hieroglyphics: hieros gluph: “sacred writing” in greek

Hieroglyphics: Hieros Gluph : “Sacred Writing” In Greek

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Hieros Gluph: “Sacred Writing” In Greek

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Papyrus Marshy grass found in the Nile delta

Transformed into paper

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Page 6: Hieroglyphics: Hieros Gluph: “Sacred Writing”  In Greek

The Rosetta Stone… 2 sided

◦ Greek◦ Hieroglyphics

Believe it was a translation tool

Carved in 196 BC

Found in 1779

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The Indus River civilization arose in about 2500 B.C.

- Mesopotamia= 4500 B.C.

- Egypt= 3200 B.C.

Was located in modern day Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan

Guarded by mountains◦ Hindu Kush, Karakorum, and the Himalayas

In between the Ganges and the Indus rivers

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Geographers refer the landmass that includes India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh as the Indian subcontinent

The Indus River flows southwest Himalayas to the Arabian Sea

The Ganges River flows eastward across northern India

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Indus River

Ganges River

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Himalayas serve as protection from invaders and traps and keeps moisture

Seasonal winds called monsoons dominate India’s climate

◦ October to February: winter monsoons from the northeast blow dry air westward across the country

◦ June to October: the monsoons blow eastward from the southwest carrying moisture from the ocean

◦ Different seasons= wind blows from different directions

*without the monsoons Extreme droughts and dryness

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Like the Mesopotamians and the Egyptians, the Indus River civilization faced similar challenges:

◦ Yearly floods◦ Unpredictable like Mesopotamia

◦ Rivers sometimes changed course

◦ The cycle of wet and dry seasons brought by monsoons effected crops

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Historians know less about the Indus River civilizations because they have not yet translated their writing

◦ Archaeologists found evidence that people settled in this area around 7000 B.C.

◦ Domesticated sheep herd bones

◦ Believe that civilizations started in the Indus River Valley around 3200 B.C.

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Remember a civilization has

Advanced Cities

Specialized Workers

Complex Institutions

Record Keeping

Improved Technology

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The Largest city in the Indus Valley was Harappa.◦ Indus Valley civilians often referred to as the Harappan civilization

Most remarkable achievements of the Harappans were their sophisticated city planning

◦ Cities featured a fortified area called a citadel◦ Contained and protected villagers’ homes◦ Featured the first plumbing system.

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Language: Still not translated

Culture: Lots of animal symbols ◦ Shows that animals played a big role in their everyday life.

Religion: No temple has ever been found.◦ Archeologists believe it was a theocracy

Trade: Indus River provided a link to the sea ◦ Gold and silver were found

◦ From Afghanistan◦ Stones that were not native to the Indus area