hoh castle activities

Keep: strong defensive building – wood or stone Bailey: the castle compound – like a small village Palisade: the outer defensive wall made of wood Moat: sometimes a simple ditch, or with defensive spikes or water Motte: earth mound with steep sides The Normans ar e famous for  their  castles.  The first  wer e built  mainly of  wood on mounds of  earth and later wer e r ebuilt  out  of  lar ge blocks of  stone.  A  Norman castle was not  really a  single building,  mor e of  a  ‘compound with the main to  wer  (The Keep)  o  verlooking smaller buildings wher e the workers would li  ve. These acti  viti es wil l  help yo  u see what cle  ver  cas tle b  uilders the Normans  were and give yo  u some ideas for b  uilding,  li  ving in and def ending yo  ur  own castles. Acti  vities Key  t o i cons Estimated t ime Completion Indoors Outdoors Supported by 1

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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8/13/2019 HOH Castle Activities

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8/13/2019 HOH Castle Activities

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8/13/2019 HOH Castle Activities

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8/13/2019 HOH Castle Activities

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8/13/2019 HOH Castle Activities

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8/13/2019 HOH Castle Activities

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8/13/2019 HOH Castle Activities

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8/13/2019 HOH Castle Activities

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8/13/2019 HOH Castle Activities

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