home remedies for lice getting rid of lice

Home remedies for lice List of ways to get rid of lice Lice is unfortunate condition which occur when simple species of Pediculus humanus capitis, head-louse, infests in scalp hair of humans. Lice will spread easily and multiply thus it is significant to get rid of it. Head lice cause irritation and that lead to scratch on scalp which is embarrassing to see it. Luckily there are some essential home remedies for lice that can work well to get rid of it naturally. Home remedies for lice Look on the below give ways that you can do at home to cure naturally also cause no hair-damage or other problems. Some of the proven methods are Garlic Take 10 cloves of garlic and grind them well to make fine paste. Now add 3 tbsp of lime juice in to mix and apply it on scalp and hair. Let this paste to sit for 30 mins prior to wash it off. Run lice comb in hair to get dead lice out. Rinse it off in cold water. Onion Juice Does onion juice work to get rid of lice on hair? Yes, it is essential remedy to remove lice naturally. Apply onion juice in hair and scalp. Leave it for 4 hrs before rinse it off. After removing lice and nits using nit comb, shampoon the hair. Do this process 3 to 4 days to attain fruitfull resutls. This is said to be essential for treating lice infestation. Mashed Apple Although, applying mashed-apple in scalp can be messy, however it works well to get rid of lice fast. Thus, mash apple and rub it over scalp and rinse it off after 30 mins in cool water. Neem Oil Another in list of home remedies for lice is to use neem oil. Heat neem oil and rub it over scalp and hair gently, let it to sit for half an hour in scalp. Remove lice with nit-comb and rinse it off with shampoo. Apple cider vinegar Is Apple cider vinegar work for lice removal? Of course, yes, it is essential to remove lice and nits. Use distilled vinegar to wash hair which is powerful for killing lice. Leave vinegar for 10 mins in hair and rinse it off in cold water. After washing, apply coconut oil and use lice comb to get out dead lice and nits on hair. Petroleum jelly Next essential treatment to get rid of lice is to use petroleum jelly. Apply thick layer of jelly over head. Leave it for 30 mins and wash it off using mineral or baby oil to get out lice and jelly from hair. You have to rinse hair well with shampoo after getting out of petroleum jelly.

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Post on 25-Jul-2016




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http://goo.gl/lJDNbL - Visit this source to know home remedies for lice


Page 1: Home remedies for lice getting rid of lice

Home remedies for lice – List of ways to get rid of lice

Lice is unfortunate condition which occur when simple species of Pediculus humanus capitis, head-louse,

infests in scalp hair of humans. Lice will spread easily and multiply thus it is significant to get rid of it. Head

lice cause irritation and that lead to scratch on scalp which is embarrassing to see it. Luckily there are some

essential home remedies for lice that can work well to get rid of it naturally.

Home remedies for lice

Look on the below give ways that you can do at home to cure naturally also cause no hair-damage or other

problems. Some of the proven methods are


Take 10 cloves of garlic and grind them well to make fine paste. Now add 3 tbsp of lime juice in to mix and

apply it on scalp and hair. Let this paste to sit for 30 mins prior to wash it off. Run lice comb in hair to get

dead lice out. Rinse it off in cold water.

Onion Juice

Does onion juice work to get rid of lice on hair? Yes, it is essential remedy to remove lice naturally. Apply

onion juice in hair and scalp. Leave it for 4 hrs before rinse it off. After removing lice and nits using nit

comb, shampoon the hair. Do this process 3 to 4 days to attain fruitfull resutls. This is said to be essential for

treating lice infestation.

Mashed Apple

Although, applying mashed-apple in scalp can be messy, however it works well to get rid of lice fast. Thus,

mash apple and rub it over scalp and rinse it off after 30 mins in cool water.

Neem Oil

Another in list of home remedies for lice is to use neem oil. Heat neem oil and rub it over scalp and hair

gently, let it to sit for half an hour in scalp. Remove lice with nit-comb and rinse it off with shampoo.

Apple cider vinegar

Is Apple cider vinegar work for lice removal? Of course, yes, it is essential to remove lice and nits. Use

distilled vinegar to wash hair which is powerful for killing lice. Leave vinegar for 10 mins in hair and rinse

it off in cold water. After washing, apply coconut oil and use lice comb to get out dead lice and nits on hair.

Petroleum jelly

Next essential treatment to get rid of lice is to use petroleum jelly. Apply thick layer of jelly over head.

Leave it for 30 mins and wash it off using mineral or baby oil to get out lice and jelly from hair. You have to

rinse hair well with shampoo after getting out of petroleum jelly.