history of cinema

  Pre-histor y: Camera O bscura to Magic Lantern Pre-histor y: Camera O bscura to Magic Lantern   Aristotle described how sunlight passing through a  Aristotle described how sunlight passing through a small hole projected an inverted image on the wall of a small hole projected an inverted image on the wall of a darkened room and put reference to the camera obscura. darkened room and put reference to the camera obscura. Gemma Frisius, a Dutchman, published a book Gemma Frisius, a Dutchman, published a book containing a drawing of a camera obscura in 1545. ‘ containing a drawing of a camera obscura in 1545. ‘ The oldest recorded attempt at motion picture The oldest recorded attempt at motion picture photography was made by an Englishman named photography was made by an Englishman named Eadweard Muybr idge. In 1872, California Governor Leland Eadweard Muybr idge. In 1872, California G overnor Leland Stanford hired Muybridge to help him win a bet by proving Stanford hired Muybridge to help him win a bet by proving that there were times in a horse race when all four of the that there were times in a horse race when all four of the animal's feet are off the ground. Muybridge set 24 animal's feet are off the ground. Muybridge set 24 cameras up in a row along a race track. He attached a cameras up in a row along a race track. He attached a string to each camera shutter , and stretched the strings string to each camera shutter , and stretched the strings across the track. As Stanford's horse raced on the track, it across the track. As Stanford's horse raced on the track, it tripped the wires and recorded 24 photographs that tripped the wires and recorded 24 photographs that proved that all four of the horse's feet were off the ground proved that all four of the horse's feet were off the ground at the same time. at the same time. 1891- Thomas Alva Ad ison invented kinematograph and 1891- Thomas Alva Ad ison invent ed kinematograph and Kinetoscope. Kinetoscope. 1895 – 28 1895 – 28 th th December Lumiere Brothers projected the December Lumiere Brothers projected the world first film for paid audience. The date was supposed world first film for paid audience. The date was supposed to be the birth of cinema. to be the birth of cinema.

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A Presentation Made By Masud Rana (Cinematographer)


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Pre-history: Camera Obscura to Magic LanternPre-history: Camera Obscura to Magic Lantern►   Aristotle described how sunlight passing through a Aristotle described how sunlight passing through asmall hole projected an inverted image on the wall of asmall hole projected an inverted image on the wall of adarkened room and put reference to the camera obscura.darkened room and put reference to the camera obscura.

► Gemma Frisius, a Dutchman, published a book Gemma Frisius, a Dutchman, published a book containing a drawing of a camera obscura in 1545. ‘containing a drawing of a camera obscura in 1545. ‘

► The oldest recorded attempt at motion pictureThe oldest recorded attempt at motion picturephotography was made by an Englishman namedphotography was made by an Englishman namedEadweard Muybridge. In 1872, California Governor LelandEadweard Muybridge. In 1872, California Governor LelandStanford hired Muybridge to help him win a bet by provingStanford hired Muybridge to help him win a bet by proving

that there were times in a horse race when all four of thethat there were times in a horse race when all four of theanimal's feet are off the ground. Muybridge set 24animal's feet are off the ground. Muybridge set 24cameras up in a row along a race track. He attached acameras up in a row along a race track. He attached astring to each camera shutter, and stretched the stringsstring to each camera shutter, and stretched the stringsacross the track. As Stanford's horse raced on the track, itacross the track. As Stanford's horse raced on the track, ittripped the wires and recorded 24 photographs thattripped the wires and recorded 24 photographs that

proved that all four of the horse's feet were off the groundproved that all four of the horse's feet were off the groundat the same time.at the same time.

►1891- Thomas Alva Adison invented kinematograph and1891- Thomas Alva Adison invented kinematograph andKinetoscope.Kinetoscope.

►1895 – 281895 – 28thth December Lumiere Brothers projected theDecember Lumiere Brothers projected theworld first film for paid audience. The date was supposedworld first film for paid audience. The date was supposedto be the birth of cinema.to be the birth of cinema.

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Lumiere Brothers: Louis Lumiere & August LumiereLumiere Brothers: Louis Lumiere & August Lumiere

They projected their first films onThey projected their first films on2828thth December 1895 at SalonDecember 1895 at SalonIndien du grand café in Paris. TheIndien du grand café in Paris. Thedate was supposed to be the birthdate was supposed to be the birthof film.of film.

►  A Train Reaches the station. A Train Reaches the station.►  A Boat Leaves the Harbor. A Boat Leaves the Harbor.► Baby at the Breakfast Table.Baby at the Breakfast Table.► Watering the Garden.Watering the Garden.


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George Melies: The Cinema WizardGeorge Melies: The Cinema Wizard

► Made around 500 shortMade around 500 shortfilms.films.

► First introduced trick First introduced trick photography.photography.

He is the first person to useHe is the first person to usedissolve as transitions.dissolve as transitions.► Important Movies:Important Movies:

 Vanishing Lady (1896), Vanishing Lady (1896),Cleopetra (1899), CindrellaCleopetra (1899), Cindrella(1899), A trip to the moon(1899), A trip to the moon(1902), Humanity Through(1902), Humanity Through Ages. Ages.

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Edwin S. Porter: The Master of StorytellingEdwin S. Porter: The Master of Storytelling 

► in 'Life of an Americanin 'Life of an AmericanFireman‘ (1902) he adopted aFireman‘ (1902) he adopted adocumentary style of documentary style of filmmaking .filmmaking .

► In ‘The Great Train Robbery’ In ‘The Great Train Robbery’ (1904) Porter used parallel(1904) Porter used parallelcut.cut.

► Porter was also one of thePorter was also one of the

first directors to shoot atfirst directors to shoot atnight in his 'Pan-Americannight in his 'Pan-AmericanExposition by Night'.Exposition by Night'.

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D. W. Griffith: The Father of D. W. Griffith: The Father of Cinematic ArtCinematic Art

► Made more than 450 movies.Made more than 450 movies.► Important Movies: Birth of a NationImportant Movies: Birth of a Nation

(1915), Intolerance (1916)(1915), Intolerance (1916)► Griffith used camera movements,Griffith used camera movements,

High angle, low angle shots.High angle, low angle shots.► He also used soft focus, MistHe also used soft focus, Mist

photography and close ups after thephotography and close ups after thelong shot.long shot.

► Griffith used light to expressGriffith used light to expresscinematic mood. He is the firstcinematic mood. He is the firstperson to use reflector board to useperson to use reflector board to usethe sunlight for photography.the sunlight for photography.

► He successfully used creative editingHe successfully used creative editingprocess to create drama and tempo.process to create drama and tempo.He introduced cross cutting andHe introduced cross cutting andcontrast editing.contrast editing.

► First time to use still shot in A cornerFirst time to use still shot in A cornerof Wheat (1909)of Wheat (1909)

► In The Fatal Hour (1908) Griffith useIn The Fatal Hour (1908) Griffith use

flash back.flash back.

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Russian Revolution and Theorizing cinemaRussian Revolution and Theorizing cinema

► In 1917 the October revolution in RussiaIn 1917 the October revolution in Russiacaused massive revolution in Russian cinemacaused massive revolution in Russian cinemaand all other form of arts.and all other form of arts.

►  V. E. Lenin declared film as the most V. E. Lenin declared film as the mostimportant art for Russia.important art for Russia.

► The socialist government treated film as theirThe socialist government treated film as theirvanguard and they introduced Agit Trainvanguard and they introduced Agit Train

containing the mobile film industry to browsecontaining the mobile film industry to browsearound whole Russia .around whole Russia .► Numerous film critics and philosophersNumerous film critics and philosophers

evolved in this period.evolved in this period.► They introduce the theory of Montage andThey introduce the theory of Montage and

compositional language in film.compositional language in film.► Sergei Eisenstein, Lev kuleshov, Pudovkin,Sergei Eisenstein, Lev kuleshov, Pudovkin,

Dovchengko, Zhiga Vertov are greatest filmDovchengko, Zhiga Vertov are greatest film

philosophers and film analyst in USSR.philosophers and film analyst in USSR.► In 1920 the socialist government of RussiaIn 1920 the socialist government of Russia

established world’s first film institute inestablished world’s first film institute inMoscow.Moscow.

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Sergei Eisenstein: Dialectical CinemaSergei Eisenstein: Dialectical Cinema

► This great film philosopherThis great film philosopherelaborated the theory of montage.elaborated the theory of montage.► He wrote some very importantHe wrote some very important

books and articles on filmbooks and articles on film like Film like Film  form & form & Film Sense Film Sense . These are. These aresupposed to be the bible of cinema.supposed to be the bible of cinema.

► His greatest movies includes StrikeHis greatest movies includes Strike(1924), Battleship Potemkin(1925),(1924), Battleship Potemkin(1925),The General Line (1926), OctoberThe General Line (1926), October

(1927), Alexander Nevsky (1938),(1927), Alexander Nevsky (1938),Ivan the Terrible (1944)Ivan the Terrible (1944)

► He is the introducer of IntellectualHe is the introducer of Intellectual

Montage, Montage of attraction andMontage, Montage of attraction andDialectical cinema.Dialectical cinema.► Eisenstein Classified four kind of Eisenstein Classified four kind of 

montage: Metric, Rhythmic, Tonalmontage: Metric, Rhythmic, Tonal& Overtonal Montage.& Overtonal Montage.


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 Vsevolod Pudovkin: Courage and resilience of individual Vsevolod Pudovkin: Courage and resilience of individual

► In contradiction with Isenstein’sIn contradiction with Isenstein’sDialectical Montage PudovkinDialectical Montage Pudovkinemphasized on additiveemphasized on additivemontage.montage.

► In 1928, with the advent of In 1928, with the advent of sound film, Pudovkin, Sergeisound film, Pudovkin, Sergei

Eisenstein and GrigoriEisenstein and Grigori Aleksandrov signed the Manifest Aleksandrov signed the Manifestof Sound, in which theof Sound, in which thepossibilities of sound arepossibilities of sound aredebated, and alwaysdebated, and alwaysunderstood as a complement tounderstood as a complement toimage.image.

► Important Movies: MotherImportant Movies: Mother(1926), The End of St.(1926), The End of St.Petersburg (1927), Simple CasePetersburg (1927), Simple Case(1932) and The Deserter (1933)(1932) and The Deserter (1933)etc.etc.


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Lev Kuleshov: A passion for FilmLev Kuleshov: A passion for Film

►  A passionate film Theorist and film A passionate film Theorist and filmanalyst. Initiator Moscow Filmanalyst. Initiator Moscow FilmInstitute, the first film institute inInstitute, the first film institute inthe world.the world.

► Mostly popular for his experimentMostly popular for his experimentwith the actor Ivan Mozzhukhin.with the actor Ivan Mozzhukhin.

► Initiator of montage concept.Initiator of montage concept.► In the film ‘By the Law’ he showedIn the film ‘By the Law’ he showed

the concept of Recreated Space orthe concept of Recreated Space orCreated Geography.Created Geography.

► Important movies: TheImportant movies: The

Extraordinary Adventures of Mr.Extraordinary Adventures of Mr.West in the Land of the BolsheviksWest in the Land of the Bolsheviks(1924), By the Low (1926),(1924), By the Low (1926),


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 Alexander Dovzhenko: The Film Poet Alexander Dovzhenko: The Film Poet

► The Ukrainian film maker isThe Ukrainian film maker ismostly known for his poeticmostly known for his poeticpresentation along withpresentation along withdeep political views.deep political views.

► He showed his mastery of He showed his mastery of Poetic composition, usingPoetic composition, usinglight and shadow to createlight and shadow to createdramatic mood, slowdramatic mood, slowmotion photography.motion photography.

► Important Films: ArsenalImportant Films: Arsenal(1920), The Diplomatic(1920), The DiplomaticPouch (1927), EarthPouch (1927), Earth

(1930).(1930).► His film The Earth caughtHis film The Earth caught

attraction of internationalattraction of internationalaudience and film lovers.audience and film lovers.


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Dziga Vertov: Camera is theDziga Vertov: Camera is the Alternative eye Alternative eye

► Initiator of Kino-EyeInitiator of Kino-EyeFilm movement.Film movement.

► Established theEstablished theconcept of concept of 

documentarydocumentaryfilmmaking.filmmaking.► Created Kino PravdaCreated Kino Pravda

newsreel series,newsreel series,

comprised with 23comprised with 23episodes, A Manepisodes, A ManWith A MovieWith A MovieCamera etc.Camera etc.


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