how is racial segregation demonstrated in chapter 16 of to kill a mockingbird

How racial segregation is demonstrated in chapter 16? Crystal Wong 10S The theme of race is particularly prominent in To Kill A Mockingbird. In chapter 16, the trial of Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white girl, the theme of racial segregation in the American South becomes obvious. We begin to see racial segregation early on in chapter 16 where Scout describes the scene outside the courthouse: the colored people sat “in the far corner of the square” and the reader is introduced to Mr. Dolphus Raymond, a man who despite his skin color, “sat with them,” with “them” referred to as the Negroes. The use of an impersonal pronoun “them” suggest that Scout herself might feel as if the Negro community are separate to the white community. This perhaps gives us, as readers a more critical viewpoint of the narrator. The idea of racial segregation is continued as Scout describes the picnic. When she asks Jem about Dolphus Raymond, Jem replies: “’He’s got a colored woman…all sorts of mixed chillun.’”. This demonstrates the character of Dolphus Raymond as perceived by Maycomb County. He is introduced as a wealthy but disliked man in Maycomb County despite the fact that he “owns all one side of the riverbank [and is] from a real old family”. Though he has traits valued by Maycomb County residents, he is still disliked by them due to his marriage with a black woman. He is often seen drinking what is presumed to be whiskey out of a paper bag. The character of Dolphus Raymond could be also be symbolic of the broader theme of prejudice in Maycomb County as a white man who associates himself with the black community would still be considered as black. When asked about what mixed children were, Jem says that they were “’Half-white…They’re real sad.” He mentions that “colored folks “ won’t consider that they are the same because they are “half-white” and “white folks” won’t consider them as the same because they are “half-black” He mentions that these “mixed chilluns” “don’t belong anywhere” because they are “in-between”. This gives a more critical viewpoint of not only the white community as well as the black community, showing, as well, that the black community is just as racist as the white community. The idea of racial segregation is important here because not only is the white community segregating these “mixed chilluns” but also the black community, because these children are different.

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Page 1: How is racial segregation demonstrated in chapter 16 of To Kill A Mockingbird

How racial segregation is demonstrated in chapter 16?Crystal Wong


The theme of race is particularly prominent in To Kill A Mockingbird. In chapter 16, the trial of Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white girl, the theme of racial segregation in the American South becomes obvious.

We begin to see racial segregation early on in chapter 16 where Scout describes the scene outside the courthouse: the colored people sat “in the far corner of the square” and the reader is introduced to Mr. Dolphus Raymond, a man who despite his skin color, “sat with them,” with “them” referred to as the Negroes. The use of an impersonal pronoun “them” suggest that Scout herself might feel as if the Negro community are separate to the white community. This perhaps gives us, as readers a more critical viewpoint of the narrator. The idea of racial segregation is continued as Scout describes the picnic. When she asks Jem about Dolphus Raymond, Jem replies: “’He’s got a colored woman…all sorts of mixed chillun.’”. This demonstrates the character of Dolphus Raymond as perceived by Maycomb County. He is introduced as a wealthy but disliked man in Maycomb County despite the fact that he “owns all one side of the riverbank [and is] from a real old family”. Though he has traits valued by Maycomb County residents, he is still disliked by them due to his marriage with a black woman. He is often seen drinking what is presumed to be whiskey out of a paper bag. The character of Dolphus Raymond could be also be symbolic of the broader theme of prejudice in Maycomb County as a white man who associates himself with the black community would still be considered as black. When asked about what mixed children were, Jem says that they were “’Half-white…They’re real sad.” He mentions that “colored folks “ won’t consider that they are the same because they are “half-white” and “white folks” won’t consider them as the same because they are “half-black” He mentions that these “mixed chilluns” “don’t belong anywhere” because they are “in-between”. This gives a more critical viewpoint of not only the white community as well as the black community, showing, as well, that the black community is just as racist as the white community. The idea of racial segregation is important here because not only is the white community segregating these “mixed chilluns” but also the black community, because these children are different.

As the three children enter the courthouse, Scout overhears a conversation between Idler’s Club members, one saying, “Yeah, but Atticus aims to defend him. That’s what I don’t like about.” use of the word “aim” in the quote, “Atticus aims to defend him”, suggest that the Idler’s Club member suspect that Atticus is conspiring with the black community to get Tom Robinson acquitted. However, as readers, we understand that since the court has appointed Atticus to defend Tom Robinson’s case, it is Atticus’ job to get him acquitted. This quote shows how despite the fact that there are more obvious reasons for Atticus’ aims, many of Maycomb’s residents will look to, perhaps, a more judgmental reason. Scout provides the readers with a more logical conclusion, as shown in the quote: “This was news, news that put a different light on things: Atticus had to, whether he wanted to or not. I thought it was…That’s what they didn’t like about it. It was confusing.” This shows the narrow mindsets of adults as opposed to Scout.

Racial segregation is shown further when the Negroes enter the courthouse, after the white. This is stated explicitly in the book as: “The Negroes, having waited for the white people to go upstairs, began to come in.” The fact that they had to wait for all of the white people to go upstairs before being able to go themselves, show the differences in social standing between the white community and the black. Another example can be shown when the Idler’s Club member says: “’Whoa now, just a minute,’ said a club member, holding up his walking stick. ‘Just don’t start up them stairs yet awhile.’” This quote only

Page 2: How is racial segregation demonstrated in chapter 16 of To Kill A Mockingbird

demonstrates further the differences in social standing, where the white people are allowed to have the first choice over the seats and the colored, second.

The segregation between Blacks and Whites is emphasized by the way the blacks file in last and are seated in the balcony. “Reverend Sykes came puffing behind us, and steered us gently through the black people in the balcony. Four Negroes rose and gave us their front-row seats." This quote shows several things. Firstly, the balcony of which they are speaking is the “colored balcony”; this is an example of segregation, the law that gave blacks and whites separate public places. Secondly, this hints that this is the way the black people have been bought up; to respect the fact that whites are superior to the blacks. Thirdly, their kindly politeness to Jem, Dill and Scout is again shown when the children come to sit in the ‘coloured balcony’. Four Blacks give up their seats for them. This also implies that white children have precedence over black adults. The black people abandoned the front row seats, which they waited very long for. They were not asked to move, but they knew that the white children would get the seats because they were considered to be a better race. It shows that the laws had broken these people down, and made them so ashamed, that they simply left their spots. Lastly, and arguably more important, the use of a simple sentence: “Four Negroes rose and gave us their front-row seats.” The tone of this statement is casual, an example of how segregated people are without realizing it.

It is interesting to note that throughout the novel, coloured people are referred to as “niggers” and those who show sympathy for them, “nigger-lovers”. Throughout the book, there are examples of those who ruled by hate and fear (for example, the members of the jury who convicted Tom Robinson because of his skin color) and those who show understanding and empathy for people who are different such as Calpurnia and Atticus. In this chapter, racism and the idea of segregation are the main theme and these affect Maycomb society in three ways: colored people are treated unfairly, Atticus’ fight for not only justice but against the citizens of Maycomb’s rooted bias against Negroes, and most importantly, the split of Maycomb society into two.

The trial is described as a ‘gala occasion’ and many people acted as if they were attending a ‘roman carnival’, rather than to see a man on trial for his life. The town’s reaction to what is happening tells us a lot about the townspeople’s ideology. Groups like the ‘Idler’s club’ and the Mennonites enjoyed seeing a Black man’s freedom taken away from him. Tom Robinson was found guilty of raping Mayella Ewell, in the face of very strong evidence that his accusers were lying. One reason why he was convicted was because it was a white man’s word against a black man’s one. Tom, who is black, would be denied justice because of this. Atticus reinforces this idea when he tells Jem ‘in our courts, when it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man always wins. In Maycomb a white man’s word was always taken without any regard as to how trustworthy he was.

Another reason why he was convicted was because Tom Robinson went against the accepted position of a Negro by daring to feel sorry for a white person. All these prejudices are a result of people holding onto performed ideas of a certain set of people. It is not just racial prejudice, which is present in Maycomb but the narrow, rigid, intolerant codes of behavior, which the townspeople wish to impose on others. These prejudice all show the inability of the people to, as Atticus puts it ‘consider things from his point of view’ and the lack of understanding between them.

The courthouse itself also reflects the social division seen in Maycomb. The courthouse itself is very old fashioned: “the concrete pillars…scrap of the past.” This is symbolic of the laws of Maycomb County: old-fashioned and rigid. A prime example of prejudice within the chapter is shown when the Idler’s club find out that Atticus will defend Tom ‘properly’. They are disgraced at this despite the fact that Atticus is a prime example of someone who is an anchor of reason within Maycomb .