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Linguistics: Linguistics: Basic Grammatical Basic Grammatical

Terminology ReviewTerminology Review

Educ 4683 Dr. David Piper Dr. David Piper & Krista Yetman

Page 2: Home Linguistics: Basic Grammatical Terminology Review Educ 4683 Dr. David Piper  Dr. David Piper & Krista Yetman


Select for ReviewSelect for Review

• Definitions of terms• Word classes• Nouns, pronouns &

determiners• Adjectives, verbs &


• Prepositions, conjunctions & exclamations

• Subject, predicate & object

• Transitivity• Other rules &


Page 3: Home Linguistics: Basic Grammatical Terminology Review Educ 4683 Dr. David Piper  Dr. David Piper & Krista Yetman


Definitions of Terms:Definitions of Terms:Spoken English may be Spoken English may be

thought thought of in terms of 4 levelsof in terms of 4 levels

E very lan g u ag eh as its ow nin ven to ry o f

vow e ls & con son an ts

S ou n d s

W ord s in m os tlan g u ag es ch an g e

d ep en d in g on fac to rssu ch as p lu ra lity

W ord fo rm s

W ord o rd er h as am arked e ffec t onm ean in g . Th is is

syn tax.

W ord com b in a tion s

M an y w ord s inE n g lish h ave

severa l m ean in g s .

M ean in g

L eve ls o f L an g u ag e

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Word ClassesWord ClassesClasses Definitions

Nouns A person, place or thing

Pronouns The name that replaces a noun

Determiners Class of words which precede nouns &adjectives

Adjectives Descriptive words that qualify & describenouns

Verbs Words that express action, processes orstates

Adverbs Adverbs modify verbs or adjectives

Prepositions Function words; describe relationshipsbetween things

Conjunctions Joining wordsExamples

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Nouns, determiners & Nouns, determiners & pronounspronouns

Click button of Click button of choice:choice:

• Nouns

• Determiners

• Pronouns

• Skip to Adjectives

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Nouns (in English)Nouns (in English)• Nouns can be singularsingular or plural plural (‘s’) i.e: ant +

s = ants, city + s = cities, glass + s = glasses, mouse + s = mice, life + s = lives, deer + s = deer

• Nouns are either masculinemasculine (man, bull, boxer), ffeminineeminine (woman, mare, actress), or neuterneuter (table, flower, book)

• Nouns can be possessivepossessive i.e.: boy’s, boys’, Charles’s

• Nouns are commoncommon (book, fly, tree) or properproper (Erica, Acadia University, Nigerian, French)

Return to Noun menu

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Determiners: 5 TypesDeterminers: 5 Types

th e , a , an d

A rtic les

th is , th a t,th ese , th ose

D em on s tra tives

m y, you r,h is , h er

its , ou r, th e ir

P ossess ives

D eterm in ersw h en fo llow edb y n ou n s ,i.e .:

five fin g ers

N u m b ers

i.e .: som e, an y,less , m ore ,

m u ch , e ith er,each , every, e tc .

In d e fin ited e te rm in ers

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8 types of Pronouns:8 types of Pronouns:Select belowSelect below

• Personal• Possessive• Reflexive• Demonstrative• Interrogative• Relative• Distributive• Indefinite• Skip pronouns

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Personal pronouns:Personal pronouns: these reflect number and case, these reflect number and case,

and are divided into first, and are divided into first, second & third personsecond & third person

F irs t:sp eaker o r sp eakers

S econ d :p erson (s ) sp oken to

Th ird :p erson (s ) o r

th in g (s ) b e in gd iscu ssed

P erson s

S in g u la r:1 , m e, you , you

h e, h im , sh e , h erit, it

P lu ra l:we , u s ,

you , youth ey, th em

N u m b er

Pronoun MenuPronoun Menu

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Possessive pronouns:Possessive pronouns:

• mine (singular)

• yours (singular)

• his (singular, masculine)

• hers (singular, feminine)

• its (singular, neuter)

• ours (plural)

• yours (plural)

• theirs (plural)

Pronoun MenuPronoun Menu

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Reflexive Reflexive pronounspronouns

Singular Plural

myself ourselves

yourself yourselves

himself (masc)

herself (fem) themselves

itself (neut)

Pronoun MenuPronoun Menu

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Demonstrative Demonstrative pronouns:pronouns:

used to indicate closeness used to indicate closeness or remoteness from speakeror remoteness from speaker


This is a book.

That is a book.

Those are books.

These are books.

Pronoun MenuPronoun Menu

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Interrogative Interrogative pronouns: Questions pronouns: Questions







Pronoun MenuPronoun Menu

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Relative Relative pronouns: pronouns:

these introduce these introduce clausesclauses

• thatthat

• whichwhich

• whowho

• whomwhom

• whosewhose

I’ve just sat on the hat I’ve just sat on the hat that I bought. I bought.

The letter The letter which he sent has not arrived. he sent has not arrived.

John was the man John was the man who ate the pie.ate the pie.

The people on The people on whom we rely are kind.we rely are kind.

The boy The boy whose father died has runaway.father died has runaway.

Pronoun MenuPronoun Menu

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Distributive pronounsDistributive pronouns(often these pronouns are followed (often these pronouns are followed

by ‘of you’ or ‘of them’)by ‘of you’ or ‘of them’)

Pronoun MenuPronoun Menu






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Indefinite pronounsIndefinite pronouns

Pronoun MenuPronoun Menu

- I don’t want anyany jelly beans.

- Take some.some.

- I don’t think soso.

- Has anyone anyone eaten the beans?

- SomeoneSomeone was eating them.

- Such Such is way of the world!

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Adjectives, verbs & Adjectives, verbs & adverbs:adverbs:

Select belowSelect below

The The brown brown dog dog runs runs quicklyquickly..

• AdjectivesAdjectives

• VerbsVerbs

• AdverbsAdverbs

Skip to prepositions

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Adjectives: Adjectives: Words that describe Words that describe


b ig g es tfas tes tlaz ies tw ors t

S u p erla tive

g ood ,b e tte r,

b es t

Irreg u la r

vow e l + con son an t= d ou b ledcon son an t;

i.e .: b ig g er, fa ttes t

d ou b le vow e l =s in g le con son an t

i.e .: c lean er,n ea tes t

tw o con son an ts =s in g le con son an t

i.e .: b o ld e r,fas tes t

S p e llin g

(d esc rip t ive ) +(s ize ) + (ag e)

+ (co lou r)+ (n ou n )

W ord O rd er

b ig g erfas te rlaz ie rw orse

C om p ara tive

b igfas tlazyb ad

P os it ive

Return to adj., verb & adv. menu

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Verbs! Verbs! Verbs! Verbs! Verbs!Verbs!

(select from menu below)(select from menu below)

Past tense Present tense

General Info

Future tenseAuxiliary verbs

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Return to adj., verb & adv. menu

These words can modify verbs:

She sang loudly.


Certainly, we shall win.


She was exceptionally pretty.

And other adverbs:

She sang very loudly.

These words can also be:

comparative (earlier)

i.e.: She arrived earlier than Joe.

superlative (most often)

about time (soon)

about place (near)

about reason (since)

about manner (well)

about condition (if)

question words (when)

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Verb: General Info.Verb: General Info.

• There are regular & irregular verbs.

• Regular verbs can take the endings: ‘s’, ‘ing’ and ‘ed’.

• Irregular verbs can take the ‘ing’ endings.

Label Examples

(regular, irregular)

Base form Look, sing

Past tense Looked, sang

Non-past tense Look/looks,sing/sings

Infinitive To look, to sing


Looking, singing

Past Participle Looked, sung

Return to adj., verb & adv. menu

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Verbs: Verbs: Present (non-past) Present (non-past)

tense tense

Main UsageTo express truths,

proverbial wisdom, realities i.e.: Wax makes crayons.

Occurs in spontaneous commentaries i.e.: sport commentaries

Chosen for formulaic utterances i.e.: I declare...

To describe habitual occurrences i.e.: He advises...

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Verbs: Past tenseVerbs: Past tense

• Past tense is formed by adding ‘ed’ or ‘d’ to the base form.

• Past tense does not change according to person or number.

• Refers to actions, states or events which took place before.

• Is used in dependent clauses to refer to possibility.

• Is used in indirect speech i.e.: He said that he sang.

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Verbs: Future ‘tense’Verbs: Future ‘tense’

There really is no future tense in English but reference to the future may be made in the following or many other ways:

a) will/shall + base form of verb

I shall go to London next week.

b) going to + base form of verb

I’m going to drive to Halifax tomorrow.

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Auxiliary verbs:Auxiliary verbs:These are also known as These are also known as

‘helping verbs’‘helping verbs’

Return to adj., verb & adv. menu

These are verbs which help make information more precise...

• Gives specific info about the (head)verb:

I am painting.• Painting is the

headverb, while am is the auxiliary verb.

• Auxiliary verbs are also used in questions:Do you like art?(do is auxiliary, like is


• In negatives:Don’t eat it! (don’t is auxiliary, eat is


• For emphasis:You will paint.

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Prepositions, Prepositions, conjunctions & conjunctions &

exclamations: exclamations: Select Select belowbelow• Prepositions

• Conjunctions

• Exclamations

• Skip to subject & predicate

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Prepositions:Prepositions:There is a reason the word There is a reason the word ‘position’ is in pre‘position’ is in preposition…position…

A preposition is a word that describes the relationship between things (other words).

• The man is beside the boy.

• The radio is on the table.

• The girl is in front of the woman.

• The boy’s feet are in his shoes under the table.

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Conjunctions: Joining Conjunctions: Joining wordswords

Return to Preposition menu

an d , b u t, o r,th en , ye t,

e ith er... o r,n e ith er... n o r

Joh n a n d M ary..... . san g a n d d an ced

... k in d a n d g en tle... on th e ch a ir o r in m y b ag

n ou n + n ou nverb + verb

ad jec tive + ad jec tivep h rase + p h rase

Co-ordinating:jo in s u n its o feq u a l va lu e(fin ite se t)

I sh a ll g o in ca se th ey a rrive .D on 't s leep w h ile you d rive .I w an t to ea t e ve n if I 'm fu ll.

S h e h as m o re w ork th a n m e.

E xam p les :a fte r, a lth ou g h , u n til,as , b e fo re , h ow ever,

b ecau se , th a t, th ou g h

Subordinating:p rovid es in fo

w h en an even t occu rs

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Return to Preposition menu

These are often referred to as ‘involuntary interjections’:

• Wow! Hey! Ouch! Oh!

Occasionally words & phrases are exclamations:

• You fool!• That silly dog!• What a mess!• How you’ve grown!

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Subject, predicate & Subject, predicate & objectobject

• Subject

• Predicate

• Object

• Skip to Transivity

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Return to Subj., Pred. & Obj. Menu

S e e in g is b e lievin g . It is sn ow in g .

C h ild re n like sw eets .

p reced es p red ica tein d ec la ra tive sen ten ces

D o ch ild re n like sw eets?

occu rs w ith in p red ica tein in te rrog a tive sen ten ces

A re ch ild re n n au g h ty?

C h ild re n h ave g ood eyes .

excep tion s :w ith 'b e ' & 'h ave '

w h en u sed as h ead verb s

S u b jec t:a n ou n -like u n it

w h ich :

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Predicate:Predicate:The verbal unit of a The verbal unit of a


Return to Subj., Pred. & Obj. Menu

Subject Predicate

This young man minds the sheep.

The girl sang a song.

The balloons float.

The girl hasn't any money.

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Object: Object: A noun-like unit which usually A noun-like unit which usually comes last in the predicate, comes last in the predicate,

following the main (transitive) following the main (transitive) verb.verb.

Return to Subj., Pred. & Obj. Menu

Subject Transitiveverb


The young man minds the sheep.

The girl sang a song.

The girl hasn't any money.

**Please note: there are also indirect & direct Please note: there are also indirect & direct objectsobjects


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• Nominals• Intransitive verbs• Transitive verbs• Active voice• Passive voice• Skip to additional


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Return to Transivity

The term nominal is used to comprehend nouns, pronouns, proper names & noun phrases.

Verbs may be classified by the number of nominals they require.

For example: ‘arrive’ requires only one nominal, so is called a ‘one-place verb’.

The elephant arrived.

Subject (nominal)

One-place verb: only needs one


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Intransitive verbsIntransitive verbs

Return to Transivity

One-place verbs are intransitive because they do not take an object (they only need one nominal).

For example: John died. (This is

all you need to explain what happened to John).

John died.

Subject (nominal)

Intransitive verb

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Transitive VerbsTransitive Verbs

Return to Transivity

Two-place and three-place verbs are transitive because they take a subject and an object (they require at least two nominals).

For example:

The verb ‘hit’ requires two nominals (we need to know what is hit) , therefore is a transitive verb.

The blue car hit the yellow car.

Subject Objec


Transitive verb

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Active voice:Active voice:We say that a sentence is We say that a sentence is active when the subject is active when the subject is the agentthe agent of the action. of the action.

Return to Transivity

Amy baked the pie. (active)

The pie was baked by Amy (passive)

Notice that the object of the active sentence (the pie) becomes the subject

of the passive sentence.

*An active sentence must have at least two nominals.

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Passive voice:Passive voice:We say that a sentence is We say that a sentence is passive when the subject passive when the subject

receives receives the action.the action.

Return to Transivity

The violin was played by Rupert. (passive)

In the passive sentence, the violin is the subject which receives the action.

Rupert played the violin. (active)

*A passive sentence may only have one nominali.e.: The violin was played.

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Additional Additional Information:Information:

Meanwhile, if you have any remaining questions about basic grammatical terms, please note them down and bring them to class for discussion. Hope all this was useful…Try to enjoy the course!

The information in this PowerPoint has been very basic. It has been designed to provide you with basic definitions only. Many of these definitions will be covered in more detail, and elaborated, within the course itself.