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Page 1: Hinduism
Page 2: Hinduism

Top 5 World ReligionsReligion Believers are


Christianity (2.1 billion) Christian

Islam (1.5 billion) Muslim

Hinduism (900 million) Hindu

Buddhism (376 million) Buddhist

Sikhism (23 million) Sikh

Page 3: Hinduism

What is religion?What is religion?

A set of beliefs about the nature of the A set of beliefs about the nature of the universe, the existence of one or several universe, the existence of one or several gods, and the meaning of life.gods, and the meaning of life.

A set of customs and practices that relate A set of customs and practices that relate to the worship of a god or gods and a set of to the worship of a god or gods and a set of rules for proper conduct.rules for proper conduct.

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An organization, such as church or An organization, such as church or temple, which oversees the conduct of temple, which oversees the conduct of religious practices.religious practices.

Concepts relating to religion:Concepts relating to religion: CreationCreation SalvationSalvation

Page 5: Hinduism

Religions of IndiaReligion Percentage in India

Hindu 82.6%

Islam 11.4%

Christian 2.4%

Sikh 2.0%

Buddhist .7%

Jain .5%

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Main IdeasMain Ideas

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The BasicsThe Basics About 80% of the population of India About 80% of the population of India

follow Hinduism.follow Hinduism. No founder.No founder. No unified belief system.No unified belief system.

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No group of religious No group of religious leaders.leaders.

Not all Hindus agree on a Not all Hindus agree on a sacred text.sacred text.

Hindus may worship at a Hindus may worship at a shrine, temple, at home or shrine, temple, at home or outside.outside.

The Ganges River is The Ganges River is considered sacred. considered sacred.

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1. Reincarnation1. Reincarnation

Def:Def: rebirth of the soul in rebirth of the soul in another bodily formanother bodily form

The belief that a person’s The belief that a person’s soul never dies. It reappears soul never dies. It reappears after death in another person after death in another person or in animal form.or in animal form.

Symbol: wheel of life Symbol: wheel of life

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2. Moksha2. Moksha

The end of the reincarnation cycle The end of the reincarnation cycle The soul is free of all pain and merges (comes The soul is free of all pain and merges (comes

together ) with Brahman.together ) with Brahman. Similar to the idea of heaven.Similar to the idea of heaven. Goal of all HindusGoal of all Hindus It cannot be achieved in one lifetime. One It cannot be achieved in one lifetime. One

must go through reincarnation.must go through reincarnation.

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3. Karma3. Karma Def:Def: Actions taken by an individual in this Actions taken by an individual in this

life that determine your status in your next life.life that determine your status in your next life.

GOOD deedsGOOD deeds = = HIGHER status in next lifeHIGHER status in next life

BAD deedsBAD deeds = = LOWER status in next lifeLOWER status in next life

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4. Dharma4. Dharma

Def:Def: Religious and moral duties of an Religious and moral duties of an individualindividual

These vary based on class (caste), gender, job These vary based on class (caste), gender, job and ageand age

By obeying your dharma, you acquire merit By obeying your dharma, you acquire merit for the next lifefor the next life

You need to overcome your own desires and You need to overcome your own desires and ambitions to perform your duties. ambitions to perform your duties.

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Page 14: Hinduism

5. Brahman5. Brahman

Def:Def: the belief that everything in the universe the belief that everything in the universe is part of an unchanging all-powerful spiritual is part of an unchanging all-powerful spiritual force.force.

It’s like the world’s soul.It’s like the world’s soul. Hindus worship many gods that give a Hindus worship many gods that give a

concrete form to Brahman:concrete form to Brahman:

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1.1. BrahmaBrahma –the Creator –the Creator

2.2. VishnuVishnu- the Preserver- the Preserver

3.3. ShivaShiva- the Destroyer- the Destroyer

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6. Ahimsa6. Ahimsa

Def:Def: non-violence non-violence All people and things are aspects (parts) of All people and things are aspects (parts) of

Brahman and should be respectedBrahman and should be respected

UN Declares Mahatma Gandhi’s Birth Anniversary As “International Non-Violence Day”

The United Nations General Assembly has decided to declare October 2 - the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi—as ‘International Day of Non-Violence’ in recognition of his role in promoting the message of peace around the world.

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7. Sacred Texts7. Sacred Texts

The VedasThe Vedas The UpanishadsThe Upanishads The MahabharataThe Mahabharata

(the Bhagavad Gita is the most (the Bhagavad Gita is the most famous part)famous part)

The RamayanaThe Ramayana


Scene from the Ramayana. Prince Rama wins the heart of Princess Sita and obtains her hand in marriage after stringing and breaking the mighty bow belonging to Shiva, which no other man could even lift.