houldsworth valley primary academy

Houldsworth Valley Primary Academy School Prospectus 2017-2018

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achievements and we would be delighted
if you chose to become a part of our
continuing success.
child is encouraged to discover and nurture
their special gifts and talents through a stimulating
curriculum that has global dimensions, going
beyond the basic national curriculum requirements.
We have a dynamic team of vocational teachers
and support staff who act as exemplary role models
to our children, educating and nurturing each whole
child, enabling them to achieve high standards of
academic attainment whilst also developing them
into capable, caring and confident human beings.
Alongside our hard-working, dedicated and highly
trained staff is a whole community of parents and
carers drawn from a wide variety of backgrounds
and cultures, each contributing to our learning
environment and the school’s wonderful and
creative ethos!
Believe, Bounce, Grow
To promote a culture of high self-esteem where pupils feel valued and special.
To be an inclusive school by embedding high expectations for all learners.
To foster a culture of determination through a range of learning behaviours and a growth mindset.
To be resilient and learn from mistakes.
To create a climate of risk taking, responsibility, thinking and discovery.
To respect and embrace differences - compassion.
To prepare the pupils to become citizens of 21st Century and life-long learners - future-proofing.
To challenge our learners, securing best outcomes by questioning, investigating, deepening and debating.
To research, share expertise and quality and show curiosity - wisdom.
To acknowledge and celebrate the achievement of ourselves and others.
To nurture and build strong foundations for all learners, including parents.
We are delighted to welcome you to
Houldsworth Valley Primary Academy.
website to discover more about us, our life,
achievements and future events.
The National Curriculum subjects are English, Maths, Science, History, Geography,
Religious Education (RE), Art and Design, Music, Physical Education, Computing
and Design Technology, and for KS2 a modern foreign language.
At Houldsworth Valley we complete a 90 minute English programme called
‘Success for All’ across the school daily. The children are taught in mixed-aged
classes across the school. This approach ensures every child is challenged and
We are a Maths Mastery school and have maths meetings daily across the school.
Beyond the National Curriculum:
Teaching the children about living sustainably while developing
their responsibility towards one another is a key aim in our
school. ‘Green’ teaching and learning activities are incorporated
into our everyday practice. We have a programme for cooking
and gardening.
School Expectations
school uniform every day.
child is unwell, we ask parents/carers to phone
the school office on the first morning of absence
and send a note on the child’s return to school.
Parents are asked not to arrange holidays during
school term time, If there are exceptional
circumstances for absence, permission must be
requested from the Headteacher.
expected to ensure home learning is completed
and brought into school on the correct days.
From time to time voluntary contributions
are requested for special events, trips and
performances. These contributions help to
provide and enriched curriculum.
We enjoy enriching children’s learning with many school events,
trips to special places of interest, workshops, outdoor activities
in our well-equipped school grounds, playing field and locality,
and visits to the school by a range of excellent speakers and
from 8.00am for children who come into school early and
After School Club until 6.00pm for children who have to be
collected later.
Children are encouraged to take part in extra curricular activities,
from sports clubs to dance and drama clubs. Every child in the
school has a dance lesson in the studio weekly. We have a
Science Lab for Year 5 and 6 to use weekly.
Behaviour and Values Education
We set very high expectations for behaviour as we do
for learning and we have clear rules, sanctions and
rewards. We encourage children to take responsibility
for their behaviour, to care for each other, respect the
school environment and have exemplary manners. It is
our aim to create good citizens who actively contribute
to our community and who are committed to making
a better world.
Children’s Welfare
Ready for Life
programme including a British Values Day,
the prevent duty, road safety, E-safety and
Leadership training opportunities.
and we welcome children with special
needs, be they learning, social, behavioural
or physical. We have a Special Educational
Needs and Disability Policy and ensure all
children are provided for as effectively as
is possible. Please visit our website to read
more on our special needs provision.
All schools have a legal duty to look for signs
of abuse (physical, emotional, sexual or neglect)
and report suspected cases to Social Services who
will then carry out any necessary investigations.
At Houldsworth Valley we take this matter very
seriously, using the local authority’s guidelines in
carrying out our care of duty to our children.
Schools are also required by law to provide
relevant information on children to Social Services
as part of any investigation and to share that
information at multi-agency child protection
meetings, to which parents are usually invited.
While the school aims to work in partnership
with parents in relation to children’s welfare,
the safety and protection of the children are
always paramount.
You can steer yourself in
any direction you choose.
We encourage all staff and children to develop a clear
understanding of what is right and wrong, recognise all
people as fellow human beings without labelling them,
develop and enhance the sense of community, unity
and whole school ethos, and empower and develop
individual's sense of self-worth and confidence. We
are looking at becoming a ‘Rights Respecting’ school.
What People Say: The Wider World
“You can learn from
school and reading this
school website to read
more about our school,
download our newsletters.
information, please do not
hesitate to contact us.
Houldsworth Valley Primary Academy
links with the local community and wider world.
We have a strong Governing Body whose role
is to oversee the strategic planning of the
school. Among its members are parents and
local residents with key skills in supporting the
school’s core functions.
Association, made up of parents/carers whose
role is to raise additional funds for specific
projects and equipment that are valuable for
the education of our children and to organise
special community events.
“You can’t do