honours master accounting, auditing & control

PricewaterhouseCoopers Honours Master Accounting, Auditing & Control Erasmus School of Economics

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Honours Master Accounting, auditing & Control


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PricewaterhouseCoopersHonours Master Accounting, Auditing & Control



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PricewaterhouseCoopersHonours Master

The PricewaterhouseCoopers Honours Master provides you with a competitive edge to your resume.

The Master is characterized by a unique combination of theory and practice in accounting, auditing and

control. A strong basis in finance is added as an extra feature to further enhance your career opportunities.

The programme is developed in close cooperation with PricewaterhouseCoopers and includes significant

interaction with the business community through guest speakers, projects with practitioners, business

games, drinks, and internship opportunities.

The programme is of high academic standards that

are recognized both nationally and internationally.

The Honours Master facilitates students’ admittance

without any deficiencies to the post initial

education for Certified Public Accountant (CPA;

in Dutch: registeraccountant [RA]) or Certified

Controller (in Dutch: registercontroller [RC]).

The Master will continuously accommodate the

developments in the field and the demands of

professional organizations, to guarantee a state-

of-the-art education.

You are not required to work for PwC upon

completion of the programme. If you wish so, you

will need to apply to PwC for a graduate position.

ACAdeMiC fieldThe Honours Master covers all aspects of reporting

relevant and reliable financial information to

internal and external stakeholders. It also deepens

your understanding of advanced valuation methods.

You will get familiarized with techniques and

theoretical frameworks that enable you to think

independently and critically about how auditing and

control are practiced. The academic staff of the ESE,

involved with the honours master, has substantial

professional accounting and business experience

along with excellent teaching credentials, permitting

them to share their “real-life” experiences and bring

real world perspective into the classroom.

CurriCuluM As an Honours Master student, you will attend

the core curriculum in a special Honours Master

group, thus enhancing the class experience. The

core courses, a seminar, and a Master’s thesis

are distributed over five blocks of eight weeks.

The core courses help you to get acquainted

with a wide range of topics that are essential for

accounting, auditing & control, and provide a solid

background for attending the seminars. The last

two blocks of the programme are devoted to the

Master’s thesis. The thesis is written individually

under close supervision by one of our academic

staff members. Additionally, each student in

the Honours Master will be assigned a coach

by either the Erasmus School of Economics or

PricewaterhouseCoopers, who will facilitate you

in managing study and career (not necessarily with

PwC) throughout the year. This will include help

with successfully completing the Master’s thesis.

If possible, PricewaterhouseCoopers will provide

opportunities to combine the master thesis with an


The curriculum further includes two unique

courses that are only open to Honours Master

students. The first course is an in-house course at

PricewaterhouseCoopers that will provide practical

perspectives on risk and control. You will visit

real companies and explore how these companies

manage risks with respect to fraud, acquisitions,

treasury and internal controls. The second course

focuses on the increasing need for accountants and

auditors to understand valuations. Accountants

and auditors are often involved in complex

transactions that require fair value measurements

of, for example, businesses, brand names, customer

relationships, technology, financial instruments and

employee share options. For today’s practitioners

it is imperative to have an understanding of the

rationale of these transactions and the valuation

models applied. The course focuses on providing

students the knowledge and skills to work with

these models.

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The course scheme is as follows.

Block Course ects Additional course ects

Inhouse Day, Kick-off+teambuilding


Accounting Process Management 1a

Accounting Process Management 1b

Security and ICT Audit




Practical Perspectives on Risk and

Control 4

2 Seminar Auditing Theory 12

3 Seminar Advanced Financial Accounting12

4Financial Information Systems 2

Master’s thesis


8Accounting and Valuation 4

5International Financial Reporting and Analysis

Master’s thesis4

8 Thesis: connection with PwC

exTrACurriCulAr ACTiviTiesPricewaterhouseCoopers will organize numerous

extracurricular activities that are aimed at learning,

team building, meeting practitioners and having

fun. These activities will include a kick-off event,

the “best student award”, an international business

game, the celebration of the successful completion

of the Master, and numerous opportunities to get

acquainted with practice.

CAreer ProsPeCTsThis is an exciting time to pursue a career in the

accounting profession. There has never been a

greater need for thought leadership combined

with hands-on knowledge. The Honours Master

will prepare excellent students that are ready

for an exciting career at the most inspiring


Career paths include• Chartered Accountant (RA, CPA)

• Chartered Controller (RC)

• Management Consultant

• Financial Economical Expert

staffThe staff of Honours Class Accounting consists of:

• Prof. J.C.A. Gortemaker RA

• Prof.dr. M.A. van Hoepen RA

• Prof.dr. G.J. van der Pijl RE

seleCTion ProCedure

Entry RequirementsApplicants for the MSc in Economics & Business

programmes should hold a university Bachelor’s

Degree that our Examination Board considers

equivalent to a Bachelor of Science diploma in

Economics & Business from Erasmus School of

Economics. Furthermore, for international students

fluency in spoken and written English, assessed by

a TOEFL- or IELTS-test, is required.

Applicants who do not meet the above-mentioned

requirements can be considered by the Examination

Board for admission to a one year Pre-Master’s


Students applying for the PwC Honours Class

have to be of proven excellence (average

Bachelor’s grade 7.25 or higher). They also must

be very interested in Accounting, Auditing and


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students who want to apply for this Honours Master have to apply by meansof the following procedure.1 The student has to send his/her application, including a curriculum and a letter of motivation to R. van

der Wal before the 1st of September.

2 After this date an interview with the selection board, in which a representative of PwC will take part,

will be scheduled.

3 Students that pass the selection interview will be admitted to an assessment centre.

4 Based on the assessment, selected students will be admitted to the Honours Master, conditional upon being

admitted to the Master. Students will be notifi ed of their conditional admission before the 1st of October.

5 Apply for the MSc in Economics & Business, with specialization in Accounting, Auditing & Control before

the 1st of August.

6 Students will be notified of their final admission before the 1st of November.

7 The maximum number of students to be admitted to the Honours Class is 20.

start and durationThe Master’s specialization Accounting, Auditing

& Control starts in November and lasts one year

(60 ECTS credits). The specialization is taught in

English. The kick-off event will be held in the last

week of November.

degreeMaster of Science in Economics & Business,

specialization Accounting, Auditing and Control

PwC Honours Master certificate, provided by the

Erasmus School of Economics.

further informationContact: Drs R. van der Wal RA

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +31 10 4081330/4081332

website: www.eur.nl/ese/pwchonoursmaster

THe World’s PorT ToeConoMiC exCellenCeStart your economic career in Rotterdam and

enrich your knowlegde through one of Erasmus

School of Economics’ international renowned

study programmes.

At Erasmus School of Economics you benefit from:

1 Top educational programmes in all major areas

of economics and business.

2 Cosmopolitan atmosphere and business-

oriented character.

3 Intellectual challenge and cutting-edge research.

4 Important educational centre and vibrant city

in one of the world’s largest ports.

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