hoole affidavit re- lost boys lawsuit

Affidavit#1 of Roger H. Hoole Sworn July 16,2010 No. S-097767 Vancouver Registry IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF: THE CONSTITUTIONAL QUESTION ACT, R.S.B.C. 1996, C.68 AND IN THE MATTER OF: THE CANADIAN CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS AND IN THE MATTER OF: A REFERENCE BY THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL SET OUT IN ORDER IN COUNCIL NO. 533 DATED OCTOBER 22,2009 CONCERNING THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF S. 293 OF THE CRIMINAL CODE OF CANADA, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46 AFFIDAVIT - ROGER H. HOOLE Ministry of Attorney General Legal Services Branch 1301 -865 Hornby Street Vancouver BC V6Z 2G3 Telephone: 604 660-5476 Facsimile: 604 660-6797 Craig Jones Barrister and Solicitor

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Affidavit of Roger Hoole regarding the lawsuit of the "Lost Boys" vs. FLDS


Page 1: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

Affidavit#1 of Roger H. Hoole Sworn July 16,2010

No. S-097767 Vancouver Registry










Ministry of Attorney General Legal Services Branch

1301 -865 Hornby Street Vancouver BC V6Z 2G3 Telephone: 604 660-5476 Facsimile: 604 660-6797

Craig Jones Barrister and Solicitor

Page 2: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

Affidavit #1 of Roger H. Hoole Sworn July 16,2010

No. S097767 Vancouver Registry










I, Roger H. Hoole, of 4276 South Highland Drive in in Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah, in

the United States of America, MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT:

1. I am attorney practicing at the law firm of Hoole and King in Salt Lake City Utah. I have

personal knowledge of the matters deposed to in this affidavit except where stated to be

based on information and belief and where so stated I believe it to be true.

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- 2 -

2. I acted on behalf of a number of former members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus

Christ of Latter Day Saints ("FLDS") in a civil action that was commonly referred to as

the "Lost Boys" litigation. There were six plaintiffs in total, all of whom were male and

all of whom were forced to leave the FLDS community at a young age. The Lost Boys

Litigation was eventually consolidated with a civil action brought by Brent Jeffs (I also

acted for Brent Jeffs) against Warren Jeffs and the FLDS. The FLDS did not defend the

litigation and we obtained a default judgment.

3. The default judgment put at risk the assets of the United Effort Plan Trust ("UEP"). The

UEP owns virtually all of the land in the FLDS communities of Colorado City, Arizona,

Hildale, Utah, and Lister ("Bountiful"), British Columbia. With the encouragement of

my clients, the Utah and Arizona Attorney Generals subsequently appointed a Special

Fiduciary to assume control of the UEP, subject to the court's supervision. My clients in

the "Lost Boys" case continued to be interested parties in the court proceeding

concerning the UEP (the "UEP Proceeding").

4. Now produced and shown to me and attached as Exhibits "A" through "c" are:

(i) My memorandum of January 14,2010 which was filed with the Third Judicial

District Court for Salt Lake County, State of Utah, in the UEP Proceeding;

[Exhibit "A")

Page 4: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

o - -' -

(ii) The Notice of Affidavit of J. Nick Hanna which was filed with the Third Judicial

District Court for Salt Lake County, State of Utah in the UEP Proceeding;

[Exhibit "B"]

(iii) A reply memorandum submitted by the Special Fiduciary with the Third Judicial

District Court for the Salt Lake County, State of Utah in the UEP Proceeding.

[Exhibit "C"]

SWORN BEFORE ME at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah, United States of America, this 16th day ofJuly, 2010.

A Commissioner for taking Affidavits for British Columbia

Karen, tiOrstIIIII't BafrIst8(8i1d SOlicltQr" ,"

Ministry 1301 -865 HombySriit'S

vancouver. B.C. V6Z 2G3' . (604) 660-3093

i /Z l LIO' If C ) Roger H. oole ) ) ) ) )

Page 5: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

Roger H. Hoole (5089) Gregory N. Hoole (7894) HOOLE & KING, LC. 4276 South Highland Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 84124 Teiephone: 801-272-7556 Facsimile: 801-272-7557

Attorneys for Original Interested Indivicluals: Richard Jessop Ream, Thomas Samuel Steed, Don Ronald Fischer, Dean Joseph Barlow, Walter Scott Fischer, Richard Gilbert and Brent Jeffs

Th" "!,,bit" A . referred to in the

aftIC;,V;! of. ...... ......... . Sworn bufore me .. [I'M/-! in the Pro'/lnce of British Columbia this

........... , 20/9 . . .......... ".. ........... . ........ . uil;)Ii!S" Oller tid !;'J AI!'i!:;';!!::;

withlfl th(; PrUVllh,"--' UI fAlllStl C();i,llltJlil



IN THE MATTER OF THE U'NITED EFFORT PLAN TRUST, (Dated November 9, 1942, Amended April 10,1946, and Amene'ed and Restated on November 3, 1998); and its TRUSTEES, including known trustees TRUMAN BARLOW, WARREN JEFFS, LEROY JEFFS, WINSTON BLACKMORE, JAMES ZITTING and \VILLIAM E JESSOP alk/a WILLIAM E. TIMPSON AND DOE TRUSTEES I THROUGH IX


Civil No. 053900848

Judge Denise P. Lindberg

On December 11, 2009 this Court issued a minute Entry and Orcler inviiing the Utah and

Arizona Attorneys General and the Special Fiduciary to submit recol111nenc1ations to address the

financial conditio:} of the United Effort Plan Trust ("Trust") and the continuing and proliferatirg

involving the Trust. Moreover) since the inception of this case the COl1li has been

to consider submissions from various non-parties, induding interested individuals, as a way of

ensuring that this Court receives relevant input on issues affecting the Trust. See Corrected Ruling


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and Order 011 Pending Motions, elated July i 7, 2009, at 1, n. 1. The Originallnlerested Individuals,

Richard Jessop Ream, Thomas Samuel Steeel, Don Ronald Fischer, Dean Joseph Barlow, Walter

Scott Fischer, Richard Gilbert, and Brent Jeffs have appreciated that courtesy. In this instance, they

respectfully submit the following information and recommend action that the Court may consic'er

in addressing the problem of litigation involving the Trust.


Warren Jeffs, as leader of the FLDS people and through criminal enterprises such as the

Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Clu'ist of Latter Day Saints and the Corporation of the President of

the Fundamentalist Church ofJesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Ccollectively, the "FLDS Church"),

knowingly and increasingly brought the FLDS into conflict with the law as a religious "test":

The Lord is showing me the young girls of this community, those who are pure and righteous will be taken care of at a younger age. As the government finds out about this, it will bring such a great pressure upon us, upon the families of these girls, upon the girls who are placed in marriage .... And I will teach the young people that there is no such thing as an underage Priesthood marriage but that it is a protection for ttem if they will look at it right and seek unto the Lord for a testimony. The Lord will have me do this, get more young girls married, not only as a test to the parents, but also to test this people to see if they will give the Prophet up.

Private Priesthood Record of Warren S. Jeffs CReco:'d of Warren Jeffs"), entry for November 24,

2003, attached hereto as Exhibit A (emphasis added).'

I The Record of Warren Jeffs (from which this excerpt was obtained) was among the vast records seized by Texas law enforcement during a search of the Yearning For Zion Ranch CYFZ Ranch") in April of 2008. See the October 2, 2009 Order by the Honorable Judge Barbara Lane Walther ofthe 51" Judicial District Court of Schleicher County, Texas, upholding the legality of the search of the YFZ Ranch and the seizure of extensive materials, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibi' B.

It is apparent that the Record of Warren Jeffs, seized in Texas, and the other simil"r materials, seized in other arrests, are a significant part of the actual record of the UEP Trust, which this COUJiordereci the former trustees to its or before July 21,2005. Jeffs



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In addition to intentionally testing the FLDS people by creating an irreconcilable conflict

between them and the laws of society, Jeffs and the many entities and enterprises he controls have

anticipated the course of this probate proceeding, and did so, even before its commencement in May,

2005. Indeed, in another portion of the Record of Warren Jeffs (Exhibit C, entry for September 1,

has deliberately obstructed this Court's orders to produce Trust records. See e.g., April 29, 2007 letter from Warren Steed Jeffs to Wendell Nielsen and Merril Jessop ("we are trying to stop Bruce Wisan ... from getting the record.") A copy of this letter, which is Exhibit I hereto, was Exhibit 25 to the deposition of Frederick Merril Jessop in one of the Texas cases, previously made pmi of he record in this case, and recently filed in original proceedings before the Utah Supreme Court by tbe Trust.

POliions of the Record of Warren Jeffs (and related materials) have been placed in court records in various criminal and civil cases in Texas, Arizona, and Utah, as well as in the record before this COUli and in proceedings before the Utah Supreme COUli. See e.g., Utah Attorney General's Memorandum in Opposition to Petition for Extraordinary Writ and the United Effort Plan Trust's Response in Opposition to Petition for Emergency Relief, Case No. 20090859-SC. It appears obvious to the Original Interested Individuals that the materials obtained from the YFZ Ranch (and the mTest vehicles of Warren Jeffs and Seth Jeffs) should now be made pari of the record before this COUli to properly facilitate the administration and oversight of the Trust, to assure the administration of justice, and to allow the pariies and interested individuals to respond at the appropriate time the various motions improperly filed by the FLDS during the litigation stand down.

As discussed below, the Special Fiduciary and the Utah and Arizona Attorneys General should have the opportunity to fully discover and authenticate these and other pOliions of the Record of WatT en Jeffs-which are, indeed, actual records of the Trust. It appears that these records will shine a bright and much needed light on the impropriety of the FLDS litigation barrage and expose the utter fallacy of its numerous, but untimely, religious infringement assertions.

To be sure, the FLDS know the contents oftbese records and will fully resist their discovery and authentication. In response to what has already be filed with this Court, that effort has already begun. See e.g. Motion To Stay filed on January 8, 2010 in this proceeding by counsel for the Corporation ofthe President of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and Leroy Steed Jeffs, which seeks to prevent all discovery while the Utah Supreme Court considers petitions for various writs similarly calculated to prevent disclosure of trust records.


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2004), he foretold, taught, and sanctioned the coming loss of the UEP Trust as part of the religious

test of the FLDS people:

Wednesday, September 1,2004 9:54 a.m. UEP Trustee Meeting by telephone: Uncle Fred [Jessop], William Jessop and James Zilting

Hello. I have already called LeRoy Jeffs.['] He agrees and will also conference him next.

Hello. Can you hear me? Hello. Am I on speaker phone in the office then?

Hello brother William and brother James.

Can Uncle Fred hear us also? Uncle Fred are you there, Uncle Fred? Can everyone hear us? This is an official Trustees meeting of the United Effort Plan Trust. I have Uncle Fred and I calling in on phone with William Jessop and James Zilting present in Father's office in Sh01i Creek. I have talked to LeRoy Jeffs on these issues and he will be calling in and I will have brother James and brother William hear his voice also. Dear brethren, we are under attack. We now have tluee lawsuits filed against us.e] They are direct attacks against the Celestial Law and Priesthood.[']

2 Warren .Teffs' brother Leroy Jeffs is the Personal Representative of the Estate of Rulon T. leffs and, as shown in the Record of Warren Jeffs, knew that the UEP Trust would be sacrificed not only as a religious test of the FLDS people, but also in a deliberate effort to protect his brother, a federal fugitive wanted by the FBI, from apprehension and prosecution for criminal activity.

J The civil actions referenced are Brentleffs v. Warren JejJs, el ai., Case No. 040915857 (the "Brent Jeffs case") filed on July 29,2004 in the Third Judicial District Court in and for Salt Lake County, State of Utah and Richard Ream, el al. v. Warren Jeffi', el ai, Case No. 040918237, (the "Lost Boys case") filed on August 27, 2004 in the Third Judicial District Court in and for Salt Lake County, State of Utah, and Shem Fischer v. Forestwood Company, Inc. et ai., Case No. 2-02-cv-21 OK, filed on March 11,2002 in the United States District Court, District of Utah.

4 "Celestial Law" refers to "spiritual" or "arranged" marriage, including plural, underage, and incestuous marriage. "Priesthood," in this context, refers to the FLDS prophet and other FLDS leaders who assist the prophet in arranging these so called "marriages," regardless of their legality. To be sure, some FLDS have lawful marriages, that is, there are marriages between one man and one woman evidenced by a lawful marriage certificate. However, the references to marriage in the Record of Warren Jeff are references to arranged spiritual marriages commanded by God without


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And I tell you this much that the Lord is requiring of me to answer them nothing.[SI For me to testify in court, answer subpoenas or do anything about my Father's doings and my doings and the Celestial Law it would prove us the traitor and I am to answer them nothing. Do you uphold that brethren? Jam keeping a record of my voice and my sayings here with my scribe and J am saying that all the trustees agree with that thus far. By me not answering the courts, bretlu'en, that means I have dismissed our lawyers['] from these three new cases because we can answer the courts nothing or we will prove to be traitors against God and Priesthood. To even talk about marriages and our doing in the Priesthood would be out of order. And our stand is that no government or court on the face of the earth can bring God into question in the handling of His own Church and people. And that is what the apostates and government are determined to do. And I am to stay out of their way for now. But brethren, this will bring the government down upon us quickly. Even put the United Effort Plan Trust lands under government control. And before they do that-Can you hear me still? I am asking permission of the board of trustees to write up a deed to transfer the land for Western Precision

regard for the laws of society that make "marriages" involving more than one wife, young girls or close relatives illegal.

5 The admonition to "answer them [the courts] nothing" was an explicit religious commandment announced by Warren] effs, suppOlied by the trustees of the UEP Trust, including Leroy Jeffs, and in turn followed by the FLDS people. That commandment was relaxed somewhat by the necessity of hiring criminal defense lawyers after Warren Jeffs was arrested in Nevada as a federal fugitive in August of 2006 and after a score of FLOS men were charged in Texas with various sex crimes involving underage girls on the Y?Z Ranch. After years of deliberate silence, the FLDS Church has also initiated several lawsuits to thwart the cOllli-appointed fiduciary's administration of the UEP Trust. Apmi from attempting to take the offensive in this manner, however, the FLDS have generally continued to follow their prophet's commandment and exercise their claimed religious right to answer the courts nothing.

6 On December 16, 2004, Rodney Parker and Snow, Clu'istensen and Martineau filed motions to withdraw as counsel for the FLDS Church and UEP TILlSt in the Lost Boys and Brent Jeffs cases stating: "the clients insist upon a course of conduct with which their lawyers have a fundamental disagreement" and "that the ImNyers have been discharged from representation of the defendants .... " See Motions to Withdraw as Counsel, copies of which are attached as Exhibit D. Mr. Parker and his law firm did not withdraw as coul'sel in the Fischer case, presumably because that suit did not involve alleged criminal conciuct by Warren Jeffs, who was already on the lam-far beyond the reach of civil process.



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over to Western Precision so that company can continue to be a strength to liS.[7] I ask if you will do that. Do you second it Uncle Fred? And James and William do you agree? We want that company to be a strength to us still and not get into the courts. Please understand we are not surrendering The United Effort Plan Trust or the Church organization.[8] This is the attack of the enemy upon us. We are just standing firm with God and whatever they do as our enemies is the Lord allowing a test upon us. So brethren, let liS stand true. What did Ullcle Fred say? Thank you, Uncle Fred. Dear brethren, this is a test the Lord is allowing to come upon the Priesthood people to see what we love most. Do we love God Priesthood and the Celestial Law most or will we surrender Priesthood and give up the Prophet to hold onto our lands and our earthly comforts? Andl say to us: Stand with God and Priesthood and let us uphold the Celestial Law. Because I am not able to connect LeRoy on phone with us I am going to have him call in and hear this also after Uncle Fred hangs up. Uncle Fred, I will be in contact with you in a few minutes. Alright? I wanted these other brethren to hear your voice and that you upheld what the Lord wants done. [9] So we will write a deed, turn over the land the Western Precision building is on and give it to Western Precision. Also, our lawyers are afraid they won't get paid, brethren. And they are going to put a lean on the UEP land in Apple Valley. We have agreed to sell that land and Willie Jessop is still working on that. CO]

1 Although Jeffs taught thatthe UEP Trust would be lost to the govermnent, he was unwilling to allow the Western Precision building and land to be forfeited presumably because it was marketable and could be sold-as was done in a fraudulent effort to remove it from the UEP Trust. The company itself was moved to Nevada and renamed New Era Manufacturing, thereby serving as an ongoing income SOllrce and strength to the Priesthood.

• Jeffs was "prophesying" that the UEP Trust would be lost involuntarily as a test and specifically as a result of his (and those under his control) answering the courts nothing: "But brethren, this will bring the government down upon us quickly. Even put the United Effort Plan Trust lands under government control." It is also clear that to make it a true test the loss of the UEP Trust could not come from a voluntarily surrender: "brothers please understand we are not surrendering The United Effort Plan Trust or the Church organization."

9 At this point, it is apparent from the transcription that UEP Trust trustees, Fred Jessop, William Timpson Jessop, and James Zitting have voiced their consent to Wauen Jeffs allowing the UEP Trust property, sans the Western P1:ecision lanel and building, to be lost in furtherance of religious commandment to answer the courts nothing

" Subsequently, on September 4 and October 4, 2004, the Western Precision land and building were conveyed by the UEP Trust via warrant)' deeds to Western Precision, Inc. Similarly, on September 27,2004, the Apple Valley land was conveyed by the UEP Trust via warrantee deed to Aspen Management Investments, LLC, an entity controlled by Warren Jeffs. These transfers took



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But at any time, one of these courts could freeze the UEP assets and we could not do anything with it anyway legally. But I am trying to do some things before the assets are frozen.["l Do you brethren uphold this? God bless us and God bless you Uncle Freel. I will be in contact. I will hang up and call back with LeRoy Jeffs on the line you brethren if you will stay in place Hang up this phone and we will be in contact. Thank you.

[Uncle Fred hung up. I am now conferencing with LeRoy Jeffs, William Jessop and James Zitting.]

Okay. Are we all connected now? Alright.

Hello brethren. Hello brethren. Can LeRoy Jeffs hear us? Can you brethren hear LeRoy and I? I am keeping a record with my scribe present and voicing what is happening. I have by telephone: William Jessop, James Zitting and LeRoy Jeffs on the line for an official trustees meeting of the United Effort Plan Trust. And I present the issue that the Lord has directed me in these present lawsuits to answer the courts and the apostates and our enemies answer them nothing and that I have told Sam Barlow to dismiss our lawyers from these cases and we are answering the courts nothing because to give an accounting to the courts and our enemies the doings of God through the Prophets means ·we are submitting the will of God to our enemies, we are surrenderiug to our enemies. And we stand with God and Priesthood and the Celestial Law and I am to answer our enemies nothing. With LeRoy .Jeffs on the line, do you uphold that brother LeRoy? And brother William and brother James in LeRoy's hearing? By me not answering the courts and them not even having a lawyer to communicate with it will put myself, the Church and the UEP organization in conflict with the government. And we can expect whatever they do against us to be a test upon our people. But before that happens we need to transfer the land that the Western Precision building is on over to the Western Precision from the UEP. So I officially aslc Do you trustees uphold this. [sic 1 Say your name and that you uphold it. Then I put on the record that all the trustees including Uncle Fred in our previous call uphold transferring the parcel of land that the Western

place shOlily after the Brent Jeffs and Lost Boys cases were filed, and in April of2005, resulted in a fraudulent conveyance lawsuit brought in the Fifth Judicial District Court as Case No. 050500723. That suit was ultimately dismissed after this Court appointed a special fiduciary who brought similar litigation to recover the fraudulently conveyed UE? Trust property.

" Emphasis (bolded italics) added. Again, Jeffs and the trustees on the conference ea:! anticipate that a court will soon seize and freeze the assets of the UE? Trust; and again, the only concern is in liquidating certain marketable property before that happens.



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"recision building is on aVe!' to Western Precision corporation. I also inform you that our lawyers will be filing a lean against the land in the Apple Valley area on the UEP land. They would not take lane! for a payment. They are concerned about getting paid. So whatever happens in that direction our own lawyers are being used by the evil powers to break us up. We are not surrendering the United Effort Plan Trust or the Church organization and for sure we are not surrendering the Priesthood or the. Celestial Law. What they do against us is the workings of wicked men and women. We will go through the test, a similar test like the 1880's to see what we love most.[I2] And I say to us: Stand with God, Priesthood, and the Celestial Law no matter what they do to our possessions and our lands. It is me that are after really. And I must continue the work of God even with this attack happening. Do you brethren uphold this? Brother James is your testimony strong?

Remember that when the Lord has mehandle men for unwolihiness and you don't Imow the revelations of God to the Prophet and what He has shown me, be careful and don't take on a fear or a sympathy against authority. [I3J Know that the

12 This reference to a "similar test" in the 1880s is significant. "Tlu'oughout the 1880s federal prosecution to enforce the Edmunds Act (1882) and the Edmunds-Tucker Act (1887) escalated." B. Hales, Modern Polygamy and Mormon fundamentalism: The Generations After the Manifesto 41 (2006). The Edmunds-Tucker Act in particular put pressure on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ("LDS Church") because the LDS Church had refused to give up its practice of polygamy by giving the federal goverrunent "power to confiscate all [LDS] Church property (except chapels) in excess of$50,000 and to dissolve the [LDS] Church as a corporate entity." Id. Rather than lose its property, including the Salt Lake Temple, the LDS Church agreed to discontinue the practice in 1990. This decision, known as the "Manifesto," is seen by Fundamentalist Mormons as an abomination. Here, Warren Jeffs is signaling that the FLDS Church will not fail a similar test even If passing the test requires the loss of FLDS property. The present test of the FLDS, however, is markedly different from the test faced by the LDS in the 1890s. Bigamy prosecutions of consenting FLDS adults in plural marriages are extremely rare and the courts no longer require them to give up that practice, although the courts can neither condone nor fUliher it. The test now faced by the FLDS relates to the illegal marriage of girls-some as young as 12 years old, regardless of whether those "marriages" are plural. Although the law will not allow any individual or entity to sexually abuse children under a religious shroud, for the FLDS prophet to bow to the laws of society by agreeing to constrain his ability to command spiritual marriages with young girls would be a "mini-manifesto." This is the FLDS dilemma, and thus, the test that Warren Jeffs accurately predicted would bring him and the FLDS Church into conflict with the courts. To pass the test, the FLDS chose to fDlIow his command to answer the courts nothing, causing loss of FLDS Church control over the UEP Trust. AltllOugh the FLDS Church lost control over homes and land, the FLDS people themselves have not lost their right or ability to live in homes on UEP Trust land.

" The reference to "handling men" refers to the FLDS practice of expelling men from the FLDS Church and their homes on UEP Trust land and frequently includes the subsequent



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Lord has the right to judge all people, and that what the Lord has me do I am not accountable to any government on earth or court on earth for what the Lord has done among His own people. They are trying to elictate God in what He cloes with His own lands anel His own Priesthood people through these court cases anel through persecution. I stand with God no matter what happens. And this is part of the shaking the Lord had me warn the people about and it will result in the removing of the halfhearted.[I4] And I hope that you brethren are firm and true and that whatever we go through we will stand with God and Priesthood. And you will have contact from me as you prove faithful. J am to let go of the halfhearted. J am not giving up the United Effort Plan Trust or the Church organization but if the government does something against us it is upon their own heads. And let us stand firm with Priesthood and the Celestial Law. That is my message to you of the Lord, brethren. And I will make a record. And [ ask brother LeRoy Jeffs to type up minutes that [ will even sign that whatever happens Western Precision will be protected and that we have stood united in answering the comis nothing. Wherever that takes us brethren, let us rejoice in the Lord. Keep Zion growing by keeping that constant prayer of gratitude exerted. Don't complain against our enemies. Thank the Lord for this experience and let us go forward. This completes the UEP Trustee meeting. Brother LeRoy [ have informed you that Uncle Fred was on the line with three of us and heard the same things and upheld the same motions. You can put that in the record that we are unanimous in this. God bless us dear brethren and I will be in contact with you LeRoy on other issues. Do you need to direct Sam Barlow to pC'epare that deed? Who needs to sign that deed? Can you sign it or do I need to?


Exhibit C (emphasis added).

Not only did Jeffs and the trustees lmow that the increasing practice of placing ever younger

girls in spiritual marriages was on a collision course with the law, they characterized that inevitable

collision in terms of a "conspiracy" with the government, apostates and false bretlu·en. In fear of

reassignment of their wives and children (who are considered to belong to the Priesthood) to the stewardship of another man. This practice has increased dramatically under Warren Jeffs' reign and has divided scores, ifnot hundreds, offamilies. Sec e.g. J. Williams, Zero Chance, Power of Love .. Love of Power (2009).

14 The reference to the "halfl1earted," as addressed below, refers generally to the FLDS residents of Short Creek who remain there having not proven themselves worthy enough to be invited to the lands of refuge in Texas, Colorado, South Dakota among otber locations kept secret from the residents of Short Creek.



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remaining in Short Creek with what he considered to be the "halfhearted," where he may have been

arrested, Jeffs fled and began to establish places of refuge in various states, Those FLDS members

considered worthy and loyal enough to be invited to these lands of refuge (and thus allowed

association with the fugitive prophet) were given special instructions and removed from the forsaken

lands of the UEP Trust and taken to places of refuge

That instruction was communicated, in part, through a document entitled "Training Given

by President Warren S, Jeffs On the Places of Refuge to a Group of Men," dated February 21,2005,

("Warren Jeffs' Training"), A copy of Warren Jeffs' Training, which is attached hereto as Exhibit

E, was recovered from the vehicle in which he was a passenger at the time of his arrest some seven

miles north of Las Vegas on August 28, 200615 Warren Jeffs' Training confirmed the developing

conflict and again commanded that the faithful should answer the courts nothing,

The Lord revealed to me that ill 2003, a secret combination was in place between the apostates everywhere, many ofthem, and the government officials, and also traitors and halflleaJted men, false bretlu'en among the Priesthood people, And that conspiracy involved taking me captive, putting me in jail, bringing forth witnesses, that involved the passing of these laws, to call us criminals by performing marriages, so-called "under-age" marriages, and proving that the United EffOli Plan Trust and the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were so-called "criminal organizations"; and thereby they plawled to dissolve the Trust, tlu'ough their legal means take away OUT lands and houses,e'] and in their minds

15 Jeffs' Training was first made part oftlle pl'blic record by the State of Utah when it was filed on November 1,2006 in the Fifth Judicial District Court in the matter of Stale v, Jeffs, Case No, 061500526, as AttaclUllent A to the State's Memorandum in Support of Motion for Protective Measures for Victim, A copy of Warren Jeffs' Training was also previously filed with this Court on June 30, 2009 as Exhibit F to the Original Interested Individuals' Objection to the Settlement Proposals Submitted by the Utah Attorney General and the FLDS Church,

<6 "or obvious reasons, many ofJeffs' prophecies as to conflicts with the laws of society have been self-fulfilling, Contrary to this prediction, however, the FLDS people have not had their homes taken from them, The FLDS Church has merely lost legal control over the homes on Trust land, Indeed, this Court's intervention has made the FLDS (and all Trust Participants) more

-J 0-


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destroy the work of God. This has been in operation for two years now, this conspiracy.

Training at p. 25.

Clearly, Warren Jeffs and all those who received Warren Jeffs' Training believed that the

UEP Trust property would be lost because of illegal marriages, contempt for the laws of society, alld

a strict religious directive to obstruct justice:

The Lord showed me they were going to take away our lands and houses. He showed me that it was the intention of our enemies to pull me and many people into court and turn traitor by bearing witness in court of my father's doings and my doings, concerning the Celestial Law of Marriage, the judging of the people, bring God into question and what He does among His Priesthood people and on His Priesthood lands in His Celestial Law. And I say to you brethren, no person, no court, no government, no people on the face of the whole earth has the right or authority to bring God into question what He has his Prophets do in the Celestial Law among His Priesthood people on His consecrated lands. That is what these present lawsuits and attacks are. And so the Lord told me, "Answer them nothing, and don't f'ive them any testimony or witness."

Id. at 29-30 (emphasis as in original).

Subsequently, on May 26,2005, this probate proceeding was commenced. On May 27, 2005,

this Comi issued a Temporary Restraining Order to secure Trust assets. The FLDS reaction was

immediate. Rather than seek an opportunity to be heard (which would have been contrary to their

religious choice to follow their prophet's command), on the morning of May 28, 2009, the FLDS

began to rapidly dismantle and remove an 18,000 square foot building from Trust property in open

defiance of this Court's order. Private Investigator Sam Brower witnessed and photographed the


secure in their homes than they have ever been. Thus, dire predications of losing homes come true, if at all, only when the FLDS, exercising their religious right to jeopardize tlleir homes, refuse to pay property taxes or otherwise refuse to cooperate, even minimally, with the Trust's administration.

,1 1-

1 1

Page 16: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

11. After I got there, I notified the Washington County Sheriff's Office of the situation, and Deputy Sheriff Russ Wright arrived at approximately 3:30 p.m. ! heard him asking the FLDS workers who WoeS in charge. The workers informed him that they did not know. Deputy Wright responded by asking to see their identification but they refused to identify themselves.

12. While Deputy Wright was trying to question one individual who had refused to provide his identification, Jonathan Roundy and Fred Barlow, who are Hilldale and Coloraclo City police officers and followers of Warren Jeffs, approached us. Deputy Wright produced a copy of the TRO and Officer Roundy photographed each page with a digital camera.

13. While I was photographing the license plates of many of the trucks end documenting the building's removal with still photographs and video, an FLDS adherent by the name of Kelly Fischer approached us and told us that the building was on VEP land but that it belonged to him and ATI Construction. He further stated that the work crew was there on the Bishop's business.

14. The BishDp in Hilldale and Colorado City is William E. Jessop, a.k.a. William E. Timpson. He also claims to be one of the UEP Trust trustees. I understood that the TRO in effect at the time suspended the Bishop's authority tD act as a trustee.

IS. I told Kelly Fischer, Officers Roundy and Barlow and others present that the Utah Attorney General had ohtained a TRO which enjoined the UEP Trust trustees from conducting activity on behalf of the Trust and that the work crew therefore CDuld nDt remDve the building on William Jessop/Timpson's orders.

Affidavit of Sam Brower, a CDPY of which is attached as Exhibit F, at 3-4. This incident illustrates

the FLDS pattern of obstructing this Court's orders which continues to this elate." It further

confirms that the religious exercise of answering the CDurtS nothing should never be cDnfused with

,vhat certain FLDS people nDW claim to be a deprivations of religious freedom stemming from their

feigned ignorance Dfthis Court's proceedings.

" See also, this Court's June 2,2009 Ruling and Order Re: Various Motions touching on some of this obstructive FLDS conduct.



Page 17: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

On August 6, 2005, more than two months after this probate matter was commenced, Jeffs

specifically addressed these proceedings in his record:

May the Lord guide me that I wi II not compromise in the slightest degree, knowing that His will is the United Effort Plan Trust is rejected of God, and is not the gathering place; and the people must qualify to come to the lands of refuge, or else be rejected. And we will be scattered as a people and then the faithful will be gathered. And that is the Lord's way, and we will not work out differences so called with this judge and the government and compromise with the ways of the world.

See Record of President Warren Jeffs, entr·y for August 6, 2005, a copy of which is attached

hereto as Exhibit G. This portion of Warren Jeffs' Records was attached as Exhibit 8 to the Utah

Attorney General's Memorandum in Opposition to Petition for Extraordinary Writ in Case No.


Although some of his followers now apparently dislike the result, Jeffs' prophecies were self-

fulfilling. He set the events that culminated in the FLDS Church's loss of control over the Trust in

motion. First, in the late 1990s, he and other FLDS leaders began to use the Trust to facilitate

increasing numbers of illegal activities. Second, as he predicted, these illegal activities resulted in

civil tOli actions. Third, he commanded the FLDS to answer the comts nothing. Fourth, he

specifically made answering them nothing and the foreseeable loss of the UEP Trust a religious test.

Fifth, he purported to have received revelation that the Trust and halfhemied people were rejected

by God. Sixth, he caused certain UEP Trust property to be sold to support himself as FLDS prophet

and a federal fugitive. Seventh, he allowed the UEP Trust, FLDS Church, and himself to default in

the tort cases. Eighth, he commanded the FLDS people to exercise their religious rights to chose

between protecting the Trust and protecting their prophet and underage "marriage." Ninth, he and

the other former trustees abandoned the Trust and their fiduciary duties, requiring the Utah and



Page 18: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

Arlzol12. Attorneys Genera! to petltion for court intervention. Tenth, he refused to appear as this

Court intervened and eventually reformed the Trust to remove its unlawful purposes.'8 Eleventh,

years later, 19 he caused the commencement of extenslve litigatlon to assert the incredulous claim that

the FLDS' religious rights have been violated.'o The first ten of these eleven points resulted in

significant legal consequences for the FLDS as anticipated, ifnot orchestrated by Jeffs and the other

'" In deciding to reform the Trust, this Court elaborated and clarified that the Trust would have failed had its sole purpose been to promote the practice of "polygamy, bigamy, or sexual activity between adults and minors ... even in the name of sincerely held religious beliefs." See Memorandum Decision dated December 13,2005, at 33.

19 During these years, numerous trust participants have relied in good faith on this Court's orders and the Special Fiduciary's work by SUbmitting petitions for benefits and/or entering into occupancy agreements with the Special Fiduciary. Indeed, despite a widespread lack of FLDS cooperation, some FLDS families have and others still can take steps to obtain their individual homes by following the procedures established by this Court. The FLDS Church, however, continues to oppose any result that would not vest in its hands complete control over the Trust and thus trust paliicipants. Illustrative of this opposition is the uncompromising FLDS Church's obstruction to surveying, subdividing, and deeding individual lots. Should the FLDS Church regain either directly or indirectly control over the Trust, the result will be obvious: The Trust will again be used, as it has been used historically, to enforce the illegal and constitutionally unprotected religious commands ofthe FLDS ChurchJUEP Trust leaders. See e.g, United Effort Plan Trust v. Holm, 209 Ariz. 347, 349,101 P.3d 643, 643 (App. 2004) (trust participants kicked out of their home on UEP Trust land and sued for forcible detainer after refusing to consent to an illegal "spiritual marriage" oftheir fifteen-year old daughter) Extensive additional evidence afthe FLDS Church, and its predecessor, "The Work" or "The Priesthood Work," using its control over 6e homes, businesses, and land on Trust property to violate the law and to ultimately perpetuate the systematic abuse of children was previously made part of the record in these proceedings. See e. g., The Original Interested Individuals' June 30, 2009 Objection to the Settlement Proposals Submitted by the Utah Attorney General and the FLDS Church and the exhibits attached thereto. A compact disc containing many of those exhibits, comprising some 1,400 pages, is attached as Exhibit H.

10 See e. g, Letters from Warren Jeffs to FLDS Church leaders, Merill Jessop and Wendell Nielson dated November 9, 2007, attached as Exhibit 1. These partially redacted letters were originally filed with the United Effort Plan Trust's December 18, 2009 Supplement to Motion (I) for Order to Show Cause; (2) to Prohibit Further Unauthorized Filings; (3) to Compel Compliance with Court's Previous Orders Regarding Former Trustees; (4) to Set Deadline for Production of Documents and Accounting; (5) to Set Deposition Schedule; and (6) to Set Briefing Schedule.



Page 19: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

fanner trustees. The eleventh is, of course, utter nonsense; far from being a depravation of FLDS

religious rights, the current state of affairs is the result of conscious religious choices by :he


In addition, there is a twelfth point According to Jeffs, having Willy Jessop and othors

demand the protection of religious rights is a stall tactic to temporarily retain UEP Trust land

Jeffs claims had been rejected by God years earlier) 'mtil certain remote projects are accomplished:

The Lord wants Lyle Jeffs to have Willie Jessop, Glade's son, head up a coalition of saints, and write the judge in the UEP Case. Each demanding to have their rights protected concerning their homes. This will make it so the Priesthood is answering them nothing. But at the same time individuals are demanding their rights of protection. The Lord wants the saints in Short Creek to do this to give them a little more time to prepare and to retain a place a little longer in Short Creek, so the Lord's will concerning the projects appointed can be accomplished.

Exhibit I (emphasis added).

There is no evidence that the "halfhearted," the "apostates," other trust participants, and the

UEP Trust itself are no longer rejected by Jeffs. That they remain in Short Creek evinces that (1)

they have not been invited to join the righteous in places of refuge or (2) have no interest in doing

so. Thus, all such trust paliicipants are unprotected in their homes (and at significant risk) on Trust

lands, unless the Trust continues to be administered in a religiously neutral maImer. All trust

participants should be secure in their homes as long as they wish to live in them in compliance with

the law. To the extent some trust participants may now be offended by having to live under a

religiously neutral Trust administration, they mLlst remember that they freely made choices which

necessit2ted such an administration.



Page 20: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

Although the FLDS have no right to violate the law, courts cannot force them to make the

choice to respond to lawsuits or appear in this Court's probate proceedings. Here, participation was

for the FLDS a matter of religious choice, or to be more exact, a specific religious test. Instead of

taking the necessary steps to bring the UEP Trust into compliance with the iaw,2! the FLDS elected

to follow their prophet" and chose instead to protect him and his arrangement of and involvement

in illegal marriages. The expected legal consequences were the result.

The FLDS's first attempt at active involvement in the probate proceedings was in August

of2008-over thIee years after these proceedings commenced and over a year and 10 months after

21 The FLDS have amply demonstrated that they have no intention to administer the Trust in compliance with the laws of society. Indeed, as noted by this Comi they "openly promulgate the practice of plural marriage [which includes the highly secretive practice of illegal underage spiritual marriage 1 and under previous Trust administration by FLDS leadership, Trust assets were allegedly used in "urtherance of this illegal practice." Minute Entry Ruling Rejecting Settlement Proposals and Ordering Release of Funds to the Special Fiduciary, dated July 22, 2009, at 3. Any FLDS effort to regain control over the Trust is, therefore, "troubling in that it potentially provides for unconstitntional distribution of Trust propeliy to an organization that likely will use it in support of an illegal practice." ld.

" In early 2007, the FLDS people were given a remarkable opportunity to reject the course charted by their prophet when he categorically denounced himself and stated that he had been perpetuating a religious fraud on the faithful. Specifically, on January 24,2007, Jeffs's telephone calls from the Purgatory Correctional Facility in Washington County were recorded as a matter of routine while he denounced himself repeatedly to numerous FLDS leaders and members. The next day, on January 25, 2007, during a lengthy jailhouse visit with his brother, Nephi Jeffs, he similarly admitted his religious fraud and explicitly instructed that his confessions be disclosed to the FLDS. This vis,t was also routinely recorded (via videotape) by the jail. Transcripts of Jeffs' telephone conversations and his lengthy visit with his brother are collectively attached hereto as Exhibit J-with peliinent portions highlighted in yellow. Exhibit J also includes copies of a CD and DVD of the actual calls and visit. These transcripts acd recordings were first made public by the Washington County Attorneys Office after Jeffs convictions in September of2007 as an accomplice to the rapes of a 14 year old girl in the matter of State of Utah v. Warren Steed Jeffs, Case No. 061500526. Despite the nature of Jeffs personal repudiations and confessions, the FLDS have apparently not heeded the words of their leader and-as a matter of religiolls right-have chosen to stand by their prophet



Page 21: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

the final reformation oreler was entered 2J The excuse for belatedly bringing lawsuits, motions and

untimely appeals was the need to protect land for a temple, which had been identified as possible

Trust property to sale to raise funds for Trust administration. This Court has already noted the very

dubious nature of that stated justification." The Arizona Attorney General has posed the question:

"if the Trust's properties are [ail of a sudden] so sacrosanct and untouchable as the Petitioners

contend, then why did the [former] trustees, who included the highest ranging officials in the FLDS

Church, choose to abandon the Trust? See Memorandulll of tbe Arizona Attorney General in

Oppositon to Petition for Extraordinary Writ, Case \fo. 20090859. That question has finally been

answered: Jeffs commanded the FLDS to sacrifice the Trustto test their willingness to protect illegal

spiritual" marriages" with underage girls-and the FLDS passed that test and lost control over the

Trust as a free exercise of their religion. They cannot now be heard to complain that they have been

deprived ofihe very religious rights they have consciously exercised over the past several years.

Accordingly, The Original Interested Individuals respectfully recommend that this COUli

consider entering an order (I) allowing the Special Fiduciary and the Arizona and Utah Attorneys

General to further investigate, discover, and authenticate the issues addressed by the Original

Interested Individuals herein, and thereafter, (2) request that this Court strike past and enjoin future

filings by the FLDS as appropriate under the law and equity.

21 In August of2008, Willie Jessop, Dan Johnson and Merlin Jessop filed a motion to stay sales of Trust property. The Emergency Motion for Stay of Sales of Trust Property was likely filed at the behest of Warren Jeffs. See Exhibit 1.

2< See the November 2,2009 Revised Ruling and Order on the Motion to Approve the Sa:e of the Berry Knoll Property, p. 7.

-17 -


Page 22: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit


In Summary, all ofthe trustees of the Trust, ircluding Leroy Jeffs, who was also the personal

representative of the Estate of Rulon Jeffs, and the other FLDS leaders at the highest levels of the

Church IUlew and indeed planned for their control over the Trust to be lost by the suspension and

replacement of the trustees and the reformation of the Trust itself. For years, these leaders and their

followers undertook continuous efforts to thwart this Court's work while answering it nothing.

Having exercised their religious choice not to be heard and having remarkably unclean hands, the

FLDS have lost their rights both in law and equity to seek relief from the consequences of their

religious choices, and, more impOliantly, they have lost the opportunity to use the Trust again to

accomplish their illegal actions. Accordingly, this Court should consider striking past and enjoining

future unwarranted filings as it deems just. -]1-

DATED this I L/day ofJanuary, 2010.

KING, L.c.

Roger H. Hool Gregory N. Hole Attorneys for Original Interested Individuals: Richard Jessop Ream, Thomas Samuel Steed, Don Ronald Fischer, Dean Josepb Barlow, Walter Scott Fischer, Richard Gilbert and Brent Jeffs



Page 23: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit


1 hereby certify that on the ofJanuary, 2010, it true, COl'rect and complete copy of the

foregoing was served upon the following in the mmmer indicated below:

A. Bodily Assistant Utah Attorney General ]60 East 300 South, 5'" Floor P.O. Box 140874 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-0874

Randy S. Hunter Assistant Utah Attorney General 160 East 300 South, 5'" floor P,O, Box 140857 Salt Lake City, ur 84114-0857

Jeffrey L. Shields Zachary T. Shields Michael D. Stranger CALLISTER NEBEKER & McCULLOUGH 10 East South Temple Gateway Tower East, Suite 900 Salt Lake City, ur 84113

William A. Richards Arizona Attorney General's Office 1275 West Washington Phoenix, AZ 85007-2997

Peter Stirba Barbara L. Townsend SrIRBA & ASSOCIATES 215 South State Street, Suite 750 P,O. Box 810 Salt Lake City, ur 84110


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James C. Bradshaw Mark R. Moffat BROWN, BRADSHAW & MOFFAT,LLP ! 0 West Broadway, Suite 210 Salt lake City, UT 84101

Michael D. Zimmerman Troy L. Booher Katherine Carreau SNELL & WILMER LLP 15 West South Temple, Suite 1200 Salt Lake City, UT 8410 I

Kenneth A. Okazaki JONES, WALDO, HOLBROOK & McDONOUGH 170 South Main Street, Suite 1500 Salt Lake City, UT 84101


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Page 25: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

Monday, Novem ber 24, 2003 Hildale, Utah North House

1:30 a.m, Naomie'8 Testimony ofWbat Happened Tbrougb ihe Night

You left your room at 7:30 p.m. last night after going through an all-day, most of the day session, a severe intense session. You came back about 11:00 p.m. already into the heavenly session again. It really didn't stop even when you left. When you came back in, you could hardly walk 1 could tell. You sat right in your chair and I took your shoes off. I could feel that flow of fire. You seemed to be taken right out of it .


You got settied. ] was sitting on the couch. You said, "Where is Nomie?" I got up and knelt down by you and said, "1 am right here." You said, "Okay, okay." 1 knelt therefor afew minutes. J could feel the heavenly sentinels around you. At 11:20 p.m. Iwent back to the couch.

At 11:30 p.m. you said, "Okay, Sir. Okay, ] understand now." You said, "Will you send forth thy Spirit into your Elders that they may bow their backs again. Those who are with you, will you put money into their hands, even more than they expected." You paused for a few minutes. Then you said, "The Lord wants the Elders to donate money again, not knowing what for, but 1 will ask them again for another thousand dollars from each of the Elders and for two thousand, all who can. The Lord wants to see who is with Him and who will freely give to the storehouse and to this project, not knowing whal it is for." You said, "Every Elder is going to be pul 10 a test, will he support what the Lord is doing or will he not. " You said, "From this time forth Ihe hearls of Ihe Elders will be shown to me, each individually, who 1 can trusl and who 1 cannot trusI." The Lord has shown me again there is enough and to spare in Ihis community for the laxes, for the lawyer bills, andfor this project, Ihat it can be accomplished If Ihe Elders will bow their backs and give freely

At I 1:50 p.m. yOIl said, "Okay, okay. 1 will do il." You said, "The Lord is showing me the men who do not hold Priesthood will soon turn against

me, at ieast in their feelings, and they will slarlto make lillie insinuations againsl me. It WIll

conlinue until they are tOlally darkened. As I have to handle them, il will cause Ihe halfhearled to become more fearful. It wil! also cause the government pressure to come down upon me sooner and more forceful. "

You said, "I am yearning to lalk to the young people again, even tomorrow morning, if the Lord will allow me. 1 am willing to go through what il takes lonight that I may mar£! a sacrifice for the privilege of speaking to them, that even the little ones who want 10 save money and donate it to this project or to Ihe storehouse the Lord will accept their sacrifice and their offering. "

At midnight your body began to Iremble. You went Ihrough the severe time where illwisled and turned in Ihe chair, but il was not as severe as it was yesterday when you were conscious, bUI il was still quite severe. You said, "Oh, what is happening to me? Everything in me feels like it will dissolve and go away." It lastedfor about ten minutes. From 12:10a.m. to 12:20 a.m. you were very quiet. It was like Ihe Lord took you away and was showing you something. You would nod your head every once in a while. No audible sound came from your mouth.

At 12:30 a.m. you groaned and you said, "Oh, Wf Ok, Pry' H'i!?? [D""jI<Jg? T40Hi t is t"G8 1.8/'1& showing me?" You said, "The severe times ahead are going to become so great that as the Lord allows me to come back 10 this property when 1 am in deep hiding, each time it will lest the family greatly 10 see who will stand with me. Some of them might not even know 1 am here because of the compromises they are making. The Lord is showing me Ihe hearls of this family and who are preparing themselves to go with me. ] can see that very soon I will take some oflhe ladies, many oflhe younger children. J can see Margaret is ready and also Amy. 1 am yearning faT Becky 10 qualify. 1 want to take her. The Lord still has a lest for her 10 go Ihrough, although she is changing. The Lord still will lest her." You said, "] can see that some of Isaac's ladies are ready. The Lord has shown me Ihal Mother Jennifer and Jvfartha are ready to go, Ihatthey can be trusted. 1 need to get Barbie off of this property and also my Janella. I will take them through a special training before 1 send

Page 162 Record of PresIdent \Varren Jeffs Monday,November24,2003 . ______________ __________


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anyone because J will not compromise these places of refuge. I will tel! them directly and be so direct with them what their character has to be and their faith and the penalty oj Irealing lightly the privilege to go. "

AI 12:45 a.m. your body slarted trembling again. 11 was not as severe as it was at midnight, but il was quite constant for about a half hour. At 12:50 a.m. you said, "Okay, okay. I am willing to go through whatever it takes, the sacrifice for the little innocent ones and also any oj my ladies that wiil yet prepare, even though they must go through a great sujferingfirst, that they might believe what J am telling them." You said, "Mother Kathie is ready to go. And I can see that her faith and exertion is needed at R1. I don't know that is where she will stay or if I will take her to Texas. "

At ]:00 a 'clock you said, "Oh, my. Oh, my. Will theTe be any faith leJt among the young people. How I yearn to talk to them. The Lord is showing me the young girls of this community, those who are pure and righteous wili be taken care of at a younger age. As the government finds out about this, it will bring such a great pressure upon us, upon the families of these girls, upon me, and also upon the girls who are placed in marriage." You said, "The Lord will take care of them as they seek unto Him and yearn to stay clean andpl(re 4nd l will teach the young-people that there is no such thing as an underage Priesthood marriage but that It is a protection for them iflhey will look at it right and seek unto the Lord for a testimony. The Lordwi71 have me do this, get more young girls married, not only as a tesl 10 the parents, but also to test this people to see if they wiU give the Prophet up. The halfhearted will rage and this band of Gadianton robbers will become more hardened. They will become more forceful as they see they are not getting any blessings, because from now on, only those who have Zion in their hearts will obtain the blessing of Celestial Mw·rlage.

At!:15 a.m. your body was trembling through this time. There was such a heavenly whiteness, heavenly brighrness all around you, flaming fire encircling you. At 1:15 a.m. you said, "Oh, how my heart bleeds for the young and innocent ones andJor those of the young people that will qualify, those who Gre striving and seeAing (0 come info my

presence. It is really the Lord that they are honoring, not me, and [can see there is a degree of faith among the young people, but the devil is raging and he is so angry with what is happening He is using every stratagem to tum thefaith of the young people. "

You said, "] can see [am going to be using Levi very soon. He is ready to go. He is a boy J can Irust, becoming a good man in the Priesthood. " You said, "I can see] am going to be using more yo ling, young men, even Priests, and maybe Teachers who are yearning for Zion, who are growing in that Spirit. The Lord will yet reveal to me what to do and who] can trust. He is showing me the hearts of the Elders, especially the young Elders. My dream is lilterally beingfulfilled that it will be the young Elders that will help me do this job." You groaned and said, "Oh, my heart bleeds for this people even unto great pain. ] weep for Zion. I tremble for Zion. J am atoning for Zion. Who will be Zion?" You sighed and went quiet. You woke up about 1:40 a. m.

1 sure feel the heavenly powers here. 1 pray that you can talk to the young people this morning, as your heart desires it so.

7:30 a.m. You were awake from]: 3 0 a. m. until you got up

to get ready. You got ready to go to Good Words. ida were s1m2 flg!J2 dowh, hke you SUia'. Fon seemed to go right oul of it. By 6:00 a 'clock, you were right out of it. Ten minutes after 6:00 a.m. your body storied /0 tremble. You said, "Oh. what is going on with me? What is going on? What is wrong? Am I just not supposed to talk 10 this people any more?" At 6:20 a.m. you said, "Okay, okay. 1 will slay put. I will stay put." Then you said, "Oh, how Iyearn to speak once more to Ihe young people. Maybe! will only be allowed to do that by phone now. We will see what the Lord does. " You came to at 6: 30 a.mIor just a momenl. By 6:35 a.m. you were unconscious again. Your body started trembling. You twisted a iilfle and fumed

AI 6:40 a.m. you said, "Gh, the great distress, Ihe great distress coming upon this people. Oh, how I yearn to sujfer for them, but they must sujfer also that they will be converted. "

Record of President Warren Jeff3 Page 163 Monday, Novem ber 24,20-03


Page 27: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

At 6:50 a.m. you said, "Okay, okay." YOIL said, "The Lord wants me to take care of Nicole Jeffs and get her in her place right away if Wallace is willing." You said, "Oh, wow. What am 1 seeing? What is happening? Is it going to be too late?" You said, "The Lord is showing me the condition of this people, what they are guilty of There is too much sympathy in this community." Again you said, "Would to God 1 could train the young people once more." During this time YOlLr whole body was trembling continually.

At 7:00 a 'clock am. you said, "Oh, wow. Oh, my. There is such a great weight upon me to get these places done. The urgency 1 feel is so amazing, and 1 yearn the men will step up and listen." You went quiel for jusl a minute, then you said, "Gh, wow. Okay, okay. The great weight upon me is becoming more heavy, but 1 am so willing to carry il. "

At 7:15 a.m. you said, "The Lord wants me at RI today. He won 'I allow me to lalk 10 the people any more, al least not right now." Then you went very quiet until you woke up at 7:30 a.m., like you were being shown something. 1 know thai you walk and talk with the Lord. 1 pray to do the same with you. You came to at 7:30 a.m.

8:55 a.m. The last time I talked to you it was 7:30 a.m.

1 sure can lee!! am bemg held down, You were taken away for a while. You went

right back out ofit after 1 talked to you, at 7:50 a.m. It was really cold in here so J turned on the heater and put the blanket over me. By 8:00 a 'clock J couldn't see you any more. J sat up and looked over here and you were taken away until 8:30 a.m. You woke up for afew minutes. The power and feeling in this room was so strong, so amazing. 1 could feel father's presence and the olher Prophels, so amazing.

Did you say you couldn't see me, that I was physically gone?

Yes. AI 8:25 a.m. il was like the whole room became extremely brighl. J closed my eyes and when J opened them again, you were here. There was such a brightness. There is such a brightness surrounding you, such a heavenly white glow upon you. You said, "What is happening? What is

going on?" As I storied 10 leI! you, you said, "Jusl a minute. Just a minute." You seemed fa go right out ofil again. A18:40 a.m. you said, "Oh, wow. Oh, wow. What am J seeing? The Lord is showing me that my enemies, Ron and John and others are plotting ways they can get in this place. Oh, Ihe lerrible wicked people seeking to destroy. "

AI 8:45 a.m. you said, "Oh, okay. Okay. 1 am understanding this now. J am underslanding." Again you said, "1 have got to gel Ihe places of refugefinished J havejusl got to. Therejust is no time, no time." Thenyou said, "When a man turns dark, falien away from Ihe light, he becomes so darkened so quickly. Thai is what I am seeing happening here with Ron. "

You woke up aboul five minutes 10 9:00 a.m. and asked what has been happening. 1 know Ihe Lord is showing you things. J yearn to qualify to go with you. There is so much ahead ifwe are faithful, so much grealer times. 1 know there is much work to be done, suffering to go through. It is nOW 9:00 a 'clock a. m.

1l:55 a.m. You were awake unti110:3G a.m.

I was? I remember coming to at 10: 1 0 a.m.

You made some phone callsfrom 9:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. You tried to call Isaac and you were l'9dng on the couch mlloke pJt gbmrt an bow; trying to get your strength back.

At 10:30 a.m. you got up and went into the bathroom, still in deep session. You came out about 10:45 a.m. and sat in your chair. You seemed 10 be unconscious soon ajier that, a little before 11:00 a.m.

At )f:GO o'clock a.m. you said, "What is happening to me? What is going all with me?" Sometimes it just feels like the Lord takes you into sessionfor two days to do a grealerwork with you. 1 know you are in His hands. He knows what He is doing wilh you. 1 pray to have sufficient failh 10 draw from the heavens what the Lord wants to give us, that we will be ready for it. It seems like He has taken you away from the people. Now He is taking you away from the family. 1 know He is performing a great work with you. I can feel a fire flowing from you so strongly, a burning witness that YOIl

are about faiher 's business. You are aloning for

Monday, November 24,2003 Page 164 Record of President 'Warren Jeffs


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us, for our slowness, Ihal we might have a place wilh you in the redemption of Zion.

AI JJ: 1 0 a.m. you said, "Maybe J am just not supposed 10 meel with Uncle Sam yet, or Ihose other people. 1 am going Ihe Lord's pace. FVhen He says, 'No' He says, 'No,' and J follow His orders." You said, "[ slill need 10 gel 10 R1 10 day. J can see Ihal when Jam Ihere Ihe men seem 10 gel more accomplished Ihrough Ihe influence of Ihe heavenly powers Ihere." You said, "The angles will wark alongside Ihem. The heavenly influence is there already. The Lord is having me be right Ihere 10 accomplish this work. There is a reason J am not oul and about among Ihe family. 1 am seeking for grealer understanding in all of Ihis, whal 10 do." You groaned and sighed and said, "Oh, my. Oh, my. What is happening? Whal is happening? "

At 11:20 a.m. you said, "The Lord sure is lesling me with these names. He is seeing if Jam going to jusl go His lead, go His pace or if I will jusllhink of a name and call the men." You said, "He is testing me. J don 'I know if He will have Ihese brethren go or not yel. I won't do anylhing until He gives Ihe go ahead, because J will nol compromise those places for anyone or anything. " You said, "I Can see Ihere are many men who would be a great strenglh, many young men. Bul if the [ord doesa't SaY "Ufe them, " 1 won 'I use Ihem. J will wait until He calls Ihem." You said, "Oh, show me whallo do. Show me whal 10 do aboul this, when 10 act, "

AI 11:35 a.m. you said, "There is a quorum of twelve men uniled working. " You said, "There is a group of twelve men united working in oneness. The Lord does nol wanl to break up thai oneness. " You said, maybe there will be other men calledfor R17, bul He wanls Ihese twelve men in per fecI harmony, working as one, living in perfect obedience 10 His every word and He will bless Ihem and strengthen their hands and their minds and Iheir bodies if Ihey seek unlo Him. These twelve men He wants 10 accomplish Ihis project. The Lord is pleased with them. He is pleased wilh Ihe degree of oneness among the ladies 01 RI, how Ihey have humbled themselves. They musl slay al it and continue 10 grow in the increase. "

AI J 1:45 a.m. you said, "017, my. 017 my. What is going on? I feel such a heavy weighl upon me, such a deep pressure. What is happening to me? Whal is happening to me?" You said, "I can see Ihe young people among us are being lesled so severely and who will be able 10 sland it? Only those who have a burning testimony of God and the Prophet, but il will be moslly the young people Ihal are brought to these places of refuge even without Iheir parenls. The young people will be Irained. There are many among the families who are, the Lord is giving dreams and visions of Zion to, who will help build Zion, and they are Ihe ones Ihat I saw in my dream, Ihe young innocent ones who are willing to lislen and obey the word of God." You sighed and groaned again and said, "Oh, 1 jusl weep over this whole people. My heart burns, I yearn 10 bless Ihem. The Lord yearns to bless Ihem. He is the one that does It. 1 am just an instr:ument in His hands." You said, HI will go the Lord's pace in this, in all things."

You woke up at 12:00 0 'clock. You told me 10 call Nephi and tell him to have Levi do lunch prayer. He said he would do it. He said he would wait for your directive on your appoinmlents. There sure has been such a heavenly power and influence here, such a privilege 10 be with you, in your presence during these sacred holy times. I yearn to increase, to not Ireat illightly or take itJor grantea or ireal 11 as Q common thJhg becaUSe 11 isn't. II is such a special sacred time, a time of great increase if I will reach for it. J know your suffering is so great, so great. 1 know Ihe Lord knows whal He is doing wilh you. I know He Can touch you in an instant and get you up and give you the strenglh you need

And put me down.


2.'38 p.m. Lasllime I lalked to you itwas 12:10 p.m. when

J finished. You were still in your chair. You had me call Nephi several times and give him some messages for you. You have been in a conlinual session for nearly 48 hours. II has lighlened up some a couple of times, bul il has been mostly conslant, constant Irainingfor you. II is beautiful 10 see how you so sweetly and humbly submit. [

Ihe Lord is guiding you. And I know YOll are

Record ofPresideni Warren Jeffs Page 165 Monday, Noyem bcr 24,2003


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making CI great sacriflcefor us. You are suffering greatly for us. Oh, J pray thai you won 'I have to suffer much longer, Ihat we will come up 10 the mark and be what you want us to be, because j know you are willing 10 go Ihrough whalever il lakes. J pray 10 repenl of my slowness and haslen, this moment live unlo God and be Zion.

You have been conscious through mosl of your session this afternoon. [got up aboul 1 :00 a 'clock and got on the bed and you told me 10 go gel something 10 eal. I leji about 1:25 p.m. went and combed my hair and ate a lillie and came back in about 1:45 p.m I kepi feeling impressed 10 pray for you as J was out of Ihe room, to pray continually for you. 1 could feel the heavenly sentinels and heavenly powers so strong, even unto a tingling feeling throughout my body. As 1 was combing my hair and when I came back in there was such a power in here, such a heavenly sweet increase.

I don 'I know for sure if you heard me come in. It seemed like you were semi-unconscious. About ten minutes later you said, "Did you gel somelhing to eat?" 1 told you 1 had It was 2:00 a 'clock by then. You seemed to go unconscious for about twenty minutes.

At 2:10 p.m. you said, "What is becoming of me. What is happening 10 me?" 1 know that as )'Oltr 60"9' iS€loing tkr,wgb rra":(plrr;ilQ"t,'gn it is being changed. You are literally becoming so pure. It is so beautiful to see the heavenly whiteness that surrounds you, the heavenly glow of that fire.

A few minutes ajier you said that you said, "This is so constant, so constant. I am seeking to undersland what the Lord wants me to do. There is something He wanls me to do. I am seeking for greater understanding." 1 pray to not hold you back, 10 unite my faith with yours, 10 truly be a strength here for you by lending my faith and prayers. J know the Lord will inspire you. J know that it is Him that is in charge of you, Ihat He is performing such a great work with you.

You groaned and sighed and said, "What is it? What is it?" You went very still and quiet until 2:35 p.m. Every once in a while you would Idnd of sigh, but you didn't say anything during that time. It is like the Lord was showing you things. [know you do His will perfectly. When He wanls you up, you are up, physically, j mean. You are always up and doing J know thai. When He wants you 10 stay put, you stay pul. Bul J 1000W He expecls us to exerlourselves, to yearnfor your presence,for the training, to yearn for the sweet increase, to draw closer to you. 1 know He expects that of us, to draw Zion into us. I know you are already prepared, that Zion could be redeemed already ifwe were all like you because you are like Heavenly Father. You are perfeci as He is peifeci. And 1 know that your perfection is increasing daily. The Lord won't wait much longer, He cannot. J can feel your great anxiousness for us, for these places of refoge to be completed There has been such a heavenly jire flowing from you. There is such a heavenly fire flowingfrom you. Both times when 1 have touched your forehead, my whole being seems to just tremble with the power that 1 feel flowing from you, the all-consuming fire, the power and majesty of God that is in you. 1 know if we will draw from you, from the heavens, that same sweet power, all-consuming feeling, that is what will make us worthy to be lifted up with you. That TV tb? fVPftkOi'GO d;'fi1 'ipiru 11'51' take I.w'd of to liji us up if it is in us suffiCiently.

Your suffering is becoming greater and greater every moment il seems. Bul J can feel the rejoicing in yo 11 and 1 can't help but just rejoice with you and yearn and pray that your life will be spared, because J know it will be, for the Lord has promised it. And 1 believe Him. I believe you. J love you, Warren. [t is such a privilege to be here with you, the greatest privilege. If any good is done, I acknowledge you and Heavenly Father. 1 am nothing without you. The only good J can do comes from the Giver of that gift.

Monday, November 24, 2003 Page 166 Record of President \Varrell Jeffs


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§ § § § §





Dn May 13,2009 through May 16, 2009, the Comi conducted a hearing on Motions to Suppress filed in Schleicher County Cause Nos. 991, 992, 993, 994, 995, 998,999, 1000, 1001, 1002,1003,1004,1013,1014,1015,1016,1018,1019, and 1020. The hearing on the Motions to Suppress in these cases was consolidated by the Court, upon the agreement of the parties in the above-listed cases. The Defendants had filed several different Motions to Suppress in these matters and the Court considered all of these Motions at this hearing.

The hearing consisted not only of argument of counsel, but also testimony from wi (ness·os, the admission of' affidavits and other documentary evidence. The Court after considering the pleadings, the testimony, the arguments, and briefs of counsel Orders that Defendant's Motions to Suppress should be denied.

S· d h' h OCT - 2 "8 b 2SEl9 Igne t 1St e uayo,' Bjltem d.

Barbara Lane Walther, District Judge 51 sl Judicial District Court


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§ § § § §





On May 13, 2009 through May 16, 2009, the Court conducted a hearing on Motions to Suppress filed in Schleicher County Cause Nos. 991, 992, 993, 994, 995, 998, 999,1000,1001, 1002,1003,1004,1013,1014,1015,1016,1018,1019, and 1020. The hearings on the Motions to Suppress in these cases were consolidated by the Court, upon the agreement of the parties in the above-listed cases. The Defendants had filed several different Motions to Suppress in these matters and the Court considered all of these Motions at this hearing.

The hearing consisted not only of argument of counsel, but also live testimony from eleven witnesses and the admission of affidavits and documentary evidence.

The Court enters the following findings of fact and conclusions of law with respect to all Motions to Suppress.


1. The Motions to Suppress and the hearing concerned two search wan·ants, which were issued under Cause Nos. M-08-001-S and M-08-002-S.

2. The Court finds that the Search and Arrest Warrant Cause No. M-08-00l-S was issued after a probable cause affidavit for search and arrest warrant had been presented by Texas Ranger Leslie Brooks Long (hereinafter refelTed to as Ranger Long) to the issuing magistrate.

3. The Court finds that Warrant M-08-001-S was issued on April 3, 2008, at 5:50 p.m. Entry onto the YFZ Ranch premises was made pursuant to the warrant at approximately 9:00 p.m. on April 3, 2008.

4. The COUli finds that the Search Warrant Cause No. M-08-002-S was issued after a probable cause affidavit for a search wan·ant had been presented by Ranger Long to the


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lssuing iYlt:lgislra!e

s. COUli onds that the Search Warrant M-08-002-S was issued on April 6,2008 at 10: 12 p.m. Peace officers began to execute the wanant at the YFZ Ranch following its issuance.

6. The Court onds that the Department of Family and Protective Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Depal1ment" or as "DFPS") on April 3, 2008, filed a Petition For Orders in Aid oflnvestigation of a Report of Child Abuse or Neglect, and that the subjects of said petition were Sara Jessop aka Sarah Barlow and an unnamed baby girl.

7. The Court finds that a district judge signed an Order for Investigation of Child Abuse dated April 3, 2008.

8. The Court finds that the Department on April 6, 2008, filed a second Petition For Orders in Aid ofJnvesligation of a Repoll of Child Abllse or Neglect, and Ihat the subjects of said petition were the children located at the YFZ Ranch.

9. The Court finds that an Order for Investigation of Chi Id Abuse dated April 6, 2008, was signed by a district judge.

]0. That Defendants' Joint Consolidated Motion to Suppress filed on April 14,2009, contains an attached Exhibit 15 which consist of the Petition for Order in Aid of lnvestigation of a Report of Child Abuse or Neglect that was filed with the Court on April 3, 2008, however affidavit in support of that Petition is not the affidavit that was attached to Defendants' Exhibit 15. The Court has included as Attachment "A" a true and correct copy of the April 3, 2008, Petition, the correct copy of the supporting affidavit, and a copy of the Order signed by the Court.

11. The Court has included as Attachment "B" to Ihis Finding of Fact a true and correct copy of the Petition for Order in Aid of Investigation of a Report of Chi ld Abuse or Neglect thai was filed with the Court on Aplil 6,2008, the correct copy of the supporting affidavit, and a copy of the Order signed by the Court.

12. The Defendants did not testify at the hearing on the motions to suppress, but instead chose to produce afodavits to support their claims of standing. These affidavits were cDnsiderec by the Couli, along with other evidencc related to standing, pursuant to Tex. Code Crim Proc. arl. 28.01.

13. The Courl finds that the property that was the subject of the two search wan-ants is a 1691 acre ranch and improvements located thereon.

14. The Court finds that said property at the time of the searches was owned by YFZ Land, LLC The Court finds that the YFl Land, LLC is listed as a Texas limited liability company, whose listed president is David S. Allred.

15. The Comi onds tl1at located on Ihe YFZ Ranch property there are numerous stnlctures, including a number of structures that could be used for residential purposes, several Ihat could be lIsed by residents in the practice of their religion, some structures that relate to


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education of the children, (mel some slnlctl.lres that relZlte 10 v8rious ongoing business activities.

16. The court finds that residents of the YFZ Ranch are members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ L8ller Day S2,ints (hereinafter referred to as FLDS)

17. The Court finds that none of the unpaved roads within the YFZ Ranch property had names.

18. The Comi finds that there were nO numbers or names on the buildings located on the YFZ Ranch, including the residential structures.

19. The Couli finds that there was no evidence presented that any of the residential or other structures were owned in whole or in part by any of the individual Defendants, nor that any of the Defendants otherwise controlled any of the structures owned by the YFZ Ranch, LLC through leases, contracts, or any other written agreements.

20. The court finds that the parcels owned by YFZ Ranch, LLC that comprise the entire YFZ Ranch property were listed as whole parcels on the Schleicher County property tax records, and the propeliy had not been subdivided to reflect any individual ownership or other individual control by any of the

21. The Court finds that the affidavits introduced by Defendants to support their standing do nol assert nor do they identity any specific or unique structure as being their home but rather that the statements assen that they reside at the YFZ Ranch.

22. T:1e Court finds that Ranger Long truthfully stated ill his probable cause affidavit in of Search and Arrcsl Warrant No. M-08-00J-S, that he had been on the YFZ

Ranch property on several occasions and that he had observed that access to the property was controlled by a locked gate, a manned guard house, high observation points, and a babed-wire fence are tnlthfuL

23. The Coun finds that Ranger Long received a call from the Schleicher County Sheriffs Depanment, infonning him that a female had placed a series of outcry calls to the New Bridge Family Shelter Crisis Hotline. She stated that she is a 16-year-old female, that she lives all the YFZ Ranch, tilat Dale Evans Barlow is her husband, that she is pregnant, that she has an eight-month-old child, and that she is the SUbject of ongoing sexual and pbysical abllse.

24. The Coun finds that the Schleicher County Sheriffs Department provided Ranger Long with infonnation that Dale Evans Barlow had been convicted ill Arizona for the offense of conspiracy to commit sexual conduct with a minor.

25. The Court finds that Ranger Long met with Sheriff Doran, who provided him with the family shelter's intake sheets and their call logs

26. The Court finds that on April 2, 2008, Ranger Long reviewed unsigned copies of affidavits from the family shelter workers who took the calls from a female that claimed to


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be a victim of sexual and physical abuse. The Court further finds that Ranger Long clid nol prepare ihe affidavits Ihal were signed by lhe workers from Ihe Crisis Hoiline.

27 The court finds thai Ranger Long interviewee Ihe family shelter workers conceming iheir conlacts wilh the caller.

28 The Court finds Ihat Ihe family shelter workers confinned Ihat the caller, who identified herself as Sarah Jessop Barlow, reported, among other things, that she had heen assaulted, both physically and sexually, by Dale Evans Barlow

29. The Court finds that the family shelter workel's confirmed that the caller reported, among other Ihings, that she was the fourth of multiple "wives" of Dale Evans Barlow.

30. The Court finds Ihat the family shelter workers confirmed that the caller reporled, among olher Ihings, that she wanted 10 leave the YFZ Ranch, but that she could not leave because of other persons, including her fellow "wives", would prevent her from leaving said property.

31. The Court finds that the shelter workers believed thai the telephone caller was believable, thai she needed help, and that she needed to be removed from the YFZ Ranch.

32. The Court finds thai Ranger Long obtained copies of reports ge11erated by officials with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services prior to his presentation of his probable cause affidavit in support ofM-08-001-S.

33. The Couri finds that no credible evidence was introduced that Ranger Long intentionally withheld or omitted information or recklessly misrepresented infonnation in the probable cause affidavit in supporl of Warrant No. M-08-001-S that he presented to the magistrate as part of his request for search and arrest warrants.

34. The Couri finds that Ranger Long believed at the time he sought Warrant M-08-001-S that the caller was a real victim of domestic violence and sexual assault and as a result of his beJiefhe sought the search warrant as a means of further investigation of these allegations.

35. The Court finds that Ranger Long had probable cause 31 the time he sought Wan-ani M-OS-OOI-S 10 believe that crimes, including sexual assault of a child, had occurred and were occurring on the YFZ Ranch premises.

36. The Couri finds that the reports thai Ranger Long received from the family shelter workers were consistent with and corroborated by other infonllation that Ranger Long had Jeamed aboul the YFZ Ranch and the FLDS prior to March 2008.

37. The Comi finds that there is no credible evidence that Ranger Long included any deliberate falsehood in the affidavit for WarTant M-08-001-S.

38. The Court finds that no credible evidence was introduced that Ranger Long had any infollnation that the caller was not in fact a viclim of ongoing sexual abuse at the YFZ Ranch.


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39. The Court finds thaI no credible evidence \vas in!rodllced to support the c18im that Ranger Long acted in reckless disregard for the truth in prepiuillg and presenting the sCi.lrch warrant {lffidavii for \Varnmi M-08-001-S.

40. The Court finds that no credible evidence was introduced to suppOJ1 the claim by Defendants that Ranger Long misrepresented the purpose of his requesting authorization to search the YFZ Ranch.

41. The Court finds that Ranger Long included within his probable cause affidavit a statement 'hat he k11ew of "no provision under Texas Jaw for lawful marriage at the age of fifteen" The Ra11ger's statement is an attempt to reach a legal conclusion and it is an incolTect statement of the law therefore for review purposes of the probable cause affidavit tns statement must be removed from the affidavit.

42. The Court finds no credible evidence was introduced to support the Motion to Suppress claim that at the time that the affidavit was sworn by Ranger Long that he entertained doubts, much less serious doubts, about the tfllth of the allegations in the search warrant affidavit for Warrant M-08-00l-S.

43. The Court finds that it was not until April 13, 2008, some ten days after the first Search and Arrest Warrant was issued, that Ranger Long learned of information suggesting that the phone calls to the family shelter workers were placed fiom a location other than th, YFZ Ranch.

44. The Court finds that before the Search and Arrest Warrant was executed Sheriff David Doran received a cell phone communication from someone claiming to be Dale Evans Barlow. Sheriff Doran instructed the caller to contact the law enforcement where he was located within thiliy minutes of said phone call. Notification of such contact within that time frame, if any, was never received by Sheriff Doran.

45. The Court finds no credible evidence that tbe officers execllting the Anest and Seard: Warrant No. M-08-00l-S knew that or should have Imown that David Evans Barlow was not on the ranch al the time of the search.

46. The Court finds thai enlry was made onto the YFZ Ranch on April 3, 2008 pursuant to Warrant M-OS-OOI-S, and 10 the Order For bvestigation of Child Abuse dated April 3, 2008.

47. The Court finds that on April 4, 2008, a s!nlcture-by-slllJcture search for Sarah Jessop Barlow, her child and Dale Evans Barlow, as well as for evidence of the alleged criminal activity as authorized by Warrant M-08-00l-S, was initiated.

48. The Court finds that during the slructure-by-structure searches, peace officers came into contact in plain view with evidence of additional crimil18i activily above and beyond what was alleged in the application for Wan"ant M-08-001-S, including evidence of multiple instances of bi gamy and sexual assault of addi Lonal children.

49. T}:e Comi finds that DFPS workers pursuant to the Court Order for Investigation of Child


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Abuse d8(ed April 3,2008, intervicw·:::d that resided at the \lFZ Ranch.

50 The Court finds that in the course of these interviews several females made statements \0

the DFPS workers that they were minors; that they were married to adult men that resided on the r011ch; anel that they were the mothers of children

51. The COUl1 finds that while peoce officers were executing Warrant M-08-001-S and whiie they were assisting DFPS in cmying out the Court Order for Investi gation of Child Abme dated April 3, 2008, that the peace officers obtained information from the representatives of DFPS. This information that the officers obtained provided further evidence of criminal violations including bigamy and sexual assaull of children.

52. The Court finds that as a result of the outcry st31ements made by several children to the :::JFPS workers that the Department applied to the Court for an additional Order in Aid cf Investigation of a Report of Child Abuse or Neglect.

53. The Couri finds that Ranger Long had probable cause at the time he sought Warrant M-08-002-S to believe that crimes, including bigamy and sexual assaults of children, had OCCUlTed and were OCCUlTing on the YFZ Ranch premises.

54. The Court finds that in suppon of the probable cause affidavit for Warrant M-08-002-S Ranger Long included statements made by Department workers that several individuals had identified themselves as being minors, that they were spiritually manied to men that were adults, that these men were spiritually married to other women and that they had given binh to children as a result of these spiTitual malTiages.

55. The Couri finds that no credible evidence was introduced to suppOJi the Motion to Suppress claim by Defendants that Ranger Long intentionally or knowingly included any deliberate falsehood in the search warrant affidavit for Warrant M-08-002-S.

56. The Coun find no credible evidence was introduced to support the Motion to Suppress c:aim by Defendants that Ranger Long intentionally or knowingly or with reckless disregard for the truth omitted relevant infol11lation in his probable cause affidavits for either Warrant M-08-001-S or Warrant M-08-002-S.

57. The COUli finds that no credible evidence was introduced to support the Motion to Suppress claim by Defendants that Ranger Long acted in reckless disregard for the truth in preparing and presenting the probable cause affidavits for either Warrant M-08-00l-S or WalTant M-08-002-S.

58. The Court finds that no credible evidence was introduced to suppOli the Motion to Suppress claim by Defendants that Ranger Long entertained doubts, much Jess serious doubts, about the truth of the allegations in the the probable cause affidavits for either Warrant M-08-001-S or Warrant M-08-002-S.

59. The C01ll1 finds that the Defendants failed to present credible evidence to support the claims lllode in their offer of proof in SUpp0l1 of their Motion to Suppress that the Ranger's probable cause affidavits JUlowingly or intentionally contained either deliberate


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falsehoods, dcliber8te omisslOns or reckless disregard lor lhe truth by the affiant in obtaining either sC81ch and 3lTesl warrall! M-08-001-S or M-08-002-S.

60. The Comi finds that during the evidentiary hearing there was no credible evicience mtroduced to establish the truth of the allegations contained in Defendants Joint Consolidated Motion to Suppress offer of proof that portions of of the probable cause affidavits for Warrants M-08-001-S or M-08-002-S contained a deliberate falsehood or reckiess d,sregard for the truth.

61. The Court finds that during the evidentwry heming on Defendants' Motion counsel for Defendants acknowledged that the picture that Defendants had attached as Exhibit 1-E of the Joint Consolidated Motion to Suppress was attached to the Motion without having been authenticated as being related to this matter. In fact, Exhibit J-E is a photograpl taken during the course of an unrelated drug arrest that occurred outside of the State of ;exas. The COUJi further finds that defendant's attorney attempted to withdraw said photograph after they confirmed that it was not related.

62. The Court finds that Ranger Long did not deliberately or recklessly omit information from either probable cause affidavit and that if there were any unintentional omission their i:1clusion would not have resulted in providing the magistrate with information that would have caused a reasonable magistrate to decline to authorize Wan'ant M-08-001-S Or

Warrant M-08-002-S.

63. The Court finds that given the facts and circumstances ofthe YFZ Ranch property, and the nature of the allegations made by the outcry victims, the descriptions of the places to be searched in Warrants M-08-00J-S and M-08-002-S were sufficiently specific.

64. The Court finds that the probable cause af'idavit in support of Warrant M-08-Q02-S contained infollTlation supplied by a confidenllal infOlwanl. The Court further finds that i· heard no evidence challenging the infollTlation provided by the confidential informant.

65. The Court finds no credible evidence that at the time that Ranger Long included any of the statements in his probable cause affidavit in support of Search and Arrest Warrant No. M-08-001-S that he intentionally or knowingly or recklessly misrepresented to the magistrate any relevant infonnation nor that he witr,held any relevant infollTlation from the magistrate.

66. The court finds that Defendants' offer of proof of deliberate falsehoods contained wi thin the probable cause affidavits to support the two waITants is unsupported by credible evidence.


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I. No search warrant shall issue by a magistrate unless sufficient facls are first presented to satisfy the issuing magistrate that probable cause does in facl exisl for its issuance. A sworn affidavit setting f01ih substantial facts establishing probable cause shall be flied if every instaJlcc in which a search waTTant is requested.

2. No arrest warrant shall issue unless there is a finding by the issuing magistrate that the request is supported by an affidavit that sets forlh sufficient infonnation that an individual has committed some offense against the laws af the State and the warrant must specify Ihe name of the person who is to be arrested and it must state the offense that the person is accused of having committed.

J. Arrest and Search Wanant must be issued only upon a finding by the issuing magistrate that the request is supporied by an affidavit that sets fOrih sufficient infonnatiol1 that would constitute probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed and that Ihe evidence of a crime will be found at the place 10 be searched.

4. A Probable Cause Affidavit may be based on the affiant's personal knowledge and lor on infonnation that the affiant has ifit is from a reasonably trustworthy source.

5. On a Motion to Suppress Hearing the Court must review the sufficiency of the Probable Cause affidavit by conducting a review of the information actually contained within the «cour comers" of the probable cause affidavit.

6. On a Motion 10 Suppress Hearing when the Defendant contests the trulhfulness of Ihe Probable Cause affidavit or if the Defendant asseris that the Probable Cause Aflldavit contains statements that were made by the affiant with a reckless disregard for the truth, then the Court must conduct an evidentiary heering to determine if the offer of proof made by the Defendant is con-ect.

7. lf the COUli after this evidence concludes that the Probable Cause Affidavit contains deliberate false slatements, or thai it was made with reckless disregard for the truth the Court shall review the Probable Cause affidavit after these statements are redacted from the affidavit.

8. The Defendant must establish the allegations that he makes in his offer of proof by a preponderance of the evidence and if he meels this burden of proof Ihen the reviewing CDurt must remove those allegalions from Ih" probable cause affidavit and review the redacted affidavit to detennine if probable C'llS, remains.

9. The Couri concludes as a malter of Law that Ihe evidence that Defendants presented at the Motion to Suppress Hearing failed to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the


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Probable Cause Aff1dav}(s contnined deiiberZlte falsehoods or that they wele D13de \Nitb a reckless disregard for the trulh. The Coun concludes that the Probable Calise Affidavils contained no deliberale falsehoods and thai :hey were not made with a reckless disregard for the t!1.lth.

iO. In reviewing a Probable Cause Affidavit tbe affidavit is nol subject to attack if subsequent investigation establishes 1ha1 in[011113tion that the officer reasonably believed to be truthful at the time that i1 was swom subsequently is determined to be false.

II. A Probable Cause Affidavit may be based upon hearsay if the affidavit contains sufficient infomlation that would cause the affiant to believe that the information was reliable or credible and if the infonnation would establish a valid basis for the belief that a crime had been committed and that a search of the named place could result in evidence of the crime being seized. Funhennore, if information contained within the Probable Cause Affidavit is not within the personal knowledge of Ihe affiant, Ihe affidavit must advise the magistrate of how the affiant acquired the infonnation.

12. The Court concludes as a matter of law that the Probable Cause Affidavits for M-08-001-S and M-08-002-S complied with this law.

13. Based on the Court's factual detemlinations, the Court has detennined that no Franks v. Delaware, 438 U.S. 154,98 S. Cl. 2674 (1978) violation occurred with respect to Warrant M-08-001-S or Warrant M-08-002-S.

14. The Coun concludes thai Ihe "four comers" of the affidavits in question provided sufficient probable cause to enter and search the entire YFZ Ranch premises, as described in the warrants, and to seize property on the premises as described in the warrants.

15. Pursuant to the Couri's factual detemlinations, the Court concludes that the descriptions of the places to be searched in Warrants M-08-001-S and M-08-002-S were sufficiently specific.

16. The Coun finds that Ihe offer of proof that Defendants provided 10 the Court in support of their request for an evidentiary hearing under Franks was not supported by Ihe evidence.

17. The COU1i concludes that both Warrants .M-08-001-S and M-08-002-S were validly issued upon appropriate probable cause, and met all applicable requisites of the Constitution of the United States of America, the Constitution and Laws of the State OC

Texas including the requirements of Chapter 18 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure and other applicable law.

18. The Court concludes that Defendants have standing to challenge the searches.

19. The Consti1ution of the United States of America, the Constitution of the State of Texas, and tbe Texas Religious Freedom Act, Tex. Civ. Practice & Remedies Code Section I 10.001 el seq provide for the free exercise of religion.


Page 40: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

20. The Court concludes thai for the state to i:1terfere with an individual's righl to freely exercise his religion and thus by goven11Jlental aclion burden that individual)s religiolls practice the stale's action must be subjected to the rigid standard of strict scrutiny and the state must demonstrate a compelling goverm'1ental interest. The Court concludes that the Stale's action in protecting minors and enforcing the penal laws of this state complies 'Nith these requirements.

The Court concludes that based upon the above factual detenninations and consideration of the applicable law, that the Defendants' Motions to Suppress Warrant M-08-001-S and M-08-002-S should be denied.

OCT - 2 2009 SIGNED, on this ___ day of __ ,2009.

Barbara Lane Walther, District Judge 51 Sl Judicial District


Page 41: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

CAUSE NO. :1,772 IN RE: §

§ § § § § § §

SJ. alkJa S.B.




This Petition is filed,pursuantto Chapter 261, Texas Family Code, by the Department of Family and Protective Services ("the Department"), whose addre·s.s is 622 South Oakes, Suite L, San Angelo, Texas for the purposes of § 30.015, Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code.

1. Purpose \

1.1. The Department is required to make a prompt and thorough investigation of reports of children abuse or neglect allegedly committed by a person responsible for a children's care, custody, or welfare, pursuant to §261.301, Texas Family Code.

1.2. The Department, for the reasons shown below and in an affidavit attached hereto an incorporated herein in its entirety, reguires court orders permitting entrance for interview, examination, and investigation at the children's home, schDol Df other facility, for release of the children's prior medical, psychological or psychiatric records, aneVor for medical, psychologicol, Dr psychiatric examination of the children, pursuant to §§261.303, Texas Family CDde.

2. Facts and Request for Orders

2.1. On March 29, 2008, the Deportment received, and has probable cause tD investigate, a repol1 of child abuse and/Dr neglect with respect tD the following children:

2.1.1. Name: Sex:

Dote of Birth: Age:


SARAH JESSOP a/k/a SARAH BARLOW Female OlllJ1l992 16 None

PeWjOi1 101 OrOeIS if) Nd 01 01 a RePJI1 01 Chlklren Abuse Page i

"'CAUSE NUMBER'" (198lh ASAP 04


Page 42: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

2.1.2. Name: Sex:

Date of Birth: Age:


BABY G1RLJESSOP alkJa BABY GlRL BARLOW Femaie Unknown Approximately 8 months None

The investigation should be completed to ensure the safety and welfare of the children,

2.2. As more particularly shown in the attached affidavit, the Department has attempted to make a thorough investigation of the report, but cannot obtain admission to the home or school, or access to the children, or cooperation of the parents or others responsible for the care of the ch ildren.

2,}, The children the subject of the repon arc residing wilh persons unknown at YFZ Ranch, Eldorado, TX 76936,

2.4, The investigation can be completed and a proper determination made only if this Coun orders a parent or person responsible for the children's care to cooperate in the investigation, orders an authorized representative of the Department to have immediate access to the children, and orders medical, psychological or psychiatric examinations of the children to be made as deemed necessary by the Department.

2,5, The investigation can be completed and a proper determination made only if this Court prohibits a parent Or person responsible for the children's care from removing the children from this county, acting directly or in concert with olhers until the investigation is completed,

3. Parties to be Served

The following persons are responsible for the care, custody, or welfare of the children and are parties with respect to whom the Department requests orders in aid of investigation:

3,1. The parent or person responsible for the children's care, with whom the children SARAH JESSOP a/kIa SARAH BARLOW AND BABY GIRL JESSOP a/kIa BABY GIRL BARLOW are living, whose address is YFZ Ranch, Eldorado, TX 76936, is entitled to service of this Petition. The Department requests that process be served at that address.

4. Prayer

4.1. The Department prays that the Court immediately grant an ex parle order in accordance with the allegations of this pet ilion.

4,2, The Department funher prays that the Coun immediately order a parent or person responsible for the children's care to cooperate with the investigation, and specifically to allow an authorized representative of the Depar1ment to have

Peo\iOfliOI OldiliS iii Aid olllWeSI'<JaIDIl 01 a Aepon 01 Children Abuse PagE 2



Page 43: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

entrance to the home at YFZ Ranch, Eldorado, TX 76936 and to hElve immediate {)ccess Lo the chilclren, to conduct <In interview and examination of the children.

4.J. The Departme'lt further prays that t'le Court immediately order any schools, day cares, or sheJiers which have any infonnation regarding the children to cooperate with the investigation, and specifically to allow an authorized representative of the Department to haye entrance to the schools, day cares Or shelters and to have immediate 8.ccess (0 the children, to conduct un interview and examination of the children.

4.4. The Department fllrther prays that the Court immediately order release of the children's medical, psychological, or psychiatric records to the Department.

4.5. The Department further prays that the Court authorize the Department to transport the children for purposes relating to the investigation, interview or examinations, including medical, psychological or psychiatric examinations authorized by the Court.

4.6. The Department further prays that ,he Court order the Sheriff or Constable to serve its order on a parent or person responsible for the children's care, and to be available to the representative of the Department to assist in the execution of the order.

PeliliDI1 1m DrOOlS in Aid IDn 01 a ReV>lj of Childl en AbU$€ Page 3

Respectfully Submitted,

Daniel Edwards A Horney for Petitioner, Department of Family and Protective Services 622 Sou th Oakes, Suite L San Angelo, Texas 76903 phone: (325)657-7398 fax: (432)684-2909 Slate Bar # 06440100

'''CAUSE NUM[JER'" / 1981h ASAP 04


Page 44: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

63/28/2889 13:5q 3258532758 PAGE 82

CAUSE NO _____ _


S.J. a/kJa S. B. § §





BEFORE ME, the undersigned aulhority, personally appeared Ruby

Gutierr€z, who was sworn by me and deposed as follows:

"My name is Ruby Gutierrez. I am of sound mind, over the age 01 18, and

capable of making this AffidaviL I am a caseworker for the Department of Family

and Prolecllve Services (the "Deparlmenl"), and I am aulhorized on the behall of the

Oepanment 10 make this Affidavit. I have reviewed the Department's Petition lor

Order in Aid of Investigation 01 a Report of Child Abuse or Neglect, and the facts

staled in Ihe Petition and in this Afiidavit are within my personal knowledge and are

true and correct."

1. Facts Necessitating Need Of Investigation Of A Report Of Child Abuse Or Neglect.

On March 29, 2008, Ihe Deparlment received an intake report at 11 :32 p.m. According to the intake, SIIIIIII J-. alk/a S_ JIiIIIIIISII S ....

3 16 year lemale, and her 8 month old infant (name unknown) were living with a 49 year old male, Dale Evans Barlow ("Dale Barlow"), and 12 olher adull lemales at a housing facility localed on the YFZ Ranch located near Eldorado, Schleicher County, Texas, which ranch is owned by the Fundamentalis( Church of Jesus Christ 01 Latter Day Saints and which is inhabited by a number of members 01 thoi church.

AFFlDfI VIT )/'1 Suppon T Or PnlTlQN IN AID 0 f lNVESilCA11QN .

Odgin21 AH.d.x 4j3f2C{)8 P,.,Cft 1


Page 45: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

B9/28/2B89 13:54 3258532758 PAGE 83

had called a local family violence shelter severa! times that day expressing Ihe need to leave her current living situation, S_ Jill A reported thai she was brought 10 the YFZ Ranch by her parents from Colorado City, Arizona about Ihree years ago, when she would have been 13 years old, She stated thai about !wo years alier her arrival on the YFZ Ranch (or about one year prior 10 the date of this reporl), which would have been when she was 15 years old; she was spirilually married 10 Dale Barlow according 10 Ihe tenets 01 the church, Sliillllt JII!I!iI!illI indicated Ihat Dale Barlow was also married to several other women and that she was' wile number seven.

S_ J_ staled that she began 10 be abused sharily after she started living at the YFZ Ranch. She advised that Dale Barlow would "beat and hurt" her whenever he gal angry, According to s.- J .. , this would include Dale Barlow hitting her In the chest and choking her and that while such abuse was occurring one of Ihe other women in the 'home would hold her eight month old child. S_ J_ reporled thai the last time Dale Barlow beal her was on Easter Sunday 2008, S_ J--. advised that, on a previous occasion, Date Barlow had beaten her so severely that it resulted in her having several broken ribs, lor which she was taken 10 the hospital, The doctor wrapped her torso in an ace bandage and told her to "take it easy for a few d(lYs", SfJiIIII$ JfIIII!IIIIIIa also indicated that Dale Barlow would hurt her, explaining that he would lorce himsell on her sexually, She also indicated that she was several weeks pregnant.

S_ J_ slated that she was not allowed to leave the YFZ Ranch, unless it is 10 receive medical care, in which case Dale Barlow would drive r,er and one of the other womeri from the YFZ Ranch would go into the hospital with her. She indicated that she had (riad 10 devise a plan to escape from the YFZ Ranch, by pretending to be ill and needing to receive medical care, but determined this would not work since she would not be allowed 10 take her eight month old child with her unless the child was also sick,

S,.. J i indicated during the conversations that she was calling using someone 'else's cell phone and slle was \0 very very quiel throughout the conversations ror fear'that she woulo be ove'rheard and would g,et in,trouble, S_ J[ stated that her parents do not live on the YFZ Ranch and that she has nol had any contact with them to explain that she does not want to continue 10 be on the ranch.

Subsequen1ly, on March 30, 2008, J I again contac1ed stalf at a locallamily shelter, During this conversation, SIII!IIIIItJ' again slated thai ,

A r flO .... \')T.lN SVrrOR, Of PnlllOrl il'l A 10 Or I."lVr.jT1Gi'llI0r-i .

Original AN,ooc

1-' ... (: F: 2


Page 46: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

1J:50 32585327&8 PAGE [\1\

." ,'" j' "'-:f she and Dale Barlow had been rnanled in a spiritual union Ihe" church, bul Ihere was no lormal marrtage, and that Dale Barlow had rI',ree' other "wives" living on the YFZ Ranch, reported that Dale Barlow had previously went away lor a while to the "outsiders world", but she said she did not know why he wenl away,

The Deparlment, as part 01 ils invesligatiol1, s,ubsl'quenlly determined thai Dale Barlow was indicted in Mohave County, Arizona on criminal charges 01 sexual conduct wilh a minor and conspiracy 10 commil sexual conduct with a minor in connection with a purporled marriage 10 q minor in Ari20na, with whom. he(,conc,eived a child, Dale Barlow pled no contest in August 01 2007 to the conspiracy 10 commit sexual conduct with a minor and he was convicted 01 Ihat offense, As pari 01 the plea agreemenl, the sexual conduct with a minor charge Was dismissed, Dale Barlow was to 45 days in jail and required 10 serve three years probation, He 15 also required to register as a sex of lender un!!1 he succ86sfVlly completes his probation,

" ,

I' . i,..!J During the March 30, 2008 convers2tlon, s-. JfII!I!iIIII!II indicated that she was being held against her will at the YFZ Ranch and church members have told her that if she tries 10 leave, she wil[ be found and locked up, SfIIIIIIII J_ also s;>:pr,esSj3Q this conversation concerns about what would happen to her il she were 10 leave Ihe YFZ Ranch, She reported that church members have told her if she leaves the ranch, outsiders will hurt her, lorce her to cut her hair, to wear make up and clothes and to have sex with lots o( men,',.5e\iIItJ; p also indicated that her parents, who had returned to live in Colorado City, Arizona, were preparing to send her 15 year old sister 10 live al Ihe YFZ Ranch, At the conclusion 01 tllis conversalion, S_J ... · began crying and then staled that she is happy and line and does not want to get inlo trouble and Ihat everything she had previously said should be lorgollen,


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME on this 3'd Q.ilY 01 April, 2008,

by Ruby Gutierrez, .. AFfl,)IIYIT IN SUrr(lI1T Or .f'F.TITI0/'i }N A I D OF {N\'E>TIGA nON

Oll!1ina I All-doc


Page 47: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit


iN RE: § § § § § § § §


SJ a/kJn S.B




On this day, Ule Petition for Orders in Aid of Investigation of a RejJort of Child Abuse filed by the Department of Family and Protective Services nhe Department") was presented to me.

1. Jurisdiction

Having examined the pleadings and reviewed the evidence, the Court finds thnt it has jurisdiction to render the requested orders under § 261.303, Texas Family Code.

2. Findings

2,1. The Court, hnving examined the pleadings and affidavit on file, finds that the Department has probable cause to conduct the investigation, and is entitled to orders as requested in its petition, and that there is an immediate need for the Department to have inyestigntory nccess to the children's home nt YFZ Ranch, Eldomdo, TX 76936 and to have investigatory access to the following children:

2,1.1. Name: Sex:

Dnte of Birth: Age:


2,1.2, Name: Sex:

Date of Birth: Age:


], Orders

SARAH JESSOP aJkJa SARAH BARLOW Female a II! 311992 16 None

BABY GIRL JESSOP aJkJa BABY GIRL BARLOW Female Unknown Approximately 8 months None

3,1. IT IS ORDERED that a parent or person responsible for the children's care, immediately allow an authorized representative of the Department of Family and Prolective Services 10 enter the home listed above; \0 interview and eX3mine the

Older for Invesogalion 01 Ch,'.l:i Abusa Page 1



Page 48: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

children, which may include medic, I, psychologic, I or psychiatric examination; and to lnnsporl the children for purposes relating to the investigation or interview.

3,2, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED thai the Sheriff of Schleicher County, Texas, serve this order on a puent or person responsible for the children's care and be available to assist in the execlilion of Ihis Order.

4, Other Orders:

:), Order and Notice of Dismissal Date:

IT IS ORDERED that the foregoing orders shall continue in full force and effect until May 1, 2008, on which date, unless otherwise ordered by this Court, this Cause will be DISMISSED and removed by the clerk from the docket, without prejUdice,

SIGNED -<{(.if o;}

Older 100lnvesligaliof\ 01 Chi;:! Abu,", Pag" 2




Page 49: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit






This Petition is filed, pursuant 10 Chapter 261, Texas Family Code, by the Department of Family and Protective Services ("the Department"), whose address is 622 South Oakes, Suite L, San Angelo, Texas for the purposes of § 30.015, Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code.

1. Purpose

!.1. The Department is required to make a prompt and thorough investigation of reports of child abuse or neglect allegedly committed by a person or persons respons ible for the ch ildrens' care, custody, or wei fare, pursuant to § 261.301, Texas Family Code.

1.2. The Department, for the reasons shown below and in an affidavit attached hereto an incorporated herein ;n its entirety, requires court orders permitting entrance for interview, examination, and investigation at all of the childrens' homes, schools or other facilities, for release of all of the childrens' prior medical,psychologicai or psychiatric records, and/or for medical, psychological, or psychiatric examination of allthe children, pursuant to §§261.303, Texas Family Code.

2. Facts and Request for Orders

On March 29, 2008. the Department received, and has probable cause to investigate, a report of child abuse and/or neglect with respect to the children at the YFZ Ranch in Eldorado, Sch leichtr County Texas. The Department, during its investigation of the allegations made by Sarah Jessop, obtained access to the YFZ Ranch. While at the ranch, the Department observed a number of young teenaged girls who appeared to be pregnant, as well as several teenaged girls who reported to the Department that they have already given birth and have their own infants. It appears that the culture and moral climate at the ranch is one in which young girls are conditioned to expect and accept sexual activity with adult men at the ranch.

The Department has also been advised that children at the ranch are deprived of nutrition as a method of punishmenl. as well as being forced to .Iii in closed closets uS a method of punishment. A number of the children interviewed were unable to provide the names of their biological parents and were unable [a provide illfolTllation such as their own bir1hdates

Pelilioll 101 Orders III Aid of Invesiigaliol1 oj <3 P.epon of Cl1iidferl AbuX;' B II P'q, I /J 1/ I \ I . 11 Ii (l, 1 /)7;::;1 IT

"CAUSE NUMBER'" { 198111 ASAr

Page 50: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

bir!hpiaces. The Department is concerned about the possibility that some of these ::::hildt-en have been denied a proper education.

Department Investigators have been denied access to some children. On at least one )ccasion, Investigators have been able to sec children through windows of houses but nave been denied entnlnce jnto those houses and been denied 8ccess to those :hildren.

The investigation should be completed to ensure the safety and welfare of the children.

2.1. As more particularly shown in the attached affidavit, the Department has attempted to make a thorough investigation of the report, but cannot obtain admission to the homes or schools, or access to the children, or cooperation of the parents or others responsible for the care of the children.

2.2. The children the subject of the report are residing with persons unknown at YFZ Ranch, Eldorado, TX 76936.

2.3. The investigation can be completed and a proper determination made only if this Court orders a parent or person responsible for the childrens' care to cooperate in the investigation, orders an authorized representative of the Department to have immediate access to the children, and orders medical, psychological or psychiatric examinations of the children to be made as deemed necessary by the Department.

2.4. The investigation can be completed a:ld a proper determination made only if this Court prohibits a parent or person responsible for the childrens' care from removing the children from this county, acting directly or in conceIt with others until the investigation is completed.

3. Parties to be Served

The following persons are responsible for tr,e care, custody, or welfare of the children and are parties with respect to whom tIle Department requests orders in aid of investigation:

3.1. The parent or persons responsible for the children residing at YFZ Ranch, Eldorado, Schleicher County, Texas, and whose address is YFZ Ranch, Eldorado, TX 76936, are entitled to service of this Petition. The Department requests that process be served at tilat address.

4. Prayer

4.1. The Department prays tilal the Court immediately grant an ex parle order in accordance with the allegations of this petition.

Pelilion lor Ordels in Aid cllnvesligal:on 01 <l Report 01 Children Abuse Page 2



Page 51: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

4.2. The DepJr!ment further prays thal lhe Court immediately order a parent OJ

persons responsible for the childrens' care to cooper8lt \-vith the invEstigation, 2nd specifically to allow an authorized representative of the DepalLment to have entrance to the homes at YFZ Ranch Eldorado, TX 76936 and to have immediate access to the children, to conduct an interview and examination of the children.

4.3. The Dcp3rtment further prays that the Court immediately order any schools, day cares, or shelters which have any information regarding the children to cooperate with the investigation, and specifically to allow an 8Uthorized representative of the DepMtment to have entrance to t'Je schools, day cares or shelters and to have immediate access to the children, to conduct an interview and examination of the children.

4.4., The Department further prays that the COlirt immediately order release of the childrens' mcdica!, psychological, psychiatric records to the Department.

4.5. The Department further prays that the Court authorize the Department to transport the children for purposes relating to :he investigation, interview or examinations, including medical, psychological or psychiatric examinations authorized by the Court.

4.6. The Depurtment furthcr prays that the Court order the Sheriff or Constable to serve its order on a parent or persons responsible for the childrens' care, and to be available to the representative of the Department to assist in the execution of the order.

Peiilion 10: Oloels in Aid oi lfwesi;gJii:Jfl 01 3 Repol1 01 Olildlen Abuse Page 3

Respectfully Submitted,

Daniel Edwards Attorney for Petitioner, Department of Family and Protective Services 622 South Oakes, Suite L San Angelo, Texas 76903 phone: (325)657-7398 fa:x: (432)684-2909 State Bar # 06440100

. "CAUSE i-lUM8ER''' / 1 98th ASAP 04


Page 52: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

d<lll1:JliUtl.O 9158532713 5CHL[ICHER. CO SO P(.\G[ 01

02:58P OFPS Angelo 325 657 74}5

CAUSENO ____________________ __


CHILDREN LOCATED AT § SCHLEICHER COUNTY, TEXAS ',:-.\.,.; . OI-':S6P :;; .1').-·:···· '.§":" :::::.:.''':, ':'-':;.1:::'




BEFOR undElfsigned authority; . personally appeared

who was sworr by me anddepo8e\t,as' followsc .

__ am of sound mind, over the : . " : _ , __ '''J .. L.'.",j CA ", ',< ... ::. "., ': ... , : . C ()'.,.:.:< . "f : ' .. '

. age. of akin this AHidavit. lam 39ao;9.worker for the

Depiuiihentof Family and Protective Services (the and'i am

tliebepa'rtinenl tomEika ;eviewed

theDepartment's:Pelition lor Order in Aid ot Investigation of a Report of Child Abuse or Neglect, andJ/:1e, facts slated in the Petition and in this Affidavit are within my

. , . -.. i', . :: .. : personal knowlOOge and are true and correct."

1. Fa91s Need OtlnvesljgatibnOf A Aeport of Child Ab\lse Or Negl§.9,

. on March.29,,2008, the Department received an intake report at 11 :32 p.m . . Accorctl'n9,tQ)nfj)nlake;" Sarah Jessop aJ'KJa Sarah Jessop Barlow ("Sarah Jessop"), a 16 'year female, and heT 8 month old infant (name unknown) were living wilh a 49' year old male, Dale Evans Barlow ("Dale' Barlow"); and 12 other.ad8IlJi.'rri,a18's al a housing facility located on the YFZRanch located near Eldorado, Schleicher County, Texas, which ranch is owned by the FundamenlalistChurch of Jesus Chrisl of Latter Day Saints and which is inhabited by a number of members Of thai Church.

Sarah' Jessop had Gaited a lOCal family violence shelter several times that day expressing the need 10 leave her current living situation. Sarah Jessop reported that she wasbroughl to the YFZ Ranch by her parents from

11m!),', Yr1 Th' !11:rffiR 'r ()r PT.nn('N If' A rD f)r L·'jV1';m"A nOli PACF'i


Page 53: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

·8.i/85/2838 15: 81 '315853271 J SCHLEICHER CO SO 02

Apr-aS-OB 02:58P DFPS Angl:?:lo Legal 325 657 74)5

Colorado City, Ari2ona, about three years ago, when she would have been 13 years old, She slated that about two years atier her arrival on the YFZ Ranch (or about one year prior 10 the date of this report), which would h8ve been when she was 15 years old; she was spiritually married to Dale Bariow according to the tenets of the church. Sarah Jessop indicated that 8anow"wasc=also 'rnarri6jijdo 'several"other womer) &f,ld,:thaL SAB was wife number seven,

Sarah Jessop stated that she began to be abused shortly after she started living at the YFZ Ranch. She advised thBt Dale Barlow would 'beal and hurt" her whenev8r he got angry, According 10 Sarah Jessop, this would include Dale Barlow hitting her in the chest and choking her and that while slJch abuse was occurring one of the other women in the home would hold her :efghtanon1h,olb'oMlld, Sarah Jessep rapor!edl nat the Jasttlme' DaieBaHow ,beat, her was: om:EBster' Sunday 2006" a previous:<x:casiofl;- Dale Barlow had beaten her ,so' severelythat.lt' resulted in ,her:,havJngs8'lerl1i broken dbs,for whicn she Wajj,taken to:U1e hospital. The ,doc!ar'wsalJped'.i1er tor:so,:ih t:lnaceba'ndage:and t'old:her E!a'Sy 'for a

indicateo'c,thatDale Barld.w::?wobld hllrt 'her, explainiA\l" . .tbat he would force himSBlf on her sexually. She also indicated that she was several weeks pregnant.

Sarah J(lSSOp,Etated that she was not allowed (0 leave 'the YFZ Ranch, 'Unless It isto,receive medical care, in which case Dale, Barlowwould drive her 'and one of theothsr women lrom the YFZ Ranch would go Jnto the hospital with her. She indicated that she had tried to devise a plan to escape lrom the YFZRanch, by pretending to b€ III and needing to receive medical cart;, but determin,edthis.would not work Since she would not be allowed to take her sight ,ffiOnth,()IQ:child wltl1',her unless the child was also sick.',

Sarah Jessop'indicated during the conversations that Shsw8scaJiing using someone, else's' cell phone and she was' reported to be very very quiet throughout ,the convsrsanons for fear that 5118 would be overheard and would gel in trouble. Sarah Jessop stated that her parents do not live on the YFZ Ranch and that she has not had ilny contact with lllem to explain that she does not want to continue 10 be on the ranch,

SubSBquently, on March 30, 2008, Sarah Jessop again contacted staN at a loca/ family shelter. During this conversaoon, Sarah Jessop again stated that she and Dal0 Barlow had been married in a spirilual union through the church, but, there was no formal marriage, and that Dale Barlow had three othler "wives" living on the YFZ Ranch, Sarah Jessop reported that Dale

AmbAvrr r.., PE:nf):J;\' [:"1 AiD fu JHYC\Tt(.A PAGr.2

OJ 49 P JI

I , I I I I

Page 54: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

SCHLE.ICHER CO :;0 Pi-V:J[ 83 0,1/05/7088 15:01 Apr-05-0e Q2:5BP DFPS Ang8lo 325 657 7415

BanOI'! had previously went away for a while to the "outsiders world", but she said she dkl no1 know why he went away.

The Department, as part of its investigation, subsequently determined that Dale Barlow,Vias indicted in MOMveCounly, Arizona, oncriminaJ charges of a mln0J .. aOO COflsplracy to with a minorincorlflecoon with a purported marriage to a minor in Arizona, with whom he conceived a child. Dale Bctrlow pted no contest in August of 2007 to too .consplracy 10 commit sexual conduct wt1h a minor and he was conviCted of ihat,offensa;f,s part of the plBaagreement, the se.X1.iatconctuct with:;8 .. minOr chaigbWas diSmiss<;d. OalSB;Jnow was senttinCeq'fQ 45 daYs In jail' and required to serve three years probation. He also reqUired to register as a sex offender until he .successfullycompklles his probation.

""'f,r! :'\"::;'::""'.!' .,.,'" .. ';' . .-'-:''-:':.,''', 2008 convers8lion. Sarah Jessop indiC<lted that she

was being held against her will at the YFZ Ranch and church members have told ber;: lhaldl: she tries: to leave, she be.: !oul.1d and'!ocktldup, Sarah JeS.sqp,aJ.so \8;.)pressed dLtrir1QJhis conversatlon,_concems.,abot:rt whaLwould bappen:t9'.l)€ngL.c;{:):e were.,:loleave·the.YfZ Ranch. She rep.:!rte:d,ti1at church

her if she leaves the ranch, outsiders will hurt. her, force her.l.o to weer make up andclothBs anddo hav!lsex'with lots of mSf) .• SarallJessop also Indicated thal.her parents, who had rBlurned 10 live .in Colorado, City ,Artzona, were preparing,to send her 15 year old sister \0 live at the YFZ.Hanch, At the 'conclusion .of this conversation; Sarah' Jessop began orying·an.d then stated thai she is happy and fine and do.es nol want to get into trouble and thatevery\t1ing' she. hadpreviousty said should be forgottBn.. " .. '

3. Adr.1tti;r:!a1 F?yts:' .lnYMtlglrtion orA Report Of Child AlXme Or;Neglect •.

. ;.., .. ,<, :.::" ""i':- '. . . . .' . _

Tjle DepflrtrT)eriC .. during ,its investigation of the allegations made by Sarah io .the YFZ While at the ranch, the Department

Dbserved a'number of Young teenaged girls who appeared to iJe pregnant, as well as sev8ralj8enaged girls who reported to the Oepartmem that they have already given birth. and have their own iniants. It appears that the culture and moral cllmale al the ranch is one Dl wilich young girls are condWoned to expect and accept sexual activity 'with adult men althe ranch.

The Department has also been advi5L"doJi children al the ranch are deprived 01 nulrioon as a method 01 punishment, 2S welf as being lorced to sil in closed closets as.9.method 01 punishment.

AmD-A Vjy [}< SlIfTOl<T OP PJ;"nTl"()r;-1."i Alo Of" . JNVI'Snc!.'/t);'<' r,\CE.J

! P. 04 . 50

Page 55: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

EH/ J 5: 81 'J1S853271J SCl-iLE I CH[ R CO SO PAGE ElL1

ApY-05-0B DFPS San Angelu L8gnl 325 557 7.4 .1

A. number of the children inle;viewed l'er8 unable to provide the names of their biological parents and were unabiB<to provide information such as [heir own blrthdates or birthplaces. The Department is concem!?d about the possibility thai SOrYl€ of these children have bson denied a proper education.


2008, by G cell <:.J'/' C Z-,



, Olary PUblJC 51;)te 01 T ) r 'exac:

Af"fID,\.VIT lH SU'POn1 Or PY:n-n())I ttl hiD Or )."\"'v'J(S11(";,nl)K

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i I II 'I 1 I i


Page 56: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit






On this day, the Pelirion for Orders in Aid of Ilivesrigoriol1 of a Reporl of Child Abuse filed by the Department of Family and Protective Services ("the Department") was presented to me.

L Jurisdiction

Having examined the pleadings and reviewed the evidence, the Court finds that it has Jurisdiction to render the requested order:: Llllller § 261.303, Texas Family Code.

2. Findings

2.1. The Court, having examined the pleadings and affidavit on file, finds that the Department has probable cause to conduct the investigation. and is entitled to orders as requested in its pctitiO!!, and that there is an immediate need for the Department to have investiC<1,lw/ ,t;cess to the childrens' homes at YFZ Ranch, Eldorado, TX 76936 and to have 'I':vcctigatory access to the following children:

J. Orders

3.1. IT IS ORDERED thot 3 [larent or persons responsible for the childrens' care, immediately allow an 311thorii.cci ":jJ:'.;sentative of the Department of Family and Protective Services to enter 1 hi,' >",,(:s; to interview and examine the children, which may include medical, ps:'ciloiogicai or psychiatric examination; and to !ranSpOIi the children for purpose:; lelating to thc investigation or interview.

3.2. IT IS FURTBJm ORDERED Ib', the Sheriff of Schleicher County, Texas, serve this order on a parcilt i" 1)(1;1" ." responsible for the childrens' care and be avaliable to assist in the ("C>Cl:::'.':. '.'. "is Order.

3.3 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED :i"d investigators for the Department of Family and Prolective Services ,shail hnvc ",,;e,ss to the homes, schools, .,nelters or other buildings ond ollowed occess 10 the children.

H. IT IS FURTHER OR])E;): of low enforcemcill perSc.ii:,··

Older IO! 1:1Vesl:galicm of Child Abuse PJiJ€ \

".,'cstigotors Jre authoriLed to enlist the oie . ,l ihem in gDining entry into Jny homes,




Page 57: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

schoo), shellers (If ollier b!I!];"):!.,l':-, i .JW Enforcemenl is directed lO assist The Department of Family "nd 1':01,"',,' Services in complying with this Order.

Other Orders:

5, Order and Notice of DisIlliss81 Dale:

IT IS ORDERED that the foregoing olck::; shall continue in full force and effect unU May 1,2008, on which oate, unie,s o('n ,\':SC ordered by Ibis Court, tbis Cause will be DISMISSED and removed by the c!cr,' ":C, the docket, witbout prejudice,

Oldel lor !mes!igaliol1 01 Child ,"buse Page 2




Page 58: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

Wednesday, September 1,2004 9:00 a.m. Calling Richard Allred Hello Uncle Richard. Your father. Is he?

Okay. I need to talk to him later. Hello there. Who is this? Okay. Brother Richard Allred are you there? Good

morning, this is Warren Jeffs. I have a question for you. Are you finn in the faith, loyal and true to Priesthood? The Lord has revealed your heart to me and shown me a concern in your character. You have a pride that you must beware of. I am asking you if you are being fervent and loyal and true. I say to you: Beware lest you take on a spirit of pride that you have been an inspired man and that you do not turn to the Lord through the Prophet for counsel and that you are carrying on in your own program. The Lord has read your heart and given me a warning that you need to humble yourself more for the evil powers are trying to take hold of you in a way you little realize. It will end up in the area of sympathy against authority where you feel your judgment on issues is better than what the Lord is having me do. You not knowing what He is having me do puts you in a condition of ignorance. But if you are not careful, you could find yourself against me. That is the warning of the Lord He wants me to give you this day. In the handling of men you just don't understand their

"t' d l' d COllUi lOI12tir w rat ldcy havconc and nhut is.in their hearts. And be carefullest you take on a spirit of sympathy against authority when the Lord has me handle a man. And any man that takes on the spirit of sympathy against authority I warn you, he will lose Priesthood. He cannot hold Priesthood and have any feeling of sympathy against that Priesthood. So the Lord wanted me to call you this morning and give you tlus waming. He is also releasing you from your mission as a school teacher. You are to not do any school teaching. Continue as your mayor duties and in teaching your family and being an influence for the cause of God in your stewardship. The Lord is putting the Uzona school under the direct direction of Kevin Barlow as administrator and principal and he will do the morning class. So continue on and search your heart as you have been weighed in the balance, dear brother, and found wantina in the b

Lord's eyes. I say to you beware of pride. Take

this correction sweetly and with rejoicing and search your heart to see where you are not close to me and thus you are not close to the Lord. If you are cut off from connecting with me you will be cut off from the presence of God. And you know that in the scriptures. So beware of pride and search your heart is the Lord's message to you. And to think that you don't have something to repent of would be a great caution to you. You have not stayed close to me on many things and you felt yourself sufficient in many affairs that you should seek unto the Lord through the Prophet even by letter. Just saying all is well is not staying close. And being in the position you are as an influence over many you need to be very close to me especially in your heart as unto the Lord. I thank the Lord that He will reveal to me what needs to be improved on and read Section 95 verse I and that applies to you at this time. Section 95 verse I the Lord giving you a correction because He loves'you and wants me to reach for you before you would fall into an error like others have.

Continue on and I hope to be in contact with you again. The Lord bless you. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 1,2004 9:54 a.m. UEP Trustee Meeting by telephone:

Uncle Fred, William Jessop and James Zitting Hello. I have already called LeRoy Jehs. He

agrees and will also conference him next. Hello. Can you hear me? Hello. Am I on

speaker phone in the office then? Hello brother William and brother James. Can Uncle Fred hear us also? Uncle Fred are

you there, Uncle Fred? Can everyone hear us? This is an official Trustees meeting of the United Effort Plan Trust. I have Uncle Fred and I callina

in on phone with William Jessop and James present in Father's office in Short Creek. I have talked to LeRoy Jeffs on these issues and he will be calling in and I will have brother James and brother William hear his voice also. Dear brethren, we are cmder attack. We now have three lawsuits filed against us. They are direct attacks against the Celestial Law and Priesthood. And I tell you this much that the Lord is requiring of me to answer them nothing. For me to testifY in court, answer

\Vednesday, September 1, 2004 Page 6 Record ofPresideni \Varren Jeffs


Page 59: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

subpoenas or do anything about my Father's doings and my doings and the Celesiial Law it would prove LlS the traitor and I am to answer them nothing. Do you uphold that brethren? I am keeping a record of my voice and my sayings here with my scribe and I am saying that all the trustees agree with that thus far. By me not answering the courts, brethren, that means I have dismissed our lawyers from these three new cases because we can answer the courts nothing or we will prove to be traitors against God and Priesthood. To even talk about marriages and our doing in the Priesthood would be Ollt of order. And our stand is that no government or court on the face of the earth can bring God into question in the handling of His own Church and people. And that is what the apostates and government are determined to do. And I am to stay out of their way for now. But brethren, this will bring the government down upon us quickly. Even put the United Effort Plan Trust lands under government control. And before they do that - Can you hear me still? I am asking permission of the board of trustees to write up a deed to transfer the land for Western Precision over to Western Precision so that company can continue to be a strength to us. I ask if you will do that. Do you second it Uncle Fred? And James and William do you agree? We want that company to be a strength to us still and not get into the COllrts please JJuderstand ,ye are not SJJrrendering the United Effort Plan Trust or the Church organization. This is the attack of the enemy upon us. We are just standing firm with God and whatever they do as our enemies is the Lord allowing a test upon us. So brethren, let us stand true. What did Uncle Fred say? Thank you, Uncle Fred. Dear brethren, this is a test the Lord is allowing to come upon the Priesthood people to see what we love most. Do we love God Priesthood and the Celestial Law most or will we surrender Priesthood and give up the Prophet to hold onto our lands and our earthly comforts? And I say to us: Stand with God and Priesthood and let us uphold the Celestial Law. Because I am not able to connect LeRoy on phone with us I am going to have him call in and hear this also after Uncle Fred hangs up. Uncle Fred, I will be in contact with you in a few minutes. Alright? I wanted these other brethren to hear your voice and that you upheld what the Lord wants done. So we will write

a deed, turn over the land the Western Precision building is on and give it to Western Precision. Also, our lawyers are afraid they won't get paid, brethren. And they are going to put a lean DO the UEP land in Apple Valley. We have agreed to sell that land and Willie Jessop is still working on that. But at any time, one of these courts could freeze the UEP assets and we could not do anything with it anyway legally. But 1 am trying to do some things before the assets are frozen. Do you brethren uphold this? God bless us and God bless you Uncle Fred. 1 will be in contact. I will hang up and call back with LeRoy Jeffs on the liEe YOll brethren if you will stay in place. Hang up this phone and we will be in contact. Thank you.

[Uncle Fred hung up. I am now conferencing with LeRoy Jeffs, William Jessop and James Zitting.]

Okay. Are we all connected now? Alright.

He,11o brethren. Hello brethren. Can LeRoy Jeffs hear us? Can you brethren hear LeRoy and I? 1 am keeping a record with my scribe prese.nt aud voicing what is happening. I have by telephone: William Jessop, James Zitting and LeRoy Jeffs on the line for an official trustees. meeting, of the United Effort Plan Trust,,! And I present theissue that the Lord. has directed me in these. present lawsuits to answer the courts and the apostates and Ql]! enemie(! answer them Dotbinl{ and that I baye told Sam Barlowto dismiss our lawyers from these cases and we are answering the courts nothing because to give an accounting to the courts and our enemies the doings of God through the Prophets means we are submitting the will of God to our enemies, we are surrendering to our enemies. And we stand with God and Priesthood and the Celestial Law and 1 an1 to answer our enemies nothing. With LeRoy Jeffs on the line, do you uphold that brother LeRoy? And brother William and brother James in LeRoy's hearing? By me not answering the courts and them not even having a lawyer to communicate with it will put myself, the Church and the UEP organization in conflict with the government. And we can expect whatever they do against us to be a test upon Our people .. But before that happens we need to transfer the land that the Western Precision building is on over to the Western Precision from the UEP. So I officially ask: Do you trustees uphold this. Say

Record of President Warren Jeffs Page? WednesdaYI September 1, 2004


Page 60: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

your name and that you uphold it. Then I put on the record that all the trustees including Uncle Fred in our previous call uphold transferring the parcel of land that lfte Western Precision building is on over to Precision corporation. I also inform you that OUr lawyers will be filing a lean against the land in the Apple Valley area on the UEP land. They would not take land for a payment. They are concerned about getting paid. So whatever happens in that direction our own lawyers are being used by the evil powers to break us up. We are not surrendering the United Effort Plan Trust or the Church organization and for sure we are not surrendering the Priesthood or the Celestial Law. What they do against us is the workings of wicked men and women. We will go through the test, a similar test like the 1880's to see what we love most. And I say to us: Stand with, God, Priesthood, and the Celestial Law no matter what they do to our possessions and our lands. It is me they are after reaIIy. And I must continue the work of God even with this attack happening. Do you brethren uphold this? Brother James is your testimony strong?

Remember that when the Lord has me handle men for unworthiness and you don't know the revelations of God to the Prophet and what He has shown me, be careful and don't take on a fear or a sympathy against authority. Know that the Lord haS dIe light tojadge lIis people and what Ull..> Lord has me do I am not accountable to any government on earth or court on earth for what the Lord has done among His own people. They are trying to dictate God in what He does with His own lands and His own Priesthood people through these court cases and through persecution. I stand with God no matter what happens. And this is part of the shaking the Lord had me warn the people about and it will result in the removing of the halfhearted. And I hope that you brethren are firm and true and that whatever we go through we will stand with God and Priestl100d. And you will have contact from me as you prove faithful. I am to let go of the halfnearted. I am not giving up the United Effort Plan Trust or the Church organization but ifthe government does something against us it is upon their own heads. And let us stand firm with PriestllOod and the Celestial Law. That is my message to you of the Lord, brethren.

And I wiII make a record. And I ask brother LeRoy Jeffs te type up minules that J will even sign that whatever happens Western Precision will be protected and that we have stood united in answering the courts nothing. Wherever that takes us brethren, let us rejoice in the Lord. Keep Zion growing by keeping that constant prayer of gratitude exerted. Don't complain against our enemies. Thank the Lord for this experience and let us go forward. This completes the UEP Trustee meeting. Brother LeRoy I have informed you that Uncle Fred was on the line with three of us and heard the same things and upheld the same motions. You can put that in the record that we are unanimous in this. God bless us dear brethren and I will be in contact with you LeRoy on other issues. Do you need to direct Sam Barlow to prepare that deed? Who needs to sign that deed? Can you sign it or do I need to?


Wednesday, Septem ber 1, 2004 10:51 a.m. 1 ,( Presidency Meeting by Phone Can you hear me? Hello brethren. This is Warren. I was not able

to connect LeRoy with you but he heard the same motions and agreed the same so the board of tOlstees is JJnjted in aJJ things So brethren I jJJst want to explain this to you. ljust wantto explain to you brethren that our fiduciary duty is to God and Priesthood not to the courts. And we are upholding the UEP Trust c[ocument which states that it is God's mle, His right to rule. And the courts are trying to get us to go against that duty. I have told Brother William and James and LeRoy that they are not to receive any legal documents for the trust or the church. Only I can do that and that I will just be out of the way so I can't be found. 1 will need your prayers and the battle is on. And 1 love you brethren and hope to see you soon. Anything I can do for you?

Yes sir. And I am arranging for Seth to show up tomorrow night with some of your things. So we will arrange that for you brethren. The Lord has had me approach some of the businesses in Short Creek to privately get us some monies for lands right around there. We have signed the contract

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Page 61: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

RODNEY R PARKER (A411O) SNOW, CHRlSTENSEN & MARTINEAU 10 Exchange Place, Eleventh Floor Post Office Box 45000 Salt Lake City, Utah 84145 Telephone: (801) 521-9000

Attorneys for De-fe'ndants Fundar:"lentalist Church and United Effort Plan Trust








) MOTION TO WITHDRA. W AS ) COUNSEL ) ) No. 040915857 ) ) Judge Stephen L. Henriod ) ) )



Rodney R. Parker and Snow, Christensen & Martineau moves the Court for leave to

withdraw as counsel for the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints and the

United Effoli Plan Tmst. This motion is based upon the ground that withdrawal from the repre-

sentation is pennitted pursuant to Utah Rule of Professional Conduct 1'.16(b)(4) in that the cli-

ents insist upon a course of conduct with which their lawyers have a fundamental disagreement;

Page 62: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

and upon the fmther ground that withdrawal from the representation is required under Rule

1.16(a)(3), in that the lawyers have been discharged from representation of the defendants in this


DATED this day of December, 2004.



Ro ey . Parker Attorneys for Defendants Fundamentalist Church

'Ind United Effort Plan Trust



Page 63: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit


I hereby certify that a true and COlTect copy of the attached MOTION TO WITHDRAW

AS COUNSEL was served by U.S. Mail on December 16, 2004, as follows:





Page 64: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

RODNEY R. PARKER (A4110) SNOW, CHRISTENSEN & MARTINEAU 10 Exchange Place, Eleventh Floor Post Office Box 45000 Salt Lake City, Utah 84145 Telephone: (801) 521-9000

Attorneys for Defendants Fundamentalist Church and United Effort Plan Trust






) MOTION TO WITHDRAW AS ) COUNSEL ) ) No. 040918237 ) ) Judge Frank G. Noel ) ) ) ) )


Defendants. ) ) )


Page 65: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit


Rodney R. Parker and Snow, Clu-istensen & Martineau moves the Court for leave to

withdraw as counsel for the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the

United Effort Plan Trust. This motion is based upon the ground that withdrawal from the repre-

sentation is permitted pursuant to Utah Rule of Professional Conduct Ll6(b)( 4) in that the cli-

ents insist upon a course of conduct with which their lawyers have a fundamental disagreement;

and upon the further ground that withdrawal from the representation is required under Rule

1_16(a)(3), in that the lawyers have been discharged from representation of the defendants in this


DATED this lk day of December, 2004,

N:-..147& m41MonON TO W[THDR..A WAS CQUNSEL.DOC:12.lt6-04


Attorneys for Defendants Fundamentalist Church and United Effort Plan Trust


Page 66: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit



I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the attached MOTION TO WlTHDRA W

AS COUNSEL was served by U.S. Mail on December 16, 2004, as follows:




Page 67: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

Training Given by President Warren S. Jeffs On the Places ofRefugc to a Group ofMcn 63

At 2:00 p.m. Of]

Monday, February 21, 2005

Prayer: President Warren S. Jeffs President Warren S. Jeffs: Before r go into

any training, r am giving you the Lord's word and wi Il concerning you. r must place you under covenant similar to what John Taylor had to do at the 1886 Meeting, where he revealed the word of the Lord that those receiving the word of the Lord through him were not authorized to give what they received to others, except by the Lord's direction through the Prophet. And you will be hearing revelations the Lord has not allowed to be given to the Priesthood people as a people. Only those the Lord names can hear these revelations. This will place you in a special responsibility to live the word of God. You are covenanting to live what you hear, but because you are not the mouthpiece of God to give the word of God to the people, I must place you under covenant to keep silent and sacred what you hear in this training today. This is part of your Priesthood covenants, and this is a training of the redemption of Zion and how to gualify by keeping the Lord's confidence. That is how you eam His presence. I first ask you brethren, will you believe what you are taught and trained here this day?

That is what the Savior asked the brother of Jared: "Will you believe what I tell you?" So I pray the Lord to give you faith, which is the Spirit of God, the gift of belief, the gift of desiring to do His will, and then the gift of the power of His Spirit to do His will. When you enter into covenants, that is what you are doing -- reaching for the power of God, greater faith to do what you are taught. The time is past that we can hear His word and then forget it. So may the Lord burn in your minds and hearts what you receive here today.

Do you receive this covenant of the Lord, through Priesthood, to keep sacred things secret, . not even make mention to your families what you learn here, except as the Lord directs you through me?

President Warren S. Jeffs: put it in my record thal all present have entered into this covenant. r ask for your attention, through your living faith, for your very life's sake.

r seek Wlto our Heavenly Father that His Spirit will be with me and you, and I am here to do the will of my father, which is the will of Heavenly Father, as the previous Prophet becomes the connection with the heavens. And r bear testimony to you that God and the Prophets are involved in this great Priesthood work and in the redemption of Zion. The day orthe judgments of God have begun. That day is upon us. And the iudgments of God have begun with the House of God. And that means this is the day of choosing.

The Lord has given me your names to call you to a greater work, to the oneness in the mission of the redemption of Zion. For oneness to exist, there must bea oneness of training, and this is why you are gathered here. We have gathered to this faraway place because our enemies are upon us and seek my life and the destruction of this work. So the Lord is placing a confidence in you to gather you here.

r tUm to the words of the Lord through the Prophet Joseph Smith, yearning that in your mind and heart you will awaken to see we have been taught. We have known that it was in the Lord's heart and plU]Joses to redeem Zion. And ]. hope and pray that your mind will be opened up to see what the redemption of Zion is all about. So I go to the beginning of this dispensation, and even before, reading the word of God through the Prophet Joseph Smith. In the record ofEnoch, that we have in the Pearl of Great Price, we read that Father Adam foretold the history of the whole earth, and Enoch wrote that record in a book. We read in this record ofEnoeh that he also was shown the history of the earth, and as he talked with God he witnessed the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the flesh, being crucified, then raised from the dead. And when he saw the Savior

Copyright 2005 by War,en Jeffs Page 1 MondRY, February 21, 2005

Page 68: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

Zlsccnd into lieaven, ill vision, he ycarnccllo know i I" OU]' Sa v io r VIOl! Id corne agai II,

Moses 7

58. lind ogoin Enoch Ivcpl and cried unlo Ihe Lord saying. Whens'!1Cilllhe earlh resl?

59. And Enoch beheld Ihe Son of Man ascend up unlo Ihe Falher, and he called unlo the Lord saying: Will Iholl nol come again upon Ihe earlh; Forasmuch as Iholl arl God, and I know Ihee, and Ihou has I sworn unto me, ond coll1manded me liwi [ should ask in Ihe name of Ihine Only Begollen; Ihou hasl made me, and given unto me a righl 10 thy (hrone, and nol of myself but through Ihine own grace: wherefore, [ ask Ihee If Ihou wilr nol come again on Ihe earln.

60. And the Lord said unto Enoch: As J live, even so will J come in the last days, in the days of wickedness and vengeance, to fulfil the oath which I have made unto you concerning Ihe children of Noah:

61. And the day shall come thor the earth shall rest, but before that day the heavens shall be darkened, and a veil of darkness shall caver the earth; and the heavens shall shake, and also the earth; and great tribulations shall be among the children a/men, but my people will I preserve:

His people in the last days, in our day; 62. And righteousness will I send down out of

heaven;' That was the Father and the Son visiting the

Prophet Joseph Smith in 1.820. That was the Priesthood being restored, the angels and the Prophets coming to the Prophet Joseph Smith, the <eys of Priesthood of every dispensation being

upon him. 62. And righteousness will send down out of

',coven; and lruth will I sendforth oul oflhe earth,

That is the Book of Mormon record. 62 .... 10 bear Icstimony ofmine Only Begollen:

,is resurrection pam the dead: yea, and also Ihe 'esuneerion of all men; and righreau5'l1ess and "ulh will I cause to sweep the earth as with aflaod, J gather out mine elec! pam the four quarters of 'Ie earth, unto a place which 1 shall preoare, an {aly Cily, that my people mqy gird 1.10 their loins, 'Id be looking fill'lh fiJI' fhe time o(mvcoming: {or

there sholl be my tCliJc/'Iwcie,JJnci il sh{jll be ':ccJlccl Zion a New Jerusalelil.

63. And Ihe Lord suid unlo Enoch. Then shall Ihou and all Ihy city meet Ihelll Ihere, and we will

The Lord wilh 2110ch al1d his people, 63. .. we will receive rhem into 01/1' bosom, and

rheyshall see [IS: and we will (all ul20n Iheir neck.\', and Ihey shall (a1111[Jon our necks, and we will kiss each other:

64. And rhere shall be III inc abode, His dwelling place. 64 ... and it shall be Zion, which sholl come

(al'th out 0(011 the crealiolls which J have made: and (or the saace of a thousand veal's Ihe carlh shall resr.

65. And ir came to pass that Enoch saw thc day oflhe coming oflhe Son of Man, in the last days, 10 dwell on the earth in righteousness for rhe space of a thousandyears;

66. But before that day he saw great tribulations among the wicked; and he also saw the sea, that if was troubled, and men's hearts failing them, looking forth with fear for rhe judgments of the Almighty God, which should came upan the wicked.

67. And the Lord showed Enach all things, even unto the end of the world; and he saw the dayafthe righteous, the hour of their redemption; and received afulness of joy;

68. And all the days of Zion, in the days of Enoch, were three hundred and sixty-five years.

69. And Enoch and all his people walked with God, andhe dwelt in the midst of Zion; and it came 10 pass thai Zion was not,

Did you get that, brethren? What made them Zion?

69 .... Enoch and all his oeople walked with God, and he

God, 69 .... d,vell in the midst of Zion: That is Zion -- God dwelling with His people,

His Priesthood people on the earth. 69 .... and il carne 10 pass that Ziun was nol, lor

God received it up il1to his own bosom; and (rom Ihence 11'entfurth Ihe sayinR, ZION!.') FLED

Page 2 COI'Y"igill 20GS by Warren Jeffs


Page 69: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

,i ' The lestimony of Jeslis Chris I is Ihe Spiril 01' The PlOjJhels, /wving lhe Spirit of

propliecy, all had Ihe leslimony of our Lord anel Savior Jesus Chrisl and His mission. They saw Him in vision coming ill the mericiian of time, performing the work of the Atonement, and also coming in Ihe [asl days in His glory. I turn to anolher Prophet, the Prophet Elher, among the Jarediles, and this is whatile taught that people:

EllieI' I J

2. For behold, Ihey

TIle Jaredites, 2. ... re/eeled ailihe words of Eliier;for he Inily

laid Ihem ofailihings,jroin Ihe beginning ofman; and Ihal after the walers had recededfrom ojJlhe face oflhis land il became a choice land above all other lands, a chosen land oflhe Lord; wherefore the Lord would have that 011 men should serve him who dwel! upon theface thereof;

This land we call the land of Zion, what the world calls the land of America.

3. And that it was the place of the New Jerusalem, which should come down out of heaven, and the holy sanctuary oUhe Lord.

4. Behold, Ether saw the days of Christ, and he spake concerning a New Jerusalem upon Ihis land.

5. And he spake also concerning the house of Israel, and the Jerusalem from whence Lehi should come -- after it should be destroyed it should be buiTt up again, a holy city unto the Lord; wherefore, it .

Old Jerusalem in ancient Israel, 5. ". it could not be a new Jerusalem for it had

been in a time of old; but il should be built up again, and become a holy aily of the Lord; and it should be built unlo the house of Israel.

6. And thai a New Jerusalem should be built upon Ihis land, unto the remnanl o(lhe seed of Joseph,

Ephraim, being the PriesthDDd tribe in the last days, and alsD Manasseh on this land.

of Joseph 0111 o/Ihe lond of Jerusolem, rhol III'

lIIiglir be lIIercifid Wllo Ihe seed a/Josef)iI rhor rhef5 should perish 1'101, even os he was lIIerciful un(o Ihe falher of Joseph Ihal he should perish no(

8. Wherefore, the remnal1l of Ihe house oj Joseph shall be built upon Ihis land; and if shall be a land o/Ihe ir inhailance; ond Iheyshall build up a holy citvunto {he Lord, liice unlo Ihe lerusalem of old; and Ihey shall no more be confounded, unlil Ihe elld come when Ihe earlh shall pass away

9. And there shall be a new heaven and a new earth; and they shall be like unlo rhe old save the old have passed away, and all things have become new.

J O. And Ihen cometh the New lerusalem; and blessed are they who dwell therein, (Or it is they whose garments

This is the description of those who are Zion, who will dwell in the New Jerusalem.

10. , .. kif is they whose garments are white through the blood oUhe Lamb: and rhey are they who are numbered among the remnant oOhe seed ofJoseRh, who were oUhe house o(lsrael.

The Prophets testified of our Savior and of His glorious coming. The Prophets saw. the day Dfthe Millennial Reign of peace. As the earth was created in six days and the seventh they rested, that is the pattern of the time of this earth. The earth would have six thousand years, or six of the Lord's days in a telestial state. In the seventh day the earth will rest, when God Himself would come in His glory. The great Prophet Isaiah told of Zion and the people who would dwell therein.

2 Nephi 14

2. In Ihal day shall the branch o/Ihe Lord be beouliful and glorious; the fruit of Ihe earth excellent and comely 10 them that are escaped 0/ Israel.

3. Alld it shall come to ROSS, Iheythalare le/i il1 Zion and remain in Jerusalem shall be called holy. everyone Ihat is written among Ihe living ill Jerusalem --

6 ... .for which things Ihere has been a type.

1. For as Joseph broughl his/ather down into the land of Egypt,. even so he died Ihere; wherefore, the Lord brought u remnant oflhe seed

4. When Ihe Lord shall have washed away Ihe filth 0/ the daughlers of Zion, and shali have purged the blood of Jerusalem from Ihe midst Ihereofby the spirit ofiudgment and by Ihe spiril 0/ burning.

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5. ;ind Ihe Lord will creole lIpon every dwelling-place of II/ounl Zion, and upon her OO'J'embfies, Ci cloud and smoke by day Cind Ihe shilling ofaf1wningfire uynighl,(or upon oilihe glory a/Zion shall be a defence

6. ;ind Ihcre shall be a lobemoclefor a shadow in Ihe daylime from Ihe heal, and for a place of refuge, and a covel'l from siurm and(rom rain.

The Savior Himself told of the New Jerllsslell1 being built wilen He visited the Nephitcs. [11 chapter 21 of111ird Nephi, the word of the Savior Himself describes what will happen, that the great judgments would come upon the people 011 this land throwing down the strongholds of the gentiles, destroying their cilies, their chariots, or transportation systems, their orchards; or, in other words, their food sources, and the people will be

. swept off the land. But then He promises there would be a remnant, a few people of the Priesthood remain; and though they be scattered, they would be gathered. Talking of the faithful, the few that remain:


22. Bul ijlhey will repenl and hearken unto my words, and harden not Iheir hearts, J will establish my church among them, and they shalf come in unlo the covenant and be numbered among this the remnant of Jacob, unto whom J have given Ihis 'cmdfor their inheritance;

23. And they The faithful, 23 .... shall assist my people, the remnanl of

'acob, and also as many of the house of Israel as hal! come, that they may build a city, which shall 'e called the New Jerusalem.

24. And then shall they assist my ueople that oey may be gathered ill, who are scat Ie red upon ilthe (ace o(the land, ill unto Ihe New Jerusalem.

25. And then shall the power ofheaven corne 'Jwn among them; and J also will he inlhe midst.

The L,"lnell1ilcs elllCl lhe Ncphilc blooe! lhem.

26 .... Verily J say unlo YOI), allhal day shailihe work of Ihe Falher commence am()ng oil Ihe r:iiJJ.JCI'sed orlllY people, yea, evell Ihc lriues which have been los{, which Ihe Falher halh led away oul afJeruwlem

So the Ten Tribes will be gathered. 27. Yea, Ihe work shall commence alllong all

the dispersed of lilY peoole, wilh the Falher, 10 prepare Ihe way whereby Ihey may cOllie unlo lIIe, Ihallhey may callan Ihe Falher in my name.

28. Yea, and Ihen After the cily is built, and even as it is being

buill, 28. Yea, and Ihen shall the work commence,

wilh Ihe Father, among all natians, in preparing Ihe way whereby his people may be galhered home 10 the land of their inherilance.

29. And they shall go out from all nalions; and they shall not go out in haste, nor go by flighl,for J will go before them, saith the Father, and J wifl be their rearward.

Uncle R6y taught us, referring to this chapter 21 of Third Nephi, that after the city of the New Jerusalem is built, a great missionary work would go forth among the Lamanites, the Ten Tribes, and to the nations of the earth.

The Lord has promised all the ancient Prophets that in the latter days there would be a Priesthood people prepared and used to establish the fulness of Zion, As we study the history of the Prophet Joseph Smith in this last dispensation, we see that the Lord, right frolil the beginning of teaching the Prophet Joseph, pointed him to the redemption of Zion. I will refer (0 Sections in the Doctrine and Covenants, these revelations, and I encourage you to read the entire Sections, as I will read parts of them. Perhaps before you leave we can rename the Sections.

God Himself will be among His people. 26. And then

After the city is built, 26. And then shafl the work of the Father

mmence at that day, even when this gospel shall Dreached among Ihe remnanl of this people.

[ trust (his will be a review to you -- events in the life of the Prophet Joseph Smith. I seek to name this in date order, and I name the dates as we go along, that you can see that the Lord led the Prophet Joseph Smith and that people in his day on a straight course to build up and redeem Zion and build the New Jerusalem, to show you that was

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wilat the Lord in Ihis dispensalion. And this will also show us, as 8

review, thaI all our lives we have known these ibiDRh and we have known lite leachings and reQuiremenls we musllive 10 build up Zion.

As thc Prophel Joseph was translaling the Book of Mormon, men would come to him and seek the Lord's wiil in Iheir lives. The Prophet Joseph Smith's father came, Oliver Cowdery came, Hyrum Smith came, and we read in some of Ulese revelalions the Lord's direclive.

0.& C. G

6. Now, as you have asked, behold, 1 say unto you, keep my commandments, and seek to bring jorth and establish the cause o[Zi!2lJo'

Section 6, the Lord's word to Oliver Cowdery. 7. Seek not jar riches but jar wisdo 111, and

behold, the mysteries of God shafl be unfolded unto you, and then shall you be made rich. Behold, he thai hath eternal life is rich.

Section 11, the word of God to the Prophet Joseph's brother, Hyrum.

D.& C. II

6. Now, as you have asked, behold, J.ray unto yo 11, keep my commandments, and seek to bring jorlh and establish the cause o[Zion.

So already the Lord was pointing the Prophet Joseph and that people to build up Zion. The Priesthood was restored May 15, 1829, when John the Baptist appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and conferred upon them the Aaronic Priesthood. About one month later, June of 1829, Peter, James and John appeared and conferred upon Joseph Smith and then Oliver Cowdery the Melchizedek Priesthood, Then on April 6, 1830, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized, a branch of the Priesthood tluough which the people would be tutored and trained in the ways of Godliness. And this beginning work took place principally in the State of New York. After the Church was organized, missionaries were sent fortb, and most of the converts were in the State of New York. And for that first year, after the Church was organized, most of the Prophet Joseph's labors, were in New York State.

Oliver Cowdery wasselll wesl 10 pl'C3ch to Ihe Lamanites, anei he was led by Ihe Spiril of Goel t067 go 10 Missouri, 10 the borders of lhe United Siaies. But al Ihis lime, this firsl year of the Church, the people did nol know aboul the location of the New krusalem. They rejoiced in receiving Ihe word of God by recei v i ng the fi rst princi pies 0 f I he Gospel. Yet the Lord pointed the Prophel Joseph and the people to Zion, 10 a greater work in these early revelations.

Trusting you have in your mind what the Uniled States is like, the map in other words, New York is in the East. Then moving westward from New York will be Ohio, and further on, Missouri. At the end of 1830, December 1830, Section 37 was given and the Lord gave a commandment to the Church to move to the Ohio. So here was a test --who was with God and the ProDhet? Who would move when the Lord directed?

D.& C. 37

1. Behold, 1 say unto you thai il is not expedient in me Ihat ye should translate any more

He was translating the Bible. The Book of Monnon was already published at this time, by December, 1830.

1. ... it is nol expedient in me that y01/ should translate any more until ye shall go 10 Ihe Ohio, and this because oflhe enemy andjor your sakes.

Oliver Cowdery had traveled with other missionaries to Kirtland, Ohio, which is in northeastern Ohio, and there met Sidney Rigdon and a group of people in Kirtland who were seeking the truth. They left some copies of the Book of Monnon, Sidney Rigdon sought out Josepb Smith, and Joseph Smith was still in the State of New York. Sidney Rigdon was converted. But now the Lord said, "Move to the Ohio."

2. And again, 1 say unto you Ihat ye shail not go unlil ye have preached my gospel in those parts, and have strengthened up the church whithersoever it isIound, Clnd more especially in Colesville;

That was in southern New York. 2 ... /or, behold, they pray unlo me in much


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J. And ClgClin, 0 commune/men! I give un!o (he church, Ihal il ir expedieill in /lie Ihollhey sho;,ld assemble logelher 01 Ihe Ohig ogainsl Ihe lillie Ihol my seryul1l Oliver Cowdery sholl relum Wllo (hem.

011 January 2, 1831, always 1IIJollgh the Prophet seeking tbe Lord in gl'cat faith, Scction 38 was given. The :"ord describes at tile beginlling of this Seclion lilat there will be a cleansillg of the eartJl and only Ihe pure ill heart shall remain, that He is the God that has taken the Zion of Enoch unto His own bosom and so on.

0.& C. JB

7. Bcd behold, verily, verily, fsay UI110 you Ihal mine eyes are upon you. 1 am in your midsl and ye cannol see me;

8. Bullhe day soon comelh Ihal ye shall see me, and know Ihal f am: for Ihe veil of darkness shall soon be renl, and he rhal is nol purified shall nol abide Ihe day. H*

In telling them to move to the Ohio, the Lord pointed them, in this revelation, even beyond moving to Ohio, that there would yet be another land beyond that that they would go to,

i3. And now f show unto you a myslery, a Ihing which is had in secrel chambers, 10 bring 10 pass even your deslrLlclion in process of lime, and ye knew il nol:

l4, Bul now f tell it unlo you, and ye are blessed, nol because of your iniquity, neilher your hearts ofunbelief;for verily some of you are guilty before me, but [ will be merciful unro your weakness.

i5. Therefore, be ye strong fro 111 henceforlh; rear nol, for Ihe kingdom is yours.

16. And for your salvalion i give unio YOCi a iommandmenl, for f have heard youl'prayera', and he poor have complained before me, and Ihe rich ;ave 1 made, and al! flesh is mine, and f am no especler of persons.

17. Aild J have made the earth rich, and behold . is my footstool, wherefore, again f will siand Don il.

As He points the people to Zion, He reveals that .c will come and dwell among the Priesthood :ople.

18 And! hold forlh Olle! deipn 10 give ulIlQJ!QIi grealer riches, eYen Ii land or promise a land j7olj;ing wilh milk and honey, upon which Ihere shall be no curse when the Lord comelh;

19. And! will give il UI110 you (or Ihe land o( your inherilance. iryou seek if wirh all yow hearls.

20. And Ihis shall be III)' covenant wilh )'ou, ye shall have il (or Ihe land o(your inherilance, and (or Ihe inherilance o(your children (CJrever, while Ihe carlh shall sland, and ye shall Dos'sess it again in elernity, no more 10 pass away.

2 I. BUI, verily f say cmlo VOCI Ihal in lillie ye shall have no king nor (or J will be your ki.!1g and walch over you.

22. Wherefore, hear my voice and follow me, and you shall be afi'ee people, and ie shall have no laws bul my laws when f come, [or / am your lawgiver, and whal can slay my hand? ***

He told us to esteem our brother as ourselves and live in virtue and holiness, training them how to be Zion. And then He said that there was a secret combination among the wicked to kill Joseph Smith and others, and this is why they must move to the Ohio where there would be a stronghold of the Lord, where there was a church established in Kirtland in that area.

3 l. And Ihar ye might escaperhe power o(rhe enemy, and be garhered unto me a righleous people, wilhout spol and blameless --

32. Wherefore, for Ihis cause 1 gave unlo you Ihe commandment thai ye should go to the Ohio: and Ihere f will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed wilh power fi'om on high:

33. And (i'om thence, whosoever J will shall go (orlh among all nations, and il shall be lold Ihem 'whallhey shafl do; lor J have a greal work laid up in store, for Israel shall be saved, and 1 will lead rhem whithersoever J wi!l, and no power sha!1 stay my hand

He then told them to help the poor in New York and strengthen the people, aIld Joseph Smith was to move to Kirtland, Ohio; And then the Colesville branch in New York should move near Kiriland, which they did.

As we go tlu'ough the history we see the revelations of God point the people to build up the New Jerusalem and to build up Zion. After Joseph

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Smilh arrived in ,(iilland, Ohio, on Fcbru8r-y 4, 18J i, Scclioll 41 was given. The Lord lolcl Joseph Smilh and lhe people 10 prepare Ihcir hearls [or the Law orille Church, which we know as Seclion42. I read Ihis 10 you brelluen so you will be prepared 10 receive tile word of God here. And realize in learning His will, t11e Lord's will, there is a greal responsibility upon us.

0.& C. 41

2. Hearken, 0 ye elders 0/ my church whom / have called, behold / give unlo you a commandmenl, Ihal ye shall assemble yourselves logelher 10 agree upon my word;

J. And by Ihe prayer oC your Cailh ye shall receive my law, Ihat ye may know how 10 govern my church and have all things righl be/ore me.

4. And I will be your ruler when / come; and behold, / come quickly, and ye shall see Ihal my law is kepi.

He is pointing us to the time where He would be among us personally, and we would see Him face to face. So in the midsl ofille redemption of Zion, we must realize we are preparing for the presence of God Himself, and we must be like God, filled with the Holy Spirit of God, to be Zion and to stand in His presence.

5, He thai receivetlt my law and doelh it, the same is my discipre; and Ire Ihal saitfl lie receivetlt il and doelft ·it not, lite same is not my disciple, and shall be cast o lit/rom among YOII;

And that is the cleaning up that is taking place among the Priesthood people now.

6. For it is nol meel Ihal the things which belong 10 Ihe children o/Ihe kingdom should be given 10 them thai are notworlhy, or 10 dogs, or the pearls 10 he casl be/ore swine. ***

The Lord then named Edward Partridge 10 be ordained and set apart as Bishop, flrsl in thailand of Kirtland.

12. These words are given unlo yo II, and Ihey are pure me; where/ore, beware how vou hold l/rem, (or Ihey arc 10 be answered Lipan your souls in Ihe day o(fudgmel1l.

Before the Lord gave the Law of the Church, He told them to prepare their minds and their hearts. /'. few days later, on February 9, 1831, the Lord

gave Seclioll 42, kllown as Ihe Law of Ihe Church. Allci in Ihis revelation the Lorcillalllcs Ihc buiiding 69 lip a[lhe New Jerusalem, and the law, Ihe Celcst'ral Law, lilal Ihe people must liye 10 build u) Zion. read a few verses frorn Seclion 42.

0.& C. 42

j Hearken, 0 ye e Idas a/my Chlll'ch, '1'110 have assembled yourselves logelher in my name, even Jesus Chrisllhe Son oflhe living God, the Savior o/Ihe world; inasmuch as ye believe on my name and keep my commandmenls.

2. Again / say unlo you, hearken and hear and obey Ihe law whicn [ shall give unlo you.

3. For verily J say, as ye have assembled yourselves logelher according 10 Ihe commandment wherewith / commanded you, and are agreed as louching this one Ihing, and have asked Ihe Falher in my name, even so ye shall receive.

4. J]ehold, verily [ say unto you, / give [mlo you this firsl commandmenl, thai ye shall' go /orlh in my name, every one 0/ you, excepting my servants Joseph Smilh, Jun., and Sidney Rigdon. "*

And He sent them forth to go two by two to preach the Gospel and baptize with water.

8. And/rom this place

There at Kirtland, 8 .... ye shall g%rlh inlo the regions wesf1.i'ard;

. and inasmuch as ye shall find Ihem that will receive you ye shall build up my church in every region --

9. Until the lime shaU come when il shall be revealed unto you from on high, when Ihe cily or (he New Jerusalem shall be prepared, Ihal ye may be galhered in one, Ihal ye may he my people and / will be your God. * **

So here, rebruary 9, 1831, the Lord named the New Jerusalem being built 011 this land and that tlley were working toward thai goal, that they wouldn't be remaining in Kirtlarld, Ohio, but there would be another land. They would be gathered in one. Then Ihe Lord gives His law, many commandments given; and we have in this Section 42 the Celestial Law called the Holy United Order. Details are given that all belongs unto God. We consecrate and give our all and then receive a

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SlC'N8.rdship -- the law of consecratiolls and stewardships -- givillg OUf a[[ uato lile Bishop Rnel him appointing what we should receive. [n the midst of this {raining on how (0 live the United Order, the Lord points our minds in the living of the Ho[y United Order, that this is the law by which the New Jerusalem and Zion would be established. Section 42 verse 34:

34. Tnerefore, Ihe residue sholl be kepi in my slorenouse,

And what would the consecrations and tithings and blessings given to the Bishop be used for?

34. '" 10 adminisler 10 Ihe poor and Ihe needy, as shall be appoinred by Ihe high council of Ihe church, and Ihe bishop and his council;

35, A ndfor Ihe purpose afpurchasing landsfor tne public benefit of the church, and building houses o( worship, and building up of Ihe New Jerusalem which is herwOer to be revealed n

36. That my covenant people may be gathered in one in tnal day when [ shall come to my temple, And this' J do for Ihe salvation of my people.

So the Holy United Order was revealed to establish Zion and buUd up the New Jerusalem, as the Lord named here. We read later that the Lord intended Kirtland to be a stronghold for five more years after they moved there, and then they would go forth to the Center Stake, The 'Lord kept pointing the people to the Millennial reign of peace and the building up of Zion, Section 43:

D.& C. 43

28, Wherefore, labor ye, labor ye in my )ineyard for the lest time -- for Ihe last time call won the inhabitants of the earth.

29. For in mine own due time will J come upon he earth in judgment, and ml' people shall be 'cdeemed and shall reign wilh me on earth.

3D. For Ihe gee"t Millennium, o(which I have Daken by the mouth o(my servants, shall corne,

Section lhe Lorcl names allc1 points (he people (0

lion and the conciition oflioll.

D,S, C. 45

55, And Solan shall be bound, rhol he shall have noplace in the hearl,I' a/the children uflnen

56, lind at Ihal day, when f shall COIIIC in my glory, shall Ihe parable be(ul/illed which f .Ipake conceming Ihe ten virgins.

57. For they that are wise and have received Ihe rruth, alld have laken rhe Holy Sriril (or Iheir guide, and have not been deceived n verily f say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast il1to thejire, bUI shall abide Ihe day.

58. And Ihe earlh shall be given unlo them for an inheritance; and rhey

The obedient, 58 .... shall multiply and wax strong, and their

children shall grow up without sin unlO salvalion. 59. For Ihe Lord shall be in Ineir midst,

Throughout a[1 these revelations we see God among the people is Zion.

59 .... and his glory shall be UDon them, and he will be their king and their lawgiver,

60. And now, behold, 1 say unto you, it shall nol be given unto you to know any further concerning this chapfer,

This certain chapter in the Bible the Prophets Joseph was translating.

60. ". until the New Testament be translated . ' and in il all these things shall be made known; ** *

Then the Lord said: 65. And wilh one heart and wilh one mind,

gather up your riches that ye may purchase an inheritance which shall hereafter be appointed unto you,

66, And it shall be called the New Jerusalem, a land Deace, a city o(re(uge, a place o(sa(etv (or the sainls o[the Most High God;

Again, February 1831, how Joseph Smith was J Kirtland, Ohio, on March 7, 1831, still within the ;n( year after the Church was organized, the Lord ave Section 45. And in this revelation the Lord ames the great judgments and destructions that /ould come upon the wicked, and also His lorious appearing to His peoplc. And in this

They had just moved to Kirtland, Ohio, and now the Lord was pointing them to purchase another land beyond Kirtland, Ohio, and gather up the riches; and they would, through their faith, have revealed to them, through the Prophet Joseph, where the \lew Jerusalem is,

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6 lilne! llie he [>urc/sholl ue Ihel,£ Clnci lIie lerror oflhe Lorc/ (d\'() sholl be Ihere, insol!1uch thai Ihe wicked wiil nol COIlIC 111110 ii, (Ind il shull be called Zion.

68. And il shall come 10 pass among Ihe wicked, rhal evclY manlhal wi!1 nol rake his sword ogains! his neighbor 1I111s1 needs fI ee UI110 Zion for so/ely.

69. And Ihere shall be galhered unlo il oul of evelY nalion under heaven; and il shall be (he only people rhal shall nol be 01 war one wilh anorlwr.

70. And il shall be said among Ihe wicked' Lei us nol go up 10 bailie againsl Zion, /01' Ihe inhabilanls 0/ Zion are lerriale; wherefore we cannol sland.

71. I.nd il shall COille 10 pass Ihallhe righle01ls shalf be galhered 0111 from among all naliom, and shalf come 10 Zion, singing wilh songs of ever! asling joy.

72. And now / say unlo yo 11, keep Ihese Ihings from going abroad unlo Ihe world unlil il is expedienl in me, ***

Then He says: 74. For when Ihe Lord shalf appear he shalf be

lerribleunlo them, The wicked. 74 .... Ihal fear may seize IIpon Ihem, and Ihey

shall sland afar off and Irembie. 75. And of{ nations shall be afraid because of

the lerror oflhe Lord, and Ihe power ofhis mighl. So brethren, awaken to this reality that

throughout the Proohet Joseph Smith's experience, the Lord was pointing Him and the people to the New Jerusalem and the building up of Zion. We know, in hearing the Prophets in our time, they constantly pointed us to the redemption of Zion, and referred to these revelations. All our lives we have known of the redemption of Zion.

Il.& C. 51

I. [Jelwld, ill 110' soilh Ihe Lord Imla Ihe eiders 71 whom he hath mlled and choson in Ihese /0.\'1 days, by Ihe voice afhis S,oiril--

2. Saying: r, Ihe Lord, wiillllClke known [WO

you wnol ! wil/lha( ye shall dofrum (his lirne unlil Ihe nexl conference, which ,Ina II be held in Missouri, 1Jl20n (he land which / will consecrate un(o my people, which are a rem nan I o(Jacob, and. Ihose who oro heirs according (0 Ihe cavenanl.

3. Wherefore, verify 1 say un(o you, lei my servanls Joseph Smith, Jun, and Sidney Rigdon lake Iheirjourney as soon as preparalionJ' can be mode (0 leave Iheir homos,

In Kirtland. 3. ... andjourney 10 Ihe land of Missouri. 4. And inasmuch as Iheyarefailhful un (0 me, il

shall bernade known wl10 (hem whallheyshall do; He commanded them to just go, and as they

traveled He would lead them. 5. And il shall also, inasm1lch as Ihey are

(ailhfitl, be made known unlo them Ihe land a [)IO ur inherilance.

This New Jerusalem. 6. And inasmuch as they are nol failhfuf, they

shall be cui off, even as [will, as soemelh me good. Then the Lord named many elders to travel two

by two to the land of Missouri and gather there. I will read some of the names: Lyman Wight and John Corril, John Murdock and Hyrwn Smith, Thomas B, Marsh and Ezra Thayre, Isaac Morley and' Ezra Booth, Edward Partridge and Martin Harris were to travel with Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon, David Whitmer and H.arvey Whitlock, Purley P. Pratt and Orson Pratt, Solomon Hancock and Simeon Carter, Edson Fuller and Jacob Scott, Levi W. Hancock and Zebedee Coltrin, Reynolds CaHoon and Samuel Heaven. Smith, Wheeler and William Carler, Newel Knight and Salah J, Griffin, and so on.

The people were yearning to know of these things, and finally Section 52 was given June 7, 1831, just a little over a year after the Church was organized. And in this Section the Lord named where they should go to find the New Jerusalem, this land of their in11eritance where they would purchase the lands. Reading from Section 52:

These meIl traveled to Missouri, and in July 1831, the Prophet Joseph Smith, with these brethren, for the first time stood at the Center Slake of Zion. And as he stood there in Jackson Counly, MissoW'i, the Lord gave Section 57, also Sections 58 and 59. And here the Lord named where the

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Jcruscllcm is ClmJ where [he (crnnie woule! be , bui i t.

n.& c. 51

j. Hearken, 0 ye elders ajlllY church, sailh Ihe Lord your God, have assembled yourselves (ogelner, according (0 my cOlI/molldmcnls, ill Ihis land, which is Ihe land of Missouri, which is rhe land which I hove oppoill(cd alld cOllscaoled jor (he ga!hcringofrhe sainls.

2. Wherefore, Ihis is Ihe land of promise, and the place (or the city of Zion

3. And rhus sailh Ihe Lord your God, if you will receive wisdom here is wisdom. Behold, Ihe place which is now called Independence is Ihe cenler place; and 0 spolfor the lemple is lying westward, upon a 101 which is nol far Fa 111 Ihe co uri-house.

4. Wherefor'e, il is wisdom Ihal rhe land should be purchased by the .rainls, and also every tracl fying westward even unlo the line running directly between Jew and Genlile;

The border of Kansas and Missouri was the border ofthe United States. The "Jew" He referred to is the. Lamanite, or the Indians. They had been driven westward. The "gentile" meant the United States of America. They were to purchase the lands to the borders of the United States and all round about.

5. And also every tracl bordering by the urairies, inasmuch as my disciples are enabled to buy lands. Behold, this is wisdom, thallhey moy Dbtain ilfor an everlasting inherilance.

Joseph Smith himself bought around sixty lcres, buying the temple site and that area rowld lbout the center of where the New Jerusalem is to )e built. Then the Lord began training how Zion Dust be built, and He set the pattern that DeopIe are ,ailed by revelation to build Zion. Sidney Gilbert vas named to move to the Center Stake, operate a tore and to buy land. Edv.'ard Partridge was lamed to move and be the Bishop there. William V. Phelps was told to move there and establish 'rinting and publisHng church books to fulfill the rophecy that the word of the Lord would go forth ,'om Zion. Oliver Cowdery was named to go to 1ckson County, Missouri to help guide the rethren in their. missions. Others would be amed. The Prophet Joseph Smith spent two or

three weeks there on this first tl'ip to the Cenler Stake, 8nd before anyone moved there pcrmDllclllly, cllhe saints, the Lord gave Sections 58 ancl 59, naming how Zion will bc redeemed. August I, i 83 I, again just a little over a year afler the Chmch was organized, the Lord names what Ihe sainls would have 10 go thl'Ough to build up Zioll. r read the first few verses of Section 58.

D.& C. 58

I. Hearken, 0 ye elders ojmy ci1Uf'ch, alld give ear to my word, and learn of me whal I will concerning you, and also concerning Ihis land unlo which I have scnl YOLI.

2. For verily J say unlo YOtl, blessed is he {hal keeperh my commandments, whelher in life 01' ill dearh; and he that is (aith(ul in Iribulation, the reward of Ihe same is greater in Ihe kingdom of heaven.

3. Ye cannot behold with your narural eyes.

Your earthly eyes. 3. .. ./01' the presenltime, {he design of your God

concerning those Ihings which shall come hereofter, and Iheglory which shall follow aOer much tribulalion.

4. For aOer much tribulation come Ihe blessings.

So right at the beginning, before any of the saints moved to build up Zion at the Center Stake, the Lord declared Zion would be redeemed through much tribulation. But those who go through the tribulations must do as the Lord directs here -- rejoice in Him for the privilege to help build Zion, and we must keep Zion growing no matter what we go truough, by keeping sweet.

4 .... Wherefore Ihe day cometh thai ye sholl be crowned wilh much glolY; the hour is nol yel, but is nigh at hand.

5. Remember this, which Ilell you before, thai you may lay ilia hearl, and receive thai which is to follow.

6. Behold, verily l.l'ay unto you, [01' Ihis cause I have sent you -- Ihal you mighl be obedienl, and thai your hearls might be {?repared 10 bear leslirnonv u(rhe Ihings which are 10 cume;

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7. And 010'0 Ihol YOlllllighl be !rollored inloying (he jO}ftlC/orion, alld in uearing record olffle IO!'ld lipan ,,'hich Ihe Zion ()fGod sholl sland H*

19. For verily! my Ulllo you, lilY law sholl be kepi on rhis land

20. Leino !lion Ihink he is rulu, bur lei .oDC! rule him Ihal iudgelh

We were toldin this to do illany good things of our own free will and bring to pass much righteousness, to not be idle. On August 7, 1831, Section 59 was given as Joseph Smith and those brethren were on the land of Zion, in Jackson County, Missouri, And brethren, this is the revelation that describes Zion and how to be Zion, I point this out strongly because all our lives we have known this, Listen carefully, that before anyone moved to the Center Stake, of the prj esthood people, the Lord named the laws they must be lived to be Zion, They knew the condi tions and the laws, before they moved there, that they had to live, and that was their covenant with God -- the New and Everlasting Covenant.

D,& C. 59

], Behold, blessed, saith the Lord, are Ihey who have come up unto this land with an eye single to my glory, according 10 my commandments,

So there is the pattern. Y OUI eye must be single to His glory according to His commandments,

2, For those that live shall inherit the earth, and those that die shall rest from ailiheir labors, and their works shall follow them; and they shall rece ive a crown ill rhe mansions of my Falher, which 1 have preparedfor them,

3. Yea, blessed are Ihey whose feer stalld upon the rand of Zion, who have obeyed my gospel; for they shail receive for their reward the good things oflhe earlh, and il shaU bringforrh in its srrenglh.

4, And Ihey

The obedient, 4, ",shall also be crowned wilh bfessingsJi'om

above, yea, and wilh commandmenls not a few, and with revelations in Iheir time -- Ihey thai are fairh(ul and diligent before me,

Here is Zion, brethren: 5. Wltere(ore, 1 give unto tltem a

commandment, S{/ving rhus: ThOll sha{Uove tfte

L () r rI I It i' C' 0 (L!0.iJ.r-'1ll..J.IJyJIJ!JlJ.:i. r V ill r (f II II r y 1IJ.ij;ItI, mind, (lml slrellRIIi; "lid i/l l/ie J[(l1ll.£Q/j3 Jews Cirris,tliroll sliall serve /iilll,

Thai is the New nnd Everlasting Covenant restored wheD the Priesthood wns restored, That is the oath and covenant of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood and of every Priesthood ordinance, to love and serve God, love Him by obeying Him -- word o[God, and thai is how we show we [ave Him. And then we must live His commandments,

6. Thou shall love Ihy neighbor as Ihyself H*

SO the first two great commandments were named as the conditions to build up Zion, the laws thai we mLlst live, Before any ortile saints moved there, this was given, and they knew it. Then details are given in this revelation of how to live the first two great commandments, They are told what not to do -- "Thou shalt not steal," and do other evils -- then they are told what to do,

7, Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in aU things,

8, Thou shalt olJer a sacrifice unlo Ihe Lord Ihy God in righteousness, even rhal 0(0 broken heart and a contrile spirit,

They were to live in rejoicing prayer in all things, acknowledging God in all things with a prayer of rejoicing, Brethren, they were taught. They explored the land, They dedicated the land for the gathering of the saints, They dedicated the temple site, And then they returned to Kirtland, preaching the Gospel along the way, These illen appointed then moved themselves and their families to Jackson County, Missouri, and the Bishop began establishing the law of consecration and stewardships, the Holy United Order. More revelations were given on how to live the Holy United Order, Joseph Smith stayed in Kirtland and that area mostly, But then the Lord told him to return a second time (0 Jackson County, Missouri, and on this second trip revelations were given; and again, the conditions of how to be Zion are named, Section 82, a revelation on the Holy United Order:

D.& C. 82

8, And again, I say unto you, J give IInlo you a new commandment,

And lhis is April 26, ! 832,

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8. ... !I 10 I yo II may IIl1dcrslal1d my will ::.: 0 J1 C e rfl in g yO!f:

9. Or, il1 olhcl' words, I give Imlo YOLI ciil'cClioriJ' ho w you may Cici be[ore me, Ihal il mCiY lum (0 you

yo III' sa/varian. J 0, Line Lwd, 0111 bound whcn yc do what!

;c:x: bUI when ye do nol whal I say, yc have no ,7romise,

11. There/ore, verily I say ul110 you, (hal il is ?xpedienl [or my servanls • "Newel K Wh ii/ley, • * *and Sidney Rigdon, and my servanl Joseph 'lmilh, al1d "'Oliver Cowdery, and H*Marlin Harris, 10 be bound logether by a bond and ·,ovenantthat cannol be broken by transgression, excepl iudgments shall immedialely [ollow, in your ,;'averal slewardshios --

12, To manage the affairs o/the poor, and all fhings pertaining to the bishopric bolh in Ihe land 0(2ion and in the land oj Kirtland;

J], For [have consecraledlhe land of Kirtland 'n mine own due lime/or the benefil o/the sainls 0/ 'he Most High, and/or a stake 10 Zion,

J 4, For Zion must increase in beauty, and in "onness; her borders must be enlarged; her stakes 'I1ust be strengthened; yea, verily 1 say unlo you, Zion must arise and put on her beautiful garments.

15, There/ore, [ give unto. you this commandment, that ye bind yourselves by Ihis covenant,

Of the Holy United Order. 15, ",and il shall be done according to the laws

,(the Lord. J 6. Behold, here is wisdom aim in me Jar your

;ood. J 7. And you are 10 be equal, or in olher words,

.Iou are 10 have equal claims on the properiies,jor he benefrt of rnanagingthe concerns of your :fewardships, every man according 10 his wan(s

d his needs, inasmuch as his wanls are jus I --

Here "g" i 11 arc I he condi I i 0 IlS named 10 but It! \II}

Zion, Ihe firsl Iwo greal commandmenls: j 9. Every mun seekinG' Ihe il1teresl of his

neiRlrbor, and doing ulllhlng.\' wilh an eye single 10

Lh;u;lo/'y of God Love God above nil 2nd love one another

through His holy love. 20. This order 1 have apfJoililed 10 be all

everlasting order linlo you, and 111110 your Juccessors, inasmuch as you sin nol,

2!. And (he souiliral J'ins agaillslthis covenanl, ond hardenclh his heart againsl ii, shall be deall wilh according 10 the laws ottny church, Gnd shall be delivered over 10 Ihe but(etings o( Satan unlil Ihe day o(redemptiun

Great is the penalty upon those who covenan I to live the United Order and then break that covenant. Great are the blessings for those. who live the covenant. Dear brethren, [ have taken this time to show you, of the Lord, that before anyone moved to Jackson County, Missouri in this dispensation, of the saints, they knew the conditions, and the Prophet Joseph returned there and gave the word of God and taught them the conditions of how to

. build up Zion, And this history thili far is a little less than two

years after the Church was organized, April 26, 1832, was two years, a little more than two years,

Pray and pray and pray, brethren, You must learn to pray always, which means you pray as you listen, You brethren should have already within you a living testimony, that when you hear the truth you feel the witness of burning peace, By your receiving Priesthood and Priesthood covenants, you are under oath and covenant to believe these revelations I have read and live them, You should feel the heavenly peace as the word of God is given,

I first read a verse out of Section 6, and then 11, Section 20, Section 38, 41,42,43,45,52,57,58 and 59, 82, Those are what I have referred to thus far,

J8. And allihis/or Ihe bene}'( o/Ihe church of 'le living God, (hal evelY man may improve upon cis lalenl, Ihat every man may gain olher ta[enls, eo, even an hundred fold, 10 be casl into the

'.ord's siorehouse, 10 become the common ;ropertyoflhe whore church--

Brethren, exert your faith while you listen, The Lord expects you to have a living testimony exerted, that when you hear truth, you feel the truth, receive it, and seek to have it bumed in your memory and live it immediately.

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, Continuing on lile tmining, we have becn tluough many revelations in the Doctrine and COYCl1illls showing how lile Lord pointed Ihe people 10 lhe building up of Zion and naming the I aws and the conditions they must live to be Zion and to build ZiDn, That, dear brethren, is upon us, Wc must be Zion in order to build Zion.

This Section 82, naming again details of the Holy United Order as the Celestial Law and the law upon which Zion must bc built, it was given April 26, 1832. I next refer to Section 84, given September 22 and 23, 1832, And here, for the first time, the Lord has (0 correct His whole people. Count it, from April to September is about five months, and they, the Priesthood people and the whole Church, .were placed under condemnation for treating lightly the commandments of God, And what had they been given? They had been given Ihe first· two great commandments lived .through :he Holy United Order, the laws by which Zion must be established, and this is what they treated lightly. And brethren, this is what this Priesthood people today have treated lightly, And we are still, as a Priesthood people, under the same and even greater condemnation, because we have been taught more and been given more, even the details orthe "keep sweet" training, And we have had the Prophets among us who are Zion, and shown how to live and be Zion. And here, for ihe first time in these revelations, the Lord says to His people that if they do not repent they will be scourged.

D,& c. 84

54, And your minds in times pasl have been darkened because of unbelief, and because you have Ircaled lightly Ihe things you have received--

55, Which vanitv and unbelie(have bi'Oughlthe whole church under condemnation.

To be condemned means you arc not usable, The Lord can't usc you in that halDlearted condition.

56. And this condemnalion reslelh upon Ihe children o(Zion, even all.

57 And Ihev shall remain under Ihis condemnation untilthev repent and remember the new covenant, even the Bouk o[Mormon and the ,former commandments which J have given them,

nor ollL>' I() sUJO {JiI( (0 rio Clcwillillj; (0 tilllDv/licli i hove wrir{CfJ --

The former commandments I have just rcrrd to YOll, containing the conditions to build up Zion They trealed it lightly through feclings ol1e against another and olher evils,

58. Tha( (hey may bring (orth Filii meel Jor their Father's bngdom; otherwise

If they don't and ifwD don't live unto God by our covenants,

58. ".otheni'ise there remainelh a scourge and judgment 10 be poured aul upon Ihe c!Ji!dren or Zion.

59, For shall the children or Ihe kingdom pollute my hall' land? Verily, J say unlo you, Nay ***

[n this Section 84 is the Song of Zion, the prophecies fulfilled, the song we will sing after these great promises are fulfilled.

99, The Lord hath brought again Zion; The Lord hath redeemed his people, Israel; According 10 the eleclion afgrace, Which was broughl to pass by the faUn And covenant of their fathers. laO, The Lord hath redeemed his people; And Satan is bound and lime is no longer, Tne Lord halh gathered all things in one. The Lord halh broughl down ZionJrom above, That is Enoch and his people. J aD. ". The Lord hath brought up Zion Fom

beneath J01. The earth hath Iravailed and broughtforth

her .rtrength,. And trurh is established in her bowels; And the heavens have smiled upon her; And she is clothed with Ihe gloty of her God; For he God, J01. . "stands inlhe midsl of his people.

And that, dear brethren, is Zion -- God among the people,

IU2. Glory, lind hono/', und power, {Inri mi?,hl,

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iJe Clscl'iued 10 011!' God;/or he a/mercy, J!/siice, grace al1d II'Ulh, cmd peace, /7'orevel' and eve!', Amen

Again, lhat was September 1832, a lilile over two years anel' the ChUi'ch was organi;oed. On December' 27, 1832, Section 88 was given, a revelation the Prop bet Joseph liamed as the "Olive Leaf'. And in this revelation dclails are given by the Lord of how (0 be Zion, particularly verses 119 through 126 of Section 88, which wc have named as "The Constitution of the Priesthood Bome", or a home in Zion, In these verses is named loving God above all and loving one another.

D.& C. 88

119. Organize yourselves: prepare every needful Ihing; and eSlablish a house, even a house of prayer,

rilis is how our homes should be. 1 J 9. ".a house of fasling, a hOllse of faith, a

house of learning, a house ofglolY, a hOllse of order, a house of God:

120, Thai your incomings may be in the name CJf the Lord: Ihat YOllr olltgoings may be in the

oflhe Lord; that all your saiulations may be in the name of the Lord, wilh uplifled hands unlo 'he Mosl High.

Every connection through prayer for one mother.

12), ",Therefore, To live this way you must: 12}, ."ceasefrom all your lighl speeches,./i'om

1([ laughter, from aU your /uslfu/ Oi selfish, 12}, ".desires, from all your pride and

'ight-mindedness, and from all your wicked iuings.

122. Appoinl among YOllrselves a teacher, and 'cr nol all be spokesmen al once, bUI lelol1e speak II a rime and lei a/I lislen unlo his sayings, thai vhel1 a/l have spoken Ihat all may be edified of all, md Ihal every man may have {TIJ equal privilege.

121. Cc({se 10 UC idle, ceuse 10 Ix lIncleon; cease 10 jll1d(allll OIIC wuh anollIcr; cease {a .l'lecp longer Ihall is needful: retire 10 Ihy bed eorly, Ihar ye may nul be wcory: arise early, liral YOllr bodies olld your minds lJioy be illvigo/'Qlcd

125. And ahovc all IhillgS, clol/Jc yourselves wilh Ihe bond o(c/wrily, as wilh ClIIIClnile which is Ihe bond o(uer(Cclness and peace.

Charity is the pure love of Christ, the loye of the Falher, the love orOod. That is how we love, and that is ZiDD.

J 26. Pray always, Ihal ye may nolfainl, unli! f come. Behold, and 10, J will come quickly, and receive YOIl Ilnlo myself Amel1.

This revelation was given December 27, 1832. Joseph Smith received letter's from the leading brethren in Zion, in Jackson County, Missouri, and Joseph Smith was in Kirtland, He wrote a letter in reply January 14, 1833, and here the Prophet Joseph gives a strong warning to the leading brethren in Zion and to the saints that a scourging and the iudgments of God would come upon the Priesthood people if they did flot live as they were commanded, And what were they commanded to do? They were commanded to love God, obey Him, and to love one another. W11at did they have? In this letter he names that he is sending this Section 88, the "Olive Leaf', They had the Bookof Mormon, They had the revelations I have referred to on how to be Zion, Listen to this strong correction:

TPJS Page 18

Kirtland, JanuaJY 14,1833. Brother William W. Phelps: 1 send you the "olive leaf" Section 88 that I just read to from, ... which we have plucked ./i'om Ihe Iree of

Paradise, Ihe Lord's message of peace 10 us; fol' (hough 0111' brethrcn il1 Ziol1 indulge il1 (Ce Iing,I' lowards us, which are nor according 10 the requirements oUhe new covenanl,

The New and Everlasting Coyenant is the first great commandment. 123. See Ihal ye love one anolher: cease to be

;01'elous: learn to impart one 10 anolher as the :;0 spel requires.

.. yet, we have Ihe salisfaclion of knowing thai Ihe Lord approves a/us, and has accepled us, and e.l'lablished fIis name in Kirllandlor Ihe salvalian

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, of Ihe IIOlioIlS; /or rile Lord will hove {I ploce wheliwHis word will g%rlh, ill Ihese losl clo)'.", in purily; (or irZiol1 will nol PUI'I/)I herselC so as 10 oe approved oOn ailinings, in His sighl, He wil! s'cd anolher people; {or His work will go on unlif ['>/'acl is r:alhered, ancllhev who willnol hear His I'Gice, liIusl expecl 10 (eel His wralh Lei me say !inlo you, seek 10 puri(v yourselves, and also Ihe inhabitanls or Zion, lesl Ihe LOI'd ',,' angel' kindled 10 (ierceness,

Repenl, repent, is Ihe voice a/God 10 Zion, and slrange as il may appear, yel il is Irue, mankind will persisl in self-jusliflcalion until all Ineir iniquity is exposed, and Iheir chwacler pasl being redeemed, and Ihal wnich is treasured up in Iheir hearts be exposed 10 Ihe gaze a/mankind 1 Sqy 10 you (and what I say to vou 1 say to 01/), hear the warning voice oeGod, lest Zion fall, and the Lord ru'ear in His wralh the inhabilants oeZion shall not enler inlo His rest,

To enter into His rest means into His presence in His glory, and they were offered the presence of God as they build up Zion, Great is this blessing of Zion, to be offered the presence and the knowledge of God; and to fall short by not reaching Jor. that blessing and living for it, a people receive the curses of God and the judgments of God upon them

The brethren in Kirtland pray for you unceasingly, for, A.71owing Ihe terrors 0/ the Lord, Ihey greatly/ear/or you, You wil/see Ihatthe Lord commanded us, in Kirlland, 10 build a hOtlse 0/ God, and establish a schoolfor Ihe Prophels, Ihis is the word o/Ihe Lord 10 and we must, yea, Ihe Lord helping tiS, we will obey: as on condilions 0/ our obedience He has promised us greal things; yea, even a visit 6'om Ihe heavens 10 honor tlswilh His own presence, We greatly/ear be/ore Ihe Lord lesl we should/ail o/Ihis greal honor, which our Mosler proposes 10 confer on us; we are seeking for humility and greal (ailh lesl we be ashamed il1 His presence, Our hearl,I' are greally grieved 01 Ihe spirit which is orCCllhed bOlh in yourleller and Ihal ofErolher Gilberl 's, Inc vcr]! spiril

Criticism. and complaining and jealousy,

'" Ihe wly spiril which is wasting Ihe strenglh o[ Zio/1like a Desldence; and iOI is no! delecled and driven fi'om you, il will riDen Zion {or Ihe

I h Ie (J len ed-ljmzIJ!SJ.IlL2f God _ f( e 111 en, bilL G Q(i sees Ihe seelel splil1i'!i..Q,(lIUII1WI oclion,ClIlc! KnOJl'5. 77 Ihe heorls Qj oillivinp

Drainer, sulIer !IS lu spcak plainly, for God hos re,lpeCi 10 Ihe /eelings uf fils Sainls, (lnd He will nol sulIer Ihelilio oe lanralized wilh impunily. **' All we can say by way of conclusio/'I is, if Ihe jounlain of aliI' lears be no! dried lip, we will slill weep for Zion. TAl's /rom yo ur oral her who Irembles /01' Zion, and for Ihe wralh u/ heaven, which awails her ij'she repenls no!.

(Signed) JOSEF JJ SMITH, fUN. January 1833 was that waming, and then

shortly thereafter came the mobs, tan'ing and feathering, persecution at the beginning of 1833; yet the saints remained upon the land, Later the Prophet Joseph would write that some of the leaders in Zion were repenting, but the people as a people did not repent. By Augus12, 1833, the Lord gives, as it were, a final warning and promised blessings if the people would repent aile live as they were commanded, which is to live those first two great corrunandments of the love of God to be Zion, to establish Zion, Section 97 was given, They were commanded to 'build the temple in Zion and He promised them this:

D,& C 97

15, And inasmuch as my people ouild a house unlo me in Ihe name 0/ the Lord, and do not suffer any unclean Ihing 10 corne into ii, Ihal il be no! defiled, my glory shall resl upon it;

16, Yea, and my preselrce shalf be t/rere,!or [ fvifl come into it, and all the pure ill !teart thai sllOl/ come illto it shalf see God,

They were offered the greatest blessings, the presence of God among them by building a temple, and by building the temple within, becoming pure in heart.

17 Eul ifil be defiled I willnol cOll1e info ii, and my glory shall nol bc there,/or J will no! corne inlo unholy lemples.

18, And, now, behold, if Zion do Ihese l!lings' she shall prosper, and spread hersel/Cll1d become very gloriOUS, velY greal, and velY lerl'ible.

19, And Ihe nalions uf Ihe eauh shall honor her, and shall say: Slirely Zion is Ihe dly oj' our

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(;od, and surely Ziol1 cCII1tlor/oll, ncir/,er be moved (Jut ofhcr place,

how 10 forgive and lcave judgmenl 10 Gcid. Scclion 97 was given in August 1833. The people did not repent, and by Oclooe[' lhe mobs came against the. Priesthood people, and all Ihe Priesthood people were drivel] oul of Jackson County, Missouri. They mostly Oed northward across the Missouri River, and there would be established Far West, Missouri.

V/hy? What is Zion? ) 9./01' God is rhere, alld Ihe hand ofrhe Lord

is (here:

That is what Ihe redemplion of Zion involves. 20. And he harl! swum by rhe power of his

m ighllo be her salvaliOIl alld her high lower. 21, Therefore, verify, Iii us sailft Ihe Lord, lei

Zion rejoice, for litis is Zioll - THE PURE IN HEART,' l!rerefore, fel Zioll rejoice, ivltile afllite IVlcked sliofflllotlnt,

22. For behold, and 10, vengeance comelh speedily upon Ihe ungodly as the whirlwind: and who shall escape il?

23. The Lord '.I' scourge shall pass over by nighl and by day, and Ihe reporl Ihereof shalf vex all people: yea, il shall nol be slayed un Iii rhe Lord come/'

24. F6'r Ihe indignation of the Lord is kindled against their abominations and all their works.

25. Nevertheless, Zion shall escape if she observe to do all things whatsoever J have commanded her.

And again the warning: 26. But ifshe observe nollo do whatsoever I

have commanded her, J wil! visit her according to pi! her works, with sore amiclion, with pestilence, with plague, wilh sword, wilh vengeance, with devouring fire.

Upon who? Upon the Priesthood people who have entered into Priesthood covenants with the Lord and have broken those covenants by not living the first two great commandments as they have promised.

27. Nevertheless, lei il be read this once 10 her curs, Ihal I, Ihe Lord, have accepted of her ofFering; and If she sil1 no more none of these rhings shall come upon her:

The Prophet Joseph yearned U[lto the Lord 10 know why and what was to be done, as this was the New Jerusalem that had (0 oe establ ished, and the promise 10 all the Prophets fulfilled. [n Section 101 the Lord gave the reasons why Ihe saints were driven, being offered the presence of God, having been taught, and yet they would not. And dear brethren, these same evils are among the Priesthood people today, and we are under greater condemnation than ever before as a people, because tile this is the time the Lord wants to step forth and perform His work.

D.& C. 101.

1. Verily. 1 say unto you, concerning your brethren who have been ajJIicted, and persecllled, and casl out from the land of their inherilance --

2. I, Ihe Lord, have suffered the affliction to come upon {hem, wherewith Ihey have been ajJIicred, in consequence of their transgressions:

So the Lord allowed the tribulation to come upon them.

3. Yet J will own them, and they shall be mine in that day when J shall come to make up my jewels.

4 .. Therefore, they musl needs be chastened and tried, even as Abraham, who was commanded to offer up his only Son.

5. For all those who will nol endure chastening, bul deny me, cannol be sanctified.

And notice these evils are a breaking of tile first two great comn1andments:

6; Behold, 1 say 1/11 fa you, I/Jere K'ere jarrings, alld contentiolls, and ellvyings, and strifes, and fusl/uf nnd covelolls desires among them; therefore by tltese Ihings they polluted (heir inheritances,

2R. And I will bless her wilh blessings, and mulliply a mulliplicily of blessings upon her, and UpO/1 her generalions forever and ever, saith Ihe C.urd your God.

The Lord prepared them, in the revelation we know as Section 98, how (0 endure persecution,

7. Tirey were sf Of V 10 hearken ullio the voice of lire Lord Ilteir God,' therefore, tlte Lord Ifteir God

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.. 10 liwri<ell 111110 II,eir jJ({Iyers, 101l1l.flvcr Iltelll ill lire day ofllteirlrolible.

8. [II lire day of llieir peace Ifrey esleemed l(gMly Illy coullsel; bill, ill lite doy of 1!leir Irolible, ofnecessily Ilrey feel ofier lIIe,

9. Verily r say unlo you, nOiwilltslClncling Iheir sins, my bowels are filled wilh compassion lowards Ihem. 1 wi!! nOlullerly casllnem off, and in Ihe day afwralh 1 will remember mercy

j O. J have sworn, and Ihe decree halh gone forlh by a former commondmenl which! hen'e given unlo you, Ihal [would lei failihe sword of mine indignalion in behalf of my people,' and even as! have said, if shall come to pass.

11. Mine indignalion is soon to be poured 01.11

wilhoul measure upon all nolions,' and Ihis will! do when Ihe cup oflheir iniquily isfull.

12. And in Ihal day all who are found upon Ihe walch-lower, or in aliter words, all mine Israel, shall be saved.

13. And Ihey Ihal have been scattered shall be gathered.

14, And off they who herve mourned shall be comforted.

15. And all they who have given Iheir lives for . my name shall be crowned.

16, Therefore, ret your hearts be comforted concerning Zion; for all flesit is In mine hands; be stiff and know that 1 am God,

17. Zion shaff not be moved out oUter place, notwithstanding Iter children are scattered,

. J 8. Tiley that remain, and are pure in heart, sit all refllrn, and come to their inheritances, thev a/1d their children, {vlth mngs o(everlasting joy, 10 brdfd lip lite Ivaste places o(Zion --

19. And af[ titese Ilrings Iltal the prophels might be (11l([1led,

perfcel il1 {ililh, like unlo lhe blOlhCl of Jared. Satclllmlist be bOllnci in OUf inciiviciu31livcs. And to Ihal pure people wi II now forth the great blessings of Zion, blessings that can't even be described. In this Section the Lord gives lhe parable of the redemplion of Zion, of how the young and middle-aged will be called forth lo redeem Zion. Again I voice this was given December 1833.

The Prophet Joseph was yearning to know what to do. finally, by February 24,1834, Zion's Camp was called forth and Section 103 was given. I yearn lhat you will feel these truths,

D,& C. [03

1. Verily I say unto you, my/riends, behold, r will give unlo you a revelalion and commandmenl, Ihal you may know how 10 acl in Ihe discharge of your dulies concerning Ihe salvalion and redemplion 0/ yow brelhren, who have been scallered on Ihe land of Zion,'

2, Being driven and smillenby the hands of mine enemies, on whom J will pour out my wrath wilhout measure in mine own time.

3. For J herve svjJered rhem th us for, that they mighl fill up the measure. 0/ their iniquilies, Ihal Iheir cup might be full,' ..

4. And thai Ihose who call Ihemselves after my name mighlbe chastenedfor a Iiltle season wirh a sore and grievous chastisement, because they did nol hearken allogether unlo the precepts and commandments which I gave unto Ihem,

5. But verily I say unto you, thatl have decreed a decree which my people shall realize, inasmuch as Ihey hearken from Ihis velY hour unto the counsel which l. the Lord Iheir God, shall give unlo Ihem.

6. Behold Ihey shall, for I have decreed ii, begin to prevail against mine enemies Fom this very hour,

On tbese conditions: Then the Lord names great events U1at will

happen and the condition we must be in (0 survive, when He appears in His glory and every corruptible thing will be consumed by tbe fire from heaven; a'ld only those that are clean every whit and pure in heart will survive, Only those that are Zion will survive, and they must be in the condition of having the love of God perfected within them, the love of the Father perfected;

7. And by hearkening 10 observe all Ihe words which 1, Ihe Lord Iheir God, shall speak unlo Ihem, Ihey shall never cease 10 prevail until Ihe kingdoms of the world are subdued under my feel, and (he earth is given unlo the sa in Is, 10 possess il forever Gnd ever.

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And how docs He speak His word? When the Church WaS orgrlnizeci on April 6, 1830, the vcry first commandmenl He gave Bfter the Church wns JrgarLlzed WElS:

12. FUf()Oer !ll!lch 1!'i0ulalion, CIS [ hove soid U/110 )'011 in a [omlcl' COIllIIiCiIlc!lI1e/11 collieliT Ihe ble,I'sillg

13. Behold, illis is Ihe blessing which f have prolilised ofier yoar Irioulo[ions, anc! the Irioulaliolls 0/ YOI;r hrelhren -- yOIIl' redemption, and lIie redclllplion 0/ your orelnrell, even lIieil' reslomlion to Ihe land 0/ Zr'on, to be established, no more 10 be Ihrown down


<I Where/ol'e, meaning Ihe chul'ch, thou shalt "Ive heed U/110 all his o

The Prophet '5,

4, ",wol'ds and cOllllllandmel1ls which he shall give unto you a,r he receiveln Ihem, walking in all holiness be/ore mc,

5, Fol' his word ye ,rhall receive, as i((rom mine 9wn mouth, i/1 all palience and (ailh

6, For by doing these thi/1gs Ihe gates o( hell shall /1ot prevail agal'nst you: yea, and the Lord God will disperse Ihe powers 0/ darkness from before yo II, a/1d calise Ihe heavens to shake for your good, and his name's glory,

And in the calling forth of Zion's Camp, in this Section 103, the Lord told the people to pray that the Lord would allow the Prophet Joseph Smith to go with them and lead them, But listen to the conditions set, that only through obeying the commandments the Lord had given could Zion be redeemed, They had to be Zion to redeem Zion, living those fIrst two great commandments unto perfection,

D,& c. 103

8, But inasmuch as. they keep not my commandments, hearken not (0 observe ail my words, the kingdoms o( the world shall prevail Qgat'nst them,

Against the Priesthood people, 9, For they were sci to be 0 light unto the world,

Qnd to be the saviors of men: 10, A/1d inasmuch as they are not the saviors o(

men, they are as salt that has lost its savor, Priesthood men who have lost Priesthood and

the Spirit of God, 1 U. ". Clnd is thenceforth good [or no[hing but [0

be mst OUi and Irodden under [oat o(mel1. II. Bu[ verr'iy J say unto you, J have decreed

(hat youI' brethren which have been sca[[ered shall rerum 10 [he la/lds o/their inheritances, and shall ')uild up the was[e places o(Zion,

Bul again the waming: 14, Neverlhefess, if Ihey pollule Iheir

inherilonces they shall be thrown down: /01' J will nol spare thelll Iflhey pol/ute Iheir inherilanccs.

15, Behold, I say unto you, the redemption 0/ Ziol1l11u,rl needs come by power:

Now note this very well-knovm scripture, How will Zion be redeemed? This reveals Zion will be redeemed by God being among Zion's Camp, Him leading Zion's Camp,

15, Behold, I say Ullto you, tlie redemption of Zion mllst needs come by power;

16, There/ore, Ilvill raise up unto my people a mall, who shalf fead them like as Moses led the children of Israel,

17, For ye are the children of Israel, and of the seed of Abraham, ([/ld ye must /leeds be fed out of bO/ldage by pOlver, and Ivitfr a stretclted-ollt arm.

A stretched-arm means in time, through our faith as the blessings flow, Zion will be redeemed. And what is this power by which Zion will be redeemed?

J 8, And as your fathers I('ere led at the firsl, even so shall tfle redemptioll of Zion be.

19, Therefore, lei notYOtir hearlsfaint,/orl say /lO[ 111110 you as I said unto your fatlters: Mine angel shall go up before you, bul 1101 Illy presence,

Here is tile answer, here is the power: 20, But J say unto YOII: Mine angels sit all go

lip before YOll, al1d also my presence, God among Zion's Camp, leading Zion's

Camp is the power from on high, and the Spirit of God burning in eycry person, by which Zion will be redeemed.

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2{}. ,,(furi ill li!!lc yc shull possess tire goodly 1([lId.

They were sent forih in february 18J4, [0 go to all the churches and gatiler up the young and middle-aged. As this was happening, Section 104 was given confirming again lilalno(wilhstanding the people were driven from Jackson County, they were required to live the Holy United Order and continue to build Zion no mat1er where Uley were, Zion's Camp assembled in May 1834, anel with Joseph Smilh among lhem, leaving from Kir-tiand, and with Hyrum Smilh leading a band and olhers with him from Canada area, they marched [award Jackson County, Missouri.

We have read the history. We know what happened. Almost from the beginning many of Zion's Camp murmured and complained against the Prophet Joseph and others, disobeying his command, trealing him as a boy, just as one of them, [Jot realizing that when he spoke it was the word of God to the people; until finally within just a few miles of Jackson County, Missouri, on Fishing River, the Lord scourged them. The Prophet Joseph had previously stood up on the back of a wagon and told the brethren that Zion's Camp would be scourged because they had not a beyed the word of the Lord through him.

As they came right close to Jackson County, Missouri, the cholera struck. Fourteen died. Sixty-eight were afflicted. Evenfaithful men, like the Prophet Joseph Smith and Heber C. Kimball and others were struck with the cholera and had to plead unto the Lord for their lives to be spared. They fasted and prayed for a week until finally the Lord turned the scourge away from them, and Zion's Camp was disbanded, as the Lord gave the revelation we know as Section 105. And listen, dear brethren, again, the conditions upon which Zion must be redeemed -- in other words, what condition we must be in 10 help redeem Zion.

D.& C. 105

1. Verily 1 say unlo you who have assembled yourselves logelher rhal you may Ie am my will concerning Ihe rcdemplion of mine af/licred people --

2. Behold, 1 soy unlo you, were r'I nor (91' Ihe rransgre,\;sions o(mv people, speaking concerning

(he clillre/! onc/ /lOr indiViduals, hUll!! heen rcdeeuled even no III,

J [Jul have no( leamed 10 he obedienl 10 Ihe (hings which J required 01 their hands, but arefull of all manner of evil, and do not ilnparl o/Iheir sUDSlanee, as becomelh sainr.>. 10 rhe poor and af/liCied among them,

He names that they are not iivillg Ihe Holy United Order, even after they covenanted 10 do so,

4. Alld arc nol rmiled according 10 Ihe union required by rhe law of the celeslial kingdom,

And here is what we should have written in our minds and hearts:

5. And Ziol1 cOl1l1ol be bui/ilip lin less il is bv Ihe principles oUhe /OfY oUlte celeslial kingdollt, olllenvL,e feallnol receive her unto mysel[.

The lawofthe Celestial Kingdom is to love Ihe Lord your God with all your heart, might, mind, and strength, and show that love by serving Him and obeying Him. The principles of that first great commandment, this law of the Celestial Kingdom, are all the commandments of God we 0 bey to show we love Him, including loving our neighbors as ourselves. Even in this revelation the Lord promised thai He would fight the battles for Zion if we would just qualify. Zion's Camp broke up. Through this test and trial and sacrifice, the Lord proved the minds and hems of many, and great blessings were given and the Church was more fully organized in Kirtland by 1836. But dear brethren, ever since this time, the Priesthood people have been a driven peoDle.

The Lord favored the saints in Kirtland, and yet after all they witnessed in the Kirtland Temple, there was a great falling away in 1837. Joseph Smith had to flee for his life and went to northern Missouri, fleeing Kirtland, Ohio. While he was there the mobs canne and drove all the saints out of Missouri. Joseph Smith was taken prisoner for six months. The Priesthood people were driven, mostly settled in Nauvoo, Illinois. The Prophet Joseph Smith was martyred, along with Hyrum Smith. The saints were driven west. After the Priesthood people came west the persecutors followed, brought persecution, through legal means especially, until finally the Priesthood had to go into hiding in the days of John Taylor. Most or the people of the Church fell away after the

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,,1snifcsto '1ms signed. And we know of the ,istory, in genera, of the Priesthood since the :Asnifesto was sigr'cd. We have been a persecuted leoptc, There was a gathering in Shari Creek, :'here was the raid of the ']O's, the, '44 Raid, the 53 Raid, and then the Lord favored us with a day

Meeting, Junc 1,200], the Lord eonlirrns ,\lid emphasizes again thal ii is His purpose [or His Priesthood people to be instruments to redeem Zion, The mission is lhe same, All these reveiatior;s I have read 10 you apply to liS, We are in the midsl of this now, This is June I, 200], Again, tll;s was read in Priesthood Meeting, or peace for all these years to bring forth an army

,,[Zion. [n summary thalbringsustoourtime, Do /OLI receive this message thus far, brelhren?

Response: Yes, sir, President Warren S. Jeffs: r acknowledge the

Lord in all things. r bear witness to you that the ?rophet Joseph Smith and the other Prophets and my father, the Prophet Rulon Jeffs, is involved with this great work, and I yearn that you will now exert a living testimony to hear the truth and feel the truth to strengthen you against the day of visitation that is upon us, from this point on you will be hearing revelations given in our time.

r seek the Lord to continue to bless us with His Spirit as I remind YDU what father spoke in General Meeting, that the Millennium has begun; the seventh period of time has begun, In Section 77 the Lord declared that at the beginning of the seventh period of time the preparations would be made for the gloriDus appearing of our Lord and Savior, the Lord blessing His faithful people and also the Lord destroying the wicked from off the land.

We have sent a message of the Lord to all the Priesthood people, a fmal warning that the judgmcntsofGod are upon the Priesthood people.

Shortly after father's passing, by February 23, 2003, the Lord showed me that He was through with the halfhearted. He said these words:

RevelRtion Glyen-to President Warren Jeffs AI His 1I0nle in Hlldnle, Ulah Sunday, February 23, 2003

Thus saith the Lord unto my servant Warren Jefls, the Celeslial Law of Plural Marriage isfor (hose who have Zion il1 their hearts.

He showed me that no longer would He call :orth the halfhearted to receive that Celestial Law. Then in June 2003, in General Meeting the Lord had me declare that He was through with the halfhearted. and that He directed me to let go of the :nlfhearted. In this revelation read in Priesthood

rtcvc\ation Given to Pre.sident W Rrren S. Jeffs AI iii, Home In Hildal" Uloh

Sunday, JUlit 1,2003

3. Ziol1 can only be redeemed upon the principles afthe law oflhe celeslial kingdom.

1 And my laws musl be abided in purily before me, 10 honor Clnd glorify my name, al1d 10 Ihe confounding oflhe wicked who are among you.

5. For II is my purpose to raise up IIlItO Illyself a pure people (0 redeem Zion ill this generation. And my people fvho calf themselves after my name, alld more especially those who have entered into the New alld Everlasling Covenant of Marriage, must cOllie out of lite world and sanctify their fives ilt me, and be witltout spot or blemish; tltat tltev may stand ill mvpresence, and be visited with power from Oil high in mine own due time and way, ***

So once again, on June 1, 2003, the Lord offered to this Priesthood people His renewed promise that He wanted to come among us in His glory, and that we must be prepared by being clean every whit, be without spot or blemish, pure in heart. He named in this revelation how to handle covenant breakers and also how to qualify. Then He said theSe words, what was about 10 happen to His people. And this pOliion was referred to in General Meeting.

15. Verily I say unto Illy people fV!tO call themselves after my name, they have been slo!v to hearken unto my !vords; and nOfF my day of visitation is UPOII titem, and titeysital[ be brought to their knees bp tile spirit o[judgment. Alld i[ tltel' are pllre ill heart theF sitaU abide the dap.

And here the Lord is telling His Priesthood people to come unto Him, to return to Him: yet we considered ourselves the Deople who had come unto Him. But' we have continued under condemnation through complacency. treating lightly the offered blessings. dwelling in selfish will instead of living the first twei great

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COI11JllRlldlllcnls. We are 110W in lile day of judgmellt. And brelhrell, Ihc jucigmcnls were broughl forth.

16. COlli e {/ II to lite, I hy Sa yi 0 r, a /l d be ye sa ve d by s(Jllclifyillg YOllnelyes Iflrough Illy laws alld aUiding ill Illy Spiril; for ill /lie Ihere is elemal increase 111110 afrillless oJjoy, lighl, illtelligence, alld glory. And I am able 10 make YOIl Iroly t!trollgh the pOlver alld gifts oj Illy Spirit.

17. ZiOl1 IfIUSt rise alld pili all her beautiflll gartl/eills, which are the gifts and powers of my Spiril dwellillg in YOIi.

l8. I, Ille Lord, call1lol look IIpOIl sill Ivitit Ihe leasl degree oj allolval/ce. Repel/I ye, al/d abide in my covel/ants, l!tat I may OWl/ alld bless yo II. For tlte spiril o[judgme!lt sitan curge Zion; al/d ol/Iy l!te pure ill heart s!tali remain.

So twice in this revelation the Lord said the Priesthood people will be cleansed and purged, brought:o our knees by the spirit of judgment. He also promised great blessings if we would repent. That was June. As the Lord promiseci -- you can count the months -- July was when a very outward wrong took place, about one month later, when our Priesthood people raised up idols, monuments to men instead of glorifYing God. And again the Lord called upon us to repent and tum unto Him.

Revelation Given to President Warren S. Jeffs At His Home in Hildale l Utah

Sunday, July 27, 2003

1. Verily, [ say unto you, my servant Warren, my people have sinned a very grievous sin beJore me, in Ihat Ihey have raised up monuments 10 man and Jlave nol glorified me; ***

And so on. And He said to repent, and He said, "And i[you do not," talking to the people:

4. And behold, I say unlo you, mine Elders, beware, for what you do in seere t I shull reward you openly. And you must seck my protection through Ihe repentance oj your sins al1d Ihe building lip of my Kingdom, my siorehouse, my Priesthood on Ihe earth.

5. And i( you do not, I shall bring a scolirge ucon my peoDle to Durge the ungodly 0'0111 among YUlI. And !hough (he /'igh(e 0 Ii.l' will surrer wirh Ihe wicked, Fel I will Dre.l'erVe Ihe Dure in hear! who ore {2repored.

I readllris ill tire Prieslhood Meelillg. Theil lire Lord hael mc alUlOUllee lhal tire ordinallces wue 83 withdrawn. Allci thell in General Meelil1s -- this was August 10, 2003 -- I read Ihis reve!ation of July 27, 200]. Tn General Meetillg, inlhe authority of Ihe holy Prieslhood and by the keys and powers Ihereof, our meetillgs WCI'C stopped and the ordinances of the Priesthood were withdrawil except by special commandment or the Lord. A.Jlci dear brethren, that was ajudgment orOod upon the Prieslhood people; and I was mostly withdrawn from the people. [n the school meeting of September 2003, the Lord had me say Ihis simple revelation:

."Veri/y tflus saitlt tlte Lord Ill/to yarl my people, return III/to lIIe tltat I may OWII a'id bless YOlt,1!

Shortly after the June 1 revelation where the Lord said the spirit of judgment would purge the ungodly from among us, on June 20, 2003, this revelation was given. r was yearning unto the Lord to know what to do. The Lord said these words June 20, 2003

Revelation given to President Warren Jeffs At His Home in Hilda!e, Utah

Friday, June 201 2003

5. I must purge my people oj ali ungodliness', and they mllst needs be tried, and Ihereby purified.

6. And Ihough you, my servant, wifi suf(er at Ihe hands oj trailors, yet [ shal/ preserve Ihy !ife. I.md those thai hearken to thy counsels and keep my commandmen!s.

7. ForI wi/! preserve unto myseifa people unto the redemption oj Zion, and the gathering of Israel. ***

This is what the Lord told me that day: 9. Verily J sal' lI/1to )'011 mv servant, the

purification o[ fill' people shaff iI/elude tlte driving o(my people, IV!tO are (aith(ul, [rollltheir lancls and !touses. And tltey sfrall su([e!' persecution as tfte saints did in days o[oM,

10. And mallY s!tall su((er at tfte !tallds o( t!til1e ellemies, vet ill titat da)'

The day of driving and persecution, 10 . .. .1 wi!! come Oilt a(my !tiding place, and

de(end In}! people, and destrol' t!tille el/emies lvil!t

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fire alld 1!le ovcr(!olvillg scollrge ((lid Iyilli desolalion.

11. A'ld IlYill gailier Illy ililloceni Diles, alld il ,ftalf be m({neiOlls ill l/icir eyes, ((nd Iltey Ivill iwo IV lliat il iJ" J Ihalhave deliyered thelll, I/lid J ,,'ill preserve my people.

Dear brethren, the Lord revealed to me thatlhc Caithful will be driven [rom our consecrated lands in Short Creek and Canada by the wicked. I yearned to know what to do, and ill this revelation the Lord spoke further.

12. Therefore cOlilinile Ille Imming voice: Hastell to prepare,for J IlIiIl revell! tire hearls of tl! is people through Iribltiatiol{'

We as a people would not prepare, the word of God continually tllfough the Prophets. Now the Lord must bring tribulation upon us in this day, iust like He allowed to hap Den in Joseph Smith's day. The Lord allowed me to say this much to the people before our meetings were stopped, that there was a great shaking about to come upon this Priesthood people and the halfhearted would be removed.

13. And 1 declare unto thee, my servanl Warren, tfral from tltis time forth a door of deliverance shall open up for thee. And I wi[[ revealutlto thee, Ihrough the whisperings of my Spirit, alld also through mine angels whom I wi[[ send, and t/rrough tlry father, IYlwt to do throug!l each !tour of trial.

14. For tit is is my bond with thee, my servant, that 1 shal! guide you and proteci yo II. A bide ift my love and [sitall abide in you, and titus you ill me.

15. [am often alllong you, and near you, alld mine /tory angels also, and !vill revea I to yo II from time to time tire secrets a/my kingdom, alld 1r00v to establish /IIy Zion on the earth.

galiteriltg lsmel, ({wi bles.I'/ng lire lIat/OIlS o/Ilre enrtit; fulfilling tlte pllrfJose I fraye estnblislred for tit is ellrlh; (Ioiflg lire Ivill ofllw Fotlter ill nil Illings, 1'1110 tire exaltillg of Ids obediet/t cirildren, Ilry brollrers lind sisters.

That was June 20, 2003. By August to, our meetings were stopped. But [TOm that time forth, the Lord directed me to start traveling throughout the United States, naming to me places to go, and at first He had me travel through many states that He rejected and showed me why He rejected those places. And then He led me to places that He accepted. And He directed me to purchase lands in scattered places against the time when the faithful of His people would be driven. As these lands were purchased, I yearned unto the Lord what this was all about, because our people continued in Short Creek and Canada, and yet the Lord had me do this private work before our meetings were stopped and more fervently afterwards.

After approving a certain land of refuge, signing for others; having no way to buy them at that point, but just trllsting in the Lord, my heart was yeaming; and on returning to Short Creek the Lord took me in hand on September 17,2003, and He gave this revelation that [ have titled "Revelation on the Places of Refuge". And this will open your minds to the next step of the redemption of Zion, of what the Lord is having us do, and has been in full motion since September 2003, and before. And I witness to you brethren, the redemption of Zion is in full motion, and the Lord is choosing from among His people those whom He will use. Listen to the details. [was yearning to know what was the purpose of these lands be:ng purchased, and this is His answer:

Rcvc\lltion Given to President Warren S. Jeffs At His Home in Hildaie, UL,h

Wednesday, September 17,2003

1. Thus saUlt the Lord, even JeStis Christ, your Redeemer unto you my servant, Wllrren Jeffs.

16. And in onertess }vitl} al[ my /roly Prophets perform a rvork tfrat shaf{ jill tile earth, and govern the nations of the earth,. when [ alone "fra[[ be glorified as king alld ruler, and shaN rule over my people ill my glory.

17. Dllt afsmall t/rillgs proceedeth tilat fvhic/I is great, and though you Cllllnot see 1111 t/rillgs now, you alld my prepared people s/rall yet take ,:Jart ill this great Ivork of redeeming Zio/{, lind

2. Ver[[y, you are itt mine hallds, and t!tollgh YOIl do not see all things noll', contilll(e to trust ill /tIei and I wi/[ leadyoll whithersoever you should go, alld prepare a fvay for YOtl( escape from the enemies of my fjlOrk.

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3. !illri rllOllgiI Y01i1vi11 slif/er nttllcir Ilill/d.l', yet r wi!1 be wiill YOII, ((nd nothing can stoy my hOllri or Ilinder my jillrposes all tlte erlrtlt.

4. r have sellt YOllto seek plnces of refugefor Illy people, nlld for yo II /IIy servant, againsltfte lillie of grenl perseclitioliS and SIIfferillgs, and J Ivill opelltlte Imy accordillg to YOllr faitltJor tile pllrchase of these lallds.

5. Seek 1l1Ii0 /lie diligell(/Y, lInd [wiil opell lip tlte Ivay for tlte !(tallies to cOllie into YOllr ftands.

Listen, brethren. 6. Alld tltese lands sltall be mine, alld

consecraled 111110 me as slIcred places all eartlt, for {fIe fait Itflll of Illy cit ildren.

Only the faithful can go there. No halfhearted people can go there.

7. And all Ivll a dwell all my sacred lands lttrJst abide die laws oftfle Cdestia! Kingdom, even the order of Enoch.

The Holy United Order. Now listen. This should open your minds how Zion is being and will be redeemed.

8. For these places o( re(uge shaff be gathe'ring p!aces in preparation for going (0 the cellter stake o(Zion, even that place which 1 have appoillted through mv servant Joseph Smilh Jr.

Jackson County, Missouri. 9. And as the wicked come against you and my

people, which J the Lord will a[{ow asa (es(, and a purification of my people, even so shall 1 preserve (he faitll/u!; and 1 will lead you, my servant, (0

declare my word, and soshall Ifulfill,' evell (0 ca!1 d0)l111 (he judgemellts of God upon this wicked andperverse gelleratioll, Ivhich is f/OW ripened ill in iqllity alld fVorl/ry only (0 be slvept off (his land.

10. Al1d J Ii'il! make YOllr word pOlverjul agaillst the IjJicked, alld ill mille olvn time agains( the lIatioll!' of this earth,' for al! have forsaken tlieir God.

11111 Gad lind I lillve creaied ille IrwvclIS !llId iI,e ellrill.

13. And [hnvefillfillcd tlie Ivill aflhe Father ill all tltillgs to brillg salvlltioll 1111 to all those Ivho seek 111110 the Falher Ihrollgit lIIe, and Illrough Illy Priesthood all tfte earth.

14. Alld verily [say unlo all litose IVitO Ivol!fd receive l1Ie, receive tllee, Illy servants, IVitOfft I send to teacit nlld guide alld lead YOll in the rigitt Ivay; and beye Olle thai J nlay OIVII and bless YOII, and present YOIl pure IInto the Fat/zer ill tltat day H'hw alf men shalf be judged according to tfleir deeds in the flesh - Ivhen af[ secrets shalf be revealed, alld all mell shall know that God the jlldge of all hatli dOlle right; alld 1V0rketh tltroughjustice and equity among the children of lIIen; and Ivltose arm of mercy Iras been stretched alit afl the day long, offering repentance and salvation 10 all who lVould receive.

Now He talks again about the lands of refuge. 15. Verily 1 say unto yo II Illy servant Warrell,

visit (hese places of refuge again as I shall lead you, and organize their development as [ shall reveal to you.

16. And pllt in slore in those places the necessaries of life to preserve 'the fives 0L!JJjJ (aith(ul, t!lev who shafl come unto thee, mv servant, [or guidance and deliverance, and bv revelatioll J shall direct them through vou Ivhere 10 go. ***

18. And let (here be eSlablished in Ihese p!aces a presiding E!der, and establish my storehouse in these p!aces of refuge, and let mv people Ivho dwell thereon abide the lmv of can see ration and stelvardshi[J,evell Ifte order o(Enoch.

19. And though m)' people shall be scallered, lettltem organize (ftemse!ves as my servant sha!1 direc( them, and abide my holy raws; alld in the rlay of adversitytlley sha[{ see 1 have prepared 11

Ivay for their escape, and J love Ih em stif{ and will be witli them if they abide in me ill keeping my co 1/l/l1(( n dm ellis.

I I. Zion Ivi!1 be redeemed ill this gelleratioll, for 1 shall prepare a "'ay of escape for my faitll/u! alles, alld they shal! lionor tity cOllnsels, evell my 011'11 words through you, my servant.

12. And the kingdoflls of this world sit all yet be cOllstrained (0 bow the kllee to Illy m!e, for J

20. Alld thefaitfifuloflll}' people shall yet be ga(hered and shaU dlvel! with file ill Zion, Ivilit songs of everlastillg joy; and great shalf be tlieir joy in that day of defiyerance; Ivhen the H'orr! of tile Lord, t!trough rell his holy Prophets, sfwll be

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fulfilled COllccmiug lite rer/elliplioll of Zioll (J

plnce of reflige IIlId peace, a lilllo I"liell nl! !!al/olls sitnl! foar alii! Irelltble, ,vitell [ slta!! oppear ill /fly glory; alld lily people be [!reserved.

21. ;ittd lei Illy people llilio call lliemselves niter Illy lIallle Itaslell to prepare Ihemselves, (fllrl seek 111110 lifO, Iiteir God, ill Ille rlay 01 scallering Oltrl gatiterillg. Alld I will be Ifteir sltield alld protector,lor J will preserve 111110 myself () people pllrifled through Iribilialioli.

22. Be ye cleall Iltal benr lite vessels of lite Lord, (frat I lIIay preserve alld 011'11 and bless YOII. I tire Lord Itave spokw il. Evelt so, illltell.

r have read this revelation in its entirety. Do you brethren receive this as the wordofGod to us?

Response: Yes. President Warrcn S. Jeffs: 111en r put it on the

record, these brethren all received this word of God. This is what has been weighing upon me, :.c.nowing (he Priesthood people will be driven, yearning unto (he Lord what to do, and step by step He led me to purchase certain lands in different places. He showed me that He would allow the wicked to come against us, that He would no .longer defend the United Effort Plan Trust, that the oeaple on these lands had become complacent and were falling away, And He has to bring a greater shaking to humble His people, lest there be no faith left.

He has called forth laborers in the New Zion's Camp, and you brethren have been named by revelation to join tile new Zion's Camp and give your all -- to give your whole lives, times, talents, families, your all to the building up of Zion, under the covenants of Priesthood and of the Holy United Order to be lived in fulness. And you are called to go and labor at the place appointed, whether it be [0 stay where you now live or to go to a land of refuge and be a laborer there, and prepare the way for others to come.

lion's Camp at this time, all of lion's Camp; is uncleI' condemnation, which r will explain to you [csl you join this mission and you conlinllc unclei' condemnation.

The Lord seeing and knowing aillhings warned me thaI tlc First Presidency had to withdraw and go inlo hiding lest our enemies destroy us. You know that there are laws passed for the pLLrpose to take me in bondage and put me in prison. The evil powers know of lhis missioD, and the devil wants tbis work slopped. The Priesthood people will be scattered, spread among the gentiles. Then the Lord will send me among the gentiles. He will name which individuals He will acecpt and bring tl1em quietly to the lands of refuge. And in the midst of the sea ttering there will be a quiet gathering of those the Lord names. And only those who arc Zion and who can bc ZioD can be on the lands of refuge.

It will look like the work of God is crushed, when in reality the work of God is hastening, taking the next step up. And on these lands of refuge, wc are called upon to be Zion in fulness, under covenant to establish Zion in fulness by living the first two great commandments unto perfection. By receiving this mission, brethren,. you are cDvenanting to earn the presence of God by liviflg in the constant increase of the Spirit of God, by living the first two great commandments unto perfection.

We have been taught the "keep sweet" training perfectly, through Uncle Roy and through father. President John y, Barlow swnmarized the first two great commandments in the words "keep sweet no matter what", afld you know how this has been drilled into us. It is now time to be Zion. And I ask you to answer the Lord and yourselves, are you Zion? Are you living in the lively increase of the Spirit of God in lhe gift of the love of God always exercised, and thereby do you become one with God through Priesthood.

These lands (he Lord had us purchase are in the wilderness, hardly any improvements at all. And vie have gone through the experience of co Ionizing, building houses, seeking unto the Lord (0 learn the skills of how He wants Zion built up. Blessings of God have attended us, and yet we have nearlv been scourged many times. And

On Janurny 10, 2004, the Lord had me go to Short Creek and stand at the work meeting and handle many men who were master deceivers. A master deceiver is a man who claims to hold Priesthood, among the Priesthood people, who does not hold Priesthood, And the first person a master deceives is himself. A master deceiver

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e1cceives himself first, mon who compromise "llel thei r hq,irls are not right The Lord lwei me slnnel before tbe people ane! read part of a revelation elated December 24, 2003. At the end of this revelation the Lord told me He would send me in His lime 10 make tllese corrections as a deliverance for the Priesthood people, You know since that ti me, the pressure has become greater. The attacks of the apostates tllJ'ough govemment pressure has become greater.

The Lord revealed to me that in 2003, a secret combination was in place between the apostates everywhere, many of them, and the government officials, and also traitors and halfhearted mCf!, false bretllJ'en amOf!g thc Priesthood people. And that conspiracy iflvolved taking me captive, put(iflg me in jail, bringing forth witf!esses, that involved the passing of these laws, to call us criminals by performing marriages, so-called "under-age" marriages, and proving that the Uni ted Effort Plan Trust and the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saif!ts were so-called "criminal organizations"; and thereby they planned to dissolve the Trust, through their legal means take away our lands and houses, and if! their minds destroy the work of God. This has been in operation for two years now, this conspiracy. It has been if! the minds and hearts of individuals for many years.

Apostates in Short Creek area, Canada, Salt Lake, and everywhere have combined. And right in the midst of this, master deceivers and false brethren were among the Priesthood people. As a deliverance the Lord has had me handle many men. These men should have come confessing their sins and seeking to be cleaned up. Instead they continued on in the self-deception and deceiving their own families and others. For the sake of the work of God the Lord had me step forth and make corrections, and in love for these men, that they possibly could repent to a degree.

J read the revelation on January 10, dated December 24, 2003, in part. J will read you the portion that I was not allowed to read in that meeting, as it talks about the lands of refllge. Naming certain men in the revelation, and then the Lord having me name other men He had shown me did not hold Priesthood, J read a portion of what J read on that occasion of January 10.

]tC'Y('I:lli{]\1 Cil'CtI (0 Presidctl! WlllTC.1l S. Jeffs AI Ilis of Hcru[;c

Dectmber 24\ 200J 87 J 7. I s!w!1 serrd YOII, Illy j'CrvrIlIl, 10 rcvelI!

l!tese t!tings IIlItO Illy people iff lIIille OIVIt tilf1c; (or bel/O[d [ IIIII 1I0lY clftlinr: sltort lilY ·vork iff rir:hleollslless, alldlvill choose (rom amolfK.!llj' peo[!le those Ivlto are prepared to parlicipate ill tire work o(the redemption or ZiO/l.

This is the part [was not allowed to read to the people.

18. And 1 alftlvilhdralyillg lite qlforum of lite First Presidellcy 01 Illy clturch Irom among lIty people, 10 preserve tltem ill life, alldlireir faillt, alld tlteir III III re mission, and as a tcst upon Ifty people.

19. Alld J wil! have a tried altd chastened peopLe, purified throliRIt tribulatioll, Ivltereill tlte wise virgins IVlto have perfected the love o( Ihe Father, throllr;!t my grace and mercy IvitMII their liearts. shaff be called [ortll.

20. And throui!h these tests and trials shall tfte lialOlearted be removed alld perform their works o(darkness, wherein J the Lord sltall be iustified to selld mV jlldgments IIpOIl them,' alld thllS I vi!! I preserve lite faith(ul o(my people,

21. Let the First Presidellcy 01 my church be one, and believe the reveLations 01 my will 1 send. to you through my servant, and' uphold him through tile prayer ollaitlt; and be prepared to assist ill the lulness of the redemption oj Zion.

22. And as mine e[ecl are gathered to these pfaces of refuge by the revelations of my will, as I sha!l appoint through my servallt, Warren Jeffs, [el the Firsl Presidency 01 my church travel among my scattered people as J shal! appoint; and ell courage alld teach and bless my laithful ones, tli a t tTt ep

The faithful ones, 22. ".may be better qualiOed to dl!1e{/ ill /flY

presence all these places o(re(uge, lind be led by me alld (he ItolF (Iflge[s (rOIlT these places o( refuge to the center stake O(ZiOIl, alld per[orm lite /York o(the [ulness o[llte redemptioll o[Zioll ill Iltat place.

23. Alld through your laith, and continued humility alld seekillg unto lIIe with alf difigellce,

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slrnll [1'111 {J clollr! afprolectiOIl o{'er my l)eOIJle are ill ill en' plnces of re/llge, Ifle

,picked sir all nol be able 10 enler; Ihal YOfl, Illy people lIIay have experience ill seeking 111110 lIIe,

lite Lordllty God,jor lite blessings oj ItwPe/I 10 descelld IIporl you, in houses, lands, food, efo!fl lng, altd lite blessings a/life; and afso lite perfeclion of lite gifls 0/ Illy characler alld atlribules ill your nature, IiLflJI(1Ii[VJOll 10 walk and talk IPith God,

That is our goaL That is what this mission is all about, to come into the presence of God in honor,

23, ".tltal YOll /tIay be vessels of Itonor, all those If tnt Ivill prepare and [Jerfeci their lives Ilt me,

This next verse I will read, I read this next verse at the January 10, 2004 meeting, and to the end of the revelation,

24. Eeltord, I am Jesus Christ, the Creator 0/ the heave/ts and earth, and it i, my Ivilf and purpose to descend from fle.aven to earth in tfle power of tfle glory of my mig/it to dwe{[ witlt my prepared people for a thollsand years, and perform tlte 1V0rk of salvation of the children of the Father of all generations wlto wi!! qualify alld wlto endurefai/hfll! to tlte end.

be able to hide what you arc. But there are people on thc lands of refuge qualifying [or the fulness·of Zion, Meetings me being held. The ordinances of the Priesthood are being given, The ordinances wi Ii no! be restored in Short Creek, The meetings will not be restored in Short Creek, But that work continues among the obedicnt on the lands of refuge, So the redemption. of Zion is in flill progre5s, and yet Zion's Camp has fallen short.

When you move to a land of refuge you will be called upon to listen to all the trainings that have been given, For oneness to exist, there must be oneness in training, And before you can join the laborers, then you must listen to all the trainings.

At this point I pause in the training and ask you to raise your hand and voice, do you receive these revelations, this training, and will you abide these truths, dear brethren?

Response: Yes, sir.

President Warr,en S, Jeffs: I put on my record all present agree with the Lord that they uphold this message, I will now ask you one by one, putting it on my record, do you receive this mission of the fulness of the redemption of Zion, entering into the covenant of the fulness of the Holy United Order to live the first two great commandments urlto perfection, covenanting to keep sacred things secret, where you cannot even reveal to your own families about this mission lmless the Lord names them to know and be part of it? Now, this is now and the rest of your lives and into eternity, the building up of Zion in fulness.

Yau are covenanting to consecrate all ahd receive through the storehouse what you need when you move to a land of refuge, There is no money system on the lands of refuge, Everyone receives· their needs from the storehouse, and everyone is egual-- no rich, no poor, all building up the storehouse, all using just what they need, and all involved in a constant labor of rejoicing in the Lord,

So you see, brethren, the Lord is near, giving revelation and guiding His work. You who are called to go to a land of refuge, it will be a constant labor and a constant Drayer of rejoicing exerted, You must enter into covenants (0 go and join this mission, and these are very serious covenants, Some men have broken these covenants and they have lost Priesthood, and they have lost their eternal blessings, They have been handled, The tests are very fine-tuned, The evil powers will whisper stronger and try to tum your mind and heart from this mission, And you will have to exert yourselves constantly to reach for the strength of heaven: and thereby, through a living faith, exerting the love of God, you will reach for the strength of heaven in every job, and have pure thoughts and perform vour labors, Men have been sent away and handled because they continued in light-mindedness or immoral thoughts and desires,

I am telling vou, the Lord is watching us, and the Prophets go among us,· and He names the s"crets of men's minds and hearts: and YOU will not

Some houses are built on these lands of refuge, Many of the men live in travel trailers, a bunkhouse type ofliving, They call their families. They give some teachings from the scriptures, but they do not break confidence or reveal where they are or what they are doing, And all of this is the covenant of the mission of the redemption of Zion

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ami a training to keep the LorTi's c()l1rlclcl1cC anelto give your all. As Section 58 declmes, though you do not sec with yournntural eyes all things, I say to you, though you don't see ailihings right now, the Lord helping us, we can keep this covenant.

cnlercd info coVCnonfJ)

Then I place in the record thai all present have received this mission and entered into covenants with God. I thank the Lord for you. You have much to leam, a.nd you must be as little children ill the Lord's hands.

You see that He is naming the details of what men should do, This is His mission, His errand, and He is guiding us. I3rethren, this covenant is, in its fulness, to corne into the presence of God. Some people have been handled, sent away, lost Priesthood, lost their families and etemal blessings, because they entered into this covenant and then treated tills nusslOn lightly, Light-mindedness is a great sin in Zion. The Lord has directed that the laborers in Zion must take upon them a heavenly hush, a humility, only speak and do through the power of the Spirit of God through prayer.

In this mission of the redemption of Zion the Lord showed me that one land for sure would be discovered by our enemies, because He showed me that a temple would be built on this land, and that temple is now in full progress of being built,

I will say further about warnings, In Zion there are no gossips, and every person learns the truth by those. in authority, And you don't ask people questions where you are wanting them to break confidence, That is why, when you go to a land of refuge, you musl sit and listen to all the trainings, You are listening to the one in authority, Then you won't have to ask other men to break confidence.

ordinance, uS (\ temple workc:r, \}'hcrc YOll (lIe

allowed to go inside the temple and help build it, and eventually pal'licipate in the ordinances in the 89 (emple. So you brcthl'en have [llrther ordinances to carll on the lands of rcfllge.

And then as the temple is being co:np!cted, laborers will only be allowed in certain places of Ihe temple as they receive the next ordinance, called the holy anointings, where the Keyholder of Priesthood lays hands on your head and declares you clean every whit, by revelation of :he Lord giving your name, through the repentance of all your sins and weaknesses. And through these ordinances earned and covenants made and kept, a people will be brought into the presence of God in the temple, You will recognize the holy anointings ordinance in the History of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Tne Lord revealed these other ordinances to qualify and prepare people. And you are only given these ordinances as you are named by revelation, And you iust can't hide from the Lord, He will reveal your heart,

So you three brethren going to the land of refuge, you cannot go on the temple lot or the temple rock quarry or where we process the temple rock unless you are set apart by the laying on of hands as a temple builder. But there are other areas on the land where projects are being constructed, houses built. When you arrive you will be shown where to stay, and you will stay ifl your place and listen to all the trainings, which could take a few days, Listen to them as quickly asyou can and stay awake, You will join in the meals at the storehouse, any prayer circles at the storehouse, but not at the temple yet There are other lands of refuge, but you brethrefl will be sent to a land of refuge where the temple is being built, as we need you there, The land of refllge where tile 'emple is being built is called the Texas Stake of Zion, a large land. Our enemies know of us and are seeking to stop LIS and destroy us and take that land from us, But the greatest challenr;e we have had is from within, the whisperings of evil working lipan the minds and hearts of the people, and certain people losing their place,

To go on a land of refllgc, you must be ordained, set apart rather, as a temple builder, receive an ordinance as a temple builder, to work on the outside of the temple, Then you must progress and receive further ordinances to be allowed to go in the temple, You must receive an ordinance called the gift of the nerves of steel, which is an ordinance of the love of God sealed in your mind and heart as a daily increase, You must keep sweet 110 matter what to earn that ordinance. And then you can be set apart, having received that

To show you how this is the Lord's mission, up to this very time the Lord has not allowed me to send all my family to the lands of refuge. Only those the Lord names can go there; and then again.

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,DI11C of those [,Ie has nill11cd havc nut kept tltcir :ovenants and have becn sent away, not allowed to Trnain on the lands of rd'uge, and SOI11C have lost :hcir place and have (0 be rebaptized, bccause they (Jreak thcir covenants by continuing on in bacl feelings. Some men have lost Priesthood by yOiltinuing on in doubts, fears and worries, which opens them up to the revelations of saLail and to fight against Priesthood. I tell youthatthe tests are great and more fine-Iuned, and you must be loyal to God and Priesthood.

You will hear certain revelations where men have been handled as the evil powers tried to destroy this work, by thrusting upon men or lad ies that opened up their minds and hearts to the revelations of satan. One man was the presiding cider at the land we call R17, Refuge Seventeen. The seventeen is just meaningless. We just name it that. That is the Texas Stake of Zion. This ma.n was Ernest Merril Jessop's son, and he became darkened through his pride, where the evil oowers were about to overthrow that mission, and the Lord handled him and rejected him. Also, Allen Steed, at the same time, was handled, who took on the doubts, fears and worries, become an instrument through which the evil powers were working. He lost Priesthood. The Lord deIivered Zion° sCamp fTon destruction. These leading brethren, had they continued, could have brought harm upon the m'ssion. I love these men and others that have been handled. I leave them in the Lord's hands. But it shows you brethren, and I am warning you and also inviting you to a greater success, do not be halfhearted in this mission. Give your all and live in the constant increase of 'he Spirit of God.

["orcill1ore, and reilCh ['or ancl receive anei oxeil His love. Thl'Ough fervent faith will satan be bound until the !ovc of Goel is a power of rcvelation, of exalted thoughts and feelings

Some men have fal len into Ihe trap Where, when they arc tempted to have bad feelings and cvii thoughts and desires, they then feel bad about those bad feelings. Thai is a trap of the devil, thaI you feel bad against yourself bec.ause you are tempted with bad feelings. Don 'I fall into Ihal trill2.c Thank the Lord that you have that test, tell Him you only want His exalted thoughts and feelingJL bless others, pray for olhers; stay loyal to the increase of the Spirit of God through the prayer of reloieing, and you be Zion by living in the increase of the Spirit ofOod.

Three times Zion's Camp fell short, meaning they didn't qualify. You will be called upon to listen to the August meetings until now, and then go back to the December 2003, and listen to the meetings up to August 2004 . You can only hear these as you go to a land of refuge. as these trainings are not to go off those lands. Even if you do trucking or traveling, you do not take the trainings and transcripts with you.

In these trainings you will see that Zion's Camp was corrected strongly for immorality. To even have a pleasurable thought toward a woman who is not your wife, you will be detected. The Spirit of God will withdraw. You must be clean and pure in your thinking and feelings, and think of Ood and your love for Him, and not let your mind wander to immorality, You, will see that one of the major reasons men have fallen away and had to be handled in Zion's Camp was because they took Oil doubts, fears and worries, mainly against themselves, which invited within themselves the revelations of satan. A doubter becomes a revelator of satan. Faith. We are the household of faith. You must receive this mission in full faith.

I have heard nearlv every man sav, or write a Jetter to me, that once thev received these covenants the whisperings of evil have become stronger than ever, and tbey have wondered why. Il1at is because every time you take a step up, the ,:evil powers take a step up in their effort to stop 'Iou. So iust settle down and be fervent. And if you find there is a battle to fight, remember there is one ri ght way to sLcceed, and that is the prayer of "ra(itude. Thank tile Lord for the experience and tcJm to Him and ask for deliverance and exert His love, His peace, and a heaven will grow in you. And if the evil powers whisper stronQer, thank the

By these trainings you will see this mission has been led ill constant revelati on. The Lord is choosing from among His people. I just yeam that you will learn by the experience of others and not make the same mistakes. You who do not go to a land of refuge yet, pray fervently that you can advance md receive the further training. You have so much more to eam. That is the mission in

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summery. Details will be given you as you go to a land of.rcruge. Ilove you, clear b,ethren. [;0 lorward.

Gctting back 10 the present pressure of Ihe govcrmnent and Ihe apostales, Ihe devil wants this work stJPped. These laVis were passed for the purpose of putting me in prison so I could nol fulfill Vlhat the Lord directed. As we established R 17, the Lord gave a revelation, December I, 2003. These revelations, many ofthem are printed in booklets and are ol1t11e lands of refuge, so the people can read themtnere. My quick presentation here is wt the last time you will hear them if you go to a land of refuge. But I will refer to this December 1,2003 revelation. And I emphasize to you, brethren, that the only people that can go to the lands of refuge are those the Lord names.

The Lord had me warn the elders on the lands of refuge that if you break the Lord's confidence and betray this mission and tell those who are not

appointed about this mission,. you will lose Priesthood and you will lose your place. I am talking of the safety and llves of the Priesthood people now, and we must be one on these lands of refuge. The Lord has been cleaning us up. I have had to send some people away recently from the lands of refuge because they are holding back this mission. You should have a confidence growing within you that the Lord named you, that you arc able to succeed. Now exert a faith equal to knowledge. The Lord expects each man to be like a brother of Jared in eachiob, receive the directive, reach for the strength of heaven, and do all tbat you do through the power of the Spirit of God. But listen to this:

Reyelation Given to President VVnrrcn S, Jeffs Traveling to R17

Monday, December It 2003

12, As you are IIOH' all Illy erralld

The Lord speaking to l11e, 12 .... to establish IIllother place 0/ refuge,

dedicate tItis lalld Ulilo lIIe and olher lallds lliat I s/taillead YOII to purchase, alld I li'ill reveaf IInto YOII, my seryalll, IPIIO 10 send to these rands, according 10 Ihe/aitlt a/lite people who are sellt, to eslrrbTisli tfIe Spirit 0/ Zion UpOIl Iltese cOl/secraled fOllds a/refuge.

That is your mission.

13. So .1'/f(JI/! ((I/o IV YOII III)' .[en'lIlIl 10 visit llielll (Iud leacll (Jlld gllirie Ihem, llial Ihey lIIay 91 leartllvi.lciollt, (/lId gailt KllolY/edge OJ' experieuce 10 Irust ill lIIe.

So I have to be in hiding in my travels, not let anyone know. And when I come to 3 land or refuge, YOLI mllst not reveal where I am in your phone calls and your letters. You must not reveal what [have said, or what Lile First Presidency may say when they visit. You can teach your families ovcr the phone, from the scriptures, the vet·y principles that have always been taught our people, but you cannot reveal what is happening in this mission. [am giving you this training and warning so you don't break your covenants and lose your place. Some have lost their place because 0 f these things.

14. Alld I will reveal Ul1to my people tftrough YOII, my sen'allt, and by /fte Spirit oj revelatioll guiding tit em, Ifte knowledge alld skills, the gifts and blessings needed (0 esi(Iblis/t my people lipan these lands.

15. And through their cOlltilllled/aitit alld the perfection 0/ their lives, tlte glory 0/ the Lord shall be there; alld as I send/orllt my judgments upon Ihis Ita/ioll, alld lipan Ifte ungodly who persewle and driye my people, I shall send the powers o/iteaYen upon my /aith/ul olles ill these places a/refuge, eyell a c!o[ld by day and a pillar a/fire by nigit/.

16. Hasten the development o/lflese lallds,for a time 0/ great distress isSOOIl to come upon my people and tlte people o/tite earth, GlldYOfi shall hardly itave time to perform tftis worK be/ore tlte cleansing process purges my people. ***

The Lord showed me they were going to take away our lands and houses. He showed me that it was the intention of our enemies to pull me and many people into court and tum traitor by bearing witness in court of my fatber's doings and my doings, conceming the Celestial Law of Marriage, the jUdging of the people, bringing God into question and what He does among His Priesthood people and on His Priesthood lands in His Celestial Law. And [ say to you brethren, 110 person, no court, no government, no people on the face of the whole earth has the right or authority to

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iJI"inf, Goo into question \Vliat He lias His Prophets do in the Celestinl Lnw among His Priesthood l2.£QJlle on His consecrated lands, That is what these and attacks are. <,:\nd so the Lord tolel me, "Answer them Clnd don't them any testimony or witness," Now the courts are rendering a default judgment 3flainst us. And in their organized attack and their conspiracy (0 fruition, they arc about to (ake away our lands and houses, and they are reaching for the lands of refuge they know about; and it will take great faith to preserve the lands of refuge.

I tell you brethren, also, that the Lord has rejected Short Creek, But He will preserve the faithful who will tWTl Him. The greatest Dcrsecutors that wi!l come against us are still amongus, the halfhearted who will fall away. It is going to be terrible, the scenes we wi!l witness, the very scenes that the Prophet Joseph saw in vision when he asked the Lord to close the vision. He has 'old me to tell those on this mission to give your all and the Lord will preserve the faithful of your families, Encourage them to be Zion and live the first two great commandments, and they can be named, as the Lord has had some family members move to. the lands of refuge, But I will read this:

20. Eehord, there are secrel combinations agaillst YOIl, my servant, among the people who have professed my name; for mallY do fear at this time, lest Ihefr sins be exposed and judgmell t come upon tltem accordillg to the laws of my ch IIrch

21, And I have Ivitltdrawl/yoll, myservallt, as a test

A test upon the people, 21. ,,,andfor YOIlr own protection,

Gorl, l!rose l!rat !roye pl'ofcssed 10 IIIIOIY till' tin-tile bul Itave lIot ktlOIVIl /lie mnong IItY jJeople.

U. And as tl,cy The halfhearted who arc falling away end will

fall away. 24. And as Iltey drive rite rig!rteous frotll

among (Item, my jlldgl1lenls sit all begilt as a Iv!rirlivitld UPOIt (hem, 10 leave tteilher rool liar brallclt, for I have already severed lite ungodly frolll tfte orditlallces of mitte /row;e, alld attl Ivilhdrawing my Spirilfrottl litent.

25. Know litis, my servatlt, YOlf are ilt mine hallds; and though YOII shalf witness greal distress among Ifte people, as you apply Ullio me for guidance alld strength, so shall [be witit YOII, and YOIl shalf sland as a witness againsl IIlis generalion; alld as 1 sitalf lead you, t!ten you sfrall call down lite judgments of God UpOIl Ihe people, and so shafl I fulfil/,

August 20,2003 was when the Lord showed me there would be many lands of refuge instead of just one, as He had me find a first one, and then He expanded my vision to see there would be several. Do not ask about the different lands of refuge. Be grateful to know what you do know, and keeo confidences and don't ask details. Do not ask about the temple. Be grateful to know what you are allowed, and keep confidences, and don't others to break their confidences. On August 20, 2003, the Lord revealed that there would be places of refuge and then said:

Reveilltion given to President \Yarren S. Jeffs At His Place of Refuge, .

Wednesday, August 20,1003

2. For verily I sap IIl1tO pOll, tfte [ailhOt! 0[1It1' peDDie shaff be driven. lit at I mnp purge out tlte ungodly [rom among POll, And Ihey B'fro persecute my people shall be cui offfrom lite land oftfte living in mine olVn due lime, itt a day Ihat tftey kl10lV 110t,

3, And I Ivill preserve my fitlfe ones, those IvlLO serve me and keep my commandments [aith[ully, tftrough ml' almighty pOlver, And (!tough tftey be scattered. yet sfw!l thev be galftered,

22, And flail' Illy day of judgl/lCllI shall come [Ipon Illy people, to purge oul the ullgodly fro III cll10ng tit em, AI/d though tfte failhful of my Deople sltall stiffer greatly at Ihe itands of llie ivicked, as (hey seek linto me, J will /eadyou, Illy S'crvant, (a galher mille elect from atllong (Item, and bring tltertl to these lands of refuge by tlte

of m)' IFill, 23, 1 Iviff yel send Ille OlIerjlolviltg scourge

::gainst litis Ivid/ed and perverse generation, and UIY aliter judgmen(s, beginnil/g at tlte hOllse of

4, And Ihough my jnitflflll ones be few in number, out of small things shaf{ proceed tltat wlticft is great,. (Inri 11vill establish fill' work, the

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ZiOIl 0(0111' CJod, II{JOII Iltc ((Ice oU!IjXI(lllliL llItr/

tiOlllill'g C(lli sl(lV S. Gilly colflillllcjai!itflll, alld J .vil//end YOII

,v/lililersocpcc Iholl sitollid go. *** In this revelation Ihe Lord sHill: J 6, And litollgil yo II, Illy people, shall rJIIss

(!trough lite greal alld dreadfllr dny ofllie Lord, yol j'/wll mille elecl escape alld be preserved ill fll f!.

J 7. Repelll ye, repelll ye, alld serve me ill Sphil alld ill tmlft, tltal J lIlay a.vlI alld bless YOII, o ye my people.

l8. Alld recei.'e my .vord tfrat J sir all give Ullio YOII throllgh my servollt; that ye lIIay be my people.

19, I, Ifte Lord, Irave fead YOll, my servant Warren, 10 seek a place of refuge, alld'lvill guide

YOII from prace 10 piace as you seek IInlo me Ihrough the prayer affaitlr and III/miiity,

20, Wicked tIlet/ have combined againsl YOll, alld Ivark ill secrel to destroy my purposes on the eartit.

21. Yet I, the Lord, know tlleir hearts alld wit! provide a way of deliverance for my lVork alld kingdom to continue on the earth,

22. And tftey who combine agaillst thee, my serPITl1t, shaff fall illto Ihe pit they have digged to destroy you,' and my judgment shalf be anslvered upoillireir freads ill a mallner they cannot escape.

23. Search diligently, alld bless lire pure in heart. And though tfty friwds tllm against titee, my servant; and traitors seek your destruction, yet tilepllre inlleart sirall honor you alldfallow my cOlil/sels through yO/l.

24. And I wil! preserve Ullto myself a cleall and pllrt people. And hOlv greal shalf be their joy il/ Ihal day 0fdeliveral/ce, lInd as they dlvel! with me ill ZiOII, alld ill tire kingdom of Illy fatiter, forever ami ever.

In sUfnmary, I have given you trainings of success, warnings against failure, yearning that you will see how importanl this mission and these covenant are, ] love you, The Lord loves you. You love Him most and He will be with you and strengthen you, We must be one. In listening to

Ihe Irainings, Ihen you will receive Inllch mOle

lIncierslanding. 93 And while you are all here, r Wallt you 10

undcrsta,nd what the finc-llUlcd lest is tllflt is abodl 10 corne upon liS. Yes, Ihe enemy wi II come against lhe failhful, but there is a fine-tuned test. Our enemies are trying to present themselves as Ii beralors, sayi ng, "You are under a One Man Rule dictatorship," and the COUTt may easily offer Ihe people their lands and houses, to put it in own names, and there is the test. Those land sand hOllses were consecrated unto (he Lord, and they belong to Him. And for any of us to put lands or houses that belong to the Lord in our own name, we become the thieves, and we have joined the apostates, and we would rather be driven and leave that community and live among the wicked cities than to put the Lord's consecrated lands and houses in our own name,

The govemment and the apostates are 1l1ieves, and they have murder in their hearts. The Lord has had me answer them nothing. We uphold the United Effort Plan Trust, which is organized (0

build up the Church and Kingdom of God. And our enemies have concocted laws in an attack that calls uoon us to compromise and bring the work of God under their rule and their guidance.

I cannot compromise the redemption of Zion for anyone or anything. Stand true and faithful. Don't be decei ved. The Lord will take care ofyour families who are faithful. if you are faithful and give your all to this mission, But we must be one in this vision of the Lord of what He is allowing to come upon His people, And in the handling of men who have proved unworthy, sympathy against authority will make you lose Priesthood, and all that takes is a wonderment if the Lord and the Prophet did right -- just a wonderment. That little doubt is the beginning of self-destruction. So have a living testimony Jhrough the love of God always exercised. I am fitting a whole lot in here before you leave,

In the redemption of Zion the Lord has appointed that the laborers mcet morning, noon. and night in circle prayer, anns to the square, reaching for the strength of heaven, Circle prayer is a symbol of oneness exerted, A circle is a symbol on oneness, togetherness in the Lord, And

Copyrlg!d 2005 by yY':nren Jeffs Page 31 !r1ondflY, FebrHnry 21 j 2005

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you me to CalTY IhallxHyer in your mind and hOHrl with you wi1ercvel- you go, Anylime a 11ew major task is started and tilen completecithel-e are circle prayers, a constant exertion o[prayer in Ihis great '!larK, The laborers arc wOl'king nighl and day, There are not socials, There is not baskelball, soocer, baseball. The gentile ways have been done away with, The children are learning the joy of constant hard work gnd constanl prayer of


rejoicing, There is so much [or you 10lc81'n, Come lind bc teachable; be dil'eclablc Do you receive this. brelhrel;?

R e,lpcn,re,' Yes1

President Warrell S. Jeffs: Please join wilh me in circle prayer as your first dedicalion prayer il1 Ihis mission, 10 end Ihis; which [ bear lestimony oflhese Ihings, the revelations of God and His will, ill the name of Jesus Chrisl, amen,

Copyright 2005 by Wllrrell Jeffs


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Roger H. Hoole (5089) E. Morrison (6945)

Gregory N. Hoole (7894) HOOLE & KING, L.C 4276 South Highland Drive Sal t Lake Ci ty, Utah 84124 Telephone: 801-272-7556 Facsimle: 801-272-7557

Attorneys for Interested Parties

Joanne Suder (MD) Admitted Pro Hac Vice THE SUDDER LAW FlRt\;!, P.A. 210 East Lexington Street, Suite 100 Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Telephone: (410) 727-8177 Telephone: (866) 727-8177 Facsimile: (410) 625-2916


IN THE MATTER OF THE UNITED EFFORT PLAN TRUST, (Dated November 9, 1942, Amended April 10, 1946, and Amended and Restated on November 3, 1998); and its TRUSTEES, including known trustees TRUMAN BARLOW, WARREN JEFFS, LEROY JEFFS, WINSTON BLACKJvlORE, JAMES ZITTING and WILLlAM E JESSOP alkJa WILLlAM E. TIMPSON AND DOE TRUSTEES I THROUGH IX.




Civil No. 053900848

Judge Robert Adkins

I, Sam Brower, having been duly sworn, states as follows:

I , I have personal knowledge of the matters set forth herein.

2. I have worked for approximately 10 years as a licensed private investigator in the

State of Utah.


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3. During the past year, I have spent most of my professional time investigating the

United Effort Plan Tmst ("UEP Trust" or 'Trust"], the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Chuist of

Latter Day Saints ("FLDS Church") and its principles, particularly Warren Jeffs on behalf of the

plaintiffs in civil litigation.

4. As part of my investigation, I have spent significant time in Hildale, Utah; Colorado

City, Arizona; Eldorado, Texas; Mancos, Colorado; Salt Lake City, Utah; Bountiful, British

Columbia, Canada; and other areas populated by members and former members of the FLDS

Church. I have also interviewed scores of members and former members of the FLDS Church, and

have reviewed voluminous documents and public records relating to the UEP Trust, the FLDS

Church and Warren Jeffs.

5. Warren Jeffs is the self-proclaimed prophet and president ofthe FLDS Church and

the president ofthe UEP Tmst

6. On the afternoon ofMay27, 2005, I learned that the Third Judicial District Court had

entered an Ex-ParteTemporary Restraining Order Appointing a Special Fiduciary and Suspending

the Trustees ("TRO") of the UEP Trust Later that afternoon, I received a copy ofthe TRO.

7. On the morning of May 28, 2005, I was contacted by Gary Engles who is an

investigator for the Mojave County Attorney and who works primarily in Colorado City, Arizona .

. Investigator Engles notified me that efforts had apparently been underway thu·oughout the previous

night in Hildale, Utah to remove property from a large steel building the size of a commercial

airplane hanger constructed on UEP land, and that the building itselfwas also being dismantled.




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8. I was familiar with the building and the surrounding property which I had observed

many times before the entry of the TRO. The building was used as a manufacturing facility to

process logs for log homes.

9. I had last seen the building intact and operational on the afternoon of May 27,2005.

At that time, I noticed nothing out of the ordinary and did not see anyone removing the building's

contents or dismantling it.

10. In response to Investigator Engles' call, I arrived in Hildale at approximately 2:30 on

the afternoon of May 28. By the time I arrived, the building had been completely emptied and was

being rapidly tom down by a crew of approximately SO men and boys who I recognized to be

followers of Warren Jeffs. I observed numerous trucks ranging from pick-ups to semis loaded and

being !caded with the building's contents, office furniture and pieces of the building's steel siding.

11. After I got there, I notified the Washington County Sheriffs Office of the situation,

and Deputy Sheriff Russ Wright arrived at approximately 3:30 p.m. I heard him asking the FLDS

workers who was in charge. The workers informed him that they did not know. Deputy Wright

responded by asking to see their identification but they refused to identify themselves.

12. While Deputy Wright was trying to question one individual who had refused to

provide his identification, Jonathan Roundy and Fred Barlow, who are Hildale and Colorado City

police officers and followers of Warren Jeffs, approached us. Deputy Wright produced a copy of

the TRO and Officer Roundy photographed each page with a digital camera.

13. While I was photographing the license plates of many of the trucks and documenting

the building's removal with still photographs and video, an FLDS adherent by the name of Kelly



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Fischer approached us and told us that the building was on UEP land but that it belonged to him 2nd

ATI Construction. He further stated that the work crew was there on the Bishop's business.

14. The Bishop in Hi1dale and Colorado City is William E. Jessop, a.k.a. William E.

Timpson. He also claims to be one of the UEP Trust trustees. I understood that the TRO in effect

at the time suspended the Bishop's authority to act as a trustee.

15. I told Kelly Fischer, Officers Roundy and Barlow and others present that the Utah

Attorney General had obtained a TRO which enjoined the UEP Trust trustees from conducting

activity on behalf of the Trust and that the work crew therefore could not remove the building on

William Jessop/Timpson's orders.

16. Deputy Sheriff Wright also advised Officers Roundy and Barlow, Kelly Fischer and

others present that he would submit a report of the incident to the Third Judicial District Court.

17. I remained at the site until about 5:00 p.m. by which time the crew had almost

removed the entire building and was hauling it away on trucks.

18. I returned to Hildale on the morning of May 30. By that time, the only improvements

remaining on the land included a log structure used as an office and some small out-buildings which

had housed controls for milling machinery. Some milling machinery, equipment and log and lumber

inventories were also present.

19. With the assistance of lnvestigator Engles, [measured the cement pad on which the

now-removed building had stood. The building's footprint measured 90 feet by 220 feet, or

approximately 18,000 square feet in size. All electrical, plumbing and infrastl1lcture connections

had been severed.



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20. While I was photographing the site on May 30 with Investigator Engles, Officer Fred

Barlow arrived, informed us that we were trespassing and directed us to leave the property. I again

showed Officer Barlow a copy of the TRO but he insisted that we were trespassing on private

property without the owner's consent and needed to leave. Having completed our photographing

and measuring, we left without incident.

21. I returned to Hildale on May 31. By that time, the remaining out-bui ldings, mil Eng

machinery, equipment and log and lumber inventories had also been removed from the Hildale


22. On May 30, while in Colorado City which adjoins Hildale to form one town,

Investigator Engles and I observed that another building had also been pulled from its foundation

and removed. It appeared that this building, located across the street from the Colorado Unified

School District's administrative offices, may also have been removed since the entry of the TRO.

It is my understanding that this building was located on UEP Trust land.

23. During the year that I have investigated the UEP Trust, theFLDS Church and Warren

Jeffs, I have observed homes on UEP Trust land vacated by their occupants and I have observed

other households reorganized and moved from one home to another. Based on my investigation,

this has occurred under the direction of Warren Jeffs.

24. As ofJune 3, 2005, I have observed that several homes on UEP Trust land in Hildale

and Colorado City have been vacated and their contents removed. Based on my investigation, it

appears to me that Warren Jeffs' pattem of removing people and their possessions from homes

belonging to the UEP Trust has continued since entry of the TRO.



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" uUll 'JV LUUJ ., VL'" IV" IIUIl lUI"",

85/03/2805 1. 5: 41 8812727551 HOCLE Klf-.\G Pi'r'E 07/87

25. I havo lOYcstigJltOO the reomis oft1ce Washington County Recorder'a Office and have

omfirmed that the building in HilMl. which h.ad been removed since entry of the ThO "Ia<! located

on land tmned by tho UBP Trust

26. Examples of tho photograplli that I tool< on May 28,30 and 31 are attached tD this

affidavit Exhibits " A" and "B" are phorographs that I took on May 28 showing the large log

processing buildlngbcing rem.oved, Exhibit "C" is a phutograph that I took on May 30 showing the

cement pad on which that bl1ilding had been constructed, with BOmo outbuildings, maohlMry I!lld

inventory prooenl Exhibit WD" is a photograph that I took on 31 wowing the cement pad a.ft"l'

the removal of the outbullding;l, <>quipment and inventory. Exhibit "En iB a photograph that I took

on May 30 showing tho fOundation of a building that previously stood on UEP land from the

Colorado Unified SehO<ll District's aclminiBtrative offices, If requested, I will mako additional

photographs and videotape available for the Court's review.

DATED this 3" day of June, 2005

SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to before me this 3" day of Juno, Z005



Ili C¢I.tIL""p 0412"'" mT1i Of U1AH



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i: " I,

'I II :1 Ii

I I I 1; i i '. 'I i

Di ctaLionoll Saturday, August 6, 2005

10;05 a.or. An ap 0 lis, .Maryland

Jus-! before we leave for our travels. 1 seek always with great yearnings for the Lord to guide me witb His Spirit

and 1 walked away swiftly rising higher and higher aboyc them, leaving them behind. AlJd yet 1 saw otbers givilJg into this, and 1 have been yeaJT'Jng aU morning. The Lord has showo me this much, that tills womll1Jjudge und htis man, named Wyson, are llDW daiming to protect the rights oftbe followers of Warren Jeffs and the FLDS Churc.h. And the

bas already begun - where our peaplefeel like he and this judge wiD be kind IlJ1d will allowus our rights and protect us.

Saturday, August 6,2005 J have been though the heavenly session from

2:00 a.m. in the morning until 9;00 a.rn. I have been yearning unto ilie Lord to know if I should be calling the Priesthood people ,nd giving them a message, and the Lord showed me that I nmsi that there are too ITIlill)' traitors among our priesthood people, and aU our. enemies would find out what is said and done.

Now these people will flatter our people to jom in a peaceful solution in briniog the ways of the world lllDong us. And this is sucb a fine tuned tlattery and test, that many will give way; and the Lord is warning me I must not give into any influence, where they offer the ways of the world, tllO\lgh this ",oman judge and tlllil jlwlector, recelver, intermediary, this man that has control of the trcl', ll1Jd is recommending who arui who should not be trustees. They put on a big show on dismissing all the proposed trustees, the aposlaJe.<;, thus far. and they are reaching for our people in a tlattering way. And so the Lord shown me is of the devil. and iliough this woman has done

In Lyle Jeffs' yesterday's report, he talked about the Woman judge and this Il1JlI1 nanled Wi san, tr.e so--called proteclor of the DE? noW wanting to befriendly toward our people. And this morning the Lord gave me a very "Vivid dream and

\ reyelation of warning. It WM as though I saw (J many people going into a black woman's business

and bousel where she promoted business and in an immoral way. Dressing them after

the manner of the world) touching them, hayjng them join together in immorality - promoting gentile corruption happiness" they call it, and thus souls.

And as I went tbough this bouse, I observed bow filled with 8.I1d kindness, kind gesillies toward any of our people, and I repulsed and walked &way. There was a reason for me to walk though ilia! house again, and this time as she tried to louch me and gather me in with all those who were iving into her flatter,

I turned to her aod said, J desyiseyou, and I will bave nothing to do wiili ),OlL And as I walked oul Df where she wa'I, she followed me saying. HI

something that UWeatS very friendly to our peopte, it is a great deception, and Be has shown me tha.1 in tbeir hearts they desire to canupt and destroy our people. I thank the Lord for this warning. We

answerthemnothlng and nDt give into their proposals and ways. May the Lord guide me that J ·will not compromise in the sllghtosl degree, mowing His will is the Uolted Effort Plan Trust is rejected of God, and is not the gathering place; and the people must qualifY to come to the lands of refuge, or else be rejected. And we will be scattered as a people and then the faithful -will be gathered. And that is the Lmd's way, and we will not work out differences so called with this judge and 1he government and compromise with the ways of the world.

d esp·;,e me 10, I am justa niger, I run just a black woman, bDw canJ help you behBpPYI aDd she tried to (ouch me, and they tried in touch me; ·and she gaihered IDore ofhet black helJXrs and they tried to touch me as I was sitting down; and the Lord

OshDwed me that I stood up and rose rig.11t above them, though they were right there to destroy me,

Tnough gentle touch and flattery, in this dream. these ),licked people tried to deceive iheir ways in 8 pJeasurable it a flattering way. It WIlE dark and terrible and repulsive, and the Lord allowed me to rise above it and be deUvered. Yet I saw other,; give way, and ii was in an outward way, 11ke the wlUtes were luning physical sexueJ witb the b12cks; in these wcked peoples gentle ways so called of gathering in our pCDple' unawares, or

SBlurd:JYJ Augus{ 6, :zOOS Page 418 Record ofPresJucnt W:Jnen Jeffs


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iliase wM M nat havo dLsuotIU'1ltDL lvlay the Lard deliver us. I go now toward the west, and to tb,e slI!le IAlpital building oHhis stale ofMaryl!l1ld here in AnapoHs, as the Lord directs. End dictation for now at 10: 15 a.m

direction. We ag,reed tbal tllJlY SMuiJi go see the lawyer that wrote up the articles of that YFZ land ::orporation on lvfonday, find get all the documents orepared. I told lhem 10 make it very clear that lbere were three buyers. I directed that Stephen Harkerarul David Allred should listen to the April 7,2005, meeting, and also theJuly 3, 2005 phone

call training to our meeting. I told !bern they not join the work crew) because they were

not set apart as temple builders yet, but to continue l1roDgb the day studying the scriptures.

11:00 p.m. Nas/JyiUe, Tennessee

My last dictntion was last nighl around midnighl in Anapolis, Maryland. 1 seeK UIlto the Lord for lill Spiril to be with me, acknowledging Him in aU things. I thank the Lord for our safe

loday. I was kep1 b the heavenly session lID1i19:00 a.m. 1 have already dictnled one of the dre!lIIlS and revelations the Lord gave me this IIlOmbg. After we got ready, J h2d Isaac drive us 10 the C2pital building of Maryland, in AoapoLis. That was recorded. Naomi, and I got Iilld 1 performed toe work through the aathoric; lild keys of the Priesthood of delivering illat state and peoples and government over to the judgments of GoeL Any goverrunent or p"'ple that allow the immorality ontcrtRinrnents and Jaws and COl11lptions to exist are ripe and ready to be destroyed by the Lord.

I then called back and had a telephone meeting with iiIe First Presidency Brother Wendell Nielsen aod Brother Mcrril Jessop in Brother Wendell's Jiving room; r driYing through Virginia at the time. That was recorded and should go in the First Presidency meeting. I told them whattheLord had shown me ihis moniing, bow the judge and the SO called caretaker of the UEP Trust, a man named Wisll!lhad supposedly protected the trust in belmlf of our people. And the Lord showed me it was a devil's trick, trying to get our people to feel like this new caretaker of the" trust is _ our protector, where in reaJity, they Mve stolen our lands and houstS, and are worlcing in a conspiracy. And they are determined to destroy our religion. And they will offer through SllJlpOsed lcindness and flattery, :tn.any compromises that will caU.'le people to fall away. We discussed many issues. Brother Merril Jessop reported that thein.side of the temple should be all complete by midnight, tomorrow night, Sunday night. I have had Patricia belp or do tr=ribing in my office in the \empJc.

We left the motel at 10:15 a.m. this mDrning, arrived at the capital building right at 10:30 a.m. Mo-.mtnin Standa.rd Time... 12:30 p.ll- Eastern Time. It was ell recorded.

Stephen Harker and David Allred arrived this mombgalR17. Andlcalledbyll:lS8-nL We had a meeting of the First Presidency, Brather Wendell Nielsen, Brother Meml Jessop and also "the. men who are members or owners ofR17 on the legal records. And we discussed ilie sale Df R17 land. And the way they wrote the 'greement was YFZ land company still ownS the land, but David Allred is selling Jill; inlerest as a member to three ::nell, Stephen Harker, Raymond Jessop) and Isaac Jeffs, three men that the Lord appointeeL I recorded the meetiDg., at least me speaking. lslUlC and 1 were driving along, and the other bret:hren were sitting in Brother Wendell Nielsen's Hving room at R17. J emphasized the Lord's wUl vms, iliq.t these three men should bave the land in their Games for noV! in prc-paration to transfer the land into areligio(J.S trusL And thai Allred was to sell oul and have DO part or interest in (lmt land of refuge. All the men WeTe united and wilJjng to do Ihe Lord's will. J also told them the Lord', will was that Brother Merril as tllC llislrop sbould bave

. all the rigbis to business, manage the land corporatiOlL In reaJi Iy, he is performing the work of Bishop, and he comes rmder toe President's

At 2:00 p.rn. J called Ly Ie Jeffs and got names Df tht boys and men involved with drug use and drug selling, the jUegaJ drugs that destroy the mind and body. I recorded the names ashe gave them to me. I put Millie to a test around 4:30p.m. and told her 10 go choose somebody to perform the work of the ordinance of private training. And I rejoiced when I called five miDutes laier'w see sbe chose the very person] bad 3WDlnted for tomorrow nighfs training. So I called Pamcia and rearranged the schedule. The James 'haYe Mne well The Lord is blessing them, and I am seeking

:Retord ofPresidcni Warren Jeffs Page 419 Aug-us! 6,

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:, , "

I I i :1

ofllie Lord to know how to better prepare t}Jem for ..--- His vesencein my presence when they assist me.

I ) At 7:30 p.lU" as we traveled through Tenne.ssee, Sbem Jeff"i cailed and said Mother Rose Marie was going to deliver a baby. Wben he arrived athls houscJ J talked to Mother Rose Marie and Mother Sharon. r asked the Lord concerning the, and He whlspered tome Ibat all would be well r ye[lI1led that father would be near, Illld the Lord would send HiE blessings there. By 8:30 pm. Shern Jeffs CJJjed and said Mother Rose Marie delivered a £ye pound, ,ight ounce girl, who was born twenty-one days early. So r put all the record, this girl with Richard Allred, the earthly father and Mother Rose Marie Steed JetIs the mollier, llild this girl belonging to my father, President Rulon kffs. This little girl was oom around 8:30 p.m., five pound, "Ight O1J1)ees at the Shern JeffS' house in Colorado Springs, Colorado. There were present Mother Sharon as the midwife j and others offather's ladies. I make a note this is the seventh anniversary offather's stroke which was August 6, 1998.

ow HeavenJy Father, and rejoice that He opened that way thBl we could eam His knowledge and picsence, We need to keep Lhe ele.rnal vision gratftude nlways alive, reach always to see and feel as ?,UI Heavenly Father.sees and fe.tl.9.

I sang hymns on the war bere, arrlving at at 10:15 p.m. The Lord wants me to

'--"'witness a Uttle about this place, and continue the mission of binding up the law and sealing up the testimony. He has provided ilie way all the way.

This morning at Work Meeting in Short Creer.., I hIld Lyle JeffS replay the December 26, 2002, Morning Class training, and they had the printoUtB on the seats, and the people read along. They picked up ilieir printnut as they came in. I emphasized to Lyle Jeffs that this judge's decision on Thursday to not appoint any trustees was only. trick of the devil to flatter our people to ih.ink that this judge and the caretaker Wisan are our friends.. Hold Lyle that if they were really our:friends, they would leave us aIone, leaving the present trustees in pli.r:e. J still marvel at their d",k reasoning. If we are such terrible people, why are they entrusting the present trustees with the trust still, while they are plotting who to lake over. Our people who are faithful continue living their religion. The Lord does right I stand with .Him, throughms power, grace, and menoy, and all glory to Rim.

I leave on record tha! all the states we have passed through are most wkked. All the places we have witnessed are most wicked. This nation must be swepl clean for Zion to rise. And Zion shall rue amidst the destruction of Babylon, andrememher it for a thousand years. May the Lord allow me to have a part with Him in the fu1ness of Zion, with father 1lI1d the Prophets. May the Lord send forth the One Mighty and Sirong in His time, in fulness. Praise God frOm wbom all blessings flow. End dictation at 1 1 :20 p.m.


The Lord iB showing me how He brings about His proposes -- to a degree He is showing me - to allow trials to (mme upon us to ca.use us to exert greater faith. For sure in ilie hereafter we will rejoice in the tests and triab we went through, the exert the :fuith· and earn ilie heavenly gifts and blessings, as we receive that ele1nnJ reward wiih

Pll!;e 420 Record of1'resldent Wurren Jeffs


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Exhibit H (CD)

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Friday, November 9, 2007:

Dcar Brother Weodcll: 1 he Lord has shown me that your wife her mother

house in hiding, and undergo her medical treatments there. through Dr. Lloyd.

Private Dote to Brother Merril QNL Y Dear Brother Merril:

The Lord has shown me that my son" has been immoral with one of my daughters. interview him with his mother present, and see that he is sent to the house in hiding where my wife _ is staying. Also have -. take my son _ from R23 to stay with his mother at the house in hiding, and have_Allred teach_and" their schooling. Have'-set up

with woodwork tools to teach these boys to make useful projects for the storehouse. Have_tell_Allred and keep the boys busy and separate from any of the ladies areas.

The Lord has also shown me that two of your children in your home at Rl7 are seeking each other, and that they need to be separated. Send your daughter_ to R23 to stay with your family there. Have your son_leave Rl7 for a time and get ajob with Lee Steed's construction crew to learn that skilL Tell him to keep the Lord's confidence and keep preparing to be used in the redemption of Zion mission.

There is a conspiracy on the land Rl7 that you need to beware of away to repent at a distance and call upon him to clean up his life. He must write a confession letter and be told that he does not hold Priesthood and his family is released. He should be sent to a state in the west, preferably Oregon, and to have no contact whatsoever with his fanner family, with apostates, with his relatives, or with any Priesthood people. Tell him to keep the Lord's confidence conceming the mission, and stay in contact by letter with you conceming his repentance. This is the man the Lord had me warn you about before.

The Lord wants Lyle Jeffs to have Willie Jessop, Glade's son, head up a coalition of saints, and write the judge in the UEP Case, each deJlanding to have their rights protected conceming their homes. This will make it so the Priesthood is answering them nothing, but at the same time individuals are demanding their rights of protection. The Lord wants the saints in Short Creek to do this to give them a little more time to prepare and to retain a place a little longer in Short Creek, so the Lord's will concerning the projects appointed can be accomplished. Have Willie retain an attorney to represent many of our people, as a group of individuals demanding the protection of their rights, withouLbringing in the authorities of the Church. That way they will do the Lord a service of justifying Him in bringing judgment upon those who seek our destruction. Be careful and do not include those who are disaffected. Everyone does not have to be included. Just have him choose between thirty and forty Elders who will stand united anel demand their rights as citizens.

I also infonn you that 2 does not hold Priesthood. Infonn him through. Lyle that he does not hold Priesthood, and that his fa:nily is released, and that he should close down his affairs in Colorado. Have Lyle tell Glen Nielsen Jeffs that he should be the caretaker of


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this family, and he move [hem back (0 Short Creek to stay in (he former home of LeRoy Jeffs that Alvin Barlow's family just moved out of, and inform him that cloes not hold Priesthood, and should not have contact with his former family. 11 should stay in contact with Lyle by ',etter and move to the state of Nevada to continue his renentance.

, I-lave _Jeffs go on a special mission to Rl and R23 and read the transcript and revelation given October 4, 2007 at the visit, and bear testimony to the people. Have _go with him.

There should not be a traveling mission of the First Presidency this month. I-lave the mission be sufficient. effs should read to the people and my family in the

meetings at Rl and R23 the last two revelations that were read in General Meeting at R17 also when he talks.


79 - Conceming the sick people that are needing medical attention CJd 7 and-. NieIsen)- Dr. Lloyd Barlow feels like if they could come to Rl7 for a week, he could nutritionalize and get blood tests done and find out what is going on. What wou Id you direct on this? Will advise

79 - Should Ben B. Allred that was at R23 be at S.c. or Rl n R17

79 - The men from Rl7 have all returned to their no:-rnal jobs and places. aand" W. are back at R17. Will advise

56 - The hospital is pressing for his son to have immunizations because of his Leukemia condit jon is ;rOllrdirectjve on this? Do what is needed


11 6

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- Warren instructed them lo have plenty of supplies, in case people needed lo rdum to the land of ['efJge

- Warren warned Ihal everyone should have thm persooal records, priesthood records, personal I k d f'l ' I ." , ["" . r '1' 000 ,-s an arnl.Y recorClS store.c 3\V8.Y In tna! room at t.1e meeting nOLlse, . In case larCll Jes are taken a!1d examined by the authori ties.

- Wan'en stated that their needs to be an organization of the people, so they cao be prepared for aoy circumstance that may come upon them. [-Ie indicated that there will be people left to guard the land.

01-24-2007 1555 bours DURATION: 8 minutes NUMBER DIALED: (325) 853-1144

ANSYVERED BY: Pbone Answerer

Aoswerer: Warren: Answerer: WarTen: Answerer: WarTen: Answerer: Warren: Answerer: Warren: Answerer:

Warre:}: Answerer: Warren:

11HeHo,II "Howdy.ll IIHi,1l "I just want family there and nobody else, okay?" "Yes, there is no one else here." "You'll make a recording, then you'll destroy the recordirrg ... " IIOkay,1I "after the presiding elder hears it." "Okay." "Thank you, don't right it down or anything." 1l0kay.1I "I think they're there." "Okay. Hello? Anybody there? Is it up?" "I thought so." "Hello there"

Congregation: "Hello." Warren:



"I want you to tell the presiding elder that the Lord showed me that David' Fiscber and family should be sent back to Short Creek and be removed from the land and go io the house where Liodsay Barlow lives, make the move quietly. And he showed me that Lindsay Barlow and family should move to where to David Fischer's family is. It won't matter if it's quiet, you can just do it. I want nobody to be writing aoy ootes. You don't write any notes about this phone call, do you understand? And I want all or you to keep it completely quiet, just on that land and be at peace, know the Lord loves you and he is taking care of you. The Lord has shown me that I am one of the most wicked men on the face of the Earth since the days of Adam, that I do not hold priesthood anymore and that you, my family, should look to Brother William E. Jessop as key holder of priesthood and Brother Men'ill is his second counselor. I will send a note to them to tell them, so you do not need to tell them. Brother Merrill should hear this recording and then the recording should be destroyed. All of my family is released and stay there and you should all be under Brother Merrill Jessop's direction. He wants me to say, the Lord has come and shown me this much, in his way, again that I have been one ofthe most wicked men 011 the face of the Earth since the days of Father Adam because I would not shed but one tear for the faithful of the saints of God when he commanded me. I will not be calling


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anymore ancllook to' the right authority. He has allovicci me to say that much. According to Section 43 of the Doctrine of CovelJants verse 4, ant key holder appoints the next. You will all need to be very quiet, 110t even tell the people on the land for now. [Inaudible] to :he recording, tell Brother Menill to call a meeting and inform all the people on that land, but [0 keep it quiet, just on that land. You will be getting other notes about it. And this is my farewell to you. love you and follow the [inaudi,bleJ. This is a message from the Lord. Goodbye. "

01-24-2007 1605 hours DURATION: 2 minutes 'NUMBER DIALED: (435) 313-2039

ANSWERED BY: Lindsay Barlow

Lindsay: Warren: Lindsay: Warren: Lindsay: Warren: Lindsay: Warren: Lindsay: Warren:

Lindsay: Warren:

Lindsay: Warren:

Lindsay: Warren: Lindsay: Warren: Lindsay: Warren: Lindsay: Warren: Lindsay: Warren:

"Hello." "Good to hear you." II You too. 11

"Would you please take care of that right away, leave right away." IIYes," "And hand it personally to Brother Merrill." "Okay, I'll do that." "And you are suppos,ed to move my family to R17."

.. "Okay, say that again." "You are supposed to, you and your family are to move to the land ofrefuge, R17 and stay in the house where David Fischer is." "Okay." "David Fischer and family are supposed to move out, and I left a message there, and move into your home in Short Creek." "Okay." "And tell Nephi Jeffs that he does not need to be here anymore, he can move back to the, with his family." 1l0kay./I "On that land where you'll go." "Okay." "Pack up and get going" lIOkay.n "But get this there first, then come back and get your family." 110kay,II "Thank you." "Thank you." 1100 soon, bye. fI

01-24-2007 1708 hours DURATION: 9 minutes NUMBER DIALED: (325) 853-1662

ANSWERED BY: Phone Answerer

Answerer: Warren: Answerer: Warren: AfLSwerer: \VmTen:

!IHello. 1I

"Tis 1. Are you there?" "Yes Sir, it is so good to hear you." "Send somebody to get #91 fight now." "They're picking up the phone right now." "Just wallt her at your phone, nobody pick-up the phone."


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Answerer: V/arren: Answerer: Warren:

Answerer: Wanen: Answerer: Wanen: Answerer: Warren: Answerer: Wan-en: Answerer: Warren: Answerer:

Naomi: Warren: Naomi: Warren:

Naomi: Warren:

Merrill: Warren: Merrill: Warren:

1l0kay.1I It I want to say-something to you. 1I

'IOk8y.11 "The Lord has shown me that I need to say ll1yselfwhatever I'm able to. I love jOll and ['m sorry for ail that's happened. He showed me though I was in a key position, I was not the key holder. That Leroy does hold priesthood and will be restored. It is me who committed imrnoral acts with a sister and a daughter oLarrd I've just been deceived by the devil who was an angel of light. Because I have been .in a key position the Lord came and showed me that he made sure, that since I was in the key position, which was done right. Things will be set in order by Brother William, okay." "Are you, is this just a test for us?" I'Whatls that?1! "Are you just giving us a test right now?" "This is all true. Let me talk to Naomi now I love you." "I love you." "I want you to know that, SO ... " "The presi ding elder is right here." "What's that?" "Uncle Merrill is right here." "Yes, I need to talk to him." "Okay, here's [inaudible]."

"Hello." "Hello there." "Hi.fI "The Lord showed me recently though rYe been in the key position, I am not the key holder since Father's passing. I was covered with immorality with a sister and a daughter when' I was younger and he's shown me and detected me to myself I haven't held priesthood since I was twenty. Reach for the devil as an angel of light appearing and all those, most ofthose sessions were [inaudible] in deception. You'll need to destroy all of your dictations because they are not of God. All of mine are to be destroyed, except the ones with revelations are true because I was in the key position. All except October 2004, all of those were not. And the one about me on June 20, about June 20, 2003, that one was not, about the atonement issue. And that you need to be re-baptized and that you'!! be given to Brother William. So will all the laclies. You heard the recording? Did you hear the recording [ made?" IIYes,1I "The Lord does not speak to the key holder through a woman. So there is a lesson to be careful with. I love you with all I'm able to and let me talk to Brother Merrill."

"Hello." "Brother Merrill?" llYes,l1 "Again note the Lord showed me that Brother Willi,un is the key holder, Brother William Jessop and I wrote a note on there that is wrong. Brother Wendell Nielson does hold prIesthood and he needs to come back with his fmnjly right

11 9

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Merrill: \V::tlTcn:

Men'ill: Warren: Merri 1I: Warren:

away. The note will say he doesn't, so J was corrected ancilhe Lord slopped me in my progress. Look (0 Brother William Jessop. (Spoke to softly to decipher.") 'Brother William will direct YOL on any ordinances and .. and all the ladies who are part of me neea to be re-baptized and the children, all my family. J haven't been in the key position, thciugh I was in a key position through revelations, most of them true, I told Naomi which ones. And Brother William will direct you on any ordinance work. But the Lord did show me David Fischer should move to Short Creek and trade houses with Lindsay Barlow and Brother William will verify it." "Is it alright to ask you a few questions?" "Pardon, I didn't hear you." . "Is is alright to ask you a few questions?" "No. Read a note r sent to you ar,d follow through at a point according to proper order. Although it's not fully true I've been shown. But I expect ahead and Brother William will tell you much more, okay? He's the one you talk to . .Thank you and goodbye."

01-24-2007 1729 hours DURATION: 9 minutes ANSWERED BY: Phone Answerer NUMBER DIALED: (325) 853-1662

Answerer: Warren: Answerer: Warren: Male: Warren: Male: Warren: Male: Warren: Male: Warren: Male: Warren: Male: WaLTn: Male: Wan'en:

Male: Warren: Male:

Answerer: Warren:

"Hello. Hello?" "Howdy, I need to speak to Brother Men'ill right now." "Okay." Itpresiding. II

"Hello." "Hello. " IIYes SiL '1

"I need a phone number to Brother Merrill." "You need one, you say?" IIPardon?" "Did you need one ... " "Yes, could you get me the number." "[Inaudible]." "Are you there?" "Getting [inaudible]." "Did you hear the "Yes J did. I have that number it's ... " ''I'm telling you that I'm not the key holder. The Lord intervened because I was in a key position, showed me J didn': hold the priesthood since I was twenty and 811 the ordinance work will have to be done again. Look to Brother William Jessop. Let me talk, get a number and I need to call him." ''I'll have to go get Ulat number." IIfll wait. " "Okay."

IlHeIlo.1I "Howdy."


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Answerer: WalTen: /\/lswerer: WaTen'

Answerer: WaTcn: Answerer: Warren: Answerer:

Male: WaTen: Male: Warrell: Male: Wacren: Male: Warrell: Male: Warrell:

Male: Warren:

Male: Warren: Male: Warren: Male: Warren: Male Warren:

Male: WalTen: Male: \Varren:

3:45 LATER

'lfello. He's geLling (hnt Dum ber." "0' " Kay "iuc you wei]? ;:\re you alrighl?! "Not inside. The Lord intervened because I was in a key position a11d he tolC me that I haven't held priesthood since twenty because I had been immoral with a sister and later wi th a daughter And then ... " "This is just a lest for us?" "What's that?" "May we be praying that this is just a test for us?" "Pray for the real key holder" "We love you. Here he is,"

"Brother Warren, there is two numbers." "Wait a minute, Give me the second number." "The second number is 719 .. "Pardon?" 1'719 ... " "Okay," 11242 .. .'1 11242." "789J," "78 .. .I'm supposed to tell you that I am one ofthe most wicked men that has ever been on the Earth, since the days of Father Adam, The Lord detected me and came and inspired a Look to Brother William." "What would Brother Rulon say?" "I was shown it was a test Father put on the people to see if they could detect the truth, Brother William is an apostle, ordained by Father, I just learned has been in the right place, okay? I just..." "Do you want the other number?" "No, this will do." I!Okay.!1 "I'm telling you so you can know," "[Inaudible] Brother Warren, I'm suec [inaudible] for you," "Please pay the lawyer bills, but they'll be done soon, okay?" "What would you like done in relation to the court?" "Pay the lawyer bills, but they'll be done soon," "I'm telling you so you hear it It doesn't need to [inaudible] the family,just, [ haven't held priesthood since twenty years old because of immoral with .. " "What is the, is it okay to ask what the sin is?" "What the what?" "The sin that you did," "Look to Brother William, a sister and a daughter. Thank you, T just wanted you to hear, than.k you.


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01-24-2007 1741 hours DURATION: 2 minutes NUMBER DIALED: (325) 853-1144

ANSYVERED BY: Phone Answerer

Answerer: Warrcn: Answerer:

Male: Warren: Male: Warren:

Male: Warren:


IIHelJo. " IIHcYJ. he gave me the wrong numbel' H


IITherels another number. II "This one was wrong, it wasn't him. ;'It is 719-285-3057." "Okay, thank you. Oh wait, just letting you know that I was shown I hadn't held priesthood until I was twenty. The revelations are valid except for five that I told Naomi.!! "Y ou lold her what?" "Except for fIve and 'told Naomi and Brother William will [inaudible]. I was immoral with a sister and a daughter when I was younger, so the Lord showed me I'm one of the most wicked men on the face of the Earth since Father Adam's time. All the family has to have all their ordinance work, they're not even part of me. So,just letting you know. Tell (Inaudible] thank you." "You're the one. Just a moment,just a moment."

01-24-2007 1747 hours DURATION: 6 minutes NUMBER DIALED: (325) 853-1662

ANS'WERED BY: Phone Answerer

Answerer: Warren: Answerer: Warren:


Male: Warren:

Male: Warren: Male: Warren:

Wa'rrn: Answerer: WarTen: Answerer:

Naomi: Warren:

"Hello." "Howdy, he gave me a wrong nUmJeL lt

"Did that one not work?" "No it, tell him to get the number and Brother William usually use and he can swi tch it later." "He, he's right here."

"Hello." "Hello. That didn't work, the number you and Brother William apparently 'use and you can just get a new one." "Urn, I don't have the other number, that one they gave out to [inaudible]." "Any that you have." "Urn, I don't have [inaudible], I'll have to get.. " "Okay, I'll hold on. Thank you"

"Hello? Are YOLI there? Hello?" "Will you talk to me?" "Let me talk to #91, is she there?" "I think."

"Hello." "Hello, I wan! you to believe what I'm telling you noW because this is a correction, Alll10se savings were not done right, even with you ladies, okay, so marriage record isn't valid, except for Father's, Okay, I need to talk to presiding elder. Let me talk to the other phone answerer."


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Answerer: Wanen:

Answerer: Warren: Answerer:

Warren: Answerer:

Warren: Answerer: Warren: Answerer: Warren: Answerer:

Warren: Answerer:

Issac: Warren: Issac: Warren: Issac: Warren:

Issac: Warren: Issac: Warren: Issac: Warren: Issac: 'Ivanen: Issac: Warre'1:

HHello. II II Howdy, Pm just lel1ing you know all those ordinances, since Father's passing, are not valid, Just letting you knO\N." "What about anything before the [inaudib[e], before father's passing'!" "Father was there. Let me talk to Brother Merri[ [ now." "Okay, he's still trying to get that number." "We're praying for you." IIIlm just a damn soul) damned soul. 11

"[lnaudib[e] just tried that number and Issac said he could talk to him on that number and that it isn't going through." "What's that?" "Issac just lalked to him on that number, to the bishop." "Okay, get it..." "Issac wants to know if there's a directive." "Brother William, [oak to him." "Okay, he's got through on a number here, he's talking to him, he'll give it to you now." "Okay." tlOkay,1f

"Hey, that number is 719 ... " "That's what?" "719-242-7893." "!tried it, it didn't work." "I just called him on it, he's on the other line right now." "Okay. I'll call him, thank you. [Inaudible]. 1'[1 tell Brother William that all the ordinance work of all the people, since Father's passing, that I've done has to be done over, reappointed RIld such. Thank you. Ike, I want you to hear this, I'm one of the most wicked men on the Earth since Father Adam's time, Adam's time. That's the correction I received. Thank you and good bye." "Brother Warren, did you test it?" "Can't hear you." "Did you test that statement?" "Say it again?" "Did you test the [inaudible]?" "Did I what?" "Did you test that spirit?" IIYes. 1I

"[Inaudible] number one [inaudible] ... " "Thank you. Brother William will tell you more."

01-24-2007 1755 hours DURATION: 2 minutes ANS"YI'ERED BY: William Jessop NUMBER DIALED: (719) 242-7893

Warren: William: Warrer:: William:

'IHello,1I IIHello Sir ,1\

"Y ou can hear me?" IIYes Sir. II


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William: Warren: William: Warren:

"Okay, ! have this mcssngc: The Lord intervened ane! cietected me to myself He showed me that I have not held priesthood since I was twenty years olel, having been immoral with a sister and then a daughter. And Father pointing his finger to me was Father's test on ail of us. [ know OfYOUf ordination, that you are the key holder and I sent a note with my signature verifying it so that there is no question, according to Section although not valld. And all the ordinance work since Father's passing has to be fe-done. And, there's many men that are sent away that do hold priesthood and their families will need to be put back. And then to say trus to you, I am one of the most wicked men on the face of the Earth since the days of Father Adam. Okay? Have you been able to hear me?"· II Yes SiL I'

"Thank you and goodbye. You'll need to ... " "[Inaudible]." "Thank you."

01-24-2007 1800 hours DURATION: 1 minute NUMBER DIALED: (325) 853-1662

ANSWERED BY: Phone Answerer

Answerer: Warren: Answerer: Warren: Answerer: Warren: Answerer"

"Hello." "Hi, let me talk to Ike." "He is on the road right now." IIOh,1I "Could I give him a message?" "No, that's fine thank you." "He) he asked if. .. !l

01-24-2007 1804 hours DURATION: 2 minutes NUMBER DIALED: (719) 242-7893

ANSWERED BY: William Jessop

Warren: William: Warren: William: Warren:

tlHello?1I "Hello." "Can you hear me?" "Yes Sir." "Just a couple more things I was shown, I had been immoral with a sister and a daughter early on and that's why the priesthood was deprived. Also, I think I'll need to get most of those sent away fyom land of refuge, families to return and they'll be shown. And also, I haven't held priesthood since I was twenty. I was also shown David Fischer may [inaudible 1 his family and Lindsay Barlow move into his house, they trade houses. Okay, just letting you know fOf the revocation. Ii

Dial Tone

01-25-2007 2244 hours DURATION: 4 minutes NUMBER DIALED: (702) 496-8078

ANSYYERED BY: Unidentified Male

- Warren asked for Nephi and was told that Nephi was loc2Jed at another number (435)25 i-9678 or (435)3 13-8492.


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"Consider yesterday a great testament, be at peace, ['m doing well. A test on me lnd a test on them and to stay fervent." "Have the presiding elder close by so I call talk to him."

Nephi: "Okay"

Warren: "And the others, I'll talk to personally" "God lives, I'm going through tests." "Have peace and ... " "I know I've sent messages, when I called, stick around here and send a message to you, you stay around and you'll see what happens. Lindsay may need to stay around too, so." "There are only two way to go. One is to live by every word of God or reject that message. When the Lord allows us a test, let us turn to him to be at peace. Know that our covenants are true, do not deny them. There will be a prepared people. We stdUd with Father in priesthood, this I know is true and do not deny it I'm encouraged in the Lord, and although there is pressures and tests, I carry on. I've been fasting for three days and was up all night, the night before last." "I wiIl ... eany on."

Nephi: "Yes Sir."

,Varren: "Glad to see you. The lawyer came in too, saying the family called and was concer1ed."

Nephi: "Yes, I was the one being in contact with him."

Warren: "Witb who?"

Nephi: "With Rick."

,Varren: "But who called you?"

Nephi: "The presiding elder and tbe bishop."

Warren: "Okay, they asked to call and see how I'm doing?"

Nephi: "Yes, they are, yes sir."



"Tell them to be where I could possibly talk ... be at peace. They can hear that too. I sent a message that they need to be careflIi with. Consider this all a test, and I will be talking, ail right"

"Okay Sir."


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be at peace. Have your testimonies brigot, and be delivered [rom all deceptions ... "


"Oby, lImJ<: you, goodbye"


"Thank you. We love you."

"What's that?"

"We love you, thank you." "Just anxious to be a strength in every way."


"1 need to tell you that I am not at, I don't have those two phone numbers that usua!'y you called on"

"The land line has changed and my cell, I don't have with me, but I have another one."

"I don't have a pen,"

"Okay, if I can leave it with Rick or someone else that you have a number to if you wished,"

"Okay, that would be fine."

"I do have that, you do have a cell phone, you had two cell phone numbers, I do still have that one. So you do have that."


"And r can get you these other ones for brother and the presiding eIdeL" "We put seven hundred in commissary, I believe it was yesterday, I don't know seen it yet. Just letting you know. I asked Lindsay to do that before "


"We're so grateful for you and we have no doubts or fears, just anxious to be an increase in strength."

"Hold on that message until I Gall you."

"Okay Sir"


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"Don't c,11 into the family yet, just give your number to Rick."


"Thank you. II

"Thank you Sir. I did get the message from Rick before [got here and I called the presiding elder to cail your family, so."


"Sball we proceed forth in getting that doctor in?"


"It's just a privilege to be in your presence."


"We know you carry a weigbt or a load greater than any of us can comprehend." "Just anxious to be a greater strength, to live as we've been taught, exert greater faith."

"Okay, thank you."

"Thank you Sir. We sure love you. Thank you."



"Okay, don't send that message for them, thank you."

"Okay Sir, thank you"






"Write this down."


"A message from the Lord, God of Heaven, through his former servant, who is not his servant, that the messages I gave yesterday are true, except for the part about being the


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mas I wicked, tbe wickedest man on tbe face of the E8Ith since Adam's time. That part is from the powers ofTbe Evil One tbat were trying 10 influence me."



"This is ..

HJust a minute, go ahead.1!

"I'm sorry, ] just... ,

IIJust a minute. I!



"Okay, just a minute." "] am not the propbet. I never was the prophet, and] have been deceived by tbe powers of evil and Brother William E. Jessop has been the prophet since Father's passing, since the passing of my father." "And] have been the most wicked man in this dispensation, in the eyes of God." "In taking charge of my father's family, when the Lord, his God, told him not to because he could not hear him, could not hear his voice, because I did not hold priesthood." "And I direct my fonner family to look to Brother William E. Jessop and I will not be calling today or ever again." "Get rid of the fonner message." "Write this down also."


"As far as I possibly can be, I am sorry from the bot10m of my heart." "And wri te this." "The Lord, God of Heaven, came to my prison cell two days ago to test and detect me and be saw that I would rather defy him than obey him because oftbe weaknesses of my flesh. I am hesitating while I'm giving this message as the Lord dictates these words to my mind and heart." "The Lord whispers to me to have you, 0;epbi, send this message everywhere you can among the priesthood people and get a copy of this video, I etting anyone see it who desires to see it. They will see that I yoice these words myself." "I ask, write this down. The Lord told me to say, and I yearn for everyone's forgiveness for my aspiring and selfish way of life, in deceiving the elect, breaking the new and everlasting covenant and being the most wicked man on the face of the Earth in this lasl dispensation. ' "Farewell all of you, for Lord has promised thai I would be, I would have a place in the Telestial Kingdom of God, if! had my brother Nephi write these words down. II


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"The Lord came yeslerday, no, two clays ago and bestowed upon me the gift to understand his words. Then be spoke to me, without the powers of evil interfering, so that [could have this opportunity to ludo what [have done. And [ask for everyone's forgiveness anel say farewell forever you who are worthy fot Zion, for r will not be there, I!

"Yes you will. Tbis is just a test."

"Give this to all the priesthood people, this message to you, alright?

"Let everyone see the video who wants to." "The Lord wants me to ... (crying) tllat be finally shed a tear for, the Lord, bis God, '11110

has redeemed his son." "He whispers that you, Nephi, need to get a copy of this video before you leave, if you can or order it." "You can tell he's still dictating to me to tel] you, Nephi, before he leaves me to my punishment. To Nephi, you can tell anybody who wants to read this message, or see the video, that they can see it, even apostates and gentiles. That tbey may know that I have been a liar and the truth is not in me." "Tell the family I will not be calling anymore, not even today. " "Thank you."

"We love you." "This is a test. You are the prophet."

"If you would Nephi, you could keep a little money in commissary, whatever prison I'm put in, but it's up to you."

"We will not forsake you."

IIJust a minute. II "The Lord is still dictating." "This is not a test, this is a revelation from the Lord, God of Heaven, through his fanner servant, who is never his servant, who is dictating these words at this time, that you may know, this is not a test." "I say farewell again, to all who qualify for Zion." "Farewell. "

"We love you. We love you. We love you."

Submitted by Sergeant Jal,e Schultz 01-26-2007


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\ 3\

Exhibit J (CD & DVD)

Page 136: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

This is Exhibit' e " referred to in the

affidavit .. ........ . 132

sworn before me LllILE:: C" ry,,urAi-l )f11he Province of British Columbia this

Ib 1"-.............. day f ............... .

CALLISTER NEBEKER & McCULLOUGH A i;;r:;ilY JEFFREY L. SHIELDS (2947); jlshields(ci)cnmlaw.com ZACHARY T. SHIELDS (6031); zachshields(ci)cnmlaw.com MARK L. CALLISTER (6709); mcallister(ci)cnmlaw.com MICHAEL D. STANGER (10406); mstanger(ci)cnmlaw.com Zions Bank Building Suite 900

WlthHI !tin Province of British Colwnh:;'I

10 East South Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84133 Telephone: (801) 530-7300 Facsimile: (801) 364-9127

Attorneys for Bruce R. Wisan, Special Fiduc;my for the United Effort Plan Trust


IN THE MATTER OF THE UNITED EFFORT PLAN TRUST,(Dated November 9, 1942, Amended April 10, 1946, and Amended and Restated on November 3, 1998); and its, TRUSTEES, including knovm trustees TRUMAN BARLOW WARREN JEFFS, LEROY JEFFS, WINSTON BLACKMORE, JAMES ZITTING and WILLIAM E. JESSOP a/k/a WILLIAM E. TIMPSON and DOE TRUSTEES I THROUGH IX.


Civil No. 053900848

Judge Denise Posse Lindberg

Bruce R. Wi san, as the Court-appointed Special Fiduciary for the United Effort Plan Trust

(the "Fiduciary"), through counsel, hereby submits a redacted copy ofthe Affidavit of J. Nick Hanna,

dated February 15, 2010 (the "Hanna Affidavit") (attached hereto as Exhibit "A"). Mr. Hanna is a

Texas Ranger and a custodian of the records seized from the YFZ Ranch pursuant to search warrants

issued by a Texas magistrate in Schleicher County, Texas. It is anticipated that the original Hanna

Affidavit will be filed in this action as soon as it is received by the Fiduciary


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536578. J

DATED this of February, 2010.



(Altar ys for Bruce R. Wisan, Special I uciary of the United Effort Plan Trust


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I hereby certifY that a true and correct that a true and correct copy of the foregoing NOTICE OF AFFIDAVIT OF J. NICK HANNA was served electronically by email, and by United States mail, first class postage prepaid, on this of February, 20 I 0, on the following:

Timothy A. Bodily Jerrold Jensen Assistant Utah Attorney General 160 East 300 South, Fifth Floor P.O. Box 140874 Salt Lake City, UT 84114·0874 tbodily{a)utah.gov [email protected]

William A. Richards Assistant Attorney General Arizona Attorney General's Office 1275 West Washington Street Phoenix, AZ 85007·2926 [email protected]

Roger H. Hoole Gregory N. Hoole Hoole & King LC 4276 South Highland Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84 I 24 [email protected] gregh{a)hooleking.com

Kenneth A. Okazaki Stephen C. Clark Jones Waldo Holbrook & McDonough PC 170 South Main Street, Suite 1500 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 kokazaki{a) j oneswa I do .com sclark{a)joneswaldo.com

Rodney R. Parker Richard A. Van Wagoner Snow Christensen & Martineau 10 Exchange Place, Eleventh Floor Post Office Box 45000 Salt Lake City, UT 84145 [email protected] [email protected]



James C. Bradshaw Mark R. Moffat Brown Bradshaw & Moffat lOWest Broadway, Suite 210 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 j im0)brownbradshaw.com In [email protected]

Michael D. Zimmerman Troy L. Booher Katherine A. Carreau Snell & Wilmer 15 West South Temple, Suite 1200 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 mzimmerman{a)swlaw.com [email protected] kcarreauiwswlaw.com

Peter Stirha Bret W. Rawson R. Blake Hamilton Stirba & Associates 2 I 5 South State Street, Suite 750 P.O. Box 810 Salt Lake City, UT 84110·0810 [email protected] brawsonlWstirba.com bhamilton{a)stirba.com

1. Ryan Mitchell MITCHELL & BARLOW, P.C. 6510 S. Millrock Drive, Suite 250 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 I'm i tchel I{a)m itche II bar I ow. com

William H. Leigh Bishop & Leigh P.O. Box 279 Cedar City, UT 84721·0279 \Vh leig!1{a)gwest.net



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02-15-'1013:15 FRor"j-T1( RGB - San ,n.r:gelo 325-223-6939




§ § §

T-129 P002/034 F-388

Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Jo1m "Nick" Hanna, who, being duly sworn, stated and deposed as follows:

I. "My name is John "Nick" Hanna. I am over twenty-one (21) years of age and am fully competent to make this affidaYil. The facts stated herein are true and correct and based on my personal knowledge.

2. I am a Texas Ranger in the Texas Ranger Division of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

3. I am a custodian of records maintained as evidence and seized p\I1'SU3nt to Search Warrants M-08-00J-S and M-OS-002-S, warrants that were duly issued by a Texas magistrate and that were executed in Schleicher County, Texas.

4. 1 have been presented with the attached images, conSisting of 31 pages of records. These images are identical to pages of records seized by law enforcement officers pursuant to Search Warrant M-08-002-S, as executed in Schleicher County, Texas, upon premises known as the Yearning for Zion Ranch ("YFZ Ranch").

5. The seized records have been mainnined by Texas law enforcement authorities since their seizure in the regular course of operations by law enforcement agencies, and it was in the regular course of operations by these law enforcement agencies that these records were seized and maintained.

6. I was present at the YFZ Ranch when Wcmant M-08-002-S was served and executed, and I was present at the YFZ Ranch when these records were seized pursuant to the warrant,


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82-15-' 10 13: 15 FRot'I-TX RGR - San Angelo 325-223-6939 T-129 P003/034

7. I am familiar with the practices of the Texas Ranger Division of the Texas Department of Public Safety and law enforcement practices in seizing and maintaining evidence. The records seized pursuant to Search Warrants M-08-OOl·S and M-08-002-S have been under the continuous care, custody, and control of Texas law enforcement agencies since they were taken from the YFZ Ranch pursuant lO the warrants. The records have been maintained pursuant to the practices of the Texas Ranger Division of the Texas Depal1ment of Public Safety and law enforcement as described above."

__ J 0 'Nick" Hanna

SUBSCRIBED, SWORN TO, AND ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this /'i day of Februwy, 20 I O.



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02-15-' 10 1315 FGR - San .'.ngelo 325-223-6939 T-129 P004/034 F-388

mlSSlon, And I gave him some names who could be used, So I had him back away from what he was doing, trying to get Beryl Fanus to donate to that land of refuge, r told him to e;.tablish sourCes to get the needed items elsewhere,

I called him earlier today, he was out in the vehicle away from the land of refuge calling the Harker Faml$ and giving them my instructions, telling ]c>seph Harker, his son, to go get a lawyer and put a motion of objection to the court because they were not a part of the UEP, And the judge is coming after the Harker Farms '"0W, when the Harker Fanns is not even part of the VBP,

1 arrived back at the first Presidency house in hiding Where 1 am right now, around 10:05 p,m, And 10:20 p,m, I was able to call and have Wendell Wayman Nielsen record a message to Brother Merril Jessop, I told him that he lllust not make personal contact with any government offidals or the news media, and to send LeRoy Steed and Paul Allred to be the men to comlect with the sheriff and others wbo would want to talk to us.

I gave a training to both he an Brother Wendell of the fervency needed to be Zion, I told them about Ben Wayman Nielsen, the Presiding Elder at Rl, being served a subpoena and having to go to the Grand Jury on Wednesday, I told Brother Merli I to call for everyone at R 17 to go on a fast On Wednesday, that any of our brethren could be delivered f!'om prison, that are botore the Grand JUlY, [explained that we do not pray away our (ests, but we ask the Lord to open doors of deliverance for the faithfuL

I ate a little diJ\l1er, I read my wife 's letters, and she is very much improving, and she reported about my daughter, IIILIIII •• BIIIIIIIII is doing better, (10:16.10:50 will nDt play)

I told her to make me some bread and send it to me, and she did, I had a couple of pieces from it, and it was excellent.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow, may the Kingdom of God grow this and the Lord show me what to do, to His names honor and glory and answer father's prayers, I love them and want only their will,

S<l1urday, June 24,

I add to the pm1 about meeting the meeting aT Shem Jeffs house tonight. There were twenty-four people living in the house at the time, thirteen ladies, arrd one visitor, fourteen in aI!, of the ladies, nine children, and then Shem Jeffs, There are eight of Nephi Jeffs ladies there, which includes severol of father'S ladies - of COUrse Mother Sh,lron is there, and Mother Edna, Shem Jeffs wife, Hilary Jeffs Allred is visiting there waiting to have her baby delivered, I thap.k the Lord for His many blessings, End dictation at 12:30 a,m,

9:21 a,ill. Dictation 0"27 a,m. Saturday morning June 24,

2006 at the First Presidency house in hiding in Colorado, r seek of the Lord to fill me with His love which is revelation unto blessing, including all the attributes of Godliness to do His will, His love exercised, And He has allowed me this heavenly session, I felt he weight afthis as I came horne, hoping Ijustretire quickly, arriving at 10:05 p.m. But saw that I needed [0 get Isaac a meal, as he h2d not eaten, The ladies were not ready as I arrived, so I did my phone call messages, I was able to eat and retire, trying to get everyone to hasten, have everything cleaned and ready, We had circle prayer with the ladies, I retired after dictating, just after midnight, feeling the pressure npon me, to get me to hasten, The Lord is very patient with us, Often r feel the prompting of the heavenly powers to h<\ve everything shut down early and retire for the heavenly session, and the circumstances are such that people have to finish things, I did lay awake for a little while went into the heavenly session and was unconsc iOllS by 12:30 a,m, in the morning, My dictation waS a few minutes before midnight,

I have been in the heavenly session, greater pressure until now, I have had marry dreams and visions, some of which I put on the shelf of faith and belief not understanding them fully, until the Lord shows me more, I do record tltis m\lch, thnt it waS as though I was giving a private training to Naomie and Patricia and same ladies, that llew of the greater light, and some that had helped On my record, keeping the sacred record, They all seemed anxious to obey and respond, I went and did a few other things r.nd came back in to a next room, where there was a small desk, And Naomie was sitting to my left holding her tablet and pen in

Record of President Warren Jeffs



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02-15-' 10 13: 16 FROt'j-TX RGR - San pngelo 325-223-6939 T-129 P805/034 F-388

this family, and he move them back to Short Creek to stay in the former home of LeRoy Jeffs that Alvin Barlow's family just moved out of, and inform him tbat his brother John Nielsen Jeffs does not hold Priesthood, and should not have contact with his fonner family, John Nielsen leffs should stay in contact with Lyle by letter and move to the state of Nevada to continue his repentance.

Have Nephi Jeffs go on a special mission to Rl and R23 and read the transcript and revelation given October 4, 2007 at the balTier visit, and bear testimony to the people. Have Isaac go with him,

There should not be a traveling mission 0 f the First PreSidency this month. Have the Nephi Jelfs mission be sufficient Nephi Jeffs should read to the people and my family in the meetings at Rl and K23 the last two revelations that were read in General Meeting at Rl7 also when he tal ks.

WSJ --

79 - Concenting the sick people that are needing medical attention (1IIIIIIIIt, _, andlllllllllllP Nielsen)- Dr. Lloyd Barlow feels like if they could come to R17 for a week, he could nutritionalize and get blood tests done and find 011\ what is going on. ';Vhat would you direct on thls? Will advise

79 - Should Ben B. Allred that was at R23 be at S,C. or RI7? R17

79 - The men from R17 have all returned to their normal jobs and places. Don and Dave W, are back at R17, Will advise

56 - The hospital is pressing for his son to have immunizations because of his Leukemia condjljon \Orbs! is )'mw directjye on this? Do what is needed




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10 13'. 16 RGR - 'oao P006/034

FridaY, November 9, 2007;

Dear Brother Wendell: The Lord has shown me that your wife _and her mother should move to il

house in hiding, and undergo her medical treatments there. Please get this arranged right away through Dr. Lloyd.

Printe note to Brother Men'il ONLY Dear Brother Mefrit:

The Lord has shown me that has been immoral with ....... 11 Interview him with his mother present. and see that he is sent to the house in hiding where my wife Gloria is s"1ying. Also have Isaac take my son Roy from R23 to stay with llis mother at the house in hiding, and have Seth Allred teach Roy and __ their sChooling. Have !saitO set np Seth Allred with woodwork 100is to teach these boys to make useflll projects for the storehouse. Have lsaao tell Seth Allred and Gloria to keep the boys busy and separate from any of the ladies areas.

The Lord has also shown me that two ofyoll! children in your home at R17 are seeking each other, and that they need to be separated. Send your daughter _to R23 to stay with your fmuily there. Have your son _leave RI7 for a time and get a job with Lee Steed's constmction crew to learn that skill. Tell him to keep the Lord's confidence and keep preparing to bellsed in the redemption of ZiOn mission.

There is a conspiracy on the land Rl7 that you need to beware of. Send Paul Allred away to repent at a distance and call upon him to clean up his life. He must write a confession letter and be told that he does not hold Priesthood and his fa.mily is released. He should be sent to a state in the west, preferably Oregon, and to have no contact whatsoever with his fonner family, with apostates, with his relatives, or with any Priesthood people. Tell him to keep the Lord's confidence concerning the mission, and stay in contact by letter with you concerning his repentance. This IS the man the Lord had me warn you about before.

The Lord wants Lyle Jeffs to have Willie Jessop, Glade's son, head IIp a coalition of saints, and write the judge in the UEP Case, each demanding to have their rights protected conceming their homes. This will make it so the Priesthood is answering them nothing, but at the same time individuals are demanding their rights ofprotectiOIl. The Lord WllntS the saints in Short Creek to do this to give them a little more time to prepare and to retain a place a little longer in Short Creek, so the Lord's will conceming the projects appointed cm] be accomplished. Have Willie retain an attorney to represent many of our people, as a group of individuals demanding the protection oftbelr rights, wilhont bringing in the authorities of the Church. That way they will do the Lord a service of justifying Him in bringing judgment upon those who seek our dest.ruction. Be careful and do not include those who are disaffected. Everyone does not ha:ve to be included. Just have him choose betwcen thirty and forty Elders who will stand united and demand their rights as citizens.

I arso inform you that John Nielsen Jeffs does not hold Priesthood. lnfonn him tluough Lyle that he does not hold Priesthood, and that his family is released, and that he should close down his affairs in Colorado. Have Lyle tell Glen Nielsen Jefts that he should be the caretaker of


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02-15-' 10 13: 16 RGB - San Angelo 325-223-6939 1-129 P007/034 F-388

b! D q) fjM)7 ;:; C&,,;/,)-IJkIl)

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I 7» ;J iiN. +hjJJL a.. tvY/l<e 1D G.M..Jf-f!5 i yt;h ('n.. o..-p iL Iv"tlt'l'. IOKg 17' /,1..- 3h.1)./·j{Je.tK / 50 · U,.-J <; uS-/1;i Qlfit<AJ-r6 {/Mde • '1h.,L Npl'£ f;.!6fW, 8b;ib.1-1184j


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02-15-'1013:17 FROt1-TX RGR - San iI.ngelo 325-223-5939 T-129 P008/034 F-388

big cities in the United States there are many Black people, Asian neighborhoods, Mexican neighborhoods. It is a great contrast in these big cities to be where the big office buildings are and then just a short distance from the office buildings is the slums in many of the cities. We then drove east On 170 to Salina, Kansas and then sO\lth to Wichita, Kansas and all through Oklahoma into Texas, arriving and getting in our motel room at about 3:00 a.m. It is 4:00 a.m. Texas time.

I have been yearning unto the Lord all day to show me if! should call Zion's Camp h'ained in Short Creek, the many experienced elders there chat have been told to tany and remain in Short Creek to strengthen our hand in this mission. And t()r some reason the Lord keeps withholding the training where they could have a training of deliverance and not fall into error in a present test. r am unto the Lord to know if there are traitors in Zion's Camp or if men have lost Priesthood Or what needs to be done. Are there some I cannot trust now? The Lord has specifically shown me great concern about Rkhard Allred who is nOw mayor of COlorado City. Also a great COncern about Sam Barlow who continues his conflding in our former lawyers.

I called the Bishop two days ago and asked him what he told Sam Barlow, ifhe gave the message I sent him to give. I told the Bishop to tell Sam Barlow all his questions about these lawsuits and other cases show that he is still confiding in the lawyers. And I answer him nothing and them nothing, They are agents of the court and they arc now working against me, rrying to reach the people independent of me and thus lighting against the work of God. The Bishop told me that he did give Unc!c Sam the message that as lOng as he cDntldes in these lawyers I cannOI use him, I cannot talk to him. And the men need to go indiv'dually if it is their 'ndividual cases the lawyers are handling. Our lawyer Rod Parker declared in public announcement to protect himself and his law flrm that he had fundamental differences with me. And he has tried to get Sam Barlow to go around me and give [0 the enemy lawyers the names of all the people living on DEP land so they can reach the people. The Lord has shown me this is the fine-tune test now. The govenunent, the courts will offer our people to

make any claims on UEP lands and houses. The Lord has shown me that if anybody steps forth to claim those lands and houses that belong to rhe Lord, they are thieves and they will lose Priesthood and their Priesthood blessings and be apostate.

The Lord has allowed me to talk to the First Presidency and the Patriarch of the Church, also the laborers and people at R17 and also the Bishop and his counselors in Short Creek and also John Wayman, otherwise I havt not been allowed to tell tllOPriesthood people of this test. And the test is that we will rather be driven away from Short Creek and live among the wicked cities than to steal the Lord's lancls and houses from United Effoti Plan Trust. It is corning out very openly that the government officials, apostates, false brethren and sisters and traitors from within hav" a murderous spirit and the conspiracy is growing more bold and will soon tUtIt violent. This anonymous letter described violence and hate, and all rhe time blaming me for it ,,11. My answer is to answer them nothing and the Lord will answer my enemies in His time. 1 "OJ instructed to stay out of their hands and continue the work of God in His way which I do with rejOicing and yet yearning for our people. I can see, the Lord has shown me now, the day of warning Is over. Our people will just go through the hard experience.

He has sh.own me I need to move my family out of Short Creek as quickly as we can, out among the wicked cities, finding houses here and rhere as it will be more dangerous for them in Short Creek. Yet I know all of this will not satisfy my enemies. They want 111y blood and to destroy anyone who is part of me and the work of God. Tho Lord bas surely protected tts, This whole traveling time He has opened up the way for the weather to clear lor the roads ro be clear and prepared way where we could find a place to stay eyen in the middle of the night. I thank our Heavenly Father. Through these days I have had quorums of ladies trained and prepared itl the fulness of the Celestial Law, reading through the revelation, the Lord has given on how to be heavenly wives having experience by my direction of the Lord.

I have sent David Allred to tlnd houses. I have sent the Bishop in Short Creek to f,nd houses for he alld Uncle Fred's family, a few of them, in

Saturday! January 15, 2005


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02-15-'1013:17 FR0l1-T/( RGB - San

viii sit silently tilrough the trial, seeking the Lord for the strength to love and forgive all men and women; and whatever the Lord allows to be said or done, His will be done,

Though I feel unworthy before Him, He has blessed me greatly with a detennination to stand with Him, and father, and Priesthood, and to defend the Celestial laws and all revelations of Ood, And though r seem to be standing alone, with Ood, in being attacked by the powers of evil, I know the Lord is at the helm, and there are more for the obedient than against them, even the hosts of heaven will intervene at the right times, I am exerting faith and hope that J will be delivered and be able to be among you again, the Lord willing in His time and way, Thank you for your prayers, I ask the Lord to bless you and all His people, to become the fidness of Zion in our characters, in spirit and in truth, loving our Heavenly FtitheI nitlr ail oal l.Udts, might, mind, and strength; and through His love, to love our neighbors as ourselves, preferring our neighbor mOre tban ourselves, thinking of others first

A motion has been filed by my attorneys to have the Utah judge declare the stop of the Nevada Highway Patrol to be illegal, so that nothing if! the Cadillac or on the computers of the record and revelations can be used in court. let us fast and pray as that hearing is scheduled and held, Also, in the federal case in Salt Lake City, we are trying to stop Bruee Wisan and Shem Fiesher


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from getting the record, The federal officials want to just hand them everything [ had with me, The record seized has the private dictations of my doings in 2004, 2005,2006, along with the revelations booklet I was carrying a-nd a list of family, We need the Lord's deliverance. Whatever is His will. may r and we continue to rejoice in Him, This attack of revealing the record has been held otT for these eight months now to give us time of preparation, but will soon come to the fore, We must teach the faithlhi to learn of the revelations and doings and of words of God by those in autilOrity, and not from apostateS and the news media, r gave a training to Nephi Jeffs on a video visit a few months ago that could be read to the faith6.li about getting tNth by authority and not from our enemies,

Thank you for watching over, working with, and counseling my family members, I It!j6ie", in Hit Lor-d fen 8ttJ p.>dkg3 tB conununicate with you brethren, In your questions on the issues at hand, I am turning to the Lord, PreserVe the lands of refuge and continue to build them up; and especially the faith of the people,

r acknowledge that 1 have the greatest need to repent and improve, r do appreciate knowing of any issues at h'Uld, and will navise you Oil any issues us the Lord directs. He has allowed me this cOITUnunication with you, and 1 hope and pray the Spirit of God can be felt in our contacts and doings. With Jove for Ood and Priesthood, and all saints to succeed;


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encouraging, and myprayers for all ofyoll and the saints everywhere are working and in place. 1 am impressed of the Sweet Spirit of God that now is the time for the faithful everywhere to pray night and day for deliverance from the powers of darkness, both spiritual and mortal; and that the Lord will open doors of deliverance for the work ofOod 10 progreSs, even to have the knowledge of God increase in IUld among us through ordinances being administered. I am seeking the Lord diligently to know His will in these things, and am yearning for the work of God to advance, I know the Lord is a God of miracles. Let us tum to Him us a \lnited quorum of Priesthood, at1d encourage the peop Ie to do the same. [have been praying these words oflsaiah [0 be fulfilled for myself as wel! as all the people of Ood: (Isaiah 49, in the inspired version; also 1 $I Nephi 21):

"For shall the prey be tilken from the mighty, or the lawful captives delivered? But thus saith the Lord, even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, und the grey of the terrible shall be delivered, for the mighty God shall deliver His covenant people. For thus sruth the Lord, I will contend with Him that contendeth with thee, and 1 will save thy

children. And 1 will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; they shall be drunken with their own blood us with sweet wine: and all 11esh shall know that L the Lord. am thy Savior and thy Redeemer, the Mighty One ofJacob."


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The Lord's Spirit also reminds me to repeat with rejoicing for the tIrst four verses of Section 76 -- None can sk1Y the Lord's hand etc,

May this quorum continue to pray night and day for deliverance, that the overflowing scourge and the desolating sickness and other whirlwind judgments will be sent forth by the Lord, and the ways and miracles of deliverlUlce open up for the faithful to be gathered and protected. Arrd may we encourage the saints through the Presiding Elders to be fervent in fmal preparation, accordi:ng to the revelationS of God in the scriptures and the sermons of the Prophets.

Let us turn to the Lord and live IUld act on the pure testimony of the Spirit of God. The Spirit whispers to me that the Lord has confldence in YOLl two brethren, though we all have more preparation and g·ualification to accomplish; most especially myselfneeding to repent and dwell in Him, the Lord giving tile increase.

1 had an experience ofan omcer in the sheriff' 3 deparunent corne to see me in my

cell and demand to know if! am the Prophet or not, apparently after the Lord had me express that I am continuing on in the position the Lord has given me, over the phone on April 16" and to the visitors who have come. So the enemy is watching IUld listening, I answered him nothing, st(ying that I was just leaving everything in the courts to be said. I


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During the time of great testing and uail particularly from February 25'\ \lntil the first week of April, the Lord kept me from calling or giving any instructions, Finally, in the early morning hours of Monday, April 16'", (and even many times before) He very directly intervened, and directed me to call and gi ve His message that I am to continue on and stand in my place and do His will, In my overanxiousness to not be a hindennent to the work of God, and feeling great unworthiness to be in the key position before the Lord, I declared I was not worthy and wondered about other individ\lals being more worthy, Then the Lord intervened and showed me to rely On

Him through these greater trials, I have learned by experience Lucifer has great power to deceive; and also the sweet and simple viSitation of the Spirit of peace of the Spirit of God is greater in power, might, joy, and peace to deliv'GJ mad bidJ aJ He 3tt':t) eetuttml tmt.e

God, I write this letter of testimony and

confession, and write the declaration of my heart to you, my brethren, that I am determined to stand faithful and true, the L{Jfd gUiding and gi ving the increase, to God and Priesthood, Whatever the Lord and allows us to go through, may 1 and we stand faithful and true, llove you in the bonds and devotion of the holy Priesthood, the love God our Eternal Father, for Him above all, and for ooe another,

My attorneys told me that the


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prosecution in the Utal\ case wants to use my overanxious expressions 1 made in January over the phone to you, and t'1e video recording 'Nith Nephi, against me, My attomeys have told me they will file motions and raise objections to stop the enemy from using any of the phone call recordings or video recordings from the prison, The prison has transcribed every phone call! made and tumed the transcripts over to the prosecutors, and copies are now given to my lawyers, who will say the prison experiences have nothing to do with the Utah case,

I have more to tell and explain at a proper time, as the Lord directs me, of the over fOlty-five days of continual attacks by the evil powers against me, and the Lord preserving me, Pn,ise God ftom whom all blessings t1ow, 1 continue, by the grace of God, in the Lord's service, and will continuo i" Ihe I'csili8Jlllo bas I'laeeclll;a as lung as Ho directs, 1 know for olyse1f, not of myself, but by the grace and deliverance of the Lord these words of Joseph Smith (ite true:

(IF JS Page 162): "The devil is un orator, he is powerful, he took our Savior on (0 a pinnacle of the Temple, and kept Him in the wilderness for forty days, The gift of discerning spirits will be given the PreSiding Elder" etc, I also know the Lord's power of deliverance is above alL I rejoice in the Lord, and am seeking Him in continual faith unto repentance, I am encouraged in Him,

The letters the brethren sent were


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Sunday April 29, 2007

Letter Brother Wendell Nielsen and Brother MerrU Jessop ••

Dear brethren Qf the First presidency:

I ask the Lord to this ;>,Tiling and communication to you at this time to do His will. I thank the Lord for you brethren and only desire· the cternal salvation for all who will Jive unto God through the Gospel or salvation of oor Lord and Savior revealed through the Prophet Joseph Smith, and continued through II tme, a faithful line of KeyhoJders of Priesthood. The Lord is at the helm, and I have been blessed of Him to stay firm in my testimony of this work of the Lord through Joseph Smith Jr. triumphing in fulness unto Zion being established, and a people from among this Priesthood people being prepared to be set in order by the One Mighty and Strong, Joseph Smrth, who Will reveal the ordinances and truths and blessings to bring them into the presence of God,

I ask forgiveness of you dear brethren, and [have and do continually seek the Lord's forgiveness and guidance and protection, for the distress I have caused you or the faithful, as I have been through great testing, and corrections, and training. 11rank you for your prayers and the prayers of the faithful, thanking the Lord for intervening and inspiring you and others, and for Him helping me at vital times.

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I have experienced the attack and te.sting of the invisible evil powers coming against me beyond what I can express, which often times caused me to think I was a lost soul through the reasoning and deceptions of the devil or evil powers, which caused me, in my yearnings to not be a detriment or harm to the work of God, to write the letters to the Presiding Elder that I did, All of those notes were written under great distress that the Lord allowed me, to go through as corrections and tests, Ye( all the time, when there seemed no hope, the still small voice of the Spirit of peace intervened enongh to encourage, and strengthen me, I have learned by experience, that the Lord is at the helm and He has all power to deliver and preserve, The Lord has encouraged me to carry On and staud finn and true to Him, and Priesthood, and the Celestial laws, and to uphold evelY revelation of our Lord and Sa'lior Jesus Christ that He has revealed and will yet rewal. My expressions in January at the end of the month, and writings in February and M,u-ch were written in haste, overanxioosness to deliver the faithful, and under great distress from the powers of darkness, all with errors written in them, I ask for your forgiveness for any distress r caused you, and the Lord has very directly corrected me and directed me to stand in my place and office and c,\lling and uphold Him, Priesthood, and Celestial laws, and all the revelations and judgments and will of God, of our Lord and Savior.


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Dictation on Thursday, July 28, 2005

10:40 p.m. At Montgomery, Alabama

The capita! city o/IM siate oj Alabama, Dictllting today first.

Thursday, July 28, 2005 Seeking Heavenly Father's Spirit to be with me,

yearning unto the Lord to guide me to do His will. For He has sent me to witness this wicked generation, and perfonn the work of binding up the law and sealing np the testimony by ordinance and prayer.

I stayed at Baton Rouge, Louisiana the capital city of that state, having arrived a week ago Wednesday, I went though the heavenly session though the night past 1:00 a,m. until 10:00 a,m, My wives Millie and Ida were with us, Naomie and I, since last Saturday.

We were in a motel room that had two bedrooms, and eacl, night r would be in a separate bedroom with Naomie. Millie and Ida in another bedroom together. The Lord held me in place for the last week. showing me many things. This morning as I came out of the heavenly session the Lord allowed me to remember detai Is of a certain dream, and revelation which was a correction on my brother, Isaac, and those who "ssist me. 'It was a$ though he and Naomie were with me, and we were to go up a hill on a certain path; and I would direct him we need to go a certain way. And he kept suggesting amendments or changes, As we would get to a certain place, I would say, "Go this direction," And he would go a different direction. And this happened as we were to ascend the hill and there were many roads many direction to get to the top of:he mountain, and yet he kept offering a compromhe of what he thought should be done,

I called him on the phone after the Lord showed me this and the Lord gave me the interpretation of it; that hldC was doing things Q[] his travels on his own without the Lord's directive, and even compromi,ing our safety. He had decided the last two previous nights to dress up and go to a fancy restaurant, then bring some food to us; and this was being done without the Lord's directive. I told Isaac tbat the Lord had shown me that he needs to

be inspired and not be out doing things without the Lord's approval. H.e needed to stay close and not be out among the world trying things on his ovm. but be directable. I told Isaac that the Lord had shown me that he needs to be mOIe inspired and not be out doing things wirhont the Lord's approval, he needed to stay close, not be out am()ng the world trying things on his own, but be direetable.

I told him the last two nights he was at the restaurant he could have compromised us, because we are not to be known and set a pattern of becoming known by the peop Ie around us,

I was also shown that Ben Johnson was in this condition so much that he to be dismissed. He would take the monies I would give him, and purchase things and do things and try things on his own without the Lord's direction. (saac later in the day thanked me for the correction, and did a better j ob at checking in as we went along.

The night before I met with John Wayman, Russell Johnson and isaac Jeffs and held a meeting from about 8:00 p.m until 10,00 p.m, John Wayman was given the mission to help find our false identification, Russell Johnson was given the mission to be our lead driver. And we reviewed many revelations given since 2003. And the brethren recei vcd the Lord's message.

Solm Wayman last night another nine thousand dollars from the efforts of Western Precision. The previous week I had him deliver to Ben :olmson a package of monies, and John Wayman consecrated thrity-two thousand dollars last week, thirty-two thousand five hundred,

I had sent Ben JohnSO[] with fifty-one thousand to go and get the false identification two weeks "go, And the Lord had me dismiss him, and turn everything over and put it into the hands of my new driverat R17, Russell Johnson, he brought it to Us. I directed him to bring what Ben Johnson had.

Ben Johnson had not paid lIlore then tifteen hundred dollars to the people they were trying to get the identification on, arId all that returned to lIle was twenty-one thousand, ont of fifty-one thousand. In my conversation with Ben Johnson today, I told him I wanted an accounting of where the money went, which he will do, J hadinstructed him to keep three thousand for his family, give one

Thursday, July 28,2005 ::;.39,,4'---_____ -=:Rc::-:ecord of President Warren Jeffs


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13: 19 FROl1-TX RGR - San Angelo 325-223-6939 T-129 P014!034 F-388 thousand to his brother, Ben to keep One thousand, All 1 can account for in his reporting was ten thousand. 'fbe Lord showed me this man was not exerting faith, not discerning of spirit, people he WU$ working with,. and he was doing things without the Lord's direction. He has beet! sent to R 1 to help there, being placed under Ben Jeffs Nielsen now to assist guarding the sacred record and being a laborer at Rl, I had Ben Jolmson on the phone today and told him to ship his radio, out of his car, where we could pick it up in our travels, And we ore to pick that up in Knoxville, Tennessee.

1 gave a training this morning to Millie, Ida and Naomie. And the Lord allowed Millie and Ida to come and iilI the all "consmning fire of tteave" again at the end of the beavenly session as [ had them touch my hands and head. I was in an atoning session, And they Went though a training and felt the difference of the spirits of the world, compared '0 the heavenly pOWers, We got ready by 11 :00 a.m,RI time, I had Nephi Jeffs in place to l1leetus, and just after 12:00 p.m, we watched from a distance as Millie and Ida were picked up by Nephi with their luggage and disks containing the record to go back to Patricia, 1 also signed my tax returns for the year of2004 which went back to be mailed.

I have had a gripping, yearning, deep, sober feeling in me all day, as I left those ladies, and sene them back to RJ 7, The Lord has shown me ofIa(e, tnat even my family wiII be judged now. And when I return to R 17 the people will be cleaned up.

The Lord has been allowing a training to go on at R17, where I have used certain ladies who have the heavenly comfort gift and testimony to train other ladies. And r thank the Lord that there is advancement among us. And I realized that me being removed from the family and the people on the lands of refuge is giving tile people a Ii ttle more time of repentance, before the Lord judges them and hundles them.

The Lord has also warned me ofJate, Mother Mary, faltering in a day of greater trail. I did call her today and encouraged her to be very, very h'Jmble. And [ warned her to Dot accuse me or f"ther, thut we do love her, and she must not take On any bad feelings.

Record of President Warren Jeffs

1 have itlso been in contact with Brother Merril Jessop and David Allred today, inst.ructing Brother Meml Jessop to purchase RI7 away from David Allred. It is in David Allred's name right nOw. Brother Menil Jessop is selling some land in TocquevilIe, Utah and the funds can be transferred to pay of the loan for R17. I am asking the Lord to open the way for us tel secure that land where the temple is being built.

David Allred said he was also selling some land in Cane Beds, Arizona by Short Creek for three hundred thousand dollars. He asked me what to do with the money and r told him I needed a better understanding of his financial situation. The Lord had shown me sometime ago that David Allred's business effort would come to an end in a big crash. I warned him today that our enemies will try to bring him dowll financially and in any way they can, even in very wicked ways, so I have sought unto the Lord to get David Allred's name off the lands of refuge. I seek unto the Lord to guide me what to council him to do, he has offered the three hundred thousand to pay offRI partIally. I will go the Lord's pace.

I called and talked to some ofthefami Iy at R 17, saying happy bIrthday to little Kathryn, two fears old, Patricia's daughter. And I talked to many children. I was on the phone for most of the afternoon with Seth Jeffs, telling him to move his family quickly. I sent twenty thousand to R 17 to get into Seth's hands. Ten thousand he will drop off at RI connecting with Joshua Jeffs Nielsen, and he will take teil thousand to move his family.

r called The bishop of Short Creek who is at Rl7 gave him instructions that there would not be a recorded message, that Lyle feffs needed to carry on with the Work Protect as normal, the Lord has withheld any message tl'om the Priesthood people. The Lord showed me though the week that He wanted a recorded message to the young people and the parents, and each time I have prepared to give that recorded message the Lord has stopped me.

The Bishop informed me yesterday, anel updated me today, about an event which took place Stmday, where Marvin Wyler, an apostate, tried to take OYer a house, next to him, on the UEP land the bishop, William Jessop, had Lyle gather twenty or

Thorsd.y, July 28, 2005



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more men, it ened up about forty men, and they had prayer circle and then they stood firm that they wO'uld not surrender UEP houses. The courts have not assigned new trustees. The apostates backed off, withdrew their things that they had stored in this house, and the bishop put someone else in the house.

I told the bishop (l1at when me new trustees are appointed and the courts enforce their order, that we are not going to fight, and he undorstood, and these brethren did not fight on Sunday, bm they stood fi1111, ,md showed that they would stand with the Priesthood.

I called many people, I called Mother Merilyn and to Id her what to do with the money on my tax returns, I called Rich Allred, he told me a couple of days ago that he had a broken ann, 1 told him to get to the hospital in Denver, which they did, unci I called today and his ann in healing well and he does not need a special operation. 1 talked to Jerold Williams at R23 also, where Rich is. He gave me a report of their progress in putting in a water system. I gave some training to Brother Jerold to give the people On that land, of ean1ing a heavenly oneness to be Zion, ) talked to SOme of the ladies at Jonathan Allred's house in Albuquerque, by phone, encouraging them,

We had intended, Or 1 had directed that we were to go eaSt, and looking at the map, the rout would take us to Knoxville, Tennessee, and on up to where the Lord had directed to go to Boston and also to Hartford, Connecticut. But as we came to the border of MissiSSippi and Alabama on I-59, a great warning came over me, and I inquired 0 f the Lord what this meant; and He showed me we Were to go ano:her direction to the capital city of

__ Alabama, which is where we are now, We arrived at the state capital building in

Montgomery, Alabama about 8:00 p.m. I had isaac Jeffs drop me off It was raining, The only cars we saw driving around the building Were police cars, r got out with an umbrelIa and w(llked up the steps towatd the frOn! door ofthe capital and performed the ordinance of kicking of the dust of my feet against this state and nation, I had Isaac ddve around the block as we did this work, and then I walked arollnd to another side and there on the state capital block raising my ann to the square

I delivered tl1is state and city, government cmd people, over to the judgements of God, calling On the Lord to withdraw His Spirit of protection in His time and way, and that this state would not be a stronghOld against the establishment of Zion, yearning unto the Lord to allow Zion to rise.

I walked around the building aJ1d went across the street to the historic of the white house or capital building of the Confederacy, during the Civil War. The ttrst capital building of the Confederacy of the southern states, and [ perfonned a work them against the southern states, of kicking the dust of my feet off as a testimony against them,

1 got in the car and according to the pattern the Lord bact given me previous, to not stuy in a city once this work was done, I directed we would go either east or north, asking the dis!<lnce and time we would arrive, Then the Lo,d warned me again that I must stay here tonight to witness this place, to complete the testimony, and the Spirit whispered strongly the spiritofbuming peace, that I should stay here, and go to the motel we had considered going to originally. And as we caUle to this motd, there were only two non-s)l1oking rooms left, and the Lord opened the way we CQuld get it without using our names, I acknowledge the Lord in all of this, He is now sending me on the missiotl to bind up the law and seal up the testimony against this wicked nation. He bas brought me to the capital city of this state of Abbama. And I put on record thut none doeth good here,

I put on record I do witness what is on their television programs, what the people enjoy, Not taking a lot of time on any program, But we witness they celebra!.:: open prostitution "nd adultery. They display on their TV's on their regular channels nudity, cOlruption, corrupt language. Their cartoons u.epict violence and deatb. 111ey glory in what is not real in devilry and evils, the science fiction, the revelations of satan. And my heart cries out, "Oh Lord our God When will the earth rest, send forth the judgements, do not let Zion be destroyed.

The Lord has shown me very openJy that the Priesthood people will be thmst out into the world (0 test them though the driving and persecution, I

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have a deep feeling of something gripping and pulling at my heartstrings qf what is about to happen against the Priesthood people the wickedness of this nation upon us. 1 have had a yeaming that is beyond measure about my family that is scattered, in protected homes for now. I realize that even on the lands of refuge will be judged.

I was about to call them and give tbis training at 8 :00 p.m. tonight, but I was stopped, the Lord telling me it was not time. A training of warning the ladies that they must be filled with the heavenly f1fe to quality to remain on the land of refuge aud to go into the temple. My mind was awakened to the reality that I was on that land of refuge almost constantly from October 12,2004 to June 12,2005, only taking a few short trips away. AJld most of the time I was at R!7, the Lord withheld me from the famiJy and the people,

From April!7, 2005 the Lord did not allow any more Genera! Meetings, with me present I did meet with the workers at times, and gave trainings to some of the people, and know the Lord has withdrawn me, even from Zion's Camp, and my own family. And the Lord has shown me He must bring tribulation upon His Priesthood people to bring us to our knees and humble us to where we will earn the faith of tile brother of Jared. The Lord has beell training me in these experience to exert a constant prayer, for our very lives sake, for the sake of our people. I am yearning He will allow me to intervene for the faithful and hasten and increase the gift of atonement, Which is the increase of the gift of faith and the love of God exercised, the increase of revelation; and the Lord wants me to be encouraged, tlw.t He is 'at t.1;e helm

these experiences will produce a people, who will come into the presence of God from among the Priesthood people. May the Lord open the way that the lands of refuge call be paid off, protected, may He open the way that we can get our new identification papers so we can go all the missioll to foreign lands. May He open the way for protection and guidance moment by moment. May I prepare for the fulness of Zion in every way, that the gifts and powers of God will be upon the earth to bring a people into His presence. I only want to ;upport the will of God, whatever Be wants to bring upon \15 now. I have been yearning to unto

the Lord to know about this message sent to the people. He said He wanted a message sent, but He did not say when. He has been showing del;lils of what to say; but did not allow me to record in the motel room, or in the car as we traveled.

As we travel among the wicked, stopping at the different cities, the spirit of darl<.ness is everywhere. J do not want this wicked world. And the Lord is for sure weaning me away from BabYlon, by having me witness it, though His spirit, then setting it aside and turning it to Him for His will to be done. The whirlwind judgements must come or there will be no twth left on eiTth, so great is the wickedness, on this land, this continent,

[ thank the Lord for guiding us moment by moment, fulfilling His promise. I hope and pry that those who have received the holy anointings will stay pure and loyal and true, Millie, Ida, Pal1icia, Paula, of the ladies ill this family.

I see what has happened to brother LeRoy Jeffs, who received the holy anointings, and he fen so fast - having broken those covenants and the devil taking power, and yet the Lord has favored the quonun of the First Presidency to be organized and those blessings given, there will be a people tried and proven taithful though these great experiences.

Naomie has been a wonderful helpmate and strength. I ask the Lord to preserve her as a ",;tness into the MillennIum for Zion and the establishment of righteousness. TIle Lord has me keep her very close, placing the seal of protection upon her continually. [rejoice in the truth that the Lord our God is Zion and the powers of heaven will be brought to earth though the faith of the people preparing themselves. I rejOice that the Lord has promised that this earth will be Zion and receive a Celestial crown.

First we must go though the experiences of being cleansed. Great will be and that cleansing. I put on the Priesthood record that this generation of people and this nation have only evil in their minds continually. None doeth good, because they do not come lmto Priesthood, and thus they do not come unto God.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. He shall triumph over His people and raise a people to

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council who are oart of Priesthood, and give them the Lord's warning that they must not allow the

Dictation on evils and corruptions of the world, the evil Monday, August 8, 2005 businesses among our people legally, and they

11 ;33 a.m. would rather be dismissed or resign than to give New Orlealls, Louisiana way and allow evil among our people. Brother

Seeking the Lord for His Spirit to guide me in William Jessop said he wO\lld do so. all r do. The Lord kept me in the heavenlY session. r have called Nephi Jeffs and the ["dies on their As far as J remember from 11 :30 p.m. until 8;30 travels this direction, We are staying in contact I a.m. this moming. The Lord had me name more called Lyle Jeffs and told him that his proposal for marriages, and also how these ladies that are Tom Holm, and Willie Jessop and others to invest coming to see me should be transferred into our three hundred thousand dollars to buy a rock vehicle. Around 4:10 or 4:15 a,m. the Lord crusher system for R17 was not what we want to showed me I needed to be more prayerful and have done. I told him let us just b\ly tile rock fervent for deliverance and guidance, lest my crusher that Fred Jessop's business has, the enemies overcome me. So [went into the reSIToom smaller one. If they want to donate that. And oUr and knelt down, praying fervently, rededicating main goal, I told Lyle, was to raise monies to pay ourselves to Him. And He continued His work olf the lands of refuge now, and we don't want to with me, He allows Naomie to be a witness. We do side projects without the Lord's appointment. b<Jth feel the heavenly fire flowing through me Lyle Jeffs then gave reports of other items. Tn from the Lord. And this continues daily, the Lord h particular, he named three young men w a were sending the angels and rus presence when He wills. AUTonic Priesthood beurers, who have fallen away And I seck of Him, our Heavenly Father, for the 'I that are very bitter and promoting eVl s among our training, preparation, and the gift of atonement to people, and muong each other. James Fischer, the allow the work of God to continue. son of Vaughn Fischer, Seth Steed, the son of Ron

I have been greatly yearning over the people, as Steed, and Joseph Williams, the son of Jerold the Lord has withdrawn me from (he people in Williml1s, all in open rebellion against Priesthood, Short Creek, and there is a great falling away. Last Many young men came to see Lyle after the night, as we traveled toward New Orleans, I called Aaronic Priesthood meeting yesterday where Rioh(ltd Allred. ] told him happy birthday, as it confessions were called for. And they were sweet was his birthday. And 1 informed him about the interviews. I told Lyle to get me the letters of birth of his child through Mother Rose Marie, a confession by giving them to Seth Jeffs tomorrow, little girl bom the day before. And I gave him, who is doing a run for me a11d delivering me my Richard Allred the Lord's message that he as mail. There is a great falling away. I am yearning mayor of Colorado City, Arizona, is being warned unto Lord to be guided, directed, and do all that by the Lord to not compromise with the world, not should be done. to allow through his legal position the The Lord has shown me as I sought unto Him compromlses t;;;i ningiileseladles-sho'ulateceive-to enter in among our people. And [ told Richard who are coming to see me. And the Lord through that he and the city counsel should' rather be His Spirit has emphasized to me that all my ladies dismissed than to give way and compromise with must be trained to act in the presence of God, to the world. oerfonn the ordinilIlce of heavenly comfort, and be

This morning I have called brother WilHam fervent in prayer in the presence of God and Jessop, the Bishop, who is at R17, and I told him nothing less. These ladies that are coming to see that 1 have already given the message to Richard my are coming to learn by contrast I thank the Allred, the mayor of Colorado City, Arizona. Ar:d Lord for these experiences. I have been directed to I told the Bishop, William E. Jessop, to call DaVid continue our suntanning which we will do this Zitting, who is the mayor of Hildale, Utah. And I aftemaon. told him to call the other mernbers of the city

Monday, Augu,t 8, l005,. _______ . ___ -'P..c""'ge 424 ReCOrd of President Warrcn Jeffs


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park area next to the capital building, across the street from the capital bUilding, arm to the square, performed the ordinance of delivering the city and slate of Delaware, the capital city of Dover, over the judgments of God, aSking the Lord to remove the spirit and power of protection from that state, from the borders of the land, as it is a state on the east coast on the Atlantic side of the nation.

On the way to Dover, Delaware I called Lyle Jeffs. We have left Lyle Jeffs in Short Creek to teke charge of things while the Bishop is in hiding at R17. r directed Lyle to give fifteen thousand dollars to Roy Allred to pay Some bills. I then asked Lyle for a repori on the CQuli hearing of August yesterday. r summarize this report here. Lyle told me that !he woman judge only listened to the receiver, the man named Wisan, who is suppose tD watch Oyer the UEP interest. This was sUppose to be a hearing where many people ask to be trustees of the United Effort Plan, but this man named Weisen, and his luvl)'er finn told the court that none of the f<)lIowers of Wan en Jelfs in the FLDS Church would respond, and they were not represented by these proposed trustees. And he told the court that all these proposed trustees had the purpose as their motive to destroy the trust, and here he was appointed to protect the tn1St. The court gave him greater powers to defend the trust against the "Lost Boys" lawsuit. And he was appointed to determine the assets of d,e trust. Thus far, none of the trustees or people who arc suppose to be called the household of faith have come forth to assist this man in his supposed duties.

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destroy me and the church and Kingdom ofOod on the earth. ,A.nd they think that ifthey take away our laneL, and houses that will destroy us. It will test LIS, but they can only kick the work of God up higher and not put it down, though our numb"" will be fewer. r asked Lyle about the effort of selling the UEP land to pay our lawyers, and he said they should have a decision from this Wom,\n judge by Monday. She seems to be following tile suggestions of this receiver who is suppose to be taking care or the UEP now, named Weisen.

I arranged yesterday for David Allred and Stephen Harker to leave Mesquite, Nevada this moming and travel to R17. I called them. They were jllst entering into New Mexico on 1-40, and I told them to go south to Roswell to get to R17, being impressed of the Lord that they should not go through Lubeck, Texas. And they will arrive there in the morning and await instructions.

Continuing the conversation with Lyle, he asked what he should talk to the people about tomorrow morning in work meeting. J had to call him back after cOIUing Patricia to tell me what handouts were giving on treining to tile yo,lIlg people about being clean and pure and coming out of the wodd, We determined that December 26, 2002, was a sU'ong training to the young people. So I called Lyle Jeffs back and told him to replay !he (raining of December 26, 2002, to the people, Saturday morning, and that Lyle should also read verse 7, and also verses 45 through 49 of Section l32, testify of the One Man Rule, encourage the people to greater faWlfulness and then listen (0 this training,

Lyle told me that Winston Blackmore and I have yearned unto the Lord (0 know when co ofr_ers tried to be heard at the court but the give His message to the people, seeking if He Judge would not irsten, and to thiS wants any tr(lining given to the people at work

Canadtans anhe1r nlgllcmectlirg-on-Judge before further declslons could be made, Saturday, or even R17 or the Canadians Sunday So our enemies were thwarted to a degree, that morning at their meetings. none of them were appointed trustees yet. Lyle reported that this man Weisen told the judge that if the trllst was dissolved, according to the articles of the trust, all the assets would go to the President of the FLDS Church, which is me.

So the conspiracy of our enemies has not fully come about in destroying the trust. The real purpose of the Attomey Generals of Utah and Arizona and the apostates and O\)r e11emies, are to

We have driven on to Annapolis, arriving here about 11: 15 p.m_, settling in oUT motel rooms at 11 :30 p.m.

Thursday, August 4, 200S I was in the heavenly session through ,he

morning until 9:00 a.m. I had Naomie rest while I got ready and read the revelation of April J 9, 2004, as the Lord encouraged me through that revelation

Record of President Warren Jeffs Page 415 Friday, August 5, 2005


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His people, The Lord wlll allow ZiOn or the Priesthood people to be tluust out al\d scattered among the world, among Babylon, that we will cry night and day for deliverance; because we would not prepare when we were gathered, The Lord has assured me He will soon send tile whirl wind judgments, but first He must allow persecution and tribulation to come upOn Hi;; people to wean us from Babylon,

The Lord has warned me there will be men who I have handled who have lost Priesthood that will return to Short Creek and claim they hold Priesthood, and promote great deceptions among tbe people, causing many halfhearted to fall away,

We moved to the Residence Inn at Shreveport, Louisiana, a city just aoross the border fron> Texas, 1 did Ihe laundry, I read and studied, I called Lyle Jeffs and made sure he made contact with Seth Jeffs, to get him my mail and the package of means.

At about 12:30 p,m, in the afternoon I called the First Presidency, who also had Brother Merril Jessop's Counselors, Raymond ,T¢ssop and Joseph Steed, present, four brethren (Wendell Nielsen, Merril Jessop, and the other two I have just named) and I gave nearly an hour long training, which was recorded and can go in the record,

I obeyed the Lord's directive and went out in the sunshine for one and a halfhoms, I witnessed S0111e things on the television, what the world delights in, and it was a marvel, shocking - open promotion of prostitution, showing full nudity and cormption on the television, Oh my hearr cries out, "0 Lord, send forth your judgments to preserve the faithful in your time," I retired to bed around 2:00 a,m, in the moming. Now dictating


Friday, July 22, Z005 I went through the heavenly session from that

time, 2:45 a,111, until 8:00 a,m, The Lord ".ad me declare in the heavenly session, from Him, that this nation is more wicked than the Nephite nation and the Jaredite nation combined When they were both destroyed, It is only because the Lord has not folly withdrawn His Spirit from this nation that it continues to exist, But He assures me there will be a people and Zion will rise,

TIlis night the Lord emphasized to me that He wants a message sent to the young people that they must be clean and pure, showing me there will be a great attack of the evj] powers agaitlst our young people, And also r am to give a warning to the parents that they must watch over their young people or the parents will be removed out of their place, When the Lord showed me this, since that time I have been reaching and yearning to know what to do, What to say, and when to send this message, During the week I prepared and had my books ready, ,md asked tbe Lord if now was the time, and the Lord has withhdd the message even until now,

The Lord is promising that great will be the blessings for those who prove faithful and become Zion, The Lord has assured me the First Presidency will continue their work, the Lord's work,

I called four la(lies to tell them happy anniversary on July 22 at R17 - I und young

to me; and _ (lI\d _to father. The Lord directed that I go to the sun tanning

salon and get Sllll tanned more evenly on their suntanning beds that have the lights, so Naomie and I went and did that in the afternoon. [called Lyle Jeffs that day abO\lt what took place on July 21" in the hearing of appointing new trustees lor the UKP, He informed me that " new judge was appointed and a hearing was put off until August 41h, How greatly I yearned through that day, and [ read and studied,

I could see that I needed my mail. I was told by the Lord to get my mail, the confession letters Lyle Jeffs had told me about from the young people in Short Creek, so I called Millie and Ida to be ready fDtfave1ea:rly,h:e-next-momirrg;-and-to-leave-by-----6:00 a,m, in the next moming,

Seth arrived that night with the mail and the package of (neans, On a previous recording, which should be put here, I recorded how much money was consecrated from the people in Short Creek and where it went

I talked to the farrtily at 7:00 p,m" giving a half hour training, and then talked to the five grandmothers at R17 and told them that Mother Mary bad lost her place, and gave them a tI1'Jning


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of the Lord to know how to better prepare them for His presence in my presence when they assist me,

At 7:30 p,m" as we traveled tlrrough Tennessee, Shem Jeffs called and said Mother Rose Marie was going to deliver a baby, When he otTi ved at his house, I talked to Mother Rose Marie and Mother Sharon, 1 asked the Lord concerning (he, and He whispered to me that all would be welL I yearned that father would be near, and the Lord would send His blessings there, By 8:30 p,m, Shem Jeffs called and said Mother Rose Marie delivered a five pound, eight ounce girl, who was born twenty-one days early. So I put on the record, this girl with Richard Allred, the earthly father and Mother Rose Marie Steed Jeffs th" mother, and this girl bclonging to my father, President Rulon Jeffs. This little girl was bom around 8:30 p.m., five pound, eight ounces at the Shem Jeffs' house in Colorado Springs, Colorado, There were present Mother Sharon as the midwife, WId others of father's ladies, I make;. note this is the seventh anniversary offather's stroke which was August 6, 1998.

I sang hymns on the way here, <\!riving at Naslwille at I 0: 15 p.m. The Lord wants me to witness a little about this place, aJld continue the mission of binding up the law and sealing up the testimony. He has provided the way all the way,

The Lord is showing me how He btings about His purposes •• to a degree He is showing me - to allow trials to cOn1e upon us to cause us to exert greater faith, For sure in the hereafter we will rejoice in the tests and trials we went through, the exert the faith and earn the heavenly gifts and blessings, as we receive that eternal reward with

our Heavenly Father, and rejoice that He opened that way that we (Xluld earn His knowledge and presence. We need to keep the eternal vision gratitude always alive, reach always to see and fed as our Heavenly Father sees aud feels.

This morning at Work Meeting in Short Creek, I had Lyle Jeffs replay the December 26, 2002, Momiug Class training, and they had the printouts on the seats, and the people read along, They picked up their printo\\t as they came in, I emphasized to Lyle Jeffs that this judge's decision on Thursday to not appoint any trustees was only a trick of the devil to !latter our people to think that this judge and the caretaker Wisan are our tfiends, ! told Lyle that if they were really our friends, they would leave us alone, leaving the present trustees in place. I still marvel at their dark reasoning, [f we are such terrible people, why are they entrusting the present trustees with the trust still, while they are plotting who to take over. Our people who are faithful continue living their religion, The Lord does right. I stand with Him, through His power, grace, and mercy, and all glory to Him,

[ leave on record that all the states we have pt,ssed through are most wicked, All the places we have witnessed are most wicked. This nation must be swept clean for Zion to lise, And Zion shall rise amidst the destruction of Babylon, and remember it for a thousand years. May the Lord allow me to have a part with Him in the fulness of Zion, with father and the Prophets. May the Lord send forth the One Mighty and Strong in His time, in fulness. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, End dictation at 11 :20 p,m,

....... _.- . -.. --------------- ----------

S<i tu rday j Au gust 6, ________ ___'p...::A"'g;.., _____ ___'Reco in of Pres iderl t Wa rren Jeffs


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those who do not have discernment May the Lord deliver us, I go now toward the west, and to the state capital bnilding of this state of Maryhmd here in A.oapolis, as the Lord directs, End dictation for now at 10:15 a,m,

11:00 P,lI!, NaShville, Tennessee

My last dictation was last night around midnight in Anapolis, Maryland, I seek unto the Lord for His Spirit to be with me, acknowledging Him in all things. I thank the Lord for our safe travels today. I was kept in the heavenly session until 9:00 a,m, I have already dictated one of the dreams and revelations the Lord gave me this morning. After we got ready, I had [saac drive \1$ to the capital b\lilding of Maryland, in Anapaiis, That was recorded, Naomie and I got out, and I porformed the work through the authority und keys of the Priesthood of delivering thaI state and peoples and government oYer to the judgments of God. Any government or people that allow the immorality entertainments and laws and comlptions to exist are ripe and ready to be destroyed by the Lord,

Stephen Harker and DaviJ Allred arrived this morning at R 17, And J called by 11:15 a,m. We had a meeting of the First Presidency, Brother Wendell Nielsen, Brother Merri! Jessop rUld also the men who are members or owners orRI 7 on the legal records, And we discussed the sale of RI7 land. And the way they wrote the agreement was YFZ land company still owns the land, but David Allred is selling his interest as a member to three men, Stephen Harker, Raymond Jessop, and Isaac Jeffs, three men that the Lord appointed. I recorded the meeting, at Jeast me speaking. Isaac and I were driving along, and the other bretluen Were sitting in Brother Wendelll'fitlsen's·living rOom at R17. I emphasized the LOrd's will was, that these three men should have tbe land in their names for now if! preparation to transfer the land into a religious trust. And that David Allred was to sell out and have no part or interest in that land of refuge, All the men were united and willing to do the Lord's will. 1 also told them the Lord's will was that Brother Merril as the Bishop should have all the rights to business, manage the land corporation, In reality, he is performi{lg the work of Bishop, and he comesllnder the President's

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directiotL We agreed that they should go see the lawyer that wrote up the articles of that YFZ land corporation on Monday, and get all the documents prepared. I told them to moke it very clear that there were three buyers. I directed that Stephen Harker and David Allred should listen to the April 17,2005, meeting, and also the July 3, 2005 phone call training to our meeting, I told them they should not join the work CreW, because they were not set apart as temple builders yet, but to continue through the day studying the scriptures,

I then called back and had a telephone meeting with the First Presidency Brother Wendell Nielsen and Brother Merril Jessop in Brother Wendell's jiving room; I driving through Virginia at the time. That Was recorded and should go in the First Presidency meeting, I told them what the Lord r.ad shown me this morning, how the judge and the so called caretaker of the UEP Tmst, a man narr,ect Wisart had supposedly protected the trust in behalf of our people. And the Lord showed me it W4S a devil's trick, trying to get our people to fucllike this new caret,1ker of the trust is our protector, where in reality, they have stolen our lands and houses, and are worldng in a conspiracy, And they are detem1ined to destl'oy o\\r religion, And thcy will offer tiu'ough supposed kindneSS and Ilottor)" many compromises that will cause people to fall away, We discussed many issues, Brother Merril Jessop reported that the inside of the temple should be all complete by midnight, tomorrow night, Sunday night. I have had Patricia help or do transcribing in my office in the temple.

We left the motel at 10: 15 a,m, this moming, arrived at the c<tpital building right at 10:30 a.m. Mountnin Stanrhrd Time, 12:30 p,m, Eastern. Time. It was all recorded.

At 2:00 p,m, of the boys and men involved with drug use and dmg selling, the illegal drugs that destroy the mind and body, I recorded the (lames as he gave them to me, I put Millie to a test around 4:30 p,m, and told her to go choose somebody to perfonn the work of the ordinance of private training, And I rejoiced when I called fivB minutes later to see she chose the very person I had appointed for tomoTI'OW night'S training. So I called PatriCia and rearranged the schedule, The ladies have done well, The Lord is blessing them, and I am seeking

R€cord ot President Warren Jefrs Page 419 Saturday) August 6, 2005


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Dictation on Saturday, August 6, 2005

10:05 a.m. Anapolis, Mary/and

Just before we leave for O\lI travels. I seek always with great yearnings for the Lord to guide me with His Spirit

Saturday, August 6, 2005 I have been though the heavenly session from

2:00 a.m. in the morning until 9:00 a.m. I have been yeaming unto the Lord to know if 1 should be calling the Priesthood people and giving them a message, and the Lord showed me that I must not, that there are too many traitors among om Priesthood people, and all our enemies would find out what is said and done.

and I walked away swifi:ly rising higher and bigher above them, leaving them behind. And yet I saw others giving into this, and I have been yearning all morning. The LQrd shown me this much, that this Woman judge and htis man, named Wyson, are now claiming to protect the rights of the followers of Warren Jeffs and the FLDS Church. And the flattery has already begun -- where our people feel like he and this judge will be kind and will allow us our rights and protect us.

Now these people will flatter our people to join in a peaceful SOlution in brining the ways of the world among us. And this is s,leh a fine tuned flattery and test, that many will give way; and the Lord is warning me I must nOT give into any influence, where they offer the ways of the world, though this woman judge and this protector, receiver, intennediary, this man that has control of the UEP, and is reconllncnding who and who

In Lyle Jeffs' yesterday's report, he talked should not be trustees. They put on a big show on about the woman j\ldge and this man named dismissing all the proposed trustees, the apostates, Wisan, the so·called protector of the UEl' now thas far, and they are reaching for O\lI people in It wanting to be frien.dly toward our people. And this flattering way. And so the Lord shown me this is morning the Lord gave me a very vivid dream and of the devil, and though this WOman has done revelation of warning. It was as though I saw something that appears very friendly to om people, many people going into a black woman's business it is a great deception, and He has shown me that ill and house, where she promoted business and their hearts they desire to comlpt and destroy our flappiness in an immoral way. Dressing them onet' people. I thank the Lord for this warning. We the manner of the world, touching them, having must continlle to answerthettl nothing and not give them join together in immorality promoting into their proposals and ways, May the Lord guide gentile conllption happiness as they call it, and me that I will not compromise in the slightest thus destroying souls. degree, knowing His will is the United Effort Plan

And as I went though this house, I observed Trust is rejected of God, lmel is not the gathering how filled with flattery and kindness, kind place; and the people must qualifY to come to the gestures toward any of our people, and I repulsed lands of refuge, or else be rejected. And we will be and walked away. There was a reason fOr me to scattered "s a people and then the faithful will be walk though that hOllse again, and this time as she gather3d. And that is the Lord's way, and we will tnea to touen me ana gather me In wtthal1,llose .. ... who Were giving into her flatter. and the govemment and compromise with the

I d h d 'd I d' d r '11 ways of the world. turne to er an Sat, esptse you, an Wl have nothing to do with you. And as I walked out Though gentle touch and flattery, in this dream of where she was, she followed me saying, "1 these wicked people tried to deceive their ways in despise me to, 1 am just a niger, 1 am just a black a pleasmable in a flattering way. It was dark and woman, bow can I help you be happy, and she tried terrible and repUlsive, and the Lord allowed me to to rauch me, and they tried to touch me; and she rise above it and be delivered. Yet I saw otilers gathered more of her black helpers and they tried give way, and it was in an outward way, like the to touch me as [ was sitting down; and the Lord whites were having physical sexual relations with showed illO tilat I stood up and rOse right above the blacks; in these wicked peoples gentle ways so them, though they were right there 10 destroy me, called of gathering in our people unawares, or

August 6, 2005 Page 418 Record of Warren 1effs


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for being halfnearted. Uncle Fred -.. and I did give thls thought to Uncle Wendell to keep it in conlldence -- I said, "Uncle Fred has been with us on this misslon of the redemption of Zion since December 20, 2003.

On December 21, he arrived early in (he morning to Rl and we were to hold a meeting at Rl Sunday afternoon, December 21. On the 19'" the Lord had me tell Zion's Camp building those first log homes that if they would qualitY and exert the faith, great are the blessings they would receive, but they didn't have the faith. So as we were getting ready for meeting that day at Rl, the Lord took me into session and allowed me to go through a greater atonement lest all of Zion's Camp be scourged. And On the Monday Morning meeting December 22, the bretluen were severely chastised say ing the Lord would send them away now to another land of refuge. That they were spared having broken their covenants. And I informed them that day the blessing they lost was to Come into the presence of God because of their unbelief, yet Uncle Fred was ready. I received a revelation December 24 where the Lord revealed Uncle Fred was clean every whit. Nearly all of the brethren weTe sent away from R I In go to R 17, and we have been following this pattcm in Zion's Camp of not meeiing the schedules because of unbelief.

We were offered December 23,2004 as the day the temple would be complete and we could come into the presence of God and Uncle Fred would be there with Uncle Wendell and 1. We fell short again. And 1 voiced tbis lO brother Wendell Nielsen, "My concern is that if Uncle Fred was to pass on when the Lord offered him the blessings of the temple a greater condemnation will come upon

--Z,ion.',s-Camp __ becau,se.....Jhe First Pre:illl=x received their holy anointings in October last. These ordinances preparing a people to go into the temple are within reach. My concern ls that the life of Uncle Fred will be required of Zion's Camp. I am willing to atone. I yearn the Lord to heal Uncle Fred if it ls His will. I have had many impressions of things that will happen soon.

I read the December 24, 2004, and the December 30, 2004, revelalions of the Lord to the First Presidency naming myself, Brother Wendell and Brother Freo Jessop as a quoruiU to come into the presence of God in this life. And I went over to

administer to him in full faith that the Lord can heal him ifit is the Lord's will. I amjusl yearning for Zion's Camp and for all the Priesthood people.

f sent LeRoy Jeffs to Short Creek. He called me yesterday afternoon and informed me that Stephen Harker had been in Salt Lake with Sam Barlow and met the lawyers, and the papers were drawn up, and 12st night LeRoy Jeffs was driven by Seth to meet Stephen Harker and Sam Barlow. I told LeRoy to look over the papers to see if we wanted to sign them. And LeRoy Jeffs informed me that if we sign these papers the lawyers have drawn up to sell the Harker farm then this would be undoing Uncle PaTley's consecration, there would be no beneHt at all.

The Lord has brought a judgment upon the Harker farms and the people working there. They have lost over three hundred thousand dolltlrs in their operation. Stephen Harker is doing well himself but the Lord showed me that no other person on that fam] was prepared to go on in tile redemption of Zion, not even any of Stephen's family. I had called them to repentance several months ago. I talked to LeRoy Jeffs today and told him, "Do not sign tllOSB papers. The sale will nOt go through right nOW. I will ask the Lord what He wants done." I saW" ttap. The Lord has warned me that the lawyers will Qne day turn against us. They have already ttlmed against me personally in their feelings. They wanted LeRoy or I to sign a document that would make us a liar, datlng the transfer of Harker farms back to the previous owners, Uncle Parley's sons, datlng it as of January I of this year. The courts have decided to give a default judgment against the corporation of the presiding Bishop and the UEP tmst and the ),LDS Church, aJl attacking me. This sale would help the Harkers come ont the debt. It would remove any assets in the corporation of the preSiding Bishop so the lawsuits could not do anything against us, but it would make me a liar unO be a trap, Also it would \lIldo Parley Harker's consecration. It is the same for the UEP Trust. The land held by they liEF Tmst was consecrated lands by President LeRoy S. Johnson and others. The wicked world arefighling God and not me and we are to stand .firm and answer them nothing and let the Lord Hght our battles.

Saturday) March 11,2005 Page 102 Record of t're$idel'lt \VarrE:fi Jeffs


Page 163: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

LOJ FRot1-TX RGR - San p.ngelo

Monday, January 10, 2005 Pleasanton, California

7:00 p.m. Dictation

325-223-6339 7-129 P024/034 F-388

[ am in Pleasanton, Califotuia. The Lord has

symbols, everything depicts tile rev elutions of satan are followed. Trnly it is like the unto the days of Noah, the people on this land and throughout the nations of the earth have only evil in their minds continually.

kept me here, 111is is the forth night now. After we The government of the United States suppDrts left Los Angeles area, we traveled north. The Lord the persecution againsl our people. This state of had me perfonn the work by prayer and in the Utah with the Attomey-General of Utah as the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood and instrument, the Mormon Church, the apostate the keys and powers tbereof, to deliver Los gentile Monnon Church, lS the center of aWICk .Illlgeles and that area over to the judgments of against the using the apostates who God. [also stood in the waters of the Pacific hilVC recently fallen away. And now the Ocean off the coast of SanDiego which is the Priesthood people are about to be dri ven as a southwest corner or border of the United States, people. The Lord named to me last night to have holding my arms to the square, and also in the the Bishop in Short Creek, William E. Jessop, find authority of the Priesthood and by the keys and a horne or homes elsewhere in the cities among lhe powers thereof, delivered western and southern gentiles for his family and that ofUnele Fred', in borders of the United States over to the judgments as organized a manner as we can. We are ti.tlfliling of God, asking the Lord to remove the spirit of the directive of the Lord that the Priesthood people protection for !lils nation and that He would now will be driven from ShOlt Creek. The CQUlt is sent the whirlwind judgments to sweep the wicked expected to rule a default judgmenl to take away off this land and to make room and place for the our lands and houses on January 12 .. in two d"ys. rise of Zion, continuing the work of binding up the Also the Lord is having me perform marriages law and sealing up the testimony against this before our people are not able to be Ollt and about, wicked nation. and yet even during the scattering, a gathering will

After we left the Los Angeles area, and take place. listening to the news reports, there has been a The judgments of God are progressing among constant deluge, or flood. They measure up to six the people on this land, but the judgments of God inches of rain have fallen there and there is have begun with the house of God as the Lord has constant flooding, in the mountainotls areas many promised. I thank the Lord for His promise, that feet of snow, some few deaths. I yearn that all men even throtlgh the midst of all the drivings, would repent. And I know the Lord must keep His persecutions, sufferings, and death of indiViduals, promise that Zion will be redeemed and the wicked there will be a people on earth that will surviye mid will be swept off this land. The Lord has held me be Zion. in place, and He has showed me last night that He In calling Edmund Barlow, the architect in bas had me ;'Iitness the ways of the world that ch,lrge of managing the building of the temple 0 _

_____ earth. And T see HIS this _evening 1 caIled him He told me when I marth"p-enJ:te-wourct-bc-mted WIth asked, "Surely the foundation is fiiiiSlied now'7"-

sorcenes and the of satan would flow He said, "No." The eqUipment broke down. At forth upon the peoRle on thls Im;d. And 1 least 300 yards was not poured and they now have ln the:r talk, d,ress, thClf ldo!atry, a cold joint in the cement foundation. And at the enterta1nments, theIr Ideas even 10 thelr new, " I 11 dearly -"emoon they were J'ust

ha 'fl d f . f dOle ca e , ill' , reports, t t there IS a 00 0, the Sin 0 sorcery starting the pouring again. The Lord did not deVll ;Vorshlf! thIS natIon, even, theIr prosper us, which D1eanS we are (lot one. The Lord advertisements or ententamments show a beltef In directed that there be a continuous pour of cement supernatural powers of and death and in tbe foundation. And Zion's Camp fell sh8rt destroetlOn, depictmg admIratIOn m mIghty again. So tonight at about 5:30 I called brother warnors who perform works of destroCllon . on Wendell Nielsen who was at R17. I read to him mmy, The VIdeo games, the mOVIes, the clothIng verses 30.37 in the August 11,2004 revelation,

Record of-Preside"nt Warren Jeffs Page 9 Monday, January 101 2005


Page 164: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

02-15-'1913:26 FROt1-TX RGR - San p,ngelo

Thursday, January 16,2003 Hildale, Ulah

11 :45 Dictation

325-223-6939 1-129 P025/034 F-388

roport will air tonight at 9:00 p,m, I do not know what it involves,

I sayan the record: The Lord is allowing us to come to a test that will prove the hearts of all of this people, We have now been SO years since the '53

I called Sam Barlow to get an update on what Raid, and we are a new generation of people that our lawyers were thinking and doing, He bad sent have not had to tace these great pressures becU\\se me an e-mail saying the lawyers were not satisfied our Prophets have taken the pressure and carried with my quotes on loyalty and obedience through the halthearted, hoping that some would repent. the knowledge of the love of God, and he had sent We are now down to the moments of final conflict, them additional quotes on the '53 Raid where the and the elect will barely eScape; but they will women didn't testify, I called Uncle Sam and gave escape, and they must stand finn and true. We will him to understand that the lawyers need to be yet have experience of traitors, false brethren, and trained the reason we won't testify is because of the halfhearted wavering, accusing the leadership, our love for God shown through obedience, and demanding a compromise so they will not lose how we consider our works here will affect oUr their earthly blessings and pleasures. But there eternal salvation, J then asked hlm, "What is all will be a people who will be tried and tested and this talk about compromise?". He explained (0 me proven faithful through this, The word of the Lord that one of the higher oft1dals in (he has already been given me through my fatller, and Attorney-General's office infomled one of our the Spirit continues to testifY of it: Let us falter r,ot. lawyers that the Attorney-General wants out of Let us stand tlml. And concerning the wicked, this if he can help them save face thwugh a God damn them to hell and the Lord will hanelle compromise; and what they really want is the them, Let us be prepared to be lifted up and leadership of thls Priesthood to say or even imply protected, protected by God, Be ye filled with the that we will no longer perfom, underage Holy Spirit. That is our only protection, marriages, Our own lawyers are working hard to I know what is in the heart of the government convince Uncle Sam and Kelly Fischer and Dale officials, and it is they want me put in prison Iilld Barlow to make a plea bargain and plea guilty to killed. That is also what is in the hearts of the some lower charges, and the Church lawyers will apostates. They cia not just want Kelly Fischer give a message from us that we will nonofficially Dale Barlow or other men imprisoned, They WMt imply that we will do no more underage the destruction of the work of God, They have Then our lawyers said to Uncle Sam, "But If there labeled the work of God evil, while the hearts of is any more underage mauiages they will be right those oft1cials and the apostates are corrupt as hell back at YO\\." So our own lawyers are pushing us can make them. Let Us turn to the Lord and depend to compromise, Uncle Sam has been properly on Him first and falter not; and whatever He informing them that i will stand tlrm no requires of me, I pray for the strength to stand tinn

Wltb the government, .Ie dId tell and ttU0. There are many faithful Priesthood men are already om

out !,or theIr ladles by gmlty to millions as the wicked people that surround llS. somethmg, but the want We have nowhere to run or hlde, OUt own lawyers more, They wantsomethmg from the.leader,hlp of told us and voiced that even if we go out of state the Church. I told Uncle Sam that I Will stand tlrrn. and perform marriages we can be prosecuted for it. There will be no compromise. I do not even want They want us to compromise and give in. That is to imply a compromise, I said the instructions of why I told Sum Barlow the word of the Lord is: the Lord are, "Leave it in the Lord's hands. There Leave it in the Lord's hands. We will not will be no compromise." compromise. If they didn't come at us on this

I also got word through our lawyer in Canada, issue, they will come at us on another. We will his last name is Wonick, that Winston Blackmore need to depend on the Lord every step of the way has gone public to the television statiOn> and that and prove our faith in Him through righteous

Record of President Wurren Jefrs Page 101 Thursday, 16, 2003



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10: FROM-TX RGR - San 325-223-6939 T-129 P026/034 F-388

And they just laughed ar me, and he just stood there. ! thought, "Warren is waiting/or Ihis. He is going to come and/ind il. "

Righllhen Ihe phone rang_ [knew if! an;'wel'ed ii, il would;'uSI be laken frum me, so 1 left it in my pocker. This person said, "Answer thaI phone. " And I didn '( respond, and [ his voice as being Ron's voice. Anyway [said "How did you gel in here?" I lIoticed then thallhe window was broken. He said (a me, "!fyou don 'I do what I say, I will kill you," That is when 1 heard you calling me. As I was waking up, llhough/, I would ralher die than do what you say.

[ don '( know why I dreamed that. You stay close to me. Always those are

warnings to stay close to me. Alright?

10:34 a.m. Dictatioll I continue dictating Sunday evening, havin"

,rarling into the heavy, heavy severe session ofthe beavenly powers after 1 :00 o'clock in the moming Sunday morning, all the way lUltil Tuesday morning at [0:00 a.m, It was a constsnt continual ?ressure and I was shown many things, I was not allowed among the family to teach them. There were no phone calls. I did get some written messages and gave brief answers when I was able to. The Lord showed me dreams and J had f itliti'.tim1J antI I 'r'ltU I rsjaiee ifi 1RJ Lord in guiding me. He is in charge.

will. I take this as a warning of the Lord that Orval Johnson will compromise with the devil.

I also was shown awaking from this that if I didn't receive.as a wife soon, the evil powers would destroy her. As I had been warned of the Lord and voiced it to my scribe that she would be kidnaped and ravished and killed. Now tile Lord impressed it upon me that since I knew this and if! did nothing, I would be responsible for her destruction. How is that for an emphasis?

I caned on some marriages, I got ready. I felt impressed also that I would soon be handling Ron Rohbock, but was withheld yesterday, seeing that the Lord had shown me that this man has not repented and hag become an instrument of darkness among the people.

I had Wendell Nielson present and perforrned u wedding of 7 £ " 7 Steed's son age nineteen and I , Jessop, _Jessop's daughter, age sixteen, for time and all eternity, Present were Wendell Nielsen, Nephi Jeffs, and Merlin Jessop S, I then performed an eternal sealing of Cooke, or rather Williams is his Priesthood name and __ Jessop, .. Jessop's daughter, age seventeen. .. Jessop was present, Wendell Nielsen and Nephi Jeffs as witnesses.

1 then talked to Wendell N,elsen for over an hour giving him training Oll the places of refuge,

I was shown a dream Tuesday morning where I Still I did not reveal to him where they are. But I 'NUS about to take a trip and drive a car, and_ showed him the tests coming upon this people as Jessop, .... Jessop's daughter was to go with the government would come against me. 1'hen I me, and instead of allowing her I set her in her own revealed to Wendell that the Lord wanted me to car to be alone to go her own pace, and I would not receive this thirteen-year-old bride and .,Iso for her take her with me; and as I started out she tried to deliverance as well as the Lord allowing this to be

----r'i5llow tmt1ierc1frwenrD1lrot'-control-and-she-w<1$- --a-reasonin-the-govemmentcS-0e-s-(0-come.stronge.t-destroyed and killed, or hamled. As she lay there against this people. I explained the principle of the and I lay there in a heavenly session I looked up Lord cutting short His work in righteousness by and there hovering over her on a cliff was the SOil me performing these works that would bring the of perdition himself, the dark wicked man, the wicked against us to justify the Lord in destroying devil himself guidillg this wicked man ready to them, at a quicker pace. That is what cutling short jump on her and destroy her fully, His work in righteousness means, Him doing a

1 then saw this son of perdition, this dark devil righteous work. The wicked becoming a!1gry, coming to Orval J OhnSOll and Orval Johnson coming against us stronger and faster, bringing the having made agreements with him, had to give in judgments of God Upon the wicked sooner, and to his pressure and pay him money and agree to his this people cleaned up in the process. So the Lord

revealed this to me, I rejoice in Him_ 011, I need

Record of President \Varren Jeffs \',ge 179

1 61

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325-223-6939 T-129 P027(034 ?-388

anyone because [will not compromise these places of refuge. 1 will telllhel" directly and be so direct with (hem wha/IIielr character has 10 be and their failh and the penalty of treating lightly Ihe privilege co go. "

At 12:45 a.m. your body storied trembling again. II was not as severe as il was 01 midnight. bul if was quite conslanl jar aboul a half hour. AI 12:50 am. you said, "Okay, okay. J am willing 10 go through whalever it takes, the sacr'ifice for Ihe little innocenl ones a>1d also any ajmy ladies thai will yet prepare, even though Ihey muSI go through a great "ufferlngfirsl, thai they might believe what I am telling them." fou SOld, "Molhe,. Kalhle Is ready to go. And I can see Ihat her failh and exertion is needed at Rl. I don'l know thai is where she will sray or ifl wil/take her to Texas . ..

At 1.'000 'clock you said, "Oh, my. Oh, my. Will there be any jaith among the young people. HolY 1 yearn 10 lalk to them. The Lord is showing me Ihe young girls of Ihis communiry, those who are pHre and righteous will be taken care of at a younger ilge. As the gowrnment finds QUi aboutlhis, it will bring such (l great pressure upon us, upon rhejamilies of/hese girls, upon me, and also upon Ihe girls who are placed in marriage." You said. "The Lord will rake care of them as they seek unfO Him andyearn to sray clean .andJl1(rq duct Twill pach the ),Q"ng peOple that rhere is no stich thing as an underage Priesthood marriage bur thai it is a proleclion jar Ihem iflhey will look at it right and seek unto the Lord jor a testimony, The Lordwill have me do this, get more young girls married, not o.nly as a tesl 19 the parenls, b1lt also to lesl IMs people 10. see if Ihey will give the Prophet up. The halfheartedwill rage

-- .. -.--_ . .and. thiS .. band .of Qad1o!ltO,n rpbb,ecs will become mo.ri' hardened They will become mare jorceful as Ihey see they are nol gelling any blessings, because /rom now on, only rhose who have Zion in Iheir hearts will obtain the blessing of Celeseial Marriage.

AI 1;15 a.m. your b9dy was trembling through Ihis lime. There was such a heavenly whileness, heavenly brightness all around you, flaming fire meircitng you. At I: f 5 a.m. you said, "Oh, how my heart bleeds jar rhe young and innocent ones rmdjor fhose of the youn/? people that wi/[ qualify, those who are striVing and seeking 10 come illto my

Retard (If President ''Van-en Jerfl!

presence. II is really the Lord Ihat Ihey are hanoring, not me, and 1 can see Ihere is a degree of jailh among Ihe YOllng people, but fhe devil is raging and he is so angry with what is happening. He is using every slraragem 10 turn Ihe failh a/the young people . ..

You said, "lean see lam going 10 be using. very SOOn. He is ready 10 go. He is a boy J Can trust, becoming a good man in the Priesthood. " You said, "I can see lam going to be using more young, young men, even Priests, and maybe Teachers who are yearning /01' Zion, who are growing in that Spirit. The Lord will yet r?Veal /0 me what to do and who I can trllst. He is shOWing me the hearts af the Elders, espec/ally Ihe young Elders. My dream Is litterally beingfitlfilled thai it will be the young Elders Ihal will help me do this job." You groaned and satd, "Oh, heart bieeds for this people even lInto grear pain. I.weep jar , . Zion. I trembie jar Zion. I am atoning'ror Zion. Who will be Zion?" You sighed and went qUiet. You woke up about 1:40 a.m.

I sure jeel the heavenly powers here. I pray Ihor you cai1 talk 10 the young people this morning, as yow' hearl desire;' it so.

7: 30 a.lII. You wel'e mvakeji'om f:30a.m. tlnlilyou got up

10 gel ready. You gal ready 10 go 10 Good Words . IOU were :stnn rtgPn nOwll, t'lAe yoa smd foa seemed 10 go right out of it. By 6:00 0 'clock, you were right out of It. Ten minules after 6:00 a.m. youI' body started 10 Iremble. You said, "Oh, what is going on with me? What is gOl'ng on? Whar is wrong? Am I just nOI supposed to talk to this people allY more?" A16:20 a.m. you said, "Okay, okay. I will stay put. J will stay put." Then yo II said, "Oh, how./yeal:n to speakoll.cemQ[ejothe yo ling people. Maybe I will only be allowed to do Ihat by phone nOW. We will see whal the Lord does." fou canle to at6:30 a.mJar)us/ a moment. By 6: 35 a.m. you were ,mcorncious again. Your body Slarted Irembling. YO!l twisted a little and turned.

At 6:40 a.m. yOU Sliid, "Oh. the great distress, the greal distress coming upon this people. Oil, how I yearn to sujfer jor them, bullhey must suffer also that they will be converted"

Monday, Novemb" 24, 2003


Page 167: HOOLE Affidavit Re- Lost Boys Lawsuit

02-15-' 10 13: 28 FROt1-TX RGR - San Angelo 325-223-6939 T-129 P028/034 F-388

rhe cemer, bUllhe melal Fame al each end will be like Ihe jirsllruss." You said Ihal on the Wesl end Ihere would be IwO round rOOms wilh separale roofs On each cOrrieI' On Ihe easl end there would he a rower in Ihe cenler oflhe building and on each cornel', two round rOOmS. You said. "On the ,oSI en(1, the nvo round rooms will be (he sealing rOoms. On the west end those two rooms will be fol' olher purposes. "

I did say where tlle rOund rooms are') At each corner of the building. Is that within tlle floors or is that up above the

roof, did I say that? YOli said the round rOOins would have a

separale roof So thaI means I did noC indicate they are part of

the Celestial floor YOli 'I say Ihat. But they are above the other roof? Did 1 say

that? A room on top of tile roof, or a room within (he Celestial floor?

You didn 'I say. The round comers and round stairways, All

that is confllSing to me, what you repeated w me. That matches with the four round rooms, one on each cOmer, right?

1 hal IS what you saw, d wus on rhe corners. Tlu'ough it all, I have said the stairways are

inside the building, not outside like that other temple,

Yes, But I run naming it, a rmlnd room, just like we

have a rmUld room here, ??? the phrase, "One . "tedial fiiund, The Lord'S work' is 'on'elernal round, ."

At 6:00 a 'clock a,m. your hody jolted really hard again. You said, "What Is happening? What is happening?" You SQ{ up on your elbows, YOli said, "1 /eellike J am being ripped apart inside, " YaH said, "/ need more revelarion on (hiS. Whatevet it takes, 10m willing 10 go through. " Your body srarted to Iremble really sever(!/y again, and twisted Your head TWisted to the Ie/I. It was like il kepi being pulled or jerked of! the bed. Ir kepr frJlisting as it wasjerking to {he left side You

groaned Your body was trembling and it started to tremble harder and harder until you were just shaking really hard. 11 las red umil 6: j 5 a.m. At 6:] 5 a.m. it was like your brealh was taken away for a few minutes, Then you lOok a big deep brealh, like you wel'e struggling for breath Then as your body seliled down Q little you said, "It is marvelous what the Lord is doing. "

You went quiet until 6:30 a.m, when you came 10. You said, "1 missed Good Words." You got up for a few mimltes and then came back to rhe bed and laid down, J reported to you what had been happening, and it was like Ihe LOl'd rookyou again into a very severe session. You 't out oftha session, but it seetlled like il gOI S(tonger and mOre intense Your body COl1lillually trembled hard for about an hOllr. Ii was conslon!. 11 wasn '( juslthe

severe tremblrng, but it was harder than {( usually is' when it is so constamlike thaI.

A17.30 a.m, you said, "The Lord f showing me the hearts 0/ many people, There (ll'e many He is show in!? me that are faithjid." You said you would be giving rhe training 10 John Neilson that he would remain where he was 10 be a strength to you Ihere, and also to TOI/! Hob'll to sirengthen your hand

You said, "The [ani will have me do mOte marriages afvery young girls. 7his will make the !}9J.'.I'!1WWtt egg" and (fg&:i;f:;&( UJ' rtrwJ!]6r thlm ever, " You said Ihatyou w01lld be laking care

1III11(;01)f{e and" Johnson. You said BLOO,I</l would be going to IIiIIIIIIIMackerl

Jr" then YOll said, Keate, Then you said you would be laking care of.- Barlow Allred. She is Barlow Allred's daughter, You didn't name where they would go, youjust said you

. 'yo/ih! lee laking tare of Ihem, You saicl, "There will be mallY marriages ilgdin ihai j wii/go 'back toward Shol'l Creek 10 do, "

AI 7: 50 a.m, your body was trembling hard slill. You said, "Many people are yearning ro be Irained by the Prophet again. 171eir exerlions are great. The Lord is going 10 heighten the leSllo see If they will mify stand with God or If their money and possessiOns, Iheir lands, Ihelr so-called houses thai they feel they are secure it!, the Lorciwill allow (hem (0 be tesled. They will be lakel1 away, Who writ stand with Ihe Prophet (hen? MWlY people

Page 22 Record orPresldent Warren Jeffs


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82-15-'10 13:29 FRot1-TX 8GB - San Angelo 325-223-6939 T-129 P029/034 F-388

revelations on the places of refuge. I was stopped and I was only allowed, of the Lord, to summarize about the places of refuge aIld that Uncle fred was now at a place of refuge and in hiding aIld carrying on a mission of the Lord with me lUld that he, William Edson Jessop, was now called to be the Bishop of the Short Creek Stake of Zion in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A record oftllis minute was kept and should be in my record,

I had Wendell Nielsen bring in his two sons, Leroy Nielsen and Ezra Nielsen. Then President Warren Steed Jeffs and President Wendell Loy Nielsen placed their hands of the head of William Edson Jessop, Warren Jeffs being mouth. William Jessop was already ordained a High Priest. That was acknowledged in the ordinance. He was set apart to the office and calling as Bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ afLutter-day Saints in the Short Creek Stake of lion. I explained to William that Uncle Fred had formally been released from his mission as Bishop the Saturday previous. I called upon Brother William to be a strength to the First Presidency and help us build up these places ofrefoge. I told him to tum over Uncle Fred's car to the perSall in whose name it belonged, Guy Allred, Brother William seemed very humble and also yearned to stay close, which I counseled him to do, thi,t I would be in contact often. I told him to not run ahead of me, they were not to -hold meetings or perform ordinance work without my direct permission, and I did tell him the fO\1l' namq of Joseph L BilrIow, DaIl Barlow, Nephi Barlow, and Lows Barlow, ti1at if he had anything to do with those four men, he would be against me and God, as their Priesthood was in question,just leave il in the Lord's and my hands. ... -_. --.-

While William was there I called Uncle Fred and infonned him. that I had just ordained William Jessop to be the Bishop. Uncle Fred rejoiced. There was some organization of William Jessop moving into Uncle Fred's home to take care of Uncle Fred's family that are not allowed on the places of refuge and that there would be order. How I always yearn to know J am pleasing God. 1 realize this was a great step in the history of this Priesthood work, a beginning of a Ilew era and the letting go of the halthearted, yet the people don' I even realize what is happening.

I then arraIlged four marriages - two daughter, of Stephen Harker and two daughters of Stanley Jessop - all given me of the Lord by revelation where to place them. Rosemary Harker, Stephen Harker's daughter to David Allred; Louise Harker to Mark Steed, Carling Steed's son. These should be in the record already. Irene Jeesop, Stanley Jessop's daughter to Merrill Keate; and Mabel Jessop, Stanley Jessop's daughter, to Lyle Jeffs.

I called for LeRoy Jeffs to come. William Jessop had turned over $76,000 of moneys used to develop the sewer system in Short Creek and the bllilding of more houses to us in our efforts. I had told him there will be no more new housing starts on UEP land, wbich he readily upheld. He gave me a total of $1 00,000 in checks of consecrations and tithing, which I turned OVer to LeRoy Jeffs. J culled LeRoy Jeffs to come meet me. And I instructed him to give that $100,000 a$ a payment \0 the lawyers before the end of the year. 1 pve LeRoy training in staying close, taking over the family bills and other business bills since Mother Merilyn is gone. I appOinted my wife, father's wife Melinda to do the petty cash distribution among the family.

1 had Nephi Jeffs come over and see me, bringing my letters. He is always am<iO\IS to be close and see me and realizes I do not go to the lefts property any mOt"'·

Mother Libby bas been a concern. I explahed that she should bikept off that property and away from the ladies. She was wunling to force henelf upon the property. I have her living at Tim Rohbock's now.

Wendell Nielsen asked me to speak to his ladies and my ladies in connection, and from 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. I gave a strong training on being qualified for the redemption of Zion and dlat training should be in the record. They were greatly affected. Everywhere r went I gave strong trainings that the Lord is clitting short His work in righteousness and choosing from among our families those who will help redeem Zion.

Traveling through Short Creek as I visited the family in the different places, not going to the Jeffs property though, I felt such a spirit of death hanging over that community, a dying community, a people just waiting for great trials and

Record o(President Warren Jeffs 251 Thursday, Del;emher 25, 2003


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your name and that you uphold it. Then I put on the record that all the trustees including Uncle Fred in our previous call uphold transferring the parcel of land that the Western Precision building is On over to Western Precision corporation. I also infoan you that our lawyers will be filing a lean against the land in tl:te Apple Valley area on the OEP land, They would not take land for a payment. They are concerned about gening paid, So whatever happens in that direction our own lawyers are being used by the evil powers to break us up, We are not surrendering the United Effort Plan Trust or the Church organization and for sure we are not surrendering the Priesthood or the Celestial Law, What they do against us is the workings of wicked men and women. We will go through the test, asimilar testlike the 1880's to see what we love most, And I say to 0$: Stand with God, Priesthood, and the Celestial Law nO matter what they do to our possessions and our lands, It is me they are after really, And I must continue the work of God even with this attack happening. Do you brethren uphold this? Brother James is your testimony strong?

Remember that when the Lord has me handle men for unworthiness and you don't know the revelation$ of God to the Prophet and what He has $hown Ole, be careful and don't take on a fear or a SYOlpathy against authority, Know that the Lord has dre=rigiIt tujudge [fis pcopk Wid that wIldt tiro Lord has me do I am not accountable to any government on earth or court on earth for what the Lord has done among His own people, They are trying to dictate God in what He does with His own lands and His own Priesthood people through these court cases and through persecution, [stand with Godno matier what happens. And this is part

----t\oHhe-shsk4nll"'tke-1era-uad.-me->.vam-the-people about and it will result in the removing of the halfhearted. And I hope that you brethren are firm and true and that whatever we go through we will stand with (3Qd and PriesthOOd, And you will have contact from me as you prove faithfuL I am to let go of the halfhearted. I am not giVing up the United Effort Plan Tmst or the Church organization but if the government does something against us it is upon their ownheads, And let us stand finn with Priesthood and the Celestial Law. That is Oly message to you of the Lord, brethren.

And I will make a record. And I ask brother LeRoy Jeffs to type up minutes that I will even sign that whatever happens Western Precision will be protected and that we have stood united in answering the couris nothing, Wherever that takes us brethren, let us rejoice in the Lord, Keep Zion growing by keeping that constant prayer of gratitude exerted, Don't complain against our enemies, Thank the Lord for this experience and let us go forward, This completes the liEP Trustee meeting. Brother LeRoy [have informed you thut Uncle Fred W'JS On the line with three of us and heard the same things and upheld the san1e motions, You can put that in the record that we are unanimous in this. God bless us dear brethren and I wi!! be in contact with you LeRoy on other issues. Do you need to direct Sam Barlow to prepare that deed') Who needs to sign that deed? Can YOu sign it or do [ lleed to?


Wedrtesday, September 1,2004 10:51 a,m. l;t Presidency Meeting by Phone Can you hear me? Hello brethren. 11115 is Warren. [was not able

to connect LeRoy with you but he heard the same motions and agreed the same so the board or lplstees is nnited in aU things So 1 just want to explain this to you. J just want to explain to you brethren that our fiduciary duty is to God and Priesthood not to the COllrts, And we are upholding the UEP Trust document which slates that it is God's mle, His right to mle, And the courts are trying to get US to go against that duty. I have told Brother William and James and LeRoy that they are not to receive any legal documents for the trusioiihe-C1,urch, -Only fcaria6 Thilfilnl:ltnat r' will just be out or the way so I can't be found, [ will need your prayers and the battle is on. And I love you brethren and hope to see yOll soon, Anything I can do for you?

Yes sir. And [ am arranging for Seth to show up tomorrow night with some of your things, So we will arrange that for you brethren, The Lord has had me approach some of the businesses in Short Creek to privately get us some monies for lands right around there. We have signed th" contract

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subpoenas or do anything about my Father's doings and my doings and the Celestial Law it would prove us the traitor and I am 10 answer them nothing. Do YOll uphold that brethren? I am keeping a record of my voice and my sayings here with my scribe and I am saying (hat all the trustees agree with that thus far. By me not answering the courts, brethren, that means I have dismissed our lawyers from these three new cases because we can answer the courts nothing or we will prove to be traitoTs against God and Priesthood, To even talk about marriages and out doing in the Priesthood would be om of order. And OUr stand is that no government or court on the face o!"the earth can bring God into question in the handling oniis own Church and people. And that is what the apostates and government are detennined to do. And I am to stay ont of their way for now, Bllt brethren, this will bring the govemment down UpOll US quickly. EYen put the United Effort Plan Trust lands under govemment control. And before they do that - Can you hear me still? I am asking permission of the board of trustees to write up a deed to transfer the land for Western Precision over to Western Precision so that company can continue to be a stren.gth (0 \IS. I ask ifyOll will do thaL Do you second it Uncle Fred? And James and William do you agree? We want that company to be a strength to us still and not get int() the COJlrts Please lmdersI!,)pd we are not .::nrrendering the United Effort Plan Trust or the Chnrch organization, This is the attack of the enemy upon us, We are just standing firm with God and whatever they do as our enemies is (he Lord allowing a test upon us. So brethren, le\ us stand true, What did Uncle Fred say? Thank you, Uncle Fred. Dear brethren, this is a test the Lord is

_____ .aILawing.tJ2 .(;.QI1K.)J]lQoUW .Prj<;.stho9>l EG()pl" t(j see what we love most. Do we love God Priesthood and the Celestial Law most or will we s\lll'ender Priesthood and give up the Prophet to hold onto our lands and our earthly comforts? And I say to us: Stand with God and Priesthood and let us uphold the Celestial Law, Because I am not able to connect LeRoy on phone with \lS I am going to have him call in and hear this also after Uncle Fred hangs up. Uncle Fred, I will be in contact with you in a few minutes. Alright? 1 wanted these other brethren to hear your voice and that YO\l

upheld what the Lord wants done, So we will write

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a deed, turn over the land the Western Precision building is on and give it to Western Precision, Also, our lawyers are afraid they won't get paid, brethren. And they are going to put a lean on the UEP land in Apple Valley , We have agreed to sell that land and Willie Jessop is still working on that. But at any time, one of these courts could freeze the UEP assets and we could not do anything with it anyway legally, But I am trying to do SOme things before the assets are frozen. Do you brethren uphold this? God bless os and God bless you Uncle Fred, I will be in contact. I will hang up and call back with LeRoy leffs on Ule line you brethren if you will stay in place. Hang up this phone and We will be in con\i1ct. Thank you,

[Uncle Fred hong up, I am now conferencing with LeRoy Jeffs, William Jessop and James Zitting,]

Okay, Are we all cormected now? Alright. Hello brethren. Hello brethren. Can LeRoy

Jeffs hear lIS? Can you brethren hear LeRoy and I? I am keeping a record with my scribe present and voicing what is happening. I have by telephone: William Jessop, James Zitting and LeRoy Jeffs on the line for an official trustees meeting of the United Effort Plan Trust. And I present the issue that the Lord has directed me in these present lawsuits to answer the courts and the apostates and alit answer them Ilothing and that I have told Sam Barlow to dismiss our lawyers from these cases and We are answering the courts nothing because to give an accounting to the COllrts and Our enemi6s the doings of God through the Prophets me311S We are submitting the will of God to our enemies, we are sunendering to our enemies, And we stand with God and Priesthood and the Celestial Law and "[ am to answer our enemies n.othing, With LeRoy Je-irs onthidliie,doyou uphold that brother LeRoy? And brother William and brother James in LeRoy'S hearing? By me not answering the courts and them not even having a lawyer to communicate with it will put myself, 6e Church and the UEP organization in conflict with the government Atld we can expect whatever they do against us to be a test upon our people, But before that happens we need to transfer the bnd that the Western Precision building is on over to the Western Precision from the UEP, So I officially ask: Do you trustees uphold this, Sw

Record of President W;:{rren Jeffs Page? Wednesdoy, September 1,2004


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Wednesday, September I, 2004 9:00 a,m, Calling Richard Allred Hello Uncle Richard, YO\lr father.

Okay, 1 need to talk [0 him later, Hello there, Who is this'! Okay,

is he?

Brother Richard Allred are YO\l there? Good morning, [his is Warren Jeffs, I have a question fOr you, Arc you firm in the faith, loyal and true to Priesthood? The Lord has revealed your heart to me and shown me a concem in your character, YOll have a pride that you must beware of. I am asking you if you are being fervent and loyal and true, I say to you: Beware les1 you take on a spirit of pride that you have been an inspired man and that you do not tum to the Lord through the Prophet br counsel and that you are carrying on in your own program. The Lord has read your heart and given me a warning that you need 10 humble yourself more for the evjl powers are trying to take hold of you in a way you little realize, It will end \lp in the area of sympathy against authority where you feel yoU! judgment on issues is better thun what the Lord is having me do, You not knowing what He is having me do puts you in u condition of ignorance, Bllt if you are not careful, you could find yo\U;self against me, That is the warning of the Lord He wants me to give you this day, In the handling of men yOl\ just don't understand their conditioIl aud hhdt tltcy Lave dow.- (tad nhat is ttt their hearts, And be carelllilest you 1.o1ke ana spirit of sympathy against authority when the Lord has me handle a man. And any man that takes on the spirit of sympathy against authority I wam you, he will lose Priesthood, He cannot hold Priesthood and have any feeling of sympathy against that Priesthood, So the Lord wanted me to call you this

---- morning. and give you this warning, He is. also releasing you from your mission as a school teacher. You are to not do any school teaching, Continue as your mayor duties and in teaching your family and being an influetlce for the cause of God in your stewardShip, The Lord is putting the Uzona school under the direct direction of Kevin Barlow as administrator and principal and he will do the morning class, So continue on and search your heart as you have been weighed in the balance, dear brother, and found wanting in the Lord's eyes, J say to you beware of pride. Take

this correction sweetly and with rejoicing and search your heart to see where you are not close to me and thus you are not close to the Lord, If you are cut off from connecting with me you will be cut off from tbe presence of God, And you know that in the scriptures, So beware of pride and search your heart is the Lord's message to you, And to think that you don't have something to repent of would be a great caution to you, You have not stayed close to me on many things and you felt yourself sufficient in many affairs that you should seek unto the Lord through the Prophet even by letter, Just saying all is well is not st<lying close, And being in the position you are as an influence oVer many you need to be very close to me especially in your heart as lmto the Lord, J thank the Lord that He will reveal to me what needs to be improved on and read Section 95 verse 1 and that applies to you at this time, Section 95 verse I. the Lord giving yO\l a correction because He loves you and wants me to reacb for you before you would fall into an error like others haVe,

Continue on and I hope to be in contact with you again, The Lord bless you, Thank you,

Wednesday, September 1,2004 9:54 a,m, UEP Trustee Meeting by telephone:

Uncle Fred, William Jessop and James Zitting Hello, I have already called LeRoy Jelts, He

agrees and will also conference him next, Hello, Can you hear me? Hello, Am [ Oil

speaker phone in the office tben? Hello brother William and brother James, Can Uncle Fred hear us also? Uncle Fred are

you there, Uncle Fred? Can everyone hear \13? . This is an official Trustees' meeting' of the United

Effort Plan Trust. I have Uncle Fred and I calling in on phone with William Jessop and James Zitting present in Father's office in Short Creek. I have talked to LeRoy Jeffs on these issues and he will be calling in and I will have brother James and brother William hear his voice also, Dear brethren. we are under We nOW have three lawsuits filed against \lS, They are direct attaCks against the Celestial Law and Priesthood, And I tell you this much that the Lord is requiring of me to answer

nothing, For me to testilY in court, nnswer

:Wedn.esday} September It 2004 Page 6 Record of President Warren Jeffs


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see what they love most. And it is a tragedy and a condemnation on our Priesthood people that I cannot be among them there and be protected. The false· brethren and traitors and then the falling away of the halfhearted will invite the wickedness among them. And you know of the greater work the Lord is having done in the redemption of Zion.

1 would like this done in a manner, Uncle Sam, that you yourself do not witness it. r request that you put in the middle of your floor in your office all boxed up with the W6rds: Archive - your notebooks and any plintouts of personal communications and cases, files of people's names all boxed up. Tell me what time tod:ay you could be completed with that work privately without getting hdp there. Could you have it done by 4:00?

If you will have it done at noon I would like you to go home for lunch and leave your ofl1ce door unlocked, And then r wiU- and you stay away for an hour or so. Yo·" will not witness what happens to the archive materials. And as far as you are concemed, r say to you on this case that YOll are named, that you and our lawyers are to answer them nothing. lfyou must answer a subpoen<1 and such, still you should testify nothing. And even if it ends up your personal assets be affected so be it. But 1 say to you that if you testify at all of Father's and 1's doinos 'Iou will rove a traitor and lose Priesthood, And that is the reqUIrements ot tile Lord on me that I caMot testify. r will answer them when the Lord sends me to answer them in His way and it will not be through the courts, They, the wicked, the government, the apostates are demanding the Lord give an accounting for what He has done among His own people. And they have no jurisdiction over God and we know it.

.One more item Uncle Sam. The Lord has judged your mind and heart and you still need to humble yourself further and beware taking on any particle of a spirit of sympathy against authority where the Lord has had me handle certain men that might even surprise you, You must beware because this wili be What will make or break men; they don't know what the Lord has told me and shown me or had me do. And when they judge what J do through their earthly judgment, not knowing the revelations of God and they take on any bad feeling or Sympathy against authority U1ey

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will lose Priesthood. In the midst of this men that accuse me they will lose Priesthood and they will compromise. This will continue on until the

among our people will test every person to see what they love most.

[ am not surrendeling the Church or the United Effort Plan Trust organizations, I am standing firm with God. And what the wicked do against us is their doing and it will bring the judgments of God upon them and those that fan away. There is more [could tell yo\!. Even you must go through this tesr to learn more. r ask you Officially and openly: Are you with God and Priesthood and with me UnGle Sam? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-cay Saints is a branch of the Priesthood in full existence. It does not need govcnunent recognition even if they try to dissolve our legal entity. And the work of God goes on. And it will place every person on their own testimony and every perSon having to tum to the Lord for protection and deliverance.

And 1 say to you: Keep Zion growing within. Don't go through all of this and then take on any justification of bad feelings, criticism or SlIger against our enemies. Let us forgive all men. Exert the love of God but do not compromise with evil. You ,,,ill sec that community tested with stich a shaking that every person will have to choose what they love most. And I have not given anyone lrectlve to stan Up an ta e my pace. e WOI','

of God goes on in hiding. And you must beware and not join with those who will compromise.

r say to you ulso oftlcial\y that Allen Steed and Ernest Jessop have lost Priesthood and have lost their eternal blessings. They are no longer part of the Priesthood, Ernest Jessop was the presiding Elder at one of the lands and those two are ;tllcially reJeased. TI1<;y are aHowed to be amcng the Priesthood people but do not hold Priesthood, Do not join with those men. We forgive all man and leave judgment to God, For me to even talk on those cases would prove the traitor. I leave it in the Lord's hands and you need to act on testimony that the Lord does right and judges right.

You must, you must warn her. The Lord has wamed me that if he doesn't humble himself quickly he could prove aD enemy. Sympathy against authority is as simple as a comment And

QfPre-sidcnt Warren Jeffs Page} WednesdaYI September 1) 2(}04


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jar a day or so, pe/form the ordinance work." j' ou said, "Then [will go train more men." YOli named Alfred Barlow, and Russell Johnson. You said, "There will be mOre named before I go there. These two fOi' sure with those two Allred·boys . ..

AI 3:45 you said, "I need my Son Mosiah to be with me. 17Je Lord is showing me liral he will be a direct attack for rhe evil powers to come againsl him to come against me. Jam jusl yeaming the Lord will either lake him home or louch his heart. He Is too vnpressionable. If they were to get a hold of him, flaller him into talking." You said. "Why are my children Roy and Patricia not with me?" You said, "It weighs on me so heavy. If they are nol with me Ihey will go down with the wicked" You said, "There are still good people in that cornmunily. 111e Lord is showing me .... [here are good people there. But we must he so focused, so willing to give Ollr lives for the calise of Zion lor Ihe work and Kingdom olGod to grow in the earth that the!'e will be nothing that we will allow to come into our feelings against Priesthood even if we don't lInder;'/ond what Ihe Lord has us do. " You said, "1 am !lying to IInderstand it all. The Lord hasn't revealed ""erything but I know He does righr and I wili go as He leads me. "

You went quiet for a lew minutes. YOllr body joiled really hard [t never really wenl Ihrough just a long severity session but it was conslant, your Irembling was constant. Until 4:00 tillS morning is when your body Slopped Irembling outwardly.

At 4: 10 you said. "We will continue on as quick as we can to gel there. The Lord wants me to wirness Iheir amusement park, and the people there and also to go to the beach and get more tanned. " You said we wOl/ldn 'I be rhere I/Io/'e Ihall Qclay and a half then";e wili he{id baCk/award:' 1117. We will get there as quick as we cal1, ger done and leave. You said, "We wiii stop at a Wal·Mart, and gel me some shorts to wear as we go Ihrough Ihis experience." Thai Ihe men rhat you had with YOIl were 10 slart wearing shorts. EspeCially a,' we got toward Florida. You said. "Be ready fa do anything Naomie Whatever I have you do, whatever the Lord has tiS do lei us always keep Him in mind, with rejoicing obey, never partake of the spiril ofil. "

You said, "We arefor Zion. We areiar God and Priesthood. f am here 10 do rite wili of my Falha and you are 100." You groaned You said. "II is coming at us. It is coming at us." YOII groaned and sighed and said, ., Whale vel' Ihe Lord wills we will go through. J can see that Ihe perseculion is going to be so severe. The Lord will allow liS 10 be testedfrom every direction. He has the right to do this. We have Ihe right. privilege to rejoice and love to obey Him." Then you wen! quiet until you came 10 at 4:30.

7:35 a.m. Calling Sam Barlow in Short Creek Hello there. Is that David? Good to hear yOll. I

will call you back and talk to you on some issoes, but I need Sam Barlow. He is in Short Creek. Try his offece number first.

Are yo·u there? Hello. Anyone there? Yes. His hOllse then. Get him at bis hOllse then.

Is he there'! Thank you. Hello Uncle Sam, this is Warren. You are in

Short Creek? As President of the Church ,md Priesthood and the UEP Trust, J am making an omcial call for all yOill' records of you as a special assistant for President Rulon Jeffs and myself, all your notebooks, I would like your two COmputers, your lap top and your big one in tack, all a3sem bled and delivered over to Church archives under my direction before there is an official subpoena issued to take hold of those things. And surely you can see the need for thut?

Uncle Sam: ???? Okay. Be all that as it may, I am saying to you, Uncle

Sum, ibat what they are really after is tile destruction of the Celestial Law and Priesthood. lheiar"·using the courts and theUEParid legal organizations to get at that, but I must stand finn and continue on this work independent of the legal protection. And for myself or you or any Priesthood member, elder or member, to stand up and witness what the Lord bas had the Prophets do, they will prove a traitor. Because anything we say in the courts will only be taken and used against us. The Lord has shov.n me that this is His test upon the people. [t is coming through the wicked. We are not surrendering the Celestial Law or Priesthood. And the Lord will test His people to

Septem .:.1,c:2:::0::..04'---_______ P:.:a':lg"e..::2'-... _____ .. a'.'rrcc'n::::.:J


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CALLISTER NEBEKER & McCULLOUGH JEFFREY L. SHIELDS (2947) ZACHARY T. SHIELDS (6031) MARK L. CALLISTER (6709) MICHAEL D. STANGER (10406) Zions Bank Building Suite 900 10 East South Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84133 Telephone: (801) 530-7300 Facsimile: (801) 364-9127

This is Exhibit" C " referred to in the

affidavit of .... . .......... . sworn belore me

Province of British Columbia this

.... ' .. A CormrllSSloncr jor !;ll\lng Aflidavils

W:II-WI thl) PrOl/lflCC of 8(111sh Colufnhin

Attorneys for Bruce R. Wisan, Special Fiduciary for the United Effort Plan Trust


IN THE MA TIER OF THE UNITED EFFORT PLAN TRUST,(Dated November 9, 1942, Amended April 10, 1946, and Amended and Restated on November 3, 1998); and its, TRUSTEES, including known trustees TRUMAN BARLOW WARREN JEFFS, LEROY JEFFS, WINSTON BLACKMORE, JAMES ZITIING and WILLIAM E. JESSOP a/k/a WILLIAM E. TIMPSON and DOE TRUSTEES I THROUGH IX.




Civil No. 053900848

Judge Denise Posse Lindberg

Bruce R. Wi san, as Court -appointed Special Fiduciary Cthe Fiduciary") ofthe United Effort

Plan Trust (the 'Trust"), and pursuant to UTAH R. Civ. P. 7 and UTAH CODE ANN. 78B-6-302(2),

submits the following reply memorandum in support of his Motion (1) For Order to Show Cause;

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(2) To Prohibit Further Unauthorized Filings; (3) To Compel Compliance With Court's Previous

Orders Regarding Former Trustees; (4) To Set Deadline for Production of Documents and

Accounting; (5) To Set Deposition Schedule; and (6) To Set Briefing Schedule (the "OSC Motion").

This memorandum also serves as the Fiduciary's response in opposition to: (1) Motion to Stay,

purportedly filed by of the Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Fundamentalist Church of

Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ("CPBFLDS" or "Warren Jeffs") and Leroy Jeffs ("collectively the

Removed Trustees); (2) the creatively-titled "Combined Memorandum in Opposition to Special

Fiduciary's and Arizona Attorney General's Motions to Expand Litigation,' and in Support of

Motion to Stay" ("the Stay Memo") filed by the Removed Trustees; and (3) the Opposition

Memorandum ("the Cities' Memo") filed on behalf of Hilda Ie, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona (the

"(Twin Cities").


The Fiduciary and counsel for Intervenors' can at least agree on one thing: the current statLrs

of the UEP Trust is untenable. The Intervenors' repeated attempts to prevent the Fiduciary from

fulfilling his Court-appointed duties - in violation of the Orders ofthe Court - have placed the Trust

,j! 'It is unclear how the Fiduciary's OSC Motion, which focuses on asking the Former Trustees to comply with this Court's earlier orders, can fairly be characterized as a request to expand litigation. The Former Trustees have had duties to provide information to the Fiduciary in this litigation for years.

'''Intervenors'' refers herein to each of the FLDS-controlled parties who have sought to intervene in this litigation: The Removed Trustees, the Corporation of the President of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Corporation ofthe Presiding Bishop of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (which has not even filed a motion to intervene but is a party to the Motion to Stay, and has therefore violated the Stand Down Order in its own right), the City of Hildale, Colorado City, Lyle Jeffs, Jim Oler, Willie Jessop, Dan Johnson, and Merlin Jessop.



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In a CrIStS. The presently pending Motions provide the Court with two distinct options in response

to such crisis:

First, the Fiduciary's proposal is to abide by the tenns of the Reformed Declaration of Trust,

with the immediate goal of putting an end to the Trust's expensive legal battles by distributing

property to the Trust Participants (a substantial majority of which may be FLDS members). The

Fiduciary's OSC Motion seeks to accomplish this goal by enforcing the prior Orders of the Court

which were designed to protect the Trust, and by allowing the Fiduciary to receive relevant Trust

documents which have been improperly withheld from the Fiduciary. By granting the OSC Motion,

the Court will place the Trust in a better position to achieve a recording of the subdivision plats and

the distribution of property to the individual beneficiaries.

In contrast, the Intervenors aggressively oppose the Fiduciary's efforts to distribute property

to the people. Instead, they have filed the present Motion to Stay seeking to stop the Fiduciary's

administration of the Trust-with the ultimate goal of destroying the Reformed Declaration of Trust

and conveying the Trust's property to an unidentified, unaccountable FLDS leadership elite (fronted

by Willie Jessop). Such shadow elite purports to represent all of the FLDS people, yet has

consistently opposed all efforts by this Court and the Fiduciary to allow those individuals to speak

for themselves or to petition the Trust for deeds to their homes. Instead, this shadow elite demands

that all property be conveyed to an entity controlled by an unidentified group of "leaders" based upon

the assertion that their religion precludes them from communicating with the Fiduciary or the Court

or from petitioning for the homes that they built and/or live in.

The Intervenors' proposal suffers from nnmerous problems. It is contrary to law and is based

upon a upon a number of false and misleading factual allegations. The problems with the



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) )

Intervenors' position are confinned by new evidence coming to light (which the Intervenors are

desperately attempting to hide). Among other things, such new evidence establishes that, if the

property were to be conveyed to the FLDS leadership, the people would once again be at a

substantial risk oflosing their homes. Although the Intervenors would have the Court believe that

the "FLDS people" they purport to represent are no longer controlled by Warren Jeffs, the evidence

establishes that the Intervenors, like Willie Jessop, are in fact still operating under the direction of

My. Jeffs. Warren Jeffs is the same individual who:

1. Ordered his followers not to defend lawsuits against the Trust and to put their homes

on Trust property in jeopardy rather than appear in Court to answer charges of child

abuse and abandonment of the Trust3

2. Has defiantly sworn that he and his followers will not stop the unlawful practice of

child marriage, a declaration that Mr. Jeffs does not appear to have renounced to this


3. Violated this Court's order to tum over Trust documents to the Fiduciary.

4. Threatened followers with expulsion if they complied with subpoenas or testified

'Record of President Warren Jeffs, September 1, 2004, page 3, attached hereto as Exhibit 1

'See, January 16,2003 Record of Warren Jeffs, attached hereto as Exhibit 2:

I then asked him, "What is all this talk about compromise?" He explained to me that one of the higher officials in the Attorney-General's offices infonned one of our lawyers that the Attorney-General wants out of this if he can help them save face through a compromise; and what they really want is the leadership ofthis Priesthood to say or even imply that we will no longer perform underage marriages ... There will be no compromise. I do not even want to imply a compromise.


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about his unlawful conduct.'

5. Was convicted in Utah of Accessory to Rape charges and is awaiting trial in Arizona

on charges of sexual conduct with a minor and incest, and in Texas on charges of

sexual assault of a child.

6. Has ordered his lawyers to evict a family from Trust property because the mother

refused his demand that her 15-year-old daughter marry a 39-year-old man.'

7. Has unconstitutionally usurped control of governmental entities and used them to

discriminate against "apostates."

That Mr. Jeffs is behind the Intervenor's efforts to regain control of the Trust is made clear

by the November 9,2007 letter from Warren Jeffs instructing Intervenors, led by Willie Jessop, to

launch the present attack against this Court and the Fiduciary:

The Lord wants Lyle Jeffs to have Willie Jessop, Glade's son, head up a coalition of saints, and write the judge in the UEP case, each demanding to have their rights protected concerning their homes. This will make it so the Priesthood is answering them nothing, but at the same time individuals are demanding their rights of protection. The Lord wants the saints in Short Creek to do this to give them a little more time to prepare and to retain a place a little longer in Short Creek, so the Lord's will concerning the projects appointed can be accomplished. Have Willie retain an attorney to represent many of our people, as a group of individuals demanding the protection of their rights, without bringing in the authorities of the Church. That way they will do the Lord a service of justifying Him in bringing judgment upon those who seek our destruction. Be careful and do not include those who disaffected. Everyone does not have to be included. Just have him choose between thirty and forty Elders who will stand united and demand their rights as citizens.

A copy of the letter was attached to the Fiduciary's Supplement to the OSC Motion.

'See, Exhibit 1.

6See, United Effort Plan Trust v. Holm, 101 P.3d 641 (Ariz. 2004).



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The Fiduciary has a Court-appointed fiduciary duty to preserve and protect the assets of the

Trust for the benefit of the Trust Participants. The Fiduciary cannot imagine a greater breach of this

duty than to place the Trust assets into the control of a man who would immediately place such

assets at risk of loss. As the Court is aware, in the past, the Trust has been subjected to mUltiple

lawsuits based upon the personal misconduct of Warren Jeffs, including aiding in the rape of

children in the name of "religious freedom.,,7 Mr. Jeffs refused to defend the Trust against such

lawsuits, placing the assets of the Trust at a serious risk ofloss. Later, when the Court intervened

to protect the beneficiaries, Mr. Jeffs violated the Court's Orders to produce Trust documents,

provide an accounting, or cooperate in the administration of the Trust. Rather, he attacked the Trust

and caused it to suffer further damages. Mr. Jeffs has never accounted for his prior misconduct. He

has provided no assurances that such misconduct will not continue in the future. Furthermore,

Warren Jeffs, and the two FLDS corporations which he controlled have all been named as defendants

in tort litigation, and have defaulted in such litigation. Thus, it is very clear that if the Trust assets

are placed into the control of Warren Jeffs or his FLDS corporations, the homes of the people will

once again be at risk and will likely be lost to the people.

'To be clear, with the exceptions of illegal activities - underage marriage and illegal domination of civic government - the Fiduciary does not oppose the exercise ofFLDS doctrines and practices of which he is aware. For example, the efforts ofthe FLDS to live their law of consecration are commendable. The Fiduciary has repeatedly stated that he will not oppose the distribution of Trust property to FLDS participants who are then free to conveyor transfer that property for any religious purpose they choose. However, nothing in the Fiduciary's duty to administer the Trust in a religiously neutral manner or the First Amendment can be read to render the sexual victimization ofa twelve-year-old girl a protected religious practice.



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The Fiduciary cannot give in to Intervenors' threats and intimidation' by retuming control

of the Trust to the same people who have harn1ed the Trust in the past, and who have used the Trust

property to commit crimes against children - especially where orders of this Court have already

established that the Former Trustees were not acting in the best interests of the Trust's beneficiaries.

That is why this Court should adopt the proposals of the Arizona Attorney General and the Fiduciary

for discovery into the conduct, representations and motives of those who oppose the Court's effolis

to distribute Trust property to individual participants and demand the Trust be "returned to the FLDS


In responding to the OSC Motion, the Intervenors ignore the relevant issues, and seek to

divert the Court's attention with irrelevant, false, and misleading allegations against the Fiduciary.

The Intervenors tellingly ignore the key issue in the OSC Motion: the fact that the Intervenors have

repeatedly violated the Orders of this Court. Instead, they falsely allege that the Fiduciary is "an

enemy of the FLDS people" who is seeking to "destroy the FLDS religion" and who should be

removed for gross incompetence and breach of fiduciary duty. As the Court is aware, the Fiduciary

and his counsel serve at the discretion of the Court and will resign immediately if the COUli

'For example, the Fiduciary has been sued for allegedly procuring the Trust's default judgment against CPFLDS by fraud, and charged with criminal trespassing by Colorado City.

'The Fiduciary recognizes that certain of the documents he relies on for his conclusions regarding Mr Jeffs are dated. Although there is no evidence of such, it is possible that Mr. Jeffs may no longer be in control of the FLDS Church. Or, consistent with certain of Willie Jessop's statements in Texas, it is possible that Warren Jeffs may no longer take the position that "there will be no compromise" with respect to underage marriage. Based on the information available to the Fiduciary, including Warren Jeffs' dictations and instructions to Willie Jessop, the Fiduciary doubts whether Mr. Jeffs has any intention of renouncing underage marriage or of providing long term housing to the beneficiary class. Nevertheless, Mr. Jeffs should be deposed and allowed to explain his current status and position on such issues.



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determines that their service is no longer in the best interests of the Trust. The Fiduciary is not an

enemy of the FLDS Church, but is committed to his Court-ordered obligation of religious neutrality.

The fact that the Fiduciary does not discriminate in favor of the FLDS Church does not mean that

he is an enemy of the Church. As the Court is aware, the Fiduciary seeks to disburse Trust property

to the individual beneficiaries without regard for religion. He has consistently supported settlement

proposals that would result in the distribution of Trust property to FLDS faithful who are members

of the beneficiary class.

Neither of the responses to the OSC Motion provides a basis for denial of the Motion. To

conserve limited Trust resources, the Fiduciary desperately needs the Court to hold those who have

imposed massive litigation costs on him responsible for those costs and prohibit furtheruuauthorized

filings.1O Furthermore, the Fiduciary needs to move ahead with discovery, including depositions

ofthe two Former Trustees who continue to defiantly disregard any and all orders ofthis Court. This

will move the Fiduciary closer to getting Trust property to the beneficiaries. If the beneficiaries'

interests are to be served, the Fiduciary must be allowed to continue in his efforts to distribute Trust

property to beneficiaries - not the shadow elite.

IOFor example, the Former Trustees threaten to file a Motion to Strike related to certain documents which the Fiduciary has attached to recent pleadings, which documents clearly relate to Trust administration, and are therefore the subject ofthis Court's orders to produce. It is offensive that the very parties who have flouted this Court's orders now complain that the Fiduciary has obtained the documents to which he was entitled from other sources. Any such allegation is baseless, and shines a bright light on the efforts to which Warren Jeffs wi!) go to conceal his conduct. Intervenors know the documents the Fiduciary has attached are authentic, and that they eviscerate the arguments made by Intervenors in proceedings involving the Trust. The Fiduciary should not be required to respond to further attacks by Intervenors at the expense of his efforts to move ahead with distribution of Trust property.


1 '77

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The Intervenors' memoranda contain numerous false and misleading allegations against

the Fiduciary. While a point-by-point response to the numerous erroneous assertions (none of

which were established by affidavit) is beyond the scope of this pleading, the Fiduciary hereby

responds to some of the major themes contained in the memoranda. If the Court desires

additional response as to any matter, the Fiduciary (and others with personal knowledge of the

relevant facts) will happily provide such to the Court, under oath and subject to cross


Response to Assertion that Warren Jeffs is not the Corporation Sole

While the Stay Memo does not explicitly address the request to depose Warren Jeffs, it takes

issue with the assertion that Warren Jeffs is the CPFLDS, arguing that he has resigned, and citing

to an article from the Salt Lake Tribune (which quotes the author of the Stay Memo). With all due

respect to the Salt Lake Tribune, the Fiduciary suggests that the Utah Department of Commerce is

a better source for corporate information. Per the documents from the Department of Commerce,

which both the Fiduciary and the Arizona Attorney General attached to recent pleadings (and which

have not been changed to date), Warren Jeffs is still the President ofCPFLDS. While some may

argue it is difficult to execute corporate resignation documents from a prison cell, the Fiduciary

suggests that if Mr. Jeffs has the time and ability to write extensive letters from his jail cell,

including one containing instructions to Willie Jessop to take back the Trust, he could have found

a way to fill out a short corporate form for submission to the State, if he truly intended to resign.

Regardless of Mr. Jeffs current status, he IS a Former Trustee, and the Trust should be

allowed to depose him regarding the documents the Trust has recently obtained which show his



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efforts to frustrate the Court's and the Fiduciary's efforts to administer the Trust11 Mr. Jeffs'

schedule is presumably open as he is currently incarcerated and awaiting criminal trial in Arizona.

Response to Assertion the Fiduciary is Incompetent

The Former Trustees next challenge the Fiduciary's competence, questioning why he still

does not have a better understanding of Trust assets. See, Stay Memo at II (stating that the

Fiduciary'S requests for discovery "call into question his competence"). Such accusations ignore the

efforts of Mr. Jeffs and the Intervenors to prevent the Fiduciary from obtaining information about

the Trust. Those effOlis include:

Warren Jeffs ordering his followers not to respond to subpoenas;

• Warren Jeffs ordering his followers to turn over Trust documents to him (which may show

his misuse of Trust assets) and help him hide documents related to Trust administration;

• Warren Jeffs threatening his followers with excommunication if they cooperated with the

Court; and

• Warren Jeffs' statement that his counsel advised him to backdate documents to prevent the

Fiduciary and other creditors from recovering property ofthe Trust.

"Intervenor's accusation that the Fiduciary is using these documents in violation of a Protective Order is unfounded. The Fiduciary subpoenaed documents from law enforcement officials in Colorado, Nevada and entered into protective orders regarding the use of documents obtained from the Colorado and Nevada subpoenas. To date, those documents have never been used, in this litigation, or any other. The Texas documents were received by the Trust's Texas counsel as part of civil proceedings involving children removed from the YFZ Ranch. The Fiduciary understands that such documents were subjected to an extensive privilege review in Texas prior to receipt by Texas counsel.


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Consider for example, the following instructions to Sam Barlow, who was overseeing all

legal affairs of the Trust prior to the decision of Warren Steed Jeffs to default in various tort


... As President of the church and Priesthood and the UEP Trust, I am making an official call for all your records of you as a special assistant for President Rulon Jeffs and myself, all your notebooks, I would like your two computers, your lap top and your big one in tack (sic), all assembled and delivered over to church archives under my direction before there is an official subpoena issued to take hold of those things . . . .I would like this done in a manner, Uncle Sam, that you yourself do not witness it. I request that you put in the middle of your floor in your office all boxed up with the words: Archive - your notebooks and any printouts of personal communications and cases, files of peoples names all boxed up .... If you will have it done at noon I would like you to go home for lunch and leave your office door unlocked. And then I wiIl- and you stay away for an hour or so. You will not witness what happens to the archive materials. And as far as you are concerned, I say to you on this case that ... you and our lawyers are to answer them nothing. If you must answer a subpoena and such, still you should testifY nothing. Ar:d even ifitends up your personal assets be affected (sic) so be it. But I say to you that if you testify at all of Father's and I's doings you will prove a traitor and lose Priesthood.

Record of President Warren Jeffs, September 1,2004, page 3, attached hereto as Exhibit 1. Other

statements by Mr. Jeffs suggest that others involved in administering the Trust may have engaged

in efforts to hide property from the Fiduciary or tort creditors:

The Lord has warned me that the lawyers will one day turn against us ... They wanted LeRoy or I to sign a document that would make us a liar, dating the transfer of Harker farms back to the previous owners, Uncle Parley's sons, dating it as of January I of this year. The courts have decided to give a default judgment against the corporation of the presiding Bishop and the UEP trust and the FLDS Church, all attacking me. This sale would help the Harkers come out the debt (sic). [t would remove any assets in the corporation of the presiding Bishop so the lawsuits could not do anything against us, but it would make me a liar and be a trap. 12

I'[t is not clear whether the "lawyers" referred to by Mr. Jeffs are the same lawyers who have falsely accused the Fiduciary of fraud in obtaining a judgment against Mr. Jeffs and the FLDS Church.



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Record of President Warren Jeffs, March 12, 2005, page 102, attached hereto as Exhibit 3.

Intervenors' accusation that the Fiduciary is incompetent for not discovering information about Trust

assets that have been the subject of an extensive effort to obstruct justice is just one more example

of their utter disregard for the truth.

Response to Assertion the Fiduciary is Anti-FLDS and Seeks to Destroy the Community

Next, Intervenors assert that the Fiduciary is "punitive" and guided by "anti-FLDS sentiment

and the extremist goals of the disgruntled former Church Members" on the Advisory Board, going

as far as to state that the Fiduciary's philosophy is "that he must destroy the FLDS Community in

order to 'save' it." Stay Memo at 2. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Fiduciary has

gone to great lengths to receive FLDS input, including at the Advisory Board level. In May of2006,

David Zitting, the Mayor of Hildale, reported that he had met with the Fiduciary and the Fiduciary

had told him:

I would rather see more FLDS people on that board, because it represents the community more. I would rather see the majority on the advisory board be FLDS people. Because the majority of the people are FLDS people. Until it comes to the point where the advisory board becomes a board of trustees. That board oftrustees ought to be mainly FLDS people.

See, Exhibit 6 (Jerry Barlow letter) at UEPT039334. Additionally, each and every member of the

Advisory Board has gone on public record and expressed their respect for the FLDS people

(including in many cases their nuclear family) and the Short Creek community. The Fiduciary

fervently desires for the Twin Cities to be vibrant communities, with thriving businesses and homes

which beneficiaries can live in without threat of eviction or concern that tort creditors of the Trust

will foreclose on them.



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Instead, it appears to be Warren Jeffs who wants the Short Creek community and its residents

to languish and suffer," and has therefore ordered the mayors to drive out businesses" and

prohibited new homes from being built15

The fact that the Fiduciary opposes distributing Trust property to Warren Jeffs or the FLDS

Church does not mean that he is "anti-FLDS." As previously explained, for several reasons the

Fiduciary does not believe that he is at liberty to make such a distribution pursuant to the terms of

his constitution - the Reformed Declaration of Trust. (See Special Fiduciary Bruce R. Wisan's

Consolidated Response to Settlement Proposals, dated June 30, 2009). Furthermore, given that

Warren Jeffs and the FLDS Church have been named as defendants in tort litigation and have

defaulted in such lawsuits, it would be irresponsible to convey Trust property to such entities - only

to see it lost to the tort plaintiffs. Such concerns are confirnlcd by the new evidence which has

"See, e.g., Jeffs Record, January 10,2005, Page 9, attached hereto as ExhibitlO:

And now the Priesthood people are about to be driven as a people. The Lord named to me last night to have the Bishop in Short Creek, William E. Jessop, find a home or homes elsewhere in the cities among the gentiles for his family and that of Uncle Fred's in as organized a manner as we can. We are fulfilling the directive of the Lord that the Priesthood people will be driven from Short Creek. The court is expected to rule a default judgment to take away our lands and houses on January 12 - in two days.

(emphasis added)

"See, e.g., Exhibit 4 (directing mayors of the Twin Cities to prevent "wicked businesses of the world" from entering the Twin Cities).

"See. e.g., Exhibit 9 (Warren Jeffs explaining that "there will be no more new housing starts on UEP land).



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recently become available showing that there are numerous underage victims, who could assert legal

claims against Warren Jeffs and the Church:

... The Lord is showing me the young girls of this community, those who are pure and righteous will be taken care of at a younger age. As the government finds out about this, it will bring such a great pressure upon us, upon the families of these girls, upon me, and also upon the girls who are placed in marriage .... And I will teach the young people that there is no such thing as an underage Priesthood marriage, but that it is a protection for them if they will look at it right and seek unto the Lord for a testimony. The Lord will have me do this, get more young girls married, not only as a test to the parents, but also to test this people to see if they will give the Prophet up ....

Record of President Warren Jeffs, Monday, November 24, 2003, at p.163 (attached hereto as Exhibit


. .. The Lord will have me do more marriages of very young girls. This will make the government rage and come against us stronger than ever.. .. There will be many marriages again that I will go back toward Short Creek to do.

Record of President Warren Jeffs, Friday, July 22, 2004, at p.22 (attached hereto as Exhibit 13) .

... I revealed to Wendell that the Lord wanted me to receive this thirteen-year-old bride and also for her deliverance as well as the Lord allowing this to be a reason in the government's eyes to come stronger against this people. I explained the principle of the Lord cutting short His work in righteousness by me performing these works that would bring the wicked against us to justify the Lord in destroying them, at a quicker pace. That is what cutting short His work in righteousness means, Him doing a righteous work. The wicked becoming angry, coming against us stronger and faster, bringing the judgments of God upon the wicked sooner, and this people cleaned up in the process ....

Record of President Warren Jeffs, Wednesday, November 26,2003, at p.179 (attached hereto as

Exhibit 14).

Given Warren Jeffs' pronouncement that he will not compromise with respect to performing

underage "marriages" (see footnote 4 above), and given that he has never disavowed such



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pronouncement, it is beyond doubt that any property in the hands of Warren Jeffs or the FLDS

Church would be at substantial risk of loss to the victims of Warren Jeffs' actions. Under such

circumstances, the Fiduciary believes that it would be a breach of his fiduciary duties to the

beneficiaries of the Trust to transfer Trust property to Warren Jeffs or the FLDS Church. 16 This is

not because of any anti-FLDS sentiment. It is based upon a religiously neutral obligation to preserve

and protect assets for the members of the beneficiary class.

Response to Assertion the Twin Cities are not Controlled by the FLDS Church

While the Twin Cities seek to publicly deny that they are controlled by the FLDS Church,

it is apparent from the record that Warren Jeffs-now directing from jail, but no less in charge-is the

de facto sovereign of the Twin Cities, and has used those entities to frustrate the Fiduciary's efforts

to distribute Trust property to beneficiaries

[n the their Opposition Memorandum, the Twin Cities brush aside the troubling facts

showing FLDS control - that their police chief saw nothing wrong with communicating with a

federal fugitive and was subsequently decertified in connection with that communication, that their

municipal utilities see nothing wrong with paying tithing, and that their building department refuses

to allow water hookups to non-FLDS, but has recently approved new water services for four new

triplexes built as part of an FLDS community service project (see, Stay Memo at 7 (describing recent

building project for housing elderly in the community); cf. Twin Cities Memo at 5, n.4 (describing

the "Twin Cities' policy not to connect any new service locations to the culinary water system unless

i6 Such belief is confirmed by the fact that, when Warren Jeffs was in control of the Trust, he used his control over Trust property to punish parents who refused to allow him to place their underage daughter into a marriage with an older man. See, United Effort Plan Trust v. Holm, 101 PJd 641 (Ariz. 2004).



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additional water is brought to the system."). Instead, the Twin Cities baldly deny that their actions

are being directed by FLDS leadership notwithstanding clear evidence to the contrary. Again, Mr.

Jeffs' own words expose the falsity of the Cities' claim:

.. .1 gave him, Richard Allred the Lord's message that he as mayor of Colorado City, Arizona, is being warned by the Lord to not compromise with the world, not to allow through his legal position the compromises and wicked businesses of the world to enter in among our people. And I told Richard that he and the city counsel should rather be dismissed than to give way and compromise with the world.

This morning I have called brother William Jessop, the Bishop ... I told the Bishop ... to call David Zitting, who is the mayor of Hildale, Utah. And I told him to call the other members of the city council who are part of Priesthood, and give them the Lord's warning that they must not allow the evils and corruptions of the world, the evil businesses among our people legally, and they would rather be dismissed or resign than to give way and allow evil among our people. Brother William Jessop said he would do so.

Record of President Warren Jeffs, August 8, 2005, page 424, attached as Exhibit 4."

The results of Warren Jeffs' directions are apparent in the statements of the Twin Cities'

current police chief, Jonathan Roundy, who, in a dispute over management of UEP land did not

attempt to hide his lack of respect for this Court, or his discrimination in favor of members of the

FLDS church, but told Trust beneficiaries to whom the Fiduciary had leased the land that he would

resolve the dispute in favor of the FLDS claimant who had not obtained a lease from the Fiduciary:

"We are going to honor him because he is a member ofthe church." See. Exhibit 5 at II. 649-50.18

"The Fiduciary does not suggest that Mr. Jeffs is not entitled to the opinion that "wicked businesses" should be kept out of the Twin Cities. The question presented by these quotes, however, is whether the Twin Cities are unconstitutionally discriminating against businesses and residents on the basis of their religious status.

18 An audio recording of the confrontation was made, and a transcript of the recording is attached hereto as Exhibit 5.

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FLDS control of city government has also frustrated the Fiduciary's efforts to subdivide Trust

property so it can be distributed to beneficiaries. See, e.g., June 1,2006 letter from Jerry Barlow

a/kJa Jeremiah B. Allred, attached as Exhibit 6 (reporting concerns about Mayor David Zitting's

approach to subdivision requested by Trust and seeking guidance).

Warren Jeffs' control over the Twin Cities is evidenced by the actions of Hilda Ie City with

respect to the Fiduciary's proposed subdivision plats. Originally, the Cities faithfully followed Mr.

Jeffs command to "answer them nothing." Consistent with this command, Hildale City refused to

even consider the Fiduciary'S subdivision application. Instead, the City informed the Fiduciary that

it had "elected to abstain from taking any action with respect to the petition to subdivide the

property."" The City furthermore stated that it would "not defend or object to a court proceeding

or entry of a court order granting a petition to so subdivide the property." (Id.). Later, after Warren

Jeffs changed his "answerthem nothing" command, the City abruptly changed its tactics and worked

aggressively to prevent the Fiduciary from achieving approval for the subdivision through Court


The actions of Hilda Ie City in this regard are clear evidence of Warren Jeffs' control. There

is no other reasonable explanation for the City'S bizarre behavior. Why would a city government

ever "abstain" from considering a subdivision application? Why did the City refuse to get involved

until after Warren Jeffs modified his commands, and directed his followers to employ attorneys and

i8( ... continued)

19 See Exhibit 11 (Letter from Hildale City's legal counsel, dated December 21,2006).



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become involved with litigation against the Trust? Why are the Cities now actively seeking to

frustrate the Fiduciary at every tum - repeatedly seeking to intervene in opposition to the Fiduciary?

The only explanation for the actions of the Cities is that they are acting under the control of Warren

Jeffs - rather than fulfilling their legal obligations.

Response to Assertion the Twin Cities have no control over TCWW or its Funds

The Twin Cities allege that they have no connection with or control over Twin City Water

Works ("TCWW"), including its finances, and therefore the Fiduciary's concerns about tithing

donations made by TCWW are unfounded. Further, per the Twin Cities, there is "no credible

support" for the Fiduciary's "outrageous claim" that FLDS leadership are using TCWW as a slush

fund for their personal whims.

The claims of no connection between the Twin Cities and TCWW ring hollow when one

considers that the tithing checks which the Fiduciary attached to his opening memorandum are

signed by then Colorado City Mayor Richard Allred. After Warren Jeffs had excommunicated

Richard Allred and commanded him to resign his mayoral office, his son Joseph Allred, then

Colorado City's town clerk and a TCWW trustee, sought guidance from Warren Jeffs as to the

proper use of TCWW funds:

In relations to the family expenses, the home utility bills and the cell phone bills for the mothers have been paid by Twin City Water Works .... Twin City Water Works, Inc. was started as a non-profit corporation in 1972 to be the community culinary water system. It operated as a community water system until 1996 when it sold the distribution system to the Cities, but maintained the ownership of the wells and the water rights20 It now sells bulk water to the towns (Hildale and Colorado City) and

2°The Fiduciary disputes the assertion in Mr. Allred's letter that TCWW owns the water rights. All information in the Fiduciary's possession ( including the agreements between TCWW

(continued ... )



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maintains the wells. The Towns operate and maintain the water system through individual customer revenues and buy bulk water from Twin City Water Works. The revenue to this company has been about $400,000 per year. Upon seeking counsel from Uncle Lyle, he directed me to continue the water company record keeping which Father was doing. In looking back over the expenses, about half of them have been for RJA home expenses. After counseling with Uncle Lyle, I have continued to pay some home expenses from the twin City Water Works account such as home utilities (almost $4000 per month for the few months I have been here), mother's cell phones (about $200-300/month), car insurance (one policy contains about half home and half company vehicles, about $500 per month total), and a new van payment of $900 per month. Several home vehicles are owned and were paid for by the company. Father had told me, and Uncle Lyle had confirmed it, that Father did the payments from company funds with Uncle Fred's approval, and he had also checked with Uncle William. There were a lot of other purchases before which were made by the company, especially home improvements on the old RJA home. Ifwe choose to not pay home expenses with company funds, the company has enough income through bulk water sales that we would need to find a way to somehow get the extra revenue funds forwarded to the storehouse. In addition, the Storehouse would need to help the household here at least on the Utilities portion. The company has never been audited. Up to this time, especially with the company covering some expenses, the family needs have been met financially, and I have bee.n able to occasionally tum in to the storehouse a surplus from the income made by the working family members. I am seeking counsel on whether or not to continne paying some home bills from the company funds.

April 23, 2006 Joseph Allred letter (emphasis in original) attached as Exhibit 7.

Cell phones for family members, new car payments, and home improvements for TCWW

officers are a far cry from the approved uses ofTCWW funds, as set forth in the agreement between

TCWW and the Twin Cities,which include "extending lines and installing meters to provide service

to new customers."" Somewhere in the $400,000 in annual revenue realized by TCWW, there

lO( ... continued) and the Twin Cities) indicates that the Trust is the owner of the water rights, and that TCWW has leased them from the Trust. Despite repeated requests, no copy of the lease has ever been received. As such, the Trust may be forced to initiate a quiet title action with respect to the water rights.

"See, Water Distribution System Operation and Maintenance Agreement, attached hereto (continued ... )



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should be sufficient funds to provide new service to Ron and Jinjer Cooke. Instead, Warren Jeffs

is being consulted on how to direct those funds, and may have even used funds dedicated for

improvements to the water system to pay his attorneys." TCWW is contractually obligated to the

Cities to recommend and implement improvements to the water system." Instead, TCWW diverts

the funds, and the Cities blame the Fiduciary for the unimproved water system.

Response to Claims orAccommodation orRon and Jinjer Cooke

The Twin Cities claim that they have "always taken measure to reasonably accommodate

disabled individuals and in no way desire to discriminate" but that they cannot connect the Cookes

to the culinary water system because they have been "lured" to Trust property by the Fiduciary.

Cities Memo at 4. The facts show otherwise. The Cookes submitted a Petition for Benefits, and the

Fiduciary responded to their just wants and needs, never imagining that the Cookes would be left

without basic utilities. The Cookes' request for a new building permit languished for more than a

year on the false pretense of a lack of water. Later, the Colorado City Building Department changed

the building permit application form to eliminate the necessity of a signature from the property

owner and granted a building permit to another individual for the same property.

2l( ... continued) as Exhibit 8, at paragraph 2( c).

"See, Record of President Warren Jeffs, December 25,2003, page 251 (explaining that William Jessop had turned over $100,000 in checks, which included "$76,000 of moneys used to develop the sewer system in Short Creek" and detailing instructions to give that $100,000 "as a payment to the lawyers before the end of the year."). A copy is attached as Exhibit 9.

2lExhibit 8 at paragraph 4.



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Sewer, water, telephone and electrical mainlines are all in the street at the Cooke's location.

The Fiduciary has not asked the Cities for a single accommodation other than a standard water meter.

The Fiduciary has offered to move meters from locations that are not currently in service, has

offered to meet with the water department, has offered the services of its engineer, Zachary Renstrom

to address the issues, and even set up appointments for this purpose. The appointments were

cancelled for no reason.

Response to Assertion the Fiduciary has Denied the FLDS Access to Schools

The Motion to Stay takes great liberties with respect to the facts surrounding school

buildings. Motion to Stay at 8. When the FLDS "sought access to the schools" they had already

resorted to self-help with respect to the majority of the school buildings on UEP property, and

therefore cmIDot be heard to complain that their children have no classrooms. The one exception is

the Pioneer School, which was already being considered for a community library. When the school

was not immediately handed over to the FLDS in response to a belated petition, it was apparently

omitted from the affidavit of tax exemption that Jake Barlow files annually on behalf of the Trust

(even during the Fiduciary's appointment, Mr. Barlow has undertaken this task). The Fiduciary has

no idea why Mr. Barlow would choose to omit that school and list all other school properties, unless

his actions were intended to undermine the Fiduciary. In any event, the Fiduciary did not "contact

other potentially interested parties" as a means of inventing a basis for denial of the belated Pioneer

School petition. Rather, the Fiduciary has been in regular talks with the local School District, whose

school board members had previously toured the building and expressed an interest in it.



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Response to Allegations Regarding Shane Stubbs and Berry Knoll Farm

Mr. Parker accuses the Fiduciary of "allowing anti-FLDS interlopers like Shane Stubbs free

access to the Berry Knoll farm ... " Mr. Stubbs is not an interloper. He has a signed lease and has

made valiant efforts to vivifY a portion of the property now referred to as the "Berry Knoll Farm.""

At the time Mr. Stubbs planted, the irrigation pivots had not been in operation for almost five years.

Mr. Stubbs planting was done only after he and/or the Trust approached any and all persons who had

previously farmed the area or indicated that they might be interested in farming on the pivot ground.

In response, Merlin Jessop (one of the Intervenors in this case) said that he would never put another

seed in the farm's ground again. This effort to consult with and accommodate other parties cost Mr.

Stubbs the entire 2007 growing season. Mr. Stubbs has paid all lease payments due under his lease

with the Trust.

In contrast, and as an illustration of the impartiality of the Special Fiduciary, Willie Jessop

has received permission from the Fiduciary to farm in this area without paying any fee or rent.

Response to Allegations Concerning Taking orRock from Trust Land

The Stay Memo next implies that the Fiduciary has callously sought to prevent the FLDS

from building housing for the elderly. This is a gross distortion of the true facts. When the Fiduciary

24Intervenors continue to confuse the barren and uncultivated portion of the farm, which is the subject of the pending sale, with the farm land under the irrigation pivots which is under lease to Shane Stubbs. There are three separate and distinct components of this larger area: (I) the land with the irrigation pivots, which was originally purchased and cultivated by John Steed and subsequently purchased by the Trust from a Receiver in Bankruptcy; (2) the "homestead" land with irrigation pivots on the north side of the Short Creek Waterway, which is part of the land leased to Mr. Stubbs but is not part of the proposed sale; and (3) the eastern acres, including the actual knoll, which have never been under cultivation of any kind and are known as the "Arid Acres." This third area, with a portion of the first area, is the property which has been approved by the Court for sale.



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learned that someone was taking rock from Trust property without seeking or obtaining permission

from the Court of the Fiduciary- which was a blatant violation of this Court's Injunction - he sought

to investigate the matter by asking basic questions which any reasonable person would ask: Who was

removing the rock? What was the quantity and value of the rock they had removed thus far?" How

much more rock did they propose to remove? Were the builders able to obtain a building permit

from the City? Were vacancies being created in Trust-owned properties that the Fiduciary could use

to fill petitions for benefits? The Fiduciary never received any response to such questions. It is

incredible that those who were caught red-handed in taking property from the Trust (in clear

violation of the law and the Injunction of this Court) would now accuse the Fiduciary of impropriety

for seeking basic information regarding such unauthorized taking.

Response to Assertions Regarding the Zoo

Danielle Jessop spent thousands of her own dollars to build up the zoo, including the creation

of a non-profit organization, and preparation for a Department of Agriculture inspection. Her efforts

were met with a rash of vandalism and harassment. Discouraged, she abandoned the project. Her

letter to the Trust simply stated that she was unable to go forward-her animals had been killed, her

locks cut, and she was under constant pressure. To the extent that there is a functioning zoo there

now, it is one further example of self-help and disregard for the Fiduciary's authority.

"Such rock can have material value. The Fiduciary has on several occasions negotiated sandstone removal and quarry agreements with other parties. On one such occasion the Trust entered into an agreement with Fred Williams for landscaping rocks and consideration was paid for the stone. On another occasion, Harvey Dockstader, Sr. contracted for the harvest of surface material for omamentallandscaping. In the past such rock has been a source of profit for the Trust; Willie Jessop has sold rock from UEP land in the Gap property. Thus, the Fiduciary was rightly concerned about the volume and value of the rock being taken without authorization.



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There is no dispute that the Removed Trustees are in contempt for their disregard of this

Court's orders regarding cooperation with the Fiduciary. The Removed Trustees and the Twin Cities

contend, however, that they cannot be held in contempt (I) because they are not parties to this

litigation or the Stand Down Order; and (2) the Stand Down Order expired with the court's hearing

on the sale of the Berry Knoll Property. Neither contention merits denial of the OSC Motion.

Warren Jeffs and LeRoy Jeffs have been parties to this case since the beginning, have been

well aware of the orders entered by this Court, and have made the deliberate decision to disregard

them. The fact that they are now appearing in other capacities does not excuse their contempt. The

Twin Cities involvement in this case has also been extensive. The Twin Cities led the first attempts

to remove the Fiduciary (which this Court denied) while the Removed Trustees hid in the shadows.

The attorneys for both the Removed Trustees and the Twin Cities attorneys were involved in

requesting the Stand Down Order, and have been tenaciously involved in this case (filing rearns of

paper on behalf of these non-parties). The Stand Down Order makes explicit reference to the Twin

Cities. "Clearly, a trial court has the power to hold non-parties in contempt ifthose parties conspire

to frustl'ate a lawful order of the court." Crank v. Utah Judicial Council, 20 P.3d 307, 314 (Utah

2001) (emphasis added). The record before this Court is clear: the Removed Trustees and the Twin

Cities have conspired together to frustrate lawful orders ofthis Court. Neither the Removed Trustees

nor the Twin Cities are thus beyond the reach of this Court's contempt powers, and should be

ordered to show cause why they should not be held in contempt.

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Nor can it be said that facilitation of settlement was the only basis for the Stand Down Order,

such that the hearing on the proposed sale ofthe Berry Knoll property automatically tenninated the

Stand Down Order-the Stand Down Order was also motivated by the dire financial circumstances

of the Trust. More than three months after the hearing on the Berry Knoll sale, this Court entered

orders lifting the Stand Down Order only with respect to the MJ case. See, October 30, 2009 Ruling

on MJ's Motion to Lift Litigation Standdown and the Twin Cities' Motion to Intervene. That same

day, the Court set forth the major causes of the Trust's financial straits:

(1) the refusal of the FLDS community to pay the authorized occupancy fees; (2) the refusal of the Twin Cities and other individuals to abide by this Court's Orders and/or to cooperate with the requests of the Special Fiduciary, thereby requiring litigation; and (3) the barrage of other litigation initiated and maintained by various individuals or entities purporting to speak for the FLDS community.'6

The parties who, in concert with Warren Jeffs, caused the Trust's financial crisis, and have

subsequently exacerbated it by continuing to inflict litigation costs on the Fiduciary, should be held

in contempt, or at a minimum ordered to appear before the Court to show cause why they should not

be subject to contempt sanctions.


The Removed Trustees seek to stay this case on the purported basis of a pending hearing in

the Utah Supreme Court. The Fiduciary suggests that the Removed Trustees are more interested in

preventing further discovery into their efforts to sabotage this Court and the Fiduciary, including the

myriad questions raised by the many dictations and letters of Warren Jeffs.

'6See, Minute Entry Regarding Revised Ruling and Order on the Motion to Approve the Sale of the Berry Knoll Property.



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While the Motion for Stay is silent as to the authority under which the request for stay is

made, based on the reference to upcoming Supreme Court hearings, the Fiduciary presumes

Intervenors are moving under UTAH R. Cry. P. 62(d) and UTAH R. App. P. 8 which govem requests

for stay pending appeal. Both rules make clear the decision is discretionary. The Fiduciary notes

that despite repeated requests to the Utah Supreme Court to stay this action, all such requests have

been denied. A stay is not warranted here, and would create a power vacuum on Trust lands, placing

Trust beneficiaries who have relied on the Fiduciary and his authority in danger of retribution, and

leaving the Trust susceptible to further pillaging by the Removed Trustees. Should the Court be

inclined to grant a stay, it should condition the stay on the posting of a substantial supersedeas bond.

See, UTAH R. CIv. P. 62(d) and UTAH R. App. P. 8(b). The Fiduciary suggests that the bond should

be no less than $5,000,000. The Trust has previously obtained an almost $9,000,000 judgment

against CPFLDS and the former Trustees for their efforts to strip the Trust of assets, whichjudgment

has been only partially satisfied.


In light of the extremely troublesome conduct revealed by the dictations and letters of Warren

Jeffs, it is imperative that the Fiduciary be allowed to conduct discovery to determine what additional

light the Former Trustees and the Trust documents they sequestered even before the Fiduciary's

appointment can shed on the full extent of Trust assets and the best course for the future of the Trust.

It may well be that the Fiduciary is completely wrong about Mr. Jeffs and his intentions with

respect to the Trust. Perhaps Mr. Jeffs has renounced his views that there will be no compromise

on the question of underage marriage. Perhaps Mr. Jeffs is not even leading the FLDS resistance to

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the Fiduciary and the Court. The deposition ofMr. Jeffs should provide valuable insight to both the

Fiduciary and the Court on the future of the administration of the Trust.

Before the Fiduciary can move ahead with his plans to distribute Trust property to the

beneficiaries, several questions must be answered. Who is behind the litigation war against the

Fiduciary? What are that person's motives and interests? Who are the proper recipients of Trust

property? What is so offensive about the Fiduciary's proposal that Trust property go directly to the

beneficiaries who may then conveyor deed it to other parties of their choosing? Based on the

records available to the Fiduciary, it appears that Warren Jeffs is in the best position to answer these

questions, and should be deposed. The Fiduciary respectfully requests that he be allowed to proceed

with the discovery outlined in his OSC Memo and that the Court prohibit any further unauthorized

filings by Intervenors before Warren Jeffs and Willie Jessop mire the Trust even deeper in debt with

their litigation blitzkrieg.


Wherefore, the Fiduciary respectfully requests that this Court grant his OSC Motion and

deny the Motion to Stay.

DATED this;tl M:day of January, 2010



ttorney ror Bruce R. Wisan, Special wry of the United Effort Plan Trust


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Timothy A. Bodily Jerrold Jensen Assistant Utah Attorney General 160 East 300 South, Fifth Floor P.O. Box 140874 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-0874

William A. Richards Assistant Attorney General Arizona Attorney General's Office 1275 West Washington Street Phoenix, AZ 85007-2926

Roger H. Hoole GregoryN. Hoole Hoole & King LC 4276 South Highland Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84124

Kenneth A. Okazaki Stephen C. Clark Jones Waldo Holbrook & McDonough PC 170 South Main Street, Suite 1500 Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Rodney R. Parker, Esq. Richard A. Van Wagoner, Esq. Snow Christensen & Martineau 10 Exchange Place, Eleventh Floor Post Office Box 45000 Salt Lake City, Utah 84145


James C. Bradshaw Mark R. Moffat Brown Bradshaw & Moffat 10 West Broadway, Suite 210 Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Michael D. Zimmerman Troy L. Booher Katherine Carreau Snell & Wilmer 15 West South Temple, Suite 1200 Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Peter Stirba Bret W. Rawson R. Blake Hamilton Stirba & Associates 215 South State Street, Suite 750 P.O.Box810 Salt Lake City, UT 84110-0810

1. Ryan Mitchell, Esq. Bennett Tueller 3165 E. Millrock Drive, Suite 500 Salt Lake City, UT 84121

William H. Leigh Bishop & Leigh P.O. Box 279 Cedar City, UT 84721-0279

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-.----,._--_. -----.. ----- 7:35 a.m. Calling Sam Barlow in Short Creek

, _,_, ________ ._. _____________ .___ Hello there. Is that David? Good to hear you. I will call you back and talk to you on some issues,

' ...... ---,-,-,----------,----. -. ---------.--- but I need Sam Barlow. He is in Short Creek. Try his office number first.

Are you there? Hello. Anyone there? Yes. His house then. Get him at his house then.

Is he there? Thank you. Hello Uncle Sam, this is Warren. You are in

---,--------,---------- Short Creek? As President of the Church and ____ . __ ._ Priesthood and the UEP Trust, I am making an

official call for all your records of you as a special ._. ___ , _, _________ ' ____ . ___ ..... _ .. ___ ._. __ ... ____ assistant for President Rulon Jeffs and myself, all

your notebooks, I would like your two computers, .. - your lap top and your big one in tack, all assembled

and delivered over to Church archives under my .-... -----.. ---... ---....... ---.. ,-.----.... --... -- direction before there is an official SUbpoena

issued to take hold of those things. And surely you can see the need for that?

Uncle Sam: ???? Okay. Be all that as it may, I am saying to you, Uncle

,., ........ __ . ___ . ----.----., ... ...... Sam, that what they are really after is the destruction of the Celestial Law and Priesthood .

. They are using the courts and the UEP and legal organizations to get at that, but I must stand firm

, .,-.. .. -------.-.-'- and continue on this work independent of the legal protection. And for myself or you or any

' ... ,------.... ------ ---- --,--' ... ---,-.. ----Priesthood member, elder or member, to stand up __ .... ___ , ... ________ , __ ' .... _ and witness what the Lord has had the Prophets do,

, ... --.---- they will prove a traitor. Because anything we say _ .. __ ,, ___ ..... _. - ____ -.. in the courts will only be taken and used against us.

The Lord has shown me that this is His test upon the people. It is coming through the wicked. We are not surrendering the Celestial Law or

.... -.-.----.... - .. -,------.. ----.,,--,------"'''-'-'''------ Priesthood. And the Lord will test His people to

Wednesday, September 1, 2004 Page 2 Record of President Warren Jeffs


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see what they love most. And it is a tragedy and a condemnation on our Priesthood people that I cannot be among them there and be protected. The false brethren and traitors and then the falling away of the halfhearted will invite the wickedness among them. And you know of the greater work the Lord is having done in the redemption of Zion.

I would like this done in a manner, Uncle Sam, that you yourself do not witness it. I request that you put in the middle of your floor in your office all boxed up with the words: Archive -- your notebooks and any printouts of personal communications and cases, files of people's names all boxed up. Tell me what time today you could be completed with that work privately without getting help there. Could you have it done by 4:001

If you will have it done at noon I would like you to go home for lunch and leave your office door unlocked. And then I will- and you stay away for an hour or so. You will not witness what happens to the archive materials. And as far as you are concerned, I say to you on this case that you are named, that you and our lawyers are to answer them nothing. If you must answer a subpoena and

will lose Priesthood. In the midst of this test, men that accuse me they will lose Priesthood and they will compromise. This will continue on until the experiences among our people will test every person to see what they love most.

I am not surrendering the Church or the United Effort Plan Trust organizations, I am standing firm with God. And what the wicked do against us is their doing and it will bring the judgments of God upon them and those that fall away. There is more I could tell you. Even you must go through this test to learn more. I ask you officially and openly: Are you with God and Priesthood and with me Uncle Sam? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a branch of the Priesthood in full existence. It does not need government recognition even if they try to dissolve our legal entity. And the work of God goes on. And it will place every person on their own testimony and every person having to turn to the Lord for protection and deliverance.


such, still you should testify nothing. And even if .. ... - .. -... -... - ... --...... ---..... ----it ends up your personal assets be affected so be it. But I say to you that if you testify at all of Father's .-.--.--------.. - .. and I's doings you' will prove a traitor and lose _____ __ ._. ______ .. ____ .. ______ __ Priesthood. And that is the requirements of the Lord on me that I cannot testify. I will answer them when the Lord sends me to answer them in His way and it will not be through the courts. They, the wicked, the government, the apostates are demanding the Lord give an accounting for what He has done among His own people. And they have no jurisdiction over God and we know it.

One more item Uncle Sam. The Lord has __________ _ judged your mind and heart and you still need to hum ble yourself further and beware taking on any particle of a spirit of sympathy against authority where the Lord has had me handle certain men that might even surprise you. You must beware because this will be what will make or break men; .. they don't know what the Lord has told me and shown me or had me do. And when they judge what I do through their earthly judgment, not _____ _ knowing the revelations of God and they take on any bad feeling or sympathy against authority they __

Record of President Wa rren Jeffs Page 3 Wednesday, September 1,2004

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Thursday, January 16, 2003 Hildale, Utah

11:45 Dictation


______ __ ___ "_"" __ _ ---------------- -

___ ._._. ____ --. I then asked him, "What is all -.-.-.-... -.. -.---.--.--... --.--.. --..... -.. -. this talk about compromise?" He explained to me that one of the higher officials in the .---.. -----.--.. -.. --.---.------.--.. ---. ., ...... - ...... -'---"-'''''-.'--Attorney-General's office infonned one of our __ . _____ . ____ ._ .. _______________ . __ .. __ . _____ .. lawyers that the Attorney-General wants out of this if he can help them save face through a .. __ ... ____ ._-< .. _._. _____ ______ ..... _________ .... _. compromise; and what they really want is the leadership of this Priesthood to say or even imply -_._-"--'---'--"".--."-that we will no longer perfonn underage mamages.

..---_._----_ ..

.-------------------.. There will be no compromise. I do not even want ..... --.---------.--.. -....... - •. --. -".-.--,-",,---.,----... --to imply a compromise. I said the instructions of - -_ .. _----_._--------------_. __ ........ __ . the Lord are, "Leave it in the Lord's hands. There will be no compromise."

Record of President Warren Jeffs Page 101 Thursday, January 16, 2003

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. --I sent LeRoy. Jeffs to Short Creek. He called me

yesterday afternoon and informed me that Stephen Harker had been in Salt Lake with Sam Barlow and

----------------------met the lawyers, and the papers were drawn up, and last night LeRoy Jeffs was driven by Seth to

---------------------meet Stephen Harker and Sam Barlow. I told LeRoy to look over the papers to see if we wanted

----------------------to sign them. And LeRoy Jeffs informed me that if we sign these papers the lawyers have drawn up to

---------------------sell the Harker farm then this would be undoing ______________________ Uncle Parley's consecration, there would be no

benefit at all. The Lord has brought a judgment upon the

Harker farms and the people working there. They have lost over three hundred thousand dollars in their operation. Stephen Harker is doing well himself but the Lord showed me that no other person on that farm was prepared to go on in the

___ redemption of Zion, not even any of Stephen's family. I had called them to repentance several

___ __________ months ago. I talked to LeRoy Jeffs today and told him, "Do not sign those papers. The sale will not

--____ go through right now. I will ask the Lord what He wants done." I saw a trap. The Lord has warned me that the lawyers will one day turn against us. They have already turned against me personally in

------·---------------their feelings. They wanted LeRoy or I to sign a document that would make us a liar, dating the

----------------------transfer of Harker farms back to the previous owners, Uncle Parley's sons, dating it as of January I of this year. The courts have decided to give a default judgment against the corporation of the presiding Bishop and the UEP trust and the

---------------------FLDS Church, all attacking me. This sale would help the Harkers come out the debt. It would

----------------------remove any assets in the corporation of the presiding Bishop so the . lawsuits could not do anything against us, but it would make me a liar

------------.---- and be a trap. Also it would undo Parley Harker's consecration. It is the same for the UEP Trust. The land held by they UEP Trust was consecrated lands by President LeRoy S. Johnson and others. The wicked world are fighting God and not me and we are to stand firm and answer them nothing and let the Lord fight our battles.

Saturday, March 12,2005 Page 102 Record of President Warren Jeffs


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Dictation on Monday, August 8, 2005

11:33 a.m. New Orleans, Louisiana


council who are part of Priesthood, and give them the Lord's warning that they must not allow the evils and corruptions of the world, the evil businesses among our people legally, and they would rather be dismissed or resign than to give way and allow evil among our people. Brother William Jessop said he would do so,

,-,-,,-._- -----1 have been greatly yearning over the people, as ,---

the Lord has withdrawn me from the people in' Short Creek, and there is a great falling away. Last.----night, as we traveled toward New Orleans, I called: Richard Allred. I told him happy birthday, as it ;-------was his birthday. And I informed him about the _____ , birth of his child through Mother Rose Marie, a '


little girl born the day before, And I gave him, _____________________ _ Richard Allred the Lord's message that he as' mayor of Colorado City, Arizona, is being warned .----------------------by the Lord to not compromise with the world, not to allow through his legal position the ----------------------compromises and wicked businesses of the world to enter in among our people, And I told Richard ----------------------that he and the city counsel should rather be _________ -,-___________ _ dismissed than to give way and compromise with the world.

This morning I have called brother William Jessop, the Bishop, who is at R17, and I told him ---------------------that I have already given the message to Richard _____________________ _ Allred, the mayor of Colorado City, Arizona. And I told the Bishop, William E, Jessop, to call David ___________________ _ Zitting, who is the mayor of Hilda Ie, Utah. And I told him to call the other members of the city

Monday, August 8, 2005 Page 424 Record of President Warren Jerfs

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1 There he is. Let him in.

2 Jethro: [hereafter: J jCome in. Sit down.

3 Jonathan: [hereafter: JR JOK, I just came from the field down there. I guess Fred is down there saying 4 that the scrap and the property and that metal stuff is his. And Willy is saying that he built those fields 5 right there, those fields. So he is expressing an interest in them.

6 J: Willy?

7 J: Not Willy, Wally.

8 JR: He's saying something like you said he could plant those fields-is that...?

9 J: No, here is what I said to Wally. We'll back up on click. See that little field right there on Central 10 Street, right on Midway. David Stubbs has that field. One fourth of this property actually belongs to this 11 field by property ownership. This field had been fallow for at least five years. Nothing had happened in 12 there.

13 JR: What are you saying?

14 J: I am saying that right there, from there to the middle to the down, is actually part of this field except 15 that the fences were built around the outside of that.

16 JR: What does that have to do with this down here?

17 J: I am going to tell you in a minute, but the outside-this L -shaped piece is UEP, and this piece is part of 18 David Stubbs field, but they have never indented that fence because the property makes a staircase 19 down through there. I could show you property lines.

20 JR: So there is so many acres there that is David's. Is that what you are saying?

21 J: Yes, but there is 5.11 acres of UEP property there, and Shawn came and said if I put a riser on the 22 corner of this and I pull water from my dad's field, he told me that I could plant winter wheat, and I said, 23 "Sure, go do it." And we signed a lease with him, an agricultural lease with crop sharing. He was going 24 to give UEP 10% of the yield and $100 a year forthe use of the land. He went down and started fixing 25 the fences. And the next day, the big John Deere tractor that has been plowing all the fields, this one, 26 and this one, and this one, and this one, went over and did that one. And he said he went down to drill 27 his wheat in and somebody had already beat him to it overnight. He had already had a lease, and he 28 said, "What should I do?" And I said, "I don't know. We'll either thank them for their work, and you go 29 ahead and water it, and we'll see what kind of a yield we can get, or we'll back off, or we'll do something 30 different." He said, "Well, there's these three little fields down here that nobody's doing anything with. 31 He said, "What if I put wheat into these three little puddles, this one and this one and this one." So I 32 talked to Bruce about it and he said, "I'm not sure what we can do with that, because whoever 33 preempted him ... " I mean it's the first time there's been any activity on that in as many years as you can 34 remember.

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3S JR: Yeah.

36 J: And so Bruce said, "Well, just go down here and do those, and we'll either substitute your lease or 37 write a separate lease." So Shawn said I bought the wheat already, and I don't know what to do. I said, 38 "Well, just take your seed and go get busy." And he said, "Well, I've got the tractor today. Dad's been 39 using it out on the farm somewhere, and I need to do it today." So when I talked to Bruce ...

40 JR: When did you talk to Bruce?

41 J: I talked to Bruce yesterday, the day before, twice ...

42 JR: About this specific thing? About planting on those three spots down there?

43 J: Yes. And so what Bruce told me was, "Tell Shawn to go down there and get his seed in the ground," 44 and, "You," he told me, "get the ag lease done." And so I've done several of these already. We have a 45 template. For example, I'll show you this one right here. Legrand Hammon wanted to use a piece of 46 land down there. So I wrote this ag lease and we identified a piece of property that he could use. This is 47 down there by ...

48 JR: By the old dairy?

49 J: By the old dairy. The Hammons were concerned about their garden. So I said, "Exclude their garden." 50 And I said, "Are they gardening this?" And he said, "I think so." So we excluded that. I said, "What 51 about their horses?" He said, "They're not mine." So we excluded that. He said, "There's a spigot right 52 here that has water and I need water for my animals." And I said, "Well, you guys can share water." 53 And he said, "What if they won't let me." And I said, "WelL ..

54 JR: Who's he talking about? The family?

SS J: No. He's talking about whoever's got the horses in the little pen right here and in a couple of pens 56 right here. And I told him, "Well, whatever this property right here is, I would rather not disturb. It's 57 where the old dairy sits. We'll go with Bruce's concept of status quo. But if they won't share the water, 58 we'll re·write your lease to include this, and then you can share the water with them. It will be from 59 you're your lease instead of theirs because there is no occupancy agreement and no lease in place on 60 this piece. This is a residence: This is a residence. Hammons are using this property but they have only 61 got the occupancy agreement on the homes.

62 JR: Right.

63 J: OK.

64 JR: Who .. .!s there an occupancy agreement on these fields?

6S J: Well, we're not doing an occupancy agreement because it is not occupied. What we are doing is this 66 template of an agricultural lease. We've got several of these. We gave Isaac one for some fields out 67 there. We gave Legrand one. We gave Shawn One on this field right there. He has a lease on that piece

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68 of ground even though someone went over there and drilled it in. The thing I said to Wally a few 69 minutes ago, "It's amazing to me that for as many years as I have been tuned in on this, nothing 70 happens. And now what he wants to do is put in some winter wheat, and you show up. I said, "I would 71 rather have been working with you." That's what I told him, "I would rather have been working with 72 you."

73 JR: Well, that's what he told me right there. He said, "I would rather plant the wheat..."

74 J: And I would rather work with him, but the problem is that Shawn bought some wheat and got pushed 75 off this piece, so we said go plant those, and, there is another issue. There is a great shortage of water. 76 When Shane got a lease on this piece, and turned this pivot on, this was being watered by reservoir 77 water. As soon as we saw water coming out of the end of his circular, apparently, Scott Jessop went 78 right over here by this corner and put in a new valve and turned him off. So he gets no water. So I said 79 to Shawn, "With the shortage of water, and not having solved the water issues, I would rather not go up 80 here and give a lease to somebody that is going to tap the same water that seems to be already 81 overcommitted. And he said, "Well, right there at the bridge crossing is the 10 inch line that comes out 82 of Water Canyon, and 27% of that water is 5tubb's share, and the difference, 73% ...

83 JR: You're saying that big line is not culinary?

84 J: No it isn't. That 10 inch line that comes out of Water Canyon does not cross culinary water anywhere.

85 JR: There's that line that goes with the cement, with the bridge.

86 J: Right. That's right. And that is not a culinary line. That is irrigation water, and it comes all the way 87 from Water Canyon, goes right down this street in front of our yard, and it goes down and hits the 88 community garden where Uncle Joe does his, and this orchard and hitting these, coming right down. 89 The community garden and the big field to my knowledge is being done with that line, and it crosses 90 here. What Shawn said is that Uncle David Stubbs told him that he could use the connection to that 10 91 inch line that comes right across the bridge there to put in some hand lines.

92 JR: Who has the authority over the 10 inch line?

93 J: David Stubbs owns 27% of the water in that line and UEP owns the rest.

94 JR: I think that would be disputed on David Stubbs being able to give him permission without other 95 interested parties on that, as far as getting water, I don't think ...

96 J: Well, David waters this field and this field right now from that same system. It's a joint system. The 97 rights are actually a surface water right with a point of diversion. And the point of diversion is the 98 reservoir at Water Canyon. And when the water goes into the line ...

99 JR: The issues are going to be-you might have the right, but who put the line in? Who built the line and 100 paid for the line? If David didn't do that, I don't think he can just go tap right into it. There is going to be 101 some big issues there.

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102 J: Well, there isn't any ownership of the line that is distinct from the real estate because it is UEP 103 property and it's UEP water right.

104 JR: It was my understanding that Southwest Irrigation owns those-the reservoir and the irrigation lines.

105 J: Well, that is not exactly how it works, but at some point here we can have a discussion about exactly 106 how water rights work. But aside from that, what I was trying to do was not make the issue. We don't 107 have to solve all the global issues of water rights and water usage. What I was telling Shawn was that if 108 anybody goes in here that is in competition for water with what Terrel is trying to do up here on these 109 big fields, for example, if the UEP came in here and said, "You, for example, Jonathan, UEP will give you 110 the right to go plant this field." And you'd say, "Where would I get water?" And I would say, "Well, UEP 111 has water. You can have some of that." I couldn't say that without taking some of the water that is 112 being already applied to some of these fields and gardens. Does that make sense?

113 JR: Well, I don't know. I don't know that UEP owns water.

114 J: UEP owns water. There is absolutely no doubt about that.

115 JR: So they are watering these right here with just regular water?

116 J: No, with UEP water.

117 JR: With irrigation or culinary?

118 J: With UEP irrigation water. No one could buy culinary water, enough culinary water to ...

119 JR: It would be too expensive.

120 J: It would be way too expensive to run a garden.

121 JR: So, now you're saying, rather from taking from this, in reality, taking from that is taking from this.

122 J: No it isn't because that is Stubbs water. 'As long as the Stubbs don't take more than their share of the 123 water, the Stubbs can irrigate whatever they need to or want to.

124 JR: On that, there'd be a dispute on that, how to figure out 27% for sure.

125 J: Well, that is another issue, but while we are on that topic, I'li tell you what I have done. I have asked 126 everybody I have ever metfor a map of the irrigation system and a list of who has authority to draw 127 from that irrigation system. And so far I get a blank stare. Nobody seems to understand because we've 128 asked, "What does it take to hook onto the irrigation system." And the answer is: ( I'll tell you because 129 you'll get into this anyway-it'll become a legal issue.) The answer is: if it's surface water, diverted in 130 Utah right here with the Water Canyon water rights, those water shares belong, in Utah, the water 131 shares belong to a person-it's either Stubbs or UEP. They can take that water, and they can apply that 132 water wherever they want.

133 JR: Well, what's with this Southwest Irrigation?

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134 J: Southside Irrigation Association. In Arizona the law is completely different In Arizona, a surface 135 water right belongs ...

136 JR: So are you saying that Southside Irrigation-are you using cross termination. Are you saying that 137 UEP and Southside is the same thing?

138 J: No. I am not I am leading up to telling you where Southside sets. In Utah, a water right belongs 139 140 141

to ... you get your point of diversion and your water right, and it is a certain number of gallons, and it's a flow, and it flows into a line and it's yours. You can run that down; you can feed it to your livestock; you can water your garden; you can drink it; you can sprinkle it; or you can let it flow on. OK? In Utah. In

142 Arizona, it is completely different. Arizona water is an open unrestricted state. You can file for surface 143 water rights if you can prove that they are available, and you can drill for water for a permit. And all you 144 have to do with DWR is file for a permit, tell them what you are going to do, do it, and tell them what 145 you did. There is no buying and selling of water rights in Arizona like there is in Utah. In Arizona, a water 146 right, by law, belongs to a piece of ground. Whoever owns the ground, whoever owns that piece of real 147 property, is the one that owns the water. And they cannot be severed. You cannot sell water one way 148 and land the other way, in Arizona.

149 JR: Well, and this is the issue that is coming up right now. This land was owned in communal, and stili 150 supposedly is. There is no land owner per se.

151 J: Except the United Effort Plan.

152 JR: Well, there is an overseer of the property.

153 J: Well, no there is an owner.

154 JR: But there is no title ...

155 J: Yeah, there is. Yeah, there is. You walk into the County ...

156 JR: You have a court appOinted fiduciary to oversee the land.

157 J: No., No.

158 JR: It doesn't say they own the land.

-159 J: No., That's true. The overseer doesn't own the land.

160 JR: The people who own the land are those in the trust

161 J: Here is the way it works: you go into the county recorder. And I was just barely doing it, right here. If 162 you go into the county recorder, and you click on a parcel of ground-that one right there-you can pick 163 from the county recorder who the owner of that land is. There is an owner··every square inch of the 164 state of Arizona is owned.

165 JR: Right It will say UEP.



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166 J: OK, and if it says UEP Trust, UEP Trust isthe owner. And it will say, "Under the care of ... "

167 JR: Okay, but it is really owned by all interested parties.

168 J: It is owned by the Trust. And for many, many years it said, "UEP Trust in the care of Fred Jessop." And 169 now it says, "UEP Trust in the care of Bruce Wisan."

170 JR: Well, and the difference is that it is court appointed so he has to go through the court, whereas 171 Uncle Fred did not.

172 J: He did go. Uncle Fred did go through the court.

173 JR: Well, if it came to a legal issue.

174 J: No. Uncle Fred had to be legally appointed as a trustee of the United Effort Plan before his name could 175 be put on trust property.

176 JR: I agree with· that. But when we are coming to who owns the property-somebody has a right to 177 manage the property-but the people own the property.

178 J: The right to manage the property is by and through the Trust. That's how Uncle Fred had his right.

179 JR: That's right.

180 J: Because Uncle Fred, all by himself ...

181 JR: I just wanted to differentiate that this is court appointed.

182 J: Ok.

183 JR: And there is a difference between the way it used to be and the way it is now.

184 J: Yeah. And the point would be, that if Bruce Wisan, if the court, went ahead and appointed trustees 185 and retired the temporary fiduciary, the trustees then would manage the property, and if one of them 186 got run over by a bus, and a new one was appointed, it would continue to flow. And it will always say, 187 UEP managed by ... and some name would be filled in.

188 JR: But the trust is not the same. Because if the court gives it to the Trust, then the Trust could manage 189 it like it used to manage it. Now it is still court appointed, and what we are seeking for, is court paper 190 work for anything that is done because it is managed under the court. So, on this particular thing, where 191 we have this family who has already previously worked this property, flattened those fields, built it, and 192 they have an interest, and they are expressing a desire to continue, I think for the sake of peace, ifthey 193 are willing to plant that, we should let them ...

194 J: Well, Bruce's frustration, and by extension, mine, is that for three years, we've been content with the 195 status quo, allowing things to just be what they are. And during that time, repeatedly ...

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196 JR: That's because the status quo for me is that I was here; the status quo for you is that you were here; 197 the status quo for them is that they were there and they put money and time into that.

198 J: But his point is, and I helped him to do this ...

199 JR: Why was there no communication with these people who developed these fields before we went to 200 planting?

201 J: There was. And the record will show ...

202 JR: Who did we communicate with 7

203 J: We communicated in every way we knew how-through public notices, direct notices, mail-

204 JR: On planting this field?

205 J: --notices to every single resident.

206 JR: I was talking about this.

207 J: I know, and I'm saying, what the Trust has done on a global scale, we have said, "If you have an 208 interest in any piece of UEP property, whether it is a project, whether it is a space, whether it is an 209 unfinished building, or a vacant lot-the Trust needs to know that, the Trustee needs to know that, the 210 fiduciary want to know. And we have no response. And I told Wally this morning, "Somebody must 211 really like weeds." Because that is what we've been getting from these fields for a long time is nothing 212 but weeds. And to have them suddenly express and interest and say, "We'll do that" at this point in 213 time, seems a little disingenuous, because if they wanted to do wheat, if they had any inclination or 214 intention to do wheat, it would've been done already, should've been done already. We're behind the 215 season, and I have delayed Shawn ...

216 JR; Well, and this right here, this particular situation here, you say you've done a general outlay of "If 217 anybody's interested, if anybody's interested," but you, with your foreknowledge, knew built these 218 fields.

219 J: I do not have a phone number for Merril Jessop.

220 JR: I don't either.

221 J: And if Merril Jessop called me right now, we'd definitely go back and tell Bruce, "You need to 222 rethink ... you know, Merril Jessop's on the scene." But I don't see where Wally has an interest, or Fred.

223 JR: Well, Wally told me personally that he's the one that did the work, flattened the field.

224 J: Well, Uncle Merril sent him out to do it. He's the one that drove the tractor?

225 JR: So, who has the occupancy to the Merril home there-Uncle Merril's home?

226 J: I believe Nate.

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227 JR: Nate does. And does that include ...

228 J: It is like this. This is the way I drew it. When we came along here to draw these lot lines, I went clear 229 back to the burm right here-this is where their tire wall is-I went clear back to here, and followed this 230 burm to leave this trail right here open to the public and then I went generously north right here around 231 the backside right here to create-and this garden right here, if you want to go look at it, did not grow 232 anything this year ...

233 JR: Where they previously had a garden?

234 J: Yeah, they had a garden there, but this year, and forthe last several years, there has been nothing 235 there. But even at that, I told Shawn to stay out of these folks garden because eventually there will be a 236 garden. When you come over to the other side of the wash, right here, I told him the same thing. I said, 237 and we drew lines right here and tried to follow this, and he asked me specifically about this little 238 orchard-see there is a fence right here off of what used to be Freddie's house-I don't know who is in 239 there right now. You probably do. But whoever is in there had built this fence and had abandoned this 240 piece down here, and Shawn said, "What about this?" And I said, "Shawn ... "

241 JR: It'd be ... with trees in the way, you really couldn't do anything.

242 J: No. He wants to go water the trees. He want to go prune those fruit trees and water them because 243 the whole thing is dying. It's a weed patch. He just said, "What about the fruit trees. Can I do that?" 244 And I said, "Shawn, I'll bet you money that as soon as you go put this into winter wheat there is going to 245 be a crew down there pruning those trees and reclaiming that spot, and if it does not happen by the 246 time you have put your winter wheat is in, and you still haven't seen an indication of interest in this 247 space right here, we'll probably go ahead and have you do it."

248 JR: Well, that's what we're at as a police department, that if this is a status quo, and there are people 249 that have an interest in it, and there are people who have invested money in it, and this thing isn't 250 signed yet, this lease agreement to manage this, it would probably be advantageous to us as a police 251 department to let these people express their desires and to wait for this to be finalized.

252 J: The problem is that time is of the essence. The problem is that Shawn already went and signed a 253 lease, and bought his seed, and then got preempted up there on the other spot. So Shawn is kind of in a 254 tough spot. He had a signed lease, and he bought his seed, and he got preempted, and we haven't even 255 determined what to do.

256 JR: And if there is another. ..

257 J: But I am telling you that when Shawn went over and started fixing those fences on Midway, then 258 suddenly the tractor showed up. I made a phone call, and I called the dairy. Terrel was unavailable, but 259 I left messages for him to call. Then I called back, and I talked to Barbara. I said, "I need to talk to Terrel 260 about this little 5 acre piece up on Midway because we have a signed lease with Shawn." I never got a 261 call back, but Shawn came to me a few days later, and said, "They've gone in and drilled winter wheat 262 into it-It's planted," is what he said. I said, "Planted in what?" He said, "I don't know." And I said,

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263 "Well, go dig up a handful and see what's planted." He called me back and said it was winter wheat. I 264 said, "I don't know what to tell you, and I don't know what to do. Basically, you lease has been signed 265 for awhile and you didn't move fast enough." But why should we put Shawn in a position where he has 266 a signed lease, and then we allow somebody else to go in an preempt him with no communication, not a 267 phone call, not a lease, not an understanding, nothing.

268 JR: Well, it comes back to who was on the property?

269 J: No one was on the property.

270 JR: Well, who invested in it; who has an interest in it.

271 J: Well, everybody invested in it; everybody has an interest in it.

272 JR: Well, that was a personal. .. some of my stuff was a personal investment; some of yours is a personal 273 investment. On these fields, I mean I lived here. That was just the creek. There was a lot of money and 274 time in flattening that, putting the system in. Somebody has a great interest in that particular property 275 right there. They have put a lot of time into it.

276 J: The same is going to be true of each and every piece of property. And what we've done is clearly 277 asked for anybody that has a reason or an interest in a property to make a contact, and I don't think the 278 fiduciary would take any amount of time to think about it. He would say, "Sure, let's get on with it. 279 What do we need to do?" We've signed occupancy agreements; we've signed leases. And yet it seems 280 to me, for example, I've seen activity around the little office in the middle of town that used to be Sam 281 Barlow's office, I've seen activity around Uncle Alma's shop-somebody's moving in there, to have 282 somebody just go in there and preemptively take it, in the face of the fiduciary, when they could easily 283 call the fiduciary and say, "What do I need to do" to sign a lease or an occupancy agreement, you know, 284 legitimately, to me, I think it is out of order. It is out of order because he has offered this lease, and he 285 has offered the occupancy agreement openly to everybody.

286 JR: Right.

287 J: And if they don't sign it, and they don't take that opportunity, then somebody else will, and when they 288 do like Shawn has, I think somebody's chance, their opportunity to go do that is past. In fairness to 289 Shawn, he has already bought the seed. So what do you want him to do?

290 JR: He's really not out any money. If this grows, and the UEP lets him have the produce of that right 291 there, he's really not out any money because it's been planted.

292 J: Exactly. But is that the thing what we want to do? See, I'm not sure. I'm not sure that we should go 293 back to the lease that he signed and let him preempt the dairy if Terrel has gone and done that. The 294 thing that I told Shawn was ...

295 JR: Does Bruce need to sign this?

296 J: Yes.

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297 JR: Has Bruce signed this?

298 J: Bruce has signed the one on Midway; he has signed this one for Legrand. He has not signed the one 299 on this field right here.

300 JR: Could I get a copy of this?

301 J: But what Bruce told me was, he said, "Tell Shawn to get his seed in the ground because this is his 302 window of time for seeding," and he said, "You go ahead and print this out." So this is what I was doing 303 today, is preparing the maps and the attachments forthe lease to go ahead and send to Bruce, and 304 Bruce would countersign it and send it back. Now what I told Shawn, "None of the personal property, 305 the iron, the old refrigerators, none of that, it's not your responsibility and it's not your property."

306 JR: Well, and I understood that some of that was removed, and Fred went down there and said, "This is 307 our stuff."

308 J: None of it was removed. I just told him, I said, "What you need to do is take all the old refrigerators 309 and put them together in one place. And they'll either scrap them out themselves, or at some point in 310 time it will become a cleanup project that will become your responsibility, and we'll have to call a 311 scrapper or somebody and have them come and take that." But what I told Shawn is, "You stay right 312 here in the planting bed of each ofthose places rightthere, and as far as the orchard, we are going to 313 wait, and as far as this area right through here where all this iron and storage and junk and corruption is 314 concerned, it is just like a hundred other places in town, we are going to post it as though it were 315 valuable personal property, even though it's junk, we are going to post it, and we are going to say, 316 "Whoever has an interest in this, has whateverthe law gives them ... "

317 JR: So it hasn't been posted yet. Was this property posted for anyone to look at?

318 J: No. No, we didn't post the property; we're posting the personal property because the real estate 319 already belongs to the Trust. But the ...

320 JR: The right to manage it belongs to the Trust.

321 J: No. The actual real estate belongs to the Trust. It always has. We litigated that for 10 years with Rod 322 Parker.

323 JR: Oh, yeah. It belongs to the Trust.

324 J: Ok. All right.

325 JR: I just have a hang up with the ownership of the property because there are too many people 326 involved.

327 J: You can't separate that. But here is the issue. The real property belongs absolutely to the Trust. We 328 litigated that in the federal court for 15 years-the right of the Trust to manage its property. Now the

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329 management of the Trust is a different issue. But the management of the property is the right of the 330 Trust.

331 JR: The Trust just comes under legal law.

332 J: Yeah, absolutely. And the land comes under legal law. In fact, there is a whole chapter in law called 333 parole evidence that says that any agreement that pertains to real property or any agreement that 334 sustains itself for more than a year, by law, must be in writing. So the written portion of whatever is on 335 paper in ink is the rule of law as to those things. The ownership of the property is absolute. The 336 management of the Trust is a matter of rulings.

337 JR: And the written history itself.

338 J: Yeah, and the written history.

339 JR: Well, and this is where this comes into play where this was previously given to individuals ...

340 J: Not in writing.

341 JR: ... a by Fred.

342 J: Unfortunately, terribly unfortunately, Uncle Fred is not here. And so we have to fall back to the right 343 of the property management to manage. Bruce Wisan has really bent over himself to try to establish, to 344 pre-establish any previously established interest in the property. But don't you agree with me though, 345 that that property has grown nothing but weeds for four years ... five years ...

346 JR: Well, that's true, but that doesn't take away somebody's interest.

347 J: Their interest is in the tumbleweeds? It seems like their interest is not in the property, it is in 348 preventing somebody from using the property.

349 JR: I believe their interest is in the property.

350 J: Why, all of a sudden?

351 JR: I don't know. My interest is in my property because I live there.

352 J: Have you signed an occupancy agreement? It would be a great idea if you haven't.

353 JR: Yeah. But if I had a field, then I would be interested in that if I hadn't used it for ten years. You can't 354 say I don't have an interest when I have invested in it.

355 J: I can tell you what I did. I have right up here, in addition to my yard, I have a garden up here. I signed 356 an occupancy agreement for that. If they had done the same thing, if he had signed an occupancy 357 agreement, and or indicated that these acres ... or even if he had planted anything, I don't think we'd be 358 having this discussion. I think we'd probably leave it alone.

359 JR: I don't think we can ignore those who have a vested interest, is where I'm at.

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360 J: I wouldn't want to.

361 JR: Even if they haven't planted it.

362 J: See this field right here. This field right here is the same story. This is where the Jesoco building is, 363 the Tonto Supply building here down on airport road. This field right here is the same thing-it has had 364 no activity for a long time. We signed a lease with Isaac Wyler. Isaac wanted to go plow in some 365 summer rye, and he tried to down here-a little bit. But this piece right here has the same issue, and 366 that is that somebody recently had gone in there without any communication and drilled it in. And 367 although I am glad to see it happen, I think it should have been done with communication. r--

368 JR: A ... could you get Bruce on the phone for me.

369 Sure, let's try . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


371 1:00 PM

372 Bruce: [hereafter B )Yes sir.

373 Jethro [J): Bruce you are on speaker phone with me and officer Jonathan Roundy.

374 Jonathan [JR): This is Marshall Roundy. How are you? I am kind of caught up in a keep-the-peace, and I 375 am here with Jethro kind of going through a little history on it.

376 B: you're breaking up

377 Jet: it will break up a little on speaker phone.

378 JR: Jethro has been telling me some of the history on Shawn Stubbs? Is thai right? Is it Shawn?

379 B: Shane?

380 J: It's Shawn.

381 B: Oh, is it Shawn. OK

382 JR: He is going down in some areas down in the creek, in some areas that have been cleared out in 383 previous years. Are you familiar with that?

384 B: I don't have a mental picture. Jethro, does this have to do with the recent planting?

385 J: Well, yes, the recent planting was on Midway, and then we re-directed Shawn after our conversation 386 yesterday to the fields down in the creek bottom by Merril Jessop's house.

387 B: OK, OK.

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388 JR: So what it is that Merril Jessop and his family built those fields and flattened them out; it was just a 389 creek before. We have Wally Jessop and Fred Jessop down there expressing that they are the ones that 390 put the time and money into building those fields and they would invest the time and money into 391 planting those fields with winter wheat but they didn't want Shawn to plant it. So that is what I am 392 dealing with right now. Wally said he is the one who flattened out the fields so they have an interest in 393 those. So [ came up to talk to Jethro about it. I understand that Shawn was given permission to plant in 394 the Midway fields and somebody came in a planted those for him.

395 B: Somebody came in and usurped-[ had a lease with him-and then somebody came in and usurped 396 that. These fields have been unused and unplanted for a long period of time. It's interesting that as 397 soon as somebody expresses an interest then all kinds of people jump out and want to do something. 398 But until somebody else expresses an interest then nothing happens. I am a little perplexed that nobody 399 has contacted me to lease the property or to farm the property. Nobody has been using it. It is a shame 400 to let it go to waste. So [ have given Shawn a lease, it's a [ull at this point, I have to admit I don't have a 401 written lease, but he had a [ease and has gone out and purchased seed, and like [ said on this other 402 property, [ guess you are calling it Mid[and or whatever ...

403 JR: Midway

404 B: He went out and started fixing up the fences and doing something there, that hasn't been used for 405 two or three years, and the next day somebody is out there planting after they see him out there. [t is 406 kind of a frustrating situation that certainly the Jessops have done the work to get the field there, but 407 they haven't contacted the Trust about using it or utilizing it, but Shawn has. He has purchased the seed 408 and so on and so forth, so [ don't see at this point in time that Fred Jessop or Merril Junior or whoever it 409 is are ever going to be using it or have contacted me or anything. Am [ right, Jethro, in saying that it 410 hasn't been farmed for two or three years.

411 J: Yes, that's true.

412 B: [ think at this time let Shawn go ahead and farm that with the winter wheat in there. He got the seed 413 and he's all ready to go. [fthere is an issue after this crop, then let's deal with it. [mean, ifits 414 something that's been abandoned for two or three years, I'd just as soon see something productive 415 happenning. [f Shawn's going to do it, we ought to let him do it.

416 JR: OK. My question is, are we going to disregard the investment ofthe people who invested in thatto 417 even make it a field-you understand that it was just a creek bottom-and now they are saying we have 418 interest in that which is time and money to make those fields, and they are wanting to plant those fields. 419 So should we just disregard that interest.

420 B: We are not going to disregard that interest, but [think for the time being, for this crop, let's let Shawn 421 do it. Again, it hasn't been used for two or three years. Why now the heightened interest after two or 422 three years? We are not selling it off. [t is not a long term [ease. [t is a crop [ease here to put winter 423 wheat in. We are talking about a relatively temporary matter of months issue, and it can be resolved 424 after that time.

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425 J: Our lease can be cancelled as long as he doesn't have a standing crop.

426 JR: OK, I believe the interest is in somebody-they had invested time and money in it-and the interest 427 is that if somebody else uses the property than their interest would be denied. And so I think that is the 428 concern.

429 B: Their interest is not going to be denied. They just haven't used it for two or three years and we have 430 somebody that is up and ready to use it right this minute, and let's have him do it. I don't think these 431 others were hot to trot. There hasn't been any preparation and nothing being done, and now is the 432 time to do it. I think there just sort of if-I'm-not-going-to-use-it-I-don't-want-anybody-else-t0 type of 433 attitude. It's not, officer, you can assure them that this doesn't have any permanent impact. I don't 434 know what interest Shawn has in the property other than just finding a place to farm. We are not 435 considering permanently leasing or selling or doing anything like that with Shawn. It's just a temporary 436 situation. Their interest, if any, will be preserved. And again, it's Trust property and it's just wants and 437 needs and all this other stuff, and so the fact that somebody has put money into a property or 438 contributed to the Trust does not give them any individual rights or ownership. It is certainly a 439 consideration to the Trust. Ultimately, I'd like to dispose of the Trust and distribute property to the 440 beneficiaries. FLDS has not been interested in the past in discussing that, but if that were to change, 441 certainly, equity is a factor in any distribution of property. I don't know that Shawn is even a Trust 442 beneficiary. He may be. Jethro, do you know if he is?

443 JR: I don't know if he is.

444 J: Well, I think he's a participant in the sense like the other children who helped their dads.

445 JR: He hasn't lived here for a lot of years.

446 J: In a way though, that is where Wally and some of these kids set too. Yeah, they helped build this, but 447 I think Merril Jessop was the mover and shaker who started creating this little alfalfa patch in the 448 bottom of the creek bed.

449 JR: Right, that was probably ....

450 B: I like somebody to use it, and Shawn has expressed a desire ... [broken up] any future situational 451 respectables that created it, it is Trust property. [broken up] utilize it, and I don't see where it is an 452 issue or problem.

453 JR: Are these people who want an interest, are they able to contact you, and possibly, if they are willing 454 to do that, can Shawn plant elsewhere?

455 B: I'm not much of a farmer. I don't know what other areas are possible or appropriate. If there is 456 another place, then that is something that we would certainly consider. One of the attractions here is 457 that they can get the Stubbs water on this property, and there are other places where Stubbs water may 458 not be available, so that would have to be a consideration. And again, I hate the aspect of "Well, I 459 haven't used it for several years, but then all of a sudden somebody has expressed an interest, now all

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460 of a sudden I want an interest" This doesn't have anything to do with ownership, this is just use. And it 461 is a temporary use. I would say that all things being equal, if there were another place that Shawn could 462 plant and get Stubbs water to that location, then I think that would be a wonderful solution if in fact 463 these other people are going to use it instead of let I lie fallow for two or three years. But if there is not 464 another place, I'd just as soon let Shawn do what he is doing, and then at the end of the growing season 465 we can talk to the interested parties about it I am happy to see people interested in doing some 466 farming and getting some greenery going, so I would like to encourage that. I'll do whatever I can to 467 help the parties out.

468 JR: Isn't there only a well on that?

469 B: I'll throw you and Shawn onto that and see ifthere is another place. Ifthere is, let's talk about it. If 470 there is not, let's just let Shawn for the time being go ahead and utilize this property.

471 JR: 00 you want the other three interest parties to contact you?

472 B: Sure. Jethro can give them my contact information.

473 JR: OK

474 B: I appreciate the call.

475 J: I suspect if we can't come with an alternative available to Shawn, like you're saying, let's give him this 476 growing season and move ahead in the interest of time, and let the boys realize that their process-they 477 can petition for this, and the Trust can give Shawn a notice that he is on a short term lease, and look for 478 something else. But I don't know what else there would be; that's why we are here. We've stretched 479 our mind through the other locations that would be feasible.

480 JR: I believe ... lsn't there a well drilled on that. Isn't that in Arizona? There was a circle on that property, 481 so where were they getting there water? Do you know?

482 J: I don't know for sure if there is a well on that property or not

483 JR: I think that Merril drilled a well on that property. I believe so, so that would be a great interest that 484 he would have. Whether there is a contact from those interested parties-they came to me as an 485 interested party, so if I can just pass them on, we can just let them contact you.

486 B: I think that would work. And Jethro's comment about the temporary growing season is appropriate. 487 There's not another location; Shawn is ready willing and there; I've agreed to lease it to him, so be it. If 488 the other parties really are interested, I'd like to encourage that. Have them contact me and we can 489 work something out for the future seasons.

490 J: We have put a use clause in these leases that says that Shawn can't"stay there if he doesn't do 491 anything. There's a performance clause that says we'll cancel the lease if he doesn't go and use it. So I 492 don't think we are at risk to him in any way.

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493 B: I hear what Officer Roundy is saying that if somebody has put time and effort into it, and for whatever 494 reason now starts to utilize the property, then in the future we ought to take them into consideration.

495 JR: If you understand the location, it was basically nothing. It had to be leveled and greatly developed to 496 the extent that it exists now.

497 J: This property had to be reclaimed from the creek bed. There was a significant amount of dirt work 498 done to reclaim this property.

499 B: Again, it lay fallow for two or three years, with nobody expressing an interest, so I guess the first one 500 expressing an interest at this point in time should get it unless there is another alternative as Officer 501 Roundy is talking about. If there's not, Shawn should get it for this growing season. I'd like to talk to the 502 other two individuals for future growing seasons. We probably ought to work something out.

503 J: I'll give them a petition form.

504 B: I'll be available by phone.

505 [end of phone conversation]

506 JR: Is it okay with you if I have a copy of this?

507 J: This is Legrand's, but I have the one on the Midway, and I am making one on this. I would be glad to 508 give you a copy of it.

509 JR: Just as part of-if there is anything that can go in the file on the keep-the-peace effort.

510 J: Let me take just one second to print this off for you.

511 JR: What is that you are printing?

512 J: I am going to give you the petition-for-benefits form that Fred and Wally could jointly sign and make a 513 request to Bruce officially for this, and I suggest, that what they do on this is say, you know, we want to 514 do this, and at a very minimum we want to be able to do it next year, or next spring, or whenever this 515 crop comes off.

516 JR: With the agreement with Shawn you have 10% of the yield, is that the agreement he made with 517 Bruce.

518 J: Yeah, what it was was $100 a year and 10% of the yield, and that was more like crop sharing because 519 we didn't know how to establish a dollar value lease on agricultural property when he has to do the 520 work, and he had to get the water, and he has to hoe the weeds, and he has to deal with the hassle, so 521 we bounced some numbers around as to what would be a fair return as an agricultural lease. We don't 522 have any real clear precedence for it. We bounced it around and decided to just go with it for this year, 523 and obviously if it is too much you'll let us know and if it is too little we'll be able to tell because the 524 attempt here, the interest of the Trust here, number one is to get the property into production. Where 525 ever there is no activity, we want to see more activity. And of course, number two, if it is possible, we'd

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526 like to let some of those properties begin to be productive in terms of a reward to the Trust. I am just 527 going to make a couple more edits to this document, and then I will print this for you and let you have a 528 copy.

529 JR: Is that pretty much generic? You just putting a different name in it?

530 J: Well, what I am doing right now is modifying the lease that we signed with him on Midway because 531 we have a signed lease with him on that other property. What I told him is, "Why don't you just move 532 on down to that other one because we didn't know how to react."

533 JR: On the Midway, he already has water there, right?

534 J: Yeah, he just gets a riser off the field next door, but it is the same 10 inch line that comes all the way 535 from Water Canyon that comes down and crosses the creek at that property. Whoever has the water 536 has had a right to throw a saddle on the line and take the water, so that's how they've done it in the 537 past. There's the lease. Now the blanks will be filled in. Those three little fields I've estimated at 538 approximately 20 acres of property, and then there is a little profit sharing fill in the blank in there that I 539 will do with Shawn and then we'll have ... lt says, "This lease shall be for a term of five years, commencing 540 on this date, terminable with or without cause by either property," in other words if Shawn decided to 541 bail, he would just give us a notice.

542 JR: You've given him a five year lease on Midway, but what about these 20 acres?

543 J: This is the 20, but this is the point: the term of the lease is five years, but it says terminable right here, 544 with or without cause by either party, so this will expire in five years, but in the meantime, for any 545 reason that he deems or any reason that we deem, then we can expire it today. The only thing we have 546 in here, it says in here, that if we terminate his lease then it says the right to terminate without cause, 547 the lessee specifically agrees and acknowledges that they shall have the right to terminate this with 548 respect to all portions of the property without cause thirty day notice. So on a thirty day notice, even on 549 these ag leases we have the ability to do something. One reason why, is like, if we were going to let 550 Isaac go out and put winter wheat or rye or something, we may decide to do something else with that 551 property. And if we want to do something else with that property, the Trust needs to be able to do that. 552 But there is a provision right here, it says that the Lessor terminates the lease prior to the expiration, the 553 Lessor will reimburse the Lessee for their capital improvements and their un-harvested crops. So you 554 can't just wait until the harvest is "white and all ready to harvest" and then cancel the lease. Does that 555 make sense?

556 JR: Yes.

557 J: OK. To coin a phrase.

558 JR: OK. Now as far as these interested parties, what is the best way to contact Bruce if they wanted to 559 talk to him.

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560 J: Through that petition right there is the best way. But if you need Bruce's numbers, 1 can give you his 561 numbers. He's not in his office today. Bruce's office is 801-328-2011. Bruce's direct line to his desk is 562 801-931-3822. Bruce's cell phone is 801-599-5796. And you probably have my number memorized.

563 JR: 2500. That's not hard is it?

564 J: 467-2500.

565 JR: 2500

566 J: 2500. 2400 is Jake. So if you don't mind, tell the boys so they can feel good about it. Do you want to 567 contact Shawn and tell him you will stand between him and all harm.

568 JR: [laugh]

569 J:That's your job isn't it?

570 JR: {laughs]OK, we'll go from here. Thanks.

571 J: OK, thank you.


573 2:51 PM

574 [I received a call a few minutes later from Shane Stubbs, he said he was· standing on the property with 575 Shaun, Marshal Roundy, along with Fred Jessop, Wally Jessop and a couple more men that he did not 576 know. He said he would put me on speaker phone and then 1 repeated what Officer Roundy had said 577 and that we had a phone call with Bruce. 1 summarized Bruce's decision and 1 told Shane that Marshall 578 Roundy was to deliver Bruce's decision to the Jessop boys and that they would leave him alone. He said 579 Jonathan is here now and "that is not what he is telling us." 1 suggested to Marshall Roundy that he 580 should give his instructions in writing and he said they would be written into his report and we could get 581 a copy later.]

582 1 spoke with them by phone for a few minutes then the conversation cuts in here:

583 Fred: We're saying, "No Thank You."

584 J: But it's not your option and it's not your call. Bruce is the one that is going to say who gets to put seed 585 in the ground.

586 JR: They are saying the pOint that they think needs to happen that the point on whether the original 587 trust was set by law and whether it should revert to the church and who owns the property.

588 J: And that all might happen and I don't know how long it will take and if and when such a ruling came 589 down it would be like any other ruling and that would be the lay of the land at that time, and at this 590 time ...

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591 JR: that's the one I'm standing on.

592 J: Well, at this particular time, Judge Lindberg is the judge, and Judge Lindberg has already signed an 593 order.

594 JR: She hasn't signed an order pursuant to plant this, and this right here, Fred has ownership to this right 595 here, and he wants them to leave, so that's how we'll stand it...

596 J: Fred has no ownership. Fred is not in the chain of title.

597 JR: Fred is in the church, and so the property belongs to the church.

598 J: Whether the property belongs to the church or the Trust is a matter for the court to decide if there is 599 a difference.

600 JR: Let's go there with it then.

601 Fred: In the meantime, I am going to decide.

602 J: And by what authority?

603 F: I have made my decision.

604 J: It is not your decision to make.

605 F: [garbled)

606 J: It is a real property decision, and Marshall Roundy is there to enforce the law of the land as it sets 607 today, not what might be adjudicated tomorrow or last week. The way it sits right now is that it is Trust 608 property, and you sat here and talked to the Administrator, Bruce Wisan, and you heard Bruce's 609 decision.

610 JR: Yeah, I have all the information on that, and alii can do is reiterate the same thing I said before, that 611 the point of law that we are standing on ...

612 J: There is no point of law.

613 JR: Well, it is law, and the court will have to decide.

614 J: It is not law until the court decides. The point of law right now is already decided.

615 F: We don't see a badge; we have no idea what authority you speak from.

616 J: It doesn't take a badge to make law. What it takes is a document, and the document is, if you want to 617 go to the county recorder and look up, you'll see whose name that property is in, and if you want to go 618 to the court record, you will see who has been appointed as the administrator of that agency.

619 F: Well, you know what this sounds like, Jethro?

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620 J: Tell me.

621 F: Sounds like a range war. The old range wars we used to hear about.

622 J: No it isn't. No it isn't. And that is why we have Marshall Roundy there so that it isn't a range war.

623 JR: Talking about the documents, the first document is the most important, and that was the original 624 Trust document. That is going to have to be decided. That is the document right there that we are 625 settling on ...

626 J: No. No. There is no lawyer in the world that will tell you that the first...

627 JR: You don't think that's right or not ...

628 J: No. The lawyer will tell you, and your lawyer will tell you, that it is the last document, not the first one, 629 that is the rule of the land because there are people that owned this land clear back to the Esplins and 630 the Lauritzens. The last one is the one that made it Trust property.

631 JR: OK. Well, I think we have a lot of miles to go on this, but I think we all understand where we are at.

632 J: Well, where we are at is that Bruce gave Shawn the right to drill wheat into that ground and he gave 633 the other boys the right to petition for a benefit. And we invited them to do so. And you heard Bruce 634 say that he had no interest in trying to short them of any value or investment that they may have made.

635 JR: Well, we are going back to that original Trust. With it, who owns the property if there is any issue or 636 any breakup it belongs to the church or the president of the church, and they told Fred to plant this 637 property.

638 J: Well, which one are you going to-the 42, or the 49, or the 98, or the OS? Which Trust are you going 639 to?

640 JR: The original.

641 J: The original 1942 Trust?

642 JR: The original re-instated Trust.

643 J: The original Trust said if it is ever divided it will be share and share alike.

644 JR: Well, we are talking about the lasttime it was in control oflhe church. It said if it was broken up 645 then the whole thing belongs to the church.

646 J: But that Trust has been amended and amended again by the courts.

647 JR: Well, then the courts are going to have to sort it all out, but that is where the issues are going to be.

648 J: Well, until they are, Bruce is the administrator.

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649 JR: Well, Fred, says this is his property, and we are going to honor him because he is a member of the 650 church, and he has asked them to leave and that is where I am going to stand as Chief of the Police.

651 J: As Chief of the Police, Officer, you should enforce the law, and not who said who said what. And if 652 you have any question about what the law is, then do some research, or talk to a lawyer that 653 understands where the law is. But you can't make law with your badge.

654 Fred: Jethro, have you made some agreement with these boys?

655 J: Yes, we have.

656 Fred: Personally, we like them. They are fine folks to the best of our knowledge. We have no issue here 657 except that they are stepping on what I feel is my territory. And I say, "No thank you. Back away. Don't 658 step on me." Now, you walk into my territory; do whatever you want to do. Do whatever you feel is 659 best, but I am telling you [garbled] my position is I'm asking you to leave. So, again, go do whatever you 660 feel best, and not to discredit you and your wisdom, and all that you're saying, but it makes no 661 difference to me.

662 J: Well, you know, I am telling you that the argument isn't even with me. I am just trying to help you 663 understand the position you are in. The point is ...

664 F: Go get your [garbled] and bring 'em on (laughed).

665 J: The point is whether or not there is ownership of property and what those ownership rights are. And 666 right now the ownership right is the one that Shawn represents.

667 F: If you would deal with my position, then you have every right granted to you by the country we live in. 668 and, don't try to do otherwise. And that is the position we are at.

669 J: And that is what we just barely did. We have every right to manage property that belongs to the Trust. 670 The Trust is doing so, and they have granted that to Shawn, and that is the right that the Trust has.

671 F: And I'm saying, "Halt."

672 JR: The only dispute is who owns the property, and the court is going to have to decide that.

673 J:"The court already decided. There is a county record that shows who owns the property.

674 F: Well, get your attorney's after it, and let's get on with it, but it's still the same answer.

675 J: Well, and if you disagree with that then the same is true. We both have good counsel, and we both 676 have worthy and wise-minded judges to make that decision, but as of right now, officer, this property 677 belongs to the Trust, and Shawn has the right to farm it.

678 JR: Well, Fred has been the one that had the original responsibility and so we are going to maintain that 679 he still has the responsibility of it.

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680 J: Fred has nothing. That was Uncle Merril's yard. Fred never even had a lease from the church.

681 F: I don't see where we are getting anywhere in arguing here with Jethro.

682 J: Well, and I hope you can appreciate it. But Shawn is the one that has a right to be there. And the 683 reason that we need an officer to keep the peace is so that he can show Shawn what his rights are.

684 ?Wally or F: The best thing for him to do is leave.

685 J: Why?

686 JR: That's what he needs to do.

687 J: I don't think so. I think the best thing for him to do is put his seed in the ground so that next spring 688 there will be some wheat.

689 ?Wally or F: We said, "No thanks."

690 JR: That's between Shawn and Fred, so we'll see what they say.

691 J: Well, actually, that's between you and Bruce, Jonathan, because you're the one, and I think everybody 692 is going to respect the officer of the law, but you as an officer are going to tell Shawn to leave, and if you 693 do, his instructions are to follow your instructions, but you need to call Bruce and make sure that what 694 you are doing is what an officer of the law should do is keep the peace and enforce property rights, and 695 if the property rights change by another judge, then you'll enforce that.

696 JR: OK.

697 F: [something in background]

698 J: 50 do what you told Bruce you'd do, and that is hand those boys some petitions and tell Shawn that 699 you'll stand between him and any harm, that you won't let any harm come to him, and tell him to get 700 back to work.

701 JR: I never did tell Bruce I'd do anything. Alii did was talk to you and Bruce and explore the options. But 702 there could be a peaceful solution.

703 J: Well, talk to him some more if you need to because you need to understand what the law is and then 704 you need to enforce the law.

705 JR: That's right.

706 J: OK.

707 [long, long pause]

708 JR: OK. I'm going to uphold Fred's right, if Fred wants you to plant it, then that's fine, otherwise, 709 [garbled]

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710 Shane: Did you understand that, Jethro?

711 J: No, I didn't hear that.

712 JR: They planted your property up there [garbled] Isn't some ofthat Stubbs property?

713 Shawn: We've got the lease on it.

714 Shane: Well, Jethro, what is that plan?

715 J: I didn't hear.

716 Shane: It sounds like we better call Bruce back and get it figured out.

717 J: Well, you've got a lease on five acres and by tomorrow morning you'll have the lease on this property. 718 You have verbal permission from the Trust to go ahead and drill the seed in and continue to prep the 719 ground and get ready. You'll have a lease by tomorrow. And Bruce has already made his decision for 720 this growing season that you are good to go. I think Officer Roundy will enforce you in that because that 721 is the law and if anybody wants to change it we will deal with that when the changes come.

722 Shane: That's not what he's claiming. Officer Roundy is claiming otherwise.

723 J: Well, Officer Roundy doesn't make law; he enforces law. And right now that is where he sits.

724 JR: I think everybody clearly understands what the law is, so we can go home.

725 ? Yeah

726 Shane: K, he says we are out of here. What's the next step?

727 J: Do what he says. Do what he says. He can be responsible. He's the one with the badge, and he's the 728 one that knows whether he wants to keep his badge. If he's going to enforce the law, then he'll enforce 729 the law.

730 Shane: K, great. Thank you.

731 J: All right.

732 Shane: See ya.






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Dear Uncle Lyle, 6-1-06

1 nave been very reluctant to express the concerns I have been feeling about David Zitting but upon your suggestion to write, I yearn to report properly for if he is doing the work he was sent to do [ do not want to meddle.

Over the last year there have been several issues that alarmed me. Mayor David Zitting has spent much time with Bruce Wiesen. About a year ago he was getting phone calls from him and they were short.and to the point He told me about a meeting in Salt Lake City at the Little America that he had with Bruce Wiesen.

As the year progressed and issues developed with the police, Mayor Zitting informed Chief Fred Barlow that Bruce Wiesen had agreed to send all communications, emails and things he was doing namely allowing people to put head stones on graves etc. to him and he would pass them on. He attended and recorded the first "Town Hall Meeting" Mr. Wiesen put together. On the second "Town Hall Meeting" Lindsey Barlow told Aunt Ruth Barlow, because the Mayor was out, that it was' requested that Mayor Zitting attend and record the second meeting. After Aunt Ruth reported to Mayor Zitting she came down seeking counsel because the Mayor acted very offended by the request and stated that he was already going to be there to record it.

On the 20'" of May, Mayor Zitting and I were creating the budget for Hildale City. He wanted us to increase the budget by 15-25% on all items to do with population growth. I disagreed with his projections but he was adamant that it was going to happen. He made a special point to increase the building inspection line items. While we were discussing the budget, Bruce Wiesen and his attorney walked into the City Hall. Mayor Zitting led them into his office and closed the door. All his recent communications with Bruce Wiesen have been behind closed doors.

Smce I talked to you regarding these issues I have had a chance to talk to the Mayor and ask some questions. It was in a meeting with Mayor Zitting, Harold Peine and myself. We had some issues with SOme fences. Harold asked why Mayor Zittings' fence hadn't been stopped. Mayor Zitting said the issue came up in one of his meetings and he explained to Bruce Wiesen that he had communicated with the city and had it staked. Bruce Wiesen gave him a verbal approval to keep building his fence. Mayor Zitting presented a map and photo of the town from Bush and Gudgel, engineers, for Bruce



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Wiesen and asked us for any input and any comments we would have on it. Following is a copy of some of the conversation we had:

Meeting May 31, 2006

Why does he want the city to deal with it?

David: Bruce Wiesen wants certain things to be designated to the city, like parks, cemetery. And tax exempt things like church buildings and annex buildings, store house buildings. Just any input anyone wants to give.

What do l'Q!! think about input?

David: They are going to do what they are going to do. Not a lot we can do about it. And if we are going to be here, they are saying they are allowing us to have input if we want input. I mean, I don't have any qualms about that If there's people that want to have some input about what they're doiug then I don't have qualms about that either. What they have said, they've got this advisory board which is pretty much apostate people. What they have said is, what Bruce Wiesen said is "I would rather see more FLDS people on that board, because it represents the community more. I would rather see the majority on the advisory board be FLDS people." Because the majority of the people are FLDS people. Until it comes to the point where the advisory board becomes a board of trustees. That board of trustees ought to be mainly FLDS people. He saying it shouldn't all be FLDS people but equal representation. 1 don't see that happening. But he is offering for any input we might have.

What stand is the city taking on it? Have you formulated your thoughts on that?

David: Well at one time when this all started coming out like it is, the direction as instructed from Uncle Warren was "answer them nothing" since then 1 have been encouraged to get what information I can from them. I have been doing that, and in getting that information there are things that have come up that I have made comments on and they have used those comments as a directive to sometimes change their minds on things. But 1 have been trying to be very careful about that, 1 am not trying to be cohorts with them or anything like that, I am just trying to get information, things come up that 1

. made comments on, so I don't know at this point where it is. At first Uncle Warren said answer them nothing but I have been encouraged to do some of this.

Harold: Wasn't another one of the directives, no compromise?

David: No compromise? Uncle William made that comment; He said "Don't make any compromises." I asked him at that time, is there anything specific? The beauty salon is what he brought up as one example.



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k!rY;. As a compromise?

David: Yes, as a compromise. And since that, a lot of other things have happened that we really had no control over, and it looks like a lot more is going to happen too.

k!rY;. I told them as far as the utilities were concerned, we wasn't interested in doing anything. We wasn't interested in seeing your map we are making our own, we'll just carry on. But, Ijust didn't know how the City was going to respond.

David: You know this utility name and address list could be looked at as a compromise. But I don't see where we had much of a choice.

krrY.;.. Well, it was with a court order.

David: TIlls could end up being a court order, a whole bunch of things. They've got this judge, they just have to go to the judge and lay it before her and she writes out a court order.

k!rY;. I understand that. They are going to subdivide this thing, at least that's their plan.

David: Yes- every lot there. Their intention, every lot will be a separate identity, a separate piece of property and will be taxed separately.

k!rY;. And they're going to want to dedicate to the city all the streets.

David: Right.

k!rY;. So they can get it off their tax rolls.

David: They told me that they would do that; they will bring it, dedication plaque, to the city. They told me they expect the city wont sign them, they will take it through the courts and just go over the top of us and get it done any way without us.

k!rY;. How would they do that?

David: By court order.

k!rY;. You will take this street and you will .... ?

David: Largely they can use the public domain laws. Its been a public street, so dedicate it as a street. There's ways they can do it.

k!rY;. I'm surprised they haven't gone after the businesses.

David: Oh, they're doing it



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J<m:y; What are they thinking on it, do you know?

David: For taxes you mean? You will see it happening in one big sweep. Every business, every home, everything. People need to understand in the Hildale Industrial Park, Bruce Wiesen can't even breath on them. He has nothing to do with it. Unless someone is storing some stolen property or something.

I pray for Mayor Zitting that he can do the things he is asked to do. I can truly say I love him. If you have any advice for me in this matter or ifl need to mind my own business I would appreciate a clearer understanding. I must confess the accounting staff has taken steps to be much more closed lip about issues regarding the community than we have in the past.


Jeremiah B. Allred



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April 23, 2006

My Dear Holy Prophet Uncle Warren,

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- --income from Twin City Water Works, which work I am doing, has been in Mother Bonnie's name. The last


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- - - -In relation to the family expenses, the home utility bills and the cell phone bills for the mothers have

been paid by Twin City Water Works. I will digress a little arid tell you about the company. Twin City Water Works, Inc. was started as a non-profit corporation in 1972 to be the COmlnunity culinary water system. It operated as a community water system until 1996 when it sold the distnbution system to the Cities, but maintained the ownership of the wells and the water rights. It now sells bulk water to the towns (Hildale and Colorado City) and maintains the wells. The Towns operate and maintain the water system through individual customer revenues and buy bulk water from Twin City Water Works. The revenue to this company has been about $400,000 per year. Upon seeking counsel from Uncle Lyle, he directed me to



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continue the water company record keeping which Father was doing. In looking back over the expenses, about half of them have been for RJA home expenses. After counseling with Uncle Lyle, I have continued to pay some home expenses from the Twin City Water Works account such as home utilities (almost $4000 per month for the few months I have been here), mother's cell phones (about $200-300/month), car insurance (one policy contains about half home and half company vehicles, about $500 per month total), and a new van payment of $900 per month. Several home vehicles are owned and were paid for by the company. Father had told me, and Uncle Lyle had confirmed it, that Father did the payments from company funds with Uncle Fred's approval, and he had also checked with Uncle William. There were a lot of other purchases before which were made by the company, especially home improvements on the old RJA home. Ifwe choose to not pay home expenses with company funds, the company has enough income through bulk water sales that we would need to find a way to somehow get the extra revenue funds forwarded to the storehouse. In addition, the Storehouse would need to help the household here at least on the Utilities portion. The company has never been audited. Up to this time, especially with the company covering some expenses, the family needs have been met financially, and I have been able to occasionally tum in to the storehouse a surplus from the income made by the working family members. I am seeking counsel on whether or not to continue paying some home bills from the company funds.



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Ever seeking to be an instrument in the Lord's hands through you,


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1. Services To Be p",rformed By Citi.es ................................................. 2

2, Services To Be Provided By Twin .City ....................... " ............ , .... , ..... 2

3, Coordination ..................................... , ..................................... , .... 3

4. :System Improvements .................................................................... 4

5. Budgeting; Billing, Payment ................................... , ......... :............... 4

6. Term and. Termination ............. , .......... , ........................ , ........... , .. ; 4

7. Ins ui:anc e ........................................... , .................................. , ....... 5

8. Liability......... ........... ................... ..... ...... .............. .... ...... ........ 5

9. UncontroUab)e Force" ...... ............. ......................... ............... ........ 5

1"0. Norites .................... ; ........ " ........... ; ........ ; ..... ", .. > ........ , ............. , .... (I

\' 11, Definitiom ...... ; ................................ , ...... " .......... oc .......... ;;.,,: ... ; •• , 6 ILL Ibitilil Ser';ic.e Date .c ........................ ;."................................ 6 1L2 Prudent Utility Eracticcs ... , ...... ".; •••. ' .... 0; ........... ,,,................ ']

12. MisceI1aneous .................................. , .......................................... 7


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THIS. AGREEMENT io made and'eniered inlom; oNhe 14th. day of February,

1996, by and between COLORADO CITY, .ARIZONA, anATIzona muniCipal COl;potatlon

(hereafierreferredtoas "Colorado CIty',), :imd HILDALE;UTAH; a Utah murucipaIcotporation

(hereafter referred to'as "Hildale"),. both ofwhlch areTeferr.ed lo-coilectively hereafter-l\s"the

Cities;" nndTWINCITY WATER WORKS_, n\i:c, an_Arizona corporation (hereafier'referrod to

as "'l'winGity").


WHEREAS, Cities, Prior to thedat¢-Qf inltia"Lscfiiiceunder this Agreement, will

pln'cJiaSethe,Watet.disttibul(ousystemjnilieC;ities.(ihe '''Systeni,,)lTotnT-win;city Watel'Works,

Inc. (,iTwincCiiy'Jto,supplythewafer.;used by Cities andtheirtespectiveresiilenrlal, co=erdaf,

\industrial,professional anaothetctJstomers;,anii

WHEREAS; Twiri'Ciwllas;supplieli Wll1ertO the pyolic iiltheCities and maintains.

.1(sofficeill thir:Qiue.s,.staffeiiwiiqpe.rsormel t,dined tomaintair) 'waterfa,cl)ities; and

WliERili\.S.TwIn.,CJJya!ld:ibeCities,have.entere.dintoan.ll;;reementforthe.sa1e of·

watcr,wheld/y i'witrCity will sellw.ater to.-theiCit1cs;'atid

WHEREAs; inthemutoaLinteresMfbOthpartiflsllnd'tol'rovide tJ1e:Citie;s witli tlre

iiuvarifagesof1'wirrCitylSniarifigqrie}ft :experiellee,inveiltQrJ 6firJater1ll1s. and. supplieS, equipmeIit

aridmanpowei,. tb<jCiHes desire'l'winCitJ,to assume ihe:respon-sThiliiyofoperating and

rnaintainingilieSystem,and.Twin CitY is willing toacceptsuchrcsponsibility 'upon the terms;


NOW, THEREFORE, bargaJru;d ooe with tbe:.other; and in

considerationofthemutoalcovenan!'s herein fortle,fhe partlesagree.asfollows: . .

1. To B'? Citi.es. Cltie.s shall 'perform the -following , - . . :- '

.-services in connection with the operatlorrand maintel11lllce ofthe..systern:·

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monthly and other reading of customers' neters;

(b) pre:paration, transmittal and adjtJstinent ofbills.loeustomers;and all booKkeeping In .connection


(e) collections of eustom?rs' bills; and

(d) snchotller services as Cities and Twin City may from time to time agreetoinwriting.

2. Servic.es To Be Provided By TwiitCity.Subject to paragraphs land ;;

hereotTwin city shallopera'teandperform maintenance on thel'ystem and 'providecertain

.,erviccsin conncctionwitb tbccon,,.tmction·ofncwdistribution facilities as required, furnishing

superVision, labor,· material and'cquipmentas necessary'toserveall'Cities' cllstomerS,.existio,g.and

. future. Such mllintenanee.shallindude:the following services, usrequested by the Cities,

(a} connecting ,anddiseonneeting'meters for customers.coming on Drgoing off

. (b) regnlarlyrl'porting to theCities on the conditio!l ofcllstomerli' meters;

(c) exteriding lines aridinsUilJingrnetefs to :providesctvice>toneWoCusfomcrs;

Cd) re,gu)ariYlnspecting andte$ting

(e) regulai-lyinspeictingalLlines, meters, and other components'oftheSystem;

(f) repairing or replacing, as.appropriate, maifmictioning or outdqtedmeters;

(g) repairing or replacing, asueeessary, . pr and other components or the 'System; and

(IT) maintain and operate the water , treatrnentplant; and

(i) maintain, and operate the water tanks; and


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CD all sUcliotherserviccs as are no1ll'rrilly required for the operation and maintenance nf a water distribution' system of similar size and compleXity in accordune() with l'ruaentutility practiee·and applicable governmental regulations.


Twin Ci,yalsoagreesto mnintain and restore.serviceto the.Cities' customers as

may be requiiedfrom tinieto. of:emergencydismptioris in serVice.

Twin City amfthe Cities. shall cooperate.in. planning and implementing, tothe:extent

pmcticable, the transfer to the Cities oftesjJonSibility for services referreiLlo·in thisparagraph,'a1ld.

the alloCation.to Twin·City of.theresponsibilitlesspecifiedhereinis.qualifIed tollieextent'of any

such transfers.

3. Coordination. 'Twin Cityw.!11 'CoQrdinate administrationofthls Agreement

. with such representative DrTepresentatly<;s of 'the Cities as CitiesshaU designateln writing .. TwU;

"j .city shall. ootil'y'Citiesin writing ()j'itsctesignatedrepresentative,who shall meet not1css than

monihly,and morefrequ@tly be rea&omilily tequested.byCities, ylitb such

represeritatiy<:o or representa.tive.s 9fCities forthe purpose of estabLisrung.andrnonitoring

procedures fortbepGITimnance of l'win'Citj's responsibiJitles hereunder (inctuding provision for .

tronble 'Galis.and requestsior neWservicecGDnections) andreVieWing btldgetsand operations



4. -System linprownnen!S, .Invlew :onhe CitieS' lir!provc the System

asnece"saryto and to mainta,intlie

System in full compliance. Cily, from thn" to Urne.

shill :recommend improverrieills to llie System.and shall.implement in aCcordance with.tuch

stmdaros those SYstem authorized In writing by the

5. Budg({ti11,g;Billing;Payment. /Ill services mITdered l1nder paragraph 2

hercofshalLbedone on atime.andmJlterial basis in accordance with thdoUowingscliedule: , . {ai Necessarv.material shall bC.bilIe:dat thcacturiI costofthe material

used. .


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(bl Labor Shall be billedasfollows:

Systems Operator Helper

$30 per hour $10 per hour

(e) operator, shall be billed at thefollowiug rates:

Backhoe Trencher 'Excavator

$50 per hour $50 per hour $80perhuur

(d) TwincCities'wlllbill each City monthly fOfllSc<eMCes in accordance with the foregoing sehedule and the Cities agree to pay such statementsviithin'iliir:ty (30)days afterreceipt. Any delinquent bills will accure interest atthe rate of tenpercen! (lO%)'perannum.

6. 'Tenw'i1lld Termination. This Agreement s'hallbeeorne -effective upon its

exttutionby tlleCities and Twin City, Service uuder this Agreement sMIl,cammcuce on Ihe Initial

Service Datc.

TIils Agreementshalhemain in effect for 11 period oftwo'(2)·yearscomrnenein:g on the

mitisl Setviee])atc;provided, however,that the Cities may termJnllte this Agreement prior to

expiration. of snth'periodin order to assume the, responsibility to furnish all services,contemplated

up;d1I twO' (2)months'lidvancewiittcnnoticelOTwm Cities, Agreement·

shallamomaticallyextendJoJ; arradditionalpeiiodof One (l ) year fro!n theexpirafion of said initial

atleasttwo (2) months before me date ofexpiration of said.initial period or exterrsionJ:hereof;

signifieS its desire toterrriinate this Agreement

7. Insurance. -Duting the term of tbis Agreernentor aay exlension thereot,

Cities .. and TwhCityagree to <::arrysuch insurance covering public lfability'and.property damage

with reputable insuranCe carriers {which include reputable muniCipal selMnsurauce

__ .,_ , ... _IIQPJJ!Las would normall)"becar'ried b)'siJ:IIilady sit]Jated,j:l;!rties in accordanc," with Rrudent lljilll.l' __ _

(' I i

practice in order that aU parties hereto will be protected from liability for injury or damage

occasioned by thenegllgence or carelessness of either party, Iheirrespective employees oragerrts.

8. Liability.- Twin City shall use reasonable diligence in p.erfSnilarice of .its·

work under this Agreement, but does rrot assume any responsibility for irreglllarities or



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irtterrnplioDsillservice rendered by the Cities or for any damage to the Cities or others nottbe

l'esultof.carelessnesS or negligence Oil the part of Twin City orits

9.Uncontrollalile Forces. Neither Cities ,nor Twin, Citp; ,shall be considered

t(ibe in,default inili6perforrrumceof1l11ycofllieirrespective obligallons l1ereunder(ntherthan the

obligation of the Cities to,pay the costofooperatlon anclmaintenance ofthc,System undetthis

Agreement) if ihe fallureofperformance sballb6 dne to uncontj'ollilble fotces. The term

"uncontrolllilileTorces" shall mean any ,cause beyoncftbe controlofthepar\Y affected and'which,

bytbeexercise of due diligence,'thc'partyCis unable to overcome, ihdu<ilng,butl1otrestricledto',

an aotefGod,failure offaCilities,floorl,',earthquake"ftre,Jightning,.cpiilcmit, war,explosIon,

ilirCtlIftcrash., iiot,civil disturbance ordisobedience" 'laber dlspute,sabetage;tclTorism, pestilence,

,act ofapublic, enemy, Civil or militarysuiliority, MilrestrainfbYDourt ordcf'orjmblicauiliority. A

party rendered unable to fulfill any of its obligations under tl1fS Agreement by reason of

UncontroiiabieforcesshalLexerClse due 'diligence to. remove suchimilirntywitb alL reasonable

1 dispatdi:.

1Q.Notices; Any nofi<;¢, demand pf for hi this Agreement

shlillbe.in wutinwandshall be.dcelIledproperly;serveq,;given:ormadewhen.deliv.Cfea,inperson

oIllpon:the'Signature·cl:il retnmxeceiptwheu'sel1tb)'registere<rOl;. certified:rnaiL; postage. prepaid;

retu['¥!TeCeipt requested, 'te.,the persons.at

Fot Co!oradoCity:

For TwinCity:


Hildale, UT1l4148 Attention:, City Recorder

TownofCOloraiioCUY 1",0. '1loll: 70 ColonidoC!(ty,AZ 86021 Atteotipo: City Clerk

Twin City"Water WoclcS, we. 25 NortliRichard Street " CO[oradQ'City,AZ 86021 AJtcOt\on; RichanlAIIred

or such other person and 'address as Cities or Twin City shallhave notified to the other in writing,


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n. Definitions. The following defined terms, when used herein with .initial

capitalization"wheilierin iliesingularorilie plural shall have: the ll1eanlngsspecified herein,

11.1. Initial Service Date: the date notified to Twin City by Cities as

the date on whiCh the Cities wish service under this Agreemenuo Commence.

11.2. Prudent Utility Practice: any or the practices, methods and

acts which, in thee:cercL<;e of reasonablejudgment, lri: the light DftheJacts known at the time the -

decision was made, would have been cxpected to accompliBh thede!>ired result at the lowest

reasonable cost consistent with reliability, safety, expedltionand all applicable laws and

governmental and oiders. Such ,practices, methods and acts shall include, but

notbe limited to, the practices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a signiEicantportion of

the culinary water supply industry prior to the time the decision was made_ . Pmdent utility practice

isnotintcnded -to be limitedt<r,theoptimum practice, . method or actto:fueexclusion of all others,

but-ratherto be 11 number of possible practices, methods or acts. In applYIng the standard of

:prudent utility practice toanymatter under this Agreement, equitable consideration should be given

tothecircnmstanceS; requirements ,and, obligations of both of the paliies,bereto,

12. Miscellqneous.

12.1. This Agreement may be amended ori!y by a writteninstnllnent dlily

exectitec! by·the parties hereto,

12.2. The parties. hereto. shall use their best efforts to obtaill promptly aHuf

the. re1juisitegovernmental or regulatoryapprova]s requiTed for the consummation of the-

:.transactions,contempJated by tbis Agreement.

12.3. In the event that any of the terms, covenants or conditions of this

Agreement; Qr the application of aDyof suchterms,coveriants or conditions, shall beheld in valid

party or'cil6iy, byanycburtbavlng jmisdiction in the wemises,thc ccmmnde!" of

this Agreement, and the application of its lelIDS, covenants or conditions to such person,party or

entity shall not be affectedtherehy.

12.4. Neither fru1ure nor delay to object to any default or failure to perform


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undertbls Agreelllent on the p,art 'of either oft he parties hereto shall operate a&awalver thereof.

Any walverat any timeby;eitherofthe pmties.hereto oLtheirrights with Tespect to a default Or

other1l1Jllterarising in connection with this Agreement shallnotbe·deemed a waiver with respectto

any subsequent defaultor matter.

12.5. ThetermsiftbisAgreementshall be bindingupon,eachofthe parties

hereto ana their successorsaridassigns;providedthatneitberparty may assign its right<; hereunder

withollt the prior wrinen consent (which CODseolsha11 not be unreaSonably witlilield) of the other.

12.6. The signatories hereto represent thattheyhilVe been 'appropriately

authorizedtoenterinto, tbisAgreement on:behalfof the;party for whom they sign.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF', thellilrtieshereto"havecaused this Agreement to be

executed on their behalf by theirrepreSentativesthereunto duly authorized as of the date-firstset

forth above.

__ David Zitting, Mayor


By ',' . ", IhmieiBlirlow r::MlJY()r:


Otl'k /

Nuffer Daw;C,Colo City 6&1807 WaterSys,crn:O&MWATER.AGR3Irev; 091995


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Iftt,uj, / •.• ,,,/t I -;;

WllEREAs, The:TownDouncil ofHildaIe, thatatmeand real need,e::tistl;'for entering into an1\greement with .colatadoCity,.Arlzona; and Twin 'City water Wocicx,Inc.,Jo engageinJOfntoperauoil·cif.theCities' WHIel' distribution toundertsk:e uniform billiI\gandCQlJeetionproced= fo1: Sllch Systems,in-a!llllllllet tfllitwill:lCcQrd b.est with .geograpruc, economic, and:popnlation factort'ini11/ellcingthe needs anddevtiiopment.ofboth oomtnanitlessnd providing the benefitofecouomy oficale for !he-ovenill proImtiooqfthe genel1ll wolfareotboth 1';Qmttl\1I1ities,and

WB'EREAS,theTownCooncil:has reViewed: the form of the Water Dtstribution System Operation and MainremnlCt!Agreementto beenteu:d Into jointly withColDrndo City. Arizona 'oo;d Twin City Wiw;rWorks. Inc. lllldhll.S'fOllndthe termsan:d conditionstilereofacceptable to the Mwricipal#y;

RESO LVEDby the Town CO\Ir1Cil ofllildale,' Utah, asfuUpws:

Section .1. 'The terms of siid Water. DistrIbution System Opemtibnand Maintenance Agteeme:nt.between Colorndo CitY, Ariwna.theCityofHildale, Utah,audTwin City Water Worlcs,lhc . .areinihebest interemof the Wri:riicipality.

Section .2 .. 'the Mayor and Recorder are hereby authofu:ed.lo.execute .anddelivertheWater blstribiltiOnSySl.lm1:.Qpe(ationandMl\imenanceA,greelllent andsnyrelated docume:ntsnec'ess1U)' 10 ilie.oonsumrriationof'tOO'lransactioo:<:ontemplated by tlJeWmer'Dlstrib\ltioo System Operation and Maint;en8rice.AgreemeIllfoi'and.on:behalf (lfthe.Mmlicipality, .

Section 3. 1.'he·OfficelS nf\he. Municipa\ity are hereby authorized and directed t.<yfulfill all oblfgations under the tenni; of the Water Dlstrihutioil System Operation and Maintenance Agreement.

.1995. -

Oerk .

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WHE.R11;AS,TheT(7WJ:I Conncilcif Ccil(l[l!do{51y.Atizona, llllsdetemlinOO that a tmc=i veryrcal needexistsfor·entering inti> anagre.ement willi IheCIt:yofWllUi1e, Ullih,andT:winCity

• .Inc., W engljge.injo{nt-operation of .the.citi£1S' water distribution system, and to. undetilU:e uniforntl!il)ing and maJllalIOOr tbatwillaccord best wi1b.geograpWa, irifl=ingthe.needs and of both communities andprotid.ing the. ofscileiortheoveralI promotion uflbe· gem,:rnlwelfareof bulb commUllilies,.and ..

WHlliREA&;the T.ownCCJllllcil hasreviawed. theJonn of the- w''iltcrDistn1Jution System.

City Water Works, Inc. and .. tas foundtl:iq termS and cQIl,dftio!1l1' thereof acceptable to the . '. . .

.:. ........ u ... I. .... p.u.u.J-)

lIElTJUlSOLVEIJ by City,Arlzo!11L ES follows;

:Section 1.. The t(>= of sai4 Water Distribution 'System Operation and Maintenance Agreemcntbet)'.'ee!l CilloriKioCity,Arizona,theCity ot" FilldaIc.lJtah,·and Twin CItY Water W 000;,. Inc. nreJnthebcstlllterests <:ifth<;:Municipality.

llection:2.. 'l'heMayor and R=Jrderare hereby aufuorizcdto.ex-¢ClUeand deliver the Willer Distribution.systemO!x:tmlaa andMaimeu=AgJ:eementanijanyrcl.:lred.docuinentsneces.wyro

WaterDlStribbtionS-ysremOp<;mi:ionand 'i'fainien31lcc Agrriementiorand {}itbehalfofthe'Municiooiitv . . - -. - -.-

. SeCti0ll3. '1'heofficersofthe Municipality are hereby authorized and direCted tofuJtilt ali ohligations under the lems of the Watef'Distribntion.Systelli QperatiO'nand MaintcullIJCc AgI=netit. .

Adopted. andapfJroved this /tJ7f! .day of ' k995. TOWNOJt"COLORADO CITY,AlUZON'A

.' ... .. ' . .' ..


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Record of President Warren Jeffs


I called for LeRoy Jeffs to come. William Jessop had turned over $76,000 of moneys used to develop the sewer system in Short Creek and the building of more houses to us in our efforts. I had told him there will be no more new housing starts on UEP land, which he readily upheld. He gave me a total of $100,000 in checks of consecrations and tithing, which I turned over to LeRoy Jeffs. I called LeRoy Jeffs to come meet me. And I instructed him to give that $100,000 as a payment to the lawyers before the end of the year. I gave

Page 251 Thursday, December 25, 2003

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) Monday, January 10,2005

Pleasanton, California

7:00 p.m. Dictation I am in Pleasanton, California. The Lord has

kept me here. This is theforth night now. After we left Los Angeles area, we traveled north. The Lord had me perfonn the work by prayer and in the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood and the keys and powers thereof, to deliver Los Angeles and that area over to the judgments of God. I also stood in the waters of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of SanDiego which is the southwest corner or border of the United States, holding my arms to the square, and also in the authority of the Priesthood and by the keys and powers thereof, delivered western and southern borders of the United States over to the judgments of God, asking the Lord to remove the spirit of protection for this nation and that He would now sent the whirlwind judgments to sweep the wicked off this land and to make room and place for the rise of Zion, continuing the work of binding up the law and sealing up the testimony against this wicked nation.

After we left the Los Angeles area, and listening to the news reports, there has been a constant deluge, or flood. They measure up to six inches of rain have fallen there and there is constant flooding, in the mountainous areas many feet of snow, some few deaths. I yearn that all men would repent. And I know the Lord must keep His promise that Zion will be redeemed and the wicked will be swept off this land. The Lord has held me in place, and He has showed me last night that He has had me witness the ways of the world that there may be a witness on ea11h. And I see fulfilled His prophecies that the people would be filled with sorceries and the revelations of satan would flow forth upon the people on this land. And I witness in their talk, their dress, their idolatry, their

their ideas even in their news reports, that there is a flood of the sin of sorcery or devil worship throughout this nation, even their advertisements or entertainments show a belief in supernatural powers of darkness and death and destruction, depicting admiration in mighty warriors who perform works of destruction on many. The video games, the movies, the clothing

) symbols, everything depicts the revelations of satan are followed. Truly it is like the unto the days of Noah, the people on this land and throughout the nations of the earth have only evil in their minds continually.

The government of the United States supports the persecution against our people. This state of Utah with the Attorney-General of Utah as the instrument, the Monnon Church, the apostate gentile Mormon Church, is the center of attack against the Priesthood, using the apostates who have recently fallen away. And now the Priesthood people are about to be driven as a people. The Lord named to me last night to have the Bishop in Short Creek, William E. Jessop, find a home or homes elsewhere in the cities among the gentiles for his family and that of Uncle Fred's in as organized a manner as we can. We are fulfilling the directive of the Lord that the Priesthood people will be driven from Short Creek. The court is expected to rule a default judgment to take away our lands and houses on January 12 -- in two days. Also the Lord is having me perform marriages before our people are not able to be out and about, and yet even during the scattering, a gathering will take place.

The judgments of God are progressing among the people on this land, but the judgments of God have begun with the house of God as the Lord has promised. I thank the Lord for His promise, that even through the midst of all the drivings, persecutions, sufferings, and death of individuals, there will be a people on earth that will survive and be Zion.

In calling the architect in charge of managing the building of the temple --this evening I called him. He told me when I asked, "Surely the foundation is finished now?" He said, "No." The equipment broke down. At least 300 yards was not poured and they now have a cold joint in the cement foundation. And at the time I called, early afternoon, they were just starting the pouring again. The Lord did not prosper us, which means we are not one. The Lord directed that there be a continuous pour of cement in the foundation. And Zion's Camp fell short again. So tonight at about 5:30 I called brother Wendell Nielsen who was at R 17. I read to him verses 30 - 37 in the August II, 2004 revelation,

Record of President Warren Jeffs Page 9 Monday, January 10,2005

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Mr. Bruce R. Wisan Spec:al Fiduci.1.:"")f Wisan, Smith, Racker & Prescott 132 Pierpont Avenue, Suite 250 Salt Lake City, Uiah 84101

Re: Subdivision Petition

Dear Mr. Wisan:



December 21, 2006

'TO:\... N or. .:.;) 5-S 9 S-.:. ... 61 T:':!..;:'1"AX -"3s-a9S-S'<'41

r have been authorized by the Hildale City to represent to you tlat it has elected to abstain from taking any 2.ct!OG with respect to the petition to subdivide the pioperty within Hildale City".

Notwithstanding such election, it is my understanding that the City will not defend or object to a court proceeding or the entry ofa court order granting a petilion to so subdivide the property.

Respectfully yours,


, I.{ / Riehkd

" RKC:sb

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anyone because I will not compromise these places of refoge. I will tell them directly and be so direct with them what their character has to be and their faith and the penalty of treating lightly the privilege to go. "

At 12:45 a.m. your body started trembling again. It was not as severe as it was at midnight, but it was quite constantfor about a halfhour. At 12:50 a.m. you said, "Okay, okay. I am willing to go through whatever it takes, the sacrifice for the little innocent ones and also any of my ladies that will yet prepare, even though they must go through a great suJJeringfirst, that they might believe what J am telling them." You said, "Mother _ is ready to go. And I can see that her faith and exertion is needed at RI. I don't know that is where she will stay or If I will take her to Texas. "

At 1:00 a 'clock you said, "Oh, my. Oh, my. Will there be any faith left among the young people. How I yeatn to talk to them. The Lord is shawing me the young girls of this community, those who are pure lind righteous will be taken care of at a younger age. As the government finds out about this, it will bring such a great pressure upon us, upon the families of these girls, upon me, and also upon the girls who are placed in marriage." You said, "The Lord will take care of them as they seek unto Him and yearn to stay clean andplfre - .dnd Tytill,teacb.tbe )lQungpeoulc that there is no such thing as an underage Priesthood marriage but that it is a protection for them If they will look at it right and seek unto the Lord for a testimony. The Lordwill have me do this, get more young girls married, not only as a test to the parents, but also to test this people to see If they will give the Prophet up. The halfhearted will rage and this band of Gadianton robbers will become more hardened. They will become more forceful as they see they are not getting any blessings, because from now on, only those who have Zion in their hearts will obtain the blessing of Celestial Marriage.

At 1:15 a.m. your body was trembling through this time. There was such a heavenly whiteness, heavenly brightness all around you, flaming fire encircling you. Ai 1:15 a.m. you said, "Oh, how my heart bleeds for the young and innocent ones and for those of the young people that will qualify, those who are striving and seeking to come into my


presence. It is really the Lord that they are honoring, not me, and I can see there is a degree of faith among the young people, but the devil is raging and he is so angry with what is happening. He is using every stratagem to turn the faith of the young people. "

You said, "I can see I am going to be using. very soon. He is ready to go. He is a boy I can trust, becoming a good man in the Priesthood. " You said, "I can see J am going to be using more young, young men, even Priests, and maybe Teachers who are yearning for Zion, who are growing in that Spirit. The Lord will yet reveal to me what to do and who Jean trust. He is showing me the hearts of the Elders, especially the young Elders. My dream is litterally beingfulfilled that it will be the young Elders that will help me do this job." You groaned and said, "Oh, my heart bleeds for this people even unto great pain. I weep for Zion. I tremble for Zion. I am atoning for Zion. Who will be Zion?" You sighed and went quiet. You woke up about 1:40 a.m.

I sure feel the heavenly powers here. I pray that you can talk fa the young people this morning, as your heart desires it so.

7:30a.m. You were awake from 1: 30 a.m. until you got up

to get ready. You got ready to go to Good Words. IOU were s1iUl flghz dOwn, tike you sald Yoa seemed to go right out of it. By 6:00 a 'clock, you were right out of it. Ten minutes ajler 6:00 a.m. your body started to tremble. You said, "Oh, what is going on with me? What is going on? What is wrong? Am I just not supposed to talk to this people any more?" At 6:20 a.m. you said, "Okay, okay. I will stay put. J will stay put." Then you said, "Gh, how I yearn to speak once more to the young people; Maybe J will only be allowed to do that by phone now. We will see what the Lord does." You came to at 6: 3 0 a.mfor just a moment. By 6:35 a.m. you were unconscious again. Your body started trembling. You twisted a little and turned

At 6:40 a.m. you said, "Oh, the great distress, the great distress coming upon this people. Oh, how I yearn to suJJer for them, but they must suffer also that they will be converted. "

Record of President Warren Jeffs Page 163 Monday, November 24, 2003


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) )

the center, but the metal frame at each end will be groaned Your body was trembling and it started like theftrst truss." You said thai on the west end to tremble harder and harder until you were just . '/zere would be two round rooms wilh separate,' shaking really hard. 11 lasted until 6:15 a.m. At

On each corner. On the east end there would 6:15 a.m. it was like your breath was taken away be a tower in the center of the building and on each for a few minutes. Then you took a big deep carner, two round rooms. You said, "On the east breath, like you were struggling for breath. Then end, the two round rooms will be the sealing as your body settled down a little you said, "It is rooms. On the west end those two rooms will be marvelous what the Lord is doing. " for other purposes. " You went quiet until 6:30 a.m. when you came

I did say where the round rooms are? to. You said, "1 missed Good Words," You got up At each corner of the building. for a few minutes and then came back to the bed

and laid down. 1 reported to you what had been Is that within the floors or is that up above the happening, and it was like the Lordtookyou again

roof, did I say that? into a very severe session. You weren't out of the You said the round rooms would have a session, but it seemed like it got stronger and more

separate roof. intense. Your body continually trembled hard for So that means I did not indicate they are part of aboul an hour. It was constant. It wasn't just the

the Celestial floor. severe, severe trembling, but it was harder than it usually is when it is so constant like that.

You didn', say that. At 7:30 a.m. you said, "The Lord I showing me

But they are above the other roof? Did I say the hearts of many people. There are many He is that? A room on top of the roof, or a room within showing me that are faithfol." You saidyou would the Celestial floor? be giving the training to John Neilson Jeffi, that he

You didn't say. would remain where he was to be a strength to you . The round comers and round stairways. All there, and also to Tom Holm to strengthen your

hand ....tat is confusing to me, what you repeated to me. That matches with the four round rooms, one on You said, "The Lard will have me do more each comer, right? marriages of very young girls. This will make the

. .- - - g.auetnmen t rage (;1'1" CQ74U' Qgajyq"rt l'S ... 1 hat IS wnat you smd, zi was on me corners. than ever." You said that you would be taking care

Through it all, I have said the stairways are of __ Cooke and "Johnson. You said inside the building, not outside like that other would be going Mackert temple. Jr., then you said, . 3 Keate. Then you said

Yes. would be taking care of "Barlow Allred. But I am naming it, a round room, just like we She is Allred's daughter. You

didn 'I name where they would go, you just said you have a round room here. ??? the phrase, "One eternal round. The Lord's work is on eternal would be taking care of them. You said, "There

will be many marriages again that I will go back round. ", toward Short Creek to do. "

At 6:00 a 'clock a.m. your body jolted really At 7:50 o.m.your body was trembling hard still. hard again. You said, "What is happening? What You said, "Many people are yearning to be trained is happening?" You sat up on your elbows. You bv the Pl'ophet auain. Their exertions are great. said, "1 feel like I am being ripped apart inside. " J ".

You said, "I need more revelation on this. The Lord is going to heighten the test to see if they Whatever it takes, 1 am Willing to go through. " will truly stand with God or if their money and Your body started to tremble really severely again, possessions, their lands, their so-called houses and twisted. Your head twisted to the left. It was that they feel they are secure in, the Lordwill allow "!-e it kept being pulled or jerked off the bed. It them to be tested. They will be taken away. Who

will stand with the Prophet then? Many people ?t twisting as itwasjerking to the left You

Friday, July 2, 2004 Page 22 Record of President Warren Jeffs


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And they just laughed at me, and he just stood there. !thought, "Warren is waiting/or this. He is going to come ondfind it . ..

Right then the phone rang. I knew if I answered it, if would just be taken from me, so I left it in my pocket. This person said, "Answer that phone . .. And I didn't respond, and I recognized his voice as being Ron's voice. Anyway I said "How did you get in here?" I noticed then that the window was broken. He said fa me, "If you don't do what I say, I will kill you." That is when I heard you calling me. As I was waking up, I thought, I would rather die than do what you say.

I don't know why I dreamed that. You stay close to me. Always those are

warnings to stay close to me. Alright?

10:34 a,m. Dictation I continue dictating Sunday evening, having

starting into the heavy, heavy severe session of the heavenly powers after 1 :00 o'clock in the morning Sunday morning, all the way until Tuesday morning at 10:00 a.m. It was a constant continual pressure and I was shown many things. I was not allowed among the family to teach them. There were no phone calls. I did get some written messages and gave brief answers when I was able to. The Lord showed· me dreams and I had .-isitftttOft9 aHa I v. as talEBfl pIasBs. I Fej s-iee in tha Lord in guiding me. He is in charge.

I was shown a dream Tuesday morning where I was about to take a trip and drive a car, and • Jessop, Merril Jessop's daughter was to go with me, and instead of allowing her I set her in her own car to be alone to go her own pace, and I would not take her with me; and as I started out she tried to follow but her car went out of control and she was destroyed and killed, or harmed. As she lay there and I lay there in a heavenly session I looked up and there hovering over her on a cliff was the son of perdition himself, the dark wicked man, the devil himself guiding this wicked man ready to jump on her and destroy her fully.

I then saw this son of perdition, this dark devil coming to Johnson and "'Johnson having made agreements with him, had to give in to his pressure and pay him money and agree to his


will. I take this as a warning of the Lord that __ Johnson will compromise with the devil.

I also was shown awaking from this that if I didn't receive" as a wife soon, the evil powers would destroy her. As I had been warned of the Lord and voiced it to my scribe that she would be kidnaped and ravished and killed. Now the Lord impressed it upon me that since I knew this and if! did nothing, I would be responsible for her destruction. How is that for an emphasis?

I called on some marriages. I got ready. I felt impressed also that I would soon be handling_ Rohbock, but was withheld yesterday, seeing that the Lord had shown me that this man has not repented and has become an instrument of darkness among the people.

I had Wendell Nielsen present and performed a wedding of Steed, F. Steed's son age nmeteen and a Jessop, Merlin Jessop's daughter, age sixteen, for time and all eternity. Present were Wendell Nielsen, Nephi Jeffs, and Merlin Jessop S. I then performed an eternal. sealing of Cooke, or rather is his Priesthood name and Jessop, IF Jessop's daughter, age seventeen. Jessop was present, Wendell Nielsen and Nephi Jeffs as witnesses .

1 then taIkea to Wendell Nielsen for over an hour giving him training on the places of refuge. Still I did not reveal to him where they are. But I showed him the tests coming upon this people as the government would come against me. Then I revealed to Wendell that the Lord wanted me to receive this thirteen.year-old bride and also for her deliverance as well as the Lord allowing this to be a reason in the government's eyes to come stronger against this people. I explained the principle of the Lord cutting short His work in righteousness by me performing these works that would bring the wicked against us to justifY the Lord in destroyiog them, at a quicker pace. That is what cutting short His work in righteousness means, Him doing a righteous work. The wicked becoming angry, coming against US stronger and faster, bringing the judgments of God upon the wicked sooner, arid this people cleaned up in the process. So the Lord revealed this to me. I rejoice in Him. Oh, I need

Record oC President Warren Jeffs Page 179 Wednesday, November 26, 2003