historical dialogue & disputes between japan-china

KAWASHIMA,Shin 川川 川 The University of Tokyo 川川川川

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KAWASHIMA,Shin 川島 真 The University of Tokyo 東京大學. Historical Dialogue & disputes between japan-china. Ⅰ HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF HISTORY PROBLEM Ⅱ HISTORICAL DISPUTES AND DIALOGUES IN CONTEMPORARY JAPAN-CHINA. contents. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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KAWASHIMA,Shin   川島 真The University of Tokyo  東京大學

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Tokyo Nichinichi Shinbun(Tokyo Daily)’s Article on 13/Sep/1914, which demanded the government to claim to China.

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MOFA of Japan recognized that this textbook was a kind of anti-Japanese media because so many pages  criticized Japan on the point that Japan could be disease on the bone (China), and  An Jung-geun was described as a national hero on the book, etc.. 

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On 23/SEP/1914, Minister of MOFA, Takaaki Kato ordered the Minister in Beijing, Eki Hioki ,to investigate the Anti-Japanese textbook of elementary school in China, which Tokyo Daily indicated.

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Minister Hioki’s Investigation

He sent dispatch to MOFA on 2nd/Oct/1914. He bought the ‘textbook’ and checked the contents to find that it was notFormal textbook authorized by Ministry of education of ROC. 

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Hioki(日置益)  decided to claim

    to MOFA of ROC by verbally

    to MOED of ROC by private letter 

and requested to cope with adequately.

ROC answered that this book was not a authorized textbook, but  from the point of view of Sino-Japanese friendship, decided to command to prohibit from publishing books which could suffer the friendship.

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Japan claimed that an authorized text books of Chung Hwa Books in 1919(an article titled ‘New Textbook and japan’in 『中華教育界』 ) 

Japan indicated New Reading Textbook of Elementary School(国民学校新式国文教科書 )

  had so many anti-Japanese contents.Chung Hwa Books argued against Japan’s claim that it respected national identity, patriot and national shame.  

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In 1920, Japanese Minister in Beijing, Torikichi Obata(小幡酉吉) , ordered to report the situation about anti-Japanese medias, including textbooks, to all consuls in China.

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It’s so interesting that most of reports from consuls didn’t report any anti-Japanese textbook.

Some consuls indicated the textbooks which were recognized as anti-Japanese textbook in 1910s, which were not the

anti-Japanese textbook.If the anti-Japanese movement didn’t

emerge, the textbooks …

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In 1920, a consul in Manchuria reported that Chinese history textbook had strong anti-Japanese contents.

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   In 1920s, Japan claimed to China many times about the textbooks. Japanese government and Minister and consuls in China observed that textbooks was a base of Chinese anti-Japanese movement and this movement and impression in the medias were prevailed and strengthen in 1920s. 

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1. LN had a branch about textbook in 1920s.2. Japan and china argued history/textbook problem in 

LN in 1930s.

 After Manchuria incident happend, LN decided to send envoys, Lytton Commission to EA.

To justify her own standpoint, Japan intended to claim that Chinese anti-foreign/Japanese movement and policy caused this incident.

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Japan planed to investigate anti-Japanese textbooks on large scale to prepare the discussion with the commission and China at LN.

Chinese MOFA(Wellington Koo) also made investigation of Japanese textbooks in cooperation with Ministry of Education and found many anti-Chines textbooks in Japan.

  (Diplomatic Archives in Academia Sinica and Academia Historica in Taipei)    

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Japanese investigation on anti-Japanese textbooks in China

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(1) Lytton’s Report mentioned the textbook neutrally.

(2)On 21/DEC/1933, on LN, Japanese representative, Matsuoka Yosuke (松岡洋右) and Wellington Koo discussed history

Problem. ( 国際連盟事務局東京支局編纂『国際連盟に於ける日支問題議事録 後編』国際連盟記録刊行会、 1933 年、 32 頁)

For instance, Russo-Japanese War,Matsuoka required China to thank to Japan, because Japan protected China from Russia’s invasion. Koo argued against that… 

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The text book problem was not solved before the war. After Kwantung Army occupied Manchuria, Japanese prompted to revise textbooks. Teachers command to erase the anti-Japanese contents on the textbook by black line ,before the new textbook edited by Japanese were published. 

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And on the radio, both did propaganda which was related to the history. This is the document of the contents of Chinese Radio which was intercepted by Japan. It criticized Japan’s policy toward China historically. 

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Each puppet states edited pro-Japanese Textbook under the Japanese control.

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Japan strengthened to control the textbooks of Chinese in Japan (both of children of overseas and students from China) and South Korea before 1937.

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(1)After China’s victory, textbooks edited by Japanese side were disappeared, and Japanese textbook was revised under the commander of SCAP which attached importance on democracy and peace (not on Sino-Japanese relations).


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(2)Japan made peace treaty with ROC, and ROC did not claimed so-called history problem, except for the naming of China(from Zhina  支那 to China中国) . 

After 1945, Chiang Kai-shek’s Yi-te Bao-yuan(以徳報怨) came to be a kind of cap which suppresses the problem in the bottle spouts out.

And the slogan of friendship also played a same role on this problem. 

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Mao’s Policy toward Japan (0) Anti-Japanese (1) Friendship Policy Division between Criminal Fascists & Innocent Victims(‘Peoples’) (2) Co-operation with ‘Peoples’ against Conservatives and USAJapanese Intellectuals: Responsibility of the War

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DENG’s Policy toward Japan (1) Teacher of Development (2) Re-making the memory of invasion The Memorial of Nanjing Massacre Before the text book problem in 1982, Deng adopted such a policy.

Textbook problem happened in Japan, in 1982 , and it expanded to East Asia.

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1. Textbook Problems2. Yasukuni Shrine3. Politician’s Statement about History

⇒ The Problems were coped adequately.   (1)Politician’s Individual Ties (2)Friendship Principle (3) Economic Factor

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1. Japan’s Change to Post-Sengo (1) Self Confidence and Unrest after 1990s (2) Left hand politicians (3) After Tian’an-men Incident (4) China ThreadChinese-side (1) Self Confidence & Nationalism (2) Economic Growth

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◆ History Problem → emotional movement                   

                domestic politics                             

                   international relationship.







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 ◆ The Governance toward History Problem   (1) History Problems & Legitimacy/Nationalism   (2) Democracy &  non-Democratic countries   (3) War & Colonialism   (4) All Problems including territory issues come to be            a part of history problem   ⇒Difficult to solve, however necessary to  cope with 

adequately                                             ◆   Uprising of Social Movement  /   Role of Historians

 ◆ So Many projects are advancing in EA                                                

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Various Purposes / Trials & Errors (1) Pursuit Unification of Historical Description         ◆ to Edit the Textbook  of  the EA  History         ◆ to Create the Basis of the  Community of EA                                                        

  (2) Intention to Reduce the Tension of History Problem           ◆ to Reduce the Gap of the National Histories              ◆to Control the Politicization of  History Problem

  (3)…or  just for Dialogue between Historians              Academically 

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Experienced Trials & Errors 

                                on Methodology of joint-Study     

・ Dialogue (Understanding< Respect)

           ・Membership & Periodical Meetings

                     Institutionalized / ad hoc 

         ・ Agree to Disagree

         ・Way of Description (Unification / Parallel/…)      

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The Importance of materials ?       The Materials can be interpreted variously.    →   They can Reduce the Gap with some extent.    →   They can be a kind of trigger for discussion.    (Historically speaking, WANG, Yunsheng( 王芸生 )’s        Book was Respected in Japan in 1930s)  ◆ However, a first material can be interpreted variously,        with some limited extent. ◆ But we have to pay attention to the sensitivity of the 

materials in modern Taiwan and Korea.      

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Difficulties on the governmental joint-StudyOn the Process of joint- Study, Many Difficulties are re-found by the Members. 

◆ Three Levels   (1) Academic Level   (2) Governmental Level   (3) Media & Social Level        

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1. History Problems has so long historical context and changed to be more complex.2. It’s involved by emotional nationalism among each countries.3. Both Japan and China have to cope with this problem deliberately. (Yasukuni + joint study + social movement?)4. Reconciliation between democratic & non- democratic country