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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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1. Which are the main Prehistory(stone age) periods?

Paleolithic and Neolithic

2. When did Prehistory start? When did it finish?

It started when first humans appeared on Earth.

It finished when people started writing.

3. Which were the most important characteristic of the people of the

Palaeolithic? How did they live? What did they eat?

People in the Paleolithic were nomads(they didn´t always live in the same place). They

lived in caves and ate animals they hunted, plants they gathered and fish they fished.


4. Which were the most important characteristics of the people of the Neolithic?

How did they live? What did they eat?

In the Neolithic people were sedentaries (they always lived in the same place). They lived in

houses or huts and ate the food that they produced: animals that they domesticated and

plants that they cultivated.

5. What are the differences between the Palaeolithic and the Neolithic?


They were sedentaries They were nomads

They lived in houses/huts They lived in caves

They domesticated animals and grew


They hunted animals and gathered



6. When did humans discover fire in the Neolithic or in the Palaeolithic? What did they

use the fire for?

Humans discovered fire in the Paleolithic. They used it to cook food, to heat themselves and

the caves, to light the caves and to scare the animals

7. Was population in this period big or small?

Population was small, because the people died very young.

They died because of illnesses, animals attacks…and because there weren´t medicines or


8. Which mean of transport accessory was invented in this period?

In the Neolithic people invented the wheel.


1. When did the Ancient History begin?

It began when people started writing.

2. Which are the most remarkable civilizations in this period?

India, China, Rome, Greece, Egypt…

3. Who wrote hieroglyphics? What are hieroglyphics?

The Egyptians wrote hieroglyphics.

They are drawings that represent ideas or words.

4. When did Romans arrive to the Iberian Peninsula?

a) In the year 218.

b) 2000 years ago Romans arrived to the Iberian Peninsula.

ANCIENT HISTORY5. Which was the most important part of the Roman cities?

The forum was the most important part in the Roman cities.

6. Where did Romans go for entertainment?

Romans went to amphitheatres, theatres, circus…

7. Which language did Romans speak? Which other languages were spoken

during Ancient History?

Romans spoke Latin.

Other languages spoken during this period were: Arabic, Greek, Egyptian, Chinese,


8. Which are the best known Roman constructions?

Amphitheatres, aqueducts, circuses, theatres, bridges, temples, roads…

MIDDLE AGES1. Which are the three different places people used to live in during the middle ages?

Castles, monasteries and villages or little houses.

2. Where did nobles live? Who were the nobles?

Nobles lived in castles.

They were the owners of the lands. They were rich people.

3. Where did villagers live? Who were the villagers?

The villagers lived in little houses in villages near the castles.

They were poor people.

4. Who lived in monasteries? What did they do in monasteries?

The monks lived in monasteries.

Monks copied and illustrated books, cultivated food and read the Bible and prayed.


5. What did people who lived in villages do? What kind of jobs did they have?

They worked to get food. They were farmers and craftsmen

(blacksmiths, shoemakers, tailor…)

6. What did villagers give to nobles to get protection?

They give them food from their farms and the things that they made.

7. What did nobles organize when there weren´t wars?

They organized tournaments to practice for war.

They also organized parties and feasts,. They went hunting and fishing.


1. What do we call Age of Discoveries?

We call Age of Discoveries a period of time when people from Europe explored the

world. It started when Christopher Columbus discovered America(1492).

2. Where did poor people live? Where did kings live?

Poor people lived in small/poor houses.

The kings lived in palaces.

3. Which instruments helped to improve travels by ship?

Compass, astrolabe and rudder. They already had maps and sailboats.

4. Which is the best known discovery of this period?

The best know discovery was America´s discovery.


5. Explain, shortly America´s Discovery. Who discovered America? When?

Christopher Columbus wanted to go India by the west to show that the Earth wasn´t

flat and because people in India blocked the way by the East. He didn´t have money

and he asked to the Kings of Spain for money to do the trip so they gave him three

ships: La Pinta, La Niña and la Santa María

He started the trip in August the 3rd in the year 1492 and he got to America on

October the 12th.

Christopher Columbus never knew that he had arrived to a new continent.

6. What is the printing press? What is it used for? Who invented it?

It is a machine that reproduces letters on papers.

It was invented by Gutenberg.


1. When did it start? What started the change?

It started 200 years ago. The steam machine invention.

2. Who invented the steam machine? What was it used for?

James Watt invented the steam machine. It was used to move machines, for transport, for

factories, to do clothes faster…

3. Why did the population in cities increase?

Because most people from the country left the countryside and moved to the cities to work in


4. Were working conditions in factories good? Why?

No, because they worked a lot and children had to work. They didn´t have holidays, salaries

were low and it was dangerous, they didn´t have security devices.


5. Which means of transport were invented in this period?

The steam boat, the train, the cars…

6. Which important things for medicine were discovered or invented?

Vaccines, aspirin, x-rays, penicillin…

7. Who invented the telegraph? What is the telegraph?

Samuel Morse invented the telegraph. It was a machine to send and receive messages

in long distances.

8. Who invented the bulb?

Thomas Alva Edison invented the bulb. 9. Who invented the radio?

Gaugliemo Marconi

10. Who invented the cinematograph?

Lumiere brothers


9. Who invented the radio?

Gaugliemo Marconi invented the radio.

10. Who invented the cinematograph?

Lumière brothers invented the cinematograph.