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'I I Buddy Poppy Salel.Jets $225 Here Saturday Jane ey, Wayne High senior, will be a delegate from the local F A chapter to national convention 2-6 at Chicago. Miss Jeffr Nebraska state historian. S e will be accomp.a , nled to thel convention by Chap- ter Advisor 1 Dorothy SUson. . Jaycees' Junior Golf Tournament Planned June 8 200 at Jaycees' Flight Breakfast Sunday Morning About 200 persons flew to Wayne I Jaycees. Seventy-seven planes I from Iowa, Minnesota, South Da- kota and Nebraska were registered during the morning. An air show was presented after the visltors had breakfast at a local cafe, The program started with a !evel demonstration by F -82 Jet fighters from the Sioux City AFB, The team made several low passes at extremely hIgh speeds. Kenneth Eggers, Tilden, won an aerial bombing contest in which pilots dropped p3per bags filled with flour from altitudes of 150-200 feet. A ribbon cutting exhibition was staged by Wayne pilots. \:-- Capt. Van Crete, demon- strated precision flying in a Na- tional Guard L-19 liaison plane. He also showed short run takeoffs, landings and low level loops. " The demonstrations closed an exhibition by Wayne Rusk. Sio;r; City. in a 1929 Fleet biplane. His guest co-pilot was Ja$"cee Presi- dent Dave Hamer, jr. 1-10 rrisor-'l Bod-rd- . 1 Elect Nine Derectors' ' . FHA Delegatem Set Meeting ",-- .. -: f,For By-laws I' Elmer Harrison J.vas named J, :., chairman of Wayne's nc\vlv-or- I Industrial Development organizatIOn Tuesday. lIarri:;Ol\ ",,:ill in '8 tempoI'ary CI:\i1tl- C!ty l!ntIl a organi'l:cl- bon IS formed. Bill Richardson_ was named secrctary-trcasl.lrcl'. Following the ejection Harri- son appointed a committee of Burr John Carhart and himself to write by-laws for a corporate set-up ancl. have them ready for inspection by June 7. orary directors of the tion Thursday night when 11f'arly 50 Wayne businessmen apPl'/)\,wl the project. Others on til(' bhard Henry Ley, AdoJl JpJ{i"('y, WIllard Wiltse, Arnold Rccg and Roy Coryell. ' The organization was formed to J,ll'?- Sidney R. BradleytaddrcssC"d the Thursday night meeting on tlw job industrial organizations e:llI do and told the role of Resource's division in securing lll- dustry for the statf; He fs nssist- ant ch.ief of thE' division.. , The "rifle approach'" ·lief:n most effective, Bradley said, plaining that his organization aim- ed for specific types of industry, rather than trying to cover all industries. Ipdustries manufacturing weight products in which labor to to Heavier industries can nei- ther raw materials nor markets in thC'm, Bradley Mid. _ .,' State divThion:I"usc;; continued: advertising' and advertising by direCt riiiUh _ Anythln.g short of ef- fort is wasted, he said, low-up to advertising or I ,ma-I' contacts. '' .Adv£'rtising in maga- zines has never proved as 'effec- tive as the other two methods. Three steps Ii tm\ln must take in mdustry. Bradley said. are: organizing a group'" to do the ;job: gathering pertinent in- formation far industrjalis(s: nnd adpotmg a positive appt'oadl to the task. I Bradley also warned that a l()wn should never attempt to -hor,,('- trape \\;th industry. is so kf'{'n among towns tlmt ill- dllstnalists Will not e\,('11 making unusual deals. hCi l:;i',,:.lJ1alll- cd. .> ., , HF,RA.LO , W' ync markets 'ere reaSD the weekly ill I'kC't quota- tions do not appear I today S 15- South sjoux Cit Entrant Cops Con est Title H,'r,1hl'H .'\"ews Service i Neirtheast Nebraska F1riday night - ary I,Oeetl"ngs at the Miss' Ameriqa pageant .... sponsored by Jaycees, ary . conventions will Miss Schradpr will r present NE be held b Republican and Nebraska at the Mis Nebraska cratic [Jat' it's jn Wayne county nt pageant June 11-13 at Sidney, She the Court! OUSf' loday, it was Hil- lS a junior at the U livel'Slty of nounc('c! t is weck Sharon sa," IMacy, and Betty Vitito, g<:t1r's to 1 1e state conventIOn Will South Sioux CIty, J dges were' .(l1t-{'1! at a 8,m. T, S. 11001... is Mr, and Mrs. Dave J chum and 'COtInty ell (rman. Ken Sunderman. N0rtt"0lk. Democr ts will mt'<'t at the .. Dplla Miss S"hrndl"r was :{'rowned by courthous at 3 p.m., Chairman K. ' .on r Sandra Sppit'h('!', Ojnaha, 195:i M. nnounced. Miss Nebraska. She 1.:"31s assisted I by Mary Jane Cae, Wake- ne Cdunty field. R" " M d f . Other conte,tants Lu Kay eglstr hon on ay or -+-----,--1------,-- Summer Sessions; ,:"nder; Sharon Program Starts Clty, and Marta MIfnery, ARProx matcly 700 stud('nts tire lett. .J, H!ilifld 10 rt'gll'ltN' Monday for Contestants ",:ere Jl,ldgcd oJ:;! 10- summer essions at WSTC. it was Speicher gavb n lalk on . her experiences as Miss Neurasl... a cs mmcr s(!sslon WIll mM,k Hnd in eompl'tition at Atlantic the ntng of the college s City. N,J. 1 to start work this year toward T If master' degrees. o JY.. fer Fir."t wtll "'HI ,lilly:!·; 24 Here -nlC' shot l wilf nUl CUI [rom JllJr 13, Mildred Mitchell ",ill complete f' 12: Mr. and Mrs, Hem')' 24 years of" with the rail· road here Saturday when the help· Evelrn N.·ssen Gillham. Metaline Falls, Wash .• a son. JohnOle i{('ith, 8 Ibs.. oz. and Mrs. Julius Elhardl 'are Wins l Fellowship grandpar"n', llt'rat,! S"Ot:dal :-;""H S"n".., ;\I<1Y 2"2: <tnd i\1l'S. Donald {'niDI-ado SPI'IIlJ:" ('oln. En'lyn 7 NISSf'Il. II Sl'll]nr p.... .... Illd,·nt l\l !3 M d M I" H Norfolk Men Iniured at has n' d <t\v,Jl·d"d '" SI ..i.)O .... lllp [or 110.. Wnkf'fl('ld ho.. Jl11RI In Thurs ay Mishap j [:1 ;Hlll,tI" ... ;<1 lLuJ.ddf,· I'lll- MIt) '.!l: M ... lind Mrs Hf'nliY Two ntPtl ('scaprd \\rith h'J::\' III lhl' "ro;.:r,lI11 01 I",·ClI\\". It SOIl HNW)' "h 111. Jr. nllllnr inJurjP!' Thursday in . :-Oln}' Zl. ;\Jr. and Mn. Eitner a nl1l· ......nr ¢msh :1 1 4 "lIlf1s S1 uth \\lil .... ''''·qali/p III r Wad:!'r, Wm:'>ulfl, u dauJ,:hll'lr. of WA}'Il(' cin lha.:hway 15. \\"tll"k IIn,1 pI' I,an ':\lvl'l1:1 ,\un. R IlJ:-;, I Ol. IJcon- Driver ("<'sf PI' (' .Johnson old i i .. ,t!lrl \\·11:-110' 11"'\\1,- f.rn"'''''ll,:1 ..,Oll 'j 3 Clll to kJIl,'.. Ihl' rO,"HI ;Hld Al lh\' (·(,l,lt.((!', ".11.· .. h, \\ak..rwld 11""[111.::\1 on lis III Ill(' dlllh VF\V AUXIliary <;'Ild ,"" I\t·ll 1"'· ... 11· ',I \\"l11"!1' \11\:1 :\11 dll,l :'011-" H.'lrlofl "niP ("II "," d'fll,lCpd ... n 'l!ln1l1 Z.f)OO /i"I<' dUII/,": h,( )UIl!<1] ;,tld 1./11•. ' .... 11. a d.'llchtf"r, 6 "I\ph \UH'I:' JIJd the Ja, I <;;;''!furnav. nettmg [01 NE Nphr<l .... ka youth .... WPH,' lnvlt ':"l'lnl )l',,,-... :'I11 .... ....... a... h,,, ;l! ... n l-,. "I III th. ("II flrp \\ork cd Lo register thIs wl'pk for a lw.'f·n l·].,<,tC'd 10 I'hl !i.I'LI 1.1,11,0.01 :'11.1\ :-\ L1 ,lIltl :-'1r- Ray --- r-- - ------r baseball school to be Iwld :It thc ;jnd h:l" hP"ll h 11"1< 0\ j", 111.,1, :'>1, ....... ,'j; I Lllllp'<>t1 \. ., a d1lu.r::h- 0 d A d I f Wa,l'nc ban -,,,ork .I:,,,,, ,,, \I" .:,-"h "" "" d, ,., 1.-' ,-" '., '- ",.",. -" H'.· C Ii" "nz' ea Ines n nounce or eVl'nl !s h) lIll t\C\\' 11l· ... lIlLhHI)'.1l \Ir .l!1d '\11'" ill'nr> fl. Johnson. I . ' York (.lanls and \\aYflC' .JaYet'{·s. I, '.\.1:-11· l'" ...:!.l!ldp,Ul'l1''< E C" Wh t A' "- I _. xce,ss ort'l, ea .. furnish his own shoes, uniform Correction I'" Pj.l]!l\ h'\\· ho...plt.'d. \\'aY/lt' \\"1: a----- -----r: ,----- and glove, This is the first In placml,; IMg.' 1l111(' {ll :>1;1::- :.'ti. and Arthur 1936 (''UIIl In ofl-,upport gpn,.rally in lfne '\\,[111 such a school has been held In ... sel'tlon nJl lilt' lI;tnlll.toli. Daylona Beach. Fla. a Iht'lr LHIll ('0111 ;dlotIlH'flb IPrice suppmts a\"a,laIJJe'[or oth('1' for IOt:!a}'s Hel,lId. Ilw ]'11"0' of son. Slt'phen Thomas, Sibs .. lOic: lak{' actlot\ utl111 .. 1 to teed rye. bq,rll.·Y and ". Scout __ Thompson. 9S ('I'nls on w!.,II· I<!-rr) Cl"th IJ'- ,. T. JI. Book u. Utc .. thplI ,:orn gram sorghums. _ -' .. _ Sioux .CIty. and hIS. WIU con- ;Jdn'rt"lltl:. fl"11l t1w (;l1Iler_ . ann', (ounl) <1tauman Carl Farmf'rs With wh!."tl ,:lcr e- duct the school. Clifford Dahl andi ;w.,·s.. .. form and \\,1" d,;..·!"I,·d L11'- :\f,'. :11111 :\1r.... \\dhur O. Sundl.'lI' ";1141 today Ig"(' m P:(Cf':,s of thdr fann rdluf- Norris ,''''dhle wcre instrumental In i down. Til" fl" I l'l ,c,' "1_ .. I r,·,:holr!,. \\',l.) nt'. :1 "'m. -; 100.. The ch,]innan addcd t at hil\"(' '1"n1J! JlIIlf' 1;' ad- arranglOg ' ,)f S1. ,-"]lh. 1 ('/ \\ tkdll'l!1 have the chOice _of wo ) u",t .... Utll (""""P":;l'S. \V!Lf'1t ;1' - - price supports on 19:J6-c .op ''" PXr'(";"o;; nllN! be pIO\F(l NE Nb k D ··: corn. Expected support P ICC I '\5 Illilnup:-, pastl1l;f'd or ('II! P f t ' for corn produ::cd under !he r or hily Any of th(·:,;e . eras a ower IS ric 5 farm .1crcagc allotment ,for r.. , lL',-'d in such a way 1/111 llle I Wayne eounl, " $14' pO' "," not ''',,,'' mo'''' ,h el. Corn pr-oduced that IS nol Fanners With allotm('IlIS orr l('s5 F N C f · F ed In cO{f1plIance lNlth the farm 'han 1'5 aerf'S who ml\\ hd' p mol(;' arm ew oapet'O Ive rl oy _ Staff Photo 1 I bushel. i I\\hflal acreage to avoidla ffiliate member$hips in the Alf d5d ------------- H("!){}ZIl't'S art' no\\ St31tJnJ': to mg- Quota penalty. '.' ,1 Na ional Association of Soil Con. re y OW Lcr, Columbul>, Elkhorn for po'olocr sub-.:.ta- m.'ls\1r' cOlll 0Il count)" Sund;l1 remmden se vation 'districts were granted I '\cst Pomt, Elkhorn, Battlc Lrt.·t.·k. lam:,> and otht'r nceC5SaJrY I fdmlS nhen' the nlghcr sl.pporl f"rS tha_ il fa:m With a 1 ,d al w to Merchant Oil company and T H dN .\lObrara. O'i'i'ellJ, !\orth Central, to rllr.llusel'"S. prk..,(' L'i \"'bhill emil otmpnt of 10 acres or_ ;.sl,m'l Y Se eler Motors dinner last 0 ea ew Stanton Stan, l h.mlr) said {mJ.r:cmg: 'oIiould be drl' rl on falms ploduce RS as or Tu sday "1ght at th fire hall. ton. and \\ a>ne Count}. W3) nc 1 tho,ugh the HEA at two per· tt11' 1.1I 0" I 1'.1" h, 1·lheat w;.thout clOg I JU t to II l prevlbus affiliite members Corpo atOo A.n Imltauon t.1xtC'mled to all ct.·nl Intef'Cst rates dO<."'S not mtU1l1 to seck thc hlgh.- ;narkptm o tics,. I of the Wayne were invit· r I n other 18 i\cbraska ru.f:r.1 If thc DC" coopcralJ\c expands1er pnc" edlto. !he event to hear a report dIstrIcts to Jom the new organlZ3' mto a statewide setup It could] Suod"11 ::.o.lld that farmers '1.\ no I mon.' nota naH is A1ffillates shown. in the top H"rn.!.ls SI"-"'t\1I.1 :-";"\\9 tlOn Eighteen dblncb become a majOr .. uppher for rural] lCC'lde iatC'r to tI") ta secure lhe1marketm g qu pe y. ph to are. left to Herman I Columbus - Nme NE !\ebraska! at Frlda}'s meeung_ Se\· Cl5lncts a£ter contracts from tho.<;e, hl;:rna s-uI;>port pncc b} reducmg ulated on the dlffl!rcncc Lu dberg, State National rural owe, distrIcts were eral of tbo::ie not In the I dbtrTcts (rom the :\'ebraska Pub- l aerea.£:.-:' and thus need a later/I the t:e EI er Harrison, Gram porate here Frida)' Into the )\e" nIne expressed deslr'e to Jom but he Po",er s)stem e.xprre JL 1959. I acrcao:te measurement, will De age '4- t' "'( II an Feed; B, braska enerating and TransIDlS- said the)' !Lrst needed approval :-nar-g:e-d e.'Xtra for such measure- ta pen ty lS a perccn, 0 t lC I Br Implement; Ed Kol· SlOn coo erative. from their boards of ::nent_ parlanlYfPnce. th allbtm j r at I IShilte bank Alf 5d W P h ?hn'mum com support iJnees arms "-1. en $ 0 H:;Skinso"IRobert Merchant. Mer: ete r Wyoming Services Held edrher thiS month I more than f15 acres, the nOlnml c I company: Ed ga t Othe ffi _ - - ( lill"e \1.lth Prt'Sldent ElSenhO\V- prodUct1on rom any III and George Lang: I trt 1 For Former Resident - i s Apr.:! .ann rn:essage excess of the farm .allotmellt is of the Wayne preSident; R. Chester Graff l Ban- b', the state's rural dl ... t.nets that FUN'ral $('n'1C'eS \\e-re held all prom;.t adnuniStrau\e .Eteps t Re f1 t lnja Merchant and Se I . croft, secretary·treasurer.. and c;m fmance and build ntffied gen· j TornngHm, \\-.)'0, Tuesday for to lIlcre35e [arm income:. I :;rn:UotmenC wheat fro: "- tured at left are Yf. W. Schutr, Columbus, execu- j cratmg plants adc-qu3!..;! 10 meet I former \\'a>ne res'w prtce farm on which the allotttient I. memberShip certifi at tn f g ol.r five secretary. the state's rural power needs lD dl"nt ho dIed Sundar rughl He '!he.... 1 70 exceeded IS not elIgible for puce rector Alden J h f;1 eS I rom I' Orgamzmg distrlCts are: Burt the years to come. 3. hrMher of John and the It}. ,v:0wer brin the SUPPOrt. , 0 n.o " ,Counly Rural, Tekamah: Cornhusk. 2 To n/-ake a\amble needed ii- 'late Ea Surber" percent panty,,= ll"1: - - --- - -; t ." 1'1:, 1'::,; :)i'!i:I:':U:, HI ,ii I " i -' "n I ,I, I ".

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•Buddy Poppy Sale l.Jets$225 Here Saturday

Jane Jem~ey, Wayne Highsenior, will be a delegate fromthe local F A chapter to nationalconvention ~UIY 2-6 at Chicago.Miss Jeffr ~ Nebraska statehistorian. S e will be accomp.a

,nled to thel convention by Chap­ter Advisor 1 Dorothy SUson. .

•Jaycees' JuniorGolf TournamentPlanned June 8

200 at Jaycees'Flight BreakfastSunday Morning

About 200 persons flew to Wayne

~~~~kltsiors~ho~s~~~~ a~~ualw~i:~~IJaycees. Seventy-seven planes Ifrom Iowa, Minnesota, South Da­kota and Nebraska were registeredduring the morning.

An air show was presented afterthe visltors had breakfast at a localcafe, The program started with a~ow !evel demonstration by F -82Jet fighters from the Sioux CityAFB, The team made several lowpasses at extremely hIgh speeds.

Kenneth Eggers, Tilden, wonan aerial bombing contest inwhich pilots dropped p3per bagsfilled with flour from altitudesof 150-200 feet. A ribbon cuttingexhibition was staged by Waynepilots. \:--Capt. Van Ch~sser, Crete, demon-

strated precision flying in a Na­tional Guard L-19 liaison plane. Healso showed short run takeoffs,landings and low level loops. "

The demonstrations closed wi~han exhibition by Wayne Rusk. Sio;r;City. in a 1929 Fleet biplane. Hisguest co-pilot was Ja$"cee Presi­dent Dave Hamer, jr.

WIil'i~~«li0i'ljL,.E. 1-10rrisor-'l t~H~od~et:itYlndustr~; Bod-rd-

. 1 ~

Elect Nine Derectors'I---------,----.,------~_I ' .

FHA DelegatemSet Meeting",-- . . -: f,For By-laws

I' Elmer Harrison J.vas namedJ, :., chairman of Wayne's nc\vlv-or-I ganiz~d. Industrial Development

organizatIOn Tuesday. lIarri:;Ol\",,:ill ser~e in '8 tempoI'ary CI:\i1tl­

C!ty l!ntIl a perman~nt organi'l:cl­bon IS formed. Bill Richardson_was named secrctary-trcasl.lrcl'.

Following the ejection Harri­son appointed a committee ofBurr ~avis, John Carhart andhimself to write by-laws for acorporate set-up ancl. have themready for inspection by June 7.

an~a'Z~~~~'rt ~,~;:r~~cl~d ?~~~~:!orary directors of the or~anlz,.f:Jtion Thursday night when 11f'arly50 Wayne businessmen apPl'/)\,wlthe project. Others on til(' bhard-in~lude Henry Ley, AdoJl JpJ{i"('y,WIllard Wiltse, Arnold Rccg andRoy Coryell. '

The organization was formed to

~~~;;ep~~~Uff~~tu~~;t:.nd J,ll'?-Sidney R. BradleytaddrcssC"d the

Thursday night meeting on tlwjob industrial organizations e:llIdo and told the role of N!'hr[t"~ka

Resource's division in securing lll­dustry for the statf; He fs nssist­ant ch.ief of thE' division.. ,

The "rifle approach'" ha~ ·lief:nmost effective, Bradley said, ('X~plaining that his organization aim­ed for specific types of industry,rather than trying to cover allindustries.

Ipdustries manufacturing light~

weight products in which labor

~:t ~:oJ~~~ ~~~~q~o~i~~~~~~to invit~tioi1s to ~v~ to

Heavier industries can n~d nei­ther raw materials nor markets in

~~~~ask;~~~n~r~~i~t~lZ~~7~;thC'm, Bradley Mid. _ .,'

State nesourcC's~ divThion:I"usc;;

~~~~ym~~hO~~v\~gge~e~~~t~~~ll~~continued: advertising' in~~sinpt!j;

~a~~~in~;~ma::,~1~~~~~ni~~~t~:~~and advertising by direCt riiiUh _

Anythln.g short of pe~,,~1 ef- ~fort is wasted, he said, exrifai:n~

~~g ::I~t ~~~rvi~uda~~~rl:~~~f~~:low-up to advertising or I ,ma-I'contacts. ' '.Adv£'rtising in busines~! maga-

zines has never proved as 'effec­tive as the other two methods.

Three steps Ii tm\ln must takein attractin~ mdustry. Bradleysaid. are: organizing a group'" todo the ;job: gathering pertinent in­formation far industrjalis(s: nndadpotmg a positive appt'oadl tothe task. I

Bradley also warned that a l()wnshould never attempt to -hor,,('­trape \\;th industry. Nt'hr;)~ka is

~~~ i~~~~:~~nf~~ il~%~~~-l!;H(~~so kf'{'n among towns tlmt ill­dllstnalists Will not e\,('11 cn~l"idl'!'

making unusual deals. hCi l:;i',,:.lJ1alll-cd. .> ., ,


W' ync markets 'ere cl~sC'd

ri:~ ~~~fYD~YI °hh~D~l ~~CFo~f t~1~reaSD the weekly ill I'kC't quota­tions do not appear I today S 15-

South sjoux Cit EntrantCops Be~uty Con est TitleH,'r,1hl'H ~I"";,,l .'\"ews Service i

So~~k~f~~~ Chy,J~~~Cth~;~~'~r;~ Part~efisl.SetNeirtheast Nebraska F1riday night - ary I,Oeetl"ngsat the Miss' Ameriqa pageant .... ~

sponsored by wak("fie~d Jaycees, ary . conventions willMiss Schradpr will r present NE be held b Republican and Demo~

Nebraska at the Mis Nebraska cratic [Jat' it's jn Wayne county ntpageant June 11-13 at Sidney, She the Court! OUSf' loday, it was Hil­lS a junior at the U livel'Slty of nounc('c! t is weck

NCI~'~~~:~s_up we~e Sharon Ma~~ tr~g~~ll ;~~~eco~~:;;l)~:~l~~~.{f~;~:sa," IMacy, and Betty ~'Rae Vitito, g<:t1r's to 1 1e state conventIOn Will

South Sioux CIty, J dges were' .(l1t-{'1! at a 8,m. T, S. 11001... isMr, and Mrs. Dave J chum and 'COtInty ell (rman.Ken Sunderman. N0rtt"0lk. Democr ts will mt'<'t at the. . Dplla Miss S"hrndl"r was :{'rowned by courthous at 3 p.m., Chairman K.

'.on r Sandra Sppit'h('!', Ojnaha, 195:i M. ~lds nnounced.

Miss Nebraska. She 1.:"31s assisted Iby Mary Jane Cae, ~Viiss Wake- t·

ne Cdunty field. R" " M d f. Other conte,tants w~re: Lu Kay eglstr hon on ay or-+-----,--1------,-- 1~:~~o~~ty~ag~~Lrl~~~n~a~~~fn:Co~leg Summer Sessions;

,:"nder; Sharon H~oks, SiOU~ ~adu~te.Program StartsClty, and Marta MIfnery , Bart~ ARProx matcly 700 stud('nts tirelett. .J, H!ilifld 10 rt'gll'ltN' Monday for

Contestants ",:ere Jl,ldgcd oJ:;! 10- summer essions at WSTC. it was

~rll~~~, r~~S~~:~l{~'rfr°~~~~c:~~11r~~ ~.noB.neC li::l~~ ~~;S~l'~yW~W:l:~~~~ur~jSS Speicher gavb n lalk on T'uc;~ay. .her experiences as Miss Neurasl...a c s mmcr s(!sslon WIll mM,kHnd in eompl'tition at Atlantic the beg~ ntng of the college s

City. N,J. 1 ~~":urr dU;~~de~:~d:rc ~~~~~~~d• to start work this year toward

T • If master' degrees.o R~'lre JY.. fer Fir."t ~('S",i{lll wtll "'HI ,lilly:!·;

24 Y~rs Here -nlC' shotl pnsl-~,I'<;"lnll wilf nUlCUI [rom JllJr 30·All~. 13,

Mildred Mitchell ",ill complete f' • ~t<lY 12: Mr. and Mrs, Hem')'24 years of" servlC(~ with the rail·road here Saturday when the help· Evelrn N.·ssen Gillham. Metaline Falls, Wash .• ason. JohnOle i{('ith, 8 Ibs .. ~ oz.

~II·. and Mrs. Julius Elhardl 'areWinslFellowship grandpar"n',

llt'rat,! ~ S"Ot:dal :-;""H S"n".., ;\I<1Y 2"2: ~Tr. <tnd i\1l'S. Donald

{'niDI-ado SPI'IIlJ:" ('oln. En'lyn :~I.(ll~ ~~.~kZ~:;~~'~fi:lrld~~~:~~j. 7NISSf'Il. II Sl'll]nr p ....}cllolo~) .... Illd,·nt l\l !3 M d M I" H Norfolk Men Iniuredat ('olnr~d() l:n~h'g", has h(~"n \\'~I~;;~r'r~ ~\'·a;.l:n/~1l n' ~.1l1::"~~~~~ ~ d<t\v,Jl·d"d '" SI ..i.)O 1,~lln\\ .... lllp [or 110.. Wnkf'fl('ld ho..Jl11RI In Thurs ay Mishap j[:1 ;Hlll,tI" ... llld~ ;<1 lLuJ.ddf,· I'lll- MIt) '.!l: M ... lind Mrs Hf'nliY Two ;'\:nr~{1lk ntPtl ('scaprd \\rithh'J::\' III lhl' "ro;.:r,lI11 01 IJlhllH':'>~ I",·ClI\\". It SOIl HNW)' "h 111. Jr. nllllnr inJurjP!' Thursday ni~ht inadmllll~II!:ttIlJll . :-Oln}' Zl. ;\Jr. and Mn. Eitner a nl1l· ......nr ¢msh :1 14 "lIlf1s S1uth

:\ll~"" ~1~"l'1I \\lil .... ''''·qali/p III r Wad:!'r, Wm:'>ulfl, u dauJ,:hll'lr. of WA}'Il(' cin lha.:hway 15.P"'~(ltll1"l \\"tll"k IIn,1 \~III pI' I,an ':\lvl'l1:1 ,\un. R IlJ:-;, I Ol. IJcon- Driver ("<'sfPI' (' .Johnson old

i '!11::~,:1) l~h~~':~lt1::~ (::I\I~;~II'I?~ ,~;rl:',~:; i (h~'~~\ h~,..t't~~·l ,t!lrl \I1~ n(lh~'rl ~:H;~II~r a~~::~l~);,I"~~:I~:'lttt, ~n~~;'~~jttll~~~::"I~!'t·n \\·11:-110' 11"'\\1,- f.rn"'''''ll,:1 ..,Oll 'j It~. 3 Clll to kJIl,'.. Ihl' rO,"HI ;Hld ~and

Al lh\' (·(,l,lt.((!', ".11.· .. h, \\ak..rwld 11""[111.::\1 on lis \\h~~( III Ill(' dlllh VF\V AUXIliary mClllbel~ <;'Ild,"" I\t·ll d.~ 1"'· ... 11· ',I "~I \\"l11"!1' \11\:1 :\11 dll,l :'011-" H.'lrlofl "niP ("II "," d'fll,lCpd f'l~ ... n 'l!ln1l1 Z.f)OO BUddy.).~~~~)IPS /i"I<'(hll~llll("'I'~ dUII/,": h,( )UIl!<1] ;,tld 1"I.t~ 1./11•. ' ....11. a d.'llchtf"r, 6 "I\ph \UH'I:' JIJd l'~ \~a~ the Ja, I<;;;''!furnav. nettmg S_2.)~J [01 \\~'l

NE Nphr<l .... ka youth .... WPH,' lnvlt ':"l'lnl )l',,,-... :'I11 ....~ ....... a... ~.·l\ h,,, ;l! ...n It,~ l-,. "I \\';,kt~rlf'lrl h~pl(al. ~"'nc:,'r III th. ("II flrp \\orkcd Lo register thIs wl'pk for a lw.'f·n l·].,<,tC'd 10 I'hl !i.I'LI 1.1,11,0.01 :'11.1\ :-\ L1 ,lIltl :-'1r- Ray Jo~. --~I --- r-- - ------rbaseball school to be Iwld :It thc ;jnd h:l" hP"ll h 11"1< 0\ j", 111.,1, :'>1, ....... ,'j; I Lllllp'<>t1 \ . ., a d1lu.r::h- 0 d1° A d I fWa,l'nc ban -,,,ork .I:,,,,, ,,, \I" T~": .:,-"h "" "" d, ,., 1.-' ,-" '., '- ",.",. -" H'.· C Ii" "nz' ea Ines nnounce oreVl'nl !s (O-~';]ltlllsu~ul h) lIll t\C\\' 11l· ... lIlLhHI)'.1l \Ir .l!1d '\11'" ill'nr> fl. Johnson. I . 'York (.lanls and \\aYflC' .JaYet'{·s. I, '.\.1:-11· l'" ...:!.l!ldp,Ul'l1''< E C" Wh t A' " -ib~o~~hSp:r~ki~~t~~ il.1:~e ~I~~; I _. J~,1';~:1 <:-)'o()/;'.!:h":;~li /.!(~ It-,,'r,~ xce,ss ort'l, ea .. ~r~sfurnish his own shoes, uniform Correction I'" Pj.l]!l\ h'\\· ho...plt.'d. \\'aY/lt' l.·otlnt~ Lun\('r~ \\"1: a----------r: ,-----and glove, This is the first ti~e In placml,; IMg.' 1l111(' {ll Lll~'m'..,: :>1;1::- :.'ti. ~lr, and ~lrs ~ Arthur 1936 (''UIIl !:In''<J~l' In PXCt'~ ofl-,upport gpn,.rally in lfne '\\,[111

such a school has been held In ...nl1lh~r"'ary sel'tlon nJl lilt' IJl~~~ lI;tnlll.toli. Daylona Beach. Fla. a Iht'lr LHIll ('0111 ;dlotIlH'flb a~ IPrice suppmts a\"a,laIJJe'[or oth('1'W~yne. for IOt:!a}'s Hel,lId. Ilw ]'11"0' of son. Slt'phen Thomas, Sibs.. lOic: lak{' actlot\ utl111 ..\Il~ 1 to aefJu~t teed l;ram,,--oa~, rye. bq,rll.·Y and

". Gl~nt, Scout ~enc. __ Thompson. 9S ('I'nls on w!.,II· I<!-rr) Cl"th IJ'- Ol~ ,. T. JI. Book u. Utc .. ~ranu· thplI ,:orn a(,I'~<l~'> 1ll.1~ ('orf1l~lt- gram sorghums. _ -' .._ Sioux .CIty. and hIS. s~aff WIU con- ;Jdn'rt"lltl:. drnl'I~'<1 fl"11l t1w (;l1Iler_ . ann', (ounl) ~\:-;'I <1tauman Carl Farmf'rs With ~ 19.~6 wh!."tl ,:lcre-

duct the school. Clifford Dahl andi ;w.,·s.... form and \\,1" d,;..·!"I,·d L11'- :\1,1~:"~ :\f,'. :11111 :\1r.... \\dhur O. Sundl.'lI' ";1141 today ~ Ig"(' m P:(Cf':,s of thdr fann rdluf-Norris ,''''dhle wcre instrumental In i ~J(i<· down. Til" (~'.~ fl" I l'l ,c,' "1_.. ~!', I r,·,:holr!,. \\',l.) nt'. :1 "'m. -; 100.. The ch,]innan addcd t at "f'llt~ hil\"(' '1"n1J! JlIIlf' 1;' !~I ad-arranglOg ~rograll1. ' ~"_I~ 1l~";ld ,)f S1. ,-"]lh. 1 ('/ \\ tkdll'l!1 r10~p!L:tl f~rmers have the chOice _of wo ) u",t ....Utll (""""P":;l'S. \V!Lf'1t ;1' ,!<·;I'~'_'

- - price supports on 19:J6-c .op ''" PXr'(";"o;; nllN! be pIO\F(l ~lJld"·r'

NE N b k D··: corn. Expected support P ICC I'\5 ~ro:">n Illilnup:-, pastl1l;f'd or ('II!

P f t ' for corn produ::cd under !he r or hily Any of th(·:,;e mctl](!rl.~'Itlllst. eras a ower IS ric 5 farm .1crcagc allotment ,for r.. , lL',-'d in such a way 1/111 llle

IWayne eounl, " $14' pO' b~'h_I""Cdt "," not ''',,,'' mo'''' ,hel. Corn pr-oduced that IS nol Fanners With allotm('IlIS orr l('s5

F N C f· F ed In cO{f1plIance lNlth the farm 'han 1'5 aerf'S who ml\\ hd' p mol(;'arm ew oapet'O Ive rl oy ~~;e~~~ ~~~~~~t~t ~dr$~~ael~g:; 1~~nS?~(la~;~h~Js\~~rr;d~(l:.rlt~;~'l·

~ _ Staff Photo 1 I bushel. i I\\hflal acreage to avoidla m,\lk~t-II'ffiliate member$hips in the Alf d 5 d -I------~-------- ------------- H("!){}ZIl't'S art' no\\ St31tJnJ': to mg- Quota penalty. '.' ,1

Na ional Association of Soil Con. re y OW Lcr, Columbul>, Elkhorn <..uunt~. nJ;nl'Hl~ for po'olocr IJnc~. sub-.:.ta- m.'ls\1r' cOlll ,HH,I~," 0Il count)" Sund;l1 remmden \\'li~I/~lO~v-1se vation 'districts were granted I '\cst Pomt, Elkhorn, Battlc Lrt.·t.·k. lam:,> and otht'r laclbhe~ nceC5SaJrYIfdmlS nhen' the nlghcr sl.pporl f"rS tha_ il fa:m With a 1~ ,d al


to Merchant Oil company and T H d N .\lObrara. O'i'i'ellJ, !\orth Central, to rllr.llusel'"S. • prk..,(' L'i \"'bhill emil f'~tlmnt£'sl otmpnt of 10 acres or_ ;.sl,m'lYSe eler Motors at\~ dinner last 0 ea ew Crclghto~, Stanton lu~t.\. Stan, l h.mlr) said {mJ.r:cmg: 'oIiould be drl' I""ln~ !oHn'ldd~' rl on falms ploduce RS muc~ as 1~ ~(,J(~S orTu sday "1ght at th fire hall. ton. and \\ a>ne Count}. W3) nc 1sou~ht tho,ugh the HEA at two per· ~\t\t'n tt11' 1.1I 0" I 1'.1" "n~nl[t(.'d h, 1·lheat w;.thout clOg I ~Ii JU t to

II lprevlbus affiliite members Corpo atOo A.n Imltauon ~3S t.1xtC'mled to all ct.·nl Intef'Cst rates dO<."'S not mtU1l1 to seck thc hlgh.- ;narkptmo q~ota he~a tics,. Iof the Wayne distric:~ were invit· r I n th~ other 18 i\cbraska ru.f:r.1 po\~t.~rl If thc DC" coopcralJ\c expands1er pnc" Howe~er'1~ :~~es ~~h~~~lt~I;~~edlto. !he event to hear a report dIstrIcts to Jom the new organlZ3' mto a statewide setup It could] Suod"11 ::.o.lld that farmers '1.\ no Imon.' t~ nota naH is c~ku

A1ffillates shown. in the top H"rn.!.ls SI"-"'t\1I.1 :-";"\\9 ::;",n\~e tlOn Eighteen dblncb \~('re T't'pr(.'~ become a majOr ..uppher for rural] lCC'lde iatC'r to tI") ta secure lhe1marketmg qu pe y. ~ ,~ph to are. left to rlg~t: Herman I Columbus - Nme NE !\ebraska! ~ented at Frlda}'s meeung_ Se\· Cl5lncts a£ter contracts from tho.<;e, hl;:rna s-uI;>port pncc b} reducmg ulated on the dlffl!rcncc ul::ft~H:(;~Lu dberg, State National bah~i rural owe, distrIcts were 1nc~r" eral of tbo::ie not In the organllln~IdbtrTcts (rom the :\'ebraska Pub- l aerea.£:.-:' and thus need a later/I the aliotme~ t:e~~Ia~tin,r~:~_EI er Harrison, ~ayne Gram porate here Frida)' Into the )\e" nIne expressed deslr'e to Jom but he Po",er s)stem e.xprre JL 1959. Iacrcao:te measurement, will De age h~est '4- t' "'( IIan Feed; B, J.~randstetter, braska enerating and TransIDlS- said the)' !Lrst needed approval :-nar-g:e-d e.'Xtra for such measure- ta pen ty lS a perccn, 0 t lC

IBr n~J'ette:r Implement; Ed Kol· SlOn coo erative. from their boards of d.irectors~ ~ • ::nent_ parlanlYfPnce. th allbtm j rat I ;!I~ommerclal IShilte bank Alf 5 d W P h ?hn'mum com support iJnees arms "-1. en $ 0

H:;Skinso"IRobert Merchant. Mer: ete r pr~id:";t ofaY~h~ ~~ lza~~r;~~'r:l~~spl~~~eb~e~olg:~: Wyoming Services Held 1\\';r~mO)t.nCt--a edrher thiS monthImore than f15 acres, the nOlnmlc \~nt I company: Ed Se~ler ga t Othe ffi _ - - ( lill"e \1.lth Prt'Sldent ElSenhO\V- prodUct1on rom any acrc~gc III;~rl~ Mo~or5, and George Lang: Rob~n~zaSh~;'k., Schu;r:~: ~k~ Itrt ~;S~r:~tl:ta;~~~cl~~~trDllro1 For Former Resident - i~~ s Apr.:! .ann rn:essage ~ounc: excess of the farm .allotmellt isco~t:'d~~ri~:or of the Wayne preSident; R. Chester Graffl Ban- b', the state's rural dl ... t.nets that FUN'ral $('n'1C'eS \\e-re held all m~ prom;.t adnuniStrau\e .Eteps SUbJe;:~ tRet~dl~~rk~}mfil f1 t

lnjaMerchant and Se I . croft, secretary·treasurer.. and c;m fmance and build ntffied gen· j TornngHm, \\-.)'0, Tuesday for to lIlcre35e [arm income:. I:;rn:UotmenC wheat fro: ~~~ "-

tured at left acc~;;' are t~~· Yf. W. Schutr, Columbus, execu-

jcratmg plants adc-qu3!..;! 10 meet I Gu~ Sur~, former \\'a>ne res'w ~\:;rh sUP~rt( prtce ~ farm on which the allotttient ~~~J,~ I.

memberShip certifi at tnfg

ol.r five secretary. the state's rural power needs lD ~ dl"nt ~~ ho dIed Sundar rughl He se~ts'!he....1 perce~ ~ ~~~ut 70 exceeded IS not elIgible for pucerector Alden J h f;1 eS

Irom I' Orgamzmg distrlCts are: Burt the years to come. \~as 3. hrMher of John and the It}. ,v:0wer n~:;~ brin the SUPPOrt.

, 0 n.o " ,Counly Rural, Tekamah: Cornhusk. 2 To n/-ake a\amble needed ii- 'late Ea Surber" percent ~ panty,,= ll"1: - - --- - -;

t ."1'1:, i,i!:,~lt; ~ii:!.l~I[i,I:lI!:~ 1'::,; :)i'!i:I:':U:, HI ,ii I " i -'"n I ,I, I ".



\ .


The Wayne Herald I,,-I


Indication of your own good taste-thecorrectne"" and smartness of invitations

printed to your order. Also stationerynnd cnlling cards. '

Come in for prompt service.


Drawing PaperChildren f s Water Colors

Lar.ge Plans and· o-rawings



\ !

Giant l8-ln./By 23-ln. Sheets of PinkPaper In Scratch Pads~


• Ideal For Children's

.' Gohd For• Good ForI


\\"'~'k iJ~ I hi' J1"111"\"

\\(']" :'III'S LlIlla;l.\IJ<., [)ar\\111

.\t r :md :-'Ir~

(';11'1 nil, :\It· and\V1Snl'r,

Lld(\n [;:I;,'II11<1n

:'dr :md :'[rs • J-('nnl'th Slutz\\I'll! t,) Handolph Sunday to h(>lp::'Ir <Inri \<IJ>.; Glplln Stingley ob­»('n(' their silnT \\C'dding anni­\"'r~;lr\'

:-;,lI1rL\· 1'\'('njl1~ ,<111(')'<; in theJkiln n:J)'p!man homl' \\'(>r(' \1r,<mil )11'<: J:d I·'rr'\'('lt and Falllwil.:'Irs \];Irlba F1P\','rl ;!lld ),I1·s.

I f'Hl"!I'r, \\·a~ n,', ),11''1 Frf'd Tuckf'f.I()'\:('111 :lntl )11' and :'I1l's, Ch:ll.j,·s





St. John's Men's ClubEle~ts Officers Thursday

New officers of M('n'sclub were' ('1L'ct(~d nightat a nwcllllg Ill' Jl:ll·.lars.

They are: Paul Bliemeister,president: Harry Bartels, vice

~~~~i=:~~ta~:.t~~c~e:r·geJ~ho~~torf, treasurer.:The Mi.ssolll"!

conYl'lll inn \\ asSamu('1 rvlf'skl' rs a (kln::I!I' III~hp June :!I)-~O 1<:,'''~iilll:; :md \\ illSE'r\'l~ 011 ::\. Iinor t'onm1l11(',' I'll p'll.ish f'ducul1011

F:rlp 1111;1 and b'()I1'tld J)('r,,11sel'\'pcl lunch,

Mt,. and \11:-',wenl to Em('l'.soll Sunday II)

MI', aml Mrs. Oll'nn l.th'fl!'r"5e!"Vl' Illl'II' 1, nih \\('dd.ll"'-; <Illlll.'lC'rsary, 1·'1\, \\ "I" <'''11' Irlll,'rl ~'II1'

:\11'. and )'Irs Slnlll'!" d:l~ 11IJI:: .tl 1.\I1h"l',111WI'I't' in HI:IIl', ;IIHI ('t;ll~~ (');111('11 It" H,,\ (' Carlown. iSaturday. Tl1(' group \\ ill r<~rll\,' I1H II· rll·~t

Mr, and M.rs. (;(>orgl' Grimm,l CmnmllnlOll SUlllfd:,Mr, nnd NIl'S, \V"s !\n(kt'~(l11 and Members of the class were--- --- Sharon Anderson, Peggy Brown.

Dennis Fegley. Tom Gustafsonand Eldon Nixon.

A publiC rl'\ ll'W \\':1" hf'ld Fri.(by nwhf R,'\" ;1I1r! '\!r... CarhonI·P!lT!.lllll'd Il. t , gl,'Up al "uIJ!krT\I,',.;d;]~

Wol1ian's CI b MembersEnjoy Tuesd y Brunch

Woman's clut: pnjoyrd: a 9:30brunch in Mrs.: Walter Moller's~ard Tuesday. P1ssistant hostesseswere Mrs. Dallas W('lldt and Mrs,R. -E, Paulson.

Fo.llowing tI h)'unch Mrs.~aulson condu If>r] a IJll!>in('s~meeting and a social hOllt' wasenjoYf'd. Mrs, Lf> ' Andl·rson. Ash­land, Wis" and I'S, Lester WI'J('k~er wC're guests.

The dub will notthe summf'r rJ101 tlls.

Mr. "yn is a hard man to

cover up, despite his mediumbuild and blue eyes. Ident,

ifying him should be easy. for aOyone who knows our

staff. He's five foot, six

with blue eyes, married, haschildren. Name i h;m andyou'll win yours~rl 0 FREEWASf1 JOB. Stop in todayas this oller endj Monday.


family and Mr. nd Mrs.-'bharL sup or gu~stsof~~Irs. ~\\d JOnes. GeorgO;Grimm'home.. ~.·· .... ~o m house burned 10 fl~ ground . .,::j;~:::+4l-*,...;,+:.::.:.w,:.::':':;';"~~40;';':;';:;;;:;;;'::':~;;:';';'~"';-+- " __t"__';'+MaJlum· and fa Ily spent Sunday Brid e was played afiepw~d.' . -Mr. an~ Mr~. -~e(~ Jones atte.1?d~!11 mm~s last Thur day. Not~·18.anna' ""'",',- vening ~n the irgll Green home •..1' toTd Mcet:aCk.e,n.., M.OJ1-damm," cd a. famIly PIC~C If.1 Wynot SU,~~ 10 'was saved and. lh I~,ause ~s ~".' . i: I

in· obsc'rv8flce 0 the" birtHday of Ia.. as a" we~kend guest of ~v.. d/lY. . _ -. u nown. Mr~." Naber apd' Mrs. , .··8y'Sta.f1 CorrespondentGeorge' Grimm. "T Mer in Wright. .1. " ;.(i,1ene Carlson came- from 1 l14an" B gger.are sisters. "I I - .. ' . . ", f I Mr. and Mrs..Ioe. W{'b~ nnlt' M '. 8.Vd .Mr~. Ray Grant. ilJIld ~~ttan. Kan. ;Sallur~:r . t~ Stx;nd II - .• '-. :.. "i

I H · M'r. und f\!ll's, ('uben W'ebong', Mr,s. Belle_ 01I:Dst.eait. r..:;lUr~l, ~ere s~mmer vacatu:l:n wjJjh hIS: Pa.r~pts .. ' . • , ,Mrs., AIYlna ~ud,gam, Was a

O pi a PC'ndpl", attpnd d til(> 110spit:11 Sun ay dinner guests in the ~r. and Mrs. Ivar Carlson. I S siness No Sunday din,ner gue;st, in the.LouiSsmOl'gasool'd an visited in the 'Test home..That afterno.on, ~ll w,('n~

t: ,~:~,Fr:~:ie~:: ::~amW::::" S'ee bx'·· r·'-·-·he' H·---:e.o.ld A nj\(ersa~y Sta- I.. . ,to visit Bili~: Vlakeliei<ljl

ve ' 'I a~on~~~an'th~itthir~~~.t\~~,I~~n~~jyl~ r, w. A. Meyer" ,,; ..".' . _. fo rth anniver,;sHrY'C(,I('~r tion.this THEWAYN~"~~,.A,,.r.D

.~, ...;i-l-----....--l-.....-,....---------....-I m rning "'lith a kickor reakfast.~:r.:jj;::=;::~i====::4;:;;:===::::t:~'.:~::-=::·::-~-:-=-~Ihat~;: :;C'~t M;~~ ~~me;ve~?~~ker~ M. and Mrs. Roberl ~ine~art Johnson; Friday she was a ~offee ~~ :~ln~mf~oy:~·iV~r: ~~w~~han; ON SALE. ,.t: the Amos Boee (enhauer home, ewer Sunday dinner guests in the guest with Mrs. Johnson anet Mrs. 12 page section in tod YL$ WaY:le ltI0RRISON ,1It>'1'Jt£

Wayne, IJeff Hale, home. ~ Geneva 'Griggs' at the ;Leonard H Id Th b'rthd am SWillMrs. Mayme org Was a Sat-· M 9. Florence Siemer spent Sa - Dersch home. Mrs, Sophie Walters bee ~ol4~d' j~ t~e pf};k seC;ion 'of FELBER PHARMACY

urday oVCl'night guest in the Ed'lul'da through nlesday in t e visited her"Friday- evening,' .!\'1r..to lay's' Hf'rald. : : IWeher home. Su day Mrs. Weber 'Jam s Forrester horne. Lincoln~ .and Mrs. B. .F. ~trahan.. Sidney. GRIESS D;BUG.

r~;;..__~......;.:............;.,.-+f_-----r-_t---I~~en7c~in~?n~~~. ~~s~~~~r:·~:~ :GifbUr~aka::;:"~~~u:,~e_~. ~~ f~:trr:M~~~~yJ.':s.sr~. ~~ah::.k SU'BSCRIBE TO T~E COUNCn.,OA,K ___

I' ~ anrl Mrs. Hattie Hall honoring Mrs. Henry Rauss-.~ I brnne,.. guests Sunday at the WAYN~ HER Lhda¥. IKaren rC't rnC'rl w'th tllf'm. Mrs. Borg's birt day. ~ M . and Mrs. £.-:hardt Pospis~i1 Georg-e 'Magnuson -home- in honor -=+::::::=::==+::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::.1Enr'oute theY s10Jped in t. Dodge. Mrs, Mayme org was a Mon.. ,spen Sunday With Mrs. Wenzel of Vincent. who was confirmedl"to visit her m ther, T"S. Anna day d!nner guest in ~he Dr. Mar~ IPOlhii. West! Ppili~~ _ ·at Concordia Lutheran church,

~~~~~: and sist 1<, I Mrs. E. B. ~~Sh~;n~i~~a,d"a:O. e m·observa~ce wer:e .~~~~ r~~~.t' ~~~h~~h~ ~e~~C%~'g~~Oen,M~M~.nd ar;;~s. ~%~Mr. and Mrs. KennC'th Baker M d M B F d i ks C ... , ,r, an rs. en re r c on hom • Sio~ ity.. J! riday through Adolph Claussen and Judv. Mr.)

fi~e;:tT~~rdh~:~'~~;n~~1 the Wil- ~~~ ~~:~~r ~~I\ eert'M~~~?nay~~t ~~~ a~tte~~:~ ;:;e:1~ncr:a:J:t ~r~. 't:~(';tr:tMv"~~·:~~O~~d'lr~~n~~IM~s. Jack Pa k and Mr, a,nd home. . ' at rnick, Ia. Satiurday evening and Reuben Goldbcrgs. Evert

Mrs. Paul Bengt on wcre 10 Lm- -,--, I, M. an~ MI'5:. dT. .f. Frelst. Johnsons. Nels' Bjorklunds and

cO~r~~~~a}~~~. ii~~~e~ \~~~~i~o~ Honor Adel n Johnso,D Plat outh. visite, in the, Frank- i:i;~;,an4-:;;;·fi.el~~bi~n~ete~~n:~~werC'. Sunday af ernoon anrl sup- At Kitc'hen S ower linW ~i~~e;d h~r:::s~e~o1~~ .DJ.Y' S. Mrs. Hans Johnson and family,:~ ~~~~ in the Walter Fredrick~ Mrs. Jim Yune '1 Laker'City. Ia. Mas's home. ,O'Neill, were Mr. and Dixon.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson and Mrs. Willia I Allen. Colum- Mrs. F,'. I. Moses. aR~ rjo~~~ie ~i~tec?~~~.ea~n~~::.

~~. t:~~~~~ ';:;YG r~;;'3~~~~r;~~; ~~~~~c~~ ~~~Ies ~~. a~v: ~~~~~~ Ih~ ~hP~;~~da~ s~~nt Ih:ue~::. ~~~d;u;~~r~le~~~ial S~~y. Cedar r---thGl~~~m~~'~n('r went to Lincoln ~~~n~O~a~.hl: f,~o~~~~ ~~~~ ~~n. Peterson, home., Greg~ry, S. Robert Nelsons spent Sunday in!Sunday to spend the summer. Lahrs, Fremont, June 16. M. and Mrs, Jack Carstean, the Vernon Nelson home. Norfolk.

Mr. and Mrs. rt ::\1allum, Den~ Contl'!>ts Wl're njoyed with the Sip City. called on Mrs; Julia Charles Grows spent Sunday;is and Ruthie, 'pent Wednesday pl'il.cS going to t (-' honored guest. Perd e Sunday afternoon. through Wednesday in Osage CitY.,1evening in the R y Pearson home. Each guesl Wl'ot her name on aM. Susanna p'iepenstock en- Kan .. where they attended thl'i

Mr. and Mr.. Ellis. Johnson tow('1 to be C'mb¢oidered aIld pre- terta-ned 15 ladies for her blrth- Donald Grow funeral Tuesdaywere Sunday di! ner gu('sts in the s('ntpc! to Miss Jqlmson. day aturday. Sunday evening lurcheon guestsE. W, Lundahl omC', Out-of-town gulests wc>re Mrs. M. and Mrs. Soren Hansen and in thC' Ole Nelson home \\·er(' ;l.lr

Bill Edwards, :Coler~dge, Mrs. Mari n, Dixon, were Saturday aft- and Mrs, ClarC'nce Prf'ston. MrKen FraZier, wfyne. Mrs, J, F. ern n visitors at t!he Anton PC'd- and Mrs. Russell Preston and MrsyU'1C'k, Dodge, MIS, Herman Lahrs, erse home. Henry Prpston.Dakota City, M s. Hilmer Wiig, M. and Mrs. Anton Pedersen Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson, theirBancroft, and M s. Ralph Conner, visit d at the Arch Drew home. childrrn and tamilips dined in till'Lincoln.! Wis cr, Saturday evening:. Sunday Orvillf' Nelson home Sundav.

M :~~ ':rd:~a~:,reC:;Xre~~ of HC'r- da~ht~~d a~ers~p~~~:OI~~h~ ...~~~ IaneE Iji~~l~ ~~~('I ~~~~~y ';;';~~7~~ ee!ty McCuIlOUl;jh is spending in thf> Carl Nelson homi"',callers in the Wi~lis Nelson home, the eck with her brother~in~Iaw MI"S. Ama Caress, Kearney,Th('y W{'J"{' SUIlGaY dinner guests and sister. Mr, and· Mrs. Arthur sppni the wcC'kC'nd in thC' ::\lrsill 111(' (>Ito Lillt 'homC'. \Vaync. R. fve!and., Hutchinson, Kan, A11 John Ricf' homf',

Mr, and Mrs, Alvin John-son will spend a few dUY5 in Colo- Mrs. Willis Noakes visited in

~;~/~~~IJ~y ~~o~ :~~:s ~~:i't ra~o. and Mrs. 'Jujius Tigges and :~r g;~~g(O Noakes homf' ::\Iemor- Iin the Henry Barelman and Mr, nd Mrs. Cfti:lEes Tigg-es. For- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller and

mf'pt duritlg John N. Johnson homes. i dYee~ were ~up~r- guests at the family called in I,he Char!('s R("lh-.'\11'. Hnd Mrs, 1\T(lrn MonU-lorst, Cha les ?fliille ho ,e Thursday. meif>r homp. Neligh, \V('dn~da:y.

Wayne, attpndpd th(' smorgasbord ,M. and ':'1rs. Art:.AU~ enter· Sunday afternoon guests· in the:'vVpdn('s!l"y (Ov('ning and call('d in tamed 14 gpests Friday m'ght al Eric Linn hom!"' \\'f'nl :\tr. nnd I

till' [..('s1('r Warkrr homp. a ~on~land dpssf'rt. Each gUl'st :\frs, Don" Miles ami .Jf'rrv I

• • • Ml' and Ylrs, .1eromp Huntf'r, l'C'prE'S(>nterl.la song', Mrs. Don Miles and Jerry spent'PEO Ch t Hobart and Mury, Hartinhrton, AI!.en MaHin: O,Neill, returned last WC'dnesday in thp Edwjlrd

Mrs, /t~t·~~ I nrson rnkrtairwd w('r(' Sunday aftlernoon ca\l('l"S in to hl~ hom(' Sll1urday, lie harl Linn homp in honor of J!"'3n'sPEO in hpr h e Mondav (''.1('- till' Elmf'l' Bopckl~nhalll'r home. comt' to attt'nd WSTC commence- birthdayning, Shl' was n Ch,lt'gi' ~)f the LOllii' JII'llschkf' was a Sunday rTlf'nt and wns 3 f~u>'st of Ml' and Mr. ;nd Mrs. Philip March at­program, giving a talk ahoul the dil1l1('l' and suprWr gu!"'st in the Mrs~Art Auker and Mrs. F. S. tf'nd(',l thp Harry Lankhorst flln-ImusiC? (>ducators natrona I ron\'l'I1. Gl'rll't.:1' Eickhoff homf', Bpr . !"'ral at Ha\I,ardpn. la. Thursday.tion and golde 1 juhill'(' III St I'lf'sby 1o'rian s~niol' hi~h schoel Ja k ,Mille'" . and Ben .Mey~r I Jack Kingston, jr. and William I

Louis. Shl' also playf'rl 1'l'cOl'dings rla"s ,mil ']"I'(l('h(>l" ('p('d Rhodl's attended thp LIons convention m' \Volknh3upt l(>ft Sunday mornmgof the statf' co v('n!ion ll1 1IU5- att('ndpd ('hlll'ch ~f'I'vief'R Sunday in Bf'atrice Sunday and Monday. to spend thC' summpr in' Portland,

lings. r;~~'~~li~lst('r PITHbytpI'ian church, an~:K~~a~~~~~1k~5....~%ns;:~t!- Or~.l". and Mrs. Alvin JOh~SOn and IMary Martha Sdciety ;vll, ;lnd Mrs, l{pnn('th Victor end guests at the Ben Meyer home. family; Pilot Rock. Ore. arri\;fod'

Covenant Mal~' Martha society and Kathlf'f'n visjt(>d his sister, M~. Lillian Edwards aceompan- Sunday to spend two \\·(>('ks in the'mC't Thursday with Mi's. Ethel Mrs Walter Woolson. North ied Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Schere, Mrs, Martha Fre....ert hornt'.Jeffrey. Mrs. Elmer Baker was Pla1tp, ancl hpr mothpr, Mrs. Lurz, Cedar BlUffs, to visit their niece Guests in the Mrs. Henry Luge:co-hostess. Mrs. Bake!' conductl'd ValentinI', Friday to Sunday. Mrs.: Floyd Lenz, Elgin. Sunday, homp Sunday aftf'rnoon \WI"{' 'Mr,

the business m~C'ting. Devotions - i'::;.J ;e~~~~~. r('CC'ntly retum('d ~~~ ~;;;". ~t 1f.1~~~~~~;.~~ti':al~~,~l~~:b~fl~ Igar~~~' ;~~nM~~lLS~~~ Miscellaneous Shower Mrs. Henry Hinnerichs retu.r'ncd! 11]('rf' l~st :-'fondnySod0rberg ga\-'(' leadl'lgs MIS Fetes Mardelle Thomsen ~attl~dayuft('rnO<?n from 1,\a!{,'.: ."'Yr. and Mrs. Norbert. B~gg~rOlenn Walker ta} ne, conducted I Joann lJtemark Mrs Lloyd fl.~ldl after ~pendmg two "~·ec.ks i Vl~I(cd Mr. ,and Mrs., E~wm ~aber. ~a Bible qUIz <Ill gel" { th( (Io!;;rngl ROf'bf'1 and Mrs Alfn'd Fey han- \\lth i hpr d.LUghtC'r. Mrs. \\altcr T~llmagc, Sun4ay. :\abers '12,prayer I OJ ('d Mil ddlf' fhomsE'n at .I mlS-

'I I{,f'll,ln(>O\js shO\\('1' Sunday In th(' IBridge Club Cia] pn( I Ul('m,lrk home Gomes

Mrs R E P'1111son rnlrrl:Jlll!'d \\r[ pl,l\(t! \\)111 pllZ('S goUll-:' 10hndge club rl1\lr >.;rll\ Ill! ~ II >.;1 of hnl1nl~'OUI-of -to\\llMIS Hdrn· L:~I'Snll, Mlo; ,~II<"fs\~'[1 \lIs Ins( ShaclholtJon('s and MaYrrll' Hlll'g won PI'IZ- \1111111 djlnlh ,11lil \1 s 1I,ll Good.os, Mrs, Lew A~1(il.'1 sun, Asl1lnnd, s li ()m illl I

~~~. ~;~f~~~f(~er~l~:~tal~~l'~~'iil /~I;L p~~:;;~ ~~(~1,:~~,1l 1~1~~ 1\8~n~~:~!J.lllhf'l'nn clHll'Ch. I

~11 s r.l~OI'['I' Fickhoit SI).{'fltT\l(·~da\ 10 Thul'sd:w 10 lhl~ DonPf'tC'I'S ilOmf'. DlX'lll '

I f:J~]~}' a~~'~'r~h\;l~ :?[~I:J;(,I~r:('n~~~:ft~~~," in llll' GNll ~t' El\'kho(! I

.Mrs. Tom Johnson, Steven:lM IStuart. Albion. ¢:lme Saturdayto "ISlt <l week in thf' home ofher p .. rents, Mr. :lOd Mrs. OttoN(':son,KUI'l'n ''/In,'usnn, r.('on:~'i;] Llo:'-'d'

<lnd J(':lllPtfl' Andprson \\'f'TP Frl~

da~ 0)'1'1' \~ht gUC'!'ts of F.Yonne, 50Co\ndpl'''o.. , ,nil '\h-s Enn~'~l "!Cl(Jr(' :1:~,1 PER

\\'illllll, FnH"I'SOn \\· .... rp SlI[hby, dinn('r I;U,~!'ts in thl' \\"liliam Stan·

(>r hOIllP

),1:·. rll1d :\tn: Harry Johnron. jr,;I.llc! d3Ug-hh'l". P(>ndt~r, callC'd Sun- PADday (~n'ning til tlw \\"::.. rn'l1 BrC's- .sit'!' hOIlW, ,

HuD';;;,;~~ ~a'::'" ';;";'\~t~%Oa';; • . ! 'I!

~~;c.:~:~~'~~;~~.it~~:~~~~;:;~ TI-IE'~AYNE HE'R-A"LDTuesday evening former neigh- " ..',' ., bors honored them at a picnici in the park. i I' Mrs. Lew Anderson. Ashland. I .. f '

!!"!I!,~=~~~~¥l~~:iii~~~:.~;;;.;;;;:,;J;;;;~::;.::;.4-;..:-+--~----...i....:;;!..:__-'~ ~~·l~:· Ii.fr~~ ~~u~oo~~~:~~~:'--;...--------------------t'"-~:...-.;..T_--.:..""*-.:..+_;......;.'7---~~~~:-'



and Cnarles Priceat· St ,Paul's

• .I

District Meet, l:ietdFoul'teen rnQrnoors of Wy~ane

Rebekah I dge attended theDistrict 20 convention· at Ran­dolph Monday, Seven of thoseattending p cscnted the memor·­ial service. I

Diana Fel ows EngagedTo Lt. J. Ian Cramer

Dr. and rs. Hurlcjoj Fellows,

~~~~~~~~'1~t't;~~p~~~~~:tr~Diana, to t. J. Alatt Cramer,son of Mr·. Mark E. Cramer,Wayne.

Miss Fell ws, a home econom­ics junior t KanSas State cbI­eg'e, is a ember of Alpha ,XiDelta SOl'O ity. I

Lt. era CT is a 1955 journaI-

~~;mI~:;'~~u _~~ ~~ ~em~~~~~i~~Sigma Alp a Epsilon "fraterintyand is pres ntly serving as pub­lic inform tion officer of the16th Infan ry Regiment, 1st 'In­lantry div sion, Ft. Riley, K;an,

The cou Ie will he mar~ied

JUly 2R at Manhattan.. ::

1I!eWJ... aocrAL EVEN a

,.,,1, "",,:'

Min rva Club BreakfastMi erva club held th-E'ir last

meet ng of the )il'ar in the J'. R..:John,on home last cdnC':,uaymorn ng. Bl'pukfust w' s sel'ved"to 17 members. '

Cou .try Club to HoldFamily Fete Wed e.day, Thirteen guIfers wct' prl's(,l1tThut·rday at Country Jub. Six­ken attC'lld('n thi' > col rce. Mn:.R. . F'uelhcrlh won the t)('stcard hand {'v('nt and 11·s. \Vil­Ham Schulz I the le:. st ]luttseven1. I

1\1.r . Warren DibOll was aguest at the luncheon 'fw(,1l1y­seve a1tcndl'd. Prizl's ill ht"Jdgewen1 to Mr.</:. D. S. ightmHl1and 1's. W. C. Cory('ll.

A &mtily picnic' IS I planncdWed] eselay at th(' club house.

IErr:e t !"'uhs'lA"nniounceDau hter's E gagbment

Mr. and MI's. :rtH'st!MUllS all­noun e the eng· gp!neJ I oj thl'lrdaug tel', Jell ('tic, Itlo "I I'll'.

~~~~ l;·t~~:tI~I"t~7;r,(~[J~~.. ~~~~Anto io, Tex.

I Mi s Muhs 1'adu:l.kd fromW~ e High an I C('ntral T('ch­

I nieal institute, I ansas <-'By, andis no employe in ashill!-;ton,D.C. Pfc. Hettle is s alioned atFt. iley, Kan.

N wedding ateset.

Don Niel ens Present1~ll..!#ilw...~:;;;:;:.JW~~""'~41;;;-...........----jo---+--I-....._-_l--t--"" -lesson at Duo Club

Joa~e Damme'l-io ore ' Mission Study! Me ts It was an ounced at Duo clubJo nne Damme was 111000

1'('1 Ih Loyd Jensen Ho e ju~eyti~~erg ngda~inigbhet t~~\ti~dat a ridnl shower at t Vict~ ~ Fourteen memhers a, doneKnic ch';:- home last W c1ncsda M and a pierHe will be held in Aug-

~'uest, Olga Ha eman, were I 'th h' ,nigh. Fifteen guC'sts p 'esentc us WI c cry one rmgmg a

the lOnorec with a gi t. 1I0~- Jl~eJ((,';r~('~t iJ~~sj~~"tS~c y.tin~o~~ guest.tesse wcrc' Mrs. Knicsc 1(', fj(iHl- Ei'ght co pIes aUe-nded thenie ~ot'cnsen and Mal'll n Neu, jay. A film on Mala a was meeting. 1\ r. and Mrs. Don

,·hown. Mrs, l<:ritz, Ellis ~ave the N' I" th I fHart ogton. I j Ie sen gav e esson on am-lesson, ":. his, I_Revol tion~ry ily me.Faith". p1lans for' the commg d F d

Opeb House to H nor ypar \WJ'P 'dIscussed. M~r~~d r~~· F~;r~S~a~~~~_J. H. Spahrs Sund YA,~:'~in~°I:~/~~~+~;s~s hO;r~~ son served.

MIt and Mrs, J, H. Sr ahr will M1Flr'·s'I'.scR"eeker donor 'dhold 'open house at th Wayne

Woman's club rooms Sunday

i~~~' ;i~ti~t~· ~~d~~I~~r~~;;i~e~~ I Mrs. Ilarold Re, ker, t e forrn-sary. ,('1' I!('J1(:! ,}ugl'1, "Vas ho orect at

Til ir children, Mr. md Mrs. ' Ia mlsceli,U1COUS ~howe at theEdwi P. Caauwe, Mr. lila Mrs) Woman's ~Iub r~)oms aturday

I ('v('nillg, I-Io:->lcSSt'S we c Mrs,

~~: l~dS~~;: E~~~st ~~. ~:~~~~:: I ~;~~,f!~~'~ ~~~~~I'A~gr~~tLLo n~e~an-DixOl, and ·Mr. and Mrs. Riell­ard . Kyl, DC's Moi es, arc 11!J~he couple was mar ied Maymaki g arrangements. b

Mr and Mrs. Spahr oved to HNebI' Rka from Iowa hpn 1hl'y [oriS Lage onore at~~~~t ~hill~~enWr~~~ w '~~h~l~~·t inen Showert" Fri aychur h and have lived hen.! since, I Duris Lagc was hC/"{ red at a

I ~~~el~~~~~;t~:~~d~~n~ ,eni~I :;~~~~~rs and reIativ s Were

: EJ~~)~t~~(7sS:~:~~a,M~S~ .W~Sit~I i~~~~~~a~nr~n.~a~~'ef~~~, Dorotl)yI . Mjo.;s Lugl' WIll marl' Marvin

Kn'peJ Not,th Bend. J ne 4 atI"North'I{cnd I%ughte of Mr.

I ~~~(~'k~~s·inEp~~:;;o~g , she is,

:New Homemaker, Give,Recipes for Roll CallI Salad recipe e:>.:changc wa,s

rnll calJ at Nl'W: Homemakersnll'cting Thursday in the REAbllildll1g. I )onafions wore takenlor tht, Norfolk Opportunity('('ntvl'. A family picnic was dis­cussed.

Mrs. Dpt1l1is Waller gave afIsh dprnonstration. 1)001' prizev\ ('Ht 1n MI·s. Jack Killion and

g;I~~~/}I~~\l~~C~~~~o~\eJ"i~e~~~J:JUJW :<!1 lllectlllg wllI, be guestddY. '

I NuFu Ends Seaso~ WithPicnic at Christensens' I

I SixtCl'll ('njoy"d a I'll'ui"u pic-nil· FndflY at the H.OyIChristen~

ISt'll 110111('. ,

1 fusli<lllds w('rr' gUCS"S, Assist·

~'711 i~~'~'S~~~r;~~~~l~{'~r~~~h~r~!

M~~~~~~~l\;~mbcrs willi,not me t'again until [all.

,~~e 13~or~~:~tm church, Win­:Chul'Ch': and two

~nurch~ arC. invitca.. for' the day l,vcre

'i~..li.l·'d, ..Hn{'k"~'.'.~ WI'I:..• 1\!.rt:. Ed Nic­

~~I'1J~ '\'i~' MOL l.lrt'S I~m~r~.:

~;l. PilUI's Women Ele~tOfflc(~rs for Next Year

~h '1. ~\tdllli' ~J"l'S.t \"l;S electedl~ttolllldj'fll nf ~l, Paul's ''Vom~ntlIIU'~,d[j)' llthf'l ~ I'k('h'tl were~h"1 ~'1.1"1l q~hllrn, '\'I('P prpsL­Ht:'ll! 1'011:-; :-'tat!1Ifrk lIarms, seeM~'IJIU: ,\tl ". \\hllil1hl (';\\'IH'"I',

~fl'iWfn-r. lind Mr's. Norris\Vdloh'. !'i!r,lp.. tH,,1i !'(lcretary.

;\1l~1, 1\1 H:dw 10d d(lVolions~nrj 11/ aypr SIll' was also I in~'h:HI~I' of glllhf'l"lfl'g (IUartcrlyHnlllk tlllerjllg:s. 1\11':';. Al"t Lamp1tl!'!>I#lNi !Jt:'l', i\1oHlPr·r:1aughtetbi1lmll1!'t was set .June 12. GuestsW,·tj~ i\lrs. Gt'orge Magnuson

~~~,'I~~tV~lk~~ ~O\~~rm~is.Rer:! :J!, -HI AI(rqd Eddle l Was serV-_~~~ ~h~~~~~"l~~ ~ I I

Midget Baseball toStart Here Monday

.HOpening practice for Wa~tne's

midget baseballers will Ije heldat 2 p.m. Monday at the 10calball park. Manager Mike'Mal­lette announced this week'i Mal~

lette will handle both midgetteams and the Junior Legion.

w I pet.2 I 0 1.000

iI ~ I~g1 1 5001 1 .500L 1 .500-011 .000


South DivisionLyonsPender


1955Ted Clapper, Wakefield, Ch('v.

1954Don Id L. Skeahan, Wayne,

D d~Ct~.~~A. 3 Atkins, \Va~n(', Buick

~~~~ RO~~~~l'~'Z'rX;{'in~·~C~·'1951

30(' orden, Wayne, Nash1950

Merl Whitney, Olrroll. Chc'v,Kate' Rol)('rts, Carroll, I'~oJ"(1

Wall c(' 01" Valcrius Mt,yl'l',W yoe. Ford

1949Ge>or c RC'ihold. Wayne. ChevDon ambrccht, WinSide', Stude'

1948Ross A McKel nan, Carron,

Ch vrolet tDaVid Ingalls, \Va)ne, PljomoufhChurch Transfer, Catroll, Chp\,S!lf'rry Bros. Wayne, Chu.b 1941

~: ~el ~~~~o~\t-~~'n~o~~Jck1940

Hall('en. C lrroll. FOI d

Carr IfPvt Robert L. Landanger, son

of M '. and Mrs. Roy Landanger,is no in Berlin. He has been inGerm ny the past year. His newaddre sis:

US 555241086th Inf. Regt..AP 742, US ArmyNC' York, N.Y.

Use Cars

~~ 'or Park recently arrived athis n w post in the Aleutian is­lands His address is:

pfe Loren R. Park, jr.150654 USMCM USNS, Navy No. 230Bo 22, c/o PostmasterSe tIe, Wash.

,s'Carroll::'l,-~'~3~f~L_ea~g~,:~1~' ' -~- ~-::~;:;"-$"~

1 -4----r,...--~-r_--.-;~....--j_-..;.-,lstr~.\l ht NE Nebraska asc-ball S tlcag (> victor\ I' POrDonna, and parE."nts, Wayne n~w leads t}, loop , ." ~

Merle Tietsort, live t Wayne, wit two victories and : 0 de'- . _ .L

was recently promoted to specialist feat. Defendinq Champi I Win- ,I.'third class in German, where he side downed Sioux City irbaseis a member of th~ 11th Airborne - •

in it first outing Sunda ; Lyons Result:s Last we~L" ,division. He is 'll. suppl clerk with _ Kc

Battery A,,88th AAA ttalion. ~ea2d ;:::rk~D~thga~:iS~1a;l~~ . : 1";, h

Marlyn H. B. Koch- as been pro- Pen er. . . I Carron 000 1 0024-3' 6moted to spedalist s cond' class. \V yoe pntertains the airbase Wayne. 200 11 03x:--tJ 1(}

~~~j~t;s i: ;ir~S5dir ~:OJho~~~~ ~r:~ S~~~:~Il~if}71~ ~~~~~ ~::~~~l La~k~:~t~ng~ta:~;M~~~~~a~dfbattery. He is statio ed at Han· a 5- decision over WC'st oint in Ponca 001 001 101'+-4 7over, Germany. a nOl-lcag"ue lilt at the I al ball ·Laurel 001012 03().L.7 7

park Thursday night Batteries. Feauto, Curr~ and R

w~i~~a~~n~in~~n~a~g pio"m~~e~lr:~ fir~i f~~~n~o~~~I~d,~Oa~~I~l d~n t~: ~~~~k('ll, Walsh; Zapp and'Andersergeant May 11. e is at the Oav :\i[r')('r srnglC"d, MI Mal. ~Marine corps air sta ion in North IC'tte was hit b~ a I..lltr-h d Reno Sioux elty AJ I .. ETACarolina. HIS address is: 1459699 'Pkil singled scoring Lx h lUn sc Airbase ~ 001·010 001-3 7 2

Hdq & Hdq Sqdn S ation ners. A sing!(' run In th fOUl th WlllSlde 001 510 00"-7 7 7NKT MCAS cam nn' a \\alk by L e ann I Battenes Wnght and Sh'cmanns,

_Cherry Point, N, Cj singj·!; hy :\I01"t PIO('tf an Long(' Ne~l and Warnemunde.'Anot er camp In the Oft whpil h

Randolph I Mall ttc ~ml"ed no S-tark\l 'ath('r'~IOnawa 001 000 000-"...1 6 ~Sgt. Ie WilCred W·I Barker. son wlld pitch. I I Homer 020021 10x-"'9 14 0

of Mrs. Ida narker'fRandOIPh, IS 'TI rp(' luns In the f'i~ht dill<:h-I Batteries Wlltsel, Thrift, ,John­scheduled to return to the U. S. ('d th:ir'con{('st. Jay (>n(>(lIct son ami Hensen, Mahan, B. Jacobfrom Germany next onth. He is a dOll }p( to Opf'1l the tra c. DOll scfI and R. Perrett, L. Jacobsen.

Wayne member of the 12th nfantry regi- FUPI h rf <;mgll-d M('w'r walked

+ '--'-__-'---'_"h_o~s_e_w_ife__. I ment. ~,~~ .~~~k:ttl' ;;I~~lcct.· rtf: 'Ing .Ill ~~~~~~r. 8(~g ~ff J8~.- ~ tI-~+---------·I \vill paint. June A m cHng will be . Ca Toll gal Ill'rel] it~ d'st run er~a~~e:~~hl~;~~I~~d~:bfy:hneid-

gistered. With_~ry DriskoiL I ~~vd Va',~~~~(,::;7,:\ I~~~,:~ ;~\,::::~ Cas(aDa 110001 300- 6 9 2'1 I Western Lassies ~ arldr'1 In the llIoth nn sillglp M,fpl('ton 306010 04x-14 13 3rs . ",U('-5 Hoskins, W~stcrn Lassies met 1)\ J)!lnsnll, a dnuhle b} ttuson BatterIes E Woodward. Hall, .,. K. Friday evenillg at t e Carl Witt· and an enOl hy 1I<'It.:,enij and Jensen Weikel and S: Scoles.

IeI' home with Lmd*, \Vittler and La 19t IannI d I Igbt dn~ Issued .LInda Krause as hQstesses. ~lght on I} 1\\0 \\alks to (',un hl~ s('cond L){lns 000101 05()....."..1 8 3members W('re pres~nt. Assistant IOOPtlctOl\ Stark\\{'atrwf ~;ruck Sloan 100 000 ~lj.2 7 1Leader Mrs. Harry Strafe report- out C\ I'll . and '''sued ar equal Battenes Pounds, Zlm~e~man,cd on the 4-H fair] meeting at numl (r of passu; Roh and Preston; . SeltZIng~r,Wayne. Fair plans I,verc discuss~ B nedlct and Longe ~lowed Adam~ and Arnolded It was decidC'd tp have .a fam- Onl four hits Thursda~ night ---

~~'r:i~~~e~~~~inlgalBa:il1g~or~~;~ ~~: ns~ ~~~t =I~tn~. I~~~~~ t~~~ Games Sunday' .pres('nted by Mrs. Willard Maas. stru k out nine of the~ men SC Alrbase at \Vayne

:Marietta and joyce Wittler he ced. South SiOUX at' ,Laurel.were in charge of Iente-rtainment W t th t· th WmsIde at Carroll 1 Iand group singing. Guests werE' three ~~~ :~rge l~ ~~~ O~I~ ~~11 mn~ Ponca-B:,.eMrs. Harold Falk ~nd Joyce and mg Pender at LyonsMrs. Gilbert Krause.· Mapleton at Onawa

th~ ~oesStS:~e~o~~: ~~~~rS%~%e~i: B b II Homer at Castan<lj~ Se Sloan at DecaturJune 15 me('tmg \f'll be in the Q

\Vll1ard Maas home. ~ 1 I

Ho';~ Baby Beefl Roundup

Hoskins··....Baby Ellcef 4-H mem~ ihrl"" hrld their mdeting :May HI--4i-------i


--­al the George> Lant!enbl"rg home L ' S d' ,Due to cold weather the scheduled eague tan In95 I

WElshing d('rnonstra~ion was can- N h1 D' , , I'celed. ., ort IVISlon w pet.be at th~ Wa' ne 2 G 1.000

Win Ide 1 0 1.000Ca~lo11 1 11 .500La<re' 11 .500

~o. Si~~bt1~y ~ Ii ~ :~gg [;..-__-'--- "-.-,.,;,.'-..,Ponta 0 j, 2 .000


f Save

Save Upo





1955 FORD

1956 FORDMainline Tudor



Drive it and buy it!


1~56 FORD








SpecialsThis Week

Ranch WagonPerfect, low rrti1eag'e.





Foirlone fordor·-Demo.-Less thon 1,000 miles..

, I..Save Hunrdeds

Ko morgen and daught(>rs, I~y­r. and his grandPal'ents:1 dr.

and :\ofrs, K J, Kollmorp;en, ~t

Po~:~ and Mrs. Herbert Kotlm'or.gen atte!lded West Point's grfld.untion t'xe~is('s Thursday eve·ning. ,;

Din:;: n~dd w~;s· M~bl(lDHe~s~ite~spcnl \VcQnesday in the Ar~old

Maxine l(Ohl·t homc. '

I' See by The HeralCl/

Trinity Lutheran Churoh. AltonaJK F. We)ltzel, pastor)

SU'ndny, JUlie 3: Divine services,

to a.m.Monday, June 4: Walther league.p.m. _


Fedel'ajl Land Bank 8:yBtem III the B. J. BJ pndstetter home AH'ry \'ill)lcr and Mr an~ Mrs

Fe~~ J~llnek. 'V.kent-Itt Brandstetters took hjm to "Lc:\!ars. I~~~nc~~~~~~~' l:~~:'~~~~~ 1;~~1v~ff~~~FARiM LOANS 40/0 IaA~~~dl~~sf1~~~s !lpent Memorial i day ami \"blll·d i,n the T.·C :Hath-N.tl~D~ Farm Lou AR·.... Day with John Ald('rmans, fiassl:.tt.\ kl:' and Rob Da\}s homes. ; i

j ~emlH:'r Mr and Mrt. John Beckman I Mr, and Mrs, Fred Le$sman4. T CaY8naus:b. Wane lI(>d Ih Dan I1«!lthoJ{l home \\('1(' Spmla\ OIIllH'l ~lHsts In thp Demonstrator.

' 3 en In C i 15U;I10I1 U's.."Il1,lll hnml'SKIN IT~H_HOW\TO RELIEVE Thursday o~en nK 1---" _ "" ".__IT IN JliJST 15 MINU1'ES I Sunday dinner guests In the

if not pleased your 40c back at Ml S Walffrd Car150n homr \\ nf' M II any drug sto~. Instant-drymg Mr .lnd ;\Irs 1\1 Carlson SUlld 1\ utua

IITCH.MS-NOT deadel\s Itch ilnd aflf'1110011 cut':;.f,s thf'IC \\('1(' \Tr

burnmg; ;kills germs ON CON- and ~tI""S Russell ?nor and ram~ I 'TACT. Use day or nIght for eC_I'h nsurancelem., msect bites, foot Itch. other Guests In the Herbert Kollmor·


511rfaco ".ashes. Now at Grless~' n home ~ast W~dnesd8:- lO 110n- P t to 1Rexall Store. t1: or nt Kay s graduatiQl( \\('P' hiS ro ec 10"

: ; pan'llls, Mr. and ),[n Arthur • Il,


I 1F Use T·4-L fo.,. 3. to 5 days. Watch.. Fire (; Lightning

I 'or the old tainted skin sJoygh off Wind & Tornado! ~e,:;:::~ h..~~~hY'p:':':d~u~~lnin~~~~~' Extended Coverage i !, I drying T-4~L. your 4Qc' back at ,LOCAL AGENT I'

i '$ ! and drug store. Tod.. y at Griess ' I:I I ae 'Ro••11 St.ce. m3t4 MerlinW~~n~reverti ,

I Watson, Secre~Beoutiful home just 1 block Pierce

il from College Compus ot 820 : eOIl'~f

I· Nebraska Street. This home is ,.:."

modern; in" e-very 'Woy. Has aIorg. entrance holl, a living h d Iroom, dining room, kitchen and , An y r'ous' I

I den on the lslfloor ond 410,gebedrooms and both on the 2nd

floor. Full basement with gos _ AmmonIOa:. Ifurnace. Lot 75 x 150 feet. 3 _car galoge. lovely Ictndscape<! . I

.yard. i Wa"". (82% Liquid Nifrog~) iHa~ is in excellent condi- ,.. , , I

tion, has new room, nicely dec· The granddoddy of .011 Nitrogen: .orated ond lots of ook. The Fertilizers. Now 10c per lb. of, S I'.price is $15,500. octuol nitrogen ·including the. e'y er"

FREE use of our madunes. AlsoMartin L. sock fertilizer afall kinds.. , I . . -.Ringer I No.~heast iMotorsA '. iFertilizer (0., FORD.- MERCURYgency ! Your, Fertilizer Heodquo~~rs I ~hone 303

/111 S. M.oin Pho"" 60


Evenings 867 or 753r.~2~:j Woyne l'

i ' m3fowt3 iI.II•••II"~WaynePhbne 95



1947 PONTIAC; .:l~door streamlln('~ wiUl. radio.hen't('I', g-ood tlrt'S, Vt>ry ~a.sonahje-, I

Ca~s!1953 PONTIAd

);~~,;.o~~~~~ ;:~~~~ll~a~~,i:.hF~t:eqUipp0t! and a c!llan carr~I~~~, .10\'1' to fjl'i\'l'. See il

1951 WILlYS4~wheel drIve pickup. One­OW)W\' and clean, !

1953 DODGE:j~ ton l?ickup \\ith stock andgrain rack. Low milC'age.one-ownt'r unit wiUl. g()odtin"•.

Here rreMor~'1



! ,vISI! TO THANK all my friend!.relatives and neigh aI's for the

curtis, gifts and .flowe s l received(lu~ing my ~tay in • 'hospital.MrS. Delmar Carl~on. m31

W~ WISH TO EXPR < SS heartfelt


ankS to neighbors, friends·andrei H.ves for thoughtfulness at the

~;~eh~:, t~c S(~~~~~'eo~, h~n~ony~~~for flowel1s, n1('mor ai,s, . f 0 '0 dhI' ght to the home, a d the manykin deeds; also to ea h that tookpa t ih the funeral ,f'rvice, andto the ladies who s rved IUnjeh.Mr. and Mrs. Edw I "Roberts,Dayid and Robert, M . and Mrs.William Roberts, Rex ':lnd Diane.

,I m3I

G II ;\\ B L E S

'S~\VE, 50~b i

;~,'";i~.. I" ~Hl"l:irtll"i~ Ull(i,ni'l'ilwd1,1,.,1 , " d y\ .,,,. ~,;H 'h':"ll·".

,lll,lll ~'I ~-(l<,'IH~I' ~~Up..

i~ .11";"ih,'~, ,1I1d,III,

.........f'"==............====;;; 131'(1 and Mndisol1 Telep!lone 350

~~t~k: . ','. NorfOlk. NebrMka

11!~1 ~,,'!':' :~ll:':l 't~~·~::' '(;;i;;;;~i' ';iP'li,Wlt:;~ 'At1;oHOLlCS ANONYMOUS, ali~'~i~ ,':~<~tl~r M ~rl;l:ihl.'li, ~1t\'es ~6 l'latioJ\31 hrganization of problem

::":",H.~,',!,lj,j, :l 1~1,1,n..:,ijH:, Also Holstein drinkers, Strictly humanitarian. No~~,j:jl 1~llll, ~\} r"h1~~' t\(:'I~cr to ,fresh. money involyed..Meetings' held

;: ,~~' ~~1"'111" ~~,mllil SOk"f'ltscn. \\ nyne. every Wednesday ni'ght at Wayne, I~I;-,":: ,,' ~,.! ,I, .""..." '''"'~.~ City Hall. Write P.O. Box 61,ZI11H,$i:\,l,E: '!'W(~ gootl.U~n'lpshire Wayne. 'j eow

1:il1J.~nl" It.'O}u Fn.!st.\ phon~ 17F21, ---

\\:"fi'" m24t3n IT'S PRICE & 'FILL 1-------+---,'1111 ' ~kl;c··-il;;~.for'd '1;;'11. serv.' ,I F .'. .,.',"111"1 II.;:,·. ('arl Lund,hl, Belden. YOU WANT \- .....".1:,, · m3! Ship ToUSE. THE HERALD WANT 'ADS I .' .~~ • I I.' .. ' '.' • "Hl:Idson&"coe I-+-~-+-""::

II 'Commi~sion <;:0.

I' ~loux City, Ia.I Howard lll.'rson

,I Roy T. (Casey) JOI1es) . m31eowt6 Aft nd Convention

~~~:E=B::=~EE+:f£:±:b::::::::::::::::;::::::::;1 1\ rs. W: C. Ring, rs. Kenneth.. '~a ker, Mrs, Edith G'llespie" Mrs,Ge ege Buskirk and r I and Mrs.J3y oli Johnson attend d a districtKi g's paughters conv ntion at 01'­ch rd Thul',sday. M s. Johnson Iga e the welcome and Mrs. Packerth Wakefield church report. Mrs,Bu kirk took part in a panel dis- I

ell -sian.' ,

, f'

, II

j) I·

• • •III:

big .world FREE!

,. I II.




I '


JUNE 15 .. 169'a.m.-4;30 p,m,

W"tNE BALL PA~K . ""'>11",]11,./1Plqyers Must Fili~ish Their Own Gloves and .Shoes·· ,.' .


, iAge . Pos;!;on Plnyed .

Fill Out and Returh ito:

Jim Poke!t, Wo~nc. Nebr.

1>y June i10;

I '

I" ..n"'••..



Policyholder Edward J, SI.n.ballos Angeles! California

After an auto accident whichcaused serious damago to hiscar.l\lr;Stensbol wrote: "Fromthe time I first caIled until tlu!check for $334,00 was deliveredI got courteous, considerate

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'Yhat's more, State Farm sells auto insurance at"less-than·industry" rates. To find out how muchyou can save, get complete information today from:


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INlV.ANtI"It Farm Nut:wJ Automobile In.tU13tletC~ '-__-'~C:~~-~~D:!~ .







See UsToday!r

Sh~~~y. BOros."JC6~cORD c

", "ill'II:II''I.'I:'I~'' 1':1:, I .... '.. 'I . ':, ~'! I]11,1, "i"~ ,,' I 1 ' '.' ~nd Mrs. Ambrosl c illns arid f~J.~ Wl' , ,'.Ii< " ~ ,I, ily, Mr. arfd Mrs. M rlyn,Dahlatii.~t. I r'.A'7 . i .~

I'QO Aft d M th JD hI angmmylandMrs Edwardln , A·I, RALID.",••·I",:f, "I ' , Th I ~~d'l' "0. 'f"I eC'l LOU .:e, ~~15rJ~~~ c ~ W""N"~ ••,~~rsd~Y:MaY31"19S6_ Ii "5ec.2-Pages



1(~a .•....•.~[~ .py ,a~,corlt:1 S"~::~~l:}e~~if~ f;:h~~i1tr{£~ SWOUT

EAST. tS~gE~{~!t:i~;J;':WllV~ ~~~g~o~v~:~~~~teh r b.:irJh- ~~r~~~~~t ~~:~:~ t;~ejgt;·~:·".' 1,··tl'l " I"~I' Ul, •. ~••".""l( Il~~~~'I Itb't I.., '~_..'O>"".''''~''''''~ __~''_r--< . 10 Ashland last Su day. ketleld Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hari'iso wer' EmT?~day ey,:mng ¥r. ndJMrs. and Mrs. LeRoy Lundal1l ajld sons';,;/:I:t~tl#J~"1:~I/~~~I~niu~id '. ~nAI"I Mrl: and Mrs. Er est Peterson, ~. Sunday dinnef guests in tb Jo . 11 Lund VIsIted' In e! Art and Mr. and Mrs./Earl' Lundal11

!it'~.[.~';~f'l:. I Ill,. ,elh~~~;~~~~ Il.At. J:.. ,an'll (":':0:N':'C:0' .N ItumbOldt, la, spen last weekend l..f"SO El!~ JO.hnson Hanson ~bome.. Elmer Ha ·so. ~nge ~ome. sunday,.even It they Birthdays of Linda, .and' Bruc~:~hIJ~,tll '~.~,~l1.lli'~. i i 1 ' 'D . E . Y;'l,th Mrs. Axel F drickson and ' .,.one las 7-~872 Wayne, as a Sunday eve' 1(' vis~ . ere With the Fred Utec f roily eadn.d Lavern LUridahl werc.'·observ...'~'~'i.if1 ~lIIH'ilfll;lItif' '!lit'" Mts.. 'I,,,,it r: :, i " ClIfford. . ,[ itor in t e Ted Harrison h me'l b t~e Eldon ~arepnan ho e! Ice1e-

iL :>,~ r,t~, r.'~";rfirt~~ C~f"'''S',' , , ' I Mjr. find Mrs. E nest ~et~rson Mr. and Mrs. Erick G. John on Mrs. ecjl Rhodes jlnd Mi-s. hitmg

Allan~,qll"thday. He, and,,:~~~~__....._...,;..;._.~'" ~lr't'!toI!~ wei it,,:.-. Qti:;ls !I~ :.-lArs~ Gail artindale : ·calleK:i m the Thom~ ErWIn home were S nday evening. visitorls in Walter Ghinn wer.e guest's 0.£ leas- al~fe~O~~yr, RI~.fbarthd, ~e ~ding I SOUTHEAS'T.,' lIWIi,~'~~ ,u,...~i~" I '.."IT, , ! last Sunday afterno n. II' the P ~ N Oberg, home tOl ce ant HOut'~CIUb which met WI Mrs' s WI ell' g an~par.tf! I ,~Ii:Ij'lil,rt, •• :rt~ ,iiI .hI yMiftm..;n ' ' "I' ,Mrs. Henry Erw n, Mrs. M ke the pil? urds. taken' in Sweden. Clarence Larson near Allen 'l"ueS: ,~nts. Lunds. ' . I . W -

, ,fl ,1!~!I.~~)til'.! ' ;'~.• :. ili'~' ,ral!I,.:M,rs, F:rcd SaJmon, Mrs. ,l);anson h~me. Mr,' Han~lon and McCoy, Norfolk, an Mrs. WaYne, Eve e R~g, Sioux City, wa a day afte noon. . I _Mr:. au: Mrs, Martin Olnlberg ayne'.~'.~jli" .'~...fI"'bt.'[.~'!~.lJl\l ,~~tlJ:. ,W~~I ;\:'".\1•..•"'... :.(...~.tl~~.Il' ~W.'lll,\'nn,. Mrs•. ~va.n. Clark. Il.IdS remamcd untI Wedn sday. Jewell, La,ure.l, att nded the fU.n· weeken visitor m. the PhlHip R. ng Club 16 met with Mrs. p.au~1 ~ere m e P. N. Oberg h meiSun-,l.~lh;l ri'11H!'1 Mln'~ ~1iJQ:, ~.f;Ji, H-trul.Jto ;.lt~d ~rr~,: Stan Swanson, and 'boys. Clar~nee Pea~sOl and im vis- eral of their great a nt, ~s. Lena home. h.oebe RIng joined her at Everingham Monday ev ning. 6' ev~mg to'see pietur s taken • By Staff Correspondent

, '~,;Ij;',llil ;,~r'\f ~t",~l.«>lG,h ~no.l ~u: iLtI,;~:; ~M. s. ,~[arence Pearson and Mrs. t~d J111) Coan. lal' 1. .Josdph hos- Stahnk,e, Platte, S. ., F£1day. Sunday dlD:ner to help Paul c1le- ::~:: Alvil1 Sundell was c _hO~S:J I:.~~wn~;:.tt~~h:~r~r~n ~r~e~~~ .'lfih~I'i~~i' ",JiJ:;.I," . .Du,~:It RI,ns~cdC ~ttkent~ed'hthe.smorg- Ital, SIOl.!-X CIty, hursday.after- Thursdayafterno . and· e.veniIy:~ brate h s bll'thday. . Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Gol ber J Mr and Mrs. ErIck G. Jo nson Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Preston and

,j ,,,,,,,,,,".,,>~.., ' a~l,,?N atlt~c \Va C Icld bth ..school oon. FrIday a ruoon LYlsltors the Glenn Paul fa Ily visited m Mr. nd Mrs. James Chambers . d A I il, !t.ilif ,~II.l/l!t,.~ CJ~ , ,all~!!hlrfUtn ,Wednesday evenm:t. ere Mr. and Mrs Roy ~-earson the Nea,l Haskell a d Billr Haskell were S nday evening visitors in ~he JaNohn and Maureen were rida an. delyn and Mr. an M s. S. tam y weht to Creston Thursd<IY:UI!f!!!~111ll ,fIiI,.,~~·r~" ." d.USlbt~1' hit,:),:" ~a~tedc an~ U9bby Coan nd Harold.. homes, 'Laurel. t. c' , Charles Pierson home. ~ evenmg vISItors m the AlbIn Pet • Ene Johnson. 0 atten,d funeral serViCes for Mrs.

[,.. t '. '11'1 i.•ilhli :If/(,; ~)tlIU~'I~)' ..I' ~;t:,~rc." rldsy gUt1sts m the Clarence M,rs. Kennelh ,Ols n was la caller Mrs, Glenn Paul, . ancy and Neal Mr. nd Mrs. Harold Olson nd son home to help Neal eel brat Last Sunday Mr and rs. Earl pr~ston s uncle, Julius Engel.',. ii, ~""'I,"",".",l I"ot"lj,~. I"""'Oll ~onle: " n the Mrs. Oteha agnuson home spent Tuesday mo ning in Sioux daught r were Tuesday eve ng hIS bIrthday. I Lundahl. were at Lake le~, la_ lin rs, John ~ievers.and Mrs. "Mer. ,";~I!IlI\iII'rt!"ljl' *' ~b.w.;wtl)nJ l.a~ll,S~n(~n) Mr. ~ndIMrs. Vif!r- onday ~v~mng. City. VISItors ~ ~he Merle [{mg home. Sandra and Karen BeatYlcam~ Vlsltmg In the Bill Mant e ~.ome. W· Slever~ Vlslted.m t~e.l?-crb['tt· ...

;1~H:I-II.j~"llittNrl.j'.Jr(.4t" IU~. ~lrli"W~"tilin::l:nt'nrld~p~. n and gIl'~S wero dl!1- Mrs. MI1he :Nelso left Thursd:ay L'l S d It' t' Mrs. O~lve Lamb was a Thurs- Thursday evening for a vSit~' ~unday they were dinn guestS Wl~~ jhome, Emerson, lastiW;~llJ~~' k.~II". k.14~ii. Jtrl:~l~ _nUl' ncr Rntl s~~pcr ~ucsts In. the ArVId afternoon to spend I few days wlth 'h aCs! ~n asyha edT:°ohn gnehs s 10 d~ ev mng guest in the Nels the Harry Gustafson home ,10 the Maurice Lage ho e', Car- . e . es ay afternoon. .' "Jr- ,., I,,~,~ ,""' P('h~rsOI1 ud:mc. er sister Pauline Hypse' Wake- ~ e aYt?n c roe r orne onorM BJorklu d home . I roll. "I Elaine. '!1eier

came last Wednes~''" ,~''I1''lt'~ ",LI~"~,,,,~,J'~, .•\[r~, Robert Hart and Mrs. ield' , , mg Connte Sue's Irlhdav, were . Rev Merlin Wright d J Y , U Mr. and Mrs. Nonna Maben. day to V~Slt a couple of day$ in tho","I't:".'.;j:'"'~H_-.~t' JAmes Clarkson and 'famiLy were Friday aflernoo Mrs ~ Gllbn CharIeKs paut,shens , venlng dguRests Thom~ on and Gene ~~le ~c~ SO THWEST spent Sunday evening it'hJ Mr. Otto MeIer home.,,1"" 1', ""..": _, F l'd~y vis'lto s 'n' th· L V P I h d I' q were cnne wa;ers an oy f Ik B' ,. Ip W k f· Id and Mrs Ea I Lundahl M d M ." ~,~ ::'~.:,A ~·I,~~~U~.rl~J\.;.N,} dub !~ld :ll1 l ,r •... rIC a erne, au was onore a~ a ncheon Pearsons Laurel .nd V del Er~ 0, hIe scho/f teac~ers, whe a e e . r. r. an rs. Merlin HabererI' 411,1

1i i'~ \1'~I~¢I~ I~~;:'Il\m J1W~ll~ Wt..'4n~~&-l (l;3.rk~On home. m the· G. E. Martmdale homq. wins' , er enterta ed at supper FrIday in the I. Wednesday Mr. and M . LeRoy and Mrs. Joe Haberer Hastin r'1114'~' 1';1. ~~j~1 Mr.$ Jun ~ j,~l.s"n, ----- ' Guests were Mrs. lenn Paul. Mr~. ' . Harold. Olson\ home. Lundahl and sons were t Round spent last Tuesday in' the' Per!;'

,I Jr"~\,I\~'~I' n',~., ~:iu'h, at .'(hl~ IlH~d.inl':. Dedication Set Sunday Ivan Clark, Mrs. D, A. Paul. Mrs. "---:-. • Mr. nd Mrs. Le,pnard Converse Mrs.· Lawrence Ring Lake, Minn. on a flShi, g trip, Ha~e.rer home. Mrs. Dan ,Sherr~r~1,,'~."."fI' ';il.I\';ff1;! 1\1.,.~" Qulntcn Erw1L'b.. A C I' d" L' h' 8ta.n Swans\?n andlboys and Mrs. COnfirmation ervlces and f mily were 'entertained at Phone'A:r1as 7,.2620 ij'Jth them were Mr d!Mrs. ~hIllipandDon,alsOVisiteClinthc,iU,\'I"1 t ;a~Ij~{1,l..·fc PC'l.I,r$iJll, lUf-$. i ,t oncor la ut eran b Geneva 8ull1\(an. S h dId S P I' Sunday dinner in the Ted Clapper on Peters and Freddie u. . "berer home. Last Sunday guests11191\1,1 li:~,I', ~irltil(~1 nnl;! M~.s, u~roldi ;Ncw 19ree~ par.aments will be F~iday evening e GleI)~ Paul C ~ U e at • au 5, home f r the birthday of Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Chinn acc mpan For the weddmg anmv rs ry of m pte Haber~r home. ,iloporing

, l":~'1iO f~i" ~r'l, ",~Ilfjn r~~1~~f$Qn a~d" d~dicatc~ ,a~ m9rning services'Sun- famIly wer~ eoffe guests In ~1C ~onfirmation ser ices will be Mrs. Capper. l led Mrs, Cecil Rhodes an chit Mr and Mrs. Lawrence m, Mr. Bob s gr.aduatIon were ]\K' andlol.'t'.'i. , ~~~'.J':1 ~iJJlhnJn 11:11$ the,' pr,u.. lday at CO.J;1COrd131'LUther.an church Jerry Ma~tmdale orne honorl g held Sunday mornin at Sl Paul's Mr. d Mrs. Oscar BeCker. ~rr_~., dren to the Charles Keyse home and Mrs. E E Hypsc, C F San~ Mrs. Enc Carlson an~ ,familyi::dll"!j\:' JIJ1~~" l~l~ rnel'1ir;q;;: !wUt t>c in Rev, Ernest C. Nelson 'announced Jerry's bIrthday. ~ 1 Lutheran church, ev. R·. Herr- a!l~ fa ~ly were Sunday eve~ near Allen Sunday d I da~l and th~ Ralph ,Rin anuly Crofton, Mr. a~d MrSj.'" lIarolcit.h:,,:!. "II~'I.ft J~~~:ill!llJ.~n h1>m\~~ this week., ' Last Tuesday. c ffee R*sts tn mann, announced th s week. The VISitors In the Clarene~ Schhnes' Mr and Mrs Alvm arlso~ enjoyed ~ Wiener roast 1 t Tues- Carlson and ~r. and. Mrsl,.if-d.rrv,.,,, ,;<""I"n,,~, ,The par:aments are gifts of Mr. the G. E. Marl10d Ie home were service win start al 9:45 a.m."with home. ,anel Stephen, WInSIde, ant Mlj. day evenmg. Lentz and family, Hartington' Mi:

" f '!'~'I r:t.:l" t!:~~. U:lr1i('Y.T~h for .h.on1t' ~nd Mrs..,B:.Uford ~ones and. Kar- Mrs. D. A. Paul nd Mrs'. Glenn no Sunday school s h17dU.led. Me:pl~ . M.r: nd Mrs.. Har.old Olson ~.s- and Mrs Ralph Rmg and c ildren Mr. and Mrs. Bud ~l~ndson and Mrs~ Bernard Koch and fa'miIY'~~lfl!ll'h,\ ~nt-,t'"h.{~~n \V('rt Mrs. 1>. m)',n and' Mr. and 'Mrs. MarlYJ;l Paul. bers of the confirm han class ,are 1t~d III the Cleve Nicholson ho e were Sunday sUpper guests m the had as guests from I~;Y to Mr.'. and ""Mrs. Erwin .Fleer and,.,•. '" ." ",., ",j... ".•""•.".,,~~~._,~...~~.•~.... Slmglcy in' memory of Mr. and Mr..and M

V' G. E. Ma~'tindi11e Keith Doescher an Clayton Stall- Sll.nda,Y afternoon.' Glen Olson home. Pau~ Olslj>n VIS- S~'nday evening, the latte 's ister, ~amIly, Mr.. an4 Mrs. Frank Lans~

, Mrs. Cloyd Tuttle. a!ld JI~my pent Wcdnc;liday in ing. M~{ od Mrs. Nels B,iorklu d, Ited there 10 the afternoon. I !,,!Ild~ed M.ortenson, wh taches mg and famIly and Margar~bClauS'''lbo, Not Judg'e F.'rom.' SIOU':' City.., --- EUDlCe and Dwaine and Mr. od The Jim G~stafson fanuty was In SIOUX City.' ,,' Last .Monday eve;'ing Mr. and

Wr.dnesday evening Mr; and Mrs, FrIday evcJ?-.1Og rs. Verdel Er-_ Monday evening isitors in'the Mrs. R nben Goldberg, JaNohn nd a~ Scri~)ller unday for a' family The Art ..Borg and rence MMrasn·nArthomMea.nn called in the Lowell.

MA '1 Floyd lll(~p ~nd Mrs. R.ena Jeffrey..~n an.d SteVIe we 9 coffe~ guests Marlen Johnson iome hOnOrlll[! :Maure, .attended confirmalIOn ,dmner III the Carl LcUekin. ,b.orne Fisch~r familIes attende~a ouse~erc- ""ppearanir:es ~ Wakcfield~ called in the Fritz Rieth, m the Thomas Er m home. Mrs. Johnson on he birthday were serVIce at the Concord Luthetan in observance of their rtieth warmmg and cooperative u1'er in Last Suifday Mr. and Mrs lQWe1-, ""i:,l\llthN'':l!: n:!lm-t",tM.\lo\") _ hom,e. d"''' ' , ' the families of G en Magnuson, ~~urch ~nday fo1oenoon. A nephew. wedding anniversary. ~~e Dale IckIer home S da eve~ M.ann .had dinner with·.Mrsi. Leol".

11 r. an mrs. Fritz Rieth called Ch' h Melvin Magnlj.son, rvid Peterson, mcen agnuson, w~s a member Mr. and Mrs. Ben FrederickSon mng'. NIChols: . Las~ Tuesday: eveninL1.'\\1' Q,craqe cost', of Q pre*, o~ Elmer Wilmarth Thu"rsday eve· ur~ s V.crneal Peter~on, uinten Erwin, of t~e lass: All wcr~ entertained and Arthur Felt were Sunday din- Last Tuesday dinner re~ts in they. vIslled In the Morris Back::

mng. . .. ei e JIm .Nelson, Virgil earson, Verdel at dmn r ani:! supper In t1:le Geot,ge ner and supper guests 1n the the Lawrence Carlso .~ome strom home_ ,) ',,' ."l;':r~'tl(l<rt b just about the' ElmeJ.1' WIlrparth, w~o had b,een ' Evangelical Fee Chul'"ch Erwm, Art Johns n and Ev~rt Magnu on h~me. Wayne., i Marvin Felt home. Mr. add Mrs. were iMrs. Earl Hinds, P nca, Mr. and Mrs.. Wa.I~ i;lelson.; Oma~("'Qrg~ f,Of (A good meal. This under doctor s. care iIi WakefIeld (Ambrose J Col ins paslor) Johnson and Don H gber,e;. . . Mrs CeCil Rhodes anl(J child. Lawrence Ring called there Thurs~ and her daughter, Mrs. Bill(COr- ha spent Th d .. r-li, " hibllto to the phaitoacou" f?r the past eight months, spent Sunday, Jun~ 3; SU~day sehool Callers in the WaIiIaee Magnuson ~en w re Sunday dinner guesls day evening. 'nell and Rickie. Lexing\on Ky. Ed Gathje b'::'~e~y.....rnoo~ in the1~«1I' htdush~ ,that sPends mil- t le~t~r~~on f~. ~ay ~ .In Con~ 0 ? m.; worshi, 11; evening home the p,ast week "!Were the Evert rn the Walter Chinn hoa:ne . M~s. For Betty Johnson's birt~d~y of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bard Rich-h'':Nr'j"1 iOn t 1:M1 IC:h t'k I (:or VISI mg I~en s, e was a serVIce, 7:45 p. m. Johnson, JIm Nelson, Verneal Pet- Rhode and. Mrs. Chmn t~pk Tuesday, Allan~ Phyllis, Warren ard. Robert and Nanc Ri~1! and

, ~lJ.'JII <:a:tt '$rtJ ,::. ' eeps u t· ~~ s~f~~.~~~fce m the .G. E. Mart- ,",:ednesday, . Jun' 6: Quarterly erson and Bud Han~on fa~i1ies. ~~san ~nd Jimmy.. to the Charl~s and Kenneth Johnson, Keith, Don- the Gordon Bard farnit, !attended D IE CI.ton Fisher Harold Erwin bUSIness meetmg, p. m. Mr. and Mrs. CI~rence Pearson whyse t~ome '1~':Jnr.daYfafternoo,n, na and Robert Krueger aoOd Bon- Harley Bard's birthday otlser!vance ail,ce. at,

: S!:<~~ mrditinc$ op~r 'to and larold McDonald' O'Neill and Jim, Mr. an~ Mrs. Marlen to e:~ ey w~b~~ ay .or a week nie ~nd Gail Mortenson \\{ere en~ Tuesday evening. Ib~ N'pcn,i,•. Judging by ap- spent last Sunday fishing 1D South 51. Paul's Lulh ran Church Johnson and Mr. nd Mrs. Ciar· al Ha ::':n;a~lll\o hB[~le sch~ol :~rtal7~d Wednesday a!terroon in Sunday evening I visitorj; In the

p.l1fbtQrtC<!s 0 doxen capsules Dakota. . ' Sun~~y, H~~rn~a~:, PJ~to~undaY ~~~da~a.~l~~~n~~~ ~u~~:~o~er:u~~~~ Ro~d and Bob~y°t~bberstedt ~r. a~~ J:~~0£.e~~:::'~' Roberts ~rs~·c.BX~~a~~m~he~e~~~v~e~~~ K'I NG'5'itl(lr; ItlQt seem to b~ worth...Qs ho~Ueestslaslt" ~~eesd~ud ~~~i~n chool; conflfmatIO service, 9:45 in the Dean Pearson home, ;~~:t~Sfr~%rl~~e~~do~ifldsyppcr a!ldt d~u,ghter~ were Su.ndflY eve- Mr, ami ,Mrs. 'Ken Fische; an-dmwd~ a~ '51)1', doHafS. Your ,honoring the c9uple'~ ~eetdin9 a; . m. •L~st Sunday supp£r gucsts in the Chuc~ Turney is spendfn:J~nf~~ ~~n~('vIsltor~, 10 lhe Eldm ,Roberls Julie. Chappell. and MI', ~nd ~rs.PfoIY1!i(:lan knows their ~i9her rHversary were the Arvid Peter- C' d' CeCil Clark home Iwere Mr. 'and days ~.th Lloyd Hu ~elman" . . ,Gordon Bard, Barbara anti Jame. 1-------..:;;;;.....:;;;;...-~Q~., ~nd true 'yolue. When he so.n, Os'ctil r Johnson, lawrencQ _ .cE~~~~~aC.LN~~ ~~~P;S~~;)h Mrs. pscar Borg and Neal Kluver. Mr. nd Mrs. Reu~en Gofdber,g JH~ J'~bcr was ~er~ frdr:n Fre- Sunday d!nner guests I i~ the TE;EN TIME ,Ipt~.~hjbc:$ them for you he ~acks'...om and Verneal Peterson Fnday, June 1: Luther league JaN06 and Maurcen were Sun: ~~~ J~~~rd;:(thas~lstmg IS b~- !---a~~~'kRm1( hRome coni.pqment~ PRIZE BALLOON DANCE, h 'families. , pm'Go d N 'hb.l A'd day e ening visitors in the For- ' , . I arm ~ . e mg . errill ing, wb.J; r~tur1-~nb,,\''$ t at your eyentual cost Glenn .Magnusons 'were Friday S· . 0 erg '1rs I rcst M gnuson home in observance and Mrs. Suber. the Mer en~ cd to dUties at San.Diego\Wfdnes~ THE UPTOWNERS ORCHwilt' be mueh fower because ~vening g~ests in the Arvid Peter. r/t?"day, June 2 JUnIor MISSIOn· e~an Family ~onday of thei fiflh .wedding anniversary kl'l~mp pal

ndLcstedr MAn ers@nam-daYd'Mwerethe Marlon Ri~ family FRI DAY, JUNE L •

tht)'l, will 'do' yo, u more goOd.. in' son home honoring Myron's birth S dP• j Mr nd Mrs B( b F d' k . ]('S" I gel'. an r. an,d rs~ an r. and Mrs Ever tt I RingliT ~ay. " ~ '45 ~y~ ~ne 3 Sunday sebool, Last Monday a roup of nej~h· Kay ~n Kevin :.ver~ Sun~ea:ldi~~~r John SUber and son, we e w!th ~iou.x..City. The. Ralph R ng fam~ pare~dtsf?w2e5IeCom'ef; .es,,' ~ ,':fie. rus~ his j~dgement~ jWedI}eS?8Y supper' g~ests in the om . n,' lldIV1fi worshIp and bors plowed and planted corn for gues~s n the Al Fredrickson home. nMrs. F. A. Suber for Sun, ay dm- Ily Jomed the group in ,e 'after- I----::;;.;,;:;;;...;.;.;==...,.~_We, 'I",'dl cooperate by pridng BflL HinrIchs home, Laurel, were VacatlO BIb'I h JIm Coan family Mrs Dan Corey ! Kayl en Christensen spent THurs. cr. , I noon. I, ,-the~ fairly.~ th;e Ernest. Swanson family. Jack hrough June 8 e s 001 contmues helped prepare dinner for the 'day in he Reuben Goldberg- home. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Uundahl Mrs. Jack Sode!berg s*erlt Fri~

p~ul.sen, Mr..,and Mrs. Ted Sta1Jle-' Thursday J~ne' S.. group Mr .Coan. hF's b,een 10 St. Mrs. C;; ldber,; took her to the Ern- and sons :v.ent ~o Omahal Satu~- day afternoon With Mrr' Cliff• m~n and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne r meeting' 2 7. WM pray- Joseph hospItal, ~lOrX Clty. for.the est WI egardner home and was a day to VISit friends. Or their Munson.

Siebert and' daught~rs. ' ' p. m. past t.wo weeks WIth a senous VIrus coffee uest. re.turn Sunday they went, to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cha.mbersYOUR PHYSiCIAN ';r'hUr~da'y, after~o.on vi~itors in Mr. and Mrs. R E Jloh mfectlOn. . Mr. nd Mrs. Dick McCorkindale Lincoln to see the baby bby born were guests. of Charles jPiprsons I,'~...~....,....,;.;..;;;;,;.:;;;;;;.;,:...-CAN PHONE ,31 the M~rlyn Dahlql.;l~st ,bo~e were rs. Chris Pete so y , , nson, --- I and c~ ldren, Laurel, were Sunday that morning to Mr. a~d Mrs. Sunday cvemng. I I

Mrs.' Harold Gunnarson and Verlie rs. Ernest P~te so~nd :r-r. fnd Thursday evenin guests in the dinner guesls of Mrs: Ada Mc- ~rt Duerschner. Mr. Du~rschner The Harold Oberg fam.!y spentIWHEN YOU NEED and ~rs. Keridall Roberts. lJl1day afternoon gue It r.c tht Fred.Salmo~ home honorin,g th~ :Co.rkjn ale. Mrs. G~orge Clase- IS a brother of Mrs. Lundahl Sunday evening in the' LOrence

. A MEDICINE The Glenn ~aul famlly spent last eorge Anderson h me" s,,:n. e weddmg anmversar were Mr. and man a d Mrs. Kroll visited Mrs. and Mrs. Gene Block. Fischer home. ' I

• f~mI1Y~ Co"!-ncil Bluffs. I ast Sunday evenin. son orne ~md Mrs. H.arvey ylor and fam~ Lois ~nd 'Billy Kinney were Sat- \\"P!"l' in. Il1p George rtobcrlson ~('tty Bressle~. Mary Jane, Shel1~. "Last Tuesd;~y after,oon ~uests Mrs. Geor e Vo I d' I1y and BtU Sal o~. Afternoon urday lOner guesls of their urand· horn('. (fNcill, Sunday to see the mgton was With Colctt~ Friday

A great mOhy poople .en'- In the Marlen Johnson'home we.~e ren left ,last9Sund e7o:n , chlld- guests were Mrs. 0 vld Paul, Mrs. m,othe, Mrs. Anna Shearer. Sioux 1l0!'it, who J"C'lurn('d Fl"ifiay from afternoon. i IMrs. Clarenc~ Pearson and c::hI1~ visit'''in the BObrYans al,l0.day Henry Rastede, M~'. Fred Mattes, City. RncllC'stcr, Minn, wh('re h(' had ari Announcement of the engage-

tru,st~ u.s with the re~ponsibility' ~re~: Barbara; and Nancy remamed Big Timber,' Mon. on, home, Mrs. Geneva Sulh an, Mrs. Ivan Mr, nd. Mrs. E:llis'Johnsoll were ('xaminalion, :.\11". Hnd I\!rs. Sam mcnt o'f Dcan Nimrod, to iMary!of :,'fJlllng their 'pre$criptionS. untIL Thurs,dar- Mr d M Clark and Mrs. Stn Swanson and ~tlnq::J dmner nnd! SIlPT>Cr .t:uC'st!'i Rollt'rbon W('re nlso' \vith the Ann Murch, has been 'learned!May we c~mpo:~nd yours?' ~l"s. Paul i Hanson. and Ro~er linne'r a~estsrf" Ro. Johnson were boys. In th.c ..W. Lundahl home. I~rotlp. by friends and relatives 'here.

'!Vere last SundeY dl~n uests orne gwaus nth Waldo John~on Wednesday afle{nOOn Norman LOI~ Kmn~y. was ·.a Thursday Last Tuesday p\"('ning ,the I-1ar~ Both reside in Denver! Where,~. ,i,': mlt;;{.a~~~~W~:;~~~~.ha' . ennis on. hisacon~i ~:ii h.onorlng" }reber, Roy .PO!'itl waile a.Od Hill Koverm hl ~Isllor With Anncltc olrl (.)bnn family .VisitPrt in the Dean graduated from SoJth'high

M 'Ch I I 6b c' M on. <Inks, Westfield, I", called in the unzm n. :'\kr l ll' Bing: horlH'. Salutday C've- school. Their parents *e Mr. '

FE'lBE:R er~~in th:r;: IO~ I, om W~~- ebbi and dM~s. La erne'Clarkson, Elray Hank home. IMr. Weber and Mr. Ellis Johnson. Mrs. E. 1111l~, Mr. and. Mrs v'slip Rock- and Mrs. James B. Mu~ch and. .: nesda afte u anson e e - a i e an . errr spen~ last Sun· Mr. ,Hank met inJ a Sioux City W. undahl and M1"5. Harold "''''II ,wd :\11'. and ;\11·s. nay Para~ Mrs. LHlian J. Nimrod. !

1 j :, 'I I ',', L ';t Tu,r'd0on. 1,;,".' "th H y n the JIm Cl~rkson home. hospltaltbree ycars ago when bolh Ober and children were enter- dis(~ anr! ~ons South Sioux City Sunday dinner guests ih 'the C HANK WINDER' I',:,P'"'W,' .A':"R'M•. ':,A", C·Y,·.':' oldaGunn:~ ay eVd'I~~ .; Kar- Mr: and Mrs. Jamcs Clarkson suffered polio altac~s. taine in the Melvin Larsen Wl'I'C there. S~mday cvc~ing call~ R. Ash home were AxellAhlgre~ . . In M dell' 'farrlili::" a~d. MI~~IH'ldar- nd famIly, were last Monday sun. The Rlray Hanl} family wcre ~om~ Thursday afternoon to vis- prs wpre Edna Dahlgren and and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Orton, The Band with a Milr~fm: ~l"i,CI~dsCarlson: visited iGu"'nalrs~~ er guests In the L~Verne Clarkson guests in the Reuben Mev<;r home It WI~h Mr. and ~rs. Clifford Hilda Bengtson. Linda and Dale, Omaha, jnd Mrs. SUNDAY, JUI'J~ 3

Z Registeredi P-harr.~acists !' it, the Clarenc 'uist home 0¥he, Wayne. , . Wednesday cvening. Thcy were Payn, Oxnard, Calif. 1\lr. and :\Irs. Merle Ring and CharlQ.tte .Lundahl. who is Mr. Adm. SI.OO ta.~ paid, to'Serve yJu ,I Mis$ Gunnarso . bee'n unde; am~~sd~fa.rk~enInf callers 10 the T~ursday evcning guests in lhe Fred ric Kramer and Kav Sa.n· sons sfX'nf Thursday c,,oenjng inl:A~h:I:",":e:n:'s:s:is:te~r:.:Jo:i:ni:n:~:t~he:;:",":o:u:P:;:::==::::::::===~

doc~r's care fOI't,.'twol weeks. as 'amities of ~~n rlome w~re the DIck flanson home. I ~Iahl, .Omaha, were WednesdaY VIS· lht' :l\lel Fisch<'r horne-. Mr. and I f':Pho~c 31 1 a result .of a.n "accident which nd L V c~e k Hart, Laurel, . Tuesday eyenin.$! several rela· llors Ul the Lloyd HUJ.!elman 11011H' :\Irs. Kermit Johnson anQ. children I I • •

fractu.red, her skull. rd M:che~nZva ~~, son and Bern- tlVes and friends were guests in Mr, and ~1rs. .Toe Sellon and wt'n."" Sunday supper gue~ts in the . I!" '*Quotalion »y, Thursday afternoon Mrs. Henry ,y . the Herman Kraemer home honor· Mr. and Mrs, Joedy. Spllon. Ran- Paul Fischer home. St Ii C R1~" III Chapjn 18N~18RO JOhns.on called. in the Paul Han-' La~t Sunday aft

1ernoon Mr, and mg Mrs. Kraemcr's birthday. dolph .. were .ent{'rtaltH'.d at Sun· :'Ill". and :\fl'S. Ben l\t~yer :"[Xi'nt ,OC~, ar.. ac.es I" "..'.

.,',C.:OI)~I~igh, t 1~,55, (1,?,.,V{l). son home. J :J' r:rnesJ Echt nkamp and !VIr. day dmncr 111 the \\ ailer Otte "I'llf'."da;y pvcllin~ in the Hairy

:,.•..•• i~~.t.~=:::~=±i~=~~~T~h~e~c~h~a~rl~es~H~an~s~o~nfl~Sm~ilY~.~' O~mJ~I"'j' h rs. am.es ,lank ¥{eitc ,Jun- S home. \V,'r1 h01nf' Mr nnr! Mn; Fritz Jaha, spent the weekend in the Padll o~~ guests m tfle ElrllY Hank cout News Mr, ami ~t.rs. L1nyd Iluyf'IIll:l1l 'j\'llIm,'. Ka;'{'[l l;nd nouJ::I~~ wef'C King's Speeqway, Inc.-Noforlk, Nebr.;I Mr: and Mrs. Qary Erwin and ~er~hcrn~rl~~~~ldllth()~l(/I~!ri(r~~ lht'~·(· fO: ~lIndlly difllll.'r, . 1 .' , I

r.. and Mrs. Ec.\ward Linn and Scout Auxiliary evening. l'.njoYIl1~ « Wif'nPI' rnllst I\t E'1- Every 5un~ay Night-$I,OOO Purse ,Ianene. were lastISunqa,yi, dinner GI) I J('an Hanson was ,1 ThllrsdllY \ is ())S':.Il·S \V('dnNiday ('...enjng ~uest~ III the Hen[y Erwi'n home Boy ('S~'n~I~:PI~'~~n~I~~~~~'I(~ ~l~~~fia~~ ov{'rni~hl visitor with :'\-l:lllr('cn in \\('1:,,: 5,or'don Ba~d and daugh-· "OnOrI?g Mrs. llc.nry Er(in and"r d I the RC.ube-n GOldlll'.rc hOllle, !"rs, h..1ITn lUll I hP1H1)' E\"pring~ Gates Open 630 p.m I -.., Races 8:00 n,.m,ane th' b' Ut'S ay eVl'ning, )lan~ for camp 1\ ' I rI J I P ... r;DC ~n elr ilhdayS werl;' discus!'i('(t. NC'xl m{'cling- will Jr. and Mrs. [)urwm :\'imrnd. lam, nn () "!J:C' (·arson. JoleneThursgay evcmn VISltOi S, in thc be at Rr('ssl('r park June 18 for a Steve and Na.ncy. Wl"rt' Sunda\" dm· n mililiNI o\'(1rmght. Adm. $1 tax paid-Under 12, SOc

larold unnarson ome werc Rev, picnic' supper. h~~1(17"6~~h~~ ,~~j:il ~~1~~ al~rill~r;~~Ir.\:(~~. :~lndd p~;~roi;~~\~~~: ,r~~ I I!

-"-"-"'~,,,~~~~~I;==-==$f-~±==~~l~,I I:

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In- 80

.\. ." • .I. - •• ! ;.;;;l--~""':"';;";'----4.j;---, wei~ 'Mr. ,and Mr~~ Al.Sh~~lt'~~~d~horr mid Jani~e Kee, Americ~n _~H>ral'Y ass~la: daughter, .Mr_ and '-Mrs.:~;oe\V-aYnetion, Chicago. Perhaps one of the Dest' things·, which Atkins and ¥rs. J!;tta '}.~e~is;. "'came from.this mec.ting of over 200 Nebraska wo' Doutln':Sund, C.rOfton,:eame fastmen was a new feeling of "friendly cooperatiQn j I.........JI'!!~,y;,;-.;·s.;ta;;;f..f ..Co...."...,,;sp,,;0-HI"'"....tl Sunday tq, sp~nd ~me .ti~e~,.this·-----4........-........---10.....,..- Ulis big tasJt. of brin,ging, !Jooks.al)dJ ed,u~tion~ t .8umme~.;~.1b"e ..home .9f.,:,l1l~uncle~ll the peoplfOf ~Nebraska. " . , joh~r\v W..son'~.nt t an/~Vu~d.~;~~~t~r~~j1};~la':,"~ALL SIGNS POINT TO THE LARGEST'TRAVE ~;~. ~ibe~[a\$E~~~~tsA1 ndria Randy and Jane Meyer enjoYed a

. ~~':i"°l~a~~ ~~t~~r~~:c:g~~,g.,:;: ~~["~~'t~et~~ Minn. iConnie Watson ~ ~ four wiener roa.~t last Tuesda~ evenin~enjoyment by finding' out. the. interesting detail days last week wi~h ,be g?ltnd- at the Orville Nelson home.

bY'--' bf the spots Y0l:\ will visit. Your public library i parents, Mr. and Mrs. E eDny. ~~~~.~~~:~ia~er~:~1l:~3:ya~~the Jil:lace t9 go for a preview of :your. vacatio CarrolJ. .', I George- B'artels. Thursday evening

Mrs. F. A,. MUdl'lB choice. Just 'last week a youngster came in wit Mrs~ J. G. ~UgD and ed ~nd the Thun family and Sandra Eul-.,;..~.....:.....,.;...-------+----- the information that his family was eirtler gain Kay apd Eddie Hugo,/~. POlDti

bere went to Fremont to, visit in''jc:l:t~yL~lb:ra:rl:an:..J~..,~!==~~~:~ to Glacier National park or Mexico this summer c~me.to attend gradmhl I 'j;exer. the William wa.rner h0n:te. .' .:-+-...:..--...:..,------++...:+--,----1 iit~y~;~fS J~c~~. f~~t~~!:~,~~rs t~r~~~~afl~ ~ea I cIse~ f Jerry Noonabit las iF'tAday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sqtaler and

ting the right idea. Mayb~ we can help you too! I Dan.r g~ests last S~nd i'I m the Vicki, ~aurel. and Mr. ~nd"Mrs.A RURAL REAID1NG C'ONFERE;NCE ELD IN ,- . I Roy Day hom~ han. rmg __,!yr. ahd Wallace' Anderson and family WereLincoln' May 23-:? was attended by Y0t.! Ubr.Brian,' THE COMING, OF SUMMER BRINGS A DE.j Mrs. Gerald Hicks ~4. fa 1. ,~ 0 guests of Luth~r Millikens lastMrs. Harold Hein, pre&ident pf the Libr: ry board; mand for b_ooks .o{ 'a .Jighter nature. With this in. moved la§t :a,fonday; to Lo • Calif., Tuesday evening. ::County Home A e,nt ,Myrtle' Anderso; Gladys ~"CinhdarIWotetehaavnedbDeer'~ Jb

a. ~einsl1 bSOl1ly'GeUfyictMiocncrsn9nceh;,·-asa~' I I Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Thun and-

Reichert. Winsidc, and Mrs. Walter Feske, Hos- . .u ft;'~t'g~:;;o~r;~r~~~:~1 ~ilt.~~ ~ft~1 a~Pth~ /::;. ~~:i~Yh~~s~?r~~~~~~tyAl~O~fldU\:J h~~tJ~~;dmf~:tP:~~t f:,O~e~;~ ffk:li~!k~O~a~:b';:?U~~l~~~~i'::~d ';e'::tw:rJ~~~ 'O\Vnsend, Lincoln, said t erc has home. They attended Dullne Haus-the speakers and listened to the info al discus- "Girl in May" by Bruce Marshall, which is almos been some justification for indorse- wirth's confirmation. That 'evenin~sions, Woods Cha itable Fund, Inc" praY ded funds as light as the title indicates though you will fin ments, g • they were supper guests.Qfl;Jermanwhich made the onference Possiple, Al hough ,no it entertaining, ,,' - .' . k _ Thuns.:. iL::l I _

formal topic was chosen to Cover the ntire pro~ Right to War "La Mrs., I"eora Hanse~ spent last ~gram it might h ve been, "More Book to More WAYNE BOYS AND GIRLS AND ALL TH Statkhouse· observers e :pressed Monday, TuesdaY'and Wedn~sdaYPeople." Such mat ers were discussed by the sp~ak- country children too, are ur:ged to' come to the Ii amazement at the spe d With. with August Kruses. Thur~d.la.• 1'1;1ers as meeting ad It needs through the t't e of books brary and enroll in the summer reading club. Joi which the U, S. Supre e court friday Mrs, Dean Detl~fso wasand, iml>lication~ f the conference to r raI,needs, Jack and th'C' Beanstalk and help US ,grow the big disposed of.' the case I volving 10 the Kruse home. .., j

The speakers wer Dr, John Walker Po eil, Balti- ~;t\:e:~~~1Vt~\~:/~~: e;:~t~;~n~i~i ~:~~t a~~ railroad 'unions and N 'braska's Mr. and Mrs. Nordan. An.,etn;:;I~C \~;,;:,:~~ ~~ ·ar~~ho:h~h';.-o;';;·sf~~ J~~iOl~:;s may not win any of the final prizes but there wi] "right to work" iaw. W~ ~~dd~a'i c~~~orIv'a;lSl~:e/,,;tadult re,fiding con uHant in their erluca ional pro- be extra awards fOt" everyone as your reading pro ha~hr~II~;{'?~~kr~i1;~~~bnsCOa~J ho~~. S~nian spent last 1\Ionda~~gram; Alfred Stc fcrud, U.S. Departme t .of Agri- grcsses. Two months of reading fun fdr your spar railroads could not en:r into ,and ~uesday wIth NorI1)an Anderculture, editor Qf Agricultur~I Yearboo and au- time with plenty left over to' swim and play. agreements \\.hereby an employe r

sons, Concord. .

must join a union within 60 days Patty Kay Anderson had Bar,b~rahave a tremendous number f after geing hired or lose 'his job. Wolsk~, Sue Apn de Freese anrlpersons to represent WhIle othe s But 'tile U. S. Supreme ourt re- Lorrame l\Ior~IS. as ~e~t,s at aHERE AND !-JERE.. • have less or about the same as versed the. Nebraska ruli' g. slumber party Fnday_m~.W.the past. The dccisi0!1 only ap lied to Sharon Massa, Macy~:. was. aI ,With Your ,Sources say thinking is that ~a railroads and railroad un pns, but Thursday supper guest" of Ivaht.rger Legislature would be rno e obsentj:'rs regal'ded it as .ijJ serious Ander,Sons. I, ICO'~nty A"ge t effective and possibly more fJ;icl1 .', breach of .right.to-w.ork laws.. The M.r. a':ld Mrs. Harold '.Erd~a

,.. Iy'toward labor. ! '1 I nation's ~lIgh court said I a state a~d famIly spent Fnda~ In SlOll.The sponsors must obtait1r 41.- has th(' nght to prohibit II unionl:C:::I:::tyc:. ---__--,---.j

! 484 signatures by July 5, The shops. B,ut. it 'said, Con hasBiv Harold,/lngall,s change in th~ Legislature reqUires the power to regUlate r re-!'- .......;.r • ...;. .j a Constitutional amendment. , lations, in interstate ceo

r .- , The f"ct that in the past tne ,The case was ar ,. J, re theO I~~ LI '8:..1...• • .IM • f th Federal Gas Tax Refuncll

ing and-".will be avallable for Legislature has turned a deaf ear hlg-h court and a ISla , h~ndedn !r toe ..",I nlnl:l • • • days vacahon befo e the ope~ngd 0 I "t summ~r Farmers may lie r..lOlms after obse vatlbh nntil harvested ItOI changing its makeup. salaries down in 20 days. whicl' s atehouse

11~st ",ook about 50~ayne businessmen elect- ~rmlI:r~h!(;mto a ~~~:gr~dUa~t~ ~,a7he °OG~rlI~ June 30. 1956 fo fe.deral tax re- Cast na ,~;.Id Da¥·· of districts probably is the re"on o~servcrJ .?a~ ~as ~un"',*endent- •' n!'le direct"'rs in Q temporary organization J11:ge~'mc~ Ma Teed IS amon I graduates Le- fund on motot fue 'hed duri,ng t.he The. anr,ual fie!d'day at the West- the .matter is being taken cUr· l' ts~e('I' A ('t r~tta \~alP r1fr~:.,!) I ..l to atttact ,·ndustry to Wayne. The oir core Ra ey plans to spend hel va atlon WIth I ela- first StX months 01 1956 The claim ern Iowa 'Experll1Iental farm. qas- cclly to the people. sen ~ I)' SS. y. ~ n. 0

OltfiCQ • i. f •• f yes at lrmount Ind Mildred S ydcr Will go to for refund of flrstjhalf tax must be tana wil i be held 'June 12, accord· L prt e son.ottratf!i- '-'ill conSider best met,lods 0 attractIng r~d nol Dr Ma~ TRust wlll 'pend her vaca- flIed not later ioXn Oct 1. 1956. iog 0 John Hydel, Onawa. Expense aw \. p r V cc·ne IInd~'t,y and ways to rai,e money lor thaI purp?se. ho lawlt relat,ves t Elkhardt In The DI J E Claims must q,e ftled on lnte~nal Th usual program for both men Among the matters coming up 0 10 a I. .

'I With the ClirgQdizQtion at this stage, the rest Brn k mily WIll Iso go to II;dlara JeSSIe Boyce Reven\i.e SerVIce orm 2240. Ti1ese and omen has been arran,ged. In at every primary is that of the A recommendatiOn WJll~~e made~f uSflcon'f afford to sit batk, relax and say, "WIell, plaoncs to spend ab ut 10 days WJU . her' mother at forms WIll be. BV liable after J.une past years Nebraska and Wayne filing of campaign expoense reports by the State ~eaI~h de~rtme:.L-l' thaI." S·o Falls S D > 1 at county extetsion offices and coun '/ have been well 'represented by candidates.-. ,that Salk. anti-polio va I me..... I UX ,... other sour".S. , at t is event with many favorable By law, theY have 10 days after made ~vaJlahle to ail I personsEaf~nf Us is 't p~"ible c~nlact for in- **, Refund~ will b limited to the com ents c' he program. the primary to make the filing. lInd"r .J(] years of age .h" sum-

I " I [b . ,~ federal (ax on m tot fuel used by Th annua mb and But the- statbte, in effect, can't m('r. .dllllria deve opment. A chance remark y a IS 'Years "-0_ . a fam.er for far iog purposes. A Woo show.. at the be enforced except for the jX'r_'

Thedepartment WIll re' mmendl'al'.~man, inforination from a re,lativei

n, a May2~, 1941: ,ma. Thompson pla~1S to have a .farme..- also may request a refund Om .a Umo ,ck yards Wed. sons nominated to be on thr No- to t1h' staIr ]10110 advlS ry com-

distont·city,ian article in th,e' ,newspaper: or new,eolomal hous bllilt thIS summel on her lots of t·.IX on motor fuel used on his nesd y. vember general election ballot m,llee_ that bO?slel'sho be de-ne~s item; on' radio or television, may give at the corner of 5 h and Do~glas, The hom; WIll farm by a custo operator. PI ns are going ahead for, t~e Those nominated ean be forced J1ly..d unlil fall, in at.der 0 make

a '~QiI ,thot :",ill ;ti~: instrume~ta! .in making sponsored by the hamber of Co m,~ce Tuesday, I..as patd the tax nd counts thIS as Jun 22 at tOe UmverSity of Nc. of nominalions could be withheld the new ellglbie group.. .a. ton'tact for thIS' group to lolldw, brought .bout. ~3, 19 pou~ds of rowtng fowls to a eOst in figuri his charge for bras a. hy Secretary of State 'ani< With the supply as i g? as It

UtI. a thing' ',hap:ip~n's, rus~!'don't· wo,~:-:., market 'in Wfl,yne.. n addItIOn 10c.aI bUyCl'lD also r.e-1 the operation. Si ce this is a cost Al hough the program has not Marsh H'ow(>wl' for peTS ns not i~, the df'partment saidiL<; like-' , I, ., d ce,iV~d se,'yeraj,.hun.r.ed po~nds 01 h('ns. ThL'. roost,' to the farmer h can rccov~r i~t b:ee completed, the mornin~ ses- nominated there' arc e:Jrce- lyall children betwepn I .an~ 14

es.t !directorol this or!la'lll~atlOll an,., er~ broughttbe s ason's top of 1 c a pound ... through the tax refund. Faritter slOn will include several talks on able prov'i~ions. will haw reeeived two rJectiOns~'e ,inforinarion,)t _may' b~' your' tip" t,~.! Eady Paper Fou a m Carhart ard, a ptece, ot who htre cu,to work done 0 agro oml. tOPiCS. Those attendmg And what the can idate lists, by the end of June. I.mduslry to Wayne. ': ,! .,.,.,., , tf,e' Min,neapolis Tr blme for Ja~. 1, 1886. v~as (,""nd their farms sh uid obtain fM in t. e aft~rnoon "Iill tour small as expenses oft~n varies. Some The sale of commer al s~p-

any pe,rsdns ask: W~Qt" typ.e:~~, in4~istry, ~.~is; Monday.m .the ce ent'I'oom at, the Catl-jrlt I'Jrnbf'r amount of fuel sed by the 0"Rer- gral variety test plots at the list their filing fee others do not. pill'S of \laeC'iDe rerna S bnskI ' I, f S C - • I t yard. 411 item in t eo paper states hat lumb'e,)' saw~ ator, ~ , COll~C of agriculture's_ agronomy Som re rts hav~ no total but and reports rC"aeh'tng th depart~

committee will aIm or. uCn qUestIons are a Illos ed in-milIs of.th~'9 untry in1885t taled 313"J98,155 Farmers who xpect to file tax far. _ list fndiJ!:lual items. ' ment offiee indicate .ph~"clansimpoSlible to a~sw~ ••• except pr~bably;it.\'Io,old feet. Inter~stlng I comparISon IS tl'5 fact that m tefllnds wtll nee to keep accur· Spra Weeds Now. • are usin~ all thry recetv~ tmmed-be a Fpmpony I,n Itght, manu~acturlng that would rruUs of the north cst alone OVl'" 110,IJOOJIOO fcot ate records to ubstanhate theIr , Late. Mayor early .Tune IS Ibe Names Again iatc-iy. . Iinpt require cr large folior force. r were ctit In one eek clall?s. Ideal ,time to .gIVe, fence rows and The question of the popularity .Thl' department s,a~d t~.suppl.y- It is dilficult'tb'shoot lor a s ecilk type 101 Graon Sorghum est . roadSides theIr first 2,4·D treat- of eertain names. especially Scan- p!c!ure looks pro,!,ISll1.~ and If,. d,J t b I h f ~I Id tie IJ A gram sorg uIJ.1 .comparatIve men~ for weed control. , dinavian or familiar ones. On thC' nsmg rn:douctlOn ,c?~t1n therem .','y ecause c a,nc,es o. 'c,cces l ~ou "," 10 Y., . A test of some 20 . anehes has been Oqe p~und or more of 2.4-D may Nehraska ballot isn't quite o\'er, is a " .. flllite pOSSIbIlity. ;he Fed-

t ~nd!,Q~~ther very d~Slrpb!~, ,"d~stry ,II1lght .be com- ars 11"0 I planled on the RIchard Baler farm, be ~ppiled per acre for conlrol Both arties. Democratic and eral govel nr,"nt wiil ~e dilt or theI' pletely: lover,looke'd. Rather, the group would CD~-I May 3D, 1946. I Bahe bough: J..ep to use for northeast of Wa~ne. The piot eon- of, .ljir.w~ed, pigweed. ra~weeds, Republlbn. ore giving I...nevv'ed v'aceine busonoss by thIS f~l1.I sider IaU possibllitie~ then choose from what IS ~chverYi of mall 0 hiS IUlal rOl;t fhe county talflls several. e*perln~ent. Sta~lO!1 hemfJ. thlsues" ~ock and manv oth. attention to the possibilitv of in- R.1lsmg ~hE' age hmlt Ito.those

' I - " ',-, , ' JUdge ha~ Issued 5 marriage J,C nses so far thIS Rnd commercial.' hYbrtd~. In oddl' er :-:r~eds. If wIld ,rose and horse dorsing "andidates for office in the t9 but not 20 would m~~ about. d h month. ',. Adem nstratlOn 0;1 t e usc of DDT on t1o~ tl? the famIliar certified name nettl~ arc present" add ,3 pou~d of primary election. Dn\'irl Martin. 120.000.morl' persons eIi~lble for Wakefield. Nebr~on ustry, t. at feeder. cattle and n dairy be"ns \Ill br conducted vanehes.. I.. ._ 2,4.5 T per acre. . . K ' f' GOP ,Iatr ehail'- ;'m::m:lI:ni~z.:"~io:n::.~::::~i~::~=::::::::::::==5=~"ie! "," I have by state extensIOn specm11s1 s on Nona The vartous afletles wtll he A second sprayt*g mal' be ,ncc. earn:\. r~er t" n' . __~._

Imarked at about thc time of head- essa y in mid.JulY1. man, I~ se( , 1(' (lues 10 • .

----__..J. + .-_..'_____ Mal"tln !'ald some of th(' cami!· II S T' RES S· - '-1


Idllt("s nominati'd in Nehraska's

! CAP ITat NEWS 1~ll:l~l~E~~~>rrl:~~I~~t~:?~!~~ ~:;::: f.rO::'lt·~]lt:Uhl~eh~f~ ~t".'n '~~~::~:,in::~ck out-

l Ihnth ticket.!'!. mC'n w("·C' nominatl'd side of normal limits. : . ., ~ - .BY MElyr,N P UL : ~.~~? t::;('~v n~t('~.\l~'I~~~~a~~I~nl~le...~r~ Stress is the co se of your child gomg near-Sighted.

I , Should you wont~"" 1.0 get lid of the cause of stress p~,.o.. neNebraska ress Association Sf fel'touse Correspondent I' rOl· namE'!', not 11w man... .Martin sugog:C'!'ter! 00111 pill·he!' or write us .for an ap .:olntment. ,

T il work for reenactment of .the Jaw Phone 59960-0ffice H,ours:'Weekdoys 9,5; Saturdar 9.~12 noonUnicameral eve ,thinl{ing is to include aU unionsj under which the partws lO~oI'St~d. -I,If P9

ssihlf', and othf'l" stat('-wide; somi' canaidatC'!' in pn.·-pnman·: Drs. Griffin & Griffin, OptometristsLln('oln -A not PI' move i!';- und~ '[ groups, The sponsors want also

llcon\,pntion.s, This was mtcn~led as 'I

f'~·\\ay 10, C'han~e th(,' makeuI? of to r¢d~strict thl' statC'. give sena·1 <I "~llidp~' for \·ot~I"S. r'! 300 T.of,' Bank Bldg., Sioux City ,).

:'\('f,)raSki~ s. Yllicameral L.('glsl~- 1 tors l h,g-hC'r pay and exp..~nsc 81·1 ~~R~r~PgUb~I~lc~a~n~C~h~at~n~na~Q~\\~'~lItla~m~,~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Itun'..Thls. t1me Ihow('\·lj'r. It Will 10\\·<tl1cC's. 'I _ Spe3l'. Fremont, says the propo';-;l!h" pnmanly to ~nlal'gQ the Leg· :'\qw tlw Legislah~is compos- '

I !sl.HiUl'P, \\lllt~ ,'.101 jtt.eJ~Pt to change !'ei of ·13 sC'natOl's, C'!C'ctC'd et'('ry I ==::. ~" .__ . ,::Its, non-po lila 1ll,I ~llip. t\\(l ;·l'[l.rs on.i llon~pohtlt:<tl '.ICk'i't.

rhr'rC' IUI\'(' Iwen sP\'{'I'al fit·! TI\('~ J::et paid $872 rH'1' yl'ar with I I~emp1'<;_lo ,al!e!' 11~(' systC'm S('t up I nn ('''':pl'n!'('s ('x('('pl ()J1r.p In anrl; B· d P f . ,.~n 19::14. hUl mORt of tlwm I~ave I florn' Lincoln dlll·inil~ a sl'~sinn uSlness an fO esslona1l1cllldf'f1 a l·,'lu',·n In pat'tlsHIl . ~m"mh"I,hip and tllP old Iwo-hou". In II,,· loa". 1.1'" n',II,II'''''a'I: ",at. _. _ ". _S).sIl'Ill. In tIl(' past, rohticnll In h,lS come hl'fon' th(' lA'~ISla-1 'fml'ti('s 11a\'1' hN'11 invoh'l'd in I furt> but wns IlIlSU('CPs,s!ul. Since

!';Ol11e of the' O\OV('S. TIl<' ~ latC'f;t Ilw ·t3 dist!'iets WC'l'(, !'o'! np m;1I1Y D IRE COR y.pldnnlllL:: ho\\'('\ (2]'. ol'I~ln<ltf'd with 11<\\'(" growll hy h'<l,ps :111r1 ]'Oltl1rls .

, Cll) lall..,. unIon" ~""I'Cl'S ,av tI,,- "'Jlh Ih,- "',olt thaI "'In" 'en."",·" . :...•1--- r . .

as low aSI' i_'_. ....i. ......:

• Year 'round comfort ~~ p~teetion• ~i1y instaUed ••• ~nly screwdtivu

and pliers needed. ••.• Weather defying, rust resist· I I ,_.:,

ant baked enamel finish, . ,~ .

• White with blue, green or . 1~tile red.






Install it yourself!

Just pour on and level.

Funds Available forRemodeling

No Money Down - 36 Months to Pay


Il) ~J" ~

i ......->--,~keep Your Home up to 150 COOLER


. . I'~ t -"1 \ 1· - ,4-Joi....;.~........j.....;.---.."""'---''"'l'"---....,....---,H.talmcr 'tund h01p(>(I,Mr~ I.a",~w

renC(l J(l11] SOl1 obserVel ht:>X' hiJ'th- lItrr.". M,ll,~ Nelso", CF:OhECD'}d[.Y~as"ed''day'Satur ay aftcrnodn: SundayJ"" " ,-evening g ests were Mr. anl:l Mrs. Pauline Hypsc. David's hirth(layJohn N. J hnson, Mr. and Mrs. ErM ~Ivas also observed. The <Gerlingcrvin Bartel alnd Verna Ma~, Mr. family came Saturday tor a viislt

. i;~ ~~:I i~.~~:M~~~\~~~~ ~~~: ~nrvi~~~ l~th~~a}O~~~O;U~~dhO~~. fl_ I I

'hOOt: Mr, andl

Mrs. Adolf ,Mi ler ers, pmaha, and F:an :y and Jim son and oger and Mi·. and Mrs. LeVI Dah1gren Jomed other~~~ Eleanor Jones~pent Memo ill and Mrs Roy Spahr, Ml1. and,-,."""'~i--,'+-;-',".,-.-.-I we~ 1\1 uy evcnin ._ visitors 'at Selders, Wayne. ' Kennet>h acker a!1d- daughters. . Ibers of group 5. Ho~pltal .e.Uxlll8fY, Day In the:R W. Jon~s home J Mrs. LeRoy Spahr and Douglas

'family the .' Mr. and Mrs. Andy h1ann 'and Mr. and ·Mrs. :ij.l~hapd Hoffman Iservmg ~t the hospital Frld8y/aft- Mr. and IMrs. arvin Dun I u and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Milliken.*evens ,LI 'ne, was a family were visitqrs . n .t~e Carl and famH , Pender, were Sund~Y ern~n., r spent Friday eve mg in the _ Wanda and Patty Hofeldt spent

' t· \\reb h Thompson ~arm home, Hoskms, rIdilY eve· supper gu sts at Cal S~ag~r~y8'1--'-'- . .. - ner J"anke home, Wmslde. last ~onday thrqugh Saturday on'. In t e Duane Thompso home. nmg. 1 ' The Kerm t Turnpr fa11111y Jomed Good_ Neighbors Plantl Rex : Conner. Loyd Shu ri.. the- Pat Hofeldt farm. I

PIll M:r:-s, G en Bowers.: Norfolk. . 1\1., and Mrs..C: ,L fmel were ·Mr· an~ Mrs .. Ruiu Mann and them -in t e 'evening. I~" .. I Horqer Kelley. on Denkl fr Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth KizerM'r, and ~(rs. 'James :C. Jensen Sun ar eveJ"!ing- VISitor m the Ern- family,. SIOUX City. ..re supper Sunday aftern/?on Mr..and ,Mrs'ICoro for C. Wolter I and Clattence Shllbert spent i- visited in the Lester HOfeldt home

li1t, lind Mrs. Dewe,y: ,Jensen est :lder home. I guests III th~~Al1dY Man home Sun- Harry' Ba ~s and M:arllyn A~n Goil>d neighbors 4~1~d 00 jkl'es day thrOUgh Mohday fishing n Thursday through Saturday.tRM~~~ we~ SUlt~ay: ,dinner MI' and Mrs. Gene Behmer and day. were gue s: at Ernest Lempker;, and planted corn ~t+the Clafent:e Ottertail Lcj.ke, ~i~n_ I Mr. and Mrs. Dale Smith, re~

s n~~h~ MArvin'Jenseq home. ~~~ h~~~1tor~n1n it~v rl.yF.St~~~~~ 40 Attend Meth d,·st pe~~~ran Mrs. Emil Roeber at- ~~~~sJ:~~~~~[~'h~:s~nl:k2 vi}3~~~ndtW:-lr~g~:e~~e:'h Id~ ~n~akio~~~;~nodT::da;.t.Ire- .

't : I', !' ber home Monday e cnin~. tended th diamond anniversary' anq eouId- not d,.o the platiting. lasf Monday, and 1I'uesday in h or Mr. and Mrs. Otto Heithold.GroUp Sponsors M . and Mrs. Hube t DeIter ilnd Vacation Bible 5 hool celebratio at AltonarTrinity Luth- Merlin Nixop: o' SchulZ,r Le- of J,.arry's ,gradujltion. J ~I were last ~daY dinner; guests 'in,: , . '. " fl):m ly, Paxton" we7e. ucspay oyer· Abou~ 40 students ere enroll.. e.ran chur h Sunday. ,Roy Levene ~d· aul and ,Levi TtJu~ay' even~ng. M . and . the Willia Evans home.! York."LUth8r Film I U!g aI;ld Wednesd y morn~ng "d in 'the M('thodi. t vacation Mr". an Mrs. Cleve, 'Murphy, ,Dahlgren diSked the field' TueSday. Kenne.t'.h Parkc ~nd Mr. 5lnd . They dine 'n the RobeT't1 Rinc~~

, h (11 '~I . "lsi ors 111 the Jndr w Andersen Bible school which cl sed Friday Belden, ere' last ~onday ahcr- Thure Johnson,'"Ca\ Swagerty; Joe Home-r KcU-ey ~gve a du1ner hart home last Wednesday 'eve·C' f~~ ~l~s ho e. Mr. aDd/Mrs. Def.ler and afternoon. _ nOOn visit rs at Ernest ~~cker;s.· Erickson, Theron qulton. Ke~l1e-th .Rev, Albert Gra s. ning:' _ ,r:~'rl~~ and ram y were enro~te 0 Mmncsota Rl"v. C. L. VanMet e was dir- Mr.. an Mrs. Marvm Dra~hu Packer and Charlffi Peters·.plant- Mr. 'ai)cL Mrs. J. R. Dinner guests in the Wilbur

ts at ·tht ('lr(l~h The to ttend a f~ner~l.. Strate and ector. Te<.lchC'rs inc uded Mrs. a~~ gJr1~ wen~ Thursday. evenmg edt corn Wedne!ida)i. ' spent the wcek d in Heithold' home in honor o~ Cyn~start at 8~p.m.·cach D~[ l:iS~nfIO~~i~s,E~~l visitors in ~(~~IS~"I¥:'~ll~~~,A :1;:~~Yi~~ vI~~~~sa~ i:f~dB~~~~~~n and dn J03'flSO~ horne, i .aha. I -thia's third birthday wCl'e Mr.

• '!,~ I the. Mrs. ~am Reicher home Tues· Patty Swan. Sandra aller, 1\1rs. Jim""!ie, S DUX P,ty, spent Sunda.y ta;;;~rt ~..~~~. ~~~ ~~. ~~ ,b~: JO~~:P~~m~Uj~~1 ~~~n~~~ e~ n ~~ ~n~r~I:~dOt~r~e~~:~1~r ~enserigqcs;ts in,',thd Julius day evenmg. GIVen Morrison, Ros Ann Fal> at HJa1me Ltp~d s. ~n'n an~ ~~can at, _Su~da.y dinner were r.lrs. Henry Jtllws and da h. and family, Lincoln. were last'.wt~ Evelyn' paris~. ran and Mrs. Garland Robbil1:s. ~ .I, .. ", !i~ su,?pel. ~est~ > flam ~ut of tel's: weekend guests in the IvaI; b"cnsena, John nn~ Wallie. Mrs. James !routm.n .was In Mard.elle ,ThomsEm Feted tow.n \\ere hIS pallnts, MI. and Monda)' evening callers .in home.- " :

rd ;8Dd .~()UlSe and c,efy ~~~~I mUSIC and lI1gmg. , 4t Mis ellariequ~ Sho"wer ~~~'J'~:~nge~.DYe~l"IPearl and Har- ~~. tfn~~.~~~\an~lln~~Ca~;r lThursday callers in ,the Mrs. A.

'n"Stuebe, Fr day, June l ••• I Mr. and Mrs. John agner.. ~or- 1 iSundayafternoon, Mrs. Lloyd IYIrs. ~p~n~th P cker' and I\iI~·s. IVIr. add Mrs. Ernfl'id Allvin, ,Ir. ~~i~:l~!~~ ~~~' ~:c~;g:!~~bY~I..Djiaftetn'oon liree·Fours Bl'id c Club folk. were Sunday eve ing: v.lsltors Roeber w s co-hostess with !WI's. E?-Ith S;11hsplc at ended thp f!IS-1 _.~~-- '-11-- -- r-------

,lDlmgberg T esday, ·June 5 ') in the John Asmus ho e.! Al Fey 'oan Utemark and Mrs. trICt King's Daul{ fl>rs conwhttotl . I I: ' -~• :.:...:....:;.......' _.[ ethodist WSCS Mil'. and Mrs. Edwin Bro~ren and Clarel)c~ temark in the latter's at Orcharrl Thursd y.'. I ,:

dnesday, June 6 Loij were visitors in the Elmer homC' at miscellanl'ous shower Mr. and Ml's. allace ll1l1g nt-:t. Paul'~ Ladies id Utecht home, Norfoll, Saturday for Mard lle Thomsen, a Junco tcond?d luneral sc'rvicC's fOI' his

evening. bride. ['ousm. John WI's1. at Grlswold.!~ Ucred Neighl)ors Mr. and Mrs. Char ey ,Mitchell. I Ia. ~undi1Y aflr'l'l)()otl. Saturday!S attered Neighbor met with Norfolk, Were visitors in ,the Ed- Jcanett Anderson \\o13S a SUl1rlilY eVenUH,:" tt~(:\' \ 1"11f~~1 ~ob Kpllb(,'rs,

-~-i--"';"'_""'';'''-;''~-----------.I Mr. Harvey Podoll Wednesday. win Br0grcn home Sun lay evening. overnight guest of Marh>nc Schroe- R:ed Oak. Ilw)': \\,·re SU~day o,,:,'r-I:'~ Th second lesson on seafoods was Mrs. John Heeler was a visitor r}r'r in th Dean Backstrom home, IlJght ~.u(:sts ?I Ml·. an.d Mrs. Iler.;

de onstl'ated by rs Clalence . th 0 R S Id 1 t1tn F'd Wayne man GIl'lmal,n. Onm\a.PC lifer, Mrs Charles J?-e:kso,:! and in .e . . e -ers e '1'1 ay A la~ge group of relatives help- Wl'dnv".dajV ,>\'erjing: glH'stf in]Mr". pbdoll. Next m etmg will be evemng... . cd Art Myel' celebrate his hil"th- til(' Lloy (\ ROl'!lC'IJ homc to, ht'lp Iat he Clarence Pfeif er home for I. Mrs. Ervin Pfelffer . nd children day last ondav evening. :friday R.\ 1011 cclebl'atp ~1i:s birthday'\wregu st day. i Iwere supper guests l~ the Otto afternoon Mrs Hcnr JohnSOn and :'vIr. and Mrs. F l'fd Roetx'l"j Mr"1' 'i' i Kunt home Sunday ev mng. AnHa, ayn'c, re~inded Mrs and Mr~. Don ,!onn~on and boys,Re ekah Lodge . . ~ Mcyel" of anothf'T birthday. Eve- MI' .. anr, 1\11'". Gel:altl ncckl'~ and,

ebekah Lodge me ~n. the Mrs h' h ~ nin" visi ors were Mt". and -Mrs. Da\'ld Leo, 1'.11'. 8rld Mrs. l\hl.ford'S~ H~lchert home }< nday ,eye- C' urc e Bob Buss Hoskins, 1\11'. an(1 DTI·S. Rophcl: and sons. AUC'Il, jl;I~'~ and:nn g.. FJI~al plans w l"C made for • •• Cliff U)(' J Laurc] Mr and ;\IT1":>. :\11"S. !\orman Ropbel" and chlldrC'n,'tit district meetmg wid at -R-an- St. Paul's Evan. LutHeran Church Elmer N Ison and' 3Ifr" fl11d MrS'.! i\IL ~nd rVII'~. CI~~~~cc lJ~cmar~.~"do h Monday. I (H. M. Hilperl,_.pastor) Art Holl an Th'". <Inc1 ~11S. ,~<lll) Dollm, M." '.

SundGY. June 3: Gierman serv- Friday evening visitors at Joel <Jl~a :\11's. LmJi 1al'no\.... and DcbblC:G 1~~n~~J~~ C~~crsi entertained ice, 8,:50 a. m.; Sunday school. Erickson' wcrl:' MI'. and Ml's~ AI_ J GIOSC'.

f 9:55; En,c(lish service 'and examlD- Vln Sund II and SuclJen 1_~o .Pi~o~~~fs c~~~r~ 'li1ri~ ~l~~~~ aUan of 11 confirmands. 11. Wt>dnl' day evelllng Audl C'Y and SOUTHWE~r

Id· 'I Confirmation services June 10. Larry H ng.n, SIOUX CIty VISlt- WWible, .I\1I'S. Henry lac 109, J' rs. ~ d hill b t 9 55

Jo n Damme. Mr~. Cora Brodd ~~d ;~r~~igose;~lceeJ; 10==30. a. m. edM·'r Pa•n I DMar~lgJloeSr::psh C Jollnson ayne '.~ Mrs. A. C. G.bl~ .. Mrs. Brodd n c Put this speedy, heav ·duLy hay handler to work iiii

ml7t4 an Mrs. Carr re elyed prizes. ~ .. L h I' Ch h We10 Th rsday evenmg VISltdrS at • B 5t ff C O:'1C!ent I yout fields now. '-'011 m'drow u'p to 50 acres ofha"..'1 ._-,-__ ' . II h 'th 'I Trinity ut eran UI'C Pau~ D_•. Igren'51 I 1 • __,;"y_.a_.o,.r.re.s,;"p.,..._ .' ,- Ju 1(' 8 meetll1.l.( WI e WI' 11 rs (c. k Kemper, suptplv pastor) _ ... I. !G org,e G.bler. , S d J 3 St d school"" d a day;;. smooth, ,I an and fast. Over rough.es,t.',i.,..,-f"'---+----'- lin ay. une' n ay 'Mr an Mrs.' !i~1~ron Culton and ",Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Allemarf,jmY ung Adult League, ~ m.; radio \\'orsI1l service, ,II. daughtcr. were ~n':1Joux City Mon- family vi.si~ed in thc Jolm ASnlu.3: . ground;;; in toughie t c.rops;; ~_a~ ..~p~d~ _~~t!i

'rinity Young Adu t IC<H'!ue mp Winside Methodi! Church day w)w they mal'ke~'d cattle. home Thursday evening. '1 1ni1es, an hour.; cot in today~ I )SIOunsd. ·MY re,v.enCilna~r.ani"et epfce'hl't~t~cr'h rne~d <c. L. VanMetre pastor) nn~r~~,·7 r~l"S~pCeJ·tre~~~~ty"mc·vrk Mr)· ahd M1rs. R\Js5e

dII Pryor and

t, '

e " " Sunday, June 3: S nday scho.ol, <. n, L'i 'faml y spent as.t Sun ay evenm~ a ' -=- .........a article. Clarence Pfeiffer had I d I nmg at awr('nc~ l?laUcrt s. Augu:;t Longe's. Last Tuesday t ey HlIill _LoOk I Thile .Rak.-ing~!e~tu,r.eS'.. "charge of the busi ess meetm.g. 10 ':l.m.; worship. an spccJa MI'. an Mrs. .F.n1l1 Roclx'l" were \'isited Gilbert Dahgbel"~s. I ,....- _ ~1l' e league purchase' and instatled musIC hy ,Tul1lor rhO! , 11. Sunday vening guC"sts of Mr. and Last Tuesday evening M • anI' •~~OOth' 4-bar reel adion Ia new work. table. i t~e kitchen. - i I\"jt nd Mrs. Ft'f' Lessman. "Irs'. I{enr" Ko"h and LeI. d" Win.. II b d t d Mr and Mrs LOll e I e a n J" ~.. t rdy, streamlined constructio'a" "M 'etlOgs WI e IS on lOue 11" . , ",. h J'Oyce Thompson, Viroq u'a, Iside. called in the Bill Heie 0S plembel'. 'Ir.•nd Mrs. Daler Kathryn and Mr,. So hw FLIC ser. • h d t • b h I L me' 'I

1\ Y t dlrlllCr lucsts In the Wis., W S a houseguest in the Frank Brudigams were Visitors in I Ire. wln- eam c anne u.a ..•K ueger served runcl . , F ~ ;.nD~~eel home 'unday. They Wal!ace R~~~ home while tea~h. ,the Heier home Thursdav evening. YoucanbuyMc- • taw. disc drive wheels- . . .1

Amniversary Gvestsi we~'e callers in. thJ Mrs. ~am In.9 In hrlstlan church vacation, Hon.oring Bud Hansons last 'Tues- ~~~:akon~~~ • io~g, open.coil rake teeth mounled-It.'.r, and Mrs. Ott rUlrich Mr I Relch?rt ~ome Sun ay mormng. Bible shoo!. I day night for their eighth wedding ~ Inc'ome Pur- fro~t of tooth bar~ ~~-~i"'--:

a d Mrs. Dave Luc er and ChriS- ' Frcdn~k \"i IttI.'. ~ho :Jpent the past spTnh,e'Mcs nd.·ynd,n thDc"LnnlOlsYd RRoO~bb~rr '!A.nrnvlIYderpse·t?rsowner.end~~rl·r.••nndd·~Ilrrss·.'1 ' ~ '~IrI ,.ti e 'and .Mr. and 11'5. Marvln week In the l~hmn:cl1 home. re- '" '- .. .... I' jl I chase Plan and • Ea1ily replac~bJe ree bea ng.S hrbcdcr and family were guests turncd home With 111s,parents. homp. T eif" pal'ents, Mr.. arid Mrs, Verneal Peterson and family. Con- let them pay for .~Olceof,Plainorball.lt8'arins~i-in'the Fred Schroed¢r home, Nor- l\1~.' and Mr~ ..1Iarv~y Podoll a~d Norman RoC'bcr, k-ft that day to· cord, I\Ir. and Mrs. Oscar John- I tU8hee.n;s.~.te~,~&" !,' I "'" 4- "'i"Q}".'1 '.fo k, Friday cven.i g for thclr family were VISitors In the Ma~vm attend f nC'ral services for her son. Dixon, and Mr. ami Mrs"l '"""lO _

,-'-~"'----""-_-+_--.,_...c.._ fo Irth wedding anm ersary_ Schroeder home Saturd'ay eyemng. uncle ifl. Torrington. Wyo. They Lawrcnce Backstrom and {.amity.exP'~teCl to return WC'dnesdey. Relatives helped Vietor Knlesche ~

in N~rf~l~ ~~ida~' tC ~:I~lE~L;:;; Centet: Circle Members, : 'vi;~edda e:~di~~e;~~id Roeber's t~l:trF:i<I~~i:t~~~sa~~~s~~~~J:~~ ; I: I

M tchell. who is a pa ient in a-Nor· Tour Lincoln MQnday I, Sunda ~Mrs Catherinc Culton cnl1cd in lhe Kniesche home to Mel . k F St ..fo k hospital. ,,' Center Circle club members en.' 'was a n nner gucs1 in thr' V\'l'del t honor him. ! (0'rml


' , ,arm ore.,rs. Ernest Eld I' and. Mrs. joyed a tour of Lincoln by chart- Lund ho e in honM of the hO:::;t'SI' ._- .- ~ --- ---, ~,

G mge Gabler sp nt Saturday ered bus last Mon4~Y. Over 30 birthday Joinin~ Bern at eoopcl"a~ PHONE· YOUR NEWS ba ternoo~ with Mrs. Minnie Mor- members participatep. Mrs. Otto tivc sup el' wct'(, r. and Mrs. R. Phone 34 Wayne

I' W. . Kant handled arrang:ements. I"H=,~G~c:l'l~n:g:":i':.-::_~D~.:v2d;:a:Il(~1 :I:):le~I":"'~'==T~O~T:H:E::H~E:R:A=L~D~-:":3:0===========+' ~~-'=--:-:-:~::-::-::-:':-:::'=:::=::;S:=;'Mr. and Mrs. Ed Spinden, The group visited i Morrill hall.! ~ I

I:":~"""=C::-:-c-----~-I ~:r~~s S~ii'Jde~~''os ~~;af:.,~~s~ ~~nyn~~~~~~t,Y ;a~S~fer~woa~dP1h~ I<eep Outll..S"umm'er Su I 'r: ana Mrs. Fre Haines and Capitol. 5E @ n

~r;;~~' ~orft~:' W~~:r sSpi~~:~ I 5 'YOUR HOU "'.. ~~. I 1 ' .orne. Ed and Palen Spinden ho;~I~e\VCd~C;~~yL~~'J~r~g~~~Ci;l?t Witll Ventilated Awnings

ftt~~I~~l': J~~;I~~~ir::~t ~~' ~~31 OVEN HOT in sum:~r, ;, .NOW! Beautiful, Low Cost Metall

Awnings y'~u install youuelf!

Hw;trr.:1Iigk. : .



.. . r i

·· .,m top'~a/~e. ifts· II' ~NOW, IN ADDITION 0 TOP VALUE ilFOOD BUY~

ARNIE'S IS GIVING T' P VALUE SAVINGS STAMPS _,Every time you shop at A NIE'S you get TopllValue Stamp'sJ·You receive one Top Valu Stamp with each liOc purchase, 10stamps with every dollar y u $pend. j , ISave your Top Value Stam s i~ the savers book you get FREElat A~NIE'S. The Top Value, tamp Gift Catalog,!which you als~

get FHEE. at ARNIE'S tellS~.ou the number of s ps you nee~...'.to get the item of your cho ceo . ..1

SClbn many other leading cal merchants wi be giving To~_Value Stamps. You'll be 'ble to save these thrifty stampsfaster. by shopping where. you see the sign "We give TopValue Stamps" !!~.. I'


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VACATION S~ECIALS .... "...i '

.1• Cleon and adjust points and plugs • S~t spark timing' 1• Adjust carburetor J • 1;cs,t coil, condenser, batter~.• Test compressIOn • Check and adjust fan belt6-cyl. cars -.$3.50 IV-8'5 ..--.- ..... · $14.25All Parts Extra "






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Langemeier OilC~.• 'I. . ",11

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614 Main '-------. Me,n Mordhorst, Lesse,. Phon~,i~:n .-- ----- -+-- ------~-- --~-F~


,Topf ,"



WASH JOB SPECIAL,Clcon imide and out.Cleon White Side Wall Tires

COOLING SYSTEM TREAT:Can Rust Inhibitor, 1.00 valueS'ottle HeQv)' Duty Clcolner, 2.00 "olue

ACCESSORY VALUEA fender mounting mirror, 4.75 value, installed for 53.65

USED CAR STEAL: ~"!'-I1951 Plymouth 2·door Hardtop, 1iM81iU111i1loaded with extras, vcr)' good shope .$-t~5


. 5,000 Top Value Stamps with Each New Car i' . •1,000 to 4,000 Stamp,s. with Each Used Car J;lepending on the Price,.• '.

'WAYNE MOTOR (g.209.. ~. Main' . ~. I '11 Phoqe ED I; ~ . -;' W.a-:

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Phone 222

ft SE

31~'c. O~R BIG

pk~. 5c: pti~~NG~\\ f\a\Jors



19c j5HOPBurnl Sugor I , WITH

unCon \-lInes sPIre. !-Aorb\e or ,7(1cEASE

I -; 3-\b. ~an 7 I

Bal<,,". ~'r·:,·,· \~. \2 (1 >-

oe\broO :1ftqt.' ",,7 \

I 1L\or 1L~C:\

f\.QU~Unlit 3 pl<gs.


",(~~f M\'1.~S ...• ", ",,: I I ct\'\tlGC,','0,•• ",iO.I",Il"",'""j",.("~~",, ", :,",;,',', ',',',',,!,~O:",-·!'::":l '. ,:'. -.'

,0'lI0 .'M\~~(\.~ lH\-\WI,

'(IiAONCHbl(~ 'S",'·,'al : IR1 83BE~~:, '.' ' . 10"lbs. . C

i""",."R,.•.", '""." 015.1.'....5.... .... W:.h l>".h.~·f Col,,,.,. o,b'••mE",• .imy ",. Too'h,,," of R.",,, ~"" of 65.

t"II:::, ,; 1 MINleeED HAM! I I, Ibs. $100'€~K~ .SKINlES IE I '. 3 Ibs. $100

i:ll,Ib;.....' '.!~."'" I;,."I.C:: ," ." .1 W N., ERS 3'I' ':.i"_I" 'I r,9p, Value· I

i!!A;I/jI\!'c~tl GROUND BEEF"La Q"ACH fOR $100 3 Ibs. $1 00

4S,c"", i


If~f,~~~~~~~~~~£~-_·~~-~~L_~__ fud~~~ M h tF- 'SIC,'E '"C',R,El "" :a~. 5. .~~f£i111:~222~Main~e~rC~'Aa§n~'~Fra~}!~rj~~~n~!~~J"::e~~-_~t?~aY!~'~~br;send your filled Top

FRO·JOY made by SE 'LfEST ~:~ ~ ;:~mt~e s"{~;''-- --:- ............-:-.::..11'"------4"-~~----f..:...,-=-=--_-+-__J Val e Redem p t ion. .Cen er for your gift.




[ .




.2 ~a-:- 35c


fAB DETERGENT19.... Pkg.31c-:

Niblets. whole kernel

~;:::. 37c




THIS MAGNIFICENT SALAD I,omsouth of the border is a reol "pro­

duction number:' Be sure to mix itin full view of everyone I

S tf (special ~"-prlc~ 2~t~: 47U sale).............. 0

Bu\' one 19-oz. pkg. at regular price,get the second one at }Z·priCS).


.Prepare ahead 2 cups croutons

by fryi,ng bre~dcubes in gorll~-'

flavored olive oil. Rub solad bowl

with garlic. Into the bowl teor 2­heads of lettuce into medium.sized pieces_ Sprinkle with 'I.. tsp.eech ,of drymustord ond black pep­per, salt to toste, Vz c~p'groted Por.­

meson cheese. Add 6 tbsps. oliveoil end the iuice of 2 lemons. Break

2 raw or coddled eggs into thegreens.,Toss gently. Add croutonsand t~ss egoin. Some folks like toodd tomoto wedges, choppedgreen onions, anchovy fillets, or

• ~. cnRnbled~niu"before ..rving.


YOU NEED FOR MA!<ING :E~j, Libby's; halved, No. 2110 351 ---~-----

Peaches Y.C., heavy syrup .. Can KARO SYRUP j-,

PHarper House; No. 2110 411

ears Bartlett, heavy syrup ... Can

. - I Tropie I~le; 1-lb. 21''Pmeapp e crushed Can ~,

Garden- 2 17-oz. 25: 1

Sweet Peas side... .. Cans ~:'Briargate; 1·1b. 28"!

Green Beans vertical .....Can fiPink Solmo," ""'~ Loo~:: 53!1, , -'-------:-

.Compare Safeway Prices oJ ALL Your !,urchases, . Mlracle4-9

S I dD •· DUch.~ss, 47c Whip, '. Ca a resslng. _l-qt)Tar _l-qt.Jar

Salad Oil .... 1-:~~t~I~ ~9c.... 1-qt~~~~~f~ 69cRitz Crackers 8B2~~: 23c, 1;~ 33cT Chunk Sea Tl:ader' 5c Star-Kist, ,?9cuna light n~eat . '.. 6-oz. Ca~, I .... 6%-oz. Can jA

I .~E

Breakfast Gem; 47 ' ----~~-.....-large ggs Grade-A ..... DOt.~' ..sWEET PEAS

C kTea'l1imer; 1-lb:31:r

rac erSround~ golden Box ~

k FlaYOr Kist· 7-oz. 29 i(rac ers bleu c!heese : ... , ... Box C



ChKraft; 'grated, 2 I ,-oz. 20c

eese Ameridan _ Pkg. .

I kT 4-oz. 43tB ac ea Lipton's ,Pkg. !

P• kl Bond's; :sliced, • 1:qt'39~1IC eScucumber_ ... , .... , . - ..Tar I

Chopped Beef ~ils~~'_~;z.~'n291'

d Roxburv: 29'Can YAssorted Chews .....Pkg.. ,

Olive Oil pomp.,ian; pure.~~J~lT. ,

~rs-oz'-31=74 1Dreft . :-.../Pkg. . c.. .. _..Pkg. ~

Dishes shine without ,wiping

i- ,I,'SprIngtime Fruit p~C#err laden with an o~undonce of der«:~ousfruits ••. fresh. co ~ed, or frozen ... wllh a tangy dreulng.


h - or GREEN ONION~, i 5es farm-fresh, mild .... , .. ,Buneh (,

I,C I' .. " ., :CriS~, t~jlder; Ica e ,~,r;¥cIean, trijsh .....t.,,. rl; ," , I

Av cadols ~fge size, t""iy.., .. Ea C

Ne~,:;Red, 1ql '7'5 IPoatoes l:(; S"·No. 1. ....... Lbs, I" C


H J1 It Crisp, fresh, 1-'- IS'_ea~ e uee medmm size ..•..Lb.' (

R• t Red, firm, IPlastie2]Ipe' oma ces ideal slicing: Carton (* !

C . L Long, green, ! . ~3UCU DerS add flavor to salads, _Lb. :.L . (


P· 11 LaLani; 14-oz, 20cmeapp crushed, fancy Can

fruit Coc ,Iail Mostess Pelight. 2"~;~~ 49cGelatin ~~l~;:;:~; fla;or, ....... 3 Pkgs. 22cr.. I t' 3e 1-0; 3 25~?e a In as, orted flavors.:..... Pkgs.

Cottage heese Roberts 1;~~~: 22S~Ia.d~'ii es ~r~l~jmento ;2::. 41 qRlpeOliv S Ebony; large, pitted 3ar 39~

";c·.Fixin s 'for Tasty ~p{g Salads I

M h II Flttff-,:;<'X' 8-oz. 19.1ars a ows minia(me ...... Bag 'I'Mixed egetabl~_~~~~~; .. 1~-,~;: 23jK·"d . sto!{ely's; 15-oz. I.,

I ney eans darl, '·ed .... '." .Can

Sh • ea .T~ade.r; 5-02. 49rlmp medIUm SIze, wet. •••••••. Can .

M· .,. I-lb. 19~aearo I Qualit)';· cut ......... ,Pkg. i,


:Add Fl vor to Your Salads with - iGarlic Sa I Crown COIOnr.... ,... 7:'.i~z; 17Seasoning Salt Crown ~OIOny.. , •. 3.i~~ 27Paprika rown COlOny ... : ...... ,nic~~ 19C · d' - 1"·oz_ 15urry Po er crown!8(;j~y ..... ".·can

Capers 'algIOn;ln.Vi8~~4L •.••.2';~;~1~ 19cOder Vi egar Old,>Y:;.:•..B~;~~ 29~


llrize Your Salads with -" .. I-pt. 3ge!al5e NuMade; fresh ...•. Jur

aise Kraft; fresh .... , ..~1';; 41eR· " 0 ". Reed's' 8-oz '" I!ussla resslng (sa"e iOc):.BtI: ~ Ie

",lIalian Dressing Wlsh·Bone _B~;~~~ 3~e

Frene Dressing Kraft. .... ~~;~~~ 3ge Seafood Sa,';".. ;piled high wah plump. tend" shrimp,• I buttery avc:eadof fmoto slices, I'ife.ed wilh 0 lemon 4 wedgo.

. -IIa Lower TOTA~ Meat Bin~ .. Shop Safewa~'!, ;, , . 49In5~o~~~~f~i~~e~~:~,~h~l~~~~~~¥~~~~t: Lb. . C


I; ~'elf RO~f'tuSI?ABlade, ·3' 3c Arm,43c~ ChOice .... Lb. . .. , ,Lb.



, i, .·C·'ken 1 nOl\H~USe;_ThighS' t9c~~~~~~~: 89c. . . fr n,..... lib, Pkg, ; "

!". 49? ,'e Irvetat ~r~fQ~~~~if:~ds.. ~ .... :..... ,·.J,.b. c'U;~jltl"li", , . ~. I Cello-;rapp~d,' ..19cl!j:j'~On SquqreSvarioussizes .. ,....,.;Lb.dl" ) i

.", 1'1 r !I .1,,'

I I'



. "Cou neil Oak Prices are Cloaked in Myu.ery"During COUNCIL OAK'S MYSTERY SALEthis weekend, you must shop at yow fcIY,,!ifeCOUNCIL OAK STORE to see the JelISC1fio1loal values now on display, .

'f1URRYl Were~orvethe rignt to r""it~


Colorado ltiacation! One Week-Air Expenses PaJdI "'5FUN' It's ~ASY! No purchase required. Enter as oftenas ypu Iik~. Col your Enlry Blank al your ...,.restCOW..CIL pAK STORE.


! t




, I


!: . I I ~

111..II.'IIIIIII!.".:II.,i.},!".·I'!.i'.I','I!I.. I.!1.'llld.,i:., ,.... M,.•••·.'.,·b'.enn•.lll ·P.I•.~o')~ O'.J

nd. ...;.;.I,--~-I-_....:...._ I III!m!,1 ,'!I', 1·,,',1 ,II 1·1 'I]l, "1_ . ~J. .' ,...... . ; . '., . . .. ..

•" , ' ... ' I' '1" ,,, . Mildred.,'M"".,. Ja..•~.,' Iitatzlaff;l. M.rO':.• b. WaYhe(N.ebiJ Herald Thur day May 3\.\'9.".......•.

,"'C".. , ""O'·"'.I,·,'·M#.'j.I""e'''!,·'.'n


.".:.i1.H'.·'ili'''e''''U','n'.''. l~ol'.·.n"""H·"':,'. e/·.d'.'.·.'.· ,.0'.'.,''. ~~~~ I~~\i~~~k.~fh\~~e ~n~t1~~:'~ "See .~."y' . The ' , JahnMdlerand~jis:ClT.mongHall_" , ., ~..... . ."" in·law· ~rs A. E D~.ti~S :~'~:~~~:e:t ac~~':~:~~~~: side: Mr. ~nd M~. John Black,' day were Mr.-· ah-ci: i\trSJ,~t'.~··W~<

M"r 'a d :Mrs John S rbel" left Items abo t Wayne folb yo Mr. and 'Mrs•.MarvJI~, Nels~n and' ?mer~on. and Mr. and Mrs. ROb-j Dolph, Mr. arid M"ri.-- 'WD1UultI,..,. !",n·.,.,'~.i,_,.·.O·, iIIt.....d'.!,.,.,..p'.. :J..L... ,.J..'.•. 2,.',i~.' A.. '~.ei.":n·'.·'d' for Torrnglon,' Wyo. onday to familY" .Laurel, ~i~ed i the. ert Rmehart. c8;Ilea there Sunday. Knoll, Mr: and M.t:!, Alfred By.•~ i ,-," , U'rAJ ~ t: ~~:~~~,sf~'~f~~r,S6~~~ e~~~y:vrl" Mr. and Mrs. Dean 'tranqUlst nd son. ~~~ur Giese 'home!: ursda e~e..: te:~d an~e~s~li; ~it~:~:~i ~~~ ~~n~C. JM::er, "

I"~I I f~1 III~ f Ijji''j'r 1"~~!~11Il~iM:l~jI~~. J.I_-.;j...~~__' _-l~_'__ ',. Stanfo d' Lessmann" ' ortheast anrl family, LeMars, I ", $pent sislers of Odr MrMs',.•M11e aMrYatalr,.. ee ..GU~."'.. 1. n. tho0 R. at. :Ga.mble: ho.me!. MS :Oxley wedding.. al .Perry, la. las.j Emil SYdOW,_Mrs..E•. t'...... ..... 1I....e..,.••111 IF-IIII l'I"111;Jll~ k ,~ t!!rliof' l'~'t'i !~ I I ' high stu ent, LinCj:oln, W s, named Sunday in the home Of hi mother, .. . . the pasf,week were 'Mr. and Mrs.' unday. PaUl Knolls and MrS." '--8y.! I ~~'tl,~ j~'f:". I II one of testate high sc 001 track Mrs. El~gt'r Granquist. I Wendte lS lS aunt. Albert PaUlson,. Laprel, Mrs..A Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gamble calla dow. ,,' ;.. .. .~ ,

", ~;1f~ ;~~, ,))t, :'. • ••n I athletes pf the year and has been Mr. ,,"'nd Mrs. Charl~s Miille Mrst'l Idla tedetwolohd. hakT·h'leld, L. Ireland 'and :M~_' Carl ,Bran- ed in the Albert Gamble home Arlen, Fitches' itfend..... '.:i. ·f"";'

AV aw r~edl h If til I joined n:-latives ,at Pon a State speno as, es ay r~u urs- zynski and. childre . I 1 last 'I\tesday. ily reuniori at Dead ''fiinbeit'''patk~ I I "I I I iiw:~ bytN !hack c~ c~U~'~~~k park last Sunday for a d nner and day In tHe, E mer Harrls n ho~e. .' Friday ,callers n _the Alberti Mr. and Mrs. Albert Frost ar- near Scribner Slinday '..: ::

~'I! ' 8r~ Ilrn ~~tenl( Sevigne.Stanford Is the1grandson O,,~,;g'and Mes.' l,v1n 91

'I'ahd·,. HL~t sa1" day dM{!f' 'dM;!,\or. Frost hOl11~ were Mrs. Helena rived home Thursday ,fternaa MNI. Bob Folt aild'Jan;::Norti.I'~"__+'~";";';;';.;h;;e.;'·';;';'-;';'·;;' .Iof MM~? J:;~eliaBi~:~m~I)'t~'ri:rn~~ Frpmont, spent last wednesd~l ~~H.eTian a n~re s~p e~. gue~ itt:;~~c~c:r~k.Mr. and Mr$. Bill ~f~~. two weeks at Rocheste~ ~:t~~~S:i~dl:£n~ ~~~~j t.~lT.'~lb6m(iC!'I~, \",~~, gU:~ts in 141adieSl to a neighbo.rhtd b.reak.- and TI,lUrsday in t~e Mts. DetUe tn.)the Mrs. nna, Mau h me. Mrs, Mr. and Mrs., E tiln Hamer and Mrs. Frieda Lorenz,_ Pierce. viS~ Rev. Russell DRk':· and:' peter"

~'Patii~.'la!lrVl.jl. 110.ma .S.un.d.a.y fast TIli>sdaY morning. Bahde ·homf'. '- ¥f'te1er

retu ~d hlhomeHla t Suhnday

Kenneth -were unday ..-linnet: lte9: in the .Dale Fors.berg home, H. FeldkamP,Spent:the.week....~h.."ft0'm'lt(' ' , ',,' ,Mr. and Mrs. Chris Franz.en and a r a wee In e an en orne GI I'" F d M d M~"' .....;.In:;, , " I' I· ' ,Mr. ad. Mrs. Henry olte vis- R,·ch~rd. Winsidf', \!isiterl.l Mrs. J. Mr and rs Kenn th Old~ guests in the en Jenkins' horne, I . rl ay evenm.g . 1 r. an rs I' mg at Blackduclti, '~~l'~1 •

: Mr. a'nd, Mrs. Art ,:Fegley ited in he Lou Bah!' home last . ....., Norfolk. II Lloyd Russell and sons visite Marie C. Dacken sPe;nt the' 'week''h.·~, qeiger Sunday !~velting, r 1- . R Hefti Thursday. I' ~:~ g~n~;ho~:mng 1 the Ed~ E. W. Wil.lert. ~nd' family at-, there Sunday :evening. - : with Mrs. Wilfred .~8.ntor« ,'~.. '~.I"'-'1',:.' I-'-==~==----+, ---! Last Wednesday Mr1>. Robert . . , tended Midland co l~ge ba~calau-, ,-ast SUnday Mr.. and Mrs. 'Hen J neapolis. ; :.. ',:'.; >_,

I. .~~ stayed In the M:r:s. Be sie lsom I-LI,amns,ooo ,.',.;1,.,dedM,·oC. th'eOd

lIf,'rsrt' ~~~~ Mr. and . rs, ~: c. ~a. ler, Long r.eal.e services at Jf embnt lnd.ay. ry: Barelman and daughter were Dan Heitholdl heIP.. ~ct M~.·.,~ .. c;.. Il••rrkJ~"I~1.'1C' " "" home. ·J;til Thursday morning. .. Robe Beach, Call., ...."1slted m the Mrs..They and N~)a :8 stet vl~i ed in guests in the Mrs. Martha Frevet1-11 Ba!1ister celebrate her b~yOOm::"'lll~rsdtw!~ventng~ Emogei,went home ith them ~~~~~~c~~~n~.onOl· of Ir' college Enger Gran Ulst home, ~Jiday. the M. W. Willert orne, Y nkton. home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed 'Frever~ Friday evening. 'j "':"" ,

,~~1rlr~~~~I~i~f1~:t~l~'C::~~~~, :~~inth~ bJ:~~lyhe~v ~'fnkg.ho1\TI~ d••My 'tSa' ~sEpe'm.o,elr," H"~::kiSO"nn 1,lh.eftAS]JaOn- ~~il~~dO~ ~a,J:. l~~. ~~~~t ~~t~ M~1s~Y'TheJma Grlier anJ Mr. He~b~~tUgp;.:~e:tn~ s~l~t an~~:~~I' N.M~~~:~gSg:v~.. 'r. :::e. ~~.,:J:~.h~\•.~", (an~i1~. 'I,nnd,' :.Man.·..ip. ", :I,ones, a d M H Id B l f 'I " \, J u ur ay., '. . and Mr.s ..~C?nnan I Schmid-i met e\'E'ning tht>re. for Mrs. R. E. "McGihnJ ~db.Y:.l\'''illo(,l~U''fl'~~D., ,\\"et'C, Sunday din· ~.~ar is.urcT~owcreur~~oa~ue~~1 i.~ Scdcrl)f'rg home, Beatr~e. . M/~t. an Mrs. ~o.b. rt ~J1leh- Boyd, who IS hom~ on a 10-day Mr and Mrs Elwayne Fleet~' Twelve ladies were' . attd

:rr;I~~~~~~~t;~~;'~ ~~~~\)~~n:l~ :h~I;:O n~o~~S~a~rl~~ t e~~n~~;hl T.t,~rn~H~t.'dafi~er~I~:n R.M ~. H~I~~:~ ~~ Gl~~~i~hi~~gt~:ls~ttflremt~c; ~:'~~~na\r?;~~~~~~~::- c~TIe~heii~ ~~~,~l'c:n~d fi~~~' E.~'Y1eet~~3 ~ ~~vi~a: f:~;f~llt : .,.. ,,".', '.'·:,..·mn.'.:·:~kl$ we;n.11 Sunda.Y::.visltoi's 1n«he hom". ",s. Burdette H nsen and report to s n o.n, . . the Ed ,Prl'lnP'f' hottle. Fremont. ho........ S'~oday. . 'I Mr. and Mrs. MarVin t='l'ienllc

to•Kr "h . and Di nn, near Carrol, and Mr. ~ 1VI W k ..~ " I ' ..

~ll. ,ll('lnd" om~., and Mr . Paul Brader a d family, daugh1t'r, \Visncl", visitpd th.~re. . ee end guests 1M t ~ MarVin '~rs, George T~sa n g a and Last, We:dnesday Mrs. J. H attend~d the'N ~.M.l)c)W.~t!;'~.te~iMI:",'h,tid! ~trs,':n.alph o.ls:on,~an:d WaynC I wcrc Saturdll! evening Thursrlay. , ' Smits h~me }N"olbach, ere Mrs. chlldrrn sprnt 1 Wedhesday Fosters .mece and nephC'?/, Mrsl pa:ty. In ,tht:: L6U1e,~~er'!J: ..~Q~e,

~n.I~liI:Y Wql'd ·We,dhcSday ,cve;i1in

g 'gu t th CI I k' Gu.e.s.ts in the Ch. "'1S MiHle E!mcr ~llle pte, Mr. and Mrs. D~n through Friday in. " (' Hpnry Eh- J .. A. Elliott and Jack Carlson. \Vmslde, Fr.lday evenm.. _'......'...••........ '."\Jhn[ol's ~~!Ul,C (~":H. Monle home•.ho~e~ n .e lares unc, .11"., hOI11l' lor su~p('r la::;t Frday Were Glll€'spl(~ .an .M-Sgt. nd MIS. lens home, Mrs~ Thesanga, Eh. SIOUX City, came and hdped he~ Mr. and Mrs.,Ed ~Iei:flahn,were! Mr. nni:1- ~lrs. ,::l\~arYiJ~'lIass a~ld· I Mrs. arren 'Otto an children Malll(' WPlldt and Ml"s.~ Dean Mc- Robert Gtll SPIC'· ~en;' M.d Marvin Ehlers, ffarting. with spring housecleaning. Sh sUpper guests last Sunday. in the

I'4rs" F. 'vis.hed, in 'the bick Pierce, and Mrs. Will eed, Ran- Clary and sons, Ponca. !1..ey spent- Mrs. Paul Cook, Mrs.' evi Giese, ton, attended 1he ,Herman' 'Ritze went home with them and Mr. an Fred Reeg home. , 'i

, ...__....u..'•.•SU"""..d..' ..y....f..le..rn..o.".U'I ·~,.Ialuel~sra·hl e~n~deesd~~a~~cth:,'cik~ebn\f~rv~,u.ot:,ml~gC· i~1(~' ~,~7·~1ta~1~id ~~~~t~~f{l cf~mJi~~: ~~;~e~ar~ ~g~~~.frHic rs;so~r:~~ fu~~rs~l, 'S~~~:~· di~ner guests ~n ~~e~~~~~~y.GiS€th brought he I' ra~-~it~r~:: t~.'":n:'~~ b,~ :~'it,tt~.' , l'('ht wh{'n-, t~ley sp('nt s('ver"J I Shlela, Mr. and Mrs. esJey Ru- tlw S. J. Half' home, were Mr. and Those attending the Jo!'t" Nuernt Wednes.day after ~~lt' at' the

Don K I home Sunday evening. rl<lys vifii!mg In 1he home of R('v. beck, .Mrs. Ray Agle, sr. and Mrs. Carl Ritze· an Harold, Win- berger funeral at Wisnc-r ,Thu~~ Adam l\fcPherran ho,me.

Ur., and 'Mrs., Lee' Wooten andson' and .:rohn :M-i[lligafl, ~'aTysvllle.Mo., came' Saturday aItel'~oon to

~~~t ~~d~hidr~~ ¥ho~~~g~nfe~~o~and Fhildren, Lake City, la., alsacame Sunday tQ v~sit in the Milli­gan home.

Joyce' Rathga'ber, HartingtonI;Ind Russell Heck,' Glidden, la.,visited i* the M. C.. M),lIigan homeSaturday,_

1:,\ )" ('k'\'tlland and Sharon, an~r;o~,n~~~~~·e~:c;:g~~dH~~~~\, 1":IlI(>(l in Ihf~ LE'slie Doesch- Gwendolyn Hil(er', Carroll, vis-

", 'I:I'! :Slmday ;1ifl-ernooll. e~ in ,the ,J." L.--and M;tggie'Davis:1 ;i\hll raJ and family were . ~hi)me .. Friday.

>,III!~'W:d.l,rinl:·I· guests ~n the P~il :, Mr< and Mrs; MaX: ,Arnold and,,·~;,:,qll"~ fl.nrn~·. ,.. ! Nancy ,and' Mrs.: Alice Williams,

!k:~,11 'Yr~ung ,lind family \VCre :Lin~oln,'iand Mr. and Mrs. <Millard!il'!,i,! ;;d~"'rno()n" ~u('s:ts o~ V~r- B~rn~s,li Randolph', w~re, Sunday

"''':~ihJI;1:~~::r\It;~~~(,1~~ill\k' Bo~sha~-t supper gue~ts in the Chub Smitb

H!I:'d!:,b trw 1-::11'1 Bocshart home ho::/ ,.hessie, Isom and Karen'~',::I,'t~"f;r ;~lftm'l1~IOI1;:: I, were :'aqcotnpa6~e,d: by' James Sil-

l: i!~::' ,1~::~:~h~~~r~~'\'j~';~~lg I1~~;e~ur1I{ ,Rfrcs~ile~ri :~t~del1 ~ld~r:WJ~:r~I~l,''' .1.1:1 Kl.lllh l1Om,,->. ',' I Retzhi.ff!..Pler~e;' to ~gnew Sunda1

1,11', '! :Ind ;\'[~'~. :]val1: 'Copcla~d wher~ ,dheY,'helped a cousin and':':11 '.r:jl~~ Cnt·qn.' Creig-htol1" arid his':; wife" ~clebrate their .

::,.T~,~ :yr., ;\lr!(..Jt'n~ Jansen arid ~~~~~~,l:b(i~~Vs~rj~~YHinkle,visitc9

]\'Ir.s .. D9ra 'Bruggeman a~d Leon­ard, Carroll, Sunday ,evemng.~l\1r. and Mrs .. Joe Hin'kle attend-

ch~~~1elfs~sg~~,da~n~r.f~~~~~~ljO~~~Rev: knd' Mrs. James Griffes and(amily' *ho' are movin,g to Hastings.

Mr. and Mrs. 'Donald Winkel·

,~~~eais~:r~r%~~rd l{{:~ti~~ ~r~~~~ingtoll' Sunday evening.

Mr. 'arid Mrs: Charles CravenRandolph; were visitin/! in ,the

'1'h'omas Craven home Wednesdayevening;

Mr.' and Mrs. V: G. McFaddf',nwere' Sunday. afternoon guests inthe Lloyd. McFadden, home north·west' of Randolph.

Mr'. and Mrs. Charlie Peters andfamily, Pierce, and Mr.. anti Mrs.Elmer Johannson and Richard, Os·

;mOlld, were Sunday: ,guests, in the'Otto Peters home. I

"Mrs. Leon~rd,Guinn and dau,gh·Iter~ ',ca'me Tu~~day even~ng and, --


'II:.•.I' !r,~"~' !



Men's newest styles in dur­able faille lostex or sheen'gobardine, Designed to litperfect, full·s.uppo~ter.. B~ys'and junior sizes 10 srmdarstyles and fabrics .

Girls lastex

rangc, 7-14.

Girls cotton

range" 3,6X,

Bikini 0; flare leg slyles!

Slyies for ladies and girls!

. Slim~fitting

nylon lastex

. Choose yours now from ourlarge colortul selection!.

Men's S·M·L

Boys' 5,M,L

Others from 2,98



Men's and boys' swimtrunks for sun andfun

Extra Large, Large Size, Heavy Weight



A. Smart "Slecklinc", nylon foille lastcxsuit with boned bra ond zip bock_ Block,navy, coral, turquoise. 32-38 5.95

B. The girls will love this woven ging­ham, comfort - giving, bloomer ~tylc

suit. Colors: pink, blue, maize, mint.Sizes 8- 14, 2,98

C. Polished cotton rumbo style suit incolorful opple print, clastic back forsnug fit. Colors: pink, blue. Sizes 3to 6X, 1,98

Seven Join Methodist

ChlCh Here SundaySpc ial services were held at

the ,ethodist church Sunday forthe embcrship class of seven.

Th y were Jimmie and RobertFred ,lckson. LaDonna Church,Eilcne Cunnjngham. Judy Jorge~­

sen, Jerry Landangcr "lnd JimmIestePhlns. The latter two were un­able 0 be prescnt, so will be re­ceive into membership next Sun­day..!Special music w:}s by theJunia choir.

LAWOHU combined triti~suniquil1:raftsmanship brfDgs"

laD .onderful ",rely softt<ss oodstiI sootililf IIMllM it ...

1io••I,,'poII-o.ponIi<- -so.liD clastit: froar_Md. .......Z>I' tolIDr. _ s-4H.

,..... ..... $595

.......... _,$5llf,


NYlON POWER NET t..J'.1;g,::-featuring exclusive """


Sunday guests in the hOl!1C ofMr. and Mrs. EO TrautwelD in­cluded Mr. and NIl's. Guy Crane.Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. RalphBuskirk, Wausa, and Mr. and Mrs.Elwin Tra.,utwein and' family, Win·side.

Connie Watson aame Wednesdayevening to spend ~ few days withher grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.Ed Kenny. Ruth ,and Jim Kenqy

Wi:i~.th:~~ T~~~~d~1~rence Mor:r;sand Patty were ,Sunday ev~mQg

callers in the l~arry Leseberghome, Wayne. 1 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rethwisch

Mr. and Mrs.· Chan Whitney and annie were Thursday eve-left Tuesday fO} his navy base ning aBel'S in the Lo~en Stoltcn.:t t~;;'~:~oie~:if'w~t~h:~ast~:~: berg omc. <

at Carroll after ompleting boot fa~f, a;~~ l\~f:: ~neJI~'1~<jc.i~f(~\(:~{~training at Grea Lakes, III. ny a d Douglas sp(mt Sunday withMr. and Mrs. Clifford Lindsay Mr. nd I\1rs. Ed Kenny.

and Archie and rs. Pearl Jen· l\1r and Mrs. Dall:ls lIavcuersen and Marjorie hdted Art Jenson and nmily ~lOd Mr, and Mrs. TC'din at Sioux City hospital Frid'a~:~:.-w~:,~_~~,~I~~~~S._.i.~~C

Ii nesday until Frida with ~er cou- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth tenwall Il'II"';ltfl,iTI,,':xjIH~,111\'1


', Ii Ij InIII 's"on' ".' 'C,'"" "',',.,"", ""For ~,,d ~~nent:ier; ~iW~~ -~;~~~t~~~ --1-'-'__B_v_M.r_"_,.,J.r_e_d_B_&.,ir_d_,_p_h""o_'0_:e_l_t-__-J-+__ I g~t:~~%~~~!f~~~y S~if~~i WayneWeresrean'dr'Mar

n, and~~,'M' rs,erDDloen HOaWr'. ' 'i' L_ Wacker and f:Jmily were ast Fri • ~He is ~coveri,ng, f~om ~ajor sur- FranceS¥.Kallse home, Sioux City. -r--: • - tty Staff Correspondent

mer. : gcry. \s condItion IS sati$factory. During e afte Don they att nd,ed dhay dmEnne! gu~sts m tileI r-0Tffhm.nI I H The following, were guests Sun- Bud Horn writes relatives that open ho se at ~e airport. I om~.· IS Baler spent t urs- ': .

I I T HI' d ft th h f M Ii day and Friday in the offman Mr. and Mrs. Elray' Hank' and'... " ....... ,.... 'I 'g' ,'" at' 'r me anadY aM;~~Ocolat~ S~an~:e for t;~ an oil well has beenA' dril1etdtho~ his LOkUied'SChratd,. Htahrtinhgto L' 3

MB a borne. . family spent la-st WednesdaY in

.. V" farm 'n Colorado. s ye l., l:; ca- wee en gues n e om~ r. Mr. and Mrs. Artie Fis er, Win. the Reuben Meyer home.111~lll 111 I f l' II ~ " " t ' ~~~t'sW~~~~~~~"~~~dn~r~r~'d~;; pacit:' ~;J Ri';s~~~r::t~~~~~:d;md and Mrs. Paul ~c~rad. side. called in the Henr ·'Wacker, ite~ria:rdM~~d~yL·e~~n~.e~eart vArtI,."j"~ 11·11--r~r-----·-'---1 I Swanson and f;rlrlty, Mr. and Mrs. daug ers spent Wednesday eve- * I jr. home last Sunday ev mnJ;.''~II~~"Q •• ' ~drWll!l31U Roberts and mfant dau~h- f Albert, GIlmore and Otto Sahs William Swanson Mr and Mrs ning'n the Walter Sloan home.. Cance'r'Dri INets ..1 Mr. and Mrs. Cliffo, I Payne, Meyers. Last- Tuesday nip;ht they

.t ~ I~ e t~ Diane Kl1)' Ul n Norfolk hos- and Arthur Cook. Lewis Johnson, Mt. a~d Mrs. Le~ Rec nt visitors in the home of $65" Expre s ThanlLs 0wxerneardla'stcaMllfo'n'daanyd eFvream' RLda,rnnsoenr' visited William Meyers., ,I ~Hlall'h:ut"sd.ny: . Mr. and <Mrs Leo Stephens and Stephens and familjy, Mr. and Mrs. Mr nd Mrs. Allen Stoltenber,g ~ Mr. and Mrs. P-aul Lessman vis•••it.; M~.... I OthniCt #ucsts ~~rldny evcnm,g lU lamIly drove to 10UX Falls, S. Bob Bodenstedt, I Mr. and Mrs, mcIud d Mr and Mrs Allen Per- ~rs. _D:avid Garwood.! ancer guests in th~ Rflymon _ ' Florine ited August :Roeber in the Alvin

I I;\t~ tht' b(UlU~ fOf Mr. nnd Mrs. Hobert D, FrIday to VIsIt m the home of Harry Leseberg a!nd family.. and due a d famlly and Mr. and Mrs. drIve chall"manl for the 'fill ,ge of h_orne. Evemng callers tere Mr. Roeber home:last Tuesday evening.f(.~'t I\~aUcr lOc!udt.'<1 Rev. nl1~l Mrs. Jlln Mr. and Mrs. Rob rt Pa1JIsen. who Mr. and Mrs. Clarence MorrIs and Bob I e:ters.on an,d .faml1Y. carr9n" reports! the am.ourtt c lIect- an~ ,Mrs. ~elvm Larson Allen. Mr. Roeber is recoverin~ ,from an

, I~...ttt I tty, l\lt,'aa'ndE~\I'rI1aY, 10ert'un,-"n'e'ldY MhV,,~~any~ r Carroll. T~e:\o PaMttyr,'and Mrs, E 1'1 An.derson an,1 Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and ed Was $65.1~.1,~Qe WIshes 0 ex· Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shell and 0\leration. Last Wednesday eve-l\1 ~.ill ~r Mr nd Mrs. Leo Dowlinl! and p!ess aI?precla~~ to all"w 0 as- Sharon spent last Sunda evening mng Lessma.ns visited Rev. and

~ h!itM

IUI.Il ~ ~J~~,S'll~\~al loher!s, W~~~ie:d:Y~aenrn edc~I~~;rtlDwrh: :~:' ;;~~~3~dIJ.~~~~.1 :~~vi~:~gZ; R~:t,~ llie:eG~~~~;YG~~~~in~o~~: sIsted With the, IVe,: , atMr:.o a~~rvJr~':.' g~~0"M rtin spent M~, T, ~' ~ue~?erh ktbOiS J:il OoaH'll ~nd Uobel't. had SUpPCI ·'rank Vlasal{ hom. Mr and Mrs Pender Tuesday afternoon for the d M H b t KI en g Mr and Mr~ Fred Eqke d ItS d . ·th J h spenltfro~ ThU::da;r'u~ii s~f~~~

infant son of Mr. ~nd Mrs. Arnold ~:d ~vid :~~nt S~t~~day ~he::~ Donn'a spe~t Su.~day evening n ~ge S~ber~.n ay evernng ,Ion day with Paul Fischers. ,! I :\Jr. and Mrs, Glen Jones and (~1Il' unday even10g III the Vlasak Witt~. Wittes live~near Carroll un- Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Nitz and home of Mr. aq.d Mrs. Torn B wers. ,L~st Wednesday afterroon Mrs. Guests I the Paul Fischer home

I',:""i.~._·r,al~~I,',~",,•. 't.l',.' W.ith Mr. and .Mrs. Gu~ IOuMrl:'neSg" AthnenwLeOeVke'ttlcaaInllvOlenWf'rel'eanmdeS _til_m_o_v_ing

to Pend r last sP~in,g. ~~~~ ~iga~if~;;:jI~~ndaYwith the NORTHWES..l, n:~bi~t t~~e~l~~de a~1a~re~iI~o~~: ~~;da~ f e ~~aa~~S s~:rrnthr.~idth-Gary Jones inner.--l.f afBterre odoan Theo.mllearS wl'naSthaeThEurgagdearYt " LaMur,e,I,' Robert Han'k ,pi i Thur,. Shup , Bob Johnson, Kandy'"Y'McOy~•toulhs~ltend Leader ,nd spend Memor aJ Day in Car- W ' ....

f ':;! ' "': all. Of Hampshir~ Gilt Lage orne., ,ayne day 'afternoon with Mrs.! IDee Ras- er nd Danny and David Rees.!W~ltl ~ 1\IH Traini~g Meet: at Ponca, ~A no-host dinnetSaturday eve- Three ~emh,ers l..f the Blue "Rib- Mr. and Mrs. WC'ndcll Eddie and III. mussen. FF'II .Corbit was atMOng sfjevhie.ral

twt"jaj,ttnPI\)-Yt~'IL" , ! L V·' ks I'ng I'n the home f Mr and Mrs 1" faml'! had supper Saturday j'n the Mrs. ',Oee Rasmusse" att'ended wen on a s ng,t!l~1~:'jlf::i :~~t~'r: tth~D~~t~i<bU:~~gcr,Cj~nio~e~-H avid Garwoo~ ~n,or~d~.W. W: ~~~ e~~~i e~s ~ft~ ~~16g Vr;::~k;ues- home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ho- • By Staff Corresponde t the wedding of Duane Eckert and trip Friday and Saturday to Royal.

: ,: " "': h-iadcr.s' ~Uerldcd a leader, confer- arwood .on hls iITthday. Others Purpos of, the meeting was to kamp Lillie Mae Brandenburg ~t Norfolk Gordon Sedivy spent Thursday'!: I!!_ ent."e:at I'o'nca Stnte_'Park, Monday w-csent were M~. ·and Mrs. Otto draw faN 'Hampshire gilt. Leon Mr. Ray Harmeicr and Mrs. Mr. and IMrs. Joe C rison, last Saturday. night in the Mark St~inger home.

"l~: i'i'Lbn'otiMr 'ubt1 Tuesday' 'I'lie latter is 'a mem- ' agner and faml1 • had the gilt last year, an~ mem- Ed K noy spent Saturday in Nor- Laurel, spent, last Sunday with Mrs. Don Pippitt afld ~icky spent Mrs. Russell Luft'$ mother aridita~~~iW~s:,~"; ber of the Niinbl~ Fingers club and m!Mr. .and Mrs. on ~Iorn. were bers draw from hi$ flock for a .l!ilt folk. Hjalmer Parsons. Thursday afternoon with'Mrs. Har- grandmother. Mrs. Mamie' Ham.L ,'~·h~Ml.\n' at lll,.e Otl,lCrS 0,f,B1Ue Ribbon Winners. es, t,s r,",ueSday evenm~ 10 the f ext year I Last Sunday afternoon an sup. dId Sorensen mond and Mrs ;r A Flaugh HartJl.t-rhl-c$ ~:ll' !the ' "'Mr,' ',alld,llIlr"s, FI.'I'ry Hofeldt ,'nd ePfmt eduorlfnlMgtrhae' wFe' Rk'foCrlathlke' B1hacek °h~y members ·interested arc per guests in the Floyd Hupp home Mr. and Mrs. Harol Sorensen ington, spent ·Friday in th~ Lutt

eligible to draw. Those who tried C urches 0 '0 0 w~e Md,E~ing and: Art Park- and Mrs. George Patter or visited home.Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kuhnhenn il~s where both ~lll be. employed were Bob Jordan, ,Paul Eddie and iiiijiijiii~ii--'----I I hlid dmner- Sunday with .Mr. and ur10g the summ r. ThiS fall the Gary Jones, with 'the latter being .,'at

I ~ Mrs E L Pearson in honor of tooplc will go to ,alton where_Mr. the winner. Carroll Methodist ChurchJI W1'irJllm Ilftm'i-1l (~\tll'l' !rl,'11111 oil, '1Ill's't~n~u I\Ir .Kuill1h~nn's bll"thday J-'f Mon- Horn will be sixth,' grade teacher. ( . L. VanMetre, pastor)~Hl lil"I~1 ~W.l1l;;'i~. \p( .\, ,m 0 JCr}l d -. r 1--- I -M-- d M 11 Id St If b g Sun ay, June 3: Worship. 9:45titl~~1' ~U~ ~~l t~ l\h::; t.t'~1,j,1r lhMm'l .16.1r and Mrs Paul Peterson and. T~ andrM~~ anJsivrr:r~enn,~thenE~~i~ a.m.; Sunday school, 10:45.J~lri" ~vljl t~;,b.lm :!Illltl;'\Ir. ;aml'hmll·:V Wa~Ile spent Sunday m ~eglon AUXII ry Sets wereSundaYeVeni~gVisitorsinthe~!til'~ \1 Il:IJ~l~",I\~u~,!l'~ a\t11'!,ltnn'111,1.~1rr~·'l;lC lli;s. M,lude HalllPton home :loOe Officer Election home of Mr. aft Mrs. Howard SUI}._ ay evening guests in thej ~~I" ~ ",,11~ I' j t Ji. l r U I Dmner guests Sanda) 10 thc r 'g(j L b home1'of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon~, ~rl!t~~aiJ~~'1a~~"~~~ ho~c of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Har· ~v~~f~on~/~~li~~ em01t M~~~"f:a- °Mr: and Mrs. Wlll Sahs. Dalton, Hoka p included Mr_. and Mr$.

~lfM~': .Sl~~U~ City!, Mrs:, Eli~ meler helped ,Jer~ne observe ~cr Haven~r with Mr. Lloyd Texley ~~d Mr. ":and Mrs.,:' A. _C~i'Sahs had ~I:;~ a~~Cf.f;~:~~, l\i1~~ a:n~,1:~:: ga ~Wt lAJlJ! fun. 'Uun.e.",,!I.~ai I.. Stcwllrll blrlhday. Those plesent welte r. assistint'as hostes . dmner Saturday in the home of Earl Anderson and Mrs. Frieda _'JlIlhl)s. !:-111· and l\Ir~. Don Harmeler and Rena~_ Wreaths were. ~ ade' for Mem- l\q.r. ;md Mrs. Ot 0 Sah~ for the Carst 'ns. Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord

~ ~l'r-s; Willard ~nd. i\hs: F. hR

, dClark. 01~er VI~ orial Day and· lans made for ~lrthdays of Otto and WIll Sahs. p,flani' vicrc there Monday eve,-'.!_l.l.nd ,Airs; Llor~ durmg.L c ay were, r.,an 'lection of officer to be held at Guests of Mr. td ~rs. M. A.~'i ~iid,:,btrsl Mrs- :Todm..,,,LlliPsa

y an~ ~ry_an .an~ ~e June meeting Those on the Jarrell f';lr ~inne FrIday ~ere mnMg· s. Cora Texley entered' a B b h b .

' '" " . M~,an ,,,,ra, Perry ° naon an r,0minaling eomm ttee are Mrs, Mrs, Anme LIchte herg, WarrmR- e a eac eauty In our ,D.C.~nlS., each HU,rlbert, M s. Everett Wal- ton, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. John ~~due ;~~ h~~~~:~yTU:~~ra:':~: IIv-.-

~~",1.~~~f; ,~~gt -:-----;-+- er and Mrs. Em a Davis. Horsbpan, Wayne. . r'

~o.!!i!",,~ !lll\M ·"o·'c,"e"'ty bh~::e ofihe~hilre'::"~ho pi:~edi~ ne~,orJSF~:~~n~~d ~~~:vle~~e;;:n"d w~~f George Hanson and Mrs, newfashionedswimwear .->:\Ir~"~d HmTIl' j ~ ,',' • • • wreath <iln the graves at the Carroll guests III the ho e of Mr. and AnnaJ Behrens drove to Kearney

",ft ;! :rJ:'1 ;~6Y~..I'·Neig~*rs. cemeter~ and Bet any cemetery. Mrs. Eggert Lage. ~u,:s1aje~~ i~ith.~~~.s1i.,'a.,rill~~r::~~·hr~~Pann~' ':Ul~' Mr.~ )VII'$. tust fJohnson was "hostess DId t Cl c;--51 Rt' . .His ondition ~S'. nchan.l!e. he$I)P,";'d., (jJ:lnily·i (.0".i Loyal ~e~ghbors Thursday af- pe;t !f~~rsd~Y a danftiday 'ksi~~ ene, oan celves ladie returned 'W~dnesday.~dWal "nhbertsjl t¢~noon ,at th~' home 0.£ Mrs. John orne of Mr. and rs. Ray Spahr. Attendance A ard Mr.: and Mrs. Brandt Armstrong,

ItQbc-rt,i, :v;i$H«l,,: ,,1\~rs.1 !.~f~e~• .J~n!ce B~udiga~ tWM a Orville Lage we t to Rapid City, Gene Sloan, son :of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, and Edith Vaughn. Vivian.-':~,""~:-~':":"~~~~I ghr:t· P~~~~~J~ c:~ds:~~ :~er:J; . D. Wednesday to complete his Walter Sloan, received an award S. D., spent from Sunqay until

Jank~. Mrs. Howard Morris is ~~h~~a~o~hth~f (li~t:h;e~itftb~ this week for a year's perfed at- 1ur~~da~alrerth~I~~~e;~r~~r~~~'~r hostess.- ischarged: te~~ai~etha~,~~f;r~~e~~ the school couple are Mrs. Sloan's parents.iW~-:Fu ~ Mrs. Walter Sloan was a guest with that record. :It is the second The futter is her niece.

Mrs. David Garwood was hostess f the Victory cub meeting at year f~r such an award to him.{or ;W~ .Fu 'Thursday eveni:n~. andolph Wcdne day a'fternoon.Bridge prizes were\ received by he presented th lesson makingMrs~:Clair Theophilus, Mrs. George urses.Ow:e~s _and!- J\.Jrs. Perry Johnson.Mrs,iRoseoeJones Is next hostess·ICarrolliC urches

W5CS,' I Id· .'M~s, Maude Hampton ~as has-rHo Va atlon

tess' Ifor ,WSCS at ,the Methodist •chur~h Wednesday afternoon, Bible Sc ools

l.Plans. were: ,completed for the dm~ ! ' . ..lt1e,r served at the church JI4,'(emorial I VacatIOn B.Ible s hools have beenDay,. Th.e les.s.on wa.s led:~i'ib'y Mrs./I!:le14 at V;<:trlOus arroll churchesLcv~ Roberts;'Next"hostes' is Mrs. durmg the-past t 0 weeks.K~ith'Reed~ ; .' School wi'll clos Friday night at+.{ '_ : ,I [lour Lady of Sorro s church. Twen-Merry Makers . ty-five children have been enrolled.

ti?~:~teft~t{~~;;~&rrWMse:~yChM~i: I M~d~:~gat SS~~io saUl~;arteu~he~aas~e:tBJ' IT1~ursdaY'!evenln~ at the home and dosed Tuesd y. Assistin.l! Rev.

,~~~~n:~lfti~'a1\~~ };o~~s~l~~~ M~s~· ,g~eiCJt a; ~~~{ ~~Joa:;c1lnd:" 'IMrs~. ;_;E:! "c. Phillips;· J. C. Voecks and Bren a Sahs.

ll-::~ei"in charge of', game~. mtr~~~~ 2gl~~;~~r 1~h~ e3~~~;~.1!~~1,~::,:R.,.~h.,er,tan.d Lyn.n. ROh.. ~: tional church. A closing 'program

" .' to lO.p1aha Sunda'Y'to.',~eet! is scheduled Sunday mornin~,:P~vI~jh ,~p:b~~~s.. 'when, .he arrIVed. Those in charge lre Mrs. Leonardtli~r.el:,by,,:,p'~PE;! from ~os AI!-geles. Pritchard" Mrs. Norval Waller,lIc·c?m.<:l for the ~uneral'of hIS bro- Mrs. Milton Owe s. Joan Havener.ther, :WIllard, ,Tuesday. Donna "Eckert anX Rev. Jim Grif­

Mt. alJd Mr~.: Morgan Hiller fes.and, son came FridaY,:'from New Scho:ol 'will op n at the MeLho-Jers;ey to vis.it.,_ ,Jhe former's dist church June 11.

F Ib mother,'Mrs', Gwen Hil!er. M" -- te 'I and: Mrs. Frances Perrin and Allen Stoltenbe g underwent rna·la I, '~ II :,:!".o..,m'~,.y..,. O.aVid, Cit,.y, were also jor surgery in t e Methodist hos-III JI

I m' I '~'.w"eek.enc:l :guests. i~ the Hiller pital, Sioux City, Monda,y.r V' 'ho~e. Mrs; Perr.1n 15 a daughter Mr. and Mrs. . H. Morris wereI 'I I I'" I o~':~rs. Gweh Hiller. gone from Saturd y until Thursday

blk Pres(:rl lion I _,J.IJIt:: .Jan,d Mrs. Kermit -Nelso on a business an pleasure trip toI.. ' ,I ..,an4' ,fa,.mIlY, Dalton, spent this Iqwa and lll,i~OiS'1 Th'Cy visited M,r,

,+r;:t:~~t~p week with relatives here and at and Mrs. -F ank Frances, Ames,~ ;" I ,', Wayne. They were .guests in homes la., Mr. an rs. Ivan Morns,

", .,.·~~~~~~¥Ran's "5-Minute SUnper"'1:li!~i;lj:"lnl;l!iillli!!IIJ:I:I~;:i!I;,~i::'\i!il'~'!'i: il1i"1!a.'lei for the out-of-do~'rs! '

", , 1 , '

·:..2···:.9····'... ··' . C d" '.. y .


j: ,I;,

IA r~any portabl~ slIn uml·brella with a wjd~ petallspread" for cool shadel Twol'part pole can be used fullllength,on sand or lawn. Ray"on acetate fabric dries fas'tand falds compactly. Tapetledges: are double stitche"for added strength. Sunfastcolor combinations in whitewith ~d. white with green.'

\~80 .Square

PercaleAnother Gift to You

,, ,

I (p~"

I I,



Pretty PantiesI _ ,~ , -' ',.':':"

,by Philmaid

.; ,Nov~ltie$

, • Tailorecl .,

·.._."cc-:cL~Y~lf:Pt1~ti~:,t~~~=~!~~~;:~I~;~,-~t1bd~]~~~--c,' " ",' ',", '",--, , "fe~tly. See this bilt~day ShOW-:4'"' ". 'S'".,; .. ,,-,

ing brought to you for 48c. ' ," ",,', ""Cc·:, iStrictly first qualit)'.Si~~sS-8. ,'", ,,':C", ," , ,,5;';"

, ,c:,'M";;;":~'"=-f;7;;~~:.. J·~QI·lttt~ C~<rIf~ CO~~~R"il.~dle~'i;~'0'~f,~~~~~~';!Wt:'~))!d'

. GuaraJ1teed: fo,~ I Year :':.:':,!t,\.· .Our Loom Cr~f; slip,' m~de of, 1' ',!:drip-dry cotton, is guaron!eed 'for '~ 71, i' " 'one full year. Come in white only. ~ ,'.,

; ~;

Horse Hait,,. '.'

V2Slips l

,ihese ever popJlar Horse' H~i~ ~~lf s1lps 'are.

available i~ white/pink, and ;~lu~e.Sizes s~all.

medium and large. ,They always '-"'1. stay Crisp. Made with the com- $ '98'fortable nylon _tricot wais~l;Jand. ' ',' ,

) .. ,.MAIN FL00lt

;-: ../

Cool and Care Free

w~ Scooped the MQrket

White Clutch BagsBe sure t~' e>lutch on to thes;'bags at our low birthday price'0;1'" ,,' I '

only $1.00. Large selections. White, light beige, Patent leather, $ 00ancl othe,' colors. Anothe,' big value to be found during Larso,n's ,anniversary sale. plus tax

Easy to Launder~

N,eeds No Ironing.. .


l!j'I~Wi••••••••=••..•••-.­..•'.•••••:•..••I:; r ·~~.~iiti~




3 pr $187


Save More


, .Sew More - Save More

Anniv~r~ary .Sale!Regular to '$1.98


Regular 89c ValueHCl'e is another rea! vc1lue. Genuine Indian Head.'nationally advertised at 8ge a ya,"d. During OUI' biJAnniversary Sale, we b'"ing thiS mat'vclous fabl'icto you for only 59c, a yard .


Sale of Sales

I' 1I I

Discontinued Patterns


A"C1.~~~~~. BQ!e;:.fof~~~i"liJi!\9'~hlsl1ig.bir~:..c ..••.•.• ',. . , , .lIQY 6orgom to lorson's. Yes, QII beoutatu.!When yousewwlth.Burhngton, yOll sew-with

·discontinued summer goods, regulQrly priced the finest fQbrics mQde. See this big Qnni­Qt $1.49, brdught to you 'during" this Big An. VerSQfY group -brought til. you Qt. the reduced'1iver~(Iry SQ!~Qtonly88C"QYQTd;'-'Hurrywllilll ~'priCe'ofonly$l,21 0 YQrd.MQny fQbrics to"quQntiti~s·IQst. I, choose from.


Nyron Net

39~"A dift to You


See thb be:1ut:f, . 'ol'lidc width nylon net In all HIeshades HH<1;Jirr;:'lblc. All fil';;t qll;llity and brought to)'ou ~1t our ,low u!rtht!;,1y 'tJr:Cl" 'of only 39c' ~ yard.

•, ...,..•I'.•.........!II•.. 'i.. "

,11 .• " 'I=,..•'".ft(





I....!..•••••..•. " I1 1:1',:.i!'1



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Cotton, Cotton and Dacron,

Voiles, Sheer Novelties

• Every Dress Brand New

• Sizes for All

• Half, Misses, Junior

Hats Off- toOLIrNew York Buyers


~_A Sensatio'nal Groupfor Just Pin Money




• White• Red


They are just ,in,yes, and they arcprettier than ever.Paris Fashion flatsIn White. Sizes 5-9.



Penny LoaferWhite$399


The only white shoe polish that is guaranteed

nQttQrUb,llf,~.;,BUYYQUoummersUpply duro.ing our 'ill'g'a~:"lv~:llsarys~le and Save.

, H:::,i~i"; i:,;,.[[,:,;i'i; Ii I:.:,~:':III! ,: ,i."II: ~r"'", ,f' ,..I,j:j I,


At" the foot of a fun-filled, feminine summer ... pretty ployshoes thor offer a triple bonus. Cool, comfortable and color­ful, they~re your solid

• footing for fun on vci~ "~,:, cation and fun around

town. Come in soon and5eothcm all!

•=••:~••••••••••"'W"•••••••:.,I .

. ,.,,..:.'... ;'

••<",'1 iii"


I•'.= -Sun yourself i'n, Sun-Air~• Canvas C:!!.§!!,~,asr'--c~~.~~~----=:...~ ca

'i g~::~~~i\:~:;fb;/~ffatrii1i.'--------~---------i Paris fashion SAN-DAtS•••••••••••••

Sun Suits 98.,Little nylon sunsuits in the cute rumba' '. Cstyles. Sizes for the sma,1I fry wearing 1-3.,

'i:~:~i~:J~i~~Ji]I~~~,J,~l••w~ln•••:~•••~••t!J:]:~i~·!~~'::r.l~.':·:i~l ••~•.L••:i:::·I;::••~~~~••,~.".~.~'~~'••""'•••~''.. .....'I,'l,'{,""1IIIIItll'I'I"""I"II'I'I'II"'"I''II'I'I''''' ,'I" _" " ""':"'.1"1"','1":.'1.','10'1<',"" 1":1 I" "11 ' 11'1"';' ',' '1" I '[1""11,,,- ,11,; ',:1",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'.,1,"1,,,,,,,,"1,,:..,'1',' ,••.•" ....C"""'"...'..F'."'~...:'..., ,.""." ":"e,,. ,',,'I.rL,,~,,'I"\ )I~ ~Im'~~'ft~ ~1\111I11 I~,I~"', ''':'!..i:',I,' !,";,'I",Hc" 1~I'i '," II ",! '-., i" '.'" .t,'_·' " ',"" """-" • ,-


• •· :• •• •:' =• •• •• •• •• •• •'. .=' " :·" .• r •'.,' .• •~ .• •• •I :.

': =• ••~j..III!lliii~hl,;,;:",jjt:'f!i;(lt::i!ii:i!f;:,r!H!t11"11'i.' '. ". .• •• •',.' '..' .~ ... .• •'. .• ••

:Ik ~r~~. "K}-Oh~.'= ~ ~r' su",!,"ero~ sun 'n' fun in ' :

= these cute, carefree ~Iayclothes that can G =· =:-= take all the wear activeyoung.· ~- "~• vacationers wilL give them. Come, see !lnd choose. ~ •

= .~. . == For all baby's summer:' '. : =5 ,SHO,RTS 98 necessities. and the' ••.• , ,5=. ~nd . . C pretty little extras baby =.'Lots of shorts for girls, all sizes 3-6X Q

·7-12.Plains or fancies. d I khI.:I eserves .•. 00 ere. .... '~. ;

'I !~~~I:",,~~~~~~~ 9·8e ~:~;';~l:~~'";=';, .. F I• We have them in the non-wrinkle squaw B. Fitted crib sheets, .•:. cloth and sailcloth.' Sizes 3-6.'< and 7-14. of long-wearing ,;,;• 80-sq. cotton ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,98c •

:I Nylon c. Quilted bottle rest :Iarid bottle cover, _~:;-__iill:j'jylon-.:::::.,:::=::::::::911c.------ •

•D. Tie-front wrappers, :gowns with, drawstring •bottoms, in cotton ..,.",,98c •

•E. Shirt, pants, in ribbed =cotton kn it; cool arid . _,_.•~

: Cob "'~~~~,~~"~", ""' 5,'ge .~", ,,~ ,,, ·A-~Tw,-,;,.., I•• too. Prints and plains. with sleeve'less ••

top, plastic-: lined panty $1.98 ,=· ~.

a Shirt & Bra Sets 98 G. Dainty dreS$, ,5:I See this shirt and bra set, only 98c for the C ~~;~:inand :• set. Ss>lId color sail cloth shirts and print- .' diaper $~.98 :~I ed bras. Sizes 3-6X and 7-14. !• •:I Poplin =5 BERMUDAS Pants 5= B:I Siz.es 7 to 14 Every pair of Warren's in- •• fa'lt's pants are sold with a 49 .'= 1 guarantee without an if. Buy - 'C'... -;--• Here are the popular Bermudas with confidence. Your money •= In the easy to launcler poplin. $ 98 back is not completely satis- =• Girls' sizes 7.l-l. fied. Sizes S, M, L, XL. •

= :I: Buster Brown !5 Toddler SLIPS Shorts 98c !• ••· -. .a Clever little toddler, slips in sizes 98.c ~~hi!ts_-i _

"JL 2 and 3. Made,·of-embossed'cotton. 98c :I· .:';'r:;'1 ;iii! 'i~;' ,=.'ill ,:Chix We Gift Wrap Baby Gifts Cardigans =:,::! ,~~.Q:~~~'Diapers Free of Charge $1.79 lJ ' If FirstsWouic:l- Be.$3.75 8aby -DoliPJ's .a

• Genuiiie Chix 20 x' 40 gauze""'- 2 ·; diapers. Irregu'larsof the $ , 9'9 Clever styles in girls' ,Baby 98 =• $::1,75 per dozen; llrade", Our .:, . •

a~o~o~~;~day pri~e Qllly $2.99 " '~~~~e:a~~~:\_~~de of no-iroTl . . . C 5,,,:i~~:h:I~I:"~'Ii'~·:,~~::~~li.~~.;;;.••••~•••••i:~j•••~•....ii•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I!'•••••Ii..~••*•••••~•••~.:'fr;:t;:[J'i'fii~'~;;')~Ii';F' .... ;. '.. "', _'___ . ;..

'~ "'_ '., ·~~IJ".....~.-~


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The New1956



by Faribo - 100% Wool


Flight-Lite is' another popularblanket by Farlbo. Ideal forev~ryi!se: -100~:' pure wool. Ideal forgifts.


Reg. $10,95

72 X 84

Reg. $14.95

Carletonby Faribo -:-,-,100% ¥fOOl ,,!"

!=Ie sure to see thi.?, !:I.ew ::Cartlon,bl<1l1ket by Farl.bo.,I"Xa!I, \fill lovethe" weight and flnl!" t~fu~ of the100% Virgin Wool ya.rns;. 7-lnch,nylon satin binding. Six beautl··ful to'lors to choose from. .


BUY NOW and we'll SAVE 'em for you!

100% Wool


The Prettiest' Blankets in Town

fine 100CJ'o woolGay Colors, Lowest Prices

Northwoodby Faribo - 100% Wool

: Northwood by Faribo represents! thc finest'! quality blanket made

today. Elig 72 x 90 size, 100~:' Vir­gin Wool ;md bouncl with wide7·lnch nylon satin, Sewn colol'sto choose from.

..•............•••· $: Hure's 0 whopper of a bargain to be: found during Lorson's Lay-A- Way Sale,: Yes, 100% pure Virgin Wool with wide•• satin binding, Lovely colors to chooso• I 'I: "ftonl. Buy yours now on Lay-A·Way and:' ,save.•'1'1'1:1,:) lI"!

I'",".:.•••:PJOt'1)~FlffedI( These 'amo~II"S~fjngknlght' sheets.;.bl'Qugtit tl)'y~uln:elther fl,at or fl't·I ',ted style" and every 1• sheet '.' guo ar.antee.d $' '.'89: ,for 4 'years service .'• In your home. '• .j, .... $" . .5:i., T~!~~!!., !t~!

.',.•• 1::'; ";i':~i:f~nnon

'i :.91R'i;t~ ferr~-I·" .,.<,'1, ',... ". ...r ',.,::: ,: N,~w 1~:th~.. t.'l~.'A.:,y~lI.,no~ed' fti rry ~cloth., ,.H... e~~ ":I 'otlotson'syoawJlI 'find·· gellullle Cannoll '.'• ,teClY' iC=/otl, .• ,i"i',th,.,ev,r"WGnte.cl-colo,,"' of-' -­::' white at the low, low anniver.sary price.• " , ,'I' " J '

•Sether c~lors available at;a..,.n6 ,]'.·9'..···.c.· Y"'d"I slightly higher price, "'0 ' , i,. ..~ .•

i'.~ ~ii~~,••~ ~~~.~~•••I1.~,.:••~•••;.~!~;~;1~~!~;i;li~~~ ..iii1;~I~~~~~~~~~~§~~i~~~~~,~#~~~~~~.~~~~~~,;,~.~~i~:~,~\i

lora Caps


iIPIIII.I~I;lill!I!!ii;~I~~I;Ii:'il'!i"iii!llil"il;il"'i' !,!ii, i,·1 ,,'Iii;'!! .i! ,lliiil!!",','!!, FI i.,!:!;~", ill! ~!t"l '::=1:: ~I, ~~~,~, 1'1: ":~;' !,,~1~:1':'~' :,f" il-It,;·,i ;,II' ;";', -': 1:"-) '~';~:j!' i" '"

'.•••,.: .,~ J!••'.•••:••••

=-•••.i•.. "..'.'•,.~~~(~i

! " .'... ,.". '., ,.....,~~~._.-


.._--.-'•••••••aa•a•a•aa- Strong sturdy Jeans made of Cool and comfortable to weari ~~auV~e ~~;~~Il::~~~r~z~da/~~~'k:.BIQ~MlTH'&40th ANNIVERSARY_ d~;~~gA~:iv~~o~;~;.i:; .._49c

. ed 'for 'enra'we.ar. Perfect··flt·,,- A .i .:;.~:~ ";Z,: ..."" two ",.,. 07J~ Boy,' f,,;•••f''',,.l.,om

.i.· / $rt(:a.9:(, ""3.75QX, H~VYWHITI'BM;KIiII.U~Q~' l~Shirts 'n Briefs,.i<I, .STfIIONGWL!:LTC>lnSEAMS,,'FELLEO IN ' •

! :~~~~~~~~~~~:~~:PCR FLr., "'49c' 3, for $1.4$ Army Chino.'8bys'8-ox. " . Tl1ese are made of genu-

a ~~.~A ··'·'.'.Z98.'.'" FrUit'Of.tl1e'l~o:--und~~ear m~: ~i.z°~~:rt~: ~:~;~~_'4.Ic,cc--~-t- JEANS' 'jj~.(I.Y $, .. ....-- tl1e only 'fully guaranteed line on ing fabric used in uni'!-a ~' forms today. Don't 'com-

i- Sonforiud - Blue Denim tl1e market today. You will like pare these witl1. tl1e ord.i- ,=

the low priqes you will find at nary tWillS. so often. seen ',•.•..•.E,", '.~.n,... otl\er.. bl.~lIdaY .. gift,to YOIL':'l.araon's. Tllis T·shirt and brief at tl1is low price. -,.

'III!OYs' .. 8'02:; sallforizeddenlm, is just one exan'P':e o~ 'tl1e many $5' 4': , ,,'-. 'J'eans IH ai, complete range of f' b' w'll f'nd . . 7 • A• W k h $ ,ne argaons you , I • , . set ",.Esizes, 4·12. estern ~ac ets to Mate , $2.98, , ' is• $'1: 17 Boys' Buc aroo! 4 to 9 2.29 Wo~k Socks ,~ndana Hanks!

•• •..•... :: Youth l$uckeroo, 10 to 16 $2.49 You'll be needing lots of wor~ N,'''e 'bl'g sire. bandana l1and'·.socks and now is tl1e time to Y, =i Slxe' 4to 12 Buckaroo Gal, 10 to 20 $2.98 r:~~ ~:·an~lae~~:om Or wl1ite, kerchiefs In red 20r b


C' .=.

Buckaroo Girl, 4 to 16 $2.49 4 99c 2 for

FA,DED lIttte Buckkaroo, 1 to 6 $$1.79 ..~__.:;,;pa ir ....,;;..~~ -.-_~

Boys' Bue aroo Jacket, 2 to 6 ~ ~.~ 1.98,' •

:i ". , ',i:'.} " .' _." 'I, i':' ,~:,!~;.;fj4.J~~~ ,; F',f' "', _, "" . \,::M.'~._~:,'.'::..-;,•..•r-,'' '.'..•. '•.,i.~,' ,:, '.~: t .'''.'' ',=;""."~':"~~"~'.'. ','._ :: :"" ...11 'e ,~, .., " . . ._ "','men,~•. or...,.,i""oY$" .. .!.' ,.'i.,.. ' .. ··..'.'... '.... .' -.~.""" ...'.'....•. '1.·... '.·.·.'..,'..·,· ;,ii.'" ,.......,.."., ··Wodc,·.·.:...sm·Its.''.:'. ,.' .. :~.:"S~c~' ,':; ':'::"\'Ar9¥Je,SoGk~""'i i;~:,:r'

, "" 1 ~" '. '.'. '.'.' , :'~" . ,:' .' t' ':..~::.' ' ~. , '" ,,' "~a "".'I I ,,!$ee ,.tlte;bQlffiflll! ,;~......rtmetl~'You,ii~p\l.lcli ",~, .tl1eseb~t,:.:; "

" , Siz~l+~ tol1-~rized '1tf fl1en~s "a"db/lys'd~~!'!Iyle,$ocksinJ;l1eh... ;i". . , sOckS; ",w.ldl'variety ll~ p"t~ ..!,ottQns. 'f<\en'ssizes '10l-B'l~,"I:

;." ' If you are.lGoking:·for l"llIll vatue·ln.~Ork "1" '" "te~ns.AII brougl1t to yol) .at, ,lllok'at our low annlve~",,";:=',,'•• Shirts.· that are. strictly fll':1 cut and fUlly $' '.4'.9 tl1'I> reduced:anniv.e.rsarY price.. pr,ice. ' , .. i.'.!'"a., sanforized, then ,y.u~II, want to come to : i. ,', 4.S'C' 3 $1' ': ....' _."

larson's and lIhop for thla, shirt. Made of .' .' for .E: ge\lulne Popperel blue Ilbarmtra)'. c " ...~~.'-- " -. ----'"---- ." ;, ':,1= Mayo Take Your Ease in •

= Ia K Bf M T ::" nit, rie s , ayo ·ees:.' a:: / ::•_, Here are the' genuine Mayo brlefl .made Regular 98c Vallie •

of fine combed yarn. Every pair fully . !E' tailored to insure perfect fit. Sizes Now Is tl1e time, to stock up on wl1lte '~'E-'."'C-"-E small', mediU~ge. - .' ,:;:~i;~~'~h~:;,r':::ee;:~Ua~of::~:~:'.r'~c.:: ".. 'Full Combed Yarn son's low birtl1day . ,,::.' 4'8 price of only' 680: 6"'"....! '. .... 'c" ~~i;d~~ ~::I:~~~~:i;: ..." •...... I•.·e i= Boxer longs t l1 e naked eye. •

• aII Boys' Wash ~n "Wear fa~ed blue .:':'1 cfenims.' Boxer~ longs;..' Sizes 6 w 'These bri,efs are '.=.16. An,nlveo'sary price. term e d irregu· =

'..!Ji~. ..~~i~::~'~~). _x:. '. 'x ..•.. . . • . .1~iiii1~~1~ii~~~i'=~~;~~ •••~.~i;'Ji••••••iiutir~~•••ir••••••Ii;;;;.;~;";'i.;';;';~;·-;';.;';•••in~~;';"'••••J!Ji."••••••Ji.;';.Ji.f_••••••••~~••••••_••:.'.' ...!~r{;:';~T:~I!.I,::~mmi~l':::!Ji~;r!~:~'i::j!Jn,i:r:~n~:;'i.'!:,,(;::;,~.L"_~_" '-0-'" :"'. ", :' .. '- ... " . .' : ','. " '. - <' "; ::, ' . .~

SocksStretchBoys'Strictly First Quolity

Gr'ab YOlll' SCiSSQ1'$ and ("lip this coupont'iqht ;IW.1Y, Bl'inq it down to L,1T'Gon~

KUhn Clothin.::j Stote and get two pnif'of boysi .fit'st qu.llit}, stl'ctch t,;ock~. tOl'

or,':y 29c " l'ail,,'HllI"·y. HlII'l'Y. Hurry.

Boys like these fine quality sport· shirts.terns. Lotest styling,

Sizes 6 to 18.

_iH.._"'~li...~~ ~._ l..J J ; " ••••...••l.." no ~._Ii. 'i''"'...••••• ' ii !i I j '!' , A' New Ti& Free' Come 011 in ond let's get ocqllOillted' WhetlMr

If You Find 2 a Lik& yOIl come to tMry, or to br()1o/1e, you'/I be equellyi . welcome. We',e always hom to g,.et MW custo-TIE S men beCQuse nperiellce hos IptO'tfd' thot the)j. .11-

~j , evitably *ome old friends. HON's h09ilJg to MeCh O$e from 600 yOll '... SOON!






3000 Patterns


Kirsch Tr,,-verse Rods24 to 48 48 to 84 84 to 120

,$2.35 $3.35 $4.35

You Select the Fab'ric ... Our Factory Does the Work

$1 66

All you do is select th';~fabric and our factory does the rest.No rnol'e to pay for than the necessary yardage for yourqrapes~ Bring your ,windo\:v sizes. Delivery in two weeks.Twcnty:five patterns to enoase freln.

Customized Drapes·.',

•I•••••••••••5Nip Tight Hooks 6c•••: End Hooks 3c••••••.',••••••••••••=.-:'•••••••••:l*~~


':i " II" I 'I 'I '~'Il 'I' I " I II I ",e.,,]'I 'I I'I ,,, 'I' I I I ,~ I '0'1 ~'i ~ I I II'" I

,"", .." !UJ."'::' ""i;"::iII",'I,I'''':'''f'",,,Iii,'E''·:',',-,:",'~I"I"I~"{IILI·~~~II~...~LI••••~I~~~' I,j~' 'I"""~"""'~""~' ~L., ~I~··~~:~"'~I:',:.··~!I,,:, h"I"~~:._••""",~_~,\,.,r._.":~,II,,,,,~.JI_,. !-~.~.•,.•,.,.. ,~."'II",".,,'...........":',"~:!!:'!I,,':1'i~IIIl!',\j\\'ilj,:,\b\!1iil!lilliil'ij,!il:i,'I'i::i!',',iii,I',,!!' ""_, ..,' ,._, ....'i,'I,:.:::,?:,,;, ',' ":,~: ';'" '" •,.~ " , ::F =., iii

: :tr •." :':; .• •.' ':I, •., 'I:

<,:-..r =• •:~ :: :.• •: :.

r!'~' """,.",..,.ilt~sc)~rJl~rfY'B~tYOU 5i.'.':.',:,.i~.'.:jlbj.'•.S.i'I,',':;~.'.~jl:'I'r.i,.·i'j4.:.'.I.II'.'l..'.::,il!lill~.'.•·.l.'..·.I';i,."!.i,'.I::S.".',,'.',').'.""., "'n,.;t.j.'5·.;',~,:~,i:J.'f:' ..'.·'.".""."'·':'O::'i,?::".'.i.'.'.':.:.v~.,.,," •.·O•. :,<".'.',..•••,.,:.:,l~. i,:O;~.~."~,•.,h,I,•.•..;~!y:.p... ",,.r.',i:~.',·.r,:'.'.•.;,!,n.,,;.\•.•,t~,,'.' •. t .•.•'·"'·""'·d"..... ,...' .....,.•,"'.' ' ",Ii"::;;>"'a'ii:

Y" "'a':"" Ie"'''',:·' "'" ',.' I.', "" ""'G'" S'.' :

: ' .. ", ' .. ' .',' , ".", I" '. " '" '" .'.' '.,' , _ !""., ' ' ,. ~~",/;;t2"'O:::T-::--7~b~'2"'~~' *-7'~c':"2' ~-'7-=-=~~':=::2;::J::::==::::::~=--=_.,--,- --------,~~--ii·h"'~-+-." l •:; $9.95 Regulor$10.95:

• •E· Axminster AU Wool !· I.: Beautiful Axmin~ter carpeting Another big annjversary ber- :,S availabl~,in 9, 12 or- 15-foot gain.-AII wool Axminster in a,-l• widths.'· '. heavier .weight. _• •• 1 6.i $ ·37 $73,6 i• •• •• •!II •: Regular $12.95 Regular ~1~.95 Regular $6,95 :

• •5 All - Wool WiIton Cotton!= WI-Iton =• fin~st. Wilton carpeting A I t f '. d f •= Here is our big anniversary feature. that money can buy. Needle- this

o~~;~ar I:e~;~;r y;;tt:n !

:~~V:-o$8~~\ ;eOrO~q~Hto,LQa.t:petlng.aL poll'lf patterrC 100% wool. 9, Broadloom. Shop for this biii-:;---= yard. Six Colors 8 12, and IS-foot widths. borgain. :i to choose from. $ ". 31 $9 4'i,O~ i-: ",,,. ,,,' $4 52. :: 9, 12 or IS-ft. widths :• •• •= Reglllar$9.95 .RegllI0l'---$9.9S :-

= V I •:iscaon Nylon:• •: Here is a carpet you would Miracle nylon blend carpeting := love to have in any room of will beautify your home. Look := the house. Genuine Viscalon. at our low anniversary price. :: Heavy looped. :;

· 6 ·5 6 $ '46 5• $ 62 :;•

:::._-----~-----------------::----- .:"Dependable Complete 5

Complete Stock , : "

Do-It-Yourself Needs DRAPERY. SERVICE;, .' 'j:i ", ' • Bonded Fabrics' !

Pleating Tape Cafe Rods CUSTOM _MADE !Automatic pleating tape. 25C The popular cafe rods in five colors. . by Hand :Nylon pocket for the hooks, Will fit a!'y single window. 65c" S

'Our drapery department is •eqUIpped to gIve you the =most complete cust()m~made •drapery service in Northeast •Nebraska. We measure your :

01'" wlnclows ..nd install your •window harclwar'c nnd hang •your drapes at no extrn cost. ='No mileage to 'pay fOl~jusl .'our .Iow labor prices and the :

_j~J~r~~c~~a~~·tJ_:~~~~~:i ~:~ei~: ~~=~=~.~===:-able free of charge. Ask us :"bOllt our cO'mp'lete service. =-

•.'•.'••••••=•:':••- ..., ,':

:~Y,:i,I:,:;:'f- "!':','.' ,:'j, ,,":, , ".' : ", ."".:<~:'s::.::.'1,\,,: ""':": """~,,-'\:c::lT ,..,'''~ • .'::.-"" 1"'.',;1 ,"'. . '-. '.•" • ' .'. --=••••~••••Jii'i•••iI••JiI••••• iII••••••••••Jii•••••• ••••• ••• 11••••••••11' 5 •••••••••••••••1II!.!l'".._~,""


E••-=We be·:ieve you will find the largest show- =

;ng -of quality Sport Coats at Larson-Kuhn :

Clothing, A complete range 'of-sizes to fit :every young man regardless of size: Shop :

at our store for qV.1!jty clothing; i:•Ii·'.i:'.•'.i-
