hot water-assisted fabrication of chirped polymer optical fiber ......since the first polymer...

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    Hot water-assisted fabrication of chirped polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings

    Min, Rui; Ortega, Beatriz; Broadway, Christian; Caucheteur, Christophe; Woyessa, Getinet; Bang, Ole;Antunes, Paulo; Marques, Carlos

    Published in:Optics Express

    Link to article, DOI:10.1364/OE.26.034655

    Publication date:2018

    Document VersionPublisher's PDF, also known as Version of record

    Link back to DTU Orbit

    Citation (APA):Min, R., Ortega, B., Broadway, C., Caucheteur, C., Woyessa, G., Bang, O., Antunes, P., & Marques, C. (2018).Hot water-assisted fabrication of chirped polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings. Optics Express, 26(26), 34655-34664.

  • Hot water-assisted fabrication of chirped polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings RUI MIN,1,* BEATRIZ ORTEGA,1 CHRISTIAN BROADWAY,2 CHRISTOPHE CAUCHETEUR,2 GETINET WOYESSA,3 OLE BANG,3,4 PAULO ANTUNES,5 AND CARLOS MARQUES5 1ITEAM Research Institute, Universitat Politècnica de València 46022 Valencia, Spain 2Electromagnetism and Telecommunication Department, University of Mons 7000 Mons, Belgium 3DTU Fotonik, Department of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark 4SHUTE Sensing Solutions A/S, Oldenvej 1A 3490 Kvistgård, Denmark 5Instituto de Telecomunicações and Physics Department & I3N, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal *[email protected]

    Abstract: We obtained chirped gratings by performing hot water gradient thermal annealing of uniform poly (methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) microstructured polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings (POFBGs). The proposed method’s simplicity is one of its main advantages because no special phase mask or additional etching are needed. It not only enables easy control tuning of the central wavelength and chirp characteristics, but it also leads to obtain flexible grating response, compared with tapered chirped POFBGs. Therefore, a flexible and low-cost chirped POFBG devices fabrication technique has been presented by using a single uniform phase mask.

    © 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

    1. Introduction Polymer optical fibers (POFs) bring new opportunities for fiber Bragg grating (FBG) devices due to a lower Young’s modulus and a larger range of applying strain [1]. Furthermore, POFs are ideal candidates for bio-sensing applications [2–5] due to their flexibility in bending, biocompatibility and non-brittle nature. Since the first polymer optical fiber Bragg grating (POFBG) was reported in 1999 [6], different polymer materials are used for FBG fabrication with specific purposes, such as low attenuation CYTOP [7], high temperature resistance and humidity insensitive Zeonex [8], polycarbonate [9], TOPAS [10], and mixtures thereof [11]. However, poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is the most common material for Bragg grating devices [1,6].

    POFBGs are usually obtained using the phase mask technology, which is a simple and reliable method. However, the phase mask can only inscribe gratings with a given period, i.e., with a specific Bragg wavelength, whereas a Bragg grating centered at a different wavelength requires a new phase mask with another pitch value or using additional techniques, such as post-annealing [12], shown to provide a 230 nm tuning range [13], or straining the POF during FBG writing, shown to provide a 12 nm tuning range [14]. At the same time, non-uniform devices, such as chirped FBGs (CFBG) are attractive for other applications, such as dispersion compensation [15] and biomedical sensing [16], where POF materials show huge advantages compared with silica fibers, such as a lower Young’s modulus, higher sensitivities, and biocompatibility and biodegradability [17]. In 2005, CFBGs in POF were proposed for the first time by Liu et al [18] based on taper technology. Recently, the first CFBG in POF was fabricated by using chirped phase mask technology [19], whereas tunable POF CFBGs have been obtained using taper technology [20] for a variety of applications, such as bio-medical thermal detection [21] or variable delay lines [22]. The use of a chirped phase mask is expensive and not flexible, whereas taper technology needs accurate tapering process and chirp characteristic changes with strain.

    Vol. 26, No. 26 | 24 Dec 2018 | OPTICS EXPRESS 34655

    #349629 Journal © 2018 Received 31 Oct 2018; revised 11 Dec 2018; accepted 11 Dec 2018; published 20 Dec 2018

  • Recently, annealing on water acts as et al [23] invsolutions at roseveral hoursPospori et al longer waveleannealing procontrol, and t60 °C temperin POF with dthe polymer w[26]. All these

    In this paannealing to uleads to obtaichirped phase

    2. Polymer oPOFBGs wersystem emittiPMMA mPOtechnique. BeDetails aboutfiber for testiused to fabricFBG reflected


    3. Gradient The setup empis immersed ihot plate was function standhot water andeach measureluminescent

    Woyessa et althe propertiesplasticizer for

    vestigated the oom temperatu although seal[24] reported

    engths based oocess. This annthe same researature water cadifferent respowhen the fiber e works [13,23aper, we propouniform POFBin flexible grae mask fabricat

    optical fiber re inscribed ung 15 ns dura

    OF [27] whichefore using thet the fabricationg can be fou

    cate a 10 mm lod power spectru

    g. 1. Reflected spec

    thermal annployed for thern a container (used to contro

    dard CEM DTd attached to thement. The refdiode (Superl

    l [13] reporteds of PMMA br PMMA and l

    effect of PMMure, and a clear led conditions

    d a novel thermon stretching tnealing emplo

    arch group alsoan also enhanceonse time. This

    material temp3–25] focus on ose to produce

    BG which reductings responsetion techniques

    Bragg gratinusing a 248 nmation pulses. Thh was fabricate fiber, it was on setup, POFund in [28,29]. ong FBG at 85um after irradi

    ctral power of a 10

    ealing rmal annealing(height: 2 cm, rol the temperat-8820 environmhe move stageflected spectralum SLD-371)

    d the effect ofbased POFBGslowers its glassMA based POpermanent waare required d

    mal annealing the optical fib

    oys hot water o demonstratede the stress ands effect can beperature is raise

    permanent wae permanent Cces the overall

    e compared wis.

    ng fabricatiom KrF (Coherhe fiber was ated in DTU F

    annealed with cleaving and A uniform ph

    50 nm wavelenation with a sin

    0 mm long uniformpulse.

    g is shown in Fradius 6.5 cm) ture of the watment meter. T

    e, which controal power of th) and an opt

    f the relativity s. Such effect s transition tem

    OFBGs immersavelength blue due to fast evmethodology

    ber with 1% owithout a hig

    d [25] that annd force sensitiv

    e explained as ed above the β

    avelength shift CFBGs by appl cost for fabricith strain taper

    on rent Bragg St

    an endlessly sinFotonik with th 55 °C hot wconnection b

    hase mask withngth region. Figngle pulse (15

    m FBG inscribed b

    Fig. 2(a) where filled with water, which was

    The sensor probols the distanc

    he grating wastical spectrum

    y humidity (RHis due to the

    mperature (Tg)sion in methanshift was obtai

    vaporation of mfor tuning PO

    or 2% strain dgh accurate temnealing under 5vities of Braggmolecular relaβ-transition temof uniform PO

    plying gradiencating POF CFred POF CFBG

    tar Industrial-Lngle-mode BDthe center holwater [25] for etween POF ah 567.8 nm pegure 1 shows ans of duration

    by a single 15 ns

    e a uniform POater (~1.4 cm hs monitored bybe was immersce from the hos monitored by

    m analyzer (A

    H) during fact that

    ). Fasano nol/water ined after methanol.

    OFBGs to during the mperature 55°C and g gratings axation of mperature OFBG. t thermal

    FBGs and G [20] or

    LN) laser DK-doped le doping 10 mins.

    and silica eriod was a uniform ).

    OF grating height). A y a multi-sed in the t plate of y a super


    Vol. 26, No. 26 | 24 Dec 2018 | OPTICS EXPRESS 34656

  • connected byshows the temthe stage attaclinear with the°C/mm from with a uniform2(a).

    Fig. 2

    Figure 3(a1.0 °C (gratincentral wavelhot water aftsimilar behavhot water at 5after 10 mins,bandwidth ofwater, the refconsiderably (Fig. 3(b)), sithe reflected wavelength shrelaxation [25wavelength sh

    y using a silicmperature of thched to the teme water depth (the bottom ho

    m temperature,

    2. (a) Experimental

    a) shows the Bng part in ~12 ength of the grter 90 mins imvior than repor55 °C and 60 , according to f the grating evflected power stable, and themilar performaspectrum was hift is due to th5]. Stajanca et hift followed a

    ca optical fibehe water measu

    mperature senso(the temperaturt plate). In ord, the grating mu

    l setup for annealin

    Bragg wavelenmm depth of

    rating shifts abmmersion, comrted by Pospor°C. After thatstability of gravolution is alsand the bandwe reflected speance reported istable after th

    he complex hetal [26] also repmore stretched

    er circulator (Tured at differenor. As expectedre in the contai

    der to get unifoust be kept par

    ng POFBG, (b) Tecontainer.

    ngth shift durinf hot water). Frbout 14 nm whmpared to the ri et al [25] wh, we observedatings responseso plotted in Fwidth increasedectrum bandwidin [31]. After t

    hermal annealinterogeneous naported it underd exponential d

    Thorlabs TW8nt depths of thd, the water heiner showed a orm thermal anrallel to the hot

    emperature vs hot

    ng the annealinrom Fig. 3(a),

    hen the grating response befo

    here a uniformd that the wavee under humidiFig. 3(a). Just d during the fdth remained sthis process, bng, as was cheature of fiber shr higher temperdecay.

    850R5A1). Fighe container byating by a hot pdecrease of 0.2

    nnealing of thet plate, as show

    water depth in the

    ng process witwe can noticeis brought out

    ore immersing m FBG was anelength shift wity conditions after immersin

    first ~4 mins, tstable during aoth the waveleecked after 5 dhrinkage and mrature, where t

    gure 2(b) y moving plate was 23 ± 0.02 e POFBG wn in Fig.


    th 52.5 ± e that the t from the

    showing nnealed in was stable [30]. The ng in hot then kept annealing ength and days. The molecular the Bragg

    Vol. 26, No. 26 | 24 Dec 2018 | OPTICS EXPRESS 34657

  • Fig. bandw

    Next expewith a hot plannealing whgrating was imdue to strongchange with hgrating with 0

    The tempemeasured at tanother FBGtemperature asince the chirspectrum, wedefined as thechirped perforto ~1.1 nm, w3(a). But aftebandwidth sto

    3. Measurementswidth, (b) Reflecte

    eriment aims toate at the bott

    here one magnemmersed in theg curvatures atheight in the co0.17 ± 0.02 °C/erature at the bthe top (see Fi

    G, similarly toat the bottom orped gratings p define the Bre first minima rmance is obta

    which is more ter ~20 minuteopped increasin

    Fig. 4

    s during uniformd spectral power.

    o use the beneftom. Figure 4et was used toe hot water at at steeper angleontainer is 0.23/mm when the bottom of the cig. 2(b)). Figuro Fig. 3, but of the containerpresented here ragg waveleng(see marker p

    ained as Fig. 5(than twice the es, although thng with time.

    4. Experimental se

    m annealing: (a)

    fits of gradientshows the exp

    o fix the POF tan angle of 45°es. As shown 3 ± 0.02 °C/mmfiber was orien

    container was 5re 5 plots the c

    showing largr, as shown in and in the foll

    gth as the centepoints in Fig. 3(b) shows that bandwidth obthe central wa

    etup for gradient th

    POFBG central

    t temperature iperimental setuto the bottom °, chosen to av

    in Fig. 2(b), m, so the tempnted at 45° ang55.2 ± 1 °C wcentral waveleger wavelengtn Fig. 2(b). It islowing have aner between the

    3(b)). The meathe bandwidthtained with un

    avelength cont

    hermal annealing.

    wavelength and

    in a hot water up for gradienof the contain

    void damage ofthe linear tem

    perature varies gle direction.

    whereas 51.5 ± ength shift withth shift due ts important to n asymmetric re recorded outasurements conh increases fromniform annealintinued to decr


    container nt thermal ner so the f the fiber mperature along the

    1 °C was h time of to higher note that

    reflection ter edges, nfirm that m 0.3 nm ng in Fig. rease, the

    Vol. 26, No. 26 | 24 Dec 2018 | OPTICS EXPRESS 34658

  • Fig. 5bandw

    However, thermal anneafollowing, wehot water, asimmersed in twas kept outswater containgradient thermwater. Figuredifferent anneand 155 s anlarger values around 1.75 nvalues of 56.5achieved, the continued to having a smalstable afterwashown in Figwater [25] wresults of anograting chirp stable behavispectrum, depthe grating podone on the structure in oresponse.

    5. Measurements width, (b) Reflecte

    the obtained caling setup, we proposed a nes depicted in Fthe water, whe

    side the water. ner would be lmal annealing we 7 shows the ealing periods.nnealing time, than obtained

    nm in ~40 s an5 and 18 ps/nmgrating is bro

    slightly increall thermal anneards. Also, theg. 3(a), accord

    whereas the banother experimereached 11 nmior. Of coursepends on the acosition relativetime delay ch

    order to optim

    during gradient ad spectral power.

    chirp was somwhich offered ~

    ew method forFig. 6. In thisereas the rest oDespite the rolarger but mucwas obtained wobtained resu

    Figures 7(a) arespectively,

    in Fig. 5(a). Innd 5.5 nm in ~m, respectivelyought out fromase up to 5% aealing effect ju wavelength sh

    ding to uniformndwidth keepsent (Grating 3

    m bandwidth one, the specificctual thermal ge to the water sharacterization

    mize the metho

    annealing: (a) PO

    mewhat limited~3 °C differenr enhanced grads case, only aof the grating (om temperaturch lower thanwhen comparedults with diffeand 7(c) showshowing the b

    n Fig. 7(b) and 150 s, which ly, in a 1cm lo

    m hot water, alas shown in F

    ust after bringinhifts 1.5 ± 0.3

    m polymer FBs roughly sim3) with longer nce the gratingc structure of

    gradient over thsurface is requof the chirpe

    d for obtainin

    OFBG central wav

    d due to the limnce along the dient thermal aa 4 mm sectio(the total POFBre was 22 °C, t

    n 55 ± 1 °C, ad to the fully i

    erent gratings w the spectra ob

    bandwidth incFig. 7(d) we c

    lead to group dng grating. Onlthough the ba

    Fig. 7(a). It canng it out from h3 nm towards tBG response afmilar. Figures 7r annealing timg was brought of the chirped he fiber, and thuired. Further wed gratings to ng chirped gra

    velength shift and

    mitation in thewater containeannealing also on of the POFBG length wasthe area close tand therefore, immersed grati(#1, #2 and #btained after ucreases with tican observe badelay dispersionce the desiredandwidth of thn be considerehot water, and the blue wavelfter annealing 7(e) and 7(f) me of 510 s wout from the w

    grating, i.e. herefore, fine cwork is currenlearn about th

    atings with flat


    e gradient er. In the based on

    FBG was s 10 mm) to the hot a higher

    ing in hot #3) under up to 40 s ime, with andwidths on (GDD) d chirp is he grating ed as still then was

    length, as with hot

    show the where the water with

    reflected control of ntly being he actual t spectral

    Vol. 26, No. 26 | 24 Dec 2018 | OPTICS EXPRESS 34659

  • Fig. 7anneaanneathe grtime o

    Fig. 6. Imp

    7. POFBG under staling time of 40 s),aling time of 155 srating is brought oof 510 s).

    proved experimen

    trong gradient ann, (b) Bandwidth vs), (d) Bandwidth vout after 510 s ann

    ntal setup for gradi

    nealing: Grating #1s time; Grating #2vs time; Grating #3nealing time, (d) B

    ient thermal annea

    1: (a) Reflected spe2: (c) Reflected spe3: (e) Reflected spBandwidth vs tim


    ectral power (totalectral power (total

    pectral power onceme (total annealing

    l l e g

    Vol. 26, No. 26 | 24 Dec 2018 | OPTICS EXPRESS 34660

  • 4. CharacteIn this sectionin terms of teplacing the gtemperature cincrease the bandpass was27 °C to 52°about 3.2 nmnm/°C, a bit due to the diftemperature, similar to the reflected specthe presence precise measapplications.

    Fig. 8minim

    In order tocontaining thetwo X-Y-Z stawaiting 5 mwavelength wit, as depictedin Fig. 9(a). compared witapplied 1.44%to the results o

    rization of Pn, we report theemperature, strgrating on a Pcontrol by an el

    temperature s measured eveC in steps of

    m (see Fig. 8(higher than refferent pre-annwhereas the bbehavior show

    ctral power shoof peaks at burements of t

    8. (a) Central wavma (nulls)) vs time

    o characterize e grating was pages spaced by

    min between was monitored wd in Fig. 9. A s

    The bandwidtth tapered CF

    % strain, whichobtained with a

    OF chirped Fe full characterrain and humidPeltier plate, wlectronic tempeconduction. Tery 10 mins du5°. The centraa)), which cor

    eported for uninealing conditibandwidth and wn by tapered Cowed a non-flaboth wavelengtthe grating ba

    velength shift (thewhen temperature

    the strain senplaced on the Xy a distance of each step at when the strainsmall hysteresisth keeps stablBG [20]. A w

    h indicates a linannealed PMM

    FBG rization of the dity. The tempwhich containerature control

    The central wuring 60 mins al wavelength rresponds to aiform POFBGsons. The reflethe spectrum

    CFBG under vaat profile, diffeth edges and, andwidth and

    e center of the wae is changed. (b) R

    nsitivity of the X-Y-Z translati

    11.3 cm. The room tempera

    n was changed s is observed inle during straiwavelength shinear strain sensMA mPOFBG a

    chirped POFBperature sensitns a small v-gller. Some silic

    wavelength of when temperashifts towards

    a sensitivity as about (−0.07

    ected power ofwere similar

    arious temperaerently than rep

    also, sharp slcentral wave

    avelength spacing Reflected spectra v

    chirped POFBion stage and ffiber was straiature. The ev from 0 to 1.44n the resonancin, which is aift of 11.6 nmsitivity of 8.05 at 850 nm spec

    BG obtained intivity was meagroove and alcone grease wa

    the grating rature was chans the blue wav

    around −0.10677 ± 0.007 nmf grating increaas shown in F

    ature [20]. Althported in [20], lopes allow tolength as requ

    between the firstvs temperature.

    BG, a 15 cm lfixed with glueined 0.18% stepvolution of th4% and also, dce wavelength a different perm was observe

    ± 0.05 nm/%, ctral region [25

    n Fig. 7(a) asured by llows the as used to reflection

    nged from velengths ± 0.005

    m/°C) [14] ased with Fig. 8(b), hough the note that

    o provide quired for


    ong fiber e between p-by-step

    he central ecreasing as shown formance d for the similarly


    Vol. 26, No. 26 | 24 Dec 2018 | OPTICS EXPRESS 34661

  • Fig. 9chirpe

    Finally, tIndustrie CH3perform the hstep of 20% R10(a) and the 1.5 nm and tmeasurementsphase-shifted

    Fig. 1Reflec

    5. ConclusioWe have demwater assistedsimple since neasy and flexstable chirp cless than 10 humidity whephase mask ihave been prothermal detecMoreover, thvariations on temperature g

    Funding Fundação parHeilongjiang

    9. (a) Central waved POFBG. (b) Re

    he chirped P340) at a conshumidity charaRH with a staboptical spectra

    the sensitivity s shown in FigPMMA mPOF

    0. (a). Central wacted spectrum vs h

    on monstrated a new

    d gradient theno special phaxible tuning ocharacteristic. A

    min. The cenereas the bandis employed fovided for futuction in bio-s

    he use of liquthe temperatu

    gradients will b

    ra a Ciência e aProvince.

    velength during steflected Spectra vs

    OFBG was ptant temperatu

    acterization mebilization perioa evolution is swas calculate

    g. 10, the obtaiFBG at 850 nm

    avelength of the chhumidity.

    w low cost fabermal annealinse mask or addf the wavelenA chirp larger ntral wavelengdwidth keeps sfor fabrication.ure potential apsensing and duids with diffure gradient. Ibe considered a

    a Tecnologia;

    train increasing (b strain.

    placed in the ure of 22 °C aneasurements. Td of 70 mins. Tshown in Fig. d to be 0.025 ined result is s

    m spectral regio

    hirped grating vs t

    brication techning of uniform ditional etching

    ngth and chirp than 11 nm h

    gth linearly chstable, similar. Sensitivity mpplications sucdelay lines inferent specific In this way, inas future work.


    blue) and decreasi

    temperature nd 30% of rel

    The RH was inThe cycle can 10(b). The tota± 0.005 nm/%

    similar to one on [32].

    time when humidi

    ique of chirpedPOFBGs. Th

    g process is ne performance

    has been obtainhanges with tr to CFBG resmeasurements ch as high reson microwave

    heat coefficinvestigations o

    ETEO; Natural

    ing (red) cycle of

    chamber (Anlative humidityncreased up to

    be observed inal wavelength %RH, accordinobtained with

    ity is changed. (b)

    d POFBGs bashe proposed meeded, and it enwith a perma

    ned for the firstemperature, stsponse when ato external pa

    olution large bphotonics sub

    ients will alsoof different liq

    l Science Foun


    ngelantoni y (RH) to 90% in a n the Fig. shift was ng to the annealed


    ed on hot method is nables an

    anent and st time in train and a chirped arameters

    bandwidth bsystems. o lead to quids and

    ndation of

    Vol. 26, No. 26 | 24 Dec 2018 | OPTICS EXPRESS 34662

  • Acknowledgements This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)/MEC through national funds, when applicable co-funded by FEDER – PT2020 partnership agreement under the project UID/EEA/50008/2013 and the Research Excellence Award Programme GVA PROMETEO 2017/103 Future Microwave Photonics Technologies and applications, Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province of China (F2018026). C. A. F. Marques also acknowledges the financial support from FCT through the fellowship SFRH/BPD/109458/2015.

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