iraq [$2286]

2. Congo [$804]

3. Egypt [$767]




1. India [$419]

2. Bangladesh [$267]

3. Tanzania [$265]





2010 [prediction]

$ billions

[% of GNI]


$ billions

[% of GNI]



[$ millions]

Aid GivenSelected



SOURCE 2: Aid given by selected Donor Countries

9848574395947343% Primary school enrolment

8090758091496437% 1 year olds vaccinated against measles

175216190190126159283293Child Mortality

[per 1000 births]

Source 3 Four Poorest African Countries – Progress on Millennium Development Goals

3450676344505044% population undernourished

20061996200619962006199620061996Selected Indicators

MalawiBurundiTanzaniaSierra Leone

Page 7: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

The Topic is ….

The Millennium Development Goals and help from Developed Countries for less Developed countries ……

but you knew that.

Page 8: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

In this question the 4 conclusions are on Progress towards Millennium Development Goal 1 Progress towards all of Millennium Development Goal 3 The commitment of More Developed Countries to meeting

the UN aid recommendation The commitment of Donor Countries to the world’s four

poorest nations

So ‘Progress towards MDG 1’ first.

What is MDG1?

Look at the figures relating to MDG1.

Is there progress towards MDG1?

Page 9: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

Now get your highlighters out and

use them on the question you


Page 10: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

The Millennium Development Goals were agreed by 189 countries in New York in 2000.

Selected Millennium Development Goals 1] Reduce Child Mortality 2] Achieve primary education for all 3] Remove extreme poverty and hunger 4] Combat Diseases

These goals represented a commitment by rich and poor nations to expand social and economic progress in all regions of the world, as well as creating a global partnership for reducing levels of poverty and suffering in less developed countries by 2015.

Many are now questioning the commitment of the More Developed Countries to making these goals a reality as few MDCs give the UN recommended 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI).

Using only the information above and opposite, you must make and justify conclusions about progress towards the Millennium Development Goals using the four headings below.

* Progress towards Millennium Development Goal 1* Progress towards all of Millennium Development Goal 3* The commitment of More Developed Countries to meeting the UN aid recommendation* The commitment of Donor Countries to the world’s four poorest nations (Enquiry Skills, 8 marks)

Study the information in Sources 1, 2 and 3, the answer the question which follows.

SOURCE 1 Millennium Development Goals

Average Income

Per Person

1. Sierra Leone $490

2. Tanzania $523

3. Burundi $591

4. Malawi $615

The World’s Four Poorest Countries










% of people living on less than $1 a day.

All lessdeveloped countries

2015 target


1. Dem Rep Congo [$235]

2. China [$52]

3. Tunisia [$41]





1. Angola [$367]

2. Cape Verde [$39]

3. Timor [$34]




1. Iraq [$2286]

2. Congo [$804]

3. Egypt [$767]




1. India [$419]

2. Bangladesh [$267]

3. Tanzania [$265]





2010 [prediction]

$ billions

[% of GNI]


$ billions

[% of GNI]



[$ millions]

Aid GivenSelected



SOURCE 2: Aid given by selected Donor Countries

9848574395947343% Primary school enrolment

8090758091496437% 1 year olds vaccinated against measles

175216190190126159283293Child Mortality

[per 1000 births]

Source 3 Four Poorest African Countries – Progress on Millennium Development Goals

3450676344505044% population undernourished

20061996200619962006199620061996Selected Indicators

MalawiBurundiTanzaniaSierra Leone

Reduced Reduced



So MDG 1 ‘Reduce Child Mortality’.Progress - Yes or No?


Page 11: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

‘Progress towards MDG 1’.

MDG 1 is to ‘reduce child mortality’.

Source 3 shows that 3 countries have had their child mortality reduced e.g. Malawi down from 216 to 175 deaths per 1000 births. One country, Burundi, has stayed the same but no country has increased.

My conclusion is that this shows great progress towards MDG 1.

Page 12: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

So now ‘Progress towards ALL of MDG 3’

What is MDG 3?

What is ALL of MDG 3?

Look at the figures relating to MDG 3.

Is there progress towards MDG 3?

Page 13: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

The Millennium Development Goals were agreed by 189 countries in New York in 2000.

Selected Millennium Development Goals 1] Reduce Child Mortality 2] Achieve primary education for all 3] Remove extreme poverty and hunger 4] Combat Diseases

These goals represented a commitment by rich and poor nations to expand social and economic progress in all regions of the world, as well as creating a global partnership for reducing levels of poverty and suffering in less developed countries by 2015.

Many are now questioning the commitment of the More Developed Countries to making these goals a reality as few MDCs give the UN recommended 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI).

Using only the information above and opposite, you must make and justify conclusions about progress towards the Millennium Development Goals using the four headings below.

* Progress towards Millennium Development Goal 1* Progress towards all of Millennium Development Goal 3* The commitment of More Developed Countries to meeting the UN aid recommendation* The commitment of Donor Countries to the world’s four poorest nations (Enquiry Skills, 8 marks)

Study the information in Sources 1, 2 and 3, the answer the question which follows.

SOURCE 1 Millennium Development Goals

Average Income

Per Person

1. Sierra Leone $490

2. Tanzania $523

3. Burundi $591

4. Malawi $615

The World’s Four Poorest Countries










% of people living on less than $1 a day.

All lessdeveloped countries

2015 target


1. Dem Rep Congo [$235]

2. China [$52]

3. Tunisia [$41]





1. Angola [$367]

2. Cape Verde [$39]

3. Timor [$34]




1. Iraq [$2286]

2. Congo [$804]

3. Egypt [$767]




1. India [$419]

2. Bangladesh [$267]

3. Tanzania [$265]





2010 [prediction]

$ billions

[% of GNI]


$ billions

[% of GNI]



[$ millions]

Aid GivenSelected



SOURCE 2: Aid given by selected Donor Countries

9848574395947343% Primary school enrolment

8090758091496437% 1 year olds vaccinated against measles

175216190190126159283293Child Mortality

[per 1000 births]

Source 3 Four Poorest African Countries – Progress on Millennium Development Goals

3450676344505044% population undernourished

20061996200619962006199620061996Selected Indicators

MalawiBurundiTanzaniaSierra Leone

Increased Decreased



So MDG 3 - ‘Remove extreme poverty and hunger’.Progress - Yes or No?

Yes and No



Page 14: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

‘Progress towards MDG 3’.

MDG 3 is to ‘remove extreme poverty AND hunger’.

The bar graph in Source 1 shows that the % of people living on less than a dollar a day has increased in Sub-Saharan Africa but decreased in all Less Developed Counties.

Source 3 shows that 2 countries have seen an decrease in children undernourished e.g. Malawi down from 50% to 34% but 2 other countries have seen an increase e.g. Sierra Leone from 44% to 50%.

My conclusion is that this shows a little progress towards MDG 3 as 3 things are better and 3 worse.

Page 15: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

So now ‘The commitment of More Developed Countries to meeting the UN aid recommendation’

What is the UN aid recommendation?

Look at the figures relating to UN aid.

What do the MDCs do?

Are they committed to meeting the recommendation?

Page 16: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

The Millennium Development Goals were agreed by 189 countries in New York in 2000.

Selected Millennium Development Goals 1] Reduce Child Mortality 2] Achieve primary education for all 3] Remove extreme poverty and hunger 4] Combat Diseases

These goals represented a commitment by rich and poor nations to expand social and economic progress in all regions of the world, as well as creating a global partnership for reducing levels of poverty and suffering in less developed countries by 2015.

Many are now questioning the commitment of the More Developed Countries to making these goals a reality as few MDCs give the UN recommended 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI).

Using only the information above and opposite, you must make and justify conclusions about progress towards the Millennium Development Goals using the four headings below.

* Progress towards Millennium Development Goal 1* Progress towards all of Millennium Development Goal 3* The commitment of More Developed Countries to meeting the UN aid recommendation* The commitment of Donor Countries to the world’s four poorest nations (Enquiry Skills, 8 marks)

Study the information in Sources 1, 2 and 3, the answer the question which follows.

SOURCE 1 Millennium Development Goals

Average Income

Per Person

1. Sierra Leone $490

2. Tanzania $523

3. Burundi $591

4. Malawi $615

The World’s Four Poorest Countries










% of people living on less than $1 a day.

All lessdeveloped countries

2015 target



3. Tunisia [$41]276%




1. Angola [$367]

2. Cape Verde [$39]

3. Timor [$34]




1. Iraq [$2286]

2. Congo [$804]

3. Egypt [$767]




1. India [$419]

2. Bangladesh [$267]

3. Tanzania [$265]





2010 [prediction]

$ billions

[% of GNI]


$ billions

[% of GNI]



[$ millions]

Aid GivenSelected



SOURCE 2: Aid given by selected Donor Countries

9848574395947343% Primary school enrolment

8090758091496437% 1 year olds vaccinated against measles

175216190190126159283293Child Mortality

[per 1000 births]

Source 3 Four Poorest African Countries – Progress on Millennium Development Goals

3450676344505044% population undernourished

20061996200619962006199620061996Selected Indicators

MalawiBurundiTanzaniaSierra Leone

Increased but below

So ‘The commitment of MDCs to meeting the UN aid

recommendation’.Committed - Yes or No?


Few MDCs give 0.7%

But do not be fooled by the question you need detail.

Decreased and below

Hugely below

Increased but below

Page 17: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

‘The commitment of More Developed Countries to meeting the UN aid recommendation’.

The UN aid recommendation is ‘0.7% of Gross National Income [GNI]’.

Source 1 says that ‘few MDCs give the UN recommended 0.7% of GNI’.

Source 2 shows that aid given has increased in 3 countries e.g. UK up from 0.36% to 0.59% and decreased in 1, Portugal , 0.63% down to 0.51%. With the USA being very low. But every country is below the UN recommendation.

My conclusion is that this shows little commitment to meeting the UN recommendation.

Page 18: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

So now ‘The commitment of Donor Countries to the world’s four poorest nations’

Who are the four poorest nations?

Look at the figures relating their poverty and help.

What do the Donor Countries do?

Are they committed to the world’s four poorest nations?

Page 19: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

The Millennium Development Goals were agreed by 189 countries in New York in 2000.

Selected Millennium Development Goals 1] Reduce Child Mortality 2] Achieve primary education for all 3] Remove extreme poverty and hunger 4] Combat Diseases

These goals represented a commitment by rich and poor nations to expand social and economic progress in all regions of the world, as well as creating a global partnership for reducing levels of poverty and suffering in less developed countries by 2015.

Many are now questioning the commitment of the More Developed Countries to making these goals a reality as few MDCs give the UN recommended 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI).

Using only the information above and opposite, you must make and justify conclusions about progress towards the Millennium Development Goals using the four headings below.

* Progress towards Millennium Development Goal 1* Progress towards all of Millennium Development Goal 3* The commitment of More Developed Countries to meeting the UN aid recommendation* The commitment of Donor Countries to the world’s four poorest nations (Enquiry Skills, 8 marks)

Study the information in Sources 1, 2 and 3, the answer the question which follows.

SOURCE 1 Millennium Development Goals

Average Income

Per Person

1. Sierra Leone $490

2. Tanzania $523

3. Burundi $591

4. Malawi $615

The World’s Four Poorest Countries










% of people living on less than $1 a day.

All lessdeveloped countries

2015 target


1. Dem Rep Congo [$235]

2. China [$52]

3. Tunisia [$41]





1. Angola [$367]

2. Cape Verde [$39]

3. Timor [$34]




1. Iraq [$2286]

2. Congo [$804]

3. Egypt [$767]




1. India [$419]

2. Bangladesh [$267]

3. Tanzania [$265]





2010 [prediction]

$ billions

[% of GNI]


$ billions

[% of GNI]



[$ millions]

Aid GivenSelected



SOURCE 2: Aid given by selected Donor Countries

9848574395947343% Primary school enrolment

8090758091496437% 1 year olds vaccinated against measles

175216190190126159283293Child Mortality

[per 1000 births]

Source 3 Four Poorest African Countries – Progress on Millennium Development Goals

3450676344505044% population undernourished

20061996200619962006199620061996Selected Indicators

MalawiBurundiTanzaniaSierra Leone

So ‘The commitment of

Donor Countries to the world’s four poorest

nations’.Committed - Yes

or No?


Only one of the 4 poorest is a recipient of aid, from UK

Page 20: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

‘The commitment of Donor countries to the world’s four poorest nations’

Source 1 shows that the four poorest nations are Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Burundi and Malawi.

Source 3 shows that only one Donor Country, the UK, has one of the poorest countries as a main recipient of aid. It gives $265 million to Tanzania.

My conclusion is that this shows little commitment of Donor Countries to the world’s 4 poorest countries.

Page 21: How to answer the Credit 2008 ‘Make and justify conclusions’ question

How many Marks?MDG 1 - 2 marks

MDG 3 - 2 marks

Commitment of MDCs tomeet UN recommendations - 2 marks

Commitment to 4 poorest - 2 marks

8 out of 8, WELL DONE.