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2021 Round HOME APPENDIX LIST RENTAL WITH TAX CREDITS Appendix Description A Tip Sheet B Links C HOME Maximum Per-Unit Subsidy Limits E Match Contribution Information F Restrictions on Lobbying G Providing Audits - Nonprofit, CHDO H Providing Financial Statements - For Profit L Iowa Title Guaranty - Rate Sheet N Lead Based Paint Requirements O Noise Standards Q Iowa Census Tract Minority Percentages (for new construction or acquisition/new construction projects)

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2021 Round




Description A Tip Sheet B Links C HOME Maximum Per-Unit Subsidy Limits E Match Contribution Information F Restrictions on Lobbying G Providing Audits - Nonprofit, CHDO H Providing Financial Statements - For Profit L Iowa Title Guaranty - Rate Sheet N Lead Based Paint Requirements O Noise Standards Q Iowa Census Tract Minority Percentages

(for new construction or acquisition/new construction projects)

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2021 Round



Both new construction and rehabilitation (including conversion and preservation) of rental units are

eligible activities.

All HOME-assisted units shall be rented to households with incomes at or below 80% of the area median income. At initial occupancy, 90% of the units shall be rented to households with incomes at or below 60% of the area median income and, for projects with five or more HOME-assisted units, at least 20% of the units shall be rented to households with incomes at or below 50% of the area median income. A link to area median income levels by county is on the IFA website.

All HOME-assisted units must rent at the lesser of the area fair market rents established by HUD or at the high HOME rent limit. For projects with five or more units, 20% of the HOME-assisted units shall rent at the lesser of the fair market rent or the low HOME rent limit. If tenants will pay their own utilities, then a utility allowance must be included in rent calculations.

HOME-assisted units must remain affordable for a specific period. The affordability periods are 20

years for all newly constructed units; 15 years for rehabilitated units receiving over $40,000 per unit; 10 years for rehabilitated units receiving $15,000 to $40,000; and 5 years for rehabilitated units receiving less than $15,000. Long-term affordability for rental activities must be secured by covenants and deed restrictions.

The maximum amount of HOME assistance per rental unit is the HOME Maximum Per-Unit

Subsidy Limit found on the IFA website. The maximum amount of HOME assistance per LIHTC project is $500,000.

Guidance provided by HUD concerning utility allowances for HOME-assisted units requires that IFA provide or approve the utility allowance for any HOME-assisted unit that is not required to utilize a utility allowance from another federal source. HOME does not allow the use of utility allowances provided by a local PHA. IFA is utilizing the HUD Utility Schedule Model as the method in which to comply with this rule change. IFA will provide the utility allowance to the property owner on at least an annual basis. The provided utility allowance is required to be used during its effective dates for gross rent calculations. In order to help minimize the number of utility allowances required for a property, IFA will also require that the utility allowance be applied to all LIHTC units not required to utilize a utility allowance from another federal assistance program. To request the utility allowance for your project please contact Julie Nolan at [email protected].

Compliance with HUD Environmental Noise Requirements (24 CFR Part 51, Subpart B).

Applicants shall take into consideration the noise criteria and standards in the environmental review process (24 CFR Part 51, Subpart B) and consider corrective actions when noise sensitive land development is proposed in noise exposed areas. Noise Abatement and Control. The requirements set out in Section 51.104(a) are designed to ensure that noise sensitive projects do not have an interior noise level that exceeds the 45 decibels (dB) level established as a goal in Section 51.10 (a)(9). The Noise Abatement & Control exhibit(s) are required as stated on the HOME Exhibit Checklist.

HOME does not allow a project to be located within a flood hazard area or a wetland.

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2021 Round



HOME Income Limits https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/home/home-income-limits/

HOME Rent Limits https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/home/home-rent-limits/

• Use low home rent, high home rent or fair market rent To Request a DUNS # http://fedgov.dnb.com/webform DNR Asbestos Information http://www.iowadnr.gov/Environmental-Protection/Air-Quality/Asbestos-Training-Fires FEMA Map Service Center FEMA Map Service Center HOME Property Owners Compliance Guide https://www.hud.gov/sites/documents/19760_2009HOMERENTALPO.PDF Lead Poisoning Prevention - Frequently Asked Questions http://idph.iowa.gov/lpp Radon http://idph.iowa.gov/radon

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2021 Round



PJs HCP 0 Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 4 Bedroom Base $ 63,881.00 $ 73,230.00 $ 89,049.00 $ 115,201.00 $ 126,454.00 All Nebraska and Iowa PJs/Counties

240% $ 153,314.40 $ 175,752.00 $ 213,717.60 $ 276,482.40 $ 303,489.60

Per Omaha Field Office Effective as of June 4, 2020

PJs HCP 0 Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 4 Bedroom

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2021 Round



HOME Match By establishing the HOME Program, Congress intended to establish a partnership between the federal government, states, units of local government and nonprofit organizations to expand the supply of affordable housing for low-income families. According to 24 CFR Part 92.218, IFA must accumulate contributions to qualified housing in an amount equal to 25% of appropriated HOME funds drawn down for housing projects. These contributions are referred to as “match”. To be considered an eligible match, a contribution must be made from nonfederal sources and must be made to housing that is assisted with HOME funds or to housing that is not HOME assisted but meets the HOME affordability requirements 24 CFR Part 92.219. Matching contributions may be in the form of one or more of the following: • Cash contributions from nonfederal sources and permanently contributed to the HOME project. This

contribution cannot be made by the owner/developer. Nonfederal cash match contributions to HOME assisted or HOME eligible projects may be expended for activities that are eligible project costs, as well as for costs that are not eligible HOME costs.

• Below-market interest rate loan from private lending institution. • The value of state or local taxes, fees, or other charges that are normally imposed but are waived,

forgone, or deferred. • The value of donated land or other real property, before the HOME assistance is provided and minus

any debt burden, lien, or other encumbrance. • The cost of on-site and off-site infrastructure directly required for affordable housing assisted with

HOME funds, not paid with federal resources. (The cost of infrastructure related to affordable housing that is NOT HOME assisted is not an eligible form of match).

• Proceeds from multifamily and single family affordable housing project bond financing validly issued by a State or local government, or an agency, instrumentality, or political subdivision of a State and repayable with revenues from the affordable housing project.

• Donated site preparation and construction materials not acquired with federal resources and any donated or voluntary labor in connection with the site-preparation.

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2021 Round



24 CFR Part 87 requires a recipient of a federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement to certify that it will not use appropriated funds to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress, in connection with the following covered federal actions:

• The awarding of any federal contract, • The making of any federal grant, • The making of any federal loan, • The entering into of any cooperative agreement, and • The extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant,

loan, or cooperative agreement. In addition, any person who requests or receives a federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement from a federal agency and uses non-appropriated funds to pay an individual to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the above defined “covered federal actions” must submit a disclosure form (SF-LLL) in accordance with 24 CFR Part 87. A “person” means an individual, corporation, association, authority, firm, partnership, society, state, and local government. Because HOME awards are a covered federal activity, the Iowa Finance Authority (IFA) must require all owners, contractors, and sub-contractors at any tier to comply with 24 CFR Part 87.

1. Each HOME recipient, contractor, subcontractor, individual, and entity who have requested or received more than $100,000 in HOME funds must submit a lobbying certification form to IFA.

• If more than $100,000 in HOME funds were received in a month by the recipient, contractor, subcontractor, individual, or entity, then a lobbying certification for each month in which more than $100,000 was received must be submitted to IFA.

2. Any person (see definition above) who requests or receives more than $100,000 of HOME funds, whether as a grantee, sub-grantee, contractor, or subcontractor must submit the SF-LLL Lobbying Disclosure Activities form to IFA IF that person has made or has agreed to make a payment using non-federally appropriated funds for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress.

All disclosure forms (SF-LLL) will be submitted to the next higher tier who will then submit to IFA. IFA will submit to HUD. The certifications must only be submitted to the next higher tier and filed.

For example: A subcontractor must file its certification with the contractor. The contractor is required to file the certification. If the subcontractor provided the SF-LLL, then the contractor would forward it to the project who would then forward it to IFA.

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2021 Round

Please note that a new SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities form must be filed at the end of each calendar quarter if an event occurs that materially affects the accuracy of information reported. This would include:

• A cumulative increase of $25,000 or more in the amount paid or expected to be paid for influencing or attempting to influence a covered federal action; or

• A change in the person(s) or individual(s) influencing or attempting to influence a covered federal action; or

• A change in the officer(s), employee(s), or Member(s) contacted to influence or attempt to influence a covered federal Action.

Failure by any person to file the required certification may be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each failure.

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2021 Round



Recipients must provide an audit or "Single Audit Not Required" form to Iowa Finance Authority as applicable for each fiscal year that the recipient has expended HOME funds. Nothing Required Nothing must be submitted to IFA for a fiscal year where the recipient expends zero HOME funds. Single Audit Not Required Form A "Single Audit Not Required" form must be submitted to IFA for each fiscal year that the recipient expends less than $750,000 in federal funds, part of which must be HOME funds. Audit Receipt of federal funds may require you to comply with the provisions of 2 CFR Part 200. These rules require that any entity which expends $750,000 or more in federal funds from any federal sources during any fiscal year must conduct a single audit for that fiscal year, or if all the federal funds are through one program, a program audit for the applicable program. If you or your auditor determine that you need a single audit, your auditor will need to be aware of the following information: If a single audit is required, it is due to IFA within 9 (nine) months of the end of the applicable

fiscal year, or within 30 days of the recipient's receipt of the audit, whichever is earlier.

If the grantee is required by state law to do any agency-wide audit, and is also required to comply with the single audit requirements, the grantee may satisfy both requirements by conducting one audit which complies with the requirements.

As part of the Single Audit Act requirements, IFA is required to advise you of the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CDFA) Number of the program through which the grantee will receive HOME funding from IFA. The CFDA number for the HOME program is 14.239

Audit Costs Audit-related costs should be considered and included in your application budget. For More Information For more information about the Federal government audit requirements, go to: 2 CFR 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal


NOTE: Throughout the project's closeout and affordability period, the recipient is required to provide IFA with a copy of any audits prepared on the recipient entity.

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2021 Round



Recipients must provide an audit or "Single Audit Not Required" form to Iowa Finance Authority as applicable for each fiscal year that the recipient has expended HOME funds. Nothing Required Nothing must be submitted to IFA for a fiscal year where the recipient expends zero HOME funds. Financial Statement Not Required Form A "Financial Statement Not Required" form must be submitted to IFA for each fiscal year that the recipient expends less than $750,000 in federal funds, part of which must be HOME funds. Federal Funds Expended ($750,000 or more) Form A "Federal Funds Expended ($750,000 or more)" form must be submitted to IFA for each fiscal year that the recipient expends $750,000 or more in federal funds, part of which must be HOME funds. Financial Statement/Audit If the recipient submits a "Federal Funds Expended ($750,000 or more)" form for any fiscal year, a project-specific financial statement or audit must be submitted when the project is placed-in-service or when the IRS Form 8609 (for tax credit projects with HOME) has been issued. Financial Statement/Audit Costs Financial Statement/audit-related costs should be considered and included in your application budget. NOTE: Throughout the project's closeout and affordability period, the recipient is required to provide IFA with a copy of any audits prepared on the recipient entity.

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Iowa Title Guaranty · 1963 Bell Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50312 · www.IowaTitleGuarantyCommercial.com · 1.800.432.7230

Iowa Title Guaranty Commercial Your Source for Iowa Title and Escrow Services

Title Coverage · Escrow Services · Closings · Construction Draws and Disbursements

Iowa Finance Authority HOME Loan Rate Sheet (Please call one of our staff members if questions on quote)

Estimated Closing Fee: $750 to $1,500

Estimated Monthly Draw Fee: $350 per draw, plus cost of title search

(title search typically ranges from $50 - $100)

Estimated Premium for IFA HOME Title Policy: $250,000 or less: up to $450

$250,000-$500,000: up to $775 $500,000-$750,000: up to $1,100

$750,000-$1,000,000: up to $1,600

Premium for Owner Title Policy for the same coverage amount: $100 (Higher Coverage Available)

Our Staff:

Matthew Veldey Senior Commercial Underwriting Attorney [email protected] 515.452.0490

Ethan Murray Commercial Underwriting Attorney [email protected] 515.452.0483

Samantha Askland Commercial Compliance Officer [email protected] 515.452.0489

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Iowa Title Guaranty · 1963 Bell Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50312 · www.IowaTitleGuarantyCommercial.com · 1.800.432.7230

Estimated Borrower Closing Costs for a $500,000 HOME Loan:

Lender’s Premium = $775 (for Lender’s title coverage in the amount of $500,000)

Owner’s Premium = $100

(for Owner’s title coverage in the amount of $500,000)

Closing Fee = $1,500

Draw Fees (6 Draws) = $2,100 ($350 x 6 draws)

Estimated Recording Fees = $200

Estimated Abstracting Fees = $700

Estimated Title Opinion Fees = $300

Total Estimated Costs = $5,675

**Our Closing Fee includes preparation of the settlement statement, recording of the deed and mortgage documents, disbursement of funds and 1099 reporting.

Iowa Title Guaranty offers Owner’s coverage at a reduced rate when purchased in conjunction with a Lender’s policy. Lender’s coverage is exactly that – coverage for the lender. It does not cover the buyer.

An Owner’s Policy provides coverage for the following: valid title, title defects, un-marketable title, fraud, forgery, mistakes in abstracting or title examination, errors in the public records, and lack of access.

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2021 Round



The HOME program is impacted by HUD’s Lead Safe Housing Regulations.

In 2008, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued rules for renovation. They apply to renovation in pre-1978 housing (target housing). They also apply to pre-1978 child-occupied facilities (daycare centers, kindergartens).

Beginning April 22, 2010, renovators must be certified. They must also follow lead-safe work practices. The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) will carry out these rules in Iowa. Certified people will be called “lead-safe renovators.”

Please review the link below to determine if lead based paint requirements must be met for your project.


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2021 Round



NOISE ATTENUATION HUD’s noise policy clearly requires that noise attenuation measures be provided when proposed projects are to be located in high noise areas. The requirements set out in Section 51.104(a) are designed to ensure that interior level noise does not exceed the 45 decibels (dB) level established as a goal in Section 51.101(a)(9). Thus, in effect, if the exterior noise level is 65 dB to 70 dB, 25 dB of noise attenuation must be provided; if the exterior noise level is between 70 and 75 dB, then 30 dB of attenuation is required. There are three basic ways to provide the noise attenuation required: 1) The use of barriers or berms 2) Site design 3) Acoustical construction The necessary attenuation can be achieved through the use of common construction techniques or materials. Sound Transmission Class (STC) is used as a measure of a material’s ability to reduce sound. Thus, a high STC rating indicates a good insulating material. NOISE ABATEMENT AND CONTROL HUD’s noise standards may be found in 24 CFR Part 51, Subpart B. For proposed new construction in high noise areas, the project must incorporate noise attenuation features. Consideration of noise applies to the acquisition of undeveloped land and existing development as well. All sites whose environmental or community noise exposure exceeds the day-night average sound level (DNL) of 65 decibels are considered noise-impacted areas. For new construction that is proposed in high noise areas, grantees shall incorporate noise attenuation features to the extent required by HUD environmental criteria and standards contained in Subpart B (Noise Abatement and Control) of 24 CFR Part 51. The interior standard is 45 dB. The “Normally Unacceptable” noise zone includes community noise levels from above 65 dB to 75 dB. Approvals in this noise zone require a minimum of 5 dB additional sound attenuation for buildings having noise-sensitive uses if the day-night average sound level is greater than 65 dB but does not exceed 70 dB, or a minimum of 10 decibels of additional sound attenuation if the day-night average sound level is greater than 70 dB but does not exceed 75 dB. Locations with day-night average noise levels above 75 dB have “Unacceptable” noise exposure. For new construction, noise attenuation measures in these locations required the approval of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development (for projects reviewed under Part 50) or the Responsible Entity’s Certifying Officer (for projects reviewed under Part 58). The acceptance of such locations normally requires an environmental impact statement. In “Unacceptable” noise zones, HUD strongly encourages conversion of noise-exposed sites to land uses compatible with the high noise levels.

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2021 Round

HUD Guidance Are there potential noise generators in the vicinity of the project? Review general location maps and/or conduct a field review to screen for major roadways (within 1,000 feet), railroads (within 3,000 feet), and military or FAA-regulated airfields (within 15 miles) in the vicinity of the project. If a noise assessment was performed, was the noise found to be Acceptable, Normally Unacceptable, or Unacceptable? Site Acceptability Standards Noise zone Day-night average sound

level (in decibels) Special approvals & requirements

Acceptable Not exceeding 65 dB None Normally Unacceptable Above 65 dB but not

exceeding 75 dB - Environmental assessment and attenuation required for new construction - Attenuation strongly encouraged for major rehabilitation Note: An environmental impact statement is required if the project site is largely undeveloped or will encourage incompatible development.

Unacceptable Above 75 dB - Environmental impact statement required - Attenuation required for new construction with approval by the Assistance Secretary of CPD or Certifying Officer

Compliance and Documentation The environmental review record should contain one of the following:

• Documentation the proposed action is not within 1,000 feet of a major roadway, 3,000 feet of a railroad, or 15 miles of a military of FAA-regulated civil airfield.

• If within those distances, documentation showing the noise level is Acceptable (at or below 65 dB).

• If within those distances, documentation showing that there’s an effective noise barrier (i.e., that provides sufficient protection).

• Documentation showing the noise generated by the noise source(s) is Normally Unacceptable (66-75 dB) and identifying noise attenuation requirements that will bring the interior noise level to 45 dB and/or exterior noise level to 65 dB.

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2021 Round - 1


IOWA CENSUS TRACT MINORITY PERCENTAGES This appendix pertains to applications for a new construction or acquisition/new construction project. Applicants should refer to this appendix when completing the Exhibit for Site & Neighborhood Standards. Census Tract County Minority Percentage Census Tract 9601 Adair County 2.51% Census Tract 9602 Adair County 0.00% Census Tract 9603 Adair County 3.20% Census Tract 9501 Adams County 0.56% Census Tract 9502 Adams County 3.25% Census Tract 9601 Allamakee County 2.71% Census Tract 9602 Allamakee County 3.23% Census Tract 9603 Allamakee County 1.87% Census Tract 9604 Allamakee County 1.77% Census Tract 9605 Allamakee County 17.79% Census Tract 9501 Appanoose County 2.69% Census Tract 9502 Appanoose County 0.52% Census Tract 9503 Appanoose County 6.87% Census Tract 9504 Appanoose County 1.34% Census Tract 9505 Appanoose County 1.44% Census Tract 701 Audubon County 1.31% Census Tract 702 Audubon County 1.45% Census Tract 703 Audubon County 2.26% Census Tract 9601 Benton County 2.55% Census Tract 9602 Benton County 1.18% Census Tract 9603 Benton County 4.90% Census Tract 9604 Benton County 0.12% Census Tract 9605 Benton County 0.77% Census Tract 9606 Benton County 2.91% Census Tract 9607 Benton County 7.16% Census Tract 1 Black Hawk County 44.25% Census Tract 2 Black Hawk County 23.82% Census Tract 3 Black Hawk County 25.45% Census Tract 4 Black Hawk County 4.70% Census Tract 5 Black Hawk County 47.82% Census Tract 7 Black Hawk County 57.76% Census Tract 8 Black Hawk County 20.12% Census Tract 9 Black Hawk County 31.68% Census Tract 10 Black Hawk County 9.37% Census Tract 11 Black Hawk County 12.70% Census Tract 12 Black Hawk County 6.44% Census Tract 13.01 Black Hawk County 13.81% Census Tract 13.02 Black Hawk County 10.41% Census Tract 14 Black Hawk County 9.41% Census Tract 15.01 Black Hawk County 16.09% Census Tract 15.02 Black Hawk County 6.92% Census Tract 15.03 Black Hawk County 4.56% Census Tract 16 Black Hawk County 27.42% Census Tract 17.01 Black Hawk County 68.10% Census Tract 17.02 Black Hawk County 43.26% Census Tract 18 Black Hawk County 90.24% Census Tract 19 Black Hawk County 45.92% Census Tract 20 Black Hawk County 9.17% Census Tract 22 Black Hawk County 7.63% Census Tract 23.01 Black Hawk County 7.47%

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Census Tract 23.03 Black Hawk County 3.84% Census Tract 23.04 Black Hawk County 4.39% Census Tract 24 Black Hawk County 2.37% Census Tract 25 Black Hawk County 12.39% Census Tract 26.01 Black Hawk County 7.46% Census Tract 26.03 Black Hawk County 5.78% Census Tract 26.04 Black Hawk County 3.30% Census Tract 27 Black Hawk County 1.06% Census Tract 28 Black Hawk County 4.42% Census Tract 29.01 Black Hawk County 0.98% Census Tract 29.02 Black Hawk County 5.93% Census Tract 30.01 Black Hawk County 7.69% Census Tract 30.02 Black Hawk County 3.03% Census Tract 201 Boone County 1.83% Census Tract 202 Boone County 5.59% Census Tract 203 Boone County 5.13% Census Tract 204 Boone County 4.13% Census Tract 205 Boone County 2.31% Census Tract 206 Boone County 5.69% Census Tract 207 Boone County 1.19% Census Tract 40 Bremer County 6.26% Census Tract 41 Bremer County 2.78% Census Tract 42 Bremer County 3.42% Census Tract 43 Bremer County 2.07% Census Tract 44 Bremer County 2.45% Census Tract 45 Bremer County 2.08% Census Tract 46 Bremer County 0.91% Census Tract 47 Bremer County 3.01% Census Tract 9501 Buchanan County 3.26% Census Tract 9502 Buchanan County 1.26% Census Tract 9503 Buchanan County 2.58% Census Tract 9504 Buchanan County 0.99% Census Tract 9505 Buchanan County 3.82% Census Tract 9506 Buchanan County 1.79% Census Tract 9601 Buena Vista County 3.35% Census Tract 9602 Buena Vista County 8.19% Census Tract 9603 Buena Vista County 6.37% Census Tract 9604 Buena Vista County 39.55% Census Tract 9605 Buena Vista County 32.35% Census Tract 9606 Buena Vista County 7.97% Census Tract 701 Butler County 0.84% Census Tract 702 Butler County 3.35% Census Tract 703 Butler County 2.35% Census Tract 704 Butler County 0.30% Census Tract 705 Butler County 1.55% Census Tract 9501 Calhoun County 2.16% Census Tract 9502 Calhoun County 2.94% Census Tract 9503 Calhoun County 4.44% Census Tract 9504 Calhoun County 1.69% Census Tract 9601 Carroll County 1.07% Census Tract 9602 Carroll County 3.04% Census Tract 9603 Carroll County 1.46% Census Tract 9604 Carroll County 6.59% Census Tract 9605 Carroll County 2.09% Census Tract 9606 Carroll County 2.52% Census Tract 1901 Cass County 0.37% Census Tract 1902 Cass County 3.46%

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Census Tract 1903 Cass County 1.58% Census Tract 1904 Cass County 3.72% Census Tract 1905 Cass County 4.61% Census Tract 4501 Cedar County 4.51% Census Tract 4502 Cedar County 0.71% Census Tract 4503 Cedar County 3.81% Census Tract 4504 Cedar County 2.14% Census Tract 4505 Cedar County 2.02% Census Tract 9501.02 Cerro Gordo County 9.99% Census Tract 9502 Cerro Gordo County 5.04% Census Tract 9503 Cerro Gordo County 10.29% Census Tract 9504.02 Cerro Gordo County 3.47% Census Tract 9506 Cerro Gordo County 4.08% Census Tract 9507 Cerro Gordo County 2.87% Census Tract 9508 Cerro Gordo County 5.82% Census Tract 9509 Cerro Gordo County 0.62% Census Tract 9510 Cerro Gordo County 2.39% Census Tract 9514 Cerro Gordo County 4.48% Census Tract 9516 Cerro Gordo County 2.72% Census Tract 801 Cherokee County 3.71% Census Tract 802 Cherokee County 2.75% Census Tract 803 Cherokee County 2.47% Census Tract 804 Cherokee County 5.25% Census Tract 701 Chickasaw County 0.71% Census Tract 702 Chickasaw County 0.86% Census Tract 703 Chickasaw County 3.03% Census Tract 704 Chickasaw County 5.49% Census Tract 9601 Clarke County 18.04% Census Tract 9602 Clarke County 5.16% Census Tract 9603 Clarke County 1.93% Census Tract 801 Clay County 1.67% Census Tract 802 Clay County 3.94% Census Tract 803 Clay County 5.57% Census Tract 804 Clay County 3.67% Census Tract 701 Clayton County 4.18% Census Tract 702 Clayton County 2.92% Census Tract 703 Clayton County 2.83% Census Tract 704 Clayton County 0.13% Census Tract 705 Clayton County 1.56% Census Tract 706 Clayton County 1.41% Census Tract 1 Clinton County 16.83% Census Tract 2 Clinton County 6.71% Census Tract 3 Clinton County 7.36% Census Tract 4 Clinton County 7.10% Census Tract 5 Clinton County 7.93% Census Tract 6 Clinton County 9.20% Census Tract 7 Clinton County 10.52% Census Tract 8 Clinton County 2.60% Census Tract 9 Clinton County 2.95% Census Tract 10 Clinton County 1.43% Census Tract 11 Clinton County 1.61% Census Tract 12 Clinton County 1.64% Census Tract 701 Crawford County 6.74% Census Tract 702 Crawford County 5.55% Census Tract 703 Crawford County 4.13% Census Tract 704 Crawford County 43.28% Census Tract 705 Crawford County 4.91%

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2021 Round - 4

Census Tract 501 Dallas County 6.17% Census Tract 502 Dallas County 0.43% Census Tract 503 Dallas County 32.01% Census Tract 504 Dallas County 38.81% Census Tract 505 Dallas County 2.37% Census Tract 506 Dallas County 1.36% Census Tract 507 Dallas County 3.74% Census Tract 508.03 Dallas County 7.97% Census Tract 508.05 Dallas County 6.88% Census Tract 508.07 Dallas County 7.93% Census Tract 508.09 Dallas County 6.89% Census Tract 508.11 Dallas County 11.97% Census Tract 508.12 Dallas County 4.76% Census Tract 509.01 Dallas County 3.68% Census Tract 509.02 Dallas County 3.46% Census Tract 801 Davis County 2.19% Census Tract 802 Davis County 0.97% Census Tract 9601 Decatur County 1.77% Census Tract 9602 Decatur County 7.10% Census Tract 9603 Decatur County 2.40% Census Tract 9501 Delaware County 1.82% Census Tract 9502 Delaware County 0.61% Census Tract 9503 Delaware County 3.09% Census Tract 9504 Delaware County 0.81% Census Tract 2 Des Moines County 10.78% Census Tract 3 Des Moines County 8.91% Census Tract 4 Des Moines County 26.72% Census Tract 5 Des Moines County 11.62% Census Tract 6 Des Moines County 6.83% Census Tract 7 Des Moines County 7.31% Census Tract 8 Des Moines County 3.28% Census Tract 9 Des Moines County 9.11% Census Tract 10 Des Moines County 2.30% Census Tract 11 Des Moines County 1.72% Census Tract 12 Des Moines County 3.04% Census Tract 4502 Dickinson County 2.57% Census Tract 4505 Dickinson County 0.68% Census Tract 4508 Dickinson County 2.09% Census Tract 4510 Dickinson County 3.84% Census Tract 4511 Dickinson County 1.98% Census Tract 1 Dubuque County 26.34% Census Tract 3 Dubuque County 8.03% Census Tract 4 Dubuque County 5.70% Census Tract 5 Dubuque County 23.56% Census Tract 6 Dubuque County 14.01% Census Tract 7.01 Dubuque County 5.54% Census Tract 7.02 Dubuque County 15.23% Census Tract 8.01 Dubuque County 3.39% Census Tract 8.02 Dubuque County 2.86% Census Tract 9 Dubuque County 7.42% Census Tract 11.01 Dubuque County 2.45% Census Tract 11.02 Dubuque County 1.55% Census Tract 12.01 Dubuque County 3.34% Census Tract 12.02 Dubuque County 4.79% Census Tract 12.04 Dubuque County 1.81% Census Tract 12.05 Dubuque County 12.76% Census Tract 101.01 Dubuque County 3.09%

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2021 Round - 5

Census Tract 101.03 Dubuque County 0.64% Census Tract 101.04 Dubuque County 3.15% Census Tract 101.05 Dubuque County 3.02% Census Tract 102.01 Dubuque County 3.60% Census Tract 102.02 Dubuque County 2.01% Census Tract 103 Dubuque County 1.24% Census Tract 104 Dubuque County 1.54% Census Tract 105 Dubuque County 0.19% Census Tract 106 Dubuque County 6.01% Census Tract 701 Emmet County 1.53% Census Tract 702 Emmet County 5.28% Census Tract 703 Emmet County 17.27% Census Tract 704 Emmet County 7.64% Census Tract 801 Fayette County 2.82% Census Tract 802 Fayette County 7.60% Census Tract 803 Fayette County 0.22% Census Tract 804 Fayette County 5.40% Census Tract 805 Fayette County 2.52% Census Tract 806 Fayette County 2.42% Census Tract 807 Fayette County 1.31% Census Tract 4801 Floyd County 4.01% Census Tract 4802 Floyd County 2.20% Census Tract 4803 Floyd County 2.57% Census Tract 4804 Floyd County 4.64% Census Tract 4805 Floyd County 5.98% Census Tract 3601 Franklin County 3.92% Census Tract 3602 Franklin County 17.43% Census Tract 3603 Franklin County 9.40% Census Tract 9701 Fremont County 1.48% Census Tract 9702 Fremont County 2.49% Census Tract 9703 Fremont County 5.24% Census Tract 801 Greene County 0.96% Census Tract 802 Greene County 4.92% Census Tract 803 Greene County 1.04% Census Tract 805 Greene County 3.72% Census Tract 9601 Grundy County 2.26% Census Tract 9602 Grundy County 1.20% Census Tract 9603 Grundy County 0.69% Census Tract 9604 Grundy County 1.84% Census Tract 9501 Guthrie County 3.44% Census Tract 9502 Guthrie County 0.92% Census Tract 9503 Guthrie County 2.72% Census Tract 9601 Hamilton County 2.65% Census Tract 9602 Hamilton County 7.48% Census Tract 9603 Hamilton County 15.30% Census Tract 9604 Hamilton County 4.07% Census Tract 9605 Hamilton County 2.03% Census Tract 2701 Hancock County 1.37% Census Tract 2702 Hancock County 2.51% Census Tract 2703 Hancock County 9.70% Census Tract 2704 Hancock County 3.84% Census Tract 4801 Hardin County 7.26% Census Tract 4802 Hardin County 1.71% Census Tract 4803 Hardin County 3.62% Census Tract 4804 Hardin County 2.11% Census Tract 4805 Hardin County 4.96% Census Tract 4806 Hardin County 9.76%

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2021 Round - 6

Census Tract 2901 Harrison County 3.57% Census Tract 2902 Harrison County 1.61% Census Tract 2903 Harrison County 3.66% Census Tract 2904 Harrison County 1.74% Census Tract 2905 Harrison County 0.62% Census Tract 9701 Henry County 5.60% Census Tract 9702 Henry County 1.85% Census Tract 9703 Henry County 7.32% Census Tract 9704 Henry County 12.37% Census Tract 9705 Henry County 2.87% Census Tract 9601 Howard County 1.55% Census Tract 9602 Howard County 3.13% Census Tract 9603 Howard County 2.72% Census Tract 9701 Humboldt County 2.24% Census Tract 9702 Humboldt County 3.76% Census Tract 9703 Humboldt County 4.81% Census Tract 9704 Humboldt County 4.28% Census Tract 901 Ida County 1.14% Census Tract 902 Ida County 1.54% Census Tract 903 Ida County 2.13% Census Tract 9601 Iowa County 1.31% Census Tract 9602 Iowa County 3.17% Census Tract 9603 Iowa County 1.40% Census Tract 9604 Iowa County 2.28% Census Tract 9501 Jackson County 3.54% Census Tract 9502 Jackson County 5.31% Census Tract 9503 Jackson County 3.90% Census Tract 9504 Jackson County 1.86% Census Tract 9505 Jackson County 10.67% Census Tract 9506 Jackson County 14.05% Census Tract 401 Jasper County 0.95% Census Tract 402 Jasper County 3.82% Census Tract 403 Jasper County 0.85% Census Tract 404 Jasper County 3.05% Census Tract 405 Jasper County 3.64% Census Tract 406 Jasper County 6.10% Census Tract 407 Jasper County 1.30% Census Tract 408 Jasper County 10.91% Census Tract 409 Jasper County 0.27% Census Tract 901 Jefferson County 4.49% Census Tract 902 Jefferson County 10.28% Census Tract 903 Jefferson County 14.79% Census Tract 904 Jefferson County 15.29% Census Tract 1 Johnson County 15.33% Census Tract 2 Johnson County 15.00% Census Tract 3.01 Johnson County 16.17% Census Tract 3.02 Johnson County 28.87% Census Tract 4 Johnson County 38.92% Census Tract 5 Johnson County 15.37% Census Tract 6 Johnson County 21.32% Census Tract 11 Johnson County 7.09% Census Tract 12 Johnson County 4.05% Census Tract 13 Johnson County 5.03% Census Tract 14 Johnson County 11.77% Census Tract 15 Johnson County 6.46% Census Tract 16 Johnson County 15.23% Census Tract 17 Johnson County 5.98%

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2021 Round - 7

Census Tract 18.01 Johnson County 28.80% Census Tract 18.02 Johnson County 23.26% Census Tract 21 Johnson County 8.88% Census Tract 23 Johnson County 10.93% Census Tract 101 Johnson County 1.44% Census Tract 102 Johnson County 1.43% Census Tract 103.01 Johnson County 12.79% Census Tract 103.02 Johnson County 9.61% Census Tract 104 Johnson County 4.62% Census Tract 105 Johnson County 19.96% Census Tract 701 Jones County 3.89% Census Tract 703 Jones County 9.77% Census Tract 704 Jones County 1.43% Census Tract 705 Jones County 3.71% Census Tract 706 Jones County 1.23% Census Tract 801 Keokuk County 1.32% Census Tract 802 Keokuk County 1.71% Census Tract 803 Keokuk County 2.95% Census Tract 804 Keokuk County 0.80% Census Tract 9501 Kossuth County 1.63% Census Tract 9502 Kossuth County 3.64% Census Tract 9503 Kossuth County 1.64% Census Tract 9504 Kossuth County 3.10% Census Tract 9505 Kossuth County 0.63% Census Tract 9506 Kossuth County 0.52% Census Tract 4901 Lee County 7.66% Census Tract 4902 Lee County 11.39% Census Tract 4903 Lee County 0.73% Census Tract 4904 Lee County 1.40% Census Tract 4905 Lee County 1.18% Census Tract 4906 Lee County 2.01% Census Tract 4907 Lee County 3.63% Census Tract 4908 Lee County 5.52% Census Tract 4909 Lee County 10.63% Census Tract 4910 Lee County 16.30% Census Tract 4911 Lee County 11.73% Census Tract 1 Linn County 5.19% Census Tract 2.01 Linn County 11.41% Census Tract 2.03 Linn County 8.15% Census Tract 2.05 Linn County 5.00% Census Tract 2.06 Linn County 8.72% Census Tract 2.07 Linn County 21.90% Census Tract 3 Linn County 10.08% Census Tract 4 Linn County 7.81% Census Tract 5 Linn County 5.56% Census Tract 6 Linn County 4.57% Census Tract 7 Linn County 7.90% Census Tract 8 Linn County 8.58% Census Tract 9.01 Linn County 8.50% Census Tract 9.02 Linn County 4.93% Census Tract 10.01 Linn County 6.74% Census Tract 10.02 Linn County 14.83% Census Tract 10.03 Linn County 15.06% Census Tract 11.01 Linn County 5.44% Census Tract 11.02 Linn County 10.25% Census Tract 12 Linn County 14.24% Census Tract 13 Linn County 17.86%

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2021 Round - 8

Census Tract 14 Linn County 2.71% Census Tract 15 Linn County 7.99% Census Tract 16 Linn County 4.68% Census Tract 17 Linn County 31.90% Census Tract 18 Linn County 13.10% Census Tract 19 Linn County 32.18% Census Tract 22 Linn County 18.42% Census Tract 23 Linn County 7.51% Census Tract 24 Linn County 10.88% Census Tract 25 Linn County 7.89% Census Tract 26 Linn County 16.04% Census Tract 27 Linn County 21.24% Census Tract 28 Linn County 9.17% Census Tract 29 Linn County 20.38% Census Tract 30.01 Linn County 8.86% Census Tract 30.02 Linn County 9.18% Census Tract 101 Linn County 0.76% Census Tract 102 Linn County 3.38% Census Tract 103 Linn County 2.87% Census Tract 104 Linn County 2.11% Census Tract 105 Linn County 3.60% Census Tract 106 Linn County 1.02% Census Tract 107 Linn County 2.01% Census Tract 108 Linn County 3.97% Census Tract 4501 Louisa County 10.14% Census Tract 4502 Louisa County 31.10% Census Tract 4503 Louisa County 6.05% Census Tract 9501 Lucas County 1.60% Census Tract 9502 Lucas County 1.54% Census Tract 9503 Lucas County 0.00% Census Tract 9504 Lucas County 1.94% Census Tract 9501 Lyon County 1.60% Census Tract 9502 Lyon County 1.79% Census Tract 9503 Lyon County 2.95% Census Tract 601 Madison County 2.32% Census Tract 602 Madison County 2.79% Census Tract 603 Madison County 2.27% Census Tract 9501 Mahaska County 1.27% Census Tract 9502 Mahaska County 1.56% Census Tract 9503 Mahaska County 0.33% Census Tract 9504 Mahaska County 4.43% Census Tract 9505 Mahaska County 10.03% Census Tract 9506 Mahaska County 10.10% Census Tract 9507 Mahaska County 5.60% Census Tract 301 Marion County 1.65% Census Tract 302 Marion County 2.22% Census Tract 303 Marion County 8.74% Census Tract 304.01 Marion County 7.00% Census Tract 304.02 Marion County 1.90% Census Tract 305 Marion County 8.11% Census Tract 306 Marion County 0.71% Census Tract 307 Marion County 5.14% Census Tract 9501 Marshall County 2.54% Census Tract 9502 Marshall County 5.27% Census Tract 9503 Marshall County 4.50% Census Tract 9504 Marshall County 2.80% Census Tract 9505 Marshall County 45.65%

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2021 Round - 9

Census Tract 9506 Marshall County 26.18% Census Tract 9507 Marshall County 18.89% Census Tract 9508 Marshall County 7.90% Census Tract 9509 Marshall County 38.38% Census Tract 9510 Marshall County 20.37% Census Tract 401 Mills County 1.00% Census Tract 402.01 Mills County 2.74% Census Tract 402.02 Mills County 2.87% Census Tract 403.01 Mills County 5.52% Census Tract 403.02 Mills County 3.53% Census Tract 5601 Mitchell County 0.51% Census Tract 5602 Mitchell County 1.62% Census Tract 5603 Mitchell County 1.86% Census Tract 9601 Monona County 0.46% Census Tract 9602 Monona County 2.33% Census Tract 9603 Monona County 7.80% Census Tract 9604 Monona County 1.46% Census Tract 701 Monroe County 5.00% Census Tract 702 Monroe County 1.83% Census Tract 703 Monroe County 3.28% Census Tract 9601 Montgomery County 0.05% Census Tract 9602 Montgomery County 5.48% Census Tract 9603 Montgomery County 7.36% Census Tract 9604 Montgomery County 1.42% Census Tract 501 Muscatine County 5.08% Census Tract 502 Muscatine County 4.42% Census Tract 503 Muscatine County 36.20% Census Tract 504 Muscatine County 12.93% Census Tract 505 Muscatine County 16.31% Census Tract 506 Muscatine County 5.34% Census Tract 507 Muscatine County 15.60% Census Tract 508 Muscatine County 23.52% Census Tract 509 Muscatine County 11.56% Census Tract 510 Muscatine County 27.22% Census Tract 4901 O'Brien County 9.49% Census Tract 4902 O'Brien County 1.83% Census Tract 4903 O'Brien County 3.34% Census Tract 4904 O'Brien County 3.20% Census Tract 4601 Osceola County 9.08% Census Tract 4602 Osceola County 2.75% Census Tract 4901 Page County 2.17% Census Tract 4902 Page County 3.92% Census Tract 4903 Page County 4.06% Census Tract 4904 Page County 15.53% Census Tract 4905 Page County 3.70% Census Tract 4906 Page County 3.80% Census Tract 9601 Palo Alto County 1.29% Census Tract 9602 Palo Alto County 2.73% Census Tract 9603 Palo Alto County 2.85% Census Tract 9604 Palo Alto County 2.76% Census Tract 9701 Plymouth County 6.18% Census Tract 9702 Plymouth County 10.82% Census Tract 9703 Plymouth County 2.28% Census Tract 9704 Plymouth County 0.90% Census Tract 9705 Plymouth County 0.59% Census Tract 9706 Plymouth County 2.44% Census Tract 7801 Pocahontas County 3.23%

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2021 Round - 10

Census Tract 7802 Pocahontas County 2.20% Census Tract 7803 Pocahontas County 4.73% Census Tract 1.01 Polk County 17.19% Census Tract 1.02 Polk County 11.65% Census Tract 1.03 Polk County 5.91% Census Tract 2.01 Polk County 20.56% Census Tract 2.02 Polk County 11.60% Census Tract 3 Polk County 23.48% Census Tract 4 Polk County 16.75% Census Tract 5 Polk County 28.03% Census Tract 6 Polk County 16.68% Census Tract 7.01 Polk County 59.86% Census Tract 7.02 Polk County 26.86% Census Tract 7.03 Polk County 5.77% Census Tract 7.04 Polk County 16.05% Census Tract 8.01 Polk County 14.98% Census Tract 8.02 Polk County 3.63% Census Tract 8.03 Polk County 20.35% Census Tract 9.01 Polk County 18.74% Census Tract 9.02 Polk County 9.49% Census Tract 10 Polk County 16.91% Census Tract 11 Polk County 35.13% Census Tract 12 Polk County 60.61% Census Tract 15 Polk County 16.34% Census Tract 17 Polk County 58.75% Census Tract 18 Polk County 16.10% Census Tract 19 Polk County 10.95% Census Tract 21 Polk County 25.18% Census Tract 26 Polk County 42.03% Census Tract 27 Polk County 39.18% Census Tract 28 Polk County 19.94% Census Tract 29 Polk County 15.57% Census Tract 30.01 Polk County 8.67% Census Tract 30.02 Polk County 4.77% Census Tract 31 Polk County 4.11% Census Tract 32 Polk County 2.07% Census Tract 39.01 Polk County 42.84% Census Tract 39.02 Polk County 35.24% Census Tract 40.01 Polk County 26.97% Census Tract 40.04 Polk County 8.13% Census Tract 41 Polk County 11.21% Census Tract 42 Polk County 15.42% Census Tract 43 Polk County 12.60% Census Tract 44 Polk County 30.36% Census Tract 45.01 Polk County 24.56% Census Tract 45.02 Polk County 10.69% Census Tract 46.02 Polk County 14.67% Census Tract 46.03 Polk County 14.98% Census Tract 47.01 Polk County 12.35% Census Tract 47.02 Polk County 43.39% Census Tract 48 Polk County 47.91% Census Tract 49 Polk County 31.98% Census Tract 50 Polk County 78.95% Census Tract 51 Polk County 25.39% Census Tract 52 Polk County 29.86% Census Tract 53 Polk County 26.01% Census Tract 101.01 Polk County 0.36%

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2021 Round - 11

Census Tract 101.02 Polk County 2.73% Census Tract 102.03 Polk County 7.68% Census Tract 102.05 Polk County 4.88% Census Tract 102.07 Polk County 3.63% Census Tract 102.08 Polk County 7.63% Census Tract 102.09 Polk County 5.76% Census Tract 102.11 Polk County 6.26% Census Tract 102.12 Polk County 5.02% Census Tract 104.04 Polk County 11.01% Census Tract 104.05 Polk County 10.99% Census Tract 104.06 Polk County 7.55% Census Tract 104.07 Polk County 3.78% Census Tract 104.08 Polk County 9.62% Census Tract 104.09 Polk County 3.04% Census Tract 105 Polk County 4.17% Census Tract 106 Polk County 5.92% Census Tract 107.02 Polk County 4.29% Census Tract 107.03 Polk County 4.17% Census Tract 107.05 Polk County 0.53% Census Tract 107.06 Polk County 6.47% Census Tract 108.02 Polk County 16.69% Census Tract 108.03 Polk County 11.86% Census Tract 108.04 Polk County 9.87% Census Tract 110.01 Polk County 17.64% Census Tract 110.21 Polk County 6.61% Census Tract 110.25 Polk County 7.12% Census Tract 110.26 Polk County 3.80% Census Tract 110.27 Polk County 15.18% Census Tract 110.28 Polk County 13.24% Census Tract 111.11 Polk County 16.95% Census Tract 111.12 Polk County 5.42% Census Tract 111.13 Polk County 17.23% Census Tract 111.14 Polk County 26.41% Census Tract 112.01 Polk County 10.12% Census Tract 112.03 Polk County 7.86% Census Tract 112.05 Polk County 25.59% Census Tract 112.06 Polk County 3.97% Census Tract 113 Polk County 6.84% Census Tract 114.04 Polk County 9.72% Census Tract 115 Polk County 1.67% Census Tract 116 Polk County 0.00% Census Tract 117.01 Polk County 7.79% Census Tract 117.02 Polk County 2.04% Census Tract 212 Pottawattamie County 8.79% Census Tract 214 Pottawattamie County 2.29% Census Tract 215.01 Pottawattamie County 1.84% Census Tract 215.02 Pottawattamie County 1.96% Census Tract 216.02 Pottawattamie County 0.28% Census Tract 216.03 Pottawattamie County 3.86% Census Tract 217.01 Pottawattamie County 6.37% Census Tract 217.02 Pottawattamie County 1.10% Census Tract 301 Pottawattamie County 4.89% Census Tract 302 Pottawattamie County 7.03% Census Tract 303 Pottawattamie County 6.63% Census Tract 304.01 Pottawattamie County 6.48% Census Tract 304.02 Pottawattamie County 11.75% Census Tract 305.01 Pottawattamie County 3.94%

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2021 Round - 12

Census Tract 305.02 Pottawattamie County 12.48% Census Tract 306.01 Pottawattamie County 8.23% Census Tract 306.02 Pottawattamie County 15.51% Census Tract 307 Pottawattamie County 15.70% Census Tract 308 Pottawattamie County 12.82% Census Tract 309 Pottawattamie County 11.24% Census Tract 310 Pottawattamie County 6.57% Census Tract 311 Pottawattamie County 24.91% Census Tract 312 Pottawattamie County 7.41% Census Tract 313 Pottawattamie County 14.12% Census Tract 314 Pottawattamie County 10.33% Census Tract 316.01 Pottawattamie County 0.65% Census Tract 316.02 Pottawattamie County 4.22% Census Tract 317 Pottawattamie County 10.85% Census Tract 318 Pottawattamie County 4.03% Census Tract 319 Pottawattamie County 7.70% Census Tract 3701 Poweshiek County 1.36% Census Tract 3702 Poweshiek County 1.05% Census Tract 3703 Poweshiek County 10.47% Census Tract 3704 Poweshiek County 5.49% Census Tract 3705 Poweshiek County 3.00% Census Tract 9501 Ringgold County 1.44% Census Tract 9502 Ringgold County 2.10% Census Tract 801 Sac County 6.47% Census Tract 802 Sac County 0.95% Census Tract 803 Sac County 0.31% Census Tract 804 Sac County 2.09% Census Tract 101.01 Scott County 2.81% Census Tract 101.02 Scott County 3.07% Census Tract 102.01 Scott County 3.96% Census Tract 102.02 Scott County 6.07% Census Tract 103 Scott County 1.89% Census Tract 104.01 Scott County 3.36% Census Tract 104.02 Scott County 1.28% Census Tract 106 Scott County 32.24% Census Tract 107 Scott County 35.10% Census Tract 108 Scott County 31.65% Census Tract 109 Scott County 33.40% Census Tract 110 Scott County 18.84% Census Tract 111 Scott County 9.13% Census Tract 112 Scott County 27.59% Census Tract 113 Scott County 31.08% Census Tract 114 Scott County 41.62% Census Tract 115 Scott County 30.00% Census Tract 116 Scott County 11.23% Census Tract 117 Scott County 10.50% Census Tract 118 Scott County 2.20% Census Tract 119 Scott County 10.38% Census Tract 120 Scott County 8.84% Census Tract 121 Scott County 14.17% Census Tract 122 Scott County 11.37% Census Tract 123 Scott County 13.41% Census Tract 124 Scott County 3.79% Census Tract 125.01 Scott County 25.27% Census Tract 125.02 Scott County 10.50% Census Tract 126.01 Scott County 15.25% Census Tract 126.02 Scott County 30.29%

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2021 Round - 13

Census Tract 127.01 Scott County 28.49% Census Tract 127.02 Scott County 5.03% Census Tract 128.01 Scott County 21.36% Census Tract 128.02 Scott County 23.92% Census Tract 129.01 Scott County 11.32% Census Tract 129.02 Scott County 9.63% Census Tract 130 Scott County 9.72% Census Tract 131 Scott County 3.22% Census Tract 132 Scott County 5.41% Census Tract 133 Scott County 7.52% Census Tract 134 Scott County 4.34% Census Tract 135 Scott County 19.36% Census Tract 136 Scott County 7.12% Census Tract 137.02 Scott County 12.39% Census Tract 137.03 Scott County 4.46% Census Tract 137.05 Scott County 12.30% Census Tract 137.06 Scott County 12.85% Census Tract 9601 Shelby County 2.09% Census Tract 9602 Shelby County 2.80% Census Tract 9603 Shelby County 4.56% Census Tract 9604 Shelby County 1.17% Census Tract 701 Sioux County 3.01% Census Tract 702 Sioux County 6.99% Census Tract 703 Sioux County 4.30% Census Tract 704 Sioux County 20.31% Census Tract 705 Sioux County 9.56% Census Tract 706 Sioux County 4.92% Census Tract 707 Sioux County 14.53% Census Tract 1 Story County 14.06% Census Tract 2 Story County 12.01% Census Tract 3 Story County 11.27% Census Tract 4 Story County 9.71% Census Tract 5 Story County 31.65% Census Tract 6 Story County 12.42% Census Tract 7 Story County 15.96% Census Tract 8 Story County 9.28% Census Tract 9 Story County 8.93% Census Tract 10 Story County 33.80% Census Tract 11 Story County 9.21% Census Tract 12 Story County 4.52% Census Tract 13.01 Story County 13.67% Census Tract 13.02 Story County 12.70% Census Tract 101 Story County 1.17% Census Tract 102 Story County 1.67% Census Tract 103 Story County 3.09% Census Tract 104 Story County 3.39% Census Tract 105 Story County 4.55% Census Tract 106 Story County 3.28% Census Tract 2901 Tama County 2.10% Census Tract 2902 Tama County 3.43% Census Tract 2903 Tama County 3.08% Census Tract 2904 Tama County 15.10% Census Tract 2905 Tama County 30.46% Census Tract 2906 Tama County 10.11% Census Tract 1801 Taylor County 13.20% Census Tract 1802 Taylor County 5.00% Census Tract 1803 Taylor County 1.02%

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2021 Round - 14

Census Tract 1901 Union County 1.22% Census Tract 1902 Union County 8.04% Census Tract 1903 Union County 0.54% Census Tract 1904 Union County 2.39% Census Tract 9501 Van Buren County 1.64% Census Tract 9502 Van Buren County 2.58% Census Tract 9601 Wapello County 5.80% Census Tract 9602 Wapello County 15.65% Census Tract 9603 Wapello County 4.34% Census Tract 9604 Wapello County 14.66% Census Tract 9605 Wapello County 25.70% Census Tract 9606 Wapello County 13.37% Census Tract 9607 Wapello County 9.49% Census Tract 9608 Wapello County 4.44% Census Tract 9609 Wapello County 7.10% Census Tract 9610 Wapello County 6.82% Census Tract 9611 Wapello County 2.10% Census Tract 201 Warren County 1.90% Census Tract 202 Warren County 2.37% Census Tract 203 Warren County 3.74% Census Tract 204 Warren County 4.33% Census Tract 205 Warren County 1.45% Census Tract 206 Warren County 1.56% Census Tract 207 Warren County 5.73% Census Tract 208 Warren County 2.62% Census Tract 209 Warren County 5.12% Census Tract 210 Warren County 0.37% Census Tract 211 Warren County 2.19% Census Tract 212 Warren County 1.92% Census Tract 9601 Washington County 2.40% Census Tract 9602 Washington County 1.70% Census Tract 9603 Washington County 10.55% Census Tract 9604 Washington County 13.21% Census Tract 9605 Washington County 4.71% Census Tract 701 Wayne County 2.50% Census Tract 702 Wayne County 2.07% Census Tract 703 Wayne County 1.85% Census Tract 1 Webster County 2.80% Census Tract 2 Webster County 5.88% Census Tract 3 Webster County 6.41% Census Tract 4 Webster County 16.89% Census Tract 5 Webster County 16.32% Census Tract 6 Webster County 12.30% Census Tract 7 Webster County 15.34% Census Tract 9 Webster County 17.05% Census Tract 101 Webster County 4.22% Census Tract 102 Webster County 0.27% Census Tract 103 Webster County 2.37% Census Tract 104 Webster County 0.34% Census Tract 6801 Winnebago County 3.38% Census Tract 6802 Winnebago County 1.69% Census Tract 6803 Winnebago County 5.82% Census Tract 9501 Winneshiek County 1.68% Census Tract 9502 Winneshiek County 4.21% Census Tract 9503 Winneshiek County 4.66% Census Tract 9504 Winneshiek County 2.86% Census Tract 9505 Winneshiek County 2.44%

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2021 Round - 15

Census Tract 1 Woodbury County 26.67% Census Tract 2 Woodbury County 12.37% Census Tract 3 Woodbury County 15.92% Census Tract 4 Woodbury County 9.61% Census Tract 5 Woodbury County 8.11% Census Tract 6 Woodbury County 4.06% Census Tract 7 Woodbury County 14.23% Census Tract 8 Woodbury County 37.13% Census Tract 9 Woodbury County 15.38% Census Tract 10 Woodbury County 37.53% Census Tract 11 Woodbury County 31.53% Census Tract 12 Woodbury County 56.93% Census Tract 13 Woodbury County 44.58% Census Tract 14 Woodbury County 38.77% Census Tract 15 Woodbury County 51.51% Census Tract 18 Woodbury County 17.62% Census Tract 19 Woodbury County 7.07% Census Tract 20 Woodbury County 8.11% Census Tract 21.01 Woodbury County 4.36% Census Tract 21.02 Woodbury County 7.61% Census Tract 31 Woodbury County 2.66% Census Tract 32 Woodbury County 2.94% Census Tract 33 Woodbury County 4.38% Census Tract 35 Woodbury County 2.73% Census Tract 36 Woodbury County 34.69% Census Tract 9402 Woodbury County 0.00% Census Tract 6901 Worth County 3.30% Census Tract 6902 Worth County 2.30% Census Tract 6903 Worth County 2.10% Census Tract 6801 Wright County 5.57% Census Tract 6802 Wright County 3.02% Census Tract 6803 Wright County 8.35% Census Tract 6804 Wright County 12.44% Census Tract 6805 Wright County 15.57%