hkbu proposal

香港浸會大學學生會 Hong Kong Baptist University Student Union 九龍塘窩打老道二二四號善衡校園楊瑞生紀念館五零一室 YSS 501, Ho Sin Hang Campus, 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong 電話 Tel : (852) 3411 7454 傳真 Fax : (852) 2338 2341 九龍塘浸會大學道 15 號教學及行政大樓六一五室 Rm 615, Academic & Administration Bldg,15 Baptist University Rd , Kowloon Tong 電話 Tel : (852) 3411 6491 傳真 Fax : (852) 3411 6496 網址 Web site : 香港浸會大學學生會 校政建議書 一﹑背景 在二零一三年八月上旬,香港浸會大學(下稱浸大)邀請學生為浸大的未來發展發表意見,但卻 沒有向同學解釋意見之用途及校方考慮之因素。於同學角度,實未能了解現時到底發生何事。有 見及此,本會希望能藉此集合同學意見,把意見帶進將於二零一三年十二月十日召開的校董會會 議供學校在構思發展方向時作為參考。 二﹑目的 作為校董會學生代表,本會認為浸大校方必須討論及考慮同學的意見及建議,絕不能閉門造車, 只聽取個別校董或教職員的想法而完全無視大學主要用家的切身感受。 三﹑有關校園設施使用 一﹑開放更多可供同學二十四小時使用之空間 現時浸大校園可供同學作討論之空間非常有限,而絕大部份設施之關閉時間為晚上十一 時,局限了同學的交流和討論,而學科學會和興趣學會辦公室亦不是通宵開放,令同學 在籌備活動時增添不必要的困難。學生會過去曾多次在大小會議上提出此點,校方代表 均認同應開放更多二十四小時運作之空間予同學使用,但遲遲未有跟進行動,還望校方 能盡快開放校園內的多用途學生活動室供同學全天候使用,不受時間限制。 二﹑公共空間使用 普遍來說,浸大內的公共空間均需預約才能使用(如:教學及行政大樓三樓、蒙民偉廣 場、查濟民科學大樓平台等),本會認為校方能開放供普通同學登記使用。各學會及學 系能優先預約,但如果七日內沒有任何預約,同學則可以預約使用。此計劃可先由部份 活動室開始,再將其擴展至其它空間(包括一些使用率較低之場地)。 三﹑有效利用校園空間 浸大校園面積有限,卻存在許多不被重視的設施,本會建議校方可以進一步研究舊有設 施該如何翻新或改建,改變其用途,提供更多地方予同學使用。 四﹑接駁巴士服務 石門校園也是浸大的一部份,於主力於石門校園上課之同學有些時候需要往返九龍塘校 園上課,校方應考慮設置接駁巴士,訂定時間表及班次,方便石門同學。

Post on 26-Mar-2016




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  • Hong Kong Baptist University Student Union

    YSS 501, Ho Sin Hang Campus, 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong

    Tel : (852) 3411 7454 Fax : (852) 2338 2341 15 Rm 615, Academic & Administration Bldg,15 Baptist University Rd, Kowloon Tong

    Tel : (852) 3411 6491 Fax : (852) 3411 6496 Web site :

  • Hong Kong Baptist University Student Union

    YSS 501, Ho Sin Hang Campus, 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong

    Tel : (852) 3411 7454 Fax : (852) 2338 2341 15 Rm 615, Academic & Administration Bldg,15 Baptist University Rd, Kowloon Tong

    Tel : (852) 3411 6491 Fax : (852) 3411 6496 Web site :

  • Hong Kong Baptist University Student Union

    YSS 501, Ho Sin Hang Campus, 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong

    Tel : (852) 3411 7454 Fax : (852) 2338 2341 15 Rm 615, Academic & Administration Bldg,15 Baptist University Rd, Kowloon Tong

    Tel : (852) 3411 6491 Fax : (852) 3411 6496 Web site :


  • Hong Kong Baptist University Student Union

    YSS 501, Ho Sin Hang Campus, 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong

    Tel : (852) 3411 7454 Fax : (852) 2338 2341 15 Rm 615, Academic & Administration Bldg,15 Baptist University Rd, Kowloon Tong

    Tel : (852) 3411 6491 Fax : (852) 3411 6496 Web site :

  • Hong Kong Baptist University Student Union

    YSS 501, Ho Sin Hang Campus, 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong

    Tel : (852) 3411 7454 Fax : (852) 2338 2341 15 Rm 615, Academic & Administration Bldg,15 Baptist University Rd, Kowloon Tong

    Tel : (852) 3411 6491 Fax : (852) 3411 6496 Web site :

  • Court 1Sub-total: 1

    Council 1Sub-total: 1

    Campus Development and Facilities Management Committee under the Council 1Sub-total: 1

    Senate 9Academic Development Committee 0

    Library Committee 2Quality Assurance Committee 2 (Co-opted member)

    Sub-Committee on Self-financed Sub-degree Programmes 0General Education Committee 2Undergraduate Admissions Committee 1Undergraduate Regulations Committee 2Taught Postgraduate Regulations Committee 1

    Research Committee 0Committee on the Use of Human and Animal Subjects in Teaching and Research 0Research Postgraduate Studies Committee 1

    Student Affairs Committee 4Undergraduate Scholarship Committee 1

    Teaching and Learning Policy Committee 2e-Learning Committee 0Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning Task Force 0Teaching Development Grants Panel 0

    Sub-total: 27Faculty/School Boards

    Arts Faculty Board 9Business School Board 21Chinese Medicine School Board 2Communication School Board 8Continuing Education School Board 0Science Faculty Board 7Social Sciences Faculty Board 14Academy of Visual Arts 3

    Sub-total: 64Major Committees under the Administration

    Senior Executive Committee 0Environmental Health & Safety Committee 1Information Technology Committee 0

    Advisory Committee on Graduate Employment 5Christian Ministry Committee 2Continuing Education Management Board 0General Tender Board 0Internationalisation Advisory Committee 1Knowledge Transfer Committee 0Main Tender Board 0Sports Facilities Management Committee 3Staff Affairs Committee 0Student Residence Management Board 4

    Sub-total: 16Administrative Committees and User Groups

    Advisory Committee on the Language Enhancement Programme 3Better Environmental Endeavour Committee 2Catering Advisory Committee (Renfrew & AAB Main Canteen) 5Catering Advisory Committee (HSH Campus) 4Catering Advisory Committee (BUR Campus -Starbucks) 4Exhibition and Conference Facilities Management Committee 3Health Services User Groups - Medical 2Health Services User Groups - Dental 2


    IT User's Subcommittee 1Joint Committee on Student Finance 1Learning Commons Management Committee 5Open Space (Planning) Working Group 3Panel on Student Activities Fund 3Panel on Disciplinary Cases 1

    8Student Residence Operation Committee 8

    0Sub-total: 111

    Student Focus GroupsCampus Master Plan 30Learning Commons 9

    Sub-total: 39Ad-hoc Action Groups

    Action Group on Lee Wai Lee Site 12Sub-total: 12

    Total: 272Updated: 14 November 2013 by SA

    Residence Life Committee

    Whole Person Development Task Force

    Summary of the Seats for Student Representativesin Major University Committees/Boards/User Groups/Focus Groups/Action Groups

    (as per information solicited by SA)Number of Seats for

    Student RepresentativesNames of Major University Committees/Boards/User Groups/Focus Groups/Action Group

    Hall Sub-committee on Food ServicesHall Facilities Consultative GroupHall Life Education Consultative groupHall Rules and Regulations Consultative Group

  • 1

    CHAPTER 1126

    HONG KONG BAPTIST UNIVERSITY ORDINANCE To repeal the Hong Kong Baptist College Board of Governors Incorporation Ordinance

    and to provide for the incorporation of the Hong Kong Baptist University and for matters connected therewith.

    (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 2) [1 January 1984] L.N. 421 of 1983 Preamble WHEREAS (a) The Hong Kong Baptist College was established by the Hong Kong Baptist

    Convention and registered as a school under the Education Ordinance (Cap. 279) in 1956;

    (b) By the Hong Kong Baptist College Board of Governors Incorporation Ordinance (Cap. 1126, 1969 Ed.) the Board of Governors of the Hong Kong Baptist College was established as a body corporate and in 1970 the College was registered under the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap. 320);

    (c) By the said Hong Kong Baptist College Board of Governors Incorporation Ordinance (Cap. 1126, 1969 Ed.) one of the objects of the College was stated to be

    "to maintain an environment and atmosphere that is thoroughly Christian in which moral and spiritual teaching and training is provided, which will give students an understanding of the Christian philosophy of life";

    (d) It is considered desirable that the Hong Kong Baptist College should continue to provide education in Hong Kong in accordance with those principles but that the College should be incorporated under a new Ordinance and the assets and liabilities formerly standing in the name of the Board of Governors should be vested in the Hong Kong Baptist College;

    (e) It is considered desirable to retitle the Hong Kong Baptist College as the Hong Kong Baptist University. (Added 93 of 1994 s. 3)

    PART I


    1. Short title This Ordinance may be cited as the Hong Kong Baptist University Ordinance.

    (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 4)

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    2. Interpretation In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires "academic year"means the academic year determined by the Council; "Chancellor"means the Chancellor of the University established by section 4 and

    includes a person acting as the Chancellor; (Added 93 of 1994 s. 5) "Convention"means the Baptist Convention of Hong Kong; "Council"means the Council of the University established by section 14;

    (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 5) "Court"means the Court of the University established by section 9;

    (Added 93 of 1994 s. 5) "eligible staff"means the full-time teaching and instructional staff of

    the University, and includes members of the administrative staff of the University of equivalent rank or grade; (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 5)

    "financial year"means the period fixed by the University under section 25(3); (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 5)

    "President and Vice-Chancellor"means the President and Vice-Chancellor appointed under section 20 and any person for the time being acting in that capacity; (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 5)

    "Senate"means the Senate of the University established by section 23; (Added 93 of 1994 s. 5)

    "statutes"means the statutes of the University made by the Council under section 30; (Added 93 of 1994 s. 5)

    "University"means the Hong Kong Baptist University established by section 3. (Added 93 of 1994 s. 5)

    (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 5)


    THE UNIVERSITY (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 6)

    3. Incorporation and objects of the University (1) The Hong Kong Baptist Universityshall in that name be a body corporate with perpetual succession and be capable of suing and being sued. (2) The objects of the University shall, subject to this Ordinance, be to provide for studies, training and research in science, commerce, social science, arts and other subjects of learning.

    (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 7)

  • 3

    4. Chancellor (1) There is a Chancellor of the University who is the Chief Executive. (Amended 53 of 2000 s. 3) (2) The Chancellor may confer degrees and other academic awards in the name of the University.

    (Replaced 93 of 1994 s. 8) 5. Seal of the University The University shall have a common seal, and the affixing of the seal shall (a) be authorized or ratified by resolution of the Council; and (b) be authenticated

    (i) by the signature of the President and Vice-Chancellor or of any Vice-President; and

    (ii) by the signature of 1 member of the Council, authorized by the Council either generally or specially to act for that purpose.

    (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 9) 6. Documents of the University (1) The University may make and execute any document in the performance or exercise of its functions or powers or in connexion with any matter reasonably incidental to or consequential upon the performance or exercise of its functions or powers. (2) Any document purporting to be duly executed under the seal of the University shall be admitted in evidence and shall, unless the contrary is proved, be deemed to have been duly executed.

    (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 10) 7. The powers of the University Subject to section 8, the University shall have power to do all such things as are necessary for, or incidental or conducive to, or connected with, the furtherance of its functions and may in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 11)

    (a) acquire, take on lease, purchase, hold and enjoy property of any description and sell, let or otherwise dispose of or deal with the same in such manner and to such extent as the law would allow if the property were held by a natural person in the same interest;

    (b) enter into any contract; (c) erect, provide, equip, maintain, alter, remove, demolish, replace, enlarge,

    improve, keep in repair and regulate its buildings, premises, furniture and equipment and other property;

    (d) set terms of remuneration and conditions of service for staff; (e) engage persons on a part-time basis; (f) provide appropriate amenities (including residential accommodation,

    facilities for social activities and physical recreation) for its students and persons in its employment;

    (g) receive and expend funds;

  • 4

    (h) invest its funds in such manner and to such extent as it thinks necessary or expedient;

    (i) borrow money in such manner and on such securities or terms as it thinks expedient;

    (j) apply for and receive any grant in aid for its functions on such conditions as it thinks fit;

    (k) engage any professional or expert person to advise it on any matter; (l) fix and collect fees and charges for courses of study, facilities and other

    services provided by it and specify conditions for the use of such facilities and services;

    (m) reduce, waive or refund fees and charges so fixed generally or in any particular case or class of case;

    (n) receive and solicit gifts, whether on trust or otherwise, on its behalf and act as trustee of moneys or other property vested in it on trust;

    (o) confer degrees and academic awards including honorary degrees and honorary awards; (Replaced 40 of 1988 s. 2)

    (p) acquire, hold and dispose of interests in other corporate bodies and form or take part in forming corporate bodies; (Added 93 of 1994 s. 11)

    (q) provide for profit or otherwise advisory, consultancy, research and other related services; (Added 93 of 1994 s. 11)

    (r) print, produce or publish any manuscript, book, play, music, script, programme or other materials, including video and audio material and computer software as the University thinks appropriate or expedient. (Added 93 of 1994 s. 11)

    8. (Repealed 93 of 1994 s. 12)


    THE COURT (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 13)

    9. Establishment of the Court (1) There is hereby established a Court to be known as the Court of the Hong Kong Baptist University. (2) The Court shall be the supreme advisory body of the University.

    (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 14) 10 11. (Repealed 93 of 1994 s. 15)

  • 5

    12. Functions of the Court The Court has the following functions

    (a) to receive an annual report from the President and Vice-Chancellor; (b) to consider reports made to it by the Council; (c) to discuss any motion on general University policy; (d) to raise funds at the request of the University to further the Universitys

    objects; and (e) to promote the interests of the University in Hong Kong and elsewhere.

    (Replaced 93 of 1994 s. 16) 13. (Repealed 93 of 1994 s. 17)


    THE COUNCIL 14. Establishment of the Council (1) There is hereby established a Council, to be known as the Council of the Hong Kong Baptist University. (2) The Council shall be the executive body of the University and, as such, may exercise all the powers conferred and shall perform all the duties imposed on the University by this Ordinance.

    (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 18) 15. Membership of the Council (1) The Council shall consist of the following members (a) 3 members nominated by the Convention and appointed by the Chief

    Executive; (Replaced 93 of 1994 s. 19) (b) 8 members appointed by the Chief Executive; (Replaced 93 of

    1994 s. 19) (c) 7 members, of whom not less than 4 shall have experience in

    commerce and industry in Hong Kong, appointed by the Chief Executive;

    (d) 2 members elected by the eligible staff from among their number in accordance with statutes made under section 30 and appointed by the Council; (Replaced 93 of 1994 s. 19. Amended 23 of 2002 s. 66)

    (e) 2 members nominated by the Senate from among its number and appointed by the Council; (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 19; 23 of 2002 s. 66)

    (f) the President and Vice-Chancellor ex officio; (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 19)

    (g) the Vice-Presidents ex officio; (Added 93 of 1994 s. 19)

  • 6

    (h) the holder of the office of Dean of each of the faculties, schools and equivalent bodies of the University ex officio; (Added 93 of 1994 s. 19)

    (i) the President for the time being of the Universitys Student Union ex officio. (Added 93 of 1994 s. 19)

    (2) (a) The Chief Executive shall appoint from the members appointed under subsection (1)(b)

    (i) 1 member as Chairman; (ii) 1 member as Deputy Chairman; and (iii) 1 member as Treasurer. (Replaced 93 of 1994 s. 19) (b) (c) (Repealed 93 of 1994 s. 19) (d) The Deputy Chairman shall act as Chairman if the Chairman is

    absent from Hong Kong or is, for any other reason, unable to act as Chairman.

    (e) If for any period both the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman are unable by reason of absence from Hong Kong or incapacity to perform the functions of their respective offices, or if for any period both of those offices are vacant, the members may appoint one of the members appointed under subsection (1)(b) to act as Chairman during that period.

    (3) (a) Without prejudice to section 42 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1), a member appointed by the Chief Executive shall be appointed for a period of 3 years or such lesser period as the Chief Executive may in any particular case appoint, but may from time to time be reappointed.

    (b) A member appointed by the Chief Executive may at any time, by notice in writing to the Chief Executive, resign from the Council. (Amended 23 of 2002 s. 66)

    (3A) (a) Without prejudice to section 42 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1), a member appointed by the Council shall be appointed for a period of 3 years or such lesser period as the Council may in any particular case appoint, but may from time to time be reappointed.

    (b) A member appointed by the Council may at any time, by notice in writing to the Council, resign from the Council. (Added 23 of 2002 s. 66)

    (3B) A member who became a member of the Council under subsection (1)(d) or (e) shall cease to be a member of the Council when he ceases to be a member of the body that elected or nominated him. (Added 23 of 2002 s. 66) (4) Upon the expiry of the appointment of any member, other than an ex officio member, whether by effluxion of time or as a result of resignation or otherwise, the procedure for a new appointment, or reappointment, as the case may be, shall be as if the position thus vacated were being filled for the first time.

    (Amended 53 of 2000 s. 3)

  • 7

    16. Meetings and procedure of the Council (1) Meetings of the Council shall be held at such times and places as the Chairman may appoint. (2) (Repealed 93 of 1994 s. 20) (3) One half of the members for the time being holding office shall form a quorum at a meeting of the Council. (4) (a) If a member has an interest in any matter to be considered at a

    meeting of the Council and is present at such meeting, he shall as soon as possible after the commencement of the meeting state the fact and the nature of the interest and shall, if required by the Council, withdraw while the matter is considered and in any case shall not vote thereon.

    (b) In this subsection "interest" includes a pecuniary interest.

    (5) A meeting of the Council may be adjourned by the Chairman or person presiding, or, where the Council so resolves, by the Council. (6) Subject to this Ordinance, the Council may determine its own procedure. (7) The President for the time being of the Universitys Student Union is not entitled to participate in considering the appointment, promotion or personal affairs of individual officers, teachers and other staff members or the admission or academic assessment of individual students. (Added 93 of 1994 s. 20)

    (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 20) 17. Transaction of business by circulation of papers The Council may transact any of its business by circulation of papers, and unless 5 members in writing request the Chairman to refer any particular item of the business being transacted to the next meeting of the Council a resolution in writing which is approved in writing by a majority of the members shall be as valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Council. 18. Committees generally (1) The Council may create and appoint such committees for any general or special purposes as it thinks fit and any such committee may consist partly of persons who are not members of the Council. (2) The Chairman of any committee appointed under subsection (1) shall be appointed by the Council from among the members of the Council. (3) Subject to subsection (4), the Council may in writing, with or without restrictions or conditions as it thinks fit, delegate any of its powers and duties to any committee appointed under subsection (1). (4) The Council shall not delegate to any committee appointed under subsection (1) the power (a) to approve the terms and conditions of service of persons in the

    employment of the University; (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 21) (b) to approve the programme and estimates required to be submitted

    under section 24;

  • 8

    (c) to authorize the preparation of the statements required under section 25(2);

    (d) to make statutes under section 30. (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 21) (5) Subject to any statutes made under section 30, each committee may determine its own procedure at its meetings. (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 21) 19. Interpretation In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires (a) "Chairman" means the Chairman of the Council; (b) "Deputy Chairman" means the Deputy Chairman of the

    Council; (c) "member" means a member of the Council.

    PART V


    (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 22) 20. Appointment of President and Vice-Chancellor, etc. (1) The Council shall appoint a President and Vice-Chancellor who is the principal academic and administrative officer of the University. (2) The Council shall appoint 1 or more Vice-Presidents to assist the President and Vice-Chancellor. (3) The Council may appoint teachers, administrators and other employees of the University as the Council thinks fit. (4) The Council may appoint a person to act as President and Vice-Chancellor during the absence or incapacity of the President and Vice-Chancellor or if the office is vacant for any reason.

    (Replaced 93 of 1994 s. 23) 21. Power of the Council to delegate to the President and Vice-Chancellor (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Council may in writing, with or without restrictions or conditions as it thinks fit, delegate to the President and Vice-Chancellor any of its powers and duties. (2) The Council shall not delegate to the President and Vice-Chancellor the power to (a) approve terms and conditions of service of persons in the

    employment of the University; (b) approve the programme and estimates required to be submitted

    under section 24; (c) authorize the preparation of the statements required under section

    25(2); (d) make statutes under section 30.

    (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 24)

  • 9

    22. Power of the President and Vice-Chancellor to delegate (1) Subject to subsection (2), the President and Vice-Chancellor may in writing, with or without restrictions or conditions as he thinks fit, delegate, to such person or committee of persons as he thinks fit, his powers and duties, including any power or duty of the Council delegated to him under section 21. (2) The power conferred by this section on the President and Vice-Chancellor to delegate any power or duty of the Council delegated to him under section 21, and the exercise by any person or committee of persons of any such power or duty delegated by the President and Vice-Chancellor under this section, shall be subject to any restriction or condition imposed in respect thereof by the Council under section 21.

    (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 25)


    SENATE, FACULTIES AND SCHOOLS (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 26)

    23. Senate (1) There is established a Senate, which is the supreme academic body of the University, to (a) review and develop academic programmes; (b) direct and regulate teaching and research conducted at the

    University; (c) regulate the admission of persons to approved courses of study and

    their attendance at the courses; (d) conduct examinations leading to the conferring of degrees and

    academic awards of the University. (2) The Council may make statutes to set out the membership, procedure, powers and duties of the Senate.

    (Replaced 93 of 1994 s. 27) 23A. Faculties and schools (1) The Council may constitute faculties and schools on the recommendation of the Senate. (2) A faculty and a school each have a board with the membership, powers and procedure set out in the statutes.

    (Added 93 of 1994 s. 28)

  • 10


    FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 29)

    24. (Repealed 93 of 1994 s. 30) 25. Accounts (1) The University shall maintain proper accounts and records of all income and expenditure. (2) After the end of each financial year, the University shall cause to be prepared statements of its income and expenditure during the previous financial year and of its assets and liabilities on the last day thereof. (3) The University may, from time to time, fix a period to be its financial year.

    (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 31) 26. Auditors (1) The University shall appoint auditors, who shall be entitled at any time to have access to all books of account, vouchers and other financial records of the University and to require such information and explanations thereof as they think fit. (2) The auditors shall audit the statements prepared under section 25(2) and shall report thereon to the University.

    (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 32) 27. Statements and reports to be submitted to Chancellor (1) The University shall, not later than 6 months after the end of each financial year, or before such later date as the Chancellor may allow in any particular year, submit to the Chancellor a report on its activities, copies of the statements prepared under section 25(2) and the report made under section 26(2). (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 33) (2) (Repealed 93 of 1994 s. 33)


    GENERAL 28. (Repealed 93 of 1994 s. 34)

  • 11

    29. Unauthorized use of title of the University (1) No person shall incorporate or form, or be a director, office bearer or organizer of, work in connexion with, or be a member of, any company, body corporate, firm or organization which, without the written authority of the University (a) purports or holds itself out to be

    (i) the University or any branch or part thereof; or (ii) connected or associated with the University in any manner

    whatsoever; or (b) uses the title "Hong Kong Baptist University" or "" or

    a title in any language which so closely resembles the title "Hong Kong Baptist University" or "" so as to be capable of deceiving or misleading any person into believing that the company, body corporate, firm or organization is

    (i) the University or any branch or part thereof; or (ii) connected or associated with the University in any manner

    whatsoever. (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 35) (2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine of $10,000. 30. Power of the Council to make statutes The Council may make statutes for the better carrying out of the provisions of this Ordinance and in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, may provide for (aa) the membership and regulation of the proceedings of the Court;

    (Added 93 of 1994 s. 36) (a) the regulation of the proceedings of the Senate and of any committee

    appointed under section 18; (b) the membership and quorum of the Senate and of any committee appointed

    under section 18; (c) the powers and duties of the Senate and the powers and duties of any

    committee appointed under section 18; (ca) the membership, powers, and regulation of the proceedings of the boards of

    the faculties and schools of the University; (Added 93 of 1994 s. 36) (d) the discipline of persons in the employment of the University; (e) the regulation of the conduct and discipline of students of the University; (f) the conferring of degrees and academic awards including honorary degrees

    and honorary awards; (Replaced 40 of 1988 s. 4) (g) the holding and conduct of elections for the purpose of electing members of

    the eligible staff for appointment to the Council under section 15(1)(d) and to the Court in accordance with the statutes.

    (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 36)

  • 12

    31. Saving Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect or be deemed to affect the rights of the Central Authorities or the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region under the Basic Law and other laws, or the rights of any body politic or corporate or of any other persons except such as are mentioned in this Ordinance and those claiming by, from or under them.

    (Amended 53 of 2000 s. 3) 32. (Repealed 93 of 1994 s. 37) 33. Vesting (1) All property, whether movable or immovable, rights and privileges vested in the Board of Governors of the Hong Kong Baptist College immediately prior to the commencement of the Hong Kong Baptist College Ordinance 1983 (50 of 1983) are hereby transferred to and vested in the University upon the same terms and conditions, if any, as those upon which they were held by the said Board of Governors. (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 38) (2) The University shall be liable for all debts and liabilities of the Board of Governors of the Hong Kong Baptist College. (Amended 93 of 1994 s. 38) (3) In this section the "Board of Governors of the Hong Kong Baptist College" means the Corporation incorporated in that name by the Hong Kong Baptist College Board of Governors Incorporation Ordinance (Cap. 1126, 1969 Ed.).

  • 13


    ( 1994 93 2)

    [1984 1 1] 1983 421

    (a) 1956 279

    (b) 1126 1969 1970 320

    (c) 1126 1969



    (e) 1994 93 3



    ( 1994 93 4)

  • 14

    2. ""(University) 3 ( 1994 93

    5) ""(eligible staff)

    ( 1994 93 5)

    ""(President and Vice-Chancellor) 20 ( 1994 93 5)

    ""(Council) 14 ( 1994 93 5)

    ""(financial year) 25(3) (1994 93 5)

    ""(Senate) 23 ( 1994 93 5)

    ""(academic year) ""(statutes) 30 ( 1994 93

    5) ""(Chancellor) 4

    ( 1994 93 5) ""(Court) 9 ( 1994 93

    5) ""(Convention)

    ( 1994 93 5) II

    ( 1994 93 6) 3. (1) (Hong Kong Baptist University)


    ( 1994 93 7)

  • 15

    4. (1) ( 2000 53 3) (2)

    ( 1994 93 8) 5.

    (a) (b)

    (i) (ii) 1

    ( 1994 93 9)


    (1) (2)

    ( 1994 93 10)


    8 ( 1994 93 11)


    (b) (c)

  • 16

    (d) (e) (f) (

    ) (g) (h) (i)

    (j) (k) (l)



    (o) ( 1988 40 2)

    (p) ( 1994 93 11)

    (q) ( 1994 93 11)

    (r) ( 1994 93 11)

    8. ( 1994 93 12)

  • 17


    ( 1994 93 13) 9. (1) (2) ( 1994 93 14) 10-11. ( 1994 93 15) 12. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

    ( 1994 93 16) 13. ( 1994 93 17)


    14. (1) (2)

    ( 1994 93 18)

  • 18

    15. (1)

    (a) 3 ( 1994 93 19)

    (b) 8 ( 1994 93 19)

    (c) 7 4

    (d) 30 2 ( 1994 93 19 2002 23 66)

    (e) 2 ( 1994 93 19 2002 23 66)

    (f) ( 1994 93 19) (g) ( 1994 93 19) (h)

    ( 1994 93 19) (i) ( 1994 93

    19) (2) (a) (1)(b)

    (i) 1 (ii) 1 (iii) 1 ( 1994 93 19)

    (b)-(c) ( 1994 93 19) (d)



    (3) (a) ( 1) 42 3


    ( 2002 23 66)

  • 19

    (3A) (a) ( 1) 42 3

    (b) ( 2002 23 66)

    (3B) (1)(d)(e) ( 2002 23 66) (4) ()

    ( 2000 53 3) 16. (1) (2) ( 1994 93 20) (3) (4) (a)

    (b) ""(interest) (5) (6) (7) ( 1994 93 20) ( 1994 93 20) 17. 5

  • 20

    18. (1) (2) (1) (3) (4)(1) (4) (1)

    (a) ( 1994 93 21)

    (b) 24 (c) 25(2) (d) 30 ( 1994 93 21)

    (5) 30 ( 1994 93 21) 19.

    (a) ""(Chairman) (b) ""(Deputy Chairman) (c) ""(member)


    ( 1994 93 22) 20. (1) (2) 1 1 (3) (4)

    ( 1994 93 23)

  • 21

    21. (1) (2) (2) (a) (b) 24 (c) 25(2) (d) 30

    ( 1994 93 24) 22. (1) (2) 21 (2) 21 21

    ( 1994 93 25)


    ( 1994 93 26) 23. (1) () (a) (b) (c) (d) (2)

    ( 1994 93 27)

  • 22

    23A. (1) (2)

    ( 1994 93 28)


    ( 1994 93 29) 24. ( 1994 93 30) 25. (1) (2) (3)

    ( 1994 93 31) 26. (1) (2) 25(2)

    ( 1994 93 32) 27. (1) 6

    25(2) 26(2) ( 1994 93 33) (2) ( 1994 93 33)

  • 23


    28. ( 1994 93 34) 29. (1) (a) (i)


    (b) "Hong Kong Baptist University"""

    "Hong Kong Baptist University""" (i) (ii) ( 1994 93 35) (2) (1)$10,000 30.

    (aa) ( 1994 93 36)

    (a) 18

    (b) 18

    (c) 18

  • 24

    (ca) ( 1994 93 36

    ) (d) (e) (f)

    ( 1988 40 4) (g)


    ( 1994 93 36) 31.

    ( 2000 53 3) 32. ( 1994 93 37) 33. (1) 1983(1983 50)()() ( 1994 93 38) (2) (1994 93 38) (3) ""(Board of Governors of the Hong Kong Baptist College) ( 11261969)

  • 25



    GENERAL 1. The Council may by regulation provide for all matters which by the Hong Kong

    Baptist University Ordinance (hereinafter called the Ordinance) it is empowered to regulate.

    2. All such regulations shall come into operation on the day on which they are made

    unless otherwise provided for by the Council.


    THE COURT 1. The Court shall consist of

    (a) 8 members nominated by the Baptist Convention of Hong Kong and appointed by the Chancellor;

    (b) the 8 members of the Council appointed under section 15(1)(b) of the

    Ordinance, ex officio; (c) 9 members nominated by the members appointed under paragraphs (a) and

    (b) and appointed by the Council; (d) 3 members elected by the eligible staff from among their number in

    accordance with Statutes made under section 30 of the Ordinance and appointed by the Council;

    (e) the President and Vice-Chancellor, ex officio; (f) the Vice-Presidents, ex officio; (g) the Dean of each Faculty/School or equivalent body, ex officio; (h) the President for the time being of the Universitys Student Union,

    ex officio; (i) the President of the Hong Kong Baptist University Alumni Association,

    ex officio; and (j) honorary members appointed by the Council. 2. (a) The Chairman of the Court shall come from the member of the Court under

    paragraph 1(b) who is the Chairman of the Council.

  • 26

    (b) The Deputy Chairman of the Court shall come from the member of the Court under paragraph 1(b) who is the Deputy Chairman of the Council.

    (c) The Treasurer of the Court shall come from the member of the Court

    under paragraph 1(b) who is the Treasurer of the Council. 3. (a) The Deputy Chairman shall act as Chairman if the Chairman is absent

    from Hong Kong or is, for any other reason, unable to act as Chairman. (b) If for any period both the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman are unable

    by reason of absence from Hong Kong or incapacity to perform the functions of their respective offices, or if for any period both of those offices are vacant, the members under paragraph 1(a) to 1(i) may appoint one of the members appointed under paragraph 1(b) to act as Chairman during that period.

    4. (a) Any members appointed by the Chancellor or the Council, other than

    honorary members appointed under paragraph 1(j), shall be appointed for a period of 3 years or such lesser period as the Chancellor or the Council may in any particular case appoint, but may from time to time be reappointed.

    (b) Any honorary members appointed under paragraph 1(j) shall be appointed

    for a period of 5 years or such lesser period as the Council may in any particular case appoint, but may from time to time be reappointed.

    5. Any members, honorary or otherwise, may at any time, by notice in writing to the

    Chancellor or the Council (as the case may be), resign from the Court but this paragraph shall not apply to an ex officio member.

    6. The functions of the Court shall be as set out in the Ordinance.


    MEETINGS OF THE COURT 1. The Court shall meet at least once in each academic year. 2. Meetings of the Court shall be held at such times and places as the Chairman may

    appoint. 3. The smallest whole number not less than one half of its members under paragraph

    1(a) to 1(i) of Statute II for the time being holding office shall form a quorum at a meeting of the Court.

    4. Subject to the provisions of any statutes made by the Council with respect to the

    proceedings of the Court pursuant to section 30(aa) of the Ordinance, the Court may determine its own meeting procedures.

  • 27



    1. The Senate shall consist of

    (a) the President and Vice-Chancellor, ex officio, who shall be Chairman; (b) the Vice-President (Academic), ex officio, who shall be Deputy Chairman; (c) the Academic Registrar, ex officio, who shall be Secretary; (d) the Vice-Presidents, ex officio; (e) the Associate Vice-Presidents, ex officio; (f) the Dean of each Faculty/School or equivalent body, ex officio; (g) the Dean, Graduate School [concurrently held by Vice-President (Research

    and Development)], ex officio; (h) the Director, Academy of Visual Arts, ex officio; (i) the Head of each academic Department or equivalent body, ex officio; (j) the Chaplain, ex officio; (k) the Director of General Education, ex officio; (l) the Director, Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, ex officio; (m) the Director of Information Technology, ex officio; (n) the Director of Student Affairs, ex officio; (o) the University Librarian, ex officio; (p) academic staff members elected by and from each Faculty/School Board or

    equivalent body, with three from the Faculty of Arts, three from the School of Business, one from the School of Chinese Medicine, two from the School of Communication, one from the School of Continuing Education, three from the Faculty of Science and three from the Faculty of Social Sciences;

    (q) the President for the time being of the Universitys Student Union, ex


  • 28

    (r) one full-time undergraduate student from each Faculty/School or equivalent body, who shall be elected by the full-time undergraduate students in that Faculty/School or equivalent body;

    (s) one postgraduate student elected by the postgraduate students; and (t) up to five co-opted staff members.

    2. The Senate shall have the power to invite staff members as appropriate to attend

    the Senate meetings either regularly or for any particular item of business. 3. Members of the Senate elected under paragraph 1(p) and 1(t) shall be appointed

    by the Chairman for a period of 2 years or such lesser period as the Chairman may in any particular case appoint, but may from time to time be eligible for reappointment.

    4. Members of the Senate elected under paragraph 1(r) and 1(s) shall be appointed

    by the Chairman for a period of 1 year or such lesser period as the Chairman may in any particular case appoint, but may from time to time be eligible for reappointment.

    5. The Senate shall meet at least twice within an academic year and at any other time

    at the direction of the Chairman or on the written request of one-fifth or more of the members of the Senate for the time being.

    6. The smallest whole number not less than one half of its members for the time

    being holding office shall form a quorum at a meeting of the Senate. 7. (a) Student members of the Senate, and of such committees and other bodies as

    the Senate may establish, shall not be entitled to participate in that part of meetings of the Senate and/or of the committees and bodies set up by the Senate which deals with reserved areas of business nor to see papers or any other documents relating thereto.

    (b) The reserved areas of business are

    (i) matters affecting the admission and academic assessment of students as individuals;

    (ii) any other matters of a like or different nature considered by the

    Chairman to be reserved areas of business. (c) The Chairman or any person presiding over the meeting of the Senate or

    any committee or other body established by the Senate, as the case may be, shall decide in any case of doubt whether or not a matter falls within one of the reserved areas of business and his decision shall be final.

  • 29


    POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE SENATE Subject to the provisions of the Ordinance and to the availability of the funds provided by the Council, the Senate shall have the following powers and duties 1. to promote and provide guidance for the development of academic courses and

    programmes of study which are in line with the objects and educational philosophy of the University, and to keep the quality of such courses and programmes under constant review;

    2. to promote and regulate the teaching, learning and research activities in the

    University; 3. to make regulations from time to time in respect of the following matters

    (a) the assessment of proposals for developing new courses and/or new subjects;

    (b) the conduct of examinations and other forms of assessment for students; (c) the admission, promotion, registration, graduation and residence of

    students; (d) the conditions for the academic awards of the University; (e) the use of University libraries, laboratories, workshops and other

    educational facilities; (f) the award of student scholarships, bursaries and other prizes based on

    academic performance of the students;

    4. to recommend to the Council the institution of awards of distinction for study or research;

    5. to approve the appointment of external examiners; 6. to approve student graduation and the academic awards of the University in

    accordance with the Statutes and all relevant University regulations currently in force;

    7. to require any student to terminate his studies at the University either on academic

    or disciplinary grounds, or on other grounds deemed as appropriate; 8. to decide on matters affecting the welfare and discipline of students; 9. to appoint committees and working parties to make reports and recommendations

    to the Senate for its decision; 10. to delegate any of its powers to any member or any committee of the Senate;

  • 30

    11. to determine its own meeting procedures, subject to the provisions of any statutes

    made by the Council with respect to the proceedings of the Senate pursuant to section 30(a) of the Ordinance;

    12. to consider matters referred to the Senate by the Council; 13. to make recommendations to the Council on the establishment of faculties and



    FACULTY/SCHOOL BOARDS 1. The Board of each Faculty/School or equivalent body shall consist of

    (a) the respective Dean, ex officio, who shall be Chairman; (b) the President and Vice-Chancellor, ex officio; (c) the Vice-President (Academic), ex officio; (d) the Academic Registrar, ex officio; (e) full-time academic staff members of the rank at or above Assistant Lecturer

    within the Faculty/School or equivalent body, ex officio; (f) student representatives, one from each department or major or option, as

    the Chairman of the Board may decide, of the Faculty/School or equivalent body, nominated by the relevant body;

    (g) such other co-opted staff members, subject to the endorsement of the

    Senate. 2. The Board shall have the power to invite staff members as appropriate to attend

    the Board meetings either regularly or for any particular item of business. 3. The Secretary of the Board shall be elected from among members under

    paragraph 1(e) above by all members of the Board and appointed by the Chairman for a term of 1 year, and shall be eligible for reelection and subsequent reappointment.

    4. Members of the Board nominated under paragraph 1(f) shall be appointed by the

    Chairman for a period of 1 year or such lesser period as the Chairman may in any particular case appoint, but may from time to time be eligible for reappointment.

  • 31

    5. Members of the Board co-opted under paragraph 1(g) shall be appointed by the Chairman for a period of 2 years or such lesser period as the Chairman may in any particular case appoint, but may from time to time be eligible for reappointment.

    6. Each Faculty/School Board shall meet at least twice within an academic year and

    at any other time at the direction of the Chairman. 7. Each Faculty/School Board may determine its own meeting procedures, subject to

    the provisions of any statutes made by the Council with respect to the proceedings of the boards of the faculties and schools pursuant to section 30(ca) of the Ordinance.

    8. The smallest whole number not less than one half of its members for the time

    being holding office shall form a quorum at a meeting of any Board.


    POWERS AND DUTIES OF FACULTY/SCHOOL BOARDS Subject to the provisions of the Ordinance, each Faculty/School Board or equivalent body shall have the following powers and duties 1. to be responsible to the Senate for the coordination and improvement of teaching

    programmes and research activities of the departments within the Faculty/School or equivalent body;

    2. to make recommendations to the Senate concerning curriculum development and

    revision; 3. to make recommendations to the Senate on the appointment of external

    examiners; 4. to make recommendations to the Senate or other appropriate bodies on the

    provision of resources to the Faculty/School or equivalent body; 5. to undertake such other functions and activities as may be requested by the



    COMMENCEMENTS 1. For the purpose of conferring degrees and other academic awards and for such

    other purposes as may be determined by the Council, at least one Commencement of the whole University shall be held in each academic year.

    2. The procedure of Commencements shall be determined by the Chancellor. 3. The Chancellor or the Chairman of the Council or the President and

    Vice-Chancellor shall preside at the Commencement.

  • 32



    1. The degrees which may be conferred by the University shall be

    (a) Associate Degrees Associate Degree of Arts Associate Degree of Science (b) Bachelors Degrees Bachelor of Arts (BA) Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Bachelor of Chinese Medicine (BCM) Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) Bachelor of Education (BEd) Bachelor of Pharmacy in Chinese Medicine (BPharm in CM) Bachelor of Science (BSc) Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSocSc) Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration (BSWSA) (c) Masters Degrees Master of Accountancy (MAcc) Master of Arts (MA) Master of Business Administration (MBA) Master of Chinese Medicine (MCM) Master of Education (MEd) Master of Fine Arts (MFA) Master of Human Resources Management (MHRM) Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MPS) Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Master of Public Administration (MPA) Master of Science (MSc) Master of Social Sciences (MSocSc) Master of Social Work (MSW) Master of Visual Arts (MVA) (d) Doctoral Degrees Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  • 33

    (e) Honorary Degrees Doctor of Business Administration honoris causa (DBA honoris causa) Doctor of Divinity honoris causa (DD honoris causa) Doctor of Engineering honoris causa (DEng honoris causa) Doctor of Humanities honoris causa (DHum honoris causa) Doctor of Laws honoris causa (LLD honoris causa) Doctor of Letters honoris causa (DLitt honoris causa) Doctor of Science honoris causa (DSc honoris causa) Doctor of Social Sciences honoris causa (DSocSc honoris causa) Doctor of Visual Arts honoris causa (DVA honoris causa)

    2. New degrees and academic awards may be established from time to time by the University.

    3. No degree or academic award other than an honorary degree or an honorary

    academic award shall be conferred on any person who has not (a) completed an approved course of study; (b) passed the appropriate examinations or other testing or assessment

    procedure; (c) complied in all respects with the academic regulations made from time to

    time by the Senate and with all other regulations made from time to time by the University.

    4. Honorary degrees or honorary academic awards may be conferred by the

    University on any person who has rendered distinguished service to the University or the community, in the advancement of learning and knowledge or otherwise, or who in the opinion of the Council is worthy of such a degree or academic award for outstanding human endeavour or devotion to the greater good of mankind.

    5. The Council shall not recommend the award of honorary degrees or honorary

    academic awards except after consideration of recommendations submitted by the Honorary Degrees Committee of the Council.

    6. The University reserves the right to rescind a degree or academic award already

    conferred upon a person but any degree or academic award conferred shall not be rescinded except for good cause and on the resolution of both the Senate and the Council.

  • 34


    FURTHER REGULATIONS 1. Pursuant to section 30 of the Ordinance, the Council may make further regulations

    to provide for

    (a) the discipline of persons in the employment of the University; (b) the regulation of the conduct and discipline of students of the University; (c) the conferring of degrees and academic awards including honorary degrees

    and honorary awards; (d) the holding and conduct of elections for the purpose of electing members of

    the eligible staff for appointment to the Council under section 15(1)(d) of the Ordinance and to the Court in accordance with paragraph 1(d) of Statute II.

    2. These regulations shall become Schedules to the Statutes and shall be placed at

    the Office of the President and Vice-Chancellor and made available for reference by staff and students of the University.

    _131117Summary of the Seats for Student Representatives in Major CommitteesSheet1

    HKBU Ordinance & Statutes