hometown news october - nazareth lutheran church newsletter

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  • 8/8/2019 Hometown News October - Nazareth Lutheran Church Newsletter



    October 2010

    1711 Grant StreetHopewell, VA 23860


    The Hometown News isa publication of

    Nazareth EvangelicalLutheran Church.

    Member of theLutheran Church

    Missouri Synod.

    Inside this issue:

    CDC Task Force 2

    Consecrated Stewards 4

    Advent Schedule 7

    Fall Festival 9

    Pastors Corner 10

    The Hometown News

    Celebrating Our Lutheran Heritage by Pastor Voss "Unless I am convinced by proofs from Scriptures or by plain and clear reasons and arguments, I can and will not retract, for it is neither safe nor wise to do anything

    against conscience. Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen."

    - Martin Luther, 1521 Diet of Worms

    Diet of Worms! That doesnt sound very good does it? Well, it didnt soundgood to Martin Luther either. Diets were general assemblies of the Imperial Estates of the Holy Roman Empire. Several of them took place in the city of Worms, in what isnow Germany. In 1521, Martin Luther was called to this assembly to recant histeachings that challenged the authority of thepope and church traditions and promoted

    the idea that all authority lies within the veryWord of God. He could not and would notrecant, unless he was convinced by proofsfrom Scriptures or by plan and clear reasonsand arguments. Luther was willing to diefor this confession.

    Our Lutheran heritage is one of captivity,but in a positive sense. We are captive to the Word of God. We can truly say thisis true in our Worship but can we truly say this is true outside of it?

    I will be the first to admit that in the fall, if I hear the word football that conver-sation will have me captive. I will search out that conversation and join in! What

    words captivate you?Obviously there is nothing wrong with interests and hobbies (Luther had plenty of

    those too), but he was willing to give them all up with his life at Worms with hisstance that nothing had authority in his life over and above the Word of God. Onlyby the Power of the Holy Spirit can this be true for us also.

    The Holy Spirit works faith through the Word of God to believethe Word of God! Hearing the Word leads to believing it! This is why you and I should proclaimGods Word even to those who do not believe for only by hearing or reading theWord will God grant them faith in whom the Word directs us: our savior JesusChrist.

    Be captive to the Word of God!, is not a proclamation of what we should do, it

    really is a proclamation of what God does for us. Through His Word we receivemercy in this world and salvation as we depart. This is a Gospel (Good News) mes-sage!

    Hear the Words of God as spoken through Saint Peter, Humble yourselves,therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Castall your anxiety on him because he cares for you and the God of all grace,who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a littlewhile, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To himbe the power for ever and ever. Amen. - 1 Peter 5:6-11

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    Page 2 The Hometown News

    An Update from your Child Development Center Task Force Pastor David Voss, Pam Klein, Al Schneider, Joy Voss

    There has been a lot of activity with our group internally and externally and we want to make sure youknow of the latest developments. This past month, we have been diligently researching in the best interestsof our church and our mission. Members of our team have gone to visit a Child Development Center (CDC) inClayton, NC and we continue to make plans to visit other CDCs in the near future.

    Probably the most important update comes from a meeting with had within our own circuit. We were ableto sit down with those who have gone before us. Those who have started from where we are now and havesuccessfully opened a CDC. This meeting was invaluable to us because we learned about the commitment it would take from our congregation to succeed with this type of ministry. This is why, for now, we have decid-ed in the best interests of our church, to hold off on paying for a feasibility study until we are con ident wehave a ministry plan and business plan on paper and the commitment from the congregation of time and tal-ents toward this ministry opportunity.

    With experienced help, we have developed a research plan that you will see below. As you will see, thereare many opportunities to move forward or to cease researching the CDC ministry opportunity dependingupon the results of each step. We trust that by listening to the Lord and working with objective representa-tives within our congregation, circuit, and district, we will head in the right direction and come to a God -pleasing and thus, congregation -pleasing conclusion by early 2011.

    We only proceed to each step if the prior step con irms we have a viable ministry through a Child Development Center.

    Phase 1 - Research (presentFebruary 2011) -Self -Analysis, Step 1

    Determine the number of people and amount of time required by members of the congregation tocomplete a CDC project.

    -Create a Ministry Plan

    When: Saturday, October 16, Attendance: CDC Team Develop general Concept, general Vision, general Strategy for CDC

    -Self -Analysis, Step II

    Contact members of the congregation to discover level of interest and commitment

    and input to the Ministry Plan (October/November) -Initiate teams, as required to develop initial research on CDC (Business Plan, infrastructure require-ments, etc.) (NovemberJanuary) -Review of Open Arms contract and initiate discussions with Open Arms (January) -Discuss if Open Arms model its within the needs of Nazareth Lutheran Church of if independent modelis preferred. (January) -Propose Ministry Plan, Business Plan, and suggested model to the congregation. (February) -Pay for feasibility study. (February)

    Begin Phase IIImplementation Phase (March, 20112013?)

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    Page 3October 2010

    Happy October Birthday!

    October 4 Abigail Layne

    October 6 Olivia McKinzie

    October 9 Lindsey Engels

    October 11 Landry Doane

    October 15 Mary Petik

    October 15 Andy Petik

    October 28 Casey Davis

    October 28 Hilary Sodat

    The Deacons met on September 20th. Present were ThelmaKlein, Karen Van Worth, and Bonnie Foxx. We opened our meeting in conjunction with the Elders.

    We discussed people concerns and upcoming changes to the budget. Our next meeting will be on October 18th.

    Respectfully submitted,Bonnie Foxx

    Deacons Report

    A Volunteer Opportunity in Your Community:

    Take This Quiz to See If You Have What It Takes to Be a Police Volunteer

    1. Are you at least 18 years old?

    2. Did you retire too early and find that you have time on your hands and youre looking way to fill your time doing fun and interesting work?

    3. Would you like to spend some of your valuable time doing tasks assigned by the Policepartment like funeral escorts, identifying inoperative vehicles, traffic control for paraand civic events, as well as other interesting tasks?

    4. Would you like to become a more interesting person by getting involved with a uniquewho interact with many of Hopewells outstanding police officers to improve the quali

    life in Hopewell, reduce crime and deter the criminal element from our community?

    5. Would you enjoy learning fascinating things about law enforcement in Hopewell and inCommonwealth of Virginia?

    If you answered YES to any question above, the Police Volunteers need YOU! Call PoVolunteer Vice President George Baker at895 - 4724 or Secretary Leanne Heggen Ecksteinat 458 - 9534 to request an application form. Both men and women volunteers of all ages needed. You do not need to be a resident of Hopewell.

    Call today! Have fun and meet new people while you proudly serve your community!

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    Page 4 The Hometown News

    Stewardship / Finance News

    Pastor Voss and the two boards met with our guest leader, Pastor Keith Loesch on September 7 tobegin preparations for the Consecrated Stewards program. Marilyn and Tina were unable to attend.After some introductory remarks, viewing a video about Consecrated Stewards, and the distributionof folders containing the specific duties of the members of the committee, Pastor Loesch reviewed theprogram and principles, the schedule, the roles of the committee members and the cost and expensesassociated with the program.

    The committee consists of the following:

    Pastoral role Pastor Voss

    General Chair Al Schneider

    Events Chair William Koren

    Spiritual Growth Chair

    Publicity Chair Karen Van Worth

    Financial Secretary Jean Joyner

    Reservations Chair

    Childrens Ministry Chair Sandy Wunder The program consists of a 4 week preparation phase and a 4 week program phase, culminating on

    Consecration Sunday which will be November 14. During the program phase, a series of weekly Biblestudies at all levels will take place. Pastor Loesch will deliver the sermon on Consecration Sunday.The preparation phase will be followed a fulfillment phase to wrap up the program. A series of mini-

    posters, newsletter articles, bulletin announcements, verbal announcements, and Stewardship journeytalks will be used during the program. A Leadership Dinner will be held during the process, and aCongregational Celebration Luncheon will be held on Consecration Sunday.

    A copy of the 2010 budget has been prepared and a partial distribution of that document has beenmade. All boards and individuals responsible for budget input are asked to provide input for the 2011budget and submit it no later than Sunday, October 10. A proposed budget for 2011 will then be pre-pared for presentation and discussion at the October Church Council meeting, October 18.

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    Page 5October 2010

    For our Brothers and Sisters in Christ in Nursing Homes- Velma Fleming, HHCC (227)For our Brothers and Sisters in Christ who are home-bound-

    Mary Petik For our members and friends serving our country in the military-

    Bruce Layne Danny Petik Chris Graham Dustin Petik James Eckenrode DavidPetik Jeff & Stacey Crossen Jeffrey Head Steve Foxx Brandon Edwards MikeMcKinzie

    For our members and friends away at college Landry Doane Casey Davis

    For our members who are sick, hospitalized, in need of spiritual care or recuperating- Evelyn Rayner Rowena Carter Tina, Art & Landry Doane Annette Dry Kathy Be-ahm Jenny Graham Marilyn Antunes Lillian Lockton Joey Reierson For our friends who are sick, hospitalized or recuperating Jonathan Weston Rita Joyner Joann Miller Jeff Walter Suzie Hilton Dorothy Kunkel Freddie Gonzalez Kay Slade Bernard Carter Garland Moss Joseph Hil-ton Pamela Heithaus & Heithaus Family Connie Williamson Jerry Van Worth Trace & Charlie Banditt Thomas Slimmen Richard Brinkley, Jr. Carolyn Kennedy

    For the families of the Saints departed

    Pray for One Another Prayer List updated as of September 26, 2010

    Bible Study and Adult ConfirmationWe now have seven confirma-tion students! Please continueto encourage and invite any-one who has not received thisfoundation of Christian teach-ing.


    Pastor Voss continues theRevelation Bible Study in thechurch fellowship hall.

    Join us at 6PM on Wednes-days for a meal and fellow-ship!

    Whether you are young or old,visitor or pillar, we have a BibleStudy for you!

    SUNDAYS 9:30 AM

    Meet in the Old Church Roomat 9:30 AM for a Bible Study onHebrews led by Al Schneider.

    Arnie Slimmen continues tolead an eight week adult con-

    irmation class in the confer-ence room. If you are new to theLutheran faith and/or wouldlike to join our church, pleasecontact Arnie to join in.


    Youth in grades 711 areencouraged to join in our Confirmation program. Youhave two options:

    Weekly students meet everySunday at 9:30 AM.

    Bi-Weekly students meetevery other Sunday at8:30AM (to 10:30 AM).

    Contact Pastor Voss for spe-cifics. This is a two -year

    program which the youthcan join in on at any time.

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    Page 6 The Hometown News

    The Long Journey: A Unique Mission in Jamaica

    The key turned but the engine wouldnt start. Nigerian missionary Rev. Obot Ite gives it a few moretries before the motor coughs to life, I think its the new ethanol mixture Im using he responds upon

    being questioned about the problem, but it always works ou5t fine. The blue sedan begins bouncingdown the road, dodging the endless stream of potholes and pedestrians crossing its path; the long jour-ney has begun.

    Rev. Ite is an Ablaze!Alliance Missionary. He is a pastor who was trained by and originally servedwithin the Lutheran Church of Nigeria, an LCMS partner church. He is currently serving in Jamaicathrough a partnership with LCMS World Mission. Although LCMS World Mission has been working in

    Jamaica for almost 15 years, Obot is the first missionary from Africa to serve there.Pastor Ite spends a lot of his time on the road. Though he serves just one congregation St. An-

    drews Lutheran in Kingston he has members and contact as much as three hours away from the wor-ship center. Today he is responding to an e- mail contact he received in St. Marys parish, which is on theopposite coast of Jamaica, about a 2 hour drive. This inquiry came from a woman who responded tocontact information at the end of a Lutheran Hour broadcast and said she would like pastor Ite to visitand share the Word with her.

    Perhaps the most unique part of Pastor Ites ministry is his work with Rastifarians, a group with closeemotional and intellectual connections to Africa, their homeland. Rastifarians worship the late king of Ethiopia, Haile Selasse, although he himself was a Christian. They claim that he is the second coming of Christ and came as a conquering hero to overthrow the powers of Babylon, which they see as theWest. When Jamaicans discover Pastor Ites Nigerian origins, their faces light up and they proudly re-mark, Were all Africansone love, mon.

    Pastor Ite is currently working with a young man named Carlos, a former Rastifarian. Carlos tellsabout his first experience with Lutherans as a hostile one. Living just a few houses down the road fromthe ministry center, he confronted the current pastor about their white mans religion. However, hewas so fascinated by the response and by meeting an African pastor, that he stayed to learn what the min-istry was all about.I was indoctrinated before, Carlos explains, I still am, but Im learning bit by bit. Its a long journey.Carlos was recently baptized into the Lutheran church and is eagerly attending and studying Gods Wordwith Pastor Ite. He hopes to someday become a pastor like his teacher.

    Summarized from the spring issue of Harvest, a publication of the LCMS World Mission.

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    Page 7 October 2010


    MOVIE NIGHT POSTPONEDThe movie night scheduled for October 22 will be scheduled at a later date TBD. We want to encour-age all of our members to participate in helping to prepare for our wonderful Fall Festival (which is onOctober 23). If you can help prepare for this event on Friday, Oct. 22, please let Kara Canada know.

    MISSION PLANNING SESSION VThis planning session has been altered from an entire congregational meeting to a meeting of the ChildDevelopment Center Task Force Team. Please see the notes regarding the updates from this team earli-er in this newsletter to see why this change was required.

    Schedule of Mid-Week AdventOfferings

    Presentation on Prayer led by Art Umbach

    Wed., Dec. 1, 7PM

    Lectio Divina

    Prayer ServicesWed., Dec 8, 7PM

    Wed., Dec 15, 7PM

    Silent Prayer Wed., Dec 22The church will be openfrom 7PM midnight.

    RENEWALCome to receive the peacethat only the Lord can giveyou. Our Advent season isfocused on prayer, contem-plation, silence, and Spiritualrenewal.We will begin our mid-week services with a contempla-tive study on prayer led byArt Umbach. We will thencontinue with two LectioDivina Services which focuson prayer, peace, and listen-ing to the Lord. Our finalmid-week offering will beone of simple silence. Thechurch will be open for youto come and pray in themidst of God and the musicof J.S. Bach.

    What is the Lectio Divina?Lectio Divina is Latin for divine reading, spiritual reading, or "holy reading," and representsa traditional Christian practice of prayer and scriptural reading intended to promote com-munion with God. It is a way of praying with Scripture that calls one to study, ponder, lis-ten and, finally, pray and rejoice in God's Word.

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    Page 8 The Hometown News

    General Notes

    MISSION OPPORTUNITY In February, a nurse and a nurse anesthetist that I work with are going to Haiti on a medical missiontrip. They are going with the Haiti Outreach Ministry group.(www.haitioutreach minis-tries.org) From now till the beginning of Feb., I will be collecting the following items to send withthem ...Tylenol, Ibuprofen, chewable and liquid Tylenol, Benadryl, cough drops, Monistat cream, anti-biotic cream, Tums and Vitamins. There will be a basket on the table near the mailboxes for your do-nations. These people need our help...let's show them the love of God. Thanks, Cindy R.

    CHURCH CHOIR Calling All Choir Members, Past and Present! Please look around at home and weed out any old music you have! We areparticularly looking for a music songbook called "Carols Alive".Any questions please see Cindy R. Many Thanks!

    NURSERY HELPER POLICY We surely do need helpersin our nursery! There aresome times when we arealmost overrun with chil-

    dren. However, we have to abide by the Standards of Operationfor the nursery, which state that helpers must be 13 years old, inthe 8th grade, and be enrolled in con irmation or else have madearrangements to be enrolled. This may rule out a few eageryoung people, but it does not rule out adult members. Pleasecontact Sue Skalleberg at 731 -6959 if your are willing to helpout. Thanks.


    JANUARY 2011




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    Page 9October 2010

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    PASTORS CORNER GOSPEL CONTACTS Have you shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with anyone lately? Anytime you share the Good Newsthat Jesus Christ is Lord with someone, please add a paper ish to our ish net. Simply write your

    irst name, the date, and if you want, the irst name of the person you shared the Gospel with. Ourgoal, as a congregation, is to have 240 ish in our net by the end of the year! Can you share the Gos-pel with someone this month? The Lord will provide the opportunity, and the words. Trust inGodhe will use you to grow His church.

    CHURCH OFFICERS/BOARD MEMBERS As we approach the end of the year, many of you will be approached to serve as a church of icer orboard by the nominating committee. I am currently in daily prayer that the Lord guides eager andwilling members to step into or retain their roles. It is my prayer that these responsibilities areviewed as an honor and opportunity by those who are considered. It is at this time that I am remind-ed of Isaiahs commission to serve the Lord and it is my prayer that we are as eager.

    Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" - Isaiah 6:8

    ONLINE BOOK STUDY: SIMPLE CHURCH Starting in January, Pastor Voss leads a two -month online book study of Simple Church. We will be reading about how to simplifywhat we do so that we can focus our work for the Lord on our mis-sion to share the Gospel. In other words, we will constantly ask thequestion, How can our church organization best serve our Gospelmission?!

    Lets consider how we can de-clutter and focus as we read this high-ly regarded book. No need to schedule your calendar to participate.

    This is on online book study that we will discuss via an online fo-rum. Speci ic details will be released in November.

    THANK YOU RECEPTION Joy and I cordially invite all who have served the church this year toa reception in your honor. We will be holding an Open House Re-ception (that is, come and go as you please) in the fellowship hall

    of the church on Friday, November 12 from 5PM8PM. We willhave gourmet coffee, root beer, pies, and other treats. Its our wayof saying, Thank you! for serving at Nazareth this year. Whetheryou were a church of icer, board member, teacher, usher, acolyte,played an instrument, cooked a meal, mowed the lawn, or helpedout with an event, if you served the Lord at our church in any way, we want to thank you for your service in a special way.


  • 8/8/2019 Hometown News October - Nazareth Lutheran Church Newsletter


    The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti (ELCH) Looks Toward the Future

    nities are living in cardboard box-es. As the rainy season begins inHaiti, adequate shelter is becom-ing an increasing problem.

    How can I help? Pray for the pastors and lay-people of the ELCH as they

    rebuild their lives and theirministries while also trying tomeet the vast physical andspiritual needs of the peopleof their communities.

    Give a gift to support relief work in Haiti. Go to www.lcms.org/help to give online, or send acheck to LCMS World Relief andHuman Care, 1333 Kirkwood Rd.,Kirkwood, MO 63122. Mark you

    check Haiti Relief.

    *The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti, LCMS World Mission, LCMSWorld Relief, the Orphan GrainTrain, and Concordia Publishing House, are just a few of them.

    Enough time has passed forthe dust from Haitis Jan. 12

    earthquake to settle. Howev-er, responding to the peoplesphysical and spiritual needscontinues to be a high priorityfor LCMS World Mission inLatin America and the Carib-bean. Many mission-mindedorganizations* have been com-bining and coordinating re-sources to provide relief todevastated families and build

    the capacity of the Haitianchurch for continuing out-reach.

    Though members and leadersof the ELCH have sufferedalongside their neighbors dueto the earthquake, they havecontinuously sought to minis-ter to their communities in

    Jesus name. Lutheran church-es in the capital and other are-as have become important dis-tribution centers for basicneeds like food, water, ormedical assistance provided bythe LCMS and other interna-tional Lutheran church bodiesfrom around the world.In the midst of incredible lossand tragedy, the Haitian

    church has been an inspiringtestimony to the love of Christ. They have seengrowth in their membership,as many who escaped with lit-tle more than their lives finethe answers they are seekingin the church. Many of theHaitian Lutheran churches in

    the affected areas are reportingas many as 40mnew baptisms aweek.

    A few weeks after the quake,Rev. Marky Kessa reported,During our first worship ser-

    vice after the earthquake, webaptized 35 people. Last Satur-day we baptized 49, and thiscoming Sunday we will baptizemore than 30. Most of them are

    just coming to Christ after theearthquake!

    The situation in Haiti remainsdelicate. Food and water areavailable, but distribution contin-ues to present a challenge.Many communities have not re-ceived available aid. Other ineq-uities abound: People in somecommunities are sleeping in ex-pensive family sized tendts pro-vided by relief organizations,while others in nearby commu-

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    Nazareth Lutheran Church1711 Grant StreetHopewell, VA 23860

    Nazareth Evangelical

    Lutheran Church

    "Reaching out to all in faith and love, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, and

    serving joyfully!"