home business blueprint report keys to success

Home Business Blueprint Report: Keys To Success

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Home Business Blueprint

Report: Keys To Success


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The information contained within this eBook is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to

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All link to the source articles are in the end of this report. All images are from Google.

All articles sources links will be at the end of this report.


How would you like to be the owner of your time again? How do you think does it feel to be money-worries free? Sounds too good to be true? Probably, but never the less, its %100 possible, in fact, is that what creating a passive income is all about, it’s not about the money, it’s about freedom . It’s about having a dream and change your reality to fit that vision, it’s about spending more time doing what you love, and not what others expect you to do for them.

The Entrepreneur and Internet Home Business

Have you ever tried running a company that is online? Many business owners are currently

depending on the power of the Internet to market their services or products. Home based

business are getting increasingly more popular now-a-days. Likewise, it's probably time for you

to think about an online entrepreneurial home based business.

Occasionally, those that have young family members can't manage their time between their

career and the responsibilities of the home. Because of this, many of them are compelled to leave

their jobs so they can take good care of their family. This is not the end of the world for you.

Actually even if you're home and looking after your family, you can run an online business.

There are many of home based business possibilities online. All it takes is exploring your home

business alternatives, and selecting the best one that will certainly benefit you. If you have the

top qualities of an entrepreneur, an online home business will certainly be the solution to your


Sometimes, if only one spouse works, the earnings are not enough to provide for the family's

needs. If you don't have a job, you could start considering an effective online home business


If you have your own computer, and also, most significantly, an Internet connection, you could

become an entrepreneur who owns or runs an online home business. Nevertheless, you need to

also make sure that the business is reputable, to prevent any kind of issues in the future.

The first option is to end up being an affiliate online marketer. For those entrepreneurs with

minimal funding for starting a business, this is an excellent selection, considering that you will

just need a small amount initially. You will need to find an affiliate company that will certainly

give you a lucrative opportunity with the product or services they are providing.

After doing this, you will then develop your own website where you will market the services or

products. In order to bring a large amount of traffic to your site, it should be interesting and

memorable. You will certainly have the ability to get compensations for every single product

sold or for the services provided.

Supposing you currently have a home business such as selling arts and crafts, you probably have

observed that you have few clients in your area. If you intend to have a bigger market, you could

turn your home business right into an Internet based one. By doing this, you could even reach

other countries. But first, you need to develop your own website, where you can place images of

your arts and crafts.

This will certainly take a lot of effort, especially if you're just starting out; this will take a lot of

tough work. You will need to put a lot of effort into your website to ensure it is user-friendly. If

customers can navigate within your website with no trouble, and you have exceptional arts and

crafts products, even more orders will certainly come.

Considering that you're an entrepreneur, you will not have many issues managing the orders and

arranging the deliveries of your products. You just need to develop the right contacts, or links,

and earnings will certainly come rolling in.

There are still other online home business possibilities for business owners. By surfing the

Internet, you can discover the ideal business possibility for you. Your best qualities and abilities

as a business owner will not go to waste if you take part in an Internet business.

So if you have restricted funding and few business resources, try the home based business

possibilities that exist online.

Home Business Blueprint:

The Building Blocks When Starting Your Home Business Blueprint

We have all been there... trying to figure out the best ways to get ahead. We are always in search

of the next "big thing"... We are constantly trying to find that edge that can separate us from the

competition. Why do some people achieve elite success and others, well, others just flounder?

There are specific steps we all must do in order to stand high and mighty, on top of that hill.

These can and will create a tremendous foundation for anyone navigating through their home

business blueprint:

1. Brand Yourself!

The biggest challenge when starting your home based business is understanding that you must

create & cultivate a brand... a brand of YOU! When I first started my home business (and had no

idea of what the industry entails), I figured I could be that guy behind my computer, growing my

business without anyone knowing me. That could not be further from the truth! Set up a

Facebook page, a Twitter account, Google+, LinkedIn and start a website with YOU as the

focus. People want to know who and what you stand for-the faster you can build your brand, the

faster you will ascend within your home business blueprint.

2. Expose Yourself (Don't Worry-it's not what you think!)

While cultivating your home business in the early stages, you have to know what works, what

doesn't and where to find this information. Like any business, you need to immerse yourself in as

much information in as many places as possible. The more you know, the more you succeed. If

you need to read "Home Business for Beginners", don't be ashamed-DO IT! Sign up for various

social media sites and become familiar with how they work. Read articles from every type of

business within the Home Business industry... read about the people that have succeeded... and

failed. Learning about this industry is a necessity with the home business blueprint.

3. Show Me the Money... I mean, Show Me How Good YOU Are!

Obviously, developing and growing your home based business is going to take some time... you

will be slow, things may not look all that great, and you are going to stumble and fall a few

times. As you grow, gaining more confidence and understanding the concept of what you are

trying to do, you need to exhibit how great you are. What that means is, make everything that

resembles you-your webpage, your articles, your blog posts, your pictures, everything needs to

show professionalism. Why? Because that's what people first see, when they come across your

profile or name. No one is going to click on your information or want to know more, if it doesn't

look like you know what you're doing and have some experience. This will constantly be

changing as you trek through the home business blueprint.

4. Get in a Relationship... Hundreds of Thousands of Relationships!

Business is all about people. Period. It doesn't matter if you own a convenience store or a rental

car company, it's all about creating relationships. Relationships with your customers.

Relationships with your vendors. Relationships with your colleagues. People buy from people.

Growing your network of relationships is no different with your home based business. You do

this through your "brand" and what you are showing people on the web. Join forums and

Facebook groups to meet new people and learn about what they have achieved with their

business. Creating a large, quality network of relationships is a major component of the home

business blueprint.

5. Find the Best of the Best

The home based business industry has been around a long, long time. A great way to find

solutions to problems, information on a specific company or product or just flat out see how that

guy is making Seven Figures of residual income every year(!!) is to find out who's the best in the

industry. Who are they? Where did they come from and how did they get there? What are they

doing now? The reason this industry is booming is because of the enormous opportunity-so find

out who does it best and mimic them! These leaders are the ones that laid the groundwork for the

home business blueprint.

6. You Own a Business, So Act Like It!

When I started my home based business, I thought this was going to be sooo much fun. I will get

to play on Facebook at night, talk with people and then they will just send me their business all

day long. Didn't happen..and it doesn't happen. This is a business and the sooner you realize this

and take it seriously, the sooner you will succeed. People tend to not grasp this, because of the

fact that there is a minimal to start a home based business, they already have a day job, etc. But,

if you want to create your financial freedom in the home based business industry, you need to

work at it-just like any other business. This is one of the bigger obstacles when people start with

their home business blueprint.

7. Take the Bull By The Horns-and Make Sure Your Team Sees You

Another huge attraction to the home based business industry is the thought that once we recruit a

few new team members, we are good to go. You've already done your part, now just wait for

your team to recruit more and you're in hog heaven... right? WRONG. You need to work harder

than everyone else and show your team this. This is not only a sign of a good leader within the

home business industry, but this is how the great leaders act in all aspects of life. Work hard now

and you will reap the rewards soon enough. Working hard will create exceptional team morale

and it becomes contagious-something you will see during your home business blueprint.

8. Pay It Forward

To piggy back on to the previous point, when you're working hard, recruiting your new

members, you also need to make time to help your existing team members. Not everyone has the

same experience, knowledge and drive that you do. Motivate your team, role play with

prospecting scripts, and give them tips on ways to improve their own brand. The coolest thing

about the home based business industry is that everyone has to work together. If the people

below me aren't succeeding, I'm not succeeding. Helping them grow and create their business

will exponentially help you and everyone else. This is the best aspect within the home business


There you have it, a few things everyone needs to know going forward with a new home based

business. Believe me, it's not ALL you need to know, but these tips should secure a solid

foundation where you can start your journey. This industry is fun, but it does take hard work. All

that hard work is totally worth it when you're collecting on your 6 or 7 figure residual income a

few months from now. One more thing: NEVER GIVE UP once your home business blueprint is

set in motion!

6 Keys To Home Business Success

The Home Business industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, but unfortunately the vast majority

of people (more than 95%) never achieve any level of success with it.


Because they don't know the 6 keys to home business success, and they give up before they see


So many people get started in this industry with the vision of creating massive residual income

by telling 5, who tell 5 who tell 5 and they all live happily ever after. Unfortunately, they tell 5,

who tell them where to go, and for most people that's enough rejection to make them throw in the

towel and give up all together.

Very few people have the fortitude to hear no as next and keep persisting.

And even the few who do persist still won't see the kind of results they want because the system

they've plugged into is missing one or more of the 6 keys to home business success.

What Are The 6 Keys To Home Business Success?

I haven't been in this industry for decades like many of my mentors have, although I've seen

enough in a few short years to know what works well and what doesn't.

My first exposure to the home business industry was at a seminar. A speaker at the front of the

room was pitching his program on how to get grants and loans from the government. The

program sounded great, but near the end he said "who here would like to learn how I really broke

free from my job as a garbage man and became financially free?"

Of course most of the hands in the room shot up, and he proceeded to go into his home business

presentation. After more than 30 minutes of hearing about how these revolutionary products

would replace most of the everyday cleaning and self care products in your home a few people in

the audience finally started muttering "oh, it's ______". I won't mention the name of the

company here, but suffice it to say it's a very well known company in the network marketing


He made an irresistible offer waiving the sign up fees and allowing anyone interested to get

started for just $1. He even promised to work with anyone who was serious and to help build our

teams for us. Seemed like a great opportunity so my wife and I signed up and bought our starter

products. After a few months of paying nearly $100/mo to keep our distributor status and earning

a big $2 cheque we bailed.

Now in fairness, we didn't work on building the business either. What I do know is that the 2

people who've done very well in that business speak from the stage, and seem to build their

business from the hundreds of people in the audience, not from doing milk and cookie parties

like they encourage their team to do.

My next venture into the home business industry was even more eye opening. This was a

program with a high ticket core product. It was a vacation travel package that cost over $3,000.

The allure was that with just 12 people in your organization you'd earn 4 times that amount!

What should have been a clue though is we were trained to tell people that we invited to see the

presentation that "I can't tell you what it is, you just have to come and see." if they asked what it

was about. What's interesting is that I saw people make thousands in that company in as little as

a couple of weeks. They had people making 6 figures in their first year, but despite my best

efforts, I still barely broke even on my initial investment.

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Today, I've sworn off of doing business the old way, and that's why I'm excited to share the 6

keys to home business success with you today, to hopefully save you some of the headaches and

challenges I faced in the past.

Key #1 To Home Business Success

1) You need a product to sell that pays high commissions.

The first key to success in the home business industry is to find a product that pays high

commissions. For the most part, the commissions paid out in the home business industry just

aren't high enough for someone to make a full time income from unless they're able to recruit a

small country into their downline. In fact, a few of my mentors had teams of 5,000-10,000 and

were still only making a few thousand dollars a month, all while getting stuck on 3 way calls

from dawn to the early morning every day.

Finding a product that pays 30-70% commissions will make a world of difference to your

success in the home business industry. Better yet, is that the commissions will be paid out

quickly, not weeks or months down the road. People want to see success early or they'll end up

quitting before they truly get started.

Key #2 To Home Business Success

2) Your product needs to be affordable to the masses.

The core product needs to be affordable to the masses. You will have far more success offering

your products to people if they're what my mentor calls "under the radar money". This is a

purchase that's under about $200 that someone can make without causing a major fight over

spending with their spouse. One of the big objections people get in the home business industry is

"I have to speak to my wife/husband" which is really just an excuse. If your core product is only

$25 to say $197 most people will be able to make that purchase themselves and not have to run it

by their significant other.

Once someone makes that initial buying decision then your goal is to upgrade them to the highest

level of products that makes sense to them. Notice I said makes sense to them. Your goal is not

to sell the most products regardless of their circumstances. Your goal is to help them achieve

their goals, and set them up with the level of products that will best help them achieve that.

Key #3 To Home Business Success

3) People need to be able to become profitable in 30 days or less.

One of the major reasons people fail in the home business industry is because they don't see any

wins in their first few weeks. To ensure longevity your home business system must enable

people who plug in and apply the system to become profitable in 30 days or less. If people are

able to become profitable quickly, they'll become loyal customers for life. If not, they'll quit and

hop around from opportunity to opportunity looking for something that is.

Of course, not everyone will become profitable, because not everyone will even take the first

step. It's strange. People will sound all fired up and motivated, and then fall off the face of the

planet and never even take the first step towards building a successful home business. It's just

human nature, and there's nothing you can do about. Focus on helping the people who are in


Key #4 To Home Business Success

4) Your offering needs to include upsells and higher ticket items to enable someone to make

the most amount of money in the least amount of time.

Having an affordable core product is great to enable people to get started, but earning $5 or $10

or even $50 isn't life changing income. In order to create a truly successful home business you

need to be able to earn higher ticket commissions.

Having the ability to sell $500, $1000, and even $3000 products is how you generate full time

income with minimal effort. Making one or two sales of these types of products is how you go

from making lunch money to making full time income doing part time work.

Key #5 To Home Business Success

5) The corporate videos need to convert on their own.

This is a big problem for much of the home business industry. People are drawn in by a

compelling, charismatic presenter who has a way with words that just draws people in. The

problem is, most people aren't able to duplicate what their sponsor does or says, and gets rejected

every time they try to "show the plan".

Many companies have now produced DVD's and video for their distributors to hand out, but

even those don't effectively convert viewers into buyers.

To be successful in the home business industry you need to have access to corporate videos that

can do the telling and selling for you, so that anyone who gets started can just share the video

with others and start seeing results. If the corporate videos aren't effective in converting, then

you won't be successful either.

Key #6 To Home Business Success

6) Your offering needs to include marketing training to show people how to build their

business beyond their friends and family.

Most of the home business industry teaches new people to make a list of their friends and family

and to start reaching out to them and inviting them to a presentation. For starters, most people

either won't even make a list, or won't bother contacting the people they put on the list. A small

group of people will contact everyone on their list, and even still will only have a handful of the

hundred or so they contact take them up on their offer.

Then the question becomes NOW WHAT? How do you continue to grow your business if you've

already spoken to everyone you know, and only a few of them were interested? Go find new

friends by wandering around Walmart asking people if they keep their business options open? I

hope that's not your plan.

You need to learn how to market so that people actually looking for what you have to offer come

looking for you. Yes, it's possible, and it's called Attraction Marketing. If you're in the home

business industry and you're not employing attraction marketing strategies as part of your daily

actions you're going to run out of people to talk to fast.

This isn't the 70's and 80's anymore when no-one had heard of home businesses. Today, pretty

much everyone has an experience in the industry, or knows someone who has. Sure those old

strategies work, but not nearly as well as they once did, and they never worked as well as

attraction marketing does.

So there you have the 6 Keys To Home Business Success. I hope you found the information

valuable and would appreciate it if you could leave a comment below and let me know your


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Articles Source

The Entrepreneur and Internet Home Business

Home Business Blueprint: The Building Blocks When Starting Your Home Business


6 Keys To Home Business Success