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HixNews Hix News Hicksville High School Alumni Newsletter Hicksville New York August 2015


  • My summer outdoor practice room.

    Fred Korman 1964

    While back in NY, had to make the stop at the best pizza place ever. Sooooo good.Craig Kopetz

    My philodendron with at least six leaves over 16"

    long. Beautiful but soon its weight will pull it

    down o the wall.Carole Snyder Ferguson


    On the Disneyland Railroad in Disneyland Paris with mygrandson.Jim Romanelli 1967.

    p.s. Been married toSusan Tabosky Romanelli

    for 44 Years

  • One of the few "vintage" eateries, dating back to the 1950's, and looking remark-ably the same is Old Country Road Deli on Newbridge and Old Country Road.

    Ken Marcus, 1967

    On July 14th, NASA's "New Horizons" spacecraft reached its destination of the farthest anet in our solar system, Pluto, and its moon Charon, after almost a decade of travel! It has been taking images and measurements since January and on July 14, it will take a steep dive that takes it between Pluto and its moon Charon, for detailed images, measurements, and spectra of both, and the gases coming o of Pluto. It will send data back until late 2016. It will then y on over the next decade and hope-fully send back data on one or two smaller objects in the Kuiper Belt, some 2 billion miles farther. Pluto is of interest to scientists because its surface has changed signicantly since it was discovered based on telescopeobservations over the years.The planets in the solar system travel in elliptical orbits rather than perfect circles, and so the distances between them are constantly changing. At its most distant, when the two bodies are on the opposite sides of the sun from one another, Pluto lies 4.67 billion miles (7.5 billion kilometers) from Earth. At their closest, the two are only 2.66 billion miles (4.28 billion km) apart.

  • This was received from from Pat Rankel Losciale:Nancy Neglia Martarano, Carol Rocek Sigloch, Marilyn Zeiher Reinhardt and Patricia Rankel Losciale. Hope you can include this with the next issue. Thanks for your assistance in this matter. (Correct order Left to Right Janet Wilson,Nancy Neglia, Carol Rocek, Anita Uhlich,Marilyn Zeiher. Standing is Patricia Rankel)

    Pat,Appreciate your input and we can include in an issue of the newsletter but it won't be until August. Your photo shows six people but I see only four namesand thethose names shown above are not in order with the photo. In the photo, second from left I recognize Nancy Neglia and the gal in blue on the right is Marilyn Zeiher and I know her personally. Can you possibly look at the photo once again and put the names in order? Thanksbualo bob Casale

    Bualo BobThank you for your quick reply and sorry for theomission. The names from left to right are: Janet Wilson Moeller, Nancy Neglia Martirano, Carol Rocek Sigloch, Anita Uhlich Basile, Marilyn ZeiherReinhardt and standing is Patricia Rankel Losciale. The August issue will be ne and again thanks for your help.Patricia Losciale

    PatThanks for the update. It's always a pleasure when we get input from our former students. I can speak for the newsletter sta who put a great deal of time into the newsletter. We will post your photo and if you want to give a continued on next page

    Janet Wilson Moeller Nancy Neglia Martirano Carol Rocek Sigloch

    Anita Uhlich Basile Marilyn Zeiher Reinhardt Patricia Rankel Losciale

  • little more background about your annual get-togethers, please do so. Many former mini reunions are part of the newsletter. We love the input.Thankslove yahbualo bob casale

    Hi Bob, Here is additional information regarding our bi-annual dinner. Anita lives in New Hampshire and comes to Long Island twice a year, spring and autumn which sets up our reunion. We meet at Bonwit's Restaurant in Commack and by now they know us. We catch up on our families and laugh a lot and some-times, as when Patricia McGrath Melis passed away, we cry. Patti was one of our originals. We stay in touch via e-mail and try to celebrate all our happy days.

    Anita Uhlich Basile lives in Atkinsville, New Hampshire, and is married to Sal they have 3 children and 3 grandchildren,. They are retired and travel extensively. They have a large family and enjoy all their activities.

    Janet Wilson Moeller lives in Bellmore is active with tap dance classes and her large family consisting of 4 children and 7 grandchildren. Janet's husband still works full time.

    Nancy Neglia Martirano lives in Mt.Sinai where she is near some of her large family consisiting of 4 children and 12 grandchildren, Nancy spends most winters in her Florida home.

    Carol Rocek Sigloch lives in Smithtown where she is a cat rescuer. Carol has two daughters one lives in Commack and the other lives in California with her Carol's granddaughter.

    Marilyn Zeiher Reinhardt lives in Freeport. Marilyn has 3 children and 6 grandchildren that live here on LI. Marilyn still works part-time at a local restaurant. Marilyn enjoys golf and spends winters in her Florida condo.

    Patricia Rankel Losciale lives in Plainview with her husband Angelo,of almost 52 years. She has 3 children and 9 grandchildren that live nearby. She enjoys bridge, walking and her energetic family.This is as updated as can be, but should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Looking forward to the article.Patricia Losciale

  • Photo rendition of the proposed Alumni Wall of Honor

    Thanks to the eorts of John Maniec, fellow 1964 classmates Joe Platt and John Ciarelli, the once dormant Hicksville High School Alumni Association has been reactivated with some ambitious projects on the horizon.Its now ocial. stated Maniec, in a letter to the HixNews editors. We have reactivated the Hicksville High School Alumni Association and through the kind donation of his time and legal expertise, John Ciarelli, Esquire is not only guiding us in the re-activation process but also helping us le with the federal government our application for a 501( c )3 charitable organization, under the name: Hicksville High School Alumni Foundation, Inc.

    Members of the Hicksville School Board recently met with Maniec, Platt and Ciarelli and there was a clear consensus from all present that an active and vibrant Alumni Association is long overdue.

    The rst fund-raising event of the HHS Alumni Founda-tion will be a Dinner Dance Gala at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 45 Heitz Place, on Saturday evening, November 21, 2015. Please contact John Maniec for more details.

    Maniec also indicated that he has tentatively lined up a potential Golf Outing to take place on Friday, October 16, 2015 at the Clearview Golf Course in Bayside, Queens in conjunction with the Home-Coming Weekend events at the high school. He hopes to hear from at least 48

    alumni who wish to participate in order to nalize this additional fund-raising event.

    Both the re-vitalized Alumni Association and the new Foundation have ve very ambitious projects on their agenda:

    Raise money for scholarships for deserving high school seniors. Create a Wall of Honor to highlight the achievement of alumni who after graduating HHS distinguished themselves as adults. Set up a viable mentoring program where alumni can give back to deserving high school students and guide them to meaningful adult careers. Honor alumni who went on to distinguish themselves in various athletic careers and achievements Create a permanent and highly visible display case to honor all alumni who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

    The Association hopes to raise $ 6,000 in the next year to get one of their ambitious projects operational. The leaders of the association are appealing to all HHS alumni to volunteer their time, talents and nancial support so many of the above goals can be reached in the next few years. They immediately need help making the upcoming November 21st Dinner Dance successful.

    For more information and/or to volunteer,please contact John Maniec at [email protected]

    or call Joe Platt at (631) 367-9008

  • Dear HixNewsThis was my home, we moved there in 1933. I believe it was built around 1890.(Bob Casale, maybe you could check the Hicksville records.) That would make it 225 years old. It belonged to Dr. Stillger. It was moved from Broadway were now stands the professional building. The gas light xtures were still on the walls. The downstairs had 10 foot high metal ceilings. The last I heard it was back to what it was originally, a doctors oce.Art Lembke 1949Is this the house? Checked the property records and didnt nd any reference to when the original structure was built.BobThat's my home Bob. The large hedge on the rightseparatedmy home from the large

    Knights of Columbus house. I remember a large number of parties at night. There was an old couple living up stairs that took care of the place. How many people live in Hicksville now? I heard it's still a Hamletmust be one of the largest in the country. The Knights house must also be about 125 years old. It may be interesting to check the Knight's of Columbus records. It had a porch that ran on 2 sides of the house. From your view of the house, it looks like its still therea real large house .Art

    Anyone who wants to purchase this T-shirt Please send me a private message on Facebook and I will discuss the arrangements. The "11801" shirt. Cost is $10.00. I have adult Medium, Large and X-Large only. Thank you. Cheryl Gries Brown

    Billy Joel Boulevard' BillPasses NewYork State Senate

    Jun 01, 2015 The Piano Man may soon have a road named after him. A bill in the State Legislature to name part of state Route 107 in the Town of Oyster Bay "Billy Joel Boulevard" has passed in the Senate. The bill is in committee in the Assembly.

  • July 1, 2015.My Rock Gardenand Veggies Betty Harrison Germain 1964

  • Sue Hodges Mruz 1962 and Denny Mruz 1961

  • Rosa Szendy Patterson 1961

    The girls played Ninja Warrior, slip & slide, then they found leaves and made special pictures...

    Then they set up a little store in the front yard...

    they hope to sell their pictures....

    two little girls having fun... So cute

    Here are 2 pictures of my one multi-colored rose bush. I think it is unusual... don't remember its name.I bought it at The Christmas Tree Shop at Tanger Mall, a few years ago...

  • TBT, Broadway Maintenance Little League team, Cantiague Parkcirca 1962(ish).

    I'm in the rst row at the right, my dad Jerry was the manager with the H hat. Dominic Lauro next to him was the coach. Richie Lessick, Bobby Daub and Anthony Lauro are the only names I can remember at the moment.Phil Servedio

    Who remembers Levittown Hall and the Levittown Parkway Pool?

  • Tentative buyers lining up outside a new 1950 Levit Ranch House to view.I Think the houses were selling for around $6,000.00

    Carl Feinman

    CarlWhat was the physical address of your Levit ranch house? It looks exactly like my house that was 2 Berry Lane just o Spindle Road.Bualo Bob Casale

    BobMy house was 300 Acre Lane. Looking out the front door, you viewed Atlas Lane.Carl

  • Remember the peaceprotesters! I think we saved some lives too. Just sayin'... Think about it!I will and I am.Marty Brandfon 1967

    Thanks Bob. Ill pass it along to my class of 1949.Art Lembke

    Back to you Bob!Ed Delaney

    This was Great, Thanx!Art Pardo 1962

    Thank you for an amazing video.

    Bunny Miller Pollack 1961


    Many thanks! Had a great day! My daughter, Dana, showed up. Phil Anselmo 1958

    PhilWhen I saw the carrier landings, I immediately thought of you and all the touchdowns you made on carriers. How many dierent vessels did you land on? Hope your 4th was great. RegardsBualo Bob Casale

    BobProbably have landed on 15 or 16 dierent carriers. Great fun. Take care of Hicksville.Phil

    Remember the US Army, US Navy, and Us Army Air Corps and honor your Country this 4th of July.Suzanne Lindquist Swenson 1966

    Bravo Zulu... thanks for sharing. I

    sent this to my shipmates to enjoy...USS Shangri La CVS

    38...1969-1972Mike Rozos 1968

  • HixNews Welcomes:

    Bruce Diehl

    Class of 1976

    Laura Korothy McGeo


    Class of 1985

    Chrissy Behler Brock


    Class of 1990

    I would like to receive the news letter.Vince Recine 1965Welcome to HixNews, Vincent.Best, Henry

    Arleen BrigandiClass of 1961

    Rick HallockClass of 1967

    Please sign me up to receive the monthly newsletter. Thank you.Veronica Ronni Allan Class of 1965

    Thomas DevlinClass of 1967

    Judy Polatschek Palais Class of 1973

    Gary WicksClass of 1973

  • A note to sent to Karen Krieb Kaleita, Class of 1956:Not sure if I asked you the following? Do you know or are you related to Larry Kaleita? Please respond at your earliest convenience. If I've already corresponded with you, I apologize.Bualo Bob Casale 1961Editor, HixNews

    BobYes, he is my brother-in-law.KarenThanks, Karen for the update. We are trying to conrm his military status. We are trying to construct a wall at the Junior High that includes all who were in the military during the Vietnam era. Need to know when he served; what branch of service; and the duty stations during his military tenure.Your help is appreciated.ThanksBob

    BobLarry was in the Army from 1956-1959. He was stationed in N.J.Karenp.s. My husband Richard Kaleita (class of 1957) also was in the Army from 1960 to 1963.

    A note to sent to Bill Walden:Bill, As requested by Bob Casale, I wanted to let you know that I have sent a donation to the Hicksville Vietnam Era Memorial Project. Although I am not a veteran (only got to Air Force ROTC), I support a number of veterans sites. I don't usually donate to memorial projects, but decided to help you out. Good luck.Frank Koziuk 1967

    I completed the New York State Registration Forms for the proposed Vietnam Memorial at the Middle School. The forms went out this morning along with a $25.00 check).Let's see how long it takes for a return correspondence. The clock is ticking. Semper FiBill WaldenP.S Heading to Lake George with

    family on Saturday. Will be back on 18th. Can send and receive emails on phone if service is available in the mountains. Will do update and some pictures for Bob when I return.

    Bill,Enjoy!!! We (Joyce me and the kids) used to stay at Bolton Landing when there. The kids were really young and I actually met a guy namedKenny Henkel who lived there and we were high school classmates in 1961. He had his own boat and we had a ball... this was in 1976.BobKenny Henkel

  • Hi Bob,I am a Hicksville alumni, class of 71. You did a great job on the Hicksville videos! I wanted you to know that Robert Levy was a friend and Hicksville neighbor (we lived on Alexander Ave., a block from Spindle). He served in the Army in Vietnam. Im going to guess he was a member of the class of 67. He came back from Viet Nam ( Im going to guess again in 69) with PTSD. Not long after, he took his own life. His family, except for his dad, who lives in Fla. is gone. I just thought his name should be included in the memorial.Thank-you.Marcia Diamond Sandler

    Ive been watching for an announcement, since last July, about the passing ofLorraine Heitshusen Wright from the class of 1968. Since I havent seen if yet, I sadly would like tell you that she passed last June 2014. Although we were high school sweet-hearts, we lost

    contact with each other shortly after I entered the U.S.A.F. I never forgot her and tried to get her contact info from the Internet. Years passed and nally one month after her passing I miracu-lously found her obituary.Sadly,Joe Milich 1968

    I am saddened to inform my friends and former school-mates of the death of my husband of 51 years in May.Linda Piccerelli Hayden 1960


    SPARTA - Claude D. Hayden went peacefully home to the Lord on Friday, May 29, 2015, at his residence with his loving family by his side. He was 78.Claude was born in Denver, Colo., to Frank and Gertrude Hayden, and raised in Wantagh, N.Y. He served his country proudly in the U.S. Air Force with the 321st Bomb Wing

    SAC, based in the Middle East. Claude was the owner of Hayden & Son's Ltd. for over 50 years, starting in Westwood, moving it later to Sparta in 1975, when he moved here. He was a councilman, fire commissioner, and chairman of the Planning Board in Westwood from 1969-1975. In 1981, Claude wrote the restroom handicap code for the U.S. government. He was an avid NASCAR race fan, and attended the very first Daytona 500 as well as the 50th anniversary Daytona 500 race. Claude was a "Forever Fan" of the New York Metropolitans profes-sional baseball team.He is survived by his beloved wife of 51 years, Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden; two sons, William (Jocelyn) of Frankford, and Christopher of Sparta; and a granddaugh-ter, Krystal Hayden. He also leaves behind his beloved beagle "Bella."Friends and family are invited Monday, 4-8 p.m., to Goble Funeral Home, 22 Main St., Sparta. An 8 p.m. Air Force honor service will be held, followed by a Celebra-tion of Life service at 8:30 p.m. Memorial contributions may be made to Compassionate Care Hospice, 350 Sparta Ave., Bldg. B, Suite 2, Sparta, N.J. 07871.

    Ed Delaney

    Lorraine Heitshusen

    Joe Milich

    Name: Lorraine H. WrightBirth Date: June 6, 1950Death Date: June 27, 2014Death Place: Hicksville, NYCemetery: Locust Valley Cemetery

  • Flashback to the Big Bands of the 1940sPrisoner of LovePerry Comohttp://beta.playback.fm/pop/1946/1/perry-como/prisoner-of-love

    Moonlight CocktailGlenn Millerhttp://playback.fm/charts/top-100-songs/video/1942/Glenn-Miller-Moonlight-Cocktail

    Paul Whiteman & Billie HolidayTravellin Lighthttp://playback.fm/charts/top-100-songs/video/1942/Paul-Whiteman--Billie-Holiday-Travellin-Light

    Harry James1 Dozen Roseshttp://playback.fm/charts/top-100-songs/video/1942/Harry-James-One-Dozen-Roses

    My Dreams are Getting Better All The TimeDoris Day with Les Brown and his orchestrahttp://playback.fm/charts/top-100-songs/video/1945/Les-Brown-My-Dreams-Are-Getting-Better-All-the-Time

    You may want to hug a cow after viewing the following...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnowFtmp0zc

    An Amazing Card Trickhttps://www.facebook.com/Value9UAE/videos/845421068872889/

    The Hawk & The Snakehttps://www.facebook.com/Storyful/videos/vr.845421068872889/10152364169943541/?type=2&theater

    Interesting Routinehttp://webtv.hurriyet.com.tr/magazin/genclere-tas-cikaran-performans_112090

    A Gun, A Hat and a Horsehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSYaUoJa5Pg&app=desktop

    An amazing doghttp://www.wimp.com/rearlegs/

    Thanks to Kathy McDonald Corey for the following spectacular time lapse footage of earth at night from the International Space Station (plus three others)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG0fTKAqZ5g



    A panoramic view of Mount Everesthttp://www.panoramas.dk/fullscreen2/full22.html

    Lost In The Fifties (Been around a long time and very enjoyableJanet Emery OConnor 1961https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjj9VKKSV2g&feature=player_embedded

    Song on the day you were born:http://playback.fm/birthday-song

    Thanks to Art Lembke for the followingThis is the 1st time for me, found it to be an =enjoyable 4 mins.Amazing Art Morphinghttps://www.youtube.com/embed/C_sXptJyulQ

    When Ellen met Eliashttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSH0MxTHXNI

    See the moon in a dierent perspectivehttp://moon.wimp.com/moon-zoom/?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=video/

    Dr. K's Motown Revue at BB King Blues Club NYCReach Out I'll Be Therehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Skgy8HFSfJ0

    Bob,This video is verytouching and you might want to post it in HixNews, if you already haven't done so.It's also known as "A Soldier Died Today".Best regards,Joe Carfora 1962


  • Dear HixNewsI am looking for a 1984 Hicksville High SchoolYearbook to purchase. Can you help me please?Jill Raciti

    I don't think anyone has a 1984 yearbook for sale. Classmates goes up to 1979. A newer source has 1960 to 1980. Sorrybualo bob casale

    JillI don't see your name on the HixNews mailing list. I'm assuming you graduated in 1984? If not, please advise what year?? And a maiden name if that is not Raciti.Thanksbualo bob casale

    Hi Bob,My maiden was Whitman, and yes, graduating year is 1984. There is no way to obtain a 1984 yearbook from Hicksville High School?Thanks Jill

    JillWe had the name years ago of somehow who had a stockpile of yearbooks, but he was a thief and we lost his name on purpose. He was charging over a hundred dollars for each yearbook. I know of no other source. Perhaps a former classmate with a yearbook would scan and save for you. Sorry. Let me know if you nd a source.Regardsbob

    How can I purchase a yearbook from 1974. I saw that they were on sale for $10 on Facebook.Terry Insinga

    TerryWe don't have your name on the HixNews master list. What year did you graduate (I assume 1974) and, if married, what was your maiden name? To get a yearbook, search Hicksville High Yearbook on Face-book. The page includes the name of Lorraine Reed Petrigliano...click on her name, a new page appears(her Facebook page). Click on message and send her a note...make certain you include your email address. Let me know. Good Luck.bualo bob casale

    Thanks.My maiden name was Theresa Demarest. Class of 1974. I messaged Lorraine today.Terry

    Dear HixNewsI noticed a post on Facebook from someone who mentioned older Hicksville HS yearbooks could be purchased for $10. Do you have more info on this?Dan Mercado 1981

    Editors Note... Information was forwarded to Dan!