honolulu, saturday daily bulletin professionals ......1 s3 4r (m m m 3'iv 1 its 111 i u b vol....

1 S3 4r ( M M M 'IV 1 iTS 111 I U B 3 Vol. XL tfo. 1691. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY EVENING,. JULY 23, 1887. BO CENTS SUBSCRIPTION PfcR MONTH) Insurance. Professionals. GEORGE LUCAS, Aj TEE DAILY BULLETIN Trail Hisastt "XWKcIl: Grand Annual Mammoth -- AT THE- - POPULAR MILLINERY 104 Fort Street, Honolulu, IV. S. SACHS, - - - To Commence on Monday, Positively for Two Weeks ona-Fi- dc Sale and Immense The entire stock will be offered -- J3Vt Cost ivntl Less tlimi In fact, a great many of the rices will be Cut HOUSE, Proprietor July 11th, Only. Bargains ! Cosfgl- - in Two ! BULLETIN Positively no reserve and all goods will be marked in Plain Figures and sold for Cash Only. Look at the price list circular. and Builder,' Honolulu Steam Planing Mnls, Espla nade, Honolulu Manufacture all kind of Mouldings, Brackets, vvinuow f rames, nands, Saahei, Doors, and all kinds of Wood' work finish. Turnlnir, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other solicited E. E. MAYHEW, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER, 83 Hotel street, . . Honolulu, II. I. (Opposite Fashion Stables). P.O.Box 315; Sell Telephone 53. All work in my line faithfully done. Plans and specifications made. Job. bing in all details done at short notice. CSood Work and LowCharcefl la my Slot to. 99 CKAVANAGH, Steam Boilers, Furnaces and Ranges Set. Brick and Stonework done on reasonable terms. 29 Bcretania St., nezt Commercial Saloon r. 0. Box 457. Orders from the other Islands punc- tually attended to. 721y FEES HARBISON, Kuildcr and Contractor. 80 P. 0. Box 478. Contractor and Bnilder. S'ores and offices fitted up, Estimates given on all kinds of brick and wooden buildings, Plans and Specifications fur- nished. tW Office, 110 Berctania St; Mutual Telephone, 852; Postofllce Box, 190. 322 ly NTERPRISI PLANING MILL. Alakea, near ncon St, Telephone SS. F. RUPPRECHT, Fresco Painter, 126 Nuuanu St, Honolulu, H- - L 66 8m Honolulu Ikon Works. t.nm .n irinH an ira m i 11a Imil ers, coolors ; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 R. MORE & Co., Ship's Blacksmith & General Machinist. PIT All work Tromplly and neatly 205 3m ALVIX II. RASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PArER-KTJLE- and BLANK-BOO- K Manufacturer. Book Binding of all description neatly and promptly executed. -- Campbell Block, Rooms 10 and ll.Mcr. 722 chant street. ly Hustace& Robertson, DRAYMEN. LL orders for Cartage promptly at-- 2 tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. HAWAIIAN HOTEL CARRIAGE CO. Carringcs at all hours, doy nd night. Raddle Horses, Buggies, Wdgoneltes and Village Carfs with" stylish, and goctle horses to let. FOR SALE. A few Horses, guaranteed. Second hand Hacks. Ooen and Ton Itn Carts and Harness. EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society OF TOE UNITED STATES. Assets Jan. 1, 1887 $75,510,472.76 Surplus New York State Standard .... 20,495,175.76 New Insurance written In 1886 ..... . 111,540,203.00 The Free Tontine Return Pre- mium Policy Contains all the latest concessions, the most liberal form of Policy extant. 1st. No restrictions whatever upon travel, residence or occupa- tion after 1 year. 2nd. Indisputable at law, or otherwise after yean. 8rd. Non forfeitable after 3 years. 4th. The Society guarantees to pay not only the face of the Policy in case of do..th during the Tontine period chosen, but to return all premiums paid as well. 5th If assured survives the Tontine period Six varied and attractive op- tions are ottered him three of which allow him to terminate the contract, and three allow him to continue the same. t3T A Bulletin is issued monthly of Death Claims paid in all parts of the world. Claims paid Immediately upon receipt of satisfactory proof of death, and not alter CO days. OTNo law suits. tSfSo delays. For further particulars consult ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT, General Agent Hawaiian Islands. 1010 FIRE, LIFE, AND . MARINE INSUKANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Assets, $5,055,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $ipjD00,000 New York Life Insurance $75,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1C33 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marine Insur'ce Agents AGENTS FOH The New England MUTUAL LIFE INS. COIKP'Y, of Boston. The iEtna Eire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. The Union Jt'lre and Marine Insurance Co. of Ban Francisco, Calai 191 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'v ESTABLISHED 1845, Capital,.. 9,000.000 Roichsmarka rpiIE undersigned, having been ap X pointed agent of the above Company for the Unwaiian Itthtmls. i nrnnrH . accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings, uiuivuic,iUL'iuuHuui8e, i roaucc, sngar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable in Honolulu. - II. liimtuvtirnvprnn. 00 1y at Wilder & Co's. The Inter- - Island Steam Jiavlgatlon Co., Limited, : Keep constantly on hand for sale Steam Family and Blacksmith Coa " and a'generaj assortment of 415. Bar Iron. TF YOU ' LOSE ANYTHING, X advertise it in the Daily Bulletin. OLAHENCI WILDXB I VOUIXY VA1LLAX0O0RT All lit OKU. I ASUroHO. ASHFORD & ASHFORD, Law, Chancery, Conveyancing, Admiralty, Ilankrnptry, l'robate. Klc, Kte.. Kte. Opkice: Old Capitol Building, adjoin- - ing Oencral Post-UDit- 93 Jll MONSARBAT, ATTOUNEY AT LAW .and Notary Public. Ucal Estate in any part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission, iioans s teti, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands I " CECIL BROWN, and Counsellor at Law Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowledgments of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. Merchant street, llono-'ul-u. 1 Alfred Ma goon, J ATXOKNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly T. DARE. JOHN Attorney and Connnellor-at-Law- . Office: No. 13 Spreckels' Block, Honolulu. ; 63 M. THOMPSON, A ttorney-at-Xii- w. Office In Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort & Merchant St., Honolulu, U. I. PRACTICES In THE COURTS. IST When desirtd, will give the law in a written opinion, as to the probuble re- sult- 6f the contention upon the facta stated. 15881y A. HA8SINGER, JOHN Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office, Honolulu. P. GRAY. M. D., I" . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, first door west of Library Build- ing. Hours, from 9 to 11 a.m., and 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a.m. tar Residence, No." 40 Akkea, near Hotel Street. B. EMERSON, D PUYHitlAM K 61KU4UJJ. Kesidence and Office, 196 Fort St ( 8 to 10 A.M., f uvipp 8P.ll., 7 to 8 evening. Telephone (Bell and Mutual), No. 149. 177 tf JOHN MACOON, Office 42 Merchant St., Honolulu- - Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18 ly H. M. BENSON. 0. W. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Boericke & Sceclilk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, 8 tck'ecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i 2y HOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo- -t Street, William's Block, nono-21- 6 Honolulu, H. I. A. M. HEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, erchant Street, - . Honolulu, H. Mutual Tel. 371. - Bell Tel. 30. Law Books k Lawyers' Stationery a Spoclalty. Orders taken for Newspapers, Priodi. cals, Books, Music, etc., from any part of the world, having made all arrange- ments therefor whilst in San Francisco. Red Rubber Stamps to Order. 71 J. II. SOPER, (Successor to J. M. Oat, Jr. & Co.) Dealers in all kinds of- - STATION E RY, The Latest Foreign Papers always on hand at the Gazette Block, Merchant Street ItS" The English Admiralty Charts always on hand. 1 by Chas. T. Gulick Notary Public Records Searched, Abstract of Title Furnished, and Convyances Drawn on Bhort notice. . Collodion Agency.-- Mn. JOnN GOOD, Jr., Authorized Collector. Employment Agency. Mr. F. MARCOS, 8 ecial Agent. General Business Agency. No. 33 Mer- chant Street. Bell Telephone 348. F. O. Box 415. 82tf Is printed and published at the office, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sunday! excootod). Subscription, 60 cents per Month. Addross all Coraraunic'iitlor, PaiH Bulletin. Advertisements, tc eniure Insertion, should be handed In before one o clock P. M. S, WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor W.A.S.Baalt Shipping Reperter It Collector j AS. 0. CLEVIOR.-Mana- gor. Bulletin Steam Prints Office. Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of all kinds done on the most favorable terms. No. 258 Bell Telephone Mutual Telephone No- - Commission Merchants. & Co, IIACICF13LI jJ General Commission Agents. .Iloo"n.n 1678 ly ' MAC7AELAHE & Co. 0, W. MPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Queen street, 1648 & COMPANY, GBEEWEB(Limiud) Gbnbrai. Mbhcahtilk and Commibsioh Aobkt. UBTOFOFWCEB8: P. C. Jokes, Jr. .. .Pdrat & Secretary j. O. Cabtkb Treasurer uiiiBCTons: S. C. Allen, Hon. 0. It. Bishop. H. watekiiocse. aaa ly JITmprTffirr'in General 1 Mnrr.handise. Queen st Honolulu. ,3. N. Castle.-- J. B. Atherton-- Q. Pastle Merchant. Importers eneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st., .Honolulu. Wm. Q. Irwin, .CUusSprecML. TT O IRWIN 6s COMPANY, W Sugar Factors and Comimssloi Agents, Honolulu. GBINBAUM CO., MS. importers of General Mer- chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 124 California street, Ban Francisco, iai. I ILDEB CO., Lumber pa Oils. Nails, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. ) B.Lewers. F.J.Lowrey. O.M.Co.ke. St OOOKH, LBWKBS to Lowers 4 Dickson,) Importers and Dealers In Lumber and a 1 kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 Gonsalves c Co., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 289 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Wolfe & Company, Grocery and Feed Store, 67 and 69 Hotel street, Fresh Groceries and Provisions received by every Steamer. P. O. Box 130, Bell Telephone No. 340 Mutual Telephone No. 194. 561 6m . V1HB. GEBTZ, j No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.W Importer and Dealer m Gent's, Ladies1 and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. WILLIAM MILLER Cabinetmaker And Upholsterer, fl0i 63 Hotel street, Opposite International Hotel, Canes and talking Sticks, Made of every kind of NATIVE WOODS rackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c, made ot the latest designs. CITY CARRIAGE CO. . gTAND : Cornel of Xanana Hotel Street. KING TJP TELEPHONE 457. This Carriage Company has been re- cently organized, and guarantees to furni-- h good conveyances, trustworthy drivers, and will make no extortionate charges. . All calls will be promptly attended to. ! 63 HAY HAY and -- GRAIN GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest Quality, Lowest Prices. UNION FEED CO., Telephones 175. Corner Edinburgh & Queen Streets. W3I. McCANDLESS, No. 6 Queen street, Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Beef, Teal, Mutton, Fish, e., &r Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 846 ly o. WEST, e. a. schumas. President. Manager. Haw'an. Carriage HT Co. (Limited) Importers & Dealers in Iron, Cumberland Coal, Hard Wood Lumber, : And all kinds of : Carriage and Wagon Materials. 82 Otn THE DAILY Thos. Lindsay, MANUFACTURING JEWELER 168 No. CONuuanuEtreet. ly WENNER & C(K manufacturing Jewellers. NO. 03 FOItT 8TBEET. Constantly on hand a large assortme n of every description of Jewelry, Watch e s Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. , 858 ly riONEJEB STEM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKBBV. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. "IW Telephone 74 LAINE & CO. Have a Large Stock of the VERY BEST HAY. GJ-rai- Etc., Which is offered at Lowest Market Prices AND Delivered Free to any part of the City AGENTS FOR THE Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for the noover Telephone. Commissioner of Deedsfor California Telephone No. 147. 706 mm AID JOB PRINTING OFFICE Every Description of look and General Printing Executed with neatness and dispatch. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 32, or apply tt) MILES & IIATLEY. 1374 ly

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Page 1: HONOLULU, SATURDAY DAILY BULLETIN Professionals ......1 S3 4r (M M M 3'IV 1 iTS 111 I U B Vol. XL tfo. 1691. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY EVENING,. JULY 23, 1887. BO CENTS SUBSCRIPTION


S3 4r ( MM M

'IV 1 iTS 111 I U B

3Vol. XL tfo. 1691. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY EVENING,. JULY 23, 1887. BO CENTS



Trail Hisastt "XWKcIl:Grand Annual Mammoth

--AT THE- -

POPULAR MILLINERY104 Fort Street, Honolulu,

IV. S. SACHS, - - -

To Commence on Monday,

Positively for Two Weeks

ona-Fi- dc Sale and Immense

The entire stock will be offered

-- J3Vt Cost ivntl Less tlimiIn fact, a great many of the

rices will be Cut



July 11th,


Bargains !

Cosfgl- -

in Two !


Positively no reserve and all goods will be marked

in Plain Figures and sold for Cash Only.

Look at the price list circular.

and Builder,'

Honolulu Steam Planing Mnls, Esplanade, Honolulu

Manufacture all kind of Mouldings,Brackets, vvinuow f rames, nands,

Saahei, Doors, and all kinds of Wood'work finish. Turnlnir, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Planing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from the other



83 Hotel street, . . Honolulu, II. I.(Opposite Fashion Stables).

P.O.Box 315; Sell Telephone 53.

All work in my line faithfully done.Plans and specifications made. Job.bing in all details done at short notice.

CSood Work and LowCharceflla my Slot to. 99

CKAVANAGH,Steam Boilers, Furnaces and Ranges

Set. Brick and Stonework done onreasonable terms.29 Bcretania St., nezt Commercial Saloon

r. 0. Box 457.Orders from the other Islands punc-

tually attended to. 721y


Kuildcr and Contractor.80 P. 0. Box 478.

Contractor and Bnilder.S'ores and offices fitted up, Estimatesgiven on all kinds of brick and woodenbuildings, Plans and Specifications fur-nished. tW Office, 110 Berctania St;Mutual Telephone, 852; Postofllce Box,190. 322 ly


Alakea, near ncon St,Telephone SS.


Fresco Painter,126 Nuuanu St, Honolulu, H- - L

66 8m

Honolulu Ikon Works.t.nm .n irinH an ira m i 11a Imil

ers, coolors ; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

R. MORE & Co.,Ship's Blacksmith & General Machinist.

PIT All work Tromplly and neatly205 3m



Manufacturer.Book Binding of all description neatly

and promptly executed. --

Campbell Block, Rooms 10 and ll.Mcr.722 chant street. ly

Hustace& Robertson,

DRAYMEN.LL orders for Cartage promptly at-- 2

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.



Carringcs at all hours, doy nd night.Raddle Horses, Buggies, Wdgoneltes andVillage Carfs with" stylish, and goctlehorses to let.

FOR SALE.A few Horses, guaranteed. Second

hand Hacks. Ooen and Ton ItnCarts and Harness.


Assurance SocietyOF TOE


Assets Jan. 1, 1887 $75,510,472.76Surplus New York State

Standard .... 20,495,175.76New Insurance written In

1886 ..... . 111,540,203.00

The Free Tontine Return Pre-

mium PolicyContains all the latest concessions, the

most liberal form of Policy extant.

1st. No restrictions whatever upontravel, residence or occupa-tion after 1 year.

2nd. Indisputable at law, or otherwiseafter yean.

8rd. Non forfeitable after 3 years.4th. The Society guarantees to pay not

only the face of the Policy in case ofdo..th during the Tontine periodchosen, but to return all premiumspaid as well.

5th If assured survives the Tontineperiod Six varied and attractive op-tions are ottered him three of whichallow him to terminate the contract,and three allow him to continue thesame.t3T A Bulletin is issued monthly of

Death Claims paid in all parts of theworld. Claims paid Immediately uponreceipt of satisfactory proof of death,and not alter CO days.

OTNo law suits. tSfSo delays.For further particulars consult

ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT,General Agent Hawaiian Islands.



. MARINEINSUKANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,055,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)

Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $ipjD00,000

New York Life Insurance$75,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1C33 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire & Marine Insur'ce Agents



of Boston.

The iEtna Eire Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

The Union Jt'lre andMarine Insurance Co.

of Ban Francisco, Calai191 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'v


Capital,.. 9,000.000 Roichsmarka

rpiIE undersigned, having been apX pointed agent of the above Company

for the Unwaiian Itthtmls. i nrnnrH .accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,

uiuivuic,iUL'iuuHuui8e, i roaucc, sngarMills etc., on the most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable inHonolulu. -

II. liimtuvtirnvprnn.00 1y at Wilder & Co's.

The Inter- - Island SteamJiavlgatlon Co., Limited,

: Keep constantly on hand for sale

Steam Family and Blacksmith Coa" and a'generaj assortment of

415. Bar Iron.TF YOU ' LOSE ANYTHING,X advertise it in the Daily Bulletin.


All lit OKU. I ASUroHO.


Law, Chancery, Conveyancing,Admiralty, Ilankrnptry, l'robate.

Klc, Kte.. Kte.Opkice: Old Capitol Building, adjoin- -

ing Oencral Post-UDit- 93


.and Notary Public. Ucal Estate in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission, iioans s

teti, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27

Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands I "

CECIL BROWN,and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac

knowledgments of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. Merchant street, llono-'ul-u.


Alfred Ma goon,J ATXOKNEY AT LAW.

173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly

T. DARE.JOHNAttorney and Connnellor-at-Law- .

Office: No. 13 Spreckels' Block,

Honolulu. ;63

M. THOMPSON,A ttorney-at-Xii- w.

Office In Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort &

Merchant St., Honolulu, U. I.


IST When desirtd, will give the law ina written opinion, as to the probuble re-

sult- 6f the contention upon the factastated. 15881y

A. HA8SINGER,JOHN Agent to take Acknowledgmentsto Contracts for Labor. Interior Office,



Office, first door west of Library Build-

ing. Hours, from 9 to 11 a.m., and 2 to 4

and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a.m.

tar Residence, No." 40 Akkea, nearHotel Street.


Kesidence and Office, 196 Fort St( 8 to 10 A.M.,

f uvipp 8P.ll.,7 to 8 evening.

Telephone (Bell and Mutual), No. 149.177 tf

JOHN MACOON,Office 42 Merchant St., Honolulu- -

Collector & Real Estate Agent.18 ly



Manufacturing and Dispensing


113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boericke & Sceclilk's


8 tck'ecker's Perfumes and ToiletRequisites, i 2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo- -t Street, William's Block, nono-21-6

Honolulu, H. I.

A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

erchant Street, - . Honolulu, H.

Mutual Tel. 371. - Bell Tel. 30.Law Books k Lawyers' Stationery a Spoclalty.

Orders taken for Newspapers, Priodi.cals, Books, Music, etc., from any partof the world, having made all arrange-ments therefor whilst in San Francisco.

Red Rubber Stamps to Order.71

J. II. SOPER,(Successor to J. M. Oat, Jr. & Co.)

Dealers in all kinds of- -

STATION E RY,The Latest Foreign Papers always onhand at the Gazette Block, MerchantStreet

ItS" The English Admiralty Chartsalways on hand. 1 by

Chas. T. Gulick Notary Public

Records Searched, Abstract of TitleFurnished, and Convyances

Drawn on Bhort notice. .

Collodion Agency.-- Mn. JOnN GOOD,Jr., Authorized Collector.

Employment Agency. Mr. F. MARCOS,8 ecial Agent.

General Business Agency. No. 33 Mer-

chant Street.

Bell Telephone 348. F. O. Box 415.82tf

Is printed and published at the office,

Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every

afternoon (Sunday! excootod).

Subscription, 60 cents per Month.

Addross all Coraraunic'iitlor, PaiHBulletin.

Advertisements, tc eniure Insertion,

should be handed In before one o clock

P. M. S,WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

W.A.S.Baalt Shipping Reperter It Collector

j AS. 0. CLEVIOR.-Mana- gor.

Bulletin Steam Prints Office.

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of

all kinds done on the most favorable

terms.No. 258

Bell TelephoneMutual Telephone No- -

Commission Merchants.

& Co,IIACICF13LIjJGeneral Commission Agents.

.Iloo"n.n1678 ly '



MERCHANTS,Honolulu. H. I.

Queen street,1648


Gbnbrai. Mbhcahtilk andCommibsioh Aobkt.


P. C. Jokes, Jr. . . .Pdrat& Secretaryj. O. Cabtkb Treasurer

uiiiBCTons:S. C. Allen,Hon. 0. It. Bishop.

H. watekiiocse.aaa ly

JITmprTffirr'in General1

Mnrr.handise. Queen st Honolulu.

,3. N. Castle.-- J. B. Atherton-- Q. Pastle

Merchant. Importerseneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,


Wm. Q. Irwin,.CUusSprecML.

TT O IRWIN 6s COMPANY,W Sugar Factors and Comimssloi

Agents, Honolulu.

GBINBAUM CO.,MS. importers of General Mer-

chandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

124 California street,Ban Francisco, iai.I

ILDEB CO.,Lumber pa

Oils. Nails, Sal', and Building Materials

of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. )

B.Lewers. F.J.Lowrey. O.M.Co.ke.St OOOKH,

LBWKBS to Lowers 4 Dickson,)Importers and Dealers In Lumber and a 1

kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,

Honolulu 1

Gonsalves c Co.,

Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

289 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Wolfe & Company,Grocery and Feed Store,

67 and 69 Hotel street,

Fresh Groceries and Provisions receivedby every Steamer.

P. O. Box 130, Bell Telephone No.340 Mutual Telephone No. 194.

561 6m

. V1HB. GEBTZ,j No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.WImporter and Dealer m Gent's, Ladies1

and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.



And Upholsterer,fl0i 63 Hotel street,

Opposite International Hotel,

Canes and talking Sticks,Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSrackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c,

made ot the latest designs.


. gTAND :

Cornel of Xanana Hotel Street.


This Carriage Company has been re-

cently organized, and guarantees tofurni-- h good conveyances, trustworthydrivers, and will make no extortionatecharges. .

All calls will be promptly attended to.! 63


GRAIN.Largest Stocks,

Choicest Quality,Lowest Prices.

UNION FEED CO.,Telephones 175. Corner Edinburgh & Queen Streets.

W3I. McCANDLESS,No. 6 Queen street, Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestBeef, Teal, Mutton, Fish, e., &r

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at short notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 846 ly

o. WEST, e. a. schumas.President. Manager.

Haw'an. Carriage HT Co.


Importers & Dealers in

Iron, Cumberland Coal, HardWood Lumber,

: And all kinds of :

Carriage and Wagon Materials.82 Otn

THE DAILYThos. Lindsay,


168 No. CONuuanuEtreet. ly

WENNER & C(Kmanufacturing Jewellers.

NO. 03 FOItT 8TBEET.Constantly on hand a large assortme n

of every description of Jewelry, Watch e sGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

, 858 ly


AND BAKBBV.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. "IW Telephone 74

LAINE & CO.Have a Large Stock of the


Which is offered at Lowest Market Prices


Delivered Free to any part of the City

AGENTS FOR THEPacific Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Agents for the noover Telephone.

Commissioner of Deedsfor California

Telephone No. 147. 706


Every Description of

look and General PrintingExecuted with neatness and dispatch.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up Telephone 32, or apply tt)


Page 2: HONOLULU, SATURDAY DAILY BULLETIN Professionals ......1 S3 4r (M M M 3'IV 1 iTS 111 I U B Vol. XL tfo. 1691. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY EVENING,. JULY 23, 1887. BO CENTS SUBSCRIPTION

02 iiii"j)v(niif'nfiijrijrMjii unysMMwBY AUTHORITY. AUCTION SALE OFthe endeavor, and so are all honest

men. But we are not prepared toHBROlnln Fire Doptenf.you may save to tho nation a great

statesman, as witness the case ofCaleb Cushing of America. Now I

contend, if we have such in our


This grumbling growling spread apneo'Mong nit-- of every Malum,Beetuse tbor're griunhlurs, think that

theyMust challenge admiration.

It is quite nice I will admit'In print now to appear,Especially when yon think you are"Left out,'' and In the rear.

But ere you form a Hue for pristSome accusation write,Would U not be the better way.To sea that Hist you're right.Remember that the cause that youAttack with deeming grief,Is juRt the very cause that struckFor our and your relief.

Remember too that wo have wonBv halves just only yet,The biggest light is jet to comoAnd this do not forget!Let all of us now take a pull,A pull of strength together,I'll vouch that if wo do we willAll our troubles weather.

And right not might Is hound to win,If we but only w ill,Then let us will and not be fools,Our cause through folly kill.

Take my advice and wait awhile,Our day will come at length,Don't cause disrnpturcs by your growls,"For unity is strength.''

A Convert.



ON Fn.ONDAY, JULY 25th, 1887.

At 10 a. m.

I will foil by Public Auction at the rci-1- .

denco of Mr. A. Slie b ird (o. account ofdeparture) No. Gr Hotel street, tho whdoof his Iloi S' hold Furniture con latingof


Forte In pood order, stool and musicRnk, B. W. Pailor Chairs, andK'K'kcig, Marble Top (."i nter Table,I oui'ge, Center Riiff. 8 Light Chan-(bdie- i,

. Pittuies, iin l Frann g, BedRoom set complete, KprinirMuttniss,Urge BedHtend, Mattra ses, nndFenthcr Pillows. Mosquito Nets,Sprends, Bed Linen, Towels, Exten-sion Diuiuir Tablu.and Chnirs, Croc-kur- y

and (U isswure, TM' Linen,M nt safe, tilovo and L'tm ils, LargeIjih 'I ub with shower, etc. etc,

LEWIS J. LEVEY,9.' 3t Auctioneer

Household Furniture.AND

house at Aran1 urn instructed by A'.R. II. N. Met I1ESNKY. (on account of departure) to offerat Public Auction, that very d sirablo

Centrally Located Property,Situate l nt 210 King Street,

On Thursday, July 28,At 1 o'clock, a. m.

On the rr ml-e- s and on the followingfavorable term viz:

One-ha- lf Cash, One-ha- lf in I or2 years secured by Mortgage with inter-est ut 8 i.e.- cent.

This ii(p"ity in situated ot 210 KingStreet, (wiihiu eaey walking distancefrutn town,) and iias a frontage of 9ifeet n King street, nnd running throughto Young street, 300 feel and lbO feetfiontage on Young street, tho mainbouse lias a parlor, silting room, 5 bedrooms, ilining room ki chen, bath roomand 8 civets, there are als stable for 8lior-cs- , 2 carriage hoii.-es-, 2 servants'rooms and cottage outside.

lntendliig i invlia ers desiring to examine the premises Can do so upon ap-plication t tho Auctioneer.

Tho titles aie peifect and deeds attxpcni-- of purchaser.

Household FurnitureOf above will be sold immediately afterthe mlc of the house, i. e.. on THL'

July 2th, 18-5- at 10 o'clock a. m..and counting in part of


Handsome Rosewood Sq. PianoBy Woodward & Drown, Boston;

I ambrcrpiins and Curtains, Carpets andUngs, M. T. Cenlei Tab es, Vvhutnot,l'ietures, 2 black walnut, -

iir'ulE-16- 3 Be


Wardrobes, Matting, Domestic SewingMiichino in good orderj Painted 15ed-reo-

Sets, Kngle Bedsteads. Children'sCribs, Nets, Clccks, Lampsand Chandeliers, Riifiigemt'ir an 1 MiatSafe, B. V. Sideboard, B. W. ExtensionDining Table and Chairs, Feather Fil.lowe.t-heets-, Towels, I illow cases, Quilts

Crockery, Glass, Cutleryami Plateilvvare,

Ply mo-- tli Rock and White BrahmaFew's, Catnry Biids, 1 Monkty andHouse, Splcr.di i large Cooking Range,bund's, Ga den Tool-- , IIi.s-- , WheelFurrow, alsj cue f iniily carriage, oneluinily

Pliaeton mil BiarioBi.LEWIS J. LEVEY,

00 H Auctioneer

Assignee's SaleOF....


Saturday, Aug. 6, 1887,

At 12 noon,the undesigned, Assignee in bankruptcyof the estate of .lohn M. Knpena, will sellat tlio Sides Room of Ltwis J. Levey,to the hidiest bidder for cash in UnitedStites Gold Coin, the following RealEstate, to wit:

Award. R. Patent,"334-- Uli-- 2 910 acres in Kawai-Ion- ,

Waialua, Oahu.5&73 Ap 1.25S0 5 ncrc. 4 ch.

., In Kcahun, Ewa, Oahu5873 Ap4. 2 acres 8 19100 ch.

Keahua, Ewa, Oahu.5150 E 48:J1 2 acres 0 in.

Ewa, Oahu,1080 Ap 1, 8440 )8127 li. 84.r.0 Kaliu, Honolulu.1(174 Ap. 2. 2675

SO I 3448 )803 344!) Peleula, Honolulu.

10MAp 2. 8447 )

1075 2:J8 Kahawall, Kapalama,Honolulu.

Sale positive. Deeds nt the expense ofthe purchaser.

Full particulars furnished on appli-cation at, Agency, No. 88 Mer-chant street.

C1IAS. T. GULICK,Assignee.

July 16, 1887. 88 td


oflVrcd tor sale on account of theillness of the owner.

Sales avcraae f2.000, per month.Terms, G,000, chash, balance in 6

to 12 months, approved pnper.Piincipals only need apply.Full particulars piven at

GULICK'S AGENCY.Ilonolulu, July 18th, 1887. 89 td

House li Furnit re !

II V order f Mil. I,. WAY. wn will fellat l'iibbc A itttoii.a his :o Hence, Heretuma U ui. i, on

WEDNESDAY, JULY 27th, '87At 10 o'l I' c'i a.m., the Kn'lre lhiu?e.

hi 11 Furiil ure. c insisting ofI llaudumc

DpMstefl Parlor Set!Large Center Carp;t-- Lace CiTlnlm,

Black Walnut Book Cast and Secretary

Curjict Hookers, Dccirnted Vases,

MATHUSEK UPRIGHT PIANOin gor d order, a line instrument,

B W. M isle Kick, B. VV. MarbloT ip Co i rj Table, Frci.eh MarbleClock, Mde Tables, II. W. Hat S and,

B. W. Marblo Top SideboardB. W. Extern ion Table, Caic SuitDining Chain, :roi kerv, Uliua and

1 hiied Ware,

2 B. Valnnl Btdrucin Setstprinu Mattre-ee.4- , Pillows, Mos.

qi:iu Isets, 1 Cedar Wurdiobe,

Stove and UtensilsMeat nm, I :e Clctt. Garc'eu Hoi-e- ,

nud Ti.'oIh, Luwn Mower, etc.And at lit o'clock noon,


1 2 Whe 1 Top Urake,1 Oiirniige Horse, InoUen to taldlo

and li mi2 Sets Single I7a-nu- etc., etc.

Iter The rurniluie, cii-.- , i In j.oodorder, aid oilers a dis.iHble chunce topil ll IM.T

lli ! i pen for inspection on TUES-DAY, July 2(lth, from I) a. ni. to Jl p. m.

E. P. ADAMS & CO.,01 Ot Auciiorccrs

Auction Sale of Elegant

HoiselBltl Furniture

On Saturday, July 30thAt 0 o'clock a. in.,

At the Hexiil. n :e f liKV. GKO. WAL.l.AO. wewil. se'-- at. lulilii! Auction,the Kntl e Iluiifi hold lpi.rnitU'c, c in.Biding nf

PAR1.XR WIO'JTU.pho'bti re in Silk It p.

Piubir VahVs, D o rn'.o :

.. Cha;d. ii r, :o Watu-.- Vast 8,1 Fisher Cabinet,



' liro .ze Figures, Arm Chairs,

B. VV. fsiiiblc Top Bedroom SetIlni , Fea'lier Pilliw 8

Ait'8itiiio it , I i' turen, Ci:o teaVh. f, Will .w Ci a r. MI lire in, Wiishs am1, loint mim, li.W Ex eit.-io- n DiniM 'I able, I imuBack Vienna C uir, nn a orlwciit

Crockery & Glassware!1 Dew ni ted Chirm Tea Set. Silverl'luted W.ire, l'e.t nt d Tall' I in ti,

of !H'!or KpMiifiH, clio'illie ks, 151 ckb lani-- , ec, W.,


Kitchen Range and UtensilsAnd nt 1 o'clock noun,

1 Family Carriage,1 Phaeton in good ord-r- ,

1 Horsj broken to harness,A good Family llois

1 Buggy Hf.r.-e- ,

1 g.j'iar-o- l Colt, btoken to saddle,Set of Sir gle Harness,

Ladies' m.d Gent's a I. tiesGircen Benches, Tools, etc.

E. P. ADAMS & CO.,01 St Anc ionecrs.


TI e Wulkiki residence rf Mr Fred II.II i Bidden tltua cd at Kapiohiiii Pinkli tween til ' residences f lion. W. UIrwin, and Mr. Frank Brown, 1' otteredfor rent, lease, or sale. For terms applylo the uiKler-igno- d


STRAYED or STOLEN.TUESDAY MORNING FROMON Mr. Waterhouue's pactuie, up the

valley, a dark grayish horse, brai dm!No. 10 on ihe neck. A suitable rewardwill be j;iveu to any person returningsaid horse to03 lw HON. J. S. WALKER.


IfKOM AND AFTER THIS DATEfurther deposits leuintr interest

will be received in cur Snvinit's lankDepartment K1SHOP & C'l.,Honolulu. July 50th, Ib87 ?3 lw



to rolled for thoBUfXKTIN

Honolulu Juno 8th. 1887. fi7


rooms) with chickcnyard, in a re-spectable neighbourhood, by a ginitie-mn- n

with wife and one snmll baby.Between m w an I September 1st, rent tobo lew. Piea e aldress, C. W. B ollieaof tli is paper. . di lw.

HE DAILY BULLETIN -- Themost popular paper published.

countenance any little family orclique arrangement that might beagreeable to a few ambitious ciaversafter loaves and flshos. The publicservice established and conductedsolely on the sound principle) of

"the public nood" is what we con-

tend for, and we also contend thatthe dismissal from office of competent nnd faithful servants to makeroom for new blood is not for thepublic good.


During the past two or threeweeks our space has been largelyoccupied by correspondents, who,

uo doubt, have experienced consid-

erable relief by opeuing tho safety-valv- e

and letting out the surplussteam. Possibly it has been themeans of saving the boiler frombursting in some cases. Varioussubjects lmvo been written upon,and various styles of writing exhi-

bited. Chaff there has been in

sufficient quantity, and certainlysome grains of wheat scatteredthrough it. Sense and nonsensehave both found utterance. Some

of the correspondents have indulgedin a little mild abuse of each other,not knowing who they were abusing.We have given them all a fair show,while looking calmly on and takingthings quietly. Our friends aredivided in their judgment respecting our course, some commendingus for allowing freedom of discussion, and others blaming us for permitting the use of our columns forthe ventilation of the questionstreated of. To the latter we desireto address a few words, and wewill repeat what we have said to thembefore, that this is not a paper con-

ducted on narrow lines which ex-

cludes from its columns all matternot in accord with its own views.We believe in the free discussion ofall debatable questions. Ourcolumns were always as open to ouropponents as to our friends "longbefore the war," and our policyhas not changed since the warended. Moreover, we beg to beexcused for having the presumptionto believe that we know nearly aswell how to conduct an independentpaper as those inexperienced gentle-men who think they know all aboutthe business, although they neverspent a day of their lives at it.

orpkeusIaITTittle talk.Euitok Bulletin: Your corres-

pondent who signs himself "not agrowler," made a very judiciousselection of a "norn de plume;" foraccording to the common accepta-tion of the term, his utterances farexceed an ordinary growl, but re-

semble more the roar of a mortallywounded Lion, which for the pur-pose of this article I shall considerhim. Now as I was one of the partythat wounded this animal, I knowthe extent of the injury inflicted,and feci bold to stand undaunted,in his majestic presence. I have nottime, nor would I ask for space inyour valuable paper, to analyse,section by section, what I considerone of the most brainless, as well aspassionate communications, that Iever remember having seen pub-lished in your columns (and I havebeen a reader of your paper sincethe first day of its publication).

From a careful perusal of his let-ter, I am led to believe that he isnot a disappointed ollice seeker, andif not secure in ollice before the un-

pleasantness, has been rewarded byollice, under the present regime forservices rendered, and in his seem-ingly secure position, hurls anathe-mas at the heads of those whom hethinks, did not take an active parton either side during the late un-pleasantness, because they ask for,and obtain permission to publishtheir views of public events.

Now I think that there were asgood men and true, who did nottake an active part in the late rebel-lion, as there were in the ranks ofthose who did, and had they beencalled upon, would not only havehad the heart to shoulder a musket,but the courage to lire it and notrun away, and some of those verypeople arc newspaper correspond-ents. During the late rebellion inthe United States, such men as yourcorrespondent is pleased to term"outcasts," were eagerly soughtfor as soldiers, as they were knownto possess the courage and tenacityof a bull-do- g, while a large majorityof those who rediculed them, formedan imposing Army of Coffee Coolerswhen there was any fighting goingon. And what was a notorious factthere, no doubt would have beenexemplified here had the occasionarisin.

Your correspondent also refers tothese men, in these terms 'such spawnare too low und trashy to be eventhought of as office holders.' (Hisperhaps was an exceptional case)and again, "let them be consignedto the gutter from whence theycame." Now this last remark, iscertainly unchristian iike, to say theleasts and who knows but some day,by helping a man out of the gutter,(rather than consigning him to it,)

midst that have sprung from thegutter, rather than send them buckthere, let us give them a helpinghand and raise them as fur as thecurb stone at least, and as soon asthey are accustomed to standing ontheir feet, they no doubt, will tryand walk on the side walk. Thenwith a little judicious encouragementthey will eventually walk as uprightand perhaps become as honorablecitizens, as your correspondent wouldliko to have us believe ho is.

Another point and I have done.He says "that the most idiotic manin town, could see the object eachhas in view, and the cause for whichthey blow their superfluous wind;they arc simply disappointed officeseekers." I wonder if ho is thatman, at all events he is the only one,so far, that has expressed his opin-ion of your correspondents in pub-lic print, and designated them asbrainless lickspittles, ready to toadyto the victorious party, if by sodoing they can obtain a governmentappointment.

Not anOphki s C. Kerr.


Enrroii Bru.F.TiN: The new Ca-

binet Ministers have their time andstrength fully occupied in the man-

agement of purely political affairs.There is very little comfort for out-

siders in being disgruntled oversome of the new appointees, andstill less in fishing for a governmentbillet' with plenty of pap and littlework. If tho new Ministers are aswise and good, as we believe themto be, they will very soon be givingtho public something better to talkabout. They will bo putting inmotion the policy of public improve-ments, which they are expected toinaugurate, to take tho place of thepublic stealing, which disgraced thecommunity under the (Jibson setof parasites and leeches. The Leg-islature is soon to be called to-

gether ; the Ministerial policy oughtto be well outlined; and suitablelegislation ready for considerationand enactment. While the Min-isters are busy as they are now,and must be for some long timeyet, with the investigation of theabuses in their several bureaus, itwould seem to be advisable forthem soon to call to their aid somespecial commissions of citizens andexperts to consider and plan outsome of these long delayed publicimprovements.

No public work can bo regardedas of. superior importance, or ofmore pressing need, than the im-

provement of the harbor. This work-ough- t

to he undertaken, not in anyhalf-hearte- d, spasmodic fashion,but on some well considered plan.A harbor commission, comprised ofsuch men as the harbor muster, thepilots, the shipbuilders, the marineunderwriters, the commission firms,would have little time enough beforethe meeting of tho Legislature, tomake the needful investigations, anddraw up some well-matur- plan.Tho new line of steainsfftps fromBritish Columbia to New SouthWales will soon be making Hono-lulu a port of call. Varioussteamship lines from China andJapan will make this a half waystation en route to California, Pa-nama, or South America. Prepara-tion should be made for the largeincrease of traffic and commercewhich Honolulu may reasonably ex-

pect in the near future. The chan-nel should be deepened, widened,and straightened. The carelessfilling up of the harbor should bestopped. From the foot of Punch-bowl street out to the channelshould be constructed a dock-basi-

deep enough to float the largestvessels, and lined with warehouses.The whole should be built in goodold fashioned English stability, notin the usual American make-shi- ft

style. The coal yards might be puton the other side of the harbor, andsteam appliances so utilized that afew hours' time would sullice forloading or unloading vessels, whichis now the costly work of manydays' labor. A new dumpingground should be started makai ofthe kerosene storehouses. Provisionmight be made in that direction fora Marine Terrace, or Seaside Park,with conveniences for bath housesand boat houses. Let us have aHarbor Commission, and somedefinite policy of public improve-ment outlined, and the necessarylegislation secured to carry out thework. It will take money and time.But there is money enough here,lying idle, which would be gladlyloaned to the Government for legiti-mate uses. The little island ofGuernsey, with its own resourcesalone spent on its harbor of St.Peter's Port $1,500,000. Let usnot all the while growl about mis-takes and follies ; but look forwardwith hopeful courage to the splendidfuture before our people under agood government with public-spirite- d

men at the head.Pro Bono Publico.


FifiDAY, July 22nd.The doings at the Police Court this

morning were disposed of rapidly.Lam Hang for selling opium with-

out a license, continued to 27th.Ah Ki, charged with being a pub-

lic nuisance by allowing the refusefrom poi manufacture to remainabout bis premises, was found guiltyand sentence deferred to the 29thinstant.

Interior Ofllue.July 21st, 1S87.

Mr. W. O. Faulkner linn beenSuperintendent of the Elec- -

trio Lights belonging to the fJovern-men- t

and now has boIo charge of allapparatus connected therewith.

All orders for material used in con-

struction or otherwise, in connectiontherewith, must be signed by him.

L. A. THURSTON,92 3t Minister of tho Interior.

Department of the Interior.Bureau of Conveyances,

Registrar's Ollice, July 1.3th, 1887.

Malcolm Brown has this day beenappointed Deputy Registrar of Con-

veyances for the Hawaiian Kingdom.JONATHAN AUSTIN,Registrar of Conveyances.

Approved: L. A. Thukston.91 3t Ministerof Interior.

NOTICE.Ollice of the Board of Health.

Honolulu, July 18, 1887,

After date, R. W. Meyer, Esq., isauthorised to make all purchases fortho Leper Settlement and Store atKalawao. No bill will he paid unlessapproved by him.

Rills are to be sent to him at thotime of shipping the goods, nnd aduplicate bill sent to this cilice.

O. TROUSSEAU,90 lw 1'resident Board of Health.

DEI'AUTJIEXT of FIXAXCJK.July 12th, 1887

All persons having claims againstthe Hawaiian Government are re-

quested to send them in with as littledelay as possible, to the Departmentsresponsible for their liquidation.

W. L. GREEN,811m Minister of Finance.

BLbllOl Co., UAftli.li.lvSllouUuiu, Hawaiian Island

Draw Kxctiauge on the

Uiiiilt ol Culilorniit, H. IT.Ami their agents in


Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & 8on, LondonThe Cuiiiiiiuruiul iiauk Co., of Sydney,

London,The Commercial Hank Co., of Sydney,

Sydney,The Jiankof .New Zealand : Auckland,

Chriatcburch, and V cllington,The Bank of British Columbia, Vic-

toria, 11. C, and Portlanu, Or.


Transact a General Banking Business.IM) 1 v

Win gU3 num.Pl.dgml.il .eitier Beet nor fait;.But established tor tb bontttlof all,

SATURDAY. JULY 23. 1887.


i rooaovy jjaxme.iai.iie communityis in a better position than ourselvesto learn the views of the people on

public matters. Conducting an in-

dependent paper which is controlledby no faction, and which has in thecity and suburbs considerably themost numerous reading constituencyof any English paper in the King-

dom, we are daily approached bypeople of all shades of political be-

lief by some sincerely desirous of

gaining information, and others who

have axes to grind, and would be

much obliged if we would give a

band to turn the stone. The formerclass is particularly exercised aboutthe present ministry, its characterand intention. The latter class is

mostly composed of office seekers.A change of Cabinet is consideredby many of them as opportune for achange all round. All old officers

of the Government, no matter how

faithfully they have done their duty,should, in their opinion, be at oncedismissed from the service, if onlyto make room for the men who

brought about the change. Some

of these gentlemen make no attemptat disguising their disappointmentat not being straightway elevated tolucrative positions. Holding theviews on all such matters whichhave been often unequivocally ex-

pressed in the editorial columns of

this paper, we cannot adopt theirmethod of thinking and reasoning.Indeed, the peculiar nature of theiraspirations for place and positionconstitutes, from our standpoint,their strongest disqualification.Ignorance and presumption usuallyrun in couples. We credit theMinisters with honesty of purpose, t

and believe they are honorably en-

deavoring to make the public ser-

vice what it should be. We are

prepared to give our best support to

MOTICE.Members In g.od standing are hereby

notified that in order to be tree fi inpersonal taxation, tho 1 iw nqiiir s Unitthey shull claim such exemption bclotetho AsoFor during the month of July,

The undersigned having laen l"foiin.cd that the law will be strictly fol'owd,would advice all firemen in good stnud-in- g

to apnear before Iho Aste vor andgive their n uncs and the names of thecompanies lo whleh they belong.

HENUYSMIIII,03 4t Secretary, 11. F. D.

W. R. LAWRENCE,Civil Engineer and Surveyor,

Hydraulic and Railway Surveys andEstimates.

Ofllce, 28 Merchant St. P. O. Hox 4281044 3in

H. Hackfeld & Co.Havo just received,

Ex Bark "Mercury"And offer for sale,

9,000, more or ltBj,

PAVING STONES!11x14 inches.

50, more or les?,

CURB STONES!5 ft. 8 ft. long.

2 LIFE BOATS!With Oars nnd all complete,

Also, about

1 2 Water Casks I150 to 300 gallons, to be seen on

board the vessel. 90 5t

Bell Tel. 112. Mutual Tel. 872.P. O. Box 1.07.

J. E. BROWN & GO,,Campbell Block, Merchant St.,

For Sale or Lease the Nuuanu ValleyRanch, head of Nuuanu Viillcj, easyterms.

Blacksmith Shop in the new BrickBuilding on Kiug strtetnear Nuublu,recently occupied by C. T. Iloyt.Opposite Old Station House.

Shop on King Street In new brick build-ing near Nuuanu, next door to the

" Ciiinesu News Oo.'g OlUce.

Two Cottages on Punchbowl streel betweenKing and Bcretunia.

Handsome Residence on Pauoa Road nearPunchbowl street, birge ground with

s etc. Rent $u0 u inou h.

Collection Department.MR. THOMAS ISCOVECO is

authorized lo collect monlel and sign,receipts.

Employment Department.All kinds of help promptly provided.

Properties Rented and SoldInsurance Effected, r,Custom House Work Done.Leases, Contracts, Agree

ment?, &c, Drawn on ShortNotice,

28 Merchant Street id.

Bell Tel. 84. Mutual Tei. ISOP.O. Box 415.

Offlce - - 88 Merchant St., Honolu'u



MR. JOHN GOOD JR. --AuthorizedCollector

Skilled and Unskilled Lftbor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, sold and rented.

Conveyancing a Specialty Records wan li-ed and abstracts of title furnished onshort notice.

Several Valuable pieces of real estate forsale on easy terms.

ttcntlon Isvery desirable cottage on Vinyard streetjust above the first bridge, at preset toccupied by Mr. J. H. Reist, which ianow ofiered for sale on favorable terrcaand is a rare chance for a small family.Convenient Cottage in doMralile healthy

locations in nnd near tho city to let orlease at reasonable rates.

Custom Houso brokerage Fire and LifeInsmancc receive prompt attention.


Full paitictilirs given on at,rlicat:onat fieiig. ncy.

Orders from the other Islands promptly atteuded to.

JOB PRINTING of all kinds exeat the Daily Bulletin Office


On Monday last the dry weathergave way, and we have had a dailysuccession of heavy showers, saturat-ing the soil to a good depth. All fearof further drought is now past,planting is going ahead, and we areagain hopeful.

We have had another burglary.On Saturday night the store of theKohala Commercial and MercantileCo., formerly Wildcr's at Puchu-chi- i,

was entered by levering opena back door, and about $15 in cashand $50 dollars worth of goodstaken. The selection of goods indi-

cates that the burglars were prob-ably natives.

We arc amused at the anxiety ofsome of the self asserting victorsto share in the spoils of office, andendorse the sentiments of "Confi-dence" in your issue of the 15th, aswell as your own utterances. Bet-

ter suffer a little longer from incom-

petent officials nnd allow tho headsof departments ample time to reviewtheir men, than employ those whoclaim positions on the Hole groundof having simply taken a part thatevery good citizen should take.The reward of living here underbetter conditions is something, ifvirtuous deeds are not.

The native and English schoolannual meetings are going on at thenative church with the usual eclat.

Rev. F. II. E. Whalley, headmaster of the English school, willleave here with his family for Eng-

land, about the end of this month.Last night at the Dramatic Hall,Kaiopihi, a social of the congrega-tion of St. Augustine, and friendsof Mr. and Mrs. Whalley, met tosay kind words of farewell to theirdeparting pastor and wife. Not-

withstanding the heavy rain therewas a good attendance, and pleasantmemories will remain of the kindwords of aloha spoken.

Our telephone to Ililo, via Wai-me- a

and llamakun, will be pushedon at once, and probably completedin two months.


The granite paving blocks for thesidewalk in front of the CustomHouse are being placed in front ofthat building. The cementing ofthe exterior of the Custom House isnearly completed, and when thegranite paving is down the placewill have a creditable appearance.


I wish to inform Mr. Montaneyour valuable paper, that 1 wen', con-trary to his advice, lo the Queen's Hospi-tal for tr a'.menl .nnd do herewith pub-licly declare, that I r :ceiv d tho best ofcare theie and w:ia relieved of groutpains in a very shirt lime. Tr t Mr.iMoufcmo be rmre careful In future, wh. the :igain-- t sog od an institution.

Yiursmost respectfully,J. M. Heiiino.

Honolulu, July 23,-d- , 187. P4 H


ACER1 IFIC.VI E OF DF.P08ITE IXll'ii.k, for j0 belonging

to John Gray. Payment stopped. F ill,er will please re urn t Bixr.hTiN Offb e.

04 It

Headquarters Honolulu Pane.July 23rd, 1837.

Company Orders', No. 2. First Seiies.In pursuance nf special Batta-

lion Orders Ko. 4 every memberof Company B is hereby orderedto report at tho Armory, on Mon-day evening the Soih, nt 7:30o'clock, for the purpose of elect,ing a First Lieutenant, and to tillany other vacancy that may occur rfxuugut? uui uuii timi sine anna.

Per oritur,WM. UNGKB,

Captain Commanding.A LUX ROBEllTSON,94 ?t Fir,t Sergeant.


3 ICicklo Show Cases,

One Fire proof Safe,

A screw Cutting Iron foot Lathe,Two Light Chandeliers,

Also the balance of stock of Clock?,


A. SHEPARD.No. 55 Hotel Street. 94 3t

F YOU FIND ANYTHING,. advertise it in the Daily Bulletin

Page 3: HONOLULU, SATURDAY DAILY BULLETIN Professionals ......1 S3 4r (M M M 3'IV 1 iTS 111 I U B Vol. XL tfo. 1691. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY EVENING,. JULY 23, 1887. BO CENTS SUBSCRIPTION

the markemnn whining It three timet at



Can be found at J. Hubash's, Fort Street, next to Shooting Oallrry, untilMclnerny'i building is completed.

Til 13 WTOCK OF JEWIiLllY,Will be ofTcred for the next ninety days at 10 per cent. 1cm than cost.

KUKUI JEWELRY of now designs constantly on hand and nmde to order.All k'nds of repairing neatly and promptly done. Also, Wnlchni repaind

and work guaranteed.

ENGRAVING of all kinds dono In first-clas- s style. 86 3m


erring ana pomtont uusbaud's rlease. There Is a universal beliefon the part of those acquainted withthe case that the prisoner's reform-ation is complete and that in no cir-

cumstances could this broken-dow- n

man, whose mind is fast givingaway with hit body, bo a menace tosociety if liberated. 4'I nm of theopinion," says tho President, "thatiir this case tho laws have beenfully vindicated."

Pardons have also been grauteda9 follows: To William E.Moore,sentenced May 2, 1884, to fouryears' for manslaughter ; to BonMercer, sentenced October 1G, 188G,to one years' imprisonment for vio-

lation of the Internal Revenue laws ;

to Samuel li. Jones, convicted Octo-ber 30, 1885, and sentenced to twoyears' imprisonment for violation ofthe Internal Revenue law, and Ja-cob Ilenkle, convicted for bigamyin Utah.

A pardon was refused in the caseof John Irvine, sentenced in Wyo-ming February 20, 1879, to impri-sonment for lifo for mail robbery.In declining to grant a pardon inthis c"Bse the President says ho can-not quite bring himself to a point ofpardoning this convict as his appli-

cation' comes at a bad time to par-don such offences, when they are invogue and their commission fre-quent.

"BulletinSummaryNo. 18. Jult 18.

Carriage Building,


Blacksmith Work;

Painting nml

79 k 81 Die Streeti

prises dva of public advantage audshould be encouraged. Mr. Hornerit to bo congratulated upon securingsuch a nucleus for a herd of fine


south seTIslanders.It has been gleaned from several

sources, that the South Sea Islandersat tho Immigrant Depot, about 200in number, are faring rather roughly.Many of them have spent ,all theirsavings from three years' labor onplantations, in supporting them-

selves since their contracts haveexpired. Some arc being fed bypoor native friends. Among the200 Islanders referred to, are be-

tween GO and 70 who have beenhere over five years and have for-

feited their chances of being senthome at the Government expense,by declining to go when the Govern-ment was ready to send them. Thelast lot that came here was broughtby the Pncilio Navigation Co. forthe Planter's Labor and Supply Co.,The Bchr. Mana, at thepreparing to sail, probably nextweek, with tho return laborers, buttho CO or 70, above mentioned, willhave to find their own passage fee,if they want to go.

recepts and expenditures.At the Hawaiian Treasury for the

quarter ending 30th June 1887:RECEIPTS.

Balance from March 9 31, (HQ ."i6

Fines, Penalties and costs... 12,275 33Interior Department 53,410 inCustoms Receipts 120,08',) 68Hawaiian Postal Savings

Bank 21,000 00Internal Revenue, taxes 10,041 20Attorney General 20 88Loan Fund 847,012 01Brands 14 00Revenue Stamps 3.504 00Government Realizations... 0,405 28Chinese Passports. Foreign

olllee.... 1,338 00

I3iilrauc(M Irom ICluj; aud Merchant H(8.

Every description of work in the above lines performed In a first-cla- ss manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty.ty Bell Telephone, 107. -- I (327 ly) t3 Bell Telephone, 167.


The concert piven last evening attho Hawaiian Hotel, by the RoyalHawaiian Band, in honor of thecaptains and olliccrs of men-of-w-

in port was highly successful inevery particular. Mr. Michiel'ssolos were listened to with breath-less silence and loudly applaudedat the conclusion of each. Thocomfort of visitors and guests wasattended to by Manager Unrtlett inhis usual able manner, all tendingto make a pleasant evening.


Doctor Borland, GovernmentPhysician at Waimea, Kauai, diedlust Thursday night, of hemorrhageof the lungs. The doctor had beentalking to Captain Freeman of theMikahala, at Waimea landing, at6 o'clock that evening, and did notseem to be very unwell. Duringthat same evening the doctor visitedNakawali, but on returning to Wai-

mea was taken suddejily ill, and at9 o'clock r. m. breathed his last.Dr. Borland, who was greatly re-

spected and esteemed, came to thiscountry for his health, which hasbeen very poor of late.


Estimates have been made by theRoad Supervisor -- In -- chief of theisland of Hawaii, of tho amountneccessary for the immediate repairof the roads in the several districtsof that Island. Mr. Arnold hasbeen authorized to begin tho workimmediately, and has been instruct-ed to expend the money as judici-ously as possible. The Road

of Maui, Mr. W. S.Maule, is in town, and will make upestimates of the amounts needed forthe repairing of roads on thatIsland. It is intended that allroads in every district of tho Islandsshall receive, with all possible ex-

pedition, needed repairs.


Following is the programme of theBlue Ribbon League entertainmentat the Y. M. C. A. Hall, beginningat 7:30 this evening.Piano Solo Miss Jennie TuckSong The Skipper of St. Joes

Hcv. V. II. KitcatRecitation The Lifeboat

Corporal Smith, II. B. M. S. ConquestSong Love's Call.. Miss Mabel RhodesRecitation Shakesperian

L. M. MatherSong The Village Bride

G. Hackworthy, II. B. M. S. ConquestSong The Old Sexton J. L. BossSong Pulling Hard Against the

Stream. . ..W. Passells, II. B. M. S. Conquest

Address A Practical View of Temper-ance ,...Mr, Alex. Your g




Ms, Youth's and Boy's Fioc Custom Aladc Motif,

fiats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, Trunks and'Valises.

-- ALSO,

Very Fine Line of


Honolulu, II. I.09

A- -

Gent's Shoes


Kins: Street.

The World's Breakfast FoodPrepared from Snow Flake Wheat.

Also, Highland Scotch Boiled Oats !

Are an entirely new preparation of wheat and OaU, bsing ccokedjby 8 tea m, ar.donly requiring a short time to prepare them for the tabic.

tyTho most nutritious food known. "aAlso, Gcrmea, Gem, Graham Flour, Smoked Salmon,

Smoked Halibut, Hams, Bacon, Choice Dates, Trance, Nuts, Kaisina,New Zealand, California, and Island Potatoes, &e.

i Also, Broom Corn, excellent for chicken feed, for sale by

regular meetings of the 11. it. A.Dlstnnco, 200 yardai rounds', 10; any

military ritle under tho rules; limited toone entry to each competitor. Entrancefee, 1.

Woo Jaiiuury 1, 1880, by Wm. Unger.Won July 6, 1880, by C. B. Wilton.Won Jauuary 1, 1887, by U. U. Wilson.

Hingley, 4 3 4 5 3 4 1 4 1 4-- 39.

Brodie, 333344434 435Nicoll, 3444545 4 3 440McDerntott, 4 4 4 4 3 5 4 4 5 542Fisher, 434354455 542Unger, 354454444 441Williams, 244444 3 4 4 437Hustace, 3, 443344 4 3 4 3G

Boardman, 543403325 332Rothwell, 330434 5 4 4 434King, 4 44433444 438Parker, 333333423 5 31Wilson, 343334 5 34 4 3G

Pratt, 544434443 439Lucas, 3 43333233 330Higgins,) 4 4 4 34444 435

In this contest both Fisher andMcDcrmott made a score of 42 buttho latter is the winner according toCrecdmore rules McDermott be-

longs to H. B. M. S. Conquest.II. THE ALD1CN FRUIT AND TAUO

CO. MEDAL.Valurd $100; also a ser Olid prize of $1;third prize, $2.50. Conditions: Open toall coiners; to become the property ofthe marksman winning it three times atregular meeting of the, 11. R. A.; 10rounds each at the 400 and COO yardlanges; any military rllle under therules; limited to one entry for each com-petitor. Entrunce fee, $1.

Won July 5, 18H0. by J Brolie, M. D.Won January 1, 18i7, by W. C. King.400 yards

Hingley, 34555453 5 443Brodie, 3 555454 24 441Unger, 45354 3 33 5 439Boardman, 2452425 5 4 3 3G

McDcrmott, 533544545 543Nicoll, 544554434 442Williams, 553445243 439Hustace, 455544443 341Rothwell, 555545555 549King, 55555 444 4 5 4G

Parker, 42334242 2 330Wilson, 44454444 4 542Fisher, 5 523434 5 4 541Pratt, 45455 4 45 5 243

Rothwell, as will bo seen by thescore, made 49 out of a possible 50in the last shooting.

At 12 o'clock the practice wasdiscontinued for a few minutes toallow tho marksmen a chance to getsomething to eat. Mr. F. Hornwas on the grounds with refresh-ments and was largely patronized,


Kaumakapii.i Church. Rev. J.Waiuuiati, pastor. Sunday school at9:30 A. M. Preaching at 10-3- A. M.

Fort-stre- et Church. SundaySchool at 10 A. m. Tho Rev. E. G.Beckwith, D. D., of San Francisco, willpreach at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 v. m.

Kawaiaiiao Church. Rev. II. II.Parker, pastor. Sunday school at 10A. m. Preaching at 11 A. m. Youngpeople's meeting at 7 :30 P. M.

Queen Emma Haix. Gospel andsong service for lluwuiians who speakEnglish nt at 3 p. m. Good singing.Short talks. Everybody welcome.

Y. M. C A. Young Men's BibleClass In the parlor at 0:45 a. si., con-

ducted by the General Secretary. Gos-pel Praise Service at C :30. p.m. Come audbring a friend.

Chinese Church. Fort street, nearcorner Beretiuila. Mr. To Teng Uc,evangelist. Chinese Sunday school,9:30 a. sr. Chinese and English Sun-day School, 2:30 p. m. Preaching 11

A. M. and 7 :30 P. M. Bible class iuChinese Y. M. O. A. Hall, 0 :30 P. m.

Roman Catholic Cathedral.Religious services on every Sunday atthe Roman Catholic Cathedral at Hono-lulu. IS and 7 A. M., low masses withHoly Communion; 10 A. m., high masswith sermon, cither iu Hawaiian, or inPortuguese, or In English, alternatingaccording to the three principal differentnationalities of the church; 2 P. M.,rosary and catechism; 4:30 p. m., in-

struction and benediction of the BlessedSacrament.

St. Andrew's Cathedral. Theservices at St. Andrew's Cathedral to-morrow will be: Holy Communion,0 I'M) o'clock a. M. Matins nt !) A. M.Ordination gcrvlcci and Holy Commun-ion, with sermon, at 9:30 o'clock a. m.Preacher, the Bishop of Honolulu.Chinese service at 11 :15 a. m., with ser-

mon by Rev. H. II. Gowen. Confirm-ation service for Chinese at 2 P. m. Ha-

waiian evensong at 3 :30 P. m. PreacherRev. Alex. Mackintosh. Evensong,with sermon by the Ruv. II. II. Gowen,at 0 p. m. Seats are unappropriated.

Second Congregation. Rev. GeorgeWallace, A. M., pastor: Morningprayer, with sermon by Rev. 11. U.Gowen, at 7 :30 P. M. Sunday-schoo- lmeets at 10 a. m. Seats free at all ser-





Washington, June 30. The Pre-- :

sident has acted upon the applica-tions for the pardon of a number ofconvicted criminals. The most im-

portant case is that of Thomas Bal-

lard, a notorious conterfeiter, whowas sentenced January 21, 1875, tothirty years' imprisonment in theAlbany penitentiary. The Presi-dent granted him a pardo. Hosays the prisoner was supposed tobe one of the most expert counter-feiters iu the country. He hadbeen in prison equal to more thanfifteen years, allowing for the de-

duction he has secured for good be-

havior. He has grown to be an oldman, broken down physically Hiid

mentally. His conduct has beensuch as to cause much interest to bofelt in his case by many good citi-

zens, and the officials who were con-

cerned in his conviction. His wife,who has clung to him with truewoman's devotion all these yearsand who has almost worn herselfout in her efforts to support andeducate her daughter, just nowreaching womanhood, pleads for the


Stnir Kiimu from Windward PortsStin r Likelike from Kuhuliilfcituir Mlkuhuln from Kiiuul.Stnir WhIuIcuIo from Kauultichr Aloi Wnhiue from I laniakiiaStinr l.ulinu from MoloktilStinr Ivy Holmes front iiluhm ond

VYulunnefSolir LukH from Kohitla


Stnir Kilauea lion for lliuimkim at 0a nt


Stnir Klnau for the Voleuno nd wnyports at 4 p in

Stnir Llkellke for Kahulul and liana nt6 j) in

Stinr Lehtia for Molokal at 5 p inStnir Walalenle for Kauai at 5 p inBk Mercury for l'ttget Bound


Yrmn V lndward PortH, per steamerKinnu, July 23 b O Wilder, Jr, J AWilder, P C Jones and wife, E Kopke,Her Ex Ululaul, 0 K Pugent, MrDouglas, J Tavanler, O T Vivian, J U

Atherton, W A Bowen, 511ms Cluiffee, Jtcntoii, Mas A Zahluu, Hon J Wight,

Jtev Liililau, O C Akiua, Itev J Silver,F Scott, L Turner, W 11 Bellows, Miss0 K Daniels, A Johnstone, Mrs J BJones, Miss M Jones, T J Huzelden andV'i deck.

From Kahulul and by ports, per stmrLikelike, July 23 F Brown, Mrs O WSmith, JO Wilder, Bro Francis, W 8Manic, C Akana, 2 prisoners and 117deck.

From Kauai, per steamer illkslmhi,.July 23 Mrs Altmua and daughter, FConrudt, Miss M Fredenberg, Mrs It C.fipaukling and son, Miss A Mahoe, C W.Spitz, Mrs C iHeuberjf aud 33 deck.


atmr Kiuau 3,530 bags sugar, 142 bagsspuds, 57 green hides, 2 horses, 100

pkgs sundries.tVaialeale 1,417 bags paddv. bags

sugar, 50 bags rice, 28 head cattleand 3 calves,

gtmr Mikahala 1,149 bags sugar, 28

head cattle, leal f, 12 hides and 11

bags rice.ii j. .. i.jSHIPPING NOTES.

The sieamer i Mikahala passed theschooner Luka.i homeward bound off

Koloa, Kauai, last Wednesday. TheLuka arrived here this afternoon.

The schooner Mary Foster left Wai-me- a

for Honolulu luxt Thursday.The sailing of the steamer Kilauea

Hou, for Hawaii was postponed untiltills morning so that she could ;tnke thecattlo that came by the Mikahala fromKauai this morning.


II B M's 8 Wild Swan, John S Hali-

fax, from X America, due AugUasJunita, from China, due July

820' U.' S. S. Vandalia, (flagship), fromChile.

Chilean corvette Espinralda, from;8outh America.

French frigate Ducrez, from Chile.French frigate Florle, from I Idle.

llw steamship Aubtraliu, U C Houd-Uett- e.

from San Franeisce, due July 20

Haw steamship Zcalandia, li van.OterenJo;p, from the Colonies, en route;to Saa Francisco, due J uly 29.

Am bai St Lucie, sailed from XewYork Marcjs 20, due September 5--

:Am ship Matilda, Merrimaii, from

lllongkong, due July 12-3- 1.

Am tern W S Bowne, W Bluhm, fromPort Towusend, due Aug 10-2- 5.

Am bark Ceylon, It Calhoun, from Sandue July 20-3- 1.

Am bark Edward May, Johneon, sailed

from Boston June 23rd, due November

Am bktne Ferris S Thompson, C Pot-

ter, from San Francisco, duo at kahululJuly 10-8- 1.

Brit bark Velocity, from Hongkong,due July 20-5- 1.

Brit bark Blrmali, from Glasgow, duoOctober 15-3- 1. .

Ger bark Peter Goddefroy, , sailedfrom Liverpool May 3rd, due Septem-

berGer bark Hydra, from Hongkong, due

July 18-2- 8.

Haw bark Ei'ian, W Phillip, fromHongkong, due July 10-P- 0.


'Bk Amelia, NewliallBkKalukaua,Bk Guilleruio,HBJ1S Conquest, OxleyBktne S X Castle, HubbardBk J S Stone, BarstowShip Mercury, Panuon


Rain, rough weather and strongwinds, are reported from Kauai.

Abukdance of rain, accompaniedby fresh trade winds, is the reportfrom Maui,

The Altar Society of tho RomanCatholic Church will meetafternoon at 3 o'clock, at the Con-


Captain D. Toomey, manager of

liana Plantation, became the happydad ot-- a boy last Thursdaymorning.

The three-maste- d schooner Hue-men- u

was to have sailed from Kahu-

lul this morning, for Port Townsend,in ballast.

The steamer Likelike towed the, bark Newsboy out of Kahului port, last evening. The Newsboy had ajull load of sugar for Ban Francisco.

:SuttVEYOii Preston and party havepeached Kawiki Head, Hana Point,where they were taking observations.They expect to make Kaupo nextweek.

Mr. Lewis J, Levey announces infcjiother column that he will sell Mr.AShephard's furniture Bt the resi"denfc of the latter t IQ p'clockMonday. .

The blanks for the oath tosupport the new Constitution, themethod of taking the oath, the in-

structions for registering of votersand the appointment of officers for

such purpose, will be published iniull next Monday or Tuesday.

CliaN, Husttioe, -

40 Columns of Original Matter.

Is now issued and w ill bo found tobe an interesting and comprehensivenumber, containing 40 columns ofreading matter on local topics, anda complete resume of Honolulu andisland news. There is no better paperpublished in the Kingdom to send tofriends abroad. Subscription $2.50per annum, including postage toforeign countries. To be bad from

J. II. Soper, Merchant Street,A. M. Hewett, Merchant street,and Bulletin Ofllcc.


rFHE LAST WEEK to cure bona.X tide barg iius, at Sacks'.

pALL EARLY & GET FIRSTJ choice of bargains at Uroat Clear-

ing Sale at N. S. Sachs'

REM EMBER I this is the lastto gut goods at less than

cost price.

GOODS AT LESS THAN COSThona-lid- e clearing sulu.

GREAT CLEARING SALE atSACHd' is now la piogress.


( 4REAT BARGAINS TO BEvT had at the Clearing S.ilo at N. S.Sachs. 104 Fort street.

NS. SACHS' GREAT CLEAR- -Sale will continue for this

week only.

WEST DOWci cb7"havo justa largo assortment of

goods consisting of Crockery all kindsFlower Pote, Vases, etc., also Toys con-sisting in part of HoIIb, Largo ColoredRubber Balls, Largo Glass Marbles,Guns, Pistol's, Drums, Whhlles, PictureBlocks, Whips, etc., too numerous oinc nli n, at prices less than n ever offer,ed at befoio, Call and see for yourself.

01 tr

THE HOTEL FREE LUNCHX is spread every evening in the btr.

room, and patrons will find everythingto suit the taste of the most fastidiousepicures. 47 if

HAVING recently engaged aand Moulding Maker,

we are now fully prepared to manufac-ture, repair and re gild any kind of workin our line. Old Minor and PictureFrames made over as good as new, andat prices within tho reach of all. Thepublic in e invited to call and Inspecttome of this work. Remember, anything that needs renewing iu Gold, OldGold, Uionze, Copper or Metal wo cando. KING BliUS., Aht Stoke. fl7

S PERRY'S No. 1 Family Flour isottered for sale bjGONSALVE.S &

CO , Queen Street. 01


ONE LARGE LOT, corner PcnsacolaLunalilo Sts., which can be

dividta into two or more building lots.F.nrpiire of G. WEST,

1554 Of West. Dow & Co.


0 Whale Boat, 30 feet long, 8 feetdeep; 8 feet wide; 22 feet Surf Boats;1 18 feet Surf Boat; 2 Decked Plunger,10 feet long, 0 feet 0 inches wide, 2 feet6 inches deep, with mast and sails allcomplete; 1 2) feet Sailing Scow, withmast ami sails all complete. Anplr to.

ii. R. KYAN.Boat Builder and General Jobber. 61 tf


family Mare; perlectlysafe to drive by ladiesor children. Apply to

U. WEST,21tf At No. 70 Queen St.

New Photograph Rooms.Nichol's ftore, Fort street,OVER tho Shooting Gallery, Pic-

tures, Portraits nd views. First-clas-s

work. Satisfaction guaranteed.14201V J. A. GON8ALYE8.


17'DMUND to the public as teacher inpiano playing. Lessons given in thepupil's homo after a correct and easilycomprehensible method ana at reason-able terms. Arrangements mado byapplying to Mr. A. M. Hewett, Merchantstieet. 81 tf

Total $1,113,487 45


Civil List $ 18,080 00Permanent Settlements l,5l;5 00Judiciary 20,37'J 50Attorney-General- 's Depart-

ment 35,021 07Foreign Olllee 47,147 51

Interior Department 201.007 80Finance Department 030,226 1

Board of Kducation 20,359 81Board of Health 10,731 65Expenses of Legislature.

1880 30 00Secretary Privy Council.... 27 00

Total $997,442 81

Balance Ca.h in Treasury. .. 110,044 04

$1,113,487 45Treasury Olllee, June 80, 18o7- -


The closing exhibition of FortStreet School took place yesterdaymorning, beginning at 10 o'clock.Palm fronds, ferns, and maile, taste-fully arranged, gave tho room afestive appearance j and the brightfaces, neat appearance, and gentlebehavior of the puplis united tomake tho occasion one of which theteachers may well be proud.

Following is tho programme oftho exhibition :

Singing .. Lower DivisionDeclamation Old Carlo, and Jane,

aud Me Marion ScottComposition Evangeline Bessie AfongShifting. . . . '. Higher DivisionDeclamation Puzzled James KingRecitation Creeds of the Bells

Seven PupilsComposition Macbeth M. LoftgrlstSinging Lower DivisionDeclamation Partnership

Lida CamarraDeclamation Truth ill Parenthesis...

Lizzie UurueyDeclamation Daisy and I

Matilda LillisDeclamation Kalana liubie Dexterkinging Higher DivisionComposition George Eliot

Agnes WalkerSong A Boy's Best Friend

Willie BergcrComposiilon A View from the Float

.'. Alice AlongDeclamation A Lesson for Mamma..

Gertie ScottSinging Higher DivisionSinging School Hawaii PonolPiano tolo Arthur Wall

The principal, Mr. Scott wishesus to say that it was through a mis-

take of his that Lizzie Gurney wasnot called upon for her declamation.

All of the exercises passed offpleasantly and without a hitch. Prof.II. Berger having charge of themusic, of course it was fine. Atthe ending of the programme theHon. C. R. Bishop, being calledupon for remarks, commended allthat he had seen and heard, and inturn called upon the Rev. E. G.Beckwith, who responded in a simi-

lar strainWhile the entertainment was in

every way commendable the con-duct of the pupils must be men-tioned as tho best part. The exam-ination papers heretofore mentionedin the Bulletin were on exhibition,and wero much admired by Messrs.Bishop, Alexander, and Widemannof the Board of Education andothers.


The Hawaiian Rifle Association'sfourth semi-annu- al target practicebegan this morning, shortly before10 o'clock, with prospects of a suc-cessful day. The wind and weatherwere favorable for target shooting.The attendance was good and theinterest great. Some of the Asso-ciation crack shots fell short of theirusual scores.

Following are the scores made upto 12 o'clock noon:

I.-- TIIE BRODIE MEDAL.Valued at $n0; also second prize of $5;third prize $2.50. Conditions of themutch: Open to sll membsrs of the As-sociation, and members of the regularand volunteer military companies of theKingdom; to become the property of



Tho Undersigned, F. HORN, Proprietor of tho

Pioneer Steam Gandy Factory, Bakery

AND ICS CREAM PARLOR,(Etallilied 1H63.)

Respectfully informs tho public that from this day on he is fully preparedto receive orders for

Lunches, Dinners, Suppers, Banquets, Balls,And guarantees in nil Cases tho fullest satisfaction, as given in formeryears, not only abroad, but also in Honolulu. Having references datingback as far as the year s

is g aIn Honolulu, having catered on all state occasons, as also for select par-ties given by their late Majesties Kamehameha IV, Kamehanicha V, andLunalilo, and having the honor of supplying the present royal householdwith tho delicacies produced in my establishment ; having over forty years'practical experience in this line of business.

F. HORN,Practical Confectioner! .Pastry Cookand OrnamcntciLn Honolulu,

Factory, Store and Ice Cream Parlor: No. 71 Hotel Street,Between Hotel and Nuuanu Streets,

Both Telephones No! 74- - (5 3m) Honolulu, H. l

At the Supreme Court, yesterday,the case of Rex. vs. Alatau T. At-

kinson came up for hearing. Thedefendant was charged with havingon tho 1st July, in an extra issue ofthe "Gazette," a paper of which hewas editor at the time, published astatement which was a damaginglibel on Mr. F. S. Pratt.

' After lengthy testimony had beensubmitted by the prosecution, Mr.Dole addressed the jury f(jr thedefense. His Honor, Mr. JusticePreston, summed up, in which hefully explained the law in regard tolibel. He also instructed the juryas to the degrees of libel.

The jury then retired, and aftera few minutes deliberation returneda verdict of "not guilty,"' and de-

fendant was thereupon discharged.


Companies A and B of the Hono-

lulu Rifles assembled at the armorylast evening in good force. Bothcompanies had nearly 100 members,and as 65 members to a company isthe limit, it became necessary toform another. When the corps wasiu line, the Colonel called fot volun-

teers to form company D. A dozenor so stepped forward from Com-

pany A, while about 30 left Com-B- .

Company D having mustered4C volunteers, went to one side ofthe armory to hold a meeting andelect officers. C. W. Ashford wSsunanimously elected Captain, C. J.McCarthy, First Lieutenant, and A.W. Carter, Second Lieutenant. Theelection of the officers just enumer-ated caused a vacancy of First Lieu-

tenant in Company B aud a positionof Sergeant in Company A. Thebattalion will hold a general meet-

ing next Monday evening, when allvacancies will be filled, and prob-ably the court-marti- al decisions willbe rendered.


The steamers Mikahala and Wal-alea- lc

arrived this morning bringingabout CO head of fine grade heifersfrom Mr. W. II. Rice's ranch onKauai. They were immediatelytransferred to the steamer KilaueaHou and sent to Mr. J. M. Hornerof Kukaiau, Hawaii. For severalyears past Mr. Rice has been im-

proving his stock by importing thorou-

gh-bred bulls. He has spentthousands of dollars in this way,and it is gratifying to see the result.A short time ago he sent some 20Hereford grade bulls ,bred at Lihtic,to California. The heifers whichpassed through this morning showedDurham, Hereford, and a touch ofHolstein blood. In a country of solimited extent as this it is importantthat all of the land be utilized to thebest possible advantage, and pastureland is certainly better utilized inraising cows worth a hundred thanthirty dollars apiece. Such enter

Just Received at Hollister & Co.'sA large assortment of


Comprising the well-kno- brands of




170r Sale iv t Reasonable IPriees.1593 WHOLESALE AND RETAILi

Page 4: HONOLULU, SATURDAY DAILY BULLETIN Professionals ......1 S3 4r (M M M 3'IV 1 iTS 111 I U B Vol. XL tfo. 1691. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY EVENING,. JULY 23, 1887. BO CENTS SUBSCRIPTION




Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FOKT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every racket from tlio Pattern States and EuropeFreh California Produce by every Steamer. AU orders faithfully attended to.tad Good delivered to any part of the city free of charge, Island orders

Satisfaction guaranteed. Tost Ofllcu Uox 145. Telephone No. 03. 108 ly

S. M. GARTER,Has on hand for sale, In quantities

to suit :

Departure Bay Coal, Newcastle Coal,


Hard and Soft Wood, flawed and SplitMauleule Hay, j

California Hay,

Bran, Oats,

Barley, Com,

Cracked Corn,

Wheat, etc.

Telephono Both Companies 210.


WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS.olaT A complete line of "So

H'rAIMMiS A1 FANCY OltOCUIUKH,Fresh Goods on lee by each arrival of the 0. S. 8. Co's Steamers. Go ids delivered

to nil parts of Horn lulu.Island order solicited and packed w ith care, and shipped to any purl of the Kingdom

GEO. ENGELHARDT,(Formerly with Samuel Nott).



Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block, - Fort Street.

OT Store formerly occupied by IS. NoTT, opposite Spreckcls & Co.'i Bunk. HH100

P. O. ISo S97.

Iiibbons, Hats, Millinery.

Tne Queen LiUyHat!ALL THE GO I

Go inspect Sir. Fishel's New Goods 1


CHARLES J.FISHELHas received a full line line of


Embroider'd SuitsIn White, Cream and Colored.

A full line of


Comets, Hosiery,Linen, Torchon Laces,

DM AG. J. F1SHEL,Leading Millinery House.

Cor. Fort & Hotel Streets.5i

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY,

Shooing- -


Horses and Cattle Treated forall Diseases.

JEcsiUence: 31 Alakea Street,i. o. HOX 48. 20tfKSTBcll telephone 311.

tre el

Pia '

Sri U 1 S .

3 11 1 Q


Let mo have a mild:c 1G A R:

THE ABOVE REQUEST IS HlTAItDX. da.ly in cigar st ires, saloons andoilier p aces where cigars are lold, furit is an undisputed fact that most smokersprefer a mild cigar and that those whohave for a long time smoked strongcigars, principally imported Manilas,will, after having thoroughly injuredthe stomach and impaired the nervoussystem, surely want a mild cigar, if theycould find the right kind.

How many thousands of smokers whosuffer from Ion of appetite, headaf ho,nervous irritability, asthma, etc., nndwho have tried all possible remedieswithout success, might be cured if theyknew that their sufferings were causedby the intemperate use of gtiong cigars,and that they should only smoke mildand properly prepared ones.

It is a fact that all mild cignta agreewelt with smokers, for in most casesthorc is a lack of care in the selection ofthe tobacco, and often tho necessary ex.perlcnce for it is wanting, jet tin re laone brand which suits tlie most fastidioussmoker, and that is


"Samir" Mil CigarWhich is mado from mild, nronialic andEartieularly selected nnd prepared

combines all the qualitieswhich may bo expected from a healthcigar. It causes no bad effect of anykind, is agreeable to the taBle, burnsevenly to tho end and possesses a fluearoma. No smoker should fall to give

Engelbreht's "Sampler" CigarsA fair trial, and benefit himself at thesame time.

For sale Everywhere.03

Continental and ColonialAGENCY.

36 Eue do Dunkerque, . - Paris.

Executes Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swisn, German, ami English Goods, atthe best Manufacturers' Lowest Price,

Commission, Two-an- a.Half per cent.All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to themanager.

The Agency Represents, Buys, andSells, for Home and Colonial Firms.

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks, Velvets., Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, GlafS, andChina-ware- , Clocks, Watches,Jewcllry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &e ,

Furniture, Stationery,Chromos, Machinery. Ssc, &0.

130 ly S

Honolulu LibraryAK I.

Reading Room Association.

Cor. Hotel &Alakea treefa.Open every Day and Evening.

The Library consists at the presenttime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

The Reading Room is supplied withabout fifty of the leading newspapersand periodicals.

A Parlor is provided for conversationud games.Terms of membership, fifty cents a

Jionth, payable quarterly in advance.No formality required in joining exceptsigning the roll.

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors from the other islands are wel-come to the rooms at all times as guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of support except the dues ofmembers, it is expected that residentsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves cf Its privileges, and all who feelan Interest in maintaining an institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand become regular contributors.

A. J. CARTWRIGHT, Pres.,M. M. SCOTT, nt,

H. A. PARMELEE, Secretary,A. L. SMITH, Treasurer,C. T. RODGERS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Committee "

Health is Wealth !BRAIN

Tin W O. U'.Bt'b YJimint ivn Rbitv Tnmi.Stent, a guaranteed speoifip DlzzlZ

(JonrulHions. r iuf, nervous neurniKin,uwuavua.m.uu.j .ua.u.Mirii. VAUMfll lljf Lilt,of alcohol or tobacco, WakoInlneBB, Mental Da.prossion, Doiiemng 01 ine urmn. Tetiultmg in in- -HHuiiy anu jHnuiug iu misery, decay ana neatri;l'remature Old Aae, Barrenness, Loss of Jowerin either Bex, Involuntary Losses and Bpermat

caused by of the bruin, sol f.abuse, or Each box containsone month s treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxesfor $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price

WE GUAIIAXTEE SIX BOXESTo cure any ease. With each order reoeived by its,for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, wo willsend the purchaser our written guarantee to ro--.fund the money if the treatment does not effect,a cure. Guarantees issued only by


S500 REWARD!THE will jHiv tli aboTt wwmrj for try mio of Lifer Complaint

Dyspepcla, Sick Heidacbs, Indlgettion, CoBitiplkn or Coviivncti.we cannot cure with West' Vegetable Liver Pill, when the dlrtZilIoniftK ilrktly complied wfth, 'fheyaa jwrtly vegetable, annever fall to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large bozei

For tale by ai'. drngfiiU. Hereof.eoutiter&its aod Imitation. Til eesulne onlv bJOHN O. WEST CO., 18. it W. mSS HEJwtrlpduiMiilljrinaprep.kloac.lpt.f.llMitIttJp

Ilollistor fc Co.,SO 6m Wholesale and Retail Agent

Arrive at Honolulu Irom San Francisco.

Australia July 26Mariposa August 5Australia August 23Zealandia September 2Australia September 20Alameda . . .September 80Australia October 18Mariposa October 28Aistralia November 15Zealandia November 25Australia December 13Alameda December 23

Leave Honolulu lor San Francisco.

Zealandia July 29Australia August 2

Alameda August 2G

Australia August 30Mariposa September 23Australia September 27Zealandia October 21Australia October 25Alameda November 18Australia November 22Mariposa December 10Australia December 20Zealandia (1888) January 13

Perfection Stimplig ontfitsA IL PARTIES WHO HAVE ORa. derI the outfit, can have tamo by

applying at j. n. sur.fc.jts.No. i Merdnnt tlrect. ;:) lm


Records tearched, abstract of title fur-nished and conveyances drawn onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, nnd engrossing in alllanguages in general use in tho" King,doin.

Collection Agency Mr. John Good Jr.authorized collector.

Employment Agoncy Skilled and unskill-ed 1 ilior lurnlslieil.

General Business Agency Any businessolder or commi'sion will receiveprompt and careful attention.

Office No. 38 Merchant street Honolulu.Bell Tel. 348 Mutual Tel. U'0.

Post Office Box 41

istro 0oliti IMfiKING STREET,

. .J. WALliKK. Proprietor.

Choicest Meats from Fines Herde.

Families and Shipping


and at the

Lowt 3lii-lce- t PriceAll meats delivered from this Market

arc thoroughly chilled Immediately afterkillinir by means of a Pa-tent Dry Air Refrigeiatot. IVieat botreated retains all Its juicy properties,and is Guauantked to Keep LonoehAFTER DkI.IVKRV T HAN FHKSHLV-XIM-KoM-

74 1v

PooM Anps Stock

jj'orc SALE.Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old.

Heifer Calves Irom 10 to 13 months old.


J. I. D0WSETT.Honolulu, June 24, 1887. 70






X esteu in linrirovlns tho rmslurulands of the Islnuds is railed to theabove valuable seeds, which we offer forsale in lots to suit purchaser?.

We have also on hand samole lots ofWhito Clover. Enalish Alsvke. Titnothy, Rib Gias, C;ested Dug's Tail, TallFescue, Italian Rve Grass and Lucerneseeds, which wo offer in small lots fortrial, and will also r ceive orders forquantities of not less than half a tonweight, and execute same with dispatch.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO.65 tf.

Yosemite Skating

Open every afternoon andevening.

Music every Saturday Night.

THOMAS E. WALL,1001 . Proprietor. lyr

RUPTUREQuickly and PermanentlyOtlrei hv t.hn fWohmtUK. PIERCE'fl PATENT


EleotrfcTruBB. Perfect RetainerlOWenr. TnHf.nnt.lirfDHniroar.VBrv

en SB. HAmii-ni- i thinDon.In l.'url, littftHenrl fop Vrnn Tl Itmfi-- ni, 1


Feb. i8, 87. 1571 ly


11 ir

Taliill Immis Dept.IIOTKL, ktiii:kt.

Telephone, HOO. P. O. Ilox 44)l.

THE BEST AERATED WATERSThoroughly pure and made by steam, inlUlanu'a Apparatuwith glass pumps. All copper dig.peiibod Willi. The newest patent iuKiirope (1S81I).

C'ryMtul Vulvn llottlonOnly hi use for Tahiti Lemonade, Urenadina and Perfect OiDger Ale, at Tucentspur do.ea, delivercit to any part of theuity. And L'odd'g l'atent Uluta Stoppersior the celebrated pl un dry

H C DA WA T 13 H,So highly etllcacious for rijepeptda, assupplied lo all the principal l'niil'cs inHonolulu, and exclusively to II. li. 31. "a

vesseh vl war.IhIuuiI orter iiromptl attrmlpd to.


April 1,18 7. 1301) ly


ladies' Fashionable Hair Dresser andShampooing.

Also Combiiigs mado up in the lateststyles and at

LOWEST PIIICES.Will RO to residences if desired. Apply

at L. ADLEH'8 shoe store, No 13 Muu.anu street. 71 lm

Beaysr Saloon

The Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours

The inest Biacd ol

Cigars & Tobaccoalways on hand.

n. .1 XOT.TE, Proprietor.




Hoffnung & Co,, Sydney,

The Hoods comprlfe every descriptiof Ladies'

Ladies' & Gent's Saddlery, &c.

Will be sold at

GREAT REDUCTIONin quantities to suit.

luo goo is are on sale in tho loo.n

Over Yates and McKenzie's,

Opposite the Oceanic GVs Whaif.

American Rail Road P Ei- s-

sener Agency.

TUB UN DE R SIGN ED II AVINGappointed agent at Honolulu

for the Burlington lioute, are preparedto grant tickets from San Francisco toNew York, Boston, and Eastern cities',at lowest, rates. For passage tickets andall information, apply to.

J. E. lillOWN & Co.No. 28 Morel. ant ttreet. 82 td.

J. HOPP & CO.74 King Street.

Manufacturers and Importers of allkinds of

Furniture & Upholstery Goods


All kinds of Jobbing promptly attended to.

CHAIRS TO RENTFor Bui's or Paitie3 in small or large

891 quantities. fly.

Employment Burean.


and other classes of help

furnished promptly by


43 tf 28 Merchant street.


A FIRST CLACS VESSEL WILL BEdispatched from New York for

Honolulu to leave in all September. Allorders to come by this vessel should boforwarded as soon as possible. Forfurther information address the NewYork Agents. Messrs. W. H. Crossman& Bro.. 77 arid 79 Broad street, NewYork City or CASTLE & COOKE.Honolulu. H. I. 7Clm'

Tho Assessor for Honoluluwill bo in his office to attendto Tax Returns, from Mou-dn- y

the 18th, to Saturday,the 30th of July, from 8 a. m.

to 5 p. ni.After July 30th, the Asses-o- r

will ho engaged on theoutsido limits of the district.


Tax Assessor,

8(5 td for Honolulu

SPECIAL NOTICE.On iHTCount of departurefor tho Coast tho undersign-ed requests nil weeounts duehim to he paid before July23rd, and all accounts stand-ing over four months not paidby that dale will he handedfor collection without furthernotice.

X. S. KAC1IS,July 13th, 1887. 85 td

Because Tlicy Need It !

During the absence of Mr.Yarndley's pupils who areenjoying a vacation, ho will

turn his attention to tho tun-ing and regulating of pianos.Orders may ho addressed, P.O. Box 288, Bell Telephone1C1. 91 lw


Sk Shoes


L6SS than UOSf

Intending to close up inv businessat the end of tho present month,

I am offering my stock at

AstoiisMil? Low Pricesand will continue to do so

For the next IS flays

Come at Onceand secure a good article at a trifling


P. McINERNY,Fort Street, above King.

Honolulu, July 12, 1887. 84 2w

NOTICE.rpiIE REGULAR QUARTERLYJL meeting of the Pacific Hard-

ware Company (Limited), will be heldat their ofl'ice on THURSDAY, July28th, 1887, at 10 o'clock a. m.

J AS. G. SPENCER,92 lw Secretary.


office will be closed.M. GKOSSMAN.

Dentist OS Hotel street. 70 td

NOTICE.AND AFTER THIS DATE DR.ON Miner can b3 found at the Makte

residence Beretania street. Office hoursfrom 8 to 10 a. m and from 2 to 4 andfrom 7 to 8 p. m. Telephones Mutual4-- Bell 364. - 82 id


MISS. CLARK, WOULD INFORMcustomers that she has remov-

ed herdres'innkins establishment from101 Alakea street to No. 4 Adams lane.

811m .


I?IVE STALLS FOR nORSE?, WITHsheds and bain for Feed,

anu otuer conveniences For partieu- -

ars, (ipply at this office. 6 j lm4

TO RENT.THE HOUSE AT PRESENT,rccupied by the undersigned,KuUui stroet.

60 U' W. C. PARKE


rent; furniture at a bavcain,For particulars enauirc cf Jno. MagoonAgent. Merchant street. 73 tf


0Nr AUG b ST 1st, THE STORE AToccunied bv A Shenherd.

F.o. "5 Hotel street nearNuuanu. Annlyto McLEAN BKO'S.83 2 w 58 Nuunnu street.

FOR SALE.nnwo FIRST CLASS IMPORTED1 Mil1 :h Cows. One eivine milk, theother dried up for the pnsnt. Oneyoung bull 14 months old, sired by 1111.

ported "Hercules", dam by one of theimported cows above mentioned. Alsotwo and a half year year old filly, wellbroken to saddle. Apply to

JNO. S. McGREW M. D.89 td Hotel street.

Australian Mail Service.

FOIt SAX FKAXCISCO,The new and fine Al steel steamship

"Zealandia,"Ofjtlie Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

July 29, 1887,And will leave for the above port withniuils and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or pnssatre, havine SU- -


WE 0 IRWIN & CO., Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland,

The new and fine Al steel steamship

" Mariposa,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

bo due at Honolulu from SauFrancisco on or about

Aug. 5th, 1887,And will have prompt dispatch withmails and passengers for the a Love port J.

For freight or passage, having SU-PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

The Daily BulletinAND


Can bejhad from

J. H. Sopek, : : : Merchant Street,A. M. Hewett, : : " "J. W. Hingley, : : : : Hotel Street

TF YOU WANT A SERVANT.A advertise in the Daily Bulletin,

J01 ITT, 8

c3 JoH


Orders arc hereby solicited and willbe delivered at any locality within thocity limits.

ivo. ws iis HXitKirr.Both Telephones, 17. 64

Why am I so Miserable 1

do wenk and lmguidf Why suchheartburns und palm in the stomach,such acidity, and bucIi an unpleasanttaste in r Why at times sucha irnawinit appetite, and then a train suchdisrelish for food f Why is the mind solrequcutiy irritable, desponding, mclan.choly, and dejected f Why does oneoften foel uuder tho apprehension ofsome Imaginary danger, and start at anyunexpected noihe, becoming agitated asthough eome great calamity was impend-ing? What is tho meaning of thetedull, tick headaches; thrso violent pal.pitaiious of iho heart, this feverish rest-lessness, theso night sweats; this disturned and dreamy sleep, which bringsno refreshing rest, but only moaningsand muttciings, and the horrors of thetdghtmare?

The answer is: These are the symp-toms ot Indigestion or Dyspepsia thebeginning and the forerunner of almostevery other human disease. Indigestionis a weakness or want of power of thedigestive fluids of the stomach to con-vert the food into healthy matter for theproper nourishment of the body. It iscaused most frequently by the irregu-lult- y

of diet, or improper food, want ofhealthy exercise and pure outdoor air.It may be induced by meutal distressthe shock of some great calamity. Itmay be, and often is, aggravated and

if not origiually brought on,by exhaustion from intense mental application, of physical overwork, domes-tic troubles, anxiety in business, or flnan.ciul enilmrrassmcuts, If tho stomachcould always Le kept in order, deathwould no longer be a subject of fearfulanxiety to the young and middle-aged- ,but what would be contemplated by allas a visit of an expected friend at theclose of a peaceful and happy old age.However, the first hostile invader uponthe domain of health and happiness isIndigestion.

Is there any relief, any remedy, anycuie? That is the question of the

and unhappy dyspeptic. What iswanted is a medicine that will thorough-l- y

renovate the stomach, bowels, liver,and kidneys, and afford speedy and ef.fectual assistance to the digestive organs,and restore to the nervous and muscularsystems their oiigiual energy.

Such a mediciue is happily at hand.Never in the history of medical discov-eries, evidenced by a dozen years' thor-ough ust, has there been found a remedyfor Indigestion so' speedy, so sure, andso surprising in its results as Siegel'sCurative Syrup, but y it is a standardremedy for that almost universal afflic-tion inevery civilized country in Europe,Asia, Africa and America. Public testimonials and private letters from inili.taiy officers, bankers, merchants, shipcaptains, mechanics, farmers, and theirwives and daughters, alike confirm itscurative powers.

Nearly-Raise- d him from theGrave.

Swiss Cottage, Walton-on-the-Naz-

Auirust 27th. 1880.A. J. White, Limited.

Dear Sirs: If a testimonial is of anvuse to yju respecting the remarkablecure i navo derived oy taking your

niegei s oyrup, you are at liberty tomuse any use or wis you may deemLest. For upwards of twelve years Isave suffered from extreme Nervous De-

bility and Gastric Catarrh which re-

duced me so that I was totally unable todo uny business, and caused great pros-tratiu- n

and weakness. About threeyears ago I had the advice of severalmembers of the medical faculty, andunder their treatment derived little orno good. Being in town gome tenmonths ago, I wa3 advised to try yourCurative byrup, and purchased a bottle.I had not taken many doses before I n

to feel a fresh man. I could walkwith ease, while before I had hard workto carry one leg before the other. Mystrength gradually freased and myeyesight got better, tch before I fre.quently lost, owing to he malady aris.ing from a shiggi.-- h liver, often in bedfi r several days with piles, and couldhardly move. lam thankful to you andto God for nearly raising me from thegrave, for it was nothing but your Sei.gel's Syrup that has restored me to

heulth. Yours faithfully,A. Riciiold.

Revesby, near Boston,December 81st, 1886.

A J. White, Limited.Dear Sir: Your Siegel's Syrup I find

has an increasing sale in this neighbor,hood, and shall always do my best tofurther the sale of an article that everyouo that purchases speaks highly in itsfavor. I also have great satisfaction insaying that I quite believe my wife waspermanently cured of Indigestion andWind on tho Stomach, from which shehad iuffered sntensely sometime previousto taking it. Faithfully yours,

A. Burn.

Attanagh, Abbeylcix,Queen's County, Ireland,

December 24th, 18So.

A. J. White, Limited.Dear Sir: I hope that your Siegel's

Syrup and Pills may get the sale they sowell deserve. I had a very delicatechild, a boy now over nine years, butbiiug averse to eating any kind of veg-etable or food from his birth, I begangiving him Jlother Siegel's CurativeSyrup, and after a few weeks he recov-ered so a? to be able to consume as muchfood as other boys of his age, and to thegreat astonishment of his neighbours, heis lively, getting into flesh, and thrivingas well as boys of his age do. We givell the credit of his reeoveiy to Siegel's

Syrup. Yours faithfully,1007 1 S.Maxwell.

TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONX advertise in the Daily Bulletin.

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware I

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE


PACIFIC HARDWARE C0., L'd,(Successors to Dillingham & Co., & Samuel Noll.)

IRONMONGERS.toew. Goods for the Holidays! Silver Plated Ware

in New Designs.

From the very be9 makers.


A. Complete Stoclc ol Goods In Every Line.FORT STREET, HONOLULU. 5