hist273-chicago depression power point

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  • 8/3/2019 Hist273-Chicago Depression Power Point




    Chicago in the 1930s

    The Great Migration

    y 1910-1930- The First Great Migration brought over

    800,000 African Americans from the southern states

    to northern states.

    y This is over 1/10 of the nations entire African

    American population. http://www.myblackjourney.com/the-great-migration

    The Great Migration cont.


    The Great Migration cont.

    y The Great Migration

    came north and followed

    the railroad lines.

    y African Americans came

    especially fromMississippi, Alabama,

    and Tennessee.

    AfricanAmericans arriving at Union Stahttp://www.myblackjourney.com/the-great-migration

  • 8/3/2019 Hist273-Chicago Depression Power Point




    PUSH Factors

    y Stuck in cyclical debt due to share cropping.

    y Jim Crow laws of segregation and racial violence

    which included the KKK.

    y Lack of opportunity.

    (Barrett, 10/31)


    PULL Factors

    y War productions during WWI caused an explosion

    of industry and available jobs.

    y Decline of foreign immigration.

    y The desire for the Betterment of the Race

    y Some employers sent train tickets for prospective

    employees.(Barrett, 10/31)

    The Chicago Defender

    y Essentially a national Black newspaper.

    y Distributed in the south by Black rail road workers.

    y Catalyst for many people moving to the north

    because it encouraged people to leave theS

    outh.y African Americans living throughout the South

    would write letters to the Chicago Defender seeking

    help during their relocation.

    Sample Letter

    Alexandria ,La., 4/23/1911


    Just a word of information I am planning to leave this place on about

    May llth for Chicago and wants ask you assistence in getting a

    job. My job for the past 8 years has been in the Armour Packing Co.

    of this place and I cand do anything to be done in a branch house and

    are now doing the smoking here I am 36 years old have a wife and 2

    children. I has been here all my life but would be glad to go wher I

    can educate my children where they can be of service to themselves,

    and this will never be here. Now if you can get a job with eny of the

    packers I will just as soon as I arrive in your city come to your pace

    and pay you for your troubel. And if I cant get on with packers I will

    try enything that you have to effer. http://condor.depaul.edu/chicago/primary_sources/letters1.html

  • 8/3/2019 Hist273-Chicago Depression Power Point




    Sample Letter, II




    I am a reader of the Chicago Defender and I seen where

    you are in need of men and are also in the position for

    firms to seek you. I see where you are in the line of

    work for the betterment of the race.

    Sample Letter III

    PascoqoulaMiss,April 8, 1917

    y Dear Sirs:

    As you have charge of the Urban League, I want toknow if the League can locate work for about 8 or10 men. We are all middle-aged men and wouldlike to have our faires paid and deducted form our

    wages.We will work in any small town in Illinois. All of

    these men are property owners and have largefamilies. Well leave families till later on. Any good

    you can do for us will be highly appreciated.


    1. Take out a sheet of paper.

    2. Choose one of the Migrant letters. On thepaper, Identify any Push or Pull factors that


    3. If you cannot identify any concrete factors useyour background information to come-upwith possible ideas.

    y I will collect this at the end of class, it will beyour Ticket-out-the-door.

    Native Son

    y Bigger moved to Chicago from Mississippi during

    the Great Migration.

    y We see that conditions are not always substantially

    better in the North.

    y Why do you think Bigger and his family moved to

    Chicago? Look at the PUSH & PULL factors.

  • 8/3/2019 Hist273-Chicago Depression Power Point




    1920s Prosperity

    y Chicago and the restof the nationexperienced

    prosperity andeconomic growthduring the interwar


    y Cultural boom of

    leisure andrecreation and newmusic such as jazz.

    The Great Depression

    y October 1929-The Stock market abruptly

    crashed sending the country into a severe


    y Workers lost their jobs at a staggering rate.

    y Hardest hit was manufacturing, a major source

    of employment in Chicago.

    y Only 50 percent of the Chicagoans who had

    worked in the manufacturing sector in 1927 were

    still working there in 1933. http://encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/542.html

    The Great Depression cont.

    y Workers of color were

    especially affected.

    y African Americans were

    the last hired and first

    fired.y People lined up for

    charitable giving of

    bread and food.

    The Depression in Native Son

    y Biggers family was on public aid.

    y Bigger and his friends would resort to crime inorder to make money. This was shown by the

    planned robbery of Blums store and thediscussion of other robberies that they hadactually carried out.

    y Biggers mother pestered him about the job atthe Daltons because a job like that was rare.

  • 8/3/2019 Hist273-Chicago Depression Power Point




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