how gpsgoaltrak embeds 70-20-10

How we Embed 70:20:10 HOW WE EMBED 70:20:10 PAGE: 1

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Page 1: How GPSgoaltrak embeds 70-20-10

How we Embed 70:20:10

HOW WE EMBED 70:20:10 PAGE: 1

Page 2: How GPSgoaltrak embeds 70-20-10

What is the 70:20:10 Model ?

The 70:20:10 model is the optimal model for Learning and Development.

It makes intuitive sense. Most of what employees learn, they learn on-

the-job during the course of doing their work—that is where they face

real challenges, make decisions and spend most of their time. A smaller

percentage comes from coaching, stretch assignments and peer-to-peer

or social learning. Formal training is the smallest fraction, however, this

should not be underestimated, as when the learning is applied on the job

and supported through effective coaching, it is highly effective. In a

nutshell, the 70:20:10 model is a holistic way to optimise outcomes . Various authors are cited as the originators of this model. *

❖ The 70 - Experiential/Experience  - learning and developing through day-today

tasks, challenges and practice

❖ The 20 - Social/Exposure - learning and developing with and through others from

coaching, exploiting personal networks and other collaborative and co-operative


❖ The 10 - Formal/Education - learning and developing through structured courses

and programs

*McCall, Lombardo, and Morrison at the Centre for Creative Leadership and author Charles Jennings

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Nice Theory - How do we make it happen?

We believe that a person’s environment dictates their performance.

’Real’ learning occurs as a consequence of interaction with our

environment. We have created a proven virtual performance environment

– GPSgoaltrak - which we’ve designed for virtual teams.

The term virtual teams refers to real teams that, for the most part, are

geographically distributed and work together supported by

communication technology – for example e-mail, phone, video and social


How does GPSgoaltrak make 70:20:10 happen?

HOW WE EMBED 70:20:10 PAGE: 3

Our frequent goal setting

methodology and ful ly

mobile system increases

accountability, alignment

and achievement on the job

Our integrated 121 GoalChat

feature helps team leaders be

present and effective coaches.

Our TeamChat area will help

people learn from each other

Our bite-sized learning

library makes it easy for

the team leader to send

the right learning nuggets

at the point of need

70% 20% 10%

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Key Steps - how it works

The 70

As each virtual team member regularly input their goals

into GPSgoaltrak, they then have to work out how to

achieve each goal. In doing so, this creates accountability

for them to apply or find the best way to succeed. By

setting high quality, outcome and KPI based goals, which are shared with

their manager, this increases commitment and they become more

focused on the ‘How’ as they strive and learn how to solve problems. This

fits into the 70% slice of the model.

The 20

In GPSgoaltrak, virtual team members receive regular

coaching comments in Goalchat from their team leader. This

enables the leader to be ‘present’ in the virtual environment,

giving recognition and feedback to people as needed. The

system enables immediate response or, makes it possible for responses to

be picked up at a time suited to both parties when course correction can

be taken or wins celebrated.

In TeamChat, the peer group can share their experiences, swap best

practices and provide encouragement. Sharing of learnings increases

synergy, promotes a sense of belonging and provides a critical support

system. In this way GPSgoaltrak enables Social Learning, which is a

growing trend due to its effectiveness – especially for virtual teams.

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The 10

Formal and more structured Learning is delivered via

bitesized videos and articles from the GPSgoaltrak library.

We can also upload or create bitesized learning content for

clients - tailored to their company needs. This feature

makes it quick and easy for team leaders to send relevant

learning nuggets to their team members when they spot what people are

aiming to achieve in their goals. Team leaders can deliver learning at the

speed of business and at the point of need to help team members win

and achieve their goals. Leaders can follow up to check that learnings

have been applied on the job and offer coaching or advice as needed.

GPSgoaltrak can also play a key role in transferring learnings from

workshop to workplace by facilitating structured Manager and peer support

to reinforce the new skills and behaviours learnt on formal training


Evidence of the Benefits

Working with one of the largest Retailers in the USA, our

challenge was to embed new skills and desired behaviours

in frontline store staff to engage, delight and increase sales.

The team leaders and team members were dotted across

the map in different store locations. We piloted our virtual performance

environment , coaching approach and goal-setting system over a period

of 3 months. The results surprised us all. We saw sales to key customers

grow by 30% which is why our approach and system is being rolled out

coast to coast across America.

Contact: Richard Davies [email protected] +44 7771 943 008

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