history of the british empire in india vol.3-1845


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History of the British Empire in India Vol.3-1845





    1 CAtLNo. __ 954 082 LJho. O.G.I\. 79.

  • \.

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  • ~\ \~~E . i ,\~ ,~

    HI STORY r.m:~nrhhiA

    aa;n LlHII. \ RY '



    EIIW.\IW THORXTO~. E..;q-AUTIIOR OP I NDIA. m. STATil ,\'OD p&Q; n;CT!'," .._ ..._

    VO J, II :\1 Ifl.



  • \ T /-....,-~ .. - ... .,.l"'!...._a'ltl

    '-oz;J."' I K r. . ''~ un!~ ,. ' , ... _ .. ' rll .

    Aoo No . I 1,(1 / ........ , Dt.te 3/ t.!.t. .M ......... . Call No ........... '!..C!:t.:.L.f.J.-., ~ >


    ........ J.I- a. . ..__ ~a...~ ...... .___ .......

  • rtR gr. No.

    o,p fn>m baotilo llo:oigaa olTiJ'l'OO-~tiaalol o....mor, s

  • iv

    exterior ntnnebmeot by Clooel Wtllcslcy- Fartl!U alt

  • Lon! CU., 'ltlth All Ruw~\'viO.- of 1M latt.r-bttocul inlzrrirw with Lon! C"lino -ADa-al-Dowlab. """oml Soo of Mahoa>ot Ali, audo Nbot>-,;ow1'""'J with tho N"lZa!!l-lto adnu~-lhmOIIJ'Oble oouno tkn by the 61>veroDTJ!t!l'I'DI in the CODtOe of r.bc Ne-gotiation . l'p. 97 w 1 G I

    CHAYJ"F.IL X\'U.

    Alrain or Oude--Muq.U. Wellftkr' \..,.._~Junior of lt'ftnl Englislimct> br \lzift All-lutrq>id cwdtttt ol

    ~Jr. Dario-~ ud capr.ure ol \IDtr All-Commani-oationo with NAbob \-W.. CXI ~rilltary Rmer "' rc!inqol>h the ~ or m gino Tlcy dtpt>lc

  • C"ry-VDrral W rllaltl}' adt11n ... t...,.nlo a Foroe belonging 10 t!ICI Rajah. ol llcrv-Bottle u( Arpam-Gawilglwr bcoi
  • ,


    ,\IF&in of Cqioo-lurs('

  • rijj

    undtr l1it tn.tlum~~intlja mRn.bet tGWQnlt liQtollcing abad-lkmomtnlllre< oOir. Wrhbe, tbeBrithh l~.;drnt

    --~ptVI:haWoaa enlertllit>patehed hy Sdndia m Bhortpo1

  • ~.

    IIJS1'0I!Y ........


    CliAI'TER X\'.

    Som: besitntion O('('Urred in prmitling for thr cnu. xv. \111'11111")' I)C('n.';i

  • 2 lliS"I'ORY OF T8E

    cnu. X\', mi!Iltary speaker, amliUl nbleman ofbu!lin""!'. His - attention hrul for n I!Crietl of yeMI been !'l

  • BIUTISB f:lll'lllll l'f lliDIA. 3


  • \

    IDST()JtY Ot' Tlf&

    cl!A.P. xv. Janet' of power ns estnblishcd hy the trmty of Seringaputnm. That balance, however, melt 1\S it "118.. bad been destroyed ; nnd tho apathy or bad faith of the Britiih govtmllllcnt had contrilmted tu nccclcmtc its destruction. T11e dominions nod rc-&OurCc$ of the Niv;::un hrul been l11rt. to bo partili!med by Uu.> M tlhraltlll! nl tltcu plrocl greatly both ill }Jonour nDU pow.-r. The means for preserving nny portion of citht'r. which hod been forced upon him by tim polil'y of tlte British go,-cmmcnt, nlfordccl, ns hilS been seen. ndtliticruU caDIC for rullm\ lo thnl government. Tho nlllin !ltrcnglh of his army wns under Fnmrh eon-lr"l; IUld ns, in states constitnloJ like Umt nf tl1o NiY.nm, tho influence of the lll'DlY is lilr greater than in lhDSc wherein the due subordination of milimry to ci vii autllority is wule.rstood nnd mnintAined. the rouuoili! of thnt prince woro in a great degree swayed by those who :b~ld the powm of the sword. The drutger of the British go'ernment from thP continued maintcnnncc of snclJ n force in the acrvico of the t\iz1tm wns sufficiently ob,'ious. No hope of ~,e ~'

  • DRITI811 E)I]'[)!E IS INVIA. 6

    \\llich the En~tlh.h nnd French l'!'gnrded Cnt'h ulhcr


    CIIAP. X\', In the north, tho cxtrnol"llinnry scenL-s which lllltl N'

  • DlllD.SB DIPUU: IS ISOlA. 1

    of the uortb of India from Cauhul "'.;ulrl lmve faci- uur. :\'. litn.tcrl any hostile meMnn'tl tnktn hy TipJKIO in the south by ilistl'llt'ting tho ulhntiuu of tho Brili~b go,tmmwnt nod dividing it~ force. At Poona. Tip-JttH htul lnhoured :l.. Sec 'n:Jl. u JllSV4fJ

  • nnm.>ll 'I' oP TB1'!

    riUP. n. laid, too, that'tbero w1111 little d~iti~;~n em the pnrt of the French King to listen to the onrtnn'l of Tippoo-that bhl eXJH:ricncu of the bitter fruits of Frenclt interfcn:nco in the clispuh.'!l bc!t""cn Euglo.ml and bcr coltmit'll in America, whieh bnrl taught th05C who for centuries had recei\"etl tho won! of the &cmreign u lo.w the doctrines of the natural eqtmlity of mcn and the &npn!l!llley of tho J>pular will, bad n-rulon.'nclcnoics. Certain it i, howt:v!'r, thnt tho mission failed, and tho mennnl!t'll of the pre ~~~~~which TipJ>OOIIAIInd to

    rc~l dkpJeru.urc nt tile llllilatitolilcwry termination or an AU.:rupt which had IJccn the talliC or CODIIidcr

  • DRITISU EJIPTJU: IN I~UlA: niJle expen!ll', ~oothe
  • 10 ' liiSTORY 01' TilE

    CUAP xv. this couso the 'hostility nf tho Eu~tll~h. amlluo l.ll.iJ;-fortunC!I to wilich hu hnl in oon..-jeded. "'

  • BRI'M~II !:lll'me IN INUJA. J 1

    gmtifyin~: to the Sultan tlwt ~u~h nn "oerture: tho en U'. X\', ronster of tho pri11Ll>et '1\118 promptly ulmittetl to thu roynl (lre;;enco, llltcl honour.tl with long nncl frc-qnent ~nufL'l'CllCl'!'. The rc.ro lctsS eredulous thnn their mo.&ter. They had con.-ci'SOO with 110010 of the crew nf tlJo privatC

  • 1:! IllSTOltY OF Tilt:

    t nu. xv requin'

  • .

    nn.m~ll F.Ml'IR!l IN lllrtT". I !l

    licity thuq ghcn to tht>ir anhal, bnwi\'t'r llattmng. CIL\P. xv. wns o.Jtog~tlu!r inroni.>tent with the scency whieh lt wns inllUllerl should be prullrv~'(l wiUt rognrd tn thcir mission. Their dt"}>>lWh~, being OJICIII'd, =ro fonrul to CXpreOnnting the proJooeal of tltn !'nltan to fonn nn nlliiW.Cc with the Frt'nrh; and Jib; uvo\\lll thnt he only wnited tho moment wh"n that nation hnnld romt ln !JiR a...sitaneo to olecllll'll wnr a1,rainst th


    Cll.\1'. xv. vertcd to tho impracticabiUty of the island govcm-ment ~ nny portion of itA regulnr trOOJII! for

    ~h ~emee: an.! eoncluded with invitinlfK>S

  • BRrf!SB nt1'11Ul 1'1; n;Jl!A: l;i

    tl"' Engll,h; and though their feeling.., with regard tlllP. xv. to tbe nlfipectiw riglot' or ~oereigns nnd f>e"Ple, "' lx-can

  • m'
  • 11Rin'!11 EliJ'rRJ: II' L'ltll\ I 7

    npnn blil!hl ground. '"lt Fef:rucd itit-redlbl(','' sniol CIIAI'. "'' the gm-emor-j:t'n on th~ c>OAI't to ml'ct any erncw~n,.y.

    The nutbcuticity of the prwLuruition was eoou &beolrtllincd; but ILDOLbrr doubt occurred-wlwthor the step migbt nut ba~e been tnt.en hy M. l\falartie mthnul the ron~utrl'ne

  • 18 Rm'I'01IY or TB&

    CHAP. xv. motion or ..me oljject or the Freaeh ........ en~ 1IHOIIIII!ded with hM in&ereet. and 1lll&llthorlle4 by bil 001 1 t Tbe in'ft!l&lgation whic:h follo'ftd 41e-Teloped all the f'acta that ha~o been related u to tho -busy dispatched by Tippoo to tho Mauritl1111, Ita llaumDg teeeptioa, tbe previous abeeoee or any Yiew oa the put or t1ae Freneb udharitiea or aid-ing Tlppoo In any ~r. and the --.omt proeeedill8'o down to tho embarkation or tho Fldley had or 1'0IDDtcer!!, their landing at Maoplore, and their ad ~~liMon into tho Sultan's ler\ic:e. Tbe feelings of TiJIJIOO townrds the British nation and JUVI'mmrnt were previously no 11eeret ; but had a cloabt existed on the subject, it mW!t bavo been rc-..-d by eM lei 1 '"- elicited by the inquirit'8 of die p-e enl. k ,... ....... .- oaly that Tippoo would gladly aftil hbnlell of 11q .. poitlmity that might otrer for the reooTery or hl8 hmer power, bat that be - not dilpoled to wait till ~ might throw the -in hit way; that be wu colleeting lltmlgtb for hl8 med"led &ask ur dri'riuf the Engliah from India ; and that u soon u be Jhould be in a situation to oommt'DCC war with a probability of IUcc:eAA, his revengeful @!'irit would be rei~ from the reetnlinta to 1Yhieh, for a time. it had mOBt reliiCitantly and most painfully bee-b-jeded. Hil awJieetiaa for French 11 I ltaoe W thua lilr &lied; ba& the 6Wure wu -' a&tliJIIdable toanyunwlllingn on the partoftMier61 d to lllbld the Sultan all be Wlll&ld. The F...,.. fOlelll-.- at home ita aepa ti"" abroecl-woald

  • lllllTISR OIPIRI' L" n;:nu. 19

    nlike ha\'0 rrjnkl.'l in an OJIJ>Ortunity or ~trikin!f a crl.\r, XI', Llow tit tit~ power of Great Britain in ltulia. The feeling bal bo.,'O furthtr limo h> mllbl.re his plnn, and to gn.in ~trengtb filr ""rryiug tbcm into clli.ct, or whl'lbcr ho would .triJ,;,. hile the l'DeiDJ I'll!' oompar.atinly UDJI'l'p:llt"l. lie pre-fl'rred the latttr comsc, anl the l('Aii(lDJ br.,..hidt hill jtulgm .. nt wos t.lctcmtined

  • 20 IUSTOII\' Of TJU:

    cu . .r. :w. ,mr.ts :- "If." ;;:Ud hi~ Jo,.l-bip. " the e~>nduct uf 'ripJKlCl Sultnn luul hccu of n nnturc which tlll"lll, nr hac) tlltinOI'd it in liOIDO (oo. or on those of our alli,... "bich might jutify jcu.lollY or alnnu; if be bncl reru:~

  • .

    DIUTillll 011'111& I~ I~PI,\, 21

    l'itlwr to a del'~t vf pirit or of powl!l': the l'cn infrin0rccl ; hot the mll>u uf our tnmplaint a~;uubL Til'l""' Su.lt.an i UtJI that bt1

  • .... IIISTOR\' OF TirE

    CIW'. '\T, bas ecized a portion of our property which bo might n,.lorP. 1>r in\1ldc

  • RIUTI"U ElU'IRF. IS" JS(\L\. 23

    ~tr,~tulll M'Cllrity can ~ ohtnlo~'tl otloo\rwi:se than by ru.\P. :w. >Uth a reduction of his power B!l shnll not only oltlint hi ll('tunlprepnmtioo,, buL cotablisb a pemln-ncnt =tmint upon his futuro OHl6JL of ollimce. To thiR ~(ll't'its of !!OOUrity our right i unque"tionabl~. IIJK'Il the grounols nlreauly l'tRtt'tl: but it cannor loc UJ'JIOSt tloe tlf("Ct" nf his own rt'S('Iltmc'llt, t!Uil'lo,.ry, 11nd IUDbi-tinu, anti againt the jUC'\'

  • :!-I ' llll!TORY OF TilE

    WAP. xv. wns nllcgt'll, 'coultl not to.ke pla~o within suciJ 11 period as would 1ulmit of its ncruug "itb 1lect; oml 6Qrnc of the more inllu('[ttial of tho Brvmts of the

    ~erument ('Tell ug~ted tbe daugtr of umking nuy pnp:uutiou for \1111', lest TiJ>JIOO .houlcl to conclude that it would he ~ tu l""lJlOilO the exc:c:utiou of his pion fur an imrncli ntc nltnrk upon Tippoo. The ad ice~~ from Mrulrn~

    c~>u1i.nnlod this view ; but ns thu nttnek "'lill only to be dcfC!l'n!d, not rclinqui:.hed, nnd as moreover, undrr any circUIDl!tllnee~~, it would w ncce..sary tu pl1100 tho British territory: under the government of Fort St. George in n Mate of defence, dircctiuns were giT

  • URITI$11 llr1Rl: IS lS'OLL 25

    the pn.'t'il!o peri01l of timl' '1\"h~n hu'mar be able CIL\P. 3-V. to nllhnl him lll>.istance mu,;t Le uncertain; it ;, l'l"n.ll)' nnl'f.rtain whether tho UnJ't'tU05ity ni !til temjlllr will sutfer him to wnit fur lhnt lll!Sistnnee. Vtlrinus ewnts in lndin might ollcr opportnniti1.:11 which be wight deem (nml pcrbf'5 with reason) fnuurnhlo I tlte ~ucre,.,, of hit h05lile project:o

  • 211 ' HlSI'oRY OF TITE

    cur X\'. o.-.nbling Olir fnree;, and lllo placing ou~h.,. In a ~tate of prepll.l'lltion for war, nt lcut equal to thnt of tho cnPmy, nppearcd to m~. from tho fil1't mo-Dt('Jit of the autbcntimtiou of the prudamntion, to liCl mea~tuoes not of choice lmt of lmqiqtilJlc necC!4-ity and of in

  • DIUTISIJ EXM1Ul 110 IS DIA. 27

    ncr n. ~liouhl remedy Ute cxiting grnunds of rom- CHAP. xv. Jllnint ; nml, in the mcuntim.-, tbu ncgotintionR in

    Tho nature o( the ddret. in tho Madru CMtabllthmmt, the cau"' from wlllcb they had ariJon, anti the nc .... it) of """"riag them, are ahly poiut.td out in a minuto n-conlrd by the g mo 10 bollm that tbo I"Miiool cleloelo ill the -otitatb> of the ormy.., lloe-. hid! muot a~,. .. , .. l't't1Ud ito "'JUillmmt for tlu! S.ld, are thOle ,-the Wlllll of a po ......Jd --nly bo ettm.W wit.ba '""1 boaTJ' a,._, : bod it io equally conaiA !hat lll>til that ~ .,. illOik'1 bel becu qoitc dili!nmt ID BeopJ. wbon tJ. part


    cu \P. n. progn.'!l>4at tlte courts of Hyi!('mhncl o.nf1 Pnonnh Wt>rtl contluul with rcfcnnro to lhl' )l'n'IIL ni>jcctg in Yiw-tbe annihilation of French inlhunce in lnlin. ami tho iul'J'ellbt.'ti -urity of tbe llriti!.h dominiuus in tbnt ~ountry hy humbling tho chicf (nemy wbidt tla Euglih luul to dnnd, TipJIQO Sultnn.

    The Niznm hnl hm~ OO.:n llllXiou for n closer I"OIIII'~ for ntt.tlching him mure intimately to Englih iutcre;;t~ had hwn J~Mithcly

    neglt~li..J, mnch to tl10 detriment of thO&' intcrc-ts, and to the adnnceml'nt of those of tho Frc11rh. Tu the F..arl of lllomington fell the tA~ ~ u -sly ill the iold, ODd it .quippad fw tu>dcrtakiDg a1 the abo....,., wammg ""1 rmoion either ..tr.- IIi.., or d or tlto wltole oyat

  • DlliTI!III Ellll'11lF. IN !!'IIlJA. 21)

    c-lu;Jeu witlr the Niznm. Tho fi"'t fh-e l'l'golntcll CHAP. Jtl". tlo

  • 30 Ill '
  • 1\RITilill DIPIRE 11' I'WIA. :n

    mnt~rially lo baTe dimin~lll'l Fn.neh infllrence. t nu. X\', Haymhrul wn.q an IU't'.Ont]ll.h~'n l'ngngcd.

    But thils rorps, so long in a comtant rs. "Jwtlll'r for Wlll' or intrigu(', "'''"' nnnhlt. to IUTt.'flt ill! fat

  • 32 liLSTORY OP TIIF.

    CHAP. xv. been fatal. he met them lty tl wa l'repnred to take the respon!iibility of the ID(!j)SUl"l! upon himself; and lbnt, if no public money could ut' bod, he would furni5b from hls private fuu

  • llRITtstt UIJ'lRl! 1'\ ISt>L\: !l!l

    118Hi~tod by n munnumt of tho liritih furotl to thke nut in thll l-'r.'tldt eawp aidt-1 tho Ti~ oi' llJO&O "Jon OOII!flot itS )',.,.ion. Tho object \~lUI HJ>t.'ldily oft'tcttol, ruul without thn 11>!11< of n ,;ingl life. The Froncb oftiL'Cnl wrren-len.-.1 lhCIIl!OCbl!l u 1wi.;;ooo1'8. not roluctant t1uJI! tu t'l!alpe tho fury of their men : anl thP ,;epoyoo. jtnr some pnrlo) ing, IBid down thrir = Tht wholu rtllhlr occupirl hut n few hournmiary e!Airus bn thl! "Siam duly actti.,J. through the iD1100111 of the llritioh resident.

    IL ltad becu the tll'l'in' t>f tiM' gmt!r&M-gnM'ftl to VOL. nr. It

  • I;IHP. X\',

    IIUifOR\' OF Till:


  • BRITIHII E!II'IR!: IS INUIA. 35 thcr or not t.he litrirt of W~1ra.nd WC'ro imlurled IIIAP. :l\ , in the CCti.ioll5 mnd~ tr the Enl(li.lili nt the Jl it ,..1111 nbauoloncd. Dil'puti.'l! had oriS~. Another lcller \\11. ;;u""'-'iueutly tli.'ipatchc.l . ..,lling nthntion to rho fnnncr; rmd !

  • lllliTORT UF Tllf:

    l ' tUP. :X\'. '"the ronrt of tim Snlum might he ....gunlt>tl a,. dt"elined, Tippoo snyiug, tltnt be would infonn tbe goventor-gencral nt wlmt timt and Jllllthcr communiperly det;,r-

    Tbo emhuty .. ilml early in Fbnwr Tbtl Earl o( Mur-""'KI"" ditpout:hod a .... rt fut tbo purpwe al &.rcm-ptiaJ! it. bot the cl>jort ... - o

  • DRJTJSU Elll'lltl: IS IXJIA. !li


  • 38 1!1JHIIIIY (lP TDE .

    CUAP. xv. I ehnll not tlcclino oen this tn~dy o.ntl iusiilious nccept.'IJlre or my J'('prnted PtO!-itions for opPniug 11 negotiation, I ~hall nccompnny tlte negotiation by the movement of the anuy, for tbc purpe of en-forcing Rich tennq of (H'IIce ns !!11nll gi>e elfecwnl security to tho Company's JlOSse;c~ious against nuy ho!lf. The c:ommnnd. however. WDS retained hy General Harris nt tllc CXI>I'C!' dCO!ire of tbl.' govcruor-general, nnd be nc:uordingly joined lhe nrmy, wbi~b consil;ted of two tboUflllld six hnnd:red caYnlry (ocnrly a thousand of whom were Enropenn.). between fiw nml ~ix hiJililred Eumpmlinj: nltugt!thcr n force of nhont tw

  • llRITISB DIJ'IIIF. IS lSI>!,(, !)!J II

    The nnny wns nccompanit~l hy ~hty 'ticld-piuuteol, 1111ol """ of them hl'ing grcuo. fl'l'tnll

  • JO ll!IITURY !JF' TJH:

    CU.\P. XY. lict of tim mo~emcnt. l.Tnc-t'rtuinty \lliJi nmon..J 80nn nft

  • .

    UIIIThl! lo:!>IPHI.4. 41

    forrl' undPr Colonel Baillie. 'l'hu ~ulu."n, howl!l'l't, in t 'HAI'. X\'. tlti imtnnrl'. gained ncith~r honour nor ad\'llntage. IIi lot'S has l100n estimated as bigb u tw

  • RrSTOitY OF '1111':

    wur. xv. gnpat.nm. H~ro t.hl! ~emy occuried some height"' from which they openl'd n c:mnonnde UPmfc:,.,;iug their readine~,

  • UIUTbll Cll'ntt: IN INDIA.. '13

    tu were rommncd iu per-limning it. Till' dclicie!tuy or these animnl~ hBd !>lriously imptdtd tltl! prog~-c.s nf tim onny fn1111 ila C(Jillliii!DCCIJit'JII, It had been a IIOUJ'OO of ('OIIIJllaint frum t.hc time of Sir Eyre C.otc, if not frum all lwlier period : hut nn m.,.,.on."' lllll been talwn '"

    g~uml n~n:.t du; inonwnicncc. Th.: neglo:t I"'"" hnp wns eJWurngoti, if il "~I'll not originnl


    tiiAJ'. xv. Tho npemtion. t>( tl., Brltilth nrmy \\WI' Jtromptl) eommf!I!Cl'fl. On tht ui,t.oht of its nrrlml nt it~ pnoition, au nttm(t '1\'llS made upon the cnenfs :vh-anccd poot.:;. It partilllly failed; hut tht> attaL'k being rtnLwc!l lln t lu l;llmring momiug, wus hy the enemy to .. tnbli.!;h u n>{)t~uht uu the northern htu1k of thl! riwr wn. lefentl hy ll ft>rcc uml('r Colotll'l ,-ou:;lllll Hart. thoul!b Clip

  • nnrrtXJI hliU'IJtF. IN II)~Qo>Cd I Tippou pnniILl for thu retwptiou ut hi rn~trt of lUI nwbll'""lnr from cnclt of tho nlli
  • CII.\P. x~. Gl'l'tlt Britain; for the renunciatinn hy the :-;uitnn

    of hi' ennuectiott with LhC' Frendt. nml for tlw per p!'lnn..l exclusion of th11t J>iOt'r of bi fnmlly."

    Gcneml llo.rri retJnired an IUI.SWl'r tn he .-c11L within forty-eight bolln', tog~>ther with the n'

  • .

    IIJlmsJI l:.VPJRF; ' ' ISIIIA. li

    hoil'gl!r< went bri;kJy on. They wcro only !'U8- cRAP. xv. J>cnkl wlll'n nn ottuck from tbo ummy required to ho rJllllerl; nnd in tbc.>~u cmnfli~l~ sue~~'>ging that, as tho 1int& in quemon wen wdghty. nnd without thu lntPrWntion of 11Dl-

    h8!W~dord could not he brought 1.N'Inm for lhl' pllrp;'C uf I'Onf,nnc :ut1l csplanntioo. fientrol Harris. in b1o an!Oll""' ulli:reol Tippoo onc-e tnoro tho DAhantage .,f the pmJ"'&::IS formerly tnm.mitte

  • Ulh70RY OY TilE

    CII.\P. X\". w recoin' vakools. unlr~~ thoy wcro ON'mnpan.ied by the r~!quired loos~ awl 8pede, in rceognition of the term beinjt' W:C(piL'iO Gt>neral Bait

  • . llRm&H Elll'lll!: IS 1'11>1.\. 49

    rommnnd~'l uft.:r lht!y hucl il'mll'll from tlt(ir t.rcnclrcs tho Hriti~h ling wn.-1 ,

  • 50 IIIS'rollY OP Tit?.

    CIIAl'. TV. ,;C('ahlc. R"unning forward n)mo.tlliugfy, he JIUI"OUOO the cntmy till he rtdcht.od 1\ mud ra\'l\litr. where he pla.nhl n ling tuultlisplnyetl bh bot on the point of hi' ,word. Ht men "0011 rollect('ff nrnuod him. and being joino-1 hy tit!! re.~t uf the lrooJI' cugngecl in thb attacl.th'}' fllvanred "'l'idly, the l'llcmyntnmt-ing b!'foro tlwir b:t)onet& Tbe "'lll:liuing l':l\'lllicl'l-""ru rruntl in ''11('~-inn, nnd in lcs.~ thnn :10 hour nfhr Bbrending tho hl'(a.ch, the party. afttr . by whom it "'liB cnnunanll'

  • DRI'M~Tt l.!'ll'lllll 11'; 1"-'lllA. 51

    baTin~ cfft'alb.. Allllf_ ancl Bcatoo, pn.-iug nlong the mmpnrl~ li"'tinlt' til8'fl' uf r

  • CUAP. XV.


    alarmed: but the kincllx>aring of the Britieb oftkt>.,., aud the ret' Inquire if the Sultan 1IV In the fort. :::yed 1W""n.~l that be WIL!! in tho pal41'('. Th in the thnrgt' of two sepoy!!. llut tht'ir kindnl!!-.~ \1111! uunvoiHng.

    ~ rutd the ntt!'nlinn~ hewn by the three olfirl!l'll to Sy

  • Jlll.mlill Dll'fllll IS IN[tl.\. 53

    Tlrro tbIDblccl a.. in tiorbsr, on" or two h..ing l'roted. aud 11tbt'n< RJ(n>nching tbem wiU1 gn:'Rt )'("~ct. They tlwu ~ought Ocuoml Bnird, ln cmnmunirote t.o lbn~ offirtr \\hut they hnrl hl'llrtl, nml wb:tL they bal

    u~rwtl, The geneml ho.ol provioll:!ly J"CCcivt..J infummtiun or 8imila:r lmlkirt, 111141 luul baited hlo tn>JIS fvr refrebmCilt bcfuro lao prt't'ttft'd !u UW mon the p:ilnrt. Tbe rucu lteillj\' somewhat rero-

    nn.~l. nnl tbP nect. .. "AA')' pnrnratiun. made fir nunrk htoull the .ummous 1"' olin.J:urtl~od, llnjr A linn 1\ ~ tlt"'JntclJL'

  • CRAP. XV,


    fonetlonari~ Major A linn repeated tho ~abltanoo of his meu ge ; pointed nut the dangeor of neglting it u-' tbe nect'll8itv of immediate ~

    e~~ . tioo; pledged itimself for the due J>Crfoi'IIWlOO of the promiee which he bol'l'; and, finally, requiroct to be arlmitt~l intu the tl11laee. that h~ might re-peat hiiii!OIIUnmet.'!l of Mfuty to tho Sultan himself. To tJu. proposal Tippoo'a senant.s rniUlifl'Bted grmt dislike, hu~ Major Allan insisted. and called upnu two Englillh oflioono, one of wbCJm IJK>ke the native language "ith extrnonlinary Rucnoy, 111 aceompany him. Tho party BScrnded by the broken wall, and from thlnce Iowen.', thuugh his funily were. The oril'lllal fondnet!s for d\'lay wns still indulged. and the killlular I!Cellled tmt to know in what manner to act. After a further fl'!ll'lition of the 1188Ul'1Ul~ am! the 1nll'llingw which bad been already giTl'D, the llltt~r hcing, cnfnrrerl by reference to the (('('l-ings of the lrooJIII before the fllllaoo, which the

  • ----------------~------------~----------- .


    killadar w:111 apprized c>uld not bition critical. A number of per!!OW. rontinu ... l hl moYclmrriedly J,.,.Jnr:udi and forwards wit !tin the J>alace, ntul of tho oLjt't't of tla. lll'Jling upon tbcm once more the net'(o;!.ity of dcci,;ion, nud infom1jug lbem tlmt hiR tluw \ll),ij limilod. Tbuyml.Will'\!coUoet...J from bniDg wit~ bi> ddirery, "itl JWutbcr brother, iutn tho ebarJ::e of

  • lllllrl>RY OF THE

    CIIA.r. X\', Lon! ComWnlli. All a hmMgc for the due rerform-- of tht> treatY ronduoled b1' tbat nobleman with . . tb

  • IIRTriSH l:MPIRI: IS IS!I\A. 5i

    110me degn>s;ity of yidtling h..ing. bowcH'r, n)lllin trongly p~. ruul )lajor A linn hning prnmbed to Jk"'l n gunrd of thdr mm acpuys within tit~ pnlnce, nnd o Jlnrty of F.un(~'llns \l;tltout, to ~ull\.>r no pem.n to enter without big uwn cpE

  • CllAJ'. X 'f.

    HJIITO&Y or n11:

    Wetion and lllf'ety. It Ia not to be suppoeed tbAt Geuen1 Baird bad any ..erioWI lnt.ention of nolat-iDg a promile IIOiemnly made by one of W. otliren under instructions frum himself. and by virtue of which ...-ion of till' palac

  • IJRITI~II KMPillF. IN INlliA. liO

    A minute ~-nreh throughnnt the ~ was or- cur.:~.v. tlt'rcd, with n iew t securing tbc )l('I'IIOU of the Sult&n. who, uotwithtwuling the d11uinl nf IJi fol-lo\\tl", wa yet belie~utl to b. ren


    ClUJ'. XV. appeered to inark him out u the Saltan- only - oae of his roolldential l!l'l'ftllbl who had atteoded

    him throughout the day. But the n0001181ty for far. thcr l!llareb wu at an cn~l. The wnnnclm tbo IL'Ctllllalated mass ahove and around it was ~I by the kilbular as that of tlto Sultan. Bl!ing piiU't~l in a pnwu1uin, it Willi I."Onveyed to tho polnce, wbcro mnltiplit'd t~timollil~ to itl idl!ntity nmoved all pt>Utod for doubt.

    Tippoo lmtl fallen, but bi.t fnll wn. ~ly !mown, utul it eert.llinly cootribnttl nothing tow11rds tlw n'!lnlt of the dny. Doring tho J.:u;t fourli.'I'U duy>1 of tho tit'ge bo luul lind hi abode at 11 1I1U'c fur meriy OC'alpled by a water-gate, Lido Tippoo b:ul tome yaus before clOIICd. Here be crcetc

  • RRITI~Il DlriRE IN ISOlA. fl1

    Uw ~il'gt>, lmtl.t Mnhomctnu nncl Hiniloo IU!lrolog.n~ CHAP. X\"". clttlnred 11111 -llh of :.\fsy n il:&y uf cbwgt>r. To awrt the thrroti'UC !he Jl:lluce, J.athc.t, anti, .1\flll!lfulmnn u lu1 Wll.', pn."nted, through n bnunin of high I'I'Jnta-tion for NUccUty, the rectuirt~l ohlntion "itb n]J tho t"Utomnry fonnalitil't!. A jar of oil Conned port of tlw oft'erinjl; ruul, in eomJilinn~'O with n Jlintloo eutuut, tlu~ Sultan PDdeavoured to uoeruin the 81i)ICCt of fate {1'0111 tbe fonn of hie l'al:e aa reiJeetro from tho surface uf the nil. Whetlu~r U1e cxhibition indieatl'tl good or il i, no~ knoW'D; but. L C'ulnncl

    With~ n~rves, the resulL deponcls ou meehnninut ncn lht' ~u]tan lcncl eompletOtl tlw eerl.'mnnit'!l which dc:>pnir bncl led him to rnu:ti~ at lhe ex peJlS(! of Li> ron~n of hi mict .. Jay n JOWrs w,re J>n'-J'Rriog to ~tnrm. He remnrked, thnt an llllO

  • 62 RI!ITOIIY OF mK

    rHAP. xv. it llhonld, tbC ntmck must ho "'!l"lled. Tilt! next intelligence that n=bro him WD.I! enlamltoas. It UUIOUJict>d tht> dooth, by n I'Bnuou-hnll, of tbe mm from whom he bnd reeeifod tbo ln.~t communication. 111d wbo wu ontl of his chief nflicers. Thc' ~ultan wu agitated, but gaTe the onlcn ~ li>r the

    ~ and ate doWD to his l'l!'pUt. It Wll8 yet U11&nillhed when he ~oecivcd n n!(Kirt tlmt the llf.~rm lwl Nm!menced lA> tho northeru I'IUIIparl-.

    He found that the Englih had surmounted the brct~cb, and plnt'ing himself behind ODll Of the tra-\'lli'IK'll of the nmpart, he 6rod sc'l'eo or eight time!! 011 the Nilant,a, aud. u wu bdievcd by tlu-se who u ided llim.ldlled Eftlal Earopt'llll!L The Hight ot Ida troupe bebe tbe ~ W.'epaa eompel-lecl blm to retire ; though wbeneTOr an opportlmlty c6red for making a stand, be is ltated to baTe em-bnred it. But no e!Tort.s wbfrb be wu able to make could tum the etlm'Dt of succes8. He bad

    ~WJCivcd a alight ound, Allll tbe ext>rtintU wbieh he wu unanilingly makin,ll' rendered painful the iaJnroe!os uncler which he laboured. Fituling a

    Major 1leco- ,..._ the onlrr o( the two a


    horse. he mounted anl rodl' toward,. the gate of tbc tiiAP. :o. interior wnrk, with what ol~!'ct does not nppear. J I ere he rccdved a wound in lho right iddo from n. musket-hall. IIl' rod(' forwarl n. fuw par()!e Willi nt tbe snme moment brought down. Tlu faithful !l


    CIIAP. X\'. menc~d lhl! 'vork of plmul~r. by whom ho mil> im-ml!diatl')y shut through the tempi' The circum-~tam>e ntt.eu11i ng tho discllvt:ry nnd reco!fOitiou of his OO.Iy have been ~!ready dtailcd.

    On the nwnling nRer the capture of s~'l'ingnpatrun, an English uffioor l1nYing gone tiJW!lnH the liTer with n party of ~I"'JE. Jlt'rceivt:ll on tlw opJOOtite silk u fmr hol"oCJllcll, onhonoun~ with ,..hicb it is the emtom or I:nro1-e to !(niCe th1: l!Cllclids Qbi.e.1uics nickd the IIOI

  • UIUTISII EArP!llE J'); l);[l[A. o:; tho ll,ou life.

    The oouqut ... t nf Seringapatam w'IUI not achit.-llfl without a ronlidNahle amrr. hut the lOll! of tbc Jlririh llnll.T Willi (t-. S!'Yeft' than 111il(ht Jm.-e ~ll t'IJ!Cd~l. Tho totnl :unount of killi.od, woutlt.lcol. nnd mi;sing, iu tho whole of tho op!'rnlions thron~:hout the hiege, fell tillort of fifl!'Cn hnudred. Tb!' ''*' uf the en('my cannot be ~rteined with 1'1'1'-ci-iun: J..ut it bas l>t'(n 1!!-tintatc

  • GG lrt!!TOR\" 01' TnE

    nn.r ,,.., monnt~l ofl the fflrti6d Utousnnl mU>kclq nud \"J.J'biur

  • DRITISU &:oiJ'lRE f); l!'o'TIIA. 67

    IK> 1lesired or their iudiJl'enlnco dt.pr~ed, r111d hl\tl cnAr. llV. addre-~ olhm" luul b..'

  • 68 RlftORT OF TRK

    CRAP. XV. self YISO"'Usly, U GenenJ Baird had pnmo1J81y dour, to nlllbain ex001111, and restore order, tnmqull-lity, lAd eonfidenee. The inhabitant. who bad quitted the city I!OD lK>gan to return, tbe exer-c:ile or the art8 of inc)ustry teTi~~), and tbe daily conunorm incidl'nt.al to n populoli!O town recovtrecl ita wonted llt'th-ity. " In a few daya." !IIIJS Major ~-n. .. tbe bBzal"'! wtre g~ored with all toOrt .. r pro'

  • U&mlill UIPIJI.J: IS l!iliiA.

    ith of ~{ny. Ali Reza, ono of then;oonlly tcndf?n.41 their >ulnui.-iou to Gl!llt'ntl lllll'ri, nod thf? exam-tll rf the ehlcfii was rnmptly follnw,-d b) tbe,.hole of tho tn"'P' On the 13th of ~IR). Xt!rt"i"' f uutlmrity in the oam

  • 70 HISTUIIY u Tilt'!

    CHAP. xv. pronded fW, the next point t'&lling for declsioa ne ita ultimate dlspoeal. The governor-general bad lamllbed Gt'neralllanit 11'itb instruetiou for --eluding a preliminary treaty with Tippoo, under eor-tain cll't'UJDJt.ana-8 ; but the infatuated obstiu.cy of the Sultan, aud the extraordinary 111.-- which had thence re.ultcd to tho Britlah army. bad giYeo me to ll statu of tbingl dilfereot 6om any whit'h bad ~Jl con!A!mplatod in framing tht't'tiUJC the -.y of M,_. md tho JIO!illihlc canclidaw. tor it ae--t. aod for the ne'lll'l of the

  • liJUTI!UI niP~ IN INOlA. 7 1

    J'laccl, 11111 that tho Company ruu.-t retain tle whole tur. ~t\. uf the Sultan's U.:rritory in )lalabv, ns \\oU ns in CoinJbntoro nnd Dn.rnporam, wllh tho hc.1

  • ~ .. ,_ UJ'RY OF ~

    t'II~P. :tV. Jl""""''ion, and to NJPrenrrnte nil RUthnrity, nntallll! extent. It would ha,o t:nm.fcned to Ids har~

  • nRrhl;u Llll'IR& I~ lM>LL

    almitting the )[:thm~ to 1111 c1u:U participation en \P. :.w. "Hh tim Company arul tho ~imm, hut ot.hc:s, nul inferior, would have tlwr~hy lll'lo introduced. An (Wil ll'lo!lnk'il to those on wht>HUt an effi>rt in lht cnnunnn ("lou-.e, were to bo nt dt111lrable to add to the tnmgth of a &tate Jll!T flcUuus to a proverb, nnd nc\et t-o fitnnidnble 1111 wlll'n t..nt on JIIUJ'O'cl of mi-chicl. ~\n NJnnl partition between tho thn.'C powers mU>t abo ha\C ti'IIWfem....t to the :\lnbralta.:. those fortn-s;;o..,. Hn the northern frontier "hith wtre not oc:cnpiCl'l'tll'nt M near an appro&l'h to a guocl wad~J11tanding with tho Mah.mtw a.> tho ('hanlrt

  • i.J III~TI>R \" 01' TilE

    CI!AP. ;t\", iuconrenicn~ 'lrhich be pcreciTcd to l>e llltlll'ht~l tn the rompletl! olismcmbcrment of ~I '""''~'~' he re90lved on forming n tnr~ of l.he country iutu 11 l!t'Jlru111.C state. It i>< to oo olo!Korvctl tltnt the.> hocm proposed for tho rcilnva was nnt to be glwn \111-('0Dditionally, but Will inUnclt..:l to fonn the h11>1i~ nf 11 Dew tJeGty wiU1 the M ahratta empire.

    This mode of cli.tributiug the ronqDl'red olomi-nions hanng been re11oh ~ .. 1 upon. questioo.q of grt_'flt iutcrt'@t and important-a rentAincol for detcm>iuntiotL Who 'It'll!! to be tho ruhr of the rcnomtcd tntt'rmitrd to retain only asm!ill share? W oDid not hi re,entmcnt, on IIC

  • IIRITIMI L.IIJ'IRP! IS lNllfA. 7[1

    c:'all nn Endbh anny into the lu.'arl 'of !riA dorni- tllAP. X\', nillll.>? l'lumld thi ~~ cn:;n(', who ('1>ultl Jredi~t the C\'etl~ 1 Who ecmld ltll wlrulh

  • i6 UISTOllY OF TIH:

    \ t, . n. nrul bdm,_in! ll!lve been tbruwn.iuto the 8t'3le 111'1"""--d til" nor "iu-

    tl'l'tS~ Tbc h06tilo lweruf :\[ Y"'rc would bne breu \ltnken~l. but not dc!totnyt'li; nn n('Dly woulcl mill llll\'e remnin~l in tl1u C'

  • lliUTlSB li'PIRE IS ISDiA. i i

    nf uninn for tb!' maehination of l'lcry" rlicontcuted cn.\1' X\'. faetion in lndin, nod for tho intriJrUI'S of every t:'mi-AI")' nf F nwco. Undtr tltl ... C circnnL~UtDC(';i. lht ~nmc un:dety for the RCCnrity nod repose of" 11ur ''I~'!C..,.ious which origiunlly cnmJKIk'

  • 7S lll!ITOIIY Of' Tml

    cuu. XT. tbu infant RAjah from the eommis!iolll!lS wbn bnd ~n appoint('

  • DR1TJ'wn.~ mct hy Genernl Harri. ancl .1\le.-r .\11om. enrb of "hom took his bane]. llr \\II.~ thlli condul'k'fl to tbu musnnl 110d plact..'

    CII~P. XV, Jnlt.ed to the fall e.steut tJ.t politiraJ prudl'JK'e woold permit. Tbe p.-cmor-general 1'801Yed to uaigu to tht-m a more IUllplc maintl!naJK'c than tboy bad enjoyed under tlw rule of Tippoo, aDd if thtn weze any error in hi8 IU'I'IlllgeDll'llls, it wu In tho dbiproportio011tc magoiliooDCC with whieh tho nola-tiona of the falll.'n prinee were pro'lided fOr. The !'ailing, howeYer, ha.l ill! origin in poeroa1 and noble feelings. U odtr the ioftueuee of' limilar feel-ings the Dl.'l'e'MJ} ('n>('ClCdinll" for the I'IWtonl&ioD ol the ancient d)'Til\l'ty had heen tleferred until after tho departure uf Tippoo's I>OJU from ~fy,.1ue. It wns thought a point of rolit-y, uut less than of 1,'1'111'-ruoity, to concilintl.' th!' principal chiefs oml ofllt'

  • nrunn Dll'lllE JS JSI>IA, Rl

    of hi father. Thl' prilli'ipal of these 'B"quisitinns CHU.JI\', vero Cannrn. Coimbatore, and Wynnnd. The sc-cond artit'lt detennin!'d tho ditrir~ to be nddt'd to the territories of the Niuuu, \lhich wPro AI'I!'Cted from th~ nllja!'ent to Ills fonwr lmninions, and rerogniz!'d tba elnim of Kumml'r-on-DLl'n to n per-IIOllal jnghiro fnm t1u> revi.>nllt"l of tb08Cal'tl nnl tnmquillity. uul for t be g.>nM'Ill l!e-

  • R2 li!STOR\' OF THE

    nnr xv. loo fonnallynolitil~l to him.lllll alo;o UJ>OII hi! ghing entiRf8"tion to thl' Company anti the ~imln on sudo l"'intf! of dift'crcucc 11!1 txitetl betwern him8Cif IUll l'ithcr of th~ pnrtic. Dy Ute eighth artie it.', If tlu1 rcihwa sbonld ruf11so l!l nccede to the tnuty, wul give satisfnl'tiu hl th~ original partie< to ol, tllll trritory inteotlctl fnr him wn.q to re.-crt to tho joint ditcd from aeoouotAhility t>

    ~~~ other in

  • tht romnining ont.l-thirihwn Fhould nrcnce behrrtn him and tho Nizam, the 14ttl'r J>OWI'r would thl'r

  • t 11\P. rt.

    tn!fTnRY UY TTIE

    1oiK'IOtletl un hi hdnlf con.ist~.J f ~ttocn nrti-l'la The lin-t .t.~lan.'nn to apprehend fa.ilun, were (!JUfJO'"''"''l tn intn>-duce !OUch fl'gulation; &-~might be dCE'med expodint for the IIUliJIIgemcut mul collection of thl' rc,t-nlll'll, or for thP better onll:'ring of nny otbcr d('J>artmcnt of the gowrnm .. nt; ur they might llllllnml' tuul bring un


    pnuy ruty p:lrt uf tht' tcrrit~ry nf l\fysurl!. 'fhl' t!flb ciiAJ>. xv. pr"'itlctl for the clue l'XCCOtitlll or tht> fourth nrtirlt. Whl'ncYer tltl' S!'


    t IIAP. X\', defcnrt-. With tlili! tiew 1 have en~~~ to uodl'r-take tlte protl'etion nf tltiH C'r,unt ry in cQn.'!ichrntinn nf an annual ~booicly of """'D lar.s of ~tar ]03lf'"IM: I JUt, recollecting tho incon nniencc~ 1111cl entlmrrtl!l!!-m Lettu to lho Court ol Oirerton. 3nl A1J!110t. 179!1. Thonl io 110 put cllho admimble lrtt.:r '""" hlch tloc JIOIAil" in lhe tut is Uttoo


    t'HAP.~. iog no a ., tMhaMe but tbe mutual bene&t of the two t._t whieb pnMctA. aud that which ill proteetecl t It Ia true that tbe form~ r-the protec.-tlng .tue may, in maoy CMCtl, be unable to do mueh for tbe geueral bappiMw or the eouutry whieb it bound to defend. and that the military l"omt deltiaed to eapport tbe nati~e prinee -Y be -timee eaiJed apou to .n againet bit owa eubjeata where they haYc j011t ground for eompfaint : bat lh.e r.da, 10 far from proYing that the protoetiog roxaweot hll8 too mneb power, only pro~e tha& k U. IMK

    mou~. The same evil., or evil of equal Dllpi-tudt, would cxht wbl.'ther the inferior sta1e were dependant or not. If indtJICDdlnt, and the "'"e-reigu were powerful, ubetlioueo to bU. lril~ or to dla& or hil mlner, would be l'nfon-ed. If he were weak, OPJlrOIIIIIon would be 1uet'l'rohobility Lp in tloe tmnsiti11n to a betttr dilopc,..itio>n of politieal JIO""l'r It mny be that tuost of the ijUbclidiary &tntes woulcl be mo.re I'I'DfJICr-uu.-, &llf] the J"--ople under them fur mol"l hU)'f'Y \H'ft! the I'Dtirt authority, ehil as well as mili~ry. in the hanoi of the Britioh govenmwut. But that go~emment e


    flamed to fu.ry. The Enrl of Morningtob, therefore, c::uu. x \", art.-1 "it1l'ly iu not mnkin~ :\l).,;>ru ostctLCnntnoo uf a separate clnlt. Tho power for which be >lipulatcd \\'liB to I.e exc-rcid for the imprnwmtnt of the Rnjub's ltrriltlry, the extention of Its oomm!'I'C(', IWd the promotion uf the wcl.fa.ru of itt inhabitanl.!;. The govcmor-gcnl'l'nl thus cf-ff'Cte

  • 00 IIIITORY or THE

    '-" uo. n. important. bnes already CliJIIainl'll must now oo brielly ootict'd. The Rajah ,.. l1011nl to abstain from any intorli!rc1noo in tho alfnirs of the allit'!l of tbe Company, or e>f any o:.thcr ~tate; and precluolutl from holding any communication or corre!ponclcnce with aoy foreign atatc wbatcTcr, witbout the l're-

    Yiu118lmowlcol~ and ~anction of tbe Company. Like uther allies of tbo Dritillh ~verumcnt, be WM n.~ ttrietecl from emplo)ing t:DnJpi'UII without tbe c.-oneurrcncc of lhl' Company. or snft'erlog tbem to n..Jde in ills dominions. This nrticle wu f'raiMd with unu..

  • IIRITIM! EJIPille T'< l~l>L\. 91

    the trt"&ty. II the employuwnt nf the ~ troo('ll Cli\P. w. ff tluJ Cuml'~ny ~huultl llt:t:omo DCCl.,.;nry to the nuunhnMCl' of the &jab'~ nuthority, their o.id, upno fonnnl nptliration being mudc, w38 to be uftbrdt.lll in ~uch mnnuer 38 the Compnn) 's gowrument might ~~ lit; but they were not to be c-mtloycd in ortli-IL'U"f n:vcnue tr:ms:u:tions. Tlw llltjllh w~ to ri'I)-Titlo tht fund for pcnsionin;r tlo 111nloomctan offi~l'l< whom it hal IK.'t'n thought politic to conciliate; hut ht incnrre.l no t'hor-0'11 on nct"ouut of the lnte Sultllll's fnmilr, "bo wc-ro to be ~uppurtl'fl hy the BriU..h guvcntrntnt, nor of K nmrntr-ot>-Dt'1 pay tbe utmost attention to such ndTice m. the Engli.l1 go

  • III>TORY ur Tllt:

    CIIAP. xv. tbe ltnj11h, o't for nn nrljnR!mcnt by such othet means 311 ~hnuhl It~ huited to the tD cirtonnHrnt. The mean. tnkt:n In him to efi't'

  • DRITIH nrriRE IS S"DH. !13

    cipated diOiculty wa u-mcrtt, a lliOVI!Jlll"llt tn "hlch his liboratm> "ouM be likely 1.11 ntw.cb litlle imporlnnee. Rcswuiug hi~ old habit--., Dboontlia, on the wbanding of Tippoo' ar111y, colllcted tl fi!W cMlLlry, with whom h lnnk tht direction of Detlnon. Th" ,r.aro nf the country wM not unfn..-ouruble for gntb~:ring ~ruill!, ami bt 1'011 ffiUDd hit b11JJ

  • Ollri'ORT OP TH 1':

    our. xv. iocreued by""men anxious for ~ of - kino), llllCl DOt troubled with any acute lle!lllibiliiy of --

    ~~~lienee in relation to its rhnmrtcr. By the lnftu-- of motin.,. which it is not ca

  • BRmSH Elll'IR!: IS f)o;DU.

    poor, anrl !.i ea.-nlry, after ru oao1o timo ftll into tho hnnds of tho Engli~h. Dhoondin l...cBJM'd IJy c,.....ing the riv.-r in n lxo:tt. whirb hat! lot'l:'n pniC.'UJ\tl fur the ocl'l\Siun. lie wns d01oely purwcd, rwd t"01Dpclled to take refuge in the Ya.b-mtta tcnitory, where he enmmtOCair n "ii'lt within a few boors afttr Ill' hud pitchoo hi ramp within tbe M:lhrntlu lndt~'>r to the fnturt

  • 96 Bli\TOitY OF 111 CHAP. xv. ply of the wants of tbe po."6ing day. It woul

    CHAPTER X\"1.

    TnE remnrk:tbln promptitude :~nd energy whlch CHAP. '('"J. lh~ I-"" tntorgcneral hal dipln) ,.,J in ruunt

  • llllir"ll\. Of Till!

    tRAP. X\"L adoption. gav!' OJJoor1unity for tl,.. amhition of .._\mt't'r Singh to di~JIIt\y it&!lf: the litlo of the youthful ~mCCMnil'tl. \"nrlon~ oJ.Uetiolb '"'re rni"H'l"DDlcnt being invnk"l on both .id~-. tho qut.,.tion nt ;,,,te w~re refeml by tbnl nuthority to thl' dL>cwon of a t'Ottnt'il r.f pnnlits !CllliJr.l in Hinoln

  • 99

    fonner Wli.S nctonlingl) pln.t>ed on tho throne, hut cu \P XVI. not "itllout n di,nucl intimation of tht> expcctntinn emtrlrunt-d by the Britih gown1ment that the t~-aludld infant \HlUld bl' protectcol!lnd mniotained in 11 mantll'r !lt !CI tbr bopi'R which 'Ito had l)('to !I'd t" tberuh. :\othing rould be more ""-"J' nothing more nl\turnl. thnn tn prnmiRe cnmplianl'c with tbt> wbbM of thoooe- who had th~ pmwr of IH,.tnwing ur ll'ithhulding n kingdom; :uul. n far "'' trnfe-sion wl!r!l toneeml.'ol, Am!'Cr Singh gtiVIl to hi pntrnn1 full "'ltkfaetinn. But "" ...-put no liu1hl'r. Cnm-

    plaint~ of tbr tn'lltment ~iw nt"Cl'"ity of takinj:' prnJ>Pr C&J'(\ nf the lu:~lth llDI t>n1ment on the !'UhjPCt. hut be now trrotl'll it.! ml'll.iation a.t an imprn(f'r inttrfl!lt!n~ with hi- olometit' armngcment.. He alll'j!t'd that. during thr rt'ign nf hi bmthcr, hi '''"I ~ituation had hown wn~ than that of th11 peroon in whOM! be!Wf hf' ...,. addreAAI'Il, II.Dd that the Britbob go-vemmf'llt had llt'rer inttMPd in hie liamur Sn~h.

    It 2


    CUAP. xv1. imi~'C

  • lll!ITIRU t!MI'IR(-; Ill INDIA. Jill

    judgment whieh they h11d ddin-n. be dun1, but "lirh ,.-h u th>Ue r

  • ltrl IIUITURY UP mE

    CIUP. X\ I. >CDU'IM:e the adopted JKJn had been ~ by, tbUs became evident, and it \\'118 but juat to retnet the (alee Jtep -whirh hncl fonntrly heen made. T~ eYt-ntl! ami iuqniril"' cxll'lHlml through scvf.'rnl ytJ&n. during which Lord CnmwnlliM nntl Lord 'l'cignmoutb exercised the powPn< uf govcmor-gencml, and ll tcriet' nf go\'"emuno, cumm~n~ing with Sir Archibald CllDJbcU and cndin~t with Lon! nobart, prt .. i

  • RRJTIMII &111'11!1, I~ I~UIA. lfi:J

    aJJCI report. Tho: goventor-gennll nt Oll!Mt did l'"'"i;.iuu being l"E'!!('rtl'

  • 1114 JIJ'B."'tl. The trenty wns (.'(ln-

    A.D.II.,. t'lurled on the 25th of l)cto))('r, li09, and ratifit~l by the jt~>oremor-l!"ncral in rounril on the !!9th of !'ion t'mhcr fi>llowin:t.

    A cbn.nge, t;imilar to t118t made at Tnnjore, wns tRt>cted with regnnl to thl' plincipality of 1-luntt. Thv city of Surat Will! 11110 or tho fust in Tutlill in point of eommcreio.l importnnrc. There nllio Oockt~l in n;,t number'! the pi oiL~ 'otaries of the .\rubinn prothct. in search of the mt'lUl'l of tmn.'']l(lrt to the c:il) wbi~b ~rr"ry guod .lltLNtlman is anxious to l~tJwlcl ; tllul Sutat tlttL, c.-ant to lit' eJ>Oken of u ouo of Ll1c gnt"" of ~lt

  • lUtlTISU :MJ'IRE I" l.'IDlA Hl:i

    uncltr Se>nj~'l'. For llti< ~e:rrico they rcceiveol tho cn~r. ::Yemmr.nt uf tho romnincler, bad ... tablilu>tl, with rc,;peot to the dt) orul tht t tbe EnglW! in obtaining Jl005Se>iun of till' two latter on tunclitiou of being prolc:Ltcl in hi llllthorit). The gorenum nt of Bombay had proviutudy h

  • 106 lli~'TORV Of' TilE

    CHAP. xn. 110\l.~Oit of tho castle nnil the fleet, a111l tb~ir IL'-t!Urnption of the command WllS nfterwardQ ~ulcmnl)' confinnud by the imperinJ court of D0lhi. All wb., lmd ever excrebcd ruty description of uuUturlly nt Sumt, excepting tho ~hhmtt.'L-, hnd profe5S{. .. t to act in Ute n.'U1le tmd Ulldcr tlw appointment of lite Mogul Ewperol'. The firmttD of tho Emperor tnws-ferred the chnrge of the Cll.Stle nnd tl1e Beet to the

    t~ngll.h ; the Mogul Jlng cuuseqocntly continued to Boat from the castle, nnd wns hoisted nt tlte mlltIe ofSurnl bad t.Ought thetnterfereuce of the government of Bombay, :wd l'l'joicetl in tbc thnnge which hnil tllkcn plnce. The Emreror of Dclbi, who claimed lhe rovereignty, acquiesceil, nod ap-pointed the Company his 'icegerent. The Nnoob professed to be lhe servant of the Emperor, aod rould not con&istlmtly object to yield oootlleuco to bis commrul!ls ; and he bad, moreover, become vo-luntarily a po:rty lo the tr:wsfer of tbe military and nnvnl power to [he English. It !'WillE, therefore, tbat little l!ltot'J!tion cnn be t.nken to the step by which the Engllsb first obtainerl lh!! public and recognized exerci;.e of nntborit)' in Surnt.

    It i~ not to be bolienJd that the Dnmlmy gn'l'"em-ment, in unrl~rtakiug the rlefonce of Sumt, were actnaterlt'OIPiy IJy a 1lesire to benefit the JlOOple, nr

  • BR!TlSI1 XI'lRE 110 1~ IliA. 1 07

    to mniutnin tho honour of the ~fogul state. 'rhoy cn.u-. xvt. had lUidoubtccn exercised for thtir oppn..,.,.ion. As in other e&..-t.., the ro~m-e .. r c\cnt.ot aidtl the nggrandizC'ment of the Company: and at Surat. "bile they "lCilibly )lQ">''."'-"'-'(1 only a portion of the authorit)' camc almott inevitable thnl tbey 8hould make pn>vision for the t-Jlc-rriloe of th" wholt. Thll wu in truth coon-tedl', 'll'hen hu n.'("()gniu'd thl'ir ril(ht to appoint a nnib while ho was acknowiL'II~I "" tho chief ~hil authority. Tho total ~k of tho l\logul 11mpiro r

  • RTSTQR1' Ill' TilE

    cflAl'. XVl. stnte migbt be nl>le to commttntl. As In 1';nmt, indeed, U1o ltnation of tho Company wru; lhe f'Ollle as that of the Nnbub. Power wn.;; in their po~itioo. They had no longer a common SUJlll--rior: lhl'Y might ~ontinue lo nt'knowledge ns their chief a mnn who was sometimes no out~u.st and llOmet:imes n prisonE'r; but, sulll;umtinlly, the two nuthoritios hail become independent. The uond. too. which hnd wtited tlaem wns severed. It wns cnrtely possible th11t di."J'utcs should be nvoided, :uul who sh


    Will' di'Jh!ndo'nt 1111 the will of the ~ttrongcr. Tltr CRAI'. xn. nuore l"'"''nul might

  • 1111 IIISTORY ot' TilE

    lii.UO. xn that the Company' goven1mcnt lumld burtlen other )>Ortioru; of territory "ith tLo cha.rge of ll'lo:oening So.nt Crom dang.r. Thi ~w ri>e to "'rious di-putt'll and nrgnlintinll!. Otlwr ground~ of oliRC:rllnre wtre furnibNI by the gmo mimrumgt>mrnt of thllt portion of rnwer which bad bt't'n rommitte-1 to the Nabob. With the abuse!! l'xisting unolor an inde--JIb agree

  • RRJT!Sll F.\1r111E 11' I' uccl!!l-$iUn. Thty were litill tl' enl~ whida they haol long t'lllunxl under native rull". Tll
  • 112 W!ITIIRl Ill' Til

    ~HAl'. nt. dcney of the police, 1111 manifest!'cl in the liffi.rent - tumults which~ bad "llCt.'lll'l'td in tbl' eity. l'articu

    larly that cxeiu:l in 1 i!l::i,~ tlllbrded .. ahunlant ,.,.;. chnte that the N nbobs w11ro a incompetomt to ~mel net lhttlnt(II'IL'llgmrmmcnt of the:' eity fl." to pro 'itle fur its l'Xtcmnl cldt:tll'

  • narnsu EliPtR.F. I' 1"111'. IJ!l

    maintain it. Tht- muntl '""'rin~ of tht- questi(lll cnu. :n t. an cxhihitr tloe aft'airo of Sural: the lapse of tho J''llcno of govern mcul haTing left nn oth~r JBrl). rxrepting the Compony. in a state to proteot tanco of Sural rendered the Jn'S('nlltiou of peaff and t>nlcr an ol:i

  • 11-1 111..-luRY liP Tlfl&

    lll~l'. X\'1. l>en~l. '>'8" invited I) tlw principnl inhnl.tltnnts, whu knl'W tlu ''llluE' of n Britlh eonni"Ctioo. awl wbo rt'polk-...1 a dl'gl'CC of canfidence in thu power :uul

    ~ iut~utioos of the ComJIIUlY' l'r> ant~ whith thP ropn.'1'elltativc~ of no other goHmment cnuhl inpirr. 'l'bt> Mogul Em~ror confirmeil to tllt' CtmJonny the powcl'!l of which tluy hnla."'UUlcd tho tnu-b!ll tf thOilC function.. which 'wre ,Medin hi~ officc. Tbe rosultR wc:>rl.', that the.> nhninl;;trntion of nlfai"' r~ll into nttl'r tli-order, nod that neither tht stat!' nor the pcr.ons an

  • IIJUTlSU Elii'IU I); ISDIA. ll,j

    ll'l'llty. whit'11 was signed by tht' (l&rtie-> intt!re!tl'

  • 1111 lllTOM\ Uf TIU'

    tiiAP. "1 ritori~ of the l'dh"a, ""''~ be had "'i.z:cl anl gt~rrii'Ont'

  • BJUTI.'ill lii'!RF. I~ I~I>IA. Jl 7

    anny h) .u~h a route wuuld hac bco:n extremt>ly Cll\1', :1.1"1. incumnitot: it m~.> tii'Mtwl Jn-ftruhle to waill11e


  • 118 llllfl'l> II Y 0 P 111 &

    tliAP. xvt. a clO!It'. On the lOth of Septlmber Colonel \Y d-A.D. '"'"' ll.'Sicy tmeountcrcd Dhooudin.'s o.nny at 11place cnllecl

    Conahgull. lie~ lrongly ~etl, hi mar IUld &nlc being co,-cretl by a \"Hinge nncl a rock; hut one imt~etuou~ chars.,"' put hi lroop!l to the mut, the whole bo

  • n&msu tc~uIJu: IN L'iDIA. I 1!1

    Tho nrw~ from Europe at !hi.~ time Will< highly t liAr X\'J uufnroiiJIIhle. Tbo triumpb nf the Fn.nh tht're -would, it was cx:pcch~l. leave them at liiX'rty to Urect tht>ir llrll1S to nwro cmtnnt qu:uters; nud India or Eg:yt.. iL W3l' apprehendt~l. would l>t> among tle panu &dcctt~l. To IX' pn.pared for dan8l'r whel't'wr It might occur, the govtruor-gen!lrnl (now, by tl" \HII-merited fn,our of thll Crown, tilt' !\IIU'-'I"i- 1r elle.lty) pro)HN"

  • 1:!0 IIISluRV llf' Ill

    UIAP. HI tuc~-..'SI!. llllo.l it "a.. vno .. r "hieh tho iu1purtuncc woulcl fully ju.tily the: nttcrupt. In Hcry wnr ht--twNIl Great llritnicc ncccl FraccCt:, from th t imu wlu'!l thu two t'ountril'~ l.x'(':uno riYnl" in tiP Esu.t, till' pll"e.sioru of tlw lntt~r iu the Irulian "'II hncl furniEhcd ahuJI!IRnt flll'llll for nnullJ;ng tlltl trucl


    * pYel'llor-geooral would diaent fioom hill 'riew; CBAP. DJ. lllld the expedation - 11101t j1ll& ud 1 e""' That 10 DMpd M a priadple lboald baYII been gravely m'""''-' II 111ft!okmtly atartliDg; that it abould ba'ftl ben reprded .. ._.. lllld trae hr a.y 1m- 1JeiDs. wboee eduratioa aud. hahiill qaalHJed .Ida to fbna an opinion on IIUeh asa1pct. ilat&erfr illaecllble. Admiral Rairrier. bowet~ ptuf 1 J 10 to reprd it: and the 8'h6FJ =' h he oondetott.'lldt'd to bouou tile l'lprtl wlda an elaJio. rate 11118wer. "~ ..W Ire. JilL f/1. ,_ euelhaiiJ'a V , ._ ... 1 J I w: all' totilaYuiP m ... ....,,..... m'nle

    - ... ...... of tile 1lllJIIIIr)' ......... - olw Ia tlleee distaDt 1~0111 duriug the emt-eace of war, I app"'bi.'Dd thnt tho greatest advu-tagc mllllt I'('Sil]t fioom tbeooo to the l'aDie or the enemy. It is an ('Stabliahed maxim of Jtate, 1111 well u an unqualifil'Ci principle of publie duty, that in time or war aD publie oflleen ehOilld employ their ......,.. mdeavoun to reduee the power Ulll u. -- of the ClOJDUiiOD eaemy or the ~tate, and lhoalcl aYail &lletmelw. of "fir! adftllt.p wblch eiat w m _, 14 t ilr tile ~of tht' iuterelta ot &heir eoantry by the Yigorous pro-lM.'Cntion of boltilitle.. Jo remote JK rHB iOJII die

    exi~ty or this duty iDrrta- in propoctima to ... dW.Ot'e from the .,..,.m etate, and to the 0' I mt diftlenlty or obtainiDB r- l'lome upc .. ,.. eile orden appJallle ta tile ..taaa a rh


    tUAr. x n. that tDWit armc in the ronl'Sl' uf war. If no advan-~ge can ever bo taken of the tempol1ll'Y or ~ilental wt.-akne-< uf tho tn!my'~ J'O"'I.'N!iou in India "ithout exprc" ortlcMI from Englnncl, ~ig~tifil~l Lhnmgh the tU

  • BRmSH llXPU&E Ill IJCIJIA. l!S

    my eonduct, tho conquest of M 180re would not haYe CBAP. xn. been aebi~." -

    Some time befilre thill dilpote, the atteution of the goYe~ had been tnmed towards BataYia. He had dine& ioatrueti0111 from tho Killg for brior-iar thil eetdement unck>r the prot.eetioD of the Bridlh crown, on terms similar to thOIIe which hrod been granted to the Dutch eolciJiim ol n-enn, Berbiet', and Surinam. h WM pnp m I ao elllai thbo by negotiation, and Adminl Rainier - to undertake the C.U. aidell hy .-ll .a - ttl - ad ........ ,..... .. t ....... 'I'M tD WI JN111 ' d- Tile ~tllll& tile NijillltiMl fbmt -td be empJoyed - ..t'ftD-.. uwly ellewhere It'd to the JIOIItJ'ODMUeDt of the att.ftnpt; but -wl1en the Jlrojl'ct for nttneking tho Mauritius was dcfootcd by the pener&

  • 1:!-t IIISTORY UF TilE

    CIIAP.ll.~ r to t;~ypt. by "ITa) of tloo Reel Sea. a foreo of about a thousand E uroJtCAn nrul h\O thuu.'I1Uid natho in-fnntry. undE'r th" rommatul uf an active and iutelli-gt'llt officer. 'fhi'O intruclions wert! imm.,llotcly llt'tl'tl upon. The fi>t'C

  • Ultlli'U F.lll'liiE IN IIWIA 12:;

    milt Ali wn~ smvt't'ded h) hl w41n, Ollldnt-ui-Om- t'HAP XVJ, rala. wlau. from the ~'lluu

  • 126 RI!ITUR Y UP TIT

    I RAP XTI. not toparing in profCS~~intLO of fricnol,hiJ\ and hll ~Hm - a,rreePnefieial tn himiK'lf n tn tlll' CnmJlMl.f. Th1 ,IIO"I'nlnr-f!eneral ncld..--.1

  • BRITI'U r.liP~ I~ ISI>IA. 1 .. ~ -

    tn him n le---pnttb of rnlll!idtrnblc l~ngth, ndverting t"IUP. xn, tu tbe dimKt' l'ntl'rtaincd by tbt> ~ah

  • 128 A !STORY OP Tlll:

    CHAP. :I.'TI. ~unlciE>nt Jy pres'ct sucb ll.ll ob-ject, agniust future misunderstanding; tq provide ta tbe utmost pmcticab!e extent agnint the necessity for nny fllrther chn.nge, a nil to relicYe the CnrtUitic from the iuconveniences of 11 divided govcrnm.eut or of 11 llnctu11ting or precnriouij authority.

    All enwncmtion of dctnils followed, nnd the pcinl~ believed to be most interesting to the Nabob wew first. noticed-tho ndjuatment of his debt witl1 the Comp11ny 11nd of certain claims on his pnrt of n pecuniary nature, arising from vnrious soul'('e;:. Modes of nrrnn,..ntg these bnving hE>Co snggL'!ltcd. the gnyemor-general deciRred him!!(!l re11dy to re-linquiEh the right of the..Compnny to assume tbo entire government of the Cnrnntic during the exist-ing wnr, or 11ny th11t might thereafter occur, on con-dition of a territory eqWII to securing the nmnunt of the monthlypayments to lhe Coml\lU]y for which the Nabob Wllll liable, being plnootl iu perpetuity undl!l the exolusive management nnd authority of lhe Company. If the required territory ~hnnltl pro-duce mnre lho.n the amount of revenue nnticipntNI from it, the

  • liRITT'IR DP'IIII> 1:00 1:\I>IA. 129

    nnl thP Nn\Joh to be entire!) l'Xoner.tted from tllAP xn cb!U'flO on this necount. Tht Jl"'l'"'illl indndt>d otlwr poinl of detail relating to tlu llPfLnee of the countrynnrl tho ~nti..fuction of tho private debts of thP Nuhoh. !Klmc of which wcro NJll(.'rYQil for con9-

  • 130 lmiTUII.Y OF TilE

    CUAP. xvt. lbo fnct, that within the red the hu,tng

  • liRITISU ~;}[l'fRE IN l['flJio\. 131

    prntectoN. 'fill pml-. of TippO Wnl! euiJillll't'tl by (II AI' X\'1. tnot:rn:;ting IVith hi' t'Undoct tlmt of t hl' l\ ict.ed hi Ynkt~l" to gi:w thom all cucoura,""ml'IJt; and in two lttlen

  • 132 liiNI'~ iotrignl'!! hould he dcfl!at('t(; but tho communication to that princ of the fa~t thnt his opon1tions wtro known lllld ollt-Crved could only baTe tho clfc.'Ct of putting him on his guo.nl. and inducing him not to relincJnih his dct
  • ni!J:rtSII EIIII'IR: Ill INDfA, J:J3

    tba Nabub know \\'hat that COUl'lill \\Ould be, and CILU'.llVJ. t'OJ"tliaUy did be appro"' it.

    Thill'""' not the only iostauce in whirh the NAbob gave tbe Soltau intt~lligw:noo and advice. He rom-muoieated to bim tilL' intended lll81'C."b of Britloh troope apinst Ponollebrry, on tlro eommrmcemeot ot war between tbt English and tho French. IUid WllniN the Sultan to be ('antiowl u to the manner in "hidt he t'll!Ticd on hi intercoui'IO with the latter JICOJ>It>-oot to dirocontioue it, hat to aYUid writt~'D oommunicatl0111 there being no objec:tlnn, u tho Nabob 18 reported to lumt l&a&ed. to 1-'-1

    ~ in - oC net.-lty. All the Na-bob b.d be&>re eautioneol Ti1poo ngaiDit OODDl'Ct-lng bimself with 1~1the J>Cl"''~ be now l':terci~'

  • 134 1118TIIIl\ Of TUE

    liiAP.J.\ 1 with Tii'J'OO Sultan oloJM!tUI on the ercdibllit) of Tippoo's l"aket-1: ch,y mij.'ht invent, or they might

    CJt~rate. The p. Dl to tho ~hnn! of tho ~abob ill tbeee cmnmunieation.. "Wl' fitl.c>, thdr pron!Cding~~ "'mll lw- too ab>-unl for crit icim nr r~J\ieclure.

    Thvre i< tbUJI IICI nnsnnnhlc mocle of ,.,,.,Jin~ tho

  • JIJllTillll liP1118 J!'l ISDIA. 135

    n.porU of the ftlcecls to their ma.tl'r Wtre tnu. Cll.\1'. x"' arul those rep~~rts clearly cstnblish the b06tile r.~l-inJlS of ilil.' Xabob towards tb.- Englib. h shnuld bo remcombt.n.>d, that by the ~mbsisting tTCI!.ty lx--t woon the English aJid thnt prinet', bt> Wl&!' n.-strainl'ndeucc ,.;th auy sta!t>, Europcun or OAtiYt, witlmut tbe culli'Cnt of tho Cnml'any. Hi iutcrron,..., with Tippnn. wbalcYer ib aim or nature, wu con.'!l'-'l"cntly n lmaeb of his tttgng~mtonht-tul off,noo gl't'fttly aggt1>\nt.:d lty itt ub,;ou.ly bootile tcodeot tnuuladioms Uj.'f;l"'l.tod tlw prnprict) of tulca~nurig to hwithlt. thcld by lUI tlXIWiin:ltion or ... m .... of tbu ~o

  • 136 ltlliTOltY 01' Tllll

    CHAP xn. bn.w fallen into a ~;tate f dotnge ruul imloecility. Ali Reza Klw.u was more cnnilid nml commuoicathe, but little of imponnnoo Wlll! elicited. 1t wns l"pl'e!!Df

  • BIUTlllll BIIJ'IU IM OIDIA. 1S'T Dieatiag bill detorminat.ioo u to the llnallldJIM NAt CIIAP. DL of tho allilin of tho Camatk. It wu eleu-, that If -tho pcrfidy of Mahomet AJi bad '-o dilaln!l'l!d during bill life, &be Brltilla ~ woald haft '-o jttilleol ia iDllie&iBg punilbmeot OD it. trea-cN- dep- dent, IIDd J'I'OTiding for itllelf ~&y. Omdat-ai-Oaarab bad, OD tbo palt or bil &tber,

    3 .... ted the treaty with Lord ConnraiJil: .. bad also been confederate with bill &&her Ia tlla ml"hiniona euried on apiDJt bil Qddlb .U,. Omclut-ui-Omrah ...., iDdeed, illllm&laJlr a..-, to the trea&y; fbr k ll!Ca:od lo JUI th dJIIt ef

    -~~ ........ - 41DI' ............. ... wlllelt ll't Md to &be rip& ol bill &&laer. Tile a-&y bad '-n Tiolated by Mahomet AJi-lt bad J-n nolated by Omdut-ul.Omrab both before tho cll'llth of lti3 father and ~UlJs

  • l:J" HtiTOil1' OF nJE

    nuP.J.n. uuule at Seringapatam. How Will the dise~riun thtUJ pbwcd in Utl' luuulll of tbt CmnJIIIDy'a gu>ern-mcul to be oxerebcd ? Exj>Cricnre had but roo w.,!) pro>t' utheni"t', "itltout betmying tbc interests "hirh he wns 8\lom tn prHII't.'!.

    'l'he clete to oo tuc di.....,n1ri111 macle nt &.>rinppntnnt, nnd Nf1rrccl tho Nalb to Lnnl Cihe for infonlUlti(>ll ns 111 tht llpa nl.hcll."in that the I'Ommunication mif'bt ~\ale ),j, nmJIaint nrul DJt, nil J..Oo\lll~l,c:c .,f tbt: iutntiou.. t>f th

  • BvnsH aii'Ja IJf IIQ)Ll.

    BrftWa gotEIDUkfDt - wilhbeld. Bat I& .... CUP. 1m. lllldentood tJ.& - _ ..... ot .. &uaily w -lllbudueed -- .. iaiO &lie peiMe. with tile Yiew ot ldftlll!llrr thalr cnm ol!feota Oil tbe -... - ar deatfa ore~~e ,m-. iiDO&......, .._. Chit Ia 1Utwpeditiut to d-,.tclla putyottlle 0 J 7" boopiiO Clllce po 'aa ot abe P' 'p;l p6uway. This ... etrected witlioat 1 '-;ad It being explained to Omcfa&.ai.Oauafl IW ... object of the ---.t - die pi a Iii fill order, he - ,... ICIJ :1 I Oa ....... .. ..., be .... .. w ...... 011' dQ ,. oLD. Jill, aw.,,. Hlietter ' ~:..._.a..r._ .-"1 ...... ot tile derea~~ed Nabob' oiiL It - lilllted that the! Nabob had left a will, but -difJi'Uity wu rai!led in th -1 of prodoeiug it. The British deJIUtiCM. bnwe\'ing read. it ap~ W. Omdut-ul-Omrah t.d appolntl'CI a reputed 1011, kuoW'D u AU H-m, to _.him In &lie P' 1 oa of all hla ript.. .-.

    .... auc1 property, lncludillg the goOI'IIIIM!Dt or die Cuuatlc. The Brltlab ~ theu ft

  • 140 IJU!TURY (IF Tll

    can. xvt. e'l'idenee on whit'h the charges agaiult the lata Nabob and his father rcstd. The Biron~ profcttlions of frifludshit for Tipl'oo weru declared ont to ,_ tho bounds of onlinary c:h ility. 'l'hc t'ipber olfcre.t great4'r diffienlty; and the khans lmd no l~t.ttcr exCUIIO to bring fonrard than the wry probable BUggcstion that the J"lpel' containing the key had been plAced in lhc atclrivCB of Tippoo by some enemy of Omclut-ui-Omrnh, with tho view of preju-dicing iliat prince in the ~ .. tiruation of the Dritiala authoritie11.

    l'hr obj~-ct of the IJillllS was ob'l'iou.Jy to obtain a proti'IIA!tell cliscu.>ioo of tho question, in tbc hope tbat !IDDif' favourat.J,, chance might

  • 'il1i1Jfll~'i!!!Jt 'llt!'lJ'tJ' 1i !J!tf~HlHt~l' h,~ 'Hdnl fa ir 1 lrh~~~~~~rltfpl[u~a:J;J I f I f. f ~ f f f l f . ;; f t 11-al t ~I J.' 1 I lt.fi1~~~lfr~~,~~! l I! lllJI!f tu~!H,rrllun ,Uh ,fur~~" ~


  • 142 IUI!TURY nF TIIY.

    tHAI'. xn. their ~Ment. with au intimation that, at tht timt IIJ~fic.~l. th.-y ohout.l ''"J'C"'l a clthmtinate BM'IItr.

    The answr giwn nt the l'Wining rnl't!ling wn. DOt llll'('mhled to CCIII!Iider the pm-J...t. the n..qtJt of their oldibcmtiun.~ 'll1llo, II COIIvir-tioo that, notwitlu!tnnoling thl ltcided lnnguagc in which it was submitttol. the Britih govl'mmmt wnuW be oli~poc;ed to MD"CDI to a mo.lifi..,.tion vf the ti.'DDA l'l'tjUirod for its t-eCUrity in the Cnntntic; and they nrcordingly prn

  • tl.~rl:ifl Jlftlfl~'}llf~t~[r~~~~f .. 'I~~ ttl lr; ~~~.s !rt r1 Oq >f ~f r .~ as ft=~ I H"'! It lr H f l! ~ ~ ! I! 'i m f ~ f f f . . ai ;

    l e. .. ;... r .. ~! .s-= ~~~ ;:j ~~~- r J ~; ~ 1r i tr - I =-~ ~ ! w l J . i [ 1 =

    ~ i!1' ! ~~~2.~r f, -s- tl .~t ~ l 4 i ~ "l r 1 1 ~ l r- i 2. r ,,, r I a. I f r f ~ 1 tr !,[{ ti[[i~r-f,ttl;trl Jlf~ c

    I~ ~

  • l H lliB'I'OR Y nF TJ1Y.

    CHAP. xvt. one. It is int"l'lliUMld til the highest degree when it is J'('OOilected that it i9 the ~oun of Arcot. where in triguo and e!l}lionngc hnd long been eaniod to IUl extent which, if prnflrirn~>y in those ar!R Utie;;, dedared that he con idered the khans to ba,o lx>t>n appoint

  • BlUTIIIH EJIPIIIB tlf llmi.L

    ==~:~~~~~OO;IIIetj::a:eu~ee of this aYOWal, the eatire 10batanre of the ronl'ereoCUI ,....l't'ellpitulated to Ali lll&cin. the proofs of tho violation of the eDpgftlleDbi of tho late Nabob with the Britiah go-'fft'llllltlllt were distinctly tiD1IJIIel'ated 111111 the edeDt of tba -.ulfiT ftliJahl 11r the latter - w~Jes pie' erL AI Rasa lti tt.l d a II red "'" elf wiDIIiir ............... JIICI!IIBI: lllllafteriOIDeeob'-; r 'L :talietm' :r~Jae~ p.lll!iW a ...,.lilllil.tfMJpNpMIJ. Mlug ... ~ oltll .... ~ 'lwdlilllty In the ec.~,;

    w~i:tboetuedlle-wbe .-1)' to exeo-.~:wlll'' CJr""'lrithoat the ...... , ftldle ..... .&lllliltiiMQ .... eoJiferllaee wiD6Ia- ........ ~

    ~lac*"! wldafl~tliJI'I,....

  • 14G ffi!IT'ORY OF TilE

    , IIAP. xv1. ing; bot a change had ra-1 n1't!r hiA mind, and he announced. thnt u the two khAn8 hat! been PJIIint,.J bY hi Cnthcr~ will to wit hilt rouncil11, ho roulol

    u~t ndopt n line of on~lurt incont'istcnt with tluir advicl', nud that ron"'~Jucutly uo furtlwr intenil'\1' with the ~ovomor Willi nct'l-ry. He mut llrJ:COintment wWt

  • BlllTUR ltln'IU "' nrDIA. Iff

    Nlllld JII!IIOM to adopt tbe &tal Nane oo which he ea.u. xn. l.d eoterod *bt tbelr tepa eutatlom bad iDclueed him to djsbel-.. t1ae meriOII fll Olden 6um aile (10~ -tiD& the popcwl wbleb ... beea .... to ..... IJIId ., -- 1111 ,... -""'' I It W--.lll'pd. Be Mllmi&ted .._ be W ... If I'm 1111 ca tbe -'!Ia at. bat ....... *'he .. ,, I II II ..,. 11111 u I .... fll ... I at ...

    ,, ...

    I&,_, tin he, 1' '"\ tiJiP;'Mi .. JWIIII to tire mtereetod pet IIIII W rete.-~-to thole who held tuocaa and other alaima 1111 tbe Camatie k>rritory. TheRe Jl'!1'10111 bad 11tnmJ mothe1 for oPJXWIIg tbt> aettlement ol the IIIIU .. fll the eoantry In tire way pro.,_.t, a In the lmlll& fll ita War pJ.oed 1JIIder the -mal fll the c a : ., t.be)' ..W ..... DO llope fll ~ tJac. +-1&._ ....................... lfiiJ wfllllld ds rp' 11 1 ,...,. CSJ 1 e lh t11at the)' _.. .. I tl 'A ... die pa MDiiil\ ... teft!lla ad h n :zr t~ tbe Nabob's "family to ... attaiD!!1811t of tbelr h!!malitte adft~~tqe.... ww wat metDt by a tbe p;blelplea of the p ._ lllhlded to .. IIIIi _, .. 4 ,, -

  • 148 Blft'OilY or TB& CRAP. XTL .... I ... I&IW Ill !!II pi 1 ........... the

    .. , .. 5 I ptaa-- to diOI8 I I ..... ... laetl painaip'lel by which too many ua pill I; tb.e coampted onea whk!h hare 110metimee led-Ia ebwerity and honesty to rerpctratc erime~, In tilt belie( that they were f'ulftlllng the demruuls o( duty. Tbe DieD relened to bed no - eWm to Jrin-dple than ha-re the mlaor JMiditioren o( tbc a1111 o( uquisition by c.:bicane or Tiolmce on- 1llt'll plkotl on a large ICill

  • BRITISH t:Ml'ml: fs INDIA. 149 "

    ingly. lie w~ nppriu.-d tl~at, if be cnt stlt of pr('J' nor" a-rUng alliUn>, and r

  • 1611 Jlllll'OKY or nu:

    lW.V. :tV I, from the place nf audi- withoot oll'erlug any uh eenation on it.

    The endeavoul'l! whirh '"'n' mnck to t'rcnill!p()U AU H11811ein to Rt'OOJII tho oiler of thl' Hritltb government wl'ro Jlr!IIIIJIII'tl l>y n. ck'l'itl' to rorry into effeet tbt "ish


    him, tltt 'nmo tcnn~ wnnltl lmvl' lcn "''lui red n,, our. :otVI, cuutlitiou nf Ill ntaining tho mnk :uul titlt nf I'lnloh, llll

  • llllfTOilY OF TIIR

    CIIAP. xn. l111ppin~ of the people. On thl'Se groulltl!ir 1\'port), that it hac! ~ tmnla.tcd from 1m Enrapenn lnngDIIf!O; nllll no nne "'hn rend it in

    0 It will bo b1l1d ia lhr Collmioa oil.......,~ 1 n: uu&ly rolinool "'

  • llRilllUI Elti'UU: IS llWIA. 153

    English CtUJ clluht that it hill' IJtcu llltl~jectlcl to tho CIIAr. xvn I'~ nf donhlo tnmslation. Something more .,.,... nuucifet!t on tho f!K'o of this JlnpN. Oreal cnro 1flll tahn to r.xl.'lndc the cxccutinl guventmcn~ in India frmn any &bare In the 1114IUlgre int bcld. to t


    tu.,r. xu. te!ltamelltary di.IJIOI!ition of tho throne by Ouulnt-ui..Omrnh. they woultl not be violat.col at all. It ....., boweYer, in this l'AfiC far more euy to deter-mine than ta mrry tho dctcnnlnnti"n into etft'Ct. Azim-ul-Dowlah WM in tho l""''cr nf those who ,;upportro tho treteollioll!l of Jd;l Ca!Ju gatt..-ay WI\.'< onlt're.l to talcc 1""'-~ou or tho l'utire hoil

  • whirh be i11hnhite.l for tho gttunl~ uf the lalu l'\nl11th cnAI' . .xn. n-un \l~fl' J'l'l'l;otLly tatinuod tlll'l'l'. The prinl'tJ \\ll.q ~urpris of gulll'llt~uld inmhc him in grt.'lllt'r oliUlglr thnn that wltith pn,iou.sly surroundetl him.

    On the morning alter tho l'bange the prinro \\'U ,;,itcd by Culonel MacNeil, the offi

  • ~ rnt. Wllllbra aiJIM. .... tiped. .., wblela 1lle

    ~ .... die c-,...,-..... ~ .. aM ... prewlowly cJetermiDed oa; a ,_._ - illaed by the pwruor of For& St. a-p. tilrc bth die plllllda apoa which the Britilh ,. ..... , ........ .-ltlaladle ...,._eel &em-:*;:;na::: :::~~ :. :.~:-, tint' 7 h ..._ 111' 1w. pill a' !JUS f 1 ,_ .. 'lfll- 8mplyjrMIIIMiD h1 "C 6e '17 1 a at die Can.de &o be "per1u1p1 die .... w' .. ., ... wefal V IILU wJdch 11M '-a 1i ;1 II lliDee tile -.ailltioa of the de-1 at ..., ...

    I' .... been DMJ~tioaed, that the DOC 7 -- ... die .at'-t of the Camado,... ... &r..a f11111 wid! a.., to die p1etiow 'zJIPf 1 ot - ''" ,_ 1 am, willa e l ,.J, n- llllled lata. ' hula tf rl i'U irJIII tllat jill ............... 5 I I :! ., ' ... .

  • nnmsn ~n>mll m n;lltA. 1 fii

    increllii4.' of the ~l,.;Jilinry fot'ry. Fur this J1urposc tlw 1tholt.' uf th territory nelc equi-val

  • liiR m!mlAY OF TUF.

    !"II&P. xn. ron(!mtulation in tbt than!\'t' nf rulel'!!. To the Ilritih gm~mment the n~w tn.'tlty J:ll"" ~urity for thl! expell'll incurretory mthcr than the ('CI~onaJ ch:1m~tcr of the acton> in them, yet it hu.q ever lotQn cs-tol'tllnd ooc, nt lo:~St, of its secondory function!', to c\loihit for ndmimtion nr for com the rcmnrknhle uuits of ;:ooW< plnct., ron tltc j,"l'''BL Jlogt' uf humnn nllhlf". lf tbiK vii!W !Jc .' nitbout notice one pnrt of the t'Onduet of the )Jarqoi< '\\elJt~Jioll~tt nt llytltmbtul. wull'r the inJiul.'nce of excco;


    tits. .Ire" from tilu g.>vnrnor-gen~rnl a !14'Vl'rt' c ur xvc. renure. " Any cxp~ion in the Nit.ttm mul his mini~>-ter-. It is J~&inful to me to he t-om1oelltd to nmnrk tlmt your nrgunwnt in thiK paroj,'Til(>h is founcluh-lie fnith, anol expiO


    ( II~P. XVI. ustioa or tha snrommi!Dt or Britiab India. Tho ~ immediately rollowing that whieb bu IICt"Jl quoted mrril'6 forwtll'cJ the di"

  • ABITI~II E.Vl'UlL IN l!>"llU. 161 which eurb wM too ob.-iou9y not the fuct-t.hc cn.\P. xvt. m('JJ)ory ur him who bll!! read t.he earlier J"'rtinus or thi work will EUJ(IIy t.hcm. Ko blol or thit

    Clf..\.Pl'ER XYIT.

    CRAP. XTIL Arn~""tloll muot now be tarried back to thl comnwncenwnt of thl' Marc1uill W (U~"Y' aclmi-nitltzatiou. ancl c.lilertltl fnlm the 110Ulh('l'tl to tht northmt parts of Indi11. In Oude thl' rightful 110~ereign hnfl lx.'i!n ploced on tho mu.suutl ; lmt in other n'!opcct.., all Wlll! cmbe.na.

  • DRITISU F~IPIR IN 11'\'DlA. l(l!) '

    vieWJ w~re lhu cxplnined in 11 letWr doted ~ ft\\' CBA P. xn1 month ofter tllllt event, und uddressed to ilie rt>!

  • 164 IIIII"TCIRY OF Til

    UIAP. xv11. shoul two l&tt!'r the fmntltr of Otull would Ill! C

  • nlUTIJIJl F~ll'lRE IS fNllLL 105

    ltt.'!>;gnl'll to crnclicnte. In nddition to tlul rne351l'"" crur. XVII. noti~cd in tho ul10n o of .-jectioo a. 1ould be cousi..C put in cours l'Ort-~equ~nt employment of lhe Dritioh troup at n di..-tlllll"-' !';:uulut Ali h.'ll appliell fur hb n.muml : anl.

    ind!'J~tukntly of tbj,., .u,h a Itl h> igu.ify t~> \'~All

  • Hili lliOHII Dritit.b ngent, afford .. tl thl' ruearu. of ar
  • tnmpliment ...-ero I!Jtthanl(Ccl. Yi:zi~r .\li thl'n cu.u. xvu. INgan lo m:putinto on his wrong!'. nnd ha\'ing J>nr-~uPrl this aul\iect for (l(omc tim", he nddt'nly ro.;e "ith hi alt4"ndant.'cl Gra-luun. tb('y alolc>tl him 1patt'htcl a party to the rdie-f nf :Yr. Dait. ancl Vizitr Ali th4"r4"Upon retired to hi!< mm n'fiidrn~'t!. Thi.q, n.fttr liOtlll' re-itant"C, wa,, foret~l. bnt not until its ma.o;ttr had made his e>oeape. with mMt uf hi~ principal atlbe-n:nts. l'io farther Ulcasur1'11 ,.,..m to hare been talreu till the fuUowing momin~r. wheu a party of ea'r&lry W&l d~patch!'
  • lGtl IIIJtrultY uF Til&

    tHAI'. :n 11. ly the It lay of J~m~uit, l'('rulcred the attempt tu o..-crto.lw him inulfcctunl.

    The misei'C".ult found n:fuge in the territoriP.> ,.r thl! lt4jnh of Dhotwul, n thiof trihutu.ry both to t.lu Yit.i llajah of li cpnol ngaint thii cuntlurt of the T(ltinh of Obotwul's dt'J>CIU.lcnts. and th~ ~~ m11n.tnwre protlucct.!"'on lo whom it wns ntldrt.._..._.,~, &

  • IJJIITISU t:)II'IJI.E IS L'il:li.A. 1()1)

    trnrtccl to or>n n negotiation for the JlUI'JNI'-C. The CIIAP. :~>YH tn>-k WIIH nut uuntteuTlw \ic'" which the govcm"r~'l'llt'rlll lm

  • 170 liii!TUIIY OF mR

    CHlP. xvn. been required to make a formidable demonstration on t.bo frontier, it had been fouucl nt'

  • uruTIn f:.\II'UU: L: r~uu. lil

    preparing C'tieou empluyc..l by the Vizier.

    More than twenty day fWOM'CI ,.;thont auy .atk-fllt'tory ootlre of thilo rommunite prej udiC'illl to no one ; but all intima-l irm of it.. nnture or ch1U'11cter he dlfar8tii1R' the t wn project:", as the rtfo!Tflof the military

  • 1_,


    cnAr. xvu. be fonn fonner gu\'emment, rnnlinuetl to pro-\'oil unclhuini.hed in xtt'nt or ntrnci~y. under tlutl of Snulut Ali. The ttnly dilleren~u wn., tl~at the entire fncits went into the priv:utJ tn>Mnry or the "'V.rcign. nncl, a.o pllr'oilllnny wn.; a trlking f!'tlturu in his rhnmctcr, wcro c.nnfnlly honr

  • BRITI811 EMNRE IN U.'lliA. 173

    who lltood b('tlfC('Il the prince anti the peoplt, and CHAP. Xl 11. the pnrt wWch rf'll~hcd the n>yal rofl'cn1 "118 ~tnirkly -dj,.qJIClll~l in wi)IJ and thoughtle!lll Jll~>fu!ion. " I cannot huL reel," laid Colon

  • J'lf

    ,:.....,. .. -.:a-lklludllt. at tile tlllill*lik eo I rn ,. _, ,.. . .._ ... ..._ .._ JJ lull 'tit tUe 6e nf 1]1$ )!tJISob JIPI'III't!d to lillto ..... tile H..-..tJitt 2 57 n. tile belt. a1 let ietlallke by trearoftlle ' fJ's Cll._ who mipt cboole to think. or to ..,10 tM11, that be did either too lltt~ or too llllleli, & -ner to the repfl!tlentatio~ o( the rt'&ldent wa to the ef'ect, that the pment ('()odition of the govem-111811t appeuec1 to procludo tho ~niaition of the lnl w - '"! to tile lnt 1tep in the pro-pOIII I I ; ... It 'WM to 'belidped aD lpllllta-lfa al' t ltotlle'VIIItfbytlleauriiDifoJ .-.1. "" 11 ill) wkll Ilia -anhwl41 to Coloael Seo&t. -w 1'81110ftl aD dillealty. ... 7 ......... resideat In the clepee or iollueuee and eGIIIIIcleradoa wlricla it ... De< I "Y be lbonJd eqjoy ; but j( thie eapeebitloD lhoald be diappoinkod, tbt> rosidmt was to inalllt, In the TUIDK' of'"- ~~~~perior. on the Vbier pt.cing his gtncmment In auch a .tate lboald alGid tile reqa!.ite means nf infonoation, u weU Gl ....,m, the neeuuwy military ...,_ eompletely and epeedUylnto e&eL Tba n I 'liD-Dieter, H-m s- Khan. ... war""' a bar to ~-tiL JUt n 111 wUJ hli ._ .. _.._, u il .,...,, _. pDanJ JBIJipl 1 ....., liCit IIIIC!II .. to ..... d I .... to .......

  • RRmSH EJil'IIU: 1:\ IS IliA. 1 i5

    him in nl'l'"ition to roe wih.., of th Yizier. nnd CHAP. :nn tlw gncmnr-gent>ral wn. ready to a.s.._-cot to his re-mnml, due provision being- mntll' for hi~ ~upport md snfct y, provided l.hnt hi~ lnlt'C

  • 176 mnoRY uF TilE

    uur. xvn. du.banding it. Thl' l'rt!icltnt appmwclof tht tlPtcr minadou ; 6n;t. beeani!O I ho troopo luul sbe'III"JI soma ")'lllptoau of di;;all'edion ; an O.'

  • BIUTJII &XJDt IN HWJA. 1 ij Rut ho Wll$ not. thoroughly .atiRtrred thct on a >Jtl'lified clay thl'

    VllL. Ill.

  • 178 nurroaY or THE

    CHAP. XVII, plan eupportA!lll'JIO!'Il' of l!ettling a demand of aeveral thoul!llrul rll}'C

  • BRm~n Cll'UU: IS I!> lilA. 1 i9

    cumll M paym~nL nf 1U"reat""." AgninRt this !'Cnn- crur. x.vn. mluu~ h~'llch nf huru,tyColond Scutt I"I.'Dlontrnt~,J. tutl, ultimate!~, thn>ugb hi'

  • 180 ntSTORV oF Til

    cnAt'. xvn. uegotlatlnn for rurrying Into ~:Rel't Jlu ~:n\11mnrgcncrnl" Yilw of military nfoJnn. ln n.,nr lo n lettl'r frum the gl cnlur-gomrul .ln.soly rcfl'rn.~l I~ tho Vizier doclan-d tllat thtl ndnnlagl'!l, ltth immure JlTOJIO' uf the numlr uf Dritih Ooo["' unlinarily otaliolltltl W'itltin them ; the danjCt'r impending from tbo intt-ntims of i' ... mnun Shal1, aud J--ihly fnm otlwr t>OUrc< ... ; the mt.,..ity of nn nognllllllltiou f the Hritil


    rnh I roor~ in Oul!e "uuld oo inunNiirlhly ninforced by n porliou of the proposed nnl{nwnhot ion; the nm1Ai11thr were to follow 31. a fiJIUNI pt.riod.

    Till! jutire or this mt'li.UN' mmt "'' dMcrmint~l 1,\' the> Cr .,..hi('h tho . .

    n..Jntivc dAim. of the Tizitr arul tin Drifulr goreno-llU'Ill """"'-,__it I:.Xp~tlitn.-y, hy the rirewru;t:alll't'>t muler which it WB!I n""'rt"l ln.

    'l'loe tn:aty \\11,. thnt t'onchultd hy Lord Tcign-muuth nnl l'tltl

  • 182 lllln"I>JtY Ul' m

    CJUP. x~n. to judge of tbe m.'as9oru;. deny the ncce~~~~it y. when it cxitencc wM ck-ar to eYery ouJ cl!;c; nnol if his denial wcro to ddL'Tllliru? the qul"'tion, the t'Oilntry might bo O\Cr-mn by enemies, wh"''tJUSome lilliiapprdttn.ion mny June aritten from the mntuwr in wb.i~h tht u11('rntinu of the @CV

  • tbv htteT to the Vizier. It iR "Ritl ... The i'\'Coth cn,\J'. x I'll. nrtirle uf the tnaty CtJnclodccl with your Cxt'l-lonq by Sir .r ohn Shon'. pn" itltantJy in tho;:
  • 164 UI!IT\)IIY UF TilE

    cu \P. xnL tbt'r at the rnt'rcy uf the Dritbb gu"mm.-nt-thi!l is quite true. llP J'IO.ccl himotdf nt their mt>n-y hy dl'IPpting to thf.'m tht> dd"tnet nf his lominion Hi wwlme!' nq11in.'otod 111tn1lxr t~f lJritih troop ! ruul thi ndmit of n ,cry r

  • .Jmm"l Crnig, whn commlllldetl the British foret in CIU..P. 'I:YII. Owl "_\.~ tn tim :\nwnub's troop..," he >'!lid, " it i impo..,ibl~ lior IDil to oonwy to your lunlbir a mnre decidL~I OJ>ininu lb to thtir nullity thll.n I hnll' alrL'IldJ hnd tho honour of cmnmnnicating to )our l
  • 18(1 UIITORY UY mil: ~nAP. X\IL llhould be to leave a fortrt'lll CJf the l!flemy. 'fh

    Nanwb iR highly unpopular. and of all hi uh~t. I belieore he would lea..t exp< .... t attaclnnent from hi army." Now iu the f.'\CC uf all tii(>;:P ~turcl'!< nf dangt-1' to the stall! which the Ea-t-lrulill Compllll) wen hound to l""t('Ct from all tncmie~oo-1\ith the pro8p('Ct of itl\-...ion by a prince who bnl recently ll'a\'tlfoC

  • anrl then bll'l'l' proc-ded to l'XJ>I"('!;S t11 the home 1:''" cuu. xnr vl'rnm('uL hiB l'l'!,'l'l!t for tlu.' mi,.fortunet~ tbnt h1ul oc-enrred, hi lbtni-hmcnt and ..orrow at the infn htntioll of the Vizier, Blld bis enrnest l'l.:judic:d. tho incnn,;lderatc, the ignt~rnnt, nr tht bno; but thi conitlerntinn \Highc.l not a~u-t ll nog:r.rol for the pctll'' of l ndia. Blltl for the htJnnur nniiReCurity of the Brit:kh n:unt>llnd tluminiun. llo .aw that a n.-gard to tbl'fol. ohjt-ct~ cnlll'll for a Ctr-taiu rounoc of pnlil')'-tbtlt ~ucb 11 cnurso Wall nt 1ho snme tiniut~. ho kept on hi~ way, undint:lJll by diffiC'III tie.. anl nntlte!1'00 by the ft-ar of mb'J't"p~>s

    ULU'. '\ VH.Ioal>it of dwclJing, in hi t"OIIYer!llltiiiD 'II itb th11 UritU.b resident. uo t.lou imt.,..,ibility of hi runohwt-ing tlu- affiirs tf the tomntry. So fref tbt~ CX!'t.'t' tation, nnd the coun!4:nnuet nlfonled t a contrury

    l~tliof by the conduct of lhc Yizicr, in rnllitatiug ~tnlc regulnlionll, pr!lj(!l)ling hnilolings, ruttl making loousehold nrrnugement. implying tho lnll-utinn of l''rnlBDPntly re!liuu tn him"'lf nt'-ruul in thi ""l~ct till' udmisoion "~~> c1rtuiniy ru. lilcmlly trn Wi iL

  • llRITJSH l:lCI'I&F. IN D'T>IA. 189

    wlll! nppar!'ntly canclill-with nlmntnge to tru. mh- CIL\P. xvn. jt..-{,o. Colnucl Scott made !'QDIC n'mnrk, tending -lt> sl1ow tll4t, by following his advice, tho nllilinl of i.lu:~ country tnight be. administered li>r the be-nefit of the 1''-'"J'le, and nl lite llllDle tlmp with

    ~ und n.putntion to the prince. ThE" \'izif.'r lt' Jli~-.1 that thilt might btl o;o. lmt it was impo,..i-hlo for one pel'lllm to jutlgo of the fcelinjl!! of nn-"tlur: that his mind "'as not diJIOC! limit~; thnt tbe money hi' ['ISC8St'd wns sufficient for hi~ own "UJ'J>m1:, twd for tho ntttlinment of oery grntifi.e11tinn in 11 pri\o.to Ato.tion-which was t"

  • 100 RISTOUY Ot' TJIE

    CIL\P. Uti. right to state. thllt though the Vizil'l' ho.c] SQD.O, none of them were legitimate. Another qul!!'tion milled by the resident related to tho dispCJSo.l of the t~uro Jell. by the former Vizier. Til is l1:ul btlen rowowtl by $n:ulut Ali fl'Om the public troo.snry to tho !emnle npnrtmcnts of his pnlncc, o.ncl it wns conjecturud tlmt this step might hnYc b~M,n tnken in contcmplntion of the design of relinquishing tho gowmnmot. Tbo debts a tho Vizier's brother, t., whSe pbwe aud trensm'e Sandut Ali hnd sncceedod, wero considcr-nble, nnd no part of them luul been prot!. &lnril!!l were doc to pnblio scrvnnts, Md n COIL~iilcnwle nmo110t of o.llownnces to pemrlonl!f!l. All tl~'c clni= it 'ms probnble Sandot Ali IIICIIILL to cmde. Colonel S('ott bad recommended that lhe Vizier hould hioll;elf wrile to the go..-cmor-genernL Tlri~ Ita decliued. ou the ground thnt there 'Wll.' no one nbcml lrim to whom hc could confide oo cleliente :u1 aRhlr: nod he desired tbe resident to draw up a

    ~]lOt in Pcn;i:m, emboclying tho views of tl1o prince n.s previoU!!Iy t>xplainod, for t.rnru.mission to Wll govemor-~nernl, which wns nccorclingly clout'. It h; unni!Cecr i'l!:-plnrul.tory of the Tie11s of the Briti8h government, ~r.ecio.lly lntcruleol for the pel'lli!l11 of tht Yit.itr. The tendenry of th(>

  • tli'~.U .. r .mt.Ddin;: hi clioonlrrly ltnttalion
  • lll-2 HIII'I'OilY OP THE

    t:nAr. x,u. plifohment of thia n~ mCIISUn! required murh - eare to avert dangemus ccmcquence!; : but the rt~

    quititileare Will not wanting, 1\Dd the llritn.h autho-rities 'taking an intcrot in tho iru.pection of the ar-t'ounts, and the due oli~hargc of nrreangn..,.. W&ll thWI making in n.funn-ing the ruilitllry allail'h nf Oudt, ibl chi! gon'mJDtnt rtmained in the sruuu w~tdu~d ciTL'\IJIUtaueet~ hy which it hnd enr been rhnrn~terit.ecl. Tbo Vizier tonk ndTnntngt of I hiM tn Intimate the prnhahllity of lUI nppronching fnilurc of hill engagement with tbt.> Britih ~vcnlmtnt. ThL step nccell'mttl a mt'SIUre really -rr and important. but whid1 tbe Vizier ...-as mC\!tnri~ of Oude ll('(o ~ubjcct to tbc rn.~aowut O>r OCl'llliional devutat ions f nn en!'my-hncl tl1cy l>t.'t:n vNted by Wlfnvuumblo -..on,;, or by utlur rnlumitie; wbirh iml'oir tlw I'Uhlic pl'08)~erity, the mpid dt-cliue of tho \'ooor's revenues might bo imputecJ tu utlwr c'AiliK'!I than a deltoctiYtl lldministru.tion. Hut nu web calamito1111 'ialta

  • UJIJTl.ll l:MP111X J~ ISOlA, Jf)3

    tion~ hnve nlliiclt'ulcnce, tbc olominiom of t loc \'izier, though enjoying equal ndTnnta~ of tmn-quillity nnd ll(.'Curity, Jan,e rapidly lllld progn:o.-hd) d~ elfects of tho ruinous expt'

  • 194 HISl'ORY OF Til

    CHAP. XVII."flCrty throughout thu province or Outlt'." Tber;c positions nre iUUI!tmted by refercllC:e to fnt"bt then of rt!Cellt occurt'('n.cc ; nnd the represeutation being addressed to tho Vizier, the truth of tho nllegetl facts wcmld hn.ve beoo impugncd bail it ]le('U Jn..

  • PRITJSB Ell1'llUt IS f~DIA. ]!),;

    i~nnneIIIli p:u-ticulnr ru00i6ro-tiuns, hi' 11;:!11\."'linn W

  • l!lfl III!!TIIII\ IIF TJIF.

    niAP. XHI, regular payment uf tho &ul.-idy mut he Jln,~ol without olo>lll) b

  • BRITl11 1011'111& T!> INDIA. 1!17

    Culotwl Scott cndro..-otln'J wuuloJ nul nfliml him the mo.Jit.,.l gmWit'lltiun. ll r hy Lord Conmruli, which, lhough it tuntaiuctl ~trong recomm~tlllntioWI fur the introt.luc-tivn of \nnuu.s reforms in tho t!ilfcrcnt branches of ~:o,enuu.nt, left the e.'tccution of the proposed nwn.urc. to the b:md.s of the \ 'izicr 110d bi, minii-tl'l's. To thi lhl:l'O wn.; llll obiott llllio-wel'. LoJ'II Coruwnllid ljUilted India in 1\UJl'll"l, I iD3: the ~on-,.,.,_..ation iu which !tis mhic' Willi tbn~ referred to took pl:ut un the 26th l'ehrun.ry, 1!-llll. Tho in- A.O.ll'lll . ttnnl '"~' little IE!>l!l tlt:m clqhl J


    CHA.P. XVII. further rq>re&ented that bis O'll'll J111Y1DeDtl Of !illh-eidy bad been punctual. '1\hilc tbt,;c of his vn~teectllor bad been imgulnr; tuul be u.rgt'd that it would be time enough tu dt:mnnd security "lwu failure actually t11ok piMe. To this it 111 nn-MW~red. that if that ptriocl wtn "!liteAft~r making some rcm11rks on tbe propoa'

  • llRITIMn f;)fl'fJU; IN li(OJA. 190

    l.'ntire vit>ws of thu gtvernor-gtneral, the Vizitr caur. xvn. fimnally and ditinctly rej'

  • mtrroaY or 'riiB

    tiUP. xvu. ing a~ the two J'"'JIO!!nh! for ne('('pta.u~. a111l an,..ering at great hn~o,-th tl1c ubjeutnhlt>." 'rhut right >~ll nltcl

  • llRm~ll Elll'IR& 1!'< ISOlA. 201

    pritU'ipnlly uron the notorious fnct!l, thnt the m;J, CHAP. :n u. MJI abuses of the t>lilitin~t ")'t.em of ndmini,tr:rtion luul greatly impcrircl the 1'1!1!

  • 202 lllfi'TORT OF Till!

    cuA.P. xvn. to infer that their )l'Overnme..nt would ronfirm tho ucmJllion which ~ elnimcd for him.so.-lf. Other of tbo Visier'a demands ('Ointetl in the >UDD interff.' rc in or :IJ

  • llllJTI!O Ull'IR IS l!
  • 204 Ul!!TUKY OF THE

    CIIAI'. :wu. n~~nstomcd to rclime ww.lthy subjl "ih to give impunity to tbi.'!IC tbeftA. nor to ..-nocn from punishment ll111o;o by whom it wu moritt.'tcrin!L than

    ~me of those which hrul prtocedcd it It com-mcuccol with this noeitAl :-"" Some arrnngetnl"("mi-t.,. were fol-lowed hy 11 n~ry pertmjotory clmehtinn atul a wry ~

  • llRITllill l'.lll'rRE IN INOLA. 20:i

    W\!liJ the pcl'on~ de;;tintntiuu. I t \\R~ r.-1uin.'ll that oil corn-"J"'IIdon('l

  • 200 nnrrunY OF ntll

    CRAP. uu. ~tood :-" \\'ben the runttpyq now under disMI

  • IIRITISU J;.llra IN L'IOIA. 2(17 the cCUt of the Drilih gonmment he would no~ yield his _.o~ to t'itLH f 1 he plan. which had

  • llllltllRY Of TIIC

    cn.\1'. :nn. been oohmitt.od to him ; but while thw; rcl"u;;iu~ In J,p a IOIU'tY to the !!efJIU'llliuu nfhi~ dominion.., ho nllt"l"tlt in endt-avourin~ In bring the Brithili ret..tion ";th the Vizier into 11 lllnl'(' hlltiafactory lAte. Oue mothe to this tt1 Willi tho belief thllt tho prefi(!neo of on.:> "

  • Dllmhll l:lll'IUE IS ISJ>IA. 211!1

    lain nnmil as to the Jlll~"ltwnt in tlo tming year of cn.P. ~VII. thn ll' 'me repnmtiou, tho re-itlcut honltl d i .. uo:d iutruct.out to ooopeod f"r a tuuu aiJ p~diugl ur-1\.nb etl.ftbl,"hinJ tho C:Ompan.y"a authority ill llw dittric:LI the ecuioa u( hath wat ~jed: but C1 >1-1 Nll had not.....,..., thrm

    \or. 111. p

  • 210

    tRAP 'JI\ n. prinre' durbar .,. wrual. Tbi it a~ tbt'y bad never ~ to h anl the re;idl'Jlt, f..eling that a.uy I!UCh intimatiun from him would ..eem 111 lnli-cate that the llrlli~h ~mm1ment fnltl'MI in it.ll dlwn, IUld Mr. Dundu, bad

    ~ J5eo iJI ......... 4l1:11Cle of the -;cjetjpu ...... p1a o( a-g. m. "'the r>toJ-t ,_.-.~ c1 11oe di-.bilitiea "'which the IlGman Ca1holjro ~~ lrdaaol ""'"' a1 that ,_ oubjtaa. \'ogu IUld iDalnrct ...,.,.U cl

  • BIUTI!m f!.llriRII: IS JSl>IA. :til

    ronc to nny BI'I'IIIIJ(\.'llll'nt wbirh mlgbt invo)v., tbt> sattifi~ nf hi "'''"t:rcignty. Tb" British lll'j!Otiatcm sought to 'hak this dl>tennina tirn, hut in ~ The Vizil'r .,. .. pen!~Dptory in nmwing hill rljecti11n of the plan. and declared it t11 1'

  • 212 IIINTOIIY np niE

    UIAP. XTII This W&!l & llil't'(;tly at llrin.occ with the 'j.,..,. amwl'tl on tht Jmrl nf tho Britih nuthnritlt'll lbrnuA"bnut tltt ms:ntintinu~, llO!I with on" muin uhj'l'l of the I""''JM>~t Compru1y to dcfNHI the Vilr.i!'r from fnrdgn 111111 duruC..tic l'ncmil'~ wn. rcpt'Dtt.'tl nnd

  • IUUTISB EliPIIIf: I~ ISUIA. :/l:l

    affOnt)tiWiCtl by uno.: uf tlnOK' pr"' isioo \\bicb tho en uo. uu. trium hal l~t't'll mo;;t 1111.

  • ~UAP. lt\11. br. ~heu, it ls ct'rtain tlmt iu IWLil)' Celllt wonll 11pri~oo of all clahnM IJut what their rnthrr might chooso to give them; uud though it wonltl han! hl-cn unuaturnl and unjukl to "ithbold fnmt thcnt the mt'aD~ of t'Omfortablo ~uh>i
  • IIRirlkU IDlPIRV. IS II'IJIA. 21.5

    )lillnge nnd opprob-Ull iullt'Cd wbu JlfOilt('(l by llnH'HAP. X I'll. ennnnous 11111.-r< of e'il hich txitgre.

  • 21tJ

    CHAP. XVII. in which the Brit isla agcut5 fdl into it 'IHm IIOL DUJII('I'UUS; but lliiU ~rJurill!( f:.J)aty \\hieh llll) nughL to imJHI!!O on tht Yizitr nm!

  • IIIUTI~II bllPilll: IN 11.-T>L\. 217

    tat; lro

  • lU~rHil \"' UF Ul

    UIAI'. lt\ 11. the l:n'aty conelud~od ,.itb ~nt Ali on his t>ltll - tion to the thrunc. .\ crt'ditnr who. at Uo timo of

    ~cmeluding nn engnj!\'mrnt, may be "''l.tifile open to him-to "ithclm,. from the protl'Ction of Outle, and lea Hl tho cuunt ry to ib! fnte. He lllll~t tako nn cxtmordinnry io:w uf thl.' right!!, dntii'S, ruul policy of nations who 11 nulol maintain that this !'lep 8houlrl btne been tal.tu. Tbe Ea!tt-lndia Company \mro not mtretnnry brolcel!' in the trade of d!'fCilding nations--UI('} olitl not hire out tbtir tro

  • Blllll>ll l:.XI'lll IS 1!\0I>IA. :!19

    t'Ountry from falling a prey to its n"igbbu~. "bieh CIIAP. :nu. would undnubtecll,- b:m been its fnte but lor tbc -prnlction tlf the Briti-h gonmment ; anti tb.u objet'! bnd wen uttrunNI. But it i~ not to be ntr-J>lll'fl that thl' C


    cuu. s 11, 1111ill ~awanb. the paywcnt of tlm kist& hnulol fall into a!Tl'nn!, tbc 11:1iol ~nwnub Sruulut Ali tng:t}:'!!l IUtol pnomi.;t't! thAt ~~~~ will tlu:Jt giw 'Ddt ~uril) w t he Comp311) fur llu ll).,ncnt. Sa:ulut Ali bad ofuC'bargcol hi ~ l111t not with out prt:_'-iog. Tb'} hnol I>Crn ('ontinually in arrenr. J.ut nmo0tmttll tW.. t'lntml'l-tiun would h:l\e lw:n l111nob, hnol there IJl'CI.:ttinu of \try clillbrent result.~. Ou the oceunenoo of tho cnn tiu).nmcy lor which lhtl l'!ovculh nrticle of Llu: tttnty pro,ioled, be wns to giw I!OCUrity not only for c.\iL-ing llJTt.'ID'8. but for futuro rogulnr )'3ytocnt, anl thi ~urity W"S.. 111 bo ~uch '"' 'ltonld be d~-.:ru.,.J li:ltis-fmt~;,-. It w~;nlol bo. rioliculnus to m:l, ""ti

  • IIRITWI 1'\IPUU: IN rst>IA. 22J

    thot ::0\l'TIIIIIl'Ut tbnugbt the c:CS:.illll nf territory CIIAP. XTIJ, Uw unly noli1Jitlll(' iil'l'ltrity, nnol be thought jntly. Whnt nth('r ('nulol lJC ~hen 1 Tht nul~ qnetoiinn tltnt ,.,uJ.J nrii! WM, ''l.tetlu r the ~ -ion lmuld 1 ttmpomr, or JWnnnucnt ; nnd thi mic:hL be :ubfert>Dnrl uf tho