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  • 7/26/2019 Hc nh th no


    P h n g p h p c S Q 3 R


    Khi ang kho st,

    'hi nh

    - ./

    Ti liu ly ca Robinson, Francis Pleasant, (1961, 1970) Hc hiu qu(xut bn l!n t"# $%), &ar'er Ro,*e +or, *+%

  • 7/26/2019 Hc nh th no


    S h a c c t h n g t i n

    Nhiu ngi trong s chng ta c hc cch lm dn cho bi ging kiu nh sau

    I. ln th nht

    II. ln th hai

    A. nh

    B. nh1. nh trong nh

    2. nh trong nh

    III. ln th ba

    goi ra, )*t .4a chn khc . S 5 h6a cc Khi ni7) 8 T 2$9

    :; s 5 nh th( non s? c!n c@A

    bt ch! "# b$n c th# t%& 'a () (*ng +* ,-t t gi& tr/ng ln0 hng (ng 3

    b4ng 5n +* 6hn ,*7

    gi& (n giao cng +i8c

    :i(t ra tF ng" 0$an trng nhIt ho!c . cJ) tF ngn ho!c kL hi7$ M gi"a trang9Buy n"2 8 "oan" trCn n@ li%

    !hi cc khi ni"m #uan trng khc$

    8 tF ng" )iB$ t N$ng 0$anh 8-ng tr-n9

  • 7/26/2019 Hc nh th no


    O% s 5 sang )*t bBn

    Sa$ 6 0$a ./i 8 ti(p tJc 8 sa i

    *n li 8 t"D tiE c4c Ei li.n Guan E bn /an lE tr.n sH /IJ# ti3' tKc triLn "ai sH /I ny (L c c"o tMi "i trNMc O t"i n3u c!n t"i3t)

    S 5 n . ti .i7$ hc bi ca b/n

    3t "Q' c4c i3n t"#c bn / bi3t 8Mi n"

  • 7/26/2019 Hc nh th no


    9# c :;c

    Critical thinking

    Jritical t"inin l "c "oUc ii Guy3t EVt 8n /; no /@ E luWn t"eo "NMn EX rVn t!E EYt /L ti3' t"u /i;u EMi%

    &y bYt /!u bZn 8ic "[n /\n" /i;u ct l]i ca 8n /; l S, sau /@ l suy n"2 rVn "Hn, 8 t^n" /3n c4c " nn, c4c "^a cn" "4c n"au ca 8n/; 8 cui c:n l r_t ra 3t lu`n sau "i / "iLu 8n /; 5a tr.n c4c 5n c"#n r] rn% -Vn lc, /\n" i3n ri.n ca nNi "c 8 c4c c"uy.n ia sau

    /@ /NQc /eE ra so s4n" 8Mi 3t lu`n 8 t /@ r_t ra /4n" i4%

    bt +$ bng t tMng ti(p th$ ci )i&

    Nh%n r& m'c (ch cui c)ng$ iu b*n mong mun c hc+ (?@ ghiCn c7 +ai tr cDa gii t>nh trong +i8c chi +i(5o ga,5E0 FGch EH ch>nh trG n:ch6 trong thi J chiKn tranh nHa L7 thK M 2N0 ch t$iEao

    coi 8i7c hc nh )*t 0$ tr1nh phiB$ .$ kh) ph nh"ng iU$ )iV

    T@E liA

  • 7/26/2019 Hc nh th no


    U7&Kt Gnh cc &K7 t_ cDa ,-t +n V ,i ,* hng (Pa trCn Gnh iKn c nhOn. S/6 'K6 thng tin th5o nh, # b$n c th# hi#7 th7 o cc thng tin . h]n hokc lo$i cc ng7n thng tin +* Kt l7]n (Pa trCn inh nghi8,0 nh gi +* tin t:Qng cDa b$n.

  • 7/26/2019 Hc nh th no


    Rh in ing l i 5 a g5n i7E

    Problem solving: creative solutions

    d8en if yougre not a enius, you can use t"e saEe strateies as hristotle an5 instein to "arness t"e 'oer of your creati8e Ein5 an5 better Eanae your


    T"e folloin strateies encourae you to t"in 'ro5ucti8ely,

    rat"er t"an re'ro5ucti8ely, in or5er to arri8e at solutions to 'robleEs% dT"ese strateies are coEEon to t"e t"inin styles of creati8e eniuses in science,

    art, an5 in5ustry t"rou"out "istory%d

    inC approachCs to crCati8C prob.C) so.8ing&

    1. 5thin Foo at 6robl5,E in ,an& (im5r5nt a&E.


  • 7/26/2019 Hc nh th no


    b. 5t to no 65o6l5 in &o7r }5l( that can h5l6 &o7 5'c5l to th5 b5Et ov &o7r abilit&.

    c. |rit5 (on on5 65rEon that &o7 co7l( g5t in contact ith0 h& &o7 thin thiE 65rEon can h5l60 an(

    6rint6oEt it vor r5v5r5nc5

    . 66oEit5

    Rhin in o66oEit5E. xonyt ala&E Etic ith th5 ob+io7E Eol7tionE.

    5t o7tEi(5 ov &o7r co,vort on5.

    a. 66oEit5E bring to a66roach5E to a Eit7ation b7t th5& (o Ehar5 a baEic Ei,ilarit&.

    'a,6l5@ right an( l5vt ar5 both (ir5ctionE0 b7t hich iE th5 right choic5[

    b. Rh5 S5Ea,5 Str55t 7665t Elmot5ach5E E,all chil(r5n th5 conc56t ov o66oEit5Es. 5ta6horEi,il5

    Rhin ,5ta6horicall&.

    a. 5ta6horE ar5 conn5ctionE that ar5 7n7E7al or not an or(inar& a& ov thining@

    A sea o troubles; the heart o a lion; raining cats and dogs.

    b. Si,il5E 7E5 li5 or aE to ill7Etrat5

    The boy was as agile as a monkey. The miner's ace was like coal.

    The task was as easy as A!. "ry like a raisin in the sun.

    u. qail7r5

    F5arning vro, &o7r ,iEta5E iE on5 5'a,6l5 ov 7Eing vail7r5.

    a. AE Etrang5 aE it E55,E th5 h7,an brain iE vail7r5 ,achin5@ it g5n5rat5E ,o(5lE ov r5alit&0 actE on th5,0

    an( a(z7EtE or cr5at5E n50 E7cc5EEv7l ,o(5lE baE5( on vail7r5E.b. qro, xani5l Xo&l5E the Talent !odeon A(a, Br&antE 55l& int5r+i5@ every single !E# shares the

    same nugget o wisdom$ the crucial importance o mistakes% ailures% and setbacks ,iEta5E cr5at5 7ni`75

    con(itionE ov high{+5locit& l5arning that cannot b5 ,atch5( b& ,or5 Etabl50 E7cc5EEv7l Eit7ationE.

    w. ati5nc5

    xonyt conv7E5 inE6iration ith i(5aE.

    A66l& &o7r i(5aE ith 6ati5nc5 vor th5 r5ar( th5& ,a& (5E5r+5.

    WNCrcisC tCNt&

    1% Xook at prob.C)s in )an 2iYYCrCnt Das9

    Zin2 nCD pCrspCcti8Cs that no onC C.sC has takCn >or no onC C.sC has p$b.ici[C2V@

    eonar5o 5a jinci belie8e5 t"at, to ain nole5e about t"e forE of a 'robleE, you bein by learnin "o to restructure it in Eany 5ifferent

    ays% &e felt t"at t"e first ay "e looe5 at a 'robleE as too biase5% kften, t"e 'robleE itself is reconstructe5 an5 becoEes a ne one%

    % :is$a.i[CV

    m"en instein t"ou"t t"rou" a 'robleE, "e alays foun5 it necessary to forEulate "is subect in as Eany 5ifferent ays as 'ossible, inclu5in

    usin 5iaraEs% &e 8isualie5 solutions, an5 belie8e5 t"at or5s an5 nuEbers as suc" 5i5 not 'lay a sinificant role in "is t"inin 'rocess%

    p% Pro2$cCV

    ? 2isting$ishing charactCristic oY gCni$s is pro2$cti8it9

    T"oEas 5ison "el5 1,09p 'atents% &e uarantee5 'ro5ucti8ity by i8in "iEself an5 "is assistants i5ea Guotas% qn a stu5y of ,0p6 scientists

    t"rou"out "istory, ean eit" BiEonton of t"e ni8ersity of Jalifornia at a8is foun5 t"at t"e Eost res'ecte5 scientists 'ro5uce5 not only reat

    ors, but also Eany dba5d ones% T"ey erengt afrai5 to fail, or to 'ro5uce Ee5iocre in or5er to arri8e at excellence%

    $% \akC no8C. co)binations9

    ]o)binC, an2 rCco)binC, i2Cas, i)agCs, an2 tho$ghts into 2iYYCrCnt co)binations no )attCr hoD incongr$Cnt or $n$s$a.9

    T"e hustrian Eon reo ven5el coEbine5 Eat"eEatics an5 bioloy

    to create a ne science of "ere5ity% T"e Eo5ern science of enetics is base5 u'on "is Eo5el%

    w% Zor) rC.ationships9

    \akC connCctions bCtDCCn 2issi)i.ar s$b^Ccts9

  • 7/26/2019 Hc nh th no


    a jinci force5 a relations"i' beteen t"e soun5 of a bell an5 a stone "ittin ater% T"is enable5 "iE to Eae t"e connection t"at soun5 tra8els in

    a8es% BaEuel vorse in8ente5 relay stations for telera'"ic sinals "en obser8in relay stations for "orses%

    6% Think in oppositCs9

    P"ysicist *iels >o"r belie8e5 t"at if you "el5 o''osites toet"er, t"en you sus'en5 your t"ou"t, an5 your Ein5 Eo8es to a ne le8el% &is ability

    to iEaine li"t as bot" a 'article an5 a a8e le5 to "is conce'tion of t"e 'rinci'le of coE'leEentarity% Bus'en5in t"ou"t (loic) Eay allo your

    Ein5 to create a ne forE%

    7% Think )Ctaphorica..9

    hristotle consi5ere5 Eeta'"or a sin of enius, an5 belie8e5 t"at t"e in5i8i5ual "o "a5 t"e ca'acity to 'ercei8e reseEblances beteen to

    se'arate areas of existence an5 lin t"eE toet"er as a 'erson of s'ecial ifts%

    % PrCparC o$rsC.Y Yor chancC9

    m"ene8er e atteE't to 5o soEet"in an5 fail, e en5 u' 5oin soEet"in else% T"at is t"e first 'rinci'le of creati8e acci5ent% Failure can be

    'ro5ucti8e only if e 5o not focus on it as an un'ro5ucti8e result% qnstea5A analye t"e 'rocess, its coE'onents, an5 "o you can c"ane t"eE, to

    arri8e at ot"er results% o not as t"e Guestion dm"y "a8e q faile5d, but rat"er dm"at "a8e q 5oned

    9% a8C patiCncC

    Paul Jzanne (1p9 { 1906) is reconie5 as one of t"e 19t" centurygs reatest 'ainters, an5 is often calle5 t"e fat"er of Eo5ern art, an avant

    gardebri5e beteen t"e iE'ressionists an5 t"e cubists% urin "is life "e only "a5 a fe ex"ibitions t"ou" "is influence on subseGuent artists

    as reat as an inno8ator it" s"a'e an5 forE% &is enius, "oe8er, as not e8i5ent until late in life% &e as refuse5 a5Eission to t"e Ecole des

    Beaux-Artsat ae an5 "is first solo ex"ibition as at ae w6% &is enius as t"e 'ro5uct of Eany yearsg 'ractice an5 ex'eriEental inno8ation%

    Selected thoughts

    ?s DC groD o.2Cr an2 DisCr,

    e learn to reconie our strent"s an5 eanesses, an5 acce't t"eE% me or to alin our li8es it" t"e ifts e ere born it", an5 culti8ate t"eE%

    T"is is a 'rocess of fin5in our 'lace it"in t"e orl5%

    ?s DC rCcogni[C an2 organi[C o$r strCngths,

    e 5isco8er an5 ex'ose oursel8es as to "o e truly are% kur 5isco8ere5 'lace in t"e orl5 becoEes t"e o''ortunity for t"e ex'ression of our eniusA

    our s'ecial set of ift(s) t"at e can contribute% qt lies it"in all of us%

    So)C )a sa that thC ha8C .itt.C to contrib$tC9

    &oe8er, if e contribute sEall t"ins reatly, true to our 'ur'ose, e ill excee5 t"ose 'eo'le "o 5o reat t"ins 'oorly% For t"e sEall t"in 5one

    reatly can be 'ice5 u', an5 Eanifie5 by anot"er, an5 so by anot"er%

    Tr$C prophCts an2 .Ca2Crs Dant $s to Dork toDar2s

    an "onest reconition an5 a5Eission of "o e are, to see t"e beauty an5 strent" in eac" of us, as ell as for eac" of us to see an5 a5Eit t"e beauty of

    ot"ers% mit" t"is "onest 'erce'tion of t"e self, t"e exercise of enius taes one to a "i"er s'iritual 'lane%

    O its nat$rC, gCni$s p$shCs against thC bo$n2ariCs

    of culture, reliion, society, en8ironEent% >oun5aries ser8e a 'ur'ose an5 s"oul5 be "onore5 for "at t"ey areA a context t"at tests%

    ? nation or pCop.C or sociCt is on. as strong

    as its in5i8i5uals are eE'oere5 to rise to t"e le8el of t"eir in5i8i5ual enius% m"en 'ro'"ets an5 lea5ers encourae us to follo t"eE, t"ey are asin

    us to "ear t"eir Eessae an5 eE'oer our li8es%

    ?s socia. ani)a.s, o$r tCn2Cnc is to instit$tiona.i[C

    t"e Eessae an5 to buil5 belief systeEs an5 rituals% &oe8er, e nee5 to be alert to "en our s'irituality, an5 enius, is liEite5 by t"ese constraints an5

    t"at context% qt Eay be t"at "at is built u' after t"e 'ro'"et an5 lea5er is contrary to "is or "er Eessae%

  • 7/26/2019 Hc nh th no


    'Cni$s rCcogni[Cs that DC )$st honCst. rCcogni[C

    an5 Eeet it" "uEility, e8en confront, t"ose con5itions in "ic" e are 'lace5% me set asi5e 5istractin influences an5 t"ins of our yout"since t"ey are

    not true to "o e are% B"oul5 e succuEb to eaness, t"at "ic" e are not, e nee5 to reconie t"e test for "at it isA eit"er a Eiscalculation of

    our 'oer, or an ina''ro'riate res'onse to our en8ironEent% qf e o astray, act contrary to our 'ur'ose (e are not 'erfect) e Eust learn t"e lesson


    _C ho.2 stCa2, DC ^oin han2s Dith thosC Da.king Dith $s

    on our s'iritual 'at"s, learnin t"at t"e enius of ot"ers ill also ui5e us% kt"ers ill be t"ere to lift us u'% mit" t"eE, our full enius taes us to t"e

    'lace "ere e can o8ercoEe 5iressions an5 transressions% T"ere is a su'er enius at or, t"at of e as 'eo'le%

    on`t rCstrict o$rsC.Y to thC stan2ar2sV

    Jonsi5er t"eE stan5ar5s an5 buil5 on t"eE% Practice t"e basics, t"en 5ongt be afrai5 to Eo8e aay froE t"e norEal an5 t"in outsi5e of t"e box, or t"e

    textbood (Jolin%J%Baxton)

    RCa2 Di2C. an2 2CCp.9

    qn a55ition to bein a statesEan, 5i'loEat, aut"or of t"e eclaration of qn5e'en5ence an5 Presi5ent of t"e nite5 Btates, T"oEas |efferson as a notable

    ariculturalist, "orticulturist, arc"itect, etyEoloist, Eat"eEatician, cry'tora'"er, sur8eyor, aut"or, layer, in8entor, 'aleontoloist, an5 foun5er of t"e

    ni8ersity of jirinia% hs a 16}year}ol5 collee stu5ent, "e stu5ie5 1w "ours a 5ay% &is insatiable curiosity an5 5isci'line5 stu5y of a broa5 rane of

    aca5eEic an5 'ractical 5isci'lines ere t"e basis for "is exce'tional accoE'lis"Eents% Presi5ent |o"n F% enne5y elcoEe5 $9 *obel Prie inners to

    t"e m"ite &ouse in 196, sayin, dq t"in t"is is t"e Eost extraor5inary collection of talent, of "uEan nole5e, t"at "as e8er been at"ere5 at t"em"ite &ouse, it" t"e 'ossible exce'tion of "en T"oEas |efferson 5ine5 alone%d (a8in "riner)

  • 7/26/2019 Hc nh th no


    Rh in ing cr5at i+5 l&

    T"inin creati8ely is a state of Ein5 t"at enables you to

    a''roac" tass, 'robleEs, an5 situations it" o'enness to alternati8es%

    Summary of the exercise:

    Nine strategies towards creative thinking and meeting challenges: MCthink

    Foo at a chall5ng5 in n5 or 7n7E7al a&E.


    ict7r5 &o7r 6robl5, an( itE Eol7tionE.

    a6 it


    xonyt b5 la& 5t b7E&


    a5 n5 co,binationE{{ in conEi(5ring o6tionE0 67t th5, all on th5 tabl5 to }n( grainE ov tr7th or 6oEEibilit&. Rh5n


    Sorm rClationshi;s

    a5 conn5ctionE{{Ei,ilar to ,a66ing b7t a((ing t5't aE to h& conc56tE conn5ct.

    :hink in o;;ositCs

    vt5n 5'tr5,5E 6r5E5nt ,i((l5 gro7n( h5r5 Eol7tionE li5.

    DCta;horF @imilCF

    B7il( an i,ag5.


    F5arn vro, 5'65ri5nc5@ thin aE iv &o7 ha+5 5li,inat5( a Eol7tion toar( }n(ing on5 that (o5E.

    QracticC ;atiCncC

    7tlaEt th5 chall5ng5

    TCNt oY thC CNCrcisC& Xooking Yor a ^ob