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HOA Rules and Regula tion Issue 2006



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HOA Rules and Regula tion Issue 2006


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HOA Rules and Regula tion Issue 2006ENTRANCE GATE

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HOA Rules and Regula tion Issue 2006


1. Thes e rules are des ig n e d to prom o t e and prote c t the high

quali ty life s ty l e and the securi ty to which resid e n t s of the

Boardwalk Mean d e r Estat e , inclu s iv e of all Town Hou s e

Compl ex e s in the Estat e aspire .

2. The prim e objec t iv e of thes e Rule s and Regula t i o n s is to

pres erv e and enha n c e securi ty, the harm o n i o u s intern a l and

extern a l contro l , the aes th e t i c s and the enviro n m e n t .

3. The rules have been estab l i s h e d in accord a n c e with the

Me m or a n d u m and Article s of Assoc ia t i o n of the Boardwalk

Mean d er Estat e Hom e Owners Asso c ia t i o n (HOA). They are

bindin g upon all occu p a n t s of the Estat e , as is any deci s i o n

take n by the Direc t or s in interpr e t i n g thes e rule s .

4. The Archit e c t u r a l Desi g n Guidel i n e s , rece iv e d separat e ly from

the Develo p e r , shal l be dee m e d to be incorp or a t e d in and to

form part of thes e rules .

5. It is the resp o n s i b i l i ty of the regis t er e d own er s of erfe n or

unit s at Boardwal k Mean d e r Estate to ens ur e that me m b e r s of

the ir famili e s , as well as the ir tena n t s , visitors , friend s ,

invite e s , contra c t or s and employ e e s abide by thes e rules

6. Harm o n i o u s com m u n i ty living is achiev e d when resid e n t s use

and enjoy their private property as well as the public areas of

the Estat e . Genera l con s id e r a t i o n of all resid e n t s by and for

each oth er will great ly assi s t in assurin g harm o n i o u s relat io n s

on the Estat e .

7. In the event of annoya n c e s or comp la i n t s , the parti e s involved

shou ld atte m p t as far as poss ib l e to sett l e the matt er betw e e n

the m, exerc i s i n g tolera n c e and cons id e r a t i o n . When a

proble m cann o t be resolv e d , the matt er should be brou g h t to

the atte n t i o n of the Direc t or s for furth er reco m m e n d a t i o n in

term s hereof . The Direct or s , who mee t on a mont h ly basi s , will

enter ta i n writt e n sub m i s s i o n s only.

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HOA Rules and Regula tion Issue 2006

8. The deci s i o n of the Direc t or s is final and bindin g in resp e c t of

the interpr e t a t i o n of thes e rules .

9. Thes e rules are subjec t to chan g e from time to time at the

discr e t i o n of the Direc t or s .

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The stree t s of Boardwalk Meande r Estat e are for the use of all resident s , whethe r it be on foot, roller- skate, bicycle, motor cycle, delivery vans or cars. Please note that motor cycle, delivery vans and cars are conside r e d to be part of the stree t environme n t , but not necessa r ily the dominating factor:All roads on the Esta te are public roads and are subjec t to the relevan t road traffic ordinanc e s or bye- laws.

1. Only licensed and roadwor thy vehicles of the kind permit t ed on public roads will be allowed to use the roads in the Estat e .

2. Parks and paveme n t s are off-limit.3. The speed limit is res t ric t ed to 3 0 km per hour , throughou t the Estat e

and 15 km per hour in the Town hous e com pl e x e s .4. Paren t s are responsible for ensuring that their children are made aware of

the danger s relating to the use of stree t s and must take responsibility for their children ' s safety.

5. Only licensed drivers may opera t e and drive engine powere d vehicles in the stree t s on the Estat e.

6. Parking is only permit t ed in the areas designa t e d for this purpose . Parks, open spaces , sidewalks , kerbsides and in the stree t s opposite traffic islands or in road circles are off-limits.

7. Pedes t r ia ns will freque n tly cross stree t s in the Estat e and have the right of way. Motoris ts are reminde d always to drive with caution.

8. Pedes t r ia ns on the Estat e have the right of way under any circums ta nc e s .9. Bicycles have prefere nc e over motor vehicles in the use of the esta te roads.

Cyclists must however adhere to all the rules of the road as well as these rules regarding road usage .

10. The use of motor cycles or other vehicles with noisy exhaus t systems or unsafe for ente r ing or exiting from the Estat e, is prohibi ted.

11. Motor cycles, bicycles, skateboa r d s and roller- skates are not allowed on walkways / jogging- paths.

12. The Board, through its authorise d represe n t a t ives , has the authori ty to appreh e n d and penal ty motoris ts who disrega r d the rules of road use containe d herein, as well as cyclists , skatebo ar d and roller- skate r Users who are using the walkways / jogging pathes .

13. The amount to which pena l t i e s will be levied, will be decided by the Board of Director s from time to time, but is presen t ly set at a minimum of R150- 00 for a first offence.


1. Any busines s activity or hobby which could cause aggrava tion or nuisanc e to fellow resident s may not be conducte d from any proper ty. This includes auctions and jumble sales.

2. No business may be conducte d from home without the writ ten consen t of the HOA and then only if such busines s is permit te d in terms of the esta t e planning

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scheme applicable to the unit.3. All owners / tenan ts wishing to conduct businesse s from home, have to apply to

the HOA in writing, which will deal with any such applica tion at the first Board Meeting after the submission of the applica tion.

4. The following factors will play a role in the Board ' s decision:

• Will the busines s cause an influx of visiting vehicles into the Estat e?

• Will it gener a t e excessive noise?

• Will it have a negative impact on neighbour ing stands?

• Does it have the poten tial to attr ac t criminal elemen t s into the Estate?

• Will it depend on onsite adver tise m e n t and high visibility?

• Will it fit in with the genera l charac t e r of the Estate?

• Will it enhanc e or reduce the desirabili ty of the Estat e for prospec tive investor s?

• What will the effect of the busines s be on the gener a l value of units in the Estate?

• Will the busines s require additional building const ruc t ion?

• How do the direc t neighbou rs of the applican t feel about the intende d busines s?

• Will adequa te parking be made available, so as to preven t sidewalk parking?

5. The Home Office my not exceed 60 m2 in total.6. Only a business where the owner is self employed with no staff on site will be

conside r e d .7. The Boards decision is final and no appeal is possible.

8. All business opera tions must adhere to the crite r ia and conditions as specified by the HOA and to local municipal bye- laws and regula tions .


1. The volume of music or elect ronic instrum e n t s should be kept at a level so as not to crea t e a nuisance to neighbou rs .Parties must be conducte d with a minimum of noise genera t ion and no music or noise caused by merrym aking shall be heard beyond the bounda r ies of the applicable erf or unit betwe e n the hours of midnight and 08:00AM.

2. The do it yourself repair and mainte na n c e of motor vehicles, or any othe r internal combus tion engine vehicle, craft or impleme n t , must take place out of sight from the Esta te stree t s and may never cause disturba nc e or be intrusive to neighbou rs or other residen t s

3. The use of power saws, lawn mowers, and the like (electric mowers are prefer r e d) , should only be under t a k e n betwee n the following hours:

Monday – Friday All Year : 08:00 - 18:00Saturday sAll Year 08:30 - 13:00

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No mechanic al mainten a n c e , the use of power saws, lawn mowers and the like is permit te d on Sunday s and Publ ic Holidays .

Contraven t ion of any of the above provisions shall be punisha ble by a penal ty not exceeding R500.00


1. No fireworks may be set off within the bounda r ies of the Estat e.Criminal charges may be brough t agains t perpe t r a to r s and an internal penal ty

of R 500- 00 will be levied.

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Let your pet not be a bone of cont e n t i o n betw e e n you and your neig h b o u r s .

1. The local authori ty by- laws relating to pets will be strictly enforced .2. Residen t s may not keep more than two dogs or two cats on their proper or

1 dog and 1 cat without the writt en permission of the HOA.3. Poult ry, pigeons, aviaries, wild animals or livestock may not be kept on the

Estat e.4. Should any excre me n t be deposited in a public area, the immedia t e removal

thereof shall be the sole responsibility of the owner of the pet. Neglec t to comply may result in a pena l ty of up to R150.00.

5. Every pet must wear a collar with a tag indicating the name, telephone numbe r and address of its owner.

6. No pets are allowed to roam the stree t s . Roaming pets will be removed immedia te ly, without notice to the owners and be handed to the SPCA.

7. In the event of the owner being known to the Estate Manage r , or the owner becoming known to the Estat e Manage r , a pena l ty of R150.00 minimum may be levied, depending on the circums ta nc e s leading to the animal being outside of the owners stand.

8. Pets must be walked on a leash in public areas . All stree t s , parks and open areas are defined as public areas

9. The HOA reserves the right to reques t the owner to remove his pet should it become a nuisance on the Esta te .

10. The owner will be responsible for any damage or injury caused to proper ty/pe r so ns /o th e r animals within the Esta te by his/he r dogs or cats.


The coll e c t iv e pride of the Estat e is depe n d a n t upon the contrib ut i o n of every owner to creat e a neat and plea s i n g stre e t s c a p e .

1. Each stand owner is responsible for maintaining the area betwe en the kerb and the bounda ry of his proper ty, in a clean and pleasing condition.

2. The HOA can compel the owner or tenant to improve the aesthe t ic appea r a n c e of this area when deeme d necessa ry, at the cost of the owner.

3. Garden fences and / or walls and outbuildings forming part of the stree t scape , should be regula rly maintaine d and painted where necessa ry.

4. Remem b e r the HOA has the right to effect repairs at the cost of the owner should it be conside r e d necessa ry.

5. Building mate rial may under no circums ta n c e s be dumpe d on the sidewalks or stree t s . The owner will be liable for any damage s in this regard .

6. No trees, plants or sidewalk lawn may be damag e d , removed or planted without the permission of the HOA.

7. Planting should not interfer e with pedes t r ian traffic or obscur e the vision of motoris t s .

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8. Gardens bordering the paveme n t s must be kept neat and tidy at all times, failing which the HOA shall have the right to clean the garden at the owner ' s cost.

9. No wendy houses or tool sheds may be erec t ed . If the owner refuses to remove such struc tu r e s , the HOA may remove such struc tu r e s at the cost of the owner .

10. Caravans, trailers , boats, equipme n t , tools, engine and vehicle parts , as well as accommo d a t ion for pets, must be located out of view and screen e d from neighbouring proper t ie s and the stree t .

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1. Washing lines must be suitably screene d from neighbouring proper t ie s .2. Refuse, refuse bins etc, (except on official collection days) may not be placed

on the paveme n t . Garden refuse must be removed on the same day.3. Advertise m e n t s or publicity mate rial may not be exhibited or distribu t e d unless

the consent of the HOA has been obtained .4. Owners must ensur e that domes tic workers and other employees do not loiter

on the Estat e and specifically not at any prominen t places such as at the gates, road circles, stree t s etc.


"The degr e e of enviro n m e n t a l care exerc i s e d by a com m u n i ty says muc h for the level of cultur e and refine m e n t attain e d by the said com m u n i t y". (Anon)

1. No rubble or refuse may be dumped or discard e d in any public area, including parks, stree t s , sidewalks , lakes, dams, or vacant stands.

2. Residen t s and their guest s are urged to leave any open space they visit in a cleaner condition than that in which it was found. Residents should also develop the habit of picking up and disposing of any litter encoun te r e d in the open spaces .

3. Picnicking is only permit te d on specified places .

4. Flora may not be damag e d or removed from any public area .5. Fauna of any natur e may not be chased , trappe d or harme d in any way, in

any area of the Esta te.6. Residen t s shall maintain trees, plants and shrubs, planted on their

paveme n t s by the Developer . 7. Residen t s shall maintain a high standa r d of frontag e garden and paveme n t

mainte na nc e .8. Residen t s should ensur e that declare d noxious flora are not planted or

allowed to grow in their gardens .9. Vacant stands must be kept clean on a regula r basis to the satisfac tion of

the HOA, failing which, the HOA rese rves the right to clean the stand at the owner’s expense .

10. The resident’s use of any open space areas is entirely at their own risk at all times. The HOA will ente r t a in no claims for dama ge s of whatsoeve r natur e or from whatsoever cause arising.

11. No swimming, playing, boating or fishing in the dams, rivers or fountains is allowed, nor are dogs permit te d to swim therein.

12. Garden encroac h m e n t onto the paveme n t is not permit te d .

13. Floodlights must be adequa t e ly scree ne d so as not to cause discomfor t to neighbour s .

14. Dogs are to be exercised on a leash only and are to be rest r ic t ed to stree t s and walkways. (See also require m e n t s relating to pets).

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1. In the event of annoyance s or complaint s , the parties involved should attempt as far as possible to settle the mat te r betwee n themselves , exercising due toleranc e , reasona ble n e ss and conside ra t ion.

Where a dispute cannot be resolved, and in par ticula r a dispute betwee n neighbour s , the procedu r e shall be the following:

A writ ten submission has to be made by the parties involved in the dispute to the Direc tor s of the HOA.

The Directors may at their sole discre t ion decide if they will arbit ra t e in the mat te r or not;

In the event that the Director s are of the view that they are entitled to arbit r a t e in the mat te r , the decision of the Direc tors shall be final and binding in respec t of the resolution of the dispute;

In the event that the Director s are of the view that they are not prepa r e d to arbit r a t e in the mat te r , the Direc tor s may eithe r:

o Inform the parties involved that the Directors are not prepar e d to arbit r a t e in the mat te r and the parties will have to resolve the dispute themselves and/or by legal action and/or arbit r a t ion;

o The Directors may refer the mat te r to an indepe nd e n t arbit r a to r , at the Director s discre t ion, in which event the arbit r a to r ' s fees shall be paid in advance in equal shares by the parties to the dispute;

o In this regar d , the arbit r a to r ' s decision shall be final and binding and the arbit r a to r shall be entitled to make an award as regards legal costs.

o No party and/or residen t shall have any claim of whatsoeve r natur e for damag e s against the Home Owners Association as a result of a decision taken by the Home Owners Association regarding the interp r e t a t ion of these rules.

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"Every tim e you break sec ur i ty proto c o l and regula t i o n s , you are makin g it eas i er for crimi na l s to do the sam e". (Ex- cop )

1. The Main gate: is rese rved for Owners , Visitors and Emerge n cy Vehicles only. (E.g. Police, Fire brigade , Ambulance s etc.) Small service cars to residenc e s are permit te d .E.g. Plumber s , Electrician, TV Repairs, Private Garden- Services.No delivery of building mate rial or Contrac to r s Cars are permit t ed . (Only in special cases with the permission of the Estat e manag e r)

2. The Contrac t or s gat e: .Must be used by Owner Builders , Builders, Contrac to r s , Subcont r a c to r s and all Building- Workers .

Genera l:3. Securi ty protocol at the gates must be adher ed to at all times.

4. Under no circums ta n c e s may residen t s or any person other than the security personnel, the Esta te Manage r or membe rs of the Commit te e be allowed into the Gate Houses .

5. Residen t s , Visitors, Builders and their Staff are required to trea t all securi ty guards in a co- opera tive and patien t manne r . The security guards are doing a difficult job.No "outburs t s" or any form of verbal abuse towards securi ty guards will be tolera t e d .Any misconduc t in this regards will be punished with a pena l ty of up to R 500, - -..

6. The ID card system and procedur e s for perma n e n t domes t ic workers of owners must be conscien tiously enforced by every owner with respec t to people in his / her employ.

7. All owners must ensur e that contrac to r s in their employ adher e specifically to the security stipula tions of the Contract or s Code of Condu c t .

8. All attemp t s of burgla ry or instances of fence jumping must be repor t e d to a membe r of the securi ty staff, the Estate Manage r or Security sub-commit te e immedia t ely.

9. Securi ty is an atti tude; be aware that you need to enforce and apply security to make it work. Do not hesita t e to question suspicious persons not displaying formal ID cards.

10. The Estat e will be manne d by securi ty 24 hours a day, and patrolled on a random basis.

11. The securi ty centre at the gatehous e should be advised in advance of pending arrival of visitors where possible, in particula r details of vehicle regis t r a t ion numbe r s and proper ty to be visited should be provided.

12. New occupan t s (owners / resident s ) must advise the Estat e office and the Securi ty Supervisor on duty of their home telephon e / cellular phone numbe r and address to enable Securi ty to make contac t for permission to allow visitors to the residence .

13. No proper ty may be secur e d with razor wire or similar fencing during or after the const ruc t ion period.

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14. Residen t s on the perimete r wall are responsible for keeping any overgrowth clear of the elect rified fence.

15. Residen t s on the perimete r fence must advise any visitors of the dange rs per taining there to.

16. No resident s may issue instruc tions to Securi ty Personn el.17. Access cards / disks may not be utilized by anyone othe r than the Home

Owner and registe re d users , nor may they be loaned to other persons.

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1. Should residen t s install alarm systems for their residence s , they are require d to be compatible with the electronics of the Estat e securi ty system. Therefore Alarm systems may only be installed by a vendor "accredi te d" by the HOA, to ensure alarm system standa r ds within the Estat e. (A list of accr e di t e d insta l l er s is availabl e from the Estat e mana g e r )

2. We recomm e n d strongly, to also linking your system to the securi ty guard house and to the Control centr e of the appointe d Securi ty Company, controlling the Esta te and the Gates.The HOA has secure d a special deal with the appointed Security Company, at a very competi tive rate.

3. There is a perma n e n t response vehicle stationed at the Esta te . Pleas e conta c t the Estat e offic e to rece iv e detai l e d infor m a t i o n .

4. Residen t s are not allowed to acquire the services of "extern al" armed reaction units , as no compa ny other than the "approve d" arm e d react i o n unit will be allowed within the Estat e.

5. A residen t may, at his own expense , post a securi ty officer on his premises from the accredi t ed security compa ny as appoint ed by the HOA.

6. Residen t s are reques t e d to inform the Esta te Manage r if they employ such a person.

7. Residen t s are reques t e d to inform the Esta te Manage r / Securi ty if they will be away from their premises for a period of longer than 4 days. If applicable, full details must be provided of the person/s that will be occupying the premises during that time.

8. Residen t s may not refuse access to their proper ty if any form of mainte na nc e (prevent a t ive or curre n t) must be carried out to the bounda ry wall / palisade fence or securi ty related equipme n t .

9. Repairs and mainte na n c e times will be coordinat e d with the Esta te Manage r . Residen ts must be coopera t ive regarding any fence/wall related issues, as damag e s or dest ruc t ion thereof poses a major securi ty risk and impacts on all residen t s within the Estate

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ACCESS CONTROL for Resid e n t s and Visitors


1. For securi ty reasons only Resident s living in the esta te may apply for access disks at the estat e office. The residen t has to complete and sign the presc ribe d applica tion form

2. Residen t s should be in possession of an electronic access disk, which they obtain from the Estat e Manage rs Office at a fee.

3. Residen t s who ente r the Estate without an access disk will be handled as visitors by filling in the visitor book..

4. The Board is authorised to deter mine the conditions under which additional disks may be purcha se d .


1. Visitors/Cos tu m e r s /Se rvices to resident s must complete the registe r and will be issued with a "Visitors Card" when ente ring the Estate via the visitors lane

2. Taxis may only ente r the Estate if the residen t concer ne d has made prior arrang e m e n t s . Only the driver and the visitor will be allowed access. All other occupan t s must exit the vehicle and remain at the front gate. The Driver must complete the regis te r and will be issued with a "Visitors Card" when ente ring the Esta te via the visitors lane

3. Visitors/Cos tu m e r s /Se rvices and Taxis to residen ts must retur n the "Visitors Card" on egress . Failure to do so will result in egress being refused . The visitor will at all times comply with the instruc t ions of the securi ty personn el at the main gate.

4. Securi ty may refuse access to any visitor under the influence of alcohol or drugs, where access is not authorised by the resident or otherwise in terms of these rules.


1. Prospec tive Buyers will only be allowed into the Esta te if

• accomp a nie d by the appointe d sales represe n t a t ive , or during official sales times as displayed at the gate. A Routing Slip must be complet ed and hande d back to the gate on exit.


1. The resident must complete the prescribe d applica tion form for perma n e n t staff with the Estat e office with all require d informat ion for an ID card, inclusive of 2 colour passpor t pictures .

2. A domestic worker , domes tic spouse and full time garde n e r will be issued with a clip- on laminat e d ID card (at a fee). These ID cards will be issued daily at the gate on arrival and must be hande d back on leaving the esta te . These cards must be displayed in the esta te at all times.

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In the final analys i s , the respo n s i b i l i ty of enforc i n g the Hous e Rule s rest s with the Owner.

1. Should any owner let his proper ty, he shall notify the HOA in writing in advance of occupa tion, the name of the lessee, and the period of such lease. The owner shall inform the lessee of these Rules.

2. The occupa n t s of any proper ty within the Estate are liable for the conduct of their visitors, contrac to r s and employees , and must ensure that such par ties adhere to the Rules.

3. All owners must ensur e that contrac to r s in their employ have signed the Contrac to r s Code of Conduc t prior to comme nc e m e n t of work, and that they adher e to the stipula tions of the contrac t at all times.

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The concept of this Estate imposes certain rest ric t ions on the manne r in which esta te agents may opera t e therein. In order to ensur e that the rules applicable to the Boardwalk Meande r Estate which regula te s proper ty ownership and occupa t ion of the premises on the Esta te are made known to new resident s , the following rules relating to the re- sale or letting of proper ty shall apply.

1. The agent and the owner must ensure that the buyer and / or tenan t is informe d of and receives a copy of the HOA Rules and Regula tion, so that these Rules are attache d as an annexure to any deed of sale or lease agree m e n t .

2. A Clearan c e Certif ic a t e must be obtained from the Home Owners Associa tion prior to any sale/t r a nsfe r of the proper ty. This will only be issued, if all outs tan ding debt to the Estat e has been paid. (E.g. levie s , fees or penal t i e s , etc ) .

3. No proper ty may be let or utilized for the purpose of a commun e.


1. Home Owners Associa tion The Purcha se r acknowledg es that he is obliged upon regis t r a t ion of the proper ty into his name to become a membe r of the Home Owners Associa tion and agrees to do so subjec t to the Memora n d u m and Articles of Associa tion of the section 21 Company.

2. Conditions of Title The Seller shall be entitled to procure that , in addition to all other conditions of title and / or subdivision refer r ed to, the following conditions of title be inser t ed in the Deed of which the Purcha se r takes title to the proper ty:Every owner of the erf, or any subdivision thereof, or any interes t therein, or any unit thereon , as defined in the Sectional Title Act, shall become and shall remain a Membe r of the Boardwalk Meande r Estat e Home Owners Associa tion and be subjec t to its consti tu tion, until he ceases to be an owner as afore said.Neithe r the erf, nor any subdivision thereof, or any interes t therein, nor any unit thereon , shall be transfe r r e d to any person who has not bound himself to the satisfaction of such Association to become a Membe r of the Home Owners ' Association.The owner of the erf, or any subdivision thereof, or any interes t therein, or any unit thereon as defined in the Sectional Title Act, shall not be enti tled to transfer the erf or any subdivision thereof, or any interes t therein, or any unit there on, without a cleara nc e certifica te from the Home Owners Associa tion which certifies that the provisions of the Articles or Associa tion of the Home Owners Association have been complied with.The terms "Home Owners ' Associa tion" in the aforesa id conditions of title shall mean the Boardwalk Meande r Estate Home Owners Association (incorpor a t e d Associa tion nor for gain). In the event of the Regist r a r of Deeds requiring the amend m e n t of such conditions , in any manne r in order to affect regis t r a t ion of an erf. The Purchas e r hereby agrees to such amend m e n t .

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1. The Lessee acknowledg e s that , upon occupa t ion of the leased premises , he and his family, his visitors and servant s shall adher e to all rules and regula tions as contained in this documen t .

2. Where tenant s continuously breach the rules of the Estat e, the owners can be reques t e d to termina t e the lease agree m e n t and / or be held liable for the maximum penal ty allowed under the HOA rules. This clause must be writ ten into the lease agree m e n t .

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1. An Estate Agent is accredi t ed after signing an agree m e n t with the HOA to the effect that such agent will abide by the stipula te d procedur e s applicable to the sale and / or a lease of the proper ty on the Estat e, and after having been inducted in respect of the concep ts , rules and conditions under which a purcha se r and / or lessee acquires and / or leases the proper ty in the Boardw alk Meande r Estat e.

2. The accredi t a t ion policy for Estat e Agents may be reviewed by the HOA from time to time.

3. An update d list of accredi te d agents is available from the Estat e office, and will be published in the Boardw alk Meande r Estat e newsle t t e r / webpa ge .

4. An annual accredi ta t ion fee has to be paid to the HOA by the Esta te Agent


1. No adver tise m e n t boards will be allowed on the Estat es perimete r wall or at the main entra nc e thereof.

2. A maxim u m of 2 approv e d Estat e agen t s boards may be displayed per stand, as per municipal rules/guidelines during official agreed sales days/hours and as agreed on by the HOA.

3. Estat e agent s boards may only be placed on the entra nc e to the applicable proper ty and may not be placed on the sidewalk.

4. Where no perimete r fences/walls are available, the board has to be placed at least five mete r s into the stand, thus 5 mete r s from the kerbside and directly next to the driveway.

5. The board may not be bigger than 750 mm long and 600 mm high.

6. The board may not be displayed after the proper ty has been sold and has to be removed within one week from the sale agree m e n t thereof being signed.

7. All sales must be repor te d immedia t ely to the Esta te Manage r in order to update the Esta te Manage m e n t Records .

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Genera l


1. Residen t s and or owners who like to name their proper t ie s may do so.2. No Perspex, composite mate rials, degra d a ble mate rials , plastics, painted

boards akin to adver tise me n t boards (not applicable to shape d and artis tically presen t e d painted boards) , untrea t e d wooden boards or rough wood lettering will be allowed.

3. Bronze lette ring or plaques are prefer r e d . Ceramic lette ring, potte ry and concre t e ornam e n t a l murals are accepta bl e .


1. All levies are due and payable in advance on the first day of each and every month.

2. Interes t will be raised on all arrea r accoun ts , at the maximum rate allowed by the Usury Act.

3. Furthe r penal t i e s or legal action, to be deter min e d from time to time, will be imposed on owners with accounts in arrea r s for 3 0 days or longer .

4. The Home Owners Association shall be entitled to recover all legal costs incur re d on the attorney and own client scale.

5. The Directors may amend or add to the House Rules from time to time, as may be deeme d necessa ry to ensur e harmonious co- existence of residen t s .

PENALTIESMes s a g e from the Direc t or s “It is our hope , it will never be nec e s s a r y to

issu e any penal t i e s .”

1. All prescrip t ions not adhere d to, whethe r indica te d as car rying a penal ty or not, will be subjec t to a penal ty of at least R 150.00.

2. Persis ten t transg r e s s ion of rules and regula tions may resul t in higher penal t i e s or legal action being taken by the Board to interdic t an owner to refrain from furthe r transg r e s sions or to seek alterna t ive legal relief.

3. The Estat e Manage r may impose any penal ty refer r ed to in these rules and regula tions and may delega t e such authority to any employee of the HOA with the writ ten permission of the Board of Director s .

4. The Directors have the right to penal ty transg r e s so r s where any of the rules as stipula te d by the HOA from time to time have been broken or infringed upon.

5. All penal t i e s or charge s will form part of the levy and shall become due and payable on the due date of paymen t of the next levy.

6. The Home Owners Association shall be entitled to recover all legal costs incur re d on the attorney and own client scale.

7. The adminis t r a t ion of the Estate is solely the responsibility of the elected HOA. They may decide to delega t e certain or all of the manag e r ia l powers to the Estat e Manage r or an appointed Agent.


1. No residen t /owne r may refuse receipt and/or delivery of any notices in

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terms of rules and regula tions .2. Refusal will result in the placeme n t of the notice in the normal fashion in

attachm e n t to the gate and/or front door of the abode. Such service will be sufficien t service of such notices .

3. In the event of appeals or contes ting of the facts relat ing to any penal ty imposed or decision made by the Esta te Manage r writ t en presen t a t ion must be address e d to the Board which appeal or defence will be dealt with at the first Board meeting subseq u e n t to receiving such writ ten presen t a t ion.

4. The decision of the Board of Directors is final and no furthe r appeal is allowed there af t e r .


Genera l rule s for the Squa s h Courts , Tenni s Court and the Pools:

1. Users of the squash cour ts , the tennis court and the pools do so at their own risk.

2. No liability whatsoeve r shall rest with the HOA or its servants for any damag e s or loss howsoever arising.

3. Any damag e found on arrival by the user at the squash court , tennis cour t or pools must be repor t e d to the Esta te manage r or to a membe r of the HOA at once.

4. Booking procedu r e s for the court s must be obtained from the Estate Manage r office

5. Please leave the facilities in a clean condition at the end of play; you also like to expect a clean facility on your arrival.

6. No bikes, skatebo ar d s , roller skates or any other kind of play is permit t e d on the courts .

7. Appropria t e sport clothes and non marking shoes must be worn. (Stree t or running shoes are not permit te d on the courts)

8. No smoking, eating or drinking of alcohol on the squash courts is allowed.

Pools:1. Please keep the gate closed at all times.2. Children under 12 must be accompa nie d by an adult.3. No glass bottles, containe r s or glasses are allowed at the pool.4. No fires or braais allowed.

5. Please keep the pool area tidy...

6. No loud music permit te d around the pool.7. Please be consider a t e towards residen t s living nearby to the pool with

regard to noise etc.8. No swimming betwe e n 10pm and 6am9. No pets allowed.

10. Once again keep the gate closed at all times!


1. Smoking is not permit t e d inside the club houses .

2. Only Owners may book the club houses for private family related

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functions with the Estat e Manage r s office.3. The renting Owner will be held responsible for any damag e and proper

behaviour of his gues t s.4. The renting fees and condition for renting can be obtained from the

Estat e Manage rs office.5. The clubhouse has to be cleaned after use by the owner.


A community newsle t t e r / memo / webpage will be published / updat e d from time to time to advise and inform owners and residen t s of events and happe nings within the Estate and surrounding areas . Owners , residen ts and adver tise r s are invited to par ticipa t e by contribu t ing any newswor t hy items by way of editorials. Such should be submit ted to the Estat e Manage r / Editor for incorpor a t ion subject to suitability of conten t and space availability.

No adver tise m e n t s by way of leaflets, pamphle t s , etc. may be exhibited or distribu t e d at the Gatehouse or within the Estate , but such can form part of or be included in the Newsle t t e r .

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The Archit e c t u r a l Des ig n Guidel i n e s , rece iv e d separat e ly from the Deve lo p e r , shall be dee m e d to be incorpor a t e d in and to form part of thes e rule s .It is the regi s t e r e d owner’s respo n s i b i l i ty to be in the poss e s s i o n of the late s t issue of thes e rules and to ens ur e , that a copy is issu e d to the desi g n i n g archit e c t or builder to avoid any disa gr e e m e n t betw e e n all partie s .

1. The purpose of these design guidelines is to encoura g e individual crea tivity within a unity of mate rials and finishes ensuring that the overall developme n t harmonizes and crea t es a balanced lifestyle for all residen t s .

2. It is the aim of the professional team that the lifestyle reflected would represe n t that of the differen t South African cultura l and regional backgroun d s . This will star t with the Weste rn Cape architec tu r e , then the Victorian/Colonial style of the Easte rn Cape and KwaZulu- Natal, and finally with the Highveld/Old Transvaal Farm Style. To achieve this, architec tu r a l guidelines have been drawn up as far as the use of mate rials, the trea t me n t of bounda r ies and the landsca ping is concern e d .

3. For the rest it is up to the individual architec t to contr ibu t e to the successful execution of the developer s aim and the supervising architec t s will also assist in attaining this goal.

4. The cons tr u c t i o n and improv e m e n t s must com m e n c e within 2 years from the date of the first regi s tr a t io n of transf er of owner s h i p . This ruling will com e into effec t as from the 1 st . January 200 4 . Thus any perso n/ c o m p a n y that bou g h t prior to the said date will have 2 years form 1 st . January 200 4 . i.e. in case of a re- sale this date does not get exte nd e d .

5. In order to reduc e inconv e n i e n c e to neig h b o u r s as well as uns ig h t l i n e s s , cons tr u c t i o n must proc e e d witho u t lengt hy interrupt i o n s and handle d in suc h a way that the end of eac h phas e shoul d be aest h e t i c a l ly acc e p t a b l e to the Hom e Owner s Assoc ia t i o n . Once buildin g work has com m e n c e d , it mus t be com pl e t e d within 12 mont h s .

6. Failing to start with cons tr u c t i o n within the ment i o n e d two (2) years , penal t i e s will be introdu c e d by doubli n g up the mont h ly levie s every six mont h s unti l cons tr u c t i o n is com pl e t e d .

7. The design of the dwelling, unit and the entire stand must show sensitivity to the existing natura l features , flora and topogra p hy. Permission must be obtained from the HOA before existing trees are removed and all existing trees are to be shown on the site plan. Surrounding struc tu r e s and houses must be taken into account in the design process . The newly plante d trees on the sidewalks must be kept in mind as they are not to be removed.

8. The controlling authori ty for the developm e n t is the Architec tu r a l Esthe tical Sub- Commit t e e , who will be responsible for the approval of all plans and

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buildings on behalf of the Developer / HOA.

9. It is strongly recomm e n d e d that the purchase r engage the services of a qualified architec t or designer . Furthe r it is advisable that the chosen archi tec t or designer consult with the HOA archi tec t s (SDV Architec t s), prior to designing the propose d house to deter mine the inten t of the design param e te r s set for the developme n t .

10. No erf shall be subdivided or rezoned.

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1. Elevation trea t me n t of all buildings must conform to accepta b le architec tu r a l standa r d s , so as not to interfe re with or detrac t from the gener a l aesthe t ic appea r a n c e of the neighbour hood.

2. Special aesthe t ic conside r a t ion should be given to the design of parap e t s , fascias, copings, eaves, roof trim, gutte r ing and roofing materials in gener a l .

3. All plumbing must be ducted and suitably scree ne d .4. External finishes and colours must be shown, colour- samples may be

reques t e d , and same procedu r e will apply on repain ting houses.5. No solar panels or geyse rs may be visible from the stree t . Only panelled

solar heating is permit te d . (No coiled or exposed piping).6. The position, size and sighting of TV antenn a e and satellite dishes must not

be unsightly7. Outbuildings and additions must match original design and style, both in

elevation conside r a t ion as well as mate rials and finish.8. Yard walls and screen walls should match the basic mate rials of the

buildings.9. The trea t m e n t of sidewalks is conside r e d to be of paramo u n t import anc e as

they have a direct influence on the aesthe t ic quality of the neighbour hoo d. The diverse nature of neighbou r hoo ds should give rise to a varied trea t m e n t of stree t bounda ri es .


Build in g accordi n g to approv e d standar d s obviat e s the nec e s s i ty of makin g cost ly chan g e s at a later stag e .

1. All building plans should be in accorda nc e with the Architec tu r a l Rules applicable to the Estat e, and must be approved by the Architec tu r a l Esthe tical Sub- Commit te e . This require m e n t is also applicable to any additions and altera t ions to existing structu r e s and dwellings.

2. The Architec tu r a l Aesthe tic Sub- Commit tee must approve all garden/sc r e e n walls with regard to both mate rial and dimensions.

3. Particula r atten t ion will be paid to walls on stree t bounda r ies . The stree t bounda ry must be completely open with no bounda ry walls or fences within the 5m rest ric te d area. Application may be made for the relaxation of this ruling, but only under the most extrem e cases will it be gran t e d .

4. Bounda ry walls on proper t ie s are to be erec ted in terms of the specifications laid down by the Architec tu r a l Rules.



1. Detailed working drawings incorpor a t ing a site developme n t plan are to be submit t ed to the HOA Architec t s for approval, togethe r with a plan approval fee, prior to being submit ted to the local authori ty for approval.

2. The HOA hereby rese rves the right to prevent owners and / or their contrac to r s comme ncing const ruc t ion without prior approval by both this body and the local authority.

3. Where house designs are found to be insensit ive towards the environme n t

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and the charac t e r of the Esta te , the owner can be reques t e d to alter such designs or reques t e d to make use of anothe r suitably qualified archi tec t .

4. One copy of the approved plan will be held for record purposes .

5. The site plan must indicate the outline of the ground and first floor plans inclusive of outbuildings, pools and bounda ry walls to scale.


1. Aesthet ic approval will be given on the normal municipal submission plans prior to them being lodged with the local authority for building regula tions approval.

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2. Design and layout of the entire stand will be conside re d from the outse t . Special conside r a t ion should be given to existing natur al feature s on site, i.e. existing flora and topogra p hy, the latte r to include contour lines on the site plan.

3. Site plans are required for all swimming pools. Special atten tion is to be given to privacy, wate r drainage and safety fencing. Approval is require d for pool encroac h m e n t s over building lines.


1. Under no circums ta n c e s will individual owners be permit te d to have boreholes on their erf.

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1. INTRODUCTIONCertain rules relating to building contrac to r and / or activity on the Estat e have been adopted by the Boardwalk Meande r Estate Home Owners Association (HOA), the legal represe n t a t ive of residen ts and proper ty owners at Boardw alk Meande r Estat e.The primary inte n t i o n of thes e rules is to ensur e that all buildin g activity at Boardw alk Meand e r Estat e is cond u c t e d with the mini m u m of inconv e n i e n c e and disrupt i o n to reside n t s .In the event of any queries in this respec t , residen t s and / or their contrac to r s are most welcome to contac t the HOA appointe d Esta te Manage r .

2. LEGAL STATUSThe rules and regula tions governing building activity as set out in this docume n t are binding on all resident s , their contrac to r s and sub- contrac to r s . Furthe r mo r e , all Owners / Resident s are obliged to ensure that their building contrac to r s and sub- contrac to r s are made aware of these rules and that they are strictly complied with. Owners / Residen ts are accordingly require d to include these rules in their entire ty in any building contrac t s concluded in respec t of any proper ty on the Esta te. Such contrac t s may be required to be submit te d to the HOA for prior approval.The HOA has the right to suspend any building activity in contraven t ion of any of the conditions and does not accept any losses sustained by a residen t or contrac to r or sub- contrac to r as a resul t thereof, or any claims for damag es of whatsoever natur e .

3. SITE PREPARATIONBefore any physical const ruc tion may comme nc e , the HOA may reques t , that the proper ty has to be scree ne d on all sides with shade cloth. The owner must carry all costs for the screening. If the proper ty is not scree ne d and const ruc tion commenc e s , the HOA can prohibit such a contrac to r from ente ring the Estate .

Note: No cons tr u c t i o n may com m e n c e unle s s :a) the water conn e c t i o n is installed on site.

b) an approved chemical site toilet has been installed in a position as approved by the Esta te Manage r . (Entranc e to the toilet to be screen e d .)

c) The Buildin g Perfor m a n c e Depo s i t of R 600 0 , 00 (Six Thous a n d Rand) has been paid with the Esta te Manage r or Administ r a to r into the trust accoun t of the HOA, (which will be held interes t free in trust .) Cheque s must be made out to Pretor Estate (Pty) Ltd.

d) All outs t a n d i n g levie s are paid .

e) A builder’s board has been erec te d . (No other boards , e.g. subcont r a c to r boards etc. will be allowed.)


• The building perform a nc e deposit shall be release d , subjec t to the submission to the HOA / Adminis t r a to r of a Local Authori ty 's Certificat e of Completion and Occupancy and shall only be refunde d once these documen t s are correc tly completed and submit t ed .

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• The building perform a nc e deposit will be used in the event, if there is a breach on non performa n c e to remove rubble or make good any damag e caused by the cont rac to r or his sub- contrac to r s of supplier s , including kerbing, landscaping , communi ty services , roads, irriga tion etc. and for any outs tanding spot penal ties.

• The HOA reserve the right to prevent the occupa tion of any houses if the above is not fully adher e d with.

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Unle s s other wi s e agre e d by the HOA or its appoi n t e d repre s e n t a t iv e ,

1. All Owner Builder s , Contrac t or s , Sub- Contrac t or s and / or their Worker s must enter the Estat e at the Contract or s Gate only.

Plea s e not e: The Main gate can not be used by Owner Builders , Contrac to r s , or Sub- Contrac to r s for the transpor t of any workers , building material/equip m e n t / tools etc. into or out of the esta t e .The Main gate is reserved for Owners , Visitors and Emerge ncy- Vehicles only. (E.g. Police, Fire brigade , Ambulance s etc.)

2. Constru c t i o n hours are restric t e d from:Mond ay to Friday: 07:0 0 to 18:0 0Saturd ay s: No cons tr u c t i o n activi ty is to take

plac e Public Holidays:* No cons tr u c t i o n activi ty is to take

plac e Sund ay s:* No cons tr u c t i o n activi ty is to take

plac e*(Note: On reques t and under special circums t a n c e s , permission may be grante d .Please contac t the Estate Manag e r for details)

3. Deliveri e s : > Monday s to Fridays startin g from 7:00 and must be com pl e t e d at 18:0 0 hrs <Supplies must be scheduled for these official working hours. The driver and any helping workers must be in the possession of a legal valid Sout h African ID Docume n t .

4. Only singl e unit delivery trucks up to a maxi m u m weig ht of 30 tons may com e into the Estat e

5. No articu l a t e d trucks will be allow e d to deliver any mate rial on the site. In the unlikely instance where longer/bigge r trucks need to come onto site, (e.g. long roof trusses) special arrang e m e n t s must be made with the Esta te Manage r .

6. The Main- Contrac to r / Owner Builder shall provide facilities for rubbish disposal and ensure that the workers use the facility provided. Rubbish and / rubble shall be removed weekly and not burn t or disposed of on the Estat e. No rubble dumping on adjacen t stands or paveme n t is permit t e d .

7. The contrac t site is to be kept clean and properly scree ne d as prescribed . If the contrac to r fails to keep the site clean and tidy, (within reason), such a contrac to r may be prohibited from entering the Esta te until such a time that the site is properly cleane d.

8. Materials off-loaded by a supplier which encroac h onto the sidewalk or roadway, must be moved onto the site by the Contrac to r / Owner Builder . Material and / or rubble must not be allowed to remain on the roadway or sidewalk and it is the Contrac to r s and Owners responsibility to clear these areas of all such mate rials and / or rubble daily.The same applies to sand or rubble washed or moved onto the road during

building opera tions .

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9. Building boards are to be erec ted on the site not on sidewalks. Sub-Contrac to r ' s boards are not permit t ed . All boards must be removed after completion of const ruc t ion

10. Penalt ies can be levied by the HOA for Contrac to r s / Owner Builder and Delivery vehicles, which spill mate rial en- route, damag e roadways, kerbs, plants, sidewalks and /or private or esta t e proper ty, stain tarmac and gener a lly crea t e nuisanc e within the esta te and / or not adhering to any of the rules as prescribe d by the HOA.

11. Should the HOA have any reserva tions with regard to the conduc t of the Contrac to r / Owner Builder and / or sub- contrac to r , the HOA reserv e s the right to susp e n d all buildin g activi ty until such conduct is rectified, which it may do at any time and without notice, and free of recourse from the owners and / or contrac to r .

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Acce s s Control for Contrac t or s Entran c e Gate1. The Main contrac t o r has the responsibility, to apply for permi t s , for all

his workers , inclusive subcont r a c to r s and subcont r a c to r s’ workers , before the beginning of any building activity.

2. A certified copy of a valid Sout h African ID Docume n t per worker has to be submit t ed for each permit applied for.

3. Permits are valid from 1 month up to 6 months maximum.

4. A partly refundable deposi t and a non- refundable monthly fee is payable per permit. (Fee structu r e available at the office.)

5. Every 3 workin g days befor e the end of each mont h these permits have to be activa te d for the following month.

6. All Contrac to r s , subcont r a c to r s and workers have to be in the possession of a valid permit and must be transpor t e d by car to and from the relevant Erf stipula te d on the permit s.

7. No walking of workers anywhe r e else on the Estate is permit te d . Workers are rest ric ted to the Erf stipula te d on their permit .

8. Any permit holder found anywhe r e else on the esta te walking, will be removed from the esta te and the permit will be withdr aw n . He will not be able to re- enter the esta te . The next day, the contrac to r may apply for a new permit for such a person and must pay for the re- issuing thereof (First incident only). For a second offence, such a person will not be allowed to ente r the esta te ever again and the contrac to r will be liable to a pena l ty of R 200,00 .

9. The HOA will secure the entire Esta te so that no night guard will be requir e d . Therefore no sleeping on site is allowed. In agree d cases a night watchm a n will be conside re d .

10. Any workers found on the esta t e without special permission from the Estate Manage r , after the contrac to r s gate has been closed (on official working days at 18:30 hrs), will be removed and his permit will not be renew ed. The contrac to r will be pena l i s e d R500, 00.

11. In the event that illegal workers are appreh e n d e d on the Estate , that contrac to r s employees in totality can be denied access to the Esta te. The contrac to r will be pena l i s e d R500, 00 .

12. Drivers of cars, have to fill in the logbook every time ente ring the esta te comprising of:

a) Car Regist r a t ion numbe rb) Name of driverc) Erf number visitingd) Numbe r s of workers on the vehiclee) Time in and Time outf) Signatu r e of Driver

13. All workers have to go off the car when entering or leaving the esta te for the purpose of counting and checking the permits .

14. No Goods can be removed from the Estat e before 8:00 or after17:00 hours .15. Speed limit is 30 km/hr in the Estat e and 15 km/hr in the Villages and on

dust roads.16. No open fire is allowed on the building site.17. This docume n t must be fully unders tood and accepte d by the Contrac to r /

Owner and / or any sub- contrac to r and they must under t ak e to comply with these rules, in addition to any furthe r rules and regula tions which may be introduc e d by the HOA from time to time.

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18. The HOA has the right to introduc e and enforce paymen t of pena l t i e s agains t Home Owners, their contrac to r s and / or sub- contrac to r s with respec t to any contrave n t ion of the any of the rules and regula tions containe d in this docume n t or its annexur e or amend m e n t s .

19. All prescrip t ions not adhere d to, whethe r indica te d as car rying a pena l ty or not, will be subjec t to a penal ty of at least R 150.00.

20. The Hom e Owners are finally respo n s i b l e to the HOA to pay the Contrac t or s pena l t i e s on their behal f . All penal t i e s have to be paid togethe r with the next month’s levy .It is up to the Owner to recoup these amoun ts from the contrac to r . If these penal t i e s are not paid timeously, the HOA has the right to refus e the contra c t o r and his worker s entry to the esta t e .

21. All contrac to r s shall be obliged to sign the Standa r d Code of Conduct applicable to the Estat e.

22. A sign e d copy of this she e t has to be hande d to the Estat e Mana g e r s Office .

Owners / Contrac to r s Signatu r e & Date :___________________________________________

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