high school mar ariadna cano c


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Post on 08-Jul-2015




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Page 1: High School Mar Ariadna Cano C



Page 2: High School Mar Ariadna Cano C

We’re going to talk about our High School.

We have a lot of special classes, such as, the art rom, the science laboratory, the gym, the video room, the language classroom, and four computer rooms. 

Page 3: High School Mar Ariadna Cano C

The science laboratory The language classroom

The Gym The Technology workshop

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There is a library in the High School, which is the only library in the village.

In front of the High School, there is a Café, a lot of people go in the Café to buy some sweets.

There’s school bus service too, some students are not from the village and they come to school by bus.

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We have 2 kinds of students in our center, the E.S.O students and the B.A.T students, when you are in B.A.T you can choose some of your subjects, there are 5 possible options: Social studies, Technology, Humanities, Arts and Science.

There are about 39 teachers and about 300 students. The atmosphere in the High School is so good, the students can do a lot of extra activities such us, drama, manga, and a lot of sports, football, basketball, ping-pong, hockey,chess etc.

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There is a big playground, basketball, volleyball and football field.

The High School has a central patio, but nobody can go there.

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We have a special room where students that misbehave are sent, it is called “The Goldfish Bowl”, because it has big glass windows in every wall, everybody can see you if you are sent there.