holidays homework (2020-21) class xii subject english · 2020-06-13 · holidays homework (2020-21)...

HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK (2020-21) CLASS – XII SUBJECT – ENGLISH NOTICES 1. The Cultural Club of DAV Public School Noida is organising a 'Talent Hunt'evening. Pt. Ravi Shankar, the eminent vocalist will be the Guest of Honour. As Mridul /Mridula, the Secretary of the Cultural Club, draft a notice to inform the students and invite their names with details. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words. 2. As the "Head boy / Head Girl of Government Girls Senior Sec. School, Dilshad Garden, Delhi. You are organising a career counselling session for XI & XII students of your school. Write a notice giving details of it to be displayed on your school notice board. 3. You are Mrs. R. Ganguly, the Sr. Art and Craft teacher of Riverdale High School, Assam. Draft a notice in about 50 words to inform students about an Art and Craft Mela that will be held in the School premises. Mention other necessary details. 4. The Resident's Welfare Association of MAIA Apartments, Delhi is starting Yoga and Laughter Club. The inauguration is on Sunday, September 12. Write a notice inviting residents to the inauguration. Also mention the activities that the Club will undertake. 5. In order to spread awareness on saving water amongst children of your school a video will be played in school hall. Draft a notice for all the Junior students 1st to VIII to see the video. You are the Activity Incharge your school. ADVERTISEMENTS 1.You are Mohan of Raja ki Mandi, Agra. You want a dance teacher for your younger sister. Write an advertisement to be published in the classified columns of a local daily. 2. You propose to sell your flat as you are going abroad. Draft an advertisement to be published in the classified columns of ‘The Times of India’, New Delhi. Invent necessary details. 3. You are Manisha. You have started hobby classes for children of 6 to 12 years. Prepare a suitable advertisement giving all the required details (50 words) 4. A retired army officer is looking for a suitable match for his smart, convent educated son Write a matrimonial advertisement for a local newspaper. 5. You are Activity Incharge of your school. Your school has decided to conduct a three week Summer Camp for Class VI students to engage them in productive

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Post on 09-Jul-2020




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    SUBJECT – ENGLISH NOTICES 1. The Cultural Club of DAV Public School Noida is organising a 'Talent Hunt'evening. Pt. Ravi Shankar, the eminent vocalist will be the Guest of Honour. As Mridul /Mridula, the Secretary of the Cultural Club, draft a notice to inform the students and invite their names with details. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words. 2. As the "Head boy / Head Girl of Government Girls Senior Sec. School, Dilshad Garden, Delhi. You are organising a career counselling session for XI & XII students of your school. Write a notice giving details of it to be displayed on your school notice board.

    3. You are Mrs. R. Ganguly, the Sr. Art and Craft teacher of Riverdale High School, Assam. Draft a notice in about 50 words to inform students about an Art and Craft Mela that will be held in the School premises. Mention other necessary details.

    4. The Resident's Welfare Association of MAIA Apartments, Delhi is starting Yoga and Laughter Club. The inauguration is on Sunday, September 12. Write a notice inviting residents to the inauguration. Also mention the activities that the Club will undertake.

    5. In order to spread awareness on saving water amongst children of your school a video will be played in school hall. Draft a notice for all the Junior students 1st to VIII to see the video. You are the Activity Incharge your school.


    1.You are Mohan of Raja ki Mandi, Agra. You want a dance teacher for your younger sister. Write an advertisement to be published in the classified columns of a local daily. 2. You propose to sell your flat as you are going abroad. Draft an advertisement to be published in the classified columns of ‘The Times of India’, New Delhi. Invent necessary details. 3. You are Manisha. You have started hobby classes for children of 6 to 12 years. Prepare a suitable advertisement giving all the required details (50 words)

    4. A retired army officer is looking for a suitable match for his smart, convent educated son Write a matrimonial advertisement for a local newspaper.

    5. You are Activity Incharge of your school. Your school has decided to conduct a three week Summer Camp for Class VI students to engage them in productive

  • activity during vacations. Draft an advertisement to be published in local daily giving full details.


    1.Design and draft a poster for Book Week to be held in your School, from 14th October to 16th October 2019. Make the poster attractive, by using catchy slogans.

    2. You are Yogacharya Roshan, planning to open Yoga Club in your city. Design a poster highlighting the importance of Yoga along with providing the necessary information about The Club.

    3. The International Book Fair is going to be held at Pragati Maidan, Delhi. Draft a poster informing general public about it.

    4. Draft a poster on water conservation issued by Delhi Jal Board to create awareness about means of saving water.

    5. Draft a poster on behalf of Delhi Police against terrorism.

    LETTERS 1.You are Megha/Maya of class XII of St. Peter School, Pitampura, Delhi. Write a letter to the Manager of Book World, RK Puram, New Delhi inquiring about the availability of few books you need for your school library. Write as secretary of your school library. 2. Your school Happy Public School, Delhi is proposing a tour to Kerala for students of Class XII during summer vacation. As Secretary of the organising committee, write a letter to the Manager, South India Travels requesting him to provide information regarding the tour, accommodation, etc. 3. As a regular commuter by bus from Noida to Delhi, you have been witnessing rash driving by the bus drivers daily without an exception. Write a letter to the Editor, ‘The Times of India’ drawing the attention of the General Manager, Delhi Transport Corporation to this problem. Your are Priti/Prakash, 15 Udyog Vihar, Noida. 4. You are Neha / Naresh incharge of Physical Education in Delhi International School, Rohini, Delhi. Write a letter to M/s Pioneer Sports Company, New Delhi, placing an order for sports items / equipments with details. Watch at least 3 English films . You may look at the following list for ideas:

    1. Schindler’s list 2. Gandhi 3. Hotel Rwanda

  • 4. Erin Brockovich 5. The sound of music 6. West side story 7. Inception 8. Gravity 9. Hugo 10. Hook 11. Life of pi 12. Interstellar

    ➢ Read all the chapters and of both the text books thoroughly. ➢ Revise chapters and poems done in the class.

    Read the newspaper daily with special emphasis on school based reports and pay

    attention to the language used try to get a fair idea of how reports must be written.

    Note: The holidays homework should be done in Literature Class work register

  • CLASS 12th

    विषय - हिन्दी 1. कावयाांश

    अध्याय १ आत्मपरिचय (हरिवशंिाय बच्चन) परिच्यात्मक ववविण 'आत्मपरिचय' में कवव बच्चन ने अपने प्रेममय.व्यक्तित्व पि स्वय ंप्रकाश डाला है।वह जीवन के कितव्यों औि दाययत्वों के प्रयि.सचेि हैं। वह जीवन.के कष्टों के.बीच भी प्रमे को जीववि िख ेहुए हैं। उनका हृदय ककसी के प्रेम से झंकृि है औि वह उसी वप्रय के स्नेह में डूबा िहिा है। लोग िो सामाक्जक समस्याओ ंमें उलझ ेिहि ेहैं, ककंि ुवह मन की भावनाओ ंमें मग्न िहिा है।उस ेप्रेम के बबना यह ससंाि अधूिा लगिा है।

    मैं जग-जीवन का भाि ललए किििा हूूँ, किि भी जीवन में प्याि ललए किििा हूूँ; कि ददया ककसी ने झंकृि क्जनको छूकि मैं साूँसों के दो िाि ललए किििा हूूँ! मैं स्नेह -सिुा का पान ककया कििा हूूँ, मैं कभी न जग का ध्यान ककया कििा हूूँ, जग पछू िहा उनको, जो जग की गाि,े मैं अपने मन का गान ककया कििा हूूँ! मैं यनज उि के उद्गाि ललए किििा हूूँ, मैं यनज उि के उपहाि ललए किििा हूूँ; है यह अपणूत ससंाि न मझुको भािा मैं स्वप्नों का ससंाि ललए किििा हूूँ! उपरोक्त पांक्क्तयों को पढ़कर पछेू गये प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीक्िए-

    प्रश्न १) इस पद्यांश के कवव िथा कवविा का नाम ललखखए। २) जग-जीवन के भाि से कवव का तया आशय है? ३) 'किि भी' के द्वािा कवव तया कहना चाहिा है? ४) कवव की मनोदशा पि दटप्पणी कीक्जए। ५) यहाूँ'ककसी ने' ककस ओि सकेंि है? ६) कवव तया चाहिा है? वह ककसललए अधीिहै? ७) कवव-हृदय की ववशषेिा पि प्रकाश डाललए। ८) 'स्नेह-सिुा' से तया आशय है? ९) कवव जग का ध्यान तयों नह ं कििा ? १०) जग ककसको पछूिा है? ११) कवव अपनी कवविाओ ंमें कौन-से भाव व्यति कििा है? १२) रुपक अलकंाि का उदाहिण ललखखए। १३) 'जग पछू िहा उनको ,जो जग की गाि'े से कवव का तया आशय है? १४) कवव ककस हेि ुभटक िहा है? १५) कवव- उि का उद्गाि औि उपहाि तया है?

  • १६) कवव ससंाि को अपणूत तयों कहिा है? १७) स्वप्नों के ससंाि से कवव का तया आशय है? १८) उपिोति पद्यांश का लशल्प सौंदयत स्पष्ट कीक्जए। १९) उपिोति पद्यांश में आये हुए अलकंािों का उल्लेख उद्धिण के साथ करिए। २०) 'जग -जीवन का भाि औि किि भी जीवन से प्याि'-यहाूँ कवव ने जीवन के सदंभत में यह वविोधी बाि तयों कह है?

    2 . प्रथम हदन 'िनता कर्फयू ूका एक हदन ' विषय पर एक फीचर लिखें ददन 2

    आपके पडोस में एक व्यक्ति ववदेश से आकि लापिवाह किि ेहुए सबसे लमल िहा है ,क्जसस ेकोिोना वायिस िैलने का खििा है।स्वास््य ववभाग को पत्र ललखकि लशकायि किि ेहुए उचचि काितवाई किने की मांग कीक्जए।

    ददन 3 अनचु्छेद ललखें - लॉग डाउन:पयातविण के ललए विदान ददन 4 कोिॉना वायिस :दैवीय आपदा या मनषु्य यनलमति आपदा इस ववषय पि एक आलेख ललखखए। ददन 5 एव ं6 काल ेमेघा पानी दे ' पाठ पढें।एव ंउसके प्रश्नोत्ति किें।

    उपरोक्त सभी काय ूनोटबकु में करें।

    3 . स्िस््य विभाग के सचचि को पत्र लिखकर बताए की आप स्िेच्छा से करोना के मरीिों की सेिा करने की अनमुतत चिात ेिै या आप अपनी सेिाएां प्रदान करना चाित ेिैं।



    1. Show that the relation R in the set N of Natural numbers given by R = {( ) | | } is an equivalence relation. Determine whether each of the following relations are reflexive, symmetric, and Transitive. 2. Check whether the relation R in R defined by R = {( ) } is reflexive, symmetric, transitive. 3. Prove the relation R on the set N x N defined by (a, b) R (c, d) a+d = b + c, for all (a, b) (c, d) є N x N is an equivalence relation. 4. Prove that the function f: R R, given by f (x) = | | + 5, is not bijective. 5. Prove that the function f: R R, given by f (x) =4 -7, is bijective 6. Prove that the Greatest Integer Function f: R R given by f(x) =[ ], is neither one- one nor onto where [ ] denotes the greatest intger less than or equal to x . 7. Let f: N N be defined by

    f(n) = {

    for all N,

    State whether the function f is bijective. 9. Consider that f: N N given by f(x) = Show that f is not invertible. 10. Let A=N x N and * be the binary operation on A defined by (a, b) *(c, d) = (ad + bc, bd) .Show that * is commutative and associative . Find the identity element for * on A , if any. 11. Let f: R→R be the function defined by ( )

    Then find the range of f.



    11. Let f: N be a function defined as f(x) = 4 +12x +15. Show that f:N where S is the range of f is invertible .Find the inverse of f. 12. Consider f: R+ |[ )given by f(x) = . Show that f is invertible. Find the inverse of f. 13. Let * be the binary operation on Z given by a*b = a + b-15. 1) Is * commutative? 2) Is * associative 3) Does the identity for *exist? If yes find the identity. 4) Are the elements of Z invertible? If so find the inverse. 14.Let A = { } { } ( )


    Then show that f is bijective.(Exemplar).


    userTypewritten TextCHAPTER - 1



    1. Find the principal value of the following:


    √ b)

    √ c)

    √ d) e)

    2. Find the value of the following:







    3. Evaluate the following:

    a) {


    )} b) (

    ) c)



    4. Evaluate: (


    5. Show that (√ )


    ) .


    6. Prove that {√ √

    √ √ }


    7. Prove that


    8. Prove that (

    ) (

    ) (


    9. Prove that


    10. Prove that


    11. Solve for x:


    12. If


    13. Prove that (

    ) (


    . (CBSE 2010, 2013)

    14. Solve for x: (

    ) (



    15. Solve for x: (

    ) (



    userTypewritten TextCHAPTER 2 -

  • CLASS XII Continuity and Differentiability

    One marks questions

    Differentiate the following with respect to x:

    1. 𝟐𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟐𝒙 Ans:- 𝟐𝒄𝒐𝒔

    𝟐𝒙𝒔𝒊𝒏𝟐𝒙𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟐(NCERT EXEMPLAR)

    2. log(x + )2xa Ans:𝟏


    3. xe Ans:𝒆 𝒙

    𝟒 𝒙𝒆 𝒙

    Four marks questions

    1. If siny = x sin(a + y), prove that a





    )(sin 2

    2. If y = x siny, prove that .)cos1( yxx




    3. If 6












    4. If x = a(cost +tsint) and y = a (sint – tcost), find the value of .4


    2 twhen





    5. If 1log 2 xxy , prove that .01 122 xyyx 6. If .01,11, 2122cos


    yaxyyxthatshowxey xa

    7. Differentiate with respect to x:





    sin1sin1tan 1

    8. If .1
















    9. Verify Rolle’s theorem for the function f(x) = sinx – sin2x on [0, ]. 10. Verify Mean Value theorem for the function f(x) = x2 – 2x + 4 on [1, 5]. 11. Find the values of ‘a’ and ‘b’ when








    xf is continuous at x = 1. Ans:a = 3,b=2.

    12. If .,)(. 20713x




    13. If .12






    𝑨𝒏𝒔: 𝒅𝒚

    𝒅𝒙 = −



    userTypewritten TextCHAPTER 5 -

  • 𝒇 𝒙 = 𝒙 − 𝒂 𝒔𝒊𝒏


    𝒙 − 𝒂, 𝒊𝒇 𝒙 ≠ 𝟎

    𝟎, 𝒊𝒇 𝒙 = 𝒂

    14. Check, the function is continuous or discontinuous

    at x = a. (NCERT EXEMPLAR).

    15.Examine the differentiability of f, where f is defined by

    16. Find of the function expressed in parametric form give

    (NCERT EXEMPLAR). Ans : t

    17.Find when x and y are connected by the relation given by 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝒙𝒚 +𝐱

    𝐲= 𝒙𝟐 − 𝒚


    18. Discuss the applicability of Rolle’s Theorem on the function given

    by 𝒇 𝒙 = 𝒙𝟐 + 𝟏, 𝒊𝒇 𝟎 ≤ 𝒙 ≤ 𝟏𝟑 − 𝒙, 𝒊𝒇 𝟏 ≤ 𝒙 ≤ 𝟐


    𝒇 𝒙 = 𝒙 𝒙 , 𝒊𝒇 𝟎 ≤ 𝒙 < 2

    𝒙 − 𝟏 𝒙, 𝒊𝒇 𝟐 ≤ 𝒙 < 3 𝒂𝒕 𝒙 = 𝟐, 𝑁𝐶𝐸𝑅𝑇 𝐸𝑋𝐸𝑀𝑃𝐿𝐴𝑅 .



    𝒙 =𝟏 + 𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒕

    𝒕𝟐, 𝒚 =

    𝟑 + 𝟐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒕




    𝟐𝒙𝒚𝟐 − 𝒚𝟑𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝒙𝒚 − 𝒚

    𝒙𝒚𝟐𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝒙𝒚 − 𝒙 + 𝒚𝟐



    1. Sand is pouring from a pipe at the rate of 12cm3/sec. The falling sand forms a cone on the ground in such a way that the height of the cone is always one-sixth of the radius of the base. How fast is the height of the sand-cone increasing when the height is 4cm?

    2. Water is dripping out from a conical funnel at a uniform rate of 4cm3/sec through a tiny hole at the vertex in the bottom. When the slant height of the water is 3cm, find the rate of decrease of the slant height of the water cone .Given that the vertical angle of the funnel is 1200.

    3. Find the points on the curve y = x3- 11x + 5at which the tangent has the equation y = x- 1

    4. Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the curve y

    ( )( )at the point,

    where it cuts x-axis.

    5. Find the points on the curve 9y2= x3 where the normal to curve makes equal intercepts with the axes.

    6. Using differentials, find the approximate value of the following up to 3 places of decimals.

    a) 3.9683/2 b ) √

    7. Find the approximate value of f(5.001) ,where f(x)=x3-7x2+15.

    8. If the radius of a sphere is measured as 9 m with an error of 0.03 m, then find the approximate error in calculating its surface area.

    9. Find the intervals in which the functions given below are strictly decreasing or strictly increasing:-

    a) f(x) =

    x +11

    b) f(x) = x4 -

    10. in which the function given by

    ( )=sin increasing or decreasing.

    11. An open box with a square base is to be made out of a given quantity of metal sheet of area c .

    Show that the maximum volume of the box is √


    12. Manufacturer can sell x items at a price of rupees (5 -

    ) each. The cost price of x items is

    Rs ( ) . Find the number of items he should sell to earn maximum profit.

    userTypewritten TextCHAPTER 6 -

  • 13. A point on the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is at distance a and b from the sides .Show that

    the length of the hypotenuse is at least (


    )3/2. 14. The length of the sides of an isosceles triangle are 9+x²,9+x² and 18-2x² units. Calculate the value of x which makes the area maximum. Also find the maximum area of the triangle. 15.A window has the shape of a rectangle surmounted by an equilateral triangle . If the perimeter of the window is 12m, find the dimensions of the rectangle will produce the largest area of the window. 16. An Apache helicopter of enemy is flying along the curve given by y = x2 + 7.A soldier placed at ( 3 , 7 ) wants to shoot down the helicopter when it is nearest to him.

  • Class XII Maths Assignment (Chapter 7 – Integrals)

    Q. 1. Q. 2 Q. 3.

    Q. 4. Q. 5. Q. 6.

    Q. 7. Q. 8. Q. 9.

    Q. 10. Q. 11.

    Q. 12. Q. 13.

    Q. 14. Q. 15.

    Q. 16. Q. 17.

    Q. 18. Q. 19.

    Q. 20. Q. 21. Q. 22.

    Q. 23. Q. 24.

    Q. 25.



    Q1. dx.

    Q2. dx

    Q3. dx.

    Q4. dx.

    Q5. .


    Q7. Prove that: dx. = - log 2



  • Q.10. Using limit of sum evaluate


    Q1.Find the area bounded by the curve x2 = 4y and straight line x = 4y –2

    Q2. Draw the rough sketch of following and find the area of the region


    (a) { x2 and

    (b) {(x,y) : }.

    Q3. Find the area of the circle : x2 + y2 = 4 which is exterior to the parabola

    y2 =4x.

    Q4.Find the area enclosed between the circles: x2 + y2 = 4 , x2 + (y-2)2 = 4 .

    Q5. Find the area enclosed between the parabolas: x2 = 4x , y2 = x .

    Q6.Find the area of the triangle formed by the points (2,2), (4,1),and (5,2).

    Q7.Find the area of the parabola: y2 = 4a2 (x-3) above x-axis under the

    constraints x = 3, y= 4a .


    1) Find the area enclosed by the parabola 𝑦 = 3𝑥


    4 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒 3𝑥 − 2𝑦 + 12 = 0.

    2) Find the area of the smaller region between the ellipse 9𝑥2 + 𝑦2 = 36 and the line 𝑥



    6 =1

    3) Using integration find the area of region bounded by the triangle whose vertices are (1,0), (2,2) and (3,1).

    4) Using the method of integration find the area region bounded by the lines x+2y=2,y-x=1 and

    2x+y=7. 5) Find the area of the region enclosed between the two circles 𝑥2 + 𝑦2 = 4 𝑎𝑛𝑑

    (𝑥 − 2)2 + 𝑦2 = 4 6) Find the area of the region bounded by {(𝑥, 𝑦): 𝑥2 ≤ 𝑦 ≤ |𝑥|}

    7) Find the area of the region bounded the curve y = √1 − 𝑥2, line y = x and

    the positive x- axis.

    8) Using integration ,find the area of the following region: {(x,y):|𝑥 − 1| ≤ 𝑦 ≤ √5 − 𝑥2}

    9) Find the area of the region bounded the curve y =4x - x2 and the x -axis.

    10) Find the area of the region {(𝑥, 𝑦): 0 ≤ 𝑦 ≤ 𝑥2 + 1,0 ≤ 𝑦 ≤ 𝑥 + 1,0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 2}

    11) Find the area of the region {(𝑥, 𝑦): 𝑥2 + 𝑦2 ≤ 8𝑥, 𝑦2 ≥ 4𝑥; 𝑥 ≥ 0; 𝑦 ≥ 0}

    12) Find the area bounded by the curve y = 2x-x2 and the line y = -x .

    13) Find the area bounded by the curves y = 6x – x2 and y = x2 – 2x.

    14) Find the area bounded by the line x = 0, x = 2 and the curves y = 2x , y = 2x – x2.

    userTypewritten Text

    userTypewritten TextCHAPTER 8 -

  • Subect :-Informatics Practices


    Q1:-Learn all chapters done in class.

    Q2:-Do following assignments in register

    A.Consider the following table named “GYM” with details about Fitness products being sold in the

    store :

    Prcode Prname Unitprice manufacturer

    P101 Cross trainer 25000 Avon fitness

    P102 Treadmill 32000 AG fitline

    P103 Massage chair 20000 Fit Express

    P104 Vibration trainer 22000 Avon fitness

    P105 bike 13000 Fit express

    Write SQL statements to do the following :

    a) Display the names of all the products in the store.

    b) Display the names and unit price of all the products in the store.

    c) Display the names of all the products with unit price less than Rs 200000.00

    d) Display details of all the products with unit price in the range 20000 to 30000

    e) Display name of all products by the manufacturer “Fit Express”.

    f) Display all rows sorted in descending order of unit price.

    g) Add a new row for product with the details : “P106”, “Vibro Exercise”, 23000, “Avon Fitness”.

    h) Change the unit price data of all the rows by applying 10% discount reduction on all the products.

    i) Display details of all products with manufacturer name starting with “A”.


    * Prcode : Stores codes of Products. ** Prname : Stores names of Products *** Unit price is in Rs.


    a) What is DBMS? Explain advantages of DBMS?

    b) Explain dfferent View of Data?

    c) Define Following:-

    1) Primary key 2) Foreign key 3) Candidate Key 4) tuple

    d) Explain Different Data Type of My SQL?

  • e) Differentiate between Distinct and All clause?

    f) Differentiate between IN and BETWEEN Operator using an example?

    g) Explain DCL Command With Example?

    Q3)Do any15 practicals of MySQL in register (by running on app ,show outputs also in register)

  • Sant Nirankari Public School, FaridabadClass XII. Subject-Business StudiesHolidays Homework (2020-21)

    Chapter 1 . Nature and Significance of Management

    Q 1. Dheeraj is working as ‘Operations Manager’ in Tifco Ltd. Name the managerial level at whichhe is working. State any four functions he will perform as ‘Operations Manager’ in thiscompany.

    Q 2. Volvo Ltd’s target is to produce 10000 shirts per month at a cost of Rs. 100/- per shirt. TheProduction Manager achieved this target at a cost of Rs. 90/- per shirt. Do you think the‘Production Manager’ is effective? Give one reason in support of your answer.

    Q 3. Yash Ltd. is facing a lot of problems these days. It manufactures electronic goods like washingmachines, microwave ovens, refrigerators and air-conditioners. The company’s margins are underpressure and the marketing department blames production department for producing goods,which are not of good quality to meet customers’ expectations. The finance department blamesboth production and marketing departments for declining return on investment and badmarketing.

    1. What quality of management do you think the company is lacking? Justify your answer.2. State the importance of the concept identified in (1).

    Q 4. Aman, Ahmad and Ally are partners in a firm engaged in the distribution of dairy products inMaharashtra state. Aman is a holder of Senior Secondary School Certificate from Central Board ofSecondary Education with Business Studies as one of his elective subjects. Ahmad had done hispost graduation in History and Ally in dairy farming. One day there was a serious discussionbetween Ahmad and Ally regarding the nature of management. Ahmad argued that managementwas a profession whereas Ally argued against it saying that the legal and medical professions arethe only professions because they fulfill all the conditions of profession.Aman on the basis of his knowledge of business studies explained the nature of management as aprofession to Ahmad and Ally. Explain, how Aman would have satisfied both Ahmad and Ally.

    Q 5. To meet the objectives of the firm, the management of Bhavya Ltd. offers employment tophysically challenged persons. Identify the organizational objective it is trying to achieve. Givereason in support of your answer.

    Q 6. B Ltd. wants to modify its existing product, CD players in the market due to decreasingsales. What decisions/steps should each level of management take to give effort to thisdecisions?

    Q 7. Sonali is the manager of a large company manufacturing garments for kids. She plans herwinter collection in the month of August itself. Then, she ensures that there is adequateworkforce. She continuously monitors whether production is proceeding according to plans. Sheasks the marketing department to prepare their promotional and advertising campaigns also.

    1. Identify and explain the concept of management explained in the above para.

  • 2. What characteristic feature does the above para highlight? State.

    Q 8. H. Tech Ltd. is a company producing IT services. The company’s profits are enough for thesurvival and growth. The management of the company believes that a satisfied employee createsa satisfied customer, who in turn creates profits that lead to satisfied shareholders. So, it payscompetitive salaries and perks to its all employees. All the employees are happy working in theorganization because of personal growth and development.The company has a strong sense of social responsibility. It has set up an engineering college inwhich one-third of the students are girls to whom the company gives 50% scholarship.Is the management of H. Tech Ltd. fulfilling its objectives? Justify your answer by givingreasons.

    Q 9. Govinda Ltd. is a highly reputed company. Different functions are performed by differentindividuals in this company, who are bound together in a hierarchy of relationships. Everyindividual in the hierarchy is responsible for successful completion of a particular task. Mr.Gauranga is responsible for the welfare and survival of the organization. He formulates overallorganizational goals and strategies for their achievement. MR. Nityanand ensures that quality ofoutput is maintained, wastage of materials is minimized and safety standards are maintained. Mr.Sanatan assigns necessary duties and responsibilities to the personnel and motivates them toachieve desired objectivesAt what levels of management are MR. Gauranga, Mr. Nityanand and Mr. Sanatan working inGovinda Ltd.? justify your answer.

    Q 10. The management of Vrinda Ltd. strongly believes that the members of an organizationshould work towards fulfilling the common organizational goals. This requires team work andintegration of efforts of all individuals, departments and specialists. This is because all theindividuals and departments depend on each other for information and resources to perform theirrespective activities. Managers need to reconcile differences in approach, timing, effort orinterest. At the same time it should enable all its members to grow and develop. Thus, there is aneed to harmonize individual goals and organizational goals.

    1. Identify the concept of management discussed above.2. State any three features of the concept identified in (1).3. Identify and explain the characteristic of management which is reflected from the above para.

    Chapter 2. Principles of ManagementQ 1. In a factory the toolbox was kept under the table of every worker, whenever worker needstools he had to bend tape out tool from tool box and keep it back after use. The newly appointedsupervisor observed it and suggested to keep a stool near every worker’s chain where toolbox canhe placed so that workers do not waste their energy in bending again and again.

    1.Which technique of scientific management is used by New Supervisor?2.State the objective of motion study.

    Q 2.Mr. Mukesh used to manufacture shoes by employing labour who were easilyavailable. When his son after completing his MBA joined the business, he analysed that if we usecapital intensive method by using a machine it will reduce the cost and the quality of shoes willalso improve.

  • 1.Which technique of Scientific management is used by his son?2.What is the objective of that technique?

    Q 3. Mr. Kapoor, Finance manager of ABC Ltd. applied for leave to attend a family function inAmritsar. The director of the company requested him to cancel his leave as there is an importantmeeting schedule on that date. Mr. Kapoor immediately agreed and cancelled his trip as hethought attending meeting is more important for company’s benefit.

    1.Which principle of Fayol is applied by Mr. Kapoor?2.Explain that principle.

    Q.4. The manager of ABC Ltd. asked his workers to work overtime to increase the production andearn more but he did not paid extra wages to workers for extra time worked. The workers startedfeeling dissatisfied and stop contributing maximum.

    1.Which principle of Fayol is violated in the above case.2.Explain the principle.

    Q 5. Mr. Rajiv is the owner of ‘Laxmi Dairy.’ He is producing various milk products. He alwaystests various ways of producing different products and chooses the best and most economical wayof production. He is also very particular about fixing a place for everything and he makes sure thatall the employees are given a fixed place so that there is no wastage of time and delay inproduction.

    1.Which technique of scientific management is applied by Mr. Rajiv?2.Which principle of Henry Fayol is followed by him?

    Q 6.Mr. Rajiv the senior manager of Unique enterprise considered himself very wise and used totake all the decisions himself without consulting the employees, he never used to help any onenor he used to take help of anyone. The employees of unique enterprise were not workingefficiently and company’s profit margin started declining to tackle the problem, the companyappointed a new manager from IIM Bangalore. The new manager after joining made a policy thatall the decisions will be taken after consulting employees in the meeting. All employees must givesome suggestions and best suggestions will be rewarded with financial and nonfinancialincentives. This policy had a very positive effects on company.

    1. State the principle of Henry Fayol used by new manager.2. State the technique of scientific management related to above case.

    Q.7. In a school principal makes sure that every instruction, order or information given by himmust be passed to vice-principal then Head of the department and then to teachers and studentsmust be informed by respective teachers only. He never allows teachers to directly communicatewith him.

    1. State the Principle of Henry Fayol followed by the school principal.2. In case of emergency which concept of Scalar Chain can be used by teacher to pass urgent

    message directly to principal.

    Q.8. Pawan is working as a Production Manager in CFL Ltd. which manufactures CFL bulbs. Thereis no class-conflict between the management and workers. The working conditions are very

  • good. The company is earning huge profits. As a policy, the management shares the profitsearned with the workers because they believe in the prosperity of the employees.

    1. State the principle of management described in the above paragraph.2. Identify any two values which the company wants to communicate to society.

    Q.9. The principles of Taylor and Fayol are mutually complementary. One believed thatmanagement should share the gains with the workers while the other suggested that employees’compensation should depend on the earning capacity of the company and should give them areasonable standard of living.Identify and explain the principles of Fayol and Taylor referred to in the above paragraph.

    Q 10.The principles of Taylor and Fayol are mutually complementary. One believed thatmanagement should not close its ears to constructive suggestions made by the employees whilethe other suggested that a good company should have an employee suggestion system wherebysuggestions which result in substantial time or cost reduction should be rewarded.Identify and explain the principles of Taylor and Fayol referred to in the above paragraph.

    Q. 11. Hina and Harish are typists in a company having the same educational qualifications. Hinagets Rs. 3,000 per month and Harish gets Rs. 4,000 per month as salaries for the same workinghours. Which principle of management is being violated in this case? Name and explain theprinciple.

    Q. 12. Rajveer works as a plant superintendent in a carpet making factory. In order to completethe export orders on time, the production manager asks him to make the workers work over timewhereas the finance manager is strictly against this practice because it will increase the cost ofproduction. Moreover, Rajveer feels that since the company is manufacturing handmade carpetsas well as machine made carpets there is a lot of overlapping of activities. Therefore, there shouldbe two separate divisions for both of them wherein each division should have its own in charge,plans and execution resources.In context of the above case:

    1. Identify and explain the principle of management which is being violated.2. Also identify the principle of management that Rajveer feels should be implemented in the factory.3. Give any two differences between the principle of management as identified in part (a) and part (b)


    Q. 13. Gurpreet is running a retail mart in Varanasi to provide various types of products of dailyuse under one roof to the buyers. The employee turnover in his business is very high and he isperpetually on a look out for new staff. The fact of the matter is that he lacks managerial skillsand assigns work to his employees on adhoc basis without letting them settle down in a specificwork. This approach of his creates a sense of insecurity among the employees and they tend toleave the job very quickly. However, he is a very god fearing person and offers fair wages to hisemployees so they can afford a reasonable standard of living.In context of the above case:1.Identify and explain the principle of management which Gurpreet is unable to apply and isperpetually on a look out for new staff.2.“He is a very god fearing person and offers fair wages to his employees so they can afford areasonable standard of living.” Name and explain the relevant principle of management will havebeen brought into effect by Gurpreet.

  • Chapter 3 Business EnvironmentQ1 .What is meant by business environment?Explain dynamic nature and uncertainity as features ofbusiness environment?

    Q2.”Understanding of business environment by business managers enable them to not only toidentify and evaluate but also to meet the forces external to their firms.”In the light of the statementexplain any 5 reasons in support of your answer?

    Q3 It is interesting to know that the menu items of multinationals fast food chains are customized tosuit the taste of local people in the region.McDonalds fast food giant adopted globalization strategyin Indian markets.Company changed its product menu to accommodate the new delicacies given thetaste of population in the country. Company has been reduced the product price by close to20% tosuit Indian pockets.

    a) Identify the characteristic of business environment highlighted above?

    b) State any other characteristic of business Environment?

    .Q4. A recent rate cut in the interest on loans announced by the banks encouraged Amit,a sciencestudent of Progressive school to take a loan from State Bank of India To experiment and developcars to be powered by fuel produced from garbage.He developed such a car and exhibited it in theScience Fair organised by Directorate of Education.He was awarded first prize for his invention.

    Identify and explain dimensions of business environment discussed above?

    Q5 In the month of July 2016 Kerala become the first state in India to impose 14.5% tax onburger,pizza.doughnuts.pasta and other cooked items served in the fast food chains.The new tax hasbeen imposed as a preventive measure as kerala has the second highest rate of obesity in India.Thisinitiative of the government will help to discourage the undesirable trendsin changing food habits ofpeople leading to lifestyle diseases like obesity.diabetes etc. in the context of above case identifyand explain any 2 related dimensions of business environment?

    Q6 The Delhi government has decided to ban the use of Chinese crackers.These crackers areinfamous for being a hazard to health and safety.This move of the government will also help to servethe interest of people by keeping air pollution levels low during the festival of Diwali. AfterChina,India is the second largest producer of crackers in the world.The Indian cracker Industry worth₹3000 crore and Sivakasi in Tamil Nadu alone caters to 80% of the domestic demand.Cost ofpotassium chlorate, the raw material used in Chinese crackers,which costs₹50 per kg as compared tothe aluminium powder used in Indian crackers which costs ₹300 a kg.Identify and describe therelated dimension of business environment?

    Q7 “The Indian corporate sector has come face to face with several challenges due to governmentpolicy changes.”Explain any six such challenges?

    Q8 Identify and explain the economic reform in the following statements

    a) Easy movement of information and technology with the rest of the world

    b) NDPL and BSES instead of Delhi Vidyut Board

    c) Lifting of unnecessary control over the firms

    Chapter 4 Planning

  • Q. 1. After completing a diploma in Bakery and Patisserie, Payal sets up a small outlet at GoaAirport to provide a healthy food option to the travellers. To begin with, she has decided to sellfive types of patties, three type of pizzas and low sugar muffins in four flavours. Thus, by devidingin advance what to do and how to do, she is able to reduce the risk of uncertainty and avoidoverlapping and wasteful activities. But sometimes her planning does not work due to someunavoidable circumstances like cancellation of flights due to bad weather conditions, governmentalert etc. which adversely affects her clientele.In context of the above case:

    1. Identify and explain the points highlighting the importance of planning mentioned in the aboveparagraph.

    2. Describe briefly the limitation of planning which adversely affects Payal’s business.

    Q. 2. Rahul, a worker, is given a target of assembling two computers per day. Due to his habit ofdoing things differently, an idea struck him which would not only reduce the assembling time ofcomputers but would also reduce the cost of production of the computers. Rahul’s supervisorinstead of appreciating him, ordered him to complete the work as per the methods andtechniques decided earlier as nothing could be changed at that stage.The above para describes one of the limitation of planning function of management. Name thatlimitation.

    Q. 3. ABC Ltd. has a plan of increasing profits by 20%. It has devoted a lot of time and money tothis plan. But the competition starts increasing, so it could not change its plan to b eat itscompetitors because huge amount of money had already been devoted to the pre-decided plan. Itcaused losses to the company.Explain any two limitations of planning highlighted in the above case. Also, quote the lines fromit.

    Q. 4. In ‘Chak De India’ movie, Shahrukh Khan becomes the coach of the girls’ hockeyteam. He knows that he has to prepare the girls for the international hockey matches and bringthe world cup after winning. For this he prepares a long-team plan and thinks the ways how tobet the competitors. He coaches the girls to play in different ways like defensive, offensive,etc. at the outset of a match he explains who will open the match, and how the ball will be passedby one player to another step by step.Identify four types of plan that are highlighted in the above case, quoting the lines from it.

    Chapter 9 Financial ManagementQ. 1. Cost of debt is less than cost of equity. Still a company cannot go with entiredebt. Why?

    Q. 2. Amar is doing his transport business in Delhi. His buses are generally used for the touristsgoing to Jaipur and Agra. Identify the working capital requirement of Amar giving reason insupport of your answer. Further Amar wants to expand and diversify his Transportbusiness. Enumerate any four factors that will affect his fixed capital requirements.

    Q.3 Yogesh, a business man is engaged in publishing and selling of Ice-creams. Identify theworking capital requirement of Yogesh giving reason in support of your answer.

  • Q. 4. Manish is engaged in business of garments manufacturing. Identify the working capitalrequirement of Manish giving reason in support of your answer.

    Q. 5. The directors of a manufacturing company are thinking of issuing Rs. 20 crores worthadditional debentures for expansion of their production capacity. This will lead to an increase indebt equity ratio from 2 : 1 to 3 : 1. What are the risks involved in it? What factors other than riskdo you think the directors should keep in view before taking the decision? Name any fourfactors.

    Q. 6. Amit is running an ‘Advertising agency’ and earning a lot by providing this service to bigindustries. State whether the working capital requirement of the firm will be ‘less’ or ‘more’. Givereason in support of your answer.

    Q. 7. Tata International Ltd. earned a net profit of Rs. 50 crores. Ankit the finance manager of TataInternational Ltd. wants to decide how to appropriate these profits. Identify the decision thatAnkit will have to take and also discuss any five factors which help him in taking this decision.

    Case Studies –(Chapter - 11) Marketing Management

    Q. 1. Zoom Udyog, a car manufacturing Co., has started its business with Zoom 800 and

    slowly launched Zoom-1000, Wagon-Z, Swy-fy etc. and offered various services like after

    sale services, availability of spare parts etc. Identify the element of marketing mix referred


    Q. 2. Radha found a worm crawling out of newly opened tetra pack of a juice manufactured

    by a reputed company, Zest, Ltd. She went back to the shopkeeper from whom the pack

    was purchased who directed her to call up the customer care centre. When all her efforts

    failed, she went to a consumer activist group to seek help. The group decided to help

    Radha and taken measures to impose restrictions on the sale of the firm’s products of the

    particular batch and urge customers to refrain from buying the products of the company.

    Zest Ltd. lost its image in the market. The CEO gives the responsibility of bringing back the

    lost image of the company to a Manager.

    1. Identify the concept of Marketing Management which will help the Manager getting the firmout of the above crisis.

    2. Also explain the role of above identified concept by stating any two points.

    Q. 3. Identify the Marketing Management philosophy adopted in the following cases:

    1. Mansi, a shoe manufacturer for school students, decided to maximize her profit by producingand distributing at large scale and thereby reducing the average cost of production.

    2. Nisha, a school bag manufacturer decided to improve the product for profit maximization andthus added a water bottle holder to the existing design.

  • 3. Jasdeep, a dealer in school uniforms, decided to maximize his profit by using differentaggressive promotional efforts.

    4. Amar is engaged in manufacturing of refrigerators. He surveyed the market and found thatcustomers need a refrigerator with a separate provision of water cooler in it. He decided tolaunch the same refrigerator in the market.

    Q 4 . Amar is engaged in the manufacturing of refrigerators. He surveyed the market and

    found that customers need a refrigerator with a separate provision of water cooler in it.

    He decided and launched the same refrigerator in the market. Identify and explain the

    marketing philosophy involved.

    Q 5. ‘Maruti Vega Ltd.’ entered into the market with coloured television and have now

    introduced products like audio systems, air-conditioners, washing machines, etc. the

    company is not only offering the products but also handling complaints and offering after-

    sales services.

    Identify the element of marketing-mix discussed here.




    1. Amit and Vijay started a partnership business on 1st April, 2018. Their capital contributions were Rs.2,00,000 and Rs.1,50,000 respectively. The partnership deed provided inter alia that: (a) Interest on capital @ 10% p.a. (b) Amit to get a salary of Rs.2,000 per month and Vijay Rs.3,000 per month. (c) Profits are to be shared in the ratio of 3:2. The profits for the year ended 31st March, 2019 before making above appropriations were Rs.2,16,000. Interest on drawings amounted to Rs.2,200 for Amit and Rs.2,500 for Vijay. Prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c. 2. The capital accounts of A and B stood at Rs.4,00,000/- and Rs.3,00,000/- respectively after necessary adjustments in respect of the drawings and the net profits for the year ended 31st March, 2018. It was subsequently ascertained that 5% p.a. interest on capital and drawings were not taken into account in arriving at the net profit. The drawings of the partners had been :- A-Rs. 12,000/- drawn at the end of each quarter and B- Rs.18,000/- drawn at the end of each half year.The profits for the year as adjusted amounted to Rs.2,00,000/-. The partners share profits in the ratio of 3:2.You are required to pass journal entries. 3. A, B and C were partners in a firm having capitals ofRs.50,000; Rs.50,000 and Rs.1,00,000 respectively. Their current account balances were A: Rs.10,000 B: Rs.5,000 and C: Rs.2,000 (Dr.). According to the partnership deed the partners were entitled to an interest on capital @ 10% p.a. C being the working partner was also entitled to a salary of Rs.12,000 p.a. The profits were to be shared as: (a) The first Rs.20,000 in the proportion to their capitals. (b) Next Rs.30,000 in the ratio of 5:3:2. (c) Remaining profits to be shared equally. The firm made a profit of Rs.1,72,000 before charging any of the above items. Prepare the profits and loss appropriation account and pass the necessary Journal entry for the appropriation of profits. 4. Ram, Mohan and Sohan sharing profits and losses equally have capitals Rs.1,20,000; Rs.90,000 and Rs.60,000. For the year 2009, interest was credited to them @ 6% instead of 5%. Give the adjusting journal entry. 5. A, B and C are partners in a firm. Their profit sharing ratio is 2:2:1. However, C is guaranteed a minimum amount of Rs.10,000 as share of profits every year. Any deficiency arising on that amount shall be met by B. The profits for the two years ended 31st March,

  • 2009 and 31st March, 2010 were Rs.40,000 and Rs.60,000 respectively. Prepare the profit and loss appropriation account for the two years. 6. A partnership deed provides for the payment of interest on capital but there was a loss instead of profits during the year 2010-2011. At what rate will the interest on capital be allowed? 7. A and B are partner’s dealing in manufacturing Plastic Polythene were sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2. Their capitals are Rs. 70,000/- and Rs. 50,000/- respectively. The government banned the plastic and therefore, they shifted to manufacturing paper bags. Their sale was going down consistently as compared to previous years. They employed a new marketing manager to uplift the sale volume from the current year. To motivate the manager, firm provided him 5% commission on net profit earned during the year. Net profit earned during the year was Rs. 2,00,000/-. The firm also admitted one new partner C, who is marketing expert, for 1/4th share with a guarantee of minimum profit of Rs. 50,000/- every year as he needed this money for her daughter’s marriage. Prepare profit and Loss Appropriation Account to show the effect of the above transactions. 8. A, B and C are partners in a firm. A and B sharing profits in the ratio of 5:3 and C receiving a salary of Rs.150 per month, plus a commission of 5% on the profits after charging such salary and commission or 1/5 the of the profits of the firm, whichever is larger. Any excess of the latter over the former is, under the partnership agreement, to be borne personally by A. The profits for the year ended 31st March, 2010 amounted to Rs.10,710 after charging C’s salary. Prepare the Profit and Loss Appropriation Account showing the division of the profits of the firm. 9. A and B entered into partnership on 1st April 2009 without any partnership deed. They introduced capitals of Rs5,00,000 and Rs3,00,000 respectively. On 31st October 2009, Advanced Rs2,00,000 by way of loan to the firm without any agreement as to interest.The profit and loss account for the year ended 31.3.2010 showed a profit of Rs 4,30,000, but the partners could not agree upon the amount of interest on loan to be charged and the basis of division of profits. Pass the necessary journal entries for the distribution of the profit between the partners and prepare the Capital A/cs of both the partners and Loan A/c of ‘A’. 10. The partners of a firm distributed the profits for the year ended 31st March, 2011, Rs.90,000 in the ratio of 3:2:1 without providing for the following adjustments – (a) A and B were entitled to a salary of Rs.1,500 each p.a. (b) B was entitled to a commission of Rs.4,500. (c) B and C guaranteed a minimum profit of Rs.35,000 p.a. to A. (d) Profits were to be shared in the ratio of 3:3:2. Pass the necessary journal entry for the above adjustments in the books of the firm.


    11. A business has earned average profit of Rs. 60,000 during the last few years. The assets of the business are Rs. 5,40,000 and its external liabilities are Rs. 80,000. The normal rate of return is 10%. Calculate the value of goodwill on the basis of capitalisation of super profits. 12. The capital of a firm of Arpit and Prajwal is Rs.10,00,000. The market rate of return is 15% and the goodwill of the firm has been valued Rs.1,80,000 at two years purchase of super profits. Find the average profits of the firm. 13. Goodwill is to be calculated at one year's purchase of the average of the last 3 years profit. The profit of the firm in first year was Rs.6000, second year twice the profit of the first year, third year 1/2 of the profit of the second year. Calculated goodwill. 14. The books of Ram and Bharat showed that the capital employed on 31.12.2002 was Rs. 5,00,000 and the profits for the last 5 years : 2002 Rs. 40,000; 2003 Rs. 50,000; 2004 Rs. 55,000; 2005 Rs. 70,000 and 2006 Rs. 85,000. Calculate the value of goodwill on the basis of 3 years purchase of the average super profits of the last 5 years assuming that the normal rate of return is 10%? 15. A firm earned profits of Rs 80,000, Rs 1,00,000, Rs.1,20,000 and Rs.1,80,000 during 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14respectively. The firm has capital investment of Rs 5,00,000. A fair rate of return on investment is 15% p.a. Calculate goodwill of the firm based on three years’ purchase of average super profits of last four years. 16. A and B are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2. They decided to admit C who is specially able as a partner from 1st April, 2014 on the following terms: C will be given 2/5th share of the profit. Goodwill of the firm will be valued at two year’s purchase of three years normal average profits of the firm. Profit of the previous three years ended 31st March were: 2014 ― Profit Rs. 30,000/- (after debiting loss of stock by fire Rs. 40,000/-) 2013 ― Loss Rs. 80,000/- (includes voluntary retirement compensation paid Rs. 1,10,000/) 2012 ― Profit Rs. 1,00,000/- (includes a profit of Rs. 30,000/- on the sale of assets). Calculate goodwill for the year and C’s share of Goodwill.Which value do you find here?

    CHAPTER 4 CHANGE IN PROFIT SHARING RATIO 17. X, Y and Z were partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 4:3:2.Goodwill does not appear in the books but it is worth Rs.36000. The partners decide to share future profits in equal proportions .Give a journal entry to record the above change . Also indicate the individual partners’ gain or loss due to change in the ratio. Show your working clearly. 18. Shivam and Vishal are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2. It was decided to share future profits in the ratio of 1:1. For this purpose Assets were revalued from Rs. 5,00,000 to Rs.8,00,000. Assets were to be shown at their original values. Journalize.

  • 19. X,Y and Z are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 4:3:2. From April 1,2008, they decided to share the profits equally .On that date their books showed a credit balance of Rs.1,80,000 in the Profit and loss Account and a balance of Rs.45000 in the General Reserve .Record the necessary journal entry for the distribution of profit and General reserve. 20. P,Q and R sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2:1,decide to share future profits and losses in the ratio of 4:3:2 with effect from 1April,2015.Following is an extract of their Balance sheet as at 31st March,2015; Liabilities Rs Workmen Compensation Reserve


    Show the accounting treatment under the following alternative cases ; Case (i) If there is no other information. Case(ii)If a claim on account of workmen compensation is estimated at Rs.24000. 21. P,Qand R sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2:1,decided to share profits and losses equally with effect from 1st April 2008.Following is an extract of their Balance Sheet as at 31st march,2015; Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs. Investment fluctuation Reserve

    30,000 Investment(At cost) 5,00,000

    Show the accounting treatment under the following alternative cases; Case (i) If there is no other information. Case(ii) If the market value of investment is Rs.5,00,000. ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1. Under what the following items on the equity and Liabilities side of the Balance Sheet of a company will be presented: (i) Proposed dividend (ii) Unpaid and unclaimed dividend (iii) Debentures (iv) Matured Debentures (v) Calls in arrears (vi) Provision for Provident Fund (vii) Bills Payable (viii) Public Deposits (ix) Shares option Outstaning account (x) GST payable (xi) Debenture Redemption Reserve (xii) Provision for Gratuity (xiii) Outstanding expenses (xiv) Patents and Trade mark (xv) Income received in advance (xvi) Forfeited shares Account

  • 2. Under which major head of the statement of Profit and loss of a company following items will appear:

    (i) Consumption of Loose tools (ii) Staff welfare expenses (iii) Loan processing charges (iv) Conveyance charges (v) Computer software amortized (vi) Interest on cash credit (vii) Materials purchased (viii) Loss on issue of Debentures written off (ix) Dividend received (x) Medical expenses (xi) Contribution to Gratuity Fund (xii) Bank charges (xiii) Carriage outward (xiv) Bad debts written off

    3. Prepare a Comparative Statement of Profit and Loss from the following information. Particulars 2017 2018 Revenue from Operations ₹ 4,00,000 ₹

    6,00,000 Purchase of Inventory (% of Revenue from Operation)

    @ 45% @ 50%

    Change in Inventories (% of Revenue from operations)

    @ 10% @ 15%

    Employee Benefit expenses (% of cost of goods sold)

    @ 15% @ 20%

    Income Tax @ 50% @ 60%

    4. Following is the Statement of Profit & Loss of X L Limited for the year ended March 31, 2017:

    Statement of Profit & Loss

    for the year ended March 31, 2017



    Amount (Rs.) 2016-17 Amount


  • Particulars

    Revenue from Operations Expenses: (a) Employee benefit expenses (10% of Revenue from operation) (b) Other expenses Tax Rate 40%





    Prepare Comparative statement of Profit & Loss of X Ltd.

    5. Compute Proprietary ratio, from the following information:

    Long-Term Borrowings ₹ 2,00,000; Long-Term Provisions ₹ 1,00,000; Current

    Liabilities ₹ 50,000; Non-Current Assets ₹ 3,60,000; Current Assets ₹ 90,000.

    6. Quick Ratio of a company is 2 : 1. State giving reason which of the following

    transaction would (i) Improve, (ii) Reduce and (iii) No Effect

    (i) Sale of goods (costing ₹ 10,000) for ₹11,000 (ii) Cash received from trade receivable

    7. From the following information of Shiva Ltd. calculate total asset to debts ratio.

    Equity Share Capital ₹ 4,00,000; 10% Preference Share Capital ₹ 2,00,000; Fixed Assets ₹

    10,00,000; Investment in Equity Instrument ₹ 50,000; Capital Reserve ₹ 2,00,000; Accounts

    Receivable ₹ 1,50,000; Trade Payable ₹ 50,000.






    Q1. DefineMoney.Listitscomponents.

    Q2. Distinguishbetweenlimitedlegaltendermoneyandunlimitedlegaltendermoney.

    Q3. Arethefollowingincludedinmoney?Givereasons.

    (i) Demanddeposits.

    (ii) Timedeposits.

    (iii) GovernmentmoneyheldbytheRBI.

    Q4. Iflegalreserveratiois0.2andnewdepositsareRs1000,explaintheprocessof


    Q5. Explaintheroleof‘Openmarketoperations’inreducingmoneysupply.

    Q6. ExplaintheroleofReserveBankofIndiaasthe‘’lenderofLastresort”.

    Q7. WhatismonetaryPolicy?Stateanythreeinstrumentsofmonetarypolicy.

    Q8. WhatisgovernmentBudget?Givethemeaningof:



    Q9. Distinguishbetweentaxandnon-taxrevenues.

    Q10. WhatisDisinvestment?Isitrevenuereceiptorcapitalreceipt?Givereason.

    Q11. GivingreasonsCategorisethefollowingintorevenueexpenditureandcapital






    Q12. ReductioninIncomeinequalitiesraiseswelfareofthepeople.Howcangovernment


    Q13. ExplainthedistinctionbetweenFiscaldeficitandprimarydeficit.

  • Q14. Calculate(a)totalexpenditureofthegovernmentand(b)fiscaldeficitfromthe


    (i) Borrowingsandotherliabilities Rs20,000

    (ii) Revenuereceipts Rs70,000

    (iii) Nondebtcreatingcapitalreceipts Rs75,00

    Q15. ‘Devaluationanddepreciationofcurrencyareoneandthesamething‘.Doyouagree?


    Q16. DifferencebetweenDepreciationandAppreciationofacurrency.

    Q17. Whydoesthedemandforforeigncurrencyfallandsupplyriseswhenitspricerises?


    Q18. Discussbrieflythemeaningof

    (i) Fixedexchangerate

    (ii) Flexibleexchangerate

    (iii) Managedfloatingexchangerate

    Q19. Howistheexchangeratedeterminedunderaflexibleexchangerate.regime?

    Q20. Statewhetherthefollowingtransactionsarewrittenonthedebitsideorcreditsideof


    (i) LoanfromIMFtocoverdeficitinBOP.

    (ii) RepaymentofloantakenfromIMFbyIndiangovernment.

    (iii) PurchaseofsharesofRelianceIndustriesLimitedbyaUSresident.

    Q21. Whatismeantbyofficialreservetransactions?Discusstheirimportanceinbalance


    Q22. Statewhetherthefollowingtransactionsarerecordedincurrentaccountorcapital


    (i) Purchaseofanassetinabroad.

    (ii) ImportsofcrudeoilfromIran.

    (iii) ShippingserviceprovidedbyaBritishcompanytoanIndiancompany.

    (iv) RepaymentofloantoUSAbyIndiangovernment.

    (v) ExportsofteatoEngland.

    (vi) PurchaseofsharesofGeneralmotorsbyanIndianresident.

    Q23. Distinguish(a)betweencurrenta/candcapitala/c.

  • (b)betweenautonomoustransactionsandaccommodatingtransactions.

    Q24. DistinguishbetweenGDPmpandGNPfc

    Q25. DistinguishbetweennominalGNPandrealGNP.

    Q26. Whataretheprecautionstobetakenwhilecalculatingnationalincomebyvalue

    added method.?

    Q27. WhataretheprecautionstobetakenwhilecalculatingnationalincomebyIncome


    Q28. Precautionstobetakenwhilecalculatingunderexpendituremethod.

    Q29. WritedownthelimitationsofusingGDPasanindexofwelfareofcountry.

    Q30. ‘Machinepurchasedisalwaysafinalgood’.Doyouagree?Givereasonsforyour


    Q31. Whatisdoublecounting?Howcanitbeavoided?

    Q32. Explainhow‘non–monetaryexchanges’arealimitationintakingGDPasanindex


    Q33. Whatare‘externalities‘giveanexampleof‘positive’and’negative’externalities.


    Q34. IfNominalGDPisRs1200andpriceindex(withbase=100)is120calculaterealGDP.

    Q35. IfrealincomeisRs400andpriceindexis105,calculatenominalincome.

    Q36. Fromthefollowinginformationcalculate:



    (i) Netdomesticproductatmp 25,000

    (ii) Depriciation 15,000

    (iii) Indirecttaxes 1,300

    (iv) Subsidies 300

    (v) Factorincomefromabroad 400

    (vi) Factorincometorestoftheworld 600

    Q37. Calculatedepreciationfromthefollowing

    (I) NDPmp 35,000

    (ii) GDPfc 38,840

    (iii)NetIndirecttaxes 160

    (iv)factorIncomefromabroad 400

    (v)factorincometoabroad 600

  • Q38.Calculate(a)GDPmpand(b)NDPfcfromthefollowingdata:

    NationalIncome 32,500

    Indirecttaxes 3350

    Subsidies 850

    Consumptionoffixedcapital 4250

    NetfactorIncomefromabroad 330

    Nationaldebtinterest 125

    Q39. Fromthefollowingdata,calculatenetvalueaddedatfc

    (i)Sales 300

    (ii)openingstock 40

    (iii)Depreciation 30

    (iv)intermediateconsumption 120

    (v)exports 50

    (vi)changeinstock 20

    (vii)NetIndirecttaxes 15

    (viii)Factorincometoabroad 10

    Q40. CalculateNationalIncomeby(a)Incomemethodand(b)ExpenditureMethod

    (I) Wagesandsalaries 500

    (II) Governmentfinalconsumptionexp. 120

    (III) Royalty 20

    (IV) Interest 40

    (V) Householdfinalconsumptionexp. 600

    (VI) ChangeinStock 10

    (VII) Indirecttax 100

    (VIII) Rent 50

    (IX) Finalconsumptionexp. 30

    (X) Netdomesticfixedcapitalformation 60

    (XI) Profitaftertax 100

  • (XII) Corporationtax 20

    (XIII) Netexports (-)20

    (XIV) Subsidies 30

    (XV) Netfactorincomefromabroad (-)5

  • Health and Physical Education

    Everyday in the morning do warm up exercises and yoga for 30 minutes and follow HEALTH TIPS

    given below:

    • Maintain a healthy lifestyle

    • Avoid Fat rich/fried eatables

    • Take healthy food like green vegetables, fruits, milk, wholegrain and starches,

    good Fats and lean Proteins, minerals, calciums etc.

    Make a practical file for Health and Physical Education and write the following topics in the file.

    1. Athletic Activities (Strand – 1)

    i. Running

    ii. Hammer Throw

    iii. Long jump

    2. Team Games - Invasion Games

    i. Basket ball

    ii. Kabaddi

    3. Net Games

    i. Table Tennis

    ii. Badminton

    4. Individual Games

    i. Gymnastics

    ii. Boxing

    5. Athletic Activities (Strand – 2)


    6. Sewa (Strand – 3)

    i. Swachcha Vidyalaya Swachcha Bharat

    ii. Environment conscious citizens as part of Eco Clubs

    iii. First Aid: Awareness Raising and Demonstration