how the power within can make you reach your goal?


Upload: educationrainbow

Post on 18-Jul-2015




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I Can…• A person with positive attitude can make a world of

difference in once life as well as in the life of others too.

• When a person is able give the best to the people and to the situations, a better world is possible and can build a great nation

• A great nation can be built by creating outstanding citizens.

• The Outstanding persons emerge only when deep culture and high values are build with in oneself.

• If a person believes that the power within him can change HIMSELF and people around him and nation at large, its A great thing that can change the WHOLE world in to a greater heights.

• EVERY ONE must be ready and say - “I can”

1. Ask what you need

• It means that do not ask too little either of yourself or the others around you.• What you ask is what you get. We get a lot more than what we bargained for.• Learn to know between want and need.

2. Learn to handle Emotions

• Be aware of your emotions always and learn to manage them.

• There is a huge difference between people who react impulsively and those who can respond at will.

• By choosing to respond differently, we can prevent another person from controlling our behaviour.

• Never lose your temper. Keep cool and if you are angry count numbers.

3. Make right decisions

• Our intuition is a very important part of decision making.

• Use both sides of the brain.

• Some decisions need the use of the heart as well.

• When you use your mind and heart together, you may get a completely new and creative answer.

•Always seek the advice of the elders when think it can give you better idea to handle situations.

4. Work as a Team• The challenges ahead are so complex that no individual will be able to face them alone.

• Unless you build a strong network of people with complimentary skills, you will be restricted by your own limitations.

•Never be alone, together with the team you can achieve better results.

5. Be ready learn new things

•All available knowledge in the world is accelerating at a phenomenal rate.

• Information researchers predict that by the year 2015, the world’s codified knowledge will double every 11 hours.

•Remaining on top of what you need to know will become one of the greatest challenges.

•A child’s zest is needed to keep learning new things.

6. Believe you can…

•It means developing your self-confidence.• It means developing an inner faith in your self that is not shaken by external events.• It requires perseverance.• It shows up in the ability to rebound from a setback with double enthusiasm and energy.• Believe in your self

7. Learn to be social• While there is every reason to be excited about the future, we must not forget that we will face many challenges. We live in a social set up one needs to know to relate socially

•Education is going to be the crucial enabler for growth.

• Hence our vision as educators is going to be very crucial in the future.

• Learn to be social with every one.

8. Be the best in all that you do…

• We need to have the intensity to stretch to the maximum and bring our best foot forward. Winning means focusing on the game. One must learn to put up best. So to say be the best in everything that you do.

• The score board tells you where you are going, but do not concentrate too much on it. Do your work with best of abilities the result will be the best.

• Some times by over concentrating on the score board (success), we fail to enjoy the game (life). Work hard at the same time learn to take life as it comes so that you learn to enjoy your work as well life as total.

9. Be Ready to face challenges

• Be ready to accept change.

• Have faith in all that you do

•Be the change you want

• Never give reasons for your failures

•Face the problems boldly.

• Live simple life withhappiness

10. Be positive in life

• You must have positive attitude.• Develop your inner ability.• Believe in your actions and never give up.•Encourage yourself when you fail.• Learn to live in the present and do best.• Never be sad and worry over past failures.•Make every step of yours to success path.