how the customer explained it how the project leader understood it how the team designed it

How the customer explained it How the project leader understood it How the team designed it

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Page 1: How the customer explained it How the project leader understood it How the team designed it

How the customerexplained it

How the project leaderunderstood it

How the teamdesigned it

Page 2: How the customer explained it How the project leader understood it How the team designed it

Intro to Project ManagementJeanne Sawyer

What the team created

How marketingdescribed it

How the project wasdocumented

Page 3: How the customer explained it How the project leader understood it How the team designed it

Intro to Project ManagementJeanne Sawyer

What the team delivered

How the customer wasbilled

What the customer reallyneeded

Page 4: How the customer explained it How the project leader understood it How the team designed it

Intro to Project ManagementJeanne Sawyer

Introduction to Project ManagementKey Concepts

What is a ProjectWhat is Project ManagementWhy Project Management

Page 5: How the customer explained it How the project leader understood it How the team designed it

Intro to Project ManagementJeanne Sawyer

What is a Project?Formal definition

An endeavor intended to meet a

Specific Purposethat has a

Defined beginning and end

Page 6: How the customer explained it How the project leader understood it How the team designed it

Intro to Project ManagementJeanne Sawyer

What is Project ManagementThe Triple Constraint

ScopeTime (schedule)Cost

Schwalbe, Information Technology Project Management, 2004, p.6

Page 7: How the customer explained it How the project leader understood it How the team designed it

Intro to Project ManagementJeanne Sawyer

Project Management Knowledge Areas:Key competencies in addition to scope, time, cost

QualityHuman ResourcesCommunicationsRisksProcurement

Whatever you do, do it on purpose

—and write it down!

Page 8: How the customer explained it How the project leader understood it How the team designed it

Intro to Project ManagementJeanne Sawyer

Why Project ManagementHmmm—sounds like a lot of work!

Yes, but it improves chances of a successful project Meets stakeholder needs On time Within budget

Projects by their nature deal with uncertainty!

Let’s get to the fun stuff

Figure it out firstPlan


Plan Do ReDo Do ReDo Do ReDo Do ReDo

Page 9: How the customer explained it How the project leader understood it How the team designed it

Intro to Project ManagementJeanne Sawyer

Project Management Tools & Tips

Don’t assume—find out what’s real

Page 10: How the customer explained it How the project leader understood it How the team designed it

Intro to Project ManagementJeanne Sawyer

Project Management Tools & TipsStart using these now

Use Team Ground Rules to define how you will work Attendance/Participation Team Decision Making Official Record Roles

Page 11: How the customer explained it How the project leader understood it How the team designed it

Intro to Project ManagementJeanne Sawyer

Proj. Mgmt. Tips: Define the ProjectIf you don’t know where you’re going, any road will do.

Determine the triple constraint parameters & balance for the project

Scopeo What you will doo What you will NOT doo Performance requirements (quality)

When you will finish Resource constraints Check all assumptions

Document it in the CharterGet stakeholder agreement

Start defining the project by considering the end: What will be different when you finish?

Page 12: How the customer explained it How the project leader understood it How the team designed it

Intro to Project ManagementJeanne Sawyer

More Project Management Tips

Make a detailed plan What are the things you need to create for

your project What are the steps necessary to create

them Who will do each one When is each due

Use it! Rethink and adjust as you go

Late projects get that way one day at a time

Page 13: How the customer explained it How the project leader understood it How the team designed it

Intro to Project ManagementJeanne Sawyer

Try itNext Team Meeting

Write down what the final deliverable for your project is in this class

Outline the steps you’ve taken and still need to take to get it done

Fill in the detailsWorking backwards, estimate how long

you need to complete each taskDecide who will do each one & assign

due dates

Page 14: How the customer explained it How the project leader understood it How the team designed it

Intro to Project ManagementJeanne Sawyer

Project Management ResourcesIf you want to learn more now

Lots of books Fred Brooks, Mythical Man Month

Project Management Institute Consider joining now, as a student

o It’s cheapero Build your networko Learn more about project management

Project Management is a great career option