how has our knowledge and skills in media

How has our knowledge and skills in Media improved since our preliminary task? By Jack Wyatt and Oktawian Klosko

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Page 1: How has our knowledge and skills in media

How has our knowledge and skills in Media improved since our preliminary task?

By Jack Wyatt and Oktawian Klosko

Page 2: How has our knowledge and skills in media

Our knowledge of films since the start of our prelim task has greatly improved, and, from this, we got the idea of the camera flashing in our opening sequence to make it seem like there was a crime investigation going on.

We gained many skills from films since our opening sequence, we were able to make the sounds sound like a camera flash. We are also able to now pick out shots from a film, whereas before, we would not be able to do this very easily.

Page 3: How has our knowledge and skills in media

From making our opening sequence, we have gained a lot of knowledge in the Media industry, the knowledge of what image to make for our production company, how to appeal to our target audience too.

We gained certain skills while making our opening sequence, for example, creating images in Photoshop

Page 4: How has our knowledge and skills in media

We learnt since making our prelim task how to edit in Premier Pro (which we had never used before) and how to make a more professional looking opening sequence

The skills we gained since making our opening sequence is to use Adobe Premier Pro, and how to edit with it professionally. Things that we learnt were; cutting video footage, adding music, lowering saturation, fading and movie text, and layering an image.

Page 5: How has our knowledge and skills in media

We have gained a lot of knowledge of group work since our prelim task. We have learnt how to all pitch in in a group effort, all how to contribute ideas, and to also work effectively and to a deadline.

The skills we have gained for team working are organisation, as, we needed to be organised to get our opening sequence recorded and edited on time. We had a good sense of organisation, as, we all needed to be free at the same time to record the scenes and shots of our sequence. We also learnt how to delegate the roles in the production of our sequence, for example, I was the lead actor and head story writer and Oktawian was the cameraman and chief editor.

Page 6: How has our knowledge and skills in media

Our Time Management knowledge was improved drastically from our prelim task, as, we had to record by a certain time, otherwise, we would not allow our group of two enough time to edit and find the correct sounds, music e.c.t we also had to make adjustments to our schedules, as we had to record afterschool or in our ‘study’ periods.

We gained a major skill for time management, which, was to manage our time effectively.

Page 7: How has our knowledge and skills in media

Since we filmed our prelim task, we learnt that there were a lot more roles in a making of an opening sequence, and lots more to make a film. For example; editor, director, senior photographer e.c.t.

The main skill that we learnt was to identify all the jobs correctly and what they do. We also learnt how to assign roles correctly, to each persons’ strong suits.