how children learn; stage birth to 6 months


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These slides expalin how babies in stages birth to 6 months grown and learn.


Page 1: How children learn; stage Birth to 6 months



BY: Elsa Pinta Aída Jaya

Page 2: How children learn; stage Birth to 6 months

Children are born ready to learn, their brain is a new computer beacuse they enter a new world where they learn through everyday experiences.A chlid´s realtionship and experiences during

the early years greatly influence how her brain grows

Page 3: How children learn; stage Birth to 6 months

One month

Learners to tell speech from other sounds.Newborns their gestures, sounds and facial expressions to communicate feelings and needs such as hunger, fatigue, or joy, or let you know that they need a break from interacting or playing

Activities for babies

Learn to imitate the faces of the mother Massages stimulate The songs Make him roll like a croquette Acércale your finger Crib mobiles will make you develop your sensitivity

Page 4: How children learn; stage Birth to 6 months

Knows different faces/voices by 2 months Copy your baby´s sounds and encourage her to imitate you. He/she will start by making specific sounds such as “ohs” and “ahs” and progressive to “puh” “buh” “da” and ”ma

Activties for 2 months Dancing or swinging with baby

The sounds of toys

Exploit diapering for leg exercises

Estimúlale by maintaining eye contact caresses

Two months

Page 5: How children learn; stage Birth to 6 months

Learners to roll over and sits up with help.Babies learn very important early math and logic concepts. They learn about the cause and effect when they push a button to make the toy car move.Activities

-Stimulate your body with different textures With baby lying we can make smooth

movements Give a toy or rattle sound when you move it, In the tub splashes also do so with their legs

and arms Let him suck objects and mouthing to


Third months

Page 6: How children learn; stage Birth to 6 months

Responds to own name and smiles up back.Children need a strong sense of security to develop self-confidence. Comforting you baby, responding to his cried and needs, talking and playing with him all make him feel secure.

Activities for these children

With baby lying can show a balloon from above to try to catch it

With baby lying will subject him about the chest with his arms While the baby is sitting we can offer top toys for up arms and

take Stand in front of the baby and imitates their sounds Help him to strengthen the trunk muscles Use gestures to imitate you

Fourth month

Page 7: How children learn; stage Birth to 6 months

Fith month

Shows happy/sad feelings—picks up on you mood

Activities Túmbale upside down and show him toys Down dale Boca things of different textures to

make noise Leave him a mirror for baby to begin to look

Get bath time to massage oil

Page 8: How children learn; stage Birth to 6 months

Sixth month

Grasps small objectsEncourage you babies to explore objects and toys in different ways. Touching, banging, shaking and rolling help children learn about how things worksActivities Lying on top can put a ball in a higher power Play with your baby in front of a mirror saying Drop a ball near him Play toys give and take Circuits phenomenal crawl space will come to be entertained

while strengthening your back Play busting objects from one hand to another

Page 9: How children learn; stage Birth to 6 months

S0me other activities for these babies

Tummy time. Place your infant on his stomach on a blanket, and sit in his line of vision with some attractive toys. Try to entice him with shiny or noisy objects.

Read my lips. Your baby has started to babble, and it may come as a surprise that sight is just as important as sound to your budding language learner..

Fun with fingers. Fine motor skills are improving at this age—your baby likes to reach for things and hold on tight. Give your baby safe objects to grasp, such as your index finger.

Baby's day out.. Stay tuned to your baby's interests, and shift your focus on the bird that catches his eyes.

Cause and effect. This teaches the basics of cause and effect and gives your tiny tot confidence in his abilities to manipulate the world around him.

Book buddies. This is a great way to build a foundation for a lifelong love of learning and reading.

Page 10: How children learn; stage Birth to 6 months

Materials for babies Crip Teta Objects Music Flash Cards white an

color Different kinds 0f paper Escarinpines Dicky

Page 11: How children learn; stage Birth to 6 months