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Post on 05-Jul-2015




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holcaust presentation


Page 1: Holocaust

Holocaust Stop and Think presentation.

By: Mario Mureddu 9Y2

Page 2: Holocaust


This was the poster of Hitler campaigning to be elected and he used a lot of propaganda to make people vote for him so that he could rule the country but in the end he never kept his word and his promised when he was campaigning and he was a bad person because he made everyone fall for him and in the end they choose the wrong person. It shows Hitler being bright in bold and it was introduced in the early 1930’s. He said he will bring change to Germany.

Page 3: Holocaust

Nuremberg Rally

In this photo Hitler is now Chancellor of Germany. Hitler then took full control over Germany. The film Triumph of the Will was shot at the Nuremberg Nazi Party Rally in 1934. It is ranked as an extraordinary work of documentary film-making, and is widely regarded as one of the most masterful propaganda films ever produced. This pictures shows that a lot of people respected him as a leader since they were all lined up in rows.

Page 4: Holocaust


Hitler decided to start with children since they are weak and easily influenced. There is a popular children book called "The poisonous mushroom" and the story was about a mushroom (a single Jew) that could harm people. Jews were always described as evil, dirty and treacherous creatures and are portrayed as people who like watching Germans suffer. They also started with school because they did know about the Jews when they were younger so they taught they were good people but instead they weren’t.

Page 5: Holocaust

Holocaust Youth

They recruit small children with blond hair and blue eyes that are not Jews. They teach children form a young age to hate Jews because it easier to manipulate children and to gain trust on Hitler's side. He does this because he wants to over power the country. It was created in the 1920 and it grew every year and in 1993 100,000 kids were part of it.

Page 6: Holocaust

Don’t buy from the Jews

The Germans fear no one and believe that they are the power race. They were in control of Germany and forced people to do certain things, and this is one of them. The Germans treat Jews as dirty, filthy and inhumane characters and children aren't allowed to visit Jewish doctors. It also shows in the picture that they are looking really fearful and that they have signs telling them to not listen.

Page 7: Holocaust
Page 8: Holocaust

Cambodia Map

This pictures shows the map of Cambodia made of skulls and these were the people who were slaves. They had to work day and night for farming rice and also getting food, so that people could buy food with food rations. They died from starvation, disease or execution.

Page 9: Holocaust

Holocaust- Killing

The bunch of shoes was in the Auschwitz prison and resembles that the shoes meant that they were all slaughters and were put in the gas chamber. As they were in the gas chamber they had to tie their shoes and throw it in a pile but in the end they burned it because they were all killed.