how i can i increase my brain power?


Upload: david-robbins

Post on 11-Apr-2017



Health & Medicine

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Increasing a brain power has been

becoming necessary in recent year.

Our brain is like a Battery.

And you well know to increase the capacities of battery, it requires a

constant recharging.

This way, With our daily brain recharging, our

remembering, performing, common sence, learning and thinking ability also


There are many ways that you can recharge your Brain.

A. Exercise And Working Out

Regular exercise ecourage blood flow to the brain that help in focus of

your mind. Regular working out can also

affect your brain health

Do you know how exercising help in your mental performance.

Exercise help us in reducing the stress. If you attempt a short walk through your neighbor will sure reduce of stress in some extent.

Exercise help us in build up self confidence.

Studies show that exercise help in creating a brain cells. If you are doing a tough workout. Level of BDNF increase which increase our brain thinking and imagination power.

Daily exercise increase the production of cells in hipocampus, which maintain the memory and learning power of our brain.

Daily exercise helps brain to release the dopmine. Dopmine is chemical that makes feel you happy by doing happy things. You can call dopmiine a type of addiction to something.

Exercise increase the relaxation by gives you good sleep. And you know that how good sleep is necessary for our brain.

2. Food

Our 30% of eaten food is gets consumed by brain as fuel. So healthy food is important

for good mental performance. You well know which diet helps you in making your

body. But your never will be able to find out which diet is good for your brain. So

first rule never avoid eating. Because brain cannot store nutrients. It goes low power mode when you skipped the food.

3. Tuning in to Music While Exercising

Pitbull, Lady Gaga, or outdated Madonna, pumping up the jams while working out can

enhance intellectual capacities. In one review, cardiovascular recovery patients

who practiced to music performed better on a trial of verbal familiarity than the

individuals who worked out sans tunes . Or, on the other hand perhaps simply waltz

your way through an exercise—different reviews recommend tuning in to

established music can enhance spatial handling and etymological capacities .



Bust a cerebrum boosting proceed onward the move floor

this end of the week. Investigate recommends moving includes

mental difficulties like coordination and arranging, and may secure against intellectual

decay . Duh—has anybody at any point done the Macarena?



A math test or spelling honey bee might be the keep going thing at the forefront

of anybody's thoughts amid savasana. Be that as it may, inquire about proposes yoga can enhance temperament and

fixation, improve intellectual execution, and even forestall psychological

decrease in more established grown-ups.

4. Laugh

5 . M e d i t a t i o n

Who can think obviously with a mind brimming with stresses? On the off chance that the capacity

to sit still and quiet for over 10 seconds isn't sufficiently

amazing, get this: Meditation enhances memory, basic

leadership, and ability to focus .

6 . N o o t r o p i c s

For More Information

Visit Here: ow-might-i-increase-my-brain-power.html