holy mass schedule neighboring churches, sunday mass...

Sunday, December 14, 2014—10:00 a.m. +Max Beare Monday, December 15, 2014—8:00 a.m. +Paul and Nellie Wineland Thursday, December 18, 2014—8:00 a.m. +LaVerne Young Sunday, December 21, 2014—10:00 a.m. +William Heinen Envelopes (47) Loose Children’s Envelopes (3) Immaculate Conception (6) Total Offerings: Votive Candles $1,588.00 72.00 7.00 52.00 $1,719.00 36.00 Rosary recited before each weekday Mass & 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass Neighboring Churches, Sunday Mass Times Walsh St. Pius V 08:00 a.m. (Sun) Ellis Grove St. Mary’s 08:00 a.m. (Sun) only during Aug, Oct, Dec, Feb, Apr, June - 6:00 p.m. (Sat) Ruma St. Patrick’s 08:00 a.m. (Sun) Ruma Convent Chapel 11:00 a.m. (Sun) Prairie du Rocher St. Joseph 05:00 p.m. (Sat) 8:30 a.m. (Sun) Sparta Lady of Lourdes 05:00 p.m. (Sat) 10:00 a.m. (Sun) Red Bud St. John’s 04:00 p.m. (Sat) 10:00 a.m. (Sun) Chester St. Mary’s 05:00 p.m. (Sat) 9:00 a.m. (Sun) Area Events and Happenings Way of Lights Tree Display Volunteer Request National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows. From now until Friday, January 2, 2015. Looking for a special way to share the holiday spirit? Volunteer for a shift or two during the Way of Lights greeting visitors to the Christmas tree display at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows now through January 2. This is also a great opportunity for youth ser- vice hours. If interested, please e-mail [email protected] or call 618-397-6700. WayofLights.org 8th Annual Christmas Celebration 2014 Sunday, December 14. St. Boniface Parish. Homemade Chicken & Dumpling Dinner, mashed potatoes, seasoned green beans, cole slaw, cranberry sauce, rolls, dessert & drink. Adults $9.00, Children (under 12) $4.00, 3 and under Free. Serving 11 a.m. to ? Kringles Corner Country Store, Christmas Fair—vendors, crafters and specialty items. Christmas Cash Raffle (only 500 tickets to be sold) Cash prizes of $1,000, $750, $500 & $250. Catholic Holy Family Society Meeting and Dinner Sunday, Decem- ber 14th. Meeting at 11 a.m. in St. Boniface Parish Education Build- ing Conference Room. Gift Cards In need of gift cards for Christmas but don’t want to travel to Fairview Heights to pick them up? Check with Debbie in the St. John’s School Office (Red Bud). Debbie keeps several gift cards on hand: The Office Bar & Grill, McDonalds, Red Lobster/ Olive Garden, Wal-Mart, Pizza Hut, Subway, Panera, Applebee’s, Denny’s, Bath & Body Works, iTunes, Kohl’s, Home Depot, Star- bucks. If she doesn’t have what you need, we place orders every Monday morning. Just call her with your order at 282-3215 and they will be available for pickup at the school office within a few days! Cardinal Francis George, Jeremy Long, Alec Ninker, Debbie Kelly, Jeff Newbold, Brett Montroy, Janet Wolff, Donna Heuman, Kim Morotay, Al- lene Becker, Kevin Kern, Megan Ricketts, Maedell Renner, Pearl Rein- hold, Wanda Long, Doreen Kohrs, Alice Kaiser, Harold Braun, Paul Schu- lein, Jerry Stefani, Leora Bauer, Amelia Meyer, Brian McConachie, Mela- nie Ganaway, Linda Young, Donna Trost, Glen Sternberg, Jane Coleman, Ethel Montroy, Patti Montroy, and several special intentions. For our homebound parishioners and their caretakers. For those in nursing homes and care centers. Names will be listed for one month unless we are notified otherwise Events and Meetings Sunday—Christmas Celebration 11 a.m.—? Monday—Prayer Group following 8 a.m. Mass Tuesday & Thursday—Parish Office Closed Wednesday—PSR Christmas Party & Reconciliation 6:00—8:00 p.m. Friday—Mass at Red Bud Nursing Home —11 a.m. Mass at Garden Place, Red Bud—2 p.m. (Mass intention for Bertha Wesbecher) Sunday, Dec. 21—Decorate for Christmas following 10 a.m. Mass Thank you for your generous support! You may drop your envelope in the Offertory Basket at any of our nearby parishes: Sparta, Ellis Grove, Chester, Walsh. Etc. Your envelope and gift will be returned to St. Boniface Parish and credited to you! Please use your envelope! St. Boniface Parish Offering December 7, 2014 Holy Mass Schedule and Intentions Dec. 14 Jada Long Dec. 16 Hallie Valleroy Dec. 19 Natalie Long Dec. 20 Michael Schoenberger Dec. 20 Hope Valleroy Your generosity during your lifetime has enabled St. Boni- face to serve the people of God in this community. Continue to be a part of the strength of our community by making a bequest in your Will to St. Boniface. Respect Life Corner Love is Our Life Mission The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me; he has sent me to bring glad tid- ings to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captive.” God’s love is our life mission. If we choose to embrace this mission, we will have a new perspective on many issues. This may also mean that we will sometimes live as minorities, with different val- ues from our surrounding secular culture. Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: If we understand that love is our mission then we have leaned a basic truth that will shape many other areas of life. Pray for the ability to see clearly the path to take when situations arise that are contrary to our beliefs as Catholics. To help offset the initial cost of the series we are asking for donations in the form of remembrances or intentions. Each book is $20.00 An inscription will be placed in the book (s) that you donate. We will accept donations through Advent. As 2014 begins to wrap up, one of the year's indelible imag- es bears recalling: the moment at the Lenten penance service in St Peter's when Pope Francis stunned his Master of Ceremonies – and everyone else – by going to Confes- sion himself before heading to his own Confessional Box to conduct the sacrament for others. Just this past week he again made an appeal to penitents at the lighting of the mega-tree of Gubbio – the evergreen-shaped display along a side of Mt Ingino that's won the Perugian town the distinc- tion of "world's largest Christmas tree." Before pushing the button on his IPAD Tablet lighting the tree he made this statement; If you have something dark on your soul, ask the Lord's forgiveness. This is a beautiful chance Christmas gives us – to clean up our souls, eh! Don't be afraid – the priest is merciful, he forgives everything in the name of God, because God forgives everything. May the light be in your hearts, in your families, in your cities. And now, with this wish, let's turn on the lights.” The Sacrament of Reconciliation is being offered during this time of preparation —Advent. This past August while on vacation in Florida I stopped by a beautiful Church in Orlando. Reconciliation was being offered, so I got in line. There was seven ahead of me, before it was my turn to Confess my sins. The priest inside the Confessional told me that Reconciliation is offered 7 days a week from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. and there is usually a line. Unfortunately back here in Southern Illinois we don’t usually see very many lines at the Confessional. This Wednesday evening two priests will be available for Reconciliation at St. Boniface and St. Mary’s Parishes. As Pope Francis stated, “This is a beautiful chance Christmas gives us – to clean up our souls.” The Light of Christ is coming as Advent is more than half over. Let your soul shine brightly and welcome Jesus into your hearts and lives this Christmas. Marriage Challenges? Retrouvaille (a French word meaning rediscovery) is a program to help couples heal & renew their marriages that offers tools needed to rediscov- er a loving marriage relationship. It has helped thousands of couples with marital problems & crises, even couples who are separated and divorced. The next program begins with the weekend of February 6-8, 2014. For further infor- mation, call 1-800-470-2230 or visit www.HelpOurMarriage.com. Attention all Catholic Holy Family Society Members and Families The annual Social Meeting of CHFS will take place on Sunday, December 14 th , 2014 at St. Boniface Parish Education Building in the Conference Room at 11 a.m. After the meeting you will be given an opportunity to purchase discounted tickets for the chicken and dumpling dinner being served by St. Boniface Parish. The Christmas Celebration features the annual Holiday Cash Raffle for $1,000, $750, $500 and $250 as well as many vendors. You are invited to stay or you will be free to leave following the meeting. Also, our Evansville Council #113 as part of the Hearts and Hands Grant, is seeking suggestions for people in need in our area. If you know of any- one who could use a little help with food, paper goods, toiletries or some- thing else, please call Jo at 618-853-4147 or Alice at 618-853-2338. Liturgical Ministers Sunday, December 21, 2014 5:00 p.m. Lector—Marianne Pruett Extra-Ordinary Ministers—Rita Walter and Kathy Schilling Servers—Emily Kirkover and Jada Long Greeters—Jo Ann & Mark McConachie Gift Bearers—J. Stefani Family Ushers—Dave Walter and Dale Schilling Retirement Fund for Religious Support religious communities. “Your generous contribution helps us to care for our retired sisters and enables our younger sisters to continue in ac- tive ministry,” writes a religious sister. Your gift to today’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious provides vital support for the retirement needs of senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests. It also helps ensure that younger members can continue the good works of their elders! —- Reconciliation Service —- Wednesday, December 17, 2014 - St Boniface - 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 17. 2014 - St Mary’s - 7:00 p.m. — Christmas Mass Schedule Christmas Mass (Vigil) - St. Boniface, December 24th - 4:00 p.m. Christmas Caroling by the St. Boniface Schola begins at 3:40 p.m. Christmas Mass (Vigil) - St Mary’s, December 24th - 6:00 p.m. Christmas Mass - St. Boniface, December 25th - 9:00 a.m. The St. Boniface Quilting Ladies had a very successful Quilt Raffle at our Bingo. Diane Stoffel was the winner of the beautiful quilt donated by Marlene Siegfried. We collect- ed a total of $1,860 dollars on our Quilt Raffle. We thank everyone for being so generous to purchase our tickets. Thanks again and God Bless. Rose and Marlene Note: The entire bingo report is available on the bulletin board in the church entrance. Exploring the Holy Land Our adult education program will resume on Monday, January 19, 2015 from 6:30 —8 p.m. in the St. Boniface Meeting Room. Our topic is a DVD series entitled “The Holy Land Revealed” hosted by Dr. Jodi Magness. This series provides an excel- lent introduction of the Holy Land by using tools such as archeology and textual analysis to better understand the importance of this geographic area for the Abra- hamic religions. Dr. Magness explores the history of this region from the Canaan- ites (around 3000 B.C.E.) up through the Muslim conquest (around 640 C.E.) Please join us for food, fellowship, and learning. Date Topic January 19 The First Jewish Revolt January 26 Masada and Suicide February 2 The Second Jewish Revolt February 9 Holy Sites under Christianity February 16 Jerusalem, Islam, and Archeology The current economic climate has resulted in requests for assistance from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul doubling and tripling and right now SVDP has a desparate need for BEDS!! Many people are sleeping on the floor or have three or four children sharing one bed. If you have a bed you know longer need—twin, double, queen or king size—please call 618-394-0126, Ext 13—Joe Hubbard or Ext. 12-Pat Hogrbe to arrange for a pick up or for additional information. Other furniture and appliances in good working condition are also always needed. Please call Joe or Pat today if you can be of help. Thank you for caring!

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Page 1: Holy Mass Schedule Neighboring Churches, Sunday Mass ...frteck.weebly.com/uploads/8/0/6/8/8068103/bulletin_12-14-2014.pdf · 14/12/2014  · Dec. 14 Jada Long Dec. 20 Dec. 16 Hallie

Sunday, December 14, 2014—10:00 a.m. +Max Beare Monday, December 15, 2014—8:00 a.m. +Paul and Nellie Wineland Thursday, December 18, 2014—8:00 a.m. +LaVerne Young Sunday, December 21, 2014—10:00 a.m. +William Heinen

Envelopes (47) Loose Children’s Envelopes (3) Immaculate Conception (6)

Total Offerings:

Votive Candles

$1,588.00 72.00 7.00




Rosary recited before each weekday Mass & 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass

Neighboring Churches, Sunday Mass Times

Walsh St. Pius V 08:00 a.m. (Sun)

Ellis Grove St. Mary’s 08:00 a.m. (Sun) only during Aug, Oct, Dec, Feb, Apr, June - 6:00 p.m. (Sat)

Ruma St. Patrick’s 08:00 a.m. (Sun) Ruma Convent Chapel 11:00 a.m. (Sun)

Prairie du Rocher St. Joseph 05:00 p.m. (Sat) 8:30 a.m. (Sun)

Sparta Lady of Lourdes 05:00 p.m. (Sat) 10:00 a.m. (Sun)

Red Bud St. John’s 04:00 p.m. (Sat) 10:00 a.m. (Sun)

Chester St. Mary’s 05:00 p.m. (Sat) 9:00 a.m. (Sun)

Area Events and Happenings

Way of Lights Tree Display Volunteer Request National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows. From now until Friday, January 2, 2015. Looking for a special way to share the holiday spirit? Volunteer for a shift or two during the Way of Lights greeting visitors to the Christmas tree display at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows now through January 2. This is also a great opportunity for youth ser-vice hours. If interested, please e-mail [email protected] or call 618-397-6700. WayofLights.org 8th Annual Christmas Celebration 2014 Sunday, December 14. St. Boniface Parish. Homemade Chicken & Dumpling Dinner, mashed potatoes, seasoned green beans, cole slaw, cranberry sauce, rolls, dessert & drink. Adults $9.00, Children (under 12) $4.00, 3 and under Free. Serving 11 a.m. to ? Kringles Corner Country Store, Christmas Fair—vendors, crafters and specialty items. Christmas Cash Raffle (only 500 tickets to be sold) Cash prizes of $1,000, $750, $500 & $250. Catholic Holy Family Society Meeting and Dinner Sunday, Decem-ber 14th. Meeting at 11 a.m. in St. Boniface Parish Education Build-ing Conference Room. Gift Cards In need of gift cards for Christmas but don’t want to travel to Fairview Heights to pick them up? Check with Debbie in the St. John’s School Office (Red Bud). Debbie keeps several gift cards on hand: The Office Bar & Grill, McDonalds, Red Lobster/Olive Garden, Wal-Mart, Pizza Hut, Subway, Panera, Applebee’s, Denny’s, Bath & Body Works, iTunes, Kohl’s, Home Depot, Star-bucks. If she doesn’t have what you need, we place orders every Monday morning. Just call her with your order at 282-3215 and they will be available for pickup at the school office within a few days!

Cardinal Francis George, Jeremy Long, Alec Ninker, Debbie Kelly, Jeff Newbold, Brett Montroy, Janet Wolff, Donna Heuman, Kim Morotay, Al-lene Becker, Kevin Kern, Megan Ricketts, Maedell Renner, Pearl Rein-hold, Wanda Long, Doreen Kohrs, Alice Kaiser, Harold Braun, Paul Schu-lein, Jerry Stefani, Leora Bauer, Amelia Meyer, Brian McConachie, Mela-nie Ganaway, Linda Young, Donna Trost, Glen Sternberg, Jane Coleman, Ethel Montroy, Patti Montroy, and several special intentions. For our homebound parishioners and their caretakers. For those in nursing

homes and care centers.

Names will be listed for one month unless we are notified otherwise

Events and Meetings

Sunday—Christmas Celebration 11 a.m.—? Monday—Prayer Group following 8 a.m. Mass Tuesday & Thursday—Parish Office Closed Wednesday—PSR Christmas Party & Reconciliation

6:00—8:00 p.m. Friday—Mass at Red Bud Nursing Home —11 a.m. Mass at Garden Place, Red Bud—2 p.m. (Mass intention for Bertha Wesbecher) Sunday, Dec. 21—Decorate for Christmas following 10 a.m. Mass

Thank you for your generous support! You may drop your envelope in the Offertory Basket at any of our nearby parishes: Sparta, Ellis Grove,

Chester, Walsh. Etc. Your envelope and gift will be returned to St. Boniface Parish and credited to you! Please use your envelope!

St. Boniface Parish Offering

December 7, 2014

Holy Mass Schedule

and Intentions

Dec. 14 Jada Long

Dec. 16 Hallie Valleroy

Dec. 19 Natalie Long

Dec. 20 Michael Schoenberger

Dec. 20 Hope Valleroy

Your generosity during your lifetime has enabled St. Boni-face to serve the people of God in this community. Continue to be a part of the strength of our community by making a bequest in your Will to St. Boniface.

Respect Life Corner Love is Our Life Mission “The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me; he has sent me to bring glad tid-ings to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captive.” God’s love is our life mission. If we choose to embrace this mission, we will have a new perspective on many issues. This may also mean that we will sometimes live as minorities, with different val-

ues from our surrounding secular culture.

Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: If we understand that love is our mission then we have leaned a basic truth that will shape many other areas of life. Pray for the ability to see clearly the path to take when situations

arise that are contrary to our beliefs as Catholics.

To help offset the initial cost of the series we are asking for donations in the form of remembrances or intentions. Each book is $20.00 An inscription will be

placed in the book (s) that you donate. We will accept donations through Advent.

As 2014 begins to wrap up, one of the year's indelible imag-es bears recalling: the moment at the Lenten penance service in St Peter's when Pope Francis stunned his Master of Ceremonies – and everyone else – by going to Confes-sion himself before heading to his own Confessional Box to conduct the sacrament for others. Just this past week he again made an appeal to penitents at the lighting of the mega-tree of Gubbio – the evergreen-shaped display along a side of Mt Ingino that's won the Perugian town the distinc-tion of "world's largest Christmas tree." Before pushing the button on his IPAD Tablet lighting the tree he made this statement; “If you have something dark on your soul, ask the Lord's forgiveness. This is a beautiful chance Christmas gives us – to clean up our souls, eh! Don't be afraid – the priest is merciful, he forgives everything in the name of God, because God forgives everything. May the light be in your hearts, in your families, in your cities. And now, with this wish, let's turn on the lights.” The Sacrament of Reconciliation is being offered during this time of preparation —Advent. This past August while on vacation in Florida I stopped by a beautiful Church in Orlando. Reconciliation was being offered, so I got in line. There was seven ahead of me, before it was my turn to Confess my sins. The priest inside the Confessional told me that Reconciliation is offered 7 days a week from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. and there is usually a line. Unfortunately back here in Southern Illinois we don’t usually see very many lines at the Confessional. This Wednesday evening two priests will be available for Reconciliation at St. Boniface and St. Mary’s Parishes. As Pope Francis stated, “This is a beautiful chance Christmas gives us – to clean up our souls.” The Light of Christ is coming as Advent is more than half over. Let your soul shine brightly and welcome Jesus into

your hearts and lives this Christmas.

Marriage Challenges? Retrouvaille (a French word meaning rediscovery) is a program to help couples heal & renew their marriages that offers tools needed to rediscov-er a loving marriage relationship. It has helped thousands of couples with marital problems & crises, even couples who are separated and divorced. The next program begins with the weekend of February 6-8, 2014. For further infor-

mation, call 1-800-470-2230 or visit www.HelpOurMarriage.com.

Attention all Catholic Holy Family Society Members and Families The annual Social Meeting of CHFS will take place on Sunday, December 14th, 2014 at St. Boniface Parish Education Building in the Conference Room at 11 a.m. After the meeting you will be given an opportunity to purchase discounted tickets for the chicken and dumpling dinner being served by St. Boniface Parish. The Christmas Celebration features the annual Holiday Cash Raffle for $1,000, $750, $500 and $250 as well as many vendors. You are invited to stay or you will be free to leave following the meeting. Also, our Evansville Council #113 as part of the Hearts and Hands Grant, is seeking suggestions for people in need in our area. If you know of any-one who could use a little help with food, paper goods, toiletries or some-

thing else, please call Jo at 618-853-4147 or Alice at 618-853-2338.

Liturgical Ministers

Sunday, December 21, 2014 5:00 p.m. Lector—Marianne Pruett Extra-Ordinary Ministers—Rita Walter and Kathy Schilling Servers—Emily Kirkover and Jada Long Greeters—Jo Ann & Mark McConachie Gift Bearers—J. Stefani Family Ushers—Dave Walter and Dale Schilling

Retirement Fund for Religious

Support religious communities. “Your generous contribution helps us to care for our retired sisters and enables our younger sisters to continue in ac-tive ministry,” writes a religious sister. Your gift to today’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious provides vital support for the retirement needs of senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests. It also helps ensure that younger members can continue the good works of their elders!

—- Reconciliation Service —-

Wednesday, December 17, 2014 - St Boniface - 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, December 17. 2014 - St Mary’s - 7:00 p.m.

— Christmas Mass Schedule —

Christmas Mass (Vigil) - St. Boniface, December 24th - 4:00 p.m.

Christmas Caroling by the St. Boniface Schola begins at 3:40 p.m.

Christmas Mass (Vigil) - St Mary’s, December 24th - 6:00 p.m.

Christmas Mass - St. Boniface, December 25th - 9:00 a.m.

The St. Boniface Quilting Ladies had a very successful Quilt Raffle at our Bingo. Diane Stoffel was the winner of the beautiful quilt donated by Marlene Siegfried. We collect-ed a total of $1,860 dollars on our Quilt Raffle. We thank everyone for being so generous to purchase our tickets. Thanks again and God Bless. Rose and Marlene

Note: The entire bingo report is available on the bulletin board in the church entrance.

Exploring the Holy Land

Our adult education program will resume on Monday, January 19, 2015 from 6:30 —8 p.m. in the St. Boniface Meeting Room. Our topic is a DVD series entitled “The Holy Land Revealed” hosted by Dr. Jodi Magness. This series provides an excel-lent introduction of the Holy Land by using tools such as archeology and textual analysis to better understand the importance of this geographic area for the Abra-hamic religions. Dr. Magness explores the history of this region from the Canaan-ites (around 3000 B.C.E.) up through the Muslim conquest (around 640 C.E.) Please join us for food, fellowship, and learning. Date Topic January 19 The First Jewish Revolt January 26 Masada and Suicide February 2 The Second Jewish Revolt February 9 Holy Sites under Christianity February 16 Jerusalem, Islam, and Archeology

The current economic climate has resulted in requests for assistance from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul doubling and tripling and right now SVDP has a desparate need for BEDS!! Many people are sleeping on the floor or have three or four children sharing one bed. If you have a bed you know longer need—twin, double,

queen or king size—please call 618-394-0126, Ext 13—Joe Hubbard or Ext. 12-Pat Hogrbe to arrange for a pick up or for additional information. Other furniture and appliances in good working condition are also always needed. Please call Joe or Pat today if you can be of help. Thank you for caring!

Page 2: Holy Mass Schedule Neighboring Churches, Sunday Mass ...frteck.weebly.com/uploads/8/0/6/8/8068103/bulletin_12-14-2014.pdf · 14/12/2014  · Dec. 14 Jada Long Dec. 20 Dec. 16 Hallie

Mass Schedule for December

Please check Mass Schedule (inside) for Changes

Monday and Thursday…….…….……………..8:00 a.m.

Anointing of the Sick —First Friday of every month

Sunday Mass…………..…………..……….......10:00 a.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

See Advent Reconciliation Schedule or by appointment. .

Anointing of the Sick

First Friday of each month

Baptism Preparation

Please contact the parish office to schedule a Baptism.

Marriage Preparation

Please contact the parish office at least SIX MONTHS before the intended date so that the required preparation can be completed.

Joining our Parish

We welcome all guests and those wishing to become members of our Parish Family. Please contact the Parish Office 853-4435 for information on becom-ing a member of St. Boniface Parish Family. Contact the Parish Office for information on RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults).

Mon. Tues. Fri. (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) Closed for Lunch 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Closed Wednesday afternoon & all day Thursday Email: [email protected]

Fax: 618-853-4435 (call first) Website: http://frteck.weebly.com

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Third Sunday of Advent Cycle B 2014



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Permanent Deacon: Deacon Steven M. Pautler Trustees: Robert Myerscough & JoAnn McConachie Parish Secretary: Alice Ohms Parish Council: Jason Stefani (President), Amy Bauer, Rita Walter, Al Zinselmeier, Ron Heinen.

Director of Religious Ed. Deacon Steven M. Pautler

PSR Catechists: Barb Marlin, Natalie Becker, Gina Bleem, Michelle Eggemeyer, Donna Schenk, Al & Melanie Zinselmeier Stewardship Chairwoman: Judy Renner Ladies Society: Contact the Parish Office Educational Building: Dianne Hess, Kathy Schilling, Ron Heinen

Kringles Kornner open for holiday shopping during our parish’s chicken & dumpling dinner today.

Again this year as part of our Christmas Celebraton today the PSR Children will be presenting a Christmas Program. We invite other young people to join the celebration. Other talent-ed young people are invited to sing or play an instrument dur-ing the day.

A Sign-up sheet will be located in the back

of Church for those willing to volunteer to

be Liturgical Ministers for the 4:00 p.m.

Christmas (Vigil) Mass.

Remember your loved ones with a donation ($5 per person or couple) toward decorations for our beautiful church all during the year. Please in-clude the name of person/persons being remem-bered and your name. Return to the parish office no later than Monday, Dec. 15th to have your remembrance listed.

Congratulations to the Steve & Diana Hess family who was honored as the 2014 Knight and Family of the Year for Evansville Council 1952. Steve and Diana are pic-tured with their children and grandchildren. Congratulations from your Parish Family!

Four members of the second grade class received their First Reconciliation recently. They will receive their First Holy Eucharist the Sunday following Easter.

Decorating for Christmas will take place next Sunday, December 21st, following the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Please volunteer to help—many hands make the work lighter.