how clean is your surf spot ?

How clean is your surf spot ? Diseases you can encounter in Europe due to pollution. Is it really that Bad? Dr Guillaume Barucq, M.D. EASD Surfing Medicine Conference 2015

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Page 1: How Clean is your Surf Spot  ?

How clean is your surf spot ?

Diseases you can encounter in Europe due to pollution.

Is it really that Bad?

Dr Guillaume Barucq, M.D.

EASD Surfing Medicine Conference 2015

Page 2: How Clean is your Surf Spot  ?

What is Marine Pollution ?

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Marine Debris(visible)

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Chemical Pollution (visible or invisible)

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Radioactive Pollution(invisible)

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Microbiological Pollution Bacterias, virus, fungus, parasites…


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When does marine pollution occur ?

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When there is no sanitation system


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When the sewage overflows


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When the rivers flood


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In case of heavy rainUrban Run-Off (fuel, oil…)

Leaching of soils (fertilizers, pesticides)

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Few research available about infectious diseases among surfers.

1 Retrospective study (Surfrider Europe)

Existing publications about bathing or swimming-related diseases that can hardly apply to surfing.

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Surf Infection Study (G.Barucq 2012-2013)

Goal : follow the evolution of the number of infections related to water quality and the type of nautical activity practised.

Interesting if several surfers contract the same symptoms after surfing in the same surf spot, the same day.

Method : online survey launched in June 2012.

Quick and easy-to-fill questionnaire.

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166 exploitable answers between June 2012 and October 2013.

35% of the declarations registered during the highly polluted month of June 2012.

95% of the declarations from the south-west of France (Bask Coast, Landes +++). And also declarations from Reunion Island, NYC, Canada…

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Nautical Activity Practised Surfing / Shortboard (38%) Bathing / Swimming (27%) Longboarding (23%) Bodyboarding (5%) Bodysurfing (4%) Stand-Up Paddle (2%) Kitesurfing / Windsurfing (1%)

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Top 10 Symptoms of Surf Infection

1. Earache 2. Fever 3. Abdominal Pain 4. Diarrhea 5. Red eye 6. Nausea / Vomiting 7. Headache 8. Skin Rash 9. Sore throat 10. Itching

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Time of occurrence of the symptoms after suspected bath / surf session. Less than 24 hours (36%)

Between 1 and 3 days (30%)

Less than 6 hours (26%)

Between 3 and 7 days (6%)

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Did the Seawater look polluted ? Dubious visual appearance (27%) Marine litter visualized (19%) Recent pollution (18%) No obvious sign of pollution (16%) Bad smell (12%) Bad results of recent seawater analysis


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General Condition before infection

New question added to the questionnaire : are you a regular surfer or an occasional surfer ?

In good form : 86%

Tired / Stressed (14%)

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Most diagnosed Infections

Gastro-enteritis (18%) Otitis (18%) : External +++ (=swimmer’s

ear) Conjunctivitis / ocular infection (16%) Skin Infections (10%)* Naso-pharyngitis (7%) Sinusitis (6%)

*Several staphylococcal infections declared (impetigo, carbuncle, infected cut, sty…)

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How long should you wait after it rains ?

It depends !

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Factors which impact Ocean’s resilience to Pollution

• Volume of water polluted• Water Temperature• Salinity• UV Rays• Wind• Rain• Swell • Waves• Currents (horizontal, vertical, upwelling)• Underwater Waves• Ocean’s Microbiota

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Information on Water Quality

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Seawater Analysis

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Analysis Results(Regional Health Agency)

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Analysis Results(Surfrider Foundation / Nautical Activities Zones)

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Most of the time, Water Analysis are informations

from the past.

What we need is real-time info on water quality.

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Rapid Analysis GenSpotBacteriological Analysis :

Sample Preparation < 2h RT-PCR (polymerase chain reaction): 1 h

Active Management of the EnvironmentREAL-TIME MONITORING : Control & Alert

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Preparation2. Lysis

3. RNA Extraction and purification

RT- PCRReal-Time


1. Filtration

< 2h

4. RNA Quantification

GenSpot : Decision Support Tool

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0 20 40 60 80temps (heures)

E.coli /



J1 J2 J3

Conventional Method


E. Coli Concentration (/100ml)1





0 20 40 60 80



Conventional Method




48h 48h3h

Active Management of Seawater Pollution

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Pollution Surf Report : the next big thing !

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Prevention tips to avoid infection

Avoid ingesting too much water per session Rinse yourself (skin, nasal cavities, ear canal +++) Dry yourself (skin, ears, remove

wetsuit/boardshort/bikini after surfing) Clean your nose with… seawater (spray) Do not surf with an open wound Beware with contact lenses (daily contact lens

only) Wear earplugs Don’t surf if too sick or weakened by illness or


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« The Microbe is Nothing. The Terrain is Everything. »

Louis Pasteur.

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Take-home Messages• Trust your senses (Watch, Smell and Taste the water)

• Search for the information (recent analysis, beach classification…)

• Ask for more (local authorities, politician, became a water quality activist…)

• Avoid surfing when water is polluted

• Surf More when water is clean !

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Upcoming Research

• The Beach Bums Study (Surfers against Sewage)

• Water Quality & Health (Surfrider Foundation Europe)

• New Surf Infection study.