hotstar pcr supermix - bio-helix · hotstar pcr supermix is evaluated in a dna polymerization...

HotStar PCR SuperMix Cat No. MB201-0100 Size: 100 Reacons Store at -20°C (in a non-frost-free freezer) Shipping Condion: Approved for shipment on wet or dry Ice Descripon HotStar PCR SuperMix provides qualified reagents for the amplificaon of nucleic acid templates by polymerase chain reacon (PCR). The mixture contains an-Taq DNA polymerase anbody, Mg ++ , dNTPs, and recombinant Taq DNA polymerase at concentraons sufficient to allow amplificaon during PCR. HotStar PCR SuperMix is supplied at 2X concentraon to allow approximately 50% of the final reacon volume to be used for the addion of primer and template soluons. Reagents sufficient for 100 amplificaon reacons of 50 μl each are provided. An-Taq DNA polymerase anbody inhibits polymerase acvity providing an automac hot start and permits ambient temperature setup. Anbody-mediated hot starts improve PCR specificity and yield. Due to specific binding of the anbody, HotStar PCR SuperMix is present in an inacve form and is reacvated aſter a denaturaon step in PCR cycling at 94°C. HotStar PCR SuperMix may be stored at either -20°C or 4°C. Storage at 4°C avoids the necessity of thawing the mix before assembling the PCR. Repeated freeze-thaw cycles might reduce performance or acvity. Component 100 rxn size HotStar PCR SuperMix 2 × 1.25 ml This product is distributed for laboratory research only. CAUTION: Not for diagnosc use. The safety and efficacy of this product in diagnosc or other clinical uses has not been established. Quality Control HotStar PCR SuperMix is evaluated in a DNA polymerizaon acvity assay that measures the percent of Taq DNA polymerase inhibion versus an uninhibited control. A funconal assay is also performed. Components of HotStar PCR SuperMix are tested for the absence of DNase, RNase and exonuclease acvies. Recombinant Taq DNA polymerase is tested for the absence of exonuclease, and double- and single-stranded endonuclease acvies. Guidelines and Recommendaons Since PCR is a powerful technique capable of amplifying trace amounts of DNA, all appropriate precauons should be taken to avoid cross contaminaon. Ideally, amplificaon reacons should be assembled in a DNA-free environment. Use of aerosol-resistant barrier ps is recommended. Take care to avoid contaminaon of HotStar PCR SuperMix with the primers or template DNA used in individual reacons. PCR products should be analyzed in an area separate from the reacon assembly area. A standard 50 μl reacon uses 25 μl of HotStar PCR SuperMix and 25 μl of primer and template soluons. For the primer sets used in the development of HotStar PCR SuperMix, no decrease in product yield was observed if the amount of template and primer soluon added is between a fracon of a microliter and 25 μl. Lower yield occurs as the Mg ++ concentraon drops to a subopmal level. If the final Mg ++ concentraon is adjusted to 1.5 mM, the volume of primer and template soluon that can be added to 25 μl of HotStar PCR SuperMix can exceed 50 μl. Protocol The following protocol is suggested as a starng point and guideline when using HotStar PCR SuperMix. We recommend assembling reacons on ice from pre-chilled components. This protocol is for a reacon size of approximately 50 μl. The reacon size may be adjusted as desired. Note: For mulple reacons with common components, prepare a master mix of the components common to all reacons to reduce pipeng errors. 1. Set up reacon tubes/plates on ice. 2. Add the following components in any order to each reacon vessel. Volume (μl) HotStar PCR SuperMix 25 Forward primer (10 μM) 1 Reverse primer (10 μM) 1 Template DNA soluon Variable Add ddH 2 O to 50 Note: Primers (200 nM final concentraon per primer is recommended) Total volume of primer and template soluon can be 0.525 μl. 3. Cap reacon vessels and load in thermal cycler at 94°C. 4. Perform of PCR amplificaon as follows: Inial denature 94°C for 30 s2 min Denature 94°C for 1530 s Anneal 55°C for 1530 s Extend 72°C for 1 min per kb 2535 cycles

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Page 1: HotStar PCR SuperMix - Bio-Helix · HotStar PCR SuperMix is evaluated in a DNA polymerization activity assay that measures the percent of Taq DNA polymerase inhibition versus an uninhibited

HotStar PCR SuperMixCat No. MB201-0100Size: 100 ReactionsStore at -20°C (in a non-frost-free freezer)Shipping Condition: Approved for shipment on wet or dry Ice

DescriptionHotStar PCR SuperMix provides qualified reagents for the amplification of nucleic acid templates by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The mixture contains anti-Taq DNA polymerase antibody, Mg++, dNTPs, and recombinant Taq DNA polymerase at concentrations sufficient to allow amplification during PCR. HotStar PCR SuperMix is supplied at 2X concentration to allow approximately 50% of the final reaction volume to be used for the addition of primer and template solutions. Reagents sufficient for 100 amplification reactions of 50 μl each are provided. Anti-Taq DNA polymerase antibody inhibits polymerase activity providing an automatic hot start and permits ambient temperature setup. Antibody-mediated hot starts improve PCR specificity and yield. Due to specific binding of the antibody, HotStar PCR SuperMix is present in an inactive form and is reactivated after a denaturation step in PCR cycling at 94°C.HotStar PCR SuperMix may be stored at either -20°C or 4°C. Storage at 4°C avoids the necessity of thawing the mix before assembling the PCR. Repeated freeze-thaw cycles might reduce performance or activity.

Component 100 rxn sizeHotStar PCR SuperMix 2 × 1.25 mlThis product is distributed for laboratory research only. CAUTION: Not for diagnostic use. The safety and efficacy of this product in diagnostic or other clinical uses has not been established.

Quality ControlHotStar PCR SuperMix is evaluated in a DNA polymerization activity assay that measures the percent of Taq DNA polymerase inhibition versus an uninhibited control. A functional assay is also performed. Components of HotStar PCR SuperMix are tested for the absence of DNase, RNase and exonuclease activities. Recombinant Taq DNA polymerase is tested for the absence of exonuclease, and double- and single-stranded endonuclease activities.

Guidelines and RecommendationsSince PCR is a powerful technique capable of amplifying trace amounts of DNA, all appropriate precautions should be taken to avoid cross contamination. Ideally, amplification reactions should be assembled in a DNA-free environment. Use of aerosol-resistant barrier tips is recommended. Take care to avoid contamination of HotStar PCR SuperMix with the primers or template DNA used in individual reactions. PCR products should be analyzed in an area separate from the reaction assembly area.A standard 50 μl reaction uses 25 μl of HotStar PCR SuperMix and 25 μl of primer and template solutions. For the primer sets used in the development of HotStar PCR SuperMix, no decrease in product yield was observed if the amount of template and primer solution added is between a fraction of a microliter and 25 μl. Lower yield occurs as the Mg++ concentration drops to a suboptimal level. If the final Mg++ concentration is adjusted to 1.5 mM, the volume of primer and template solution that can be added to 25 μl of HotStar PCR SuperMix can exceed 50 μl.

ProtocolThe following protocol is suggested as a starting point and guideline when using HotStar PCR SuperMix. We recommend assembling reactions on ice from pre-chilled components. This protocol is for a reaction size of approximately 50 μl. The reaction size may be adjusted as desired.Note: For multiple reactions with common components, prepare a master mix of the components common to all reactions to reduce pipetting errors.

1. Set up reaction tubes/plates on ice.2. Add the following components in any order to each reaction vessel. Volume (μl)HotStar PCR SuperMix 25 Forward primer (10 μM) 1Reverse primer (10 μM) 1Template DNA solution VariableAdd ddH2O to 50Note: Primers (200 nM final concentration per primer is recommended) Total volume of primer and template solution can be 0.5∼25 μl.3. Cap reaction vessels and load in thermal cycler at 94°C.4. Perform of PCR amplification as follows:Initial denature 94°C for 30 s∼2 minDenature 94°C for 15∼30 sAnneal 55°C for 15∼30 sExtend 72°C for 1 min per kb

25~35 cycles

Page 2: HotStar PCR SuperMix - Bio-Helix · HotStar PCR SuperMix is evaluated in a DNA polymerization activity assay that measures the percent of Taq DNA polymerase inhibition versus an uninhibited

Cat. No.BK001LD001-1000LD003-1000MB200-0100MB203-0100MB205-0100MB206-0100MB300-0050MB301-0050MB303-0050 MB601-0100 DM101-0100DM110-0100

DescriptionBLooK LED transilluminatorNovel JuiceNovel Green PlusPCR SuperMixOnePCRTM

OnePCRTM HiFiOnePCRTM StarONE-STEP RT-PCR MMLV First-Strand Synthesis Kit GScript RTase GDP Hifi DNA Polymerase OneMARK 100OneMARK B

Package1 each

1 ml500 μl (20,000X in DMSO)

100 Reactions100 Reactions100 Reactions100 Reactions50 Reactions50 Reactions

50reaction100U600 μl600 μl

Related Ordering Information

Caution:1. During operation, always wear a lab coat, disposable gloves, and protective equipment.