hi nin m nii-i'i do nil ram a hong...

e A. t ?'4. i> ^ j- o^^SWf-^^ 1: 1 nii-i'i Do nil nina ram ST. IUEHESA m MOHEA 'Love Story' Wins Girl Communist Saint's Lit Cinvirh Girt-Ri. Whi WinM Tt Kill Chijiliin Hi Hong K* SSS< —«**• ,, » £ Red-Ousted By REV. PATRICK O'CONNOR i NCWC New* Servtee Correspondent With the 7t» Division, Korea— (NO—Td tike to kiUJ you," the Korean girl-Communist told the chaplain, the Rev. [ (Li. Col) Maurice E. Powers, C.S.C., of Lea Angelas. Her, eyes were burning with fever - , . „ State Role In Social Welfare Hit Detroit - (RNS) _ T?oo murh dependence upon gov- ernment social welfare pro- grams tenets to create a MOW O{ trreaponslbttlty among Individ- uala, the Rt. Rev. Mstr. Vincent 'W. Cooke. president of t h e Nft- itkmal Conference of Catholic Charities, diluted here. He 1 «polte at the 37th annua] conven- itlon of the National Conference, which met Jointly with the St Vincent de Paul Society. "THE GSEAT programs of •octal security designed to help our aged. o«r widows with chtl- Idrea, our orphaned chlklrtn. our blind and, recently, our disabled, ** ! Msgr. Cooke- told 2300 delegates ; attending the joint sessions. i "have prodoced a rnoft terrible by-product cailwl irresponsibility. "Children no longer feel a sense of responsibility toward their aged and needy parenta. Lei the Old Age Assistance take , care of t h e m . Uiey my. Husbands i and fathers feel free to desert their wives auid seek other mart- I tai alliances. Let the Aid tn De- | pendent Children take care of them, they may. "Today are face Use startlbig fact thai si large percentage of approximately two roUden caiWrea aaasl mothers Mpssort- e* ay the AU It DtaeaaVnt ChBdrena' ssrograaa, at taxpay- ers' expesaae, have parenta whs ara legally- anil ga—essay rat- posttlMe fssr (heir «tjr*xirt." DECLARING THAT lrrwpon- xifciiiiy U ***a fext crowing can- jeer." Msgr. Cooke warned that The Seventh Division was unless tt l a eradicated "it will and haired. American troops of •he Seventh Division had found her lying by the roadside. critic a l l y til, w 1 t h pneu-1 nonla, last Nov, S3. They were about TO miles north- eaat of Ham- hung then.: and tne stark, rnou n t a I n a FT. (yCoaaor were already' In the grip of North Korea's deadly winter. Guns were booming on the warm aummer air. when Father Powers told this correspondent the story and Its sequel. i The Communist girl, aged about 20, was in uniform and armed, he said. In spite of her illness, she mustered enough en- ergy to show fiery hostility. The Americans brought her to a building used as a forward clearing station, where the med- ics gave her penicillin. Then she was put in a room by her- self, with two M.Pa gusrding the door. SHE BELONGED to an Intel- ligence unit, apparently, and had more than ordinary ability, edu- cation and good tonfct. She vehemently refused to answer j questions and balked at taking medicine. Father Powers, ihe division chaplain, heard about this prob- lem prisoner. "One afternoon, with my inter- preter, I went to see her. I wanted to convince her that the Americans would not harm her and that she should take the | evacuated from Hamhung with- soon itifle and kill the mahtal ST. THERESA 'A little gtrt tn Franc* . . . I bave taken her name!' her own age, who bad shown the srrsndeur of real love—Si. Theresa. '1 will call you Ther- esa from MOW on.' I said. I saw that statnsethlng was ssswst- tag o n her thai she bad never ereacaxU of before. "Waa she waa being evac- uated to the prtsoiter-of-wstr camp, I wrote oa her earth 'Any chaplain, please note: TMs girl Is an arch-Camme- alst bat she its* abown signs of becoming another St. medicines. "1 am a priest*,' 1 tssM her, for a start, 'a minister ot God.' " TathoUe or Protestant V •he demanded. " 1 am a Catholic priest.' " Then I hate you all the moiT,' at» snapped. Td kill yon If I could.' ** j In s month, landed in the south-1 love whlcta, according to the ' esst and moved up through the Fourth Commandment, should • snow toward th* central front. exist between parents and call- I "WE WERE OS our way to drc,v " 'chectoon. at the end of Janu-| "O ur «ren«l» of charity, es- ; ary." Father Powers recalled, P**l««y those dealing with chlL "when a letter, written In Ko-' * wo t2 " •* ed -" "* ••Id. rean. addressed to the Catholic "«nould continually strew the ' priest. Seventh Division, reached "baring, not the destruction, of me It was from our prisoner, responsibility on the psn of rela- C cMtdincil N&wffk&ft Awcitd ' "' A i v $ 'Ifttg 1 aassa^aasg ssasssF. w JSk BsSBBBstv " J l i s t S l . ''M HIS KXCKLLENCy BIBHOP KKAFWKY, Mia*****! s»*o«rat4f *f ta* W*U#aaaJ N*w- mtn C3ab K«Atf»ti«t% .fftMwti tk* CirtitMH KlWsat« Aw*& U> MMB* CLARi ]B0(3ttU LUCE darinc the T*imMm*» Mmntt cwtv^ltliMi »i Wwtlwatrth.- hy * liw «Msiw%. B* The REV. DONAU) M, CL45AKY, ekaiiaaM •** WmM VnirtrMlf, M M ' . Father Powers was unruffled, and ran like this tlves" " *1 thank you for bringing the first real light Into my life. I hssd heard of Christ before "'You want to kill me," he Said quletl>, "but I want to help you. because you are a child of God." HE CAMS BACK to see her i *nr°«Sh ife*. ITirtstian work In late that evening. She was Mill BeossJ. I mocked It then, be- hostile. He repeated that he I °™»»* ' ** "o* be«"ve it stood i wanted to help her because she f0 » tne w ** 1 ' ""• P 001 "- *" ! was a child of God and had an | **"»• "t "** ' eocooatered ail immortal soul. possible hardships and fefl tn I defeast. Tfaen I met sotneane ! who did not want to kill me or IssUe me, but wanted to help Peace Treaty Signtc* On Maiy'x FrMitday lest rraatsies). tefi «—(NCJ —/The aieahia* asf tsu-Jasausaaa ' '•Jaw H^eajsesnass^ ^P*S> v>|ss>r ^spssrjaaBseiewaiP^ir sBsaVAjsaa d^Mtaasaf'tf luMHa ^bsai 'flB^_^_ajuaaa>B (IWe^V W H l al^Wv <P IsWs^PfisWI*" fc*jjl ft ^Maat^nbKisiMiUfe , ^aWjaV Jt^^/t^hMMLmt SSBBstMffCsBBBBBlSBUSBBV BBSf' ^ydHBJataSa^BSBBSBlA aSBBBsSSsaBE VaffnBs^sassHaswKW lr» SssfiynnaWssV fJRHIRP' In* Twt XMt h»aM#ry J^Rpisk' •• a feast s*y eftiw Miniit Ytr- gkb Tssday It Has tatwfe at taw NsUrtty 1 *«7. It I* eseaUsst here that Uw Apaaaaw aitaeic at Peatri Kar> ser ta l t i l asssNRrai De- cember 1 (far East Mine), the Feast «f the Iswiaaecdata Ceav- eeptfon. Japan's jariSTaclsa af samtssfee la 1S4I bspeened est Augiast 1ft (Far last tleaet.tfe* feast of Ihe Aaawnptton ef la* •leaseal Virgin- OSSEsrVATOBX H T BTTElt "I don't believe I hava a soul,** she answered. She told him that she had st> tended a university in Seoul and had then gone north to study at the Communist university in Pyongyang. 9M wanted to set all poor people free from the control of capitalists, she said. "I asked her 11 ahe had any privileges among the Commu- | and I ask God to dtrert me. nists. She replied yes, she had the privileges of her rank. She CH admitted that the Russians tn North Korea had cars and lived Catholicism Must Oppose Tito As Well As Stolin Buffalo Priest Elected Catholic Charities Head Detroit <rtNS> The Rt. i Rev Msgr Eugene J Loftus of, Buffalo. N Y was elected presi- dent ot Ihe National Conference , of Catholic Charities at Its 37th' Udim ir.ust necessarily oppose annual meeting here ! Tito's brand of communism as David Srttool of- Cleveland. O., j well as that of t h e Kremlin since was named first vice-president. |both *r& morally evil, Osserva- Other vtc-e presidents elected 'ore Romano states In a front- ww« the Rt R*v. Msgr James i page article written by Federieo J Lynch, New fork. James j AlessandrtnL W f'ogarty. Greensboro;' N.C.; , The article comments or. ea- _. , . __ Mother M. Bernadette de Lour-, cerpts o f a book written by a n She signed ihr letter TTM-T des of the CsrmeUte Order New' American Journsllst. George Clore Booth •S .mm m* ' • # s t ' • #> 'at.; rCLMHrs oil Soiiitiiol Lock •W ^B^sTPWWf^sWw Haass' ^sW.*^^^ '•asl^^^V~ ••» *B•• ^WaV-T^WSW T^s^iiTKB.wUf-iF^^'" i . > . v • mr Gotifr»»sttwwn« iivd ^li ^^$.ttimti^ji^mp^s^im, Nswman award, m i d h*ra thkt th» tfatUd K*tk**« W * **&• nef« •£ wntty are saot ttmmtf Mrs- Luce spoke trt the anautl conventlea •€ ihe rtsatifwl &**• man Ouh r«4Hs<l*si 'afiar the wag formerly prttt»*«i WftJl the iiecood Anfiual Newwwn Award at a dJrmer iacesJon p***id#d svWr by Archbliliop rllcliar?d 3. Cuih- Ing of Boaton. IsOE KKFKHifD the United Nationa as "a tragic example of the fruiiration to which the mod Idealistic efforts ot miterfauit i man is doomed'* i aa^smssr ^|aji^sssis5a^psj^s , 'f , flss»t ss^^^c B a/'s > a* > Rs^^^Bas^snR Mlsiaa. .MfWfr M i n . ftstfiiir* iMaw^ JIIJ-4. asssaaaaitlha atesajt •sss; : tosss ™._L .'*r*"*^ IfWW^WT •faapagptsssjasBBBsj l ( f ' * a j t " l * saasasg ,:SBSBBBBBr w9L'lCLkKl | aaU ^uCacjUgafk. fuLtai *'MBBu_ga^a|u- aL^gaaasst 2f*^?Tsaw.^*^W ^^^^J^W ^W^V "H^^^^^^^^a •••^••aaBjBBsssss^Bss^BBs 1' anritL WiteHMtUfM tasaa 'Ml M ifUfilttal ^svv •^^^^SBJt' r * , aTS* ^BSsr^^^BB*- ^aw^j^a^sr^psT^g- ^^ssss a Ps > '' > a; **tas» r '^B|r »• aasj^f^ss» me. t did not anieratarrf roil there sre Americans like that. , . . Yen told me of a little girl in France catted Theresa. I atarre taken her name be- rarati she had love instead af kats-ed. Now 1 M nv priest regttisrly In the prison am; VaUesoB Cily (NO—Catho- Father Po»?n paused kx>k "I heard no more until »hr sent a second letter tlw other day. She is stlli a prisooer of war but she is happy, sbe saM. Theresa ta now her baptismal name. She has beeocae a (ath otlc- ing across the valley dotted wttrt well 1 pointed out that they tfte t<>rl amJ venlc! „. f « ar were thus a privileged class and jy^ he add ^ thp p| capitalistic -1 GCABANTEED that she could safely take the medicines and that she would not be mo- lested. When I was leaving, she •aid You ma> come back to- morrow "Outside the door, I told the MPs and the medics: 'If you guys make the least pass at her. HI break every bone In your body." " 'Don't wterry. Father,' they eaid, and they meant it." FATHER POWEBS fa a for mer Golden Gloves boxer and Notre Dame baseball player. "The next tkne I saw our prisoner, her aftitasle had changed," he went ess. "Sac listened intently white 1 told her of a girl ha France, about York and Father Louis-Pnfllppe. Scldes, tn Yugoslavia The eat- Latullppe. Montreal. Can. Conmonii Strict Church Services London 'RNS> - Hungar ian CommtrtiM authorities have forbidden services to be held In rtiurrhen without special permis- sion, a Vatican Radio broadcast said. 'Rosary For Peace" On Corning Station Cardinal M'Guigan To Visit Mexico » Mexico City — <NO— His Em- inence James Cardinal McGui-1 gan, Ajpchbishop of Toronto, | plans to attend the ceremonies' In connection with the 56th anni- • versary of the crownhig of the J statue of Our Lady of Guada- lupe, to be observed here on Oc- tober 12th. He will be the fifth Prince of the Cmireh to visit Mexico since 15M3 ••• »"' muMiauusM man aim—'ui, Hamilton, Elgin. Longxnes and Bniaita Wstohos; i WUHam S. Tlaorne, Jeweler j gtS East Mala S*. —Atfsv 1 Addition of Station WCLi In Corning »o the radio chain broadcasting the Family Ro- sary for Peace in Rochester Diocese waa a n> n o u need this week by the Rev. Jo- seph A. Cir- r t n c i o n e , founder and director of the program. C o r n fug's Station WCLI wtS carry the half - hour brosadcast at It p. m. each Saturday. This brfatgs to «ix the num- ber of cities and stations carry- ing the radio-Rosary devotioa Sfil.7h originates at 10 p, m. every night except Tuesday at St IrVaneis of Assisi Church, Roefeester. and oa Tuesday Fstker Cirrinekwe nights at St. Frauds of Assisi Church. Anbura Bochesfeer's Station WSAT amd Anbaam's WMBO broaaV easat the program every night. On Sundkey nights gtatkns WGVA, G«nev», and WWHC. H/omell, Join the Koclsester- Asburb huookup. On Satorday nights WMl.M, Eiraira, which has been carry-tea; ihe broad- essst on Satordssys, will be Joined by WCU, C-oraiag. TTje program, which fea- tures, recitation o* the Rosary led by a laymas. and s short talk by a priest, was inaugur- ated eves- Station WSAY !s B€arch, 1S50,* by Father <2r- rindoae, jaator erf St. Francis of Assisi Cbarchu Rochester. His Excellency Bishop Kear- ney has appeared on the broad- cast sevexal time*, and osher priests Ixave assisted FaUwr carrindwse lh conducting tfee \ radio-Rosasrj' devw TITO 8TA1JH Agree tsesiegy cerpts were printed in the Re- view of International Politics published at Belgrade MB. SELDESr BOOK, accord- ing to the Review's versJon, tries to prove the thesis that tb» present opposition tn the U, S^ to Tito's regime la due 16 Tine "Vatican line." The Catholic Church polarizes the most pow- erfully organized reactionary pie- ment under the guidance of His Eminence Francis Cardinal Speliman, Apc&bisbop of Near York, tlie hoek says. Mr. Sekte* book *i»> pictures the American press as d&ainmt- ed by estljolltai and statts that this exnlaira Us "f-ffldam*enta1 hwtffit!/* to ITogoslavia. m mm CTSEHENT. Mr- AII«- •andrtea scoffs at «tfs aUeged £rt» flaence of CatftoSk» in the Amer- ican pras- si *"sometl!irtg ne*p. w As a rsatterof fact, he says> tbe wTlttef st Duorovnlk «hcre ha is caapkiirif Wi Journallitlc memoirs, entlJJed "Caka Nothing at Valid CuMrency." Mr, Aiesaandrin! ^sSatM that it U underatandable glut for po- litical reasons Aaaefica hat somewhat cHenged its attitude toward Yugoslavia, since Tito's communist regime fca now In re- belUon against [Itisslin txmi- rnunism. However, it la least- understand- abie, the autnor sayac, how Amer- icana and people elsewhere should espect Catlioilcs ta close both eyet to Yogoadsv commu- nism and resignedls? accept the i anti-rellgioua campatgn afflteting their brethren there. The argument Iksat «Hteasm of ftte Tllo regime a* sttttntely *"ia also mated ostatef WaeM Warn ta regard<« eomwiswltt Eaawis, the Gssersraiore «nit> er remmsa. Beestasse ef Caiho- Ile affsattann aHIiler's kkgteal rasa>nattonav he says, massy wasted Caiaaolks fa s» cept RUIkt'a disleeCte msterlaf- tom. Todaw kecsaaae off the amrch'a tetrtmk: lacowsall- Mlity wlih Ojnynfafrm cansstnt- isfessa, many want Cathoitea to ragy tt^nj TJtfr*» ffftllsflfrf^ «oTH-iW«Bl«m, h e a d M s . CATHOLfCWM CANNOT do this because it is IrrapoMibie, the artk3« declares, Ytagojtav nrasisni disagrees from the Cetafnftinn brand oataly In rrjeth- od t*he4r agree hi IdtfcoJtfgy. Both define CathoBes as **«*ca®jair^ taf tad! "ffemaitafaHrs of i«tfr Thar aujedb It no* opposed to ctmmimm for atsr-MHitaf tm- Wfh** the ttaahar esi*txfnBe«. W> <a-i*«. of the locompatiolilty i* reJlgJou* and moras, therefore permanent If CasaioHcism ap- plat«3ed the Ttigostisv Marxlit «fh**B tntaway ihrcraigh gear of Sialftprs coftsaBualsfa, it wottid be Wserve- m. StAte* is tsoar a g-oesf 4$ a*sv^t*i*£ aygpa*|^p3s^ ^*f •|a-^P^^B*sT' a^sv T asg ^ajpsjisjw- ure/'Wr».U><wM)d t *'i»tb««*se a as t ^S****i*ss ss^fSj^ t"**"ji*TjfnR^W^W*a*l"S/*sj;g. (Bvfaf- ~qs*p ss^ ^ssjsaBiipavTaB^ 3^A|e*atl^^Bsw ^sSsV* asttsBst*l*i l s^sss2 i •4«sssIsy^isf^tssasSB i #f unity tm »m. tmmti-iXmiv. comes «f a vdunlaryjiilrwiiiitt ef men's wai*. him «f the tr-trfwc tary acctptaflQ*' tf tha mmtM law of charity." "Fear 'teparataf, only trtii !«*• unites," Mis, I.tice aided. "The unity n( (he tfnlttd KatltMta Is baatd on fear chd can Wily jbt preserwfd by fere*,* , Mrs. Late* waa girt* **» ' CltQi^i sUbUni itiri. §**&&*& m * a»^F-a 'vats* •s'*ssF''''*»ai w s ssaaasFBj ^^m- B^TPSWsstST^rssp" lar, fa* her rasl istacstt ta **• sestlf «f m* IfewaMit On* l**#sV erstlwi.* Hs> atrari was jtsasgasi ta mJtt&l&y |Mt 'm&CMR&tfp Iff **# skS>tua %^t a'sssstk sssaldatJMksssssJIf' asaaJisBsssa^AsBsBBs*B*F "•s^F #aW ttsw a^^Btasssi^B^psaassi "SBBBsvssBBH^asfnlM^K sw MS> nnntsatt e»»aara«ast. In her speech seotsusg th« award, the described tht fedcrav tion sa the "alwek-troops ef a renascent CnTtatiuilty," She tetd tfte dekgatoi that Chrkllsnlty "mutt make ltaejf felt as the prime fore* in modern poll' tics and government if your gen« •i-Bftos if tn evert, as mine did not, dFaatter."* "ujf^jt em mm uw «w' sdenoe of it* membera, 0 Mtt. Uice said, "the United Nationa will continuetobe'* men forts-a for mQltary coaJitkWJ, where, Iff the final acslysls, not wSrds fc«t guru will settle every frnportswt Issue.** , Protestant Seen Envoy To Vatican Bonn, Geraaasy ~- (RNS) —• West German s*ftvarrim«nt aources here said thai OWtteQcr Conrad Aden«uer ha* deeJ4*d td nominate a Protestant it the West German m\*m*&ot t* ih» Vatican. T*!?'??!*****^? -SWS»- SSSSSS^SBBjESSaaBBBBBBBafaS ^^£t ^"****SSSBaTSJ: Aroerfesn papers sad news *£**** „„. ^ ^ ^ ^ M W „«M, TO &ts seeept CaAoIk news ^ t a l ^ j ^ j ^ ^ ^ j oI ^ a , sm:a m.: "poal.ttai a*id s partid- tn poiltScj, Mr, AIe**an- feadera of the EVaoijfellcil ChtJfeiJ in Germany had beers t*qot*i*A ta submit t h e i r ffuggsatlons a s t o candldatnt for tfi« rmW posfc ' IWIMMM ^nkta ^tfair ^^^^^^^t -s^w sst&' sawa wap jntsiisspssv SBF *aa«, adsaJsaat?* faBrtiaar sss^sflJiBir -»? ,c '"'***** ! "*' T ******** ,< eWaTS 5 SSJS*"arB"SWSB""WIBBBt- •SBBBSS? SSSSSEaiHB'S'SSBB , kitiMltitMt »•*» ARSSS **"• mw •••• sp. aaa' > KSSv | ^s^aBi ws^Siise ^¥#w ~^ssr9Favs^paa>w -^-v^g^: h»r», ^WP. A*mm rottrT *m*Wm> undssf hoiaas afraaf set Jasaa i ML Wfatl« afis* kl the ArctjTjsMiOii rslatis" *&&* »**"sr •^rw^ ^s^passssss^saivs'^ m^^^m^wwf -atr^^FTPt Kisl' liiLHatstittMl lartttlssaf tfkt aiS'«B'assr jay^srsy'ss'ssrgBrTat'aratsr as^spsssjr'p gassassnst; -^Staast. pupal *r^mtfo<smm#&* «m mm iOS ite--*tte*a* sad ttwet mm m i»mft*Msstt nj»* cater* a* praetk*! In the asott- dffit, IfBperisilitt anaAssfc . * "••Tt^ejta* •afla\a»jsy^p^ra^^st^"ffflF ^sr^^Bsgfjef»s^<"St I «fe» & ?&} v5fj^ss»W*splBt Wt0M f$ uiftr WtttBir ff"ss MWWW8. jBfcs ptrrtsnetfcjr*&"&£ * %!>*##• »k«.-« mm<» mm «* thratt-rnacl wfthfem?«** te •vert Hit h^*M^nMsf>tjf Jit W hltirkSd •4nTaatit 1if .*raf**aia*Jgjbj " 'flsaKasl Hm fttt iw isii' _„ '-asssVatfc ^^-^HuMBg aL^^B^aa-^__o\^H«£ - ^*Pa*TSiat SSSSBSSBSasa ^SsSBBBBBBBJBBa; ^|"SSB 'asw^Wa"W^s»« ^sJaMs^F ifgn the list chant« ^nt^Mfc^aahA ^btsMa*. ^ e ~- J ^ •"^^stjs^ssst ••|p4Ba^B^BBjss aaat^alaW JsarBT jBF%s"B^s^wns]v KAC^tJshtWOK afmtartoi* l*_«gT 4*fl£$ajiai> 4<SBS^ssViVs*se'^fcssf 'ssssasT' ^Sn^sst tsSsissWdfe- . ,. ISBj* a*^^W jp^spfSjSSB^assSjSp^ &fW ^aspsSJ- ^I^HHK" ™^-^T—rn ^ ..,- -,^ • • ;„IMJ, -^L-.TTT; ivm™ ' icctatattons, the'. arsJacia 'a* relatat and ha had :k?r «>» papal da^gsta raAwed tarTt^WPrg The team source*^ -said- that ^-mSHBS^m''^^S^mtWm- mVhtr?' " tofrUm itjajr^jdadv.. <tt# jStwi* bishop reveal*!, H* *a» " setx home tmder gttai4 ta ift«aiwiw«lit#» •m#* •at s , Holy Sepuichrt Ctm«lery ote. y.-^ostef* **$&*%• «"*« IH«|fM-l*SA. _„ / AJ«*san- J;'- 1 i V /'""'• - j - On Sunday sft««iooo, SapUwbtr 1*^ a* * : » S^plldost CerH^feri? , » BM^Mtf^ ^ . I M S i W H i. ii --•••- p.y-.. ^...... -..—**^—Trr'TirfTrfr 'I lMt»'l)ll'lt«i!i*<ii»liMliM'«Vlt'<ll!i«'^(|illilil'lll)i "*"> T *" E '/ -Viu-H" AlMssssssads; ^jRssassi - : ^sasHitaissst «^"~# _ "ite 4aaM.. L .»( fgft ^P'sj'PPs- *wwi| psf •«> JPJ^H^iPVRnPHRftV'4NL thel^ygaai^sile^A,^ woh aasat M mm <>tf*ar nasaiiisaf* . II ij gjp i jiiij OTwmnjvf^ -V^^BJC iwmf^^m, JBnsssssaLjBnSBr*aBssr~ «f hit ^»«sriaa«*Msttt V41UMH*' xmVvm; rsa4 t* Irisg taatttpt* * •ajsjtBSsT *|**i9sBf»^p # 9 M s K ™PNMBSW' .... . . _ T ,_. ^ mhat 'ratatitiss*- -ffig AiitssstiwJIssai Z ~ " * i ^ W^jjJiV i»S!S4tfl"f* > «P™aJR!IWWtesTSTs , tsFSBsa|F "* " 3feaas*Bs*Ev jysa-asi. # -dS?* £.. ttri Pa*-'* * * > -- v i -iflajRlaltlalM ^< ff. ^ fa \S^. ^^aaa*ww«*!t^wj(aa^^ f*%*ft^*lJf^.'WS(-il^H*W«: ,: •Wff^WtW^^

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nii-i'i Do nil

nina ram ST. IUEHESA m MOHEA

'Love Story' Wins Girl Communist Saint's L i t Cinvirh Girt-Ri.

Whi W i n M Tt Kill Chijiliin


Hong K* SSS< — « * * • ,, » £


By REV. PATRICK O'CONNOR i NCWC New* Servtee Correspondent

With the 7t» Division, Korea— (NO—Td tike to kiUJ you," the Korean girl-Communist told the chaplain, the Rev. [ (Li. Col) Maurice E. Powers, C.S.C., of Lea Angelas. Her,

eyes were burning with fever • - , .„

State Role In Social Welfare Hit

Detroit - ( R N S ) _ T?oo m u r h dependence upon gov­e r n m e n t soc ia l w e l f a r e pro­grams tenets to create a M O W O{ trreaponslbttlty among Individ-uala, the Rt . Rev. Mstr. Vincent

'W. Cooke. president of the Nft-itkmal Conference of Catholic Charities, d i l u t e d h e r e . He

1 «polte at t h e 37th annua] conven-it lon of the National Conference, which met Jointly with the S t Vincent de Paul Society.

"THE GSEAT programs of •octal security designed to help our aged. o « r widows with chtl-

Idrea, our orphaned chlklrtn. our blind and, recently, our disabled, **

! Msgr. Cooke- told 2300 delegates ; attending the joint sessions. i "have prodoced a rnoft terrible by-product cailwl irresponsibility.

"Children no longer feel a sense of responsibility toward their aged and needy parenta. Lei the Old Age Assistance take

, care of them. Uiey my . Husbands i and fathers feel free to desert their wives auid seek other mart-

I tai alliances. Let the Aid tn De-| pendent Children take care of them, they may.

"Today are face Use startlbig fact thai si large percentage of approximately two roUden caiWrea aaasl mothers Mpssort-e * ay the AU I t DtaeaaVnt ChBdrena' ssrograaa, at taxpay­ers ' expesaae, have parenta w h s ara legally- anil g a — e s s a y rat-posttlMe fssr (heir «tjr*xirt."

DECLARING T H A T lrrwpon-xifciiiiy U ***a fext crowing can-

jeer." Msgr. Cooke warned that The Seventh Division was unless tt l a eradicated "it will

and haired. American troops of •he Seventh Division had found

her lying by t h e roadside. critic a l l y t i l , w 1 t h pneu-1 n o n l a , last Nov, S3. They were about TO miles n o r t h -eaat o f Ham-h u n g t h e n . : and tne stark, rnou n t a I n a

FT. (yCoaaor w e r e already' In the grip of North Korea's deadly winter.

Guns were booming on the warm aummer air. when Father Powers told this correspondent the story and Its sequel. i

The Communist girl, aged about 20, was in uniform and armed, he said. In spite of her illness, she mustered enough en­ergy to show fiery hostility.

The Americans brought her to a building used as a forward clearing station, where the med­ics gave her penicillin. Then she was put in a room by her­self, with two M.Pa gusrding the door.

SHE BELONGED to an Intel­ligence unit, apparently, and had more than ordinary ability, edu­cation and good tonfct. She vehemently refused to answer j questions and balked at taking medicine.

Father Powers, ihe division chaplain, heard about this prob­lem prisoner.

"One afternoon, with m y inter­preter, I went to see her. I wanted to convince her that the Americans would not harm her and that she should take the | evacuated from Hamhung with- • soon itifle and kil l the mahtal


'A little gtrt tn Franc* . . . I bave taken her name!'

her own age, who bad shown the srrsndeur of real love—Si. Theresa. '1 will call you Ther­esa from MOW on.' I said. I saw that statnsethlng was ssswst-tag o n her thai she bad never ereacaxU of before.

" W a a she waa being evac­uated to the prtsoiter-of-wstr camp, I wrote oa her earth 'Any chaplain, please note: TMs girl Is an arch-Camme-alst bat she its* abown s igns of becoming a n o t h e r St.

medicines. " 1 am a priest*,' 1 tssM her,

for a start, 'a minister ot God.' " TathoUe or Protestant V

•he demanded. " 1 am a Catholic priest.' " Then I hate you all the

moiT,' a t» snapped. T d kill yon If I could.' **

j In s month, landed in the south-1 love whlcta, according t o the ' esst and moved up through the • Fourth Commandment, should • snow toward th* central front. • ex i s t between parents and call-I "WE WERE OS our way to • d r c , v " 'chectoon. at the end of Janu-| "O u r «ren«l» of charity, es-; ary." Father Powers recalled, P**l««y those dealing with chlL

"when a letter, written In Ko-' * w o — t 2 " •* e d -" "* • • I d . rean. addressed to the Catholic "«nould continually strew the

' priest. Seventh Division, reached "baring, not the destruction, of me It was from our prisoner, responsibility on the psn of rela-

CcMtdincil N&wffk&ft Awcitd ' "' A i v $


aassa^aasg ssasssF.

wJSk BsSBBBstv " J l i s t S l . ''M

HIS KXCKLLENCy BIBHOP KKAFWKY, Mia*****! s»*o«rat4f *f ta* W*U#aaaJ N*w-mtn C3ab K«Atf»ti«t% .fftMwti tk* CirtitMH KlWsat« Aw*& U> MMB* CLARi ]B0(3ttU LUCE darinc the T*imMm*» Mmntt cwtv^ltliMi »i Wwtlwatrth.- hy * liw «Msiw%. B*

The REV. DONAU) M, CL45AKY, ekaiiaaM •** WmM VnirtrMlf, M M ' .

Father Powers was unruffled, and ran like this t lves"

" *1 thank you for bringing the first real light Into my life. I hssd heard of Christ before

"'You want to kill me," he Said quletl>, "but I want to help you. because you are a child of God."

HE CAMS BACK to see her i *nr°«Sh ife*. ITirtstian work In late that evening. She was Mill BeossJ. I mocked It then, be-hostile. He repeated that he I °™»»* ' ** "o* be«"ve it stood i wanted to help her because she f 0» t n e w ** 1 ' ""• P001"- *" !

was a child of God and had an | **"»• "t "** ' eocooatered ail immortal soul. possible hardships and fefl tn

I def east. Tfaen I met sotneane ! who did not want to kill me

or IssUe me, but wanted to help

Peace Treaty Signtc* On Maiy'x FrMitday

lest rraatsies) . t e f i «—(NCJ —/The aieahia* asf tsu-Jasausaaa

' ' • J a w H^eajsesnass^ ^P*S> v>|ss>r ^spssrjaaBseiewaiP ir sBsaVAjsaa d^Mtaasaf'tf l u M H a ^bsai 'flB^_^_ajuaaa>B ( I W e ^ V W H l a l ^ W v < P IsWs^Pf isWI*" fc*jjl ft ^Maat^nbKisiMiUfe , ^aWjaV Jt^^/t^hMMLmt

SSBBstMffCsBBBBBlSBUSBBV BBSf' ^ydHBJataSa^BSBBSBlA aSBBBsSSsaBE VaffnBs^sassHaswKW l r » S s s f i y n n a W s s V f J R H I R P '

In* Twt XMt h»aM#ry J^Rpisk' • • a feast s*y e f t i w M i n i i t Ytr-gkb Tssday It Has tatwfe at taw NsUrtty 1 *«7.

It I* eseaUsst here that Uw Apaaaaw aitaeic a t Peatri Kar> ser ta l t i l asssNRrai e « De­cember 1 ( far East Mine), the Feast « f the Iswiaaecdata Ceav-eeptfon. Japan's jariSTaclsa af samtssfee la 1S4I bspeened est Augiast 1ft (Far l a s t tleaet.tfe* feast o f Ihe Aaawnptton ef l a * •leaseal Virgin-


"I don't believe I hava a soul,** she answered.

She told him that she had st> tended a university in Seoul and had then gone north to study at the Communist university in Pyongyang. 9 M wanted to set all poor people free from the control of capitalists, she said.

"I asked her 11 ahe had any privileges among the Commu- | and I ask God to dtrert me. nists. She replied yes, she had the privileges of her rank. She C H

admitted that the Russians tn North Korea had cars and lived

Catholicism Must Oppose Tito As Well As Stolin

Buffalo Priest Elected Catholic Charities Head

Detroit <rtNS> The Rt. i Rev Msgr Eugene J Loftus of, Buffalo. N Y was elected presi­dent ot Ihe National Conference , of Catholic Charities at Its 37th' Udim ir.ust necessarily oppose annual meeting here ! Tito's brand of communism a s

David Srttool of- Cleveland. O., j well as that of the Kremlin since w a s named first vice-president. |both *r& morally evil, Osserva-Other vtc-e presidents elected 'ore Romano states In a front-w w « the R t R*v. Msgr James i page article written by Federieo J Lynch, New f o r k . James j AlessandrtnL W f'ogarty. Greensboro;' N.C.; , The article comments or. ea-

_ . , . __ Mother M. Bernadette de Lour-, cerpts o f a book written by a n S h e signed ihr letter TTM-T des of the CsrmeUte Order N e w ' American Journsllst. G e o r g e

Clore Booth • S .mm m* ' • # s t ' • #> 'at.;

rCLMHrs oil Soiiitiiol Lock •W ^B^sTPWWf^sWw Haass' ^ s W . * ^ ^ ^ ' •asl^^^V~ • • » * B • • ^WaV-T^WSW T^s^iiTKB.wUf-iF^^'"

• i . > . v •

mr Gotifr»»sttwwn« iivd l i ^^$.ttimti^ji^mp^s^im, Nswman award, mid h*ra thkt th» tfatUd K*tk**« W * **&• nef« •£ wntty are saot ttmmtf

Mrs- Luce spoke trt the anautl conventlea •€ ihe rtsatifwl &**• man Ouh r«4Hs<l*si 'afiar the wag formerly prttt»*«i WftJl the iiecood Anfiual Newwwn Award at a dJrmer iacesJon p***id#d svWr by Archbliliop rllcliar?d 3. Cuih-Ing of Boaton.

IsOE KKFKHifD t« the United Nationa as "a tragic example of the fruiiration to which the mod Idealistic efforts ot miterfauit

i man is doomed'*

i aa^smssr ^|aji^sssis5a^psj^s,'f,flss»t ss^^^cBa/'s>a*>Rs^^^Bas^snR

Mlsiaa. .MfWfr M i n . ftstfiiir* i M a w ^ J I I J - 4 . asssaaaaitlha atesajt •sss;:tosss ™ . _ L . ' * r * " * ^ IfWW^WT •faapagptsssjasBBBsj l ( f ' * a j t " l * saasasg ,:SBSBBBBBr

w9L'lCLkK l |aaU ^uCacjUgafk. f u L t a i *'MBBu_ga^a |u- a L ^ g a a a s s t 2f*^?Tsaw.^*^W ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ W ^W^V "H^^^^^^^^a •••^••aaBjBBsssss^Bss^BBs

1' a n r i t L WiteHMtUfM tasaa 'Ml M ifUfilttal ^svv •^^^^SBJt' r* ,aTS* ^BSsr^^^BB*- ^aw^ j^a^sr^psT^g- ^^ssssaPs>''>a; **tas»r'^B|r » • aasj^f^ss»

me. t did not anieratarrf roil there sre Americans like that. , . . Yen told me of a little girl in France catted Theresa. I atarre taken her name be-rarati she had love instead af kats-ed. Now 1 M n v priest regttisrly In the prison a m ;

VaUesoB Cily (NO—Catho-

Father P o » ? n paused kx>k

"I heard no more until »hr sent a second letter tlw other day. She is stlli a prisooer of war but she is happy, sbe saM. Theresa ta now her baptismal name. She has beeocae a ( a t h o t l c -

ing across the valley dotted wttrt well 1 pointed out that they t f t e t < > r l „ a m J v e n l c ! „ „.f « a r were thus a privileged class and jy^ h e a d d ^ t h p p |


-1 GCABANTEED that she could safely take the medicines and that she would not be mo­lested. When I was leaving, she •aid You ma> come back to­morrow

"Outside the door, I told the M P s and the medics: 'If you guys make the least pass at her. HI break every bone In your body."

" 'Don't wterry. Father,' they eaid, and they meant it."

FATHER POWEBS fa a for mer Golden Gloves boxer and Notre Dame baseball player.

"The next tkne I saw our prisoner, her aftitasle had changed," he went ess. "Sac listened intently white 1 told her of a girl ha France, about

York and Father Louis-Pnfllppe. Scldes, tn Yugoslavia The eat-Latullppe. Montreal. Can.

Conmonii Strict Church Services

London 'RNS> - Hungar ian CommtrtiM authorities have forbidden services to be held In rtiurrhen without special permis­sion, a Vatican Radio broadcast said.

'Rosary For Peace" On Corning Station

Cardinal M'Guigan To Visit Mexico » Mexico City — <NO— His Em­

inence James Cardinal McGui-1 gan, Ajpchbishop of Toronto, | plans to attend the ceremonies ' In connection with the 56th anni- • versary of the crownhig of the J statue of Our Lady o f Guada­lupe, to be observed here on Oc­tober 12th. He will be the fifth Prince of the Cmireh to visit Mexico since 15M3 • • • »"' muMiauusM man aim—'ui, w » Hamilton, Elgin. Longxnes and

Bniaita Wstohos; i WUHam S. Tlaorne, Jeweler j

g t S East Mala S*. —Atfsv1

Addition of Station WCLi In Corning »o the radio chain broadcasting the Family Ro­sary for Peace i n Rochester Diocese w a a a n> n o u need this week by the Rev. Jo­seph A. Cir-r t n c i o n e , founder a n d d i r e c t o r of the program.

C o r n fug's Station WCLI wtS carry the h a l f - h o u r brosadcast a t It p . m. each Saturday.

Th i s brfatgs to «ix the num­ber of cities and stations carry­ing the radio-Rosary devotioa Sfil.7h originates at 10 p, m. every night except Tuesday at S t IrVaneis of Assisi Church, Roefeester. and oa Tuesday



nights at St. Frauds of Assisi Church. Anbura

Bochesfeer's Station WSAT amd Anbaam's WMBO broaaV easat the program every night. On Sundkey nights g t a t k n s WGVA, G«nev», and WWHC. H/omell, Join the Koclsester-Asburb huookup. On Satorday nights WMl.M, Eiraira, which h a s been carry-tea; ihe broad-essst on Satordssys, will be Joined by WCU, C-oraiag.

TTje program, which fea­tures, recitation o* the Rosary led by a laymas. and s short talk by a priest, was inaugur­ated eves- Station WSAY ! s B€arch, 1S50,* by Father <2r-rindoae, jaator erf St. Francis of Assisi Cbarchu Rochester. His Excellency Bishop Kear­ney has appeared on the broad­cast sevexal time*, and osher priests Ixave assisted FaUwr carrindwse lh conducting tfee \ radio-Rosasrj' devw

TITO 8TA1JH Agree t « tsesiegy

cerpts were printed in the Re­view o f International Politics published at Belgrade

MB. SELDESr BOOK, accord­ing to the Review's versJon, tries t o prove t h e thesis that tb» present opposition tn the U, S^ to Tito 's regime la due 16 Tine "Vatican line." The Catholic Church polarizes the most pow­erfully organized reactionary pie-ment under the guidance of H i s Eminence F r a n c i s Cardinal Speliman, Apc&bisbop of Near York, t l ie hoek says.

Mr. Sekte* book *i»> pictures the American press as d&ainmt-ed by estljolltai and statts that this exnlaira Us "f-ffldam*enta1 hwtffit!/* to ITogoslavia.

m mm CTSEHENT. Mr- AII«-•andrtea scoffs a t «tfs aUeged £rt» flaence of CatftoSk» in the Amer­ican pras- s i *"sometl!irtg ne*p.w

As a rsat ter of fact, he says> tbe

wTlttef s t Duorovnlk «hcre ha is c a a p k i i r i f Wi Journallitlc memoirs, entlJJed "Caka Nothing at Valid CuMrency."

Mr, Aiesaandrin! ^sSatM that it U underatandable g l u t for po­litical reasons Aaaefica h a t somewhat cHenged its attitude toward Yugoslavia, since Tito's communist regime fca now In re-belUon against [Itisslin txmi-rnunism.

However, i t la least- understand-abie, the autnor sayac, how Amer­icana and people elsewhere should espect Catlioilcs ta close both eyet t o Yogoadsv commu­nism and resignedls? accept the

i anti-rellgioua campatgn afflteting their brethren there.

The argument Iksat «Hteasm of ftte Tllo regime a* sttttntely *"ia also mated ostatef WaeM W a r n ta regard<« eomwiswltt Eaawis, the Gssersraiore «nit> er remmsa. Beestasse ef Caiho-Ile affsattann t« aHIiler's M» kkgteal rasa>nattonav he says , massy wasted Caiaaolks f a s » cept RUIkt'a disleeCte msterlaf-tom. Todaw kecsaaae off the amrch'a tetrtmk: lacowsall-Mlity wlih Ojnynfafrm cansstnt-isfessa, m a n y want Cathoitea to ragy tt^nj TJtfr*» ffftllsflfrf^ «oTH-iW«Bl«m, headMs.

CATHOLfCWM C A N N O T do this because it is IrrapoMibie, the artk3« declares, Ytagojtav nrasisni disagrees from the Cetafnftinn brand oataly In rrjeth-od t*he4r agree hi IdtfcoJtfgy. Both define CathoBes as **«*ca®jair taf tad! "ffemaitafaHrs of i«tfr

Thar aujedb It no* opposed to ctmmimm for atsr-MHitaf tm-Wfh** the ttaahar esi*txfnBe«. W> <a-i*«. of the locompatiolilty i* reJlgJou* and moras, therefore permanent If CasaioHcism ap-plat«3ed the Ttigostisv Marxlit «fh**B tntaway ihrcraigh gear of Sialftprs coftsaBualsfa, it wottid be

Wserve-m. StAte* is tsoar a g-oesf 4$

a*sv^t*i*£ a y g p a * | ^ p 3 s ^ ^ * f • | a - ^ P ^ ^ B * s T ' a^sv T a s g ^ajpsjisjw-

ure/'Wr».U><wM)dt*'i»tb««*se •aast^S****i*ss ss^fSj^ t"**"ji*TjfnR^W^W*a*l"S/*sj;g. (Bvfaf- ~qs*p ss^ ^ssjsaBiipavTaB^

3 ^ A | e * a t l ^ ^ B s w ^ s S s V * a s t t s B s t * l * i l s ^ s s s 2 i • 4 « s s s I s y ^ i s f ^ t s s a s S B i

#f unity tm »m. tmmti-iXmiv. comes «f a vdunlaryjiilrwiiiitt ef men's wai*. him «f the tr-trfwc tary acctptaflQ*' tf tha mmtM law of charity."

"Fear 'teparataf, only trtii !«*• unites," Mis, I.tice aided. "The unity n( (he tfnlttd KatltMta Is baatd on fear chd can Wily jbt preserwfd by fere*,* ,

Mrs. Late* waa girt* **» '

CltQi^i sUbUni itiri. §**&&*& m* a»^F-a 'vats* •s'*ssF''''*»ai w s ssaaasFBj ^^m- B^TPSW sstST^rssp"

lar, fa* her rasl istacstt ta **• sestlf «f m* If ewaMit On* l**#sV erstlwi.*

Hs> atrari was jtsasgasi ta mJtt&l&y |Mt 'm&CMR&tfp Iff **# s k S > t u a %^t a'sssstk sssaldatJMksssssJIf ' asaaJisBsssa^AsBsBBs*B*F " • s ^ F # a W t t s w a^^Btasssi^B^psaassi "SBBBsvssBBH^asfnlM^K

sw MS> nnntsat t e»»aara«ast.

In her speech seotsusg th« award, the described tht fedcrav tion sa the "alwek-troops ef a renascent CnTtatiuilty," She tetd tfte dekgatoi that Chrkllsnlty "mutt make ltaejf felt as the prime fore* in modern poll' tics and government if your gen« •i-Bftos if tn evert, as mine did not, dFaatter."*

"ujf jt em mm uw «w' sdenoe of it* membera,0 Mtt. Uice said, "the United Nationa will continue to be'* men forts-a for mQltary coaJitkWJ, where, Iff the final acslysls, not wSrds fc«t guru will settle every frnportswt Issue.** ,

Protestant Seen Envoy To Vatican

Bonn, Geraaasy ~ - (RNS) —• West German s*ftvarrim«nt aources here said thai OWtteQcr Conrad Aden«uer ha* deeJ4*d td nominate a Protestant it the West German m\*m*&ot t* ih» Vatican.

T*!?'??!*****^? -SWS»- SSSSSS^SBBjESSaaBBBBBBBafaS ^^£t ^"****SSSBaTSJ:

Aroerfesn papers sad news *£**** „„. ^ ^ ^ ^ M W „ « M , TO

&ts seeept CaAoIk news ^ t a l ^ j ^ j ^ ^ ^ j o I a , s m : a ' » m.: "poal.ttai a*id s partid-tn poiltScj, Mr, AIe**an-

feadera of the EVaoijfellcil ChtJfeiJ i n Germany had beers t*qot*i*A ta submit their ffuggsatlons a s t o candldatnt f o r tfi« rmW posfc '


^nkta tfair ^^^^^^^t -s w sst&' sawa wap jntsiisspssv SBF * a a « , adsaJsaat?* faBrtiaar sss^sflJiBir -»?,c'"'*****!"*'T********,<eWaTS5 SSJS*"arB"SW S B ""WIBBBt- •SBBBSS? SSSSSEaiHB'S'SSBB ,

ki tiM ltitMt » • * » ARSSS **"• mw • • • • sp. aaa'>KSSv |^s^aBi ws^Siise ^ ¥ # w ~^ssr9Favs^paa>w - ^ - v ^ g ^ :

h»r», ^WP. A*mm rottrT*m*Wm> undssf hoiaas afraaf set Jasaa iML • Wfat l« afis* k l

the ArctjTjsMiOii rslatis" *&&* »**"sr •^rw^ s^passssss^saivs'^ m^^^m^wwf - a t r ^ ^ F T P t

Kisl' l i iLHatstit tMl l a r t t t l s s a f tfkt aiS'«B'assr jay^srsy'ss'ssrgBrTat'aratsr as^spsssjr'p gassassnst; -^Staast.

pupal *r^mtfo<smm#&* «m mm iOS ite--*tte*a* sad ttwet mm m i»m ft* Msstt nj»* cater* a* praetk*! In the asott-dffit, IfBperisilitt a n a A s s f c . * " • • T t ^ e j t a * •afla\a»jsy^p^ra^^st^"ffflF ^sr^^Bsgfjef»s^<"St I«fe» &

?&} v5fj ss»W*splBt Wt0M f$

uiftr WtttBir ff"ss MWWW8. jBfcs

ptrrtsnet fcjr *&"&£ * %!>*##•

»k«.-« mm<» mm «* thratt-rnacl wfth fem ?«** te •vert Hit h *M nMsf>t j f Jit W hltirkSd •4nTaatit 1if .*raf**aia*Jgjbj

" 'flsaKasl

Hm fttt iw isii' _„ '-asssVatfc ^^-^HuMBg a L^^ B ^ a a -^__o \^ H «£ - *Pa*TSiat SSSSBSSBSasa SsSBBBBBBBJBBa; |"SSB

'asw^Wa"W^s»« ^sJaMs^F

ifgn the list o£ chant« ^nt^Mfc^aahA ^btsMa*. ^e~-J^ •"^^stjs^ssst ••|p4Ba^B^BBjss aaat^alaW JsarBT jBF%s"B s wns]v

KAC tJshtWOK afmtartoi* l*_«gT 4*fl£$ajiai> 4<SBS^ssViVs*se'^fcssf 'ssssasT' ^Sn^sst tsSsissWdfe-

. ,. I S B j * a * ^ ^ W jp^spfSjSSB^assSjSp^ &fW ^aspsSJ- ^ I ^ H H K " ™ ^ - ^ T — r n ^ . . , - -,^ • • ; „ I M J , -^L-.TTT; ivm™ '

icctatattons, the'. arsJacia 'a* relatat and ha had :k?r «>» papal da^gsta raAwed tarTt WPrg

The team source* -said- that ^-mSHBS^m''^^S^mtWm- mVhtr?' " tofrUm itjajr jdadv.. <tt# jStwi* bishop reveal*!, H* *a» " setx home tmder gttai4 ta

ift«aiwiw«lit#» • m # *

• a t s ,

Holy Sepuichrt C t m « l e r y

ote. y.- ostef* **$&*%• • «"*« IH«|fM-l*SA. _„



J ; ' - 1 i V / ' " " ' • -j-

On Sunday sft««iooo, SapUwbtr 1* a* * : »

S^plldost CerH feri?,» BM^Mtf^ ^ . I M S i W H

i. ii --•••- p.y-.. ......-..—** —Trr'TirfTrfr 'I lMt»'l)ll'lt«i!i*<ii»liMliM'«Vlt'<ll!i«'^(|illilil'lll)i "*"> T * " E ' / - V i u - H "

AlMssssssads; ^jRssassi -:^sasHitaissst «^"~# _"i te 4aaM..L .»( fgft

^P'sj'PPs- *wwi| psf •«> JPJ^H^iPVRnPHRftV'4NL

t h e l ^ y g a a i ^ s i l e ^ A , ^ woh aasat M mm <>tf*ar nasaiiisaf*

. II ij gjp i jiiij OTwmnjvf^ -V^^BJC iwmf^^m, JBnsssssaLjBnSBr*aBssr~

« f h i t ^»«sriaa«*Msttt V41UMH*' xmVvm; rsa4 t* Irisg taatttpt* *

•ajsjtBSsT *|**i9sBf»^p # 9 M s K ™ P N M B S W ' .... . . _ T ,_ .

mhat 'ratatitiss*- -ffig AiitssstiwJIssai ™ Z ~ " * i ^ — W ^ j j J i V i » S ! S 4 t f l " f * >«P™aJR!IWWtesTSTs,tsFSBsa|F

"* " 3feaas*Bs*Ev j y s a - a s i .

# -dS?*

£.. t t r i Pa*-'*

* * •

> --vi


< f f . ^ fa \S^. ^^aaa*ww«*! t^wj (aa^^ f*%*ft^*lJf^.'WS(-il^H*W«: , : • W f f ^ W t W ^ ^