how much can data compressibility help to improve nand ...€¦ · ∗ecse department, rensselaer...

This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 13th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST ’15). February 16–19, 2015 • Santa Clara, CA, USA ISBN 978-1-931971-201 Open access to the Proceedings of the 13th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies is sponsored by USENIX How Much Can Data Compressibility Help to Improve NAND Flash Memory Lifetime? Jiangpeng Li, Kai Zhao, and Xuebin Zhang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Jun Ma, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Ming Zhao, Florida International University; Tong Zhang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

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Page 1: How Much Can Data Compressibility Help to Improve NAND ...€¦ · ∗ECSE department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA †Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China ‡School of Computing

This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 13th USENIX Conference on

File and Storage Technologies (FAST ’15).February 16–19, 2015 • Santa Clara, CA, USA

ISBN 978-1-931971-201

Open access to the Proceedings of the 13th USENIX Conference on

File and Storage Technologies is sponsored by USENIX

How Much Can Data Compressibility Help to Improve NAND Flash Memory Lifetime?Jiangpeng Li, Kai Zhao, and Xuebin Zhang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute;

Jun Ma, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Ming Zhao, Florida International University; Tong Zhang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Page 2: How Much Can Data Compressibility Help to Improve NAND ...€¦ · ∗ECSE department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA †Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China ‡School of Computing

USENIX Association 13th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST ’15) 227

How Much Can Data Compressibility Help to Improve NAND FlashMemory Lifetime?

Jiangpeng Li∗, Kai Zhao∗, Xuebin Zhang∗, Jun Ma†, Ming Zhao‡and Tong Zhang∗∗ECSE department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA

†Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China‡School of Computing and Information Sciences, Florida International University, USA

{[email protected], [email protected]}


Although data compression can benefit flash memorylifetime, little work has been done to rigorously studythe full potential of exploiting data compressibility toimprove memory lifetime. This work attempts to fillthis missing link. Motivated by the fact that memorycell damage strongly depends on the data content be-ing stored, we first propose an implicit data compres-sion approach (i.e., compress each data sector but do notincrease the number of sectors per flash memory page)as a complement to conventional explicit data compres-sion that aims to increase the number of sectors per flashmemory page. Due to the runtime variation of data com-pressibility, each flash memory page almost always con-tains some unused storage space left by compressed datasectors. We develop a set of design strategies for ex-ploiting such unused storage space to reduce the overallmemory physical damage. We derive a set of mathemat-ical formulations that can quantitatively estimate flashmemory physical damage reduction gained by the pro-posed design strategies for both explicit and implicit datacompression. Using 20nm MLC NAND flash memorychips, we carry out extensive experiments to quantify thecontent dependency of memory cell damage, based uponwhich we empirically evaluate and compare the effec-tiveness of the proposed design strategies under a widespectrum of data compressibility characteristics.

1 Introduction

NAND flash memory cells gradually wear out with pro-gram/erase (P/E) cycling due to physical device damagecaused by each P/E cycle, and cycling endurance drasti-cally degrades with the technology scaling down. Hence,how to maximize memory lifetime has been widely stud-ied from different aspects, e.g., signal processing and er-ror correction coding (ECC) [1–3], flash translation layer(FTL) [4–10], and system software stack [11–13].

Nevertheless, to our best knowledge, no prior workhas thoroughly studied how data compressibility can beleveraged to improve flash memory lifetime. It is actuallynot surprising, since this question appears to be trivial atfirst glance: In conventional practice, the sole objectiveof data compression is to improve storage efficiency (i.e.,explicitly increase the number of data sectors that can bestored in one flash memory page). This is referred toas explicit data compression in this work. Due to theruntime variation of data compressibility, explicit datacompression results in heterogeneity among flash mem-ory pages in terms of the number of sectors per page,which can complicate FTL and/or file system design. Asa result, it is not uncommon that commercial flash-basedstorage devices do not use data compression at all. If so-phisticated FTL and/or file systems, which can employexplicit compression to improve storage efficiency, areindeed available, one may simply expect that storing datawith an average compression ratio1 of α can directly im-prove the flash memory lifetime by 1/α . Therefore, onemay easily draw the following conclusion: If we do notwant to complicate the FTL and/or file system, we shouldsimply leave the user data uncompressed, for which thedata compressibility is totally irrelevant to flash memorylifetime; If we use complicated FTL and/or file systemsto support explicit data compression, the flash memorylifetime improvement solely depends on the average datacompression ratio.

This work contends that the above intuitive conclusionis far from revealing the complete potential of how datacompressibility can help to improve flash memory life-time. In essence, it overlooks two factors. First, flashmemory experiences content-dependent memory dam-age, i.e., the damage suffered by each memory cell de-pends on its content (e.g., ‘11’, ‘10’, ‘00’, and ‘01’in MLC flash memory) being stored. Once data com-pression leaves some unused storage space within flash

1Let So and Sc denote the size of the original and compressed data,then we define compression ratio as Sc/So, which falls into (0,1].


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228 13th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST ’15) USENIX Association

memory pages, we can manipulate their data contentin a damage-friendly manner to reduce physical dam-age. Hence, conventional explicit data compression isnot necessarily the only option of exploiting data com-pressibility to improve memory lifetime. We proposeimplicit data compression as an alternative to comple-ment with explicit data compression. With implicit datacompression, we compress each data sector but do not in-crease the number of data sectors per flash memory page.Therefore, implicit compression has no impact on FTLand/or file system but meanwhile does not improve stor-age efficiency either. Second, for multi-bit per cell (e.g.,MLC and TLC) flash memory, physical damage dependson a variety of factors (e.g., distribution characteristics ofcompressed data size, relative placement or layout of dif-ferent pages on the same memory wordline), which havenot been considered in prior work.

This paper presents a thorough study on exploit-ing data compressibility to reduce physical damage andhence improve flash memory lifetime. Since randomread latency is one of the most important metrics offlash-based storage devices, this work assumes that eachcompressed data sector must reside entirely in one flashmemory page. As a result, each flash memory page al-most always contains some unused storage space left bycompressed data sectors. Motivated by the content de-pendency of flash memory cell damage, we present a setof design strategies that can exploit the unused storagespace within a flash memory page to reduce the overallmemory damage, for both explicit and implicit data com-pression. Then we derive a set of mathematical formu-lations for quantitatively estimating flash memory dam-age reduction gained by the proposed design strategies.These rigorous mathematical formulations build a frame-work that directly links flash memory lifetime with datacompressibility characteristics (e.g., mean and deviationof data compression ratio) and memory cell damage con-tent dependency. Using 20nm MLC NAND flash mem-ory chips, we carried out experiments to quantitativelymeasure the content-dependent memory cell damage fac-tors, based upon which we empirically evaluated andcompared the effectiveness of the proposed design strate-gies with either explicit or implicit compression. In sum-mary, the main contributions of this work include:

1. We propose an implicit data compression strategy asa viable complement to conventional explicit datacompression for exploiting data compressibility toimprove flash memory lifetime;

2. A set of design strategies are developed to leveragethe unused storage space left by data compressionwithin flash memory pages to reduce the memorycell physical damage;

3. We derive a set of mathematical formulations to ac-curately estimate the flash memory damage basedupon the characteristics of data compressibility andcontent-dependent memory cell damage;

4. We quantitatively compare explicit data compres-sion and implicit data compression under a widespectrum of runtime data compressibility character-istics and show that it is important to fully under-stand the data compressibility characteristics in or-der to choose the appropriate design strategy.

Finally, we note that, although this work focuses on flashmemory, the developed design strategies and mathemat-ical formulations are readily applicable to other emerg-ing memory technologies, e.g., PCM and ReRAM, thatexperience similar content dependency of memory cellphysical damage.

2 Design Strategies

This section presents a set of design strategies that canexploit data compressibility to reduce memory cell dam-age. We first discuss the content dependency of cycling-induced memory damage that motivates us to proposeimplicit compression (i.e., compress the data without in-creasing the number of sectors per flash memory page)in addition to the conventional explicit compression (i.e.,compress the data and increase the number of sectors perpage as much as possible). We further present differ-ent strategies on laying out the compressed data withinflash memory pages that aim to leverage the content-dependent memory damage phenomenon for improvingflash memory lifetime. We note that this work only fo-cuses on MLC memory, and the discussions could bereadily extended to the more complicated TLC case.

2.1 Content-Dependent Damage

NAND flash memory handles data programming andread in page units with a typical size of 4kB or 8kB.For high-density MLC and TLC memory, different bitswithin each MLC/TLC memory cell belong to differentpages. This can be illustrated in Fig. 1 for MLC flashmemory, where the two bits within each memory cell be-long to lower and upper pages, respectively.

NAND flash memory cells wear out with P/E cyclingdue to the oxide damage caused by the electrons that passthrough the gate oxide during each P/E cycle. Althoughcurrent practice estimates the memory cell damage solelydependent upon the number of P/E cycles endured bymemory cells, actual physical damage further dependson the data content being programmed to memory cells.


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USENIX Association 13th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST ’15) 229


control gate

Drainfloating gate Source


StateLower pageUpper page


‘P1’‘P2’‘P3’1 0 00 0 1


Figure 1: Illustration of MLC NAND flash memory cell.


h bl










Written with DtestCUT Written with random dataRAND

Figure 2: Illustration of method for accurately quantify-ing the flash memory cell damage caused by each distinctdata content.

This can be intuitively explained using Fig. 1: differ-ent data content (e.g., ‘11’, ‘10’, ‘00’, and ‘01’) corre-spond to different number of electrons that pass throughthe gate oxide, and hence different amount of physicaldamage [14, 15].

To further demonstrate such content dependency, wecarried out experiments using 20nm MLC NAND flashmemory chips. To evaluate the effect of writing the con-tent Dtest ∈{‘11’,‘10’,‘00’,‘01’}, we program each flashmemory block with the pattern as shown in Fig. 2, i.e., toexamine the cell content Dtest , each memory cell writtenwith Dtest is surrounded by memory cells written withrandom data. This can incorporate the effect of cell-to-cell interference and program disturb in practice. Thememory cells written with Dtest are called cells undertest (CUT). Different memory blocks are used for test-ing different Dtest , and the locations of all the CUTs arefixed throughout the entire cycling. We capture the rawbit error rate (BER) of all the CUTs every few hundredscycles by writing random data to all the memory cells.The measurement results are shown in Fig. 3.

2.2 Data Storage SchemesSince each compressed sector resides entirely in onememory page, each page will have a certain amount ofunused storage space. This subsection first discusseshow we should determine the content of the unused stor-age space to minimize the overall damage, then dis-cusses different options of laying out the compresseddata within flash memory pages.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3x 104






P/E cycles



Pattern content ʼ11ʼPattern content ʼ10ʼPattern content ʼ00ʼPattern content ʼ01ʼRandom pattern content

Figure 3: Measured memory raw bit error rate (BER)vs. cycling with different data content.

2.2.1 Content of Unused Storage Space

For MLC NAND flash memory, each pair of lower andupper pages together determine the memory cell contentand hence the flash memory damage. To minimize theflash memory damage, we should appropriately deter-mine the data content in the unused storage space leftby data compression. Let S(l) and S(u) denote the unusedstorage space in lower and upper page, and bl and bu de-note the two bits in the same memory cell and belong tolower and upper page, respectively. Recall that the mem-ory cell damage caused by the content ‘11’, ‘10’, ‘00’,and ‘01’ monotonically increase (where the left bit andright bit resides in lower and upper page, respectively),as illustrated in Fig. 3. Therefore, for each memory cell,we should apply the following rules to minimize flashmemory damage:

• If bl ∈ S(l) and bu ∈ S(u) (i.e., we can freely set thevalues of both bits), we set bl = bu = 1 hence theleast harmful content ‘11’ is written to the cell;

• If bl ∈ S(l) and bu /∈ S(u) (i.e., we can only freely setthe value of bl), we always set bl as ‘1’ regardlessto the value of bu;

• If bl /∈ S(l) and bu ∈ S(u) (i.e., we can only freely setthe value of bu), we always set bu = bl .

2.2.2 Compressed Data Layout

Since the memory cells covered by S(l) or S(u) experi-ence less damage than the other memory cells, we shouldkeep shifting the location of S(l) and S(u) within flashmemory pages in order to equalize the damage amongall the memory cells. We define a parameter lhead to rep-resent the location from where the compressed data arecontinuously stored in the lower and upper pages. Weshould keep changing lhead in order to equalize the mem-ory cell damage. Since the storage device FTL module


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230 13th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST ’15) USENIX Association

Figure 4: Two different data layout strategies.

always keeps track of the P/E cycles of each memoryblock, we can fix a relationship between lhead and P/Ecycle number, e.g., let L denote the memory page sizeand NP/E denote the P/E cycle number, we can calculatelhead =

⌊�t ·NP/E�mod L

⌋, where t is a fixed constant in-

teger. As a result, the storage device controller does notneed to record the value of lhead for each memory block.In addition, as decompression is a process that is doneserially, the length of the compressed data need not bekept in the FTL. For each compressed memory page, thedecompression process can be terminated once the de-compressed data length reaches the page length. There-fore, in order to support the proposed design strategy, theonly overhead at the FTL layer is to calculate the lheadfor each memory page.

For MLC NAND flash memory, there are two differ-ent options for laying out the compressed data in lowerand upper pages. As illustrated in Fig. 4, the first op-tion is to lay out the compressed data towards the samedirection from lhead in both the lower and upper pages,that we refer is referred to as unidirectional data layout.The other option is to lay out the compressed data to-wards opposite directions in the lower and upper pages,that we refer to as bidirectional data layout. As shown inFig. 4, all the memory cells can be categorized into threetypes: (1) In each type-I memory cell, both bits belongto the compressed data; (2) In each type-II memory cell,one bit belongs to the compressed data while the otherbit belongs to the unused storage space; (3) In each type-III memory cell, both bits belong to the unused storagespace. Apparently, the physical damage experienced bytype-I, type-II, and type-III memory cells monotonicallyreduces. Compared with unidirectional data layout, bidi-rectional data layout leads to more type-II memory cellsand less type-I and type-III memory cells.

2.2.3 Conditional Data Exchange

According to the discussion in Section 2.2.1, the contentof each type-II memory cell can only belong to {‘11’,‘10’} or {‘11’, ‘00’} if the lower or upper page bit be-longs to unused storage space. As shown in Fig. 3, ‘10’causes less damage than ‘00’. Hence, the memory dam-

age tends to be less if the lower page has more unusedstorage space (i.e., data being stored in the lower pagehave better compressibility). This observation directlymotivates us to propose conditional data exchange: LetD(l) and D(u) denote the compressed data that have beenoriginally arranged by the storage device FTL to storein one pair of lower and upper pages. If the length ofD(l) is not larger than that of D(u) (i.e., |D(l)| ≤ |D(u)|),we directly store D(l) and D(u) to the lower and upperpages, respectively; otherwise we switch their page lo-cation, i.e., store D(l) to the upper page and D(u) to thelower page.

Although this design scheme can reduce flash mem-ory damage, it could complicate the FTL design. If theFTL uses the page-level address mapping, we need toupdate the mapping table once the data exchange oper-ation occurs. This will not introduce any mapping tablestorage overhead. If the FTL uses block-level or hybridpage/block-level address mapping, we must keep a 1-bitflag for each memory wordline, leading to extra mappingtable storage overhead.

3 Mathematical Formulations

This section presents the mathematical formulations thatcan accurately estimate flash memory physical damagereduction when using the design strategies presented inSection 2, for both explicit and implicit data compres-sion. It is evident that different types of data can havedifferent compressibility characteristics. With the popu-lar LZ77 [16] compression algorithm and sector size of4kB, Fig. 5 shows the per-sector compression ratio dis-tribution for some common types of data. The resultsshow that the compression ratio tends to approximatelyfollows a Gaussian distribution. We carried out furtherexperiments to verify the accuracy of such distributionapproximation. Fig. 5 shows the absolute difference (de-noted as “Appr. error” in the figure) between the exactdistribution and the approximate distribution for differ-ent types of data. The corresponding mean square errors(MSE) for these types of data are all at the magnitude of10−5. Therefore, we can conclude that such a Gaussian-based approximation is reasonable with almost negligi-ble inaccuracy. Therefore, to facilitate the mathematicalderivation, we set that per-sector data compression ratiofollows a Gaussian distribution in this work.

3.1 Content-dependent Damage FactorWe first introduce a parameter, called normalizedcontent-dependent damage factor, to quantify the impactof different content on memory cell damage. Let BERmaxdenote the maximum memory raw BER that can be tol-erated by the storage device error correction mechanism.


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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10





Compression Ratio




Figure 5: Measured distribution of compression ratio fordifferent types of data.

For l-bit/cell NAND flash memory, let Ψ(i)(η) denote theraw BER after we keep programming memory cells withthe same content i ∈ [0,2l −1] for η cycles. Let Ψ(r)(η)denote the raw BER after we have programmed memorycells with random content for η cycles. Let η(i)

max andη(r)

maxdenote the P/E cycle number under which the rawBER Ψ(i)(η) and Ψ(r)(η) equal to BERmax, respectively.Hence, we can estimate that the physical memory celldamage caused by each programming operation with thecontent i is proportional to 1/η(i)

max. In addition, on av-erage the physical memory cell damage caused by pro-gramming random content is proportional to 1/η(r)

max. Inthis work, we define the content-dependent damage fac-tor ρi for each content i by normalizing with the averagedamage caused by random content, i.e.,

ρi =η(r)



, where i ∈ [0,2l −1], (1)

and hence the damage factor ρr for random content is1. Using the measurement results shown in Fig. 3 as anexample, assume the BERmax is 5× 10−3, we calculatethe four damage factors as ρ11 = 0.33, ρ10 = 0.69, ρ00 =1.01, and ρ01 = 1.58.

3.2 Effect of CompressionWe first derive the mathematical formulations for esti-mating the distribution characteristics of the compresseddata and unused storage space size in each page. Let Csdenote the size of each uncompressed data sector (e.g.,4kB), ms denote the number of uncompressed sectorsin each page, and Cp = ms ·Cs denote the size of eachflash memory page (e.g., 8kB). As pointed out above,the per-sector compression ratio x approximately followsa Gaussian distribution N(µ,σ2). Let m(e)

s denote the

number of compressed sectors per page when using ex-plicit compression, and C(e)

s denote the length of thecompressed data within one page. Due to the variationof the compression ratio x, both m(e)

s and C(e)s are ran-

dom variables. Since x ·m(e)s ·Cs denotes the length of

the compressed data within one page when m(e)s is deter-

mined, C(e)s can be expressed as

C(e)s =


s =ms

x ·m(e)s ·Cs ·P



), (2)

where P(


)is the probability that m(e)

s compressed

sectors can fit into one page. We can express P(





)= P

{x ·m(e)

s ≤ ms < x ·(

m(e)s +1



x ·m(e)s ≤ ms



x ·(

m(e)s +1

)≤ ms


Since x ∼ N(µ,σ2), we have that x · m(e)s and

x ·(

m(e)s +1

)follow N


s ,(σm(e)s )2



µ(m(e)s +1),(σ(m(e)

s +1))2)

, respectively. Hence,


x ·m(e)s ≤ ms

}and P

{x ·


s +1)≤ ms

}is the

CDF (cumulative distribution function) for the randomvariant x ·m(e)

s and x ·(

m(e)s +1

). Accordingly, we have





[1+ er f


s µσm(e)




[1− er f


s +1)µσ(m(e)

s +1)√



, (3)

where er f (z) is the error function for Gaussian distribu-tion, i.e., er f (z) = 1√

π∫ z−z e−t2

dt. For each given m(e)s ,

we can calculate the value of P(


)based upon (3).

Hence, each item in (2), i.e., x ·m(e)s ·Cs ·P



), is a

random variable following a Gaussian distribution. As a

result, we have that C(e)s ∼ N



), where


= µCs · ∑m(e)


m(e)s P





= (σCs)2 · ∑



s P(




When using implicit compression, the number of com-pressed sectors per flash memory page always remainsas ms and the length of compressed data per page isC(i)

s = x · ms ·Cs. Therefore, we have that the randomvariable C(i)

s ∼ N(µmsCs,σ2m2



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232 13th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST ’15) USENIX Association

3.3 Memory Damage Estimation

We further derive the mathematical formulations for cal-culating average memory cell damage per P/E cycle.Based upon the above discussions, we should considerfour different design scenarios: (1) UD: unidirectionaldata layout without conditional data exchange, (2) BD:bidirectional data layout without conditional data ex-change, (3) UDC: unidirectional data layout with con-ditional data exchange, (4) BDC: bidirectional data lay-out with conditional data exchange. Since the mathemat-ical formulations can be derived with the same princi-ple for all the scenarios, we first show the mathematicalderivation in detail for UD (i.e., unidirectional data lay-out without conditional data exchange) and then presentthe results for the others without detailed derivations.

3.3.1 Derivation for the UD Design Scenario

We first define two parameters xl and xu as the ratios be-tween the compressed data size and flash memory pagesize for lower and upper pages, respectively. Recall thatboth C(e)

s and C(i)s (i.e., compressed data size within each

flash memory page when using explicit and implicit com-pression, respectively) follow Gaussian distributions asderived in Section 3.2. Hence, xl and xu also followthe Gaussian distribution N(µ̃, σ̃2), where µ̃ = µ


and σ̃2 = σ2c(e)s

/C2p for explicit compression, and µ̃ =

µmsCs/Cp and σ̃2 = σ2m2sC2

s /C2p for implicit compres-

sion. Define zl = min(xl ,xu) and zu = max(xl ,xu) and re-call that {ρ11,ρ10,ρ00,ρ01} represent the memory dam-age factors for the four different memory cell content andthe damage factor ρr for random content is 1. In addi-tion, let m(c)

s denote the average number of sectors perflash memory page and recall that ms denote the numberof sectors per flash memory page without using compres-

sion, and define r = m(c)s

ms. Therefore, we can calculate the

average memory cell damage per P/E cycle for the UDdesign scenario, which is normalized against the case ofwithout using compression, as

ρUD =1r

(zl + |xl − xu|

ρ00 +2ρ11 +ρ10

4+(1− zu)ρ11



(1− ρ00 +2ρ11 +ρ10




(ρ00 +ρ10 −2ρ11


)zu +



=λ l


· zl +λ u


· zu +ρ11




λ lUD = 1− ρ00 +2ρ11 +ρ10

4, λ u

UD =ρ00 +ρ10 −2ρ11


In order to obtain the distribution of ρUD, we must de-rive the distributions of zu and zl . The CDF of zu can bewritten as

Fzu(z) = P(xl ≤ z,xu ≤ z) = P(xl ≤ z) ·P(xu ≤ z)

= Fxl (z) ·Fxu(z),

where Fxl and Fxu denote the CDF of xu and xl . Since xuand xl follow the same Gaussian distribution (denoted asfN), we have that Fxl = Fxu . By taking the derivative ofthe CDF, we can obtain the PDF of zu as

fzu(z) = F′zu(z) = fN (z) ·

(1+ er f

(z− µ̃√



≈ fN (z) ·(

1+z− µ̃√


). (6)

Hence, fzu can be approximately expressed as the prod-uct of the PDF of a Gaussian distribution and a straightline with the slope of

√2σ̃ . Since z ∈ (0,1], we

could further approximate fzu to a PDF of a Gaus-sian distribution, i.e., zu ∼ N

(µzu ,σ2


)and fzu(z) =



exp(− (z−µzu )



). The value of µzu and σzu can

be obtained by solving

d( fzu (z))dz




1+ z−µ̃√2σ̃




= 0,

fzu(z)|z=µzu≈ fN (z) ·

(1+ z−µ̃√





Accordingly, we have that

µzu = µ̃ +√


22 · σ̃ ,

σzu = 2√


√2· σ̃ · exp







We can obtain the PDF of zl in similar manner. First,we can express the CDF of zl as

Fzl (z) = 1−P(xl > z,xu > z)

= 1− (1−P(xl ≤ z)) · (1−P(xu ≤ z))

= 1− (1−FN (z))2.

By taking the derivative of Fzl , we obtain the PDF of zlas

fzl (z) = 2(1−FN (z)) · fN (z) . (9)

Similar to the above derivations for the case of zu, wecan approximate the PDF fzl as a Gaussian distributionN(µzl ,σ


), where

µzl = µ̃ −√


22 · σ̃ ,

σzl = 2√


√2· σ̃ · exp








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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10






Length ratio of compressed data



y D


tyExact PDF of zuApproximate PDF of zu

Exact PDF of zlApproximate PDF of zl

Figure 6: Comparison between the exact PDF of zl , zuand their Gaussian approximations with different sets ofµ̃ and σ̃ .

To justify the Gaussian approximation of fzu(z) andfzl (z) (i.e., the PDF of zu and zl) in the above deriva-tions, Fig. 6 compares the Gaussian approximation andthe exact PDF, where we considered three different setsof {µ̃, σ̃} (i.e., {0.2,0.05}, {0.5,0.1}, and {0.8,0.02},respectively) to cover a wide range of the compresseddata length ratio and deviations. As clearly shown inFig. 6, the Gaussian approximation of fzu(z) and fzl (z)incurs almost negligible inaccuracy.

Since zl ∼ N(µzl ,σ


)and zu ∼ N

(µzu ,σ2


), accord-

ing to (5), the average cell damage ρUD also follows aGaussian distribution, i.e., ρUD ∼ N


UD), where

{µUD = 1


(λ l

UD ·µzl +λ uUD ·µzu +ρ11


σUD = 1r

√(λ l

UD ·σzl

)2+(λ u

UD ·σzu



Given the same data compressibility, the use of im-plicit and explicit compression leads to different distri-bution of xu and xl , and different r, leading to differentmemory cell damage.

3.3.2 More Formulation Results

Using the same principle, we can derive the mathemat-ical formulations that can calculate the normalized av-erage memory cell damage per P/E cycle for the otherthree design scenarios. Due to the page limit, we will di-rectly present the final mathematical formulations with-out showing the derivation details.

For the BD design scenario that uses bidirectional datalayout without conditional data exchange, its averagememory cell damage is ρ(BD) ∼ N




µ(BD) = 1r

((λ l(BD) +λ u


)· µ̃ +C(BD)


σ(BD) = 1r

√(λ l

(BD))2 +(λ u

(BD))2 · σ̃ .


λ l(BD) = 1− ρ11+ρ10

2 , λ u(BD) = 1− ρ11+ρ00

2 ,

C(BD) = 2ρ11+ρ10+ρ002 −1.

For the UDC design scenario that uses unidirectionaldata layout with conditional data exchange, its averagememory cell damage is ρ(UDC) ∼ N




µ(UDC) = 1r

(λ l(UDC) ·µzl +λ u

(UDC) ·µzu +ρ11


σ(UDC) = 1r

√(λ l

(UDC)·σzl )

2 +(λ u(UDC)



λ l(UDC) = 1− ρ11 +ρ10

2, λ u

(UDC) =ρ11 +ρ10


For the BDC design scenario that uses bidirectionaldata layout with conditional data exchange, its averagememory cell damage is ρ(BDC) ∼ N




µ(BDC) = 1r

(λ l(BD) ·µzl +λ u

(BD) ·µzu +C(BD)


σ(BDC) = 1r

√(λ l

(BD)·σzl )

2 +(λ u(BD)


3.4 Estimation of Memory LifetimeThis subsection discusses how we estimate the flashmemory lifetime improvement based upon the averagememory cell damage derived in the above section. Inthis work, we assume ideal wear-leveling, i.e., all thememory blocks always experience the same numberof P/E cycles, and quantitatively define memory life-time as the P/E cycle number that one memory blockcan survive before reaching the maximum allowableBER. Since it is common practice to use capacity over-provisioning in flash-based storage devices, we definean over-provisioning factor τ ≥ 1, i.e., the total physi-cal storage capacity inside the storage device is τ× largerthan the storage capacity visible to the host. Let η denotethe memory block P/E cycling endurance of the baselinescenario without using any data compression. Straight-forwardly, the overall memory lifetime of the baselinescenario is τ ·η cycles.

Once data compression is used, the average memorycell damage becomes a random variable with a Gaussiandistribution due to the Gaussian-like distribution of run-time data compression ratio. As a result, the cycling en-durance of each memory block and hence overall mem-ory lifetime also become random variables. Let P(t)

b de-note the probability that one memory block can survive(i.e., can ensure the storage integrity even for incom-pressible data) after t P/E cycles, referred to as memoryblock survival probability. As the granularity of data era-sure is in memory block units in NAND Flash memory,


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8000 8500 90000.96





P/E cycles









8000 9000 10000 110000.96





P/E cycles







Implicit Explicit


8000 9000 10000 110000.96





P/E cycles







Implicit Explicit


1 2 3x 104






P/E cycles







Implicit Explicit


0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8x 104






P/E cycles







Implicit Explicit


1 1.5 2 2.5 3x 104






P/E cycles







Implicit Explicit


Figure 7: Storage device survival probability when storing (a) DLL, (b) Text, (c) Exe, (d) Log, (e) XML, and (f)HTML data in flash memory. Both explicit compression and implicit compression are considered.

the number of P/E cycles is independent among memoryblocks. Hence, the survival of memory blocks is inde-pendent. Let N denote the number of memory blocksvisible to the host, then the storage device contains τ ·Nmemory blocks in total. Therefore, once P(t)

b is known,based on the law of total probability, we can calculate theprobability that the storage device can survive t cycles as

SP(t) =(τ−1)N








(12)which is called storage device survival probability. Sup-pose each memory block contains M wordlines and letP(t)

wl denote the survival probability of one wordline, we

have that P(t)b =



)M, i.e., one memory block sur-

vives only when all the wordlines inside this block sur-vive. In the following, we will discuss how we can esti-mate the memory wordline survival probability P(t)

wl .For the baseline scenario without using data compres-

sion, the storage device fails to survive once the accu-mulated average damage of each memory cell reachesη ·ρr (recall that ρr = 1 is the normalized memory celldamage factor when storing random data). When usingdata compression, let ρw denote the memory cell damageper cycle, where ρw could be ρ(UD), ρ(BD), ρ(UDC), orρ(BDC) dependent upon the design strategies being used.By setting η ·ρr as the maximum tolerable accumulated

memory cell damage, we can express the P/E cycling en-durance of each wordline as

T = max(t) , t ·ρw ≤ η ·ρr −ρr. (13)

Since ρw follows Gaussian distribution, t · ρw also fol-lows Gaussian distribution with mean of t ·µρw and vari-ance of t2 ·σ2

ρw . Therefore, we can calculate the wordline

survival probability P(t)wl at t cycles as

P(t)wl =


(1+ er f

(τ ·η −1− t ·µρw


)), (14)

where µρw and σρw can be obtained using the formula-tions presented above for the four different design sce-narios.

4 Quantitative Studies

With the formulations derived in Section 3, we studiedthe effectiveness of the design strategies presented inSection 2 for both explicit and implicit data compression.Based upon our measurement results with 20nm MLCNAND flash memory chips, we set the damage factorsρ11 = 0.33, ρ10 = 0.69, ρ00 = 1.01, and ρ01 = 1.58, asdiscussed in Section 3.1. As shown in (12), the storagedevice survival probability SP(t) depends on the over-provisioning factor τ and the total number of memoryblocks N visible to the host. Assume the storage capac-ity of 512GB visible to the host and a block size of 4MB,


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we have N equals 128k. Each flash memory page has asize of 8kB, and we set the data sector size as 4kB. Wefurther set the over-provisioning factor τ as 1.2. Basedupon the memory chip measurement results and the over-provisioning factor of 1.2, we set the cycling enduranceof the baseline scenario (i.e., without using data com-pression) as 8000.

4.1 Lifetime with Different Data Types

Using the measured compression ratio distribution of dif-ferent data types as shown in Fig. 5, we evaluated the ef-fectiveness of the developed design strategies on improv-ing memory lifetime over the baseline scenario. Fig. 7shows the results when using the four different designscenarios. Recall that the design scenario UD uses unidi-rectional data layout without conditional data exchange,BD uses bidirectional data layout without conditionaldata exchange, UDC uses unidirectional data layout withconditional data exchange, BDC uses bidirectional datalayout with conditional data exchange. For the baselinescenario, the storage device lifetime remains 8000 re-gardless to the data types. When using data compres-sion with different design strategies, the storage devicelifetime becomes a random variable, whose CDF (i.e., itssurvival probability) is calculated according to the for-mulations derived in Section 3.

As shown in Fig. 7, explicit compression always out-performs implicit compression, which can be intuitivelyjustified because explicit compression always tries to fitas many sectors as possible into each flash page. By com-paring the data compressibility shown in Fig. 5 and theresults shown in Fig. 7, we can clearly see that the dif-ference between explicit compression and implicit com-pression strongly relies on the data compressibility. Thehigher data compressibility is, the larger difference be-tween explicit compression and implicit compression is.In addition, the BDC design scenario always performsthe best under both explicit and implicit data compres-sion.

When explicit compression is being used, the differ-ence among different design strategies tends to dimin-ish for data with better compressibility (e.g., LOG andHTML). This can be explained as follows. With highlycompressible data, explicit compression can fit morecompressed data and hence leave less unused storagespace within each flash memory page. As a result, thereis a smaller room for these different design strategies toexploit the unused storage space, leading to almost thesame storage device lifetime. On the other hand, whenimplicit compression is being used, unidirectional datalayout and bidirectional data layout tend to have notice-able different effect, especially for data with better com-pressibility. As pointed out in Section 2.2.2, compared

with bidirectional data layout, unidirectional data layoutleads to more cells with random data content and ‘11’.Although ‘11’ causes the least memory cell damage, ran-dom data tend to cause relatively large damage, as shownin Fig. 3. Based upon the content-dependent damage fac-tors measured from our 20nm MLC flash memory chips,the penalty of having more random data can noticeablyoff-set the gain of having more ‘11’. As a result, unidi-rectional data layout tends to be inferior to bidirectionaldata layout. In the case of implicit compression, for datawith worse compressibility (e.g., DLL and EXE ), mostmemory cells would store random data content in bothunidirectional and bidirectional data layout. As a result,bidirectional data layout will be inferior to unidirectionaldata layout in this scenario, which is shown in Fig. 7(a)and (c). Meanwhile, as shown in the results, the bene-fit of using conditional data exchange is not significant.Conditional data exchange aims to convert memory cellcontent from ‘00’ to ‘10’, since ‘10’ causes less damagethan ‘00’. Nevertheless, as shown in Fig. 3, the dam-age difference between ‘00’ and ‘10’ is not significant,which explains the low effectiveness of conditional dataexchange observed in our study.

4.2 Sensitivity to Data Compressibility

The above results are based upon the measured com-pressibility characteristics of several different types ofdata. To more thoroughly elaborate on the impact ofdata compressibility, we carried out further evaluationsby considering a much wider range of data compress-ibility in terms of compression ratio mean and standarddeviation.

We first fix the data compression ratio standard devi-ation as 0.01, and Fig. 8 shows the corresponding stor-age device survival probability vs. lifetime for a widerange of compression ratio mean from 0.1 to 0.9. Datawith better compressibility (i.e., smaller compression ra-tio mean) lead to larger lifetime improvement in bothexplicit compression and implicit compression. In ad-dition, the advantage of explicit compression over im-plicit compression increases as the data have better com-pressibility. At the compression ratio mean of 0.1 (i.e.,the data can be compressed by 10:1 on average), ex-plicit and implicit compression can improve the storagedevice lifetime by 9.6 and 4.8 times, respectively. Asshown in Fig. 8, for less compressible data (e.g., with thecompression ratio mean of 0.7 and higher), explicit andimplicit compression have almost the same effect. Thisis because, with low data compressibility, explicit com-pression can hardly increase the number of compresseddata sectors per page. The results more clearly reveal theobservations discussed above in Section 4.1: Under ex-plicit compression, the difference between different de-


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7800 8000 8200 8400 86000.96





P/E cycles








8000 8500 9000 9500 100000.96





P/E cycles








0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2x 104






P/E cycles







Implicit Explicit


0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8x 104






P/E cycles







Implicit Explicit


1 1.5 2 2.5x 104






P/E cycles







Implicit Explicit


2 4 6 8x 104






P/E cycles







Implicit Explicit


Figure 8: Storage device survival probability when data compression ratio standard deviation is 0.01 and mean is (a)0.9, (b) 0.7, (c) 0.6, (d) 0.4, (e) 0.3, and (f) 0.1.

0.8 1 1.2 1.4x 104






P/E cycles







Implicit Explicit


0.8 1 1.2 1.4x 104






P/E cycles







Implicit Explicit


0.8 1 1.2 1.4x 104






P/E cycles









0.8 1 1.2 1.4x 104






P/E cycles







Implicit Explicit


0.8 1 1.2 1.4x 104






P/E cycles







Implicit Explicit


0.8 1 1.2 1.4x 104






P/E cycles









Figure 10: Storage device lifetime survival probability when compression ratio mean is 0.5 and standard deviation is(a) 0.01, (b) 0.03, (c) 0.05, (d) 0.09, (e) 0.1, and (f) 0.14.


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0.1 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.9




Compression ratio mean

exp+UD exp+BD exp+UDC exp+BDC imp+UD imp+BD imp+UDC imp+BDC

Figure 9: Lifetime gain under different data compressionratio mean.

sign strategies quickly shrinks as we reduce the com-pression ratio mean; Under implicit compression, bidi-rectional data layout is always noticeably more benefi-cial than unidirectional data layout. By setting the stor-age device lifetime as the P/E cycles corresponding to99.9% of storage device survival probability, Fig. 9 fur-ther plots the storage device lifetime gain over the base-line scenario without using compression under differentcompression ratio mean.

Next, we examined the impact of data compression ra-tio standard deviation. With the compression ratio meanof 0.5, Fig. 10 shows the storage device survival prob-ability vs. P/E cycles when the compression ratio stan-dard deviation varies from 0.01 to 0.14. As the datacompression ratio standard deviation increases, advan-tage of explicit compression over implicit compressionbecomes more significant, and the storage device lifetimeimprovement generally reduces. In addition, the differ-ence among the four different design scenarios reducesas the compression ratio standard deviation increases, forboth explicit and implicit compression. Again, the de-sign scenario of BDC is the most effective for both ex-plicit and implicit compression.

By setting the storage device lifetime as the P/E cyclescorresponding to 99.9% of storage device survival prob-ability, Fig. 11 further shows the storage device lifetimegain over the baseline scenario under different compres-sion ratio standard deviation. It shows that the lifetimegain monotonically reduces as we increase the data com-pression ratio standard deviation for implicit data com-pression. Nevertheless, for explicit data compression,the storage device lifetime gain first reduces and thensaturates and even slightly increases as we increase thecompression ratio standard deviation. The figure moreclearly reveals the dependency of comparison betweenexplicit and implicit compression on compression ratiostandard deviation.






0.01 0.03 0.05 0.09 0.1 0.14




Compression ratio standard deviation

exp+UD exp+BD exp+UDC exp+BDC imp+UD imp+BD imp+UDC imp+BDC

Figure 11: Lifetime gain for different data compressionratio standard deviation.

4.3 Discussions

The above quantitative studies show that the proposedimplicit data compression is a viable complement to theconventional explicit data compression. Although ex-plicit data compression may noticeably complicate thedesign of FTL and/or OS, it always outperforms implicitdata compression from the storage device lifetime per-spective. Nevertheless, the advantage of explicit com-pression over implicit compression strongly depends onthe data compressibility. As shown in the above evalua-tion results, the advantage of explicit compression overimplicit compression reduces as the data compressibilitydrops, and becomes very small as the data compressionratio mean becomes sufficiently large (e.g., over 0.6∼0.7in this study), particularly when the data compression ra-tio has a small standard deviation.

Our studies show that the bidirectional data layout out-performs the unidirectional data layout, especially whenusing the implicit data compression. Nevertheless, weshould emphasize that this conclusion may not be al-ways true. As pointed out above, compared with bidi-rectional data layout, unidirectional data layout resultin more memory cells with random data content and‘11’. Hence, which data layout option is better is fun-damentally dependent on the exact values of the content-dependent damage factors. In this work, we extractedthe content-dependent damage factors based upon mea-surements with 20nm MLC flash memory chips. How-ever, for further scaled technology nodes such as 16nm orthe emerging 3D flash memory, content-dependent dam-age factors and their relative comparison may (largely)change. This could essentially change the conclusion onthe comparison between unidirectional data layout andbidirectional data layout. In addition, the above resultssuggest that the design strategy of conditional data ex-change is not very effective, which is again also essen-tially due to the content-dependent damage factors being


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used in this work. For MLC NAND flash memory, theconditional data exchange will become more effective ifthe damage factors of ‘10’ and ’00’ have a larger differ-ence in future memory technology nodes.

Therefore, when applying the developed design frame-work in practice, one should carry out sufficient measure-ments and experiments to fully understand the contentdependency of NAND flash memory damage and run-time data compressibility characteristics, in order to de-termine the most appropriate design strategy for leverag-ing data compressibility to improve device lifetime.

5 Related Work

Prior work [17–19] has studied the practical implementa-tion of data compression in flash-based data storage sys-tems, aiming to improve the storage system I/O speedperformance and flash memory lifetime. In [17], a block-level compression engine is devised to support on-linecompression for SSD-based cache, which is transpar-ent to the file system. The authors of [18] develop acompression-aware FTL that can support compression-aware address mapping and garbage collection. The au-thors of [19] implement a caching system with commod-ity SSD by integrating data compression and data dedu-plication. All the prior work aimed to explicitly improvethe storage efficiency, like the explicit data compressionscenario being considered in this work. Besides datacompression, prior work [20, 21] also investigated thepractical implementation of data deduplication in flash-based storage systems.

FTL plays an important role in determining the life-time of flash-based data storage devices, hence it hasbeen well studied. The wear-leveling function in FTLaims to equalize the physical damage among all the flashmemory block by appropriately allocating the memoryblocks for erase and programming. A variety of tech-niques have been proposed to optimize the design of thewear-leveling function (e.g., see [10, 22, 23]). Aiming toreduce the write amplification and hence improve flashmemory lifetime, the garbage collection function in FTLhas been well studied (e.g., see [24]). The log-structuredapproach to managing flash memory have been consid-ered through direct management of raw flash memorychips [11] or by facilitating the operation of the FTL in-side SSDs [13]. Such log-structured file system levelmanagement of memory chips lead to improved flashmemory lifetime and storage system performance.

The strength of fault tolerance, in particular ECC, alsolargely affect the storage device lifetime. Although clas-sical BCH codes are still widely used in commercialflash-based storage devices [25, 26], the more powerfulLDPC codes are receiving significant attention from theindustry (e.g., see several industrial presentations at re-

cent Flash Summit [2, 3, 27, 28]). A variety of tech-niques [29–32] have been developed to optimize the im-plementation of LDPC codes in future flash-based datastorage devices.

6 Conclusion

This paper presents a thorough study on exploiting datacompressibility to reduce cycling-induced flash mem-ory cell physical damage and hence improve storage de-vice lifetime. This work is essentially motivated by thecontent dependency of flash memory cell damage. Wefirst present an unconventional implicit data compressionstrategy as a viable complement to explicit data com-pression being used in current practice, both of whichrepresent different trade-offs between flash memory life-time improvement and impact on FTL and system designcomplexity. In addition, their effectiveness and compar-ison largely vary with the runtime data compressibilitycharacteristics. We further develop a set of design strate-gies that can exploit the unused storage space left bydata compression within flash memory pages in order tominimize the overall memory physical damage. Further-more, we derive a set of mathematical formulations thatcan quantitatively estimate the effectiveness of the pro-posed design strategies. Using 20nm MLC NAND flashmemory chips, we carried out experiments to empiri-cally evaluate the content dependency of flash memorycell damage. Employing these quantized experimentalresults, we compare the effectiveness of the proposed de-sign strategies when using either explicit or implicit com-pression. Although this work focuses on flash memory,the proposed design strategies and developed mathemat-ical formulations are readily applicable to other emerg-ing memory technologies, e.g., PCM and ReRAM, thatexperience similar content dependency of memory celldamage.


We would like to thank our shepherd Sam H. Noh andthe anonymous reviewers for their insight and sugges-tions for improvement. This work was supported by theNational Science Foundation under Grants No. 1162152and 1406154, National Science Foundation CAREERaward CNS-125394, and the Department of Defenseaward W911NF-13-1-0157.


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