historical setting in which sociology appeared as a discipline

Historical setting in Historical setting in which Sociology which Sociology appeared as a appeared as a discipline. discipline. Presented By Guannu Kuluku Dezon

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Field of Sociology


Page 1: Historical setting in which Sociology appeared as a discipline

Historical setting in which Historical setting in which Sociology appeared as a Sociology appeared as a discipline.discipline.



Guannu Kuluku Dezon

Page 2: Historical setting in which Sociology appeared as a discipline

Introduction: History of the Introduction: History of the DisciplineDisciplineSociology is a relatively new academic

discipline which emerged in the early 19th century in response to the challenges of modernity.

Increasing mobility and technological advances resulted in the increasing exposure of people to cultures and societies different from their own.

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Definition: What is Sociology?Definition: What is Sociology?

Sociology•The systematic study of social behavior in human groups.

•Examines the influence of social relationships on people’s attitudes and behavior.

•Studies how societies are established and change

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The Sociological Imagination Definition: An awareness of the relationship between

an individual and the wider society.

It is the ability to view our own society as an outsider might, rather than from the perspective of our limited experiences and cultural biases.

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Developing the Sociological Developing the Sociological ImaginationImagination

•Theory in Practice

•Research in Action

•The Significance of Social Inequality

•Speaking Across Race, Gender, and National Boundaries

•Social Policy Throughout the World

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Sociology and the Social Sciences

In contrast to other social sciences, sociology emphasizes the influence that groups can have on people’s behavior and attitudes and the ways in which people shape society.

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Sociology and Common Sense

Knowledge that relies on “common sense” is not always reliable.

Sociologists must test and analyze each piece of information that they use.

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What is Sociological Theory?What is Sociological Theory?

•Theory: An attempt to explain events, forces, materials, ideas or behavior in a comprehensive manner.

•Sociological Theories: Seek to explain problems, actions, or behavior.

•Effective theories should explain and predict.

•Sociologists employ theories to examine the relationships between observations or data that may seem completely unrelated.

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Historical setting of SociologyHistorical setting of SociologySociology began in the middle nineteenth

century. Four Factors lead to the development of Sociology:

1. Industrial Revolution: Moving from close- knit agricultural communities to cities traditional norms and values could no longer be counted on.

2. American and French revolutions: people began to question social life (the belief that people have inalienable rights)

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Historical setting of Sociology Historical setting of Sociology cont.cont.

3. Imperialism: exposure to different cultures

4. Success of the natural sciences: The use of the scientific method

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Development of SociologyDevelopment of SociologyProminent Contributors to Sociological Thought

Auguste Comte1798 1857

1802 1876Harriet Martineau

1820 1903Herbert Spencer

Karl Marx

Émile Durkeim

Jane Addams

George Herbert Mead

Max Weber

Charles Horton Cooley

W.E.B. Du Bois

Talcott Parsons

Robert Merton

C. Wright Mills

Erving Goffman

1818 1883

1858 1917

1860 1935

1863 1931

1864 1920

1864 1929

1868 1963

1902 1979


1916 1962

1922 1982

The “time lines” shownhere give an idea ofrelative chronology.

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Prominent Contributors to Prominent Contributors to Sociological Thought Sociological Thought Auguste Comte: Founder (Father) of Sociology1. Interested in how society

functions2. Social Static3. Social DynamicSociology could discover social

principles and those principles could be used for social reform.

4. Positivism: Applying the scientific approach (scientific method ) to the social world.


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Comte Cont...Comte Cont...

Coined the term SociologyFrom the Greek – logos “study

of” From the Latin – socius

“companion” or “being with others”

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Prominent Contributors to Prominent Contributors to Sociological ThoughtSociological Thought1. The First Feminist


2. Drew an Analogy Between The Plight of Women And Slavery – Said Women Were Oppressed Because They Had No Economy Power

3. Society In America: family, race, gender, politics and religion

Harriet Martineau

1802 - 1876

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Prominent Contributors to Prominent Contributors to Sociological ThoughtSociological Thought1. Influenced by Charles


2. Society evolve from lower (Barbarian) to higher (Civilized) forms. The most capable and intelligent (Fittest) survive-improving society

3. Coined the term “Survival of the Fittest.”

4. Said the “Fittest Society” Was the best so anyone sick, disenfranchised, poor, should not be helped. This would make the society weak.

Herbert Spencer

1820 - 1903

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Prominent Contributors to Prominent Contributors to Sociological ThoughtSociological Thought1. There will always be conflict

between the “Have and Have Nots”-Class conflict

2. Bourgeoisie- Own the means of production

3. Proletariat – Own their own labor. This conflict must result in revolution by the middle class resulting in a classless society

Karl Marx1818 – 1883

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Prominent Contributors to Prominent Contributors to Sociological ThoughtSociological Thought

1. Society exists because of consensus (Agreement) to follow the rules to keep society stable

2. Mechanical Solidarity

Social pressure for conformity, tradition and family

Emile Durkheim1858 - 1917

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Emile Durkheim Cont...Emile Durkheim Cont...3. Organic Solidarity –

Social Interdependency-Highly specialized roles-Society dependent on goods and services.

4. He wanted to show how social forces affect peoples behavior.

5. Anomie- The breaking down of the controlling influences of society.

- People become detached and do not have enough moral guidance.

- Sociologists intervene by creating new social groups to provide a sense of belonging.

6. SUICIDE- Social integration (How closely people are tied to their social group) – People with weaker ties are more likely to commit suicide-Protestant males, unmarried are more likely to commit suicide

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Prominent Contributors to Prominent Contributors to Sociological ThoughtSociological Thought

1. Interested in the personal meaning people attach to their behavior and the behavior of others.

2. Verstehen – Being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes.

3. Religion is the central force in social change.

4. Protestant Ethic- Sociology should be “Value free”.

Max Weber1864 - 1920

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Prominent Contributors to Prominent Contributors to Sociological ThoughtSociological Thought1. First Social Worker

2. Founder Hull House in Chicago (1889)-Provided food, education, medical care for the poor

3. First American woman and only sociologist to received a noble peace prize.

Jane Addams1860 – 1935

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Prominent Contributors to Prominent Contributors to Sociological ThoughtSociological Thought

Was a philosopher at the University of Chicago who was a pragmatist.

Def – Pragmatism- Test the truth of a belief by its actual consequences. Tries to capture the created, socially constructed reality

Def – Phenomenology – Things do not have meaning in and of themselves, their meaning is created by like minded groups defining them.

George Herbert Mead 1863-1961

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Prominent Contributors to Prominent Contributors to Sociological ThoughtSociological Thought

1. Interested in race relations

2. He wanted to eliminate social injustice

3. The Philadelphia Negro, the souls of black folk

4. Founded the National

Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) WITH Jane Addams and others in 1909.

W.E.B. Du Bois

1868 - 1963

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Prominent Contributors to Prominent Contributors to Sociological ThoughtSociological Thought

1. In 1956- Urged sociologists to become more involved in social reform.

2. Power Elite- Top leaders in business, politics, and the military are a treat to freedom

C. Wright Mills 1916 - 1962

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Theoretical Perspectives in Theoretical Perspectives in SociologySociology

1. Symbolic Interactionism

2. Functionalist ( Functional Analysis)

3. Conflict

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Functionalist PerspectiveFunctionalist Perspective

Society is a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable social system.

Society is held together through consensus - people agree to what is best for society and work together to ensure a stable social system.

Study division of work in family – functions served by education

Sociologists – Herbert Spencer/Emile Durkheim

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Conflict PerspectiveConflict PerspectiveThere are forces in society that promote

competition and change.

Conflict in society arises over competition for scarce resources and social change is an inevitable feature of society.

Study decision making in the family; relationships of racial groups; labor disputes

Sociologists – Karl Marx

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Symbolic Interactionist Symbolic Interactionist PerspectivePerspectiveIndividuals attach meaning to their own

actions and to the actions of others; interaction between people takes place through the use of symbols.

Studies how people interact with one another in society

Study child development; relationships within groups; mate selection

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Theoretical Perspectives in Theoretical Perspectives in SociologySociologyLevels of Analysis1. Macro – level analysis: Functionalists

and conflict theorists - examine large-scale patterns in society – Homelessness = changes in society (family structure, outsourcing, failing economy)

2. Micro – level of analysis: symbolic interactionists – examine small scale patterns in society – homeless ( patterns of communication both verbal and nonverbal)

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ConclusionConclusionAlthough sociology emerged from

Comte’s vision of a discipline that would subsume all other areas of scientific inquiry, that was not to be the future of sociology.

Far from replacing the other sciences, sociology has taken its place as a particular perspectives for investigating human social life.

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