history banking

Disclosure The following information/disclosures has been collated through interviews, research and discussions with a few prominent persons; some related to the secret service part of world finance; some senior citizens who for the last 50 years have lived very simple lives in hiding while controlling key accounts and gold certificates upon which the world of modern banking has originated. This presentation is based on the aforementioned persons’ version of history that highlights the ongoing battle between what is perceived as good versus evil. It hopes to present a crystal clear picture of the machinations of royalty, religious heads and political entities and how they have directed and controlled the flow of wealth across the world to the detriment of the common people at large. Their initial intensions were Noble but the current outcome much less so. It is a simplified story of “Gold” versus “Bankers” but as we all know it is usually never quite that simple. Battles and it’s players are much more complicated and most of it in a Gray area somewhere between what is right & what is wrong. Regardless, we deem it important information for anybody who whishes to know were the world is heading financially and how we actually got to where we are today where the people who owns/control the banks now “OWNS” the world. The revelations contained herein may to some appear as fantasy or mere conjecture. However, it must be stated that all data has been gleaned from very reliable sources with an inside view of the secret world of banking and supported/verified by Important historical/present day documents and ancient artifacts. We hope to be able to publish some of them in a public domain at a later stage. We do welcome any additional input. E-mail us at [email protected] or Post comments on fourwinds10.com and title it "The Brief comment ....." Power corrupts. Absolute Power corrupts absolutely.

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Disclosure The following information/disclosures has been collated through interviews, research and discussions with a few prominent persons; some related to the secret service part of world finance; some senior citizens who for the last 50 years have lived very simple lives in hiding while controlling key accounts and gold certificates upon which the world of modern banking has originated. This presentation is based on the aforementioned persons version of history that highlights the ongoing battle between what is perceived as good versus evil. It hopes to present a crystal clear picture of the machinations of royalty, religious heads and political entities and how they have directed and controlled the flow of wealth across the world to the detriment of the common people at large. Their initial intensions were Noble but the current outcome much less so. It is a simplified story of Gold versus Bankers but as we all know it is usually never quite that simple. Battles and its players are much more complicated and most of it in a Gray area somewhere between what is right & what is wrong. Regardless, we deem it important information for anybody who whishes to know were the world is heading financially and how we actually got to where we are today where the people who owns/control the banks now OWNS the world. The revelations contained herein may to some appear as fantasy or mere conjecture. However, it must be stated that all data has been gleaned from very reliable sources with an inside view of the secret world of banking and supported/verified by Important historical/present day documents and ancient artifacts. We hope to be able to publish some of them in a public domain at a later stage. We do welcome any additional input. E-mail us at [email protected] or Post comments on fourwinds10.com and title it "The Brief comment ....." Power corrupts. Absolute Power corrupts absolutely.

The History of Banking+ where did King Solomons treasure go?

An Asian Perspective

History of world Banking

It starts with King Solomon in Jerusalem around 930 B.C. A very successful King who amasses huge wealth. Especially Gold. He has some 600 wives & concubines and thousands of kids.

Solomon 930 BC

Considering that, he knows his country will fall apart after his death and selects one of his most trusted wives, Queen Shaba or Balquish, to protect the assets, bloodline and traditions.

History of world Banking

Sometime after, she leaves with everything back to where she probably came from. Jawa. There she established the courts of what later became known as Solo, Jawa.

Solomon 930 BC

Templar movments

There safeguarding the gold assets, King Solomon's bloodline and the religious traditions of his court.

Gold Flows

Gold Certificates

Solo Jawa

History of world Banking

The Gold pile grows. There are huge flows of Gold into Indonesia from China during the 1300 A.D. China almost goes broke buying spices and wood. From Europe in the 1400 1600 A.D. most of the Gold taken from South America ends up in Indonesia as payment for spices which are the most sought after goods in the world at the time. The Royal Solo family ties are expanded to include Chinese Royals

Solomon 930 BC China Spice trade 1400 forwardTemplar movments


Gold Flows

Gold Certificates

Solo Jawa

History of world Banking

1000 A.D. A few knights spend 9 years in Jerusalem exploring the ruins of King Solomon's Temple. They discover something that makes them very powerful once back in Europe.

Solomon 930 BC

9 years@temple 3rd King of Jerusalem (1040) China

Spice trade 1400 forwardTemplar movments


Gold Flows

They get special privileges from the Pope and The Templar Knights Order is established with direct access to the Pope.

Gold Certificates

Solo Jawa

History of world Banking

Europe 1900

Templar Knights

Solomon 930 BC

9 years@temple 3rd King of Jerusalem (1040) China

Spice trade 1400 forwardTemplar movments

They quickly become the European protector of wealth and the pilgrims to Jerusalem. That leads to the establishment of the first working Banking system throughout Europe. People of means can deposit their wealth with the Templar Knights and then draw from it once they are in the Holy Land. 1064 A.D. They first establish a connection with the old Solomon bloodline in Jawa.



Gold Flows

Gold Certificates

Solo Jawa

History of world Banking

Oct Friday 13th 1307. The Templars are now a very rich, powerful and independent from Church and State European wide organization. The French King together with the Pope has conspired to confiscate their assets and destroy their power. All over Europe on Friday the 13th of October 1307 Templars are hunted down, jailed and killed. Their assets and land holdings are confiscated.

Europe 1900

Templar Knights Friday The 13th 1307

Solomon 930 BC

9 years@temple 3rd King of Jerusalem (1040) China

Spice trade 1400 forwardTemplar movments



Gold Flows

Gold Certificates

Solo Jawa

History of world BankingScotland (Until 1500 1600)

Oct Friday 13th 1307. TheTemplars flee and hide in three main directions. One group goes up into the mountains of central Europe in what eventually becomes Switzerland. One group flee North and established a safe haven in Northern Scotland (and Scandinavia) while the third group flee West into Portugal from where they travel to America eventually.

America Europe 1480 Portugal 1900 Templar Knights Friday The 13th 1307

Solomon 930 BC

9 years@temple 3rd King of Jerusalem (1040) China

Spice trade 1400 forwardTemplar movments



Gold Flows

Gold Certificates

Solo Jawa

History of world BankingScotland


1500 Europe Templar Knights Friday The 13th 1307

1480 Portugal


1400-1500 A.D. The Scottish Templar group leaves and travels all the way to Indonesia where they set up a base at Madura. They unite with the Solomon Bloodline in Jawa. 1600-1700 A.D. The Templars in Jawa together with their brothers in the Alps start issuing Paper Certificates Backed by Gold. A piece of paper that represents a certain amount of gold and can be easily moved and lent out. Interest is 2-3% year payable in Gold

Solomon 930 BC

9 years@temple 3rd King of Jerusalem (1040) China

Spice trade 1400 forwardTemplar movments



Gold Flows

Gold Certificates

Solo Jawa

History of world BankingScotland

1st Rothshield


1500 Europe Templar Knights Friday The 13th 1307


1480 Portugal


1700-1800 A.D. One German Banker, backing a local prince quickly catches on to this and sees the HUGE potential. They eventually change their name to Rothschild. He has five sons who are sent out across Europe to establish Banks, one in each chosen country, They establish in England, France, Italy, Germany and Austria. Where they become the Kings bank. Or as we call them now Central Bank.

Solomon 930 BC

9 years@temple 3rd King of Jerusalem (1040) China

Spice trade 1400 forwardTemplar movments



Gold Flows

Gold Certificates

Solo Jawa

History of world BankingScotland BOE 1st Rothshield


1500 Europe

BoI Templar Knights Friday The 13th 1307

1480 Portugal


Solomon 930 BC

9 years@temple 3rd King of Jerusalem (1040) China

Spice trade 1400 forwardTemplar movments



Gold Flows

Gold Certificates

Solo Jawa

First to be established was the Bank Of England. Instead of lending the English King gold bullions to use for paying for war efforts they get the right, and only them, to issue papers representing that Gold. (Paper Money) The Kings loan will run at 8% interest for eternity. Paid in Gold. No need to pay the principal. Since Rothschild in his turn borrows Gold certificates at an interest of 2-4% per year he is on to a very good business.

History of world bankingScotland BOE BOF DB Others 1st Rothshield


1500 Europe

BoI Templar Knights Friday The 13th 1307

1480 Portugal


Solomon 930 BC

9 years@temple 3rd King of Jerusalem (1040) China

Spice trade 1400 forwardTemplar movments



The only limit to their Banking profits is the need of the King or Kings to borrow money. With a spread of 46% / year it has HUGE potential. Now, with his sons firmly established in all the important corners of Europe the best way to make money is to make sure the kings go to war against each others and finance all of them. They Win either way all the time*

Gold Flows

Gold Certificates

Solo Jawa

*Wars always generate huge profits and debts. Both of which are of interest to the bankers. See how the USA debt as grown form 0 in early 1900 when they installed the FED to what it is now. Each big leap in debt except the 1930 depression is caused by a war. WWII, Korea, Vietnam etc. It is a proven tactic that started with Napoleon.

History of world BankingScotland BOE BOF DB Others 1st Rothshield



1500 Europe

BoI Templar Knights Friday The 13th 1307

1480 Portugal


Solomon 930 BC

9 years@temple 3rd King of Jerusalem (1040) China

Spice trade 1400 forwardTemplar movments



Gold Flows

Gold Certificates

Solo Jawa

What better person to support for the purpose of profits & debt than Napoleon? A small guy with huge ego and world wide ambitions. The Napoleonic wars is what really got the Rothschilds started. For e.g. The Battle Of Waterloo. Thanks to their superior network they knew before anybody else who won and that alone, put them in place to clean up on ALL the financial markets of their day. The players knew to watch what Rothschild was doing which they used to their full advantage. First sell to get the avalanche going and when the flock is in full panic mode, selling at any price they quietly stated buying it all at rock bottom prices. That is how they played the London financial market on the day of the battle of Waterloo. They absolutely cleaned up On top of that there is also what all the various Kings involved had to pay in interest on their loans. From then on the rest is history on how they managed to put themselves as key players in the distribution of funds first throughout the Western world, later followed by the rest of the world They dont necessary own the funds/assets but they 100% control the main Banks and its distribution chain that distributes these assets.

History of world BankingScotland BOE BOF DB Others 1st Rothshield

Bank of China and Bank of Japan also eventually gets established by Asian counterparts. In an agreement signed in 1857 all Asian territories agree to have BoE oversee and control all macro Banking aspects in their territories. And that agreement still stands. Today, 5 out of 7 central banks in the G7 group are controlled by Rothschild interests.


1500 Europe

BoI Templar Knights Friday The 13th 1307

1480 Portugal


Solomon 930 BC

9 years@temple 3rd King of Jerusalem (1040)


Spice trade 1400 forwardTemplar movments



Gold Flows

Gold Certificates

Solo Jawa

History of world BankingScotland BOE BOF DB Others 1st Rothshield


1500 Europe

BoI Templar Knights Friday The 13th 1307

1480 Portugal


Solomon 930 BC

9 years@temple 3rd King of Jerusalem (1040)


FED. The last Central Bank to be established was the FED. The Americans resisted the central bank idea for the longest time and it took a banking crisis together with some very long term political games to finally get them to accept the idea under the name of Federal Reserve Act in 1913 It has rightfully been called the crime of the century More on FED

Spice trade 1400 forwardTemplar movments



Gold Flows

Gold Certificates

Solo Jawa

History of world BankingScotland BOE BOF DB Others 1st Rothshield


1500 Europe

BoI Templar Knights Friday The 13th 1307

1480 Portugal


Solomon 930 BC

9 years@temple 3rd King of Jerusalem (1040)


BOC China BOJ 1950 1300 Taiwan Solo Jawa 1950

Spice trade 1400 forwardTemplar movments

1950 1060

Gold Flows

Gold Certificates

People Flows

The Gold that ultimately backed ALL Banks can be traced to a few major sources. The Chinese Royal family, tracing its roots back to Genghis Khan, who conquered the world having his subjects pay tribute in Gold. The Indonesians and their spices + Solomons legacy. The Persians and other remnants of ancient Empires. The Colonial powers of England, Spain & Portugal collected lots but also spent on spices & exotic imports.

History of world BankingScotland BOE BOF DB Others 1st Rothshield


1500 Europe

BoI Templar Knights Friday The 13th 1307

1480 Portugal


Solomon 930 BC

9 years@temple 3rd King of Jerusalem (1040)


BOC China BOJ 1950 1300 Taiwan Solo Jawa 1950

The Chinese always had very close ties with their Indonesian relatives. When mainland China goes through its upheavals mid 1900 their assets are moved first to Taiwan, later to Indonesia. The same goes for The Shah of Iran. His main assets are also held and safeguarded here after 1950s Solo also had been the central point of a great expansive Asian Kingdom (Majapahit) in the 1300s A.D. After pressures from Islam they retreat East.

Spice trade 1400 forwardTemplar movments

1950 1060

Gold Flows

Gold Certificates

People Flows

We are going to take a little detour in our banking story here to give you some insight into interesting cultural and people flows.Scotland BOE BOF DB Others 1st Rothshield


1500 Europe

BoI Templar Knights Friday The 13th 1307

1480 Portugal


Solomon 930 BC

9 years@temple 3rd King of Jerusalem (1040)


BOC China BOJ 1950 1300 Taiwan Solo Jawa 1950

Spice trade 1400 forwardTemplar movments

1950 1060

Gold Flows

900-1000 A.D High Priests in Jawa gets direction from Divine inspiration that they have to travel to Bali (Little Jawa) and establish a successful Colony. First attempt fails. Some 100 years later they receive a second direct command from The Divine to do the same. Direction is given for three nails, (Gold, Silver & Bronze) to be nailed down and a Temple established. Now they succeed. By 1500 A.D. the whole Royal court of Solo have moved here to safeguard the traditions and culture from the pressures of Islam.

Gold Certificates


People Flows

Jawa to Bali flow & beyond 900 1600 A.D.Scotland BOE BOFThe scattered sheep of Israel shall be found among the islands of the seas

DB Others 1st Rothshield


1500 Europe

BoI Templar Knights Friday The 13th 1307

1480 Portugal


Solomon 930 BC

9 years@temple 3rd King of Jerusalem (1040)


BOC China BOJ 1950 1300

Further exploration and people goes East. There are really interesting linguistic and cultural traces indicating close contact between Jawa/Bali (=Majapahit) & Polynesian, Mayan/Americans. A few e.g. Hawaiikiki, Honolulu, Maomaori has meaning in old Javanese language, Mayan & Bali calendar use very similar symbols Majapahit Solo temple & Mayan temples are identical. See PhotoNative America + Maya Hawaii

Spice trade 1400 forwardTemplar movments

1950 1060

Gold Flows

Taiwan Solo Jawa 1950 Bali


More Info

Gold Certificates

People Flows

New Zealand Maorie

Illuminati breeding programBack to the banking story

Legends of a Shadow Power behind the scenes called the Illuminati has long flourished in the West. This may be how it started. 1200-1300 A.D. Queen Roro Kidul, a beautiful illuminated being (she literally shines up a room and never grows old) marries the King of Solo. She promises to always protect the Kingdom and return when needed. Her descendants takes the name of Chakra Ningrat. the Illuminated

Illuminati breeding program

1300 1700 A.D.

Royals marry Royals and none other. The Jawa bloodline was important and Chinese, European and Middle Eastern Royals all intermarry. In 1700 all major wars are basically in between close or distant Royal family members. They are all related one way or other. They fight over land and wealth. With advancing technology wars gets more and more destructive and in an enlightened moment some agree to try and systematically do something about it.

Illuminati breeding program

The many wars in Europe was a very good reason to stop family inter fighting and around 1750, 128 of the worlds most important Royals agree to a Breeding plan. They married or had kids following a system, having their respective first son/daughter marry or mate according to the same plan.

Illuminati breeding program

Objective; Create the King of Kings , the enlightened one A person who would equally represent each and every one of the participating 128 Royal families of the world.

Illuminati breeding program

Over the course of 7 generations they slowly bring down the numbers of participating families from 128-64-32-16-84-1. Finally in the year 1900 A.D. The One is born.

Illuminati breeding program

Now, they have ONE person who can honestly say I represent ALL of YOU. Lets call him M1. Short for Monetary1.

The recall of the 1920s

With M1 in existence it is time to move on to the next step in the plan. In 1920-21 they start to consolidate (call back) their combined wealth with the intension of placing it into the hands of M1. M1 is then to redistribute the combined wealth of the world according to an agreed upon plan.

The recall of the 1920s

9 of the most prominent Royal families representing different regions of the world were driving this project. Together with the Chinese Royal KS, one of the most active and respected among them were PB X (paku Bueno X). M1s biological father and the King of Solo from the Chaka Ningrat or The illuminated Solomon bloodline.

The recall of the 1920s

So in 1928 PB X calls a meeting in Solo, Jawa, for all the 128 families to attend. Here they sign a POA transferring all their combined assets into the hands of M1. He is then supposed to distribute this wealth according to an agreed upon plan called The plan of the experts

of all mankind and bring them all into a material level of comfort after which man is free enough from daily troubles to pursue mankind's ultimate goal of Unity with God for each and every one. It is a long worked upon plan of Unifying the World, for as good as possible for as many as possible That was their basic guiding principle.

The plan of the Experts they feel is divine. Its driven by a genuine attempt to better the fate

How it was supposed to work.According to The plan of the Experts of 1928

If you have all the money in the world and you want to make that a better and more equal world, how would you go about it? It is a serious question.. The people faced with that problem/opportunity planned it along these lines. All with very good intensions. First collect it into one big pot. Set someone you trust in charge but have checks and balances in place.


Future World Government Body

How it was supposed to work.According to The plan of the Experts of 1928

UNPower transfer to UN when world is ready

One of the primary objectives was to free the nations from Colonialism. These new nations should be governed as Guided democracies So, up on top of the world power pyramid there should be a forum were every nation has a voice and a vote. When ready, M1 should transfer his power to that world government body. It was called The United Nations


Future World Government Body

How it was supposed to work.According to The plan of the Experts of 1928

Government funding Tracking of all mayor funds Government side of World Finance Central bank of the Central banks

UNPower transfer to UN when world is ready


All these new & old independent nations need financing. To supply that and track all mayor fund movements you need a Central bank to all the central banks. BIS. Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland was planned to be set up for that purpose


Future World Government Body

How it was supposed to work.According to The plan of the Experts of 1928

Government funding Tracking of all major funds Government side of World Finance Central bank of the Central banks

UNPower transfer to UN when world is ready

BISInfrastructure building and planning Approves cash utilization from FED and others

To give everybody access to the best and the brightest regarding infrastructure and financing the World Bank was incorporated. The WB job is to employ the best in their fields who then plan projects and infrastructure solutions around the world. They will also finance projects that can not meet normal commercial bank requirements. They also approve cash utilizations from FED and other Banks. Your project needs a WB approval to get financed



Future World Government Body

How it was supposed to work.According to The plan of the Experts of 1928

Government funding Tracking of all mayor funds Government side of World Finance Central bank of the Central banks

UNPower transfer to UN when world is ready

BISInfrastructure building and planning Approves cash utilization from FED and others

To feed the private side of world finance with cash you need an outlet. The FED were to take this role. It was to be the cash cow of the world on the private side of banking. They were to supply all the prime banks with funding. The top 25 around the world. Not just American but all others as well. Here is where it started to go all wrong, The FED became a political tool to push power agendas. Its owners eventually high jacked the whole system.



FEDPrivate side of World finance Cash low of the world

Future World Government Body

How it was supposed to work.According to The plan of the Experts of 1928

Government funding Tracking of all mayor funds Government side of World Finance Central bank of the Central banks

UNPower transfer to UN when world is ready

To help failing economies and guide them along the way they needed the IMF. Their work was to be the lender of last resort. We will help but

BISInfrastructure building and planning Approves cash utilization from FED and others



FEDPrivate side of World finance Cash low of the world

IMFControlling organ Lender of last resorts We Will help but... First aid to failing economy

Here is were Guided democracy comes into play. All the planned new small independent nations would at times run into trouble and the IMF was supposed to be there to help fix things.

Future World Government Body

How it was supposed to work.According to The plan of the Experts of 1928

Government funding Tracking of all mayor funds Government side of World Finance Central bank of the Central banks

UNPower transfer to UN when world is ready

Justice. To solve international legal cases and humanitarian issues across National borders they needed an International court. Of Justice. The Hague fills that role.The HagueInternational court of Justice

BISInfrastructure building and planning Approves cash utilization from FED and others



FEDPrivate side of World finance Cash low of the world


One off its offspring's is the Geneva Conventions

Controlling organ Lender of last resorts We Will help but... First aid to failing economy

Geneva Conventions

Future World Government Body

How it was supposed to work.According to The plan of the Experts of 1928

Government funding Tracking of all mayor funds Government side of World Finance Central bank of the Central banks

UNPower transfer to UN when world is ready

BISInfrastructure building and planning Approves cash utilization from FED and others



EUWorking Model for running regions

Later in the scheme once the new Nations are firmly established and functional you can join them into bigger blocks. All for the purpose of Unity, Peace and Togetherness. The USA could stand as a good example and similar solutions were foreseen for Europe, Africa & Asia as well.

FEDPrivate side of World finance Cash low of the world


The HagueInternational court of Justice

Controlling organ Lender of last resorts We Will help but... First aid to failing economy

Geneva Conventions

Future World Government Body

How it was supposed to work.According to The plan of the Experts of 1928

Government funding Tracking of all mayor funds Government side of World Finance Central bank of the Central banks

UNPower transfer to UN when world is ready 2015 - 2020 Asia Union & African Union

BISInfrastructure building and planning Approves cash utilization from FED and others

These projects are still on the drawing board but if you study todays news you can see how the seeds are there. Just as with the EU it is quietly there until suddenly the time is right and things move very fast. The difference from what was original planned is that other forces are now pushing the same agenda for control reasons



EUWorking Model for running regions

FEDPrivate side of World finance Cash low of the world


The HagueInternational court of Justice

Controlling organ Lender of last resorts We Will help but... First aid to failing economy

Geneva Conventions

Future World Government Body

How it was supposed to work.According to The plan of the Experts of 1928

Government funding Tracking of all mayor funds Government side of World Finance Central bank of the Central banks

UNPower transfer to UN when world is ready 2015 - 2020 Asia Union & African Union

BISInfrastructure building and planning Approves cash utilization from FED and others

These are very approximate timelines. Time will tell when it all happens and how it is implemented. As it stands today we will end up with one of two solutions. Right now there is a fight of control going on.



EUWorking Model for running regions

FEDPrivate side of World finance Cash low of the world


The HagueInternational court of Justice

Key Dates: 2015 All trade barriers gone Before 2020 One Currency

Controlling organ Lender of last resorts We Will help but... First aid to failing economy

1.A world paper currency backed by gold governed by a multinational assembly. 2.A cashless society solution were ultimately the Banks, or its owners control the money supply and flows.

Geneva Conventions

Plan of The Experts of 1928Objectives and what happened

Objective- Break Down Colonialism - Free the Nations and create equal start - Control the New Nations through debt - Unify the world - As good as possible for as many as possible

Plan of The Experts of 1928Objectives and what happened



A freedom War & Economic stress on The colonial powers

- Break Down Colonialism - Free the Nations and create equal start - Control the New Nations through debt - Unify the world - As good as possible for as many as possible

Plan of The Experts of 1928Objectives and what happened



A freedom War & Economic stress on The colonial powers

- Break Down Colonialism - Free the Nations and create equal start - Control the New Nations through debt - Unify the world - As good as possible for as many as possible

The US is the first country to get access to big funding according to the Plan of the Experts. FED borrows huge amounts and funds the new deal in the 1930s. The US is set to be the great liberator of nations and the champion of democracy. To achieve this, the intention is for the US to; - Build up military - Function as World Police - Control the outcome of the future WWII

Plan of The Experts of 1928Objectives and what happenedFrees The Nations




A freedom War & Economic stress on The colonial powers

- Break Down Colonialism - Free the Nations and create equal start - Control the New Nations through debt - Unify the world - As good as possible for as many as possible

The US is the first country to get access to big funding according to the Plan of the Experts. FED borrows huge amounts and funds the new deal in the 1930s. The US is set to be the great liberator of nations and the champion of democracy. To achieve this, the intention is for the US to; - Build up military - Function as World Police - Control the outcome of the future WWII

Plan of The Experts of 1928Objectives and what happenedCreates Bases for UN Creates Bases for EU Frees The Nations




A freedom War & Economic stress on The colonial powers

- Break Down Colonialism - Free the Nations and create equal start - Control the New Nations through debt - Unify the world - As good as possible for as many as possible

The US is the first country to get access to big funding according to the Plan of the Experts. FED borrows huge amounts and funds the new deal in the 1930s. The US is set to be the great liberator of nations and the champion of democracy. To achieve this, the intention is for the US to; - Build up military - Function as World Police - Control the outcome of the future WWII

Plan of The Experts of 1928Objectives and what happenedCreates Bases for UN Creates Bases for EU Frees The Nations


In 1946 Three Marshall plans are set up within the UN to fund the world after WWII Europe Africa Asia



A freedom War & Economic stress on The colonial powers

- Break Down Colonialism - Free the Nations and create equal start - Control the New Nations through debt - Unify the world - As good as possible for as many as possible

The US is the first country to get access to big funding according to the Plan of the Experts. FED borrows huge amounts and funds the new deal in the 1930s. The US is set to be the great liberator of nations and the champion of democracy. To achieve this, the intention is for the US to; - Build up military - Function as World Police - Control the outcome of the future WWII

Plan of The Experts of 1928Objectives and what happenedCreates Bases for UN Creates Bases for EU Frees The Nations

Creates the need for a new way to create cash only partly based on gold Breton Woods 1942-43


In 1946 Three Marshall plans are set up within the UN to fund the world after WWII Europe Africa Asia



A freedom War & Economic stress on The colonial powers

- Break Down Colonialism - Free the Nations and create equal start - Control the New Nations through debt - Unify the world - As good as possible for as many as possible

The US is the first country to get access to big funding according to the Plan of the Experts. FED borrows huge amounts and funds the new deal in the 1930s. The US is set to be the great liberator of nations and the champion of democracy. To achieve this, the intention is for the US to; - Build up military - Function as World Police - Control the outcome of the future WWII

Plan of The Experts of 1928Objectives and what happenedHyper accounts Creates Bases for UN Creates Bases for EU Frees The Nations

(trading system within the FED that creates money out of nothing. Checks and balances do apply)

Creates the need for a new way to create cash only partly based on gold Breton Woods 1942-43


In 1946 Three Marshall plans are set up within the UN to fund the world after WWII Europe Africa Asia



A freedom War & Economic stress on The colonial powers

- Break Down Colonialism - Free the Nations and create equal start - Control the New Nations through debt - Unify the world - As good as possible for as many as possible

The US is the first country to get access to big funding according to the Plan of the Experts. FED borrows huge amounts and funds the new deal in the 1930s. The US is set to be the great liberator of nations and the champion of democracy. To achieve this, the intention is for the US to; - Build up military - Function as World Police - Control the outcome of the future WWII

Leads to more POWER to the FED/BoE/BIS banking power triangle at the cost of the people controlling the Gold / M1(opens the door for the 1963-5 complete banking takeover of the system)

Plan of The Experts of 1928Objectives and what happenedCreates Bases for EU Frees The Nations

(trading system within the FED that creates money out of nothing. Checks and balances do apply)

Hyper accounts

Creates Bases for UN

Creates the need for a new way to create cash only partly based on gold Breton Woods 1942-43


In 1946 Three Marshall plans are set up within the UN to fund the world after WWII Europe Africa Asia



A freedom War & Economic stress on The colonial powers

- Break Down Colonialism - Free the Nations and create equal start - Control the New Nations through debt - Unify the world - As good as possible for as many as possible

The US is the first country to get access to big funding according to the Plan of the Experts. FED borrows huge amounts and funds the new deal in the 1930s. The US is set to be the great liberator of nations and the champion of democracy. To achieve this, the intention is for the US to; - Build up military - Function as World Police - Control the outcome of the future WWII

Leads to more POWER to the FED/BoE/BIS banking power triangle at the cost of the people controlling the Gold / M1(opens the door for the 1963-5 complete banking takeover of the system)

Plan of The Experts of 1928Objectives and what happenedCreates Bases for EU Frees The Nations Gets everybody into huge debtsWWII

(trading system within the FED that creates money out of nothing. Checks and balances do apply)

Hyper accounts

Creates Bases for UN

Creates the need for a new way to create cash only partly based on gold Breton Woods 1942-43

Guided Democracy

In 1946 Three Marshall plans are set up within the UN to fund the world after WWII Gets Done Europe Africa Asia



A freedom War & Economic stress on The colonial powers

- Break Down Colonialism - Free the Nations and create equal start - Control the New Nations through debt - Unify the world - As good as possible for as many as possible

The US is the first country to get access to big funding according to the Plan of the Experts. FED borrows huge amounts and funds the new deal in the 1930s. The US is set to be the great liberator of nations and the champion of democracy. To achieve this, the intention is for the US to; - Build up military - Function as World Police - Control the outcome of the future WWII

Leads to more POWER to the FED/BoE/BIS banking power triangle at the cost of the people controlling the Gold / M1(opens the door for the 1963-5 complete banking takeover of the system)

Plan of The Experts of 1928Objectives and what happenedCreates Bases for EU Frees The Nations Gets everybody into huge debtsWWII

(trading system within the FED that creates money out of nothing. Checks and balances do apply)

Hyper accounts

Creates Bases for UN

Creates the need for a new way to create cash only partly based on gold Breton Woods 1942-43

Guided Democracy

In 1946 Three Marshall plans are set up within the UN to fund the world after WWII Gets Done Europe Africa Asia Bandung Conference, 1955 MI issues certificates



A freedom War & Economic stress on The colonial powers

- Break Down Colonialism - Free the Nations and create equal start - Control the New Nations through debt - Unify the world - As good as possible for as many as possible

The US is the first country to get access to big funding according to the Plan of the Experts. FED borrows huge amounts and funds the new deal in the 1930s. The US is set to be the great liberator of nations and the champion of democracy. To achieve this, the intention is for the US to; - Build up military - Function as World Police - Control the outcome of the future WWII

Leads to more POWER to the FED/BoE/BIS banking power triangle at the cost of the people controlling the Gold / M1(opens the door for the 1963-5 complete banking takeover of the system)

Plan of The Experts of 1928Objectives and what happenedCreates Bases for EU Frees The Nations Gets everybody into huge debtsWWII

(trading system within the FED that creates money out of nothing. Checks and balances do apply)

Hyper accounts

Creates Bases for UN

Creates the need for a new way to create cash only partly based on gold Breton Woods 1942-43

Guided Democracy

In 1946 Three Marshall plans are set up within the UN to fund the world after WWII Gets Done Europe Africa Asia Bandung Conference, 1955 MI issues certificates



A freedom War & Economic stress on The colonial powers

- Break Down Colonialism - Free the Nations and create equal start - Control the New Nations through debt - Unify the world - As good as possible for as many as possible

The US is the first country to get access to big funding according to the Plan of the Experts. FED borrows huge amounts and funds the new deal in the 1930s. The US is set to be the great liberator of nations and the champion of democracy. To achieve this, the intention is for the US to; - Build up military - Function as World Police - Control the outcome of the future WWII

FED/BOE/BIS Never follow through. The SPLIT (between Indonesians & Chinese) that started in 1928, was triggered in1934( Death of PB.X) widens and M1looks to USA and JFK for help to lessen the FEDs POWER.

Leads to more POWER to the FED/BoE/BIS banking power triangle at the cost of the people controlling the Gold / M1(opens the door for the 1963-5 complete banking takeover of the system)

Plan of The Experts of 1928Objectives and what happenedCreates Bases for EU Frees The Nations Gets everybody into huge debtsWWII

(trading system within the FED that creates money out of nothing. Checks and balances do apply)

Hyper accounts

Creates Bases for UN

Creates the need for a new way to create cash only partly based on gold Breton Woods 1942-43

Guided Democracy

In 1946 Three Marshall plans are set up within the UN to fund the world after WWII Gets Done Europe Africa Asia Bandung Conference, 1955 MI issues certificates



A freedom War & Economic stress on The colonial powers

- Break Down Colonialism - Free the Nations and create equal start - Control the New Nations through debt - Unify the world - As good as possible for as many as possible

The US is the first country to get access to big funding according to the Plan of the Experts. FED borrows huge amounts and funds the new deal in the 1930s. The US is set to be the great liberator of nations and the champion of democracy. To achieve this, the intention is for the US to; - Build up military - Function as World Police - Control the outcome of the future WWII

FED/BOE/BIS Never follow through. The SPLIT (between Indonesians & Chinese) that started in 1928, was triggered in1934( Death of PB.X) widens and M1looks to USA and JFK for help to lessen the FEDs POWER.

JFK M1 Shared Ideal

3 agreements: - Tampak Siring (Bali) - Washington agreement - Green Hilton Memorial

Leads to more POWER to the FED/BoE/BIS banking power triangle at the cost of the people controlling the Gold / M1(opens the door for the 1963-5 complete banking takeover of the system)

Plan of The Experts of 1928Objectives and what happenedCreates Bases for EU Frees The Nations Gets everybody into huge debtsWWII

(trading system within the FED that creates money out of nothing. Checks and balances do apply)

Hyper accounts

Creates Bases for UN

Creates the need for a new way to create cash only partly based on gold Breton Woods 1942-43

Guided Democracy

In 1946 Three Marshall plans are set up within the UN to fund the world after WWII Gets Done Europe Africa Asia Bandung Conference, 1955 MI issues certificates



A freedom War & Economic stress on The colonial powers

- Break Down Colonialism - Free the Nations and create equal start - Control the New Nations through debt - Unify the world - As good as possible for as many as possible

The US is the first country to get access to big funding according to the Plan of the Experts. FED borrows huge amounts and funds the new deal in the 1930s. The US is set to be the great liberator of nations and the champion of democracy. To achieve this, the intention is for the US to; - Build up military - Function as World Police - Control the outcome of the future WWII A Transfer from M1 to JFK of 140.000.000 kg of gold to back a New USD issued by US treasury (E0.11110. July 1963) The objective is to replace the FED with the US Treasury as the issuer of US dollars. Signed on the 14th of November 1963.

FED/BOE/BIS Never follow through. The SPLIT (between Indonesians & Chinese) that started in 1928, was triggered in1934( Death of PB.X) widens and M1looks to USA and JFK for help to lessen the FEDs POWER.

JFK M1 Shared Ideal

3 agreements: - Tampak Siring (Bali) - Washington agreement - Green Hilton Memorial

Leads to more POWER to the FED/BoE/BIS banking power triangle at the cost of the people controlling the Gold / M1(opens the door for the 1963-5 complete banking takeover of the system)

Plan of The Experts of 1928Objectives and what happenedCreates Bases for EU Frees The Nations Gets everybody into huge debtsWWII

(trading system within the FED that creates money out of nothing. Checks and balances do apply)

Hyper accounts

Creates Bases for UN

Creates the need for a new way to create cash only partly based on gold Breton Woods 1942-43

Guided Democracy

In 1946 Three Marshall plans are set up within the UN to fund the world after WWII Gets Done Europe Africa Asia Bandung Conference, 1955 MI issues certificates



A freedom War & Economic stress on The colonial powers

- Break Down Colonialism - Free the Nations and create equal start - Control the New Nations through debt - Unify the world - As good as possible for as many as possible

The US is the first country to get access to big funding according to the Plan of the Experts. FED borrows huge amounts and funds the new deal in the 1930s. The US is set to be the great liberator of nations and the champion of democracy. To achieve this, the intention is for the US to; - Build up military - Function as World Police - Control the outcome of the future WWII A Transfer from M1 to JFK of 140.000.000 kg of gold to back a New USD issued by US treasury (E0.11110. July 1963) The objective is to replace the FED with the US Treasury as the issuer of US dollars. Signed on the 14th of November 1963. A few days later JFK is killed

FED/BOE/BIS Never follow through. The SPLIT (between Indonesians & Chinese) that started in 1928, was triggered in1934( Death of PB.X) widens and M1looks to USA and JFK for help to lessen the FEDs POWER.

JFK M1 Shared Ideal

3 agreements: - Tampak Siring (Bali) - Washington agreement - Green Hilton Memorial

Leads to more POWER to the FED/BoE/BIS banking power triangle at the cost of the people controlling the Gold / M1(opens the door for the 1963-5 complete banking takeover of the system)

Plan of The Experts of 1928Objectives and what happenedCreates Bases for EU Frees The Nations Gets everybody into huge debtsWWII

(trading system within the FED that creates money out of nothing. Checks and balances do apply)

Hyper accounts

Creates Bases for UN

Creates the need for a new way to create cash only partly based on gold Breton Woods 1942-43

Guided Democracy

In 1946 Three Marshall plans are set up within the UN to fund the world after WWII Gets Done Europe Africa Asia Bandung Conference, 1955 MI issues certificates



A freedom War & Economic stress on The colonial powers

- Break Down Colonialism - Free the Nations and create equal start - Control the New Nations through debt - Unify the world - As good as possible for as many as possible

The US is the first country to get access to big funding according to the Plan of the Experts. FED borrows huge amounts and funds the new deal in the 1930s. The US is set to be the great liberator of nations and the champion of democracy. To achieve this, the intention is for the US to; - Build up military - Function as World Police - Control the outcome of the future WWII A Transfer from M1 to JFK of 140.000.000 kg of gold to back a New USD issued by US treasury (E0.11110. July 1963) The objective is to replace the FED with the US Treasury as the issuer of US dollars. Signed on the 14th of November 1963. A few days later JFK is killed

FED/BOE/BIS Never follow through. The SPLIT (between Indonesians & Chinese) that started in 1928, was triggered in1934( Death of PB.X) widens and M1looks to USA and JFK for help to lessen the FEDs POWER.

JFK M1 Shared Ideal

3 agreements: - Tampak Siring (Bali) - Washington agreement - Green Hilton Memorial M1 1964 Key speech to build the world anew He wants to start from scratch. New UN, new FED etc.

Leads to more POWER to the FED/BoE/BIS banking power triangle at the cost of the people controlling the Gold / M1(opens the door for the 1963-5 complete banking takeover of the system)

Plan of The Experts of 1928Objectives and what happenedCreates Bases for EU Frees The Nations Gets everybody into huge debtsWWII

(trading system within the FED that creates money out of nothing. Checks and balances do apply)

Hyper accounts

Creates Bases for UN

Creates the need for a new way to create cash only partly based on gold Breton Woods 1942-43

Guided Democracy

In 1946 Three Marshall plans are set up within the UN to fund the world after WWII Gets Done Europe Africa Asia Bandung Conference, 1955 MI issues certificates



A freedom War & Economic stress on The colonial powers

- Break Down Colonialism - Free the Nations and create equal start - Control the New Nations through debt - Unify the world - As good as possible for as many as possible

The US is the first country to get access to big funding according to the Plan of the Experts. FED borrows huge amounts and funds the new deal in the 1930s. The US is set to be the great liberator of nations and the champion of democracy. To achieve this, the intention is for the US to; - Build up military - Function as World Police - Control the outcome of the future WWII A Transfer from M1 to JFK of 140.000.000 kg of gold to back a New USD issued by US treasury (E0.11110. July 1963) The objective is to replace the FED with the US Treasury as the issuer of US dollars. Signed on the 14th of November 1963. A few days later JFK is killed

FED/BOE/BIS Never follow through. The SPLIT (between Indonesians & Chinese) that started in 1928, was triggered in1934( Death of PB.X) widens and M1looks to USA and JFK for help to lessen the FEDs POWER. M1 remove from power by a CIA supported coupe. Held in house arrest until his death. All this with silent Chinese approval.

JFK M1 Shared Ideal

3 agreements: - Tampak Siring (Bali) - Washington agreement - Green Hilton Memorial M1 1964 Key speech to build the world anew He wants to start from scratch. New UN, new FED etc.

Personal Organization(Free masonry is built exactly the same. 33 official degrees followed by 7 more unofficial layers of superiority)

So, how have they been able to pursue an agenda stretching over generations? It is very cleverly organized. The Visible power structure we see in the news are only part of it. At the top of each little pyramid sits people who were carefully selected and groomed. You dont end up there by accident and you dont have anywhere near the full picture. There is also the internal conflict within the system pushing for different agendas to consider.


Visible Power structure

Personal Organization(Free masonry is built exactly the same. 33 official degrees followed by 7 more unofficial layers of superiority)

555 Top people in the bottom structure makes up the base for the next level. These people will work on mainly Political Systems & Modules.

9 13 33 555 UN All leaders of Nations + Org. All up to 33 Free Masons WB USA FED EU BIS

Political Systems & Modules Invisible Power structure Visible Power structure

Experiments like the Russian Communist system as well as the USA Free market system was and is discussed and contemplated here. Lets see what works? Both are now deemed failures with adjustments to EU being the middle way.

Personal Organization(Free masonry is built exactly the same. 33 official degrees followed by 7 more unofficial layers of superiority)


Grand Masters. 3 people Master/commitment. 5 people Sub commitment holders. 7 people

M1 3 5 7 9 13 33 555 UN All leaders of Nations + Org. All up to 33 Free Masons WB USA FED EU BIS Financial systems & Asset Control Political Systems & Modules Invisible Power structure Visible Power structure

The very Top level consists of just 16 people total. They control the finances and distribution of funds throughout the system. They issue and lend out Gold backed paper certificates. Terms are usually no more then 33 years and interest of 23% / year payable in Gold. The underlying physical Gold assets are safeguarded by a second group not mentioned here. A third group functions as controllers. They can block any movements of funds that do not meet the agreed upon plan.

Personal Organization(Free masonry is built exactly the same. 33 official degrees followed by 7 more unofficial layers of superiority)


Grand Masters. 3 people Master/commitment. 5 people Sub commitment holders. 7 people

To push movements and agendas you need the right people in the right places with the right intentions. There is many ways to find and groom them. Listed below are a few. You can be assured that most if not all people who ends up in these positions of power were at some point picked. Regardless of if they themselves realize it or not. Then to help Their people get the job done they will always fall back to a very effective method of: Create the PROBLEM, Present the SOLUTION This is how the masses are pushed along.

M1 3 5 7 9 13 33 555 UN All leaders of Nations + Org. All up to 33 Free Masons WB USA FED EU BIS Financial systems & Asset Control Political Systems & Modules Invisible Power structure Visible Power structureHow they find the right people to staff and lead various organizations/nations to pursue their agenda.

Plant schoolsPlaces were peoples values and i ntentions are explored and f uture leaders picked. They work as working forums and breeding ground f or future leaders w ithin pr imarily the visible power structure -Free Mason Lodges -Other similar secret societies - CFR (counsel of foreign relations) - Bilderberg G roup - Bohemian G rove -College s ocieties like -Skull and Bones, T hule S ociety et c - Lucies t rust (previously Luc ifers trust) - Club of Rome -Various Round T ables -etc etc

Personal Organization(Free masonry is built exactly the same. 33 official degrees followed by 7 more unofficial layers of superiority)


Grand Masters. 3 people Master/commitment. 5 people Sub commitment holders. 7 people

M1 3 5 7 9 13 33 555 UN All leaders of Nations + Org. All up to 33 Free Masons WB USA FED EU BIS Financial systems & Asset Control Political Systems & Modules

Removed from system by Banker backed Hardline elements in 65 68Attempt to replace this function with the 1995 installation of The Chairman of More Info



Invisible Power structure Visible Power structureHow they find the right people to staff and lead various organizations/nations to pursue their agenda.

These 16 top people were removed by Banker backed hardliners around 19651968. Since then the system has been high jacked and utilized for gaining more and more personal power and control over the natural resources and industrial assets of the planet. A raping of the planet has occurred since for the benefit of a very few whos ultimate goal is ultimate control. Since the mid 1850 there were as can be expected fractions within the system that fought for power. Simplified it is a fight between the people controlling the

Plant schoolsPlaces were peoples values and i ntentions are explored and f uture leaders picked. They works as working forums and breeding ground f or future leaders w ithin pr imarily the visible power structure -Free Mason Lodges -Other similar secret societies - CFR (counsel of foreign relations) - Bilderberg G roup - Bohemian G rove -Collage s ocieties like -Skull and Bones, T hule S ociety et c - Lucies t rust (previously Luc ifers trust) - Club of Rome -Various Round T ables -etc etc

Personal Organization(Free masonry is built exactly the same. 33 official degrees followed by 7 more unofficial layers of superiority)


Grand Masters. 3 people Master/commitment. 5 people Sub commitment holders. 7 people

M1 3 5 7 9 13 33 555 UN All leaders of Nations + Org. All up to 33 Free Masons WB USA FED EU BIS Financial systems & Asset Control Political Systems & Modules

Removed from system by Banker backed Hardline elements in 65 68Attempt to replace this function with the 1995 installation of The Chairman of More Info



The Owners of the Banking Cartel were since the very beginning making attempts to highjack the whole plan and more specifically the collateral account The big pot. The first visible attempt was in 1910 when the Jekyll Island Treaty, created the seed to the FED. Also along the way The Bankers used inside information to exaggerate the effects of, for instance the1920s recall, to consolidate their own financial positions. Financing Hitler in WW2 and funding various other wars are other examples. A lot of these would never have happened had people stuck to the original agreements made starting from mid 1800 A.D.

Invisible Power structure Visible Power structureHow they find the right people to staff and lead various organizations/nations to pursue their agenda.

Plant schoolsPlaces were peoples values and i ntentions are explored and f uture leaders picked. They works as working forums and breeding ground f or future leaders w ithin pr imarily the visible power structure -Free Mason Lodges -Other similar secret societies - CFR (counsel of foreign relations) - Bilderberg G roup - Bohemian G rove -Collage s ocieties like -Skull and Bones, T hule S ociety et c - Lucies t rust (previously Luc ifers trust) - Club of Rome -Various Round T ables -etc etc

How it has been USED since 1965 when the banking cartel took control and hijacked it all.(Rothshields) Banking Cartel Hijacked the system in 1965


Holder of records and a very important player

Vatican Bank



So here is how it works. For any Macro funds to move within the Banking system BoE, The FED & BIS have to sign off. The Vatican Bank is an unofficial record keeper and as such has a big stake in the game. It has also been appointed to control one of three, second layer Master Gold certificates.

How it has been USED since 1965 when the banking cartel took control and hijacked it all.(Rothshields) Banking Cartel Hijacked the system in 1965


Holder of records and 1 very important player

Vatican Bank



All the Prime Banks - Amro - HSBC - Chase - Citibank - etc

BoE actually owns the FED (or the majority share) and nothing can be done without its OK. The FED funds all the Prime Banks in the world such as Amro, HSBC, Citibank etc .-

How it has been USED since 1965 when the banking cartel took control and hijacked it all.(Rothshields) Banking Cartel Hijacked the system in 1965


Holder of records and 1 very important player

Vatican Bank



All the Prime Banks - Amro - HSBC - Chase - Citibank - etc Lends to

These Prime Banks will then lend to various corporations around the world. Especially targeting the multinationals. They can be grouped together in areas of interest and it does not really matter where they originate from because ultimately their source of funds is the same.

Fortune 500 companies etc BankingX X X X X X X X X

Oil/gas MedicineFood AutoX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Building ChemicalsX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

How it has been USED since 1965 when the banking cartel took control and hijacked it all.(Rothshields) Banking Cartel Hijacked the system in 1965

BOEOwns Owns

Funds Huge foundations Invests direct into

Holder of records and 1 very important player

Vatican Bank



All the Prime Banks - Amro - HSBC - Chase - Citibank - etc Lends to

What few people realize is that the FED also OWNS huge foundations that will invest directly into the same multinationals. In the financial world these foundations will be perceived as being created by institutional money.

Fortune 500 companies etc BankingX X X X X X X X X

Oil/gas MedicineFood AutoX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Building ChemicalsX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

How it has been USED since 1965 when the banking cartel took control and hijacked it all.(Rothshields) Banking Cartel Hijacked the system in 1965

BOEOwns Owns Funds & holds shares in; All the Prime Banks - Amro - HSBC - Chase - Citibank - etc Controls all through debt or stocks Lends to

Funds Huge foundations Invests direct into

Holder of records and 1 very important player

Vatican Bank



So through two separate legs they have a say and benefit from anything that happens among these corporations. BoE/FED also have the inside view of what is required to be -able to utilize the huge M1 funds that were set up in 1946 to rebuild the world. Now they can go to work and start draining those funds.

Fortune 500 companies etc BankingX X X X X X X X X

Oil/gas MedicineFood AutoX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Building ChemicalsX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

How it has been USED since 1965 when the banking cartel took control and hijacked it all.BOEInvests trough foundations into


Multinationals + Industrial / Military complex

It is now very easy to understand how people like John F Kennedy and his brother Robert saw it as their mission to warn the world of this dark and growing power. They called it The Industrial/Military complex who they perceived were out to take over control of USA and the world. They did the best they could to limit their reach and both paid the ultimate price for it.

Control/ownership Money flows

How it has been USED since 1965 when the banking cartel took control and hijacked it all.BOEInvests trough foundations into



Prime Banks

Multinationals + Industrial / Military complex


s nd


So the Banks would systematically lend out money to regimes they knew would squander the loans on products their companies could provide. The intention was to make sure these countries ended up with debts they could never repay. Only corrupt and/or military dictators need apply.

Military Gov. in South America 70's

Corrupt Gov. in Africa

Anti Communist Reg. in Asia

Control/ownership Money flows

How it has been USED since 1965 when the banking cartel took control and hijacked it all.BOEInvests trough foundations into



Prime Banks

Multinationals + Industrial / Military complex

Funds set aside for rebuilding the world in 1946 now ends up in the pockets of the owners of multinational. In reality the money borrowed by Nations never leave New York. They just move from one account to the next leaving a lot of third world nations in huge debts. Read the book confessions of an Economic Hitman for an inside view.Control/ownership Money flows


s nd


Military Gov. in South America 70's

Corrupt Gov. in Africa

Anti Communist Reg. in Asia


Squanders money on military equipment + luxury goods. + Over budgeted infrastructure projects deemed necessary by squadrons of Economic Hitmen * working for western Co. By the 80's - 90's. Nations now democratic. Burden by huge debts they can not pay. Hat in hand they go to the banks.

* Read the book confessions of an economic hitman for a fuller understanding of this process

How it has been USED since 1965 when the banking cartel took control and hijacked it all.BOEInvests trough foundations into



Pay for Swaps

Prime Banks

Multinationals + Industrial / Military complex


s nd


Military Gov. in South America 70's

Corrupt Gov. in Africa

Anti Communist Reg. in Asia


Squanders money on military equipment + luxury goods. + Over budgeted infrastructure projects deemed necessary by squadrons of Economic Hitmen * working for western Co. By the 80's - 90's. Nations now democratic. Burden by huge debts they can not pay. Hat in hand they go to the banks.That debt is now party paid off through Swaps Oil rights Mineral rights Logging rights etc Anything worth anything in that country is sold to multinationals

20-30 years later military regimes have been replaced by democratic ones wanting to do the right thing. They can not repay these debs and hat in hand approach the banks with what can we do? After some crises and mulling somebody presents the concept of swaps. That means multinationals will bid for & buy anything that is worth anything in that country but pay to the bank for it.

Multinationals Get the rights to:

Control/ownership * Read the book confessions of an economic hitman for a fuller understanding of this process Money flows

How it has been USED since 1965 when the banking cartel took control and hijacked it all.BOEOWNERS of BoE Invests trough foundations into



Pay for Swaps

Prime Banks

Multinationals + Industrial / Military complex


s nd


Again, money have never left New York but just shifted from account to account, but all; Mineral rights Oil rights Logging rights Everything of value in these countries are now owned by Multinationals. All of which are ultimately owned and controlled by the owners of BoE/FED. Using a system where they can create money out of nothing to lend out with interest they now OWN the world. But, they still want more CONTROLControl/ownership Money flows

Military Gov. in South America 70's

Corrupt Gov. in Africa

Anti Communist Reg. in Asia


Squanders money on military equipment + luxury goods. + Over budgeted infrastructure projects deemed necessary by squadrons of Economic Hitmen * working for western Co. By the 80's - 90's. Nations now democratic. Burden by huge debts they can not pay. Hat in hand they go to the banks.That debt is now party paid off through Swaps Oil rights Mineral rights Logging rights etc Anything worth anything in that country is sold to multinationals

Multinationals Get the rights to:

* Read the book confessions of an economic hitman for a fuller understanding of this process

Control To do what?Objectives and values of SOME of the people now running the World

- The Jewish people and its beliefs have to go! - The Arians the chosen ones - Population control (target 1-1.5 B) - Garden of Eden wrongly perceived - Lucifer wants to help Humanity and not keep them in the dark - Lucifer is the bringer of enlightenment

Very simplified, you can divide today's controllers of the system into Hardliners and Softliners. Regardless there are some things they agree on. Above is a list of some of them..


German Univ.

Thule Society

Picks out Educates + Finance

- The Jewish people and its beliefs have to go! - The Arians the chosen ones - Population control (target 1-1.5 B) - Garden of Eden wrongly perceived - Lucifer wants to help Humanity and not keep them in the dark - Lucifer is the bringer of enlightenment

Hardliners who knew about the coming freedom war (WWII) used that knowledge to set up and educate Hitler. The war was unavoidable but it could have played out very differently. German Industrialists connected to a secret University society called Thule Society picked out, supported and educated Hitler. He was their man and their product.


Skull and Bones

Copy of German Univ.

Thule Society

Picks out Educates + Finance

Yale Univ.

- The Jewish people and its beliefs have to go! - The Arians the chosen ones - Population control (target 1-1.5 B) - Garden of Eden wrongly perceived - Lucifer wants to help Humanity and not keep them in the dark - Lucifer is the bringer of enlightenment

A copy of Thule society can be found in Yale in America. Its called Scull & Bones. It is interesting to see how the German connections to the ex president Bush family runs for generations through these secret societies.


1. Grandfather 2. Ex Pres. Ex CIA 3. 43rd President

Finances & supply materials for


Skull and Bones

Copy of German Univ.

Thule Society

Picks out Educates + Finance

Yale Univ.

- The Jewish people and its beliefs have to go! - The Arians the chosen ones - Population control (target 1-1.5 B) - Garden of Eden wrongly perceived - Lucifer wants to help Humanity and not keep them in the dark - Lucifer is the bringer of enlightenment

Georg W Bush grandfather was in his day taken to court for supplying materials and financing Hitler while America was still at war with him. More info It is amazing to find in today's world that Hitler's values and goals are still very much alive among the very top levels of our societies. But it is more understandable when you realize that Hitler did not create those values but learned them from his Masters. Those Masters are still around in different form.


1. Grandfather 2. Ex Pres. Ex CIA 3. 43rd President

Finances & supply materials for


Skull and Bones

Copy of German Univ.

Thule Society

Picks out Educates + Finance

Yale Univ.

- The Jewish people and its beliefs have to go! - The Arians the chosen ones - Population control (target 1-1.5 B) How? - Garden of Eden wrongly perceived - Lucifer wants to help Humanity and not keep them in the dark - Lucifer is the bringer of enlightenment

One common value is the belief that the world can only sustain 1-1.5 Billion people. The Earth can not handle any more than that. That means that 4.5 5 billion of us will have to go. HOW is were they get divided into Hardliner versus Softliner.


1. Grandfather 2. Ex Pres. Ex CIA 3. 43rd President

HardlinersFinances & supply materials for

HitlerAny way OK! (population control) Needs to be quick or we will be a new Atlantis

Yale Univ.

- The Jewish people and its beliefs have to go! - The Arians the chosen ones - Population control (target 1-1.5 B) How? - Garden of Eden wrongly perceived - Lucifer wants to help Humanity and not keep them in the dark - Lucifer is the bringer of enlightenment

Hardliners will say things like Anyway possible, it just needs to be quick or we will end up like another Atlantis Let God decide who lives or die but whatever we decide is OK by him since otherwise He would not have placed us in this position of Power A scary argument if there ever was one. On how Georg H.W. Bush ties in with Hard liner elements see LINK HERE



Skull and Bones

Copy of German Univ.



Thule Society

Picks out Educates + Finance

Wars Famine Disease DNA manipulation Food

er s


1. Grandfather 2. Ex Pres. Ex CIA 3. 43rd President

HardlinersFinances & supply materials for

HitlerAny way OK! (population control) Needs to be quick or we will be a new Atlantis

Yale Univ.

- The Jewish people and its beliefs have to go! - The Arians the chosen ones - Population control (target 1-1.5 B) How? - Garden of Eden wrongly perceived - Lucifer wants to help Humanity and not keep them in the dark - Lucifer is the bringer of enlightenment



Skull and Bones

Copy of German Univ.



Thule Society

Picks out Educates + Finance

Wars Famine Disease DNA manipulation Food

er sso ftli ne rs

Education and togetherness. Work torwards Goal

Softliners will say things like We agree on the Goal but we can reach it through Education and togetherness etc. It will take time but we can get there Recently softliners within the system have reached out to the Old Gold People (who have stayed underground since 65) to try and reign in the worst of the hardliner elements. The Gold people have had no say for a long time but Banks still have old Gold certificates, ticking at interest payable in Gold, in their vaults as funds. And that is Leverage..

Shadows within the SYSTEM

Within this old Gold standard System there are checks and controls in place. The controls are built as triangles were the 3 parties should not know or have direct contact with each other. This formula is repeated throughout the system on all levels. The Banking cartel probably thought they could highjack the system for good once they got the Fiat currency system (paper money with just faith backing it) fully in place and accepted by all. That was a gradual process finally finalized once Nixon effectively took the USD of its tie to Gold. It seems as if the Banking world miscalculated the strength of the control systems and are only now coming to the realization that they will need the cooperation of the Gold people. That is why we in the future will see a shift in focus of funds from the West towards Asia and eventually Africa.

Finance Agendas of ultimate modules for humanity

Shadows within the SYSTEM

The M1 position is on one of these three points. M1 acts as Holder (H) of the assets. He will act as the front face of owner but actually does not have anything to do with owning underlying hard assets. It is a management position. The accounts will be in his name and he signs for a lot of it. He has the right to 2.5 % (basically the interest) of funds under his management. He is supported by a team of 70 people directly underneath him.

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M1 Finance Agendas of ultimate modules for humanity

Shadows within the SYSTEM

On the opposite side of M1 at the base of the triangle there is the OWNER (OW) of the hard assets. They will sit on and control the underlying physical assets. These are the assets that were Legalized . Legalized means that a company came and inspected the asset + issued a certificate that were based on said asset. Now the certificate can easily be moved and lent out at interest while the underlying asset never have to. This certainly makes Banking a whole lot easier. No need to cart thousands of tons of Gold around.

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Shadows within the SYSTEM

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Spiritual Ultimate Controller

The third top level is that of the Controller (C). Ultimate Green light for use of any asset. He can stop anything the others decide on but rarely instigate Macro fund movements. It seems the Chinese Royals (KS) kept this part within their bloodline.3 1

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All three (H,OW,C) signatories are required for utilization of any given asset. The same controller (C) can sign for hundreds of different accounts and their position code within the system is 3/3/3. Another position code within the system is 6/6/6 which is one of higher authority than 3/3/3. At this point in time that Master POA paper is still waiting for a name to be filled in.

Shadows within the SYSTEM

The old Gold people also talks of these code positions as periods. Supposedly the 6/6/6 period is to be a transition period leading into a 9/9/9 period of ultimate peace and happiness on earth.3 1

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Spiritual Ultimate Controller

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They in turn get their information and prophecies from among other things an ancient Gold book that contains everything from beginning to end of the human drama on earth. Its believed to be part of what King Solomon left here together with his sword. It can only be read by selected priests using a specific tool.How this all ties in with 2000 year old scriptural prophecy please see a future presentation that we are still working on. the Brief & religious prophecies


The Freemasons, which basically is the more visible part of the Templar Knights organization, is built up much the same as the rest of the system. The visible base has 33 levels and you think you are at the top if you become a 33 degree Grand Master Mason. They do a lot of good around the world and are a serious player in allocating funds for various projects. It is unclear though what or who is actually at the very top and the spirit they worship.


33 Grand Master

Visible Power structure



1 5 3

King of King Working with spirit

Above the 33 degree Mason there are again 7 more layers leading to the ultimate King of Kings. At this level there is a lot of work with spirit. All profess to be working for God but perceptions of God will vary. Some will say its Christ that should sit at the top others will claim Lucifer is the good one. If the top is Good the rest follows but if the top is Bad the same goes. Time will tell who ultimately takes the throne on a permanent basis.





Invisible Power structure3333 Grand Master

Visible Power structure


Whats next?There seems to be two ways this can go depending who ends up winning the current struggle for control over the System (Or a compromise that would include bits of both) 1. The Gold people come back in the game. Means we are back on some sort of Gold standard with a international currency controlled by a multinational assembly of sorts. More funds available for developing regions.

Whats next?There seems to be two ways this can go depending who ends up winning the current struggle for control over the System (Or a compromise that would include bits of both) 1. The Gold people comes back in the game. Means we are back on some sort of Gold standard with a international currency controlled by a multinational assembly of sorts. More funds available for developing regions. 2. The Bankers continue to rule. A full on Fiat currency system using a cashless society model. All transactions will have to go through a bank leaving them in 100% control. This will be perceived has having a lot of advantages. No more theft, terrorists, drugs and such illegal activities. They will know everything there is about you. You will be paying all your taxes automatically whatever they are set to be and if you for any reason are not following what THEY perceive as the right track they will cut you off. With no access to money or markets there is nowhere else to hide. At first you still have your plastic card but that would soon be replaced by the implanted, much more personal chip. This chip they are already in the process of testing in different places around the world. Either way, For us to get there you can be rest assured that our current Economic system will have to fail first. It is still the old proven method of;

Whats next?There seems to be two ways this can go depending who ends up winning the current struggle for control over the System (Or a compromise that would include bits of both) 1. The Gold people comes back in the game. Means we are back on some sort of Gold standard with a international currency controlled by a multinational assembly of sorts. More funds available for developing regions. 2. The Bankers continue to rule. A full on Fiat currency system using a cashless society model. All transactions will have to go through a bank leaving them in 100% control. This will be perceived has having a lot of advantages. No more theft, terrorists, drugs and such illegal activities. They will know everything there is about you. You will be paying all your taxes automatically whatever they are set to be and if you for any reason are not following what THEY perceive as the right track they will cut you off. With no access to money or markets there is nowhere else to hide. At first you still have your plastic card but that would soon be replaced by the implanted, much more personal chip. This chip they are already in the process of testing in different places around the world. Either way, For us to get there you can be rest assured that our current Economic system will have to fail first. It is still the old proven method of;

Create the problem, Present the solution.

What to do? It is of critical importance that you have a backup plan that is not dependent on the rest of the world working as it is now. Things will CHANGE. Not only on the economic scene. Nature is also on collision course with how humans live today. Move towards sustainability, get off credit and limit the use of credit/debit cards so when the chip idea is presented you are ready to live without it. They wont make it easy so be prepared to say no to a lot of current comforts in your life.

What to do? It is of critical importance that you have a backup plan that is not dependent on the rest of the world working as it is now. Things will CHANGE. Not only on the economic scene. Nature is also on collision course with how humans live today. Move towards sustainability, get off credit and limit the use of credit/debit cards so when the chip idea is presented you are ready to live without it. They wont make it easy so be prepared to say no to a lot of current comforts in your life. Go back to basics. Live your life as a sovereign being. One that has the opportunity to decide for him/herself what to do in any given situation. Much like the early pioneers of America. To do that you need,

What to do? It is of critical importance that you have a backup plan that is not dependent on the rest of the world working as it is now. Things will CHANGE. Not only on the economic scene. Nature is also on collision course with how humans live today. Move towards sustainability, get off credit and limit the use of credit/debit cards so when the chip idea is presented you are ready to live without it. They wont make it easy so be prepared to say no to a lot of current comforts in your life. Go back to basics. Live your life as a sovereign being. One that has the opportunity to decide for him/herself what to do in any given situation. Much like the early pioneers of America. To do that you need, Land & housing you can call your own. No loans or credit obligations to any banks.

What to do? It is of critical importance that you have a backup plan that is not dependent on the rest of the world working as it is now. Things will CHANGE. Not only on the economic scene. Nature is also on collision course with how humans live today. Move towards sustainability, get off credit and limit the use of credit/debit cards so when the chip idea is presented you are ready to live without it. They wont make it easy so be prepared to say no to a lot of current comforts in your life. Go back to basics. Live your life as a sovereign being. One that has the opportunity to decide for him/herself what to do in any given situation. Much like the early pioneers of America. To do that you need, Land & housing you can call your own. No loans or credit obligations to any banks. Control your own food and water supply. If you cant grow it Store it! A three year supply of essentials will go a long way towards taking care of whatever may come in the future.

What to do? It is of critical importance that you have a backup plan that is not dependent on the rest of the world working as it is now. Things will CHANGE. Not only on the economic scene. Nature is also on collision course with how humans live today. Move towards sustainability, get off credit and limit the use of credit/debit cards so when the chip idea is presented you are ready to live without it. They wont make it easy so be prepared to say no to a lot of current comforts in your life. Go back to basics. Live your life as a sovereign being. One that has the opportunity to decide for him/herself what to do in any given situation. Much like the early pioneers of America. To do that you need, Land & housing you can call your own. No loans or credit obligations to any banks. Control your own food and water supply. If you cant grow it Store it! A three year supply of essentials will go a long way towards taking care of whatever may come in the future. Surround yourself with likeminded people and enjoy life as it unfolds. Whatever we have ahead of us is just like birthing pains, ultimately leading to the next step of the human drama with us living life in harmony with the universe and closer to God and our full human potential.

We wish you all the best &Enjoy your journey!


The Federal Reserve Act of 1913, has been termed as "The Crime of the Century" in one of the great speeches in our lifetime, by the honorable Louis Mcfadden, Representative from Canton, Pennsylvania on June 10, 1932. Mr. McFadden, due to his having served as Chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee for more than 10 years, was the best posted man on these matters in America and was in a position to speak with authority of the vast ramifications of this gigantic private credit monopoly. HE DID NOT LIVE LONG AFTER DELIVERING THE FOLLOWING SPEECH WHICH IS ALSO VERY RELAVENT TO TODAYS BANKING SITUATION. All intellectuals by now, understand that this hideous institution is a credit cartel, not American but controlled by international bankers, such as Rothschild, Warburgs and Schiffs. In addition, to the speech in 1932 by Representative Mcfadden, on May 4th, 1933, two months after the U.S filed for bankruptcy(Public Law 93-549), the Congressman filed impeachment proceedings against the Federal Reserve Board. Here is some passages from the speech: "Mr Chairman, the united states isBACK

bankrupt ! It has been bankrupted by the corrupt and dishonest Federal Reserve Banks. It has repudiated its debt to its own citizens. Its chief foreign creditor is Great Britain and a British Bailiff has been at the White House and British agents are in the united states treasury making inventories and arranging terms of liquidity ! Mr. Chairman, the Federal Reserve Board offered to collect the British claims in full from the American public by trickery and corruption, if Great Britain will help the Federal Reserve to conceal its crimes..." The referenced passage was quoted from "The Greatest Crime in History" by Louis Mcfadden, call no. *C pv 3409, NYC public library

On May 23, 1933, Congressman, Louis T. McFadden, brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The Controller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, CONSPIRACY, FRAUD, UNLAWFUL CONVERSION, AND TREASON. The petition for Articles of Impeachment was thereafter referred to the Judiciary Committee and has YET TO BE ACTED ON. So, this ELECTRONIC BOOKLET should be reprinted, re-posted, set up on web pages and circulated far and wide.


Congressman McFadden's Speech Quotations from several speeches made on the Floor of the House of Representatives by the Honorable Louis T. McFadden of Pennsylvania. Mr. McFadden, due to his having served as Chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee for more than 10 years, was the best posted man on these matters in America and was in a position to speak with authority of the vast ramifications of this gigantic private credit monopoly. As Representative of a State which was among the first to declare its freedom from foreign money tyrants it is fitting that Pennsylvania, the cradle of liberty, be again given the credit for producing a son that was not afraid to hurl defiance in the face of the money-bun. Whereas Mr. McFadden was elected to the high office on both the Democratic and Republican tickets, there can be no accusation of partisanship lodged against him. Because these speeches are set out in full in the Congressional Record, they carry weight that no amount of condemnation on the part of private individuals could hope to carry. The Federal Reserve - A Corrupt Institution "Mr. Chairman, we have in this Country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter called the Fed. The Fed has cheated the Government of these United


States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the Nation's debt. The depredations and iniquities of the Fed has cost enough money to pay the National debt several times over." "This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of these United States, has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the defects of the law under which it operates, through the maladministration of that law by the Fed and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it." "Some people who think that the Federal Reserve Banks United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lender. In that dark crew of financial pirates there are those who would cut a man's throat to get a dollar out of his pocket; there are those who send money into states to buy votes to control our legislatures; there are those who maintain International propaganda for the purpose of deceiving us into granting of new concessions which will permit them to cover up their past misdeeds and set again in motion their gigantic train of crime."


"These twelve private credit monopolies were deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this Country by the bankers who came here from Europe and repaid us our hospitality by undermining our American institutions. Those bankers took money out of this Country to finance Japan in a w